Improved Outlook Cropping Index Rice Field in Indonesia (Case: Central Sulawesi Province)
Improved Outlook Cropping Index Rice Field in Indonesia (Case: Central Sulawesi Province)
Improved Outlook Cropping Index Rice Field in Indonesia (Case: Central Sulawesi Province)
Rice is the staple food of Indonesia's main supply comes from the island of Java. During its
development, the supply of Java progressively reduced, so as to meet the needs of the national
rice production required the addition of outside Java. The addition of rice production in the
short term can be done through an increase in the IP and through increased availability of
water. One province outside Java which has a chance of it was Central Sulawesi province. This
is due to: (i) this province there Gumbasa Irrigation Area, (ii) the use of the water is not
effective, efficient and relatively more waste into the sea, (iii), the potential has not been
optimized utilization of land and (iv) the productivity gap. Other requirements are considered to
increase rice IP is: (a) sufficiently broad expanse of land, (b) the land in one unit of irrigation
networks, (c) coordination with PU irrigation, (d) the mechanization of agriculture, and (e)
plant cultivation technology and the use of short-lived seeds.
Rice is the staple food of Indonesian society whose needs increase every year in line
with the population increase. Meeting the needs of most of its supply of rice originating from the
island of Java. During the years 1985-2005 about 55-62 per cent of the national production is
produced in Java and about 95 percent of rice production is produced from paddy fields, and
the rest is produced from dry land or paddy fields (Irawan, 2005). But in 2013 the contribution of
rice production in Java decreased to approximately 52.16 per cent and 94.97 per cent of rice
production is produced from paddy fields (BPS.2014). Despite the decline of rice supply is still
highly dependent on rice production in Java.
According to Irawan, et al. (2013) the growth rate of rice production in Java tends to
fall of 1.60% in the era of 1985-1995 became 0.59% in the 1995-2005 era. The decline in rice
production could continue to grow because: (1) the irrigation network on the island of Java,
many of which are not maintained, (2) the occurrence of wetland conversion to the use of non-
farm, (3) new paddy fields difficult to realize due to limited land resources, (4) increase
productivity of paddy difficult to realize due to the phenomenon of soil fatigue which causes rice
yield response to the use of smaller input, and (5) their long-term national policies that are not
conducive to the sustainability of paddy fields in Java. This is reflected in the Master Plan for the
Acceleration of Growth and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) where
Java is mapped as a center of industry and national services and the policy, wetland conversion
to the use of non-farm on the island of Java is expected to increase in line with the demands of
land for industrial development and offices.
With the decline in rice production in Java and the increasing number of people every
year, the future supply of rice from Java increasingly difficult to sustain to sustain the needs of
the national rice in realizing food security (Sudaryanto et al., 2006). According Adiningsih et al.
(2004), it was time for the Outer become the backbone of rice to meet food needs in Indonesia.
But we realize that a lot of obstacles that must be faced include a low level of soil fertility,
irrigation systems are still very simple, road infrastructure and cultivation technology adoption is
relatively low.
The increase in rice production in the region in general can be reached through two
efforts, the expansion and intensification (Puslitbangtan, 1991). Extensification is to increase
rice production through the expansion of planting areas, while intensifying efforts to increase
rice production through increased production per unit area or through increased productivity.
Extensification can be reached through an increase in the intensity of crop or cropping index
(IP) rice, the rice crop development on lands but untapped potential for rice and paddy fields.
Increasing the intensity of the rice harvest can be done through the construction/
rehabilitation of irrigation system and changes in cropping patterns to take advantage of short-
lived rice varieties. Exploiting the potential of rice lands for example, can be done by utilizing the
estates developed by intercropping pattern of rice, marsh land use / tides or the dry land that
agroecological suitable for rice crop development.
