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Business science and evidence-based

decision making
Donald J. Rinchuse
Irwin, Pa

read with interest 2 excellent articles in the evidence-based decision making, dental and resident
December issue of the American Journal of Ortho- education, and foundational principles.
dontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics; that is, a
Guest Editorial by Dr Ernst M. Taeger1 (“An argument THE CONTEXTUAL ENVIRONMENT
for healthy skepticism in orthodontics”) and a Letter to
There is an alarming concern that orthodontists are
the Editor by Dr David W. Chambers2 (“Shift in
losing claim to their specialty. The landscape of ortho-
continuing education model”). Both authors argued
dontics has certainly changed and continues to evolve.
for increased attention to evidence-based science in
There is much competition for orthodontic patients
continuing education and residency training programs.
that is driven by the participation of corporate practices,
Despite the evidence-based science, the authors believe
do-it-yourself orthodontics, entrepreneurial orthodon-
there is a focus on anecdotes and weak clinical studies
tists with multiple offices, nonorthodontists doing or-
used to promote the marketing and selling of orthodon-
thodontics and in particular using clear aligners, an
tic products.
influx of new orthodontic graduates, use of 3-
Both are condemnatory of the emphasis on business
dimensional printing to manufacture appliances, mar-
science. Chambers2 writes, “Clinical studies based on bits
keting and direct mailing of appliances to customers,
of evidence, often out of context, are now being added
and so on. Much has been written about these encroach-
to continuing education programs. there is more to be
ments on the so-called traditional orthodontic practice.
made from selling products than understanding ortho-
Parenthetically, if one looks at the above-cited
dontic outcomes.” Taeger1 adds, “Has business science
competitive environment of orthodontics, with few ex-
clouded all of our ability to be perceptive evidence-
ceptions, it is orthodontist competing against orthodon-
based clinicians?”
tist. Even in corporate orthodontic practices, are not
Furthermore, Taeger1 believes that healthy skepti-
“real” orthodontists providing the treatments? “We
cism of the “fake news” involves clinicians and ortho-
have met the enemy and he is us.”3 This point has to
dontic residents developing and exercising the skill of
be considered when setting up the American Association
discernment, which relies on the ability to think critically.
of Orthodontists marketing advocacy programs that
Taeger1 said that discernment is “. the quality of being
inform the public of the benefits of receiving orthodon-
able to grasp and comprehend what is often obscure,
tic care from a certified orthodontist.
even the ability to decide between fact and error.” He
These contextual forces, as well as the significant
adds, “. lack of discernment will lead to a multitude
indebtedness of recent orthodontic graduates, have led
of sins, the consequences of which will, ultimately,
orthodontists to consider the business and economic
come to haunt us.”
side of orthodontics over the professional and service
In addition, Taeger1 claims that some orthodontists
side. Whether orthodontists work on their own, for
“.have long forgotten, or have never been taught,
others as independent contractors, as associates, or in
the time-tested fundamental principles of orthodontics,
a corporate practice, all have a heightened desire to
of which the most frequently ignored are the limitations
make money. This could lead to over treatments and
of the denture.”
attention to products, treatments, and procedures that
Let us now consider Drs Taeger1 and Chambers’2
bring in the most money, albeit at the expense of consid-
points further, as they relate to the contextual environ-
erations for science and evidence.
ment of orthodontics, sociability in orthodontics,
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:159-62 SOCIABILITY
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. There is the human need for fellowship and camara-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.03.011 derie, which is often displayed by belonging to a group.
160 Guest editorial

This is true for orthodontists as well. Among other However, was the treatment “correct” from the perspec-
things, belonging to a group gives a sense of worth. In tive of efficiency, effectiveness, and risk-reward? Related
some instances, however, group loyalty can suppress to risk-reward, did the treatment cause any harm (ie,
the thinking and reasoning of the individual. By this I decay, decalcification, periodontal disease, root resorp-
mean, there are certain tenets and principles that groups tion, worsening of the face, dehiscence, fenestration,
espouse, and the followers accept. Whether it be a study etc). On the reward side, did the treatment provide a
group or more formal venues such as professional orga- benefit in regard to stability, function, dental esthetics,
nizations, associations, and societies, all those in the facial balance, health-related quality of life, and so
group pledged allegiance to that group’s precepts. Those forth?
who most uphold the doctrines of the group are the ones It should be pointed out that not all orthodontic clin-
who are most respected. Indeed, an orthodontist’s prac- ical decisions can be “evidence-based.” For some gray
tice and treatments clearly reflect the ideas of the group, areas of orthodontic clinical practice, there is little to
and this is irrespective of clinical science and evidence. no evidence in which to base judgments. Some examples
of these muddled areas are early treatment, direct vs in-
EVIDENCE-BASED DECISION MAKING direct bonding, 2-step retraction vs en masse retraction,
Is there a gullibility pandemic going on in orthodon- what constitutes good orthodontics, open bite treat-
tics? If we rightfully demanded science and evidence ments, and so on. In these incidences, orthodontic clini-
from our infectious disease experts during the coronavi- cians have the freedom to choose a course of treatment
rus disease 2019 pandemic, why will we not demand the on the basis of low-level evidence, experience, or logic.
very same standards for orthodontic clinical decisions? Animus and vitriol exchanges should not ensue
The nebulous, intangible notion of evidence-based sci- among orthodontic brethren over who has the best rem-
ence is pitted against the visible, hyped-up, sensational- edy for clinical decisions in a murky area of orthodontic
ized convictions heralded by the orthodontic vendors, practice. It is discomforting when practitioners express a
key opinion leaders (KOLs), and their journal magazines. sense of superiority in presuming that their way is the
These intuitively appealing notions and pseudoscience preeminent and only way in these uncertain areas of or-
are spun into a web of deceit by the charlatans of ortho- thodontic practice (ie, “whoever does not practice the
dontics. Victims are typically mesmerized by an item of way I do, is not as good an orthodontist as I am”). I close
fact intertwined with a sense of reasonability. Once this section with a quote from St Augustine related to
captivated, apocryphal notions are then espoused about differing religious views, but his words are applicable
a product, regimen, theory, or teaching. The spurious to our discussion: “In essentials unity, in non-
claims marketed by the pretenders for “the biggest and essentials liberty, and in all things love.”5
the best” are without evidentiary support and focus their
assertions on “cherry picked” case reports and anecdotal EDUCATION
evidence. This has fostered a following devoted to fabri- The views promulgated in the repositories of Drs
cated falsehoods. Let me be clear, not all companies and Taeger1 and Chambers2 are certainly not new. The cry
KOL’s are guilty of advancing unproven claims to sell for science and evidence-based decision making dates
products, and I would like to believe that this is the back to at least the 1920s. In his 1926 report on the con-
exception rather than the rule. dition of dental education in the United States and Can-
Furthermore, it would be foolish to think that all or- ada, William Gies6 petitioned for university-based
thodontists and graduate orthodontic residents will education over the existing forms consisting of precep-
follow the evidence-based decision-making teachings, torships and proprietary schools. He called for
even when well delivered (ie, “I know what I like and I university-based dental schools to foster the principles
like what I know!”). As Dr Johnston facetiously said, of science and evidence.
“When everything ‘works’ and nobody dies, evidence- It was hoped that the introduction of problem-based
based practice is for many an unnecessary elaboration learning (PBL) and case-based learning in the mid to
that serves only to interfere with the orderly flow of late 1980s would help to promote critical thinking in
commerce.”4 the predoctoral dental school curricula.7,8 Critical
Similarly, it has been professed that the success of or- thinking skills developed in the predoctoral dental
thodontic treatment is not proof of the correctness of school curricula would then be meliorated in the post-
treatment. That is, most orthodontic treatments are suc- doctoral dental school curricula. In theory, this was a
cessful to the extent that the outcomes of treatment are good initiative, but based on the way it was approached,
an improvement over the pretreatment conditions. it fell short of expectations. To explain, dental schools’

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Guest editorial 161

plan for the delivery of PBL was to merely add several There needs to be a focus on how knowledge is acquired
courses to the existing curricula that had literature re- which pits science against the unscientific ways knowl-
views and group-type interactions and titled them PBL. edge can be acquired, such as tenacity, rationalism, au-
To truly develop critical thinking skills in dental stu- thority, intuition, and empiricism.10,11 Of course, the
dents, evidence-based learning needed to be expansive scientific method uses the above listed unscientific
and more than adding a few PBL sessions. Dental educa- ways in various manners in its protocol(s) but not as
tors needed to possess the pedagogic skills to provide the determining factor.
higher-level cognitive learning in every aspect of their Dr Alex Ditmarov12 listed 10 “tongue and cheek”
teaching, such as learning objectives, teaching sessions, ways to build wealth in orthodontic practice at the
and evaluations (examinations), according to Bloom’s expense of truth and professionalism. His list includes:
Taxonomy of Education Objectives.9 It is not good advertising as a nonextraction orthodontist, using a su-
enough to teach for knowledge and understanding. perior or magical appliance, becoming a discipline of
Dental educators must develop critical thinking skills some pseudoscience school, becoming a friend with
in students so they can apply knowledge as well as airway, and so on. An example of a tactic used by the
analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information.9 charlatan is the Galileo ploy (ie, people of Galileo’s
Knowledge that cannot be applied is useless. Einstein day mocked and laughed at him, as well as Columbus
has been quoted as saying, “Education is that which re- and Copernicus). We wrote an answer to this thinking
mains after one has forgotten what one has learned in in one of our articles, “They also laugh at clowns in
school.” It is the concepts that remain and an attitude the circus.”13 Be reminded, the burden of proof for
that allows receptivity to new ideas. claims of miracle products, treatments, and cures are
Obviously, orthodontic graduate programs have to in the hands of those making the claims, not the critics!
teach some aspect of evidence-based science and deci- Perhaps the American Association of Orthodontists,
sion making as required by accreditation standards among other considerations, could gather a team of
(American Dental Association Commission on Dental prominent orthodontic clinical scientists to develop
Accreditation). However, do educators teach enough of an evidence-based program that all graduate ortho-
this, and is this aspect of an orthodontist’s clinical deci- dontic programs could use. This program should
sion making evaluated and rewarded (eg, ABO Board discuss ways to recognize deceptive claims of ortho-
Certification)? In the teaching of research and dontic hucksters.
evidence-based decision making, there needs to be a
teaching of epistemology (how knowledge is acquired), FOUNDATIONAL PRINCIPLES
as supported by eclectic, heuristic, and PBL. These steps Dr Taeger1 suggests that orthodontists get back to
may better prepare graduates to possess the skills of the basics and look to the foundational principles of
discernment and critical thinking as advocated by Dr clinical orthodontics, the least of which is the strict limits
Taeger.1 of the denture. As an orthodontic resident in the mid-
Parenthetically, discernment can be considered by 1970s under the tutorage of the late esteemed ortho-
some as a gift that some have, and others do not have. dontic professor, Dr Viken Sassouni (Chair and Program
In this regard, educators may only be able to impact Director at the University of Pittsburgh), I was taught the
some learner’s ability to discern and to a limited extent. need to extract teeth to not violate the arch perimeters as
In addition and contrast, it would be foolish to think that nature established for each patient; the immutability of
educators can teach gullibility “out of” any student. the arch width of the mandibular canines. We residents
Common sense is not so common. needed to have study models present at the chairside
There will always be those in a society who believe for each patient. We then had to form each patient’s
alternative facts, but this should not be the rule as it ap- archwires to correspond to the patient’s original arch-
plies to a specialty. Aristotle has said, “It is the mark of an forms. This was done out of a straight wire, not starting
educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without with a generic preformed archwire. The only resilient
accepting it.” As mentioned earlier, orthodontic resi- wire we had back then for initial leveling and aligning
dents, along with existing practitioners, need the knowl- was Twist-a-Flex wire (not nickel-titanium wires)
edge and skill to identify spurious claims of charlatans, made from bundled small steel strains woven into a sin-
product manufacturers, those KOL’s with conflicts of in- gle wire. Even these wires had to be individually shaped.
terest, product and treatment-oriented study groups, All this in an effort to preserve each patient’s pretreat-
op-eds, and hyped-up propaganda-type magazines. ment archforms.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
162 Guest editorial

When examining a new patient with crowded teeth, Let those in our specialty with the profiles in courage
an often-asked question is, “Can I squeeze all the teeth necessary to change the direction of our specialty step
in with a little IPR (interproximal reduction) and some forth, and let the journey begin!
expansion?” The answer to this question was, most
often, yes. But the more important question is, should REFERENCES
I? To wit, will I cause more harm than benefits as it re- 1. Taeger EM. An argument for healthy skepticism in orthodontics.
lates to stability, facial and dental esthetics, and dental Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2020;158:775-6.
and periodontal health? After 45 years in orthodontic 2. Chambers DW. Shifts in the continuing education model. Am J Or-
practice, I can honestly say I have lamented the extrac- thod Dentofacial Orthop 2020;158:777.
tion of teeth for only a few patients. In contrast, I have 3. Kelly W. “We have met the enemy and he is us”. Available at:
regretted not removing teeth for many, many patients. sition-Paper-AIG-April-2016.pdf. Accessed April 21, 2021.
Orthodontic educators and students alike should reflect 4. Johnston LE. 21st century orthodontics: when everything works,
on the teachings of our eminent nonexpansion ortho- can anything matter? Semin Orthod 2019;25:307-8.
dontic pioneers such as Drs Alan Brodie, Charlie Tweed, 5. Saint Augustine of Hippo. The Confessions of Saint Augustine. Salt
Hayes Nance, Alton Moore, and Dick Riedel, to mention Lake City: Project Gutenberg; 2002.
6. Gies WJ. Dental Education in the United States and Canada. New
a few. York: Carnegie Foundation; 1926.
7. Rinchuse DJ, Zullo T. The cognitive level demands of a dental
THE FUTURE school’s predoctoral, didactic examinations. J Dent Educ 1986;
Although the outlook for orthodontics and especially 50:167-71.
8. Rinchuse DJ, Zullo T, Rinchuse DJ. The cognitive level demands of
private practice may appear bleak, there is the anticipa-
the National Board Dental Examination. J Dent Educ 1987;51:
tion that we have seen our darkest moments. It has been 543-5.
said, “The night is darkest just before the dawn” 9. Bloom BS, editor. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. New York:
(Batman-The Dark Knight, 2008). As the onset of a Longman; 1956.
new day comes forth, we have the opportunity to deter- 10. Helmstadter GC. Research Concepts in Human Behavior: Educa-
tion, Psychology, Sociology. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts;
mine if the day will bring sun or storm. We look toward a
rainbow of hope that will guide our future. However, we 11. Rinchuse DJ, Rinchuse DJ, Kandasamy S. Evidence-based versus
are at an inflection point of choice. On the one hand, we experience-based views on occlusion and TMD. Am J Orthod Den-
can let the competing, contextual, and economic forces tofacial Orthop 2005;127:249-54.
of the marketplace of orthodontics play out, unhindered, 12. Ditmarov A. How to win orthodontic patients and cash in on igno-
rance? Available at: orthodonticgrammar.com. Accessed April 21,
and accept the consequences as they may be. Or, on the
other hand, we can take a preemptive stand and discover 13. Rinchuse DJ, Sweitzer EM, Rinchuse DJ, Rinchuse DL. Understand-
ways and strategies to tip the odds in our favor. When ing science and evidence-based decision making in orthodontics.
the specialty is ready, orthodontic heroes will appear. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2005;127:618-24.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Letters to the editor

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a may be the
first host response in orthodontic tooth

A n article published in the May 2021 issue of the

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial
Orthopedics advocated how orthodontic loading leads
to activation of autophagy during orthodontic tooth
movement (OTM); however, little is known about how
it is regulated.1 The article included original research
findings and was appreciated greatly, but it could be
supplemented with some important information on the
role of the first host response taking place during
OTM, that is, hypoxia, as identified by some of the au-
thors in a recent review article.2 Similarly, others have
identified hypoxia-inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) in
In the early 1990s, King et al4 published their
work from the University of Florida on OTM in rats.
Some of their histologic sections were donated to
the University of Rochester Eastman Dental Center Or-
thodontic Program, where Dr Brian McLellan, a
second-year orthodontic resident at the time, analyzed
them for HIF-1a expression using the method of
Figure 1 depicts the induction of HIF-1a in the spec-
imens during OTM as early as 12 hours after the applica-
tion of orthodontic force in the alveolar bone cells Fig 1. Induction of HIF-1a in the specimens during OTM
located proximal to the root apex (black staining). as early as 12 hours after the application of orthodontic
Therefore, HIF-1a is rapidly activated by orthodontic force in the alveolar bone cells located proximal to the
forces through a posttranslational mechanism (hypox- root apex (black staining).
ia-driven removal of its cognate inhibitor) and does
not require de novo synthesis like other factors involved
Stephanos Kyrkanides
in OTM. Furthermore, hypoxia-induced autophagy ap- Rochester, NY
pears to be mediated by HIF-1a in bone.5 It appears
on the basis of available literature that HIF-1a might Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:163–164
be an initiator of OTM, and autophagy, one of several 0889-5406/$36.00
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
processes involved in OTM induced by HIF-1a. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.011
Figure 2 summarizes the molecular cascade of events
that take place after the application of orthodontic
forces. Notably, the role of cyclooxygenase-2 is high- REFERENCES
lighted, which is the target of pain inhibitors often 1. Li Y, Jacox LA, Coats S, Kwon J, Xue P, Tang N, et al. Roles of auto-
used by patients, including ibuprofen, naproxen, and phagy in orthodontic tooth movement. Am J Orthod Dentofac Or-
other over-the-counter nonsteroidal antiinflammatory thop 2021;159:582-93.
drugs. In contrast, when the orthodontic pressure results 2. Li Y, Jacox LA, Little SH, Ko CC. Orthodontic tooth movement: the
biology and clinical implications. Kaohsiung J Med Sci 2018;34:
in anoxia (complete lack of oxygen), then cell death will 207-14.
ensue, and the teeth will only move through undermin- 3. Chen D, Wu L, Liu L, Gong Q, Zheng J, Peng C, et al. Comparison of
ing resorption.6 HIF1A-AS1 and HIF1A-AS2 in regulating HIF-1a and the

164 Readers' forum

Fig 2. The molecular cascade of events after the application of orthodontic forces.

osteogenic differentiation of PDLCs under hypoxia. Int J Mol Med demonstrated that autophagy is primarily induced in
2017;40:1529-36. macrophage-lineage cells (the precursor of osteoclast)
4. King GJ, Keeling SD, Wronski TJ. Histomorphometric study of alveolar
by orthodontic loading in a force-dependent manner
bone turnover in orthodontic tooth movement. Bone 1991;12:401-9.
5. Yellowley CE, Genetos DC. Hypoxia signaling in the skeleton: impli- and plays a role during OTM.
cations for bone health. Curr Osteoporos Rep 2019;17:26-35. In the early 1990s, King et al3 showed hypoxia-
6. Roberts-Harry D, Sandy J. Orthodontics. Part 11: Orthodontic tooth inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) was induced as early as
movement. Br Dent J 2004;196:391-4: quiz 426. 12 hours after the application of compressive force dur-
ing OTM. Other studies have shown that HIF-1a could
Author's response bind to hypoxia response elements of .100 genes (eg,
VEGF and BNIP3) and regulates their production.4

T hank you for your letter. I agree that this is an inter-

esting subject, which can be crucial for the biology of
orthodontic tooth movement (OTM).
More evidence supports crosstalk between HIF-1a and
autophagy.5-7 Thus, the letter hypothesizes that HIF-1a
might be the initiator of OTM and autophagy. The
It has been well known for 100 years that aseptic findings from Li et al1 showed an increase in BECN1 (a
inflammation regulates the biological process of bone macroautophagy gene) expression 3 days after loading
resorption during OTM. There must exist a mechanism indirectly supports this hypothesis. Although this can be
that controls inflammation and the resorptive process a reasonable hypothesis, it would require rigorous
to prevent the pathogenesis induced by orthodontic investigations to unveil their upstream and downstream
loading. However, factors that subside the orthodontic relationships.
inflammation to uphold homeostasis of the periodontal Recently, the Ko laboratory (Li’s colleague) reported
tissues are rarely studied. In our article, we suggested that another autophagy gene (eg, optineurin [OPTN])
that autophagy may serve as such a regulatory role dur- binds Nrf2 to regulate intracellular reactive oxygen spe-
ing OTM. In addition, the administration of an auto- cies and the survival of bone cells.8 Because a major role
phagy activator (eg, rapamycin) decreases tooth of HIF-1a is to prevent excess mitochondrial reactive ox-
movement and osteoclast recruitment in rats, suggest- ygen species production under hypoxic conditions, it is
ing that autophagy could downregulate the inflamma- possible both HIF-1a and optineurin may express paral-
tory response during OTM.1 Furthermore, Jacox et al2 lel without a regulatory relationship. It is suggested that

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
164 Readers' forum

Fig 2. The molecular cascade of events after the application of orthodontic forces.

osteogenic differentiation of PDLCs under hypoxia. Int J Mol Med demonstrated that autophagy is primarily induced in
2017;40:1529-36. macrophage-lineage cells (the precursor of osteoclast)
4. King GJ, Keeling SD, Wronski TJ. Histomorphometric study of alveolar
by orthodontic loading in a force-dependent manner
bone turnover in orthodontic tooth movement. Bone 1991;12:401-9.
5. Yellowley CE, Genetos DC. Hypoxia signaling in the skeleton: impli- and plays a role during OTM.
cations for bone health. Curr Osteoporos Rep 2019;17:26-35. In the early 1990s, King et al3 showed hypoxia-
6. Roberts-Harry D, Sandy J. Orthodontics. Part 11: Orthodontic tooth inducible factor-1a (HIF-1a) was induced as early as
movement. Br Dent J 2004;196:391-4: quiz 426. 12 hours after the application of compressive force dur-
ing OTM. Other studies have shown that HIF-1a could
Author's response bind to hypoxia response elements of .100 genes (eg,
VEGF and BNIP3) and regulates their production.4

T hank you for your letter. I agree that this is an inter-

esting subject, which can be crucial for the biology of
orthodontic tooth movement (OTM).
More evidence supports crosstalk between HIF-1a and
autophagy.5-7 Thus, the letter hypothesizes that HIF-1a
might be the initiator of OTM and autophagy. The
It has been well known for 100 years that aseptic findings from Li et al1 showed an increase in BECN1 (a
inflammation regulates the biological process of bone macroautophagy gene) expression 3 days after loading
resorption during OTM. There must exist a mechanism indirectly supports this hypothesis. Although this can be
that controls inflammation and the resorptive process a reasonable hypothesis, it would require rigorous
to prevent the pathogenesis induced by orthodontic investigations to unveil their upstream and downstream
loading. However, factors that subside the orthodontic relationships.
inflammation to uphold homeostasis of the periodontal Recently, the Ko laboratory (Li’s colleague) reported
tissues are rarely studied. In our article, we suggested that another autophagy gene (eg, optineurin [OPTN])
that autophagy may serve as such a regulatory role dur- binds Nrf2 to regulate intracellular reactive oxygen spe-
ing OTM. In addition, the administration of an auto- cies and the survival of bone cells.8 Because a major role
phagy activator (eg, rapamycin) decreases tooth of HIF-1a is to prevent excess mitochondrial reactive ox-
movement and osteoclast recruitment in rats, suggest- ygen species production under hypoxic conditions, it is
ing that autophagy could downregulate the inflamma- possible both HIF-1a and optineurin may express paral-
tory response during OTM.1 Furthermore, Jacox et al2 lel without a regulatory relationship. It is suggested that

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Readers' forum 165

the hypothesis should depict specific autophagy forms them how to do cephalometric tracings, and I was look-
such as macroautophagy, microautophagy, or mitoph- ing forward to using this case as an example of the cor-
agy, etc. rect way to close a skeletal open bite, that is, posterior
Ching-Chang Ko intrusion rather than anterior extrusion.
Columbus, Ohio Evaluating the information presented by the authors,
I, unfortunately, have to take issue with their findings as
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:164–165
0889-5406/$36.00 to the mechanism of the open bite correction. In their
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. conclusion, they state: “The occlusal plan control with
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.012 mandibular—molar intrusion allowed a counterclock-
wise rotation the mandible to permit bite closure.” I do
REFERENCES not think that the superimposition cephalometric radio-
1. Li Y, Jacox LA, Coats S, Kwon J, Xue P, Tang N, et al. Roles of auto- graphs shown in Figure 14 justify this conclusion. I
phagy in orthodontic tooth movement. Am J Orthod Dentofacial believe that the mandibular border outline is, within
Orthop 2021;159:582-93. the margin of tracing error, almost perfectly superim-
2. Jacox L, Tang N, Li Y, Bocklage C, Coats S, Graves C, et al. Orthodon-
posed between the before and after cephalometric
tic loading activates cell-specific autophagy in a force-dependent
manner. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2021: In press. tracings. This would indicate that there was no counter-
3. King GJ, Keeling SD, Wronski TJ. Histomorphometric study of alve- clockwise rotation of the mandible. Instead, looking at
olar bone turnover in orthodontic tooth movement. Bone 1991;12: the before and after the position of the incisors, it is
401-9. evident that there was a large degree of extrusion (espe-
4. Bellot G, Garcia-Medina R, Gounon P, Chiche J, Roux D,
Pouyssegur J, et al. Hypoxia-induced autophagy is mediated
cially the mandibular incisors).
through hypoxia-inducible factor induction of BNIP3 and BNIP3L Given the cost and trauma of orthognathic surgery,
via their BH3 domains. Mol Cell Biol 2009;29:2570-81. the treatment performed was certainly appropriate and
5. Qu€aschling T, Friedrich D, Deepe GS Jr, Rupp J. Crosstalk Between successful. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge
autophagy and hypoxia-inducible factor-1a in antifungal immu- the actual mechanism of the correction and not to
nity. Cells 2020;9:2150.
delude ourselves that temporary anchorage devices are
6. Chen D, Wu L, Liu L, Gong Q, Zheng J, Peng C, et al. Comparison of
HIF1A-AS1 and HIF1A-AS2 in regulating HIF-1a and the osteo- capable of producing the same counterclockwise open
genic differentiation of PDLCs under hypoxia. Int J Mol Med bite correction that is typically achieved with orthog-
2017;40:1529-36. nathic surgery.
7. Zhang H, Bosch-Marce M, Shimoda LA, Tan YS, Baek JH, Wesley JB, Robert Waxler
et al. Mitochondrial autophagy is an HIF-1-dependent adaptive
St. Louis, Mo
metabolic response to hypoxia. J Biol Chem 2008;283:10892-903.
8. Xue P, Hu X, Chang E, Wang L, Chen M, Wu T-H, et al. Deficiency of Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:165
optineurin enhances osteoclast differentiation by attenuating NRF- 0889-5406/$36.00
2 mediated antioxidant response. Exp Mol Med 2021;53:667-80. Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.

Correcting skeletal open bite with clear REFERENCE

aligners and miniscrews 1. Pinho T, Santos M. Skeletal open bite treated with clear aligners and
miniscrews. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;159:224-33.

I read with a great deal of interest the case report by

Pinho and Santos in the February issue of the Amer-
ican Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthope- Author's response
dics.1 It was most impressive how they were able to close
such a severe skeletal open bite without surgery! As a
long-time user of Invisalign, I, too, have often found it
a better way to close open bite malocclusions than tradi-
W e appreciate our colleague's comments and agree
that aligners are a powerful tool for open bite
correction. However, in patients with skeletal open bite
tional orthodontic treatment, but I was never able to with high magnitude, as in the case report we presented,
achieve such a profound result as this case report we are sure to program the concomitant use of
demonstrated. auxiliaries, namely miniscrews.
As the orthodontic specialty care director at the Mis- We reinforce what has already been explained in the
souri School of Dentistry and Oral Health, one of my re- article, in which the purpose was not to convey the
sponsibilities is to educate the dental students on how to message that everything is solved with camouflage using
evaluate orthodontic treatment. To this end, I teach miniscrews. However, in this specific complex case, as

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
Readers' forum 165

the hypothesis should depict specific autophagy forms them how to do cephalometric tracings, and I was look-
such as macroautophagy, microautophagy, or mitoph- ing forward to using this case as an example of the cor-
agy, etc. rect way to close a skeletal open bite, that is, posterior
Ching-Chang Ko intrusion rather than anterior extrusion.
Columbus, Ohio Evaluating the information presented by the authors,
I, unfortunately, have to take issue with their findings as
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:165
0889-5406/$36.00 to the mechanism of the open bite correction. In their
Ó 2021. conclusion, they state: “The occlusal plan control with
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.012 mandibular—molar intrusion allowed a counterclock-
wise rotation the mandible to permit bite closure.” I do
REFERENCES not think that the superimposition cephalometric radio-
1. Li Y, Jacox LA, Coats S, Kwon J, Xue P, Tang N, et al. Roles of auto- graphs shown in Figure 14 justify this conclusion. I
phagy in orthodontic tooth movement. Am J Orthod Dentofacial believe that the mandibular border outline is, within
Orthop 2021;159:582-93. the margin of tracing error, almost perfectly superim-
2. Jacox L, Tang N, Li Y, Bocklage C, Coats S, Graves C, et al. Orthodon-
posed between the before and after cephalometric
tic loading activates cell-specific autophagy in a force-dependent
manner. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2021: In press. tracings. This would indicate that there was no counter-
3. King GJ, Keeling SD, Wronski TJ. Histomorphometric study of alve- clockwise rotation of the mandible. Instead, looking at
olar bone turnover in orthodontic tooth movement. Bone 1991;12: the before and after the position of the incisors, it is
401-9. evident that there was a large degree of extrusion (espe-
4. Bellot G, Garcia-Medina R, Gounon P, Chiche J, Roux D,
Pouyssegur J, et al. Hypoxia-induced autophagy is mediated
cially the mandibular incisors).
through hypoxia-inducible factor induction of BNIP3 and BNIP3L Given the cost and trauma of orthognathic surgery,
via their BH3 domains. Mol Cell Biol 2009;29:2570-81. the treatment performed was certainly appropriate and
5. Qu€aschling T, Friedrich D, Deepe GS Jr, Rupp J. Crosstalk Between successful. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge
autophagy and hypoxia-inducible factor-1a in antifungal immu- the actual mechanism of the correction and not to
nity. Cells 2020;9:2150.
delude ourselves that temporary anchorage devices are
6. Chen D, Wu L, Liu L, Gong Q, Zheng J, Peng C, et al. Comparison of
HIF1A-AS1 and HIF1A-AS2 in regulating HIF-1a and the osteo- capable of producing the same counterclockwise open
genic differentiation of PDLCs under hypoxia. Int J Mol Med bite correction that is typically achieved with orthog-
2017;40:1529-36. nathic surgery.
7. Zhang H, Bosch-Marce M, Shimoda LA, Tan YS, Baek JH, Wesley JB, Robert Waxler
et al. Mitochondrial autophagy is an HIF-1-dependent adaptive
St. Louis, Mo
metabolic response to hypoxia. J Biol Chem 2008;283:10892-903.
8. Xue P, Hu X, Chang E, Wang L, Chen M, Wu T-H, et al. Deficiency of Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:165
optineurin enhances osteoclast differentiation by attenuating NRF- 0889-5406/$36.00
2 mediated antioxidant response. Exp Mol Med 2021;53:667-80. Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.

Correcting skeletal open bite with clear REFERENCE

aligners and miniscrews 1. Pinho T, Santos M. Skeletal open bite treated with clear aligners and
miniscrews. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;159:224-33.

I read with a great deal of interest the case report by

Pinho and Santos in the February issue of the Amer-
ican Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthope- Author's response
dics.1 It was most impressive how they were able to close
such a severe skeletal open bite without surgery! As a
long-time user of Invisalign, I, too, have often found it
a better way to close open bite malocclusions than tradi-
W e appreciate our colleague's comments and agree
that aligners are a powerful tool for open bite
correction. However, in patients with skeletal open bite
tional orthodontic treatment, but I was never able to with high magnitude, as in the case report we presented,
achieve such a profound result as this case report we are sure to program the concomitant use of
demonstrated. auxiliaries, namely miniscrews.
As the orthodontic specialty care director at the Mis- We reinforce what has already been explained in the
souri School of Dentistry and Oral Health, one of my re- article, in which the purpose was not to convey the
sponsibilities is to educate the dental students on how to message that everything is solved with camouflage using
evaluate orthodontic treatment. To this end, I teach miniscrews. However, in this specific complex case, as

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
Readers' forum 165

the hypothesis should depict specific autophagy forms them how to do cephalometric tracings, and I was look-
such as macroautophagy, microautophagy, or mitoph- ing forward to using this case as an example of the cor-
agy, etc. rect way to close a skeletal open bite, that is, posterior
Ching-Chang Ko intrusion rather than anterior extrusion.
Columbus, Ohio Evaluating the information presented by the authors,
I, unfortunately, have to take issue with their findings as
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:165
0889-5406/$36.00 to the mechanism of the open bite correction. In their
Ó 2021. conclusion, they state: “The occlusal plan control with
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.012 mandibular—molar intrusion allowed a counterclock-
wise rotation the mandible to permit bite closure.” I do
REFERENCES not think that the superimposition cephalometric radio-
1. Li Y, Jacox LA, Coats S, Kwon J, Xue P, Tang N, et al. Roles of auto- graphs shown in Figure 14 justify this conclusion. I
phagy in orthodontic tooth movement. Am J Orthod Dentofacial believe that the mandibular border outline is, within
Orthop 2021;159:582-93. the margin of tracing error, almost perfectly superim-
2. Jacox L, Tang N, Li Y, Bocklage C, Coats S, Graves C, et al. Orthodon-
posed between the before and after cephalometric
tic loading activates cell-specific autophagy in a force-dependent
manner. Am J Orthod Dentofac Orthop 2021: In press. tracings. This would indicate that there was no counter-
3. King GJ, Keeling SD, Wronski TJ. Histomorphometric study of alve- clockwise rotation of the mandible. Instead, looking at
olar bone turnover in orthodontic tooth movement. Bone 1991;12: the before and after the position of the incisors, it is
401-9. evident that there was a large degree of extrusion (espe-
4. Bellot G, Garcia-Medina R, Gounon P, Chiche J, Roux D,
Pouyssegur J, et al. Hypoxia-induced autophagy is mediated
cially the mandibular incisors).
through hypoxia-inducible factor induction of BNIP3 and BNIP3L Given the cost and trauma of orthognathic surgery,
via their BH3 domains. Mol Cell Biol 2009;29:2570-81. the treatment performed was certainly appropriate and
5. Qu€aschling T, Friedrich D, Deepe GS Jr, Rupp J. Crosstalk Between successful. Nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge
autophagy and hypoxia-inducible factor-1a in antifungal immu- the actual mechanism of the correction and not to
nity. Cells 2020;9:2150.
delude ourselves that temporary anchorage devices are
6. Chen D, Wu L, Liu L, Gong Q, Zheng J, Peng C, et al. Comparison of
HIF1A-AS1 and HIF1A-AS2 in regulating HIF-1a and the osteo- capable of producing the same counterclockwise open
genic differentiation of PDLCs under hypoxia. Int J Mol Med bite correction that is typically achieved with orthog-
2017;40:1529-36. nathic surgery.
7. Zhang H, Bosch-Marce M, Shimoda LA, Tan YS, Baek JH, Wesley JB, Robert Waxler
et al. Mitochondrial autophagy is an HIF-1-dependent adaptive
St. Louis, Mo
metabolic response to hypoxia. J Biol Chem 2008;283:10892-903.
8. Xue P, Hu X, Chang E, Wang L, Chen M, Wu T-H, et al. Deficiency of Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:165
optineurin enhances osteoclast differentiation by attenuating NRF- 0889-5406/$36.00
2 mediated antioxidant response. Exp Mol Med 2021;53:667-80. Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.

Correcting skeletal open bite with clear REFERENCE

aligners and miniscrews 1. Pinho T, Santos M. Skeletal open bite treated with clear aligners and
miniscrews. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;159:224-33.

I read with a great deal of interest the case report by

Pinho and Santos in the February issue of the Amer-
ican Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthope- Author's response
dics.1 It was most impressive how they were able to close
such a severe skeletal open bite without surgery! As a
long-time user of Invisalign, I, too, have often found it
a better way to close open bite malocclusions than tradi-
W e appreciate our colleague's comments and agree
that aligners are a powerful tool for open bite
correction. However, in patients with skeletal open bite
tional orthodontic treatment, but I was never able to with high magnitude, as in the case report we presented,
achieve such a profound result as this case report we are sure to program the concomitant use of
demonstrated. auxiliaries, namely miniscrews.
As the orthodontic specialty care director at the Mis- We reinforce what has already been explained in the
souri School of Dentistry and Oral Health, one of my re- article, in which the purpose was not to convey the
sponsibilities is to educate the dental students on how to message that everything is solved with camouflage using
evaluate orthodontic treatment. To this end, I teach miniscrews. However, in this specific complex case, as

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
166 Readers' forum

the traditional orthodontic treatments; however, with

the present technical system (aligners and miniscrews),
the success of orthodontic treatment was increased.
In the superimposition of the maxilla (with the palate
superimposition) (Fig B), a significant intrusion of the
maxillary first molars was observed, perhaps being the
factor that most contributed to a counterclockwise
rotation of the mandible.
To further reinforce our conclusion about the
counterclockwise rotation of the mandible, in
Merrifield's Z angle, an increase of the angle from 67
to 70 can be observed. It should also be noted that the
increase in the IMPA (which went from 87.7 to 93 ) would
aggravate the Z angle but was not observed, further
reinforcing the occurrence of counterclockwise rotation.
In the general superimposition (Fig A), considering the
counterclockwise rotation of the mandible, it gives an
illusion of excessive extrusion of the mandibular incisors,
which when evaluated in the mandibular super-
imposition, is not confirmed, being observed a slight
extrusion, but not as relevant as referred by our colleague.
In the maxilla superimposition, it was verified relative
€rk general superimposition; B, Bjo
Fig. A, Bjo €rk maxillary extrusion, not pure extrusion, as mentioned in the
€rk mandibular superimposition.
superimposition; C, Bjo manuscript.
In conclusion, the success of this treatment was due
to the posterior vertical control. Considering the initial
the superimposition and clinical results revealed, there open bite magnitude, a minimal extrusion of the incisors
was a high posterior vertical control, which contributed reinforces the occurrence of counterclockwise rotation
to the success achieved. of the mandible as a major contribution to close the
Having in mind the comments on the cephalometric open bite. In addition to the cephalometric super-
superimposition, we considered it pertinent to present a impositions that are undoubtedly a scientifically proven
general superimposition (Fig A) with reference planes, as asset, we have a clinical improvement at the dental and
well as to present the maxillary (Fig B) and mandibular facial level, namely in the lip competence that reinforces
(Fig C) superimpositions, which are undoubtedly an what was explained in this answer.
asset for the answer to the presented doubts. Regarding Teresa Pinho
the total superimposition (Fig A), a counterclockwise Paredes, Portugal
rotation of the mandible is observed, with a decrease
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:165–166
in the FMA. Despite the omission in the article, we can 0889-5406/$36.00
also prove it with a counterclockwise rotation of the Ó 2021.
mandible through the measurements of the occlusal https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.007
plane that went from the initial 6.8 to 5.5 . Admittedly,
we should have included the value of this measure, as it
would be an important supporting factor.
Skeletal open bite treated with clear
Considering the new opportunity to explain the aligners and miniscrews
obtained results, and because it is omitted in the article,
in the maxillary (Fig B) and mandibular (Fig C)
superimposition areas, we can prove that at the A case report published in February 2021 by Teresa
Pinho and Mariana Santos describes the treatment
mandibular level, a slight first molar intrusion was of a 16-year-old female patient with a skeletal open
made, which in this patient with the magnitude of bite and temporomandibular dysfunction (Pinho T,
hyperdivergence presented was undoubtedly an asset Santos M. Skeletal open bite treated with clearaligners
for vertical control. As our colleague mentions, this is a and miniscrews Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
patient with an increased complexity degree for most of 2021;159:224-33).

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
166 Readers' forum

the traditional orthodontic treatments; however, with

the present technical system (aligners and miniscrews),
the success of orthodontic treatment was increased.
In the superimposition of the maxilla (with the palate
superimposition) (Fig B), a significant intrusion of the
maxillary first molars was observed, perhaps being the
factor that most contributed to a counterclockwise
rotation of the mandible.
To further reinforce our conclusion about the
counterclockwise rotation of the mandible, in
Merrifield's Z angle, an increase of the angle from 67
to 70 can be observed. It should also be noted that the
increase in the IMPA (which went from 87.7 to 93 ) would
aggravate the Z angle but was not observed, further
reinforcing the occurrence of counterclockwise rotation.
In the general superimposition (Fig A), considering the
counterclockwise rotation of the mandible, it gives an
illusion of excessive extrusion of the mandibular incisors,
which when evaluated in the mandibular super-
imposition, is not confirmed, being observed a slight
extrusion, but not as relevant as referred by our colleague.
In the maxilla superimposition, it was verified relative
€rk general superimposition; B, Bjo
Fig. A, Bjo €rk maxillary extrusion, not pure extrusion, as mentioned in the
€rk mandibular superimposition.
superimposition; C, Bjo manuscript.
In conclusion, the success of this treatment was due
to the posterior vertical control. Considering the initial
the superimposition and clinical results revealed, there open bite magnitude, a minimal extrusion of the incisors
was a high posterior vertical control, which contributed reinforces the occurrence of counterclockwise rotation
to the success achieved. of the mandible as a major contribution to close the
Having in mind the comments on the cephalometric open bite. In addition to the cephalometric super-
superimposition, we considered it pertinent to present a impositions that are undoubtedly a scientifically proven
general superimposition (Fig A) with reference planes, as asset, we have a clinical improvement at the dental and
well as to present the maxillary (Fig B) and mandibular facial level, namely in the lip competence that reinforces
(Fig C) superimpositions, which are undoubtedly an what was explained in this answer.
asset for the answer to the presented doubts. Regarding Teresa Pinho
the total superimposition (Fig A), a counterclockwise Paredes, Portugal
rotation of the mandible is observed, with a decrease
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:166
in the FMA. Despite the omission in the article, we can 0889-5406/$36.00
also prove it with a counterclockwise rotation of the Ó 2021.
mandible through the measurements of the occlusal https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.04.007
plane that went from the initial 6.8 to 5.5 . Admittedly,
we should have included the value of this measure, as it
would be an important supporting factor.
Skeletal open bite treated with clear
Considering the new opportunity to explain the aligners and miniscrews
obtained results, and because it is omitted in the article,
in the maxillary (Fig B) and mandibular (Fig C)
superimposition areas, we can prove that at the A case report published in February 2021 by Teresa
Pinho and Mariana Santos describes the treatment
mandibular level, a slight first molar intrusion was of a 16-year-old female patient with a skeletal open
made, which in this patient with the magnitude of bite and temporomandibular dysfunction (Pinho T,
hyperdivergence presented was undoubtedly an asset Santos M. Skeletal open bite treated with clearaligners
for vertical control. As our colleague mentions, this is a and miniscrews Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop
patient with an increased complexity degree for most of 2021;159:224-33).

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Readers' forum 167

The case report was very informative, innovative, and Regarding posterior intrusion in aligner therapy, clin-
of great knowledge, but we have some questions. ically, if we compare Figures 7 and 8, which show the
The authors mentioned that they observed Class III aligners inserted before and after the posterior intrusion,
molar tendency bilaterally (p 224), but Figure 1 clearly we can observe that the molars have intruded with an
depicts a Class I molar relationship. Furthermore, evident step with adjacent premolars in which a pro-
Figure 2 shows an end-on molar relationship bilaterally. gramed intrusion was also contemplated, because of
Kindly clarify the molar relationship of the patient. the initial occlusal contacts on premolars. This fact is
In the diagnosis and etiology section, the authors corroborated by the photographs in Figure 9, after use
mention that the patient had labial incompetence of the number 25 aligner, 7 months after the start of
because of increased overjet. However, labial compe- treatment. Until aligner number 25, no true extrusion
tence is seen in extraoral pretreatment photographs was programed on the canines and incisors, the similar
(Fig 1). step between these teeth on the maxillary and mandib-
Finally, the authors stated that mandibular posterior ular arch, that can be confirmed comparing Figures 7
intrusion was done with the use of a mandibular buccal and 8. We addressed this question in a previous author's
shelf implant, which led to counterclockwise rotation of response (to the letter from Dr Waxler) with new general,
the mandible. The Table shows a decrease in FMA, from maxillary and mandibular superpositions. Having in
38 to 32.1 , but the superimposition shows no evident mind the comments on the cephalometric superimposi-
change. Can the authors comment on the posterior tion, we considered it pertinent to present a general su-
intrusion in aligner therapy because of the bite-block perimposition with reference plans, as well as to present
effect, which is also a confounding factor? the maxillary and mandibular superimpositions, which
Yash Agarwal are undoubtedly an asset for the answer to the presented
Manish Goyal doubts. Regarding the total superimposition, a counter-
Mukesh Kumar clockwise rotation of the mandible is observed, with a
Amandeep Kaur decrease in the FMA angle. Despite the omission in the
Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, India article, we can also prove it with counterclockwise rota-
tion of the mandible through the measurements of the
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:166–167
occlusal plane that went from the initial 6.8 to 5.5 .
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. We should have reported the value of this measure in
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.05.005 the article, as it was an important supporting factor.
The new maxillary and mandibular superimposition
show that at the mandibular level, a slight first molar
Author’s response intrusion was made, which in this patient, with the
magnitude of hyperdivergence presented, was undoubt-
T hank you for your letter. We addressed some of these
issues in our author’s response to Dr Waxler and will
try to answer your questions here.
edly an asset for vertical control. This was a patient with
an increased degree of complexity for most of the tradi-
tional orthodontic treatments; however, with the present
We referred to a bilateral Class III tendency on
technical system (aligners and miniscrews), the success
maximum intercuspation with the forced condyles in
of orthodontic treatment was increased.
an anomalous position, not a true Class III relationship.
The superimposition of the maxilla shows a signifi-
As Figure 1 showed, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxil-
cant intrusion of the maxillary first molars, perhaps
lary molar is slightly behind the buccal groove of the
being the factor that most contributed to a counter-
mandibular molar. However, the dental relationship
clockwise rotation of the mandible.
became a bilateral Class II in centric condyle, which cor-
To further reinforce our conclusion about the coun-
responds to a nonforced reference condyle position. We
terclockwise rotation of the mandible, in Merrifield's z
cannot forget that this patient had a temporomandib-
angle, an increase of the angle from 67 to 70 can be
ular disorder, with a high, different position between
observed. It should also be noted that the increase in
maximum intercuspation and centric relation.
the IMPA (which went from 87.7 to 93 ) would aggra-
Although the patient's lips are closed in Figure 1, the
vate the z angle but was not observed, further reinforc-
pretreatment photograph, this position is clearly forced;
ing the occurrence of counterclockwise rotation. The
you can see the evident roughness of the chin (the so-
general superimposition, considering the counterclock-
called orange peel menton), typical of labial incompe-
wise rotation of the mandible, gives an illusion of
tence because of forced lip contact.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
Readers' forum 167

The case report was very informative, innovative, and Regarding posterior intrusion in aligner therapy, clin-
of great knowledge, but we have some questions. ically, if we compare Figures 7 and 8, which show the
The authors mentioned that they observed Class III aligners inserted before and after the posterior intrusion,
molar tendency bilaterally (p 224), but Figure 1 clearly we can observe that the molars have intruded with an
depicts a Class I molar relationship. Furthermore, evident step with adjacent premolars in which a pro-
Figure 2 shows an end-on molar relationship bilaterally. gramed intrusion was also contemplated, because of
Kindly clarify the molar relationship of the patient. the initial occlusal contacts on premolars. This fact is
In the diagnosis and etiology section, the authors corroborated by the photographs in Figure 9, after use
mention that the patient had labial incompetence of the number 25 aligner, 7 months after the start of
because of increased overjet. However, labial compe- treatment. Until aligner number 25, no true extrusion
tence is seen in extraoral pretreatment photographs was programed on the canines and incisors, the similar
(Fig 1). step between these teeth on the maxillary and mandib-
Finally, the authors stated that mandibular posterior ular arch, that can be confirmed comparing Figures 7
intrusion was done with the use of a mandibular buccal and 8. We addressed this question in a previous author's
shelf implant, which led to counterclockwise rotation of response (to the letter from Dr Waxler) with new general,
the mandible. The Table shows a decrease in FMA, from maxillary and mandibular superpositions. Having in
38 to 32.1 , but the superimposition shows no evident mind the comments on the cephalometric superimposi-
change. Can the authors comment on the posterior tion, we considered it pertinent to present a general su-
intrusion in aligner therapy because of the bite-block perimposition with reference plans, as well as to present
effect, which is also a confounding factor? the maxillary and mandibular superimpositions, which
Yash Agarwal are undoubtedly an asset for the answer to the presented
Manish Goyal doubts. Regarding the total superimposition, a counter-
Mukesh Kumar clockwise rotation of the mandible is observed, with a
Amandeep Kaur decrease in the FMA angle. Despite the omission in the
Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh, India article, we can also prove it with counterclockwise rota-
tion of the mandible through the measurements of the
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:167
occlusal plane that went from the initial 6.8 to 5.5 .
Ó 2021. We should have reported the value of this measure in
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.05.005 the article, as it was an important supporting factor.
The new maxillary and mandibular superimposition
show that at the mandibular level, a slight first molar
Author’s response intrusion was made, which in this patient, with the
magnitude of hyperdivergence presented, was undoubt-
T hank you for your letter. We addressed some of these
issues in our author’s response to Dr Waxler and will
try to answer your questions here.
edly an asset for vertical control. This was a patient with
an increased degree of complexity for most of the tradi-
tional orthodontic treatments; however, with the present
We referred to a bilateral Class III tendency on
technical system (aligners and miniscrews), the success
maximum intercuspation with the forced condyles in
of orthodontic treatment was increased.
an anomalous position, not a true Class III relationship.
The superimposition of the maxilla shows a signifi-
As Figure 1 showed, the mesiobuccal cusp of the maxil-
cant intrusion of the maxillary first molars, perhaps
lary molar is slightly behind the buccal groove of the
being the factor that most contributed to a counter-
mandibular molar. However, the dental relationship
clockwise rotation of the mandible.
became a bilateral Class II in centric condyle, which cor-
To further reinforce our conclusion about the coun-
responds to a nonforced reference condyle position. We
terclockwise rotation of the mandible, in Merrifield's z
cannot forget that this patient had a temporomandib-
angle, an increase of the angle from 67 to 70 can be
ular disorder, with a high, different position between
observed. It should also be noted that the increase in
maximum intercuspation and centric relation.
the IMPA (which went from 87.7 to 93 ) would aggra-
Although the patient's lips are closed in Figure 1, the
vate the z angle but was not observed, further reinforc-
pretreatment photograph, this position is clearly forced;
ing the occurrence of counterclockwise rotation. The
you can see the evident roughness of the chin (the so-
general superimposition, considering the counterclock-
called orange peel menton), typical of labial incompe-
wise rotation of the mandible, gives an illusion of
tence because of forced lip contact.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
168 Readers' forum

excessive extrusion of the mandibular incisors, which open bite. In addition to the cephalometric superimpo-
when evaluated in the mandibular superimposition, is sitions that are undoubtedly a scientifically proven asset,
not confirmed, being observed a slight extrusion, but we have a clinical improvement at the dental and facial
not as relevant as referred by the colleague. The maxil- level, namely in the lip competence that reinforces what
lary superimposition verified relative extrusion, not was explained in this answer.
pure extrusion, as mentioned in the manuscript. In Teresa Pinho
conclusion, the success of this treatment was due to Paredes, Portugal
the posterior vertical control. Considering the initial
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:167–168
open bite magnitude, a minimal extrusion of the inci- 0889-5406/$36.00
sors, reinforces the occurrence of counterclockwise rota- Ó 2021.
tion of the mandible as a major contribution to close the https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.05.006

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

The foundation
Peter M. Greco
Philadelphia, Pa

rs Bell is typical of the adult patients that find colleagues. Because actions truly speak louder than
their way to your practice. Many are wary and words, our follow-through in any of our promises is
critical when they arrive, and a few even essential to establishing trust in our reputation, both
display a bit of an edge when they meet you. Your recep- individually and collectively. Our reverence for trust
tionist warns you that Mrs Bell is no different. From her compels us to become part of a consistent mission—
first phone call, she needs a bit of coddling to satisfy her whether as clinicians, academicians, or residents—by
requirements for an appointment time. She swiftly ques- creating the common purpose and objective to do
tions your receptionist to determine if you “run on time.” good. Trust is a 2-way street with 1 lane based on trans-
She chooses to leave many questions in her medical his- parency and the other on competency.1
tory unanswered. And in reply to the question that asks if The establishment of trust in an orthodontist differs
she was dissatisfied with any previous treatment, she an- from that of trust in friends. Think of the time it took to
swers affirmatively without an explanation. develop a cherished friendship in which mutual trust
She appears at your office promptly and is seated abounds. Contrast this to a potential patient who might
immediately but is less than cordial with your staff as make the commitment to time and expense within mi-
she settles into the operatory. As you introduce yourself, nutes of meeting us. Then compound that leap with
you sense a slight air of belligerence as she asks if you the inequity of knowledge between our patient and us,
received and reviewed her x-rays from her dentist. You and we find a patient in a unique position of vulnera-
immediately ask yourself if she might be a patient with bility.2
whom you'd prefer not to get involved. But you know We cannot and should not sell orthodontic therapy.
the high-quality dental group who referred her for pre- What we provide is vastly elective. But we can establish
prosthetic orthodontic preparation and figure that if sufficient confidence and trust to generate the motiva-
you had any doubts after seeing her, you could seek their tion for patients to eagerly enlist in our care. Despite
input about the potential of satisfying her orthodontic all the tricks we read from the practice gurus and trade
needs. magazines, patients and parents—especially the discrim-
After a short chat about her orthodontic concerns inating ones—will proceed with treatment on the basis of
and your subsequent explanation of the objectives of trust that they cultivate from our understanding and
the visit, the examination goes smoothly. You thor- appreciation of their history, needs, and desires.
oughly outline your role in her rehabilitation and Just 1 day after your initial examination, Mrs Bell
patiently answer a myriad of the well-grounded ques- calls back and wants to know how soon she can begin
tions she had compiled. You request she contemplate treatment with you. She declares, “I'm totally on board!”
your treatment recommendations and call should she and pledges to follow any directives you prescribe for
have any future questions. As she rises from the chair, her.
she smiles broadly and tells you that your examination It's been said we vote with our feet. No doubt trust
and explanation were the most thorough and compre- had a role in Mrs Bell's ballot.
hensive that she has ever had.
Trust is the foundation of our specialty. Simply think
of the icons that created the binding unity that led to the
prestigious legacy of this specialty's membership. Akin to REFERENCES
our trust of those who accepted and mentored us, so too, 1. Jaffe D. The essential importance of trust: how to build it or restore
have we sustained that commitment to generate trust as it. Available at: forbes.com/sites/dennisjaffe/2018/12/05/the-
we communicate with our patients, residents, and essential-importance-of-trust-how-to-build-it-or-restore-it/?sh5
e42cfc464fe5. Accessed April 23, 2021.
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:169 2. Rule J, Veatch RM. Chapter 7. Fidelity: obligations of trust and
0889-5406/$36.00 confidentiality. In: Bywaters L, Harmon L, editors. Ethical Questions
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. In Dentistry. 2nd ed. Chicago: Quintessence Publishing; 2004. p.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.05.001 125.


Machine learning and orthodontics,

current trends and the future
opportunities: A scoping review
Hossein Mohammad-Rahimi,a Mohadeseh Nadimi,b Mohammad Hossein Rohban,a Erfan Shamsoddin,c
Victor Y. Lee,d and Saeed Reza Motamediane
Tehran, Iran, and New York, NY

Introduction: In recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been applied in various ways in medicine and
dentistry. Advancements in AI technology show promising results in the practice of orthodontics. This scoping
review aimed to investigate the effectiveness of AI-based models employed in orthodontic landmark
detection, diagnosis, and treatment planning. Methods: A precise search of electronic databases was conduct-
ed, including PubMed, Google Scholar, Scopus, and Embase (English publications from January 2010 to July
2020). Quality Assessment and Diagnostic Accuracy Tool 2 (QUADAS-2) was used to assess the quality of the
articles included in this review. Results: After applying inclusion and exclusion criteria, 49 articles were included
in the final review. AI technology has achieved state-of-the-art results in various orthodontic applications,
including automated landmark detection on lateral cephalograms and photography images, cervical vertebra
maturation degree determination, skeletal classification, orthodontic tooth extraction decisions, predicting the
need for orthodontic treatment or orthognathic surgery, and facial attractiveness. Most of the AI models used
in these applications are based on artificial neural networks. Conclusions: AI can help orthodontists save
time and provide accuracy comparable to the trained dentists in diagnostic assessments and prognostic predic-
tions. These systems aim to boost performance and enhance the quality of care in orthodontics. However, based
on current studies, the most promising application was cephalometry landmark detection, skeletal classification,
and decision making on tooth extractions. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:170-92)

rtificial intelligence (AI) refers to a system's abil- already visible in our daily lives, from web searches to
ity to mimic human-like intelligence or be content filtering on social media and consumer products
defined as making effective and right decisions like smartphones, cameras, and cars.2-4
according to a gold standard.1 The increasing availability One of the main subcategories of AI is machine
of data, computing power, and improvements in ana- learning. Machine learning, which needs training data,
lytics methods allow AI to be integrated with many as- is a technique to provide predictions of new data and
pects of modern society. Its ubiquitous impacts are conditions on the basis of the previously learned data's
statistical pattern. This technique allows the computer
model to improve over time through experience without
Computer Engineering Department, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran,
classic explicit programming.5 Deep learning is a subset
Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Tehran University of machine learning, which requires a model to be fed a
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
large amount of data to learn features about the data
National Institute for Medical Research Development, Tehran, Iran.
Private practice, New York, NY.
with abstractions from multiple processing layers, with
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, & Dentofacial Deformities the privilege that does not require much engineering ef-
Research Center, Research Institute of Dental Sciences, Shahid Beheshti Univer- forts to preprocess the data. Deep learning methods have
sity of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
been notably used in visual object recognition and ob-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. ject detection.4 Being in the age of big data, world gov-
Address correspondence to: Saeed Reza Motamedian, Department of Orthodon- ernments and companies employed AI and its subfields
tics, School of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Danesh-
joo Blvd, Evin, Shahid Chamran Highway, Tehran 1983963113, Iran; e-mail,
as one of the leading strategies to deal with complexity
[email protected]. in real-world decision making on the basis of large
Submitted, December 2020; revised, January 2021; accepted, February 2021. amounts of data.6
 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
Medicine is one of the fields that has been enhanced
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.02.013 by AI. Specifically, AI's ability to process a large amount
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 171

of data reduced the likelihood of neglecting valuable in- MATERIAL AND METHODS
formation. It is a potent and reliable tool to help physi- Protocol
cians by reducing diagnosis time.7,8 Promising
applications of AI diagnostic models have been reported The present systematic review follows Preferred Re-
in radiology, dermatology, and oncology studies. These porting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-
examples include automatic detection of pulmonary Analyses (PRISMA) extension for scoping reviews.24 A
nodules, prostate cancer, coronary artery calcification, filled version of the PRISMA form is provided in
differentiating skin lesions, lung nodules into benign Supplementary Table II. This study's research question
or malignant, and assessing bone age.2,9 was, What are the applications of machine learning
AI also has applications in the field of dentistry. techniques and their performances in the field of ortho-
Studies suggest that AI can become a powerful dontics? The study looked for publications that evalu-
decision-making tool within dentistry to promote clin- ated the performance of any machine learning or deep
ical care.10 Diagnostic imaging is the most notable use learning approaches in the following domains: (1) anal-
case for the use of AI in dentistry. Currently, applications ysis of orthodontics data, (2) prediction of outcomes in
and research in AI dental radiology focus on the diag- the orthodontics treatments, (3) orthodontic diagnosis,
nosis of osteoporosis,11 classification/segmentation of and (4) orthodontics treatment planning.
maxillofacial cysts and tumors,12,13 description of peri-
apical disease,14 cephalometric landmarks detection,15 Eligibility criteria
The following inclusion criteria were used in the se-
AI has shown to be an effective solution for the diag-
lection of the articles:
nosis and evaluation of orthodontic problems. Ortho-
dontic treatments for malocclusion can be categorized 1. Studies that used machine learning or deep learning
as either extraction or nonextraction treatments.16 This algorithms, by definition, a set of algorithms that
decision is traditionally made on the basis of clinical automatically detect patterns in data improved
experience gained over time; therefore, it is hard for through experience.
new practitioners to make these decisions.17 Investiga- 2. Studies that compared the measurement of model
tions suggest that deep learning methods could help outcomes with ground truth or gold standards.
to resolve this problem.18 Deciding if a patient requires
Exclusion criteria were as follows:
orthognathic surgery can also be challenging for practi-
tioners. AI has shown potential in this field to help clini- 1. Studies that used any machine learning or deep
cians determine whether surgical intervention is learning approaches for problems not directly
necessary.19,20 Cephalometric analysis is extensively related to orthodontics (eg, sleep apnea).
used in orthodontics to diagnose facial growth anoma- 2. Studies that did not provide a clear explanation of
lies.21 The manual localization of cephalometric land- the machine learning or deep learning model that
marks on x-ray images is a time-consuming approach was used to solve their problem.
with a high error rate.22 Recent studies demonstrate 3. Review studies were excluded.
outstanding achievements in landmark detection by AI
methods, especially using deep learning models.15,23
Furthermore, researchers can predict esthetics following Information sources and search
orthognathic surgery using AI, which can be a good cri- An electronic search was conducted on PubMed,
terion for operating (Fig 1). Because orthodontics may Google Scholar, Scopus, and Embase to find the relevant
be unfamiliar with the terms used in the present study, literature. The search was limited to English publications
the authors provide a table with terms and definitions from January 2010 to June 2020. Various combinations
(Supplementary Table I). of the following keywords were used in the search pro-
The studies mentioned above have shown promising cedure: machine learning, deep learning, neural
results regarding the effectiveness of AI to automate de- network, artificial intelligence, cephalo*, orthodon*.
cision making in orthodontics. Further investigations The search results are presented in Table I. Endnote X9
must review these methods and evaluate the effective- (Clarivate, Philadelphia, Pa) was used as a reference
ness in achieving the mentioned goals in real-world or- manager to manage the search results. Using this tool,
thodontic scenarios. This study aims to review how duplicate studies were removed. Furthermore, references
different AI models perform in various orthodontic ap- that were cited within the retrieved papers were reviewed
plications: orthodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, for finding any missing studies. Books, book sections,
and prognosis. generics, and thesis were first excluded.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
172 Mohammad-Rahimi et al

Fig 1. Graphical abstract of machine/deep learning application in the orthodontics. Machine/deep

learning approaches can be used for analyzing various types of orthodontics records to provide an ac-
curate and accelerated diagnosis. Furthermore, in conjunction with the patient records themselves,
these outputs can be used to provide an efficient treatment plan.

