Design Basis Process Design Basis FOR UNIT 13,14,15
Design Basis Process Design Basis FOR UNIT 13,14,15
Design Basis Process Design Basis FOR UNIT 13,14,15
Joint Venture of Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., GS Engineering & Construction Co., Ltd., SK Engineering
Note :
a) Revision bar(vertical line) shall be placed in the right hand margin to indicate where the changes has been made
b) PRPD = Prepared by, CHKD = Checked by, REVD = Reviewed by, APPRD = Approved by, CONFD = Confirmed by
7. Utilities ..................................................................................................................................................... 25
7.1. HP steam import ........................................................................................................................ 25
7.2. LP steam import ......................................................................................................................... 25
7.3. Steam Condensate .................................................................................................................... 25
7.4. HP BFW ....................................................................................................................................... 26
7.5. Demineralized water .................................................................................................................. 26
7.6. Cooling water ............................................................................................................................. 27
7.7. Instrument air ............................................................................................................................. 27
7.8. Electrical power ......................................................................................................................... 27
7.9. Nitrogen ...................................................................................................................................... 28
7.10. Hydrogen .................................................................................................................................... 28
7.11. Methanol for start-up ................................................................................................................. 28
7.12. Flare header ............................................................................................................................... 29
9. Abbreviations.......................................................................................................................................... 33
9.1. Equipment Abbreviation ........................................................................................................... 33
9.2. Fluid symbols ............................................................................................................................. 33
9.3. Insulation codes ........................................................................................................................ 33
9.4. Piping class ................................................................................................................................ 33
9.5. Pipe line numbering .................................................................................................................. 33
9.6. Equipment numbering............................................................................................................... 33
9.7. Instrument numbering............................................................................................................... 33
1. General information
The fuel for the reformer furnace is natural gas/refinery fuel gas and off-gas from the PSA
unit for all feedstock operating cases.
The design capacity is two identical and independent trains of each 36,000 Nm3/h Hydrogen
(as 100% H2).
The design process feedstock are natural gas, refinery fuel gas (Future, See Note 1), C4
feedstock, LPG feedstock, light naphtha feedstock and heavy naphtha feedstock.
Note: 1. The refinery fuel gas was one of six feed sources during FEED stage. However,
according to meeting result (Ref.: KRP-C-MOM-N-0060-Attachment 7, TQ-PR-E-264)
between Employer and Contactor, it has been decided not to install the fuel gas
compressor system due to insufficient availability of refinery fuel gas in the Karbala
Refinery Plant. In this stage of the project, the downstream system will be designed to
cover the refinery fuel gas feed case without installing the refinery fuel gas
compressor system.
- Natural gas
- Refinery fuel gas
- C4 feedstock
- LPG feedstock
- Light naphtha feedstock
- Heavy naphtha feedstock
- Boiler Feed water
- Cooling water inlet
- LP steam
- HP steam for start-up
- Nitrogen
- Demineralized water
1.2.2. Outgoing lines
- Hydrogen production
- Export HP steam
- Cooling water return
- Steam condensate
2. Process products
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g - 44 - 52/FV
Temperature C - 405 - 425
Impurities content
Ammonia ppm vol. - - 50 -
Methanol ppm vol. - - 50 -
The plant is designed with either natural gas, refinery fuel gas, C4 feedstock, LPG feedstock,
light naphtha feedstock or heavy naphtha feedstock. The unit will also be capable of
operation with mixtures of the different types of feedstock. The feedstock used for start-up
will be either natural gas or LPG.