To compensate for increasing rice production growth slow in Java, it is necessary to
accelerate the increase in rice production in the Outer Islands. Technically, one of its efforts is
the increase in the intensity of the rice plant. This paper would like to see opportunities to
increase rice production in Central Sulawesi province by increasing cropping index (IP). The IP
can be reached by increasing the utilization of irrigation water and other supporting institutional
The experiment was conducted in 2013 in two counties, an example of the district rice
production centers in Central Sulawesi province. To understand the problem of increasing IP
rice in paddy fields then in each district instance selected two districts examples that meet five
criteria: (1) a sub potential of rice, (2) gaps IP rice is relatively high, (3) gap in rice productivity is
relatively high, (4) the potential for extended wetland is relatively high, and (5) of wetland area is
relatively high. In each district further examples have 2 villages example to further explore these
issues at the field level.
Respondents were recruited for this study is divided into three categories, namely: (i)
Sources / expert rice plants as a source of information about the problem of increasing IP rice at
the central level, especially senior researcher at Puslibangtan, BB Rice, BBSDL and BPTP
Sulawesi. At the district level, in particular the Head of BPP, Coordinator PPL, officers UPTD /
KCD, and irrigation officers PU. (Ii) A total of 3-5 respondents from village officials and
administrators Gapoktan / Farmer. (Iii) supporting institutional actors rice agribusiness include
owners of tractors, harvesting machinery owners, rice miller, P3A groups, breeder / trader of
rice seeds, planting labor groups and labor groups harvest.
In addition to primary data obtained through interviews using structured questions
(questionnaires), this study also collect secondary data from BPS, Bakorsurtanal, BBSDLP,
BPSDA and other relevant agencies. Data already collected were analyzed qualitatively and
Objective implementation of land optimization are: (1) use the land temporarily
cultivated into productive agricultural land, (2) increasing the cropping intensity (IP) to expand
the planted area, (3) support the National Rice Production Enhancement (P2BN), (4 ) preserve
agricultural land resources, and (5) expanding job opportunities and business opportunities in
rural areas (PSP Director General, Ministry of Agriculture 2013).
For food crops sub-sector, optimization of land required to plant rice and implemented
in addition to the lands while not cultivated, is also on lands that have the cropping intensity (IP)
≤ 100. Generally the causes of agricultural land while not sought nor have cropping intensity (IP)
is low is because it has a low fertility rate and damage / unavailability of agricultural
infrastructure. Therefore, the optimization activities of land to be improved soil fertility through
organic fertilizer (compost, zeolite, manure) and inorganic fertilizers (urea, KCL, ZA, SP-36 and
NPK), liming in accordance with the needs and other efforts in accordance with factor of limited
land / local conditions. Meanwhile, to overcome the damage / unavailability of infrastructure
addressed in the program of revitalization of agriculture, especially the revitalization of
infrastructure and facilities with priority builders on farm roads, streets production, farm level
irrigation networks, irrigation networks and the village tertiary irrigation networks and quarter.
Their gap and gap planting area IP rice in a region suggest there is an increase in
acreage and increased IP rice in the region. However, these opportunities are not necessarily
able to be used when the availability of water in the region is limited. This is due to the
limitations of irrigation water is often a limiting factor for farmers to increase acreage and
improve IP rice paddy. At the farm level this is reflected in the tendency of farmers to grow rice if
adequate supply of irrigation water, and otherwise on the condition of limited irrigation water
supply farmers tend to cultivate crops where water demand is relatively smaller than the rice
Bagendit and Dodokan (Tempo. 2010). Quality of farming in growing crops can be improved by
providing training and coaching a group of peasants.