Selection of sources of evidence dataset specifications, data preprocessing procedure,

To identify eligible journal papers and conference the best-applied machine learning or deep learning
proceedings, 2 investigators (H.M.-R. and M.N.) model architecture, model measurements, and model
screened the title and abstracts on the basis of inclusion performance (on the basis of the best model).
and exclusion criteria independently. Then, the full texts Critical appraisal of individual sources of evidence
of potentially eligible publications were retrieved for
further assessments. Considering the inclusion and For assessing the quality and risk-of-bias (RoB) of
exclusion criteria, 2 investigators identified the eligible the included studies, the QUADAS-2 was used.25 Us-
publications in this stage independently. Any disagree- ing this tool, RoBs were evaluated in 4 domains: pa-
ments were resolved through consensus. tient selection, index tests, reference standard, and
flow and timing. Using QUADAS-2, the authors rated
Data charting process concerns regarding the included studies’ applicability
in 3 different domains: patient selection, index test,
The data charting process was conducted by 2 inves- reference standard. There were 3 options in each
tigators independently. Following the completion of the domain: high, low, and unclear RoB. Because refer-
charting process, any disagreements were discussed and ence standard was the most influencing factor in the
resolved through consensus. relevant studies, the authors considered the reference
standard as the primary domain. If it was high or un-
Data items clear, the RoB of the whole study was set as high or
The following data were extracted for the corre- unclear, respectively. If it was low, the RoB of the
sponding groups of studies: the studies' objective, study was determined on the basis of other domains.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 173

Table I. Results of primary electronic search on the selected databases

Database Keywords No. results
Pubmed ((“machine learning” OR “deep learning” OR “neural network” OR “artificial intelligence”) AND 102
(“cephalo*” OR “orthodon*”)) AND ((“2010/01/01”[Date - Publication] : “2020/06/30”
[Date - Publication]))
Google Scholar ((“machine learning” OR “deep learning” OR “neural network” OR “artificial intelligence”) AND 315
(“cephalo*” OR “orthodon*”))
Scopus ('machine learning':ti,ab,kw OR 'deep learning':ti,ab,kw OR 'neural network':ti,ab,kw OR 'artificial 210
intelligence':ti,ab,kw) AND ('cephalo*':ti,ab,kw OR 'orthodon*':ti,ab,kw) AND [2010-2020]/py
Embase ((TITLE-ABS-KEY (“machine learning”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“deep learning”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY 62
(“neural network”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY (“artificial intelligence”)) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY (“cephalo*”) OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY (“orthodon*”))) AND PUBYEAR . 2009
All searches conducted on July 4, 2020.

If a study had at least 2 high domains or 1 high and Characteristics of sources of evidence
1 unclear, the RoB of the whole study was set as The publication year of various types of machine
high RoB. Otherwise, if a study had at least 2 unclear learning studies is presented in Figure 3. As it can be
domains, the RoB of the entire study was set as un- seen, considering that we included studies before July
clear. Two investigators completed the evaluation 2020, there is notable growth in the publication of this
independently. Any disagreements were resolved study from the year 2019.
through consensus.
Critical appraisal within sources of evidence
Synthesis of results Results of the RoB assessment of included studies
The included studies were divided into 4 categories are presented in Supplementary Table III. A total of
on the basis of their objective and the application of ma- 77.55% of studies (38/49) were identified as low RoB
chine learning: (1) landmark detection in the lateral studies, whereas 14.29% and 8.16% of included studies
cephalometry, (2) diagnosis and problem analysis in or- were identified as studies with high and unclear RoB,
thodontics, (3) treatment planning and prognosis, and respectively.
(4) other studies.
Because there were numerous landmark detection Results of individual sources of evidence and
publications in lateral cephalometry, it was considered synthesis of results
a separate category. The primary outcomes in all publi- Landmark detection in lateral cephalometry. Twenty-
cations were measurable or had predictive outcomes for one publications were included regarding using machine
evaluating the machine learning model. Using a wide learning algorithms to detect orthodontic landmarks
range of specific diagnostic tools in each publication, (Table II). Except for Kunz et al,26 the primary measur-
conducting meta-analysis was impossible. able outcomes for evaluating the included studies were
at least 1 of the following: successful detection rate in
RESULTS the range of 2-mm (2-mm SDR), mean radial error,
and classification accuracy (on the basis of classifica-
Selection of sources of evidence
tion accuracy classified per clinical parameter). These
A total of 689 studies were retrieved in our initial measurements are defined as follows27:
search in the following databases: PubMed (n 5 102),
#fj :k Ld ðjÞ  Lr ðjÞ k \2g
Google Scholar (n 5 315), Scopus (n 5 210), and Em- 2  mm SDR 5 3 100%
base (n 5 62). After removing the duplicates and title/ #U
abstract screening, 61 studies were selected for full-
where Ld and Lr are the location of the predicted and
text eligibility assessments. Finally, considering the in-
referenced landmark, respectively. #U is the number of
clusion and exclusion criteria, 49 studies remained.
detections made and j ˛ U. Furthermore, we defined
Moreover, on the basis of the included studies’ refer-
these as follows:
ences, 3 new publications were added to the selected
studies. The PRISMA flow diagram is presented in Ri
Figure 2. MRE 5 i 5 1

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
174 Mohammad-Rahimi et al

Fig 2. PRISMA flowchart.

where the radial error (R) is Dx 2 1Dy2 , and Dx and Dy dataset,23,28-42 their results are comparable. The 2015
are the absolute distances in the x-direction and y-direc- grand challenge in dental x-ray image dataset has 2
tion between the predicted and referenced landmarks, different test sets (Test 1 and Test 2 data) for the
respectively. N is the number of landmarks. Finally, we performance measurement. A few studies used data
defined these as follows: augmentation techniques to relieve small sample size
TP1TN issues.26,32,43 More recent studies employed deep
Classification Accuracy 5 learning models and artificial neural networks (ANNs)
#All Samples
to detect landmarks.15,23,26,28-35,37,43-45 Other studies
where TP and TN are the number of true positive and used variations of ensemble methods and random
true negative samples, respectively. forest.36,38-42
Because most of the publications used International Regarding 2-mm SDR, Oh et al,28 Song et al,23 Gil-
Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI) 2014 and mour et al,29 and Zhong et al30 showed the best perfor-
2015 grand challenges in dental x-ray image mance on the 2015 grand challenge in dental x-ray

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 175

96.40%),22,58 and detecting craniofacial patterns (with

the accuracy of 93%).57
Moreover, 4 studies used facial images or their mea-
surements as their input features.50,51,55,59 In these
included studies, machine learning techniques were
used for analyzing photographs to predict facial land-
mark detection (78.19% 1-mm SDR),50 facial attractive-
ness (accuracy between 58% and 83%),51,59 and facial
distortions (with the accuracy of 64.8%).55 Other than
the mentioned studies, genetic risk assessment of non-
syndromic orofacial cleft (AUC between 0.64 and 0.90)
was done using genetic data,54 and prediction of arch-
form was conducted using diagnostic cast data (with
an accuracy of 76.32%).56
Treatment planning and prognosis. A total of 12
studies were included regarding AI-based orthodontic
Fig 3. Characteristics of included studies by year of treatment and prognosis (Table IV). Notable measurable
publication. outcomes were classification accuracy and AUC.
Most studies used random forest algorithms60-63 and
ANN.17-19,64 No studies used publicly available datasets.
image dataset by reaching more than 86% 2-mm SDR. In the reviewed studies, machine learning and deep
Gilmour et al29 reported the lowest mean radial error learning techniques were used for decision making in or-
(1.01 6 0.85 mm) on the 2015 grand challenge in dental thodontic treatment planning, which included extract-
x-ray image dataset through a foveated pyramid atten- ing teeth or not (accuracy between 80% and
tion approach by fine-tuning a pretrained artificial 96%),17-19,60,64 assessing treatment procedure, and ter-
network. Lindner et al38 showed 83.4% classification ac- minating orthodontic treatment (accuracy between
curacy on cephalometry analysis. Kunz et al26 showed 94.2% and 98.7%),61,65 using orthognathic surgery or
that, with the exception of SN-MeGo, there was no sig- orthodontic treatment (accuracy between 91.9% and
nificant difference in cephalometry analysis following 96%),19,20,66 predicting blood loss before orthognathic
landmark detection. surgery (highly correlation between the predicted and
Diagnosis and problem analysis in orthodontics. A to- the actual blood loss values with P 5 0.001),62 designing
tal of 14 studies were included in analyzing orthodontic treatment plan with free-form certificates (F1 score of
data to diagnose, problem classification, and orthodon- 58.5),67 and detecting essential features that contribute
tic assessments (Table III). Major measurable outcomes most to the success of preorthodontic treatments for
were area under curve (AUC) score, defined as the area cleft lip and palate patients (with the accuracy of
under the receiver operating characteristic curve,46 88.89%).63
and classification accuracy. Similar to cephalometric Most studies used cephalogram analysis measure-
landmark detection, most studies used deep learning ments.17-20,60,61,63,66 Just 1 study used an end-to-end
techniques and ANN.22,47-57 No studies used publicly approach used the cephalogram as the input to a convo-
available datasets. lutional neural network (CNN).20 Moreover, one study
When analyzing radiographs, some studies used the used facial images or their measurements as their
cephalometry radiographs (used the cephalograms as input.65 One study used natural language processing
the model inputs),22,47,52 whereas others used measure- to extract meaningful data and treatment plans from
ments of cephalograms analysis.49,53,57,58 Only 1 study dental certificates.67
used 3-dimensional (3D) cone-beam computed tomog- Other related studies. Two studies were included in
raphy images.48 Machine learning approaches were this section (Table V). Zhang et al68 used deep learning
applied to x-ray images for the prediction of cervical to convert 2D lateral cephalometry images to 3D images,
vertebra maturation degree (accuracy between 72% with a mean contour deviation of 0.12 mm. Further-
and 100%),47,49,52,53 maxillary structure variation more, Pei et al69 used a deep model to sketch the
(average dice ratio of 0.800),48 maxillofacial skeletal anatomic structure on cephalograms with average con-
classifications (accuracy between 74.51% and tours error of 33.3 mm.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Table II. Summary of the findings regarding the landmark detection in lateral cephalometry
Performance measurements

No. Data Best model Classification

Author (y) Dataset source Dataset size landmarks preprocessing architecture 2-mm SDR MRE accuracy
Oh et al (2020)28 ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 Data augmentation A deep anatomic 86.20% (test 1) 11.77 6 10.13 pixels -
challenge in dental (consists of context feature 75.89% (test 2) (test 1)
x-ray image geometry and learning framework 14.55 6 8.22 pixels
intensity that enforces the (test 2)
transforms) CNN
Song (A) ISBI 2015 grand (A) 400 cephalograms 19 Extracted patches for Transfer learning 86.4% (dataset A, 1.077 mm (dataset A, -
et al (2020)23 challenge in dental (B) 100 images (only each landmark (400 using pretrained test 1) test 1)
x-ray image for test) patches for each ResNet-50 74.0% (dataset A, 1.542 mm (dataset A,
(B) A dataset provided landmark on each test 2) test 2)
by Shandong image, totally 62.0% (dataset B) 2.1 mm (dataset B)
University 60,000)
Kunz A private orthodontic 1792 cephalograms 18 Data augmentation Customized CNN Pearson product–moment correlation coefficients: r . 0.864 with
et al (2020)26 dental practice (postaugmentation) (rotation, tilting, P \ 0.001.
parallel shifting, Absolute mean differences: .0.37 for angular parameters, .0.20
mirroring, noise mm for metric parameters and .0.25% for the proportional
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

adding as well as parameter. There were no significant differences between

changes in the gold standard and the predictions. (except for SN-MeGo)
brightness and
Kim (A) Obtained from 2 (A) 2075 cephalograms 23 Cropped to a width- 2-stage DNN using a 82.92% (dataset A) 1.37 mm (dataset A) 91.17% (dataset A)
et al (2020)44 medical institutions, (B) 400 cephalograms height ratio of 1.0; stacked hourglass 84.53% (dataset B) 1.16 mm (dataset B) 83.13% (dataset B)
(B) ISBI 2015 grand region of interest network
challenge in dental images of each
x-ray image landmark with the
original resolution
were extracted
Hwang Not mentioned 1311 cephalograms 80 - YOLOv3 algorithm - 1.46 6 2.97 mm -
et al (2020)15 with custom (compared with
modifications human
1.50 6 1.48 mm)

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
Table II. Continued

Performance measurements

No. Data Best model Classification

Author (y) Dataset source Dataset size landmarks preprocessing architecture 2-mm SDR MRE accuracy
Gilmour and ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 Extracted patches for Transfer learning 88.32% (test 1) 1.01 6 0.85 mm -
Ray (2020)29 challenge in dental each landmark using pretrained 77.05% (test 2) (test 1),
x-ray image ResNet-50 with 1.33 6 0.74 mm
foveated pyramid (test 2)
attention algorithm
Zhong ISBI 2015 grand 300 cephalograms 19 Cropped to An attention-guided 86.74% 1.14 6 1.03 mm -
et al (2019)30 challenge in dental (Test 2 was 1935 3 1935 pixels. deep regression
x-ray image excluded) Scaled image by model through 2
0.15 times stage U-net (using
the expansive
Song ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 Extracted patches for Transfer learning 85.0% (test 1), 1.147 mm (test 1), -
et al (2019)31 challenge in dental each landmark (200 using pretrained 81.8% (test 2) 1.223 mm (test 2)
x-ray image patches for each ResNet-50
Qian ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 Data augmentation An improved faster R- 82.5% (test 1), - -
et al (2019)32 challenge in dental using multiscaling CNN (using 72.4% (test 2)
x-ray image strategy (narrow multitask loss)
image size from 0.3
to 0.9), produced
more than 1000
Park Obtained from Seoul 1311 cephalograms 80 - YOLOv3 and single 80.4% - -
et al (2019)45 National University shot multibox
Dental Hospital detector algorithm
with custom
August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Nishimoto Scraping 219 cephalograms 10 Data augmentation by Customized CNN - 17.02 6 11.13 pixels -
et al cephalograms on rotating, deviating,
(2019)43 the internet and changing
contrast produced
more than 7803
Goutham ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 7 A total of 6750 Modified u-net 65.13% - -
et al challenge in dental segmentation map
(2019)33 x-ray image for each landmark
point, adaptive

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Table II. Continued

Performance measurements

No. Data Best model Classification

Author (y) Dataset source Dataset size landmarks preprocessing architecture 2-mm SDR MRE accuracy
Dai et al ISBI 2014 grand 300 cephalograms 19 Cropping with Adversarial encoder- Between 35% and 2.5-7.5 mm for each -
(2019)34 challenge in dental template matching decoder networks 40% for each landmark
x-ray image landmark
Chen et al (A) ISBI 2015 grand (A) 400 cephalograms, 19 - End-to-end deep 86.21% (test 1) and 1.25 mm (test 1) and
(2019)35 challenge in dental (B) 1857 cephalograms learning with novel 73.89% (test 2), 1.47 mm (test 2).
x-ray image attentive feature Best result on other Best result on other
(B) 5 new datasets pyramid usion data sets: 94.73% datasets: 0.88 mm
collected (A-E) for module using
the purpose of the Inception
Wang et al (A) ISBI 2015 grand (A) 300 cephalograms (A) 19 SIFT-based patch Multiresolution (A) 73.37% (A) 1.69 6 1.43 mm
(2018)36 challenge in dental (Test 2 was (B) 45 feature extraction decision tree (B) 72.08% (B) 1.71 6 1.39 mm
x-ray image excluded), regression voting
(B) Dataset provided (B) 165 cephalograms
by Peking University
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

School and Hospital

of Stomatology
Arık, S., ISBI 2014, 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 Down sampled by 3 Customized CNN 75.58% (2014), - 75.92%
et al. challenge in dental (by taking the 75.37% (2015-test (2015-test 1)
(2017)37 x-ray image average of each 1), and 67.68% and 76.75%
3 3 3 patch) for (2015-test 2) (2015-test 2)
Lindner, C. ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 - RF regression-voting 84.7% 1.2 mm 78.4% (over all
et al challenge in dental using constrained classes),
(2016)38 x-ray image local model 83.4% (over all
framework subjects)
Lindner and ISBI 2015 grand 400 cephalograms 19 - RF regression-voting 74.95% 1.67 6 1.65 mm 77%
Cootes challenge in dental using constrained

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
x-ray image local model
Chu et al ISBI 2014 grand 200 cephalograms 19 - Combination of RF 77.79% (4mm-SDR) - -
(2014)42 challenge in dental regression-based
x-ray image landmark detection
with sparse shape
composition model
based landmark
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 179


MRE, mean radial error; CNN, convolutional neural network; DNN, deep neural network; R-CNN, region based convolutional neural network; SIFT, scale-invariant feature transform; RF, random
Clinical decision-making necessitates the practitioner
- to apply broad knowledge to analyze each specific pa-

tient for developing the diagnosis and prognosis to
determine treatment strategies.70 AI application in
health care has improved the accuracy in the diagnosis
Performance measurements

and treatment planning.18,19 The present review aimed

to review papers that use machine learning or deep
1.83 6 1.81 mm

learning approaches for enhancing diagnosis and


About 2 mm
decision-making procedures in orthodontics.
Although appreciating AI's novelty in the orthodon-
tics discipline is of utmost importance, the rigorous clas-
sification of AI platforms is imperative to improve
clinical outcomes further. The authors divided AI appli-
65.26 6 18.26 %
2-mm SDR

cations in orthodontics into 3 distinct classes: cepha-

lometry landmark detection, diagnosis, and treatment

Cephalometry landmark detection

simple pixel-based

Cephalometric analyses are widely considered as a

randomized trees

combined with

Random decision
Best model

critical diagnostic tool in determining the best therapeu-


tic options.71 Landmark detection in lateral cephalom-

Ensembles of

different resolutions extremely


etry is an initial phase to define the primary

maxillofacial classifications (skeletal classifications and
intermaxillary relations, soft tissue classifications,
etc).26,72 Measurements performed on the basis of the
Downsizing into 6

landmarks provide supportive information for the pro-

vider to determine the optimal treatment plan. The

more information clinicians have, the better they can

treat the patient.28
The most important challenge in conventional ceph-
alometric tracing by dentists is a relatively time-

consuming process.28 Moreover, high intrapersonal


and interpersonal variations of landmark tracing are



other problems that can lead to errors in orthodontic

problem diagnosis and, consequently, treatment plan-
200 cephalograms

200 cephalograms
Dataset size

ning and decision making.73 To solve these challenges,

applying AI could ultimately increase the efficiency of
assessments for clinicians.28
In the relevant studies, deep learning models23,28-32
generally showed better performance than classical
machine learning techniques.36,39-41 However, in 2016,
challenge in dental

challenge in dental
Dataset source

Challenge grand

Lindner et al38 reached a comparable accuracy of

Mirzaalian, H., ISBI 2014 Grand
ISBI 2014 grand

x-ray image

x-ray image

84.7% 2-mm SDR using a classical machine learning al-

gorithm (random forest regression-voting using con-
Table II. Continued

strained local model framework). Other studies also

revealed that it seems random forest based among clas-
sical machine learning approaches showed the best re-
et al (2015)39

et al (2014)41

sults regarding landmark detection.38,40-42 One of the

Author (y)

most promising approaches was to extract numerous


patches for each landmark and apply a deep learning

model.23,28,29,31 Gilmour et al29 and Song et al23 reached

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Table III. Summary of the findings regarding the diagnosis and problem analysis in orthodontics

Data structure Best model

Author (y) Object Data source and size Data preprocessing architecture Accuracy AUC score Others
Amasya Cervical vertebra University 647 Landmarking on ANN 86.93% - Sagittal
et al (2020)49 maturation degree archive cephalograms cervical vertebra, mean
the measurement sensitivity:
data of landmarks 93.55%
on vertebra were Vertical
given to the model mean
(totally 56 sensitivity:
features) 94.59%
Yu et al End-to-end skeletal Obtained from 5890 Under-sampling, A modified DenseNet Sagittal mean Sagittal AUC: Sagittal
(2020)22 classification Ewha Womans cephalograms data augmented with pretrained accuracy: 0.965 to 0.991 mean
(Sagittal and University by rotation, weights for the 95.70% Vertical AUC: specificity:
Vertical) Medical Center shifting, ImageNet Vertical mean 0.967 to 0.995 96.77%
histogram accuracy: Vertical
equalization, and 96.40% mean
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

adaptive specificity:
histogram 97.29%
equalization Sagittal
Makaremi End-to-end cervical Not 650 Sobel filter Customized CNN 85% - -
et al vertebra mentioned cephalograms Resize: 488 3 488,
(2020)47 maturation degree 244 3 244,
64 3 64
Chen et al Assess maxillary Collected from 36 cone-beam Not mentioned A machine learning - - Dice ratio
(2020)48 structure variation Peking computed algorithm using of maxilla:

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
in unilateral University tomography learning-based 0.800 6
canine impaction Hospital multisource 0.029
framework for
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
Table III. Continued


Data structure Best model

Author (y) Object Data source and size Data preprocessing architecture Accuracy AUC score Others
Makaremi End-to-end cervical Not 1870 Sobel filter Customized CNN Reached 1 - -
et al vertebra mentioned cephalograms Entropy filter 00% accuracy
(2019)52 maturation degree Resize: 512 3 512, with entropy
256 3 256, filter
128 3 128
ok Cervical vertebra Not 300 The measurement k-NN, Decision tTee, Decision tree ANN for -
et al maturation degree mentioned cephalograms data of 20 ANN, SVM for CSV1 (97.1%) CSV1
(2019)53 landmarks on and CSV2 (90.5%); (0.99),
vertebra were SVM for CVS3 CSV2
given to the model (73.2%) and (0.96),
CVS4 (58.5%); CSV4
kNN CVS5 (60.9%) (0.90)
for CVS 6 (78.7%) and
SVM for
Rao et al Identifying and Obtained from Twenty-two Cropped to YOLO trained on - - 21.81%
(2019)50 analyzing facial volunteers by 2-dimensional 512 3 512 large-scale Celeb- landmarks
landmarks on 2- different image facial images Faces Attributes in the error
dimensional facial sensors (with 418 facial Dataset (for face range of
images landmark points detection). Active 0-1 mm,
and 220 landmark shape model 34.09%
August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

measures) algorithm trained landmarks

on 1000 celeb- in the error
face dataset range of
(finding the facial 2-3 mm,

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Table III. Continued


Data structure Best model

Author (y) Object Data source and size Data preprocessing architecture Accuracy AUC score Others
Patcas Evaluate facial Not mentioned Frontal and profile All face images were A computational - - AI evaluation
et al attractiveness of images of 20 brought to an algorithm of cleft patients:
(2019)51 treated cleft treated left-sided equal size of consisting of 4.75 6 1.27
patients and cleft patients and 256 3 256 pixels Matthias face Laypeople:
controls by AI 10 controls with a centered detector and 4.24 6 0.81,
face and a 40% pretrained VGG- Orthodontists:
background 16 trained to 4.82 6 0.94,
margin extract facial oral Surgeons:
features 4.74 6 0.83
associated with (all Ps $ 0.19)
attractiveness, to Facial
provide a attractiveness
prediction of facial of controls
attractiveness was rated
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

higher by
humans than AI
(all Ps # 0.02)
Zhang Genetic Risk Infants attending the 382 patients and 43 risk and protective LR, SVM - Han -
et al Assessment of Smile Train in 709 control alleles were Chinese
(2018)54,68 Infants with Yantai, Shandong collected from best model:
Nonsyndromic (Han population) GWAS catalog LR with
Orofacial Cleft and Kashi, database used for 0.90
Xinjiang (Uyghur model input AUCUyghur
population) Chinese
model: SVM
with 0.64 AUC
Murata Automated Obtained from 352 frontal Data augmented by A hybrid model using 64.8 6 7.7 % - -
et al diagnostic of Department of facial images. inverting (which CNN and RNN

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
(2017)55 facial distortions Orthodontics at The labels were were labeled in the with an attention
Osaka University three-grade opposite direction) mechanism using
Dental Hospital distortions of (totally 704 fine-tuned VGG-
the mouth, jaw, images) 19
and entire face
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
Table III. Continued


Data structure Best model

Author (y) Object Data source and size Data preprocessing architecture Accuracy AUC score Others
no-Sandoval An automatic to
Ni~ Obtained from 229 cephalograms Cephalometric SVM 74.51% - Geometric
et al (2016)58 classify skeletal faculty of (labeled with measurements mean: 0.73
patterns (sagittal) Odontology, cephalometric were given to the
National landmarks and model
University of analysis)
Yu et al Facial attractiveness Obtained from 6 108 patients with The of landmarks SVR 71.8% - -
(2014)59 from orthodontic universities in frontal, lateral, configuration with
photographs China and frontal the corresponding
smiling three-point scale
photographs grade, was used as
before and after the input data
treatment (labeled
from most
attractive to least
Budiman Qualitative archform Obtained from 190 dental casts of Input parameters ANN 76.32% - -
(2013)56 diagnostic (the Postgraduate maxillae were intercanine
shape of archform) Clinic Faculty of width, canine
Dentistry depth, intermolar
University of width and molar
Indonesia and 3 depth
Diaz et al Detect craniofacial Collected from 100 cephalograms 30 cephalometric K-means algorithm; 93% - -
August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

(2013)57 morphology Chilean patients features were J48 decision tree

patterns extracted
CNN, convolutional neural network; kNN, k-nearest neighbors; SVM, support vector machine; GWAS, genome-wide association study; LR, Linear Regression; SVR, Support Vector Regressor.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Table IV. Summary of the findings regarding the treatment planning and prognosis
Performance measurements

Data structure Data Best model AUC

Author (y) Object Data source and size preprocessing architecture Accuracy score Others
Suhail Constructing an Obtained from a 287 patients Totally 19 RF ensemble 94.4% - -
et al decision making private center (medical charts, diagnostic learning
(2020)60 system for teeth cephalometric features were
extraction x-rays, extracted
and intraoral
Dharma Predicting Obtained from the 310 dental Categorical RF 98.71% 0.88 Sensitivity:
et al cessation of Division of malocclusion variables were 92.50%
(2020)61 orthodontic Orthodontics, treatments converted to a Specificity:
treatments University records Likert-scale 99.63%
Dental Hospital, varaibles
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Peradeniya, Sri
Riri et al Evaluating the Obtained from a 1207 Facial and skin Tree-based 94.28% Sensitivity:
(2020)65 progression of private center extraoral, color features classification 95.35%
treatment intraoral, were extracted Specificity:
and mold 99.60%
image of Cohen
98 patients Kappa:
Lee Differential Obtained from a 333 Totally 50 Modified- 91.9% 0.96 Sensitivity:
et al diagnosis of the Korea University cephalograms cephalometric Alexnet 85.2%
(2020)20 orthognathic Ansan Hospital landmarks were Specificity:
surgery detected and 97.3%

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
Stehrer Predict blood loss Obtained from 950 - RF - - Highly
et al before department of patients significant
(2019)62 orthognathic Cranio correlation
surgery Maxillofacial between the
Surgery of the predicted and
Kepler the actual
University Clinic blood loss
Linz, Austria values
(P \ 0.001,
was 7.4 6
172.3 mL)
American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Mohammad-Rahimi et al
Table IV. Continued

Performance measurements

Data structure Data Best model AUC

Author (y) Object Data source and size preprocessing architecture Accuracy score Others
Li et al Determination of Obtained from 302 cephalometric Totally, 24 ANN Extraction- Extraction- Extraction-
(2019)64 extraction- Department of and features were nonextraction: nonextraction: nonextraction:
nonextraction Orthodontics, demographic extracted 94.0% 0.982 Sensitivity:
approach, West China data Extraction 94.6%
extraction Hospital of patterns: Specificity:
patterns, and Stomatology in 83.3% 93.8%
anchorage Chengdu, China Anchorage
patterns in the patterns:
treatment 92.8%
Choi Determination and Obtained from 316 Totally, 18 ANN Surgery/ - -
et al surgery/ Department of cephalograms features were nonsurgery
(2019)19 nonsurgery Orthodontics, extracted decision:
decision, Seoul National 96%
surgeryype and University Surgery-type
extraction Dental Hospital and extraction
decision decision: 91%
Kajiwara Designing Not mentioned 990 Feature vectors SVM - - F1 score: 0.585
et al treatment plan certificates were Spearman's rho:
(2019)67 on the basis of written by constructed 0.584
free-form dentists using Bag-of- (treatment
documents Words, prioritization
written by Universal task)
dentists Sentence
Encoder and
August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Thanathorn Evaluate the need Obtained from a 1000 15 orthodontic BN 96% 0.91 Sensitivity: 95%
wong, for orthodontic private center patients treatment Specificity: 100%
(2018)66 treatment in variables were Kappa
patients with extracted as value 5 0.894
permanent input features
Omar Explore features in Obtained from 18 Totally, 7 features RF 88.89% - -
et al success of Queen Elizabeth patients were extracted
(2018)63 preorthodontic II Hospital, Kota
treatments for Kinabalu Sabah
cleft lip and
palate patients

186 Mohammad-Rahimi et al

88.32% and 86.4% 2-mm SDR on the ISBI 2015 grand

challenge in dental x-ray image dataset using extracted
patches with a pretrained transfer learning model.

In general, the application of deep learning in land-
mark detection can be divided into 3 different main ap-
proaches, including the regression-based method,74
Performance measurements

region proposal classification,32,37 and heatmap regres-

sion.75 In the regression-based method, the CNN-based
frameworks learn to directly regress x- and y-coordi-

- nates of landmarks.76 In the second approach, the

models aim to predict the region proposal-wise features
on anatomic landmarks. Then, image patches will be
classified into landmark categories and used to localize

landmark coordinates.32 Using this approach, Arık

patterns: 84

et al37 classified pixel-wise features using CNN to predict



the location of the landmarks. In the heatmap regres-


sion, the deep learning models learn to predict the heat-


maps representation of landmarks (eg, heatmap on the

basis of the distance between pixels and landmarks). In
this example, x- and y-coordinates of landmarks can
Best model

be localized through the local or global minima in the

heat maps.76 The advantages of this approach are


computational efficiency, simplicity, and end-to-end


features were

features were




An essential step in treatment planning in orthodon-

Totally, 18

Totally, 23

tics is analyzing patients’ data and proper diagnosis.

These AI-based technologies have been a powerful tool
in disease prediction and diagnosis, ultimately aiding
physicians in providing the ideal treatment plan.10 These
Data structure



AI-based systems can be used to assist the orthodontist

and size

RF, random forest; BN, Bayesian network; SVM, support vector machine.

in providing standard treatment to the patient and maxi-

mizing the chances of achieving the set goals. The


specialist can use AI technology to diagnose better and

improve clinical decision making.77
One of the important guides for growing patients to
Dental Hospital
in Seoul, South
Seoul National
Data source

determine the proper time to start treatment is detecting

Not mentioned
Obtained from


a patient's skeletal maturation and bone age. The cervi-


cal vertebral maturation (CVM) degree, which can be

performed on lateral cephalograms, is the common
approach to detecting patients' skeletal age and matura-
tion.78 The major problem in detecting CVM is that it has
approach in the
patterns in the
Determination of

Determination of

approach and

been reported that there are less than 62% intraobserver





agreement and 50% interobserver agreement among or-


Table IV. Continued

thodontists.79 Machine learning or deep learning algo-

rithms have been used for detecting CVM degrees on
cephalograms.47,49,52,53 Amasya et al49 and K€ ok et al53
marked a specific set of landmarks cervical vertebrae

Author (y)

and extracted features from landmarks' relations to

et al

each other. Then, they fed their models with extracted



features. The disadvantage of their approach was that

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 187

they required additional hand-crafted features, which is

errors: 0.768 mm
Average landmarks
errors: 33.3 mm
deviation of the

when given the

The mean surface time-consuming, and it heavily relied on the quality of

Average contours
from 0.78 mm
ACB decrease

to 0.12 mm
initial manual landmark localization. Using CNN and

by preprocessing images by entropy filter, Makaremi
et al52 reported 100% accuracy on cropped cephalo-
grams on the region of interest. Although their results
seem to be interestingly favorable, they did not mention

The contours errors

how images were cropped. For future studies, the au-
the mean contour

thors suggest developing an AI-based tool that can

deviation of

errors (mm)
(mm) and
detect CVM degrees using lateral cephalograms through
the ACB

end-to-end approaches, which can be performed using

the whole lateral cephalograms as their models' input
or developing a 2-stage algorithm in which the cropping
procedure is standardized using another model.
connections between

Boltzmann machine
convolutional layers
VGG-face model, with
long-jump residual
Model architecture

Detection of the craniofacial and skeletal patterns us-

ing machine learning approaches was another domain in
A bimodal deep

AI-based orthodontic diagnosis.22,48,57,58 Correct classi-

fication of the skeletal pattern is a crucial step in ortho-
dontic diagnosis, and it is essential for successful
decision making and treatment planning.80,81 Similar
to CVM studies, Ni~ no-Sandoval et al58 suggested a 2-
size of 1 3 1 3 1.
Data preprocessing

190 with a voxel

step approach through landmark localization, which is

and rescaled to

CBCT images are

200 3 200 3

prone to errors and biases in the final diagnosis. This

were cropped

resolution of
rescaled to a
200 3 200;

bias is because the definitive diagnosis is based on

manually identified landmarks fed into the machine
learning model. However, regarding skeletal classifica-

tion on the basis of lateral cephalograms, Yu et al22 pro-

posed an end-to-end CNN-based deep learning model.
724 cephalograms
30 cephalograms
Data structure

Using a pretrained transfer learning model, they reached

2D, 2-dimensional; ACB, anterior cranial base; CBCT, cone-beam computed tomography.
and size

95.70% and 96.40% accuracy in sagittal and vertical di-

mensions, respectively. Similarly, AI-based end-to-end
medical diagnostic systems on the basis of x-ray images
or photographs using CNN structures showed their
Table V. Summary of the findings regarding other studies

clinician-level classification performance regarding the

obtained from
a longitudinal

Not mentioned
Data source

diagnosis of pneumonia82 and melanoma.83 Despite



their high accuracy reported by Yu et al,22 a possible


source of bias in their model inhibits widespread gener-

alization of it because it was trained on lateral cephalo-
grams taken from 1 device with similar properties.
A temporal consistent 2D-3D

Therefore, this model should be evaluated on images

Anatomic structure sketcher

from other resources before its widespread application

craniofacial structures
registration technique
enabling 3D growth

in different clinical settings.

for cephalograms
measurements of

Other than x-ray images, photography im-

ages50,51,55,59 and diagnostic casts56 can be considered
great resources to be analyzed by machine learning for
orthodontic diagnosis. Similar to landmark detection
on cephalograms studies, Rao et al50 developed a model
to localize landmarks on photography images, which can
Pei et al (2013)69

be used for analyzing orthodontic problems. Using pho-


tographs, it is possible to assess the degree of malocclu-

Zhang et al
Author (y)

sion and jaw abnormality, leading to masticatory

dysfunction, apnea syndromes, and orthodontic-
related problems.55 To achieve these goals, Murata

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
188 Mohammad-Rahimi et al

et al55 study was the only study that proposed deep end- set, which needs further investigation. In addition to
to-end learning to diagnose various types of facial dis- answering the tooth extraction question, Jung and
tortions and reached 62.9% accuracy. However, their Kim18 determined the extraction position. They divided
research was a step toward photography-based diag- their data into validation and test set to improve gener-
nostic systems; their low-accuracy and training proced- alization problems in the Xie et al17 study and prevent
ure only on one specific ethnic group should be resolved overfitting. The main limitation of their study was
in the future for the clinical application. Furthermore, confinement to nonsurgical treatment patients. Howev-
photography images can be used for the assessment of er, Choi et al19 just investigated extraction needed in or-
facial attractiveness.51,59 Facial appearance and attrac- thognathic surgeries and achieved a 91% success rate in
tiveness are crucial in patients' quality of life and psy- diagnosing surgery-type and extraction decision. Li
chosocial well-being, so they should be considered by et al64 achieved 94% extraction accuracy in their
orthodontists.84 Because laypeople and clinicians' per- extraction-nonextraction study, which is 14% higher
ceptions of attractiveness can have biases because ofva- than Xie et al.17 The partial derivatives method was im-
rious reasons,51 developing an unbiased tool to evaluate plemented for feature importance detection, which was
patients’ attractiveness can be beneficial. more stable than Xie et al.17 Suhail et al,60 unlike other
Only Budiman56 used orthodontic diagnostics cast in study’ methodologies, used the random forest algo-
his study. He fed measurements on diagnostic casts to an rithm. This study's limitations included excluding
ANN to predict the shape of the arch. Successful long- mandibular incisor extraction, second premolar extrac-
tions, and confining outcomes to nonsurgical orthodon-
term stability of orthodontic treatments will be acquired
tic procedures, which the latter was also observed in
when the archform would be maintained during the
other studies.17,18,64 It is necessary to do a comprehen-
treatment procedure.85 Therefore, the correct diagnosis
sive study that incorporates all exceptions for real appli-
of archform is a crucial step in treatment planning.
cations in clinics. Probably by collecting a high amount
Future studies can use 3D scanned models of the diag-
of orthodontic patients, we can reach a promising result.
nostic cast for analyzing with AI tools with the advance-
Another important characteristic of AI in treatment
ment in technologies. One of the future applications of
is its role in evaluating the treatment process63,65,66
using AI in analyzing diagnostic casts is developing a and its cessation.61 Riri et al65 investigated machine
model to select the best archwire on the basis of the pa- learning algorithms to classify orthodontic images
tients’ archform to enhance treatment outcomes.86 to evaluate each session's progression using a tree-
based classifier and facial features and skin color
Treatment planning and decision making detection. Dharma61 predicted discontinuation of
Treatment planning is one of the most substantial orthodontic treatments of dental patients. On the basis
steps in the orthodontic procedure. AI helps this process of this study, the cessation of the treatment was highly
by providing information learned from experienced influenced by active treatment duration. Thanathorn-
experts. Prediction of treatment outcomes can aid wong66 developed an orthodontic expert system on
the clinician in better decision making. The predetermi- the basis of a Bayesian network to help general practi-
nation of esthetic and clinical outcomes could help tioners assess the need for orthodontic treatment. The
both the surgeon and the patient make the optimal employed Bayesian network consisted of relevant vari-
decision.62,63 ables on the basis of patient intraoral and extraoral
Tooth crowding and protrusions can be considered orthodontic-related data. Despite the limited number
the main reasons for tooth extraction in orthodon- of training data, there was a remarkable similarity be-
tics.17,87 Although there is no right answer for tooth tween the orthodontists' judgments and the proposed
extraction, experienced specialist decisions can be expert system's results. The system should be further
learned and become an additional reference for less improved by adding more data and dental conditions
experienced practitioners.18 Studies extracted orthodon- for orthodontic treatment assessment for use in large
tic features on the basis of a mixture of cephalometric community hospitals with a shortage of orthodontic
data, photographs from patients, and clinical examina- specialists.
tion.17-19,60,64 Most studies applied ANN for this pur- The other significant role of AI in orthodontic treat-
pose. Xie et al17 proposed an ANN-based detection of ment is its diverse orthognathic surgery applica-
teeth extraction. Two features, anterior teeth uncovered tions.19,20,62 Lee et al20 examined the need for
by incompetent lips and IMPA (L1-MP) were the most orthognathic surgery or orthodontic treatment using
contributive features in their study. The limitation of the deep learning method, with the advantage of elimi-
their research was its low generalizability in the test nating errors caused by landmark measurement values in

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 189

traditional neural network studies.19 In the aforemen- CONCLUSIONS

tioned study, the important regions resulted from AI AI can be considered a high-potential assistant to
showed considerable differentiation between the maxilla perform diagnostic assessments and prognostic predic-
and mandible for deciding which treatment be used. The tions or determine treatment plans (especially for more
remarkable limitation of deep learning studies is data complicated patients). However, the current scoping re-
consistency problems and image distortion caused by view results implied that we are far from widespread
dental prostheses and the need for a large amount of clinical application of end-to-end machine learning-
data. Stehrer et al62 predicted blood loss value before or-
based tools. With this in mind, the most promising appli-
thognathic surgery, allowing for an optimal treatment
cations of these approaches were landmark detection on
plan before the surgery. It was the first study in this
lateral cephalograms, skeletal classification, and deci-
domain, and more studies from other clinics and surgical
sion making on tooth extraction.
procedures need to be done to confirm the results of this
Future of machine or deep learning applications in Hossein Mohammad-Rahimi contributed to concep-
orthodontics and its limitations tualization, investigation, data curation, and original
Orthodontics is a specialty that will continue to draft preparation; Mohadeseh Nadimi: contributed to
evolve, especially with advancements in AI.88 However, the investigation, data curation, and original draft prep-
the study results suggested that we are at the inception aration; Mohammad Hossein Rohban contributed to
of orthodontics leveraging AI diagnosis and decision conceptualization, methodology, supervision; Erfan
making. One of the foremost opportunities for AI- Shamsoddin contributed to data curation and original
based systems regarding orthodontics, which has not draft preparation; Victor Y. Lee contributed to original
been assessed in the literature, is its usages in precision draft preparation, review, and editing; and Saeed Reza
medicine. Given the advances in orthodontics and preci- Motamadian contributed to the conceptualization,
sion medicine, researchers are trying to propose custom- methodology, and supervision.
ized treatment approaches on the basis of each patient's
characteristics to enhance treatment outcomes. It has SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
been reported that moving toward precision orthodon- Supplementary data associated with this article can
tics could be the next paradigm shift in orthodontic be found, in the online version, at https://doi.org/
treatments.89 In contrast, using the capabilities and po- 10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.02.013.
tentials of machine learning and deep learning, data-
derived precision medicine approaches can be facilitated REFERENCES
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Supplementary Table I. Definitions of unfamiliar terms used in the manuscript for dentists and orthodontists
Phrase Definition
Artificial intelligence (AI) A branch of science that machines try to imitate human intelligence when doing things.1
Machine learning Part of AI, which its goal is to build computers that can learn through experience.2
Deep learning A subset of machine learning enables computers to learn from experience without any feature engineering.3
Artificial neural network A network with multiple layers of neurons is inspired by the human nervous system.4
Transfer learning A method that improves the model's performance with the help of the knowledge transferred from different but
related source domains.5
Feature Extraction The process of extracting be informative and nonredundant features from the data facilitates subsequent learning.6
Data preprocessing A step in machine learning that features get transformed or encoded to be easily interpreted by the algorithm.7
Bayesian network A network that uses Bayesian inference for computing probabilities.8
Overfitting A condition that happens when the model performs well just in the training process, not in the generalization step.9
Training set A dataset in which the model initially is fitted on that.10
Validation set A dataset is used for hyparameter tuning by providing an unbiased evaluation of the model.10
Test set A dataset is used for the evaluation of a final model by providing unbiased evaluation.10
Pretrained model/network A previously trained model on a large dataset, similar to the problem we want to solve.11
End-to-end model Training a complex learning system by running a single model.12
Data augmentation Techniques used to increase the data samples by adding slightly transformed copies of already existing data.13
Ensemble methods Techniques that combine multiple models result to improve performance.14
Random forest An ensemble learning method consists of multiple decision trees for classification and regression.15
Attention-Based Model Attention-based models belong to a class of models commonly called sequence-to-sequence models. As the name
suggests, the aim of these models is to produce an output sequence given an input sequence; that is, in general,
of different length.16

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
192.e2 Mohammad-Rahimi et al

Supplementary Table II. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses extension for scoping
reviews (PRISMA-ScR) checklist
Section Item PRISMA-ScR checklist item on page no.
Title 1 Identify the report as a scoping review. 1
Structured summary 2 Provide a structured summary that includes (as applicable): background, 1
objectives, eligibility criteria, sources of evidence, charting methods,
results, and conclusions that relate to the review questions and objectives.
Rationale 3 Describe the rationale for the review in the context of what is already known. 2, 3
Explain why the review questions/objectives lend themselves to a scoping
review approach.
Objectives 4 Provide an explicit statement of the questions and objectives being addressed 3
with reference to their key elements (eg, population or participants,
concepts, and context) or other relevant key elements used to
conceptualize the review questions and/or objectives.
Protocol and 5 Indicate whether a review protocol exists; state if and where it can be 3, 4
registration accessed (eg, a Web address); and if available, provide registration
information, including the registration number.
Eligibility criteria 6 Specify characteristics of the sources of evidence used as eligibility criteria 4
(eg, years considered, language, and publication status), and provide a
Information sources* 7 Describe all information sources in the search (eg, databases with dates of 4
coverage and contact with authors to identify additional sources), as well
as the date the most recent search was executed.
Search 8 Present the full electronic search strategy for at least 1 database, including 4
any limits used, such that it could be repeated.
Selection of sources of 9 State the process for selecting sources of evidence (ie, screening and 4, 5
evidencey eligibility) included in the scoping review.
Data charting processz 10 Describe the methods of charting data from the included sources of evidence 5
(eg, calibrated forms or forms that have been tested by the team before
their use, and whether data charting was done independently or in
duplicate) and any processes for obtaining and confirming data from
Data items 11 List and define all variables for which data were sought and any assumptions 5
and simplifications made.
Critical appraisal of 12 If done, provide a rationale for conducting a critical appraisal of included 5
individual sources of sources of evidence; describe the methods used and how this information
evidence§ was used in any data synthesis (if appropriate).
Synthesis of results 13 Describe the methods of handling and summarizing the data that were 6
Selection of sources of 14 Give numbers of sources of evidence screened, assessed for eligibility, and 6
evidence included in the review, with reasons for exclusions at each stage, ideally
using a flow diagram.
Characteristics of 15 For each source of evidence, present characteristics for which data were 6
sources of evidence charted and provide the citations.
Critical appraisal within 16 If done, present data on critical appraisal of included sources of evidence (see 7
sources of evidence item 12).
Results of individual 17 For each included source of evidence, present the relevant data that were 7-9
sources of evidence charted that relate to the review questions and objectives.
Synthesis of results 18 Summarize and/or present the charting results as they relate to the review 7-9
questions and objectives.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Mohammad-Rahimi et al 192.e3

Supplementary Table II. Continued

Section Item PRISMA-ScR checklist item on page no.
Summary of evidence 19 Summarize the main results (including an overview of concepts, themes, and 10-15
types of evidence available), link to the review questions and objectives,
and consider the relevance to key groups.
Limitations 20 Discuss the limitations of the scoping review process. 15, 16
Conclusions 21 Provide a general interpretation of the results with respect to the review 16
questions and objectives, as well as potential implications and/or next
Funding 22 Describe sources of funding for the included sources of evidence, as well as None
sources of funding for the scoping review. Describe the role of the funders
of the scoping review.

JBI, Joanna Briggs Institute.

*When sources of evidence (see second footnote) are compiled from, such as bibliographic databases, social media platforms, and Web sites; yA more
inclusive/heterogeneous term used to account for the different types of evidence or data sources (eg, quantitative and/or qualitative research, expert
opinion, and policy documents) that may be eligible in a scoping review as opposed to only studies. This is not to be confused with information
sources (see first footnote); zThe frameworks by Arksey and O'Malley (6) and Levac et al (7) and the JBI guidance (4, 5) refer to the process of data
extraction in a scoping review as data charting; §The process of systematically examining research evidence to assess its validity, results, and rele-
vance before using it to inform a decision. This term is used for items 12 and 19 instead of risk-of-bias (which is more applicable to systematic
reviews of interventions) to include and acknowledge the various sources of evidence that may be used in a scoping review (eg, quantitative
and/or qualitative research, expert opinion, and policy document).
From: Tricco AC, Lillie E, Zarin W, O'Brien KK, Colquhoun H, Levac D, et al. PRISMA extension for scoping reviews (PRISMAScR): checklist and
explanation. Ann Intern Med 2018;169:467-73.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
192.e4 Mohammad-Rahimi et al

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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Biomonitoring of children and

adolescents using orthodontic appliances
made of acrylic resins through
micronucleus testing of exfoliated buccal
and palatal mucosa cells
Joao Pedro Pedrosa Cruz,a Nilton Cesar Nogueira dos Santos,a Matheus Melo Pithon,a,b and
Eneida de Morais Marcılio Cerqueirac
Jequie, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Introduction: The present study aimed to investigate the occurrence of micronuclei and the degenerative nu-
clear alterations indicative of apoptosis and necrosis in the exfoliated buccal and palatal mucosa cells of children
and adolescents using orthodontic appliances made of self-curing acrylic resins. Methods: The micronuclei and
nuclear alterations were evaluated in a minimum of 2000 cells collected from the cheeks and palates of 30 pa-
tients of both sexes, aged between 6 and 12 years. The cell evaluations were performed before appliance instal-
lation and 15 to 21 days after installation. A conditional test was used. In all analyses, the significance level was
5%. Results: No differences in the occurrence of micronuclei or the nuclear degenerative changes indicative of
apoptosis and necrosis were observed in the cheek cells between the 2 time points (P . 0.05). However, eval-
uation of the palate cells revealed a significant increase in the occurrence of micronuclei and the nuclear alter-
ations indicative of apoptosis (P \ 0.01) but not of karyolysis (P . 0.05). Conclusions: Direct contact of
orthodontic appliances made of acrylic resins with the oral mucosa increases the incidence of chromosomal
damage and degenerative nuclear alterations. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;-:---)

crylic resins have been widely used in dental Despite the various methods used in the polymeriza-
practice since the mid-20th century,1 having tion of acrylic resins, the monomer to polymer conver-
been used in the making of removable ortho- sion is never complete.3,4 This results in varying
dontic appliances since the orthodontics field was intro- amounts of methyl methacrylate monomers being
duced. Orthodontic acrylic resins are organic compounds released into the oral cavity during orthodontic appli-
that are classified as polymers that consist predomi- ance use.4,5
nantly of methyl methacrylate monomers.2 In addition to altering the final physical properties of
the resin, these residual monomers can lead to local and
systemic tissue reactions when coming into contact with
saliva and oral soft tissues.4,6 These reactions can man-
Department of Health, State University of Southwestern Bahia, Jequie, Bahia,
ifest as local chemical irritation, hypersensitivity, and/or
Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, inflammation of the mucosa.4 The potential genotoxic
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. effects of methyl methacrylate are not yet entirely un-
Department of Biological Science, State University of Feira de Santana, Feira de
Santana, Bahia, Brazil.
derstood. Consequently, a study in this area is required
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of because genetic damage at an early age can lead to
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. the development of health problems throughout life7,8;
Address correspondence to: Joao Pedro Pedrosa Cruz, Department of Health,
Southwestern University of Bahia, Jose Moreira Sobrinho Ave, Jequiezinho,
biomonitoring is one approach.
44076-140 Jequie, Bahia, Brazil; e-mail, [email protected]. Among the methods used for biomonitoring children
Submitted, May 2019; revised and accepted, March 2020. and adolescents, the micronucleus test, applied to exfo-
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
liated buccal mucosa cells, has been a frequent choice
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.03.037 because of the comfort and speed associated with
2 Cruz et al

collecting the sample material.9,10 Micronuclei are struc-

tures that result from whole chromosomes or chromo-
somal fragments that, because they do not bind to
spindle fibers, are not included in the nuclei of daughter
cells, remaining instead in the cytoplasm of interphase
In this context, the present study aimed to investigate
the occurrence of chromosomal (ie, micronuclei) damage
and the degenerative nuclear changes that indicate
apoptosis and necrosis in exfoliated cells of the buccal
and palatal mucosa of children and adolescents using
orthodontic appliances made of acrylic resin. In addition,
the hypothesis that removable orthodontic appliances Fig 1. Model of orthodontic appliance used.
made of acrylic resin do not cause chromosomal damage
or degenerative nuclear changes was investigated. from 2.5 parts polymer to 1.0-part monomer. After
noting that the resin surface was dull, the appliances
were immediately treated with an Ortho Class appliance
MATERIAL AND METHODS (Classico), in which a hydraulic pressure of 25-30 pounds
Before the start of the study, the project was submit- was applied. This was followed by finishing and polish-
ted to the research ethics committee (Feira de Santana ing using drills and abrasive tips.
State University), from which it obtained a favorable The participants were instructed to use the orthodon-
opinion. Participation was voluntary, and the partici- tic appliance continuously (ie, 24 hours per day) and re-
pants were given the freedom to remove themselves move it only during meals and clean the teeth. Each
from the study at any time. All participants signed a con- participant was given a form on which to note the pe-
sent form, which was also signed by their legal guard- riods when the appliance was not in their mouth.
ians. The study was carried out from January 2018 to The material for cytologic analysis was collected by
April 2019. gently scraping the buccal mucosa of the cheek and
Thirty patients, representing men and women and the mucosa of the palate with a cytobrush (CooperSurgi-
aged 6-12 years and with dental indications for the cal, Trumbull, Conn) rinsing the mouth with filtered wa-
use of removable orthodontic appliances made of self- ter.14 These samples were taken immediately before the
curing acrylic resin, participated in the study. The sample installation of the orthodontic appliance (Moment I) and
was randomly selected from a cohort of 353 patients then 15-21 days after (Moment II).
from a school clinic. Definition of the sample size took The collected material was smeared onto a clean glass
previous studies that used the micronucleus test in exfo- slide on which were 2 drops of saline (0.9% NaCl). The
liated oral mucosa cells into consideration.12 In addition, slides holding the samples were dried at room tempera-
a minimum of 20 patients has been recommended for ture. After drying, they were fixed in a methanol/acetic
studies in which chromosomal alterations are used as acid solution (Reagen, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
risk biomarkers in both exposed and control groups.13 Brazil) at a 3:1 ratio. After 24 hours, hydrolysis was per-
The exclusion criteria adopted were (1) use of any formed in a hydrochloric acid (5 N HCl) solution for 20 mi-
medication, (2) infection (viral or bacterial), (3) oral le- nutes, followed by washing in distilled water 3 times.
sions, (4) use of oral antiseptics in the last month, (5) After again drying the slides at room temperature,
exposure to x-rays (radiography, tomography or any the samples were stained with Schiff reagent (US
radiological procedure in the last 3 months) or to any Merck, Kenilworth, NJ) for 90 minutes and then rinsed
other genotoxicity in the same period, and (6) chemo- and dried. Finally, 1% Fast Green counterstaining was
therapy or radiation therapy at any point. performed (Sigma-Aldrich), after which the slides were
After obtaining the superior models, removable or- washed with absolute alcohol, and coverslips were af-
thodontic appliances were made. The apparatus con- fixed using Entelan (US Merck, Kenilworth, NJ).
sisted of an acrylic plate with posterior and anterior The cytologic analysis was performed in a blind test
Hawley retainer clips (Fig 1). by a single, trained evaluator using binocular optical
After making the staples and isolating the plaster microscopy at 203, 403, and 1003 magnification.15
model, the acrylic (Jet; Classico, Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Micronuclei were identified as being rounded structures,
Brazil), previously manipulated in a Paladon pot (Nova distinctly separate from the nucleus, with well-defined
OGP, Bragança Paulista, Sao Paulo, Brazil), was adjusted borders and measuring about one-third to one-fifth of

- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Cruz et al 3

Fig 2. Photomicrographs of exfoliated cells with (A) micronuclei, (B) karyorrhexis, (C) condensed
chromatin, (D) pyknosis, and (E) karyolysis. Magnification 10003.

the size of the nucleus. They possessed a chromatin In addition to these changes, nuclear projections
structure, were colored similarly to that and were view- (broken eggs and nuclear buds) were also recorded.
able in the same plane. The broken eggs had rounded structures, color, and
At least 2000 cells from each region were analyzed chromatin distribution similar to that of the nucleus
per individual. Only cells with intact cytoplasm were and were connected to the nucleus by a thin chromatin
counted. For the palate cells, because of keratinization, filament (Fig 3, A). Nuclear buds were observed as pro-
there were cells that presented only the stained cyto- jections resulting from the strangulation of small areas
plasm, and so 2 slides had to be analyzed from each in- of the nuclear surface, causing a rounded protuberance
dividual to allow the minimum number of cells to be to emerge (Fig 3, B).15
In addition to the micronuclei, degenerative nuclear Statistical analysis
alterations, indicative of apoptosis (pycnosis—reduced The results of the cytologic analysis were evaluated
nuclear structure; karyorrhexis—fragmentation of the using the conditional test for the comparison of pro-
nucleus into small round or oval bodies within the intact portions in rare-event situations—an alternative test
cytoplasm; condensed chromatin–more intensely to the chi-square significance test—in line with Fisch-
stained in relation to the nucleus; and necrosis (or kar- er's exact test. This test is considered to be suitable
yolysis)—the dissolution of the nucleus, visually marked for cytogenetic evaluation when the detection of a
by its absence) were also recorded (Fig 2, A-E). given cytologic alteration requires the computation of

Fig 3. Photomicrographs of exfoliated cells with (A) a nuclear bud and (B) broken eggs. Magnification

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2021  Vol -  Issue -

4 Cruz et al

Table I. Distribution of means and standard devia- Table III. Occurrence of broken eggs and nuclear buds
tions of ages according to sex in cheek mucosa at the 2 moments
Sex n % Age 6 standard deviation Moment I Moment II
Male 18 60 10.04 6 1.33 Nuclear
alterations Obs Exp Obs Exp c2; df 5 1; P . 0.05
Female 12 40 8.61 6 2.05
Total 30 100 9.47 6 1.77 Broken egg 44 50.43 57 50.57 1.6379
Nuclear bud 25 30.46 36 30.54 1.9536
Obs, observed; Exp, expected; df, degrees of freedom.
a large number of cells.14,16 In all analyses, the signif-
icance level was 5%.
Micronuclei were significantly more abundant in the
cells collected at Moment II than at Moment I
(c2 5 4.0291; df 5 1; P \ 0.05). These data are pre-
The sample consisted of 30 patients (18 men, 12 sented in Table IV.
women) aged 6-12 years (mean, 9.47 6 1.77 years). Similar results were found in the evaluation of the
Table I shows the distribution of the participants by occurrence of apoptosis, inferred from the sum of asso-
sex and average age. The average daily extent of appli- ciated nuclear alterations (karyorrhexis, condensed chro-
ance use was 19.45 6 2.089 hours. All of the partici- matin, and pycnose) (see Table IV).
pants who were present at the start of the study stayed Kariolysys, nuclear buds, and broken eggs did not
until the study was complete. differ in abundance between the moments. These data
The analysis of differences in the occurrence of mi- are presented in Table V.
cronuclei in cells collected from the mucosa of the
cheeks between Moment I (before installation) and DISCUSSION
Moment II (15-21 days after installation), using the con-
The genotoxic effects of materials used in dentistry
ditional test for the comparison of proportions in situa-
have been investigated in several studies.8,9,16-32
tions of rare events, did not show any significant
Recognizing that materials used in dental practice can
differences (c2 5 0.9782; degree of freedom (df) 5 1;
cause cellular alterations that can translate into DNA
P . 0.05). These data are presented in Table II.
damage makes the study of their genotoxic effects
Evaluation of the occurrence of apoptosis in cells
highly relevant and encourages the biomonitoring of
collected at Moments I and II, considering the sum of
exposed populations as an important preventative
the karyorrhexis, condensed chromatin, and pycnose,
measure. The prevention of DNA damage is especially
did not show any significant differences (c2 5 3.5426;
relevant in younger populations because there is more
df 5 1; P . 0.05). These data are presented in Table II.
time for mutations to occur during their lives.10,19
The occurrence of necrosis inferred using the sum of
The micronucleus testing of exfoliated buccal mu-
associated nuclear degenerative alterations (karyolysis,
cosa cells has been systematically employed in the
karyorrhexis, condensed chromatin, and pyknosis) did
genetic biomonitoring of populations exposed to
not differ between the 2 moments (c2 5 3.3971;
genotoxicity.20-22 This method is particularly useful for
df 5 1; P . 0.05) (see Table II).
the identification of chromosomal damage in children
Similar results were observed when comparing the
because the collection method is noninvasive and its
occurrence of broken eggs and nuclear buds for the 2
execution is simple and easy.9,10,23
moments (Table III).

Table II. Occurrence of micronuclei, apoptosis, and necrosis in cheek mucosa between the 2 moments
Total Micronuclei Micronuclei Apoptosis* Apoptosis* Necrosisy Necrosisy
Moment n cells (obs) (exp) c2 (obs) (exp) c2 (obs) (exp) c2
I 30 61709 28 31.96 0.9782 1415 1465.99 3.5426 1612 1665.22 c2 5 3.3971
II 30 61878 36 32.04 df 5 1 1521 1470.01 df 5 1 1723 1669.78 df 5 1
Total 60 123587 64 64.00 P . 0.05 2936 2936.00 P . 0.05 3335 3335.00 P . 0.05

obs, observed; exp, expected; df, degrees of freedom.

*Skaryorrhexis, condensed chromatin, and pyknosis.
Skaryorrhexis, condensed chromatin, pyknosis, and karyolysis.

- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Cruz et al 5

Table IV. Occurrence of micronuclei and apoptosis from palate mucosa at the 2 moments
Moment n Total cells Micronuclei (obs) Micronuclei (exp) c2 Apoptosis* (obs) Apoptosis* (exp) c2
I 30 61315 17 23.95 4.0291 1047 1126.30 11.1463
II 30 61554 31 24.05 df 5 1 1210 1130.70 df 5 1
Total 60 122869 48 48.00 P \ 0.05 2257 2257.00 P \ 0.01

Obs, observed; Exp, expected; df, degrees of freedom.

*Skaryorrhexis, condensed chromatin, and pyknosis.

The mechanisms that lead to the formation of micro- determine whether the effect was exclusively associated
nuclei occur in the cells of the basal layers of the epithelial with the resins because the exposed group had also had
tissue when, to guarantee tissue renewal, they undergo contact with other materials. In contrast, Azhar et al28
mitotic division. In the development of the maturation found no significant differences in the occurrence of mi-
process of the epithelium, the cells of the basal layer cronuclei in exfoliated buccal mucosa cells when
differentiate and migrate to more superficial layers, in comparing exposed professionals to a group of students
which they are exfoliated. This process lasts from 10 to and dentists who had not been exposed to these resins.
21 days—an interval suitable for sampling when an eval- This is the first study in which exfoliated and kerati-
uation is necessary before and after a given exposure to nized mucosa cells have been directly exposed to ortho-
genotoxins.9,24 The period between the sampling adop- dontic appliances made of acrylic resin, although the
ted in this study was therefore favorable for detection genotoxic potential of several agents and conditions
of the genotoxic damage that might have been induced have already been evaluated in these cells in many
by the acrylic resins in orthodontic appliances. studies.7,30,31
The results of studies in which the genotoxic poten- The greater abundance of micronuclei in the postex-
tial of acrylic resins, or methyl methacrylate monomers posure palate cells, as opposed to the cheek cells, suggests
and their main constituents, have been evaluated are that the methyl methacrylate monomers released into the
conflicting.25,26 Although some international agencies oral cavity are not effective in inducing chromosomal
have classified methyl methacrylate as noncarcino- damage but that direct contact with the orthodontic
genic,27 in a longitudinal study investigating cancer appliance is sufficient to induce such damage.32,33
mortality among dental surgeons exposed to this sub- The genotoxicity of acrylic resins was also deter-
stance, an increase in deaths from this disease was mined on the basis of the higher abundance of degener-
observed when compared with general surgeons.27 It ative nuclear alterations, indicative of apoptosis, in the
can be concluded that health professionals exposed to palate mucosa cells in the postexposure period.
methyl methacrylate may have an increased risk of pre- Apoptosis is one of the mechanisms of natural tissue
mature death from malignant tumors. renewal under physiological control but is indicative of
In addition, there have been few studies in which the damage when it occurs excessively.34,35
genotoxicity of these resins has been evaluated through Increased apoptosis rates have also been found in
the analysis of micronuclei in exfoliated buccal mucosa studies evaluating genotoxicity induced by the contact
cells.28,29 Topajiche et al29 described a genotoxic effect of buccal mucosa with fixed orthodontic appliances.36,37
(inferred from a higher incidence of these structures) in Faccioni et al36 noted significant positive correlations
the exfoliated buccal mucosa cells of dentists exposed between metal concentration (ie, cobalt) and the num-
to the monomers of acrylic resins when compared with ber of comets and apoptotic cells, and between nickel
a control group; however, the authors could not concentrations and the number of comet cells.
Cytotoxicity, as assessed in the present study, was not
observed, and further studies are needed to elucidate the
Table V. Occurrence of karyolysis, broken eggs, and actual cytotoxic potential of the self-curing acrylic resins
nuclear buds in palate mucosa at the 2 moments used in dentistry. Rose et al38 classified these resins as
slightly cytotoxic on the basis of an investigation of the
Moment I Moment II effects of methyl methacrylate on fibroblast cultures, us-
alterations Obs Exp Obs Exp c2; df 5 1; P . 0.05 ing Mosmann's proliferation-inhibition test; however, af-
Karyolysis 185 203.60 223 204.40 3.3929 ter soaking the appliances in water for 3 days, the same
Broken eggs 43 50.40 58 50.60 2.1698 resins were classified as noncytotoxic or at around the
Nuclear buds 23 27.45 32 27.55 1.4379 limit for such a classification. Jorge et al1 reported that
Obs, observed; Exp, expected; df, degrees of freedom. the results of cytotoxicity tests on the acrylic resins used

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2021  Vol -  Issue -

6 Cruz et al

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2021  Vol -  Issue -


Bias in a blink: Shedding light on implicit

attitudes toward patients with a cleft lip
Rany M. Bous,a Anthony Lyamichev,b Ashleigh Kmentt,b and Manish Valiathanc
Cleveland, Ohio

Introduction: Previous studies have shown that patients with cleft lip and/or palate may be stigmatized in soci-
ety. The objective of this study was to use an implicit association test to evaluate the subconscious biases of
non–health care providers and orthodontists against patients with a repaired cleft lip (CL). Methods: Respon-
dents participated in an implicit association test. Pictures of patients with CL and controls were shown to partic-
ipants, along with terms representing positive and negative attributes. Participants were prompted to match
pictures to the attributes. The software algorithm detected whether the participants were more likely to associate
CL with positive or negative terms than controls. Demographic information was collected to measure the asso-
ciation between some sociodemographic factors and implicit biases. Results: Of 130 valid participants, 52 were
orthodontists and 78 were non–health care providers. The entire sample displayed a significant implicit bias
against CL (P \0.001). Overall, orthodontists tended to exhibit slightly higher levels of implicit biases against
CL than non–health care providers, but the difference was not significant when controlling for
sociodemographic factors (P 5 0.34). Females showed significantly lower implicit biases against CL than
males (P 5 0.046). Spearman correlations showed that older people and those who reported a more
conservative political affiliation tended to show slightly higher levels of implicit biases against CL (P \0.007).
Conclusions: Orthodontists and non–health care providers showed moderate but significant levels of implicit
biases against patients with clefts. Males, older age groups, and patients with a more conservative political
affiliation tended to exhibit slightly higher levels of biases than females, younger people, and those with a
more liberal political affiliation. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:200-8)

left lip and/or palate (CL/P) is the most common his/her society is rejected as a result of the attribute.” Pre-
craniofacial condition, with an incidence rate of vious studies have shown that patients with CL/P may be
about 1 in 700 births in the United States.1 stigmatized in society. Eye-tracking studies have found
Although the majority of the affected patients undergo that the lip and nose regions among patients with CL
multiple surgical procedures to close the CL and opti- draw more attention than unaffected controls.4 Multiple
mize the esthetics, most of them still endure a visible studies have shown this cohort to face various forms of
facial difference throughout their lives. stigmas, being considered outcasts,5 referred to with an-
The association between appearance and social stigma imal terms,6 and being rated significantly less attractive
is established in social sciences research.2 Seeman and and less friendly than their nonaffected peers.7 Patients
Goffman3 defined stigma as “The phenomenon whereby with CL/P are less likely to be involved in conversations,8
an patient with an attribute which is deeply discredited by and they reported encountering daily social challenges,
including stares, comments, and questions about their
facial differences.9,10 Similarly, affected patients are
Craniofacial and Special Care Orthodontics, Department of Orthodontics, School more likely to be bullied or teased because of their facial
of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio.
School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. differences.11 These stigmas may extend to the level of
Mt Sinai-Dr Edward Reiter Fellowship Program, Department of Orthodontics, discrimination and may negatively affect their employ-
School of Dental Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio. ment prospects.12 Negative social interactions among
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. this population were found to be associated with lower
Address correspondence to: Rany M. Bous, Craniofacial and Special Care Ortho- self-esteem, decreased satisfaction with appearance,
dontics, Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, Case Western and an elevated risk of depression.13
Reserve University, 9601 Chester Ave, Cleveland, Ohio 44106; e-mail,
[email protected]. Although many studies have explored explicit biases
Submitted, September 2019; revised, March 2020; accepted, April 2020. against patients with CL, as mentioned above, our un-
0889-5406/$36.00 derstanding of the implicit (subconscious) biases toward
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.023 this cohort remain limited. Understanding implicit biases

Bous et al 201

is an important component in understanding overall because they can neither be classified as orthodontists
stereotyping behaviors, as a person may have explicit or non–health care providers.
equalitarian views and yet display subconscious preju- Enrollment was voluntary, and participants were re-
dices that may affect how one behaves toward a sub- cruited from an opportunity sample. Recruitment was
group of patients.14 conducted over 8 weeks (from April 2019 to June
The implicit association test (IAT) was developed by 2019). Non–health care providers were recruited in per-
Greenwald et al15 in 1998 to provide a tool that re- son, by e-mail, and through the daily University news-
searchers may use to explore hidden biases. Because its letter. Orthodontists were recruited in person at the
development, the IAT has become a widely used instru- university’s orthodontic department, and directors of
ment for assessing implicit biases. IATs measure the all orthodontic residency programs in the United States
speed of response of participants to evaluate the relative were contacted via e-mail and asked to share the link
strength with which they associate specific target groups to the study with their residents and colleagues. More-
(stimuli) with positive or negative attributes. For over, orthodontists in a 32-km radius surrounding the
example, when the IAT is used to measure racial biases, institution were identified from the American Associa-
people typically respond more quickly if positive attri- tion of Orthodontist’s orthodontist locator Web site,
butes share the same response key with white racial stim- which yielded 38 records, and were subsequently con-
uli and negative attributes share the same key with black tacted by phone and/or e-mail and asked to participate.
racial stimuli than vice versa.15,16 All participants were provided a link to the Web site
More recently, researchers have shown interest in where the test was hosted, and they were asked to take
evaluating implicit biases among health care pro- it in a private, quiet place. All data collected were anon-
viders.14,17 Multiple studies have reported the presence ymous. A consent form was provided on the Web site
of implicit biases among health care providers, but the before starting the test.
evidence is conflicting regarding whether the provider’s Demographic information such as sex, highest level
implicit bias impacts the treatment decisions.14,18,19 of education, age, race, political affiliation, education
However, many studies have concluded that physician’s level, and whether the participant was an orthodontist
implicit biases may be associated with poorer interper- or orthodontic resident were collected. Age was cate-
sonal interactions, anticipating lower compliance from gorized into 5 categories as follows: 21-25, 26-35,
the patient, and a less positive patient's perception of 36-45, 46-55, and .55 years. Political affiliation was
the encounters with health care providers.17-19 collected on a scale from 1 to 7 (1 5 strongly liberal;
The current study aimed to use an IAT to evaluate if 7 5 strongly conservative). Furthermore, the sociode-
non–health care providers and orthodontists may hold mographic survey inquired about the highest level of
subconscious biases against patients with a surgically re- education and whether the participant was a general
paired cleft lip (CL) and to assess the association between dentist, dental student, dental resident, orthodontist,
these biases and specific sociodemographic factors. orthodontic resident, physician, medical resident, or
none of the above.
MATERIAL AND METHODS The IAT test was designed by Inquisit 5 Web Version
The protocol of this study was approved by the insti- (Millisecond, Seattle, Wash).16,21 All the Data were
tutional review board (# STUDY20181087). Recruited collected on the Web, hosted at the Inquisit Millisecond
participants were stratified into 2 groups: orthodontists servers.
and non–health care providers. For this study, everyone A total of 16 nonsmiling frontal photographs of con-
who was not an orthodontist or orthodontic resident senting patients from the university’s orthodontic
was considered a non–health care provider. Exclusion department were used: 8 patients with a surgically re-
criteria: patients with a vision disorder that would inhibit paired CL (5 males, 3 females) and 8 controls (CON),
them from seeing details, patients not fluent in the En- matched for age, gender, and ethnicity. CL photographs
glish language, participants aged under 21 years, and were labeled as Target A, whereas CON photographs
patients with a CL and/or palate. We excluded patients were labeled as Target B for the purposes of data anal-
with CL/P as those patients only constitute a small per- ysis. Eight positive adjectives (attribute A) and 8 negative
centage of the population, and to avoid introducing a adjectives (attribute B) were used to assess whether par-
confounding factor, because previous studies have ticipants were more likely to associate CL with positive or
shown patients from a specific minority group to favor negative attributes and vice versa. The positive adjectives
their in-group.20 Furthermore, dental students, general were good, confident, achiever, successful, healthy,
dentists, and physicians were excluded from the study friendly, intelligent, and sociable, whereas the negative

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
202 Bous et al

adjectives were bad, failure, misfit, terrible, miserable,

Table I. Sequence and description of blocks used in
unsociable, isolated, and undesirable. The choice of
the current IAT
the adjectives was based on efforts to include a simple
diverse set of attributes that encompass perceived socia- Item assigned to Item assigned to
bility, health, success, and intelligence. No. of left key (E) right key (I)
Block* trials Function response response
In the current study, we used the 7 Block IAT, as
1 20 Practice CL No CL
described by Greenwald et al,22 and designed it using 2 20 Practice Positive attributes Negative attributes
the Picture IAT hosted by Inquisit (Millisecond). The IAT 3 20 Test Positive and CL Negative and no CL
design included 7 blocks in total. Blocks 1, 2, and 5 4 40 Test Positive and CL Negative and no CL
were used as training blocks where data were not 5 20 Practice No CL CL
6 40 Test Positive and no CL Negative and CL
collected. Training blocks are used for calibration and to
7 40 Test Positive and no CL Negative and CL
get the participant acquainted with the test. Blocks 3,4,
6, and 7 are the actual test blocks for which data were *For all the blocks, the attributes and targets alternate on the screen,
collected. When the test begins, the participants will be and the attributes and targets were randomly shown to participants.
asked to press either E on the left side of the keyboard
or I on the right side of the keyboard as quickly as possible whether the differences would be influenced by the
after a random target or attribute is displayed in the middle group’s sociodemographic factors.
of the screen. Table I describes the 7 blocks used in the cur- To assess if certain sociodemographic factors among
rent study. Ultimately, if the attribute is strongly associ- the entire sample were associated with the levels of im-
ated with the target, the time taken to respond to the plicit bias exhibited, the following tests were conducted:
correct answer (E or I) will be faster, and if it is not asso- Mann-Whitney U test to compare the mean D-scores of
ciated with the target, the expected time to respond would males and females and Spearman’s correlation coeffi-
be slower. The time it takes to respond is recorded in mil- cient to assess the association between D-scores and
liseconds, and the software algorithm generates a final D- age group, and D-scores and political affiliation. Spear-
score, which ranges from 2 to 2. In the current study, a man’s correlation coefficient was used to measure the
negative D-score would indicate a preference for CON over correlations because age and political affiliation did
CL (higher association of CL to negative attributes and not show normal distributions (P \0.01), and they
CON to positive attributes), whereas a positive D-score were recorded on an ordinal scale.
would indicate the opposite. More specifically, 0.1 to
0.34 is considered slight bias, 0.35 to 0.63 is moder- RESULTS
ate bias, and less than 0.64 is strong bias.23 A total of 364 participants logged into our Web link.
However, only 144 completed the test. There were 130
Statistical analysis valid responses once participants who are general den-
Statistical analysis was conducted using SPSS statis- tists (n 5 10) and physicians (n 5 4) were excluded.
tical analysis software (version 25; IBM, Armonk, NY). Of the 130 valid participants, 52 were orthodontists
First, we ran the Shapiro-Wilk test to determine the and 78 were non–health care providers. The entire sam-
normality of the distribution of the D-scores, age, and ple included 69 females, 60 males, and 1 preferred not to
political affiliation. Because the D-scores were not nor- answer. Demographics of the participants are displayed
mally distributed (P 5 0.039), we used the following in Table II.
nonparametric tests: a 1-sample Wilcoxon sign rank Overall, responses were faster on the IAT when CL
test was used to compare the D-scores of the entire sam- was paired with negative attributes and CON was paired
ple to a hypothesized control, in which a hypothesized with positive attributes, compared with the reversed
value of zero (neutral responses or no biases) was used pairings (mean D-score, 0.39). Approximately 80% of
as a control. Mann-Whitney U test was performed for participants showed this pattern.
the intergroup comparison to compare the mean D- One-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that
scores of orthodontists and non–health care providers. the entire sample (n 5 130) displayed a moderate,
Because the demographics of the orthodontist and yet statistically significant, implicit bias against patients
non–health care provider groups were different, we sub- with a CL (mean D-score 5 0.39 6 0.47; median
sequently ran an analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) to D-score, 0.44, P \0.001) (Table III).
compare the scores of orthodontists and non–health The ANCOVA comparing the D-scores between
care providers again while controlling for the age, orthodontists (adjusted mean D-score, 0.43)
gender, and political affiliation, in an attempt to identify and Non–health care providers (adjusted mean

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Bous et al 203

Table II. Demographics of participants Table III. One-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test
comparing the IAT scores of the entire sample against
a hypothesized control set at 0
Males (n 5 60) 95% CI
Females (n 5 69)
Prefer not to answer (n 5 1) Group Mean (SD) Median Lower Upper P value
Age group Entire sample* 0.39 (0.47) 0.44 0.47 0.31 \0.0001y
21-26 (n 5 35) H0 0 0
26-35 (n 5 52)
Note. H0 set at 0; where 0 5 no bias toward any group.
36-45 (n 5 12)
CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation; H0, hypothesized
46-55 (n 5 10)
.55 (n 5 21)
*One-sample Wilcoxon signed rank test.
Highest level of education y
Statistically significant at P \0.05, according to Wilcoxon signed
High school graduate (n 5 2)
rank test.
College student (n 5 13)
Associate’s degree (n 5 4)
Bachelor’s degree (n 5 22)
Master’s degree (n 5 30) Table IV. One-way analysis of covariance comparing
Other advanced degree (n 5 9)
Graduate school (n 5 14)
the IAT scores of orthodontists vs non–health care
DMD (n 5 32) providers while controlling for age, gender, and polit-
PhD (n 5 4) ical affiliation as covariates
White (n 5 91) 95% CI
African American (n 5 11)
Group Mean (SD) mean F Lower Upper P
Asian (n 5 11)
Orthodontists 0.51 (0.43) 0.43 0.749 0.57 0.29 0.384*
Native American (n 5 1)
Laypeople 0.31 (0.48) 0.35 0.46 0.24
Other (n 5 16)
Political affiliation CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.
Strongly liberal (n 5 12) *Not statistically significant at P \0.05, after controlling for age,
Moderately liberal (n 5 39) gender, and political affiliation.
Slightly liberal (n 5 23)
Middle (n 5 34)
Slightly conservative (n 5 14)
Moderately conservative (n 5 6) Table V. Mann-Whitney U test comparing the IAT
Strongly conservative (n 5 2) scores of orthodontists vs laypeople and comparing
Orthodontist status the scores of males vs females
Laypeople (n 5 78)
Orthodontist or orthodontic resident (n 5 52) 95% CI
Group Mean (SD) mean Lower Upper P value
D-score 5 0.35) showed no statistically significant dif- Orthodontistsy 0.51 (0.43) 5.1 0.38 0.64 0.02*
Laypeople 0.31 (0.48) 0.35
ferences between the 2 groups (P 5 0.38) when control- Malesy 0.47 (0.46) 0.44 0.32 0.002 0.046*
ling for age, gender, and political affiliation (Table IV). Females 0.31 (0.45) 0.4
However, Mann-Whitney U test showed that, in the
CI, confidence interval; SD, standard deviation.
absence of controlling for the confounding sociodemo- *Statistically Significant at P \0.05, according to Mann-Whitney
graphic factors, orthodontists exhibited significantly U test.
higher levels of implicit biases against CL than non– Mann-Whitney U test.
health care providers (mean D-scores 5 0.51 6 0.43
and 0.31 6 0.48, respectively; P 5 0.02) (Table V). that older people and those that reported a more conser-
Females showed significantly lower levels of implicit vative political affiliation tended to show slightly higher
biases against CL than males (mean D-score, levels of implicit biases against CL.
0.31 6 0.45 and 0.41 6 0.46, respectively;
P 5 0.046) (Table V). Spearman correlations showed a DISCUSSION
weak but statistically significant negative correlation be- The primary aim of the current study was to assess
tween D-scores and age (r 5 0.24, P 5 0.007) whether patients with CL are perceived differently in so-
(Table VI; Fig 1) and D-scores and political affiliation ciety. Our findings were in accordance with our hypoth-
(r 5 0.23, P 5 0.007) (Table VI; Fig 2), indicating esis, as the entire sample showed moderate levels of

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
204 Bous et al

et al28 found no significant differences between the

Table VI. Spearman correlations between D-scores
IAT scores when comparing those with various facial dif-
and age group and D-scores and political affiliation
ferences (such as CL, burn scars, etc) to matched con-
Demographic factor Correlation to D-score (r) P value trols. However, their study was conducted in Australia,
Political affiliation 0.234 0.007* and the difference between their findings and the find-
Age group 0.235 0.007* ings of the current study may be attributed to regional
*Statistically significant at a P \0.05. differences or the fact that they included various forms
of disfigurement, whereas we only included CL.28 In a
recent study, Hartung et al29 found their participants
subconscious associations of CL with negative attributes to display implicit negative biases against disfigured
and CON with positive attributes. faces, although they did not show an explicit bias.
Studies have shown that IAT may be a beneficial tool They established neural evidence for their findings
in studying implicit biases. The IAT has shown satisfac- through functional magnetic resonance imaging scans,
tory internal consistency, ranging from 0.7 to 0.9,24 and which found disfigured faces to evoke lower neural re-
moderate test-retest reliability over several studies, sponses in the anterior cingulate and medial prefrontal
which tended to be considerably higher than other mea- cortex, which may reflect inhibition of empathy.29
sures of implicit associations.24,25 One strength of the Former studies have found that pictures of people
IAT is that it often reveals associations that participants with a facial disfigurement may elicit an emotional
may not be aware of or would prefer not to reveal, sug- response of disgust or revulsion.30-32 Researchers have
gesting that it is more resistant to deliberative alter- proposed that facial disfigurement may be interpreted
ations, or Hawthorne effects, compared with explicit as a possible sign of disease and that the emotion of
measures.24 In addition, IATs were shown to have mod- disgust may be an inherent response to avoid a patient
erate levels of predictive validity for discriminatory who may be contagious, contributing to prejudicial
behavior and satisfactory convergent and discriminant behaviors.33-35 Therefore, it is possible that some of
validity in relation to explicit self-measures, concluding the negative associations toward people with a cleft
that the 2 measures are related but distinct attitude may be attributed to an emotional feeling of disgust
constructs.24 rather than pure bias.
Stone and Wright26 used an IAT to compare the per- In our study, orthodontists showed slightly higher
ceptions of the general public to people with facial dif- levels of implicit bias against patients with CL than
ferences or those in a wheelchair and found that people non–health care providers, although the scores of the
with a facial difference were perceived more negatively 2 groups did not statistically significantly differ when
than those in a wheelchair. Similarly, Grandfield et al27 controlling for sociodemographic confounding factors.
reported a statistically significant implicit preference The slightly elevated level of bias among orthodontists
for those with clear skin compared with those with a may be partially attributed to the fact that orthodontists
skin disorder. In contrast to our findings, Roberts are hyperaware of facial features, as they are trained to

Fig 1. Correlation plot between age group and D-score.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Bous et al 205

Fig 2. Correlation plot between political affiliation and D-score.

detect facial differences more easily so that their eyes affected with implicit biases, which may reflect on the
may focus on the area surrounding the mouth more. clinician’s decision making and attitude, especially in
The other more significant reason for the difference, as fast-paced environments with numerous demands that
revealed by the ANCOVA, was the unequal distribution require fast, automatic decisions, such as an orthodontic
of the demographic features of the non–health care pro- practice.37,38 Implicit bias may cause health care
viders and orthodontists, as our orthodontist group providers to unintentionally make assumptions about
included a higher percentage of more conservative polit- their patients on the basis of stereotypes, such as having
ical affiliations, older age groups, and slightly higher lower compliance expectations, assuming an exaggera-
percentage of males, all factors that were associated tion of symptoms, accepting different treatment
with higher levels of bias. Thus, it may be possible that standards, or may lead to poorer patient-doctor
orthodontists may hold higher levels of bias than non– interactions.17-19 Although implicit biases may conflict
health care providers, but mostly because of their socio- with the health care provider’s explicit beliefs, they
demographic factors and not merely because of their could potentially impact treatment decisions, patient
specialty. interactions, and overall health outcomes and thus
Notably, orthodontic treatment is a key component warrant further investigations.
in the multidisciplinary approach to treating patients Our results showed that females were slightly less
with clefts, as patients with a CL/P often undergo exten- likely to exhibit implicit biases, which is consistent with
sive orthodontic treatment to address their condition, previous reports in the literature.39,40 Other studies that
and they often interact with orthodontists over many used the IAT in health care found that female physicians
years.36 Thus, the perception of the patient and the qual- tend to show lower racial biases than their male counter-
ity of their orthodontic visit interactions may be of parts.41 Researchers have proposed a few theories that
utmost importance in maintaining the patient’s compli- may explain this gender effect. The theory of gendered
ance and achieving satisfaction with treatment. This be- prejudice postulates that men display higher levels of
comes even more important when we consider the negative prejudices because of gender roles, superior
processes with which clinicians make decisions. Accord- physical build, or societal positions of power.40 Moreover,
ing to cognitive psychology studies, humans have 2 women tend to exhibit higher levels of empathy than
distinct decision-making mechanisms.37,38 The analytic males, making them more accepting of other people’s dif-
system is primarily responsible for making slow, delib- ferences.42,43 A third possible explanation is social domi-
erate, controlled, rational conscious decisions, whereas nance theory, which suggests that men have a greater
the heuristic system is responsible for automatic, fast, desire to dominate others than women do, which may
and intuitive decisions.37,38 The latter system may be be reflected in their social group attitudes.44,45 In

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
206 Bous et al

contrast, Pruett et al46 found no gender differences when attitudes toward this population. We used a well-
evaluating implicit biases toward disabilities, implying known instrument to explore implicit biases which may
that gender differences in prejudice may be multifactorial provide additional insights into how patients with CL
and not consistent across all the scales. are perceived in society by revealing associations that
In the current study, participants from an older age participants may not be aware of or would prefer not
group tended to show slightly higher levels of implicit to reveal for political correctness.25 IATs were found to
bias toward CL. Similarly, other studies found that older be more effective than explicit measures when assessing
people tend to show increased levels of various, but socially sensitive topics, such as the topic under study
mostly racial, explicit, and implicit prejudices, although here.24
the results were inconsistent.44,47 Although some re- Moreover, we attempted to include the views of or-
searchers argue that this effect may be attributed to thodontists to try and understand how clinicians may
generational differences, others have suggested that perceive this population. Orthodontists are involved in
the increased levels of prejudice among older partici- the care of patients with a cleft from infancy to adult-
pants may not be necessary because of holding stronger hood, and thus we considered them to be an essential
preferences, but because of a decreased capacity for in- group to study. However, it is important to point out
hibiting their automatic responses, as a result of age- that not all orthodontists are routinely involved in treat-
related declines in inhibition capacity.44,47 In contrast, ing patients with clefts, which makes it possible that
other studies found no age-related differences in racial studying the implicit attitudes of craniofacial orthodon-
implicit or explicit biases.48 tists may yield different results. Future studies may eval-
Exploring the relationship between political affilia- uate how these implicit biases may correlate to the
tion and implicit biases, we found that participants orthodontists’ treatment decision making and patient
with a more conservative political affiliation tended to interactions.
show slightly higher levels of bias toward CL than partic- A limitation of our study was an unequal distribution
ipants who reported a more liberal political affiliation. of the demographic features of the sample and that the
Similar results were reported by a meta-analysis, which sample was not robust enough to yield a high number of
found conservative subjects to show stronger implicit participants within each subgroup. In the same vein, the
and explicit social group preferences than liberal demographics of non–health care providers and ortho-
subjects.44 It is worth noting that the results of this dontists were different, as our orthodontist group
meta-analysis showed that liberals held the same social included a higher percentage of more conservative polit-
preferences as conservative subjects, just more weakly.44 ical affiliations, older age groups, and a slightly higher
Previous functional magnetic resonance imaging percentage of males. In addition, we were unable to
research has shown conservatives to display a height- study the effects of the participants’ ethnicity because
ened emotional disgust response to repulsive pictures the sample was predominantly white (70%). Finally,
compared with liberal subjects.49 This may provide 1 because of limitations in the recruitment process, the
possible explanation for the increased levels of implicit majority of the participants were college-educated and
biases shown by the more conservative participants in thus may not reflect the general views of the entire pop-
the current study, as previous studies have shown pic- ulation. Thus, it is important to note that the findings of
tures of people with facial disfigurement to elicit an this study may be considered exploratory. Future studies
emotional response of disgust.30-32,50 Another possible with larger, more diverse samples may be needed to
explanation is the social dominance orientation theory, determine the differences among subgroups with more
which refers to one’s degree of desire to dominate confidence and overcome the limitations above.
among social groups.45 Pratto et al45 have reported One may argue that the IAT in a research experiment
that sociopolitical conservatism was positively correlated is no more than a manual dexterity or hand-eye coordi-
with one’s social dominance orientation, which was in nation test.51 Gatewood et al14 refuted this claim,
turn correlated with prejudicial behavior against other emphasizing the importance of proper explanation and
social groups, and thus may be 1 possible explanation framing of implicit bias and IAT testing before partici-
to our findings.45 However, the findings from our study pants take it. On the whole, results of IAT testing tend
should be interpreted with caution, keeping in mind that to show an inherent preference for the more socially
the correlations between D-scores and age and political valued group over the lesser. Although the IAT construct
affiliation were weak, although statistically significant. is highly defendable, it is crucial to note its limitations.
Although many studies have explored the explicit Researchers have warned against the use of an IAT as a
attitudes of people toward patients with clefts, we are definitive personal diagnosis mechanism. However,
unaware of previous studies that evaluated implicit research points to the fact that the IAT is useful in so

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Bous et al 207

far as a recognition tool to expose possible implicit ten- more liberal political affiliation. Future studies
dencies and to start the conversation for further discus- with more diverse sample sizes are needed for a better
sion, debriefing, and conscious modification, for implicit understanding of the nature of bias toward patients
bias can be unlearned.52 with a cleft and how it may affect orthodontist-patient
Findings from the current study support an argument interactions.
for raising awareness among the general population and
clinicians regarding the implicit biases that one may hold AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
against patients with cleft. It is essential that orthodon- Rany Bous contributed to conceptualization, meth-
tists who treat patients with CL are introspective of their odology, validation, formal analysis, investigation, re-
own biases to avoid having these biases reflect on their sources, writing, and project administration; Anthony
treatment decisions and daily interactions with this Lyamichev contributed to software, data curation, and
potentially vulnerable group of patients. Although investigation; Ashleight Kmentt contributed to data cu-
some authors have argued that because patients may ration, visualization, and writing; and Manish Valiathan
be unaware of their implicit biases, they should not be contributed to supervision, writing and review, and
blamed or held responsible for them.53 Holroyd54 pro-
funding acquisition.
posed that our responsibility may lay in being attentive
to our actions and introspective of our biases to try REFERENCES
and prevent them from manifesting as discriminatory
1. Tanaka SA, Mahabir RC, Jupiter DC, Menezes JM. Updating the
actions or attitudes. As clinicians, it is crucial that we
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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Evaluation of antimicrobial potential and

surface morphology in thin films of
titanium nitride and calcium phosphate
on orthodontic brackets
bia Pereira,c
 nior,b Monalessa Fa
Licia Pacheco Teixeira,a Leonardo Cabral Gontijo,b Adonias Ribeiro Franco Ju
Ricardo Pinto Schuenck,c and Juliana Malacarne-Zanond
Vitoria, Espırito Santo, Brazil

Introduction: The goal of this research was to experimentally evaluate the surface morphology and adhesion
capacity of Streptococcus mutans (U159) on brackets with thin films of titanium nitride (TN) and of titanium nitride
doped with calcium phosphate (TNCP). Methods: Twenty-four metallic brackets were equally allocated to 3
groups (n 5 8), according to the type of covering (no covering, TNCP, and TN). The coatings were deposited
by cathodic cage (TNCP and TN groups) and were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and energy
dispersive x-ray spectrometry. The biofilm formation of S. mutans on the surface of brackets was determined
by crystal violet assay and subsequent optical density quantification. Results: There was homogeneity on
the surface morphology of the tie wing area in all groups, whereas the TNCP group has presented particles in
the slot. After 24 hours, a biofilm of S. mutans was formed in all the observed groups. The optical density ob-
tained in all 3 groups was similar (no covering, 0.347 6 0.042; TNCP, 0.238 6 0.055; TN, 0.226 6 0.057),
with no statistically relevant difference (P 5 0.06). Conclusions: The thin film of TNCP has altered the surface
of the bracket's slot, whereas the coatings of TN and TNCP have not altered the superficial morphology of the tie
wings. The presence of coatings have not influenced the formation of the S. mutans biofilm on the surface of
metallic brackets. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:209-14)

hite spot lesions affect the majority of ortho- preventive actions are limited to oral hygiene
dontic patients. As brackets work as retention instructions, fluoridation, and application of varnishes
sites, areas of demineralized enamel may and fluorides.4-6
occur when binomial biofilm-sugar is present.1-3 The Among all orthodontic materials, brackets play a sig-
antimicrobial activity of some substances has been nificant role in biofilm retention and, as a consequence,
widely studied for the purpose of reducing biofilm in enamel demineralization, for they remain attached to
formation and, therefore, the development of white the teeth during orthodontic treatment. In addition,
spot lesions and caries. For orthodontic patients, their complex design results in difficult cleansing.7-9
The incorporation of antimicrobial agents in the
bracket is an option to prevent caries regardless of
Graduate Program in Clinical Dentistry, Federal University of Espırito Santo, patient compliance.
Vitoria, Espırito Santo, Brazil. Titanium nitride (TN) coating has been used in
Graduate Program in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Federal Institute
of Espırito Santo, Vit oria, Espırito Santo, Brazil. dentistry since the 1980s, but it was only by the year
Department of Pathology, Graduate Program in Infectious Diseases, Federal 2000 that its antimicrobial potential began to be stud-
University of Espırito Santo, Vitoria, Espırito Santo, Brazil. ied, especially in implants.10 Several authors have re-
Department of Prosthodontics, Graduate Program in Clinical Dentistry, Federal
University of Espırito Santo, Vitoria, Espırito Santo, Brazil. ported smaller bacteria attachment to surfaces covered
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of with TN in comparison with control groups.11-14
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. Amorphous calcium phosphate is a biomaterial used
Address correspondence to: Licia Pacheco Teixeira, Graduate Program in Clinical
Dentistry, Federal University of Espırito Santo, Praça Philogomiro Lannes 200/ for dental regeneration. Its addition to orthodontic
305, Vit oria, Espırito Santo 29060-740, Brazil; e-mail, [email protected]. bonding materials means an alternative for secondary
Submitted, July 2019; revised and accepted, April 2020. prevention of caries, especially in noncooperative pa-
Ó 2021. tients who have a high cariogenic potential. In addition,
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.024 its known positive effect on the remineralization of areas
210 Teixeira et al

peripheral to brackets,15,16 an inhibitory action on mi- at 108 Colony Forming Unit (CFU)/mL (optical density
croorganisms’ growth was recently observed in amor- [OD]620 5 1.0). OD is a common method for estimating
phous calcium phosphate-coated titanium.17 the concentration of bacteria in a liquid medium, being
The bactericidal action reported in the literature and related to the number of actual bacterial cells through a
the excellent biocompatibility of calcium phosphate and standard curve relating these 2 parameters. CFUs were
TN led us to select these experimental thin films for this verified by plating serial dilutions of each inoculum
research. Thus, the objective of this study was an in vitro onto a BHI medium (Becton Dickinson).
evaluation of the surface morphology and the adhesion The remaining brackets of each group (NC, TNCP,
capacity of Streptococcus mutans on brackets with thin and TN) were sterilized at 121 C, 1 atm for 30 minutes
films of titanium nitride doped with calcium phosphate (Stericlan 12; Sandersmedical, Santa Rita, Brazil) and
(TNCP) and of TN on its own. evaluated after 24 hours of incubation. Each experiment
was conducted in independent triplicates, in 6 indepen-
MATERIAL AND METHODS dent repetitions with a total of 18 tests. Blanks consisted
Twenty-four stainless steel brackets for mandibular of brackets put under the same experimental conditions,
incisors (Edgewise, 0.022-in slot, area size 10.72 mm2; but with no microorganisms.
Morelli, Sorocaba, Brazil) were equally and randomly On 96-well microtiter plates, the brackets were sub-
divided into 3 groups according to coating types. merged in aliquots of 100 mL of S. mutans suspension
Brackets belonging to the no covering (NC) group did in the standardized BHI (or only BHI for blank groups)
not receive any coating. In the TNCP and TN groups for 24 hours at 37 C and 5% carbon dioxide partial pres-
brackets were coated with TNCP and TN alone, respec- sure. The growth medium did not contain any added
tively, through cathodic cage deposition, an innovative sugar or sucrose.
technique based on multiple hollow cathode effects. After the incubation period, the brackets were gently
This technique presents some advantages compared washed with distilled water and adhered cells were fixed
with the conventional methods, including the simplicity with 99% methanol (Isofar, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) for
of the apparatus involved and formation of homogenous 15 minutes. The brackets were dried and immersed in
thin films even in surfaces of complex geometry, such as a 0.1% crystal violet solution (Isofar, Rio de Janeiro,
orthodontic brackets.18 Brazil) for 20 minutes. The excess of crystal violet was
The depositions were made in a plasma chamber with removed and each well washed 5 times with distilled wa-
a perforated cathodic cage made of commercially pure ter. Then, the crystal violet impregnated in the biofilm
titanium (Ti) grade II (100 mm 3 64 mm 3 1 mm), in was dissolved with the addition of 100 mL of acetic
a plasma atmosphere of 20% nitrogen and 80% acid 33% (Isofar) and the OD of the cells measured at
hydrogen, for 330 minutes with constant pressure and 590 nm (BioPhotometer Plus, Eppendorf, Hamburg,
temperature (106.66 Pa and 240 6 5 C). The brackets Germany), to quantify the total biomass of the adhered
were positioned within the cage, on an insulating sur- biofilm. Absorption values from the control group were
face. The cathodic cage acted as a cathode and plasma subtracted from those obtained from the experimental
was not formed on the surface of the samples. groups to eliminate medium interference.20
Two brackets from each group were used for sam-
Statistical analysis
ple characterization, whereas the remaining ones were
used in the microbiological evaluation. Surface Intraclass correlation coefficient was applied to test
morphology of the bracket slot and tie wing areas of the repeatability of assessments and normality was as-
each group were examined using a Carl Zeiss EVO 40 sessed through the Shapiro-Wilk test. A comparative
series scanning electron microscope (SEM), at 1,000 analysis of S. mutans biofilm formation and the type
X magnification (Carl Zeiss, Jena, Germany). Energy of coating among the groups was analyzed by 1-way
dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analysis was per- analysis of variance. The level of significance adopted
formed, allowing the identification of chemical ele- was a 5 5%. The software Bioestat statistical (version
ments in the brackets through the interaction 5.3; Mamiraua, Belem, Brazil) was used for statistical
between the primary electron beam and the samples.19 analysis.
Streptococcus mutans U159 was inoculated in a
brain heart infusion (BHI) medium (Becton Dickinson, RESULTS
Franklin Lakes, New Jersey) and incubated for 24 hours Deposition of thin films resulted in darkened brackets
at 100 rpm, 37 C and 5% CO2 partial pressure. From in the TNCP and TN groups, when compared with the NC
this inoculum, standardized suspensions were prepared group (Fig 1).

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Teixeira et al 211

The association between acidogenic bacteria and the
presence of sugar is an essential event in the demineral-
ization of tooth enamel. The presence of orthodontic
braces increases the number of sites for biofilm reten-
tion, which makes appropriate cleaning more difficult
and may favor microbial attachment. Once attachment
has occurred, cellular proliferation may lead to the
Fig 1. Visual aspect of the brackets in groups NC, TNCP, developing of a pathogenic biofilm, the main cause for
and TN after the deposition of the correspondent thin films white spot lesions. This paper aimed to evaluate the
via cathodic cage (when applied). influence of thin film deposition on the surface
morphology and the microbial attachment to metallic
Figure 2 depicts scanning electron micrographs of brackets. Reducing S. mutans adherence to brackets
superficial aspects of the brackets in NC, TNCP, and could prevent white spot lesions in orthodontic patients.
TN groups, respectively. A homogeneous surface Cathodic cage deposition altered the coloring of
morphology could be observed on the bracket tie wings metallic brackets, a change inherent to physical deposi-
of all groups. In contrast, Figure 3 shows the presence of tion techniques, also noted by other authors.9,21 Because
particles of different sizes on the bracket's slot area with the esthetic perception of orthodontic braces is related
a thin film of TNCP, what does not occur in NC and TN to the amount of exposed metal,22,23 the darkening of
groups. brackets is an important observation. Cao et al24 used
Analysis through EDS confirmed the presence of Ti, a sol-gel deposition process in esthetic brackets as a
calcium, and phosphorus on the surface of brackets way to avoid the expected darkening by cathodic pulver-
from the TNCP group and Ti on those from the TN ization. Coating did inhibit colonies from forming,
group. Shadows of the elements iron, chrome, manga- although 5 layers of film were necessary. Coatings
nese, nickel, and silicon are present in all evaluations, made of many layers tend to display lower attachment
as these are chemical constituents of the brackets to the surface. Despite the esthetic loss, the deposition
(Table I). by cathodic cage allowed the formation of a single
By evaluating the control group we observed that the thin film layer.
samples had not been contaminated throughout the The uniformity of bracket surfaces was evaluated by
study. The coefficient of interclass correlation was scanning electron microscopy in 2 different regions (tie
considered satisfactory (intraclass correlation coeffi- wing and slot area). There was an equivalence on the su-
cient, 0.667, with intraclass correlation 95%, perficial aspect of the 3 groups in the tie wings area, with
P 5 0.085) and the Shapiro-Wilk test revealed that the calcium phosphate particles having been observed in the
data were normally distributed. slot of the TNCP group.
Our results suggested no influence of the coating- Although bracket tie wings contain the orthodontic
type on S. mutans biofilm formation in the different wire through metallic or elastomeric ligatures, the slot
groups after 24 hours of incubation (P 5 0.06), as is area is of fundamental importance for the tooth's
shown in Table II.

Fig 2. Homogeneous surface morphology on bracket tie wings in groups NC, TNCP, and TN respec-
tively (scanning electron microscopy with an augmentation of 10003).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
212 Teixeira et al

Fig 3. Scanning electron microscopy of the slot in group TNCP, with an augmentation of 10003.
Arrows show calcium phosphate particles detected. EHT, electron high tension; WD, working distance.

orthodontic movement. Irregularities in the slot area to the qualitative results obtained with SEM in the
may influence the frictional coefficient of the region, im- TNCP group should be the focus of new studies.
pairing the mechanism of sliding.25 Another hypothesis for the presence of particles at
It is important to point out that SEM generates 2- the slot area in the TNCP group may be a lower degree
dimensional images, and the evaluation of the roughness of crystallinity. When analyzing Ti discs coated with cal-
of both slots and brackets should be done quantitatively cium phosphate, Kulkarni Aranya et al17 observed the
in a 3-dimensional manner.25 The quantitative evalua- distinctive morphology of individual microcrystals
tion of roughness in the slot area as well as its relation because the calcifying solutions had different composi-
tions. The antibacterial activity found in all coated discs
was inversely proportional to the degree of crystallinity,
Table I. Composition and concentration of chemical measured through x-ray diffraction analysis. Their re-
elements in the brackets of the different groups sults indicate that a higher crystallinity degree tends to
according to EDS analysis lead to a smaller dissolution rate and, consequently, a
Atomic percentage (%)
smaller effect on the bacterial population.
Calcium phosphate needs to be solubilized to be able
Chemical elements NC TNCP TN to perform its remineralizing effect on the tooth
Fe 59.7 54.8 43.7 enamel.26 However, the degree of solubility necessary
O 0.5 5.6 12.8
to allow a coating with calcium phosphate to act in tooth
Cr 16.1 15.4 12.2
Ni 7.0 6.9 6.2 remineralization is uncertain. Moreover, it is important
C 7.8 10.5 8.9 not to compromise the superficial integrity of the film.
Cu 1.8 1.8 1.6 The long-term effects of coatings made with dental bio-
Mn 1.5 1.4 1.3 materials are still questionable. In addition, the mainte-
Si 1.5 1.1 6.7
nance of mechanical properties in the long-term is yet
S 0.2 0.2 0.2
Ti – 0.9 2.3 uncertain, and gradual liberation may result not only
Ca – 0.2 – in material loss, but, more importantly, such loss could
P – 0.2 – lead to a consequent increase in roughness and bacteria
Ag 3.9 1.0 4.1 attachment.27

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Teixeira et al 213

evaluated in this study are monospecific and do not

Table II. OD obtained for each group in the presence
represent a faithful mirror of the oral microbiota, though
of S. mutans after 24 hours incubation
they do permit an analysis of the capacity of 2 different
Groups Mean Standard deviation thin films in interfering with the properties of attach-
NC 0.347* 0.047 ment and formation of an S. mutans biofilm on the
TNCP 0.238* 0.055 brackets. Although they do work as an attempt to imitate
TN 0.226* 0.057
what occurs in a buccal cavity, in vitro studies cannot
*Statistically significant differences, by 1-way analysis of variance completely predict the behavior of materials because of
(P 5 0.06). laboratory limitations and the inability to reproduce all
the factors that can be found intraorally.
The presence of sulfur and silver in all groups was re- Among the different methods for coating metals,
vealed by the EDS analysis. Sulfur is used to ease the deposition by cathodic cage was the chosen one for
machinability of steel, whereas the presence of silver cor- the present study. It consists in a deposition method
responds to the process of bracket welding. The Ti pre- developed in 2007 and its industrial scale usage is still
sent in the TNCP group comes from the Ti cage used being implemented. Even if the technique has the
for the deposition of the coating. advantage of forming a more uniform, thin pellicle—
We observed lower cellular attachment to the brackets including on surfaces with a complex geometry such
covered in experimental thin films, with no damage to the as orthodontic brackets—further studies are required.
uniformity of the brackets’ surfaces having been detected.
In the present study, we chose to evaluate calcium phos- CONCLUSIONS
phate and TN as experimental thin films because of TNCP and TN thin films did not interfere with the
their well-documented bactericidal action and excellent attachment of S. mutans to the surface of brackets.
biocompatibility. However, we found no evidence of anti- Moreover, the presence of a thin film of TNCP was found
microbial characteristics in the experimental thin films to alter slot surface, whereas neither TN nor TNCP
evaluated here, as the total stained biomass in the bio- coverings were capable of modifying the surface
films was similar. There were consistently no differences morphology of metallic brackets’ tie wings. It appears
as to the adherence of S. mutans between groups. that such coatings do not reduce the growth of S. mu-
These results are similar to those of Brusca et al28 and tans, being, therefore, unable to prevent the bacterial ef-
Papaioannou et al,29 and opposite to the results reported fect on demineralization as anticipated with the coatings
by Rammohan et al,30 who compared the patterns of in the context of this study.
attachment and growing of S. mutans on the surface
of metallic, ceramics, and plastic brackets. AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
Papaioannou et al29 also evaluated the brackets in Licia Pacheco Teixeira: Conceptualization, Method-
the presence of an acquired pellicle, unveiling the impor- ology, Writing - original draft. Leonardo Cabral
tant role played by the salivary pellicle in reducing differ- Gontijo: Resources, Writing - review & editing. Adonias
ences on the enamel surface. The pellicle may have either Ribeiro Franco J unior: Validation, Resources.
a positive (owing to the presence of specific receptors) or Monalessa Fabia Pereira: Methodology, Validation,
a negative (when the surface free energy of adjacent ma- Writing - review & editing. Ricardo Pinto Schuenck:
terials is reduced) influence in the bacterial attach- Conceptualization, Writing - review & editing. Juliana
ment.31,32 During the initial colonization, the effect of Malacarne-Zanon: Supervision.
the acellular layer of adsorbed salivary proteins is posi-
tive because the receptors in the acquired pellicle REFERENCES
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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

A clinically friendly viscoelastic finite

element analysis model of the mandible
with Herbst appliance
Zahra Heidari Zadi,a Amir J. Bidhendi,b Ali Shariati,c and Eung-Kwon Paed
Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Dumfries, and Montclair, Va, and Baltimore, Md

Introduction: As a powerful numerical approximation tool, finite element analysis (FEA) has been widely used to
predict stress and strain distributions in facial bones generated by orthodontic appliances. Previous FEA models
were constructed on the basis of a linear elastic phase of the bone response (eg, elastic bone strains to loading).
However, what is more useful for clinical understanding would be predicting long-term strains and displacements
of bone-segments responding to loading, yet tissue responses are (1) not promptly observable and (2) hard to
predict in nature. Methods: Viscoelastic property of the mandibular bone was incorporated into FEA models to
visualize long-term, time-dependent stress and strain patterns in the mandible after being exposed to orthopedic
stress. A mandible under loading by a Herbst appliance was modeled, and outcomes of the constructed elastic
and viscoelastic models were compared. Results: Patterns and magnitudes of the displacement throughout the
mandible predicted by the viscoelastic model were exhibited in accordance with previous clinical outcomes of
Herbst appliance therapy. The elastic models exhibited similar displacement patterns; however, the magnitude
of the displacements in the models was invariably small (approximately 1 per 100) compared with those outputs
of corresponding viscoelastic models. The corresponding maximum stress level in our viscoelastic mandible
subjected to the Herbst appliance with the same loading was considerably low and relaxed in various regions
when compared with the elastic model. Conclusions: We suggest that a viscoelastic model of the mandible
mimics our general prediction of orthopedic treatment outcomes better than those by elastic models. (Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2020;-:---)

o measure the clinical effectiveness of an ortho- their biomechanical behaviors under different condi-
dontic appliance, stress exerted by the orthodontic tions, and various forces were used in orthodontics for
appliance to the bone needs to be analyzed many decades. In 1984, Williams et al4 first used FEA
because the loading applied to the bone through the as a tool to study the center of rotation of maxillary in-
corresponding strain in the soft tissue matrix is respon- cisors in relation to elastic properties of the periodontal
sible for bone remodeling over time.1,2 Throughout the ligament. However, owing to a lack of reports on mate-
years, many approaches, such as brittle lacquer, photo- rial properties and oversimplified geometries, most
elasticity, and holography,3 have been used to study studies using FEA were remote from clinical applica-
the effects of orthodontic force on bones. Finite element tions. Using FEA, many researchers attempted to show
analysis (FEA) simulates complex biologic structures and stress and strain distributions on the maxilla and
mandible generated by orthodontics appliances such as
a expanders5 to Class II correctors,6,7 facemasks,8-10 and
Private practice, Dumfries, Va.
Department of Plant Science, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. temporary anchorages devices.11
Parsa Engineering LLC, Montclair, Va. As studies using FEA gain popularity in the ortho-
Department of Orthodontics and Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Uni-
dontic field, we note that the validity of their research re-
versity of Maryland, Baltimore, Md.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- lies on the soundness of input data. Therefore, defining
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. proper material properties, accuracy in geometry, appli-
Address correspondence to: Eung-Kwon Pae, Department of Orthodontics and
cable forces, and boundary conditions, as well as types of
Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of Maryland, 650 W Baltimore
St, Baltimore, MD 20101; e-mail, [email protected]. analysis depending on the nature of the problem, are
Submitted, November 2019; revised and accepted, April 2020. crucial for the soundness of a model. Digital Imaging
and Communications in Medicine files converted from
Ó 2020.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.017 3-dimensional (3D) cone-beam computed tomography

2 Zadi et al

(CBCT) images can conveniently be exported to an FEA

Table. Material properties of the mandible
software package, which enables researchers to build in-
dividual models to test. Material properties of cortical bone
Modulus of
Despite all major advancements in the field, most elasticity (E) Poisson ratio (y) Retardation period (t)
previous studies examining the clinical effects of ortho- 13,700 MPa 0.3 50 min
dontic appliances employed a set of linear elastic mate-
rial properties to simulate behaviors of viscoelastic bone
tissue showing nonlinear behaviors.12,13 With elastic For viscoelastic models, the Prony series parameters
models, it is impossible to calculate displacements of were chosen for the study because the material behaves
the bone over a long period of treatment time, which close to the Maxwell model.17 The retardation period
is crucial for studying the end results of orthodontic ap- was assumed to be 50 minutes,18 and the treatment
pliances. In addition, the propagation of stress and its re- period was assumed to be 4300 hours, which approxi-
sultants in the bone during the treatment process cannot mates 6 months. Although the Kelvin-Voigt model is
be captured in an elastic model because, in general, an usually used in the literature to capture the viscoelastic
elastic model can only express instantaneous behaviors behavior of the cortical bone, it appears reasonable for
of the bone. In contrast, a viscoelastic model factors a clinical orthodontic treatments to assume that the
time-effect into account.13 Thus, a viscoelastic model cortical bone shows significant plastic behavior as
express changes over time. In this study, we aimed to well.19 This behavior in the cortical bone is often
compare structural behaviors of a viscoelastic model of observed and suggested by researchers in biomechanical
the mandible with Herbst appliance in action compared engineering.20
with those of a linear elastic model of the mandible. After defining the material properties, the boundary
Herbst appliances were chosen because there are ample conditions were imposed as the translational lock in all
clinical data which would help examine and understand the global directions for elements on the condylar heads
the results of this study.14,15 of the mandible, as shown in Figure 1. To study the
deformation of the mandible, degrees of freedom (ie,
MATERIAL AND METHODS movement of the node in 1 or more directions x, y,
and z) must be restricted to avoid rigid body motion.
Briefly, the captured geometry of a mandible from Such constraints are termed as boundary conditions. In
CBCT in Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine addition, a static force of 40 N in the vertical and 60 N
image was converted to a stereolithography (STL) file. in the horizontal direction was imposed through masti-
Then, the file was transformed into a 3D computer- catory muscles to the first molar regions on the mandible
aided design model that can be interpreted by Finite
element method (FEM) software (Abaqus; Dassault Sys-
temes Simulia Corp, Providence, RI) for analysis. The ge-
ometry was then discretized (meshed), and material
properties (such as elastic or viscoelastic) were assigned,
and then finally, the applied forces from the appliance as
well as the boundary conditions were specified.
A full volume CBCT image on a boy aged 10 years
with skeletal Class II was used. The CBCT was taken
with CareStream CS9300 (Carestream Health, Rochester,
New York, NY) at the following settings: 90 kVp; 5 mA;
exposure time of 8 seconds; resolution of 180 micro-
meter. The Ma 4. Invivo software (Anatomage, San
Jose, Calif) was used to derive the file in STL format.
The STL files were then transferred to Abaqus, which is
a FEA software package with pre- and postprocessing
capabilities. Using the 3D image obtained from the
CBCT, the geometry was imported and meshed using
other modules of Abaqus. Material properties16—
namely, Young modulus (or modulus of elasticity) and Fig 1. Boundary conditions applied to the areas in or-
Poisson ratio—were assigned in accordance with the ange color on the condylar heads. Arrows in yellow indi-
values in the Table. cate the directions of force applied.

- 2020  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Zadi et al 3

Fig 2. Elastic modeling displacement. The symphysis

area exhibits a displacement of approximately 0.04 mm.

to simulate the loading from the Herbst appliance. These

forces were adopted from the average bite-force, and the
forces from the masticatory muscles reported previously
in the literature.16,21
A pair of models using 2 separate material properties
were constructed and analyzed. For 1 model, the elastic
properties of the cortical bone were incorporated for the
immediate elastic response. To account for the time
parameter, the identical model except for viscoelastic ma-
terial properties was constructed and analyzed. One of the
purposes of this phase was to see the progression of how
stresses and strains emerge and propagate through the
Fig 3. Elastic model: A, shows von Mises stress contour;
course of treatment during Herbst appliance treatment. B, shows Maximum principal stress contour. Colormaps
In addition, the magnitude of displacement, as well as are in megapascals (MPa).
the change in stress levels due to creep, were of interest
in this study. In the postprocessing phase (which is the the model was 26,260, along with the total number of
last phase of an FEA study), we observed the results of elements of 52,235.
applied forces in the form of displacements and stress dis- Figure 2 shows the magnitude of displacements
tributions. These results were visualized by contour maps when the elastic material properties were incorporated.
in colored magnitudes of the outputs. One should note Various colors in different areas represent the range of
that the value of the displacement obtained from our their corresponding displacements; red indicates an
elastic model could be very small because of the high instant and maximum displacement, and blue indicates
elastic modulus of the cortical bone that we adopted. In minimum displacements. The FEM analysis revealed that
addition, the elastic response would reflect a transitory the maximum displacement resulted from the Herbst
spontaneous behavior of the mandible because creep or appliance in the elastic model was 0.04 mm at the chin
stress relaxation were not a part of the interpretation. in a forward and downward direction.
Figures 3, A and B show the von Mises model and the
RESULTS maximum principal stresses, respectively. The colors
In both models, we exhibit principal stresses, von represent different ranges of stress values in various re-
Mises stresses, and the magnitude of each displacement. gions (ie, red for the maximum and blue for the mini-
von Mises stress was calculated to predict yielding of mum values). FEM analysis exhibits the areas of stress
the bone.22,23 The total number of nodes employed for in the mandible immediately after force applications.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2020  Vol -  Issue -

4 Zadi et al

The areas of lighter green color indicating the highest clinical study, the longitudinal cephalometric analysis
stresses in our elastic model were approximately takes time and provides study results only after comple-
1.8-3.6 MPa for von Mises and 2.2-4.3 MPa for tion of the course of treatment. The accuracy of the
maximum principal stresses. The stress patterns were cephalometric approach relies on the number of subjects
more concentrated at the buccal and lingual ramus areas participating in the study. Furthermore, the cephalo-
and around the first molars. metric analysis only measures a mixture of displacement
Figure 4 shows the results of stresses and displace- and growth at the end of the treatment, which offers a
ments when a visco-analysis with viscoelastic material prediction of the treatment effects.
properties were used. In this model, the maximum In contrast, FEA is an objective tool that can attest to
magnitude of displacement (in red color) at the chin the mechanical effect (independent of growth effects) of
and the alveolar bone area for incisors was approxi- the functional appliances associated with the shape and
mately 3.1 mm. (See Video, available at www.ajodo. size of anatomic structures immediately. The majority of
org) for dynamic visualization of the achieved theoretical the FEM studies to date have modeled the mandible or
displacement over 6 months. maxilla as an elastic material.5-7,24-27 However, as
In Figure 5, each panel represents the stresses distrib- briefed earlier, it may only make sense to model the
uted in the viscoelastic model immediately after the bone as a viscoelastic material.20,28 The fundamental
loading begins (A and C) and at the end of the assumed drawbacks of modeling bone as an elastic material are
treatment period (B and D). One can observe that the as follows: (1) elastic modeling only provides instanta-
areas under high stress (green areas) were reduced in neous stress and displacement magnitudes at the time
size and more localized over time. Note that areas covered of applying forces to the model. Thus, the actual
in green were reduced in B and D compared with A and C. behavior of the bone over time cannot be examined;
Although the amount of force should remain constant and (2) results of the elastic model does not simulate
during treatment, there appears stress relaxation in the clinical outcomes because values indicating instanta-
areas (as stress receded from the origin of loading). At neous displacement are invariably very small as shown
the beginning and end of treatment, stressed areas accu- in this study.
mulated in the condylar neck and the alveolar bone In this article, we offered more clinically acceptable
around posterior teeth, as shown in Figure 5. models with viscoelastic elements showing more clini-
cally relevant mechanical properties of the mandible.
DISCUSSION To test the practicality of our method, we chose to simu-
The treatment effects expressed in the mandible by late the effects of a Herbst appliance on the mandible.
functional appliances have long been analyzed clinically The rationale behind this decision was the abundance
using cephalometric images based on statistics. Being a of Herbst-based clinical studies for the Herbst appliance
had been widely accepted as a Class II functional thera-
peutic tool. This study compared the elastic and visco-
elastic FEA results and validated the magnitude of
displacement approximates their corresponding clinical
values expected from Herbst appliance therapy. The re-
sults of this comparison substantiate why the field
should begin incorporating the viscoelastic properties
of the bone for FEA models.
Our Herbst appliance in the models exhibited a
downward and forward displacement of the mandible
as the condyles immobilized in the condylar sockets.
This outcome, serendipitously, follows the results
demonstrated in the majority of previous publications
that studied Herbst appliance clinically. For instance,
Pancherz et al29,30 found that the chin was displaced
anteriorly and inferiorly by 1.9-3.1 mm. In our visco-
elastic model, we assumed the treatment with Herbst
Fig 4. Viscoelastic modeling displacement. The symphy- was 6 months, and the amount of force exerted by the
sis area exhibits a displacement of approximately appliance was constant. As a result, our model achieved
3.067 mm. See the Video (available at www.ajodo.org) 3.1 mm of displacement anteriorly and inferiorly at the
for animation. chin point at the end of treatment. In contrast, the value

- 2020  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Zadi et al 5

Fig 5. Viscoelastic models for von Mises stress and Maximum principal stress. Each panel indicates:
A, von Mises stresses at the beginning of treatment; B, von Mises stresses at the end of treatment;
C, maximum principal stresses at the beginning of treatment; D, maximum principal stresses at the
end of treatment. Colormaps are in megapascals (MPa).

of displacement that our elastic model achieved was viscoelastic models of the bone are superior and more
0.044 mm. clinically relevant than elastic models for FEM analysis
in our field.
CONCLUSIONS A viscoelastic model should provide a better mathe-
The objective of this study was to introduce a visco- matical interpretation representing an outcome of the
elastic FEA analysis of the mandible and to examine if orthopedic effects of orthodontic appliances. This claim
the viscoelastic model may yield more clinically compat- may be somewhat preposterous because we did not pro-
ible outcomes. Results from our viscoelastic model vide any statistical evidence for the magnitude of
demonstrated that Herbst appliance results in a down- displacement. The downward and forward displacement
ward and forward chin displacement if the patient uses of the chin point of 3.1 mm appears to be empirical, but
the appliance for 6 months (see Video for animation, ought to inevitably be hypothetical because this magni-
available at www.ajodo.org). Although this modeling tude is based on 1 mandible and several given boundary
effect does not represent a real result of growth conditions. Nonetheless, this report opens a door for
modification, this FEA model using viscoelastic further studies in a de novo direction. Examining the
elements visualizes an average clinical outcome. A reliability of an FEA model constructed with viscoelastic
time-independent elastic model cannot demonstrate elements maybe 1 example for such future studies, and
this displacement effect. This study validates that testing whether the initial shape of a mandible could

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2020  Vol -  Issue -

6 Zadi et al

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Zadi et al 6.e1

APPENDIX bone are the Voigt and Maxwell models, which are
shown in Supplementary Figures, C and D, respectively.
The Maxwell model, which is shown below in
Supplementary Figure C is a damper and a spring in se-
Viscoelasticity is the property of materials showing both ries. This model shows that the applied force on the
viscous and elastic behavior when undergoing deforma- spring and dashpot is equal; however, when the force
tion. Viscous materials strain continuously with time is removed, the spring recoils, but the dashpot does
when stress is applied to them, whereas elastic materials not. Under initial displacement (strain), this model al-
show strain when they are stretched, and as soon as the lows for gradual stress relaxation while under constant
stress is released, they return to their original form.1 loading, gradual displacement occurs—a phenomenon
Stress relaxation and creep phenomena are 2 important that is also known as creep.2 The other model that is
properties of viscoelastic materials.2 very well known and used to capture the behavior of bio-
To model the behavior of materials, mathematical ideal- logical materials such as bone is Kelvin-Voigt model in
izations and simplifications are essential. For instance, in which a damper and a spring are acting in parallel. In
the elastic materials, the elasticity can be demonstrated this model, the force is more in the dashpot initially until
as shown in the Supplementary Figure in which E is it is open fully, then it is maximum in the spring. It is
the modulus of elasticity, and s is the stress. This model good to note that generalized models such as the stan-
shows that the rate of displacement (strain) is the same dard linear solid model (see Supplementary Fig E) and
as the force, but as soon as the force is removed, the generalized Maxwell models are used to capture mate-
spring recoils to its original shape. Viscosity or plasticity rials viscoelastic behavior as well.
can be shown as in Supplementary Figure in which s is In our study, we hypothesized to use the Prony parame-
the stress that is applied to the dashpot, and h is the vis- ters according to the Maxwell model to allow both stress
cosity. This model shows that as the forces are applied, relaxation and creep behavior. This choice was made on
the dashpot opens (get displaced), and once the forces the basis of the intuition that in the clinical setting, we
are removed, it will stay in that position. It is good to can observe relatively large displacements even by
note that the speed of displacement is controlled by applying small forces during a long period. The Maxwell
the amount of force and h. model was chosen for modeling the viscoelastic behavior
Different mathematical idealizations models such as of the mandibular bone. In addition, recent studies have
Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt, and standard linear solid model shown plastic properties for bone in line with our current
can be used to predict and simulate the viscoelastic ma- assumption.3
terial response under different loading conditions. As
shown in Supplementary Figure, the behavior of visco-
elastic materials is idealized using combinations of
springs and dampers. The elastic part is characterized us- REFERENCES
ing a spring and the viscosity part by a damper (dashpot) 1. Johnson TP, Socrate S, Boyce MC. A viscoelastic, viscoplastic model
with the properties and behaviors that are already ex- of cortical bone valid at low and high strain rates. Acta Biomater
plained. This combination can be in series and in paral- 2010;6:4073-80.
2. Wikipedia. Viscoelasticity. Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/
lel. Each component in the series has equal forces, wiki/Viscoelasticity. Accessed July 30, 2020.
whereas each component of a parallel system has a 3. Zhao S, Arnold M, Ma S, Abel RL, Cobb JP, Hansen U, et al. Stan-
similar displacement. Two of the most popular combina- dardizing compression testing for measuring the stiffness of human
tions that have been used to describe the behavior of bone. Bone Joint Res 2018;7:524-38.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2020  Vol -  Issue -

6.e2 Zadi et al

Supplementary Fig. Constitutive models of linear viscoelasticity: A, spring; B, damper (dashpot);

C, Maxwell model; D, Kelvin-Voight model; E, standard solid model; F, generalized Maxwell model.

