Astm e 84

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Designation: E 84 – 99 An American National Standard

Standard Test Method for

Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 84; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope incorporate all factors required for fire-hazard or fire-risk

1.1 This fire-test-response standard for the comparative assessment of the materials, products, or assemblies under
surface burning behavior of building materials is applicable to actual fire conditions..
exposed surfaces such as walls and ceilings. The test is 1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
conducted with the specimen in the ceiling position with the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
surface to be evaluated exposed face down to the ignition responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
source. The material, product, or assembly shall be capable of priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
being mounted in the test position during the test. Thus, the bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.
specimen shall either be self-supporting by its own structural 2. Referenced Documents
quality, held in place by added supports along the test surface,
or secured from the back side. 2.1 ASTM Standards:
1.2 The purpose of this test method is to determine the A 390 Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel
relative burning behavior of the material by observing the Poultry Fence Fabric (Hexagonal and Straight Line)2
flame spread along the specimen. Flame spread and smoke D 4442 Test Methods for Direct Moisture Content Measure-
developed index are reported. However, there is not necessarily ment of Wood and Wood-Base Materials3
a relationship between these two measurements. D 4444 Test Methods for Use and Calibration of Hand-Held
1.3 The use of supporting materials on the underside of the Moisture Meters3
test specimen has the ability to lower the flame spread index E 69 Test Method for Combustible Properties of Treated
from those which might be obtained if the specimen could be Wood by the Fire-Tube Apparatus3
tested without such support. These test results do not neces- E 160 Test Method for Combustible Properties of Treated
sarily relate to indices obtained by testing materials without Wood by the Crib Test4
such support. E 162 Test Method for Surface Flammability of Materials
1.4 This test method may not be appropriate for obtaining Using a Radiant Heat Energy Source5
comparative surface burning behavior of some cellular plastic E 176 Terminology of Fire Standards5
materials. E 286 Test Method for Surface Flammability of Building
1.5 Testing of materials that melt, drip, or delaminate to Materials Using an 8-ft (2.44-m) Tunnel Furnace6
such a degree that the continuity of the flame front is destroyed, 3. Terminology
results in low flame spread indices that do not relate directly to
indices obtained by testing materials that remain in place. 3.1 Definitions—For definitions of terms used in this test
1.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded method refer to Terminology E 176. The term flame spread
as the standard. index from Terminology E 176 is of particular interest to this
1.7 The text of this standard references notes and footnotes standard and is defined in 3.1.1.
that provide explanatory information. These notes and foot- 3.1.1 flame spread index, n—a number or classification
notes, excluding those in tables and figures, shall not be indicating a comparative measure derived from observations
considered as requirements of the standard. made during the progress of the boundary of a zone of flame
1.8 This standard is used to measure and describe the under defined test conditions.
response of materials, products, or assemblies to heat and 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
flame under controlled conditions, but does not by itself 3.2.1 smoke developed index, n—a number or classification

1 2
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E-5 on Fire Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.06.
Standards and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E05.22 on Surface Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.10.
Burning. Discontinued; see 1993 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.09.
Current edition approved May 10, 1999. Published August 1999. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.
published as E 84 – 50 T. Last previous edition E 84 – 98. Discontinued; see 1991 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 04.07.

Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

E 84
indicating a comparative measure derived from smoke obscu- 5.1.1 The fire test chamber shall consist of a horizontal duct
ration data collected during the test for surface burning having an inside width of 173⁄46 1⁄4 in. (451 6 6.3 mm)
characteristics. measured at ledge location along side walls and 175⁄8 6 3⁄8in.
3.2.2 surface flame spread, n—the propagation of a flame (448 6 10 mm) at all other points; a depth of 12 6 1⁄2 in. (305
away from the source of ignition across the surface of the 6 13 mm) measured from the bottom of the test chamber to the
specimen. ledge of the inner walls on which the specimen is supported
(including the 1⁄8-in. (3.2-mm) thickness of woven fiberglass8
4. Significance and Use
gasketing tape); and a length of 25 ft (7.62 m). The sides and
4.1 This test method is intended to provide only compara- base of the duct shall be lined with an insulating masonry
tive measurements of surface flame spread and smoke density material as illustrated in Fig. 2, consisting of A. P. Green,
measurements with that of select grade red oak and inorganic G-269 refractory fire brick. One side shall be provided with
reinforced cement board7 surfaces under the specific fire double observation windows10 with the inside pane flush
exposure conditions described herein. mounted (See Fig. 2). Exposed inside glass shall be 23⁄46 3⁄8 by
4.2 This test method exposes a nominal 24-ft (7.32-m) long 11 + 1, − 2 in. (70 6 10 by 279 + 25 − 50 mm). The centerline
by 20-in. (508-mm) wide specimen to a controlled air flow and of the exposed area of the inside glass shall be in the upper half
flaming fire exposure adjusted to spread the flame along the of the furnace wall, with the upper edge not less than 2.5 in. (63
entire length of the select grade red oak specimen in 51⁄2min. mm) below the furnace ledge. The window shall be located
4.3 This test method does not provide for the following: such that not less than 12 in. (305 mm) of the specimen width
4.3.1 Measurement of heat transmission through the tested can be observed. Multiple windows shall be located along the
surface. tunnel so that the entire length of the test sample is observable
4.3.2 The effect of aggravated flame spread behavior of an from outside the fire chamber. The windows shall be pressure
assembly resulting from the proximity of combustible walls
and ceilings.
4.3.3 Classifying or defining a material as noncombustible, The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is McMaster-Carr, P.O. Box 54960, Los Angeles, CA 90054. If you are aware of
by means of a flame spread index by itself.
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your
5. Apparatus comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee,1 which you may attend.
5.1 Fire Test Chamber—See Figs. 1 and 2. 9
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is A. P. Green Refractories, Green Blvd., Mexico, MO 65265. If you are aware of
7 alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
is CEM-FIL Corp., 120 Spence Lane, Nashville, TN 37210. If you are aware of
technical committee,1 which you may attend.
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your 10
Heat-resistant glass. High-silica, 100 % silica glass, nominal 1⁄4 in. thick, has
comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
been found suitable for the interior pane; borosilicate glass, nominal 1⁄4 in. thick, has
technical committee,1 which you may attend.
been found suitable for the exterior pane.

Inch-Pound Units SI Units

12 6 1⁄2in. 305 6 12.7 mm

173⁄4 6 1⁄4in. 451 6 6.3 mm
54 6 5 in. 1371 6 127 mm
25 ft 7.62 m
FIG. 1 Test Furnace, Showing Some Critical Dimensions (Not a Construction Drawing)

E 84

Inch-Pound Units SI Units Inch-Pound Units SI Units

1⁄4 in. 6.3 mm 20 in. 508 mm

2 in. 51 mm 9 by 41⁄2 by 21⁄2 in. 230 by 115 by 65 mm
4 6 1⁄2 in. 102 6 13 mm 1200°F 649°C
71⁄2 6 1⁄2in. 191 6 13 mm 2600°F 1427°C
12 6 1⁄2 in. 305 6 13 mm
FIG. 2 Test Furnace Showing Some Critical Dimensions (Section“ B-B” is not a Construction Drawing)

tight in accordance with 7.2 and 7.2.1. Maximum effective use temperature of
5.1.2 The ledges shall be fabricated of structural materials11 at least: 1200°F (650°C)
Bulk density 21 lb/ft3 (336 kg/m3)
capable of withstanding the abuse of continuous testing, level Thermal conductivity at 300 to 700°F 0.50 to 0.71 Btu·in./h·ft2·°F (0.072 to
with respect to the length and width of the chamber and each (149 to 371°C) 0.102 W/m·K)
other, and maintained in a state of repair commensurate with
KrC product:A btu2·in.
the frequency, volume, and severity of testing occurring at any 1 to 4 ~1 3 104
5.1.3 To provide air turbulence for proper combustion, to 4 3 104 4 2!
m ·K
turbulence baffling shall be provided by positioning six A. P.
Green, G-269 refractory fire bricks (long dimension vertical, A
KrC is equal to the thermal conductivity times the density times the specific
41⁄2-in. (114-mm) dimension along the wall) along the side heat.
walls of the chamber at distances of 7, 12, and 20 6 1⁄2 ft (2.1, The entire lid assembly shall be protected with flat
3.7, and 6.1 6 0.2 m) on the window side and 41⁄2, 91⁄2, and 16 sections of high-density (nominal 110 lb/ft3 or 1761 kg/m3)
6 1⁄2 ft (1.3, 2.9, and 4.9 6 0.2 m) on the opposite side. 1⁄4-in. (6.3-mm) inorganic reinforced cement board,7 main-

