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TESDA COC1 SCRIPT- Facilitate Learning Session

Introduction: Check Materials, resources, tools, equipment, facilities all are in good conditions,
.. … Everything are all set … Okay, I can now start the training.


Good morning trainees! WELCOME to BAEFTC. This is the 1st TESDA-accredited Training
Center in Bauan, Batangas. By the way, my name is ____ and I will be your Trainer for OAP
NCII. So before we start, please rise for the Prayer… Amen. Please take your seats.
Now let me check your attendance. Please say HERE when I call your name and please sign the
Attendance sheet.
Mr…Ms… please sign TY… OK.. TY

So this training Recognizes Prior Learning [RPL] … so that you don’t have to undergo the same
training again. So I have here the data gathering tool for trainees characteristics so these will
help me determine your background, experiences, your knowledge so that your training will be
customized and individualized based on your ability level, learning style preferences,
motivation and interests .
OK, so please get one – I will give you 20 minutes to answer… OK, TIMES UP! Please
Pass…Thank you

I also have here the Self-Assessment Checklist so these will help me determine your current
competencies which are relevant with this qualification. OK… I will give you 20 minutes again
to answer.. Pls read the instructions carefully.
OK Times Up! Pls pass… Thank you.

Hmmm,. According to the DATA that I have here, it seems that Mr. Cool has a relevant
experience with Iron/Metal works especially on Welding… that’s good… Don’t worry Mr. Pooh
that’s why you have this training…So that you can have
experience… Ok??

So, now… Let’s start our Proper Orientation for Competency based Training for SMAW.. Here , I
prepared a Power Point Slide… there you go..!
Ookkkeeii, so I divided our topics into 7 parts this morning…


Role of the CBT Trainer
- I will serve as a team member to determine what is to be learned.
- I shall stimulate your motivation
- I shall manage learning, diagnose and solve learning problems
- I shall evaluate your achievements and assist you to obtain individual rewards and in
designing a personalized study plan.
- I shall install confidence in you and help those trainees who really need my help.

What about you? What are your roles as a trainee?

- You can select what you what to learn and when you learn it, and should be responsible for
- You can learn at your own rate.
- You may request credit for what you already know
- You may choose how you want to learn it, and decide when you’re ready to perform the task.
- You should evaluate your own progress
- You can move freely around the workshop area
CBLM is simply a well-designed and carefully developed learning material that gives trainees
detailed instruction to guide them through the learning process. Here we have the first part of
the CBLM which is the preliminary pages. It is where you can find the -Front Page, -trainees
guide on how to use the CBLM, -List of competencies, and so on.

Let’s go to the heart of CBLM. The second part consists of the instruction sheets such as the
- contains information and learning activities that are needed for the acquisition of knowledge
contents. Then the – where trainees can their comprehension on the information sheet, and the
- where they can compare their answers immediately. We also have the Operation Sheet and
Job Sheets- set of instructions that help trainees acquire the skills required by the learning
outcome and helps evaluates your demonstration/ performance.
1. Written Test
2. Listening test
3. Pre-Test
4. Post Test
5. Performance Test
6. Oral Questioning

Any Questions? Clarifications?

Since there are no questions/clarifications - You may have your 15mins break.

- Since we’re done with Orientation, I now WELCOME you to the TRAINING PROGRAM
Now… are you ready for your Pre-Test?
- So, This is a 45 item Test, DON’T WORRY this will help me determine your current
competencies and so that your training will be personalized according to your needs ok?.
- I will give you 45 minutes to answer, pls read the instructions carefully…. You may START
now. Time’s up! Please pass your papers.
- Thank you.. I will give you the RESULTS tomorrow

So, PLEASE get your notebooks and pens, I will take you to the different parts of our Workshop
or our Tour.