- 2020  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics


Long-term follow-up of late maxillary

orthopedic advancement with the
Liou-Alternate rapid maxillary expansion-
constriction technique in patients with
skeletal Class III malocclusion
Maria Costanza Meazzini,a Camilla Torre,b Alessandro Cappello,b Roberto Tintinelli,b Elena De Ponti,c
and Fabio Mazzolenid
Monza and Milan, Italy

Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate short and long-term results of the application of the
alternate rapid maxillary expansion/constriction (Alt-RAMEC) technique in patients with skeletal Class III
malocclusion. Methods: Forty-two white patients were consecutively treated with the Alt-RAMEC technique.
The average age of the patients was 12.7 6 1.6 years (range, 9.4-15.9 years) before protraction. The
average age at long-term follow-up was 19.4 6 2.8 years (range, 17.2-26.9 years). A sample of nontreated
patients with Class III malocclusion from the archives of orthognatic surgery in our hospital was used as a
control group. The initial records were matched for sex, the severity of Class III malocclusion, and age
(mean, 12.1 6 1.4 years; range, 9.7-14.1 years) with the old records available in the archive. The control
sample had records presurgery (mean, 19.8 6 2.2 years; range, 16.6-21.6 years). Results: The sagittal
advancement of A-point, after the application of the technique, was 5.43 6 2.71 mm. Some mandibular dentoal-
veolar adaptation was noted. The position of the maxilla was stable in the long term. In contrast, the control group
showed limited growth at the maxillary level during the long-term follow-up period. Conclusions: Our results
showed that the Alt-RAMEC technique, performed at the correct time, with a double-hinged expander,
followed by Class III spring or elastic traction, 24 h/d, allows for satisfactory maxillary protraction, with stable
long-term results. The comparison with a sample of matched nontreated patients with Class III malocclusion
allowed to suggest the positive effect of the treatment on the maxillary position vs the natural evolution of the
Class III skeletal discrepancy. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:221-30)

he incidence of maxillary hypoplasia in the white
population is reported to be about 5%.1 Devel-
oping midfacial retrusion in children has been
University of Milan, Smile House, Regional Center for CLP, Department of
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Santi Paolo e Carlo Hospital, Milan and Department of
conventionally treated with protraction facemasks at
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospital, an early age.2 Rapid maxillary expansion (RME) loosens
Monza, Italy.
the articulations of the maxillary complex from the rest
Private practice, Milan, Italy.
Medical Physics Department, University of Milano-Bicocca, San Gerardo Hospi-
of the skull, whereby rendering more effective maxillary
tal, Monza, Italy. protraction.3 A metric average anterior movement of
Maxillo-Facial Surgery, University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Maxillo-- more than 3 mm at point A was reported in a meta-
Facial Surgery, San Gerardo Hospital, Monza, Italy.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
analysis on maxillary skeletal base protraction with face-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. mask and RME in patients with Class III malocclusion.4
Address correspondence to: Maria Costanza Meazzini, University of Milan, Smile Although Woon and Thiruvenkatachari,5 in a recent sys-
House, Regional Center for CLP, Department of Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Santi
Paolo e Carlo Hospital, Via di Rudinı 8, Milan 20121, Italy; e-mail,
tematic review, noted the lack of evidence of any lasting
[email protected]. long-term effect of early maxillary protraction. The
Submitted, November 2019; revised and accepted, April 2020. alternate RME and constriction (Alt-RAMEC) technique6
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
is a protocol that allows disarticulating the circummax-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.027 illary sutures in patients who are close to the end of
222 Meazzini et al

craniofacial growth; the technique uses a 2-hinged rapid rotation posteriorly6 (Fig 1, A). In the mandibular
palatal expander, which is unique in its biomechanics, arch, a double lingual arch with anterior hooks was sol-
expanding and rotating each half of the maxilla out- dered on molar and premolar bands8 (Fig 1, B). The
ward. Timing of treatment seems fundamental for the treatment protocol, as suggested by Liou,6 consisted
success of the technique in the long term. The treatment in 7 cycles with 7 days of expansion and 7 days of
is started when the vertebral stage of maturation is be- constriction, 1 mm per day, alternatively. After 7 weeks
tween V2 and V3 (second and third stage of vertebral of alternate expansion-constriction, mild mobility of
maturation).7 Liou6 has shown a significant advance- the whole maxilla was felt clinically, and a mild discom-
ment of A-point in cleft patients (5.8 mm) in 6 months, fort was reported by the patient, especially at the para-
and those results remained stable without significant nasal area. In 30% of the patients, there was a need to
maxillary relapse after 5 years. Similar results (5.7 mm) go up to 9 or 11 cycles to achieve mildly perceivable
were reported by Meazzini et al8 in patients with unilat- maxillary mobility.
eral cleft lip and palate. We modified the original protocol by adding tempo-
The objective of this study was to assess the long- rary skeletal anchorage devices (TADs) provided by 2
term validity of this technique in patients with noncleft maxillary and 2 mandibular titanium miniscrews
Class III malocclusion. This study followed the principles (Cortical Anchorage Miniscrews; Forestadent, Pforz-
of the declaration of Helsinki. heim, Germany) (Fig 1, C). Two TADs were positioned
in the maxilla between the roots of the first molars
MATERIAL AND METHODS and the second premolars, in the mandible between
A modification of the Liou-Alt-RAMEC and maxillary the roots of the canines and the lateral incisors. TADs
protraction technique has been applied by the authors in were used indirectly, with ligature wires to the dental ap-
117 patients: of these patients, 49 had noncleft, nonsyn- pliances. In 10 of the patients who had significant lower
dromic, Class III malocclusion. anterior crowding and missing maxillary teeth (incisors,
Inclusion criteria for this study were (1) white pa- premolars, or in 1 patient's first molars), some dental
tients; (2) patients with noncleft, nonsyndromic Class movement was desirable to close the space and relieve
III malocclusion consecutively treated with the Alt- mandibular crowding, and therefore no TADs were used.
RAMEC and maxillary protraction technique; (3) verte- After the completion of the expansion/constriction
bral stage of maturation V2 V3 at the beginning of cycles, the technique included 5-8 months of active
treatment (usually corresponding to late deciduous or maxillary protraction.
permanent dentition); (4) skeletal Class III malocclusion The maxillary protraction was delivered by a pair of
with no functional shift; (5) no mandibular asymmetries noncompliant tooth-borne, intraoral maxillary protrac-
were included; and (6) full cooperation of the patients tion springs (Fig 1, D). The springs produced 300 g of
during treatment. force per side. Given the relatively frequent breakage
Seven of the consecutively treated patients had to be of the b-titanium springs, all patients continued pro-
excluded because of a severe lack of cooperation. There- traction with intraoral elastics (300 g), to be used
fore, the actual total study sample was 42. The average 24 hours a day, also during mealtimes (Fig 1, C).
age of the patients in the sample was 12.7 6 1.6 (range, For each patient, a lateral cephalometric radiograph
9.4-15.9) years before (T0) and 14.0 6 1.1 (range, 10.4- was obtained at T0 and T1 and the long term (Tlt).
15.4) years after maxillary protraction (T1). Of these pa- Cone-beam computed tomography systems scans were
tients, 21 had follow-up records longer than 6 years. The not offered by our national health system until recently
average age at long-term (Tlt) was 19.4 6 2.8 (range, and were, therefore, not available for most patients.
17.2-26.9) years. Lateral cephalometric tracings were digitized with
A group of patients with Class III malocclusion, software (version 1.5.1; Delta-Dent, Milan, Italy)
extrapolated from our archives of orthognatic surgery, and superimposed on the anterior cranial base, ori-
were searched. Only 17 out of the 120 patients with Class enting on Sella-Nasion (SN) line. For linear measure-
III malocclusion had early records, which could be ments, a constructed true horizontal line at 7 to SN
matched for sex, cephalometric severity of Class III was used (Fig 2, A). The method was previously
malocclusion, and average age (12.1 6 1.4 years; range, described.9,10 Superimpositions of the tracings at T0
9.7-14.1 years) at T0 and used as a control sample. The and Tlt in 1 treated and 1 nontreated patient are de-
sample had preorthognathic surgical records (Tlt) at an picted in Figure 2, B and C. Lateral x-rays and clin-
average age of (19.8 6 2.2 years, range 16.6-21.6 years). ical photographs pretreatment, posttreatment, and at
The double-hinged maxillary expander (DHME) long-term follow-up of 2 patients are shown in
consisted of a jackscrew in the center and 2 hinges of Figures 3 and 4.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Meazzini et al 223

Fig 1. A, Double-hinged maxillary expander. B, Mandibular double lingual arch. C, TADs positioned in
the maxillary and mandibular arch for indirect anchorage. Note the heavy intraoral elastics, substituting
protraction springs. D, Protraction springs.

Fig 2. A, Cephalometric superimposition T0 T1. The dotted line shows the T0 tracing (pretreatment),
the continuous line the T1 tracing (at the completion of treatment). B, Cephalometric superimposition
from T0 to Tlt of a patient-matched at T0 for sex and severity of maxillary hypoplasia who has not been
treated with Alt-RAMEC. C, Cephalometric superimposition from T0 to Tlt of a patient who has been
treated with Alt-RAMEC. The dotted line shows the T0 tracing; the continuous line shows the cephalo-
metric tracing at Tlt. S, sellion 5 midpoint of the fossa hypophysealis; N, nasion 5 anterior point at the
frontonasal suture; A, subspinal 5 deepest anterior point in the maxilla; Oclp, posterior occlusal
point 5 distal cusp of the maxillary first molar; UI, maxillary incisor point 5 incisal edge of the maxillary
central incisor; LI, mandibular incisor point 5 incisal edge of the mandibular central incisor; Go,
gonion 5 midpoint of the angle of the mandible; B, supramental 5 deepest anterior point of the
mandible; Gn, gnathion 5 most anterior inferior point of the contour of the symphysis.

Statistical analysis if there were any skeletal differences or any age differ-
After the Shapiro-Wilk normality test, descriptive sta- ence between the treated sample and the nontreated
tistics of data at T0, T1, and Tlt were calculated for the control (for correct age and skeletal matching). A chi-
treated sample. A Student t test was carried out to check square test was used to assess differences in gender

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
224 Meazzini et al

Fig 3. A, Profile of a female patient aged 12.5 years at pretreatment. B, Lateral x-ray pretreatment. C,
Lateral occlusal photograph pretreatment. D, Profile at the end of maxillary protraction. E, Lateral x-ray
postprotraction with occlusal bite blocks for vertical control, which were removed before orthodontic
alignment. F, Lateral occlusal photograph postprotraction with posterior occlusal bite blocks for vertical
control. G, Profile 6.7 years posttreatment. H, Lateral x-ray 6.7 years posttreatment. I, Lateral occlusal
photograph 6.7 years posttreatment when patient aged of 19.8 years.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Meazzini et al 225

Fig 4. A, Profile of a female patient aged 12.9 years at pretreatment. B, Lateral x-ray pretreatment. C,
Lateral occlusal photograph pretreatment. D, Profile of the patient at the end of maxillary protraction.
Note the support of the upper lip. E, Lateral x-ray posttreatment. In this patient, TADs were used in
the mandibular arch. F, Lateral occlusal photograph posttreatment. G, Profile at smile 7 years posttreat-
ment. H, Lateral x-ray 7 years posttreatment. I, Lateral occlusal photograph 7 years posttreatment
when patient was aged 20.4 years.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
226 Meazzini et al

distribution between the sample and control group (for reciprocal temporomandibular joint clicks, which were
correct gender matching). addressed with physical therapy.
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) for repeated mea- The maxilla remained stable, without significant
surements (within-subjects ANOVA for correlated sam- relapse (point A horizontal from T1 to Tlt,
ples) at 3-time points (T0, T1, and Tlt) was performed 0.57 6 2.63 mm), in patients at long-term posttreat-
for all the cephalometric measurements (as the same var- ment (average age, 19.4 6 2.8; range, 17.2-26.9 years).
iable was being analyzed at different time points) to The mandible grew, after the completion of treatment
detect any overall changes in mean scores over 3-time (T1 Tlt), at B-point on average of 2.1 6 2.17 mm
points in the treated group. and Pog of 3.1 6 2.19 mm. Statistical significance of
To compare the differences in the linear and angular each angular and linear change between the end of
measurements at T0 and Tlt between treated and non- treatment and the long-term follow-up is depicted in
treated patients, an independent samples t test was car- Table II.
ried out. None of the female patients in the long term needed
Given a large number of multiple comparisons, a further treatment, whereas 3 male (14%) patients had an
Benjamini-Hochberg correction procedure was applied. edge-to-edge dental relationship, which could warrant
The Raw P values, significant using the Benjamini- either surgery or dental compensation.
Hochberg procedure with the false discovery rate, were Clinically none of the patients presented peri-
used.11 odontal problems or loss of vitality of teeth. None of
A power analysis was run for each test, given the the patients had a permanent temporomandibular joint
sample size reached in the collection of the data, setting disfunction with pain in the long term, though 2 pa-
a (type I error) at 0.05 and a large population size effect. tients still presented a reciprocal click during mandib-
The power (1 b) of each test was over 0.89 with G*Po- ular movement.
wer (Heinrich Heine University, Duesseldorf, Germany. The control group was formed by patients with Class
A Cronbach a intraclass correlation coefficient was III malocclusion matched for cephalometric severity of
used to assess cephalometric intraexaminer reliability. Class III malocclusion and matched for sex and age,
Point detection and measurements were performed not treated with any late orthopedics. There were no sig-
twice by the same operator (C.T.) at 6-month intervals nificant differences in age and gender distribution at T0
on 10 randomly selected patients, which is suitable to and Tlt between the sample and control groups. At T0,
assess test-retest reliability. Statistical analysis was car- there were no significant cephalometric differences
ried out with Stata software (version 10; StataCorp, Col- than the treated group, confirming the adequacy of
lege Station, Tex). the cephalometric matching. There was no significant
difference in terms of the postretention period between
RESULTS the 2 samples (Table I). The comparison of the horizontal
The intraclass correlation coefficient used to assess and vertical changes from T0 to Tlt between the treated
the consistency of the single rater was 0.892, thus indi- and the control group (Table II) showed that, although in
cating good intrarater reliability. After the Benjamini- the control group there was an average sagittal growth
Hochberg correction, the P value was set at 0.029. of A-point of 1.9 6 3.75 mm after adolescence (from
Matching of the treated and nontreated samples was 12.7 to 19.4 years), the position of point A in the treated
adequate (Table I). patients was still close to the advancement measured at
At T1, the maxilla was advanced at A-point on T1 (T0 T1, 5.4 6 2.7 mm; T0 Tlt, 4.9 6 2.9 mm)
average 5.43 6 2.71 mm (P \ 0.000). SNA increased with a comparable long-term follow-up period (from
by 4.6 6 2.8 (P \ 0.000). Wits occlusal indicator was 12.1 to 19.8 years). Mandibular horizontal growth was
increased 7.5 mm (P \ 0.000). The mandibular posterior also significantly different at the level of Pogonion. Hor-
rotation was not significant, but Pg and B-point had a izontal growth of Pg from T0 to Tlt was 6.4 6 3.9 mm in
significant vertical lowering. Mandibular incisors were nontreated and 4.1 6 4.3 mm in treated patients. Hor-
retroclined at T1, though not significantly. The anterior izontal growth of B-point from T0 to Tlt was
height of the mandible (symphyseal height) was signifi- 5.0 6 4.4 mm in nontreated, whereas it was
cantly increased after treatment. Nasion was advanced 2.2 6 4.5 mm in treated patients. Vertical displacement
1.7 6 1.5 mm (P \ 0.029). The ANOVA run showed of Pg and Go from T0 to Tlt between nontreated and
that the variance between samples was justified by factor treated patients was not significantly different. Compar-
time (T0, T1, and Tlt). All angular and linear measure- ison of all other metric variables from T0 to Tlt between
ments and the results of the ANOVA for repeated mea- treated and nontreated patients are listed in Table II and
sures are listed in Table II. Three patients developed depicted in Figure 2, B and C.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Meazzini et al 227

Table I. Comparisons between treated and control sample: Adequacy of age, sex, postretention period, and skeletal
matching. Descriptive statistics (average age, gender, postretention period, and angular measurements) and compar-
ison of dentoskeletal variables at T0 and Tlt of the treated sample and the nontreated control sample during the same
period of growth
Diff treated Diff treated
Treated sample Nontreated control vs control Treated sample Nontreated control vs control
Values (T0) (T0) (T0) (Tlt) (Tlt) (Tlt)
Age, y 12.7 6 1.6 12.1 6 1.4 0.6 19.4 6 2.8 19.8 6 2.2 0.4
(9.4-15.9) (9.7-14.1) (17.2-26.9) (16.6-21.6)
Gender 73% F; 27% M 69% F; 31% M 4 73% F; 27% M 69% F; 31% M 4
Postretention period, y 6.7 6 3.3 7.7 6 4.0 1.0
SNA,  78.01 6 4.76 79.06 6 4.12 1.05 82.26 6 4.15 79.41 6 4.43 2.80*
SNB,  80.51 6 5.03 80.99 6 3.82 0.48 80.88 6 4.82 83.86 6 5.18 3.02
ANB,  2.50 6 2.79 1.93 6 3.30 0.57 1.38 6 2.46 3.89 6 4.29 5.27**
PNS-ANS 3 GoGn,  26.64 6 5.59 27.63 6 4.94 0.99 27.10 6 5.49 26.97 6 4.34 0.02
Wits appraisal, mm 7.33 6 3.41 7.23 6 2.90 0.10 2.31 6 2.67 8.49 6 6.60 6.18**
UI 3 PNS-ANS,  115.09 6 8.69 118.07 6 9.02 2.98 113.30 6 6.63 118.60 6 9.37 5.23**
UI 3 Li.  130.47 6 10.81 119.88 6 25.17 10.59 132.55 6 9.58 128.04 6 9.37 4.80
SN 3 GoGn,  35.80 6 11.85 34.21 6 4.91 1.59 33.96 6 6.61 32.58 6 6.02 1.05
H Symph, mm 35.54 6 3.03 36.01 6 4.03 0.47 39.74 6 3.96 36.42 6 5.31 3.32
Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation. P values of the Student t test for continuous variables and chi-square test for gender.
Treated sample (T0), tracings pretreatment; Treated sample (Tlt), long-term evaluation; Nontreated control (T0), tracings made at an average age
of 12.1 years (matched to the treated sample, 12.7 years); Nontreated control (Tlt), tracing at the end of growth of the control sample; F, female
patients; M, male patents.
*P \ 0.01; **P \ 0.029 (Benjamini-Hochberg correction).

Table II. Treatment results and long-term follow-up of Alt-RAMEC: angular and horizontal and vertical linear mea-
surements. Average angular and linear cephalometric measurements at different time points: changes between pre-
treatment and immediately postprotraction (T1 T0), changes between posttreatment and long-term evaluation
(Tlt T1)
Values T0 Difference (T1 T0) T1 Difference (Tlt T1) Tlt
SNA,  78.01 6 4.76a 4.63 6 2.82 82.64 6 3.48b 0.38 6 1.89 82.26 6 4.15b
SNB,  80.51 6 5.03a 0.32 6 2.49 80.19 6 4.22a 0.69 6 1.15 80.88 6 4.82b
ANB,  2.50 6 2.79a 5.05 6 2.19 2.55 6 2.24b 1.35 6 1.34 1.38 6 2.46c
PNS-ANS 3 GoGn,  26.64 6 5.59a 1.34 6 3.55 27.9 3 6 5.23a 0.90 6 2.61 27.10 6 5.49a
Wits appraisal, mm 7.33 6 3.41a 7.36 6 4.32 0.03 6 3.22b 2.60 6 3.15 2.31 6 2.67c
UI 3 PNS-ANS,  115.09 6 8.69a 0.50 6 5.30 115.08 6 6.32a 1.42 6 4.31 113.30 6 6.63a
LI 3 GoGn,  88.60 6 5.95a 3.02 6 7.36 85.58 6 8.8a 1.30 6 7.40 86.88 6 7.16a
UI 3 LI,  130.47 6 10.81a 2.37 6 8.79 131.41 6 10.10a 1.91 6 7.26 132.55 6 9.58a
SN 3 GoGn,  35.80 6 11.85a 0.30 6 2.90 36.10 6 5.76a 2.14 6 2.39 33.96 6 6.61a
H symph, mm 35.54 6 3.03a 3.67 6 2.56 39.16 6 3.79b 0.81 6 2.72 39.74 6 3.96b
A Vert, mm 44.83 6 4.41a 2.97 6 2.46 47.80 6 4.78b 1.58 6 3.00 49.38 6 4.06b
A Horiz, mm 59.64 6 6.13a 5.43 6 2.71 65.07 6 5.58b 0.57 6 2.63 64.50 6 6.09b
B Vert, mm 83.38 6 7.66a 3.33 6 3.41 86.72 6 7.77b 1.21 6 3.76 87.93 6 6.59b
B Horiz, mm 60.56 6 10.16a 0.48 6 3.48 61.14 6 8.79a 2.19 6 2.17 63.33 6 6.59c
N Vert, mm 7.85 6 0.46a 0.13 6 0.28 7.98 6 0.52b 0.04 6 0.21 7.94 6 0.50b
N Horiz, mm 63.95 6 3.84a 1.71 6 1.54 65.64 6 4.14b 0.45 6 1.75 66.09 6 4.18b
Pog Vert, mm 93.02 6 8.33a 4.78 6 4.41 97.80 6 8.94b 1.47 6 5.22 99.27 6 7.98b
Pog Horiz, mm 61.28 6 10.10a 0.97 6 2.61 62.25 6 9.75b 3.13 6 2.19 65.38 6 10.70c
ANS Vert, mm 39.73 6 3.81a 2.37 6 2.14 41.10 6 3.96b 2.18 6 2.29 43.38 6 3.41b
ANS Horiz, mm 64.83 6 5.52a 5.00 6 5.60 69.83 6 7.46b 0.98 6 5.39 68.85 6 5.90b
Note. Values are mean 6 standard deviation. Analysis of variance for repeated measures: different letters on the same line indicate a statistically
significant difference (P \ 0.029 [Benjamini-Hochberg correction]).
T0, Cephalometric x-rays before treatment; T1, after maxillary protraction; Tlt, long-term follow-up; SNA, SNB, ANB, SN 3 GoGn, SN 3 PNS-
ANS, angular changes relative to the cranial base (SN) of A-point, B-point, mandibular plane (GoGn) and nasal plane (PNS-ANS); PNS-ANS 3 GoGn,
angular changes relative to the nasal plane of the mandibular plane; UI 3 PNS-ANS, LI 3 GoGn, angular changes of maxillary incisors and mandib-
ular incisors position relative to mandibular and nasal plane; Wits appraisal, changes in Wits index of A B points positions relative to occlusal
plane; H Symph, changes in the height of the symphysis measured from mandibular incisal edge to Gn point (A, B, N, Pog, and ANS); Vert and Horiz,
vertical and horizontal movement of A-point, B-point, nasion, Pogonion, anterior nasal spine, relative to the reference line.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
228 Meazzini et al

DISCUSSION advancement, as the lateral circummaxillary sutures (zy-

The results of this retrospective clinical study support gomaticomaxillary, temporzygomatic, and pterigomax-
the hypothesis that a repetitive weekly protocol of Alt- illary sutures) mainly bend but do not open sufficiently
RAMEC, using a 2-hinged expander with skeletal to allow the same maxillary protraction.12-15 This
anchorage and intraoral traction, allows obtaining sig- seems to be an important clinical difference, and
nificant advancement of the maxilla in patients with although it has already been shown in animals,16 it
Class III malocclusion and that the results remain stable certainly needs further investigation in patients.
in the long term. In this study, we are unable to assess any effect of the
To demonstrate the effectiveness of a technique, a DHME itself, before protraction, in terms of the sagittal
randomized trial is mandatory; nevertheless, we have position of the maxilla, given the fact that no radio-
made an attempt to understand better the significance graphic records were taken at the completion of the
of the results of this retrospective longitudinal study expansion-constriction cycles, but only at the end of
by matching for sex and age the treated patients with the protraction phase.
a sample of patients with nontreated Class III malocclu- In addition to the maxilla, the nasal bones in most
sion who initially had the same severity of skeletal patients were also very mildly displaced and protracted
malocclusion. Furthermore, we are reporting the long- anteriorly (Table II). This explains the discomfort re-
term results of this technique in over half of the patients, ported by many patients over the nasal area during the
who have now reached the completion of growth Alt-RAMEC, again suggesting that the nasomaxillary
(19.4 6 2.8 years). complex is being disarticulated. Histologically, Wang
The total amount of maxillary advancement was over et al16 demonstrated that what occurs at the circummax-
5 mm in 6-12 months; the long-term evaluation re- illary sutures is not a simple deposition of osteoid, as
vealed that the maxillary advancement was stable. found in RME, but a process of sutural stretching and
Other authors have reported treatment with a modi- protraction osteogenesis.
fication of the Alt-RAMEC technique, but contrary to the Second, springs or intraoral elastics are used 24 hours
original protocol, using a traditional RME.12,13 Kaya per day, even during eating time. This is a fundamental
et al12 reported an average maxillary advancement of advantage over a facemask, which is usually only worn
2 mm, adding miniplates and a facemask, whereas Can- during nighttime.
turk and Celikoglu13 reported over 3 mm maxillary Third, the skeletal anchorage allows distributing the
advancement applying night time facemask and daytime forces of traction directly to the bones, with less dentoal-
Class III elastics. These studies do not show any long- veolar compensation. Mandibular incisors were only
term follow-up data. Al-Mozany,14 using a traditional mildly retroclined, and maxillary incisors were not pro-
RPE, added palatal TADs and Class III elastics, obtaining clined, confirming the sagittal efficacy of TADs in con-
3.2 mm advancement. trolling dental compensations.
Isci et al15 showed a larger advancement (4.1 mm), We believe that the most important aspect which jus-
quite close to the result of this study, using an RPE tifies the success of this technique might be the timing.7
and facemask 16 h/day, although, again, no long-term The expansion/constriction cycle is started when sutures
data were reported. There are reports in the literature are still open, though the growth peak is almost reached.
on different applications of the Alt-RAMEC but applied The protraction mechanics are held till the process of
at a much younger age and with no long-term follow- craniofacial growth is significantly decelerated. The later
up, therefore, not comparable with this study. The rea- timing of treatment seems to be the key to stability,
sons that might have allowed a greater advancement given the fact that in patients treated in the early mixed
in the present study (point A, 5.4 mm in patients with dentition, there is no evidence of a long-term stability5
Class III malocclusion), in Liou6 (point A, 5.8 mm in cleft and that in a recent systematic review and meta-
patients), and Meazzini et al10 (point A 5.7 mm in cleft analysis, Lin et al17 concluded that posttreatment
patients)8 may be more than one. changes in patients treated early, reflect substantial
First, the 2-hinged expander has a specific geometry relapse.
that rotates each half of the maxilla outward.6 According The availability of a control group consisting of pa-
to some authors, this allows a better loosening of all cir- tients with nontreated Class III malocclusion, which pre-
cummaxillary sutures.16 Therefore, studies that apply a sented a similar degree of Class III skeletal discrepancy at
straight RME instead of a DHME might obtain less total the same age in which the study sample was treated, was

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Meazzini et al 229

of considerable interest (Tables I and II). In nonpro- CONCLUSIONS

tracted patients, the maxilla, as shown by other au- Our results seem to point out that the Liou-Alt-
thors,7,18 has a smaller horizontal growth in the RAMEC technique, performed:
second decade of life, whereas the mandible grows and
autorotates19 (Fig 2, A). In the treated sample, mandib- 1. With the right timing, close to growth peak.
ular growth occurs but is mildly reduced compared with 2. With the correct double-hinged expander, which al-
the controls. In contrast, in the maxilla, the average for- lows true mobilization of the maxilla and not a
ward movement of 5.4 mm obtained with the Alt- traditional RPE.
RAMEC does not grow further, but neither relapses 3. Followed by Class III springs or elastic traction,
significantly after more than 6 years of follow-up. This applied 24 h/d, and not only nightly traction allows
differential allows for the stability of the long-term for a satisfactory maxillary protraction, with a stable
result (Fig 2, B and C). long-term result. Although the study is retrospective
As mentioned, the average maxillary advancement and may not give the evidence of a prospective ran-
obtained in our study was 5.4 6 2.7 mm. In a recent domized trial, the comparison with a sample of pa-
study on LeFort I osteotomy, Almukhtar et al20 reported tients with nontreated Class III malocclusion allows
an average advancement of 5.9 6 1.7 mm in patients suggesting the positive effect of the treatment on
treated with orthognatic surgery at the completion of the maxillary position vs the natural evolution of
growth. This seems to suggest that some of the patients adolescents in Class III malocclusion of comparable
treated with Alt-RAMEC will not avoid surgery. The age age who were not treated.
range at the long-term follow-up of this sample was Finally, as the long-term age of the patients in this
17.2-26.9 years, and the sample was relatively small. study ranged from 17.2 to 26.9 years; furthermore,
Although none of the female patients showed any follow-up is needed to assess the proportion of patients
relapse, 3 of the male patients presented with a mild who will avoid final orthognathic surgery.
Class III occlusion at 20-21 years of age, which might
warrant either the surgical correction or dental compen- AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
sation. Therefore, although long-term results are com-
forting, particularly in male patients, we are still Maria Costanza Meazzini contributed to conceptual-
unable to predict the proportion of patients who will ization, methodology, supervision, original draft prepa-
not require orthognatic surgery. ration, and draft reviewing and editing; Camilla Torre,
However, a significant advantage of this technique is Roberto Tintinelli, Alessandro Capello, and Fabio Maz-
the psychological aspect: the appearance of the patient zoleni contributed to study investigation; Elena De Ponti
improves during adolescence, which is a remarkably contributed to data curation and validation.
difficult period in terms of awareness and psychosocial
Clearly, this technique has several drawbacks: first, a The authors thank Dr Andrea Montanari and Chico
high collaboration is needed. Seven out of 49 patients Onlus for the generous donations to Smile House
(14%) abandoned treatment very early, finding it impos- through Operation Smile Italy.
sible to follow the opening/closing cycles. We have not
been able to retrospectively assess the actual number REFERENCES
of patients who refused to undergo the treatment once 1. Perillo L, Masucci C, Ferro F, Apicella D, Baccetti T. Prevalence of
properly informed, neither the number of patients who orthodontic treatment need in southern Italian schoolchildren. Eur
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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Diagnostic accuracy of lateral

cephalograms and cone-beam computed
tomography for the assessment of sella
turcica bridging
Ashley Marie Acevedo,a Manuel Lagravere-Vich,b and Thikriat Al-Jewairc
Bridgeport, CT, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and Buffalo, NY

Introduction: The purpose of this research was to assess the diagnostic accuracy of sella turcica bridging on
lateral cephalograms when compared with true sella turcica bridging determined via cone-beam computed
tomography (CBCT). Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using CBCT images from which
lateral cephalograms were generated. The study included 185 subjects (118 females and 67 males; age
range, 10-30 years; mean age, 16.63 6 4.20 years). Sella turcica landmarks and related measurements were
calculated for both diagnostic modalities and analyzed by 1 examiner. Subjects were classified into 1 of 3
outcome groups: no bridging, partial bridging, and complete bridging. Diagnostic accuracy was evaluated
using sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values, and receiver operator characteristic
curves. Results: Ten patients were diagnosed as complete bridging on CBCT, whereas 31 patients were diag-
nosed as complete bridging on lateral cephalogram. Although the lateral cephalogram detected all subjects with
complete bridging, it incorrectly classified 12% of subjects. The percent agreement between both diagnostic
methods was 55.68%, with a kappa statistic of 0.22 on the right sella turcica and 0.20 on the left sella turcica,
indicating fair but statistically significant agreement. The overall accuracy of lateral cephalograms as a diag-
nostic modality in discriminating between no bridging and partial bridging was good as determined with the
area under the curve values of 0.86 and 0.85 for right and left sides, respectively. Conclusions: Although lateral
cephalograms overestimate patients with complete bridging compared to CBCTs, they are a suitable screening
modality for accurately suggesting complete sella turcica bridging and differentiating between patients with no
bridging and partial bridging. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:231-9)

he development of sella turcica and its morpho- floor, irregularity in the posterior dorsum sella, and py-
logic variants has been extensively studied in the ramidal shape of dorsum sella.
literature.1,2 The sella turcica is a saddle-shaped The sella turcica bridge is a complete ossification of
depression on the intracranial surface of the sphenoid the interclinoid ligaments, which may occur either
bone. There are 5 different morphologic variations of unilaterally or bilaterally.2 Although the exact cause of
sella turcica as reported by Axelsson et al1: oblique ante- bridging is not known, multiple theories have been pro-
rior wall, sella turcica bridging, double contour of the posed, including an abnormality in the embryologic
development of the sphenoid bone resulting in
a bridging,3 ossification of the dura mater between the
Private practice, Bridgeport, CT.
Division of Orthodontics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. anterior and posterior clinoid processes,4 or because of
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dental Medicine, State University of New focal infections of the pituitary gland.5
York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.
This normal variant of sella turcica occurs with a re-
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. ported incidence of 1.1%-13% of the general popula-
The study was approved by the University at Buffalo Health Sciences Institutional tion, with an increased prevalence in those with severe
Review Board (STUDY00001251).
craniofacial disproportions.1,6-11 In addition, several
Address correspondence to: Thikriat Al-Jewair, Department of Orthodontics,
School of Dental Medicine, State University of New York at Buffalo, 140 Squire studies have reported an increased frequency of
Hall, 3435 Main St, Buffalo, NY 14214; e-mail, [email protected]. bridging in adolescents with dental anomalies, such as
Submitted, November 2019; revised, March 2020; accepted, April 2020.
canine impaction (odds ratio, 3.93; 95% confidence
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. interval [CI], 1.43-10.7)3 and tooth transposition (odds

232 Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair

ratio, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.1-7.9).12 As calcification in the sella pathology in the maxillofacial region, clear craniofacial
turcica region can appear in early childhood, recognizing syndromic anomalies, and CBCT images with motion ar-
sella turcica bridging on diagnostic imaging may allow tifacts were all excluded.
for early diagnosis and timely intervention of palatal CBCT images were acquired using an i-CAT Cone
canine impactions, potentially reducing the complexity Beam 3D dental imaging system (version 3.1.62; Imag-
of treatment.3 As well, it can serve as a screening method ing Sciences International, Hatfield, Pa) at these set-
for rare genetic diseases such as Axenfeld-Rieger syn- tings: 3-7 mA, 120 kV, exposure time of 40 seconds,
drome with PITX2 mutation.13 This is an autosomal voxel size of 0.4 mm, and a focal spot of 0.5 mm and
dominant disorder that is caused by the abnormal migra- a scanning area of 16 3 13 cm. The majority of scans
tion of neural crest cells.14 Although the phenotype in were taken at 0.4 mm voxel size for 40 seconds with a
this syndrome is heterogenous, midface hypoplasia, greyscale range of 14 bits, except for 3 scans taken at
dental hypodontia, and sella turcica anomalies are 0.3 mm voxel size for 40 seconds.
commonly present.13,15 The CBCT images were obtained by an experienced
Because of the 2-dimensional (2D) view provided in technician. All patients were seated in an upright posi-
conventional lateral cephalograms, it is difficult to tion with their heads oriented with the occlusal plane
ascertain a clear distinction between a sella turcica parallel to the floor. Head and chin support were used
bridge when there is complete bony fusion and the to stabilize the head position, and all teeth were out of
appearance of fusion between the anterior and posterior occlusion by having the patient bite on a cotton roll.
clinoid processes because of radiographic superimposi- The images were exported in digital imaging and com-
tion. In previous autopsy studies, the occurrence of a munications in medicine format then imported into Dol-
true sella turcica bridge varied between 2% and 6%.9 phin 3D Imaging System (version Premium;
However, sella turcica bridging diagnosed on lateral Dolphin Imaging and Management Solutions, Chats-
cephalograms is reported at a higher frequency because worth, Calif) for analysis.
of the difficulty distinguishing between a true sella tur- The original CBCT volumes were standardized by
cica bridge and a pseudobridge. As a result, previous setting the orientation of the axial (x), midsagittal (y),
studies have questioned the reliability of using 2D and coronal (z) planes. The axial plane (x) was set to
radiographs for accurate diagnosis of sella turcica the Frankfort Horizontal plane. The midsagittal plane
bridging.9,16 (y) was defined by nasion (N), anterior nasal spine
Technological advances in 3-dimensional (3D) imag- (ANS), and basion (Ba) landmarks.20 Then, the multipla-
ing using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) nar views were configured as 0.4 mm slices to match the
offer noteworthy advantages in the quality and quantity thickness of the original scan.
of anatomic data. 3D CBCT has the advantage of over- Synthesized lateral cephalograms were generated
coming challenges of superimposition and differential from each standardized CBCT volume in the perspective
magnification of bilateral structures.17 Furthermore, projection, using mechanical porion as the projection
3D CBCT scans acquired from a patient can be used to center, to simulate the geometry of the conventional
generate 2D lateral cephalograms, thus minimizing lateral cephalograms. Because the original CBCT vol-
further cost and radiation exposure to the patient.18,19 umes were oriented to Frankfort Horizontal, synthesized
The objective of this cross-sectional study was to assess lateral cephalograms were also oriented to Frankfort
the diagnostic accuracy of sella turcica bridging on con- Horizontal. The Dolphin 1 filter was then used to
ventional lateral cephalograms when compared with improve image sharpness.
true sella turcica bridging determined via CBCT (consid- An onscreen 0.5 mm marker was used to identify each
ered the reference standard). landmark in the multiplanar views and 3D rendered im-
age (Table I and Fig 1). A total of 6 landmarks were iden-
MATERIAL AND METHODS tified, and 4 measurements were calculated. Coordinate
This cross-sectional study was approved by the State data for each landmark was used to calculate the
University of New York at Buffalo Health Sciences Insti- Euclidean distance between the 2 paired points. These
tutional Review Board (no. STUDY00001251). The sam- landmarks were not measured directly on the CBCT
ple included CBCT images of patients ranging from 10 to reconstruction.
30 years of age assessed between January 2005 and To ensure the investigator was blinded, random case
August 2015 at 1 oral and maxillofacial surgery practice. identification numbers were generated and reordered for
The inclusion criteria were full volume CBCT images, landmark identification on lateral cephalograms, which
clear representation of sella turcica, and any type of occurred 2 weeks after landmarks were identified on
malocclusion. Records of subjects with a significant CBCT images (Table I). Distances between the landmarks

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair 233

Table I. Sella turcica landmarks and measurements on CBCT and lateral cephalograms
Landmark Definition Measurement Definition
TS Tuberculum sellae; midpoint on the anterior TS to DS Length of sella turcica
boundary of sella identified on the
midsagittal plane
DS Dorsum sellae; midpoint on the posterior Right ACP-PCP Interclinoid distance on right side
boundary of the sella turcica on the
midsagittal plane
R ACP Apex of the anterior clinoid process on the Left ACP-PCP Interclinoid distance on left side
right side
L ACP Apex of the anterior clinoid process on the left Complete sella turcica bridging Distance between ACP-PCP equals zero
R PCP Apex of the posterior clinoid process on the
right side
L PCP Apex of the posterior clinoid process on the
right side
ACP Apex of the anterior clinoid process
PCP Apex of the posterior clinoid process
Lateral cephalograms
TS Anterior boundary of sella turcica TS to DS Length of sella turcica
DS Posterior boundary of sella turcica ACP-PCP Interclinoid distance
ACP Apex of the anterior clinoid process
PCP Apex of the posterior clinoid process
R, right; L, left.

were calculated using the 2 Pt Line measurement tool in 0%). For the CBCT images, sella turcica bridging was
the Dolphin 3D Imaging software. (Fig 2). quantified for the right and left sides of the sella tur-
Quantification of sella turcica bridging was cica separately (Fig 3). For the lateral cephalograms,
performed using the method of Sundareswaran and the measurements were conducted without differenti-
Nipun,21 which uses the ratio of interclinoid ation between sella turcica sides. The data were
distance (ACP-PCP) to length (TS-DS) to classify the collected, analyzed, and measured by 1 investigator
extent of interclinoid calcification into 3 categories: (A.M.A) who was trained in sella turcica landmark
no bridging (ratio, $33%), partial bridging identification on CBCT images by an experienced
(ratio, .0%-33%), and complete bridging (ratio, investigator.

Fig 1. Identification of landmarks on CBCT: Multiplanar slices.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
234 Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair

males and females (females, 16.36 6 4.10 years; male,

17.10 6 4.59 years).
There was a high agreement for the repeated mea-
surements between the 2-time points on CBCT (ICC:
length, 0.972; interclinoid distance R, 0.990; interclinoid
distance L, 0.989) and lateral cephalogram (ICC: length,
0.979; interclinoid distance, 0.992). In addition, there
was a high agreement between both examiners with all
coefficients near the maximum of one (ICC: length,
0.961; interclinoid distance R, 0.996; interclinoid dis-
Fig 2. Identification of landmarks on lateral cephalogram:
tance L, 0.998). The average error is depicted in Table II.
A, distance calculated between ACP and PCP; B, dis-
The average interclinoid distance on lateral cephalo-
tance calculated between TS and DS.
gram was 4.01 mm and the sella turcica length (TS-DS)
The interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) was calcu- was 10.58 mm (Table III). With respect to the measure-
lated to assess the intraexaminer reliability. Two weeks ments taken on CBCT, the average interclinoid distances
after from initial examination, 10 randomly selected ra- were 6.14 mm and 6.10 mm for the right and left sides,
diographs were remeasured on both diagnostic modal- respectively. The average sella turcica length (TS-DS)
ities. The same 10 radiographs were also compared was 10.13 mm.
against an experienced orthodontist to assess interexa- Using lateral cephalograms, the prevalence of sella
miner reliability. The method error was determined using turcica bridging was 54.6% (n 5 101), of which 16.8%
Dahlberg's formula. (n 5 31) was complete and 37.8% (n 5 70) was partial
bridging (Table IV). While using CBCT, the prevalence of
Statistical analysis
sella turcica bridging on the right was 13.0% (n 5 24),
with 5.4% (n 5 10) complete and 7.6% (n 5 14) partial
Data were analyzed using SPSS Software for Win- bridging. Similar prevalence was observed on the left
dows (version 23.0; IBM, Armonk, NY). Subjects were side for complete (5.4%, n 5 10) and partial bridging
classified into 1 of the 3 outcome groups by calculating (n 5 6.5%, n 5 12).
the ratio between ACP-PCP/TS-DS and using a cutoff of As seen in Table V, 10 patients were diagnosed as
33%. Diagnostic accuracy of lateral cephalograms was complete bridging on CBCT, whereas 31 patients were
evaluated using sensitivity, specificity, positive predic- diagnosed as complete bridging on lateral cephalogram.
tive value (PPV), negative predictive value (NPV), and In addition, 14 patients were classified as partial
receiver operator characteristic curves for outcome bridging on CBCT, whereas 70 patients were classified
groups. Agreement was assessed using the kappa static. as partial bridging on lateral cephalogram, with only 9
patients in agreement. In measuring the diagnostic ac-
RESULTS curacy of the lateral cephalogram, sensitivities of
A total of 218 records were assessed, and 32 were 52.2%, 64.3%, and 100.0% for the no bridging, partial
excluded for lack of visualization of sella turcica and bridging, and complete bridging groups were calculated,
one because of the possibility of pathology. The study respectively.
included 185 subjects (118 female and 67 male) with a Although the lateral cephalogram detected all sub-
mean age of 16.63 6 4.20 years. There was an approx- jects with complete bridging, it incorrectly classified
imate difference of 9 months between mean ages for 12.0% of subjects, demonstrated by the specificity of

Fig 3. Depiction of different sella turcica bridging types on CBCT: A, complete bridging; B, partial
bridging; and C, no bridging.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair 235

Although the percent agreement between both

Table II. Mean error of measurements according to
methods for the right was 55.68%, the kappa statistic
Dahlberg's formula
was 0.22 on the right and 0.20 on the left sides, indi-
Variable Method error cating fair but significant agreement (P \ 0.001). A
Distance TS-DS 0.26 truth table was generated listing the 9 different possibil-
Interclinoid distance R 0.24 ities of sella turcica bridging on CBCT to better assess the
Interclinoid distance L 0.20
agreement among outcome groups (Table VI).
Interclinoid distance (ACP-PCP) 0.20
Sella turcica length (TS-DS) 0.23
R, right; L, left. Sella turcica, teeth, and parts of the face share a com-
mon origin, that is, neural crest cells. Therefore, abnor-
malities in the anterior wall of the sella turcica have been
Table III. Mean sella turcica measurements on lateral linked to abnormalities in other structures, particularly
cephalograms and CBCT* in the frontonasal field.11 One important link is the rela-
tion between sella turcica bridging and dental anoma-
Mean, Standard
Measurement N mm deviation Minimum Maximum lies, including canine impaction. Because sella turcica
Lateral cephalograms can be routinely visualized on lateral cephalograms,
TS-DS 185 10.58 1.69 6.90 15.00 this study aimed to establish the relative diagnostic
ACP-PCP 154 4.01 2.05 0.40 11.30 capability of using lateral cephalograms to predict dental
ACP-PCP/TS-DS 154 0.37 0.16 0.04 0.83 anomalies in patients with sella turcica bridging.
This cross-sectional study assessed the diagnostic ac-
TS-DS 185 10.13 1.57 5.77 16.28
R ACP-PCP 175 6.14 2.13 1.75 14.23 curacy of sella turcica bridging using conventional
L ACP-PCP 175 6.10 1.87 1.30 11.78 lateral cephalograms compared with true sella turcica
R ACP-PCP/TS-DS 175 0.61 0.19 0.19 1.20 bridging on CBCT imaging. The frequency of complete
L ACP-PCP/TS-DS 175 0.60 0.18 0.14 1.11 sella turcica bridging, when diagnosed with CBCT, was
R, right; L, left. 5.4% (10 complete bridging out of 185 subjects) and
*Complete bridging omitted to display minimum and maximum 16.8% (31 complete bridging out of 185 subjects)
measurements not including 0.
when diagnosed with synthesized lateral cephalogram.
The results from the CBCT compare favorably to the
wide range of reported values in the literature; however,
Table IV. Frequencies of sella turcica bridging on
the results from the lateral cephalograms were greater
lateral cephalograms and CBCT
than previous reports.7,22,23
CBCT Several 2D radiographic studies have investigated the
incidence of complete sella turcica bridging. Jewett24 re-
Sella turcica bridging cephalograms Right Left ported an incidence of 13% in a study of 100 normal
No bridging 84 (45.4) 161 (87.0) 163 (88.1) subjects, M€ uller25 reported an incidence of 3.85%, and
Partial bridging 70 (37.8) 14 (7.6) 12 (6.5) Cederberg et al7 reported an incidence of 8% in a study
Complete bridging 31 (16.8) 10 (5.4) 10 (5.4) of 255 subjects. Several autopsy studies have also re-
Total 185 (100.0) 185 (100.0) 185 (100.0)
ported similar results. In an autopsy study of 250 skulls
Values are n (%). by Archana et al,22 incidences of sella turcica bridging
were classified on the basis of the right or left intercli-
88.0% for this category. Furthermore, out of those sub- noid ligaments. The total reported incidence of sella tur-
jects who were found to have complete bridging, only cica bridging was 4%, with 0.8% occurring on the right,
32.3% actually had complete bridging as suggested by 2.4% on the left, and 0.8% bilaterally. Busch26 reported
the PPV. When considering the PPV of the no bridging an incidence of 1.54% for complete bridging, Bergland
category, of those subjects found to have no bridging, et al6 reported an incidence of 6%, and Platzer reported
100.0% actually had no bridging. The lateral cephalo- an incidence of 5.9%. In a recent study evaluating 3D
gram demonstrated good accuracy in differentiating be- imaging using CBCT, Ortiz reported an incidence of
tween no bridging and partial bridging on both sides 9.3% for complete bridging.23 The increased frequency
with an area under the curve of 0.86 (95% CI, 0.78- of complete bridging on lateral cephalogram can be
0.93; P \ 0.001) and 0.85 (95% CI, 0.77-0.93; partly explained by the 2D view provided, making it diffi-
P \ 0.001), respectively (Figs 4 and 5). cult to discriminate between a true sella turcica bridge

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
236 Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair

Table V. Comparison of sella turcica bridging counts for right and left sides using CBCT as gold standard
Lateral cephalograms

Sella turcica No bridging (n) Partial bridging (n) Complete bridging (n) Total Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) PPV (%) NPV (%)
Right No bridging 84 61 16 161 52.2 100.0 100.0 23.8
Partial bridging 0 9 5 14 64.3 64.3 12.9 95.7
Complete bridging 0 0 10 10 100.0 88.0 32.3 100.0
Total 84 70 31 185
Left No bridging 84 63 16 163 51.5 100.0 100.0 21.8
Partial bridging 0 7 5 12 58.3 63.6 10.0 95.7
Complete bridging 0 0 10 10 100.0 88.0 32.3 100.0
Total 84 70 31 185

and the appearance of fusion between the clinoid pro- by Ortiz,23 an incidence of 9.3% for complete bridging
cesses because of radiographic superimposition. and 40.6% for partial bridging were reported. In this
The overall incidence of partial bridging in this study study, sella turcica bridging was classified on the basis
was 37.8% and 7.05% when diagnosed through lateral of an objective classification system, whereas autopsy
cephalograms and CBCT, respectively. M€ uller25 and Je- studies by Lang,27 Archana et al,22 Kolagi et al,28 and
wett found an incidence of 3.2% and 13% for partial Skrzat et al2 used a visual classification system, which
bridging, respectively. Cederberg et al7 reported a higher can introduce some subjectivity and bias. In this study,
incidence of 68.8% partial bridging in a radiographic the interclinoid distance was 2 mm smaller when
study of 255 subjects. In his study, partial bridging measured using lateral cephalograms than on CBCT.
was classified into 2 categories on the basis of whether This difference was not surprising and could be due to
the interclinoid ligament was more or less than half the superimposition of structures commonly seen on
calcified. No explanations were given as to how the no 2D lateral cephalometric images, which may have
bridging subjects were classified. In the recent 3D study impacted the linear measurements.

Fig 4. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve of Fig 5. Receiver operator characteristic (ROC) curve of
no bridging and partial bridging classifications for right no bridging and partial bridging classifications for left sella
sella turcica bridging. turcica bridging.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair 237

Table VI. Comparison of sella turcica bridging on lateral cephalograms and CBCT using multiple combinations of
sella bridging
Lateral cephalograms

CBCT No bridging Partial bridging Complete bridging Total

No bridge R–no bridge L 84 58 10 152
No bridge R–partial bridge L 3 2 5
No bridge R–complete bridge L 4 4
Partial bridge R–no bridge L 5 2 7
Partial bridge R–partial bridge L 4 2 6
Partial bridge R–complete bridge L 1 1
Complete bridge R–no bridge L 4 4
Complete bridge R–partial bridge L 1 1
Complete bridge R–complete bridge L 5 5
Total 84 70 31 185
R, right; L, left.