5.1.4 The lid shall consist of a removable noncombustible tained in an unwarped and uncracked condition through
metal and mineral composite structure as shown in Fig. 2 and continued replacement. The protective board is to be secured to
of a size necessary to cover completely the fire test chamber the furnace lid or placed on the back side of the test specimen.
and the test samples. The lid shall be maintained in an 5.1.5 One end of the test chamber, designated as the fire
unwarped and flat condition. When in place, the lid shall be end, shall be provided with two gas burners delivering flames
completely sealed to prevent air leakage into the fire test upward against the surface of the test sample. The burners shall
chamber during the test. be spaced 12 in. (305 mm) from the fire end of the test The lid shall be insulated with nominal 2 in. (51 chamber, and 71⁄2 6 1⁄2in. (190 6 13 mm) below the under
mm) thick mineral composition material12 having physical surface of the test sample. The air intake shutter shall be
characteristics comparable to the following: located 54 6 5 in. (1372 6 127 mm) upstream of the burner,
as measured from the burner centerline to the outside surface of
High-temperature furnace refractory. Zirconium silicate has been found the shutter. Gas to the burners shall be provided through a
suitable for this purpose. single inlet pipe, distributed to each port burner through a
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time tee-section. The outlet shall be a 3⁄4-in. elbow. The plane of the
is A. P. Green Refractories, Green Blvd., Mexico, Mo 65265. If you are aware of
port shall be parallel to the furnace floor, such that the gas is
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your
comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible directed upward toward the specimen. Each port shall be
technical committee,1 which you may attend. positioned with its centerline 4 6 1⁄2 in. (102 6 13 mm) on

E 84
each side of the centerline of the furnace so that the flame is with the resultant light beam centered on the photocell.
evenly distributed over the width of the exposed specimen Linearity of the photometer system shall be verified
surface (see Fig. 2). The controls used to assure constant flow periodically by interrupting the light beam with calibrated
of gas to the burners during period of use shall consist of a neutral density filters. The filters shall cover the full range of
pressure regulator, a gas meter calibrated to read in increments the recording instrument. Transmittance values measured by
of not more than 0.1 ft3 (2.8 L), a manometer to indicate gas the photometer, using neutral density filters, shall be within
pressure in inches of water, a quick-acting gas shut-off valve, 63 % of the calibrated value for each filter.
a gas metering valve, and an orifice plate in combination with 5.1.8 Draft Regulating Device:
a water manometer to assist in maintaining uniform gas flow An automatically controlled damper to regulate the
conditions. An air intake fitted with a vertically sliding shutter draft pressure shall be installed in the vent pipe down-stream of
extending the entire width of the test chamber shall be provided the smoke-indicating attachment. The damper shall be pro-
at the fire end. The shutter shall be positioned so as to provide vided with a manual override.
an air inlet port 3 6 1⁄16in. (76 6 2 mm) high measured from Other manual or automatic draft regulation devices,
the floor level of the test chamber at the air intake point. or both, are allowed to be incorporated to help maintain fan
5.1.6 The other end of the test chamber, designated as the characterization and air-flow control throughout test periods.
“vent end,” shall be fitted with a gradual rectangular-to-round 5.1.9 Thermocouples:
transition piece, not less than 20 in. (508 mm) in length, with A No. 18 Awg (1.02-mm) thermocouple, with 3⁄8 6
a cross-sectional area of not less than 200 in.2 (1290 cm2) at 1⁄8 in. (9.5 6 3.2 mm) of the junction exposed in the air, shall

any point. The transition piece shall in turn be fitted to a 16-in. be inserted through the floor of the test chamber so that the tip
(406-mm) diameter flue pipe. The movement of air shall be by is 1 6 1⁄32in. (25.4 6 0.8 mm) below the top surface of the
an induced draft system having a total draft capacity of at least gasketing tape and 23 ft 6 1⁄2 in. (7.0 m 6 13 mm) from the
0.15-in. (3.8-mm) water column with the sample in place, the centerline of the burner ports at the center of its width.
shutter at the fire end open the normal 3 6 1⁄16 in. (76 6 2 mm), A No. 18 Awg (1.02-mm) thermocouple embedded
and the damper in the wide open position. A draft gage tap to 1⁄8 in. (3.2 mm) below the floor surface of the test chamber

indicate static pressure shall be inserted through the top at the shall be mounted in refractory or portland cement, carefully
midwidth of the tunnel, 1 6 0.5 in. (25 6 12 mm) below the dried to avoid cracking, at distances of 13 ft 6 1⁄2 in. (3.96 m
ceiling, 15 6 0.5 in. (381 6 12 mm) downstream from the inlet 6 13 mm) and 231⁄4 ft 6 1⁄2 in. (7.09 m 6 13 mm) from the
shutter. centerline of the burner ports.
5.1.7 Photometer System: The room in which the test chamber is located shall A photometer system consisting of a lamp13 and have provision for a free inflow of air during the test to
photocell14 shall be mounted on a horizontal section of the maintain the room at atmospheric pressure during the entire
16-in. (406-mm) diameter vent pipe at a point where it will be test run.
preceded by a straight run of pipe (at least 12 diameters or 16
ft (4.88 m) and not more than 30 diameters or 40 ft (12.19 m)) 6. Test Specimens
from the vent end of the chamber, and with the light beam 6.1 The test specimen shall be at least 2 in. (51 mm) wider
directed upward along the vertical axis of the vent pipe. The (nominally 201⁄4 6 3⁄4 in. (514 6 19 mm)) than the interior
vent pipe shall be insulated with at least 2 in. (51 mm) of width of the tunnel. The length of the specimen shall be a total
high-temperature mineral composition material, from the vent of 24 ft 6 1⁄2 in. (7.32 m 6 13 mm) and shall be butted against
end of the chamber to the photometer location. The photoelec- the vent end of the fire test chamber. The specimen consists of
tric cell of which the output is directly proportional to the a continuous, unbroken length, or of sections joined end-to-
amount of light received shall be mounted over the light source end. Specimens shall be truly representative of the materials
and connected to a recording device having a minimum for which test results are desired. Properties adequate for
operating chart width of 5 in. (127 mm) with an accuracy identification of the materials or ingredients, or both, of which
within 61 % of full scale, for indicating changes in the the test specimen is made shall be recorded.
attenuation of incident light by the passing smoke, particulate, 6.2 The upstream end of the fire test chamber shall be filled
and other effluent. The distance between the light source lens with a 14 6 1⁄8-in. (356 6 3 mm) length of uncoated 16-gauge
and the photocell lens shall be 36 6 4 in. (914 6 102 mm). The (0.053 to 0.060 in.) steel sheet placed on the specimen
cylindrical light beam shall pass through 3-in. (76-mm) diam- mounting ledge in front of and under the leading edge of the
eter openings at the top and bottom of the 16-in. diameter duct, specimen.
6.3 The test specimen shall be conditioned to a constant
weight at a temperature of 73.4 6 5°F (23 6 2.8°C) and at a
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time relative humidity of 50 6 5 %.
is 12-V sealed beam, clear lens, auto spot lamp, No. 4405, from General Electric,
Nela Park, OH. If you are aware of alternative suppliers, please provide this 7. Calibration
information to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consider-
ation at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,1 which you may attend. 7.1 Place a 1⁄4-in. (6.3-mm) inorganic reinforced cement
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time board on the ledge of the furnace chamber, then place the
is No. 856BB from Weston Instruments, Wauconda, IL. If you are aware of
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your
removable lid of the test chamber in position.
comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible 7.2 With the 1⁄4-in. (6.3-mm) inorganic reinforced cement
technical committee,1 which you may attend. board in position on top of the ledge of the furnace chamber