1. Let’s have first! This area - This is our Contextual Learning Laboratory. – So this Laboratory
or this area is to ensure your underpinning knowledge in this qualification is provided to you
especially through Discussion or something like that… so we will need this area. NEXT
2. Trainers Resource Area – this area houses the learning materials, the training regulations
and curriculum exemplars. This is also where instructors produce training materials.
3. This area houses the learning materials, the training regulations and curriculum exemplars.
This is also where instructors produce training materials.
4. Institutional Assessment Area - this is where the assessments are done. Also, this is where
the Recognition of prior
Learning is Done.
5. Practical Work Area – this is the area where the trainees acquire the skills they need or a
particular qualifications.
6. Learning Resource Area – you can see the different CBLMs, have Non-print and Printed
Media that you can use as your reference… OK? so this is like a Library.
7. Distance Learning Area -
8. Quality Control Area – so in this area, varies stands aside from grammar, vocabulary etc…
9. Computer Laboratory – you can see different or many arrays of computer which are usually
used for Word Processing, Excel, Internet…
10. Support Service Area = this is the area which supervises value adding a competencies and
addressing underpinning skill in the competency.
▪ Do you have any questions in our 10 Areas of CBT Workshop? if none then let’s go back to
the Contextual Learning Laboratory.
So for your - ASSIGNMENT – to those who will check YES in the Self-Assessment Guide, Please
provide me your Evidence tomorrow OK? So, that’s all for today and please rise for the Prayer..
OK Good bye and See you tomorrow.
GOOD MORNING TRAINEES… (Repeat Yesterday) (prayer/ attendance/ etc

Day 1 Learning Session

Good morning trainees! Today is the general trainees’ orientation. Welcome to Liblib High
School . I am Pedro Inot., your Trainer in ________________ NC II. Thank you so much for
choosing ________ as your training center.
Before anything else, let’s pray first. Please stand. (In the name of the Father…Amen.) Dear
Lord, bless our day ahead. Amen. (In the name of the Father…Amen.) Please take your sit.
Let me check your attendance first. Please raise your hand and sign the attendance sheet once
your name is called.
“Ms. Alba
“Ms. Monsanto” Thank you.
This training ______. It is done before the training through a validation process, so that the
trainer can provide activities that match the learning level of each trainee.
I have here the _____ for Trainees Characteristics. This is to know a little about your
characteristics so that the training will be customized and individualized based on your ability
level, learning style preferences, motivation and interests.
Please pass. I’ll give you 5 minutes to answer.. Please pass.. Thank you so much I also have
here your _________. This is to know if some of you have any prior learning for this
I’d like you to read each statement carefully and check the appropriate boxes. Please pass. You
may start now.
Please pass your papers. Thank you so much.
From the forms that I have here I can see that Ms. Alba has related OAP NC II experience.
With that, kindly bring your certificates tomorrow to check the validity, currency and
authenticity. Now let’s proceed to our orientation proper. Welcome to our Competency-based
Training Orientation. And to fully understand this program, I have divided it into parts.
- The Qualification Overview;
- The definition of CBT and its 10 principles
- Comparison between Traditional Teaching and CBT
- Roles of CBT Trainer and Trainee
- The Competency Based Learning Materials Qualification Overview Qualification Title:
Computer Systems
Servicing NC II
Sector: Electronics
Module Description; The OAP NC II Qualification consists of competencies that must possess to
enable to install and configure computers systems, set-up computer networks and servers and
to maintain and repair computer systems and networks.
The Units of Competency comprising this Qualification include the following:
AGR612301 Raise organic chicken
AGR611306 Produce organic vegetables
AGR611301 Produce organic fertilizer
AGR611302 Produce organic concoctions and extracts
AGR612302 Raise organic hogs
AGR612303 Raise organic small ruminants

A person who has achieved this Qualification is competent to be:

Organic Agriculture Farmer
Organic Chicken Raiser
Organic Hogs Raiser
Organic Small Ruminants Raiser
Organic Vegetables Farmer
Organic Concoctions and Extracts Producer
Organic Fertilizer Producer

What is Competency Based Training?

