Determining The Heat Release Rate and Other Fire-Test-Response Characteristics of Wallcovering Composites Using A Cone Calorimeter

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Designation: E 1740 – 00 An American National Standard

Standard Test Method for

Determining the Heat Release Rate and Other
Fire-Test-Response Characteristics of Wallcovering
Composites Using a Cone Calorimeter1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1740; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.


This test method provides a means for measuring the fire-test-response characteristics of
wallcoverings and wallcovering composites using a bench-scale oxygen consumption calorimeter.

1. Scope 1.8 Fire testing of products and materials is inherently

1.1 This fire-test-response test method covers determination hazardous, and adequate safeguards for personnel and prop-
of the ignitability and heat release rate of composites consisting erty shall be employed in conducting these tests. This test
of a wallcovering, a substrate, and all laminating adhesives, method may involve hazardous materials, operations, and
coatings, and finishes. Heat release information cannot be used equipment. Specific information about hazard is given in
alone to evaluate the flammability of wallcoverings. The data Section 6.
are intended to be used for modeling or with other data to 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
evaluate a material. safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
1.2 This test method provides for measurement of the time responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
to sustained flaming, heat release rate, peak and total heat priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
release, and effective heat of combustion at a constant radiant bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
heat flux of 35 kW/m 2. Heat release data at different heating 2. Referenced Documents
fluxes are also obtained by this test method. The specimen is
oriented horizontally, and a spark ignition source is used. 2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.3 The fire-test-response characteristics are determined C 1186 Specification for Flat Non-Asbestos Fiber-Cement
using the apparatus and procedures described in Test Method Sheets2
E 1354. D 123 Terminology Relating to Textiles3
1.4 The tests are conducted on bench-scale specimens E 84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
combining the components used in the actual installation. Building Materials4
1.5 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the E 176 Terminology of Fire Standards4
standard; see Practice E 380. E 380 Practice for Use of the International System of Units
1.6 Fire testing of products and materials is inherently (SI) (the Modernized Metric System)5
hazardous, and adequate safeguards for personnel and property E 1354 Test Method for Heat and Visible Smoke Release
shall be used in conducting these tests. This test method Rates for Materials and Products Using an Oxygen Con-
potentially involves hazardous materials, operations, and sumption Calorimeter4
equipment. E 1474 Test Method for Determining the Heat Release Rate
1.7 This standard is used to measure and describe the of Upholstered Furniture and Mattress Components or
response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and Composites Using a Bench Scale Oxygen Consumption
flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself Calorimeter4
incorporate all factors required for fire hazard or fire risk 2.2 NFPA Standard:6
assessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under NFPA 265 Standard Methods of Fire Tests for Evaluating
actual fire conditions. Room Fire Growth Contribution of Textile Wall Covering

Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.05.
1 3
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E05 on Fire Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 07.01.
Standards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.15 on Furnishings Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
and Contents. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Current edition approved Aug. 10, 2000. Published October 2000. Originally Available from National Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park,
published as E 1740 – 95. Last previous edition E 1740 – 95. Quincy, MA 02269-9101.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 1740
2.3 ISO Standards:7 tion and flow rate in the combustion product stream, in
ISO 3261 Fire Tests—Vocabulary accordance with Test Method E 1354.
ISO 4880 Burning Behaviour of Textiles and Textile 4.3 The primary measurements are oxygen concentration
Products—Vocabulary and exhaust gas flow rate. Additional measurements include
ISO 5660 Fire Tests—Reaction to Fire—Part 1: Rate of the mass loss rate of the specimen, time to sustained flaming
Heat Release from Building Products (Cone Calorimeter (or time to ignition), and effective heat of combustion. Ignit-
Method) ability is determined by measuring the time period from initial
exposure to attainment of sustained flaming of the specimen.
3. Terminology
3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test 5. Significance and Use
method and associated with fire issues, refer to Terminology 5.1 This test method is used to determine the time to
E 176 and ISO 3261. The definitions given in Terminology sustained flaming and heat release of materials and composites
E 176 shall prevail in case of conflict. For definitions of terms exposed to a prescribed heat flux in the cone calorimeter
used in this test method and associated with textile issues, refer apparatus.
to Terminology D 123 and ISO 4880. The definitions given in 5.2 Quantitative heat release measurements provide infor-
Terminology D 123 shall prevail in case of conflict. mation that can be used to compare wallcoverings and con-
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: structions and for input to fire models.
3.2.1 effective heat of combustion—the total measured heat 5.3 Heat release measurements provide useful information
released divided by the mass loss for a specified time period. for product development by giving a quantitative measure of
3.2.2 heat release rate—the heat evolved from the speci- specific changes in fire performance caused by component and
men, expressed per unit area of exposed specimen area per unit composite modifications.
of time. 5.4 Heat release data obtained by this test method will be
3.2.3 heating flux—the prescribed incident flux imposed inappropriate if the product will not spread flame over its
externally from the heater onto the specimen at the initiation of surface under the fire exposure conditions of interest.
the test. 5.5 Variations in substrates, mounting methods, and adhe-
3.2.4 ignitability—the propensity for ignition, as measured sives used to laminate composite products will potentially
by the time to sustained flaming at a specified heating flux. affect the test responses. These variables must be controlled
3.2.5 net heat of combustion—the oxygen bomb calorimeter during any comparative experiments.
value for the heat of combustion, corrected for the gaseous 5.6 Test Limitations—The test data are invalid if any of the
state of product water. following occur:
3.2.6 orientation—the plane in which the exposed face of 5.6.1 Explosive spalling,
the specimen is located during testing, which is horizontal 5.6.2 The specimen swells sufficiently prior to ignition to
facing up for this test. touch the spark plug or swells up to the plane of the heater base
3.2.7 oxygen consumption principle—the expression of the during combustion, or
relationship between the mass of oxygen consumed during 5.6.3 The surface laminate rolls or curls when placed under
combustion and the heat released. the radiant heater.
3.2.8 sustained flaming—the existence of flame on or over 5.7 The specimens are subjected to one or more specific sets
the surface of the specimen for periods of 4 s or more. of laboratory conditions in this procedure. If different test
3.2.9 wallcovering—a fabric, vinyl, or paper-based product conditions are substituted or the end-use conditions are
designed to be attached to a vertical wall surface for decorative changed, it is not always possible by or from this test to predict
or acoustical purposes. changes in the fire-test-response characteristics measured. The
3.2.10 wallcovering composite—an assembly of a wallcov- results are therefore valid only for the fire test exposure
ering, adhesive (if used), and substrate used as a vertical wall conditions described in this procedure.
treatment for decorative or acoustical purposes.
6. Hazards
4. Summary of Test Method 6.1 The test procedures involve high temperatures and heat
4.1 This test method is based on the observation that, fluxes. Hazards therefore exist for burns, ignition of extraneous
generally, the net heat of combustion is directly related to the objects or clothing, and inhalation of combustion products. The
amount of 3oxygen required for combustion. Approximately operator must use protective gloves for insertion and removal
13.1 3 10 kJ of heat are released per 1 kg of oxygen of the test specimens. Do not touch the cone heater or the
consumed. Specimens in the test are burned in ambient air associated fixtures while hot, except with the use of protective
conditions while subjected to a prescribed external heating flux gloves.
of 35 kW/m2.
7. Test Specimens
4.2 The heat release is determined by measurement of the
oxygen consumption, as determined by the oxygen concentra- 7.1 Size and Preparation:
7.1.1 All elements of the test specimen shall represent the
actual materials used in the final installation. Include the
Available from International Standardization Organization, P.O. Box 56, wallcovering, adhesive used for the lamination, and actual
CH-1211, Geneva 20, Switzerland. substrate. Wallcoverings that are laminated in the field shall be