E 84
and with the removable lid in place, establish a draft to produce tunnel by placing it on the steel stand. Trial 1 is run with the
a 0.15-in. (3.8-mm) water-column reading on the draft manom- vane edge 1 in. from the non-window wall; Trial 2 is with the
eter, with the fire-end shutter open 3 6 1⁄16 in. (76 6 1.6 mm), center axis at the tunnel center point; and Trial 3 is run with the
by manually setting the damper as a characterization of fan vane edge 1 in. from the window wall.
performance. Then close and seal the fire-end shutter, without 7.4 Maintain the air supply at a temperature of 73.4 6 5°F
changing the damper position. The manometer reading shall (23 6 2.8°C) and a relative humidity of 50 6 5 %.
increase to at least 0.375 in. (9.53 mm), indicating that no 7.5 Supply the fire test chamber with natural (city) or
excessive air leakage exists. methane (bottled) gas fuel of uniform quality with a heating
7.2.1 In addition, conduct a supplemental leakage test peri- value of nominally 1000 Btu/ft3 (37.3 MJ/m3). Adjust the gas
odically with the tunnel sealed from the inlet end to beyond the supply initially at approximately 5000 Btu (5.3 MJ)/min.
photometer system, by placing a smoke bomb in the chamber. Record the gas pressure, the pressure differential across the
Ignite the bomb and pressurize the chamber to 0.375 6 0.125 orifice plate, and the volume of gas used in each test. If a
in. (9.53 6 3.18 mm) water column. Seal all points of leakage temperature- and pressure-compensating mass flowmeter is
observed in the form of escaping smoke particles. utilized, record only the volume of gas used. Unless otherwise
7.3 Establish a draft reading within the range 0.055 to 0.100 corrected for, when bottled methane is employed, insert a
in. (1.40 to 2.54 mm) water column. The required draft gage length of coiled copper tubing into the gas line between the
reading will be maintained throughout the test by the automati- supply and metering connection to compensate for possible
cally controlled damper. Record the air velocity at seven errors in the flow indicated due to reductions in gas tempera-
points, 23 ft from the centerline of the burner ports, 6 6 1⁄4 in. ture associated with the pressure drop and expansion across the
(168 6 7 mm) below the plane of the specimen mounting regulator. With the draft and gas supply adjusted as indicated in
ledge. Determine these seven points by dividing the width of 7.3 and 7.4, the test flame shall extend downstream to a
the tunnel into seven equal sections and recording the velocity distance of 41⁄2 ft (1.37 m) over the specimen surface, with
at the geometrical center of each section. During the measure- negligible upstream coverage.
ment of velocity, remove the turbulence bricks (see 4.3) and the 7.6 Preheat the test chamber with the 1⁄4-in. (6.3-mm)
exposed 23-ft thermocouple and place 24-in. (670-mm) long inorganic reinforced cement board and the removable lid in
straightening vanes between 16 and 18 ft (4.88 and 5.49 m) place and with the fuel supply adjusted to the required flow.
from the burner. The straightening vanes shall divide the Continue the preheating until the temperature indicated by the
furnace cross section into nine uniform sections. Determine the floor thermocouple at 231⁄4 ft (7.09 m) reaches 150 6 5°F (66
velocity with furnace air temperature at 73.4 6 5°F (23 6 6 2.8°C). During the preheat test, record the temperatures
2.8°C), using a velocity transducer. The velocity, determined as indicated by the thermocouple at the vent end of the test
the arithmetic average of the seven readings, shall be 240 6 5 chamber at intervals not longer than 15 s and compare these
ft (73.2 6 1.5 m)/min. readings to the preheat temperature shown in the time-
7.3.1 The following alternative to the velocity transducer temperature curve in Fig. 3. This preheating is for the purpose
equipment and method of determining the tunnel air velocity of establishing the conditions that will exist following succes-
has been found suitable: A 4–in.diameter low-speed rotary sive tests and for indicating the control of the heat input into
vane anemometer, having a resolution of 1 ft./min. with an the test chamber. If appreciable variation from the temperatures
accuracy of 6 2 %, is attached to the steel stand and placed in shown in the representative preheat curve is observed, suitable
the tunnel 22.5 ft downstream of the burners. Three trials shall adjustments in the fuel supply may be necessary based on red
be conducted and their values averaged. The average is oak calibration tests.
rounded to the nearest unit. The centerline of the vane 7.7 Allow the furnace to cool after each test. When the floor
anemometer shall be aligned with the vertical centerline of the thermocouple at 13 ft (3.96 m) shows a temperature of 105 6

FIG. 3 Representative Time-Temperature Curve for Preheat Temperature

E 84
5°F (40.5 6 2.8°C), place the next specimen in position for practical. Place the removable top in position over the speci-
test. men.
7.8 With the test equipment adjusted and conditioned as 8.2 Keep the completely mounted specimen in position in
described in 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, and 7.6, make a test or series of tests, the chamber with the furnace draft operating for 120 6 15 s
using nominal 23⁄32-in. (18.3-mm) select-grade red oak flooring prior to the application of the test flame.
as a sample. The red oak decks are to be constructed and 8.3 Ignite the burner gas. Observe and record the distance
conditioned as specified in Annex A1 and A1.1. Make obser- and time of maximum flame front travel with the room
vations at distance intervals not in excess of 2 ft (0.6 m) and darkened. Continue the test for a 10-min period. Termination of
time intervals not in excess of 30 s, and record the time when the test prior to 10 min is permitted if the specimen is
the flame reaches the end of the specimen 191⁄2 ft (5.94 m) from completely consumed in the fire area and no further progres-
the end of the ignition fire. The end of the ignition fire shall be sive burning is evident and the photoelectric cell reading has
considered as being 41⁄2 ft (1.37 m) from the burners. The flame returned to the baseline.
shall reach the end point in 51⁄2min 6 15 s. Automatically 8.4 Record the photoelectric cell output immediately prior
record the temperatures measured by the thermocouple near the to the test and at least every 15 s during the test.
vent end at least every 15 s. Automatically record the photo- 8.5 Record the gas pressure, the pressure differential across
electric cell output immediately prior to the test and at least the orifice plate, and the volume of gas used in each test. If a
every 15 s during the test. temperature- and pressure-compensating mass flowmeter de-
7.8.1 Another means of judging when the flame has reached vice is used to monitor the gas flow, record only the volume of
the end point is when the exposed thermocouple at 23 ft gas.
registers a temperature of 980°F (527°C). 8.6 When the test is ended, shut off the gas supply, observe
7.9 Plot the flame spread distance, temperature, and change smoldering and other conditions within the test duct, and
in photoelectric cell readings separately on suitable coordinate remove the specimen for further examination.
paper. Figs. 4-6 are representative curves for red oak flame
8.7 Plot the flame spread distance, temperature, and change
spread distance, time-temperature development, and smoke
in photoelectric cell readings separately on the same type of
density, respectively. Flame spread distance shall be deter-
coordinate paper as used in 7.9 for use in determining the
mined as the observed distance minus 41⁄2 ft (1.37 m).
flame-spread and smoke-developed indexes as outlined in
7.10 Following the calibration tests for red oak, conduct a
Section 9. Flame front advancement shall be recorded at the
similar test or tests on samples of 1⁄4-in. (6.3-mm) inorganic
time of occurrence or at least every 30 s if no advancement is
reinforced cement board. These results shall be considered as
noted. Flame spread distance shall be determined as the
representing an index of 0. Plot the temperature readings
observed distance minus 41⁄2 ft (1.37 m).
separately on suitable coordinate paper. Fig. 7 is a representa-
tive curve for time-temperature development for inorganic
9. Interpretation of Results
reinforced cement board.
9.1 The flame spread index (FSI) shall be the valve,
8. Procedure determined as follows, rounded to the nearest multiple of five.
8.1 With the furnace draft operating, place the test specimen 9.1.1 In plotting the flame spread distance-time relationship,
on the test chamber ledges that have been completely covered all progressive flaming as previously recorded shall be in-
with nominal 1⁄8-in. (3.2-mm) thick by 11⁄2-in. (38-mm) wide cluded at the time of occurrence. A straight line shall be used
woven gasketing tape. Place the specimen as quickly as is to connect successive points. The total area (AT) under the