CBT- is a training delivery approach that focuses on the competency development of the
learner as a result of training.
- It emphasizes on what the learner can actually do.
- It focuses on the outcome rather than the learning process;
- It is concerned with the attainment and application of knowledge, skills and attitudes to a
specific level of competency.

These are the 10 Principles of CBT.

1. 1. The training is based on curriculum developed from the competency standard
2. 2. Learning is modular in structure. (A trainee should be competent first in the module/
competency he/she is into before proceeding to the next module/competency).
3. 3. Training delivery is individualized and self-paced. (Activities that will allow the trainee to
advance on his own should be provided without waiting for the other trainees in his class to
4. 4. Training is based on work that must be performed.
5. 5. Training materials are directly related to the competency standards and the curriculum.
6. 6. Assessment is based in the collection of evidence of work performance based on industry
and organizational standard.
7. 7. Training is based on and off the job components.
8. 8. The system allows Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) (CBT focuses on the competencies
that are not yet acquired by the trainees. Competencies acquired as a result of previous
training, employment and life experiences should be recognized so that the trainees will not
waste time doing the activities of the competencies that they already have)
9. 9. Training allows multiple entry and exit
10. 10. Training programs are registered in UTPRAS

Traditional Teaching VS CBT

- Instructors in Traditional Teaching control the learning pace, and thus, focus on managing
instructions, however in CBT, trainees control their own pace and instructors focus on
managing learning.
- In _____________, students enter at about the same time and all cover the same learning
material, while in _____________ , Trainees enter at various times throughout the year and they
can be trained for different unit of competency within the same program.
- Students proceed from one topic to another at the same time, whereas in _________, a trainee
can advance to the next topic only after mastering the current topic he/she is into.
- Retesting is discouraged in _____________, so once you failed in a particular exam, you are not
allowed to take the same exam again, whereas in ________, retesting is encouraged to reach

Role of the CBT Trainer

1. - I will serve as a team member to determine what is to be learned.
2. - I shall stimulate your motivation
3. - I shall manage learning, diagnose and solve leaning problems
4. - I shall evaluate your achievements and assist you to obtain individual rewards and in
designing a personalized study plan.
5. - I shall install confidence in you and help those trainees who really need my help. What
about you? What are your roles as a trainee?
1. - You can select what you what to learn and when you learn it, and should be responsible
for it.
2. - You can learn at your own rate.
3. - You may request credit for what you already know
4. - You may choose how you want to learn it, and decide when you’re ready to perform the
5. - You should evaluate your own progress
6. - You can move freely around the workshop area
7. - You must know that you’ll be rated mainly on your performances and you must learn
according to your interest, needs and abilities. _________ Is simply a well-designed and carefully
developed learning material that give trainees detailed instruction to guide them through the
learning process.

Here we have the first part of the CBLM which is the preliminary pages. It is where you can
find the trainees guide on how to use the CBLM.
The second part consists of the instruction sheets such as the __________- contains information
and learning activities that are needed for the acquisition of knowledge contents.
Then the _____________ – where trainees can their comprehension on the information sheet,
and the ____________- where they can compare their answers immediately. We also have the
___________, Operation Sheet and Job Sheets- set of instructions that help trainees acquire the
skills required by the learning outcome and ___________ helps evaluates your demonstration/

Now here are the methodologies that we’re going to use in this training. Lecture/ Discussion,
Demonstration/ presentation and Structured Learning Exercise. We will use one or
combination of these methods to deliver learning activities which are consistent with the

We also have some monitoring tools that will provide us information on which modules, tasks
or activities you have achieved already.
Progress Chart- every time you achieve a learning outcome or competency, I will update it in
the progress chart.
We also have our Achievement Chart - when you have finished daily accomplishments, I will
update it in the Achievement Chart.
For me to gather evidences of sufficient quantity for sound judgment, I have designed these
___________: Written Test, Direct Observation, Pre-Test, Post-Test Performance Test and Oral
Do you have any questions? If you don’t have any questions, let’s now take a break. Please be
back after 30 minutes.