Increased IP rice is a promising option to increase production without requiring
additional irrigation facilities and the opening of new land. (Suyamto. 2009). Some of the
requirements in the improvement of IP rice supporters include: (1) the use of very early
maturing rice varieties that have a lifespan of 90-104 days, (2) control of pests / diseases
integrated (IPM) to do more operations, (3) specific integrated nutrient management location,
and (4) management of efficient planting and harvesting. (BB Rice. 2009)
The implementation of the increase in IP 400 has been implemented in some places,
such as West Java and Jambi. Results of research Supriyadi and Nurbaeti (2011) increase in IP
Rice 400 in West Java find: (1) 2 varieties of early duration is Dodokan and Silugonggo as well
as two promising lines namely OM 2395 (Inpari 12) and OM 1490 (Inpari 13) that can be used
to supporting the implementation of IP pattern 400, (2) system seedbed kidnapped by planting
young seedlings can shorten the time of planting for 2 weeks compared with nursery systems
farmer manner, (3) direct seeding system can speed up the planting time 7-10 days compared
with transplanting system and (4) the need for institutional support in accelerating time to
implement IP rice planting 400 dilapangaan including institutional support and Alsintan farmers
and farming services
While in Jambi successful implementation of the IP 400 must meet four requirements,
namely: (1) an expanse of grown simultaneously with an area of at least 25 ha, (2) tertiary close
to the secondary channel, (3) irrigation water available for 11 months, and (4) not endemic pest.
The varieties used in IP is Silugonggo increase in MT I with results of 4.5 tons / ha GKP,
Dodokan on MT II with results of 4.8 ton / ha GKP and Ciherang on MT III with results of 5.6
tons / ha GKP ( Endrizal and Bobihoe. J. 2011)
farthest from the channel is not taken into account in the distribution of water, and the
suggestion that technology is in the downstream (tail end); (Iii) illegal wiretapping by the pump
continues without doubt; (Iv) the doors of many non-functioning water, and (v) the productivity of
rice varies between the upstream and downstream.
Table 1. Availability and Needs Water in Some Island 2003 (million m3)
Availability and Jawa dan Sumatera Nusa Kalimantan Sulawesi Papua
Needs Water Bali Tenggara
Rainy Season (MH)
Availability Needs 101 160,8 384,774,4 37 490,4 389 689,3 129 400,2 381 763,9
Water 27 432,9 8 319,0 1 440,0 2 040,8 6 433,3 57,2
Balance 73 727,9 376 455,4 36 050,4 389 689,3 122 966,9 381 706,7
Dry Season (MK)
Availability 25 290,2 96,193,6 4 215,6 167 009,7 14 377,8 163 613,1
Needs Water 38 406,1 11 646,7 4 320,0 2 857,2 9 006,7 80,0
Balance -13 115,9 84 546,9 -104,4 164 152,5 5 371,1 163 533,1
Availability 126 451,0 480 968,0 42 156,0 556 699,0 143 778,0 545 377,0
Needs Water 65 839,1 19 965,7 5 760,0 4 898,0 15 440,0 137,2
Balance 60 611,9 461 002,3 36 396,0 551 801,0 128 338,0 545 239,8
Source: Directorate of Irrigation Pengairandan, Bappenas, 2006; Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry
of Public Works, 2003 in Samekto and Winata, 2010
Unlike the situation in Java and Bali, the condition of water balance in the other islands
still have a surplus except in Nusa Tenggara deficit of water in the dry season. On the island of
Sulawesi, Sumatra, Kalimantan and Papua water supply still exceeds the need, in other words a
surplus. Surplus water generally occurs during the rainy season and the dry season. On the
island of Sulawesi, the water surplus of about 95 percent in the rainy season and 37 percent in
the dry season. This shows that in terms of water availability there is an increased chance of
extensive seasonal crops in the rainy season and the dry season on the island of Sulawesi is
still possible.
