Certification Program in Orthodontics: 3 Modules

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Course Information
Course Name
Certification Program in Orthodontics (3 Modules)

Faculty CPD Hours

Prof. Dr. Parmjit Singh Participants will be awarded 60 CPD hours

Educational Director Teaching Method

Dr. Mustafa Bekerecioğlu • Theoretical Lessons
[email protected]
• Hands-on Practice on Typodonts
• Case Discussions
Operational Directors
• Handouts
İlhan Köse (İstanbul)
[email protected] Language
+90 555 518 87 27 Course will be delivered in English
Turkish translation is available
Yunus Goktas (London)
[email protected]
+44 7904 785 194

7 Hours x 3 Days x 3 Modules

2 Certification Program in Orthodontics

What You Will Learn
In module 1, you will learn the principles of growth and development
related to orthodontics and develop skills in patient assessment,
orthodontic records and cephalometry as well as acquire knowledge of
aetiology in orthodontics.

In module 2, you will focus on treatment planning of a range of

malocclusions and learn the importance of bracket placement along with
developing skills in bonding procedures and treatment protocols
for a Class I case.

In module 3, in depth knowledge on a range of treatment mechanics and

clinical scenarios will be covered such deep bites, transverse discrepancies
and asymmetries followed by practical exercises in finishing and retention.

After completing this course, you can start treating simple cases that
includes Class I cases, some simple overbite and overjet problems.
Also, you will have some knowledge about Class II and Class III cases,
but you need to develop some experience with simple cases first.

3 Certification Program in Orthodontics

Module 1
• Classification of Malocclusion
• Rationale for Orthodontics
• Patient Assessment
• Orthodontic Records
• Cephalometry
• Clinical Photography
• Orthodontic Consent
• Risks in Orthodontics
• Growth and Orthodontics
• Interceptive Treatment
• Introduction to Bonding

Module 2 Module 3
• Instruments and Materials • Deep Bites and Open Bites
• Fixed Appliances • Transverse Management
• Orthodontic Banding • Asymmetries
• Bracket Placement and Ligation • Supplementary Mechanics
• Archwire Sequencing • Finishing and Wire Bending
• Anchorage in Orthodontics • Debonding and Bonded Retainers
• Orthodontic Friction • Retention in Orthodontics
• Extractions in Orthodontics • Aligner Treatment
• Inter-proximal Reduction • Treatment Planning Class II Division II
• Treatment Planning Class I Cases Cases
• Treatment Planning Class II Division I • Treatment Planning Class III Cases

4 Certification Program in Orthodontics


Module 1 Certification

Principles of
Orthodontic Patient
Educational Aims
To introduce the student to orthodontic patient assessment and need for
relevant records for orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning.

5 Certification Program in Orthodontics


Module 1 Certification

Learning Outcomes
Successful students will be able to:

1. Comprehensively understand the principles, theory and stages of

orthodontic patient classification and assessment.

2. Systematically review and clinically evaluate orthodontic clinical

records and cephalometric analyses.

3. Critically evaluate the nature of skeletal growth and types of growth

in the craniofacial complex.

Practical Sessions
• Patient Assessment
• Cephalometry
• Clinical Photography
• Orthodontic Separation
• Bracket Bonding

6 Certification Program in Orthodontics


Module 2 Certification

Principles of
Treatment Planning
and Treatment
Educational Aims
To introduce the student to orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning
and provide basic skills in the provision of orthodontic treatment for
Class I and Class II Division I malocclusions.

7 Certification Program in Orthodontics


Module 2 Certification

Learning Outcomes
Successful students will be able to:

1. Comprehensively understand the knowledge of diagnosis and

treatment planning in orthodontics for Class I and Class II
Division I malocclusions.

2. Critically evaluate the principles of different orthodontic treatments

for Class I and Class II Division I malocclusions.

3. Comprehensively understand the protocols for orthodontic

appliance fabrication and placement.

4. Critically evaluate tooth movements and how to control them


Practical Sessions
• Orthodontic Banding
• Class I Typodonts
• Archwire Sequencing
• Treatment Mechanics
• Inter-proximal Reduction
• Case Discussions

8 Certification Program in Orthodontics


Module 3 Certification

Principles of
Educational Aims
To develop the student in identifying appropriate treatment protocols for
specific clinical scenarios and aid in their decision making for
successful orthodontic treatment.

9 Certification Program in Orthodontics


Module 3 Certification

Learning Outcomes
Successful students will be able to:

1. Comprehensively understand the knowledge of diagnosis and

treatment planning in orthodontics for Class II Division II
and Class III malocclusions.

2. Critically evaluate the fundamental protocols for orthodontic

treatments in specific clinical scenarios.

3. Comprehensively understand the theory and systematically critique

the safe practice of contemporary orthodontics.