Hello again. Now that the orientation is finished, I will now conduct a Pre-test. This is to check
on your underlying knowledge on the competencies that you need to learn. This is a 40-item
test. I will give you 40 minutes to answer.
Please read the questions carefully and write your answers on the answer sheet provided. You
may begin. Please pass.
I will give the results tomorrow. This time, you may now bring your pens and notebooks, we
will have a tour to the different training facilities that we will be using throughout the training.
Please stand and follow me. ____________–Here, it is ensured that the underpinning knowledge,
science, mathematics and communication principles as applied to the technology are provided
to you. ____________–This is where the recognition of prior learning is done. ____________– where
trainees acquire the skills and knowledge of the competencies prescribed by the standards.
____________– is where we can find and borrow some print and non-print materials as your
____________ – overall English proficiency quality control is generated here _____________– this
area houses the learning materials, the training regulations and curriculum exemplars. This is
also where instructors produce training materials.
Distance learning Area– Accessibility is very important in TVET. This area enables the learning
provision outside and away from the training institution in terms of print and non-print media.
Computer Laboratory–Here, we can use computer units to gain IT competencies that may
include Word, Excel, and Desktop publishing.
______________ – this area provides value adding competencies, addressing underpinning skills
in the competency.
(Go back to the classroom/ contextual learning area)
I hope you had a good grasp of the different activities to be undertaken in each area. Do you
have any questions?
Assignment: To those who have prior learning in OAP, please bring your evidences tomorrow. It
can be any certificate related to this qualification, OK?
So that ends our session today. Let’s stand for the prayer. (In the name of the Father…Amen.)
Dear Lord, bless our day ahead. Amen. (In the name of the Father…Amen.). Goodbye, and see
you all tomorrow.

DAY 2 Learning Session

Good morning trainees! Nice to see you all today. Let’s stand first for our prayer, (In the name
of the
Father…Amen.) Dear Lord, bless our day ahead. Amen. (In the name of the Father…Amen.).
Please take your seat. Please say present when your name is called. Ms. Alba- Present Ms.
Monsanto- Present
Yesterday, we conducted a pre-test, and here’s the result! Ms Alba got 22/40 Ms. Monsanto got
16/40. Don’t worry trainees; it will not affect your performance. OK, now this time I’ll show you
our Training activity matrix for this session, so that you will be aware on the flow of our
training. You can check it out.

(Trainees go and check the matrix)

Ms. Alba, you’ve checked having a prior learning yesterday, right?
Ms. Alba: yes, Ma’am Do you have the evidences with you now?
Ms. Alba: Yes, ma’am (handed the certificates)
Thank you. (Check the certificates)
To Prior: Ms. Alba, your certifications are ___________, however, I still have to validate it
through actual demonstration and Oral Questioning.
To Zero: Ms. Monsanto, you are assigned in the _______________. Please start with the first
module. Here’s your CBLM. Please read module 1 about configuring and installing computer
system, Answer Self-Check and compare your answers to the Answer Key, If you have
questions, feel free to ask me. Ok?
To Prior: Ms. Alba, let’s go to the Institutional Assessment Area for your ______________
Ms. Alba, Are you ready for your Institutional Assessment?
Yes maam..
Trainer: Our assessment consists of the following demonstration, and oral questioning
Now, are you ready for your demonstration?
YES mam..
Trainer: Okay, here is your instructions please read. (Note: he/she must read the
instructions..e.g. Given all the materials, you are required to perform the following
competencies for 1 hour
Raise organic chicken
Produce organic vegetables
Produce organic fertilizer
Produce organic concoctions and extracts

Before you start do you have any questions?