Table 2. Number of Regional Irrigation (DI) and Area of Wetland According Regency in Central
Sulawesi, 2012
Functional rice area
Person in charge Number of Potential rice area
DI (pieces) (ha)
(ha) %
Central government 6 34046 23159 68.0
Provincial Government 30 47649 29035 60.9
District Government 439 92760 73246 79.0
1. Palu City 11 1238 1000 80.8
2. Sigi District 28 8308 6566 79.0
3. Donggala District 37 9867 9867 100.0
4. Parigi Moutong District 30 14375 9847 68.5
5. Poso District 130 24156 20987 86.9
6. Tojo Una Una District 8 2931 2377 81.1
7. Banggai District 37 10694 6056 56.6
8. Banggai Kepulauan District 8 983 915 93.1
9. Toli Toli District 39 8818 5690 64.5
10 Buol District 35 6080 3722 61.2
11.Marowali District 75 2946 6220 211.1
Total 475 174455 125440 71.9
Source: Office of Public Works Central Sulawesi.
The above facts revealed that irrigation water is available on the network and dams
which have been built by the government have not been used optimally. In other words, the
irrigation water that has been pursued by the government through the construction of dams and
irrigation networks can not be fully utilized to support the development of rice plants and the
crops are generally cultivated farmers in paddy fields. In more detail it can be seen in the
pattern of river water users in the DI Gumbasa in Central Sulawesi are shown in Table 3. In DI
Gumbasa river water discharge an average of about 330 m3 / sec but which has been
channeled through a network of irrigation to paddy fields farmers only about 134 m3 / sec. In
other words, of the total flow of water available in the DI Gumbasa about 196 m3 / sec, or about
59% had been thrown into the sea.
Table 3. Debit Water Used for Wetland and Abandoned At Sea to DI Gumbasa in Central Sulawesi
province, in 2012.
Irrigation water River runoff discharged into
the sea
Month Week River discharge
(m3 / sec) (M3 / sec)
(m3 / sec) (%)
percent, which means only about 7 percent of the water resources are utilized. Surplus rice
production center in the district of the water is still quite large at around 61 percent.
Table 4. Balance Water Usage By Type District in Central Sulawesi province, in 2011.
(1000 m3)
Type districts Availability
(1000 m3)
Rice Non Rice Industry Household Total (1000 m3) %
Central Sulawesi 183756 18658 4664 4 824 159606 86.9
Central Rice 147970 45971 11493 5 903 58371 89598 60.6
Non Central Rice 195550 9657 2414 4 799 12873 182677 93.4
LK-NOSE 199202 8953 2238 4 788 11983 187219 94.0
LK-SE 185389 39134 9784 5 929 49852 135537 73.1
SW-NOSE 134924 21337 5334 4 978 27652 107272 79.5
SW-SE 86738 57158 14290 6 859 72312 14426 16.6
Source : Irawan.B, , (2013)
Info : LK-NOSE : dominant dry land and not a rice production center ;
LK-SE : dominant dry land and paddy centers ;
SW-NOSE: The dominant wetland and not the center of the rice ;
SW-SE : The dominant wetland and rice production center
Lack of water use by farmers due to lack of supporting factors (Irawan. B, et al. 2013),
such as: (i) alsintan, such as the availability of a tractor that enables future land processing
becomes faster, availability of harvesting machines which allow past or the harvest season is
becoming shorter , the availability and the drying floor alsin rice mills that allow post-harvest
handling of paddy faster. (Ii) cultivation technology, for example the use of short-lived rice
varieties / early maturing, planting by way of direct seeded rice (direct seeding), and nurseries
were conducted with kidnapped. (Iii) Institutional support, such as: institutional irrigation, farm
laborers institutional, institutional short-lived breeding rice varieties and (iv) the interests of
Associated with the utilization of water resources, Water Resource Management
Agency Ministry of Public Works in order to establish that the sustainability of the water supply
for a variety of needs, the utilization of water resources in every region of the maximum of 50
percent of the total water available. Regional water utilization has exceeded 50 percent of the
total water available is considered to have reached a critical condition and use more water will
be severely restricted. Under these conditions, an increase in the allocation of water to boost
paddy rice IP and / or expansion of rice fields in an area difficult to do if the surplus water in the
region has not reached 50 percent of the available water resources. Improved water allocation
to support efforts to increase rice IP and printing wetland will only be possible if the surplus
water in the region is greater than 50 percent, which means still available water resources can
be allocated to support both attempts.
