Performance Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Experimental Method, Etabs and Optimization by Taguchi Method
Performance Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Experimental Method, Etabs and Optimization by Taguchi Method
Performance Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Concrete Using Experimental Method, Etabs and Optimization by Taguchi Method
Abstract - Concrete is a most widely used The cube, cylindrical and beam specimens are casted to
construction material around the world. This concrete based conduct the compressive, split tensile and flexural strength
materials are very effective and easy to handle in all the ways. tests respectively. All the structures are tested after 28 days of
Concrete has excellent bonding property with coarse and finer curing.
aggregate. Due to the excellent setting property of concrete,
the strength of concrete can be achieved even in under water The experimental result clearly indicates that the
also. When compared to its compressive strength, the tensile strength of fibre reinforced concrete is better than the pure
strength of concrete is very low. Due to less tensile strength concrete. The maximum strength of concrete is gained in 1%
concrete fails in very less tensile loads. This problem of fibre weight content with the mix proportion of 75% glass and
concrete can be overcome by reinforcing suitable materials. 25% bamboo fibres, therefore 1% fibre weight and 75-25 mix
Steel rod is one of the commonly used reinforcing material in proportion of glass and bamboo fibre is taken as optimal.
concrete technology. Reinforced rods in the concrete helps to Taguchi optimization method is used to find the optimal
improve the tensile strength of concrete. However, concrete is variable influence the result. Performance analysis of concrete
extremely brittle, rigid and very stiff, due to this character of using Etabs is also conducted.
concrete it allows the formation of cracks on it. The main
Key Words: FRC, Taguchi method, Bamboo fibre
weakness of the concrete is their crack formation. The cracks
reinforced concrete, Glass fibre reinforced concrete,
generally propagated on the concrete when it subjected to
Comparison of PCC and FRC
loads and stress. The cracking behavior of the concrete needs
to be overcome.
Fibre reinforced concrete is a best way to reduce the formation Concrete is one of the most widely used construction
of cracks in concrete. Fibres in the concrete help to prevent the material in the world. Now a day’s the Concrete is used
cracks and enhance the mechanical properties of concrete. widely as construction material for the various types of
This project discusses about the effects of adding glass and building and structures due to its well durability. For a long
bamboo fibres in the concrete. The glass and bamboo fibres span it was considered to be a durable and sustainable
has high strength and higher potential to control the cracks. material which requires less maintenance during its life
The certain percentage of fibres in the concrete greatly span. Concrete plays a very important role for achieving high
improves the strength parameters of the concrete, but excess strength at early age of time to fulfill the requirement of the
of fibres in the concrete may cause adverse effects. Bamboo structures. The less and endurable life of conventional
fibre is used to replace the usage of synthetic and glass fibres. concrete under the different types of climatic conditions
Bamboo fibres are easily available, bio degradable and conventional concrete possesses major deficiencies like low
renewable. The combination of glass and bamboo fibres in the bond strength, low tensile strength high permeability and
concrete improves the concrete property and reduce the also develop more cracks. Concrete is an adaptable
overall cost of the construction. construction material used all around the world.
In this study, the concrete of M30 grade with mix Fibres are commercially available and it is
proportion of 1: 2 .037: 3.44 is used. The compressive, split manufactured from steel, plastic, glass, cores and other
tensile and flexural strength tests are conducted to analyze the natural materials. Steel fibres can be defined as discrete,
performance of pure concrete and concrete with glass and short length of steel having ratio of its length to diameter is
bamboo fibres. The volume of fibre is used as 1% to the weight called aspect ratio in the range of 20 to 100 with any of the
of cement. All the bamboo fibres treated with suitable several cross-sections, and that are sufficiently small to be
chemical to prevent the decay and to improve the strength. easily and randomly dispersed in fresh concrete mix using
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 15
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
conventional mixing procedure. The random distribution 1.2 GLASS FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE
results in a loss of efficiency as compared to conventional
rebars, but the closely spaced fibres improve toughness and Glass fibre reinforced concrete (GFRC) is a material
tensile properties of concrete and help to control cracking. that is making a significant contribution to the economics,
Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC) is defined as a composite technology and aesthetics of the construction industry
material essentially consisting of steel fibres, cement, worldwide for over 40 years. GFRC is one of the most
aggregates and water in conventional concrete or mortar. versatile building materials available to architects and
Although reinforcing brittle materials with fibres is an old engineers. Compared to traditional concrete, it has complex
concept, modern day use of fibres in concrete is only started properties because of its special structure. Different
in the early 1960s onwards. Realizing the improved parameters such as water–cement ratio, porosity, composite
properties of the fiber reinforced concrete products, further density, inter filler content, fibre content, orientation and
research, development and innovations on fiber reinforced length, type of cure influence properties and behaviour of
concrete has been initiated since the last three decades. GFRC as well as accuracy of production method [2–4]. GFRC
can be produced as thin as 6 mm so their İskender, M.,
1.1 BAMBOO FIBRE REINFORCED CONCRETE Karasu, B. ECJSE 2018 (1) 136-162 137 weight is much less
than traditional pre–cast concrete products. Progressing of
Bamboo is one of the oldest building materials used 3D–printing technology with glass fibre reinforced ink can
by mankind. The bamboo culms or stem has been made into build a whole building and complex architecture forms with
an extended diversity of products ranging from domestic high reliability as well as the use of premix, spray–up, hybrid
house hold products to industrial applications. In Asia methods of GFRC. Self– cleaning environmentally friendly
bamboo is quite for bridges scaffolding and housing, but it is panels for industrial construction have been contributing to
usually temporary exterior structural material. In many the GFRC both in terms of cost and popularity. The use of
overly populated regions of the tropics certain bamboo glass fibre in the High-Performance Concrete (HPC) class,
supplies, the one suitable material i.e. sufficiently cheap and being a class with extremely high mechanical performance,
plentiful. In response to global warming issues and durability, workability and aesthetics, has gained
sustainable society, the manufacturing using natural momentum in recent years. The design and manufacture of
material has become actively in developing countries. GFRC products is covered by international standards, which
Bamboo is low cost, fast growing and broad distribution of have been developed in Europe, America, Asia and
growth is expected to contribute significantly in earthquake- Australasia. GFRC is manufactured in over 100 countries.
