Exam Rubrics For Creative Writing
Exam Rubrics For Creative Writing
Exam Rubrics For Creative Writing
Well-focused on the
topic; Clear ideas are Sometimes strays from
Poorly focused on the
well-supported with the topic; Ideas are not
Idea/Subject topic; Ideas are unclear;
interesting and vivid well-developed; More
Few details are given
details details are needed
Effectively used three or Used fewer than three Did not use/incorporate
more figurative language figurative language to any figurative language
Figurative Language to describe an idea, describe an idea, subject, to describe an idea,
subject, or feeling. or feeling. subject, or feeling.
Criteria 5 4 3 2
Focus on the The entire poem is Most of the poem is Some of the poem is No attempt has been
Assigned Topic related to the related to the assigned related to the assigned made to relate the poem
and Poetry Form assigned topic and topic and form. The topic and form, but a to the assigned topic and
form and allows the poem wanders off at reader does not learn to follow the form.
reader to understand one point, but the much about the topic.
much more about the reader can still learn
topic. something about the
Elements of Poetry The writer has clearly The writer’s attempt to The writer’s attempt to The writer does little or
and correctly label and identify the label and identify the no attempt to label and
identified and listed elements in the elements in the identify the elements in
all of the elements in assigned form of assigned form of poetry the assigned form of
the assigned form of poetry is good, but is poor. More than poetry.
Poetry. some mistakes were three labeled elements
made. are incorrect.
Structure and The elements of the Most of the elements Some elements of the No attempt of identifying
Elements of the poem are completely of the poem are poem are identified by elements of the poem.
Poem identified by identified by incorporating them. The writer did not apply
incorporating them. incorporating them. The writer applied the poem structure
The writer had The writer had applied some of the assigned assigned.
correctly applied the the poem structured structure of the poem.
poem structured assigned.
Adding Personality The writer seems to The writer may be The writing does not The ideas and the way
(Tone, Mood, and be writing from writing from “belong” to the writer. they are expressed seem
Atmosphere) experience. The ideas experience, but there It is boring, dull, or to belong to someone
are fresh and new! is some lack of seems rushed. else. There seems to be
ownership. It does not little effort shown.
always sound fresh
and new.
Sound Pattern and Many vivid, Some vivid, descriptive The reader can figure The reader has trouble
Meaning (Imagery, descriptive words are words are used. The out what to picture in figuring out what
Figurative language, used. The reader can reader can somewhat the poem, but the imagery the poem is
Symbolism, Rhyme and picture the imagery in picture the imagery author didn't supply using and what the
other sound devices,) the poem and can and can hear a little much detail and an author wants him/her to
hear the musical musical quality in the incorrect attempt to picture. There is no
quality of the poem. poem. provide musical quality attempt in providing
in the poem. musical quality in the
By: Ms. Crislyn Calo
Well-focused on the
topic; Clear ideas are Sometimes strays from
Poorly focused on the
well-supported with the topic; Ideas are not
Idea/Subject topic; Ideas are unclear;
interesting and vivid well-developed; More
Few details are given
details details are needed
Effectively used three or Used fewer than three Did not use/incorporate
more figurative language figurative language to any figurative language
Figurative Language to describe an idea, describe an idea, subject, to describe an idea,
subject, or feeling. or feeling. subject, or feeling.