To identify districts that still may be improving and expanding IP rice paddy fields in
Table 5, which shows the number of districts that have a surplus of more than 60 percent water.
Limitation of 60 percent surplus water is used to avoid the potential inaccuracies of the data
used in the calculation of water balance. In districts that have relatively large surplus water of
the printing wetland and / or an increase in IP rice may still be made because they provided
water that can be allocated to support both attempts. Districts that have water surplus above 60
per cent is largely a non districts rice production center (72 districts in the province of Central
Table 5. Have Surplus Water District of> 60% By Type District in Central Sulawesi province, in 2011.
Type districts Percent Availability Needs Balance
Districts 3 3
(%) (1000 m ) (1000 m ) (1000 m3) %
Central Sulawesi 81 69.2 243037.9 15383.3 227654.7 93.7
Sentra Rice 9 31.0 313170.9 44923.0 268247.9 85.7
Non Sentra Rice 72 81.8 234271.3 11690.8 222580.5 95.0
LK-NOSE 68 81.9 238571.6 10785.7 227785.8 95.5
LK-SE 9 50.0 313170.9 44923.0 268247.9 85.7
SW-NOSE 4 80.0 161167.0 27077.0 134090.0 83.2
SW-SE 0 0 - - - -
Source : Irawan.B, , (2013)
Info : LK-NOSE : dominant dry land and not a rice production center ;
LK-SE : dominant dry land and paddy centers ;
SW-NOSE: The dominant wetland and not the center of the rice ;
SW-SE : The dominant wetland and rice production center
This shows that in terms of efforts to increase the availability of water and expansion
of IP rice paddy fields is allowed on non districts rice production center. In the central districts of
rice this possibility is relatively small because the available water resources that have been
utilized for many rice crops. In addition to the availability of water, other supporting factors
needed to improve rice IP are: (i) the availability of agricultural machinery, (ii) the availability of
technology, (iii) the availability of institutional support, and (iv) the interests of farmers who want
to plant rice three times.
In some areas in West Java, Central Java, Yogyakarta, East Java, Bali, and Lombok
some farmers cultivate rice five times in 2 years (IP 250) and in specific locations even three
times per year (IP 300) because water is available throughout the season , Rice intensification
program has been mainly directed at land irrigated with water supply is guaranteed. Although
not recommended, the fields with rice IP 200 IP rice can be increased to 300 when rain or
irrigation water is sufficient (Hasanuddin, 2003).
According Supriyatna (2012) an increase in the IP can be implemented if they fulfill
several requirements including: (a) the technical aspects include the use of rice varieties are
very early maturing (VUSG), engineering seedbed "kidnapping", the use of alsintan, introduction
of tools decomposers and monitoring of plant pests (OPT) ; (B) the economic aspects include
production cost efficiency, production efficiency and higher income from existing, optimizing
group harvesting and planting groups and attempts stability of grain prices; and (c) the
institutional aspect includes optimizing farmers' groups, support micro-finance institutions,
provision and transfer of technology required, and (d) policy support both central and local
The same thing dikemukaan by Irawan, et al (2013) in which there are three (3)
determinants of the increase in IP paddy fields, namely (1) the technical factors, (2) institutional
factors, and (3) socio-economic factors. Rating the influence of each determinant factor to the
increase in paddy rice IP based on the perception of respondents experts. Among the three
crucial factors determining the IP paddy rice, 88.24 percent of respondents experts mentioned
that technical factors are most influential on the increase in paddy rice IP (Table 6).