One of the most useful tools of currently available and complete bridging and underestimated patients
CBCT software for orthodontic purposes is the ability with no bridging for both sides. However, it correctly
to reconstruct 2D conventional images, including pano- identified all 10 patients with complete bridging on
ramic and lateral cephalometric images. In the process of the right but incorrectly classified 21 patients as com-
creating a lateral cephalogram, the patient's head is ori- plete bridging because of superimposition of the bilat-
ented in a virtual space similar to the orientation used in eral interclinoid calcifications when the following
a cephalostat, thus eliminating the head orientation lim- scenarios presented: complete bridging on the left and
itation of conventional lateral cephalograms.29 In addi- partial bridging on the right, complete bridging on the
tion, many types of software allow the user to choose an left and no bridging on the right, partial bridging on
orthogonal or perspective projection-type when creating both sides, partial bridging on the right and no bridging
CBCT synthetic cephalograms, the latter matching the on the left, and no bridging on the right and partial
magnification and distortion of conventional cephalo- bridging on the left. The superimposition of bilateral
grams with high accuracy.30,31 structures leading to the identification of a pseudo-
Several studies have reported that craniofacial mea- bridge is a result of the inherent systematic error present
surements from CBCT reconstructed lateral cephalo- in lateral cephalograms because of the 2D representation
grams are similar to those obtained from conventional of a 3D object, resulting in errors of projection and
lateral cephalograms. Although some significant differ- magnification.35,36 These errors must be taken into ac-
ences were found between measurements, mainly linear count in the diagnosis of sella turcica bridging when
mandibular and midsagittal measurements, the differ- the radiographic appearance of fusion may be due to su-
ences were not clinically significant.30,32-34 In a study perimposition of the interclinoid ligaments and not
by Moshiri et al,33 in which distances between anatomic necessarily because of real bony fusion.9
landmarks on skulls were compared with measurements Overall, the synthesized lateral cephalogram gener-
on CBCT synthesized lateral cephalograms, synthetic ated good accuracy in differentiating between no
cephalograms proved to be more accurate for linear bridging and partial bridging and excellent accuracy in
measurements in the sagittal plane. In a similar study, identifying complete bridging. Although the patients
van Vlijmen et al34 reported good intraobserver reli- with partial and complete bridging were overestimated
ability for all measurements and concluded that mea- and patients with no bridging were underestimated,
surements on CBCT synthesized lateral cephalograms there was fair and statistically significant agreement be-
are comparable to conventional cephalograms. Because tween the CBCT and synthesized lateral cephalogram.
of these conclusions, we found it suitable to use CBCT As a result, this study concluded that lateral cephalo-
synthesized lateral cephalograms to assess the diag- grams are an acceptable diagnostic modality in accu-
nostic accuracy of sella turcica bridging when compared rately detecting complete sella turcica bridging and
with true sella turcica bridging determined via CBCT. differentiating between no bridging and partial
The classification of sella turcica bridging was not al- bridging. Although patients with complete bridging
ways in agreement between the 2 diagnostic methods. were overestimated with more false positives, using
Lateral cephalogram overestimated patients with partial this modality, paying closer attention to patients when

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
238 Acevedo, Lagravere-Vich, and Al-Jewair

the possibility of sella turcica bridging is present may editing; Manuel Lagravere-Vich contributed to draft re-
improve early diagnosis of canine impactions3 and allow view and editing; and Thikriat Al-Jewair contributed to
for proper interceptive management, therefore, reducing data curation, methodology, formal analysis, supervi-
the need for surgical exposure and comprehensive care. sion, original draft preparation, and draft review and
Because sella turcica bridging is a developmental abnor- editing.
mality that occurs at the prenatal stage9 and its dimen-
sions do not change significantly over time,37 early ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
diagnosis may occur during the first orthodontic The authors thank Robert Dunford for his help with
screening at age 7 years. In addition, the significant as- the statistical analysis, Pamela Ortiz for her support
sociation between sella turcica bridging and skeletal during the data collection stage, and Vandana Kumar
Class III growth pattern suggests that early screening and Carlos Flores-Mir for their comments on the
for bridging could predict craniofacial growth.38 manuscript.
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Simulation of orthodontic tooth

movement during activation of an
innovative design of closing loop using
the finite element method
Tuan Nguyen Anh,a Ryo Hamanaka,a Sachio Jinnai,a Hiroya Komaki,a Satoshi Yamaoka,a Jun-ya Tominaga,a
Yoshiyuki Koga,b and Noriaki Yoshidaa
Nagasaki, Japan

Introduction: Although many attempts have been made to study the mechanical behavior of closing loops, most
have been limited to analyses of the magnitude of forces and moments acting on the end of the closing loop. The
objectives of this study were to simulate orthodontic tooth movement during the activation of a newly designed
closing loop combined with a gable bend and to investigate the optimal loop activation condition to achieve the
desired tooth movement. Methods: We constructed a 3-dimensional model of maxillary dentition reproducing
the state wherein a looped archwire combined with a gable bend was engaged in brackets and tubes.
Orthodontic tooth movements were simulated for both anterior and posterior teeth while varying the degree of
gable bend using the finite element method. Results: The incorporation of a 5 gable bend into the newly de-
signed closing loop produced lingual crown tipping for the central incisor and bodily movement for the first molar.
The incorporation of 10 and 15 gable bends produced bodily movement and root movement, respectively, for
the central incisor and distal tipping for the first molar. Conclusions: Torque control of the anterior teeth and
anchorage control of the posterior teeth can be carried out effectively and simply by reducing by half the thick-
ness of a teardrop loop with a height of 10 mm and a 0.019 3 0.025-in cross-section, to a distance of 3 mm from
its apex, and by incorporating various degrees of gable bend into the loop corresponding to the treatment plan.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:240-9)

ince the establishment of the Tweed technique, system has several disadvantages. That is, the M/F
closing loops have been widely used for space ratio produced by conventionally designed loops is
closure in the treatment of premolar extraction too low to achieve bodily or root movement of the
patients.1,2 Contrary to sliding mechanics, wherein fric- anterior teeth.5 Another shortcoming is that closing
tion generated during space closure can reduce the rate loops made of stainless steel wire could produce an
of tooth movement,3,4 loop mechanics is a frictionless excessively heavy force, especially with the incorporation
treatment system. Therefore, this technique has the po- of gable bends.2,5,8,9 Furthermore, the use of an archwire
tential to produce predetermined moment-to-force (M/ with a larger cross-section could generate a greater
F) ratios to achieve controlled movement of the anterior retraction force in the case of the 0.022-in bracket
teeth accurately.2,5-7 In contrast, the loop mechanics slot system.
To generate a low force magnitude and increase the
M/F ratio for achieving better control of the anterior
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics, Nagasaki University teeth during space closure, many loop designs with
Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki, Japan.
Department of Orthodontics, Nagasaki University Hospital, Nagasaki, Japan.
complicated shapes have been developed by extending
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of both the horizontal length and the vertical height.10-20
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. Sumi et al21 developed a simple design of a 10-mm-
Address correspondence to: Noriaki Yoshida, Department of Orthodontics and
Dentofacial Orthopedics, Nagasaki University Graduate School of Biomedical Sci-
high teardrop loop with a wire cross-section reduced in
ences, 1-7-1 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852-8588, Japan; e-mail, nori@nagasaki-u. thickness by 50% for a distance of 3 mm from the
ac.jp. apex. This newly designed closing loop produces a
Submitted, November 2019; revised, March 2020; accepted, April 2020.
gentle force and a higher M/F ratio of 9.3 without add-
Ó 2021. ing a gable bend. However, the M/F ratios obtained from

Anh et al 241

Fig 1. A, Three-dimensional finite element model of maxillary dentition, into which a looped archwire is
engaged into brackets and tubes. B, A 10-mm-high teardrop loop, with the wire cross-section reduced
in thickness by 50% for a distance of 3 mm from the apex.

these numerical studies do not apply directly to the periodontal ligament (PDL) was constructed using
incisor but rather to the canine bracket adjacent to the wedge elements with a uniform thickness of
loop. However, because of the difficulty of conducting 0.2 mm,24-26 Young's modulus of 0.05 MPa, and a
numerical analysis for the mechanical behavior of a Poisson ratio of 0.3.26-28
looped archwire, the tooth movement generated by acti- The fixed orthodontic appliance was composed of
vating this new closing loop design has not yet been 0.022 3 0.028-in slot brackets and a 0.019 3 0.025-
investigated. The purposes of the present study were inch stainless steel archwire. These were constructed us-
to simulate orthodontic tooth movement of not only ing solid modeler software (Solidworks 2016; Dassault
the anterior but also the posterior teeth after the appli- Systemes, Velizy-Villacoublay, France) and imported to
cation of the newly designed loop with a partially the preprocessing software. An archwire and brackets
reduced wire cross-section in the 0.022-in bracket slot were modeled using 8-node hexahedral elements with
system and to investigate the effect of the degree of ga- Young's modulus of 200 GPa and a Poisson ratio of
ble bend on the tooth movement pattern using the finite 0.3.27,28 All materials were set to be isotropic. Each
element method (FEM). bracket was attached to the corresponding tooth with
rigid body elements. A symmetric model of the maxillary
MATERIAL AND METHODS dentition was developed to reduce the number of ele-
Three-dimensional (3D) images of a maxillary denti- ments and minimize the analysis time. The front end
tion, taken with a multi-image cone-beam computed of the archwire, on the midsagittal plane, was con-
tomography scanner (3DX; J. Morita, Kyoto, Japan), strained in the transverse (x) direction for symmetric
were exported as digital imaging and communication analysis.
in medicine file to 3D image processing and editing Long-term orthodontic tooth movements were simu-
software (Mimics, version 10.02; Materialise, Leuven, lated using a bone remodeling algorithm that has been
Belgium). After reconstructing the digital imaging and described in detail elsewhere.29 Simply, in the first
communication in medicine data to 3D surface data, step, an orthodontic force is applied to the tooth while
they were imported to FEM preprocessing and postpro- displacements are constrained at the outer surface of
cessing software (Patran 2017; MSC Software, Los the PDL. After an initial tooth displacement is produced,
Angeles, Calif). After remeshing, the teeth were aligned each node forming the outer surface of the PDL is dis-
to the ideal positions of the normal dentition, assuming placed so that the PDL is restored to its original config-
that the case model was diagnosed as maxillary uration and a thickness of 0.2 mm in the next step. In the
protrusion, the first premolar extractions were indicated following step, a second orthodontic force is applied to
(Fig 1, A). the tooth while displacements are retrained at the outer
Each tooth model was constructed using thin shell nodes of the PDL, and again, the geometry of the PDL is
elements with a thickness of 3 mm to develop a more updated. Then, 2 steps—the initial displacement and
simplified model for reducing the analysis time. A Young bone remodeling—are iterated to simulate orthodontic
modulus of 18,600 MPa and a Poisson ratio of 0.3 were tooth movement on the assumption that initial tooth
assigned in accordance with previous studies.22,23 The displacement could be a predictor of long-term tooth

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
242 Anh et al

First, we constructed the model representing the state

of neutral activation, namely, the state before activation
of the loop, instead of engaging the bent archwire with
the closing loop combined with a gable bend into the
brackets and tubes. To construct the model in which
the closing archwire combined with a gable bend is
passively inserted into the brackets and tubes on the
posterior teeth (Fig 3, A), 2 coordinate systems were es-
tablished on the basis of the loop configuration (Fig 3,
B). One is the coordinate system whose origin is located
at the corner of the loop base of the anterior portion of
the archwire, and the other is the coordinate system
whose origin is located at the corner of the loop base
of the posterior portion of the archwire (CS2). The orig-
inal model was divided into 3 segments. The anterior
segment consisted of the anterior portion of the archwire
mesial to the loop, including the anterior teeth models
and corresponding PDLs, the middle segment was the
closing loop, and the posterior segment included the
posterior portion of the archwire distal to the loop,
Fig 2. A, Actuator element connecting the distal end of including the posterior teeth models and corresponding
the second molar tube and a point distal to the tube on PDLs.
the archwire. B, Loop activation by lengthening the length
The loop and posterior segments of the model were
of the actuator element.
rotated in 2 steps (Fig 3, C-E). First, the posterior
segment was rotated around the z-axis at the origin of
movement.30 All analyses were performed using a FEM CS2 by one-half of the angulation of the gable bend
package (Marc 2016; MSC Software). (Fig 3, C). That is, each node forming the archwire distal
The basic design of the closing loop examined in this to CS2 was rotated. At the same time, the posterior teeth
study was a teardrop that was 10 mm in height and and corresponding brackets were also rotated while
2 mm in width, bent from a 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless maintaining their relative position to the archwire.
steel archwire. The thickness of the cross-section of the Next, the loop and posterior segments were rotated
loop was reduced by 50% for a distance of 3 mm from around the z-axis at the origin of the coordinate system
the apex (Fig 1, B). whose origin is located at the corner of the loop base of
The tooth movement during space closure was simu- the anterior portion of the archwire by one-half of the
lated by activating the loop by 1 mm using an actuator angulation of the gable bend (Fig 3, D). The model
element connecting the distal end of the second molar before activating the loop with a gable bend was con-
tube and a point distal to the tube on the archwire structed in this manner (Fig 3, A and E).
(Fig 2). The actuator element is a truss element with var- Next, the mechanical conditions of loop activation
iable length. Lengthening of the actuator element were reproduced as follows in the case that a gable
causes distal movement of the posterior portion of the bend is incorporated into the loop. Every node of the
archwire, which enables activation of the loop in the loop and posterior segments of the model was displaced
same manner as a tie-back in clinical practice. to its original position (Fig 4, A and B). Because the
We tested 5 different mechanical conditions of loop archwire was engaged into the brackets, it also caused
activation. First, we investigated the effect of a reduction the displacement of the archwire, including the loop
in the cross-section at the loop apex by comparing the combined with a gable bend. Then, the loop was acti-
tooth movements when the thickness of the cross- vated by 1 mm using the actuator element (Fig 4, C),
section of the loop apex was reduced by 0% and 50%. and space was closed after the movements of the ante-
Next, we compared the effect of different degrees of ga- rior and posterior teeth (Fig 4, D). At this time, displace-
ble bend (5 , 10 , and 15 ) incorporated into the loop on ments were constrained at the outer surface of the PDL,
the tooth movement pattern. and consequently, long-term tooth movement was
The loading condition, wherein the loop with gable simulated on the basis of a bone remodeling algorithm.7
bend is activated, was simulated in the following steps. Tooth movements of the central incisor and first molar

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Anh et al 243

Fig 3. Procedure for constructing the FEM model in which the closing archwire combined with a gable
bend is passively inserted into the brackets and tubes on the posterior teeth: A, two coordinate systems
of the anterior and posterior parts of the loop model. Origins are indicated by red points; B, FEM model
in which the bent closing archwire with a gable bend is passively engaged; C, the posterior segment
was rotated around the z-axis at the origin CS2 by one-half degree angles of gable bend; D, the
loop and posterior segments were rotated around the z-axis at the origin of CS1 by one-half degree
angle of gable bend; E, after construction of the model into which the looped archwire with a gable
bend was engaged into the brackets and tubes. CS1, the coordinate system whose origin is located
at the corner of the loop base of the anterior portion of the archwire.

were represented as a combination of translation and Figure 6 shows the degree of rotation as a function of
rotational displacement at the center of resistance (CR) translational displacement at the CR of the central
in the sagittal plane. incisor in the sagittal plane when varying the degree of
gable bend (from 0 , 5 , 10 , and 15 ) incorporated
RESULTS into the loop in which the thickness of the cross-
Figure 5 shows the relationship between the degree section was reduced by 50% for a distance of 3 mm
of rotation and translational displacement at the CR of from the apex. The vertical axis indicates the degree of
the central incisor in the sagittal plane when comparing labiolingual tipping. Positive signs indicate lingual root
the loops with and without reduction. The horizontal tipping, and negative signs lingual crown tipping.
axis shows the translational displacement of the CR in When gable bends of 0 , 5 , 10 , and 15 were incorpo-
the sagittal plane, the vertical axis indicates the degree rated into the loop, the degree of rotation of the central
of labiolingual tipping, and the negative signs indicate incisor was 0.78 , 0.50 , 0.04 , and 1.14 , respec-
lingual crown tipping. The degree of lingual crown tively. The degree of lingual crown tipping with a gable
tipping was increased almost linearly with increases in bend of 5 was smaller than that with a gable bend of 0 .
the amount of translational displacement in both pa- When a gable bend of 10 was placed, the central incisor
tients. The degree of lingual crown tipping was 1.56 showed lingual root tipping, although the value was
on the loop activation of 1 mm for the normal loop quite small. With a gable bend of 15 , a higher degree
without reduction. In contrast, the degree of lingual of lingual root tipping was observed.
crown tipping for the loop in which the thickness of Figure 7 shows the relationship between the degree
the cross-section was reduced by 50% for a distance of rotation and translational displacement at the CR of
of 3 mm from the apex was 0.78 , which was half that the first molar in the sagittal plane when comparing
of the normal loop. the loops with and without reduction. The vertical axis

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
244 Anh et al

Fig 4. Procedure for activating the closing loop combined with a gable bend: A, the state wherein the
looped archwire combined with a gable bend is passively engaged in the brackets and tubes on the
posterior teeth. A curved arrow indicates the direction of rotational displacement of the posterior
segment; B, after displacement of the loop and posterior segments to their original positions; C, acti-
vation of the loop using an actuator element; D, after deactivation of the loop.

indicates the degree of mesiodistal tipping. Positive was 0.35 , which was less than half that of the normal
signs indicate mesial tipping, and negative signs distal loop.
tipping. The degree of mesial tipping of the first molar Figure 8 shows the degree of rotation as a function of
was 0.84 on the loop activation of 1 mm for the normal the translational displacement at the CR of the first
loop without reduction. When the cross-section of the molar in the sagittal plane when varying the degree of
loop was partially reduced, the degree of mesial tipping gable bend (from 0 , 5 , 10 , and 15 ) incorporated

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Anh et al 245

Fig 5. Degree of rotation of the central incisor as a func- Fig 7. Degree of rotation of the first molar as a function of
tion of the translational displacement of the CR in the the translational displacement of the CR in the sagittal
sagittal plane when comparing the loops with and without plane when comparing the loops with and without reduc-
reduction. Negative signs indicate lingual crown tipping. tion. Positive signs indicate mesial tipping.

Fig 6. Degree of rotation of the central incisor as a func-

Fig 8. Degree of rotation of the first molar as a function of
tion of the translational displacement of the CR in the
the translational displacement of the CR in the sagittal
sagittal plane when the newly designed loop was acti-
plane when the newly designed loop was activated com-
vated combined with gable bends of 0 , 5 , 10 , and
bined with gable bends of 0 , 5 , 10 , and 15 . Positive
15 . Positive signs indicate lingual root tipping, and nega-
signs indicate mesial tipping, and negative signs distal
tive signs lingual crown tipping.

into the loop in which the thickness of the cross-section adding a gable bend of 5 to the newly designed closing
was reduced by 50% for a distance of 3 mm from the loop.
apex. When gable bends of 0 , 5 , 10 , and 15 were
incorporated into the loop, the degree of rotation of DISCUSSION
the first molar was 0.35 , 0.02 , 0.20 and 0.52 , The loop mechanics system has been widely used to
respectively. The first molar showed distal tipping close the extraction space in orthodontic treatment.
when 5 , 10 , and 15 of gable bends were incorporated, Although many attempts have been made to study the
and the higher the degree of gable bend, the more mechanical behavior of the closing loop,15,20,31,32
distally the first molar tipped. By contrast, mesial tipping because of several difficulties, it has not been clarified
of 0.35 was observed when no gable bend was incorpo- what condition of loop activation or design allows for
rated. With a gable bend of 5 , the degree of distal achieving controlled movement of the anterior and pos-
tipping was 0.02, which was almost zero. That is, bodily terior teeth. First, it is extremely difficult to prescribe
movement of the first molar was likely to occur by displacement boundary conditions in FEM analysis,

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
246 Anh et al

especially when a gable bend is incorporated into the force system for achieving the desired type of tooth
loop. That is, on insertion of the bent archwire into the movement by incorporating gable bends into closing
brackets, each node on the archwire corresponding to loops,8 the M/F ratio generated by conventional loops
the mesial and distal ends of the brackets should be is too low to achieve controlled movement of the ante-
accurately displaced to the bracket position. Because rior teeth.2,6,8,9,11,13,19,20 To increase the M/F ratio and
the procedure for prescribing boundary conditions on thereby achieve better control of the anterior teeth dur-
the interface between the bracket and the archwire be- ing space closure, many loop designs with complicated
comes enormously complicated, such analyses would shapes have been developed by extending the horizontal
not necessarily converge to a solution. length and the vertical height.10-20 Sumi et al21 devel-
Furthermore, most previous studies11,14,15,33-36 have oped a simple design of a 10-mm-high teardrop loop,
been limited to conducting analyses to determine the with a 0.019 3 0.025-in cross-section reduced in thick-
magnitudes of force and moment acting on the end of ness by 50% for a distance of 3 mm from the apex, and
the closing loop. In other words, the value of the M/F therefore applicable in the 0.022-in bracket slot system.
ratio produced at the bracket adjacent to the loop, not This newly designed closing loop produces a gentle
on the central incisor or first molar, was obtained from force, even with a 0.019 3 0.025-in wire and a high
the numeric analyses. In addition, it remains difficult M/F ratio (9.3) without adding a gable bend. According
to predict actual tooth movements after the to previous studies,2,7-9,38,39 bodily movement of the
application of certain values of force and moment anterior teeth is achieved by applying an M/F ratio of
because the force system changes in the course of loop 10; therefore, this loop design is more likely to produce
deactivation. bodily movement. However, the tooth movement gener-
The above-mentioned unsolved problems could be ated by activating this new design of the closing loop has
successfully overcome in the present study. We con- not yet been analyzed in a practical manner. The present
structed a model reproducing the state in which the study aimed to investigate how not only the anterior
looped archwire with a gable bend is passively engaged teeth but also the posterior teeth will move when em-
into the brackets without exerting force and moment on ploying the loop with a partially reduced wire
each tooth by rotating each node forming the posterior cross-section.
segment corresponding to the applied degree of gable FEM analyses showed that a cross-sectional reduc-
bend. After the insertion of the looped archwire with a tion in the apical portion of the loop would reduce the
gable bend, the posterior segment was displaced into degree of lingual crown tipping of the central incisor
its original position along with the posterior portion of by 50%, thereby preventing uncontrolled tipping (Fig
the archwire, which facilitated the procedure for pre- 5). This finding was supported by a previous study21 re-
scribing boundary conditions on the interface between porting that the M/F ratio increased from 5.8 to 9.3 as
the bracket and the archwire. In addition, the movement the reduction rate of the wire cross-section increased
patterns of the central incisor and first molar during the from 0% to 50%. Although the previous study suggested
course of loop deactivation could be simulated using the that the central incisor was expected to show a move-
FEM that could predict long-term orthodontic tooth ment pattern close to bodily movement, the present
movement on the basis of a bone remodeling study clearly demonstrated that lingual crown tipping
algorithm.29 was generated. This result may be partly because of
However, the PDL was constructed as a linear the play between the brackets and archwire, which
isotropic material to develop a more simplified model, causes the loss of anterior torque control. In addition,
which substantially reduces the analysis time in this the M/F ratio of 9.3 acting on the loop, which was placed
study. Because the previous study37 suggested that the distal to the canine, could not be effectively transmitted
nonlinear behavior of the PDL should be taken into to the central incisor because the canine might absorb a
consideration for precise simulation of tooth movement, greater part of the antitipping moment generated by
nonlinear finite element analysis will be necessary for a loop activation. As a result, it is considered that bodily
future study of ours. In addition, further clinical tests movement is not produced through the application of
and investigations by combining the Taguchi method an M/F ratio of 9.3 acting on the loop end.
and FEM to analyze more design factors at the same The degree of gable bend incorporated into the loop
time would help to precisely determine the ideal ortho- made a difference in central incisor tipping patterns (Fig
dontic design for tooth movement. 6). When a gable bend of 5 was incorporated into the
Although the frictionless technique of loop me- loop, lingual crown tipping was observed after the
chanics has the potential to produce a preprogrammed completion of loop deactivation. Increasing the degree

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Anh et al 247

of gable bend from 5 to 10 decreased the degree of normal range. The incorporation of a 15 gable bend
lingual crown tipping from 0.50 to 0.04 , which into the loop can achieve root movement of the central
was close to zero. In other words, bodily movement is incisor for the correction of Angle Class II, Division 2
likely to occur with a gable bend of 10 . In contrast, malocclusion. At the same time, the placement of the
the placement of a gable bend of 15 produced lingual gable bend can minimize anchorage loss by moving
root tipping, which indicates that the antitipping the first molar bodily or tipping it distally.
moment generated at the bracket on the central incisor, Clinically, a teardrop loop in the height of 10 mm is
which resists the tendency of lingual crown tipping, is applicable for the maxillary dentition in most patients.
increased with increases in the degree of gable bend. However, for the patients with shallow mucobuccal
Thus, the results obtained from the present study sug- fold or the mandibular dentition, a 10 mm-high loop
gest that a reduction in the cross-section at the loop may cause impingement to the mucosa. In such patients,
apex would substantially increase the M/F ratio and de- the loop height should be decreased from 10 to 8 mm.
creases the traction force, which enables us to use loop Burstone and Koenig2 reported that the vertical height
mechanics combined with gable bend even in the of the loop is the dominant factor influencing the M/F
0.022-in bracket slot system. Our newly developed clos- ratio, and the shorter the loop, the lower the M/F ratio
ing loop has the potential to achieve the desired anterior is produced. Thus, the reduction of the loop height de-
tooth movement, such as lingual crown tipping, bodily creases the M/F ratio, which could cause loss of control
movement, or root movement, by combining it with of anterior tooth movement during space closure. It is,
the placement of different degrees of gable bend de- therefore, recommended to place a certain degree of
pending on the patient's clinical condition. twist in the anterior portion of the archwire for applying
In regard to molar movement, mesial tipping was additional torque.
observed when activating the normal loop without Further confirmation of these findings, which were
cross-sectional reduction (Fig 7). The degree of mesial obtained using FEM analyses, in a clinical study would
tipping was decreased when the wire cross-section of be a great help in establishing an optimal treatment
the loop was partially reduced. Increasing the degree plan and achieving speedy, effective, and accurate or-
of gable bend from 0 to 5 for the newly designed thodontic tooth movement.
loop changed the direction of molar tipping from mesial
to distal, although the tipping degree was almost zero. In CONCLUSIONS
other words, with a gable bend of 5 , the first molar The finite element model developed in the present
moved almost bodily in the mesial direction (Fig 8), study enabled the prediction of orthodontic tooth move-
and with gable bends of 10 and 15 , the degree of distal ment when loop mechanics combined with a gable bend
tipping of the first molar was increased to 0.20 and was employed for space closure. The analysis showed
0.52 , respectively, which indicates that incorporating that not only torque control of the anterior teeth but
a gable bend larger than 10 into the loop produced also anchorage control of the posterior teeth could be
distal tipping of the first molar. This finding suggests carried out effectively by simply reducing the thickness
that placing a gable bend into the loop with cross- of a teardrop loop with a height of 10 mm and a
sectional reduction could effectively reinforce the 0.019 3 0.025-in cross-section by 50% for a distance
anchorage by preventing mesial tipping of the posterior of 3 mm from its apex, and by incorporating various de-
teeth. grees of gable bend into the loop corresponding to the
Because mesial tipping of the posterior teeth, as well case. The additional advantages of this new closing
as lingual crown tipping of the anterior teeth, could loop are that it is easily fabricated at the chairside by
cause a vertical bowing effect, thereby generating deep grinding with a turbine handpiece and applicable in
overbite, further closure of the residual extraction space the 0.022-in bracket slot system.
would be prevented. The use of this newly designed clos-
ing loop could further improve treatment efficiency and ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
shorten treatment time by avoiding the side effects
generated during space closure. Funding: This research did not receive any specific
The incorporation of a 5 gable bend into our newly grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial,
designed closing loop can produce lingual crown tipping or not-for-profit sectors.
of the central incisor for the correction of Angle Class II,
Division 1 malocclusion. The placement of a 10 gable CREDIT AUTHORSHIP CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT
bend into the loop can achieve bodily movement of Tuan Nguyen Anh: Investigation, Software, Writing -
the central incisor when its inclination is within the review & editing, Conceptualization, Methodology. Ryo

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
248 Anh et al

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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Efficacy of Invisalign attachments:

A retrospective study
Theresa Karras,a Maharaj Singh,b Emelia Karkazis,b Dawei Liu,c Ghada Nimeri,c and Bhoomika Ahujac
Milwaukee, Wis, and Chicago, Ill

Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of Invisalign's (Align Technology, Santa
Clara, Calif) optimized and conventional attachments on rotational and extrusive tooth movements.
Methods: Initial, predicted, and achieved digital dental models from 100 orthodontic patients were exported
from Invisalign's ClinCheck software as stereolithography files and subsequently imported into the Slicer CMF
program (version 4.7.0; http://www.slicer.org) for superimpositions on posterior teeth with no planned
movement. Rotational and extrusive measurements for both optimized and conventional attachments were
made on 382 teeth from the superimposition of the initial and predicted models (predicted movement) and
from the superimposed initial and achieved models (achieved movement). Predicted and achieved
movements were compared along with movements of teeth with optimized and conventional attachments.
Results: Differences between accuracies of tooth movements using optimized vs conventional attachments
for both rotation and extrusion were neither statistically nor clinically significant. Mean predicted values were
larger than mean achieved values for all attachment types and movements (P \ 0.0001). For extrusion, the
mean difference between predicted and achieved movements was clinically significant (0.40 mm and 0.62 mm
for optimized and conventional attachments, respectively). Overall, the mean accuracy was 57.2%. Mean
accuracy was 63.2% for rotation and 47.6% for extrusion. Interproximal reduction or spacing did not
significantly affect accuracy. Conclusions: Conventional attachment types may be just as effective as
Invisalign's proprietary optimized attachments for rotations of canines and premolars and extrusion of incisors
and canines. Clinicians should consider overcorrecting tooth movements, especially anterior tooth extrusion.
(Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:250-8)

lthough fixed orthodontic appliances are still from two-week wear to weekly aligner switches,
widely used today, the advent of removable clear decreasing treatment time by up to 50%.3 Each aligner
aligners has undoubtedly revolutionized the is to be worn for 20-22 hours a day to be effective.1,4
field of orthodontics in recent years. In 1997, Align Several studies have evaluated the accuracy of the
Technology (Santa Clara, Calif) developed Invisalign, Invisalign system by superimposing predicted and
which is arguably the most used and recognizable clear achieved virtual models over unmoved posterior
aligner system today. Initially, each Invisalign aligner teeth using 3-dimensional (3D) superimposition
was programmed to move a tooth 0.25 to 0.33 mm software.2,5-10 Although it is possible that the teeth
over 14 days.1,2 In 2016, Invisalign changed its protocol superimposed on may move during treatment, more
stable landmarks (ie, palatal rugae) are not available
on Invisalign's predicted models because they only
Formerly, Department of Orthodontics, Marquette University School of illustrate teeth and attached gingiva. In addition, most
Dentistry, Milwaukee, Wis; currently, Private practice, Chicago, Ill.
of these studies were conducted before the release of
Marquette University School of Dentistry, Milwaukee, Wis.
Department of Orthodontics, Marquette University School of Dentistry,
Align Technology's SmartTrack (LD30; Align
Milwaukee, Wis. Technology) material developed in 2013 and before
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of weekly aligner switches were recommended in 2016.
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Marquette
A recent systematic review concluded that Invisalign
University (no. HR-1811026964). could predictably level, tip, and derotate anterior teeth,
Address correspondence to: Bhoomika Ahuja, Department of Orthodontics, but not canines and premolars. The authors found that
Marquette University School of Dentistry, 1801 W Wisconsin Ave, Rm 201,
Milwaukee, WI 53233; e-mail, [email protected].
limitations of Invisalign also include posterior arch
Submitted, November 2019; revised and accepted, April 2020. expansion through bodily tooth movement, closure of
0889-5406/$36.00 extraction spaces, improvement of occlusal contacts,
Ó 2021.
extrusion of maxillary incisors, and correction of large

Karras et al 251

anteroposterior and vertical discrepancies.11 To increase treated with Invisalign (Align Technology) by 1 of 2
effectiveness, composite attachments are bonded to orthodontists in private practice outside of Milwaukee,
teeth so that the aligner can be more retentive and to Wis and Chicago, Ill between October 2016 and August
facilitate tooth movement.12 2018. Both orthodontists had been providing Invisalign
The first Invisalign attachments were conventional for at least 5 years before when the patients were started.
attachments that were either ellipsoid or rectangular in A power analysis indicated that a sample size of at least
shape. The ellipsoid shape is considered the least 64 teeth per group would be needed to have a power of
effective attachment today because of its small size 95% with a significance level (a) of 0.05. The number of
and lack of a defined active surface.12 Conventional attachment types were: 163 optimized rotation (43%),
rectangular attachment dimensions, prominence, degree 72 conventional rotation (19%), 81 optimized extrusion
of beveling, and position on the tooth may be changed (21%), and 66 conventional extrusion (17%). Aligners
according to clinician preference in the ClinCheck Pro were changed once a week according to the
software (Align Technology) and are still widely used manufacturer's and clinician's recommendations at the
today. Optimized attachments, a type of SmartForce time. The average number of aligners per series was
feature introduced in 2009, are engineered and patented 20, corresponding to an average treatment time of
by Align Technology to create precise biomechanical 5 months. Spacing was present or interproximal
forces on teeth, thus increasing the predictability of reduction (IPR) performed on either side of 61 out of
tooth movement.12 They vary by shape and are the 382 teeth studied (16%). The study protocol was
automatically placed by the ClinCheck software when a approved by the Institutional Review Board of
certain amount and type of planned tooth movement Marquette University.
is detected. Optimized rotation attachments are The main inclusion criteria were as follows:
automatically placed onto canines or premolars when a (1) presence of optimized or conventional rotation or
rotation of $5 is detected. Maximum rotational extrusion attachments in the planned ClinCheck;
velocity is 2 per stage. Optimized extrusion attachments (2) completion of the initial series of aligners, resulting
are applied on to incisors or canines when $0.5 mm in either a refinement or final scan; (3) no planned
extrusion is detected by the software. Maximum linear movement of at least one posterior tooth per side of
velocity is 0.25 mm per stage.13 the dental arch; (4) good compliance reported with
Unlike optimized attachments, conventional aligner wear; (5) full permanent dentition; and
attachments are not unique to Invisalign and are used (6) treatment beginning in 2016 or later. The exclusion
by other companies offering clear aligners or software criteria were: (1) patients in the primary or mixed
to create in-office aligners using 3D printers. Although dentition; (2) new dental restorations or extractions
the precision of orthodontic tooth movements with during treatment; (3) the use of any auxiliaries, such as
Invisalign has been studied, the effectiveness of the elastics or vibrational devices; and (4) patients with
different attachment types, among other aligner any orofacial syndromes or malformations.
variables, has not been considered. This research aimed To detect which teeth had conventional attachments
to compare the efficacy of optimized and conventional placed primarily for rotation or extrusion, the previous
attachment types on rotations of canines and premolars unaccepted ClinChecks were reviewed to confirm that
and extrusion of anterior teeth—two movements an optimized rotation or extrusion attachment was
reported to be the most difficult to achieve predictably removed and replaced by a conventional one. Removal
with Invisalign.11 Results can help guide dentists in their and replacement of an optimized attachment would
choice of attachment types or in considering any indicate that conventional attachments were placed on
overcorrection of movements when treatment planning teeth with planned rotations of $5 or planned
with Invisalign or another clear aligner software. extrusion of $0.5 mm, which are the thresholds for
optimized attachments to be placed. Predicted rotation
MATERIAL AND METHODS was divided into mild (\45 ), moderate (45 -55 ), or
This retrospective study consisted of 382 teeth from advanced (.55 ), whereas predicted extrusion was also
digital dental models of 100 orthodontic patients aged divided into mild (\2.5 mm), moderate (2.5-3.5 mm),
11-63 years (32 males and 68 females with a mean or advanced (.3.5 mm), according to Align
age of 28 years 2 months). The sample teeth were derived Technology's classifications.14
from 97 maxillary arches and 60 mandibular arches. Initial, predicted, and achieved digital dental models
Some patients were used more than once because they were exported from the ClinCheck software as
had a refinement scan available with qualifying teeth stereolithography files. The initial and final models
for a total of 120 subjects. All patients were from the original ClinCheck were labeled as “initial”

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
252 Karras et al

and “predicted,” respectively. The models from the two points on each model was calculated in millimeters
midtreatment refinement scan or the models from the (mm) (Fig 3).
final scan at the end of treatment (whichever came first) To account for any error in model superimposition
were labeled as “achieved.” The stereolithography files because of inadvertent vertical movement of
were then imported into the 3D Slicer CMF posterior teeth superimposed on, all achieved extrusive
program (version 4.7.0; http://www.slicer.org) for measurements were adjusted by comparing them to a
superimpositions and measurements. Fiducial markers control tooth. The control teeth were typically
were placed on the central pits of posterior teeth planned directly adjacent to those being measured so that they
to have no movement, and a region of interest was were roughly in the same anteroposterior position
selected to include the entire occlusal surface, at a along the dental arch. Control teeth were measured
minimum, to superimpose on. Gingival margins were to confirm no predicted vertical movement
not included as superimposition landmarks because (0 6 0.05 mm). If the movement was achieved even
the virtual gingiva in treatment simulations may be though no movement was predicted, it was assumed
inaccurate and misleading. Initial and predicted models this was because of either intrusion or eruption of the
were superimposed to measure predicted tooth teeth superimposed on. The achieved value from a
movements, whereas initial and achieved models were control tooth was subtracted from the achieved value
superimposed to measure achieved movements (Fig 1).6 of the adjacent tooth of interest to calculate the true
Measurements were made on the teeth as follows: extrusion of the latter.
(1) for rotations of canines and premolars, two
landmarks were manually placed on each tooth, the Statistical analysis
points were automatically connected to form a straight To calibrate the principal investigator to a uniform
line, and the angle (yaw) between the two lines from measuring method, all of the measurements were
each model was calculated by the software in degrees performed only after initially completing several
( ) (Fig 2). The landmarks used were usually buccal measurements as a practice exercise. The same examiner
and lingual cusp tips on premolars or a cusp tip and repeated 40 of the rotational measurements and 40 of
cingulum on canines. If the cusp tips or cingula were the extrusive measurements by random within a
ill-defined or the points not reproducible, the most 3-week interval to assess intraexaminer reliability. The
mesial and distal points of each tooth were used; and intraclass correlation coefficient was excellent, with a
(2) for extrusion of incisors and canines, one point was score of 0.970 (95% confidence interval [CI],
chosen near the center of the incisal edge or cusp tip 0.944-0.984) for overall mean difference values. For
of each tooth, and the vertical distance between the rotation, Cronbach's alpha was 0.965 (95% CI,

Fig 1. 3D model superimposition using 3D Slicer CMF: A, regions of interest on unmoved

second molars of initial (top) and predicted (bottom) maxillary arches; B, arches after they were

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Karras et al 253

within groups. A one-way analysis of variance was used

to compare the mean accuracies of movements among
tooth types. Data analysis was performed using
Statistical Analysis Software (version 9.4; SAS, Cary,
NC) at a significance level of P \ 0.05.

Descriptive statistics for both rotation and extrusion
with optimized and conventional attachment types are
presented in Tables I–IV. When comparing the efficacy
of optimized and conventional attachments, the mean
differences in raw values were higher for conventional
Fig 2. Rotational measurements. attachments, and mean percent accuracies were higher
for optimized attachments, but this did not reach
statistical significance for both rotation and extrusion
(P .0.05) (Table V).
For all tooth movements and attachment types, mean
predicted values were significantly larger than mean
achieved values (P \ 0.0001) (Table VI). Table VII shows
mean accuracies by tooth type for both rotation and
extrusion. The mean accuracy for all movements studied
was 57.2%. The mean accuracy for rotation was 63.2%,
whereas, for extrusion, it was 47.6%. The most severe
Fig 3. Extrusive measurements.
planned movements for both rotation (74.0 ) and
extrusion (4.21 mm) had an accuracy of 64%. The least
0.914-0.986). For extrusion, intrarater reliability had a accurate tooth movement was mandibular canine
value of 0.907 (95% CI, 0.780-0.962). extrusion with a conventional attachment (16.1%). The
Any tooth measured to have a negative achieved most accurate tooth movement was extrusion of the
value for a vertical movement, indicating intrusion, maxillary central incisor with a conventional attachment
was changed to 0 mm because no extrusion was (73.9%), followed closely by rotation of the maxillary
achieved. This was done to avoid large negative premolar with an optimized attachment (72.8%).
percentages when calculating accuracy (% Sixteen teeth were shown to intrude an average of
accuracy 5 100  [(|predicted  achieved|)/(| 0.16 mm, so these achieved movements were changed
predicted|) 3 100]). In this equation, the absolute value to 0 mm for extrusion, yielding a 0% accuracy.
of the difference between predicted and achieved A one-way analysis of variance showed that there was
movements was taken to ensure that percent accuracy no statistically significant difference between tooth
never exceeded 100% for the teeth that achieved types for rotation and extrusion when considering raw
movements beyond what was predicted. To account data measurements. When mean percent accuracies
for this same situation, the absolute value was also were compared, there was no significant difference
taken when calculating the discrepancy between between tooth types for rotation, but there was for
predicted and achieved measurements in degrees and extrusion. A Bonferroni post-hoc test concluded that
millimeters to avoid yielding negative values that would the mean accuracies for maxillary canine extrusion
affect the mean without accounting for directionality. (41.7%) and mandibular canine extrusion (27.1%)
To reduce the number of variables, similar types of were significantly lower than that of the maxillary
teeth were grouped, including contralateral teeth, central incisor (66.3%) at P \ 0.05.
maxillary first and second premolars, mandibular first When comparing teeth that had spacing or IPR to
and second premolars, and mandibular central and those without, the mean accuracy for both conditions
lateral incisors. Independent t tests (two-tailed) were was 57%. An independent t test showed that for all
used to compare mean predicted and achieved teeth, IPR or spacing only slightly improved accuracy
movements between optimized and conventional by 0.2% [standard deviation, 28.9; 95% CI, 7.7 to
attachments. Paired t tests (two-tailed) were used to 8.2], and this did not reach statistical significance
compare mean predicted and mean achieved movements (P .0.05).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
254 Karras et al

Table I. Descriptive statistics for optimized rotation Table III. Descriptive statistics for optimized extrusion
attachments attachments
Standard Standard
Tooth Movement n Mean deviation Tooth Movement n Mean deviation
Maxillary Predicted ( ) 38 14.26 9.97 Maxillary Predicted (mm) 11 1.45 0.77
canine central
Achieved ( ) 9.71 7.37 incisor
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 4.94 6.62 Achieved (mm) 1.36 1.25
Accuracy (%) 65.9 22.9 jPredicted  achievedj 0.52 0.37
Maxillary Predicted ( ) 36 12.65 12.73 (mm)
premolar Accuracy (%) 58.7 24.6
Achieved ( ) 9.68 8.83 Maxillary Predicted (mm) 40 1.00 0.51
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 3.54 5.86 lateral
Accuracy (%) 72.8 23.6 incisor
Mandibular Predicted ( ) 35 15.49 11.04 Achieved (mm) 0.54 0.49
canine jPredicted  achievedj 0.50 0.31
Achieved ( ) 12.23 9.61 (mm)
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 3.89 4.60 Accuracy (%) 44.8 29.3
Accuracy (%) 68.0 25.9 Maxillary Predicted (mm) 19 1.01 0.85
Mandibular Predicted ( ) 54 14.42 8.49 canine
premolar Achieved (mm) 0.52 0.48
Achieved ( ) 9.62 7.95 jPredicted  achievedj 0.50 0.53
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 5.74 5.59 (mm)
Accuracy (%) 58.6 28.3 Accuracy (%) 46.6 35.7
Mandibular Predicted (mm) 9 1.10 0.87
Achieved (mm) 0.72 0.54
Table II. Descriptive statistics for conventional rota- jPredicted  achievedj 0.38 0.42
tion attachments (mm)
Accuracy (%) 64.8 24.3
Standard Mandibular Predicted (mm) 2 0.59 0.37
Tooth Movement n Mean deviation canine
Maxillary Predicted ( ) 17 11.18 7.29 Achieved (mm) 0.23 0.12
canine jPredicted  achievedj 0.37 0.49
Achieved ( ) 7.11 6.61 (mm)
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 4.45 4.59 Accuracy (%) 54.5 53.8
Accuracy (%) 57.9 29.8
Maxillary Predicted ( ) 10 11.94 8.79
premolar specifically optimized attachments available to compare
Achieved ( ) 5.08 2.83 to conventional ones. No published study to date has
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 6.86 7.73 compared the efficacy of Invisalign's two attachment
Accuracy (%) 48.1 23.4
types for any tooth movement.
Mandibular Predicted ( ) 19 15.78 8.53
canine Because of the strict inclusion and exclusion criteria,
Achieved ( ) 9.50 7.71 the majority of the patients included in this study were
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 6.84 6.39 Class I malocclusions, in which the clinicians had a
Accuracy (%) 60.5 25.0 preference of using optimized or conventional
Mandibular Predicted ( ) 26 14.41 8.93
attachments to help resolve rotations or extrude teeth.
Achieved ( ) 7.66 4.80 Overall, the study sample was representative of the
jPredicted  achievedj ( ) 6.84 8.23 general, orthodontic population, as 99% of rotations
Accuracy (%) 58.6 28.3 and 95% of extrusion measured were considered to be
mild (\45 and \2.5 mm, respectively), according to
Align Technology's classifications.
DISCUSSION A clinically discernible amount of malrotation was
The current study focused on intra-arch considered to be 15 on the basis of a previous study
measurements of two tooth movements reported to be by Kravitz et al2 that also assessed the accuracy of the
the least accurate with Invisalign—rotation of canines Invisalign system. For extrusion, a 0.2 mm discrepancy
and premolars and extrusion of incisors and canines. was chosen to be clinically significant because that is
These movements were also chosen because they have the limit of resolution of the human eye,15 and because

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Karras et al 255

Table IV. Descriptive statistics for conventional extru- Table VI. Comparison of mean predicted and achieved
sion attachments tooth movements
Standard Mean difference
Tooth Movement n Mean deviation Attachment Standard
Maxillary Predicted (mm) 11 1.37 1.21 type n (Predicted  achieved) deviation P value*
central Optimized 163 4.01 6.22 \0.0001
incisor rotation ( )
Achieved (mm) 0.94 0.73 Conventional 72 6.01 7.14 \0.0001
jPredicted  achievedj 0.44 0.53 rotation ( )
(mm) Optimized 81 0.40 0.47 \0.0001
Accuracy (%) 73.9 18.4 extrusion
Maxillary Predicted (mm) 30 1.03 0.58 (mm)
lateral Conventional 66 0.62 0.45 \0.0001
incisor extrusion
Achieved (mm) 0.51 0.37 (mm)
jPredicted  achievedj 0.52 0.37
*Paired t test; statistical significance at P \ 0.05.
Accuracy (%) 48.3 23.7
Maxillary Predicted (mm) 13 1.23 0.75
Table VII. Mean accuracy of tooth movements
Achieved (mm) 0.45 0.43 Rotation Extrusion
jPredicted  achievedj 0.78 0.57
(mm) Mean Mean
Accuracy (%) 34.5 28.0 accuracy Standard accuracy Standard
Mandibular Predicted (mm) 7 1.46 0.67 Tooth n (%) deviation n (%) deviation
incisor Maxillary 22 66.3 22.6
Achieved (mm) 0.55 0.66 central
jPredicted  achievedj 0.92 0.29 incisor
(mm) Maxillary 70 46.3 26.9
Accuracy (%) 27.7 33.3 lateral
Mandibular Predicted (mm) 5 1.00 0.47 incisor
canine Maxillary 55 63.4 25.2 32 41.7 32.9
Achieved (mm) 0.22 0.28 canine
jPredicted  achievedj 0.77 0.30 Maxillary 46 67.4 25.5
(mm) premolar
Accuracy (%) 16.1 18.8 Mandibular 16 48.5 33.5
Mandibular 54 65.4 25.6 7 27.1 32.7
Table V. Comparison of optimized and conventional Mandibular 80 59.3 28.7
attachments premolar

Absolute mean
Tooth (jConventional  Standard P 1.61 or 7.3%. For extrusion, the mean difference was
movement n optimizedj) deviation value
0.14 mm or 4.3%. Though optimized attachments had
Rotation 235 1.61 6.11 0.0638
Extrusion 147 0.14 mm 0.42 0.0523
a higher mean accuracy than conventional attachments
for both movements, these differences were neither
Mean accuracy clinically nor statistically significant. This may be
difference (%)
because most of the conventional rotation attachments
Tooth (Optimized  Standard
movement n conventional) deviation P value used were rectangular and 3 mm long, which are
Rotation 235 7.3 26.4 0.0533 typically larger than optimized attachments. A larger
Extrusion 147 4.3 29.8 0.3819 attachment provides a greater surface area for the
aligner to push on, thus improving efficacy. In addition,
many clinicians choose to bevel conventional horizontal
orthodontists are trained to focus on anterior attachments gingivally, resembling the design of
microesthetics during the finishing stages of treatment. optimized extrusion attachments. This configuration
When comparing optimized and conventional provides a surface perpendicular to the force vector
attachments, the mean difference for rotation was needed for the extrusion of anterior teeth. Optimized

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
256 Karras et al

extrusion attachments may still be more effective the introduction of SmartTrack material in 2013, smaller
because of the intentional gap left between the sample sizes in previous studies, variable patient
attachment and aligner and between the tooth and compliance, frequency of aligner switches, and the
aligner on the incisal surface. This space is meant to presence or absence of attachments. The overall mean
allow clearance for the tooth to extrude unimpeded. accuracy of tooth movements in this study was found
In general, it was found that for all tooth movements, to be 57.2%, but it must be noted that only rotation
predicted values were higher than achieved values, and and extrusion were analyzed in patients without any
these results were statistically significant. For rotation, treatment adjuncts, such as interarch elastics. Therefore,
the mean difference between predicted and achieved these results should not be generalized for all patients
values ranged from 4.01 to 6.01 for optimized and treated with the Invisalign system. However, this study
conventional attachments, respectively. Although these does provide useful information on the accuracy of these
discrepancies were not clinically significant, two difficult tooth movements and the efficacy of
practitioners may still elect to overcorrect canine and attachment types used over a series of aligners.
premolar rotations by 5 6 1 on the basis of the findings A recent study by Charalampakis et al6 found that
of this study. For extrusion, the mean difference ranged intrusion was the least accurate of all linear movements
from 0.40 mm to 0.62 mm for optimized and and that extrusion of incisors appeared to be accurate.
conventional attachments, respectively. Because these This disagrees with previous findings and may be
differences are to be considered clinically significant, because of unplanned intrusion of posterior teeth
clinicians should not only plan to overcorrect anterior superimposed on. The intrusion of posterior teeth
extrusion, but they should also be mindful about how between 0.25 mm to 0.5 mm is often observed with
the prescribed tooth movement is staged. This is because Invisalign because of plastic thickness.1 Because each
it is likely that some extrusion or intrusion observed with aligner is 0.75 mm thick occlusally,16 the appliance has
clear aligners is “relative” and because of retroclination a posterior bite-block effect, which would cause the
and proclination, respectively. In fact, anterior extrusion incisors to appear to extrude more than planned.6 In
may be more predictable if the teeth are initially addition, because only adult patients were used in the
proclined labially and then retracted through space previous study, the eruption of posterior teeth was likely
closure, rather than if overcorrected by 0.5 6 0.1 mm not encountered, so anterior intrusion would have
(the discrepancy found in this study). appeared to be less accurate than extrusion. To
A study by Kravitz et al2 found that the least accurate overcome this limitation, control teeth were used in
tooth movement with Invisalign was extrusion of the current study to measure true achieved extrusion.
incisors (29.6%) and that, for rotation, the least accurate These control teeth happened to extrude or intrude
tooth was the canine (35.8%). The same study also between 0 mm and 0.5 mm, likely because of
reported that for rotations greater than 15 , accuracy second molar intrusion or eruption, respectively.
significantly fell by up to 52.5%. According to the In this study, IPR and spacing were grouped because
literature, derotation of a cylindrical tooth is difficult both conditions would, in theory, reduce friction and
because aligners tend to lose anchorage and slip off collisions between teeth during movement. Kravitz
because of a lack of undercuts and the round tooth et al7 reported that IPR improved the accuracy of canine
shape.10 It would make sense that well-designed rotations but that this was not statistically significant.
attachments would provide more retention and an active The findings from the current study also found that
surface area for forces to be applied to, as long as the there was no significant improvement in accuracy
aligners fit well. Even though Kravitz et al7 found that when IPR was used or when spacing was present, with
the presence of attachments did not significantly both the presence and absence of these conditions
improve the accuracy of canine rotation, the most reaching 57% accuracy. However, a small sample size
common attachment in that study was the vertical of teeth had IPR or spacing (16%). In addition, IPR is
ellipsoid, which is rarely used today. most commonly performed on mandibular anterior teeth
A systematic review reported 29.1%-49.7% accuracy to help resolve crowding, and anterior rotations were not
for canine and premolar derotation.11 The current study evaluated in this study.
found a mean accuracy of 63.2% for these rotational The study sample included 37 patients that were
movements and 47.6% for extrusion of anterior teeth. aged \18 years. Of these, 16 patients were aged
These findings are higher than previous studies show. between 11 and 14 years who were growing and may
Differences may be due to several factors, including have had second molars erupting. Although control

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Karras et al 257

teeth were used, both of these patient factors may have assessed to further compare the efficacy of conventional
affected digital model superimposition on posterior and optimized attachments.
teeth, as every case used for this study was superimposed
on second molars, at a minimum. Although control teeth CONCLUSIONS
were thought to have moved in the vertical dimension
because of posterior intrusion or eruption, they may 1. Differences between mean accuracies of tooth
also have moved if they had an attachment on them movements using Invisalign's optimized vs
for planned movement in a different plane of space or conventional attachments were neither statistically
simply for support of the aligner. nor clinically significant. This applies to the
Other limitations of this retrospective study included derotation of canines and premolars and extrusion
the inability to account for certain variables, such as of incisors and canines, specifically.
periodontal support, conventional attachment features, 2. There was a statistically significant difference
simultaneous tooth movements, and patient compliance. between the amount of tooth movement that was
Though most of the patients used initial scans, this study predicted and the amount that was achieved. For
also used refinement scans of some patients that already extrusion, this was also clinically significant
had prior tooth movement. Any existing mobility and (.0.2 mm), but for rotation, it was not (\15 ).
altered periodontal support may have influenced results, 3. Derotation of canines and premolars was
along with general periodontal status and bone density accomplished with a 63.2% mean accuracy, and
ranging from patient to patient. Furthermore, the extrusion of incisors and canines was achieved
location, size, orientation, and beveling of conventional with a mean accuracy of 47.6%. Overall, the mean
attachments were not considered. Although having an accuracy of both these movements was 57.2%.
optimized rotation and extrusion attachment applied 4. IPR or spacing did not significantly affect accuracy
indicates that those were the primary movements for a for rotations of canines and premolars and for
specific tooth, it is possible that other minor simultaneous extrusion of anterior teeth. A larger sample size of
movements were occurring in different planes of space, teeth with this treatment or condition is needed
compromising the predictability of the studied for more definitive conclusions.
movements. As mentioned previously, some of the With more companies offering clear aligners and with
extrusion observed may have been due to retraction or the emergence of in-house 3D printing, one can feel
retroclination rather than pure vertical movement. To confident in knowing that conventional attachment
overcome this, clinicians and researchers may consider types may be just as effective as Invisalign's proprietary
planning more than one movement in separate stages optimized attachments for rotations of canines and
for individual teeth. Pure movement may be possible premolars and for extrusion of incisors and canines.
with clear aligners because the plastic can act as a However, to improve the predictability of anterior
boundary for any other concurrent movements, unlike extrusion, clinicians may aim to achieve this movement
with fixed appliances. However, this is still difficult to primarily through retraction and space closure with
achieve because most clear aligner systems, including gingivally beveled attachments and should plan for
Invisalign, do not require the use of radiographs, and overcorrection of up to 0.5 6 0.1 mm. Clinicians may
thus, do not take into account a tooth's root also consider overcorrecting rotations by 5 6 1 to
length, angulation, and center of resistance when improve accuracy with the Invisalign system. Even with
planning movements. Relying solely on the digital crowns planned overcorrection, patients should always be aware
of teeth can reduce the accuracy of tooth movement, of the possibility of needing refinement aligners to
leading to “non-tracking” and even unwanted achieve clinically acceptable results.
Future studies evaluating tooth movement should be ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
prospective and consider using 2-dimensional lateral
cephalograms or 3D cone-beam computed tomography The authors would like to thank the orthodontists,
imaging to superimpose on stable landmarks rather than who wish to remain anonymous, for providing the
posterior teeth, which may inadvertently move during patient sample for this study.
orthodontic treatment. They should only include
patients that were evaluated from the start of treatment AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
to the end to assess final results. In addition, other Theresa Karras contributed to conceptualization,
attachment variables previously mentioned should be data curation, investigation, methodology, original draft
considered, and additional types of tooth movement preparation, and draft review and editing; Maharaj

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
258 Karras et al

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Emelia Karkazis contributed to data curation; Dawei InvisalignÒ treatments in the anterior tooth region. First results.
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Bhoomika Ahuja contributed to the methodology, et al. InvisalignÒ treatment in the anterior region: were the
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10. Simon M, Keilig L, Schwarze J, Jung BA, Bourauel C. Treatment
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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Biomechanical analysis for total

distalization of the maxillary dentition: A
finite element study
Jun Kawamura,a Jae Hyun Park,b Yukio Kojima,c Naohiko Tamaya,d Yoon-Ah Kook,e Hee-Moon Kyung,f
and Jong-Moon Chaeg
Gifu, Nagoya, and Fukui, Japan, and Mesa, Ariz, and Seoul, Daegu, and Iksan, South Korea

Introduction: This study aimed to identify the tooth movement patterns relative to various force angulations
(FAs) when distalizing the total maxillary dentition. Methods: Long-term orthodontic movement of the maxillary
dentition was simulated by accumulating the initial displacement of teeth produced by elastic deflection of the
periodontal ligament using a finite element analysis. Distalization forces of 3 N were applied to the archwire be-
tween the maxillary canine and first premolar at 5 different FAs ( 30 , 15 , 0 , 15 , and 30 ) to the occlusal
plane. Results: Maxillary incisors and molars showed lingual and distal tipping at all FAs, respectively. At a force
angulation of 30 , almost bodily distalization of the total maxillary dentition occurred, but incisors showed consid-
erable lingual tipping because of the effect of clearance gap (0.003-in, 0.022 3 0.025-in bracket slot,
0.019 3 0.025-in archwire) and elastic deflection of the archwire. Medial displacement of the maxillary
anterior teeth occurred because of lingual tipping during distalization. The occlusal plane rotated clockwise at
all FAs because of extrusion of the maxillary incisors and intrusion of the maxillary second molars, and the
amounts decreased as FA increased. Conclusions: Tooth movement patterns during distalization of the total
maxillary dentition were recognized. With an understanding of the mechanics, a proper treatment plan can be
established. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:259-65)

lass II malocclusion correction can be accom- prudent differential diagnosis considering the face, skel-
plished with extraction or nonextraction treat- etal pattern, and dentition.1,2
ment. The decision should be made by a For nonextraction treatment, headgear3 and Class II
elastics4,5 have been traditionally used for distalization
of total maxillary dentition. However, they included un-
Private practice, Gifu, Japan. desirable side effects and were highly dependent on pa-
Postgraduate Orthodontic Program, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health,
tient compliance, therefore alternative treatment
A. T. Still University, Mesa, Ariz, Graduate School of Dentistry, Kyung Hee Uni-
versity, Seoul, South Korea. modalities such as pendulum6 and distal jet7 were intro-
Private practice, Nagoya, Japan. duced because they required only minimal patient coop-
Private practice, Fukui, Japan.
e eration, but unfortunately, some reciprocal anchorage
Department of Orthodontics, Seoul St. Mary's Hospital, Catholic University of
Korea, Seoul, South Korea. loss occurred during distalization with these methods.
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Kyungpook National Univer- A nonextraction approach has become more popular
sity, Daegu, South Korea.
g for Class II treatment by total distalization of the maxil-
Department of Orthodontics, School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Wonk-
wang Dental Research Institute, Iksan, South Korea, Postgraduate Orthodontic lary dentition with the advent of temporary skeletal
Program, Arizona School of Dentistry & Oral Health, A. T. Still University, anchorage devices. For distalization of the maxillary
Mesa, Ariz.
dentition, an indirect skeletal anchorage-supported
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. pendulum8 and distal jet9 were introduced to prevent
This paper was supported by Wonkwang University in 2021. reciprocal anchorage loss.
Address correspondence to: Jong-Moon Chae, Department of Orthodontics,
Miniscrews and miniplates have been placed in
School of Dentistry, Wonkwang University, Daejeon Dental Hospital, 77
Doonsan-ro, Seo-Gu, Daejeon 35233, South Korea; e-mail, jongmoon@wku. various sites and are used widely as direct skeletal
ac.kr. anchorage devices for total distalization of the maxillary
Submitted, February 2020; revised, March 2020; accepted, April 2020.
dentition with various force angulations (FAs) from the
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. posterosuperior to the posteroinferior direction to the

260 Kawamura et al

occlusal plane in pursuit of desired tooth move-

Many studies have been conducted to correct Class II
malocclusions with various treatment modalities that
use conventional and skeletal anchorage devices,3-19
but few studies have attempted to predict the tooth
movement patterns from a biomechanical point of
view. Therefore, this study aimed to recognize tooth
movement patterns and identify the biomechanics
relative to the FAs during total distalization of the
maxillary dentition.


Figure 1 shows the finite element model. The same
model was used as in a previous study20 for total mesi- Fig 1. Finite element model for simulating distalization of
alization of the maxillary dentition. Only the right side the whole maxillary dentition.
of the dentition was modeled because of its bilateral
symmetry. Finite element models of teeth were con-
structed on the basis of a dental study model (i21D-
400C; Nissin Dental Products, Kyoto, Japan). Surfaces
of the teeth were divided into shell elements and were
considered to be rigid. The periodontal ligament (PDL)
was assumed to be a linear elastic material of 0.2 mm
thickness. Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio were
0.2 MPa and 0.4, respectively. The alveolar bone was
assumed to be a rigid body and was thereby excluded
from the finite element model.
The archwire was made of 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless Fig 2. Initial (A) and contact (B) positions of the archwire
steel (SS) wire, whose Young's modulus and Poisson ra- put into the bracket. The archwire rotates by 7.2 in the
tio were 200 GPa and 0.3, respectively. The size of the bracket slot.
bracket slot was 0.022 3 0.025-in, the width was
4 mm for the molars and 3 mm for the other teeth. Repeating these steps, the teeth moved with their
The bracket was assumed to be rigid. A force of 3 N alveolar sockets. The number of repeated calculations
was applied to the archwire between the canine and first was equivalent to the elapsed time after the force
premolar brackets with various FAs in the sagittal plane. application. FEM software, ANSYS (version 19.1;
The archwire slid along the bracket slots with a frictional ANSYS, Inc, Canonsburg, Pa), was used for the
coefficient of 0.15. Surfaces of the archwire and the simulation.
bracket slot were overlaid with contact elements (Fig 1). Three-dimensional displacements were measured at
There was a clearance gap or play (0.003-in) between the central incisal edge (CIE), the mesiobuccal cusp of
the archwire and the bracket slot in the initial position the first molar (MBC6), and the distobuccal cusp of the
(Fig 2, A), and the bracket rotated 7.2 in the contact po- second molar (DBC7). The change of the occlusal plane
sition (Fig 2, B). Figure 3 shows the location of the center angle was calculated using vertical displacements of
of resistance, which was determined in a previous these points.
Long-term movements of the dentition were simu- RESULTS
lated by the finite element method (FEM) in the same
way as in the previous study.20-23 The simulation Figure 4 shows the movement patterns of the maxil-
method consisted of the following 2 steps. First, the lary dentition at the number of repeated calculations
initial displacement of each tooth produced by elastic (N 5 400) for each force angulation. The initial tooth
deflection of the PDL was calculated. Second, the positions are illustrated with a pale color. Color contours
alveolar socket was moved in the same direction and on the root indicate distributions of mean stress in the
the same amount as the initial displacement. PDL. Tipping angles of the central incisor and the

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Kawamura et al 261

the anterior teeth and intrusion of the posterior teeth

at all FAs. The amount of lingual tipping of the incisors
was greater than the distal tipping of the molars.
Because of these tipping movements, compressive and
tensile stresses were produced near the cervix and
apex, respectively (Fig 4; Table II).

Using FEM, we simulated and investigated the tooth
movement patterns as reported in previous studies for
distalization and mesialization of the whole mandibular
Fig 3. The location of the center of resistance of the dentition,22,23 and mesialization of the whole maxillary
whole dentition as determined using a rigid archwire. At dentition.20 In those reports, we discussed some of the
a force angulation of 30 , the line of action of the force general limitations of a FEM study which were the
passes through the center of resistance. same in this one.20,22,23 This time, we examined the me-
chanics for distalization of the whole maxillary denti-
second molar are described in Figure 4. Table I shows the tion. As described in previous studies,20,22,23 tooth
3-dimensional displacement of CIE, MBC6, and DBC7, movement patterns were determined by the rotation of
whereas Table II shows their tipping angles and occlusal the whole dentition, clearance gap or play between the
plane angles relative to each force angulation. archwire and bracket slot, and elastic deflection of the
CIE showed distalization and extrusion at all FAs, archwire.
with amounts that decreased as FA increased. MBC6 Rotation of the whole dentition with occlusal plane
showed distalization at all FAs and extrusion at FAs of change differed depending on the direction of force.
30 , 15 , and 0 with amounts that decreased as Whole dentition almost translated with a negligible rota-
FA increased, whereas MBC6 showed intrusion at FAs tion of the occlusal plane at a force angulation of 30 ,
of 15 and 30 with amounts that increased as FA because the line of action of the force passed nearly
increased. DBC7 showed distalization at all FAs with through the center of resistance of the whole maxillary
amounts that decreased as FA increased. DBC7 showed dentition. In addition, the whole dentition showed
intrusion at all FAs with amounts that were similar but more clockwise rotation as FA decreased, that is because
that were least at an FA of 30 . CIE showed medial the line of action of the force passed farther away from
movement at all FAs with amounts that decreased as the center of resistance (Fig 4; Table II).
FA increased. MBC6 and DBC7 showed buccal move- Clockwise rotation of the whole dentition caused
ments at all FAs with amounts that increased as FA lingual tipping and extrusion of the central incisor and
increased except for MBC6 at FA of 30 and 15 , distal tipping and intrusion of the second molars,
which showed lingual movements with amounts that whereas their amount was greater in the central incisor
decreased as FA increased (Fig 4; Table I). than in the second molar. In all FAs, the difference be-
Incisors showed lingual tipping at all FAs with tween both tipping angles was about 12 which was
amounts that decreased as FA increased. The first molar caused by elastic deflection and clearance gap in the
showed lingual tipping at FAs of 30 and 15 with anterior area of the archwire, whereas the posterior
amounts that decreased as FA increased, whereas the area showed no elastic deflection and less clearance
first molar showed buccal tipping at FAs of 0 , 15 , gap, which caused less mesiodistal tipping of the poste-
and 30 with amounts that increased as FA increased. rior teeth. The central incisor tipped lingually about 7
The second molar showed buccal tipping at all FAs and 5 because of the clearance gap and elastic deflec-
with amounts that increased as FA increased. Both mo- tion of the archwire, respectively (Fig 2, B). If an archwire
lars showed distal tipping at all FAs with amounts that with a low Young's modulus or smaller size is used,
decreased as FA increased, and the amounts were greater tipping because of elastic deflection will increase. The
with the first molar than with the second molar. The compensating curve bend incorporated into an archwire
occlusal plane showed clockwise rotation patterns at can be effective in preventing the lingual tipping of the
all FAs with amounts that decreased as FA increased. incisor because of elastic deflection.
(Fig 4; Table II). In clinical situations, the amount of tipping because
Total maxillary dentition rotated clockwise with of the clearance gap is not definite because it varies de-
clockwise rotation of the occlusal plane by extrusion of pending on the initial position of the archwire with

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
262 Kawamura et al

Fig 4. Tooth movement patterns (N 5 400) for 5 FAs to the occlusal plane: A, 30 ; B, 15 ; C, 0 ; D,
15 ; E, 30 .

respect to the bracket slot. If the archwire is initially in dentition. However, in some patients, this mechanism
contact with the bracket slot, as shown in Figure 2, B, could worsen the facial profile, although the dental oc-
tipping because of the clearance gap will not occur. clusion may be improved. Therefore, a prudent differen-
That is, the pretorque of the archwire can effectively pre- tial diagnosis considering the face, skeletal pattern, and
vent tipping because of the clearance gap. dentition should be prepared for a proper treatment
Lingual displacement of the incisal edge was mainly plan.
because of the rotation of the whole dentition and clear- Medial movement of CIE occurred during distaliza-
ance gap between the archwire and bracket slot. This tion because of the interproximal spaces created during
movement may work as a mechanism for Class II maloc- modeling of the teeth. This means that if a diastema was
clusion correction when retracting the whole maxillary present, it might be closed during distalization (Tables I

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Kawamura et al 263

Table I. Three-dimensional displacements of the maxillary teeth

Force angulation

Displacement 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel archwire

Measurement Point –30 –15 0 15 30
x (mm) CIE 4.84 4.87 4.70 4.29 3.72
MBC6 2.13 1.86 1.51 1.09 0.59
DBC7 1.51 1.36 1.11 0.77 0.35
y (mm) CIE 0.35 0.35 0.33 0.29 0.25
MBC6 0.51 0.21 0.06 0.25 0.42
DBC7 0.29 0.54 0.73 0.84 0.92
z (mm) CIE 3.01 2.49 1.87 1.14 0.30
MBC6 0.69 0.42 0.12 0.19 0.52
DBC7 0.84 0.90 0.89 0.80 0.65

Note. Negative values of force angulation mean that line of action of the force is in an anteroinferior direction along the occlusal plane and positive
values mean the opposite. Three-dimensional axes: x axis, posterior (1) and anterior ( ); y axis in the anterior teeth, lateral (1) and medial ( ); y
axis in the posterior teeth, buccal (1) and lingual ( ); z axis, superior (1) and inferior ( ).

