Gerlachae Final Edt 2019 PDF
Gerlachae Final Edt 2019 PDF
Gerlachae Final Edt 2019 PDF
Measuring Empathy in Dentists and Dental Specialists Using the Jefferson Scale of
Physician Empathy – Health Professions Version
University of Pittsburgh
Committee Membership Page
It was defended on
June 4, 2019
and approved by
Thesis Advisor/Dissertation Director: Dr. Joseph FA Petrone, Assistant Professor and Director,
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics
Copyright © by Amanda Elizabeth Gerlach
Measuring Empathy in Dentists and Dental Specialists Using the Jefferson Scale of
Physician Empathy – Health Professions Version
In the health care setting, empathy can be defined as the ability to understand a patient’s
experiences and feelings, as well as the ability to communicate this understanding. Empathy has
been shown to play an important role in the dentist-patient relationship by improving treatment
outcome and increasing patient satisfaction. Recently, a growing concern has developed over a
potential decline in empathy among health care providers. PURPOSE: This cross-sectional study
was designed to investigate the differences in empathy among dentists of different genders, ages,
specialties and professional affiliations. METHODS: Three hundred forty dentists in western
(JSPE – HP version). Independent t-tests and one-way analysis of variance were used to determine
significance of associations between empathy and gender, age, specialty and professional
affiliation. RESULTS: Empathy scores among female dentists were significantly higher than
empathy scores among male dentists (p<0.0066). Empathy scores did not change significantly,
however, with increasing age (p<0.9670). Significant differences were also not seen between
(p<0.6298) or between members of the Dental Society of Western Pennsylvania (DSWP) and the
CONCLUSIONS: It can be concluded that, in agreement with existing research, female dentists
are more empathic than male dentists. There is no relationship between empathy and age, specialty,
or membership in a professional association. The need for further research involving larger sample
populations and multiple centers, and the need for methods to improve empathy are discussed.
Table of Contents
1.4 Specialty........................................................................................................................... 8
5.0 Discussion............................................................................................................................... 18
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 24
List of Tables
Table 1. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants .................. 15
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped
by gender ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped by
age ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Table 4. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped
by specialty ................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 5. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped
List of Figures
....................................................................................................................................................... 14
1.0 Review of the Literature
1.1 Empathy
Empathy is the cornerstone of every doctor–patient relationship, and its role in effective
communication and understanding is receiving increasing attention in both general dentistry and
dental specialties (Chen et al. 2007). In general, empathy involves attempting to understand
another person’s feelings and experiences and the ability to use this understanding to help others
solve their own problems (Sherman & Cramer 2005). In the health care setting, empathy can be
described as a cognitive and behavioral attribute that involves the ability to recognize how a
patient’s experiences and feelings influence and are influenced by their symptoms and illness and
the capability to convey this understanding back to the patient, allowing the patient to feel
respected and validated (Sherman & Cramer 2005; Chen et al. 2007).
Empathy has been described as involving two domains – a cognitive domain and an
affective or emotional domain. The cognitive domain involves the ability to understand another
person’s inner experiences and feelings and the capability to view the outside world from the other
person’s perspective. The affective domain involves the capacity to enter into or join the
experiences and feelings of another person. Conceptually speaking, however, the affective aspect
Although the concepts of empathy and sympathy are often thought to be interchangeable,
they should be distinguished in patient-care situations. Empathy has been described as objective
compassion, while sympathy involves a more affective response to a patient’s situation. Both
concepts involve sharing, however, empathetic physicians share only their understanding.
Sympathetic practitioners share their emotions with their patients, which could interfere with an
objective diagnosis and care (Sherman & Cramer 2005; Hojat et al. 2002a).
Empathy in a health care setting has been found to promote patient and physician
satisfaction, contribute to patient enabling and participation, and improve patient outcomes (Chen
et al. 2007). For example, demonstrations of empathy in dentistry can decrease dental fears,
improve treatment outcome in patients with myofascial pain, increase adherence to orthodontic
treatment, and increase patient satisfaction with emergency dental care, orthodontic treatment,
extractions, restorations and endodontic treatments (Sherman & Cramer 2005). Additionally,
empathy can improve the quality of data obtained from the patient, improve the provider’s
diagnostic ability, and decrease the rate of miscommunication and lawsuits (Chen et al. 2007).