resistant construction and seismic retrofit technology.
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 16
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
desirable properties, sustainable as well as cost fireside treated with Noah (Khan et al 2017) to improve
effective. basic properties and limits their action with other
Bamboo and Glass Fibre improve toughness and substances. To attain high tensile property weak,
tensile properties of concrete and help to control amorphous, Hemi cellulose components are eliminated.
cracking Glass fibers are created with the combination of materials
Addition of mineral admixtures like NaOH makes the such as SiO, ALLO, CaO. B, O, etc. These glass fibres have high
concrete more durable and also improves the density and cost than bamboo fibers. These materials are
mechanical properties of hardened concrete. non-recyclable and non-renewable.
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 17
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Fig 3.1 Concrete Specimens The splitting tensile strength test are conducted to
determine Splitting tensile strength of concrete as per IS
3.4. CURING OF SPECIMEN 516: 1959. For different percentage replacements of clinker
bricks of 10% .15% and 20% concretes of three cylinders
After 24 hours of casting, the samples were were casted and splitting tensile strength test was carried
demoulded and placed in the curing tank for 28 days. out.
Figure shows curing tank and demoulded specimens for The cylinder of size 150X300 mm was casted and
28 day curing. cured for 14 days and specimen was tested after surface
drying. The specimen were placed in the compression testing
4. TESTING OF SPECIMEN machine and place packing strips made up of plywood along
4.1. Compressive Strength on Concrete Cubes with specimen on both top and bottom. The load was applied
Compression strength is the capacity of a material or and increase continuously, till the specimen breaks without
structure to withstand loads tending to reduce size, as shock. Until failure the applied load was noted.
opposed to tensile strength. The test was conducted to find The splitting tensile strength of the specimen was
compressive strength of concrete as per IS 516: 1959. The calculated using the following formula:
curing specimen were taken out and surface was cleaned T=
and dry for 6 hours. The strength is expressed in N/mm2 .
The specimen (150X150X150) were tested by using Where,
compression testing machine of 2000KN capacity. The T= Splitting tensile strength
testing of cubes in the compression testing machine are P= maximum applied load
shown in fig 4.5. The compressive strength at failure is D=Diameter of cylinder
calculated using the following equation. L=Length of Cylinder
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 18
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Table 4.2
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
Specimens Flexural methods, the optimum factors are affecting the performance
Strength(N/mm^2) can be easily determined. Taguchi method treats
optimization problems in two categories.
Beam – 1 6.4
Beam – 2 6.7
Generally, a process to be optimized has several control
Beam – 3 6.6 factors which directly decide the target or desired value of
the output. The optimization then involves determining the
Table 4.5 best control factor levels so that the output is at the target
value. Such a problem is called as a "STATIC PROBLEM".
Specimens Flexural
Strength(N/mm^2) This is best explained using a P-Diagram which is shown ("P"
stands for Process or Product). Noise is shown to be present
Beam – 1 7.22 in the process but should have no effect on the output! This
is the primary aim of the Taguchi experiments - to minimize
Beam – 2 7.28 variations in output even though noise is present in the
process. The process is then said to have become ROBUST.
Beam – 3 7.26
There are 3 Signal-to-Noise ratios of common interest for
Table 4.6 optimization of Static Problems:
It has been noticed from the above laboratory (I) SMALLER-THE-BETTER :
experiments that the highest compressive intensity is
achieved with 1 percent glass fibre content: 75:25 % bamboo n = -10 Log10 [ mean of sum of squares of measured data ]
fibre. The intensity is observed to decrease more in the fibre
material. And the optimal quality of fibres is found as 1 (II) LARGER-THE-BETTER :
percent among which 75 percent of glass and 25 percent of
bamboo are contained. Since glass and bamboo n = -10 Log10 [mean of sum squares of reciprocal of
hybridization (75-25 percent), the blend gives an improved measured data]
solution to arrest micro and macro fractures, thereby
increasing the concrete's compressive strength relative to (III) NOMINAL-THE-BEST :
pure concrete and every other variation of hybridization
ratio. square of mean
Taguchi method was developed by Dr.Taguchi of
Nippon Telephones and Telegraph Company, Japan based on
orthogonal array which gives much reduced variance for the
experiment with optimum setting of control parameters.
Taguchi experiment minimize the variations in output even Figure 5.1: Diagram for Static Problems
though noise is present. Through the Taguchi optimization
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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 21
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 07 | July 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072
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