E 1740
bonded to the actual substrate or to fiber-reinforced cement the sparker/heater assembly to prevent contact with the speci-
board (Specification C 1186) if a non-combustible substrate is men.
anticipated. Use the adhesive recommended by the manufac- 8.2 Procedure:
turer. Test wallcovering composites as manufactured for use. 8.2.1 Prepare the data collection system for testing in
7.1.2 The test specimens shall be cut to an overall size of accordance with the operating procedures for the system. The
100 by 100 mm and tested in the actual thickness, if a heat release curve of some wallcoverings is a narrow peak.
composite. The maximum thickness to be tested is 50 mm. If Increase the data collection rate to one reading/s for testing
substrates exceed this maximum, the back surface shall be wallcoverings.
made thinner to reduce the overall thickness of the specimen to 8.2.2 Assemble the specimen with the edge frame and grid
50 mm. in the appropriate holder. The assembly must initially be at
7.2 Specimens shall be cured according to the manufactur- room temperature. A surface area correction must be applied to
er’s instructions and conditioned at an ambient temperature of compensate for the reduction in surface area caused by the
23 6 3°C and relative humidity of 50 6 5 % for a minimum of edge frame and grid.
48 h. 8.2.3 Energize the sparker, and move it into place rapidly
7.3 Specimen Holder and Mounting: after the specimen is inserted. The sparker is to remain in place
7.3.1 The specimen holder consists of the bottom, edge until sustained flaming occurs. If flaming ceases less than 60 s
frame, retaining pins, and wire grid. The bottom is constructed after removal of the sparker, reinsert the sparker and maintain
from 2-mm nominal stainless steel and has outside dimensions it in place until the end of the test.
of 106 by 106 6 2 mm by 24 6 2 mm height. The grid is 8.2.4 Start the timer at the beginning of the test. After
constructed from 2-mm nominal stainless steel rod and has flaming is first observed, continue the observation for an
dimensions of 100 6 2 by 100 6 2 mm. The grid has 2-mm additional 4 s. Record the time at that point, and move the
ribs, and the openings in the center are 18 6 1 by 18 6 1 mm. spark igniter out of the flame. Determine the time to sustained
The edge frame is constructed from 1.9-mm nominal stainless flaming (or time to ignition). Note that the time to ignition is
steel with outside dimensions of 111 6 2 by 111 6 2 by 54 6 the time for sustained flaming to start; therefore, if the timer is
2-mm height. The frame has an 8-mm lip on the top to provide stopped at the end of the 4 s observation period, the time to be
an opening of 94 by 94 mm on the top. There are two 3 6 reported is that value minus 4 s.
0.5-mm diameter by 130 6 3-mm long retaining pins to lock NOTE 1—If sustained flaming is not observed, report as “no ignition
the test specimen in the edge frame. was observed” or “no sustained flaming was observed” and not as “time
7.3.2 The bottom is lined with a layer of a low-density to ignition equals zero.”
(nominal density 65 kg/m3) refractory fiber blanket with a
thickness of at least 13 mm.8 If necessary, fill the edge frame 8.2.5 Collect data from the start of the test until either of the
below the test specimens with a refractory blanket to the level following occurs: (1) flaming or other signs of combustion
of the retaining pins. Lock the assembly with retaining pins, cease or (2) 20 min have elapsed. The test need not be
and place it on the bottom specimen holder. The distance terminated at 20 min if the specimen continues to burn. Move
between the bottom of the radiant heater and the top of the edge the sparker out of the flame.
frame is adjusted to 25 6 1 mm by using a sliding height 8.2.6 Record time-dependent measurements (mass loss, to-
adjustment. tal heat release, and average heat of combustion) at 20 min or
at the end of the test.
8. Procedure 8.2.7 Observe and record physical changes to the specimen,
such as melting, swelling, cracking, or shrinking. Record the
8.1 Preparation:
final mass of the test specimen. Remove and discard the
8.1.1 Calibrate the test apparatus as directed in Test Method
specimen if it does not ignite within 10 min.
E 1354.
8.2.8 Remove the specimen holder.
8.1.2 Position the cone heater for a horizontal specimen
8.2.9 Replace with an empty specimen holder or insulated
orientation, and set the radiant heating flux level to the required
pad to prevent thermal damage to the load cell.
value of 35 6 1 kW/m2.
8.2.10 Test a minimum of three specimens of each material
8.1.3 Verify that the distance between the bottom of the
or product.
cone heater baseplate and the top of the specimen is 25 mm.
8.1.4 Some specimens swell up and contact the heater
9. Report
baseplate or sparker assembly during the test. Contact of the
specimen with the sparker or heater baseplate will affect the 9.1 Report the following, as a summary, for all specimens of
mass loss readings temporarily. The mass loss readings will a particular material or product:
resume if the specimen does not remain in contact, and the total 9.1.1 Specimen identification or number;
mass loss and average heat of combustion can be calculated. If 9.1.2 Manufacturer or submitter;
sustained flaming has been achieved, retract the sparker to 9.1.3 Date of test;
prevent contact with the swelling specimen. Alternatively, raise 9.1.4 Composition or generic identification;
9.1.5 Details of preparation; and
9.1.6 Number of replicate specimens tested, which shall be
A refractory blanket, RT8 ceramic fiber, Cer-Wool, manufactured by Premier a minimum of three;
Refractories and Chemicals Inc., King of Prussia, PA, is suitable for this application. 9.2 Include the following information for each specimen:

E 1740
9.2.1 Specimen thickness (mm); 10. Precision and Bias
9.2.2 Initial specimen mass measured on the load cell (g); 10.1 Precision—The precision of this test method has not
9.2.3 Heating flux (kW/m2) and initial exhaust system flow been determined. The Appendix contains information on re-
rate; peatability from one laboratory which indicates (see Tables
9.2.4 Time to sustained flaming (s); X1.3 and X1.4) the relationship between the standard deviation
9.2.5 Heat release rate curve versus time; and the average.
9.2.6 Average heat release rate for the first 60, 120, 180, and
10.2 Bias—For solid specimens of unknown chemical com-
300 s after ignition (kW/m2);
position, as used in building materials, furnishings, and com-
9.2.7 Peak heat release rate (kW/m2);
mon occupant fuel load, it has been documented that the use of
9.2.8 Total heat released by the specimen per unit area
the relationship that approximately 13.1 3 103 kJ of heat are
(MJ/m2), including total test time(s);
released per 1 kg of oxygen consumed results in an expected
9.2.9 Average effective heat of combustion for the entire test
error band of6 5 % compared to true value. For homogeneous
(MJ/kg), which is obtained by dividing the total heat released
materials with only a single pyrolysis mechanism, this uncer-
by the specimen mass loss;
tainty is reduced by determining the heat evolution from
9.2.10 Mass remaining at test termination (g);
oxygen bomb measurements and oxygen consumption from
9.2.11 Specimen mass loss (g) and (%);
ultimate elemental analysis. This is not practical for most
9.2.12 Additional observations, if any; and
testing since test specimens are frequently composites and
9.2.13 Difficulties encountered in testing, if any.
nonhomogeneous. Thus, they often exhibit several degradation
9.3 The following final values should be averaged for all
reactions. For unknown specimens, a 65 % accuracy limit is
therefore seen. For reference materials, however, careful de-
9.3.1 Time to sustained flaming (s);
termination of the heat released per unit of oxygen consumed
9.3.2 Average heat release rate value (kW/m2) over the first
makes this source of uncertainty substantially less.
60, 120, 180, and 300 s after ignition;
9.3.3 Average effective heat of combustion (MJ/kg) for the
entire test; 11. Keywords
9.3.4 Peak heat release rate (kW/m2); and 11.1 calorimeter; fire; fire-test response; heat release; igni-
9.3.5 Total heat released (MJ/m2). tion; oxygen consumption; small scale; wallcovering


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Introduction wallcoverings was then evaluated in the cone calorimeter to