Over the past few decades, leaders in the health professions and health professional
education have begun to appreciate the importance of empathy and interpersonal skills in
healthcare (Nash 2010). There is also a growing concern among medical and dental educators that
clinical training may have an adverse effect on resident and student empathy (Chen et al. 2007).
Thus, a renewed emphasis on the importance of professional ethics has led to curriculum
changes in medical and dental education (Nash 2010). Currently, the Association of American
Medical Colleges (AAMC) recommends that medical schools educate students to “be
patient’s perspective, understand the meaning of patients’ stories in the context of their families
and cultures, and avoid being judgmental even when patient beliefs and values conflict with
their own.” Further, the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) tests
Similarly, providing empathic care for all patients is listed as the second clinical competency
for dental education by the American Dental Education Association (ADEA). As a result, many
medical and dental schools acknowledge the importance of empathy in the doctor-patient
relationship and have implemented training in interpersonal skills including empathy, active
listening and verbal and nonverbal communications (Sherman & Cramer 2005).
a challenge, and the lack of research has been attributed to the lack of adequate self-report
measures. The gold standard for measuring of empathy and interpersonal skills is behavioral
observation by trained observers. This method, however, can be problematic due to time and
cost. Several self-report instruments do exist for examining empathy in the general
population. These measures include the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) developed by Davis
(1983), the Hogan Empathy Scale (1969), and the Emotional Empathy Scale developed by
Mehrabian and Epstein (1972). The Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy (JSPE), however, is
the only one intended for use in healthcare. It has been found to be a reliable and validated
measure in a variety of health care settings (Hojat et al. 2002a; Sherman & Cramer 2005).
1.2 Gender
In general, some have suggested that women’s behavioral style is more empathic than
obtained significantly higher JSPE mean scores than their male counterparts (Hojat et al.
2001, 2002a, 2002b, 2002c; Alcorta-Garza et al. 2005; Fjortoft, Van Winkle, & Hojat 2011).
This pattern of gender difference in the JSPE scores, with women consistently scoring higher
than men, has also been reported in national and international studies (Hojat et al. 2018). In a
study of first through fourth year dental students at the University of Washington, females
scored significantly higher on the JSPE than males (Sherman & Cramer 2005). Aggarwal et al.
reported similar results when studying dental students at two dental schools in India
(Aggarwal et al. 2016). These findings suggest that female dental clinicians may provide a
different type of dental care based on a greater ability to empathize with the patient’s experiences
There are several plausible explanations that have been offered for gender differences in
empathy including social learning, genetic predisposition, evolutionary underpinnings, and other
factors (Hojat 2016). For example, it has been suggested that women are more perceptive to
emotional signals than men, possessing qualities that can contribute to a better understanding and,
ultimately, to a more empathic connection (Hojat et al. 2002a; Hojat 2016). Unlike men, women
are also culturally and socially encouraged to develop their empathic skills in different ways
(Bailey 2001), and also are more likely to perceive themselves in the context of relationships
(Gilligan 1982).
On the basis of the evolutionary theory of parental investment, it is believed that women
develop more caregiving attitudes toward their offspring than men (Hojat 2016). The mother-child
relationship is thought to form the basis for differences in empathy between women and men, and
this relationship model continues in healthcare practice (Bailey 2001). Findings on gender
differences in empathy are consistent with the reports that female physicians spend more time with
their patients, have fewer patients, render more preventive and patient-oriented care and exhibit
more caring attitudes than male physicians (Hojat 2016; Hojat et al. 2002a).
1.3 Age
The relationship that exists between empathy and age in health professionals has been
inconsistent when studied. For example, younger nurses and physicians both expressed more
empathy toward their patients than older nurses and physicians. Similarly, in another study,
younger Iranian medical students scored higher on the JSPE than their older classmates.
Conversely, several studies using the JSPE demonstrated either a direct relationship or no
significant association between empathy and age among health professions students (Hojat 2016).