2. Institutional 55.88
Institutional arrangements water distribution and planting schedules 55,88
Compactness farmers in planting in unison 50,00
Culture pengelolan / land use in the dry season (MK1 and MK2) 75,53
Technical factors are becoming an important part in enhancing the IP rice rankings
are: (a) The availability of irrigation water, due to the addition of rice cultivation to three times a
year performed in the dry season second (MK II), meaning with enough water rice growing in
the dry season can held; (B) Age of rice to shorten the phase of vegetative and generative plant
rice; and (c) planting method that takes relatively quickly and in the farming way of planting by
direct seeding system (seeded) faster than a system with transplanting (tapin).
Institutional factors, institutional factors become urgent because of the increased IP
paddy rice in particular to IP Rice 300 requires a tight schedule over the distribution of water
among the group of water, a treatment, nursery activities, planting activities, the length of the
vegetative phase and generative rice plants, and harvesting , Institutionally, the most important
is the institutional arrangement of water distribution and planting schedules, followed
compactness farmers in planting simultaneously, and cultural management / land use in the dry
Socio-economic factors into final deciding factor affecting the increase in paddy rice
IP, it is declared by 55.88 percent of respondents experts. The results of this empirical finding is
logical. Justification is as follows: although technically particularly the availability of irrigation
water and in terms of institutional particular coordination between institutions in order to
determine planting schedules and simultaneously setting water distribution allows for upgrading
the IP rice in particular IP Rice 300, but when the terms of socioeconomic not allow to do
because of the relative advantages of rice farming is low, the opportunity cost of off-farm
employment is relatively higher and in the villages concerned it difficult to find workers for the
activities of tillage, planting and harvesting, then the increase in IP rice in particular IP rice 300
will be difficult to realized.
In this study determined 5 (five) variables that are part of the socio-economic factors,
namely (1) the relative advantages of rice farming, (2) the availability of planting, (3) the
availability of energy harvesting, (4) the availability of tractors, and (5) availability alsintan
harvest and post-harvest. Ranked the influence of each of these variables to the realization of
the increase in IP IP in particular paddy rice paddy 300 based on the respondent's perception of
experts can be sorted from highest to lowest are as follows: (1) the relative advantages of rice
farming (64.71%), (2 ) power plant availability (44.12%), (3) the availability of energy harvesting
(31.25%), (4) the availability of tractors, and (5) the availability alsintan harvest and post-harvest
(58.82%). So it seems here that 64.71 percent of respondents experts say that the relative
advantages of rice farming is a socio-economic variables that most influence on the realization
of the increase in IP IP in particular paddy rice paddy 300.
increase rice IP in the region. Conversely, if the gap is relatively small rice IP then IP rice in the
region is difficult to be improved further as the full potential of rice available IP has been used.
Opportunities to increase rice production through increased IP rice in Central Sulawesi
province at 159.4 thousand tons GKP (Table 7). Most of the opportunities to increase rice
production through improved rice IP derived from non-center districts paddy (GKP 123.8
thousand tons or 50.7 percent of total rice production improvement opportunities).
Approximately 99.8 thousand tons of opportunities to increase rice production comes from the
type LK-NOSE districts (districts predominantly dry land instead of rice production center) and
the rest comes from other types of districts. It shows that the type of these districts should be a
priority in the implementation of improvement programs IP paddy rice. In type districts are
actually quite available water resources so as to allow an increase in IP rice but also quite a
wetland that is not used for rice farming.
Table 7. Production Increase Opportunities Through Increased IP Rice Paddy by Type District in
Central Sulawesi province.