X1.1.1 The cone calorimeter has been standardized in the observe the effects of fabric type (construction and form) and
United States (Test Method E 1354) and internationally (ISO substrate. Additional effects investigated were exposure flux,
5660, Part 1). Although widely used as a research tool, influence of holders and grids, orientation, and supplemental
applications for product evaluations are developing (such as fastening. The experiments compared the following eight
Test Method E 1474, for upholstered furniture and mattress fire-test-response characteristics from the cone calorimeter:
composites or components). Textile wallcoverings are now peak heat release rate (abbreviated as peak heat), time to peak
regulated in the United States by requirements based on the heat release rate (abbreviated as time peak), heat release rate at
Test Method E 84 tunnel test and by full-scale room fire tests 60 s after ignition (abbreviated as heat rate or HRR 60 s), total
such as NFPA 265. Reliable bench-scale test methods for heat released (abbreviated as total heat), time to sustained
composite wall panels could serve as the basis for a predictive flaming (abbreviated as time sust), effective heat of combustion
method for the full-scale room fire test protocols. The benefits (abbreviated as heat comb or HC (eff)), average mass loss rate
of such predictive methods include reduced testing costs (abbreviated as mass loss), and average specific extinction area
through screening and product classification. Experiments (abbreviated as avg smoke or smoke). Table X1.1 contains a
were conducted to determine the effect of varying parameters matrix of the experimental conditions investigated in the first
on the composite wall panel cone calorimeter results. The set of experiments.
following work is the effort of one laboratory. X1.2.2 Qualitative and quantitative analyses were con-
ducted of the effects of each experimental variable on the
X1.2 Experiment fire-test-response characteristics described.
X1.2.1 A preliminary study covered as many experimental X1.2.3 The qualitative analysis focused particularly on the
conditions as possible, based on the time and materials reactions of the fabrics themselves. Observations are given in
available. The experiment was simplified to more practical Table X1.2.
conditions after the preliminary study. A limited group of X1.2.4 The conditions selected for the experiment did not