FIG. 4 Representative Time-Distance Curve for Flame Spread of Red Oak

E 84

FIG. 5 Representative Time-Temperature Curve for Fuel Contribution of Red Oak

sis is requested, shall be taken downstream from the photom-

eter, or shall consist of not more than 1 % of the total flow.
Analysis of the products of combustion is not required in this
test method.
11. Report
11.1 Report the following information:
FIG. 6 Representative Time-Absorption Curve for Smoke Density
11.1.1 Description of the material being tested, including its
of Red Oak composition or generic identification, thickness, and any rel-
evant additional details,
flame spread distance-time plot shall be determined by ignor- 11.1.2 Test results as calculated in Section 9,
ing any flame front recession. For example, in Fig. 8 the flame 11.1.3 Details of the method used in placing the specimen in
spreads 10 ft (3.05 m) in 21⁄2 min and then recedes. The area is the chamber, to include the following:
calculated as if the flame had spread to 10 ft in 21⁄2 min and A statement whether a continuous or sectioned
then remained at 10 ft for the remainder of the test or until the specimen is used,
flame front again passed 10 ft. This is shown by the dashed line A description of the number of sections and their
in Fig. 8. The area (AT) used for calculating the flame spread sizes, when the specimen consists of sections joined end-to-
index is the sum of areas A1 and A2 in Fig. 8. end,
9.1.2 If this total area (AT) is less than or equal to 97.5 The mounting method employed,
ft·min, the flame spread index shall be 0.515 times the total The method of placement of the cement board
area (FSI 5 0.515 AT). protecting the furnace lid assembly.
9.1.3 If the total area (AT) is greater than 97.5 ft·min, the 11.1.4 Observations of the burning characteristics of the
flame spread index shall be 4900, divided by the difference of specimen during test exposure, such as delamination, sagging,
195 minus the total area (AT). (FSI 5 4900/(195 − AT)). shrinkage, fallout, etc., and
9.2 The test results for smoke shall be plotted, using the 11.1.5 Graphical plots of flame spread and smoke developed
same coordinates as in 7.9. The area under the curve shall be data.
divided by the area under the curve for red oak, multiplied by
100, and rounded to the nearest multiple of five to establish a 12. Precision and Bias 15
numerical smoke-developed index. The performance of the 12.1 Precision—A series of interlaboratory tests for this test
material is compared with that of inorganic reinforced cement method was run using eleven laboratories and six materials.
board and select grade red oak flooring, which have been Four replicates of each material were tested. The complete
arbitrarily established as 0 and 100, respectively. For smoke- results have been placed on file at ASTM Headquarters as a
developed indexes 200 or more, the calculated value shall be Research Project entitled “Interlaboratory Test Study on ASTM
rounded to the nearest 50 points. E84, Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics
NOTE 1—Allowance should be made for accumulation of soot and dust of Building Materials.” Data was calculated in accordance with
on the photoelectric cell during the test by establishing a revised base line. Practice E 691 and ISO 5725.
The revised base line shall be a straight line drawn from the zero point 12.2 Even though Test Method E 84 provides measurement
(point on base line where incipient light attenuation occurs) to the point of a Flame Spread Index and a Smoke Developed Index, only
established after the sample has been removed.

10. Analysis of Products of Combustion 15

Supporting data have been filed at ASTM Headquarters and may be obtained
10.1 Samples for combustion product analysis, when analy- by requesting PCN 33000014-31.

E 84

FIG. 7 Representative Time-Temperature Curve for Fuel Contribution of Inorganic Reinforced Cement Board

FIG. 8 Example of Time-Distance Relationship with Flame Front Recession

(Total Area, AT 5 A1 + A2)

the Flame Spread Index is considered in this precision state- TABLE 1 Within-Laboratory (Repeatability) Precision Data
ment because the test series utilized a smoke measurement
Parameter—Flame Spread Index
system that was a variation from that described in the test
Material Repeatability Relative
method. Data on precision of the smoke developed index is Standard Standard
being worked on by Task Group No. 1 of Subcommittee E5.22 Mean Value Deviation, Sr Deviation,%
and will be included in a future revision of this test method. Douglas Fir Plywood 91 15 16
12.3 Within-laboratory (repeatability) data is given in Table Fire Retardant Treated 17 3 17
1. Douglas Fir Plywood
Type X Gypsum Board 9 2 19
12.4 Between-laboratory (reproducibility) data is given in Rigid Polystyrene Foam 7 1 18
Table 2. Rigid Polyurethane Foam 24 3 13
12.5 Bias—No information is presented on the bias of the Composite Panel 17 2 12

procedure in this test method because correct values for

fire-test-response characteristics of building materials can only
be defined in terms of a test method. Within this limitation, this
test method has no known bias and can be accepted as a acteristics; 25 ft tunnel; tunnel test
reference method.
13. Keywords
13.1 flame spread; flame spread index; smoke developed;
smoke developed index; Steiner tunnel; surface burning char-

E 84
TABLE 2 Between-Laboratory (Reproducibility) Precision Data
Parameter—Flame Spread Index

Material Reproducibility Relative

Standard Standard
Mean Value Deviation, SR Deviation,%
Douglas Fir Plywood 91 23 25
Fire Retardant Treated 17 6 33
Douglas Fir Plywood
Type X Gypsum Board 9 3 36
Rigid Polystyrene Foam 7 4 60
Rigid Polyurethane Foam 24 5 23
Composite Panel 17 4 21


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 Introduction
A1.1.1 General construction outline of the red oak decks is
shown in Fig. A1.1.

FIG. A1.1 Red Oak Calibration Deck Construction

E 84


A2.1 Introduction tioning atmosphere that will result in an average moisture

A2.1.1 This procedure shall be used for the determination of content of 7 6 0.5 %. Using either a conductance or dielectric-
moisture content of the select-grade red oak calibration mate- type meter (calibrated per Test Methods D 4444), monitor
rial. From trimmed sections of the calibration decks, prepare a moisture content until the desired level is reached. Subject the
minimum of six specimens 4 + 1⁄16 -0 inches (100 + 2 -0 mm) trimmed sections only to the secondary oven-drying method
long. The specimens shall be free from visible irregularities of (Method B) in Test Methods D 4442 for the final determination
knots, decay, reaction wood, and resin concentration. Place the of moisture content.
trimmed sections adjacent to the calibration decks in a condi-


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Introduction (a) Mounting methods should be considered for building