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 16.5 43.5 43.5 48
Temperature C 30 30 30 80
Below table shows the composition of Natural Gas Feed and its seasonal variation
North Rumialia Gas From Zubair MGL
Composition Units MGL Dry Gas Chilling Plant Dry Gas
Summer Winter Summer Winter Summer Winter
Nitrogen mole % 0.391 0.474 0.6839 0.645 0.51 0.52
mole % 0 0 2.111 2.946 2.6 2.6
Methane mole % 64.667 65.199 74.011 76.775 72.9 73.5
Ethane mole % 34.133 33.427 15.383 13.949 22.6 22.2
Propane mole % 0.744 0.824 5.545 4.607 1.1 0.96
i-butane mole % 0.025 0.028 0.645 0.533 0.05 0.03
n-butane mole % 0 0 1.162 0.965 0.069 0.03
i-pentane mole % 0 0 0.212 0.201 0 0
n-pentane mole % 0.002 0.003 0 0.004 0.001
Hexane mole % 0 0.001 0.1109 0.135 0.0002 0.00006
Heptane mole % 0 0 0.0222 0.0391 0 0
Octane mole % 0 0 0.0038 0.007 0 0
Nonane mole % 0 0 0.0018 0.0004 0 0
Decane mole % 0 0 0.000077 0.0004 0 0
Total mole % 100 100 100 100 100 100
Source 4
Source 4
Composition Units Emergency Source 5 Source 6
Normal case
Nitrogen mole % 0 0 0.86 2.5
Carbon dioxide mole % 2.18 2.28 2.39 2.1
Methane mole % 76.38 73.01 76.76 77.01
Ethane mole % 14.01 21.33 17.1 17.67
Propane mole % 6.42 3.04 2.57 1.67
i-butane mole % 0.61 0.11 0.11 0.33
n-butane mole % 1.67 0.21 0.19 0.4
i-pentane mole % 0.45 0 0.01 0
n-pentane mole % 0.31 0 0.01 0
Hexane mole % 0.12 0 Trace 0
Heptane mole % 0.03 0 0 0
Total mole % 100 100 100 100
Natural gas source 4 and 5 are from new pipeline from PS3 (Pipeline Station 3); 24-inch
Gas Pipeline by SOUTH GAS COMPANY.
Natural gas source 6 is from Tie-In Point at 407.28 km of second strategic pipeline.
The hydrogen unit will only be designed for one natural gas composition. Based on the
above data for the different natural gas feedstocks a design composition is determined
which represents the most severe operating conditions.
The composition of Natural Gas used for design will be as specified below.
For availability of refinery fuel gas as a feedstock for HPU in this stage of the project, refer to
note 1 in section 1.1 of this document.
For refinery fuel gas composition, refer to Basic Design Data para 3.5 (IONE-AA00-SP-PR-
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 3.5 4.0 5.0 7.0
Temperature C 45 50 61 80
Above design case is used as design feedstock because of the high content of water,
nitrogen and olefins. The reformer burners will be designed to operate in the entire range of
fuel gas given above.
Naphtha feedstocks are all desulphurized straight run naphthas from TANK FARM unit, i.e.
light naphtha, or heavy naphtha. The naphtha is directly fed from an intermediate naphtha
feed storage tank (with blanketing).
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm2 g 5.0 18.0 23.6 29
Temperature C 38 38 38 80
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 5.0 18.0 21.3 28.5
Temperature C 38 38 38 80
The naphtha compositions for design which are to be used for process simulation are
slightly different from the compositions given in Basrah and Mishrif because not all of the
components can be used with Topsø e simulation software. The composition for design has
been modified so that the physical and chemical properties (molecular weight, C/H-ratio,
distillation curve and PNA composition) are as close as possible to the original data
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 15.8 24 26.6 44
Temperature C 15 38 45 80
Basrah Mishrif
Composition Units Design
Summer Winter Summer Winter
Ethane wt % 0.18 0.29 0.16 0.25 0.29
Propane wt % 30.55 47.77 30.79 48.13 47.77
Propene wt % 2.93 4.63 2.76 4.35 4.63
i-Butane wt % 31.79 22.91 29.07 20.97 22.91
n-Butane wt % 28.25 19.95 31.70 22.39 19.95
i-butene wt % 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Trans-2-butene wt % 2.29 1.62 2.03 1.43 1.62
Cis-2-butene wt % 1.52 1.07 1.35 0.95 1.07
1-butene wt % 1.24 0.89 1.10 0.79 0.89
C5+ wt % 1.24 0.87 1.04 0.73 0.87
Total wt % 100 100 100 100 100
Diolefins, max wt ppm 100 100 100 100 100
Total S, max. wt ppm 50 50 50 50 50
Water, max. wt ppm 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
3.1.5 C4 feed
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 15.8 20.5 21.8 44
Temperature C 15 38 45 80
3.2. Fuel
PSA off-gas is used as fuel for reformer. Complementary fuel for control and duty
requirement is provided by natural gas or refinery fuel gas.