Opportunities to
Districts have an increased chance
increase rice
Production IP rice
Type districts of paddy
2011 (1000
production actual
ton) (1000
District (%) potential production (%) *
(1000 ton) (1000 ton)
117 874.9 66 56.4 438.2 278.7 159.4 18.2
Central Rice 29 630.6 9 31.0 175.5 139.9 35.6 5.7
Non Central Rice 88 244.3 57 64.8 262.7 138.9 123.8 50.7
LK-NOSE 83 224.5 53 63.9 220.4 120.5 99.8 44.5
LK-SE 18 325.9 9 50.0 175.5 139.9 35.6 10.9
SW-NOSE 5 19.8 4 80.0 42.3 18.3 24.0 121.1
SW-SE 11 304.7 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Source : Irawan.B, (2013)
Info : LK-NOSE : dominant dry land and not a rice production center ;
LK-SE : dominant dry land and paddy centers ;
SW-NOSE: The dominant wetland and not the center of the rice ;
SW-SE : The dominant wetland and rice production center
rice production and income of farmers in rural areas. Besides the rehabilitation of roads also
have a positive effect on household income than rice and non-agricultural activities. If the path
length can be increased by 10%, it will increase demand for urea fertilizer of 4.92% and 5.30%
for the TSP. Increased fertilizer demand has resulted in increasing the production of rice, corn,
peanuts and cassava at 2.23%, 8.90%, 9.82%, 9.34% and 2.99%, respectively (Hartayo 1994.
It should be mentioned that the illustration of the development needs of infrastructure,
institutional and policy support will be carried out in the village Pandere, district Gumbasa,
which is one of the villages irrigated DI Gumbasa. Pandere village has an area of 241 hectares
of paddy fields with irrigation kind in the form of technical irrigation. The cropping pattern in the
village are rice-paddy-rice fallow or have IP 200. It was mentioned earlier that the water balance
analysis based wetland DI Pandere Gumbasa included in the village it's possible to grow rice
three (3) times a year. In other words, in paddy fields in DI Gumbasa it is possible to improve
the IP IP paddy rice from paddy IP 200 to 300.
Increased IP rice can be done through (1) the provision of tillage hand tractor in order
to be fast. Currently with 200 IP paddy soil treatment duration was 30 days, whereas for rice IP
300 tillage recommended duration of only 20 days. Number of hand tractors in the village
Pandere at present with rice IP 200 is 15 units. Though based on a formula calculating the
amount of hand tractors (JTT), with rice IP 200 the number of hand tractors operating in the
village of Pandere during land preparation is ideally a 28 unit. Meanwhile, the rice IP 300 the
number of hand tractors operating in the village of Pandere during land preparation should be
42 units. So, if the IP paddy in the village of Pandere will be increased from 200 to IP IP rice
paddy 300 then takes an additional 27 units of hand tractors.
2. Changing the cropping systems by using labor which is not much. Indications of
growing labor shortages in the village Pandere marked by habit sharecroppers handed
advances to labor groups in order to obtain the certainty of obtaining planting teak plantations
and planting labor groups that usually only work two (2) weeks after the advance payment is
submitted. It should be mentioned that the length of time (period) planting in the village Pandere
with 200 IP rice or with rice IP 300 is the same, that is 14 days (2 weeks). Based on the formula
calculates the number of labor groups cropping (JKBT), with IP or IP paddy rice to 200 300 the
number of labor groups cropping is needed in the village at the time of planting activity Pandere
ideally around 18 groups of workers planting. In this connection is not obtained information
about the number of labor groups that operate in the village planting Pandere at this time.
3. Procurement reapers (combined harvester). At this time with 200 duration IP rice
harvest activities is 20 days, while for the 300 IP rice harvest activities recommended duration
of only 10 days. Therefore the only way to shorten the length of time the harvest is to utilize the
reapers. Based on the formula of calculating the number of reapers (JMP), with rice IP 300 the
number of harvesters in the village Pandere required at the time of harvest activity should as
much as 10 units.
4. Making the drying floor. To attract farmers grind the grain to his mill, mill owners
usually give loans other than agricultural production facilities, also provides the use of facilities
such as drying floors and storage of dried paddy (DUP) for free. The provision of facilities such
as free use of the drying floor causing farmers have to queue in order to be able to use these
facilities since the limited capacity of the drying floor. This in turn has led to harvesting is done
in stages in accordance with the order in the queue and consequently further length of time
(period) become old crop until around 1 (one) month.