X1.1.1 Discussion: products that normally incorporate joint details either in design
X1.1.1.1 This guide has been compiled as an aid in selecting or installation. A nonhomogenous product containing underly-
a method for mounting various building materials in the fire ing core (Note X1.1) material that may adversely affect the test
test chamber. These mountings are suggested for test method results should be tested with a joint. This joint should be
uniformity and convenience; they are not meant to imply located longitudinally between the burners.
restriction in the specific details of field installation. NOTE X1.1—Core is defined as: a central and often foundational part
X1.1.1.2 For some building materials none of the methods usually distinct from the enveloping part by a difference in nature
described may be applicable. In such cases, other means of (Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary).
support may have to be devised. (b) The surface burning behavior should be determined using
X1.1.1.3 These suggested mounting methods are grouped the manufacturer’s recommended joint detail.
according to building materials to be tested which are broadly
(c)If a joint detail is not recommended by the manufacturer,
described either by usage or by form of the material.
the product should be tested both with a separation of 3⁄16 6
X1.1.2 Support Pieces: 1⁄16in. (4.2 6 1.6 mm) and with the edges in direct contact.
X1.1.2.1 Whenever inorganic reinforced cement board is
specified as a backing in this appendix, the material shall be X1.2 Acoustical and Other Similar Panel Products Less
nominal 1⁄49 (6.3 mm) thick, high density (110 6 5 lb/ft3) and Than 20 in. (508 mm)
X1.1.2.2 Whenever metal rods or bars are specified in this X1.2.1 For acoustical materials and other similar panel
appendix as supports they should be: products whose maximum dimension is less than 20 in. (508
Steel rods, 1⁄4 in. (6.3 mm) diameter
mm), metal splines or wood furring strips and metal fasteners
Steel bars, 3⁄16 by 2 in. (5 by 51 mm) shall be used.
(a) The rods or bars should span the width of the tunnel. X1.2.2 Steel tee splines for mounting kerfed-acoustical tile
Rods should be placed approximately 2 in. (51 mm) from each shall be nominal 1⁄2-in. (13-mm) web by 3⁄4-in. (19-mm) flange,
end of each panel and at approximately 2-ft (0.6-m) intervals formed No. 24 MS gage sheet metal.
starting with the fire end of each panel. X1.2.3 Wood furring frames for mounting acoustical mate-
(b) Bars are used instead of rods only when they are required rials and other similar panel products less than 20 in. (508 mm)
to support the sample. The bars should be placed approxi- shall be nominal 1 by 2-in. (20 by 41-mm) wood furring joined
mately 2 in. (51 mm) from each end of each panel and at with corrugated-metal fasteners. Use two frames as shown in
approximately 2-ft (0.6-m) intervals starting with the fire end Fig. X1.1.
of each panel.
X1.1.2.3 Whenever netting is specified as a support in this X1.3 Adhesives
appendix, the material shall be 20-gage, 2-in. (51-mm) hex- X1.3.1 To determine the surface burning characteristics of
agonal galvanized steel netting conforming to Specification adhesives, they shall be mixed as specified in the manufactur-
A 390. er’s instructions and shall be applied to inorganic reinforced
X1.1.3 Joints: cement board in the thickness or at the coverage rate recom-
X1.1.3.1 Products that are normally installed adjoining mended by the manufacturer. The adhesive application shall be
themselves longitudinally are evaluated under this paragraph. cured prior to testing.

E 84

FIG. X1.1 Wood Frame for Acoustical Materials and Other Similar Panel Products Less Than 20 in. (508 mm)

X1.4 Batt or Blanket-Type Insulating Materials steel screening16 with approximate 3⁄64-in. (1.2-mm) openings
X1.4.1 Batt or blanket materials that do not have sufficient supported on a test frame 20 in. (508 mm) wide by 2 in. (51
rigidity or strength to support themselves shall be supported by mm) deep, made from 2 by 3 by 3⁄16-in. (51 by 76 by 5-mm)
metal rods inserted through the material and positioned such steel angles. Three frames are required. See Fig. X1.2. The
that the bottom of the rod is approximately 1⁄4 in. (6.3 mm) insulation shall be packed to the density specified by the
from the surface to be exposed to the flame. It is recommended manufacturer.
that batt or blanket materials less than 1 in. (25.4 mm) thick not X1.7 Plastics
be mounted for testing in this manner.
X1.7.1 The term plastics includes foams, reinforced panels,
X1.5 Coating Materials, Cementitious Mixtures, and laminates, grids, and transparent or translucent sheets.
Sprayed Fibers X1.7.2 When any plastic will remain in position in the
X1.5.1 Coating materials, cementitious mixtures, and tunnel during a fire test, no additional support will be required.
sprayed fibers shall be mixed and applied to the substrate as Thermoplastic and other plastics that will not remain in place
specified in the manufacturer’s instructions at the thickness, are to be supported in accordance with X1.1.2.2 and X1.1.2.3.
coverage rate, or density recommended by the manufacturer. X1.8 Thin Membranes
X1.5.2 Materials intended for application to wood surfaces X1.8.1 Single-layer membranes or thin laminates consisting
shall be applied to a substrate made of nominal 23⁄32 in. of a limited number of similar or dissimilar layers not intended
(18-mm) select grade, red oak flooring which is also used as for adherence to another surface may be supported on poultry
the calibration material. Test decks placed end to end shall be netting placed on steel rods in accordance with X1.1.2.2 and
used. Construct and condition in accordance with Annex A1 X1.1.2.3. Netting shall be 20-gage, 2-in. (51-mm) hexagonal
and Annex A2. galvanized steel poultry netting conforming to Specification
X1.5.3 Materials intended for application to particular com- A 390. If so tested, the specimen shall be additionally tested,
bustible surfaces shall be applied to the specific surfaces for bonded to a substrate representative of a field installation.
which they are intended.
X1.5.4 Materials intended for only field application to X1.9 Wall Coverings
noncombustible surfaces shall be applied to 1⁄4-in. (6.3-mm) X1.9.1 Wall coverings of various types intended for appli-
inorganic reinforced cement board. cation directly to a noncombustible wall surface shall be
X1.5.5 Since the nature of the substrate may significantly mounted to 1⁄4-in. (6-mm) inorganic-cement board with the
affect the performance of the fire retardant coating, an indica- adhesive specified by the manufacturer in a manner consistent
tion of the performance of a fire retardant coating can be with field practice.
determined by comparing the surface flammability of the
coated substrate with that of the uncoated, specific substrate. 16
The use of galvanized steel screening normally lowers the flame spread index
X1.6 Loose-Fill Insulation values obtained for some materials that are tested in this manner and, therefore, the
results do not necessarily relate directly to values obtained for other materials
X1.6.1 Loose-fill insulation shall be placed on galvanized- mounted without galvanized steel screening.

FIG. X1.2 Steel Frame for Loose Fill Materials

E 84
X1.9.2 If intended to be applied over gypsum wallboard, the Temperature Bonding Mortar17 or the equivalent. In the event
wall coverings should be tested on that substrate. the specimen cannot be adhered using Sairmix #7, Kentile #9
epoxy18 has been found to be a suitable alternative. The
X1.9.3 If intended for application over a combustible sub-
application shall be determined by a 3⁄32-in. (2.4-mm) notched
strate, the wall coverings shall be tested on that substrate. trowel held at an 80 to 90° angle using a random pattern. The
X1.9.4 Wall coverings not intended to be adhered directly to adhesive shall be applied only to the specimen back. The
a wall surface, but hung or otherwise supported by framing or specimen shall then be placed on the smooth side of the
a track system, shall be mounted for test in a manner that is inorganic reinforced-cement board and rolled using a 100-lb
representative of their installation. Where this is not practical, (45.4-kg) roller (nominal 5-in. (127-mm) diameter, three 5-in.
the sample shall be supported on netting placed on metal rods long sections placed end to end for a total length of 15 in. (381
mm)). The prepared samples can be dead stacked overnight but
as provided in X1.1.2.2 and X1.1.2.3.
should be transferred to separate storage racks until tested.
Each sample shall be vacuumed prior to test.
X1.10 Mounting Method for Heavy Textile Materials X1.10.2 Textile materials intended for application to walls
or ceilings should be mounted in accordance with X1.9.
X1.10.1 When the surface burning characteristics of the
material itself are required, specimens shall be mounted on 17
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
inorganic reinforced cement board with Sairmix #7 High is A. P. Green Refractories, Green Blvd., Mexico, MO 65265. If you are aware of
alternative suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your
comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee,1 which you may attend.
The sole source of supply of the apparatus known to the committee at this time
is Kentile Floors, Inc., Brooklyn, NY 11215. If you are aware of alternative
suppliers, please provide this information to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments
will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical
committee,1 which you may attend.