Various aspects of medical education and training may contribute to the erosion of empathy
among medical students, residents and practicing physicians. Lack of role models, long work-
hours and sleep deprivation, a high volume of materials to learn, time pressure, an intimidating
educational environment, negative educational experiences and the perception of “belittlement and
harassment” in medical school have also been described as factors contributing to the atrophy of
compassion among physicians-in-training (Chen et al. 2007; Hojat et al. 2009). Additionally,
changes in the market-driven health care system have affected the way healthcare providers are
educated. Modern medical education promotes a focus on evidence-based care and clinical trials,
a dependence on technology for diagnoses, shorter patient hospitalizations and limited bedside
Regarding the timing of this decline and its correlation to the start of clinical training, it
may be that increased technical demands during intensive clinical training exhaust student
resources, sacrificing less essential skills and time-consuming behaviors such as compassion for
the patient. Students who are completing the clinical portion of their training are also nearing
graduation and may place greater importance on their own needs, such as the completion of
procedures, than on the needs of their patients. In dental schools, the requirement-driven structure
of many programs may encourage students to be procedurally focused as opposed to focusing on
Another possible explanation for this observed decline in empathy might be due to the wide
range of emotions experienced by both medical and dental students, making it difficult to maintain
empathy. Chen et al. (2007) suggest that in order to “remain effective for patients, students and
trainees become less empathic as they face emotionally challenging and draining situations.”
Sherman and Cramer (2005) describe the lack of empathy as “a defense that accompanies fear and
insecurity when novice health care practitioners must first interact with patients.”
Evidence suggests the empathy can improve from targeted training in healthcare
professionals. The timing of one’s course of education to promote empathy and improve
communication skills may in fact facilitate the observed decline. Typically courses focusing on
behavioral sciences are taken during the beginning of one’s dental education. In the later years,
this focus is reduced and courses emphasizing technical skills predominate (Sherman & Cramer
Because age and experience are so highly interrelated, the effects of experience, as such,
can also be examined (DiLalla, Hull, & Dorsey 2008). In fact, a continually growing body of
literature exists that suggests an erosion of empathy in medical students as they progress through
training (Newton et al. 2000; Bellini, Baime & Shea, 2002; Hojat et al. 2003, 2004; Bellini & Shea,
2005; Rosen et al 2006). In a cross-sectional study, Chen and colleagues (2007) noticed a decline
in empathy scores measured by the JSPE in third-year medical students as compared to second-
year medical students. Dental students are victims of this phenomenon as well. In another cross-
sectional study with dental school students, Sherman and Cramer (2005) reported a significant
decline in empathy in second-year students, with the lowest scores as measured by the JSPE
occurring in fourth-year dental students. The timing of the decline in empathy levels corresponded
to increases in patient exposure, consistent with reports from medical schools. A more recent cross-
sectional study utilizing the JSPE with dental school students reported a statistically significant
decrease in empathy from first year students to postgraduate students, as well as a statistically
significant decrease in empathy from younger to older dental students (Aggarwal et al. 2016).
Similar declines in empathy have been demonstrated among medical residents. Several
longitudinal cohort studies of internal medicine residents showed significant decreases in empathy
during training, as measured by the IRI (Bellini, Baime & Shea, 2002; Bellini & Shea, 2005; Rosen
et al. 2006). Using the JSPE-Physician Version, a cross-sectional study of internal medicine
residents observed that first-year residents scored an average of 4 points higher than third-year
A 2009 study measuring the relationships between empathy, spirituality and wellness in
medical students and physicians provides the only evidence of a potential recovery in empathy
following the decline seen during clinical training. In the cross-sectional study, DiLalla, Hull, and
Dorsey reported that first-year students scored significantly higher in empathy than fourth-year
students and residents, but that physicians holding faculty positions had greater empathy than
residents. Interestingly, these researchers also found that the graduated physicians who did not
participate in teaching did not experience the same increase in empathy (DiLalla, Hull, & Dorsey
2008). Yarascavitch and collegues showed a plateau in emotional empathy among dentists up to
10 years following graduation. However, the anticipated decline was seen in cognitive empathy
1.4 Specialty
choice of specialty. Some of these factors include personal traits, educational experiences, role
models, influence by family, friends and others, market forces, and societal demands. These factors
can contribute either individually or synergistically to the choice. Another factor that has been
specialties that better lend themselves to developing long-term relationships with patients because
of the frequency of encounters, broader consultations, and the provision of continuous care, and
therefore, require a higher degree of empathic engagement. Based on this, it is common for health
professions education researchers to classify medical specialties into two broad categories of
‘‘patient- or people-oriented’’ (e.g., primary care specialties such as family medicine, general
radiology, anesthesiology, surgery and surgical subspecialties) (Hojat et al. 2001, 2002a, 2002b;
Lieu, Schroeder, & Altman 1989). A “patient- or people-oriented” specialty is defined as one that
requires a long-term patient-doctor relationship with continuous care. According to Hojat, this
relationship typically “begins with an office-based first encounter health or illness appraisal,
preventive education or intervention, episodic and long-term comprehensive care of a wide variety
of medical problems.” It is probable that the doctor will become familiar with the patient’s illness
within a psychosocial context, which may include an understanding of the patient’s work life,
home life, education, support system and personal views on health and illness (Hojat et al. 2005).