E 1740
TABLE X1.1 Experimental Matrix for First Set of Tests TABLE X1.3 First Set of Experimental Data
Test CodeA Flux Holder Preparation Peak Heat Time to Peak Heat Release Total Heat
Release Rate, Heat Release Rate at 60 s, Released,
V-MF/50-F-N 50 holder + frame and grid none Test Code
kW/m2, Rate, s, kW/m2, MJ/m2,
W-FG/35-F-N 35 holder + frame and grid none
W-FG/50-N-N 50 holder none
V-MF/35-N-N 35 holder none V-MF/50-F-N 104 30 47 3.6
W-FG/50-F-S 50 holder + frame and grid stapled 6 0 3 0.5
V-MF/35-F-S 35 holder + frame and grid stapled W-FG/35-F-N 113 48 47 3.1
V-MF/50-N-S 50 holder stapled 6 3 1 0.1
W-FG/35-N-S 35 holder stapled W-FG/50-N-N 157 27 66 4.4
W-FG/50-F-N 50 holder + frame and grid none 24 3 3 0.1
V-MF/35-F-N 35 holder + frame and grid none V-MF/35-N-N 109 35 41 3.1
V-MF/50-N-N 50 holder none 1 0 3 0.1
W-FG/35-N-N 35 holder none W-FG/50-F-S 131 32 53 3.5
V-MF/50-F-S 50 holder + frame and grid stapled 1 3 2 0.1
W-FG/35-F-S 35 holder + frame and grid stapled V-MF/35-F-S 70 52 30 2.2
W-FG/50-N-S 50 holder stapled 6 6 3 0.4
V-MF/35-N-S 35 holder stapled V-MF/50-N-S 142 17 59 5.5
A 5 3 7 1.1
Test Code—Indicates fabric, substrate, flux (kW/m2), type of holder, and
W-FG/35-N-S 155 30 58 4.1
preparation method: ( 1) Fabric: V, Vinyl; W, Woven. (2) Substrate: MF, mineral
28 5 2 0.1
fiber; FG, fiberglass board. (3) Holder: F, edge frame; N, none. (4) Sample
W-FG/50-F-N 134 32 55 3.7
Preparation: N, none; S, fabric stapled to substrate.
2 3 2 0.1
V-MF/35-F-N 79 42 33 2.8
TABLE X1.2 Qualitative Experimental Observations 3 3 4 0.3
V-MF/50-N-N 132 22 54 5.4
Test CodeA Observations 3 3 6 0.6
V-MF/50-F-N flashing before ignition, after glow W-FG/35-N-N 143 33 56 4.5
W-FG/35-F-N fabric split and melted under the grid before ignition, after 31 3 16 0.7
glow V-MF/50-F-S 107 30 55 4.5
W-FG/50-N-N fabric shrank to a 50-mm2 before ignition, after glow 5 0 2 0.2
V-MF/35-N-N flash before ignition, after glow W-FG/35-F-S 110 52 45 3.0
W-FG/50-F-S fabric split and melted under the grid before ignition, after 4 3 5 0.3
glow W-FG/50-N-S 177 22 68 5.0
V-MF/35-F-S flashing before ignition, after glow 12 3 4 0.1
V-MF/50-N-S flash before ignition, fabric stayed flat, after glow V-MF/35-N-S 103 30 37 3.1
W-FG/35-N-S fabric pulled up staples and shrank, after glow 6 0 6 0.1
W-FG/50-F-N fabric split and melted under the grid, after glow
V-MF/35-F-N flashing before ignition, after glow
V-MF/50-N-N flash before ignition, after glow not considered to be a satisfactory means of testing.
W-FG/35-N-N flash before ignition, fabric shrank to 50-mm2, after glow
V-MF/50-F-S flash before ignition, after glow
X1.2.7 The remainder of the factors were reduced to two
W-FG/35-F-S fabric split and melted under the grid, flash before ignition, levels. The levels selected were either the extreme levels or the
after glow most practical levels. For example, cutting the fabric to
W-FG/50-N-S fabric shrank and pulled staples loose, after glow
V-MF/35-N-S flash before ignition, after glow
produce an even distribution of melted textile was dropped
Test Code—Indicates fabric, substrate, flux (kW/m2), type of holder, and
because of the time required for sample preparation.
preparation method. (1) Fabric: V, Vinyl; W, Woven. ( 2) Substrate: MF, mineral X1.2.8 The conditions of holder-with-grid and no-holder-
fiber; FG, fiberglass board. ( 3) Holder: F, edge frame; N, none. (4) Sample or-grid were chosen as the most useful ones. The grid-only
Preparation: N, none; S, fabric stapled to substrate.
condition did not hold the fabric down in all cases. One fabric
could curl up and lift the grid as it formed a ball under the grid.
account for the fact that certain fabrics can pull loose, even X1.2.9 Two fabric-substrate combinations were selected to
with staples intended to prevent curling, as indicated in Table represent the two general specimen reactions to the cone
X1.1. heater: a vinyl fabric and a woven fabric. Charring or melting
X1.2.5 The actual experimental data obtained are presented in place characterizes the reaction of one of the fabrics (the
in Table X1.3 (peak heat release rate, time to peak heat release vinyl), and shrinking and curling characterizes that of the other
rate, heat release rate at 60 s after ignition, and total heat (the woven).
released) and Table X1.4 (time to sustained flaming, average X1.2.10 Two heater flux levels were chosen to demonstrate
effective heat of combustion, average mass loss rate, and the effect of heat flux level: 35 and 50 kW/m2.
average specific extinction area). The tables contain both the
mean of the three values determined (avg) and the correspond- X1.3 Test Data
ing standard deviation (STD). X1.3.1 Cone calorimeter results from the experiment were
X1.2.6 Some experiments were conducted using a vertical analyzed using regression analysis. The total of the deviations
orientation. Table X1.5 indicates that the standard deviation for for each factor are plotted in Fig. X1.1. Each of the significant
vertical specimen orientation was higher than that for horizon- coefficients of eight responses were converted to a percentage
tal specimen orientation in most cases. Moreover, specimens deviation from the mean. This plot shows the possible percent-
tested in the vertical position tended to have longer periods of age change in the responses as affected by each factor. In other
intermittent flashing than was ever found in the horizontal words, the effects of the four factors on each different response
orientation. The flame of the specimen burned above the were converted to the same scale by normalization, by chang-
vertical holder in one case. Vertical orientation was therefore ing the effects to fractions of the mean of each response. For