X2.1 Introduction X2.2 Formula 1—Constant

X2.1.1 This appendix contains an abbreviated discussion of X2.2.1 In Fig. X2.1, an idealized straight-line flame spread
the derivations of the flame spread area formulas used to distance-time plot is drawn. Lines OA, OA8, and OA9 produce
calculate the flame spread index in this test method. This a family of areas ORA having a maximum possible area of 97.5
appendix will show not only the derivations of the formulas, ft·min (1⁄2 by 10 min by 19.5 ft). These represent a steady
but will illustrate the relationship between this method of flame progression of the flame front to a maximum distance at the
spread calculation and a previous method. end of the 10-min test.
X2.1.2 In these calculations, it is assumed that the flame X2.2.2 When the flame front spreads its maximum distance
front never recedes. Hence, in Fig. 8 there is an imaginary line (19.5 ft) in 10 min, a formula used in Test Method E 84 would
bounding the upper edge of area A2. yield the following:

FIG. X2.1 Idealized Straight-Line Flame Spread Distance-Time Curve for Total Areas Less than or Equal to 97.5 min·ft

E 84
550 550 to 195 − ORBI.
FSI 5 t 5 10 5 55 (X2.1)
Thus, a new flame spread index formula may be derived as
X2.2.3 Also, when the flame front is maximized at 19.5 ft in follows:
10 min, the area in Fig. X2.1 ORA is maximized to 97.5 ft·min. K K K
X2.2.4 To relate the current formula, which is of the straight FSI 5 OIA 5 195 2 ORBI 5 195 2 A (X2.7)
line, origin intercept form, to the previous (Test Method E 84) X2.3.3 To establish K, a relationship between the current
formula, it is necessary to equate the two as follows: and the previous Test Method E 84 formulas will be established
550 at the red oak calibration point of 19.5 ft progression at 5.5 min
FSI 5 t 5 KA (X2.2)
as follows:
where: 550 K
FSI 5 t 5 195 2 A (X2.8)
K 5 proportionality constant for equations of the T

current formula’s type, and where:

AT 5 total area under area ORA. AT 5 195 − (9.75 (5.5)) 5 141.38 ft·min, and
If AT 5 97.5 ft·min at t 5 10 min, then t 5 5.5 min.
550 Thus:
FSI 5 100 5 K 3 97.5, and (X2.3)
550 K
550 FSI 5 5.5 5 195 2 141.38 , or (X2.9)
K 5 10 3 97.5 5 0.564 (X2.4)
550 3 ~53.63!
K 5 5.5 5 5363
X2.3 Formula 2—Constant
X2.3.1 In the idealized straight-line flame spread distance- X2.4 Formulas 1 and 2
time curve of Fig. X2.2, lines OI, OI8, and OI9 produce a
family of trapezoidal areas ORBI ranging from 97.5 to 195 X2.4.1 To account for the disproportionate increase which
ft·min (1⁄2 by 10 min by 19.5 ft to 10 min by 19.5 ft). This can occur in FSI values at the lower end of the index scale, for
represents a flame front progression to the end of the specimen K 5 0.564 in Formula 1 and 5363 in Formula 2, a further
within the 10 min of the test. The area (AT) of ORBI may be mathematical modification is made.
expressed as follows: X2.4.2 In order to establish a relationship between the

constants (K) in X2.2 and X2.3, it is necessary to consider the
1 1
form of the basic formulae, which are as follows:
2 by 19.5 by OR 1 2 by 19.5 by ~102AI! (X2.5)
which is equal to: FSI 5 195 2 A ~A . K2! (X2.10)
195 2 9.75 AI (X2.6) FSI 5 K3AT ~A, K2!
since OR is always 10 min.
X2.3.2 The triangular area OIA divided into a proportional- where:
ity constant K will determine a relationship between flame K1 5 100 (195 − R),
spread indexes and the rate and distance of flame propagation. R 5 the area associated under the curve that is to be
The total area available is 195 ft·min, hence area OIA is equal associated with an index of 100,

FIG. X2.2 Idealized Straight-Line Flame Spread Distance-Time Curve for Total Areas Greater than 97.5 min·ft

E 84

K2 5 an arbitrary choice within the limits of 0 and 195, and K3 5 4900/~97.5 3 97.5! 5 0.515 (X2.12)
K3 5 K1/(K2[195 − K2]). X2.4.5 Thus, the formula for flame spread index in 8.1.2 is
X2.4.3 Choosing K2 5 195/2 produces a minimum value of as follows:
K3, that is, any other K2 value will result in a higher K3 value, FSI 5 0.515 AT (X2.13)
and choosing R, the area under a red oak calibration plot, as a
median value of 146, implies the following: X2.4.6 Thus, the formula for flame spread index in 8.1.3 is
as follows:
K1 5 100 ~195 2 146! 5 4900 (X2.11)
FSI 5 195 2 A (X2.14)
X2.4.4 Then using 97.5 as the value for K2, K3 would be: T


X3.1 Introduction and specifically “white wash” were actively promoted. The
X3.1.1 This commentary has been prepared to provide the equipment consisted of a long bench with a noncombustible
user of Test Method E 84 with background information, top. The sample consisted of a wood trough about 16 ft long,
including literature references, on the development and use of 18 in. wide, and 18 in. deep (5.568 m long, 0.522 m wide, and
this test method. It also provides the reader and user with the 0.522 m deep), placed upside down on the bench. The inside of
basis for the methods that have been used for deriving the trough was coated with the paint. A known quantity of
numerical flame spread indexes; an appreciation of the vari- wood at one end furnished the ignition source.
ability of the test; and comments on its application and X3.2.2 In 1927 and 1928, chemically impregnated wood
limitations for testing selected types of materials. was being developed, and Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.,
X3.1.2 On Nov. 28, 1942, 490 people died in a fire in the used a tunnel 36 in. wide, 23 ft long, and 13 in. deep (1.044 m
Boston Coconut Grove Nightclub. On June 5, 1946, 61 persons wide, 8 m long, and 0.377 m deep) to evaluate its performance.
died in the La Salle Street Hotel fire. On Dec. 7, 1946, a fire in It was during this time that red oak flooring was selected as a
the Winecoff Hotel in Atlanta, Ga., claimed the lives of 119 control to calibrate the furnace. The sample formed the top of
persons. These fires had one thing in common. In all three fires, the tunnel. The fuel and draft were also controlled.
rapid flame spread along the surfaces of interior finish was X3.2.3 In the early 1940’s, a desire to reduce flammability
judged to be a major factor in the spread of fire. Two had burlap of wood-based products, and the introduction of new building
wall coverings, and the other an early type of plywood which materials and combinations of materials brought about the need
seriously delaminated. The fire protection authorities investi- to further improve the tunnel. The development of the third
gated several test methods with the objective of providing one tunnel furnace is explained fully in Underwriters Laboratories
that could be used to regulate interior finish materials and Bulletin of Research No. 32 (2). Subsequent refinements were
minimize repetition of such fires. These tests included: The incorporated, and the first formal test method was published as
Forest Products Laboratory Fire Tube Test (now Test Method Standard U.L. 723 by Underwriters Laboratories in August
E 69); Federal Specification SS A118b (acoustical tile/bunsen 1950. Revised editions were published in 1958, 1960, 1971,
burner test) (replaced by SS-A-118a-7/63-referencing Test 1977, and 1979. The National Fire Protection Association
Method E 84); New York City Timber Test and Shavings Test adopted the method as NFPA No. 255 in 1955 with revisions in
(now obsolete); Crib Test-Specification C 160 – 41 T (now 1958, 1961, 1966, 1970, 1972, and 1979. The test was adopted
Test Method E 160); and The Swedish Schlyter Test. (1)19 All by the American Society for Testing and Materials as a
of these were relatively small laboratory tests. Test Method tentative standard in 1950 and formally adopted in 1961 with
E 84 was developed on the premise that a large test would revisions made in 1967, 1968, 1970, and from 1975 through
provide a more realistic and comprehensive test, and it has 1980.
since been widely adopted for use by the building code X3.2.4 The tunnel has been designated the “Steiner Tunnel”
authorities to regulate the use of interior finish materials. by Underwriters Laboratories in honor of Albert J. Steiner (3)
Subsequently during this same period, two other test methods who had spent much time developing this and many other fire
were developed for use in research and development of new test methods.
materials, the NBS Radiant Panel (Test Method E 162) and the X3.2.5 Since 1950 the flame spread properties of materials,
FPL 8-ft tunnel (Test Method E 286). These test methods have as measured by this method have been reported as ratings,
been widely used for research and development purposes. classifications, or indices. The last is considered more indica-
tive of the nature of the results and is the present terminology
X3.2 History of Test Method E 84 used in the standard. The original method of determining
X3.2.1 The first “tunnel-type” furnace was built at Under- “flame spread index” was based on either the ratio of the time
writers Laboratories around 1922 when “fire-proofing” paints at which flames traveled the full tunnel length or the partial
flame travel distance relative to that of red oak. In 1968, a
change was made in the FSI calculation to account for an
The boldface numbers in parentheses refer to the list of references at the end anomaly between results for flame spread greater than or less
of this test method. than 131⁄2ft. In 1976, the flame spread index was changed to an

