Teenager in The House by Kerima

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Cashandra Joy Balisi Grade 8

The Book of Ruth

Learning Competencies:
 Express one’s belief based on the story presented.

Duration of Session:
Topic: The Story of Ruth
60 minutes
Learning At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
Objectives Knowledge give insights about the culture of Israel
arrange the events in the essay chronologically
Skills write a letter to your future-in-laws
Attitudes show student that God is faithful even when they feel small.
Resources Needed Reference:

PowerPoint Presentation
Elements of the Plan METHODOLOGY
Priming Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
(2 minutes)  Checking of Attendance  Prayer

Good morning, Class! Good morning, Ma’am!

(5 minutes)

Presentation of the Yes, that’s right. Today we will

Lesson tackle the essay There's a
(2 minutes) Teenager in the House by Kerima
Polotan Tuvera.

In this lesson, I expect you to

deduce the meaning of unfamiliar
words through context clues,
arrange the events in the essay
Checked by


We are counselors!
Exceeded Meet Some Did Not Meet
Criteria Expectations Expectations Expectations
(3) (2) (1)
Message is very
Message is clearly Message is
Message vague and may be
conveyed. somewhat unclear.
The organization The writing lacks a
enhances and clear sense of
showcases the direction. Ideas,
Sentences within
central idea or details, or events
paragraphs make
theme. The order, seem strung
Organization sense, but the order
structure of together in a loose or
of paragraphs does
information is random fashion;
compelling and there is no
moves the reader identifiable internal
through the text. structure.
Adequate use of
excellent use of
language, although
language; precisely Vague and abstract
some words may be
Sentence Craft & chosen words, language; words
vague or imprecise;
Style complex and varied misused; sentences
sentence structure
sentence structure; are monotonous.
may be simple or
appropriate tone and
little irrelevant.
The letter is very The letter is The letter has no
relevant and somewhat relevant relevance and
connected to the and connected to the connection with the
theme of the piece. piece. theme at all.
There is creativity in
presentation. The There is creativity in
No creativity at all and
presenter has presentation but the
the presenter has little
Presentation enthusiast in presenter has little
enthusiast in
presenting while enthusiast in
possessing the right presenting.
tone for the letter.
We are singer-composers!
Exceeded Meet Some Did Not Meet
Criteria Expectations Expectations Expectation
(3) (2) (1)
Message is clearly Message is Message is very
Message conveyed. somewhat unclear. vague and may be
The song is a The song is artistic The song is
composition of but has some presented just to
artistic quality and inappropriate choice comply.
style. of words.
The song is originally The song is The song is copied on
written, authentic, somewhat original, an existing piece, not
and new. authentic, but it is authentic and new.
not new.
The song is very The song is The song has no
relevant and somewhat relevant relevance and
connected to the and connected to the connection with the
theme of the piece. piece. theme at all.
There is creativity in
presentation. The There is creativity in No creativity at all
presenter(s) has/ presentation but the and the presenter(s)
Presentation have enthusiast in presenter(s) has/ has/ have little
presenting while have little enthusiast enthusiast in
possessing the right in presenting. presenting.
tone for the letter.

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