relatively limited and brief, and long-term continuous care is not often required. They primarily
focus on performing specialized diagnostic or technical computer-based procedures and invasive
surgical procedures. They may also include specialties that require performing highly skilled and
episodic or long-term care of a limited number of medical problems that may include
instrumentation and technical interventions with a mix of ambulatory and hospital based practice
nonprimary care specialties) (Hojat et al. 2005). These specialties do not necessarily require
knowledge of patients beyond their illnesses, however, some of these specialists choose to gain a
greater understanding of their patients’ lives, especially the patients with chronic conditions
(Bailey 2001). Similarly, dental specialties can be grouped into these two categories. “Patient- or
people-oriented” specialties include general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and orthodontics, while
oral and maxillofacial surgery, oral pathology, oral radiology, and dental anesthesiology.
In a 2001 study, Bailey found that medical students who planned to pursue a career in
patient-oriented specialties scored significantly higher on empathy as measured by the IRI than
their peers who planned to pursue careers in procedure-oriented specialties. Given Bailey’s
previous findings, it can be hypothesized that high scorers on the JSPE are more likely to choose
“patient- or people-oriented” specialties that require continuous and prolonged encounters with
patients. Conversely, it can be hypothesized that low scorers on the JSPE would be more probable
to choose “procedure- or technology-oriented” specialties that often require less interaction with
patients and involve diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. These hypotheses have been confirmed
in a number of studies. For example, in a study of 1,007 physicians affiliated with the Jefferson
scored higher on the JSPE compared to others in “technology- or procedure-oriented” specialties
(Hojat et al. 2002a). This is consistent with findings reported by others in the United States and
internationally (Chen et al. 2007, 2012; Voinescu, Szentagotai, & Coogan 2009; Kataoka et al.
2012). In one study of osteopathic medical students, however, the aforementioned associations
between specialty interests and JSPE scores were not observed (Calabrese et al. 2013).
These significant differences in empathy scores observed among both medical students and
practicing physicians in various specialties may also demonstrate the idea that individuals with
different degrees of interpersonal skills are attracted to different specialties. Additionally, these
differences have also been thought to result from the amount of emphasis placed on interpersonal
The two groups surveyed for this study were the Dental Society of Western Pennsylvania
(DSWP) and the Western Pennsylvania Section of the American College of Dentists (ACD). The
ACD is the oldest major honorary organization for dentists. Since its founding in 1920, the ACD
has come to epitomize ethics and professionalism in dentistry. The mission of the ACD is “to
advance excellence, ethics, professionalism, and leadership in dentistry,” and its members work
continuously to improve the ethical climate of dentistry. Membership in the ACD is by invitation
only and consists of approximately 3.5% dentists of the United States. Prospective members are
nominated by current members of the college and are selected based on leadership, model ethics
and exceptional contributions and service to the profession and to society (American College of
Dentists 2007).