E 84
area basis (4). Here the total area under the distance-time developed after repeated experiment tests, although not opti-
curve, ignoring any flame-front recession, was compared to a mum fire conditions, were selected to produce a flame spread
prescribed area typical of red oak flooring. The current over the entire length of the calibration material in about
calculation method (see Appendix X2) uses a formula that 51⁄2min (1). It was found that conditions could be changed so
takes the rate of flame travel into account. that flames would spread faster, but these conditions caused the
X3.2.6 The sensitivity study by Endicott and Bowhay (5) in flame to spread too fast to make the necessary observations of
1970 has led to a concerted effort by the “ASTM tunnel the flame spread, smoke density, and temperature rise of the
operators group” to address concerns identified by the report. thermocouple.
Since 1975 a series of changes have been specified in the
standard. These include defining duration of furnace preheat- X3.4 Furnace Calibration
ing, the incorporation of a floor thermocouple, as well as more X3.4.1 Select red oak was chosen as a control material
closely specifying details of furnace construction and standard- because this term denoted a fairly uniform grade of lumber
ization. nationally, whereas many other designations have a purely
X3.2.7 Particular attention is being paid to the refinement of local significance. It is readily available, usually uniform in
the apparatus and procedure involved in the measurement of thickness and moisture content, and generally gives repetitive
the smoke generated during testing. Round-robin tests that results. In recent years, experiments have been run using
have been conducted to date have indicated large differences in man-made materials such as particleboard in the hope of
smoke developed values for interlaboratory tests on replicate further refining the repeatability, however, red oak is still used
specimens. as a calibrating material.
X3.2.8 Some of these revisions include standardization of X3.4.2 The operating conditions of the tunnel are adjusted if
the smoke-density measuring equipment, its location in the necessary to ensure that the flame spreads to the end of the
exhaust duct, and its orientation. The measurement of smoke tunnel in 5.5 6 0.25 min, for a specimen of red oak flooring.
density is reported in terms of the area under the light Tests are run with an inorganic reinforced cement board (ACB)
absorption time curve related to a similar curve for red oak. specimen to establish the distance of the exposing flame at 4.5
Since the quality of vision obscuring particles in the smoke ft. It should be noted that the calibration specifies only the time
column is not linearly related to light absorption, this proce- at which the flame passes over the end of the specimen. The
dure has been criticized by some parties. The method does FSI depends on the area under the flame spread versus the time
however provide a basis for comparisons. curve. Therefore, the FSI of red oak is no longer exactly 100 as
X3.2.9 In 1970, a revision to the scope was adopted to originally specified.
emphasize that there was no direct relationship between the X3.4.3 Recognition of the importance of turbulence, includ-
flame spread index (FSI) and the fuel contributed or smoke ing the role of fire bricks and of window recesses, resulted in
density index (SDI). This revision was deemed necessary a revision in the method in 1976 (see 3.1 and section 3.3 ).
because some enforcement officials were assigning equal
significance to the values. X3.5 Repeatability and Reproducibility
X3.2.10 Prior to 1978, the report of tests included an X3.5.1 Four round-robin tests have been conducted: the first
evaluation of the fuel contribution as well as the FSI and SDI. in 1958 between Underwriters Laboratories and Southwest
However. it is now recognized that the rise in temperature of Research Institute; the second in 1959 sponsored by the former
the thermocouple located near the end of the tunnel, on which Acoustic Tile Assn. among four laboratories using four differ-
it is based, does not provide a valid measure of fuel distribu- ent tiles (6); the third in 1973 on floor coverings by the
tion. Therefore, although the data are recorded during the test, National Bureau of Standards with eleven cooperating labora-
this information is no longer normally reported. tories (7); the fourth in 1978 on loose-fill cellulosic insulation
X3.2.11 Appendix X1 adopted in 1968 is intended as a by the Consumer Product Safety Commission with six labora-
guide for the mounting of specimens. It is not a mandatory part tories (8); others are now in process under the auspices of
of the method, since the intent of the method is that the ASTM Committee E-5. A precision and bias statement is being
specimen be tested as closely as possible to the manner in prepared. In the interim, the reader is directed to the round-
which it will be applied in general use. In 1978, revisions were robin reports if information on precision and bias is needed.
made that dealt with the testing of adhesives, the description of X3.5.2 An ASTM task group of Subcommittee E05.22
a wood substrate for testing coatings, and the definition of the composed of tunnel operators is now working on comprehen-
properties of the inorganic reinforced cement board used as a sive design and on operational and procedural revisions to
standard backing and the metal rods used as supports. improve uniformity among facilities (9).
X3.3 Fire Exposure Conditions X3.6 Advantages and Problems
X3.3.1 The tunnel test fire exposure is provided by a 41⁄2-ft X3.6.1 Test Method E 84 results have generally showed
(1.35-m) long test flame, covering approximately 7 ft2 (0.63 performance similar to that observed during accidental build-
m2) of the 36 ft2 (3.25 m2) of the exposed specimen surface ing fires for some materials and exposure. It should be
during the 10-min test period. It releases heat at a rate of emphasized however that it is the intent of this test method to
approximately 5000 Btu/min (88 kW) and creates gas tempera- provide only comparative classifications.
tures near the specimen surface of up to 1600°F (900°C). X3.6.1.1 It provides a large flaming fire exposure, with
X3.3.2 The size and heat release rate of the exposing flame, specimen thermal exposure and area coverage sufficient to