Table II. Three-dimensional rotation of the maxillary teeth

Force angulation

0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel archwire

Tooth Wire angulation –30 –15 0 15 30

Incisor LLA ( ) 19.53 18.95 17.64 15.33 12.18
First molar BLA ( ) 1.65 0.51 0.57 1.35 2.10
MDA ( ) 8.05 6.75 5.17 3.32 1.16
Second molar BLA ( ) 1.77 3.01 3.90 4.30 4.51
MDA ( ) 6.86 5.91 4.58 2.95 1.01
Occlusal plane angle ( ) 5.50 4.87 3.98 2.80 1.37
Note. Negative values of force angulation mean that line of action of the force is in an anteroinferior direction along the occlusal plane and positive
values mean the opposite. Angulation: LLA, labial (1) and lingual ( ); BLA, buccal (1) and lingual ( ); MDA, mesial (1) and distal ( ); occlusal
plane angle, clockwise (1) and counterclockwise ( ).
LLA, labiolingual angulation; BLA, buccolingual angulation; MDA, mesiodistal angulation.

and II). There was almost no buccolingual tipping of the predictable direction by considering the biomechanical
second molar at all FAs compared with previous studies aspect.
for total mesialization of the dentition20,22 because of Intermaxillary Class II elastomeric force using dental
force application to the archwire between the canine anchorage is still used for Class II malocclusion correc-
and first premolar. With total mesialization, a force tion by distalization of the whole maxillary dentition fol-
was applied directly to the second molar, and thereby lowed by intentional or unintentional steepening of the
buccolingual tipping of the second molar increased, occlusal plane.24 FAs in these applications are 30 to
and so its tipping movement was prevented by the use 15 . These mechanics resulted in lingual tipping, ret-
of an archwire with a compensating bend or a transpa- rusion, extrusion of the maxillary incisor, and undesir-
latal arch.20,22 However, with the total distalization of able soft-tissue effects. Therefore, a counterclockwise
the dentition, such methods are not needed to prevent directional system using a high pull J-hook or skeletal
buccolingual tipping of the molar. anchorage has been used to prevent the undesirable
Total distalization of the maxillary dentition without side effects.25,26
extraction of the maxillary premolars for Class II maloc- Intramaxillary elastomeric forces using skeletal
clusion correction has become commonly available with anchorage devices such as miniscrews and miniplates
the development of temporary skeletal anchorage de- have been widely used for Class II malocclusion correc-
vices. With the use of miniscrews and miniplates placed tion by distalization of the whole maxillary dentition.
in various sites, intermaxillary and intramaxillary elastic FAs in these applications are 0 to 30 . With these me-
forces were applied to distalize the whole dentition in a chanics, extrusion and lingual tipping of the maxillary

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
264 Kawamura et al

incisors were reduced as FA increased, but serious lingual  Medial displacement of the maxillary anterior teeth
tipping occurred at all FAs. To counteract the clockwise occurred during distalization.
rotation or lingual tipping of the maxillary anterior  By understanding the mechanics during total distali-
dentition, a compensating curve14 and pretorque27 can zation of the maxillary dentition, proper treatment
be added. But this counteracting mechanics can aggra- planning can be established for Class II malocclusion
vate the posterior open bite by more intrusion of the correction.
maxillary posterior teeth, which necessitates up and
down elastics on the posterior teeth.28
In this study, we used 0.019 3 0.025-in SS wire,
300 g of force (unilateral), and 5 FAs ( 30 to 30 ) Jun Kawamura contributed to reviewing the litera-
which were similar to clinical conditions. In previous ture and writing the article; Jae Hyun Park contributed
studies,10-19 0.019 3 0.025-in or 0.016 3 0.022-in SS to critical revision of the article; Yukio Kojima contrib-
wires, 200 to 400 g of force, and various FAs were uted to data analysis and interpretation; Naohiko Tam-
used. The mechanics using one force application point aya contributed to reviewing the literature and
with various FAs featured in this study is limited in ob- introduction; Yoon-Ah Kook contributed to reviewing
taining all desired tooth movement patterns, and the literature and revision of the article; Hee-Moon
thereby various force application points, and variable Kyung contributed to final approval of the article; and
lever arm lengths in a buccal and palatal aspect have Jong-Moon Chae contributed to supervising the overall
been used to overcome these limitations.16,18,29 In our project and overall responsibility.
study, the force application point was set on the archwire
between the canine and first premolar brackets, which is REFERENCES
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Influence of the hyrax expander screw

position on displacement and stress
distribution in teeth: A study with finite
Letıcia Chaves Fernandes,a Robert Willer Farinazzo Vitral,a Pedro Yoshito Noritomi,b Gustavo Silva Maximiano,a
and Marcio Jose  da Silva Camposa
Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, and Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

Introduction: This study aimed to simulate the different positions of the hyrax appliance expander screw and
evaluate tooth displacement and the stress distribution standard on the periodontal ligament using the finite
element method. Methods: Part of the maxilla with anchorage teeth, periodontal ligament, midpalatal suture,
and the hyrax appliance was modeled, and finite element method models were created to simulate 6 different
screw positions. There were 2 vertical positions at distances of 20 mm and 15 mm from the occlusal plane.
Another position was anteroposterior, the center of the screw placed between and equidistant from the mesial
face of the first molar and the distal face of the first premolar, aligned to the center of the crown of the first molar,
with the anterior edge of the screw aligned to the distal face of the first molar. A 1 mm activation of the expander
screw was simulated. The displacement (total, vertical, and buccolingual) and the stress distribution on the peri-
odontal ligament of supporting teeth in each model were registered. Results: The model simulating the
expander screw in a more occlusal and anterior position presented higher displacement values and higher stress
concentration, followed by the model with the screw in a more posterior but same vertical position. With the
exception of the first premolar, the teeth presented cervical-apical displacement in the vestibular face and
apical-cervical displacement in palatal faces. This displacement is compatible with the vestibular inclination
associated with the activation of the expander screw. The first premolar presented an atypical tendency for
the mesial and lingual displacement of the vestibular surface and counterclockwise rotation. Conclusions:
The supporting teeth presented a tendency for vestibular crown displacement and lingual root displacement
associated with compression areas in the vestibular-cervical region and tensile strength in the linguoapical
region. Placing the expander screw in a more occlusal and anterior position generated more mechanical
stress transfer, resulting in greater dental displacement. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;-:---)

apid maxillary expansion (RME) is the recommen- separates the midpalatal suture (MPS) and expands the
ded treatment to correct the transversal maxillary maxilla transversally through lateral force applied on
deficiency associated with crossbite in patients the maxillary teeth and maxillary bones using ex-
undergoing bone growth.1 RME is a procedure that panders.2-4 During RME, the expected result is the
sideward expansion of both maxillary segments.5,6 How-
ever, even though the strength applied on the maxillary
bones is high,7 this procedure is not merely orthopedic,
Department of Orthodontics, Juiz de Fora Federal University, Juiz de Fora,
Minas Gerais, Brazil;
Renato Archer Information Technology Center, Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil at it causes undesirable dental inclination of the teeth
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- supporting the expander.5,6,8,9 This fact harms the sta-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. bility and the prognosis, which restricts the orthopedic
This study was financed in part by the Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento
Cientıfico e Tecnologico (CNPq) and Coordenaç~ao de Aperfeiçoamento de Pes- results of the treatment.8,10
soal de Nıvel Superior (CAPES), Finance Code 001. During the activation of the expanders, the higher the
Address correspondence to: Robert Willer Farinazzo Vitral, Department of Ortho- undesirable dental movement, the shorter the bone
dontics, Juiz de Fora Federal University, R 21 de Abril, 117/404, Juiz de Fora,
Minas Gerais 36025-090, Brazil; e-mail, [email protected]. expansion obtained because the excessive vestibular
Submitted, September 2019; revised and accepted, April 2020. dental inclination causes the clinical limit of RME to
0889-5406/$36.00 be achieved early. When the palatal cusps of the maxil-
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.031 lary teeth and the vestibular cusps of the mandibular

2 Fernandes et al

teeth touch, the MPS opening is reduced.5,6,11 Although the third molars, and without any dental restoration or
the orthopedic changes obtained with the RME may pre- congenital or acquired craniofacial alterations. The use
sent some degree of recurrence,12 dental movement is of these images was approved by the ethics research
the most unstable change in this procedure.10,13 Its re- committee of the University of S~ao Paulo (no. 97/06).
striction is related to a lower degree of recurrence after The anatomic model of part of the maxilla, teeth,
correcting posterior crossbite.5,6,9 periodontal ligament, and MPS was imported into the
One of the devices used to perform RME is the hyrax software program FEMAP (version 10.1.1; Siemens
expander screw, which has a side expander transversal to PLM Software, Plano, Tex), incorporating the single-
the MPS. When activated, this expander forces the body hyrax appliance, composed of 1 expander screw
maxilla segments laterally.3,4 Laboratory production al- and 3 wire segments of 0.036-in diameter that joined
lows changes in the palate along with both the height the screw to the U4 and U6 and the teeth to each other
and anteroposterior axes. Such changes may interfere (from U4 to U7), resulting in a geometric model with a
clinically in distributing orthopedic forces generated by tetrahedral mesh (Fig 1).
the expander and in dental effects during use, influ- The geometric model was subjected to mathematical
encing the efficiency and the stability of RME.7,11 analysis (Ansys 17.2; Ansys, Inc, Canonsburg, Pa), using
The finite element method (FEM) is a computer a bone thickness of 2 mm and bar elements with elastic
method applied to biomechanics that is used to deter- properties to represent the MPS. A horizontal movement
mine stress and deformation in structures submitted to restriction was imposed on the body of the device to
different mechanical loads.14,15 In orthodontics, the simulate soldering to the orthodontic bands connected
FEM has been used to analyze the tendency of move- to the U4 and U6. The model structures were determined
ment and tension distribution on teeth and craniofacial with specific properties (Table I), and the simulated ma-
bones during mechanic orthodontic simulations, such as terials had elastic, isotropic, and uniform characteristics.
RME.7,11,16-19 Six distinct positions of the expander screw were
A FEM study conducted by Fernandes et al7 described simulated in FEM models.7 Three of them were antero-
a standard of tension and deformation distribution on posterior, and 2 of them were vertical. In all the simula-
maxillary bone structures after placing the expander tions, the expander screw was placed in the transversal
screw into 6 different positions during maxillary expan- center of the palate, perpendicular to the MPS and par-
sion. Only the impact on bone structures was analyzed. allel to the occlusal plane.
The possibility of dental movement during the process In anteroposterior position 1, the center of the screw
was ignored. was positioned equidistant to the mesial face of U6 and
The objective of this study was to simulate the the distal face of U4. In anteroposterior position 2, the
different vertical and anteroposterior positions of the center of the screw was aligned to the center of the U6
hyrax appliance expander screw and to evaluate using crown. In anterior position 3, the anterior edge of the
the FEM tooth displacement and stress distribution on expander was aligned to the distal face of U6. Vertically,
the periodontal ligament. the expander screw was positioned 20 mm (vertical po-
sition 1) and 15 mm (vertical position 2) from the
occlusal plane. Table II and Figure 2 show the positions
of all 6 models.
A computer-aided design model from the Renato
Archer Information Technology Center, Campinas, S~ao
Paulo, Brazil, was employed. It included the maxilla,
the skull base (with the zygomatic, nasal, sphenoid,
and frontal bones), the central incisor, the lateral incisor,
the canine and the first premolar (U4), the second pre-
molars (U5), the first molar (U6), the second molars
(U7), the periodontal ligament, and a bone-suture unit
representing the MPS. The dental crowns contact and
transfer the force to each other. The model was created
(Rhinoceros 4.0; McNeel North America, Seattle, Wash)
from computerized tomography images (GE Lightspeed
Pro 16; GE Healthcare, Chicago, Ill) taken from an
adult, without any evident facial asymmetry, with all Fig 1. FEM model comprising bone, teeth, periodontal
the permanent teeth emerged, with the exception of ligament, MPS, and hyrax appliance.

- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Fernandes et al 3

The M4 model presented the highest maximum total

Table I. Mechanical properties attributed to the struc-
displacements among all models, with values close to
tures of the geometric model
0.4 mm in U6 and U5, 0.3 mm in U4, and 0.15 mm in
Poisson Young's U7. However, this model was the only one whose
Material coefficient modulus (MPa) expander screw presented total displacement values
Cortical bone14 0.3 13,700 lower than 0.533 mm (orange displacement). The M5
Trabecular bone14 0.3 1370
Teeth20 0.3 20,000
model presented a standard similar to M4 in teeth
Periodontal ligament21 0.49 0.69 displacement. However, its maximum values were
Hyrax expander14 0.33 200,000 reduced between 30% and 50%. The M6 model pre-
Midpalatal suture22 0.49 1 sented a maximum total displacement 3 times lower
than M4, with a standard displacement similar to M2.
A condition for the outline of the maxillary bone was However, its values were slightly higher in the distolin-
set for both stress distribution and displacement analysis gual area of U6.
to restrict vertical, anteroposterior, and transverse move- A diastema opened between U4 and U5. In all models,
ments in the model. A bar element was created for each U4 presented mesial and lingual displacement of the
node on the edge of the face in the MPS and perpendic- vestibular face. It also presented a counterclockwise rota-
ular to it,7 simulating the MPS during the RME. The acti- tion (Video 1, available at www.ajodo.org: M1, M2, and
vation of the hyrax appliance was achieved only by the M3; Video 2, available at www.ajodo.org: M4, M5, and
enforced displacement toward maxillary expansion. M6). This rotation was observed even in M3, where
In the MPS region, symmetry was required as a con- vestibular tooth displacement was insignificant.
dition, and the loading was recreated symmetrically on In M2, M4, M5, and M6, there was a tendency toward
the opposite side to obtain equivalent results for both a cervical-apical displacement of the vestibular face in
sides. For each model, a transversal displacement of U5, U6, and U7. However, U4 presented a contrary
0.5 mm in the center of the screw was simulated. displacement (apical-cervical) of the vestibular face in
Because of its symmetry, it was the same as 1 mm of acti- models: M1, M2, M3, and M6 (Fig 4, A). Through a
vation of the hyrax expander. lingual view, the teeth presented apical-cervical
displacement, with an exception in U4 again, which pre-
RESULTS sented apical displacement of the dental crown in
models M3 and M4 (Fig 4, B). Models M4 and M5 pre-
After simulating the opening of the expander screw, sented more significant vertical displacements, located
tooth displacement was analyzed as a whole and sepa- in U6 and U5, apical-cervically toward the palatal roots
rately on vertical and buccolingual axes. and cervical-apically toward the vestibular faces of those
The total tooth displacement in each model after teeth. Contrary to the tendency of other teeth, U4 pre-
opening the screw was evaluated from an axial point sented apical-cervical displacement toward the vestib-
of view, represented in Figure 3. The M1, M2, and M3 ular face in M1, M2, M3, and M6 and cervical-apically
models presented a similar maximum total displacement toward the lingual face of its crown in M3 and M6.
of approximately 0.2 mm. However, such displacements Evaluation of the isolated horizontal displacement
occurred in different areas. On the M1 model, there was (Fig 5) showed a general tendency for vestibular
a distolingual displacement in U6, U5, and the vestibular displacement of dental crowns, being inexpressive in
area of U4. In M2, the entire U6 crown presented U5 and U7 in model M3 and U7 in M1. Models M4
displacement. A few areas in U4 and U5 also presented and M5 presented the greatest horizontal displacements,
short displacement. In M3, only the vestibular and mesial with maximum values near the occlusal regions of U5
faces of U4 and the distolingual face of U6 presented and U6. However, in M5, the values were approximately
displacement. 55% lower than in M4.
In models M1, M2, M3, and M6, the 3-dimensional
representation (initial position) on the distal vestibular
Table II. FEM related to the anteroposterior and verti- region of the first premolar indicate that this tooth un-
cal positions of the expander screw derwent mesial movement (Fig 5, A), which causes an in-
crease in the size of the 3-dimensional models, as the
Vertical variation
expander screw is displaced posteriorly in all the vertical
Anteroposterior variation Vertical position 1 Vertical position 2
Anteroposterior position 1 Model 1 (M1) Model 4 (M4) position models 1 (M1, M2, and M3).
Anteroposterior position 2 Model 2 (M2) Model 5 (M5) Although the dental crown in U7 did not present
Anteroposterior position 3 Model 3 (M3) Model 6 (M6) any significant horizontal displacement in any of the

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2021  Vol -  Issue -

4 Fernandes et al

Fig 2. Sagittal view of anteroposterior and vertical positions of the expander screw.

models simulated in this study, the apical region of the models M4 and M5. Such displacement, associated
lingual root of this tooth presented a lingual with the vestibular displacement of the crown,
displacement in all models (Fig 5, B). A similar reinforces the tendency of vestibular inclination of
movement was observed in the U6 lingual root in the teeth during RME.

Fig 3. Axial view of the total dental displacement (in millimeters) of simulated models.

- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Fernandes et al 5

Fig 4. Vertical teeth displacement (in millimeters) through vestibular (A) and lingual (B) views. The
displacement in the cervical-apical direction was represented by cold colors (blue), and the apical-
cervical direction was represented by hot colors (red).

Aside from displacement, the distribution of tensile premolar presented areas of compression on the vestib-
strength (Fig 6) and compression (Fig 7) on areas repre- ular face of the vestibular root, especially on the mesial
senting the periodontal ligament on the posterior teeth region (Fig 7, A and B), indicating a tendency for rota-
root surface was also evaluated. tion in this tooth.
The areas of higher tensile strength concentration
occurred in the vestibular-apical lingual root in U6 and
U7 (Fig 6, A) and the cervical region of the lingual faces
in U5 and U6 (Fig 6, B), confirming the tendency for the Although RME is considered a treatment to have
vestibular inclination of these teeth after activation of proven effective for patients with maxillary transverse
the expander screw. The values of maximum traction deficiency (maxillary atresia), its study and the improve-
(warm colors) were located at the top of the palatal ment of expander appliances aim to reduce undesirable
root in the first model (approximately 5 or more MPa) dental side effects and maximize orthopedic ef-
in M4. The first premolar presented areas of high tensile fects.11,23,24
strength on the lingual face of the lingual root, espe- During RME, the desirable movement is the lateral
cially on the mesial region (Fig 6, A and B), reinforcing dislocation of both right and maxillary left segments,
the tendency for rotation in this tooth. with a minimal inclination of teeth. However, even
The highest compression values (cold colors) with the great force7 applied during RME, it is not
occurred in the cervical and lingual-apical region of possible to obtain an exclusively orthopedic maxillary
vestibular roots of U6 and U7, especially in M4 and expansion. The vestibular dental inclination is undesir-
M5 (Fig 7, A), suggesting a tendency for vestibular able,5,6,8,9 impairs stability and prognosis and limits
inclination and displacement of teeth. The first the orthopedic results of the treatment.8,10

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2021  Vol -  Issue -

6 Fernandes et al

Fig 5. Horizontal dental displacement (in millimeters) from vestibular (A) and lingual (B) views. The
black mesh represents the initial position of teeth in the system before the activation of the expander

The FEM has been used to demonstrate tensions and application of force (the dental crowns of the first pre-
deformations imposed on teeth and bones during molar and the first molar), which amplifies the lever
RME.7,11,16,25,26 In a previous study7 simulating 6 posi- arms and the extension and flexibility of the appliance's
tions of the expander screw with anteroposterior and dimensions. This increase in the extension of the appli-
vertical variations, FEMs were used to simulate the ance was also associated with a higher rotation of the
maxillary bone structure, the hyrax anchor teeth (first first premolar, higher tensile strength in the screw
premolar and first molar), and the MPS to analyze the legs,11,19 lower effectiveness in transferring strength to
distribution of tensile strength on the maxilla during the maxilla,7 and reduction of dental movement in the
RME. Then, to analyze the effect on the teeth of the direction of the screw opening,11,19 as shown in the pre-
same positions of the expander screw, the study added sent study.
the second premolar, the second molar, and the peri- Contrary to the tensile strength variations in the
odontal ligament of the involved teeth to the computer- expander screw,11,19 in the present study, the connect-
ized models in the experiment. The aim was to evaluate ing legs of the hyrax presented similar displacements
dental movement caused by the same activation of among all models, but M4 was the only one to present
simulated expander appliances. displacement values under 0.533 mm in the anterior
Generally, the simulated models exhibited less total position of the expander screw (orange displacement).
dental displacement as the expander screw was moved This may have occurred because the movement of the
posteriorly and along the palate. This result explains expander screw after its activation is limited because
the higher distance between the screw and the point of of the flexibility of its connecting legs, the opening

- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Fernandes et al 7

Fig 6. Vestibular (A) and lingual (B) views of tensile stress distribution (in megapascal) on the peri-
odontal ligament.

of the MPS, and the dental displacement. The lower periodontal ligament may have generated a discrepancy
flexibility of the connecting legs in M4 made the dental regarding the results of this study.
displacement restrict the expander screw's movement Generally, posterior teeth presented a tendency for
even more, even though it presented the highest values displacement in the apical-cervical direction of the
among all models. lingual face, especially on the lingual root apex of U6,
There was a greater vestibular displacement of the and in the cervical-apical direction of the vestibular
occlusal areas of posterior teeth toward apical areas, fol- face. Such displacements are compatible with the ten-
lowed by lingual and extrusive displacement of lingual dency for vestibular dental inclination expected
root apices and increased compression on the during RME,5,6,8,9 which is an idea confirmed by the
vestibular-cervical regions and increased tensile strength compression areas of the periodontal ligament in the
in the lingual-apical regions of the periodontal ligament, vestibular-cervical area of teeth. The atypical vertical
indicating a vestibular inclination of teeth. This ten- displacement presented in U4 in the models of lower
dency to inclination seems to be proportional to the total dental movement amplitude may be related to the mesial
dental displacement that occurred in each model. Such a and lingual displacement of the vestibular face, which
tendency is not associated with any specific position of has also stood apart from the general tendency. Using
the expander screw. In contrast, Araugio et al11 identi- a more apical positioning of the expander screw than
fied lower vestibular dental inclination as the expander in the present study, Araugio et al11 recorded an extru-
screw became farther from the occlusal plane. Even a sive movement of the vestibular face of all posterior
lingual inclination of teeth of around 5 mm over vertical teeth, during which U4 did not present any irregular re-
position 2 was observed. The use of a simplified com- sults in the simulated models.
puter model that disregarded the structural properties The extrusive displacement of lingual faces of poste-
of maxillary bones and used elastic supports placed rior teeth and the standard opening of the maxilla with
over vestibular surfaces of dental roots to imitate the its vertex superiorly and posteriorly placed7 that

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics - 2021  Vol -  Issue -

8 Fernandes et al

Fig 7. Vestibular (A) and lingual (B) views of compressive stress distribution (in megapascal) on peri-
odontal ligament.

occurred on the 6 positions simulated by the expander models M1, M2, and M3. However, this displacement
screw may be the reason for the RME effects described mainly consisted of the counterclockwise rotation of
previously,27,28 such as the inferior displacement of the U4 and U6 and the lingual displacement of the dental
maxilla, counterclockwise rotation of the jaw, and bite crown in U4, which made it hardly productive, or entirely
opening. unproductive, to correct malocclusion related to trans-
In a study from Fernandes el al,7 model M4 presented verse maxillary deficiency.
a more efficient transfer of mechanical effort from the In silico studies, like FEM, must be considered
expander screw toward the bone structures. This transfer before human application because they simulate
has a higher maximum tensile strength and occurs only the morphology and mechanical properties of
nearer to the incisive foramen, and facilitates the initial biological systems in a computer, disregarding cellular
opening movement of the MPS.29 In the present study, and chemical mechanisms and individual biological
the same model presented a higher amplitude of dental features, such as quantity, shape, and dental root
displacement, reinforcing the relationship between the area; inclination and position of teeth; format, qual-
amount of maxillary expansion and inclination of ity, and quantity of maxilla bones and alveolar pro-
posterior teeth,30 which indicates that, among the cess; and MPS hardness. Consequently, this study
expander screw positions that were simulated, the had the objective of specifically informing the me-
desirable effect of opening the MPS is necessarily chanical consequences of changing the hyrax
followed by a dental effect, which must be considered expander screw position, highlighting the possibility
during the performance of such types of orthopedic of obtaining different results in oral tissues during
treatment. RME. Therefore, we suggest further investigations
Although the relation between dental displacement involving clinical trials and computerized methods to
and maxillary expansion was established,30 model M6 analyze more design factors to help precisely deter-
presented the poorest distribution of tensions in the mine, at the same time, the bone and teeth effects
maxilla7 and a total dental displacement higher than of each expander device setting.

- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Fernandes et al 9

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15. Magesh V, Harikrishnan P, Kingsly Jeba Singh D. Finite element
ogy, formal analysis, investigation, and original draft
analysis of slot wall deformation in stainless steel and titanium or-
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editing, supervision, and funding acquisition; Pedro 16. Provatidis CG, Georgiopoulos B, Kotinas A, McDonald JP. Evalua-
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miano contributed to visualization and original draft 17. Jafari A, Shetty KS, Kumar M. Study of stress distribution and
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- 2021  Vol -  Issue - American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics


Attractiveness assessment by
orthodontists and laypeople judging
female profile modifications of Class II
Division 1 malocclusion
Kadriye Kalin,a Sebahat Yesim Iskender,b and Reinder Kuitertc
Utrecht and Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Introduction: The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences in preference between orthodontists
and laypeople, judging soft tissue digital alterations of a Class II Division 1 profile of a female patient with mandib-
ular retrognathia, produced by simulated camouflage and mandibular advancement therapy. Methods: The pro-
file image of a White woman with a Class II Division 1 mandibular retrognathic profile was digitally modified to
produce 7 pictures: 1 baseline, 3 stepwise increase in the nasolabial angle of 113 , 121 , and 129 , and 3 step-
wise increase in chin-neck length of 51 mm, 54 mm, and 57 mm. Forty-four orthodontists and 162 laypeople
assessed these 7 images. Results: The untreated baseline profile was found to be least attractive for both or-
thodontists and laypeople, with orthodontists scoring significantly lower than laypeople. The profiles represent-
ing mandibular advancement therapy were judged significantly better by both groups than camouflage therapy.
Orthodontists preferred straighter profiles than laypeople, giving the highest-ranking to a chin-neck length of
57 mm, whereas laypeople gave the highest rank to a chin-neck length of 54 mm. Conclusions: Orthodontists
prefer straighter profiles and gave a lower ranking to the untreated Class II Division 1 female profile compared
with laypeople. Orthodontists and laypeople favor mandibular advancement therapy over camouflage therapy.
However, both groups seem to prefer the effect of both treatment modalities over the untreated baseline Class II
Division 1 profile. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:276-82)

everal studies have shown that an attractive indi- skeletal malocclusion (prevalence of 65%).15 To correct
vidual is perceived as happier, more sociable, and this malocclusion in adolescent patients, a wide range
more successful.1,2 Attractive people are also of functional or orthopedic appliances are available,16-19
treated and judged more positively3,4; therefore, people which is in contrast to adult patients Class II Division 1
want to improve their facial esthetics.5-12 When it comes malocclusion. For adult patients, 2 effective treatment
to beauty, the face is the most important factor.13,14 This modalities are available. The first treatment modality is
is 1 of the main reasons people seek treatment by an camouflage treatment therapy, with retraction of
orthodontist or an oral surgeon to improve their facial maxillary incisors after extraction of maxillary teeth
esthetics. resulting in overjet reduction with the posterior
Treatment planning by orthodontists and oral sur- movement of the upper lip and an increased nasolabial
geons involves a profile analysis. The most frequent angle.20 The second treatment modality is the surgical
malocclusion in the Netherlands is Class II Division 1 advancement of the mandible, often improving overjet,
occlusion, dentofacial pattern, and profile esthetics by
a increasing the chin-neck length.21
Private practice, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
Northo Orthodontistenpraktijk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. A previous study by Y€ uksel et al22 has shown that
Department of Orthodontics, Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam, laypeople preferred mandibular advancement over cam-
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ouflage therapy in profile esthetics in adults with Class II
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. Division 1 malocclusion. Knowledge of what laypeople
Address correspondence to: Kadriye Kalin, Private practice, Wibautstraat 29, and orthodontists consider as attractive and whether
3555WE Utrecht, The Netherlands; e-mail, [email protected].
laypeople and professionals would evaluate improve-
Submitted, October 2019; revised, March 2020; accepted, April 2020.
0889-5406/$36.00 ment in facial attractiveness achieved by orthodontic
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. treatment, in the same way, could be important when

Kalin, Iskender, and Kuitert 277

considering treatment planning for adults with Class II 45 mm, by subtracting 2 standard deviations from the
Division 1 malocclusion. The judgment of profile es- norm of 57 6 6 mm as determined by Lehman Jr,25,26
thetics by professionals vs judgment by laypeople has resulting in 45 mm for this variable (Fig 1, D).
been repeatedly compared, but with conflicting out- To create 3 additional images simulating the treat-
comes. Therefore, it would be interesting to assess if ment outcome of mandibular advancement surgery,
there is a difference in preference between orthodontists the profile image was digitally altered using Dolphin Im-
and laypeople regarding the outcome of the 2 different aging software. The chin-neck length was increased by
treatment methods for adult patients with Class II Divi- 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 standard deviations resulting in chin-
sion 1 malocclusion. The outcome might be helpful in neck lengths of 51 mm, 54 mm, and 57 mm, respectively
choosing between retracting maxillary teeth via extrac- (Fig 1, E, F, and G).
tion or headgear vs advancing the mandible with func- To simulate the treatment effect of camouflage treat-
tional appliances or oral surgery when planning ment on the nasolabial angle, a similar procedure was
treatment of adults and adolescents with Class II Divi- performed. The original nasolabial angle of 115.7 ,
sion 1 malocclusion. modified to 104.9 to achieve the starting point (Fig 1,
This study aimed to investigate and compare the D) for further alterations according to Sinno et al.27
judgments of laypeople and orthodontists on the effect Three additional profile types were created by gradually
of different soft tissue alterations on the profile of a increasing the nasolabial angle using Dolphin software.
Class II Division 1 female subject with mandibular retro- The nasolabial angle was increased by 2.0, 4.0, and 6.0
gnathia, produced by software simulated camouflage or standard deviations resulting in angles of 113 , 121 ,
mandibular advancement treatment, by showing the and 129 (Fig 1, C, B, and A).
different alterations simultaneously. In addition, to The original, untreated profile (D) (Fig 1, D) with
investigate and compare the amount of tolerable naso- a chin-neck length of 45 mm and a nasolabial angle
labial angle increase and the amount of chin-neck of 104.9 was the starting point for all modifications.
length increase necessary for satisfactory profile This profile shows the most pronounced Class II
improvement during treatment of adult patients with Division 1 features with the largest sagittal interlabial
Class II Division 1 malocclusion. step.
The 7 created profiles were inserted in a booklet,
MATERIAL AND METHODS including a questionnaire providing information on fac-
Seven modified profile pictures of a White woman tors that could influence the judgment of the observers.
developed for a previous study22 were used. The woman This questionnaire collected information about the age,
used in this study has an untreated Class II Division gender, and educational level of the observers. Addi-
1 malocclusion with a normal face height, normal tional information was obtained from the orthodontists
mandibular plane angle, nasolabial angle of 115.7 , about their site of training and years of experience.
chin-neck length of 51 mm, z-angle of 70 , angle of The laypersons were approached on the streets and in
facial convexity of 21 , and a Holdaway’s profile angle several parks in Amsterdam in 2016 by an undergraduate
of 18 . These measurements are sufficiently beyond dental student. In addition, patients in waiting rooms at
the respective limits between Class I and Class II soft tis- dental practices in Amsterdam were approached by the
sue profiles of 75 , 15 , and 10 .23,24 same dental student. The orthodontists were ap-
In the previous study,22 this original photograph (un- proached at an orthodontic congress in Soestduinen,
treated female profile with Class II Division 1 malocclu- The Netherlands, in March 2016 by another undergrad-
sion) was modified with Photoshop software (Adobe, uate dental student. Inclusion criteria for laypeople
San Jose, Calif) and Dolphin Imaging software (Dolphin included the following: aged .17 years, minimum edu-
Imaging and Management Solutions, Chatsworth, Calif) cation of higher general secondary school, and primary
to emphasize the effects of the 2 treatment modalities. school finished in the Netherlands. The inclusion criteria
The scanned profile image and lateral cephalogram for the orthodontists was full membership of the Dutch
were both imported into software (version 11.5; Dolphin Orthodontic Society. In total, 162 laypeople, 53% of
Imaging and Management Solutions). Then the images them women and 47% men, and 44 orthodontists,
were linked to each other to standardize the profile im- evenly distributed by gender, were willing to participate.
age with the magnification of the cephalogram. The power (a 5 0.05) of this study was 0.83, which is
To emphasize mandibular retrusion, the profile pic- calculated with G-Power (Heinrich-Heine-Uni-
ture was altered with Photoshop software (Adobe). To versit€at D€
usseldorf, D€usseldorf, Germany). This study
create the starting profile, profile D, the chin-neck length was previously approved by the Ethics Committee (no.
of the original profile was reduced from 51 mm to X14-0355).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
278 Kalin, Iskender, and Kuitert

Fig. A starting profile image (D) was digitally altered to simulate increases in the nasolabial angle by
2.0, 4.0, and 6.0 standard deviations (C, 113 ; B, 121 ; A, 129 ); mandibular advancement surgery,
increasing the chin-neck length by 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 standard deviations (E, 51 mm; F, 54 mm;
G, 57 mm).

Table I. Mean ranking scores and standard deviation

Orthodontist Laypeople

Profile Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation

A (6) 5.23 B, D, E, F, G 1.48 (6) 4.90 B, C, D, E, F, G 1.76
B (4) 4.55 A, D, E, F, G 0.95 (5) 4.40 A, D, E, F, G 1.57
C (5)* 5.09 D, E, F, G 0.94 (4)* 4.24 A, D, E, F, G 1.58
D (7)* 6.39 A, B, C, E, F, G 1.22 (7)* 5.65 A, B, C, E, F, G 1.85
E (3) 3.16 A, B, C, D, F, G 1.14 (3) 3.22 A, B, C, D, F 1.49
F (2)* 2.00 A, B, C, D, E 0.84 (1)* 2.70 A, B, C, D, E 1.72
G (1)* 1.59 A, B, C, D, E 1.25 (2)* 2.90 A, B, C, D 2.07

Note. Significant at P \0.01 differences between profiles assessed by orthodontists or laypeople are noted in superscript.
*Significant P \0.01 difference in the ranking of corresponding profiles between orthodontists and laypeople. The final ranking order is shown in
parentheses, with 1 the most attractive and 7 the least attractive.

The Figure shows the profiles printed alongside each Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests. To analyze the
other on an A4 page. This presentation aimed to show mean ranking difference between laypeople and ortho-
the participating observers a set of profiles offering clear dontists, Mann-Whitney U tests were used. The Pearson
options by placing the most pronounced Class II Division correlation test was to assess the reliability by analyzing
1 profile in the center (Fig 1, D) with a nasolabial angle the correlation between the ranking scores.
of 104.9 and chin-neck length of 45 mm. Assuming a
distinct selection between options for the observers for RESULTS
their preferred profile, the maximum compensation The estimated means of the rankings calculated for
with camouflage treatment was placed on the far left the orthodontists and laypeople are shown in Table I.
(Fig 1, A) with a nasolabial angle of 129 and the profile The orthodontists and laypeople considered profile D
with the maximum mandibular advancement surgery on the least attractive. Profile G and profile F were consid-
the far right (Fig 1, G) with a chin-neck length of 57 mm. ered the most attractive by orthodontists and laypeople,
Participating laypeople and orthodontists were asked respectively. Both groups considered the results of
to rank the profiles from 1 (most attractive) to 7 (least mandibular advancement therapy (profiles E, F, and G)
attractive).28,29 A reliability test was carried out by 20 significantly more attractive than camouflage therapy
undergraduate dental students, who assessed the set (profiles A, B, and C). In addition, all camouflage therapy
of profile images with the visual analogue scale (VAS) profiles (A, B, and C) were rated significantly better than
score twice with a washout period of 2 weeks. the baseline (profile D). Orthodontists and laypeople
scored profile A with the largest nasolabial angle, signif-
Statistical analysis icantly more attractive than the untreated photograph
Friedman and Wilcoxon tests were used to analyze (profile D) but significantly less attractive than profile
facial attractiveness ranking. The influence of back- B with a smaller nasolabial angle. Laypeople also scored
ground factors on ranking was analyzed by Kruskal- profile A significantly less attractive than profile C with

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Kalin, Iskender, and Kuitert 279

Table II. Mean ranking scores of profile D by orthodontists graduated in different locations and mean ranking scores
for profiles C, D, and G by orthodontists according to years of experience
Years of experience Site of graduation

Profile \6 (n 5 6) 6-10 (n 5 6) 11-16 (n 5 10) .16 (n 5 22) ACTA (n 5 18) RUG (n 5 9) RUN (n 5 7) Other (n 5 10)
C 5.0 5.2 5.4 4.9
D 5.7 7** 6.5 6.4 6.3 6.7 5.4 7*
G 2.8 1.5 1.6 1.3

ACTA, Academic Centre of Dentistry Amsterdam; RUG, University of Groningen; RUN, University of Nijmegen.
*Profile D was judged significantly (P \0.01) less attractive by orthodontists trained outside the Netherlands; **Orthodontists with 6 to 10 years of
experience rated profile D significantly (P \0.01) less attractive.

a smaller nasolabial angle. Compared with laypeople,

orthodontists considered profiles resulting from Table III. Mean ranking scores of profile E by
mandibular advancement therapy (profiles E, F, and G) laypeople according to education
more attractive and profiles with camouflage therapy Education level n Profile E
(profiles A, B, and C) less attractive. This difference was High school 31 3.3
significant for profiles C, D, F, and G (Table I). Intermediate vocational education 45 3.7
The geographic location of postgraduate orthodontic Higher vocational education 86 2.9*
training and the years of experience seem to influence
*Laypeople with higher vocational education level rated profile E
the judgment as seen for profile D, which was judged significantly (P \0.01) more attractive than laypeople with an inter-
significantly less attractive by the orthodontists with mediate vocational education or high school.
foreign postgraduate training than orthodontists with
Dutch postgraduate training (Table II). Profile D was
also judged significantly more unattractive by the ortho-
the current study might have received equal scores in
dontists with 6-10 years of practice experience (Table II).
the VAS, meaning that they could have been appreciated
There was no significant correlation between previ-
at the same level of beauty as other profiles. With the use
ous orthodontic treatment and judgment by laypeople.
of the ranking system, the chosen method for the assess-
Education has a limited influence on the judgment by
ment of the profiles in the current study, assessors are
laypeople; higher educated people judged profile
“obliged” to give a different score to each profile when
E significantly more attractive (Table III).
judging the attractiveness.
In the current study, modifications to reduce the
Class II features of the profile were limited to extension
The current study used a modified female Class II Di- of the mandible or increase of the nasolabial angle
vision 1 image because laypeople tend to be more sensi- because the intention of the current study was to find
tive to female profile changes,30 with the untreated the exclusive effect of these 2 treatment amenities on
specimen in the center and the modifications on the the observers. Therefore, changes in lip posture that
left and the right side, a method also used by Kuroda may occur during Class II correction were omitted.
et al,28 Soh et al,31 and H€onn et al.32 The same ranking Changes in other features than nasolabial angle and
system was also carried out by Y€ uksel et al.22 These chin-neck length might influence the judgment on
methods are proven to be dependable, and a valid attractiveness by laypeople and lead away from the
form of assessment of facial attractiveness28,31 and the main subject of the study. In the current study, these in-
ranking system was a useful tool to determine the rank fluences were also limited by using the same profile to
order of the profile pictures.29 In the current study, pro- create a number of profiles to be assessed by the ob-
files were allocated with a simple ranking system as servers.22,28,31,32 Using only 1 modified female profile
pointed out by Y€ uksel et al,22 to support indecisive in the assessment could be considered a limitation of
laypeople in making a clear choice presuming that allo- the current study. There might have been different re-
cation of profiles is easier by ranking than by VAS score. sults if a male profile was also added for assessment
However, the ranking system, as used in the current because of the difference in the perception of esthetics.
study, is limited, being an approximate evaluation In addition, judgment by male assessors could attribute
comparing the shown profiles among each other. Some different scores with female Class II profiles compared
very close scored profiles with the ranking system in with male Class II profiles. This is an interesting concern

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
280 Kalin, Iskender, and Kuitert

which should be considered in future studies with larger to recognize the improvement between profile D and
groups of assessors. Unfortunately, this issue was not C, preferring, like the orthodontists, a decrease of the in-
addressed in the current study because of problems in terlabial step by an increase in nasolabial angle over the
conducting reliable statistics between 22 male and 22 original Class II Division 1 profile. This finding is consis-
female orthodontists, with very small subgroups that tent with the study by Y€ uksel et al,22 who concluded that
would make precise conclusions difficult. Australian laypeople appreciated a profile with a moder-
The opinion of laypeople on facial attractiveness is an ately increased nasolabial angle more than a severe Class
important factor when developing treatment goals for II Division 1 profile. In the study of Y€uksel et al,22 and the
patients with Class II Division 1 malocclusion. Previous current study, the modified untreated profile (D) was
studies are controversial on the difference in the judg- considered the least attractive and the profiles with the
ment of facial attractiveness by orthodontists and mandibular advancement treatment the most attractive,
laypeople. Lines et al,33 Marchiori et al,34 and Peerlings followed by the profiles with the camouflage treatment.
et al35 found no difference between the judgment of Bishara and Jakobsen45 and de Almeida-Pedrin et al46
laypeople and professionals. Kiekens et al,36 Kerr and studied the changes in facial profile treated by camou-
O’Donnell37 and Lundstr€ om et al38 found that profes- flage therapy, and Ng et al47 showed the change in facial
sionals were more critical than laypeople. However, attractiveness after mandibular advancement therapy.
Spyropoulos and Halazonetis,39 Tedesco et al,40 Phillips These 3 studies showed improvement of facial attrac-
et al,41,42 and Giddon et al43 found that orthodontists tiveness by both treatments. In addition, Lo and Hunt-
were less critical than laypeople. In the current study, er48 concluded that the retraction of maxillary incisors
the profile with the largest mandibular advancement increases the nasolabial angle and improves the facial
was given the highest valuation from the orthodontists, attractiveness despite the increase in nasolabial angle.
whereas laypeople preferred the profile with 3 mm less According to the current study, an enlarged nasolabial
advancement (profile F). Orthodontists likely look more angle is preferred over a large sagittal interlabial step.
accurately at profiles as a consequence of their training Straighter profiles, reached by either maxillary incisor
and experience. Laypeople may also prefer less straight retraction or mandibular advancement surgery, are
profiles than orthodontists.28,31 This assumption is considered more attractive than convex or concave pro-
confirmed by Kokich Jr et al,44 who found that laypeople files.32,49,50
accept deviations from ideal that are considered unat- No significant difference was found for the appreci-
tractive by orthodontists and dentists. This is consistent ation by laypeople and orthodontists between profiles F
with the current study in which the difference in ranking and G (chin-neck lengths 54 mm and 57 mm, respec-
between attractive profiles (with mandibular advance- tively) and between profiles B and C (nasolabial angles
ment) and profiles with increased nasolabial angle (den- 121 and 113 , respectively). Consequently, the
toalveolar compensation) was larger in the judgment outcome of the current study allows for some variation
from orthodontists than in the assessment by laypeople in the preferred nasolabial angles and mandibular
(Table I). It is likely that orthodontists show more advancement in Class II Division 1 correction. Orthodon-
appraisal for, or observe better, the difference between tists may consider these findings when developing treat-
the effects on the profile of mandibular advancement ment goals for patients with Class II Division 1
and of dentoalveolar compensation than laypeople. malocclusion, realizing that their perception of an ideal
The smaller standard deviations for the orthodontists facial profile can differ from that of the patients.
than laypeople (Table I) show that professionals observe An interesting result of the current study is that the
more precisely than laypeople. The variation among the relatively large difference between profiles D and E
orthodontists was not extremely large; consequently, (6 mm) is reflected in the relative approval by orthodon-
their comparatively small number (44) is probably suffi- tists (3.2) and laypeople (2.5), whereas the difference in
cient for a reliable comparison with laypeople. approval between profiles E and F with only 3 mm
Profile C, with the least increase in nasolabial angle, advancement is proportionally smaller (1.16 for the or-
was appreciated significantly more by laypeople than thodontists and 0.5 for the laypeople). For the gradually
by orthodontists. Professionals were more able to increased nasolabial angle with 8 for each step, an in-
observe a small increase in nasolabial angle, although crease in approval for both groups is also gradual. This
the untreated profile (D) got the lowest appreciation finding seems to point out that most observers had a
by both laypeople and professionals. The orthodontists keen eye for proportions.
gave a significantly higher ranking, recognizing more In the current study, higher educated people
accurately a severe Class II Division 1 malocclusion and considered profile E (with less mandibular advance-
judging accordingly. However, laypeople were still able ment than profiles F and G) less attractive than other

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Kalin, Iskender, and Kuitert 281

laypeople, giving the profile almost the same ranking ment therapy more than the untreated profile,
score as the orthodontist. Maybe higher education with a preference for mandibular advancement.
stimulates the ability to better distinguish small differ- 5. According to both laypeople and orthodontists, the
ences or changes. most attractive nasolabial angle can vary between
In the current study, the judgment by orthodontists 113 and 121 .
is influenced by the site of graduate training and years 6. According to both laypeople and orthodontists, the
of experience. The untreated profile (D) was judged most attractive chin-neck length can vary between
significantly less attractive by orthodontists with 54 and 57 mm.
6-10 years of experience than colleagues with less or
more years of experience. This might originate from
the emphasis given to Class II Division 1 diagnosis
and treatment planning in adults in the period of their Kadriye Kalin contributed to conceptualization, vali-
graduate training. Profile D was also judged signifi- dation, original draft preparation, visualization, and
cantly less attractive by orthodontists trained outside project administration; Sebahat Yesim Iskender contrib-
the Netherlands. This may also be related to the grad- uted to methodology, software, formal analysis investi-
uate programs in the United States, where most of gation, and data curation; and Reinder Kuitert
them were trained and where more straight profiles contributed to resources and manuscript review and
are more likely preferred and involved in treatment editing.
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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

The influence of incisor inclination and

anterior vertical facial height on facial
attractiveness in an Asian woman
Umair Shoukat Ali,a Rashna Hoshang Sukhia,a Mubassar Fida,a Adeel Tahir Kamal,a and Ausjah Abbasb
Karachi, Pakistan

Introduction: Orthodontic treatment can help improve facial attractiveness through the modification of factors
affecting the soft tissue profile. The objectives of this study were to determine the impact of different maxillary
incisal inclinations and lower anterior facial heights (at rest and with a smile) on the facial attractiveness of an
Asian woman, as perceived by different panels of raters using visual analog scale (VAS) scores. Methods: A
cross-sectional study was performed with 66 raters equally divided into 3 panels that consisted of general
dentists, orthodontic residents, and laypersons. Raters assessed modified photographs of a subject with
various incisor inclinations and lower anterior facial height/total anterior facial height (LAFH/TAFH) on lateral
profile view. Modifications were made using Photoshop software (Adobe, San Jose, Calif). Subjective
evaluations of facial attractiveness were performed by raters using VAS. Kruskal-Wallis test was used to
compare VAS scores among raters. Mann-Whitney U test was applied to compare VAS scores between
groups. Results: Significant differences in VAS scores were found among raters for 10 (P 5 0.004) and
15 (P 5 0.021) incisal inclinations. Significant differences were found in VAS scores for 8% LAFH/TAFH
(P 5 0.044) and 4% LAFH/TAFH with smile (P 5 0.002). Conclusions: Professionals preferred normal incisal
inclinations to be the most attractive. General dentists found reduced facial height to be unattractive. Orthodontic
residents and laypersons considered increased LAFH/TAFH to be most unattractive. Smile had a negative
impact on VAS scores at extreme anterior facial height modifications. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop

ne of the important reasons patients seek ortho- physical, physiological, and social factors.3 These per-
dontic care is to improve their facial attractive- ceptions are culturally or even religiously determined
ness. Technological advancements such as and are transmitted to the masses via different formats,
computer simulation software that predicts treatment such as the media, which has established esthetic stan-
outcomes help orthodontists develop customized treat- dards and has had a direct effect on the social and per-
ment plans that best serve orthodontic patients.1 The re- sonal preferences related to facial esthetics and smile
sults of treatment are considered to be successful when pleasantness.4,5 However, professional opinions some-
they satisfy the patients and the societal perceptions of times do not coincide with the perceptions and expecta-
beauty.2 Perception has been defined as the process by tions of laypersons.6
which patterns of environmental stimuli are organized Orthodontic treatment targets the dentition and the
and interpreted; it can be influenced by a variety of maxillomandibular relationships to create a considerable
impact on facial esthetics. Facial harmony must be
achieved in both the frontal and lateral aspects of the
Section of Dentistry (Orthodontics), Department of Surgery, The Aga Khan face.7 Orthodontic treatment that relies on cephalomet-
University and Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan. rics to determine esthetic goals might not be able to pro-
Karachi Medical and Dental College, Karachi, Pakistan.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of duce the desired results.8 For example, the display of the
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. maxillary dentition during rest and smiling is considered
Address correspondence to: Rashna Hoshang Sukhia, Section of Dentistry youthful and esthetically pleasing. Because the soft tis-
(Orthodontics), Department of Surgery, The Aga Khan University and Hospital,
PO Box 3500, Stadium Road, Karachi 74800, Pakistan; e-mail, rashna_aga@ sue esthetics of the face (lips, nose, and chin) depend on
yahoo.com. the underlying skeletal and dental support, an unfavor-
Submitted, September 2019; revised, March 2020; accepted, April 2020. able change in the incisor position can lead to poor soft
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. tissue outcome.9 This reflects the importance of incisor
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.04.030 inclination on facial esthetics and should be a critical
284 Shoukat Ali et al

component of treatment planning.10,11 The vertical craniofacial/dental anomaly or syndrome or a history of

dimension of the face is equally important for the trauma or surgery involving facial structures.
orthodontist; controlling the vertical dimension is a The clinician helped the patient assume the natural
predictor of treatment success.12 In growing patients, head position (esthetic position) by a method recom-
this vertical growth tendency can be managed via mended by Bass16 so that the face was not tilted up or
different extraoral or intraoral devices such as high down. This is an easy, reliable, and replicable way to
pull headgears and high bite blocks.1 Surgical obtain profile pictures in clinical practice.15 Two profile
intervention is required for correction of severe vertical pictures were taken 1.5 meters away from the subject us-
deformity in adults.13 ing a Nikon camera D3500 (24.2 million megapixels; Ni-
Ideal smile characteristics appreciated from the fron- kon, Tokyo, Japan) with the subjects’ head fixed in the
tal view include an adequate incisal display and minimal natural head position. One photograph was in a normal
buccal corridor display.14 However, incisor inclinations resting posture with relaxed lips, and the other one was
and facial heights can be best appreciated from the with a social smile that exposed the distal aspect of the
lateral profile view.1 The objectives of this study were canine. Photographs were modified using an image ed-
to determine the impact of different maxillary incisal in- iting software (Adobe Photoshop CS [version 8.0; Adobe,
clinations and lower anterior facial heights (at rest and San Jose, Calif] and Adobe Illustrator CS5 [version
with a smile) on the facial attractiveness of an adult 15.0.1; Adobe]) according to the guidelines described
Asian female as perceived by different panels of raters by Ghaleb et al15 and Devanna17 for incisal inclinations
using visual analog scale (VAS) scores. The null hypoth- alterations and angular measurements. To simulate the
esis was that there is no impact of various incisal inclina- changes in incisor inclinations, the crowns of the central
tions and lower anterior facial heights (at rest and with and lateral incisors were separately sliced using the edit-
smile) on facial attractiveness as perceived by the ing software. Each tooth was considered as an individual
different panels of raters. object with the center of rotation at the incisal edge. The
central incisor was superimposed from the tracing of the
lateral cephalograms, and the center of rotation was
placed at the incisal edge of the tooth. To maintain
A cross-sectional study was performed after obtain- the symmetry, the center of rotation of the lateral incisor
ing ethical approval from the institutional ethical review was set at the midpoint of the mesiodistal width. To
board (no. 2019-1619-4175). The sample size was calcu- maintain the vertical positions of the maxillary incisors,
lated by Open-Epi software using the findings of Ghaleb horizontal lines were drawn as tangents to the incisal
et al,15 who reported the mean VAS scores of 10 by or- edges of the teeth, and vertical tangents were drawn
thodontists and laypersons to be 62.23 6 13.62 and medial to the maxillary canines as the distal limit for
49.99 6 14.84, respectively. The power of the study sagittal repositioning of the lateral incisor. Seven final
was set at 80% with a confidence interval of 95%. It images were obtained for the female subjects (1 unal-
was calculated that at least 22 subjects were required in tered, 3 lingual, and 3 labial). This resulted in 4 cate-
each group. Because we had 3 different panels of raters, gories according to the degree of proclination or
the total sample size was 66. Three different panels of retroclination (ie, normal, mild, moderate, and severe
raters equally divided into general dentists (GD), ortho- proclination and retroclination) (Fig 1). Artistic touches
dontic residents (OR), and laypersons (LP) evaluated a se- were given when necessary to maintain the natural
ries of images that showed changes in incisal inclinations appearance of the face.
and vertical facial heights. Female subject aged 18 years, The esthetic horizontal line (Hr) was taken as a stable
who signed the informed consent, was included in this reference that is not altered by orthognathic or orthope-
study on the basis of the following inclusion criteria: a dic treatment. The Sn-Pg0 line joins the subnasale point
clinical examination showed an orthognatic profile (the deepest point at the junction where the profile of
with a pleasant smile in both frontal and profile views, the nose joins the upper lip) and the facial pogonion
lateral cephalometric examination showed a Class I skel- (the most prominent point on soft tissue chin). This rep-
etal base (ANB, 2 6 2), maxillary incisor to sella-nasion resents the lower facial third (ie, nearest reference part of
angle (UI/SN, 102 6 5) was well-positioned within the the face to the incisors) (Fig 2).
cephalometric standard range, lower anterior facial The following steps were carried out to obtain
height/total anterior facial height (LAFH/TAFH) was angular measurements: (1) drawing of the line Sn-Pg0
55% according to Eastman cephalometrics, and the sub- and Hr passing through the mid-third; (2) determining
ject had a Class I dental relationships with ideal overjet the most anterior point on the labial surface of the
and overbite. The exclusion criteria were any maxillary incisor (obtained by the intersection of this

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Shoukat Ali et al 285

Fig 1. Normal incisor inclination and 6 modifications in labial and lingual directions, with changes in
increments of 5 .

surface with the vertical tangent to the most labial Table I. Angular measurements of incisor inclination
aspect of the maxillary incisor); and (3) a tangent (Tg) of the face, for various inclinations
passing through this point resulted in 2 angular mea-
surements for each inclination: Tg/Hr is the angle Photographs incisal
inclinations,  Angle Tg/Hr,  Angle Tg/Sn-Pg0 , 
formed between incisor inclination and esthetic hori-
15 76.10 9.23
zontal, and Tg/Sn-Pg0 is the angle formed between 10 78.40 7.80
incisor inclination and lower facial third. A positive value 5 80.20 6.45
is given to the angle when the tangent is forward and a 0 85.40 4.50
negative value when the tangent is backward. 5 88.60 2.20
The angular measurements for each of the modified 10 99.70 13.50
15 113.00 26.41
incisal inclinations are given in Table I.
The anterior vertical dimension of the facial profile of Tg/Hr, the angle between incisor inclination and aesthetic horizon-
the female subject was altered by stretching and tal; Tg/Sn-Pg0 , the angle between incisor inclination and lower facial
third (positive value when the tangent is forward and negative value
depressing the image at the soft tissue points subnasale
when the tangent is backward).
and sublabiale. The LAFH/TAFH ratio of 55% was

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
286 Shoukat Ali et al

increased and decreased by 4%.12 The modified LAFH/

TAFH heights were 2 standard deviation away from the
Eastman cephalometrics standard range (55% 6 2%).
These alterations produced fewer pictures with appre-
ciable differences in facial heights for the raters to score
and judge accurately. The soft tissue contours above the
columella and below the soft tissue pogonion were not
altered and were identical for all images.18 The altered
LAFH/TAFH generated 5 lateral profile images of the fe-
male subject (47%, 51%, 55%, 59%, and 63%) at rest
and 5 lateral profile pictures on smiling, (Figs 3 and 4)
whereas the anteroposterior proportions were kept con-
stant (Class I).
The altered images were shown to the different panels
of raters on a Powerpoint presentation. These raters pro-
vided esthetic scores for the profile on the basis of facial
attractiveness using the VAS. This scale was created on
a 100 mm interrupted line anchored at 0 on the left
Fig 2. Angular measurements for the incisor inclination (very unattractive) and 10 on the right (very attractive).

Fig 3. Normal LAFH/TAFH ratio at rest, and 4 modifications with 4% incremental increases (59% and
63%) and decreases (51% and 47%).

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Shoukat Ali et al 287

Fig 4. Normal LAFH/TAFH ratio with smile and 4 modifications with 4% incremental increases (59%
and 63%) and decreases (51% and 47%).

The following parameters were evaluated by the raters: (1) raters, and median and interquartile range were calcu-
impact of different incisal inclinations on facial attractive- lated for the VAS scores from each category of incisor
ness, (2) impact of different vertical anterior facial heights inclinations and LAFH/TAFH altered groups. The
without smile, and (3) impact of different vertical anterior normality of data was determined by applying the
facial heights with smile. Shapiro-Wilk test, which yielded a nonnormal distribu-
Intraexaminer reliability was assessed by incorpo- tion. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to determine sta-
rating a duplicate image of one of the altered profiles tistically significant differences among panels of raters
for each of the original test images. The raters were un- for various incisor inclinations and LAFH/TAFHs. To
aware of the duplicate image and were asked to score it compare the VAS scores between groups of raters, the
as an additional image.12 VAS scores were compared by Mann-Whitney U test was applied. The level of signifi-
applying the intraclass correlation coefficient between cance was kept at P # 0.05.
both the original and duplicate pictures, which showed
a good agreement (0.83). RESULTS
The mean ages of the raters were 26.96 6 2.08 years
Statistical analysis for OR, 30.59 6 ;6.39 years for GD, and 27.50 6 6.82
Data analysis was performed using SPSS (version years for LP, whereas the gender distributions for our
19.0; SPSS, Chicago, Ill). Descriptive statistics (ie, mean raters were 8 males and 14 females (OR), 10 males and
and standard deviation) were calculated for the age of 12 females (GD), and 14 males and 8 females (LP).