The DSWP was founded in 1881 “to encourage the improvement of public health, to
advocate the profession of dentistry, and to embody the interests of both the professional members
and the public.” Membership is open to all licensed dentists in the geographic area and is part of a
tripartite membership in the American Dental Association (ADA), the Pennsylvania Dental
Association (PDA), and the DSWP. Membership affords the dentist opportunities to meet
fellow dentists, give back to his or her community, and support and protect the profession
with empathy in healthcare professionals or students. The concept of peer nominations, however,
has shown an association with empathy in the context of patient care. In several studies of medical
students, it was found that the students who were nominated by their peers in areas of clinical and
humanistic excellence scored higher on the JSPE compared to their classmates who were
2.0 Purpose of the Present Study
The purpose of this study is to compare levels of empathy among practicing dentists of
different (1) genders, (2) age groups, (3) specialties, and (4) professional associations using the
Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy – Health Professions Version (JSPE-HP Version). Similar
to existing research, we hypothesize that (1) females will have higher empathy scores than males,
(2) older age groups will have lower empathy scores than younger ages groups, (3) providers in
“patient- or people-oriented” specialties that form a long-term relationship with patients, including
general dentistry, pediatric dentistry, and orthodontics, will have higher empathy scores than
surgery, oral pathology, oral radiology, and dental anesthesiology, and (4) members of the ACD
3.0 Materials and Methods
using the Jefferson Scale of Physician Empathy-Health Professions Version (JSPE-HP Version).
870 members of the DSWP and 89 members of the Western Pennsylvania Section of the ACD
were surveyed. Any dentist who was a member of both groups was counted solely as a member of
the Western Pennsylvania section of the ACD and, therefore, was only mailed one survey.
Participants were mailed a paper copy of the JSPE-HP Version. Surveys sent to DSWP members
were printed on white paper and surveys sent to ACD members were printed on grey paper for
separation purposes on return. Each was accompanied by a signed cover letter to increase
cooperation (See Appendix A). The 20 Likert-type items were answered on a 7-point scale
(1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree). Demographic information was also surveyed, including
age, gender and dental specialty. The respondents were instructed not to identify themselves. An
addressed, postage-paid envelope was provided for return of the survey. A total of 340 surveys
Upon receipt of the completed surveys, the anonymous responses were recorded. There
were no personal identifiers attached to the data obtained from the anonymous survey responses.
The scoring algorithm provided by Thomas Jefferson University was used to compute the empathy
score for each respondent (Jefferson Scale for Empathy Scoring Algorithm). All data was entered
into an excel spreadsheet and uploaded into STATA (StataCorp, College Station, TX). Specialties
Patient- or people-oriented Procedure- or technology-oriented
Orthodontics Endodontics
The mean empathy score was calculated for the entire population, as well as each gender,
age group, specialty category, and professional association. Two sample independent t-tests were
used to examine statistical differences in empathy scores between genders, specialties, and
professional associations. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was also used to assess any
statistical differences in empathy scores among age groups. A p-value of less than 0.05 was
considered statistically significant. This study protocol was approved by the University of
4.0 Results
The sample consisted of survey responses from 340 dental practitioners in western
Pennsylvania. The mean empathy score for all participants was 115.24, with scores ranging from
Within the sample, 71 responders (20.88%) were female and 244 responders (71.76%)
were male. 35 people (7.35%) did not respond. When comparing females to males, the difference
in mean score was significant (p<0.05) (Table 2). As hypothesized, females had higher scores than
Table 2. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped by gender
Of the participants, 62 (18.24%) were 50 years old or younger, 71(20.88%) were between
the ages of 51 and 60, 116 (34.12%) were between the ages of 61 and 70, and 86 were over 70
years old (25.29%). Five (1.47%) participants did not provide their age. Within the sample,
participants in their seventh decade of life had the highest mean empathy score. The differences
between the four groups, however, were not statistically significant (Table 3).