Practical Sessions
• Supplementary Mechanics
• Finishing in Orthodontics
• Wire Bending
• Bonded Retainers
• Debonding
• Treatment Planning
• Case Discussions

10 Certification Program in Orthodontics

Certification Program in Orthodontics

Prof. Dr. Parmjit Singh

After qualifying as a dentist the Ghana Institute of Management and Public
from the University of Administration in Accra, Ghana in collaboration
Newcastle in 2001, Parmjit with the City of London Dental School.
relocated to London where
he worked in general Parmjit is a member of the British Orthodontic
practice and at three Society and the European Orthodontic Society.
undergraduate teaching He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of
hospitals. His specialist England and an Associate Fellow of the
orthodontic training took Higher Education Academy.
place in London, Essex
and Suffolk. He is trained He is an examiner for the Royal College of
to consultant level, the highest level for a UK Surgeon’s Licence in Dental Surgery (LDS),
orthodontist and has worked at the Chelsea and the Royal College of Surgeon’s Diploma in
Westminster Hospital in London and Ipswich Orthodontic Therapy, the Royal College of
Hospital as a locum consultant. Parmjit’s special Surgeon’s Diploma of Membership of the Faculty
interests include adult orthodontics (having of Dental Surgery (MFDS) and also examines for
completed a Masters in smile aesthetics) as well the National Examining Board for Dental Nurses
as orthodontic retention, a subject area he has where he sits on the orthodontic committee. In
both lectured and published in. He provides the addition to these roles, he is a clinical adviser at
full range of orthodontic appliances including the General Dental Council as an expert witness
Incognito lingual braces and Invisalign. providing independent, impartial clinical advice.

He thoroughly enjoys teaching and has been He spends his time between London and Spain
awarded the Certificate in Learning and Teaching. and enjoys cycling, hiking and DIY in
He is a Professor of Orthodontics at the College his spare time.
of Medicine and Dentistry, Birmingham,
where he is Course Director for the Master
in Orthodontics and the Master in Clinical
Orthodontics. The course has collaborations
with both BPP University and the University of
Ulster. He is also the orthodontic lead for the
Diploma in Orthodontics that is delivered at

11 Certification Program in Orthodontics

Knightsbridge Academy
Simply graduating from dental or medical This necessity is exactly what brought about
school with the knowledge and skills we have the creation of the VESTA Academy and
acquired during our studies is not enough in Knightsbridge Academy. In order to provide
the fast-paced professional healthcare setting. doctors with much needed up-to-date
knowledge from reliable sources and
As techniques change and new evidence
via safe channels.
emerges, dentists need to ensure they acquire
continuing post-graduate education to update Vestiyer Publishing Group decided to create a
their knowledge, to develop new skills and to further unit in supplementing
enhance their expertise, the same way they post-graduate dental education activities
constantly renew equipment in their practices within the Group in 2005.
and introduce new processes.

12 Certification Program in Orthodontics

VESTA Academy backed by Vestiyer their assistants. Thousands of participants
Publishing Group’s experience began to grow from Turkey and all over the world preferred
rapidly in a very short time introducing VESTA Academy & Knightsbridge Academy
international trainings which drew great to improve, update and strengthen their
interest of dentist worldwide. education.

In 2010, Knightsbridge Academy was As one of our postgraduate dental & medical
established by Vestiyer Publishing Group courses, we have been organizing Cadaver
in England, UK to provide first class Dissection Courses at the Anatomy Training
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dental and medical professionals.
since 2010. Recently, we are also proud to
VESTA Academy & Knightsbridge Academy announce our high quality implantology
offer a range of training programs in dental courses on fresh human cadavers in Istanbul,
and paradental fields for both dentists and Turkey and Coventry, UK.
their team members.
VESTA Academy & Knightsbridge Academy
VESTA Academy & Knightsbridge Academy have determined a one-sentence mission:
have conducted hundreds of training For better dentistry and medicine, continue
seminars and conferences for dentists and postgraduate education.

Vestiyer Publishing Group

Vestiyer Publishing Group made information, as well as a variety of Vestiyer Publishing Group has
its way into the publication world professional information essenti- nine different publications that
by publishing The Journal of Den- al for dentists. are dental industry specific:
tistry in 1989.
In the last 30 years, Vestiyer Pub- • Journal of Dentistry
Success of The Journal of Den- lishing Group, has brought pro- • The Turkish Journal of Dentistry
tistry paved the way for the emer- fessionals a wide range of publi- • Dental Tribune
gence of nine different scientific cations ranging from designing • Implants
and industrial dental periodicals practices to legal responsibilities,
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in the coming years. from occupational diseases to pa-
• Roots
tient relationships. With its cons-
In addition to producing its own • Cosmetic
tantly updated database, Vestiyer
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Group has also provided readers wide distribution network in the • PNV
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known major dental journals.
Vestiyer Publishing Group serves
With the strength that comes as a communication and informa-
from the success of these perio- tion bridge between the universiti-
dicals, under the name of ‘Dentist es, societies, commercial organisa-
Library’, it has published a series tions and dentists.
of books which include scientific
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