During your demonstration, please observe safety. OK?
You may Begin!
Note: The trainer will observe and refer to _____________ for checking
Trainer: okay, time is up. Let me check. Let us proceed directly to your oral examination
1. You want to set up a dual-boot scenario between Windows 7 and windows server 2008.
How would you do this?
Answer: step1: Partition of hard drives; step 2: Install windows 7 first; step 3: Then install
windows server 2008 in the second partition Trainer: Okay were done with the assessment, let
us proceed directly to your ____________ …Are you ready? Pls proceed to the contextual learning
area. (Note: It should be one-on-one coaching)
Ms. Alba, pls sit down, How are you feeling? Relieved? First of all, I’d like to offer my
congratulations for a job well done in the Institutional assessment. Your demonstration was
good. Although, there are some minor areas that you need to improve like the correct
configuration of computer, next time please follow the correct procedures to ensure safety but
STILL you remained calm and were able to do the procedures provided and you were able to
answer the oral exam correctly. And so, based on the evidences that I have gathered, I find you
Competent in these 3 modules namely:
Set-up Computer Networks, Set-up Computer Servers, Maintain and Repair Computer Systems
and Networks
-Please come with me let us update and record these in your Achievement and progress Charts.
Ms. Alba, here are your Certificate of Achievements as a proof of the recognition of your prior
learning. You may now proceed to the next module. Let’ PROCEED TO learning Resource area.
Here is your CBLM, Please read your next module about installing and configuring computer
system, Answer self-check and compare your Answers to the answer key. If you have
questions, please ask me. Ok?

How are you doing, Ms. Monsanto? Do you have any questions about the CBLM? Have you
answered the self-check? Let me see. Wow you got 13 out of 15...congratulations. Now, are you
ready for your task? Please move to practical work area…here is your instructions. Please read!
Trainee: Given all the materials you are required to install and configure computer system for 1
Are you ready? Before you start let me remind you to apply safety while doing your
demonstrations. Ok. You may Begin!
Note: In the midst of his demonstration the trainee cannot perform the correct procedures.
Trainee: I’m sorry ma’am, I forgot the procedures, please help me!
Trainer: Ok Let me show you the correct procedures…Note: The trainer will demonstrate in
front of the trainee… It should be realia! Ok I’ll give you enough time to practice. I will just
facilitate first Ms Alba for her second module!
To Prior: Ms. Alba, do you have any questions about the CBLM? Have you answered the self-
check? Let me see..wow you got 14 out of 15..congratulations..Now, Are you ready for your
task? Please move to practical work area…here is your instructions. Please read!
Trainee: Given all the materials you are required to install and configure computer system for 1
hour. Are you ready? Before you start let me remind you to apply safety while doing your
demonstrations. Ok..
You may Begin! Time is up! Let me check…wow… I believe you are now ready for your
institutional assessment.
Yes Ma’am. Let’s go to the Institutional Assessment Area.
This is a 40-item test. Please read each question carefully. I will give you 40 minutes to answer.
You may start now.
Are you done?

Are you ready for the demonstration? Let’s proceed to the Institutional Assessment Area. Here
are your instructions. Please read.
Trainee: Given all the materials you are required to install and configure computer
system for 1 hour. Are you ready? You may start now. Ok Time is up..Let me check..ok good
Thank you, Ms.alba. I have a follow-up question. ???????????
1. What do you call a computer software which you configure before installing the OS?
Answer: BIOS
Ok Thank you..Let us proceed directly to your feedback..Are you Ready? First of all, I’d like to
offer my congratulations for a job well done in the assessment. Ms. Alba, you got 38 out 40 in
your written test, which is very good your demonstrations was good also. Although, there are
some minor areas that you need to improve especially in configuring, you have to organize first
all the things that you need before installing..it is important to have a very smooth service and
to avoid confusion of what to use to but STILL you remained calm and was able to do the
procedures provided and you were able to answer the oral exam correctly.
For that, I find you competent in this module. Please come with me, let us update and record
this in your Achievement Chart and progress chart. If you have notice MS. Alba, You’re just
completed all the modules enumerated in this qualification, with that you are qualified to take
your post-test tomorrow!
You may now go back to the contextual learning laboratory. Here is your ___________ for
completing this competency.