The plant will be started on natural gas or refinery fuel gas and has to be designed for
operation at 100% capacity on natural gas or refinery fuel gas.
4. Climatic conditions
4.1. Temperature
Minimum @ 42.2 °C 9
Maximum @ 5.3 °C 97
4.5. Earthquake
Site class D
5. Site information
6. Environmental requirements
Burners for the reformer furnace must be of low NOx type. Emissions of the flue gas from
the reformer stack shall be applied as per Environmental Design Criteria (2342-AA00-JSD-
6.2. Noise
7. Utilities
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 39 40 44 52/FV
Temperature C 395 400 405 425
The HP Steam Import must have the same quality as specified in paragraph 2.2
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 4 5 6 8/FV
Temperature C 155 210 220 330
HP Steam condensates are utilized in the H2 unit. During start-up and upsets it is sent to
outside BL.
7.4. HP BFW
Make-up water for the hydrogen plant will be HP BFW as specified below.
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 88.5 88.5 92.3 131
Temperature C 140 142 150 180
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g N/A 6 N/A 12
Temperature C N/A 35 N/A 80
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm g 5 7.5 N/A 12
Temperature C N/A N/A 50 80
Rating Range Volts Phase Frequency
From To
Motors >1 MW 11000 3 50(2)
>=100 kW <=1 MW 3300(1) 3 50(2)
>0 kW <100 kW 380(1) 3 50(2)
External national electrical - - 132000 or 3 50(2)
network (Tie-in) 33000
Building Auxiliaries - - 380 3+N 50(2)
Lighting - - 220 1 50(2)
Instrumentation (from UPS) - - 380/110 3+N/DC 50(2)
7.9. Nitrogen
BL conditions Units Minimum Normal Maximum
Pressure kg/cm2 g 6 7.5 N/A 12
Temperature C 10 N/A N/A 80
7.10. Hydrogen
Quantity is equivalent to two start-ups. For presulphiding of hydrogenators a total quantity of approx. 7500 kg is
Potassium permanganate
Time test at 15°C Min. 60 minutes
Ethanol Max. 50 mg/kg
Chloride as Cl- Max. 0.5 mg/kg
Sulphur Max. 0.5 mg/kg
Hydrocarbons Pass Test
Carbonisable Substances
Ot-Co Scale Max. 30
Acidity as Acetic Acid Max 30 mg/kg
Total Iron Max 0.1 mg/kg
Non volatile matter Max 8 mg/1000 ml
The SI system of units must be used in all engineering documentation and on drawings with the
exception of the following measurements, which must adopt the stated preferred units.
Area m2
Products dry mole %, ppm vol.
Impurities ppm vol, ppm wt
Density kg/m3
Energy MMkcal, kcal, cal
Cooling water kg/h or t/h
Process gas Nm3/h
Steam kg/h or t/h
Gas purity mol %
Heat transfer coefficient kcal/m2hC
Length mm or m
Line, valve and nozzle sizes inch
Nozzle size, vessel inch.
Pipe diameter inch.
Power, duty kcal/h, Gcal/h, kW, MW
Pressure kg/cm2 g or kg/cm2 or mmHg
Sound pressure/power dB(A)
Temperature C
Velocity m/s
Viscosity kg/m/h or cP or cS
Liquids m3, dm3, cm3
Gas actual m3
Weight kg or t
Wind pressure N/m2
The applicable codes and standards for the hydrogen plant are as follows:
The fouling resistance listed below will be used for thermal rating of heat exchangers
9. Abbreviations
Equipment will be designed in accordance with Topsø e normal standards unless specific
requirements are given below.
The design pressure will be determined according to HTAS practice. In general, the margin
above expected maximum operating pressure will be minimum 10%. Minimum margin shall
be 2.5 kg/cm2.
