1. The document is an exam for a Java course covering topics like operators, classes, strings, threads, exceptions, and more.
2. It contains 3 questions - the first with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, the second asking to explain Java concepts in detail, and the third asking to write Java programs to demonstrate exceptions handling and string/number operations.
3. The exam tests students' understanding of fundamental Java concepts like object-oriented programming, multithreading, exceptions, and programming applications.
1. The document is an exam for a Java course covering topics like operators, classes, strings, threads, exceptions, and more.
2. It contains 3 questions - the first with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, the second asking to explain Java concepts in detail, and the third asking to write Java programs to demonstrate exceptions handling and string/number operations.
3. The exam tests students' understanding of fundamental Java concepts like object-oriented programming, multithreading, exceptions, and programming applications.
1. The document is an exam for a Java course covering topics like operators, classes, strings, threads, exceptions, and more.
2. It contains 3 questions - the first with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, the second asking to explain Java concepts in detail, and the third asking to write Java programs to demonstrate exceptions handling and string/number operations.
3. The exam tests students' understanding of fundamental Java concepts like object-oriented programming, multithreading, exceptions, and programming applications.
1. The document is an exam for a Java course covering topics like operators, classes, strings, threads, exceptions, and more.
2. It contains 3 questions - the first with multiple choice and fill-in-the-blank questions, the second asking to explain Java concepts in detail, and the third asking to write Java programs to demonstrate exceptions handling and string/number operations.
3. The exam tests students' understanding of fundamental Java concepts like object-oriented programming, multithreading, exceptions, and programming applications.
BACHELOR OF COMPUTER APPLICATIONS (B.C.A.) EXAMINATION : APRIL – MAY 2015 FOURTH SEMESTER Sub : Java ( BCA-421) Date : 12/05/2015 Total Marks : 80 Time: 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm Instructions: 1. All questions are compulsory unless and otherwise stated. 2. Bold figures to the right of every question are the maximum marks for that question. 3. Candidates are advised to attempt questions in order. 4. Answers written illegibly are likely to be marked zero. 5. Use of scientific calculators, Log tables, Mollier Charts is allowed. 6. Draw neat and labelled diagrams wherever necessary. Q.1. A) Fill in the blanks. (Solve any 5) (5) 1. Bitwise OR is a _______ operator. 2. A _____ is a templet for an object. 3. We make use of ______ keyword to inherit a class. 4. The keyword ______ is used to manually throw an exception. 5. Multithreading is specialised form of ______. 6. Java implements strings as objects of type ______. 7. A class that is inherited is called as _______ . B) State True/False. (Solve any 5) (5) 1. All diagrams are dynamically allocated in java. 2. Object declared in the outer scope will be visible to the code within the inner scope. 3. The while statement is generally used in menu selection. 4. Java does not supply default constructor. 5. All classes in java must have a main () method. 6. Java handles deallocation automatically. 7. Java suports recursion. C) Answer the following. (Solve any 5) (10) 1. Define Bytecode in java? 2. What happens when we declare a variable final? 3. Explain call by value. 4. Define an interface. 5. Which is the method used to start running a thread? Explain with syntax. 6. Explain how java is robust language. 7. List any 5 keywords we used in java. Q. 2. Answer the following in detail. (Solve any 6) (30) 1. What do you under stand by Garbage collection? Describe in brief the finally () method. 2. Write a short note on java buzzwords. 3. Write a note on java Bitwise operators. 4. Discuss abstract class with example. 5. Write a note on Layout manager. 6. Describe the skeleton of an applet program. 7. Explain Thread states in detail with diagram. 8. Explain Thread Deadlock with example. Q. 3. Answer the following in detail. (30) 1. Write java program to accept 3 different numbers from user and find minimum and maximum between them. 2. Write a java program to accept two different strings from user and try to find out whether second string is substring of first string or not. 3. What is an exception? List and discribe the five keywords used for exception handling in java. Explain them with example. ________________ Java ( BCA-421) AD / II 1/1