Table 3. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped by age
Figure 1. Within the sample, 4 (1.18%) participants did not provide their specialty. Of the other
empathy score for the “patient- or people-oriented” specialists was higher, the difference in the
mean empathy scores between the two groups was minimal and not statistically significant (Table
Table 4. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped by specialty
310 (91.18%) participants were members of the DSWP and 30 (8.82%) were members of
the ACD. The mean score for DSWP members was slightly higher than the mean score for ACD
Table 5. Descriptive statistics of JSPE-HP Version scores from survey participants grouped by professional
association membership
The population who received the survey consisted of 870 (90.72%) members of the DSWP
and 89 (9.28%) members of the ACD. It was determined that there is no statistically significant
difference between the distributions of dentists in the western Pennsylvania area and the sample
5.0 Discussion
Because of its potential impact on aspects of patient care and patient satisfaction,
empathy is important to the practice of dentistry. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate
ages and professional affiliations using the JSPE-HP version. Based on existing research, it was
believed that empathy would be greater among females, younger practitioners, practitioners of
“patient- or people-oriented” specialties, and members of the Western Pennsylvania Section of the
As expected, empathy scores among females were significantly higher than empathy scores
among males. The results of this study are in agreement with the existing body of literature
demonstrating female healthcare providers to be more empathic than their male counterparts
(Hojat et al. 2001, 2002a, 2002b, 2018; Alcorta-Garza et al. 2005; Sherman & Cramer 2005;
Fjortoft, Van Winkle, & Hojat 2011; Aggarwal et al. 2016). This general consensus that women’s
behavioral style is more empathic than men is most commonly explained on the basis of the
evolutionary theory of parental investment (Baron-Cohen 2003). Women develop more caregiving
attitudes toward their offspring than men, and this mother-child relationship is thought to form the
basis for differences in empathy between women and men (Hojat 2016; Bailey 2001).
Alternatively, researchers have offered several other plausible explanations for this difference such
as genetic predisposition, social learning, and other factors. For example, it has been suggested
that women are more perceptive to emotional signals than men, possessing qualities that can
al. 2002a; Hojat 2016). Unlike men, women are also culturally and socially encouraged to develop
their empathic skills in different ways (Bailey 2001), and also are more likely to perceive
(Newton et al. 2000; Bellini, Baime & Shea 2002; Hojat et al. 2002c, 2004, 2005; Bellini & Shea
2005; Rosen et al. 2006) and dental students (Sherman & Cramer, 2005; Yarascavitch et al. 2009)
throughout the training experience, the expectation of this study was that less empathy would be
seen among older practitioners. Unexpectedly, no difference (positive or negative) was seen in the
mean empathy scores of groups of dentists of increasing ages. This study differed from most
previous studies, however, because it surveyed practicing dentists. Interestingly, the scores are
similar to empathy scores previously reported for graduating dental students (Sherman &
Cramer, 2005; Yarascavitch et al. 2009), suggesting a plateau in empathy that begins with
completion of the training period. One theoretical explanation for this plateau is the
development of detached concern. Fox (1989) defines detached concern as “the ability of a
health care worker to apply objectivity to practice in order to facilitate the execution of duties
situations, the development of detachment is thought to avoid "errors of sympathy" that may
interfere with the ability to interact with suffering patients (Halpern 2001). Alternatively, this
persona” as they enter the health care community (Chen et al. 2007).
(Bailey 2001; Hojat et al. 2002; Chen et al. 2007, 2012; Voinescu, Szentagotai, & Coogan 2009;
Kataoka et al. 2012), the results of this study are unusual in that empathy was not significantly
different between these two types of specialists. Additionally, comparing empathy of members of
the DSWP and the Western Pennsylvania Section of the ACD yielded unexpected results. Empathy
was not significantly different between members of the two groups. In both instances, the power
of the study was relatively low (.0733 and .1157 respectively, with 1.0 being ideal). Different
outcomes may have been reached with more respondents, potentially increasing the power of both
With 340 completed surveys in total, our study, however, had more than twice the number
of respondents as previous attempts to survey dentists and dental students. Yarascavitch et al.
(2009) collected 123 completed surveys (Response Rate = 20.8%) in her survey of Ontario
dentists, and Sherman and Cramer (2005) received 130 (Response Rate = 61%) when surveying
first through fourth year dental students. Additionally, the demographics of the participants are
similar to those of dental practitioners both in the United States and the state of Pennsylvania.