In general the design temperatures for vessels operating at 0C and above shall be equal to
the maximum operating temperature of the fluid in the vessel plus 28-30C. In specific
services more or less margin may be used as per normal practice and relevant codes.
Design temperature downstream air coolers will be equal to normal inlet temperature.
For boiling service the design temperature shall be the boiling temperature at design
LP steam will be used for steam out where required. Mechanical design conditions due to
steam out will be:
Pressure, kg/cm2 g -0.5
Temperature, C 120
All Carbon steel material for pressure vessels and heat exchanger in hydrocarbon services
shall be specified as killed carbon steel.
Hydrogen service must be indicated in process datasheets and line list if hydrogen partial
pressure exceeds 7 kg/cm2.
The corrosion allowance for each material shall be determined by its intended service and
shall be added to all parts on all surfaces exposed to the flowing medium.
When service conditions are such that it is not practical to provide corrosion allowance by
adding base metal, a solid corrosion resistant material or cladding with a corrosion resistant
material shall be applied.
Unless otherwise stated, no corrosion allowance is required for external surfaces and for
external appurtenances such as platforms, ladders, support, lugs etc.
Moderately-corrosive environment:
Cooling water, steam condensate, hydrocarbon
3.0 mm 3.0 mm
boiler feed water, Process gas › 10°C above dew point,
fuel gas, PSA off-gas, hydrogen
10.6. Nozzles
Volume of vessel (m3) Vent size Drain size Utility (Steam out)
V ≤ 75 2 inch 2 inch 2 inch
75 < V ≤ 220 3 inch 3 inch 2 inch
220 < V ≤ 420 4 inch 4 inch 3 inch
V > 420 6 inch 4 inch 4 inch
Vent and utility connections are located on the vessel while drain is connected to the bottom
line. Low point drains on piping will be specified by detailed engineering.
Nozzles for level measurement on vessels can be equipped with T-piece to accommodate
two level measurements per nozzle pair.
The heat exchangers are to be designed with a design margin of 10% extra flow and duty
for normal heat exchangers and 20% extra flow and duty for reboilers and condensers.
For heat exchanger design the following standard lengths are to be used:
ft. 10 12 16 20 24 30
mm 3048 3658 4877 6096 7315 9144
The preferred tube length is up to 20 ft.
For design of the heat exchangers a length of 10% of the shell diameter will be subtracted
from the standard tube length per tube sheet to calculate the effective tube length.
The allowed bare tube diameters are shown in the table below:
Minimum size for cooling water exchanger is 1” B.W.G 12. Material is to be killed carbon
steel unless otherwise required by process conditions.
The following hold-up times will be used for vessel and column design:
(1) Or liquid volume equivalent to 3 m of feed pipe whichever is larger, calculated from BTL
to max. level.
10.9. Reactors
No specific requirements
10.10. Pumps
Pumps will be designed with a minimum design margin of 10% additional flow for continuous
service and 0% for intermittent service. Additional margin will be added by Topsø e if
required by their standard engineering practice.
Design pressure of pump discharge pipes is calculated as follows:
K H R d max
Compressors will be designed with a design margin of 10% additional flow. Flue gas and
combustion air blowers will be designed with a design margin of 20% additional flow and 44%
additional head. Start-up blowers will be designed without additional margin.
Hydrogen recycle compressor will be spared. Other compressors, blowers will not be spared.
Design will be according to Topsø e normal design practice. Coils in the waste heat section
will be designed without additional margin on duty and flow.
10.13. Instrumentation
10.13.1 Safety valves
Control valves discharging to atmosphere, flare or similar as well as trip valves will be
specified as tight shut-off (TSO) in control valve datasheet. Leakage class V will be specified
for TSO valves.
Maximum and minimum operating conditions will only be indicated if they have influence on
the valve design.
Required Cv of control valves will be 130% of normal calculated Cv or 110% of maximum
calculated Cv, whichever is higher.
Instrument input to ESD system with 2 out of 3 voting can be repeated to DCS for indication
only. Process control must use independent instrument input.
Signals to DCS will be foundation field bus and signals to ESD will be 4-20 mA.
11. Attachment