WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Code No: MC1621/R16
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Code No: MC1621/R16
WWW - Manaresults.Co - In: Code No: MC1621/R16
2. a Discuss clearly on various control statements (along with their syntax) available [6]
with Java.
b Explain the following concepts with suitable examples. [6]
i) Data Encapsulation ii) Method Overriding iii) Portable
3. a Write about various ways of parameter passing mechanisms in Java with examples. [8]
b What is garbage collection? Explain how java performs garbage collection. [4]
4. a Write an abstract class called Shape consists of area and perimeter methods? Define [6]
subclasses named Circle, Triangle, and Rectangle to Shape class. Define a class
Square to Rectangle. Write a test program that create an object of Circle, Triangle,
Rectangle and Square and print the corresponding area and perimeters of the
b “Java indirectly supports multiple inheritance”. Justify it and also give suitable Java [6]
6. a Write a program that creates a thread forces preemptive scheduling for lower [6]
priority threads.
b Illustrate the creation of user defined exception with an example program. [6]
7. a Design an applet to display three buttons “Blue”, “Black” and “White”. The color of [5]
the background changes according to the button pressed by the user. Also, write the
HTML code to display the applet.
b Discuss about border and card layout mangers with suitable Java programs. [7]