Material Rate 4
Material Rate 4
Material Rate 4
Basic cost at Total Cost at including Total Cost of
Sl.No. Name of the Materials Unit Source Lead in
source Source loading and Materials
unloading as per
SOR 2019-2020
M-033 Bitumen Emulsion-Rapid Setting MT Hincol 23,490.00 23,490.00 572.00 4,311.22 30,661
Bitumen Emulsion-Slow Setting MT Hincol 23,490.00 23,490.00 572.00 4,311.22 30,661
M-034 Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen 55 MT IOCL 30,555.00 30,555.00 572.00 4,311.22 37,726
Bitumen Emulsion-Rapid Setting (Drums) MT Hincol 23,490.00 23,490.00 572.00 4,311.22 30,661
M-178 Strip seal expansion join Rmt Quotation 8,650.00 8,650.00 8,650.00