To ZERO. How are you now Ms. Monsanto, are you now ready to demonstrate again? ok . Pls
go back to the institutional assessment.
Please read the instructions again. Ok do you have any questions? You may begin Time Is up!
Let me check..
Note: it should be realia! Ok I believe you are now ready for your Institutional Assessment!
Yes Maam.. Please come with me to the institutional assessment area.
This is a 30- item test. Please read the instructions carefully. I’ll give you 30 minutes. You may
start now. Are you
finished? OK, this time, are you ready to demonstrate?
Trainee’s answer: yes mam
Trainer: Okay, here is your instructions please read..
Trainee: Given all the materials you are required to install and configure computer system for 1
hour. Ok before you start pls apply safety while doing your demonstration. Your time starts
now Time is up. Thank you. Let me check.. Note: It should be realia! Trainer: I have a follow up
question 2. What do you call a computer software which you configure before installing the
OS? Answer: BIOS ..Ok thank you. Please proceed to the contextual learning area for your
feedback NOTE: in feedback IT SHOULD BE _____________. (Positive to Negative to Positive)
Based on the evidences gathered you’ve got 38 out 40 in your written test, which is very good.
?????? You have demonstrated the task pretty well this time, Although, there are some minor
areas that you need to improve especially in configuring, you have to organize first all the
things that you need before installing. It is important to have a very smooth service and to
avoid confusion of what to use to but STILL you remained calm and was able to do the
procedures provided and you were able to answer the oral exam correctly.

With that, I now find you competent in this unit of competency. Please come with me let us
update and record this in your Achievement Chart and progress chart. Ms. Monsanto, here is
your Certificate of Achievement for completing this module. You may now go back to the
Contextual Learning Area.
All right everyone. Job well done for today. Let’s stand for the prayer. (In the name of the
Father…Amen.) Dear
Lord, bless our day ahead. Amen. (In the name of the Father…Amen.

Day 3 Learning Session

Good morning Trainees. Glad to see you again today. Let’s pray first. (In the name of the
Father…Amen.) Dear Lord, bless our day ahead. Amen. (In the name of the Father…Amen.)
Please say present when your name is called. Ms. Alba- Present Ms. Monsanto- Present
Today, I’ll be giving you a _____________ about all the things we did. Based on the evidences
that I’ve gathered through written test, demonstration and oral questioning, some of you have
achieved and completed this competency already, and some still need more time to complete it.
But don’t worry, you can still do great and complete the tasks this week.
Since Ms. Alba had completed all the modules, she is now qualified to take the _____________.
Please proceed to the institutional assessment area.
For Ms. Monsanto, please proceed to the learning resource area for your next unit of
competency. Here is your
CBLM please Read module 2 about setting up computer servers, answer Self-check and
compare answers to answer key. And for Ms. Alba, please follow me to the institutional area.
Ms. Alba, are you ready for your post test.? This is for me to know how you have progressed
throughout the session. Please read carefully and answer this 40-item test for 40 minutes. You
may start now.
Please pass. Give me few minutes to check your Post-test.
Okay Ms. Alba, here is now the result of your examination. From your Pretest, you’ve got only
22/40. However, in your post-test you’ve got 38/40, very good. This time, I’ll be awarding you
this Certificate of Completion for successfully completed this competency. Congratulations.
Now this is a ______________. This is for me to know how well I have conducted the training and
which areas of training that needs improvement.
Read each statement carefully and rate honestly. You may answer now. Are you done? Thank
This time. Again, I’ll be awarding you this Certificate of Training for successfully completed the
training for OAP NCII. Congratulations.

Now, I have here your TESDA Assessment Application form. Please fill up and attach 3 pcs
passport size with white background and 750 pesos for the assessment fee. Good luck Ms Alba
for your National Assessment.
And you Ms. Monsanto, you may continue to your remaining modules, don’t worry, I will assist
you until you become competent to all the units of competency.
Thank you so much!

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