E 84
bring about progressive surface burning and combustible recommended that the results of these tests be used alone to
volatile generation characteristic of the materials under evalu- describe material combustibility.
ation resulting in a moving, wind-aided flame front. X3.7.4 Composite assemblies or panels using metal or
X3.6.1.2 It involves a large specimen, nominally 36 ft2 (3.25 mineral facings and combustible interior cores, and which
m ) of exposed area, allowing for realistic fire involvement of remain essentially impermeable to flame throughout the test
material surfaces and the development of physical and struc- period, may not be completely evaluated for surface burning
tural failures (collapse, buckling, large ruptures or cracks, etc.) behavior by this method, since the interior cores are not fully
that may influence flammability performance during the test challenged.
X3.6.1.3 It may be applied to a wide range of materials, X3.7.5 Some materials require support to remain in place
including composite constructions of faced or laminated during the test period, such as loose-fill insulation supported by
boards, panels, units, or sections in actual field-installed a metal screen. The supporting screen tends to provide low
thicknesses. flame spread indices (FSI) relative to those obtained for
X3.6.1.4 It may be used to measure the effects of density, materials that are not so supported. Conversely, materials that
thickness, surface contour, surface finish, delamination, are supported on rods, such as batt insulation may produce
strength, and joint design on the surface flammability of the higher FSI if retained on the ceiling rather than allowed to burn
specimen. on the floor.
X3.6.1.5 It does characterize most high-flame spread mate- X3.7.6 Some materials, such as composites may delaminate
rials identified as having been involved in rapidly developing during the test. This may cause two possible responses, the
field fires (for example, highly combustile coatings on wood material may expose two or more surfaces to the flame
products, certain cellulosic acoustical materials, insulation increasing the FSI; the material may sag or drop one end into
facings applied with combustible adhesives, etc.), as well as the fire chamber impeding further flame spread.
providing an accurate characterization of the performance of X3.7.7 Some materials, such as cellular plastics, and ther-
some low flame-spread materials in actual fires (for example,
moplastic and thermosetting materials, may be difficult to
gypsum and mineral products).
evaluate. Thermoplastic and thermosetting materials not me-
X3.6.1.6 Although this is a test to measure “surface burning
chanically fastened will often fall to the floor of the tunnel and
characteristics,” the visual observation of flame travel is based
also usually receive relatively low FSI (10). If supported on
on maximum flame extension anywhere within the tunnel
volume, not necessarily directly on the specimen surface that wire screen, rods or other supports, these materials may be
may not be clearly visible. Surface flammability measurements completely engulfed in flame, and a questionable comparison
of building materials do not yield a unique material property. is being made between the surface flame-spread of nominal
Rather, the measurement is influenced by the method of test to 1-in. (0.039-mm) thick red oak with the burning rate of these
a very considerable degree. materials. Where the entire specimen is consumed, as com-
pared to the surface burning of red oak, much more oxygen is
X3.7 Uses and Limitations used and higher smoke developed indexes are usually obtained
X3.7.1 The orientation of the specimen in this method is in for these materials.
a horizontal ceiling position. This orientation places some X3.7.8 The materials described above, that is, those that
limitations on the type of material that can be realistically drip, melt, delaminate, draw away from the fire, or require
mounted during testing. Prior to 1960, the tunnel was used artificial support present unique problems and require careful
primarily for the investigation of the surface burning charac- interpretation of the test results. Some of these materials that
teristics of homogeneous compositions of ceiling and wall are assigned a low FSI based on this method may exhibit an
finishes, such as acoustical tiles, wall coverings, coatings, and increasing propensity for generating flame-over conditions
various types of decorative panel, all being able to support during room fire test with increasing area of exposure of the
themselves in the ceiling position throughout the test. material and increasing intensity of the fire exposure. The
X3.7.2 Through adaptation (Appendix X1 on Guide to
result, therefore, may not be indicative of their performance if
Mounting Methods added in 1968), the procedure was ex-
evaluated under large-scale test procedures. Alternative means
panded to include the evaluation of composites and assemblies.
of testing may be necessary to fully evaluate some of these
The guide contains mounting suggestions for a number of
individual categories of product classifications, including:
acoustical and similar panel products; composite building X3.7.9 In order to provide needed technical data, flamma-
units; adhesives, batt- and blanket-insulating materials; fire- bility evaluations of cellular plastics for building construction
retardant and general-purpose coatings; loose-fill thermal in- using the Steiner tunnel began with the testing and classifica-
sulations; treated and untreated plywoods; lumber and wood tion of a flame-retardant formulation of polystyrene foam
composition boards; foamed, molded, reinforced, and lami- board in 1960, with subsequent evaluation of polyurethane-
nated plastics; and sheet-type wall coverings. type boards incorporating flame-retardant resin systems (first
X3.7.3 The difficulty of defining materials that contribute generation) beginning in 1964, polymerically and chemically
little or no fuel to a fire has in the past led to the use of Test modified flame retardant polyurethane type formulations (sec-
Method E 84 to provide information about the combustibility ond generation) in 1965, polyisocyanurate-type foams initiated
of materials. ASTM Committee E-5 does not and has not ever in 1968 and, most recently, urea-formaldehyde type, cavity-fill

E 84
foams. Spray-applied and poured-in-place cellular foam sys- conditioning and tunnel air supply (both 73.4 6 5°F, 50 6 5 %
tems were first subjected to the test in 1968 and 1972, relative humidity) were selected to minimize these effects.
X3.7.10 From 1960 through 1973, in excess of 2000 tunnel X3.8 Correlation with Other Fire Conditions
tests have been conducted on flame retardant and general-
purpose polystyrene, polyurethane, polyisocyanurate and urea- X3.8.1 Several studies have been made to examine the
formaldehyde cellular plastics, in board-stock, spray-applied or relationship of the FSI test results on materials with their
pour-in-place forms, yielding flame spread values ranging from performance in large scale fire growth experiments and with
less than 5 to over 2000. See Ref (11) for full report on one test their performance in other laboratory test methods. Some
series. comparisons with large scale experiments are given in the
X3.7.11 The flame spread index of some materials may vary references. Comparisons have also been made between Test
depending upon environmental conditions. The prescribed Methods E 84, E 162, E 286, the “2-ft tunnel test,” the “corner
limits on the temperature and relative humidity for specimen test” (12) and other tests.


(1) Steiner, A. J., “Burning Characteristics of Building Materials,” Fire (8) Williamson, R. B. and Baron, F. M., “A Corner Test to Simulate
Engineering, May 2, 1951. Residential Fires,” Journal of Fire and Flammability, Vol 4, April
(2) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., “Fire Hazard Classification of Build- 1973, pp. 99–105.
ing Materials,” Bulletin of Research, No. 32, Chicago, IL, September (9) Waterman, T. E., “Relation of the Building Occupancy and Design to
1947. Use of Combustible Materials on Construction,” IITRI Report, Society
(3) Steiner, A. J., Building Offıcials Conference of America Yearbook,
of Plastics Industry, Inc., IIT Research Institute, Chicago, IL, October
1949–1950, pp. 115–116.
(4) Fang, J. B., “Fire Buildup in a Room and the Role of Interior Finish
Materials,” NBS Technical Note 879 , June 1975. (10) D’Souza, M. V. and McGuire, G. H., “ASTM E84 and the Flamma-
(5) Endicott, L. E. and Bowhay, R. B., “A Statistical Evaluation of the Fire bility of Thermosetting Plastics,” Fire Technology, Vol 13, No. 2,
Hazard Classification Furnace (ASTM E84 – 68),” ASTM Materials May 1977, pp. 83–94.
Research and Standards, May 1970, pp. 19–21, 50–52. (11) Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., Flammability Studies of Cellular
(6) “Round Robin Tests on Tunnel Type Flame Spread Furnaces” for Plastics and Other Building Materials Used for Interior Finish,
ASTM Project No. 1–811–2, Final Report, Southwest Research Subject 723, U.L., Inc., Northbrook, IL, June 13, 1975.
Institute, San Antonio, TX, April 16, 1959.
(12) McGuire, J. H., “The Spread of Fire in Corridors,” Fire Technology,
(7) Lee, T. G. and Huggett, C., “Interlaboratory Evaluation of theASTM
Vol 4, No. 2, May 1968, pp. 103–108.
E84 – 70 Tunnel Test Applied to Floor Coverings,” Journal of Testing
and Evaluation, Vol 3, No. 1, ASTM, 1975.

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