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
288 Shoukat Ali et al

Gender dimorphism within the raters is shown in LAFH/TAFH at rest, normal LAFH/TAFH was more
Table II. Female raters preferred normal inclinations attractive, and 8% was perceived to be least attractive
and found 15 to be displeasing. They found 4% (Table IV). When smiling, normal LAFH/TAFH was
LAFH/TAFH to be attractive and 8% to be the most deemed to be more attractive, whereas 8% was found
unattractive at rest. With smile, they found normal to be least attractive (Table V).
LAFH/TAFH to be the most attractive profile and 8% LP gave the highest scores to normal incisal inclina-
to be the most unattractive. tion and the lowest to 15 . (Table III) Normal LAFH/
Male raters were in agreement with female raters on TAFH was considered as the most attractive profile at
the most attractive (normal inclination) and unattractive rest (Table IV) and with smile. However, they rated the
(15 ) incisal inclinations. Similarly, a consensus was lowest to 8% LAFH/TAFH at rest and with smile
reached with respect to the profile attractiveness of (Table V).
normal LAFH/TAFH (55%) with smile. When rating the Comparison of the median VAS score among the 3
images with altered LAFH/TAFH at rest, the most attrac- panels of raters showed significant differences in 10
tive profile was 4%, and the most unattractive profile (P 5 0.004) and 15 (P 5 0.021) (Table VI). For
was 8%. The differences in the esthetic scores between 10 incisal inclinations, GD scored the lowest. For
males and females were statistically nonsignificant. 15 , OR scored the lowest. A comparison of VAS scores
GD gave the highest scores to normal incisal inclina- among raters showed a nonsignificant difference in
tion and the lowest to 15 (Table III). With respect to LAFH/TAFH without smile. Significant differences
LAFH/TAFH on the photograph at rest, GD preferred were found among raters VAS scores for 8% LAFH/
4% and gave the lowest scores to 8%. (Table IV) How- TAFH (P 5 0.044) and 4% LAFH/TAFH with smile
ever, for the lateral profile photograph with smile, the (P 5 0.003). For 8% LAFH/TAFH, the highest scores
GD preferred the normal LAFH/TAFH and gave the were given by LP. Similarly, LP scored highest for 4%
lowest scores to 8% (Table V). with smile (Table VI).
OR gave the highest scores to normal incisal inclina- Comparisons between each panel of rater revealed
tion and the lowest to 15 (Table III). With respect to significant differences for 10 and 15 incisal incli-
nations. Similarly, significant differences were found
for the 8% and 4% LAFH/TAFH ratio with smile be-
Table II. Gender dimorphism within raters tween raters (Table VII).
Male raters Female raters P
Variables (n 5 32) (n 5 32) value
Photographs incisor
inclinations,  The present study was conducted to determine the
15 5.00 (4.00-6.00) 4.50 (3.00-6.00) 0.970 impact of different maxillary incisal inclinations and
10 6.00 (4.25-7.00) 6.00 (4.00-7.00) 0.671
5 6.00 (5.00-7.00) 6.00 (4.00-7.25) 0.763
lower anterior facial heights (at rest and with smile) on
Normal 7.00 (5.25-8.75) 7.50 (5.00-8.00) 0.671 facial attractiveness of an adult Asian female as
5 6.00 (5.00-8.00) 6.50 (5.00-8.00) 0.629 perceived by different panels of raters using VAS scores.
10 6.00 (5.00-8.00) 6.00 (4.00-8.00) 0.965 In a recent study, only orthodontists and LP were asked
15 4.00 (2.00-5.00) 4.00 (2.00-5.00) 0.668 to evaluate subjects on the basis of facial attractive-
ness.19 The inclusion of GD as raters is crucial as they
at rest) are the first to assess patients and refer them to special-
8% (47%) 6.00 (4.00-7.00) 5.00 (3.00-6.25) 0.385 ists.20 The knowledge of their preferences will help
4% (51%) 6.00 (5.00-7.75) 6.00 (5.00-7.00) 0.935 generate a better zone of acceptability. In the past, crop-
Normal (55%) 6.00 (3.25-7.00) 6.00 (4.75-7.00) 0.767 ped images were used to assess facial esthetics, which
4% (59%) 5.00 (4.00-7.00) 5.00 (4.00-6.00) 0.805
8% (63%) 5.00 (3.00-6.75) 5.00 (3.75-6.25) 0.940
produced inconclusive or misleading results. Complete
Photographs profile photographs along with close-up dental views
(LAFH/TAFH were used to evaluate the facial attractiveness to over-
with smile) come these limitations.8
8% (47%) 4.00 (2.25-5.75) 4.00 (2.00-6.00) 0.954 In our study, all panels of raters provided the highest
4% (51%) 6.00 (3.25-7.00) 5.00 (3.00-6.00) 0.310
Normal (55%) 8.00 (7.00-8.75) 7.00 (6.00-8.00) 0.346
scores to normal incisal inclinations. These results are in
4% (59%) 6.00 (7.00-3.25) 5.00 (3.75-7.00) 0.903 concordance with Devanna,17 who also found normal
8% (63%) 3.00 (2.00-4.00) 4.00 (1.00-5.00) 0.770 inclinations to be the most attractive among the panel-
Note. Values are median (interquartile range); n 5 66. Independent ists. However, Ghaleb et al15 found that 5 are the most
t test: P #0.05; P \0.001. preferred incisal inclinations among orthodontists and

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Shoukat Ali et al 289

Table III. Facial attractiveness scores with modified incisor inclinations by panels of raters
Photographs incisor inclinations,  GD (n 5 22) OR (n 5 22) LP (n 5 22)
15 4.00 (3.00-5.00) 3.50 (2.75-5.00) 5.50 (4.00-9.00)
10 5.00 (3.75-6.00) 6.00 (4.00-7.00) 7.00 (5.75-8.00)
5 5.5 (4.00-6.00) 7.00 (5.00-8.00) 6.00 (5.00-8.00)
0 6.50 (4.75-8.00) 8.00 (7.00-9.00) 7.00 (5.75-8.25)
5 6.00 (4.00-8.00) 6.50 (5.00-8.00) 6.50 (6.50-8.25)
10 6.00 (4.75-9.00) 6.00 (5.00-8.00) 6.00 (4.00-7.25)
15 2.5 (1.05-4.00) 4.50 (2.75-5.00) 4.00 (1.75-5.25)

Note. Values are median (interquartile range); n 5 66. Kruskal-Wallis test: P #0.05; P \0.001.

Table IV. Facial attractiveness scores of modified anterior facial heights at rest by panels of raters
Photographs (LAFH/TAFH at rest) GD (n 5 22) OR (n 5 22) LP (n 5 22)
8 (47%) 5.00 (3.75-6.00) 5.50 (4.00-7.25) 6.00 (3.75-7.00)
4 (51%) 6.00 (4.50-7.00) 6.00 (5.00-7.25) 6.00 (5.00-8.00)
Normal (55%) 5.00 (3.00-7.00) 6.00 (5.00-7.00) 6.50 (4.00-8.00)
4 (59%) 5.00 (3.75-6.25) 6.00 (3.75-6.25) 5.00 (4.00-7.00)
8 (63%) 5.00 (3.00-6.25) 5.50 (3.75-6.25) 6.00 (4.00-7.00)

Note. Values are median (interquartile range); n 5 66. Kruskal-Wallis test: P #0.05; P \0.001.

Table V. Facial attractiveness scores of modified anterior facial heights with smile by panels of raters
Photographs (LAFH/TAFH with smile) GD (n 5 22) OR (n 5 22) LP (n 5 22)
8% (47%) 2.50 (0.75-4.50) 4.00 (3.00-5.25) 4.50 (3.00-6.00)
4% (51%) 5.00 (3.75-6.00) 5.00 (3.00-6.25) 6.00 (4.75-7.00)
Normal (55%) 7.50 (4.75-8.00) 7.50 (5.75-8.00) 8.00 (7.00-9.00)
4% (59%) 6.00 (5.00-7.00) 6.00 (3.75-7.00) 7.00 (5.00-8.00)
8% (63%) 3.00 (1.00-6.00) 3.00 (2.00-4.00) 4.00 (2.00-6.00)

Note. Values are median (interquartile range); n 5 66. Kruskal-Wallis test: P #0.05; P \0.001.

GD, implicating that having slightly protrusive maxillary that an angle of 93 to the Hr and 7 to the lower facial
incisors are considered to be more esthetic among pro- third to be the most esthetic incisal inclination. We
fessionals.7 GP and LP gave the lowest score to 15 , found that 85.4 to the Hr and 4.5 to the lower facial
whereas OR were displeased with 15 . The possibility third was the most preferred incisor inclination among
of OR being more lenient to 15 could be due to the our raters.
fact that OR favor greater inclinations of anterior teeth, A LAFH/TAFH of 55% was considered to be most
which provide better lip support and portray a youthful desirable among the various panels of raters. In a previ-
appearance. In addition, they are aware of the conse- ous study, short facial heights were considered to be
quences of overretraction of maxillary incisors during more acceptable than longer facial heights on lateral
orthodontic treatment as this would result in a poor facial silhouettes.12 In a recent study, two thirds of a
soft tissue profile and aged appearance. Significant dif- sample of long-faced subjects were considered to be
ferences were found between 15 and 10 among pleasant by orthodontists and laypersons.19 In our sam-
the raters, with professionals providing the lowest scores ple of raters, disagreements were found among raters on
followed by the LP, further strengthening the fact that the most attractive profile without smile; however, it was
more protrusive dental inclinations are believed to be statistically insignificant. The most unattractive profile
more esthetic. However, because no effects of retro- without smile was 8% LAFH/TAFH (long face), which
clined incisors were shown on soft tissues in modified is in agreement with Johnston et al.12 For evaluation
pictures, LP may have failed to understand the impact of the lateral profile photographs with smile, all raters
of retrusive incisors on the soft tissue profile. Ghaleb agreed on the normal LAFH/TAFH to be the most attrac-
et al15 has proposed the total facial concept and found tive. GD disagreed on the most unattractive profile on

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
290 Shoukat Ali et al

Table VI. Comparison of facial attractive scores among 3 groups of raters

Photographs GD (n 5 22) OR (n 5 22) LP (n 5 22) P value
10 6.00 (4.00-7.00) 5.00 (3.75-6.00) 7.00 (5.75-8.00) 0.004*
15 3.50 (2.75-5.00) 4.00 (3.00-5.00) 5.50 (4.00-9.00) 0.021*
8% LAFH/TAFH with smile 4.00 (3.00-5.25) 2.50 (0.75-4.50) 4.50 (3.00-6.00) 0.044*
4 smile LAFH/TAFH with smile 6.00 (3.75-7.00) 6.00 (5.00,7.00) 7.00 (5.00-8.00) 0.002*
Note. Values are median (interquartile range); n 5 66.
*Kruskal-Wallis test: P #0.05.

A limitation of our study was that no comparison for

Table VII. Significant results from comparison be-
facial attractiveness between genders was performed.
tween panel of raters for different variables
Similarly, the impact of smile on anterior vertical heights
P value should also be assessed from the frontal view. Extreme
Photographs GD vs OR LP vs OR GD vs LP
modifications may have had unnatural distortion of the
4 smile LAFH/TAFH 0.017* 0.001* NS face, which is a limitation of the Photoshop software.
with smile Facial features such as skin color, tone, and hairstyle might
15 NS 0.49* 0.010* have had an impact on the facial attractiveness scores. This
10 NS NS 0.001* study was performed using pictures of a subject with Class
8% LAFH/TAFH NS NS 0.020*
I skeletal and dental relationships and a harmonious soft
with smile
tissue profile. Patients with skeletal Class II or III
Note. Values are median (interquartile range); n 5 66. malocclusions with dentoalveolar compensations may
NS, Nonsignificant.
*Mann-Whitney U test: P #0.05.
have an altered upper lip projection and nasolabial angle.
Therefore, the applicability of the results to all classes of
smile with the other group of raters, but no significant malocclusion may be deemed inappropriate. No
differences were found. OR and LP had an agreement previous work has been done on the impact of smile on
on the most attractive and unattractive profiles with anterior vertical dimensions to our knowledge. We
and without smile. These results are in disagreement to recommend the assessment of these features in frontal
different studies which concluded that LP perception view by employing methods to prevent unnatural
could be altered by various features such as hair, nose, distortion. Similarly, the impact of various maxillary incisal
and chin.8,21 Significant differences were found between inclination and LAFH/TAFH should be assessed in other
raters when assessing 4% LAFH/TAFH with smile. OR skeletal patterns.
were more critical and provided much lower scores as
the values deviated more from the ideal LAFH/TAFH.
However, LP and GD found 4% LAFH/TAFH with smile CONCLUSIONS
to be more acceptable. A significant disagreement was
This study was conducted to determine the impact of
found between GD and LP with the assessment of
different maxillary incisal inclinations and lower anterior
8% LAFH/TAFH with smile in which LP found this to
facial heights (at rest and with smile) on facial attractive-
be less unattractive. This portrays the variability of
ness of an adult Asian female as perceived by different
acceptance among different groups.
panels of raters using VAS scores, drawing the following
Smile had a positive impact on facial attractiveness
when normal (55%), 4%, and 4% LAFH/TAFH were
scored. However, we found smile had a negative impact 1. All groups of raters preferred normal incisal inclina-
on facial attractiveness with 8% and 8% LAFH/TAFH. tion to be the most attractive inclination
Considerably lower scores were provided by all panels of 2. LP and OR found normal LAFH/TAFH to be the most
raters to these extreme modifications, which indicated attractive and long facial height to be unpleasant
that the profile was unattractive despite the smile. with and without smile
The process of smiling involves various facial muscles 3. Gender of raters had no major influence on the
and causes elevation of the upper two thirds of the lower facial attractiveness scores
face, including the upper lip.1 These dynamic changes 4. Raters provided lowest VAS scores to smiling
may have increased the prominence of the lower one photographs on extreme modifications (8%
third of the face and aggravated the vertical proportion and 8%) of LAFH/TAFH ratio as compared with
of the face. at rest.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Shoukat Ali et al 291

AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT 9. Sundareswaran S, Ramakrishnan R. The Facial Aesthetic index: an

additional tool for assessing treatment need. J Orthod Sci 2016;5:
Umair Shoukat Ali contributed conceptualization, 57-63.
methodology, software, original draft preparation, 10. Khanum A, Prashantha GS, Mathew S, Naidu M, Kumar A. Extrac-
investigation, and resources; Rashna Hoshang Sukhia tion vs non extraction controversy: a review. J Dent Orofac Res
and Mubassar Fida contributed to manuscript review 2018;14:41-8.
11. Resnick CM, Daniels KM, Vlahos M. Does Andrews facial analysis
and editing, supervision, and validation; Adeel Tahir Ka-
predict esthetic sagittal maxillary position? Oral Surg Oral Med
mal contributed to formal analysis, visualization, manu- Oral Pathol Oral Radiol 2018;125:376-81.
script review and editing; and Ausjah Abbas contributed 12. Johnston DJ, Hunt O, Johnston CD, Burden DJ, Stevenson M,
to data curation. Hepper P. The influence of lower face vertical proportion on facial
attractiveness. Eur J Orthod 2005;27:349-54.
13. Sahu M, Chain S, Koul R, Goel P. A new diagnostic tool for facial
REFERENCES typing. J Indian Orthod Soc 2017;51:294-9.
1. Proffit WR, Fields HW Jr, Sarver DM. Contemporary Orthodontics. 14. Li H, Cao T, Zhou H, Hou Y. Lip position analysis of young women
5th ed. St Louis: Mosby; 2013. with different skeletal patterns during posed smiling using 3-
2. Jheon AH, Oberoi S, Solem RC, Kapila S. Moving towards precision dimensional stereophotogrammetry. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Or-
orthodontics: an evolving paradigm shift in the planning and de- thop 2019;155:64-70.
livery of customized orthodontic therapy. Orthod Craniofac Res 15. Ghaleb N, Bouserhal J, Bassil-Nassif N. Aesthetic evaluation of
2017;20(Suppl 1):106-13. profile incisor inclination. Eur J Orthod 2011;33:228-35.
3. Karimi-Afshar M, Torabi M, Safarian F, Dehghan MA, Karimi- 16. Bass NM. Measurement of the profile angle and the aesthetic anal-
Afshar M. Effect of orthodontic treatments on quality of life in ad- ysis of the facial profile. J Orthod 2003;30:3-9.
olescents. J Oral Health Oral Epidemiol 2018;7:198-204. 17. Devanna R. Turning subjective into objective: profile smile percep-
4. Henrich J, Boyd R. The evolution of conformist transmission and tion of I2 (incisor inclination) and its impact on treatment plan-
the emergence of between-group differences. Evol Hum Behav ning. J Orthod Res 2013;1:27-32.
1998;19:215-41. 18. Abu Arqoub SH, Al-Khateeb SN. Perception of facial profile attrac-
5. Cao L, Zhang K, Bai D, Jing Y, Tian Y, Guo Y. Effect of maxillary tiveness of different antero-posterior and vertical proportions. Eur
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Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2015;148:374-9. 1999;11:311-24.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Biomechanical effect of selective

osteotomy and corticotomy on
orthodontic molar uprighting
Xin She,a Toru Deguchi,b Hai Yao,c and Jing Zhoud
Charleston and Clemson, SC, and Columbus, Ohio

Introduction: Uprighting mesially tipped molars is often a necessary step before implant placement. However,
the orthodontic treatment can be lengthy and discourage patients from choosing implant prostheses. Periodon-
tally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics is reported to facilitate molar movements. This study aimed to evaluate
the biomechanical effects of various corticotomy and osteotomy approaches on the uprighting of a mesially tip-
ped mandibular second molar in a 3-dimensional finite element analysis model. Methods: The initial tooth
displacement and periodontal ligament (PDL) strain in 9 finite element analysis models with various corticotomy
and osteotomy simulations were compared under 3 intended tooth movement scenarios: distal crown tipping,
mesial root movement with restraints, and mesial root movement without restraints. Results: Corticotomy or os-
teotomy approaches altered the tooth displacement and the PDL strain in all 3 intended molar uprighting sce-
narios. The 2 most extensive surgical approaches, the combined mesial and distal osteotomy with horizontal
corticotomy and the circumferential corticotomy at root apex level, resulted in increased tooth movement but
had a distinct impact on PDL strain. Conclusions: It was revealed that different combinations of corticotomy
and osteotomy had a biomechanical impact on orthodontic molar uprighting movements. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:292-301)

olars facing a mesial edentulous space are angles for the dental prosthesis. However, conventional
likely to tip mesially over a long time.1,2 Tipped or miniscrew-assisted orthodontic treatment to upright
molars can cause occlusal and periodontal a severely tipped molar can be time-consuming,3 espe-
problems such as overeruption of opposing teeth and cially at the mandibular posterior region with thick
angular loss of an alveolar bone level. It is a common sit- cortical bones.4 The lengthy treatment time might
uation among adult patients seeking comprehensive or discourage patients from accepting the adjunctive or-
limited orthodontic treatment before bridge or implant thodontic or restorative plan.
restoration for the premature loss of permanent molars. Periodontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics
It is often necessary to upright the tipped molar ortho- were reported to facilitate orthodontic movement for
dontically to develop proper edentulous span and root uprighting tipped molars or intruding elongated mo-
lars.5-8 In these limited data, the authors believed that
Clemson-MUSC Joint Bioengineering Program, Department of Bioengineering, the treatment time was significantly reduced. In a
Clemson University, Clemson, SC. recent clinical case report,9 2 severely inclined
Division of Orthodontics, College of Dentistry, Ohio State University, Columbus, second molars were uprighted with different selective
Clemson-MUSC Joint Bioengineering Program, Department of Bioengineering, osteotomy-assisted orthodontic treatment as part of
Clemson University, Clemson, SC; Department of Oral Health Sciences, James B. the implant site development. It was revealed that the
Edwards College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, selective osteotomy facilitated the distal tipping move-
Charleston, SC.
Private practice, and Department of Orthodontics, James B. Edwards College of ment of a mandibular molar with reduced treatment
Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, SC. time. The biological effects of the corticotomy are
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po- believed to be associated with the regional acceleratory
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported.
Address correspondence to: Jing Zhou, Department of Orthodontics, James B. phenomenon (RAP),10,11 which is the local and transitory
Edwards College of Dental Medicine, Medical University of South Carolina, demineralization and remineralization in the alveolar
1493 Appling Dr, Mt Pleasant, SC 29464; e-mail, [email protected]. bone during the wound healing period. The mechanical
Submitted, October 2019; revised, May 2020; accepted, June 2020.
0889-5406/$36.00 effect of the surgical interruption on the continuity of
Ó 2021. the alveolar bone and the en-bloc movement of the

She et al 293

bone segment is another theory of the accelerated tooth missing first molars and mesially tipped second molars.
movement12,13 that has not been well studied. There were no craniofacial anomalies or history of
Finite element analysis (FEA) is a numeric technique temporomandibular disorder reported from this patient.
for simulating a mechanical process in a physical system, The treatment for the tipped molars was described in a
such as in an orthodontic tooth movement model. It is a previous case report.9 Briefly, the mandibular
valid study method to analyze the immediate tooth second molars were uprighted with selective
movement and the deformation in the dentoalveolar osteotomy-assisted orthodontics in 5 months.
structures under certain mechanical loadings without The 3D geometric models of the mandibular right
using animal or clinical samples.14,15 FEA models have second molar, the mandibular cortical, and trabecular
been applied to study the mechanical effect of cortico- bones were reconstructed through segmentation of
tomy- and osteotomy-assisted canine retraction16 and cone-beam computed tomography images using Amira
molar uprighting.9 It was revealed in these studies that software (Fig 1). The PDL surrounding this molar was
the simulated surgical alternation of the alveolar bone generated using Geomagic Studio designing software
structure can affect the immediate tooth movement (version 12; 3D Systems, Rock Hill, SC) with an average
and periodontal ligament (PDL) deformation. thickness of 0.2 mm17 (Fig 1). The contour of a
Therefore, this pilot study is designed to evaluate the stainless-steel bracket was created at the center of the
immediate mechanical effects of various corticotomy buccal surface of the molar crown using Solidworks (Sol-
and osteotomy approaches on the uprighting of a mesi- idworks 2016; Solidworks, Velizy-Villacoublay, France)
ally tipped mandibular molar in a 3-dimensional (3D) to indicate the location of the applied orthodontic force
FEA model. Clinically there are 2 ways to achieve molar loadings (Fig 1).
uprighting: distal crown movement and mesial root Volumetric meshes were generated separately for the
movement. The distal crown movement can be achieved geometric components, including the mandibular
with an uprighting spring delivering distal tipping and cortical and trabecular bones, the molar, and the PDL
intrusion force. The mesial root movement can be in preprocessing software Hypermesh (version 11.0;
achieved with a moment built in the spring, with or Altair Engineering, Troy, Mich). The numbers of ele-
without the wire cinched distal to the molar bracket. In ments and nodes for each component are listed in the
this study, 3 mechanical settings were designed for these Table. The whole meshed models were then imported
intended tooth movement scenarios: distal crown into FEA software Abaqus (version 6.14; Abaqus, Inc,
tipping, mesial root movement with restraint, and mesial Velizy-Villacoublay, France) for further analysis. The
root movement without restraint (a fixed pivoting point
for the moment, mimicking the effect of the distally
cinched wire). The immediate mechanical effects on
tooth movement and the PDL deformation of the force
systems under the 9 simulated surgical interventions of
corticotomy and osteotomy were studied. Although the
biological effects of the RAP cannot be replicated in
this FEA model, a better understanding of the mechan-
ical effects of various surgical interventions on ortho-
dontic tooth movement may provide insights for
developing future study models or clinical protocols
that maximize the biological benefits of the RAP effect.


With appropriate institutional review board approval,
the 3D geometric model of a mandible was recon-
structed using Amira image processing software (version
5.4; Amira, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, Mass)
from an existing pretreatment cone-beam computed to- Fig 1. Geometric model of a mandible with a mesially tip-
mography scanning of a previous patient (Planmeca 3D ped second molar. Transparent blue and orange, the
Max; Planmeca, Helsinki, Finland; voxel dimensions: cortical and trabecular bones; solid blue, the tipped
0.35 3 0.35 3 0.35 mm3). This patient is a healthy second molar; red, PDL; red triangles, the boundary con-
46-year-old African American male with bilaterally ditions.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
294 She et al

Table. Material properties and element numbers

Geometric components Young's modulus (GPa) Poisson's ratio Element types Nodes (n) Elements (n) References
Cortical bone 10.7 0.3 C3D10 393612 255626 Aversa et al (2009)27
Trabecular bone 0.97 0.3 C3D10 264710 181355 Aversa et al (2009)27
Molar 20.7 0.3 C3D10 19895 13515 Lee and Baek (2012)28
PDL 0.05 0.45 C3D20R 54231 11665 Lin et al (2013)29

mandible, molar, and PDL were modeled to be an models): (a) control; (b) mesial osteotomy; (c) distal os-
isotropic linearly elastic material. The Young's modulus teotomy; (d) combined mesial and distal osteotomy; (e)
and Poisson's ratio were based on previous studies listed mesial osteotomy combined with buccal horizontal cor-
in the Table. ticotomy 10 mm below cementoenamel junction (CEJ);
The FEA models were constrained with fixed- (f) distal osteotomy combined with buccal horizontal
displacement boundary conditions along the bilateral corticotomy 10 mm below CEJ; (g) combined mesial
mandibular sigmoid notches, the condylar heads, and and distal osteotomy with buccal horizontal corticotomy
the coronoid processes to prohibit the free movement 10 mm below CEJ; (h) circumferential corticotomy with
of the mandible on force loading (Fig 1). To prevent sep- buccal-lingual cuts at 10 mm below CEJ; and (i) circum-
aration between geometric models, interfaces including ferential corticotomy with buccal-lingual cuts at root
mandibular cortical bone to trabecular bone, mandib- apex level, approximately 13 mm below CEJ.
ular cortical and trabecular bones to the PDL, and the Shear bands representing the periodontal surgical
PDL to the tooth were constraint to be rigidly bonded. approaches were created using computer-assisted
Three mechanical settings were designed for these design software Solidworks. The osteotomy shear bands
intended tooth movement scenarios: distal crown were all placed approximately 1 mm away from the
tipping, mesial root movement with restraint, and mesial molar root with the dimension of 2 mm wide and a depth
root movement without restraint. For the distal crown through the cortical and trabecular bone. The cortico-
movement, 1 N (about 102 g or 3.6 oz) of distalizing tomy cuts were 1 mm wide and only through the cortical
force and 0.5 N (about 51 g or 1.8 oz) of intrusion force bone. The occlusal and buccal views and 3D models of all
were loaded (Fig 2, A). For the mesial root movement, cutting patterns were shown in Figure 3.
5 N$mm (about 510 g$mm) of mesial root movement The FEA was conducted on the basis of 27 simula-
moment was loaded with and without a fixed pivoting tions (9 simulation models by 3 loading configurations).
point, mimicking orthodontic uprighting springs with Displacement of the molar in each simulation was
and without cinching back at the distal end (Fig 2, B measured on a node-by-node basis. Contour plots of
and C). The forces and moments were directly loaded the magnitude of molar displacement were generated
at the center point of the buccal crown surface. The force to show the tooth movement pattern. The maximum
and moment values are the same as in a clinical case displacement of the molar was determined to evaluate
report9 and within the range of force and moment values the influence of different cutting approaches on tooth
described in previously published orthodontic molar up- movement. Vector plots of molar displacement for
righting studies.18,19 representative models with distal osteotomy cut under
Each type of orthodontic loadings was applied to 9 3 mechanical settings were also created to characterize
different simulated models (1 control and 8 surgical the direction of tooth movement. Correspondingly, the

Fig 2. Three types of orthodontic loads were applied to the center of the buccal surface of the molar
crown, where the bracket was bonded: A, combined 1 N (about 102 g or 3.6 oz) distal pushing force
and a 0.5 N (about 51 g or 1.8 oz) intrusion force; B, 5 N$mm (about 510 g$mm) counterclock moment;
C, 5 N$mm counterclock moment with a fixed pivot (red triangle).

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
She et al 295

Fig 3. Occlusal and buccal views (row 1 and 2) and the 3D models (row 3) of the shear bands
mimicking the osteotomy and corticotomy cuts around the tipped molar. a, control; b, mesial osteotomy;
c, distal osteotomy; d, combined mesial and distal osteotomy; e, mesial osteotomy combined with
buccal horizontal corticotomy 10 mm below CEJ; f, distal osteotomy combined with buccal horizontal
corticotomy 10 mm below CEJ; g, combined mesial and distal osteotomy with buccal horizontal cortico-
tomy 10 mm below CEJ; h, circumferential corticotomy with buccal-lingual cuts at 10 mm below CEJ; i,
circumferential corticotomy with buccal-lingual cuts at root apex level, approximately 13 mm below
CEJ. The asterisk (*) at the distal side of model i indicates that the circumferential corticotomy cut
was at root apex level, different from model h. Solid black lines: 2 3 10-mm osteotomy cuts 1 mm
away from the roots; dashed lines: the 1 mm corticotomy cuts 1 mm away from the roots.

strain distribution and maximum strain in PDL sur- resulted from the combined mesial-distal osteotomy
rounding the molar were quantified in each simulation with horizontal corticotomy (Fig 5, A and B; model g).
and compared between different cutting approaches. This model also generated the most strain in PDL (Fig
5, C and D). The combined mesial and distal osteotomy
(model d) and the circumferential corticotomy at root
In the control model of distal crown movement apex level (model i) showed considerable impact on
(Fig 4, A; model a), the contour plot showed an initial crown displacement with minimum strain in PDL (Fig
displacement pattern comparable to a bodily movement 5, C and D).
with a similar amount of displacement of crown and The application of the mesial root movement
roots in the mesiodistal direction. The mesial osteotomy moment with a fixed pivoting point resulted in the
with or without buccal corticotomy (Fig 4, A; models b desired mesial root movement (Fig 6, A). The combined
and e) did not change the initial displacement pattern mesial-distal osteotomy with horizontal corticotomy
much. The combined mesial and distal osteotomy (model g) resulted in most root displacement and PDL
(model d), the distal osteotomy combined with midroot strain around root apex (Fig 6, C and D). The combined
corticotomy (model f), as well as the circumferential cor- mesial-distal osteotomy (model d) had a similar impact
ticotomy at root apex level (model i) had a similar impact on tooth displacement with the circumferential cortico-
on tooth displacement (Fig 4, B). However, the com- tomy at root apex level (model i), but a different influ-
bined mesial-distal osteotomy resulted in the least PDL ence on the strain in PDL (Fig 6). The circumferential
strain among these 3 approaches (Fig 4, C and D; model corticotomy at root apex level resulted in the least strain
d). The most tipping movement resulted from the com- in PDL among all surgical approaches (Fig 6, D).
bined mesial-distal osteotomy with horizontal cortico- The tooth movement patterns in the 3 different
tomy (model g), which also generated the most strain loading conditions were summarized in Figure 7. The
in PDL (Fig 4, D). vector plot arrows indicated the relative tooth movement
In the scenario of mesial root movement without a amount and directions. The center of resistance of the
fixed pivoting point, all simulation models demon- distal crown tipping, mesial root movement with a piv-
strated most displacement at the crown and least oting point, and mesial root movement without a pivot-
displacement at the distal apex area (Fig 5, A). These ing point was displayed. The 3 different tooth movement
models indicated that the application of a moment scenarios yielded effects of a wide range of magnitudes,
without cinching distal end wire might not result in but the range was comparable to other FEA studies on
mesial root movement. The most tipping movement orthodontic tooth movements.16,20 To visually compare

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
296 She et al

Fig 4. FEA results of the distal crown movement models: A, buccal view of the initial tooth displace-
ment patterns; B, comparison of the maximum initial displacements of the molar in the models; C, strain
distribution patterns in the molar PDL (mesial view) in the distal crown movement models; D, compar-
ison of the maximum strain in PDL.

the tooth movement patterns, we adjusted the value In the current study, 27 simulations of control and sur-
range display in each scenario. gical patterns for molar uprighting movements were
analyzed with FEA. It was demonstrated that the cortico-
tomy or osteotomy approaches have altered the tooth
Currently, there are very limited studies on the displacement amount and patterns, as well as the PDL
biomechanical effect of the surgical bony cuts of corti- strain in all 3 mechanical scenarios.
cotomy and osteotomy on orthodontic tooth movement. The center of resistance of the distal crown tipping,
The mechanical effect of 2 osteotomy approaches on mesial root movement without a fixed pivoting point,
molar uprighting has been studied in a previous clinical and mesial root movement with a fixed pivoting point
case report,9 which correspond to models b and c in the are near the mesial root apex (Fig 7, A), near the distal
current study. It was observed that the center of rotation root apex (Fig 7, B), and at the crown center (Fig 7, C),
on the molar under distalizing and intrusive forces respectively. The 3 different tooth movement scenarios
changed with the performed distal osteotomy (Fig 8). yielded effects of a wide range of magnitudes (Fig 7,

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
She et al 297

Fig 5. FEA results of the mesial root movement models without a fixed pivoting point: A, buccal view of
the initial tooth displacement patterns; B, comparison of the maximum initial displacements of the molar
in the models; C, strain distribution patterns in the molar PDL (distal view) in the distal crown movement
models; D, comparison of the maximum strain in PDL.

A-C). The maximum initial displacement of the root in movement was the mesial movement of the root. There-
Figure 7, A (red area) cannot be meaningfully compared fore, the application of a moment without cinching the
with the maximum movement in the crowns in Figure 7, distal end of the wire may not result in mesial root move-
A and B under the same scale. However, the values of the ment clinically. This might result in a slight eruption of
root movement in Figure 7, B (blue area) and C (red the molar crowns, as shown in the arrows pointing up
area) are comparable. This is in accordance with the clin- in the red areas in Figure 7, B, which is an undesired
ical observations that the mesial root movement seemed side effect that will cause interference in occlusion or
to be much harder to achieve than the distal crown opening of the bite.
tipping movement. In Figure 7, B and C, the root goes The general trend seems to be that more extensive
up against more resistance from the dentoalveolar struc- surgical cuts resulted in more tooth displacement. The
ture than the unrestrained dental crowns. On the same circumferential corticotomy at root apex level (model i)
force delivery system, the crown moves more than the facilitated even more efficient initial tooth movements
apex in an uncinched scenario even when the desired than corticotomy at 10 mm below CEJ (model h) in all

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
298 She et al

Fig 6. FEA results of the mesial root movement models with a fixed pivoting point: A, buccal view of the
initial tooth displacement patterns; B, comparison of the maximum initial displacements of the molar in
the models; C, strain distribution patterns in the molar PDL (distal view) in the distal crown movement
models; D, comparison of the maximum strain in PDL.

3 tooth movement scenarios (Figs 4-6). Combined movement. In the mesial root movement scenarios,
mesial and distal osteotomy (model g) resulted in more the distal osteotomy models (models c and f; Figs 5
crown or root movement in all 3 scenarios than and 6) resulted in more root displacement than the
circumferential corticotomy (models h and i; Figs 4-6). mesial osteotomy (models b and e; Figs 5 and 6),
The extent of the surgical interruption of the even when the desired movement was the mesial move-
dentoalveolar structure continuity seemed to be ment of the root. In a previously reported patient,9 it
associated with the amount of resistance during tooth was also shown that mesial osteotomy only minimally
movement. This trend is in agreement with the results improved mesial root movement. A possible explana-
reported by Yang et al,16 the extent of the corticotomy tion for this effect is that the distal osteotomy released
can affect the mechanical responses of dentoalveolar the tissue constraint on the molar roots from the distal
structures. dentoalveolar structures, especially from the thicker
It was also revealed that the position of the osteot- distal cortical bone after the buccal oblique line in
omy or corticotomy could affect the immediate tooth the posterior mandible.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
She et al 299

Fig 7. Vector plots of molar models with circumferential corticotomy cuts under the distal crown move-
ment model (A), the mesial root movement moment loading without a fixed pivoting point (B), and with a
fixed pivoting point (C). White arrows, the direction of displacement of nodes throughout the molar;
large black arrows, the rotation pattern of the molar.

Fig 8. A clinical case report of a tipped molar was uprighted with osteotomy-assisted orthodontics.9 A,
Surgical procedures of the distal osteotomy. B, Mechanical settings for the molar uprighting. C, Clinical
observations of tooth movements in 5 months. D, The FEA vector plot of the distal crown movement
with osteotomy-assisted molar uprighting.

However, different surgical approaches may result in in the surgical patterns d, f, and i in the distal tipping
a similar impact on initial tooth movement. For example, scenario (Fig 4, A and B). In contrast, the same surgical
a similar impact on crown movement was demonstrated designs may have distinct effects in various tooth

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
300 She et al

movement configurations. An example is the circumfer- functions of nodal displacements.26 Second, the fixed
ential corticotomy at root apex level resulted in a notably pivoting point of the forces and moments in the FEA
different amount of mesial root movement with or model may not represent the exact clinical condition re-
without cinching back. Thus, the clinicians should also sulted from a cinched distal end wire. The limitations of
consider the invasiveness and accessibility of the surgery the cinched angle, the wire flexibility, and the chewing
for different patients to minimize surgical risks and motion may cause the wire to travel slightly in the molar
complications. tube. Therefore, an FEA model may not completely repli-
Regarding the PDL strain, the 2 most extensive surgi- cate exact clinical force conditions. Finally, the FEA
cal approaches, models g and i resulted in increased model is used only to study the immediate mechanical
tooth movement but had a distinct impact on PDL strain. effect of the force system. It does not replicate the bio-
The corticotomy models h and i resulted in relatively logical effects of RAP, which takes a brief period to be
lower PDL strain than most of the osteotomy models. initiated. If the dimension of time or in vivo animal
A low and evenly distributed strain in PDL is considered models can be developed in future study models, it
to be a favorable biomechanical response,20 because will provide more evidence of the clinical applications
light and continuous orthodontic force lead to frontal of the surgery interference.
bone resorption.21 A surgical cut through the cortical An individualized FEA for each patient's molar up-
bone, referred to as corticision in the study by Peron righting procedure is not feasible with current technolo-
et al,22 might reduce the hyalinization during tooth gies. However, the FE models we analyzed in this study
movement. Lower levels of initial stresses in PDL may revealed the key mechanical effects of several common
also relate to less external root resorption in orthodontic surgical options for clinicians. These results could help
tooth movement.23 These findings may provide indirect clinicians evaluate the optimal surgical plans for peri-
support for the claim that corticotomy may result in odontally accelerated osteogenic orthodontics on the
faster tooth movement and less root resorption.24 basis of tooth movement directions, patient dentoalveo-
In contrast, the osteotomy approaches resulted in lar ridge anatomy, accessibility, and side effects of the
increased PDL strain with increased initial tooth move- surgery. Clinicians should always evaluate the extent of
ment. Biologically, a significantly increased PDL strain the surgical injury and the benefit of reduced treatment
may result in a cutoff of blood flow and cell death in time for osteotomy and corticotomy-assisted orthodon-
the compressed area.21 Therefore, the increased tooth tics. The possible complications and risks from the sur-
movement might be explained by the bone block move- geries and the additional cost and possible pain for the
ment theory proposed by Kole13 or the bond-bending ef- patients should always be discussed during treatment
fect or a greenstick fracture of the alveolar bone under presentation. The authors only recommend the careful
orthodontic force.25 This theory is not contradictory to application of the surgical interventions to suitable
the RAP theory proposed by Wilcko et al11 in 2001, which limited or adjunct patients because of the transitory
is referred to as a phenomenon of local and transitory effect of the RAP effect.
demineralization and remineralization that was first
described by Frost10 in 1983. Instead, we believe although CONCLUSIONS
the RAP might contribute to the accelerated tooth move- It was demonstrated that different combinations of
ment during the later wound healing process, the en-bloc corticotomy and osteotomy had an immediate biome-
movement of the bone segment might facilitate the initial chanical impact on orthodontic molar uprighting move-
tooth movement, especially in the posterior mandible ments. The 2 most extensive surgical approaches, the
area with thick and dense cortical bone. combined mesial and distal osteotomy with horizontal
This study was based on an FEA with a simulated or- corticotomy and the circumferential corticotomy at
thodontic tooth movement model. There are several lim- root apex level, resulted in increased tooth movement
itations in the nature of a numerical technique compared but had distinct impact on PDL strain. These results
with a real physical system. First, the FEA is based on the may provide insights for clinicians to design proper sur-
assumption that the material in the modeling system is gical approaches for a certain type of mechanical setting
homogenous. However, bone, PDL, and teeth are com- in molar uprighting procedures.
plex nonhomogenous structures that are simplified in
FEA to be adapted for calculations. Therefore, the study
results should be interpreted with caution with aware- AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT
ness of the limitations of a geometric model, bearing Xin She contributed to data collection and manu-
in mind that every finite element is based on an assumed script preparation and editing; Toru Deguchi contrib-
shape function expressing internal displacements as uted to study design and manuscript preparation and

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
She et al 301

editing; Hai Yao contributed to study design and manu- 14. Kojima Y, Fukui H. A numerical simulation of tooth movement
script preparation and editing; and Jing Zhou contrib- by wire bending. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2006;130:
uted to study design, orthodontic treatment, data
15. Kojima Y, Mizuno T, Fukui H. A numerical simulation of tooth
collection, and manuscript preparation. movement produced by molar uprighting spring. Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2007;132:630-8.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 16. Yang C, Wang C, Deng F, Fan Y. Biomechanical effects of cortico-
tomy approaches on dentoalveolar structures during canine retrac-
This study was supported by the Scholar Award from tion: a 3-dimensional finite element analysis. Am J Orthod
the Medical University of South Carolina College of Dentofacial Orthop 2015;148:457-65.
Dental Medicine and National Institutes of Health grants 17. Wang C, Han J, Li Q, Wang L, Fan Y. Simulation of bone remodel-
P20GM121342 and R01DE021134. ling in orthodontic treatment. Comput Methods Biomech Biomed
Engin 2014;17:1042-50.
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study in women. Swed Dent J 2013;37:97-104. 19. Raveli TB, Raveli DB, de Mathias Almeida KC, Pinto ADS. Molar up-
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Three-dimensional assessment of virtual

bracket removal for orthodontic
retainers: A prospective clinical study
Kaitlin Marsh,a Andre Weissheimer,a Kaifeng Yin,b Alexandra Chamberlain-Umanoff,c Hongsheng Tong,a
and Glenn T. Sameshimaa
Los Angeles and Redlands, Calif, and Houston, Tex

Introduction: Computer-aided design and manufacturing of orthodontic retainers from digitally debonded
models can be used to facilitate same-day delivery. The purpose of this prospective clinical study was to
validate a novel technique for virtual bracket removal (VBR) in-office, comparing the accuracy with 2
orthodontic laboratories that use VBR for retainer fabrication in the digital workflow. Methods: The sample con-
sisted of 40 intraoral scans of 20 patients. Four groups were compared. The scans without brackets were used
as a control group. VBR was performed by 3 groups: In-office VBR (Software Meshmixer, version 3.5.474;
Autodesk, San Rafael, Calif), Orthodent Laboratory (ODL; Buffalo, NY), and New England Orthodontic
Laboratory (NEOLab; Andover, Mass). The virtually debonded models were superimposed onto the control
models using surface-based registration. Regional 3-dimensional Euclidean distances between surface
points of superimposed models were calculated for comparative analysis of surface changes after VBR using
Vector Analysis Module (Canfield Scientific, Fairfield, NJ) software. Results: The accuracy of VBR using the
Meshmixer did not differ significantly from the VBR protocols used by the 2 laboratories. However, there was
a statistically significant difference between the 2 laboratories, with ODL showing lower accuracy than NEOLab.
Although some differences were statistically significant, they were very small and not considered clinically rele-
vant. There was also a statistically significant difference between the 3 tooth segments (incisors, canines/pre-
molars, and first molars), with VBR of the first molars and second premolars showing the least accuracy.
Conclusions: The VBR techniques using the in-office Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab were considered
accurate enough for the clinical use of orthodontic retainers fabricated from printed models. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:302-11)

ne of the greatest orthodontic challenges is bracket removal, pouring the impression up in stone,
maintaining tooth position after debonding, physically carving the brackets off if the impression was
and thus, ensuring timely manufacturing of re- taken before bracket removal, and fabricating the
tainers is key to the success and longevity of orthodontic retainer on the stone model. Problems during the stone
treatment.1 Orthodontic retainers should be placed model fabrication may occur, requiring the patient to
immediately after the removal of the appliances because come back to the office for a new impression. With the
some relapse may occur in a few hours.2,3 Traditionally, introduction of intraoral scanners and software for
retainer fabrication workflow has involved taking an computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided
alginate impression before bracket removal or after manufacturing, orthodontic appliance fabrication tech-
niques have evolved and have become digital.4,5 Advan-
Advanced Orthodontic Program, Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University
tages of 3-dimensional (3D) digital scanning include
of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. simplicity, accuracy, longevity,6 reduced patient discom-
Private practice, Houston, Tex. fort, elimination of impression material in inventory,
Private practice, Redlands, Calif.
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of Po-
reduced storage issues, and minimization of cross-
tential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. contamination.7 Moreover, the intraoral scan can be 3D
Address correspondence to: Andre Weissheimer, Department of Orthodontics, printed in resin and used for appliance fabrication.
Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, University of Southern California, 925 W
34th St, Los Angeles, CA 90089; e-mail, [email protected].
With 3D printing gaining traction in the orthodontic
Submitted, May 2020; revised, August 2020; accepted, September 2020. community, many private practices have been investing
0889-5406/$36.00 in in-office digital laboratories for 3D-printing models
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
and fabrication of appliances to increase efficiency and

Marsh et al 303

reduce the number of appointments for patients.7-10 study. Informed consent and assent were obtained
Using the digital workflow, high-quality retainers can from the legal guardians and patients, respectively.
be fabricated from 3D printed models.7-11 The inclusion criteria for this prospective clinical study
In the digital workflow, the retainer fabrication involves were as follows: (1) patients starting or finishing ortho-
the acquisition of the patient’s intraoral scan, postprocess- dontic treatment, allowing for intraoral scans done on
ing of the digital models in stereolithography (STL) file the same day as bonding or debonding, (2) full fixed
format, virtual bracket removal (VBR) procedure in CAD labial appliances bonded at least from maxillary left first
software, model 3D-printing, and fabrication of the molar to maxillary right first molar, and (3) at least one
retainer before the debonding appointment. The first tooth per segment (incisors, canine/premolars, and first
step in this workflow is to acquire an accurate intraoral molar). In this study, 2 patients were excluded because
scan, which is critical. There are many intraoral scanners of poor scan quality and the presence of a band on a first
in the market that possess trueness and precision sufficient molar. The sample consisted of 40 maxillary dentition
for orthodontic applications.12 Among them, TRIOS 3 intraoral scans of 20 patients of the USC Advanced Or-
(3Shape, Copenhagen, Denmark) is a popular intraoral thodontic Clinic. Two maxillary intraoral scans of each
scanner that has shown good trueness and precision even patient, one with brackets and one without brackets,
when scanning arches with bonded buccal brackets.11 were acquired at the same appointment during either
Studies have shown that digital impressions and models the beginning (before and after bonding, 2 of 20 pa-
accomplish equal or higher precision than some conven- tients) or at the completion of orthodontic treatment
tional impression materials and stone models.14-17 After (before and after debonding, 18 of 20 patients) using
the acquisition of the intraoral scan, digital model the TRIOS 3 intraoral scanner. The scanner’s software
postprocessing is necessary to remove artifacts such as postprocessed the intraoral scans, exporting them as
noise, outliers, holes, or ghost geometry,18,19 preparing digital models in the STL format. Four groups were
the models for the next step: VBR, which is a new procedure compared (all subject participants were included in
in orthodontics in which the brackets are digitally selected each group). Group 1 was the control group that
and removed from the tooth surface to produce a digital consisted of intraoral digital models without brackets
model without brackets. VBR can be performed using (postdebonding scans/prebonding scans). Group 2 was
many different CAD software programs, such as Meshmixer post-VBR digital models from the in-office Meshmixer
(Autodesk, San Rafael, Calif) and OrthoAnalyzer (3Shape). VBR protocol. Group 3 was post-VBR digital models
VBR may take 4-5 minutes per arch, depending on the soft- from Orthodent Laboratory (ODL; Buffalo, NY), and
ware used and the operator’s skill. Once VBR is performed, group 4 was post-VBR digital models from New England
the digital model can be 3D printed to serve as a physical Orthodontic Laboratory (NEOLab; Andover, Mass)
model for retainer fabrication.8 VBR before the debonding (Fig 1).
appointment has the important advantage of same-day The Meshmixer VBR protocol used in this study was
delivery of a well-fitting fixed or removable retainer, with developed and validated in vitro in a previous prelimi-
the added advantage of eliminating an office visit. nary typodont study.20 Meshmixer is freeware software
VBR can be performed either in-office or by an ortho- that can be downloaded at www.meshmixer.com. After
dontic laboratory that provides this new digital service in importing the STL files into the Meshmixer software,
lieu of physical carving of brackets from traditional plas- the first step was the model preparation, which includes
ter models. Because VBR is a novel technique, there are digitally removing scan artifacts connected to brackets
no studies that have tested this procedure to produce ac- before VBR. Per the VBR protocol, surface lasso selection
curate 3D-printed models for retainer fabrication. Thus, mode allows surface faces to be selected without “paint-
this prospective clinical study aimed to validate a novel ing.”21 These selection boundaries can be refined using
technique for VBR in-office, comparing the accuracy the smooth boundary tool. Once the boundary around
with 2 orthodontic laboratories that use VBR for re- the bracket is smoothed, the erase and fill tool is selected
tainers fabrication in the digital workflow. to virtually erase the bracket. Figure 2 details the proto-
The hypothesis is VBR can be performed accurately col for VBR using Meshmixer, which was performed from
enough to be used for orthodontic retainers, indepen- maxillary right first molar to maxillary left first molar.
dently of the software program or laboratory. There are a few outside orthodontic laboratories that
offer digital bracket removal. Two of these laboratories
were selected on the basis of their advertised capability
MATERIAL AND METHODS to digitally remove brackets: ODL and NEOLab. Each sub-
The University Park Institutional Review Board of the ject participant’s digital model was coded with a number
University of Southern California (USC) approved this as not to reveal the subject’s name (eg, VBR #2). All

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
304 Marsh et al

Fig 1. Workflow for VBR clinical study.

Fig 2. VBR with Meshmixer: A, intraoral scan with brackets; B, bracket selection using surface lasso
tool; C, smooth boundary tool (hotkey B) was applied; D, The irregular selection boundary around the
bracket was refined; E, virtual removal of the bracket using the erase and fill operation (hotkey F) set to
property panel defaults; F, visualization of a tooth after VBR.

digital models of the bracketed maxillary arch for each data can be used for the superimposition of 3D surface
subject participant were sent to both laboratories. These data of digital models.22-25 The scans of groups 2-4
laboratories performed digital bracket removal using Or- were superimposed onto the group 1 control models
thoAnalyzer software with their own VBR protocols and using the surface-based registration technique, which
attached a digital model in STL format for each patient provides the best fit between the models (Fig 3). The su-
after bracket removal. To avoid the risk of bias, neither perimposition accuracy on the areas not affected by the
laboratory was aware of the study. VBR was evaluated by the iterative closest point algo-
For 3D evaluation of VBR accuracy, the digital rithm and color-coded maps (6 300 mm visualization
models of all groups were imported into the 3-matic range). To complement the visual inspection, the mea-
3D modeling software (Materialise, Leuven, Belgium) sure analysis locally tool was used to quantify the super-
for 3D superimposition. Although STL models do not imposition error in the stable areas (green color) where
contain any volumetric data, their triangulated surface surface changes were not expected (Fig 3, D). If the

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Marsh et al 305

Fig 3. Superimposition onto control: A, all digital models registration using surface superimposition; B,
digital models of group 3 (pink) and control group 1 (purple) before superimposition; C, after superim-
position; D, superimposition accuracy confirmation using color-coded maps (green hues indicates no
surface changes; blue or red indicates surface changes $ 0.3 mm in different directions).

registration error ranged from 0 to 0.05 mm, the model’s previously indicated by the color maps (Fig 4). A regional
superimposition accuracy was confirmed. Then, the dig- color-coded map (6 300 mm visualization range) of the
ital models were exported as STL files and transferred to selected area illustrated the linear surface changes after
the Vector Analysis Module (VAM; Canfield Scientific, VBR. VAM automatically calculated the minimum,
Fairfield, NJ) for 3D assessment of the VBR accuracy. maximum, root mean square (RMS), and mean values
The entire VBR procedure was performed once by with a standard deviation for each selected area. Com-
each group. All the measurements for VBR accuracy parisons were made between the 3 VBR techniques
assessment (40 maxillary intraoral scans) were per- (Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab), the tooth segments,
formed by 2 separate investigators using VAM to ensure and individual teeth. An overview of the whole workflow
interexaminer reliability. The investigators were third- for the VBR process and 3D evaluation is shown in
year orthodontic residents previously trained by 1 expe- Figure 5.
rienced orthodontist (AW) on how to use the software for The 3 models that underwent VBR in each sample
VBR evaluation. Each investigator repeated all of the were randomized and coded by 1 of the authors to
measurements twice (40 maxillary intraoral scans) after ensure blinding of the examiners performing the mea-
a 2-week interval to ensure intraexaminer reliability. surements. The 3 VBR models in each sample were given
Four groups of maxillary arch digital models were thus the codes U, X, or Y, each corresponding to a specific lab-
identified for the measurements: (1) a control group of oratory that was unknown by the examiner performing
clinically debonded or prebonding, (2) VBR performed the measurements. The coding system was revealed
in-office by Meshmixer protocol, (3) VBR performed by only after the statistical analysis was complete.
ODL, and (4) VBR performed by NEOLab. Regional 3D
Euclidean distances between surface points of the super- Statistical analysis
imposed control and debonded models were measured The RMS values, which best represented the overall
using VAM software. The superimposed control and magnitudes of surface change irrespective of the direc-
virtually debonded models were measured on the labial tion of change of the 3 techniques, were compared.
surface using an iterative closest point algorithm for Descriptive statistical analysis was performed with
comparative analysis of surface changes after VBR. The SPSS (version 20.0; IBM, Armonk, NY) for linear surface
color surface by distance tool (6 300 mm visualization changes because of VBR. Interexaminer (Cronbach
range) was used to display and to indicate the areas alpha) and intraexaminer (Cronbach alpha) reliability
with surface changes to be included in the measurement. were determined. The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to
For each tooth, the paint area selection tool was used to evaluate the normality of the data. Multiple linear
select the area where the bracket was virtually removed, regression analysis with tooth/segment and laboratory

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
306 Marsh et al

Fig 4. Regional evaluation of VBR using VAM software: A, semitransparent original model showing the
brackets position in relation to the VBR displayed by the color maps; B, same color maps showing the
superimposed control and post-VBR scan to indicate the area to be measured; C, paint area tool over
the greatest surface changes indicated by the color maps; D, regional color maps of the painted area
and the linear surface changes measurements of the VBR. Color map (6 300 mm): Red hues indicate a
negative value where unintentional tooth surface removal occurred. Blue hues indicate positive values
where insufficient bracket removal occurred.

as independent variables was first attempted. Because

the laboratory was identified to contribute insignifi-
cantly to the total variance, 3 separate 1-way analysis
of variance (ANOVA) tests26 were used to detect the po-
tential differences between 3 VBR protocols/labora-
tories, separate teeth, and tooth segments (incisors,
canines/premolars, and first molars). Statistical differ-
ences between the test groups were further analyzed
with Scheffe post-hoc test (⍺ 5 0.05).27

Interexaminer and intraexaminer reliability were
determined to be high (.0.9). Because there were no
significant interexaminer and intraexaminer differences
in the VBR measurement reliability, the RMS values
from both operators and measurement trials were aver-
aged by tooth for each VBR group. One-way ANOVA
used averaged RMS surface changes by tooth, from cen-
Fig 5. Overview of the VBR measurement workflow: A, tral incisor to first molar (1-6), and significance was
digital model of the control group; B, digital model with determined at P \0.05. RMS surface changes ranged
brackets before VBR; C, digital model after VBR; D, from 0.10 mm to 0.30 mm, with first molars exhibiting
VBR model and its corresponding control model superim-
the greatest amount of surface change and central inci-
posed; E, models superimposition confirmation; F, selec-
sors exhibiting the least amount of surface change re-
tion of area for the VBR; G, regional color map of linear
surface changes after VBR. Color map (6 300 mm): sulting from VBR (Fig 6). The first molars and the
Red hues indicate a negative value where unintentional second premolar showed the greatest distribution of sur-
tooth surface removal occurred; blue hues indicate posi- face change, indicating the largest error in VBR. Post-
tive values where insufficient bracket removal occurred. hoc analysis with Scheffe test (Table I) showed a pairwise

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Marsh et al 307

Fig 6. Boxplot illustrating RMS surface changes distribu- Fig 7. Boxplot illustrating RMS surface change values
tions by tooth: (1) central incisor, (2) lateral incisor, (3) distribution by tooth segment: (0) incisors segment; (1)
canine, (4) first premolar, (5) second premolar, and (6) canine/premolars segment; (2) first molars. First molars
first molar. The distribution of RMS surface change displayed the greatest distribution of RMS values for sur-
values was greatest for tooth 5 and 6, with tooth 6 face changes and the greatest median value or greatest
showing the greatest distribution and highest median. error. oan outlier; *an extreme outlier.
an outlier; *an extreme outlier.

and first molars) is illustrated in Figure 7. The first molar

statistically significant difference (P \0.05) in averaged segment showed the greatest distribution of surface
RMS values between the second premolar and all other change, indicating the largest error in VBR. Post-hoc
teeth in the arch as well as the first molar and all other analysis with Scheffe test (Table II) showed a pairwise
teeth in the arch. statistically significant difference (P \0.05) in averaged
The 1-way ANOVA of the tooth segments (incisors, RMS values between the first molar segment and the in-
canine/premolars, and first molar) using averaged RMS cisors as well as the first molar segment and the canine/
surface changes and a significance determined at premolar segment.
P \0.05 showed RMS surface changes ranging from In evaluating the differences between the in-office
0.12 mm to 0.33 mm, with the first molars exhibiting Meshmixer method and 2 laboratories, a 1-way ANOVA
the greatest amount of surface change and the incisors was performed using averaged RMS surface changes by
exhibiting the least amount of surface change resulting laboratory (Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab). Significance
from VBR. The pattern of distribution of the surface was determined at P \0.05. VBR produced surface
changes for each segment (incisors, canine/premolars, changes that ranged from 0.15 mm to 0.19 mm, with
NEOLab exhibiting the least amount of surface changes
and ODL exhibiting the greatest amount of surface
Table I. Scheff
e post-hoc analysis of RMS by tooth change (RMS). The pattern of distribution of the surface
Pair Mean difference Standard error P value change is illustrated by a boxplot in Figure 8. The in-
1 vs 2 0.03 0.01 0.405 office method and the 2 laboratories showed a similar
1 vs 3 0.01 0.01 0.930 distribution of surface change which indicates a similar
1 vs 4 0.01 0.01 0.984
1 vs 5 0.09 0.01 \0.001*
1 vs 6 0.23 0.01 \0.001*
2 vs 3 0.01 0.01 0.944 Table II. Scheff
e post-hoc analysis of RMS by tooth
2 vs 4 0.02 0.01 0.897 segment
2 vs 5 0.06 0.01 0.001*
2 vs 6 0.20 0.01 \0.001* Mean Standard
3 vs 4 0.00 0.01 1.000 Pair difference error P value
3 vs 5 0.08 0.01 \0.001 Incisors vs canine/ 0.03 0.01 0.013*
3 vs 6 0.21 0.01 \0.001* premolar
4 vs 5 0.08 0.01 \0.001* Incisor vs first molar 0.21 0.01 \0.001***
4 vs 6 0.22 0.01 \0.001* Canine/premolar vs first 0.19 0.01 \0.001***
5 vs 6 0.14 0.01 \0.001* molar

Note. Values in millimeters. The mean difference is significant at the Note. Values in millimeters. The mean difference is significant at the
0.05 level. Tooth 1-6: central incisor to first molar. 0.05 level.
*P #0.001. *P #0.05; ***P #0.001.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
308 Marsh et al

Table IV. Percentage negative and positive tooth sur-

face change after VBR per laboratory
Tooth surface change Meshmixer ODL NEOLab
Negative surface change (% of 223) 8.9 13.7 29.7
Positive surface change (% of 223) 91.1 86.3 70.3
Note. Values are %. Negative surface changes mean unintentional
tooth surface removal. Positive surface changes mean insufficient
bracket removal.