Institutional Development
Institutional water management is not just an organization for technical activities per
se, but rather it is a social institution, even in rural Indonesia contains the rules that have been
agreed more loaded than the physical means (Ambler, 1990). According Pasandaran and
Taryoto (1993) setting irrigation oriented towards generalization policy regardless of local norms
often face obstacles. Therefore in a pluralistic society system as it exists in Indonesia,
consideration uniqueness of each community or region should be considered.
Some empirical research results show the performance of irrigation management at
the farm level is very diverse, but the allocation of irrigation water at this level is still far from
optimal (Fagi and Manwan, 1997: Pasandaran and Herman, 1995; Pusposutardjo, 1995).
Practices Award irrigation water for farming is still likely to extravagant, while the loss of water in
irrigation canals is still hard pressed. Therefore, the institutional development of irrigation water
are rooted in the local culture (local endowment) within the framework of supporting the
implementation of regional autonomy becomes important.
According Saptana (2001), two factors are a constraint in the institutional
development of irrigation in the framework of regional autonomy, the first technical factors such
as: (i) the availability of irrigation water distribution patterns of precipitation between the time
that the patterns are not steady, (ii) the occurrence of deterrence either in the main building and
supporting, (iii) the occurrence of damage to both the main building and supporting and (iv) the
number of channels or worm-quarter loss and does not work. The second factor is economic
issues such as: (i) farmers are generally rational in selecting commodities and cropping patterns
are most profitable, while the system of irrigation networks designed for rice, (ii) to accelerate
time tillage faced with the constraints of the limited number of tractors and power work, (iii) the
undeveloped capital markets in rural areas, (iv) rising input prices and wages tungkat, and (v)
the decline in agricultural commodity prices.
Several institutional factors which are expected to hinder the realization of IP Rice 300,
such as the difficulty for farmers to agree a timetable for planting, trouble synchronizing
between water distribution arrangements by the Department of Irrigation Works with farmers
planting schedules, and the difficulty farmers to plant simultaneously. This can be overcome by
deliberation that resulted in an agreement in the form of arrangement of cropping patterns, deal
time the scattering of seeds and planting schedules, variety-rice varieties to be planted in each
planting season. Institutions that participated in this discussion include: the institutional
committee Tk irrigation I and Level II, Tata Water Management Committee (PTPA) and local
water user farmers (P3A). The existence of P3A very strategic (Kuswanto, 1977) because: (a)
the owner of the rights to water and irrigation by farmers who are members of P3A is collective,
(b) P3A can serve as an instrument for creating and maintaining economic equality among
farmers and (c ) technically would require a culture change effort that is very heavy.
Steps institutional capacity required are: (1) coordination between farmer groups /
Gapoktan, Agriculture Office / District and the Department of Irrigation Works District / Sub-
District in order to determine planting schedules and simultaneously setting water distribution,
(2) coordination between farmers' groups in one Gapoktan and between gapoktan with HIPPA
or P3A in order to realize the growing simultaneously in accordance with the planting schedule
that has been agreed upon, (3) develop or grow businesses leasing services of hand tractors in
the village managed by farmer groups or private so that farmers tenants easily satisfies their
need for services tillage, (4) develop or grow the labor groups planted in the village managed by
farmer groups or private so sharecropper easily satisfy his need for energy services cropping,
and (5) grow and develop businesses in the form of procurement / deployment of agricultural
machinery as well as plant workers from outside the administration area village / district / district
managed by farmer groups and or private in order to meet the shortage of tillage, planting and
energy harvesting power in the village.
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reapers (combined harvester) per unit of approximately USD 300 million. Whereas in the area of
rice production centers outside Java, where the agricultural labor force is relatively rare, the use
of agricultural machinery to perform an activity in rice farming is a necessity. As another
example, the price of the dryer (dryer) per unit of approximately USD 600 million with a drying
capacity of 20 tons per day GKP.
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