E 1740
TABLE X1.4 Second Set of Experimental Data fabric is stapled or not stapled to the substrate) had no effect on
Time to
Average Average Average the cone results. Data from tests on other products indicated
Effective Heat Mass Specific that specimen preparation can have a significant effect. The
Test Code of Combustion, Loss Rate, Extinction
Flaming, s,
MJ/kg, kg/m2-s, Area, m2/kg, corresponding test data are examined below.
Avg—STD Avg—STD Avg—STD X1.3.2 Table X1.6 is an example of the analysis for peak
V-MF/50-F-N 20.0 9.1 5.37 250 heat release rate. The data reveal the ability of the tests to
2.2 0.7 0.19 44 differentiate between fabrics and the effects of the flux level
W-FG/35-F-N 25.8 9.0 7.79 786
1.8 0.4 1.76 21
and of the use (or not) of the frame and grid.
W-FG/50-N-N 8.9 9.6 9.82 884
1.3 0.5 0.97 90 TABLE X1.6 Least Squares Coefficients for Peak Heat Release
V-MF/35-N-N 23.0 8.1 5.61 393 RateA
2.3 0.5 0.16 32
W-FG/50-F-S 15.1 9.1 8.04 810 Standard
Term Coefficient T-Value Significance
1.3 0.4 1.13 13 Error
V-MF/35-F-S 36.0 7.6 4.37 276
Average 123.0 1.81
3.3 1.3 0.10 9
Flux, kW/m2 0.0000
V-MF/50-N-S 6.5 8.9 5.17 366
35 −12.5 1.81 −6.91 0.0001
0.4 0.9 0.30 75
50 12.5 1.81 6.91 0.0001
W-FG/35-N-S 16.6 9.0 9.21 924
Holder 0.0000
1.5 0.2 0.95 18
None 16.8 1.81 9.28 0.0001
W-FG/50-F-N 16.0 9.6 8.00 778
Frame and grid −16.8 1.81 −9.28 0.0001
1.4 0.1 0.78 26
Fabric 0.0000
V-MF/35-F-N 33.8 9.4 4.23 315
Vinyl −17.1 1.81 −9.47 0.0001
1.9 0.8 0.08 38
Woven 17.1 1.81 9.47 0.0001
V-MF/50-N-N 13.8 8.6 4.54 236
0.7 1.1 0.43 97 Number of cases, 48; residual degrees of freedom, 44; correlation coefficient,
W-FG/35-N-N 19.6 9.5 8.39 835 0.836; adjusted correlation coefficient, 0.824; and root mean square error, 12.55.
5.6 0.7 2.43 148
V-MF/50-F-S 9.2 10.2 4.42 284
0.4 0.2 0.18 23
W-FG/35-F-S 31.4 9.2 7.80 787 X1.3.3 Figs. X1.2 and X1.3 are graphs showing the effect of
4.0 0.9 0.98 47 fabric curl under initial exposure to heat during the cone
W-FG/50-N-S 10.7 9.9 10.74 965
0.2 0.6 1.88 83
calorimeter tests of two different products. Each graph repre-
V-MF/35-N-S 21.2 8.4 5.30 418 sents two sets of three tests, run on a single product in the cone
5.1 0.2 0.35 58 calorimeter. The fabric on one set of each product curled. The
fabric of the second set was stapled to the substrate to hold the
fabric flat during the test.
TABLE X1.5 Comparison of Standard Deviations in Horizontal X1.3.4 Fabric curling and shrinking reduces the area ex-
and Vertical OrientationsA
posed, and the same mass will take longer to heat. Shrinking
V- NW- W2-
tends to increase the fabric thickness, and curling sometimes
MF/ FG- MF- interferes with the sparker.
Test ID 35- 35- 35-
35-N-S 35-N-S 35-N-S
FG-N FG-N FG-N X1.3.5 The termination time selected by the operator can
Horizontal Horizontal Horizontal
Vertical Vertical Vertical
make a significant difference to the cone calorimeter results.
Peak rate of 6 5 1 8 19 19 One of the variables investigated in the experiments involved
heat release
Time to peak 0 5 3 3 0 6 calculating the cone calorimeter results using two determina-
Avg HRR 60 s 5 1 3 3 2 18 tion times: (1) a fixed time of 300 s and (2) a variable time,
Total HR 0.1 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.2 1.7
based on adding 30 s of glowing time to the time to flame out.
Time sustained 5.1 5.9 0.0 1.6 0.5 2.7
flaming The reason for investigating whether a fixed time was more
Effective heat of 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.8 1.6 adequate was because of the subjective difficulty of determin-
Mass loss rate 0.35 0.59 2.32 0.46 0.37 0.55
ing when glowing stops. The results show that differences are
Specific extinction 58 52 14 35 14 30 found for mass loss, mass loss rate, heat release rate, total heat
area release, effective heat of combustion, and specific extinction
The same specimens were used for horizontal and vertical tests. However, a area. Thus, this is a factor that must be considered by a
frame and grid were needed for the vertical orientation, while staples were used for laboratory conducting experiments. The use of a test termina-
the horizontal orientation.
tion criterion similar to that mentioned in Test Method E 1354,
based on the mass loss rate becoming lower than 150 g/m 2
example, the effect of the change in holder on the mass loss
min, is not recommended for this application because of the
rate was 0.5475 and the effect of different specimen prepara-
experimental uncertainties.
tions on the specific extinction area was 22.1. Since the mean
X1.3.6 Time to sustained flaming is lengthened by the use
mass loss rate was 6.8 and the mean specific extinction area
of the frame and grid. Mikkola reports that the effect of the grid
was 581, it is more useful to compare the effect of the holder
is proportional to the effective mass of the grid.9
on mass loss, which is 8.1 %, to the effect of sample prepara-
tion on specific extinction area, which is 3.8 %. This analysis
demonstrates that, for the products tested in this part of the 9
Mikkola, E., “The Effect of Grid on Ignition Time,” Valtion Teknillinen
experiment, specimen preparation (in other words, whether the Tutkimuskeskus (VTT), Espoo, Finland (1989).