Meshmixer or OrthoAnalyzer software.20 In this clinical

study, the in-office VBR with Meshmixer was compared
Fig 8. Boxplot illustrating RMS values distribution by lab- with 2 orthodontic laboratories that used OrthoAnalyzer.
oratory: (0) Meshmixer VBR; (1) ODL VBR; (2) NEOLab Meshmixer was chosen because it is a widely-used soft-
VBR. oan outlier; *an extreme outlier. ware, user-friendly, and free-to-download, whereas
OrthoAnalyzer is available at a high cost to be used for
error in VBR. Post-hoc analysis with the Scheffe test in-office VBR for retainer fabrication.
showed a pairwise statistically significant difference VBR is performed on digital models obtained by any
(P \0.05) in averaged RMS values between ODL and intraoral scanner. Although several commercially avail-
NEOLab (Table III). No statistically significant difference able intraoral scanners generate reliable digital
was found between the Meshmixer and ODL as well as models,16,17,28-31 TRIOS 3 was used in this clinical
Meshmixer and NEOLab. study because it was the intraoral scanner available at
The net negative and positive values from the raw the USC orthodontic clinic. Some studies evaluated the
data measurements were added up, and the percentage influence of scanning technique.28,32,33 TRIOS 3 is less
of negative and positive surface changes was calculated likely to be influenced by scanning technique.28,33
for each laboratory (Table IV). Of the total sample of 223 Moreover, it has also demonstrated reliable scanning ac-
teeth, NEOLab exhibited the greatest percentage of un- curacy of dentitions with fixed labial appliances,12,13,34
intentional tooth surface removal (29.7%), followed by which was critical for this study.
ODL (13.7%) and Meshmixer (8.9%). Meshmixer showed The accuracy of VBR processes is evaluated best by
the greatest percentage of insufficient bracket removal superimposing the digital models using surface-based
(91.1%), followed by ODL (86.3%) and NEOLab (70.3%). registration and calculating the distances between sur-
face points, further illustrated by color map-
DISCUSSION ping.14,22-25,35,36 The ability to make meaningful
conclusions about the error due to VBR relied on the
As orthodontics moves from analog to digital, some
3D superimposition accuracy. Therefore, 3D surface-
orthodontic laboratories have started offering VBR as a
based superimposition of the control and virtually
digital service. However, there is no scientific evidence
bonded models was performed using 3-magic software,
regarding the accuracy of VBR, which has been recently
and the superimposition accuracy verified using color-
introduced and used for 3D printed models for same-day
coded maps, ensuring any change on the labial surface
retainer delivery. In our previous preliminary study on ty-
of the teeth would be the result of VBR and not because
podonts, VBR was shown to be accurate and reproduc-
of superimposition errors between the digital models. If
ible with in-office protocols established using either
the registration error was greater than 0.05 mm, quanti-
fied by the measure analysis locally tool, the model’s su-
perimposition was repeated. When the registration
Table III. Scheff
e post-hoc analysis of RMS by accuracy was confirmed (error ranging from 0 mm to
laboratory 0.05 mm), the digital models were exported as STL files
Pair Mean difference Standard error P value and transferred to VAM software. The accuracy of VBR
Meshmixer vs ODL 0.02 0.01 0.341 was assessed 3-dimensionally using VAM’s color surface
Meshmixer vs NEOLab 0.02 0.01 0.356 by distance tool (6 300 mm visualization range) to
ODL vs NEOLab 0.03 0.01 0.015* display and measure linear surface changes between
Note. Values in millimeters. The mean difference is significant at the
the superimposed digital models. The paint area selec-
0.05 level. tion tool, which is designed for identifying regions of
*P #0.05. dimensional differences,37 was used to generate regional

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Marsh et al 309

color-coded maps on the labial surfaces where the The comparison of the in-office Meshmixer with the
brackets were virtually removed for quantitative analysis 2 laboratories showed that ODL had the highest RMS
of the minimum values, maximum values, RMS values, value of surface change (0.19 mm), followed by Mesh-
and standard deviations. To ensure reproducibility, the mixer (0.17 mm) and NEOLab (0.15 mm). Despite the
paint area selection tool remained the same shape and statistically significant difference between ODL and
size for each bracket area selection. This procedure was NEOLab, the surface changes due to VBR are small and
supported by the results, which showed a high degree may not be clinically significant (Table III). Regarding
of intraexaminer and interexaminer reliability. The red the direction of surface changes after VBR, whether un-
hues in the VAM software indicated negative values, intentional tooth surface removal or insufficient bracket
which represented zones of unintentional tooth surface removal, all 3 VBR techniques showed a higher percent-
removal, and blue hues indicated positive values, which age of insufficient bracket removal, being 91.1% for
represented zones of insufficient bracket removal. Aver- Meshmixer, 86.3% for ODL, and 70.3% for NEOLab
aged RMS values, and not the average of mean values, (Table IV). Minor insufficient bracket removal ranging
were used because RMS represents the overall magni- from 0.1 mm to 0.3 mm can be more favorable from a
tude of surface changes, regardless of the direction of clinical and from a retainer manufacturing standpoint
change. Conversely, the greatest value of minimum or than unintentional tooth surface removal, which can
maximum for each tooth detailed the net direction of make the retainer insertion difficult. NEOLab displayed
change. RMS was used in accordance with a previous the highest percentage of unintentional tooth surface
study that measured surface changes between superim- removal with 29.7%, followed by ODL with 13.7% and
posed condyles using VAM software.37 the in-office Meshmixer with 8.9%. Although uninten-
The results of this study show that the accuracy of VBR tional tooth surface removal may be unfavorable
decreases from the anterior teeth to the posterior teeth. All because vacuum-formed thermoplastic retainers may
3 segments of teeth showed a statistically significant dif- not adapt well, these retainers have a certain elasticity,
ference when compared with each other. The first molar and this may not be an issue. In the current study, the
segment displayed the highest RMS value of 0.33 mm, ODL laboratory provided a thermoform retainer with
whereas the incisors showed the smallest RMS value of each VBR model delivered to patients. The clinical
0.12 mm, demonstrating that VBR is the least accurate assessment, although subjective, showed a proper fit of
in the posterior segment. Furthermore, color mapping the retainer on the maxillary dentition. However, future
showed a higher prevalence of blue hues in the posterior studies should evaluate and measure the fit of the re-
segments, implying that there is a tendency to have insuf- tainers fabricated from VBR models, using methods of
ficient bracket removal in the posterior teeth when fit evaluation outlined by previous studies.39 One limita-
compared with the anterior teeth. The proximity between tion of this clinical study was the possible variations that
the posterior brackets and the gingival margins may have may have occurred during the debonding procedure,
interfered with the algorithm used by the software when such as unintentional removal of tooth structure or the
computing the selected area and removing the bracket. presence of some residual adhesive. Using only prebond-
Canines and incisors have brackets positioned in the mid- ing digital models as control would have the advantage
dle of the crown and away from the gingival margins, of no residual adhesive. However, using postbonding
which may explain the better results for VBR accuracy. digital models allowed for clinical assessment of the
In addition, the greatest error in the first molar region retainer fit in the patient’s maxillary arch. Because of
could also be explained by the presence of the buccal the novelty of this research, there is a lack of published
groove and the inability of the virtual removal software articles to compare and discuss the results. The only
to navigate big changes in surface curvature and remove available data for comparison was our preliminary
adhesive inside the groove.20,36 Studies have shown that in vitro typodont study in 3D printed models.20 In the
intraoral scanning with TRIOS 3 is least accurate in the current clinical study, the VBR was less accurate in the
molar region14,28,29,38; however, the scanning error is posterior segment with a tendency toward average pos-
less than 0.10 mm at the distal tooth, which is not signif- itive change, which indicates insufficient bracket
icant.15 Because scanning accuracy was verified to be removal across all groups. Conversely, the in vitro typo-
within 0.10 mm, surface changes seen at all 3 segments dont study found a negative change in the first molars
were likely because of VBR error and not because of scan- and incisors, indicating unintentional bracket removal
ning inaccuracy. Although the VBR surface changes (RMS but positive changes for the premolars and canines.20
values) for all 3 tooth segments were greater than 0.1 mm, The difference between the in vitro and the clinical
they were all within the reported accuracy for orthodontic studies may be attributed to the sample evaluated. The
casts, which is 0.3-0.5 mm.39 former used 3D printed models in gray resin, whereas

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
310 Marsh et al

Table V. Multifactorial comparison between Meshmixer, ODL, and NEOLab

Factor Meshmixer ODL NEOLab
VBR software used Meshmixer OrthoAnalyzer OrthoAnalyzer
Cost Free software 1 3D-printed model $48.50 (1 arch VBR 1 printed $45 single arch package or $90
$2, retainer clear material model 1 Essix) full arch package (includes VBR,
$2 1 labor work 1 other 3D models, and Essix retainer)
variables. Estimation: $10-15
Turnaround time ~ 10 min for VBR 1 time to send ~ 7-10 d ~ 14 d
out to print or perform in-office
Practical application VBR only 1 print in-office for Offers VBR 1 3D-printed Offers VBR only or VBR 1 3D-
retainer or send out to print model 1 Essix retainer as a printed model 1 Essix retainer

the latter used real tooth surfaces where the enamel was Hongsheng Tong: reviewing and editing; and Glenn T.
the surface evaluated. Sameshima: supervision, reviewing, and editing.
Regarding the accuracy of VBR techniques using in-
office Meshmixer, ODL, or NEOLab, although some dif- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
ferences were statistically significant, they were very This study was approved by the University of South-
small and not considered clinically relevant. Despite ern California Institutional Review Board (no. HS-19-
the similar accuracy of the 3 techniques for VBR, other 00590). This study did not receive any specific grant
attributes may also be important for the decision- from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or
making regarding the technique of choice. Table V not-for-profit sectors.
outlines some features of the in-office VBR and the 2
laboratories, including the cost analysis. In-office VBR SUPPLEMENTARY DATA
using Meshmixer has the advantage of being free soft-
ware, and it has quicker turnaround time if the 3D-print Supplementary data associated with this article can
models and retainers are fabricated in-office as well. be found, in the online version, at https://doi.org/10.
ODL has a faster turnaround time than NEOLab and is 1016/j.ajodo.2020.09.027.
comparable in price. Both ODL and NEOLab use Ortho
Analyzer to perform VBR.
Future studies could focus on VBR of other bracket 1. Kravitz ND, Groth C, Jones PE, Graham JW, Redmond WR. Intrao-
ral digital scanners. J Clin Orthod 2014;48:337-47.
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AUTHOR CREDIT STATEMENT 8. Groth C, Kravitz ND, Shirck JM. Incorporating three-dimensional
printing in orthodontics. J Clin Orthod 2018;52:28-33.
Kaitlin Marsh: investigation and writing original
9. Tarraf NE, Ali DM. Present and the future of digital orthodontics✰.
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ogy, investigation, writing, reviewing, editing, and visu- 10. Nakano H, Kato R, Kakami C, Okamoto H, Mamada K, Maki K.
alization; Kaifeng Yin: formal analysis; Alexandra Development of biocompatible resins for 3D printing of direct
Chamberlain-Umanoff: preliminary typodont study; aligners. J Photopol Sci Technol 2019;32:209-16.

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11. Tahir NM, Wan Hassan WN, Saub R. Comparing retainers con- 25. Lin HH, Chiang WC, Lo LJ, Wang CH. A new method for the inte-
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American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2

Treatment of facial asymmetry and severe

midline deviation with orthodontic
Min-Ho Jung
Seoul, South Korea

This case report describes the treatment of a 29-year-old woman with facial asymmetry and 2 hopeless teeth.
Her lower dental midline was shifted to the left side, and the mandibular left second molar would need to be ex-
tracted because of severe caries. The maxillary right second premolar was root rest, and the upper dental midline
was shifted to the right side. Because of the patient's asymmetry and Class III skeletal pattern, a severe Class III
relationship in the right canine region and lingual crossbite in the left side was observed. She did not want jaw
surgery. The mandibular right first premolar, 2 hopeless teeth, and maxillary left second premolar were ex-
tracted, and orthodontic mini-implants were used to correct the dental midline, crossbite, and crowding. The
mandibular left third molar was moved to the second molar extraction space by using orthodontic mini-
implant anchorage. Adequate functional and esthetic results were obtained. Correction of the crossbite on the
left side could improve facial asymmetry by changing the drape of the overlying lips. (Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:312-24)

symmetry is a common finding in the craniofa- into the missing space may be considered rather than
cial region1 and often causes occlusal problems implant placement and third molar extraction. In such
like midline deviation and crossbite. If the de- a case, particularly when the retraction of anterior
gree of facial asymmetry is severe, it is better to improve teeth is not required, anchorage becomes a significant
the problem through orthodontic decompensation and problem.
asymmetric jaw surgery.2 In comparison, if the asymme- The introduction of orthodontic mini-implants
try is mild, it may be difficult for the patient to agree to (OMIs) made it possible to obtain absolute anchorage.5
surgery, and occlusal problems may need to be corrected Asymmetric tooth movement or molar protraction can
through orthodontic treatment alone. To achieve proper be achieved without patient cooperation,6,7 and the
occlusion while conducting the necessary asymmetrical scope of orthodontic treatment has become much wider.
movement, anchorage control is very important. In This case report describes asymmetric mandibular
most patients, it is difficult to improve facial asymmetry tooth movement in a patient with facial asymmetry
without orthognathic surgery, but in some patients, it who was treated with OMIs to improve the midline devi-
can be improved significantly by orthodontic treatment ation and crossbite. The hopeless mandibular left
alone.3,4 second molar was extracted, the third molar was pro-
Some orthodontic patients have a missing tracted, and the patient's occlusal problem was success-
second molar because of severe caries. If the patient's fully corrected with adequate OMI anchorage.
third molar is healthy, protraction of the third molar
From the Department of Orthodontic, Dental Research Institute and School of A 29-year-old woman sought treatment for her chief
Dentistry, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea; Private practice, Seoul,
Korea complaints of facial asymmetry and poor occlusion. Her
All authors have completed and submitted the ICMJE Form for Disclosure of chin was deviated to the left side because of overgrowth
Potential Conflicts of Interest, and none were reported. of the right side, and lip canting was observed (Figs 1-3).
Address correspondence to: Min-Ho Jung, HONORS Orthodontics, 3rd Fl, Tae-
nam B/D, Cham-won Ro 3Gil 40, Seo-cho Gu, Seoul 06510, South Korea; In the posteroanterior (PA) cephalogram, based on the
e-mail, [email protected]. crista galli–anterior nasal spine line, menton was located
Submitted, February 2020; revised and accepted, May 2020. to the left of the midline about 4.7 mm (Table I, Fig 4, B).
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. The mandibular ramus and body lengths were signifi-
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2020.05.019 cantly different from one another, but the occlusal plane
Jung 313

Fig 1. Pretreatment photographs.

canting was mild (0.5 ; Fig 4, B). The interpupillary line incisor relationship did not show significant lateral devi-
and commissure line were not parallel to each other ation during the manipulation procedure.
(Fig 4, C). The maxillary right second premolar and mandibular
Lingual crossbite was observed in the left premolar left second molar were root rest because of severe caries.
area because of jaw asymmetry and Class III tendency. In the maxillary right second premolar area, the alveolar
As the mandibular left first molar was tilted lingually bone recession was observed on the panoramic radio-
by natural dental compensation, there was no crossbite graph. The upper dental midline was shifted to the right
in the left first molar area. Because of the patient's asym- side because the anterior teeth were moved toward the
metry and Class III skeletal pattern, a severe Class III rela- root rest. Separately, the lower midline was shifted to
tionship in the right canine region was also observed. In the left because of mandibular asymmetry. The nose
the right molar area, the Class I molar relationship was dorsum was slightly curved. In addition, nasion, subna-
shown because of the forward movement of the maxil- sale, and labrale superius were not on a straight line, and
lary right first molar toward the second premolar space. it was difficult to evaluate the amount of lateral
The patient did not have any temporomandibular joint displacement of the dental midline. In a frontal facial
symptoms. The bilateral manual manipulation tech- photograph with the soft tissue nasion–subnasale line,
nique was used to evaluate condyle position,8 and the the upper dental midline was located 1.5 mm to the right

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
314 Jung

Fig 2. Pretreatment dental casts.

side (Fig 4, D). But in a PA cephalogram with a crista close the space of the 2 root rest areas. Correction of
galli–anterior nasal spine line, it was located about crowding and improvement of the lip profile were also
0.8 mm to the right side (Fig 4, B). required.
The upper midline was located at the interproximal
surface of the mandibular right central and lateral inci- TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES
sors. Overbite and overjet were within normal limits To solve the patient's chief complaint of asymmetry,
(2.5 mm and 2.5 mm), and a mild to moderate degree 2-jaw surgery combined with orthodontic treatment was
of crowding was observed in both arches. The patient deemed the best option. At the initial examination, she
did not have any specific medical or dental history. displayed 3-dimensional asymmetry. Her mandibular
Her vertical skeletal pattern was normal (Bjork sum, ramus and body length were longer on the right side,
399.1 ; Facial height ratio, 60.5) (Table II), and her and significant lip canting was observed. These skeletal
sagittal pattern was mild Class III (ANB, 0.6 ). Maxillary discrepancies cannot be corrected by orthodontic treat-
and mandibular incisors showed a slight lingual inclina- ment alone. However, she refused jaw surgery because of
tion. Mild lower lip protrusion with lip incompetency fear and concern about the side effects. It was explained
was noted on the facial photograph (lower lip to the and emphasized that, without jaw surgery, her facial
esthetic line, 2.1 mm). asymmetry cannot be improved, but she did not change
On a panoramic radiograph, a horizontally impacted her mind. Thus, after further consultation with the pa-
mandibular right third molar and mesially inclined tient, it was decided to attempt to improve the occlusion
mandibular left third molar were observed. The maxillary and midline without facial asymmetry correction using
right second premolar space was almost closed by orthodontic treatment alone.
tipping and migration of adjacent teeth. Extraction of the 2 root rest was inevitable. To correct
the upper dental midline and crowding, maxillary left
TREATMENT OBJECTIVES second premolar extraction was required. In the mandib-
Because the patient's main concern was facial asym- ular arch, more than 3 mm of incisor movement to the
metry and poor occlusion, the objectives of treatment right side and improvement of moderate crowding
were to improve facial asymmetry and lingual crossbite, (arch length discrepancy, 4.0 mm) were necessary. In
correct the midline deviation, establish a Class I canine other words, a large amount of tooth movement to the
relationship, improve the crossbite on the left side, and right was required in the mandibular anterior teeth.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Jung 315

Fig 3. Pretreatment radiographs.

Implant placement in the mandibular left

Table I. Pretreatment posteroanterior cephalometric
second molar space was recommended because a large
amount of space was left in that region, and the mandib-
Pretreatment ular anterior teeth had to be moved to the right, which
Rt Co-Ag 72.6 could have made it more difficult to close the extraction
Lt Co-Ag 67.5 space. However, the patient wanted to close the
Rt Ag-Me 60.1
second molar space through a third molar protraction.
Lt Ag-Me 52.9
Rt Ag-MSL 49.2 To accomplish such an effect, an additional OMI was
Lt Ag-MSL 49.0 needed to protract the third molar (Fig 5). It was ex-
MSL-Me 4.7 plained to the patient that the treatment plan was very
Rt, right; Lt, left; Co, condylion; Ag, antegonial notch; Me, menton;
complicated even without third molar protraction and
MSL, midsagittal line (crista galli–anterior nasal spine). would be too time-consuming if third molar protraction
was included. The patient finally elected to undergo or-
Mandibular right first premolar extraction with thodontic space closure of the second molar space by the
anchorage reinforcement seemed to be indicated. outlined molar protraction.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
316 Jung

Fig 4. A, Tracing of pretreatment lateral cephalogram. B, Tracing of posteroanterior cephalogram. The

mandibular ramus (Co, condylion; Ag, antegonion) and body (Ag; menton, Me) length, the distance
from Ag to the midsagittal reference line (MSL; CG, crista galli; ANS, anterior nasal spine), and MSL
to Me distance were measured (Table I). C, The angle between soft tissue nasion–subnasale line
(NSL, red) and interpupillary line (yellow) was 92.0 . The angle between NSL and commissure line
(blue) was 87.4 . D, Upper dental midline was located 1.5 mm to the right side of NSL (blue).

Table II. Changes in cephalometric measurements

Pretreatment Posttreatment Postretention
Bjork sum ( ) 399.1 397.3 397.6
Facial height ratio (%) 60.5 61.7 61.6
ANB ( ) 0.6 0.6 0.5
A to N perpendicular (mm) 1.6 1.6 1.6
Pog to N perpendicular (mm) 2.9 1.2 1.2
U1 to FH ( ) 109.8 105.7 105.7
U1 to SN ( ) 100.1 96.0 95.9
L1 to A pog (mm) 4.1 0.2 0.3
IMPA ( ) 83.2 79.7 79.5
Interincisal angle ( ) 135.9 145.7 145.8
Nasolabial angle ( ) 102.2 103.5 103.8
Upper lip to Esthetic line (mm) 0.5 3.1 3.4
Lower lip to Esthetic line (mm) 2.1 1.4 1.4

Note. Bjort sum, Saddle angle + articular angle + gonial angle.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Jung 317

Fig 5. Extraction of the 2 root rest (green, maxillary right second premolar and mandibular left
second molar) was unavoidable. To correct crowding and midline deviation, maxillary left second pre-
molar and mandibular right first premolar extractions (red) were required. To reinforce the anchorage,
OMIs were planned in the lower right posterior and lower left anterior alveolar bone. Green arrow, the
direction of tooth movement; dotted line, nasion–subnasale line.

Fig 6. Posttreatment photographs.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
318 Jung

Fig 7. Posttreatment dental casts.

TREATMENT PROGRESS number of missed appointments was 3, and the total

Because the patient wanted to use ceramic brackets, treatment duration was 30 months.
0.022-in preadjusted edgewise ceramic brackets (Clarity; Before bracket removal, maxillary and mandibular
3M Dental Products, Monrovia, Calif) were placed on lingual fixed retainers were placed. After bracket
the labial surface of the whole dentition. The archwire removal, the patient was given a circumferential retainer
sequence progressed from 0.014-in nickel-titanium wire for the maxillary arch and a Hawley retainer for the
to 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel working wire. Acrylic mandibular arch. The instructions to the patient
bonded bite planes were used in the central incisors to pre- included full-time retainer use for 6 months after de-
vent overbite change and minimize the occlusal interfer- bonding and then nights only for 2 years.
ence during uprighting and protraction of the mandibular
left third molar. Occlusal equilibration in the third molar TREATMENT RESULTS
was also performed during leveling. Root rest and premolar Posttreatment intraoral photographs (Fig 6) showed
extractions were conducted during initial leveling. adequate overbite and overjet, a Class I canine relation-
At the final stage of leveling, 2 OMIs (Mplant U2; ship, corrected midline deviation, and well-aligned teeth.
diameter, 1.5 mm; length, 7.1 mm; BioMaterials Korea, Mild gingival inflammation and white spot lesions result-
Inc, Seoul, South Korea) were placed on the buccal alve- ing from poor oral hygiene were observed. The maxillary
olar bone between the mandibular right first and right first molar showed gingival recession because of
second molars and between the mandibular left canine pretreatment bone recession in this area (Figs 7 and 8).
and first premolar. After a working wire was placed, a The patient was recommended to visit a periodontist
force was applied to close all the extraction space. for consultation. Lip incompetency was improved, and
During protraction of the mandibular left third appropriate canine guidance was obtained. All the
molar, tip backbend, and low-level force (about 100 g extraction spaces were successfully closed. On the left
of force),9 were used to minimize mesial tipping. After side, a Class II molar relationship was achieved. Maxillary
correcting the midline and closing all extraction spaces, molars moved forward by the extraction space closure,
archwire adjustments were conducted for finishing and but the intermolar width was maintained (51.2 mm) us-
detailing purposes. To prevent lingual crossbite on the ing a wide form archwire. In the mandibular arch, inter-
left side, additional torque was given in the lower left premolar width (second premolar, 40.9 mm to 39.6 mm)
posterior region. In addition, a narrow mandibular arch- and intermolar width (44.6 mm to 44.3 mm) were
wire and a wide maxillary archwire were used. The decreased by additional torque and the narrow archwire.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Jung 319

Fig 8. Posttreatment radiographs.

On the cephalometric superimposition tracing, the lower left segment area was 53.20% (Fig 9, E) and
incisors were retracted, and the upper and lower lip pro- posttreatment lower left segment area was 50.57%
files were changed because of incisor retraction (Fig 5, (Fig 9, F).
A). The mandibular plane was closed about 1.8 , and After 4 years and 6 months of retention, she re-
Pogonion moved forward about 1.7 mm. turned for a check-up. The occlusion was stable,
Although the amount of the menton deviation was and a slight relapse of the midline deviation was
not changed significantly in the PA cephalogram (Fig 9, observed (Figs 10-12). Although a mild gingival
B; 4.7-4.6 mm), lip canting was decreased (Fig 9, C), recession was noted, the overbite, overjet, and
and the dental midline was improved (Fig 9, D). To buccal occlusion were well-maintained. In the lateral
evaluate lip asymmetry, according to a previous study,4 cephalogram, there were no significant changes dur-
using a vertical line from the midpoint of the base of ing the retention period (Table II).
the nose (the middistance between the inner outline
of the nostrils) through the midpoint of the philtrum, DISCUSSION
lower lip asymmetry was evaluated by the percentage On the lower right side, a large amount of mandibular
of area of the right and left lower lip. Pretreatment incisor movement was required to treat midline

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
320 Jung

Fig 9. A, Craniofacial, maxillary, and mandibular superimposition composite tracing of lateral cephalo-
grams at pretreatment (black) and posttreatment (red). B, Midsagittal reference line (MSL) to menton
(Me) distance was not changed significantly (4.7-4.6 mm). C, After treatment, the angle between NSL
(red) and interpupillary line (yellow) was 92.1 , and the angle between NSL and commissure line (blue)
was 89.6 . Lip canting was decreased. D, The upper and lower midline coincides, and it fits well with
NSL. E, To evaluate the lip asymmetry, using the midpoint of the base of the nose–philtrum line,4 the left
and right areas of the lower lip were measured. Pretreatment lower left segment area (yellow) showed
53.20%. F, Posttreatment lower left segment area (yellow) was 50.57%.

deviation and crowding. Absolute anchorage was protraction were completed without significant
needed. On the contrary, the lower left side required anchorage loss. The severely deviated dental midline
third molar protraction without distal movement of was successfully corrected without jaw surgery. Without
the first molar. After introducing OMIs as an orthodontic the use of OMIs, the success of such tooth movements is
anchorage source, many studies have been published unlikely.
regarding their effects in various procedures, including Protraction of the second molar into the first molar
incisor retraction,10,11 whole-arch retraction,12,13 intru- extraction space has been reported several times,7,15,18
sion,14 and molar protraction.15 but protraction of the third molar into the
In this patient, the OMIs were positioned between the second molar extraction space is rare. Regardless, the
mandibular right first and second molars and between possible problems during molar protraction are similar
the mandibular left canine and first premolar. On the and include tipping, vertical change, and width change.
right side, the buccal shelf area was used because this Such side effects occur because the force vector
area does not have the risk of root contact,16,17 whereas cannot pass the center of resistance. When pulling the
interradicular alveolar bone was used on the left side. second molar forward, some patients have sufficient
Mandibular anterior teeth retraction and third molar attached gingiva to easily position the force near the

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Jung 321

Fig 10. Postretention photographs, 4.5 years into retention.

center of resistance. Because such treatment is impos- patients, the standard deviation of the mandibular plane
sible in third molar protraction, molar tipping or angle change during treatment was from 1.7 to 9.8 .21
whole-arch rotation can be produced (Fig 13, A).19 In this patient, about 1.8 of counterclockwise mandib-
Because the occlusal force acting on the posterior teeth ular plane rotation was observed. The exact cause is un-
helps prevent molar tipping and extrusion if you use a tip known, but it seems necessary to remember that slight
backbend and light force, side effects can be prevented rotational changes may occur during treatment.
in most patients. When the current patient refused to undergo jaw sur-
On the lower right side, incisor retraction using OMI gery, she was informed that her facial asymmetry could
was performed. Because such a movement sometimes not be improved without such a procedure. However,
produces a counterclockwise rotation (Fig 13, B),20 the after debonding, a significant improvement of facial
acrylic bite planes were bonded in central incisors (the asymmetry was observed. Given that orthodontic treat-
so-called bite turbo) at the initial leveling stage at the ment cannot change the size or shape of the jaw bone,
level of the pretreatment overbite.20 Biteplanes also it is clear that these improvements are not because of
reduce occlusal interference that can occur during molar skeletal changes.
uprighting. To correct the crossbite on the left side, the mandib-
Usually, premolar extraction treatment does not ular canine and premolars moved inward, and maxillary
change the mandibular plane significantly, but some premolars moved outward by archwire adjustment. In
of the patients may show mandibular plane rotation. A this regard, one can easily see the difference in arch
recent systematic review showed that in extraction form by comparing the pretreatment and posttreatment

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2
322 Jung

Fig 11. Postretention dental casts.

occlusal intraoral photographs (Figs 1 and 6). Previous are required for the right and left molars, more attention
research showed that correction of the unilateral cross- should be paid to the bonding procedure to prevent poor
bite improved lip asymmetry.3 In this study, the lower posttreatment occlusion or longer treatment because of re-
lip surface area of the crossbite side was significantly bonding. The posttreatment maxillary occlusal intraoral
improved (from 56.85% to 52.12%) by orthodontic photograph shows 10 molar offset on the right side and
treatment. The improved amount of lip asymmetry was 0 molar offset on the left side.
smaller (from 53.20% to 50.57%) in this patient, but it
seems to be because the lip asymmetry before treatment CONCLUSIONS
was smaller. As the retraction of incisors produces lip
vermilion height decrease,22,23 outward position of teeth This patient demonstrated successful correction of
in the crossbite side can make the lower lip larger, the midline discrepancy and third molar protraction using
asymmetry more intense, and conversely, an inward po- OMI anchorage. Careful adjustment and use of appro-
sition will make the lower lip smaller. It can be assumed priate biomechanics can successfully achieve a large
that the improvement of asymmetry by orthodontic amount of asymmetric tooth movement. Correction of
treatment can only be found in patients with unilateral the crossbite in the buccal segment may improve facial
crossbite and mainly in lip vertical measurements. A asymmetry by changing the overlying lips.
slight improvement in lip canting was also shown in
this patient, which is also thought to be due to vertical
lip changes.
Patient final occlusion can be established as a Class II 1. Vig PS, Hewitt AB. Asymmetry of the human facial skeleton. Angle
Orthod 1975;45:125-9.
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2. Schwartz HC. Efficient surgical management of mandibular asym-
tionship, maxillary molar tubes usually have a 10 first- metry. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2011;69:645-54.
order (molar offset) prescription.24 However, to acquire a 3. Gazit-Rappaport T, Gazit E, Weinreb M. Quantitative evaluation of
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provide good occlusion. 4. Gazit-Rappaport T, Weinreb M, Gazit E. Quantitative evaluation of
lip symmetry in functional asymmetry. Eur J Orthod 2003;25:
Because the mandibular second molar tube of MBT
prescription has a 0 first-order bend and 10 torque,25,26 5. Young KA, Melrose CA, Harrison JE. Skeletal anchorage systems in
it can be an adequate substitute for the maxillary molars in orthodontics: absolute anchorage. A dream or reality? J Orthod
Class II molar finishing in patients. When different tubes 2007;34:101-10.

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Fig 12. Postretention radiographs and facial midline.

6. Jung MH. Asymmetric extractions in a patient with a hopeless maxil- 10. Park CS, Yu HS, Cha JY, Mo SS, Lee KJ. Effect of archwire stiffness
lary central incisor, followed by treatment with mini-implant and friction on maxillary posterior segment displacement during
anchorage. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2018;153:716-29. anterior segment retraction: a three-dimensional finite element
7. Baik UB, Kook YA, Bayome M, Park JU, Park JH. Vertical eruption analysis. Korean J Orthod 2019;49:393-403.
patterns of impacted mandibular third molars after the mesialization 11. Barthelemi S, Desoutter A, Souare F, Cuisinier F. Effectiveness of
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8. Okeson JP. Orthodontic therapy and the patient with temporo- maxillary tooth retraction: A randomized clinical trial. Korean J Or-
mandibular disorder. In: Graber TM, Vanarsdall RLJ, Vig WL, edi- thod 2019;49:279-85.
tors. Orthodontics: Current Principles and Techniques. 4th ed. St 12. Jung MH. A comparison of second premolar extraction and mini-
Louis: Elsevier; 2005. p. 331-44. implant total arch distalization with interproximal stripping. Angle
9. Theodorou CI, Kuijpers-Jagtman AM, Bronkhorst EM, Orthod 2013;83:680-5.
Wagener FADTG. Optimal force magnitude for bodily orthodontic 13. Bechtold TE, Kim JW, Choi TH, Park YC, Lee KJ. Distalization
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Fig 13. A, Because the pulling force vector cannot pass the center of resistance (CR) of the third molar,
molar tipping or whole-arch rotation can be produced during protraction. Occlusal force reduces the
possibility of these side effects. Blue circle, CR of the mandibular arch; red circle, CR of mandibular
molar; green arrow, force and moment acting on teeth by protraction force; blue arrow, moment by
tip backbend; yellow arrow, occlusal force. B, Incisor retraction using OMI may cause counterclockwise
rotation of the mandibular occlusal plane. Anterior biteplane reduces the possibility of bite deepening.
Blue circle, CR of the mandibular arch; red circle, CR of mandibular anterior teeth; green arrow, force
and moment acting on teeth by retraction force; yellow arrow, occlusal force by anterior biteplane.

14. Jung MH. Vertical control of a Class II deep bite malocclu- 21. Kouvelis G, Dritsas K, Doulis I, Kloukos D, Gkantidis N. Effect of
sion with the use of orthodontic mini-implants. Am J Or- orthodontic treatment with 4 premolar extractions compared
thod Dentofacial Orthop 2019;155:264-75. with nonextraction treatment on the vertical dimension of the
15. Baik UB, Chun YS, Jung MH, Sugawara J. Protraction of mandib- face: a systematic review. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2018;
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August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

Laurance Jerrold
Woodbury, NY

ou know what gumballs are, right? They're those (a) knows or by the exercise of reasonable care would
round things that you get out of a vending ma- discover the condition, and should realize that it in-
chine that tastes great for about 30 seconds, but volves an unreasonable risk of harm to such invitees,
if you chew on them long enough can pull out your fill- and (b) should expect that they will not discover or
realize the danger or will fail to protect themselves
ings or extract deciduous teeth. Well, they're a nuisance
against it, and (c) fails to exercise reasonable care
of another type, too, as was noted in Henderson v St.
to protect them against the danger.
Francis Community Hospital, 399 SE2d 767 (Sup. Ct.,
S. Car.; Oct 22, 1990). At trial, the plaintiff was awarded In other words, the hospital, as the operator of the
$75,000 for the injuries she sustained, at which point the parking lot, although not an insurer of the safety of
defendants moved for a directed judgment in their favor, those using the lot, is under an obligation (has a duty)
notwithstanding the verdict. The trial judge granted the to keep the premises in a relatively safe condition. The
motion. The plaintiff now appealed, and the appeals degree of care required to maintain this level of safety
court affirmed the ruling in favor of the defendant. has to be commensurate with the particular circum-
The plaintiff appealed again, this time to the supreme stances relating to its use. It also has to take into account
court. the characteristics of the invitee, such as whether or not
The facts of the case reveal the following. The plain- the person has any infirmities that might inhibit the
tiff went to visit her friend in the hospital. On the way invitee's ability to protect himself.
back to her car, she stepped on an accumulation of sweet The evidence presented at trial reflects that gum trees
gumballs. The unsteady footing caused her ankle to produce little gumballs that are hard and round and
twist; hence she fell, the result of which was that she eventually fall from the tree. Once on the ground, they
fractured her wrist and sustained other lesser injuries. take years to deteriorate and are dangerous to pedes-
It seems that some 20 years earlier when the parking trians because they create an unevenness to the ground
lot was designed, sweet gum trees were planted next and, hence, result in unsafe footing. The evidence also
to the walkway. Roughly 10 years later, an additional showed that when the additional parking lot was added,
parking lot was added. The design firm at that time rec- the hospital was advised to remove the trees because
ommended that the gum trees be removed because the they produced this debris, and the hospital, aware of
debris they exfoliated created a cleanup nuisance. The this situation, did not have a maintenance program to
hospital decided not to undertake the architectural remove the nuisance.
recommendation. In the end, a stairway was created be- Given the evidence presented, it was not unreason-
tween the 2 parking lots, which ran adjacent to the gum able for a jury to decide that the hospital breached its
trees. Enter the plaintiff, followed by the falling and duty of care owed to the plaintiff and that it should be
accumulation of gumballs, leading to both the injuries held liable for her injuries, which is exactly what they
and the lawsuit. found. The court noted that it was a mistake on the
Section 343 of the Restatement (Second) of Torts part of the trial judge and the appellate court to grant
(West Publishing, 1965), entitled “Dangerous Conditions the defendant's motion that the verdict be disregarded
Known to or Discoverable by Possessor,” notes that one and the judgment set aside. The supreme court reversed
who possesses land that is subsequently used by an the lower courts and remanded the case for a new trial.
invitee is subject to liability for any physical harm caused
to that invitee by a condition on the land if and only if
the landowner or possessor COMMENTARY
Look, we all live in the real world, and the real world is
Associate Editor for Litigation and Legislation, Woodbury, NY not perfect. Let's look at some of these imperfections as
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:325-6 they might apply to some of us. Many of you own your
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved. own free-standing office building that has an adjacent
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.05.002 parking lot. What is the condition of the lot? Are there
326 Litigation and legislation

any small cracks or potholes that may cause an invitee Liability might also result from the lack of safety goggles
(patient, parent, grandparent, or whomever) to lose for the visitor in the operatory. The list goes on.
footing or twist an ankle, subsequently slip and fall, We are a personal service business. Our places of
resulting in an injury? business are places of public accommodation and are
Maybe there is a stairway, even just a stoop, or an in- open to all who are invited to enter our premises.
clined walkway that in icy conditions could prove haz- Whether we own or rent, we owe those invites the
ardous. Is there a railing? Maybe, it's the walkway or assurance that they will not suffer an injury because
sidewalk from the parking lot or street parking which we have allowed unsafe conditions that we know, or
you are ultimately responsible for that has an uneven should know of, to exist within those premises. If we
surface that you have been made aware of. If you own are aware of such conditions but cannot immediately
a corner lot, maybe it’s the big bush that blocks a motor- mitigate them, we have a duty to advise those invitees
ist's view of another driver or cyclist coming from a to take heed of and use special care concerning their
different direction that is the potential source of liability. use of those areas. Rope it off, put up stations or
Move inside for a minute. Got worn or loose post signs, create other paths of ingress and egress.
carpeting that may contribute to a trip? No, not that You see these mitigations all the time in supermarkets,
kind of trip; the one that lands someone in a hospital. parking lots, walkways, you know, all those places in
Maybe there is a little dollop of water spilled on a tile the real world.
floor in a hallway that creates a slippery condition. It We are exposed to potential liability on many fronts.
could be that there is a dental chair that is not locked Professional negligence, malpractice, is just one. Pre-
in position resulting in a not so minor slip and fall. mises liability is another biggie. No gumballs for me.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

A recently released report by a major the burden of disease, and bolstering clinical research;
scientific academy proposes significant all 4 priorities form the basis for improving patient-
centered care. In response, the NIH and the National In-
changes in understanding and managing stitute of Dental and Craniofacial Research established
temporomandibular disorders the temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJs) multi-
council working group to review the NASEM report
Charles S. Greene,a John W. Kusiak,b Terrie Cowley,b and the recommendations, and then to develop strat-
and Allen W. Cowley, Jr.c
egies for NIH to better support research efforts in this
Chicago, Ill, and Milwaukee, Wis
area. The work of this group is underway. The MDEpiNet
Patient-Led RoundTable developed a research plan that
A recent consensus study report1 of the National Aca- is in accord with the NASEM report. In a patient-driven
demies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) initiative, members of the TMJA are seeking additional
recommends that the field of temporomandibular disor- funds for TMJ research.
ders (TMDs) must be totally changed in terms of bio- Recommendations 5 and 6 aim to improve the quality
medical research, professional education and training, of care for TMD patients through improved disease risk
and patient care. Recent research demonstrates that assessment and stratification, diagnostics, and dissemi-
TMDs are complex multisystem disorders, which points nation of clinical practice guidelines and metrics of
to the need for a different, patient-centered, interprofes- care. A current focus of the Food and Drug Administra-
sional approach to TMD research and treatment. There- tion and its MDEpiNet Initiative is the Coordinated
fore, traditional dental-centric approaches to research Registry Network, which gathers real-world evidence
and treatment of TMDs must be modernized to align data on patients’ health status and care in several linked
with insights gained from new scientific discoveries. registries to be used in health care decision making and
The NASEM Study Report was produced by a committee postmarket monitoring of approved devices and other
on “Temporomandibular Disorders: Priorities for Re- treatments. Acting as the catalyst to advance the needs
search and Care (2020)” to address improved care and of patients with TMJ implants, the TMJA developed
new research directions for TMD. This announcement the TMJ Patient-Led RoundTable—the first patient-
summarizes the NASEM committee's recommendations centered, public-private collaboration among the federal
and reports on ongoing efforts to implement these rec- government, scientists, clinicians, dentists, advocates,
ommendations. These efforts are led by the TMJ Associ- manufacturers, and others. The patient-led registry for
ation (TMJA), a nonprofit patient advocacy TMD that will be part of the Coordinated Registry Net-
organization, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), work and addresses recommendations 5 and 6 by pro-
and the TMJ Patient-Led RoundTable under the auspi- viding a large dataset to be used in determining risk
ces of the United States Food and Drug Administration assessments for various TMD treatments and establish-
and its Medical Device Epidemiology Network (MDEpi- ing clinical guidelines for the care of patients suffering
Net). from TMD disorders.
In March 2020, the committee released a consensus Recommendation 7 focuses on improved reimburse-
study report1 which included 11 recommendations cov- ment and access to assessment, treatment, and manage-
ering research, treatments, training, and education. The ment of TMDs. These recommendations will be
report proposed near-term and medium-to long-term addressed in a more long-term fashion, pending out-
recommendations to address gaps and opportunities in comes of results from other recommendations.
each area. Recommendations 8-10 are centered on improving
The first 4 recommendations focus on developing a TMD patient treatments and propose to develop “Cen-
national research consortium and setting priorities for ters of Excellence for TMDs and Orofacial Pain Treat-
basic and translational research, public health research, ment” (recommendation 8), improve professional
school education (recommendation 9), and expand spe-
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Ill.
cialized continuing education for health care providers
The TMJ Association, Milwaukee, Wis. (recommendation 10). To improve dental education,
Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Wis. the TMJA and the American Association of Orofacial
Address correspondence to: Charles S. Greene, University of Illinois at Chicago,
College of Dentistry, Department of Orthodontics, 1041 Ridge Rd, Apt 304,
Pain recommended to the Committee on Dental Accred-
Wilmette, IL 60091; e-mail, [email protected]. itation that TMJ must be included in the dental school
Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2021;160:327-8 curriculum. That recommendation was approved and
Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists. All rights reserved.
will be implemented in 2022, and as a result, the
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajodo.2021.05.003 TMJA and the American Association of Orofacial Pain
328 International Items of Interest

are developing TMD predoctoral core curriculum out- dental-focused treatments for TMDs must be recon-
lines. Separately, the TMJA has established a Working ceived toward a multidisciplinary, interprofessional
Group on Interprofessional Models of TMD Care. This team approach involving specialists within the broader
group is exploring ways to develop a new multidiscipli- medical community.2 The treatments must be patient-
nary model of TMD care involving expertise across med- centered and evidence-based, and when necessary,
icine, dentistry, nursing, physical therapy, psychological the use of any implanted devices must undergo
therapies, and other relevant areas of health care. rigorous premarketing evaluation and postmarketing
Recommendation 11 addresses patient education surveillance.
and awareness about TMDs and reducing the stigma New models of disease treatment and novel research
of the disease. The NASEM recommends that the hypotheses are desperately required to revolutionize the
TMJA and TMJ Patient-Led RoundTable members scientific and clinical approaches toward these condi-
work together with the American Medical Association tions. Research expertise not presently represented in
Education group, American Dental Education Associa- the TMD portfolio is essential to uncover new infor-
tion, and the National Institute of Dental and Craniofa- mation that will form the basis for interprofessional
cial Research Office of Communications and Health care, clinical guidelines, and disease and treatment
Education to develop educational materials for TMDs, risk assessments. Equipped with these new concepts,
based on the current understanding of this disorder as multidisciplinary teams of health care providers will
summarized in the NASEM report. These materials will be able to diagnose, treat, and manage TMDs in a
include brochures, videos, and virtual educational work- professional, patient-centered, and caring way that
shops addressing many aspects of TMD management will improve the health and lives of TMD patients.
and care, access to quality treatments, and approaches
to stigma reduction.
The actions described above are only the first steps REFERENCES
in a major effort to carry out a much-needed paradigm 1. National Academies of Sciences. Engineering, and Medicine. Tem-
shift directed toward TMD research, treatment, and poromandibular Disorders: Priorities for Research and Care. Wash-
education. The NASEM report and its recommenda- ington, DC: The National Academies Press; 2020. Available at:
tions are a direct call to the biomedical research and
health care communities to advance 21st-century 2. Greene CS, Manfredini D. Treating temporomandibular disorders in
science-based research and treatments of TMDs. The the 21st century: can we finally eliminate the “Third Pathway”? J
new research results strongly suggest that the current Oral Facial Pain Headache 2020;34:206-16.

August 2021  Vol 160  Issue 2 American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics

August 2021 CE Editor: Dr Allen H. Moffitt

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version of the test. Results are tabulated immediately. To earn 3 certificate.


After completing this course, the participant will have: 5. The objective of this study was to evaluate short and long-term re-
1. An understanding of the mechanical behavior of a newly designed sults of the application of the Alt-RAMEC technique in patients with
closing loop using the finite element method to evaluate. skeletal Class III malocclusion.
2. Familiarity with the use of the Liou-alternate rapid maxillary expan- 1. True
sion/constriction (Alt-RAMEC) technique in patients with skeletal 2. False
Class III malocclusions.
3. An appreciation of how laypeople and orthodontists view alterations 6. In the experimental group, after completion of the expansion/
in the profile of a female subject with retrognathia. constriction cycles, maxillary protraction was delivered using a
4. Awareness of the accuracy of virtual bracket removal (VBR) tech- reverse pull headgear appliance.
niques in fabricating orthodontic retainers from 3-dimensional- 1. True
printed models. 2. False
7. The authors reported an average maxillary advancement for the
Article 1: Simulation of orthodontic tooth movement during experimental study group of 5.9 mm 1 1.7 mm.
activation of an innovative design of closing loop using the 1. True
finite element method, by Tuan Nguyen Anh et al 2. False
1. The objectives of this study were to clinically evaluate orthodontic 8. The authors concluded that the Liou-Alt-RAMEC technique should
tooth movement during the activation of a newly designed closing be performed before the pubertal growth spurt.
loop combined with a gable bend and to investigate the optimal 1. True
activation conditions to achieve the desired tooth movement. 2. False
1. True
2. False
Article 3: Attractiveness assessment by orthodontists and
2. The basic design of the closing loop examined in this study was a laypeople judging female profile modifications of Class II
teardrop that was 10 mm in height and 2 mm in width, bent from Division 1 malocclusion, by Kadriye Kalin et al
a 0.019 3 0.025-in stainless steel archwire. 9. This study aimed to investigate and compare the judgments of
1. True laypeople and orthodontists on the effect of different soft tissue al-
2. False terations on the profile of a female patient with a Class II Division 1
malocclusion with mandibular retrognathia, produced by software
3. The authors reported that a gable bend of 15 in the archwire
simulated camouflage or mandibular advancement treatment.
demonstrated lingual root tipping of the central incisor of 1.14 .
1. True
1. True
2. False
2. False
10. The study population comprised 162 laypeople and 44 orthodon-
4. The authors concluded that torque control of the anterior teeth
and anchorage control of the posterior teeth could be carried
1. True
out effectively and simply by reducing by half the thickness of
2. False
the teardrop loop as described to a distance of 3 mm from its
apex and by incorporating various degrees of a gable bend into 11. The authors reported that laypeople found the camouflage treat-
the loop. ment less attractive than did the orthodontists.
1. True 1. True
2. False 2. False
12. The authors concluded that the untreated baseline profile of a fe-
Article 2: Long-term follow-up of late maxillary orthopedic male subject with mandibular retrognathia was judged least attrac-
advancement with the Liou-Alternate rapid maxillary expan- tive by both laypeople and orthodontists.
sion/constriction technique in patients with skeletal Class III 1. True
malocclusion, by Maria Costanza Meazzini et al 2. False

Article 4: Three-dimensional assessment of virtual bracket 15. The authors reported a statistically significant difference
removal for orthodontic retainers: A prospective clinical between the 2 laboratories, with Orthodent Laboratory
study, by Kaitlin Marsh et al showing lower accuracy than New England Orthodontic
13. This prospective clinical study aimed to validate a novel technique Laboratory.
for virtual bracket removal (VBR) in-office, comparing its retainer 1. True
fabrication accuracy to traditional bracket removal with impressions 2. False
and 2 orthodontic laboratories that use VBR for retainer fabrication.
1. True 16. The authors concluded that the VBR techniques using the
2. False in-office Meshmixer VBR protocol or the 2 orthodontic labora-
tories were considered accurate enough for clinical use of
14. All measurements for VBR accuracy assessment were performed by
orthodontic retainers fabricated from 3-dimensional-printed
2 separate investigators using the vector analysis module to ensure
interexaminer reliability.
1. True 1. True
2. False 2. False


AAO Officers and Organizations

American Association of Orthodontists Secretary, Lisa Howard, Scarborough, ME Director, Jae Hyun Park, Mesa, AZ
Annual Session June 25-27, 2021, Treasurer, Mariana De Deus Haughey, Director, Roberto Hernandez-Orsini,
Virtual Lansing, MI San Juan, PR
President, J Kendall Dillehay, Trustee, John Callahan, Syracuse, NY Director, Stephen McCullough, Yukon, OH
Wichita, KS Executive Director, Kristen E. Dunn, Director, P. Emile Rossouw, Rochester, NY
President-Elect, Norman J. Nagel, 2929 Arch St, Ste 1700, Philadelphia, PA Director, Anthony M Puntillo, Crown Point, IN
Simi Valley, CA 19104; telephone, 1-800-981-0476; e-mail, Executive Director, Carole Newport,
Secretary-Treasurer, Myron D. Guymon, [email protected] 401 N Lindbergh Blvd, Suite 300,
Logan, UT St Louis, MO 63141; telephone,
Speaker of the House, Dennis C. Hiller, Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists 314-432-6130; e-mail,
Thornton, NH President, Marie Lathrop, Portland, OR [email protected]
Editor-in-Chief, Rolf G. Behrents, President-Elect, Tom Merrill, East Wenatchee,
Overland Park, KS WA American Association of Orthodontists
Executive Director, Lynne Thomas Gordon, Secretary-Treasurer, John Wachtel, Foundation Board of Directors
401 N Lindbergh Blvd, Scottsdale, AZ President, Orhan C. Tuncay (MASO)
St Louis, MO 63141; Trustee, Norman J. Nagel, Simi Valley, CA Secretary-Treasurer ex officio, Lynne Thomas
telephone, 800-424-2841; e-mail, Executive Director, Callie Castro, CAE, Gordon
[email protected] 15621 W 87th St. #267, Lenexa, KS 66219; National Planned Giving Chair, Robert James
telephone, 833-621-7276; e-mail, Bray (MASO)
Great Lakes Association of Orthodontists [email protected] National Endowment Campaign Chair, Eric R.
President, Anthony Puntillo, Crown Point, IN Nease, SAO
President-Elect, Valerie Martone, Beaver, PA Rocky Mountain Society of Orthodontists PARC Board Liaison, Wanda Claro (SAO)
Vice President, J. Martin Palomo, Cleveland, President, Anil Idiculla, Lone Tree, CO Executive Director, Jackie Bode
OH President-Elect, Daniella Phillis, Durango, CO Email: [email protected]
Secretary-Treasurer, Scott Schulz, Traverse Vice-President, Kristen Lowe, Aurora, CO
City, MI Secretary-Treasurer, Morris L. Poole, Logan, College of Diplomates of the American Board
Trustee, Michael W. Sherman, Thornhill, ON, UT of Orthodontics
Canada Trustee, Myron D. Guymon, Logan, UT President, Daniel J. Rejman, Castle Rock, CO
Executive Director, Debbie Nunner, 400 W Executive Director, Jennifer Bennett, 15621 President-Elect, Linda Rigali, Northampton,
Wilson Bridge RD Ste 120, Worthington, OH W 87th St #267, Lenexa, KS 66219; MA
43085; telephone, 877-274-6420; fax, 614- telephone/fax, (833) 226-7676; e-mail, Secretary, Ashok Kothari, Countryside, IL
221-5720; e-mail, debbie@assnoffices.com [email protected] Treasurer, Sandy Bigman, San Ramon, CA
Councilors, Paul Sproul, Madison, AL;
Middle Atlantic Society of Orthodontists Southern Association of Orthodontists
Matthew Ng, Katy, TX
President, Francis Picon, San Juan, Puerto Rico President, Sims Tompkins, Columbia, SC
Editor, Howard Fine, Golden Bridge, NY
President-Elect, Madeleine Goodman, President-Elect, Mark W. Dusek, Savannah, GA
Historian, John William M. Carter, Leawood, KS
Potomac, MD Secretary-Treasurer, Preston Miller, Jackson,
Parliamentarian, Perry Opin, Milford, CT
Secretary, Alireza O. Rajael, Waldorf, MD TN
Executive Director, Kristi Burmeister, 2131
Treasurer, Dave Harmon, Mitchellville, MD Trustee, Richard A Williams, Southaven, MS
Meadow Valley Dr, Innsbrook, MO 63390
Trustee, Steven Siegel, Glen Burnie, MD Executive Director, Heather Hunt, 32 Lenox
Email: [email protected]
Executive Director, Jane Treiber, 400 W. Pointe NE, Atlanta, GA 30324-3169;
Phone 888-217-2988
Wilson Bridge Rd, Ste 120, Worthington, telephone, 404-261-5528; fax 844-214-1224;
Fax 636-745-3012
OH 43085; telephone, 866-748-6276; e-mail, [email protected]
fax, 614-221-1989; email, College of Diplomates of the American Board
Jane@assnoffices.com Southwestern Society of Orthodontists
President, R. Bryn Cooper, Houston, TX of Orthodontics Foundation
Midwestern Society of Orthodontists President-Elect, Jesse Teng, El Paso, TX President, Robert Vaught, Savannah, GA
President, Scott Arbit, Mequon, WI Vice President, Joe Moon, Overland Park, KS President-Elect, Daniel Rejman, Castle
President-Elect, Mark Dake, West Plains, Secretary-Treasurer, Onur Kadioglu, Rock, CO
MO Shawnee, OK Secretary-Treasurer, Linda Rigali,
Secretary-Treasurer, Nellie Kim-Weroha, Trustee, Steven Robirds, Austin, TX Northampton, MA
Rochester, MN Interim Executive Director, Cindy Metcalf, 6708 Trustees: Eric Dellinger, Angola, IN;
Trustee, Michael G. Durbin, Des Plaines, IL Menchaca Road, Unit 30, Austin, TX 78745; Rodney Hyduk, Troy, MI; Michael Guess,
Executive Director, Kristi Burmeister, 2131 telephone, 918-960-2666; fax, 404-521-4180; El Dorado Hills, CA; Robert Moss, Albany,
Meadow Valley Dr, Innsbrook, MO 63390; email, [email protected] GA; Kenneth Hrechka, Oxon Hill, MD;
telephone, 636-745-3008; fax, 636-745- Paul E. Miller, Quincy, IL; and Terry Sobler,
3012; e-mail, [email protected] American Board of Orthodontics New City, NY
President, David G. Sabott, Lafayette, CO Executive Director, Dave Burmeister, 2131
Northeastern Society of Orthodontists President-Elect, Patrick F. Foley, Meadow Valley Dr. Innsbrook, MO 63390
President, Dan Stuart, Dartmouth, Nova Scotia Lake Zurich, IL Email: [email protected]
President-Elect, Kenneth Webb, Westborough, Secretary-Treasurer, Timothy Trulove, Phone 888-217-2988
MA Montgomery, AL Fax 636-745-3012

Founded in 1915 Volume 160 Number 2 August 2021
Copyright Ó 2021 by the American Association of Orthodontists

On the cover: Traditionally, retainer fabrication workflow has involved taking an alginate
impression, pouring the impression up in stone, and fabricating the retainer on the stone
model. Problems during fabrication can occur, requiring the patient to return to the office
for a new impression. With the intraoral scans and CAD-CAM software, orthodontic
appliance fabrication techniques have evolved and have become digital. The brackets
can be removed digitally using software. Then a new model can be printed in 3D and the
retainer fabricated before the debonding appointment. Drs. Marsh and Weissheimer and
colleagues at the University of Southern California performed a clinical study to validate
an innovative technique for virtual bracket removal. They also compared the accuracy
with that of 2 digital orthodontic laboratories that also use virtual bracket removal for
retainer fabrication. The images on the cover show the virtual bracket removal process
with Meshmixer software for retainer fabrication before the debonding appointment.
The smiling patient on the cover is Dawson High. His orthodontic treatment was provided
by James Klarsch, St. Louis, Mo.

Business science and evidence-based decision making 159
Donald J. Rinchuse, Irwin, Pa

Hypoxia-inducible factor-1a may be the first host response in orthodontic tooth 163
Stephanos Kyrkanides, Rochester, NY

Author’s response 164

Ching-Chang Ko, Columbus, Ohio

Correcting skeletal open bite with clear aligners and miniscrews 165
Robert Waxler, St. Louis, Mo

Author’s response 165

Teresa Pinho, Paredes, Portugal

Skeletal open bite treated with clear aligners and miniscrews 166
Yash Agarwal, Manish Goyal, Mukesh Kumar, and Amandeep Kaur, Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh,

Author’s response 167

Teresa Pinho, Paredes, Portugal

Video available with article online at www.ajodo.org

The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics (ISSN 0889-5406) is published monthly by Elsevier Inc., 230 Park
Avenue, Suite 800, New York, NY 10169. Periodicals postage paid at New York, NY and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to Elsevier, Journal Returns, 1799 Highway 50 East, Linn, MO 65051.

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/August 2021

CONTENTS continued

The foundation 169
Peter M. Greco, Philadelphia, Pa

Machine learning and orthodontics, current trends and the future opportunities: 170
A scoping review
Hossein Mohammad-Rahimi, Mohadeseh Nadimi, Mohammad Hossein Rohban, Erfan Shamsoddin,
Victor Y. Lee, and Saeed Reza Motamedian, Tehran, Iran, and New York, NY

Biomonitoring of children and adolescents using orthodontic appliances made of 193
acrylic resins through micronucleus testing of exfoliated buccal and palatal mucosa
Joao Pedro Pedrosa Cruz, Nilton Cesar Nogueira dos Santos, Matheus Melo Pithon, and
Eneida de Morais Marcılio Cerqueira, Jequie, Bahia, and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Bias in a blink: Shedding light on implicit attitudes toward patients with a cleft lip 200
Rany M. Bous, Anthony Lyamichev, Ashleigh Kmentt, and Manish Valiathan, Cleveland, Ohio

Evaluation of antimicrobial potential and surface morphology in thin films of titanium 209
nitride and calcium phosphate on orthodontic brackets
Licia Pacheco Teixeira, Leonardo Cabral Gontijo, Adonias Ribeiro Franco J
Monalessa Fabia Pereira, Ricardo Pinto Schuenck, and Juliana Malacarne-Zanon, Vitoria, Espırito
Santo, Brazil

A clinically friendly viscoelastic finite element analysis model of the mandible with 215
Herbst appliance
Zahra Heidari Zadi, Amir J. Bidhendi, Ali Shariati, and Eung-Kwon Pae, Dumfries and Montclair,
Va, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, and Baltimore, Md

Long-term follow-up of late maxillary orthopedic advancement with the Liou-Alternate 221
C rapid maxillary expansion-constriction technique in patients with skeletal Class III
E malocclusion
Maria Costanza Meazzini, Camilla Torre, Alessandro Cappello, Roberto Tintinelli, Elena De Ponti,
and Fabio Mazzoleni, Monza and Milan, Italy

Diagnostic accuracy of lateral cephalograms and cone-beam computed tomography 231

for the assessment of sella turcica bridging
Ashley Marie Acevedo, Manuel Lagravere-Vich, and Thikriat Al-Jewair, Bridgeport, CT, Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada, and Buffalo, NY

Simulation of orthodontic tooth movement during activation of an innovative design of 240

C closing loop using the finite element method
E Tuan Nguyen Anh, Ryo Hamanaka, Sachio Jinnai, Hiroya Komaki, Satoshi Yamaoka,
Jun-ya Tominaga, Yoshiyuki Koga, and Noriaki Yoshida, Nagasaki, Japan

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/August 2021

CONTENTS continued

Efficacy of Invisalign attachments: A retrospective study 250

Theresa Karras, Maharaj Singh, Emelia Karkazis, Dawei Liu, Ghada Nimeri, and Bhoomika Ahuja,
Milwaukee, Wis, and Chicago, Ill

Biomechanical analysis for total distalization of the maxillary dentition: A finite 259
element study
Jun Kawamura, Jae Hyun Park, Yukio Kojima, Naohiko Tamaya, Yoon-Ah Kook, Hee-Moon Kyung,
and Jong-Moon Chae, Gifu, Nagoya, and Fukui, Japan, and Mesa, Ariz, and Seoul, Daegu, and
Iksan, South Korea

Influence of the hyrax expander screw position on displacement and stress 266
distribution in teeth: A study with finite elements
Letıcia Chaves Fernandes, Robert Willer Farinazzo Vitral, Pedro Yoshito Noritomi,
Gustavo Silva Maximiano, and Marcio Jose da Silva Campos, Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, and
Campinas, S~ao Paulo, Brazil

Attractiveness assessment by orthodontists and laypeople judging female profile 276

C modifications of Class II Division 1 malocclusion
E Kadriye Kalin, Sebahat Yesim Iskender, and Reinder Kuitert, Utrecht and Amsterdam, The

The influence of incisor inclination and anterior vertical facial height on facial 283
attractiveness in an Asian woman
Umair Shoukat Ali, Rashna Hoshang Sukhia, Mubassar Fida, Adeel Tahir Kamal, and
Ausjah Abbas, Karachi, Pakistan

Biomechanical effect of selective osteotomy and corticotomy on orthodontic molar 292

Xin She, Toru Deguchi, Hai Yao, and Jing Zhou, Charleston and Clemson, SC, and Columbus, Ohio

Three-dimensional assessment of virtual bracket removal for orthodontic retainers: A 302
C prospective clinical study
E Kaitlin Marsh, Andre Weissheimer, Kaifeng Yin, Alexandra Chamberlain-Umanoff,
Hongsheng Tong, and Glenn T. Sameshima, Los Angeles and Redlands, Calif, and Houston, Tex

Treatment of facial asymmetry and severe midline deviation with orthodontic 312
Min-Ho Jung, Seoul, South Korea


Gumballs 325
Laurance Jerrold, Woodbury, NY

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/August 2021

CONTENTS continued


A recently released report by a major scientific academy proposes significant changes 327
in understanding and managing temporomandibular disorders
Charles S. Greene, John W. Kusiak, Terrie Cowley, and Allen W. Cowley, Jr., Chicago, Ill, and
Milwaukee, Wis

Instructions 329


Information for authors—on the Internet, go to www.ajodo.org, For Authors, Author

American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics/August 2021

Official publication of the American Association of Orthodontists,
its constituent societies, the American Board of Orthodontics, and
the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics

Rolf G. Behrents, DDS, MS, PhD, Editor-in-Chief
St Louis, MO; [email protected]
Jae Hyun Park, DMD, MSD, MS, PhD, Deputy Editor
Mesa, AZ; [email protected]
David L. Turpin, DDS, MSD, Editor Emeritus
Seattle, WA; [email protected]
Wayne G. Watson, DDS, Editor Emeritus
La Jolla, CA; [email protected]
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Seattle, WA; [email protected]
Associate Editors
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Zurich, Switzerland; [email protected]
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London, United Kingdom; padhraig.fl[email protected]
Dan Grauer, DDS, MSD, PhD, Residents' Journal Review
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