Quarter 1 Assessment in Media
Quarter 1 Assessment in Media
Quarter 1 Assessment in Media
Quarter I - Assessment
Written Task #1
I. Identify what is being asked in the following statements. Write the symbol of the appropriate answer.
Written Task #2
Written Task #3
Performance Task #1
IV. Tabulate the following information appropriately; Refer to the details below.
Social Network Instagram
Multimedia Personality Digitize print ads
News Agency Print/online newspaper
Learning management system Digital games
Product Advertisement Google Class
Performance Task #2
IV. Instruction. Given below are situations that depict the importance of media literacy that an individual should exhibit. (51-60)
SITUATION. You are a multimedia artist working at the Presidential Communications Operations Office (PCOO). You have been
ask by a Communications Assistant Secretary to create an information drive videos that will educate the general public about the
kind of Federalism that is being pushed by the current administration, its pros and cons, and how it will affect their lives.
Conduct a research about the topic, get information from at least 3 sources, evaluate your sources of information. Compare,
analyze, and evaluate information you gathered. Practice ethical use of information and ethics in media production. Vulgar and
inappropriate words and/or actions are not allowed.
You need to create a 5- part series information drive video, with 3 minutes running time each, explaining the kind of Federalism
being pushed by the current administration, its pros and cons, and how it will affect the lives of the Filipinos.
You will create a Facebook page and a YouTube channel which will be used for this information drive. The videos you created will
be uploaded weekly in these platforms.
Performance Task #3
V. Essay: Briefly expound the milestone of internet based on the illustration. (61-65) - to be given by the proctor-
Good Luck!
‘’To know what you know and what you do not know, that is true Knowledge”. - Confucius
Prepared by:
Subject Teacher