E 1740

FIG. X1.1 Total of Deviations for Each Factor

X1.3.7 Overall, the individual variable that had the greatest cone calorimeter heat release rate. Two sets of a product that
effect on the cone results was the choice of fabric; the fabric differ only in the density of the substrate were run on the cone.
choice affected seven of the eight responses significantly. In The fabric, adhesive, and adhesive application rate were the
more detail, the choice of fabric affected the mass loss rate same for the two products. The fabric of one set curled under
more than any of the other factors did. On the other hand, the exposure to heat while the other did not. Differences can be
choice of heat flux level or specimen holder affected the time seen in both the peak heat release rate and the length of burning
to sustained flaming more than the choice of fabric. Interest- time.
ingly, if the specific extinction area is not used in the analysis,
the choice of heat flux level would have a greater effect on the X1.4 Comparisons with Room-Corner Test Data
responses than the choice of fabric.
X1.3.8 In more than one case, the fabric pulled up the X1.4.1 Table X1.7 presents data for six combinations tested
staples and curled for the specimens of woven fabric and in the cone calorimeter under the conditions of the test method.
fiberglass substrate, even with the fabric stapled to the sub- For comparison purposes, Table X1.8 presents test results of
strate. the same systems tested in the full-scale room-corner test for
X1.3.9 Fig. X1.4 illustrates the effect of fabric curl onthe wallcoverings, NFPA 265.

E 1740

FIG. X1.2 Effect of Wall Covering Fabric Curl in Cone

E 1740

FIG. X1.3 Effect of Wall Covering Fabric Curl in Cone

E 1740

FIG. X1.4 Effect of Fabric Curl on Heat Release Rate; Two Sets of Tests on the Same Fabric and Panel Structure

TABLE X1.7 Cone Calorimeter Data for Six Sets of Wallcovering TABLE X1.8 Room Corner Test (NFPA 265) Data for Six Sets of
Systems Wallcovering Systems
Average Peak Heat Peak Ceiling Peak Floor
Average Flashover,
Peak Heat Time to Peak Effective Heat Test CodeA Release Rate, Temperature, Heat Flux,
A Specific Yes/No
Test Code Release Rate, Heat Release of kW °C kW/m2
kW/m2 Rate, s Combustion,
Area, m2/kg WO-MF 309 330 3.6 No
NW-FG 270 336 3.2 No
WO-MF 188 35 8.9 542 VI-MF 294 338 3.4 No
NW-FG 235 27 11.6 938 NW-MF 2407 859 70.0 Yes
VI-MF 103 30 8.4 418 WO-FG 210 291 2.9 No
NW-MF 268 37 14.0 645 W2-MF 265 338 3.1 No
WO-FG 155 30 9.0 924 A
Test Code—Fabric-substrate; fabric: WO = woven, W2 = second woven,
W2-MF 303 45 17.8 533
NW = nonwoven, and VI = vinyl; and substrate: MF = mineral fiber board, and
Test Code—Fabric-substrate; fabric: WO = woven, W2 = second woven, FG = fiberglass board.
NW = nonwoven, and VI = vinyl; and substrate: MF = mineral fiber board, and
FG = fiberglass board.

E 1740

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