According to the American Dental Association Health Policy Institute in 2018, of the 199,486
dentists in the US, 32.3% are female and 21% are specialists. 16.9% of dentists were under age
35, 23.4% were between ages 35 and 44, 21.1% were between ages 45 and 54, 22.8% were between
ages 55 and 64, and 15.8% were age 65 and older. Of the 8,474 dentists working in the state of
Pennsylvania, 26.5% are female and 21% are specialists. 16.6% of dentists were under age 35,
27.2% were between ages 35 and 49, 37.2% were between ages 50 and 64, and 19.0% were age
There are several limitations of our study. First, our measurement of empathy is self-
reported. Although the JSPE-HP version has been shown to be a reliable and valid measure of
empathy, it is limited to reflecting dentists’ own perceptions of their orientation towards empathy
and not actual behaviors. Second, our study was cross-sectional, and cohort effects may account
for observed differences among groups. The population in this study was also limited to dental
professionals in western Pennsylvania, and results may not be generalizable to all dentists.
Other limitations of the study may have influenced the response rate. First, the topic of the
survey was empathy. Dillman (2000) states that perceived value effects survey response rate. For
dentists, empathy may not have been viewed as a pertinent or interesting topic. Dentists may have
felt embarrassment or concern about not replying empathically to the survey. Second, this survey
did not utilize reminders due to time constraints. The use of pre-notification and reminders
has shown to be a significant element in survey response rate. For example, the response
rate increased from 22.6% to 39.4% in one study after the reminders were sent (Saleh & Bista
2017). Lastly, survey participation and response may be influenced by when the data was
study involving multiple sites and larger samples. Behavioral observation of activities during
practitioner and patient interaction in addition to self-report measures would also be a valuable
6.0 Conclusions
Empathy is important in the dentist–patient relationship and has clear benefits in improving
patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. The purpose of this thesis was to explore differences
in empathy among dentists in western Pennsylvania. In agreement with existing research, this
study provides evidence that there is a significant difference in empathy among males and females.
Contrary to previous research, there is no association between measured empathy and dental
increasing age, is interesting and suggests that concerns regarding the decline in empathy may be
misplaced. Health care practitioners may be trying to fit a professional persona as opposed to losing
humanistic qualities. Still, these results cannot yet be applied to all populations with certainty.
Future studies should seek to include more participants, longer time periods, and additional
demographic variables while focusing on improving empathy during training, as potentially higher
levels, once established, would seemingly be maintained throughout the practitioner’s career.
Appendix A - Cover Letter
Aggarwal, V.P., Garg, R., Goyal, N., Kaur, P., Singhal, S., . . . Singla, N. (2016). Exploring the
missing link - empathy among dental students: an institutional cross-sectional survey. Dent
Res J, 13, 419-23.
American College of Dentists. (2007). About Us. Gaithersburg, MD: American College of
American Dental Association Health Policy Institute. (2018). Supply of Dentists in the U.S.: 2001-
2018. Chicago, IL: American Dental Association.
Bailey, B.A. (2001). Empathy in medical students: assessment and relationship to specialty choice.
Dissertation Abstracts International, 62(6-A), 2024.
Baron-Cohen, S. (2003). The essential difference: the truth about the male and female brain. New
York: Basic Books.
Bellini, L.M., Baime, M., Shea, J. (2002). Variation of mood and empathy during internship.
JAMA, 87(23), 3143-6.
Bellini, L.M., Shea, J. (2005). Mood change and empathy decline persist during three years of
internal medicine training. Academic Medicine, 80(2), 164-7.
Calabrese, L. H., Bianco, J. A., Mann, D., Massello, D., & Hojat, M. (2013). Correlates and
changes in empathy and attitudes toward interprofessional collaboration in osteopathic
medical students. Journal of American Osteopathic Association, 113, 898–907.
Chen, D., Lew, R., Hershman, W., & Orlander, J. (2007). A cross-sectional measurement of
medical student empathy. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22(10), 1434-8.
Chen, D., Kirshenbaum, D. S., Yan, J., Kirshenbaum, E., & Aseltine, R. H. (2012). Characterizing
changes in student empathy throughout medical school. Medical Teacher, 34, 305–311.
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