Calculation of Safe Bearing Capacity As Per IS 6403 - 1981

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Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing (B) = 3.00 m

Length of Footing (L) = 3.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 60.0 KN/m3 For BH-1
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 5.0 degree For BH-1
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 16.5 KN/m3 For BH-1

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 6.5 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Ground Level = 1943 m
Foundation level = 1933 m
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.0 m
Depth of water Table (Dw) = 0m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing = Square
L/B = 1
Shape factor (sc) = 1.3 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.2 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.8 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 1.190281 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.05 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 3.338 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 6.49 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 1.57 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 0.45 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
531.531 147.08 KN/m2
8.892 14.708 t/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 1
Summary of Safe Bearing Capacity at various Bore Holes
Depth = 5 m
FoS = 2.5

Allowable Bearing Allowable Bearing Safe Bearing

Bore Hole Capacity (Shear Capacity (Settlement Capacity Observed Corrected
No. Consideration) kN/m2 Consideration) kN/m2 (kN/m2) SPT Value SPT Value
BH-1 249.01 207.96 207.96 14 17
BH-2 241.36 227.77 227.77 9 12
BH-3 119.39 265.73 119.39 13 16
BH-4 133.49 281.36 133.49 13 16
BH-5 196.11 207.96 196.11 12 16
BH-6 126.17 227.77 126.17 16 18
BH-7 262.98 273.32 262.98 16 18
BH-8 106.12 251.75 106.12 11 14
BH-9 245.72 273.32 245.72 16 18
Average 186.71 246.33 180.63
Minimum 106.12 207.96 106.12
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 28.0 KN/m3 For BH-1
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 23.0 degree For BH-1
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 17.7 KN/m3 For BH-1

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 7.7 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.5 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 2.283121 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.03 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.015 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.015 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 15.801 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 11.60 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 4.33 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 3.09 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
249.01 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 15
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 23 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 36.064 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 207.96 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 207.96 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 3
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 0.0 KN/m3 For BH-2
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 27.0 degree For BH-2
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 18.5 KN/m3 For BH-2

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 8.5 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 2.663424 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.026 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.013 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.013 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 18.762 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 13.88 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 5.78 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 4.72 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
241.36 KN/m2
24.136 t/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 16
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 21 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 32.928 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 227.77 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 227.77 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 4
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 32.0 KN/m3 For BH-3
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 10.0 degree For BH-3
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 18.2 KN/m3 For BH-3

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 8.2 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 7.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 1.420864 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.067 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.033 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.033 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 6.704 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 7.12 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 1.88 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 0.71 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
119.39 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 18
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 18 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 28.224 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 265.73 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 119.39 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 5
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 39.0 KN/m3 For BH-4
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 13.0 degree For BH-4
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 16.8 KN/m3 For BH-4

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 6.8 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 1.580049 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.02 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.01 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.01 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 8.75 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 7.88 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 2.25 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 1.01 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
133.49 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 19
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 17 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 26.656 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 281.36 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 133.49 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 6
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 22.0 KN/m3 For BH-5
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 22.0 degree For BH-5
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 17.2 KN/m3 For BH-5

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 7.2 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 2.199289 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.024 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.012 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.012 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 15.075 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 11.04 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 3.98 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 2.69 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
196.11 KN/m2
19.611 t/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 15
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 23 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 36.064 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 207.96 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 196.11 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 7
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 41.0 KN/m3 For BH-6
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 9.0 degree For BH-6
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 17.8 KN/m3 For BH-6

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 7.8 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 7.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 1.371241 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.066 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.033 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.033 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 6.028 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 6.87 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 1.76 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 0.60 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
126.17 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 16
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 21 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 32.928 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 227.77 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 126.17 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 8
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 29.0 KN/m3 For BH-7
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 24.0 degree For BH-7
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 17.1 KN/m3 For BH-7

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 7.1 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 2.3716 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.025 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.012 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.012 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 16.532 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 12.16 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 4.69 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 3.49 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
262.98 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 20
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 17.5 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 27.44 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 273.32 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 262.98 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 9
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 28.0 KN/m3 For BH-8
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 12.0 degree For BH-8
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 18.0 KN/m3 For BH-8

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 8.0 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.0 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 1.525225 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.02 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.01 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.01 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 8.065 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 7.62 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 2.12 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 0.91 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
106.12 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 17
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 19 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 29.792 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 251.75 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 106.12 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 10
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981

Width of Footing/Raft (B) = 25.00 m

Length of Footing/Raft (L) = 160.00 m
Cohesion (C) = 0.0 KN/m3 For BH-9
Angle of Internal Friction (f) = 27.0 degree For BH-9
Bulk Unit weight (g) = 18.2 KN/m3 For BH-9

Unit weight of water (gw) = 10 KN/m3

Submerged Unit Weight = 8.2 KN/m3
Type of Failure = Local Shear Failure
Depth of foundation (Df) = 2.5 m

Factor of Safety = 2.5

Shape of Footing / Raft = Rectangle
L/B = 6.4
Shape factor (sc) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sq) = 1.031 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Shape factor (sg) = 0.938 (Table 2 of IS 6403)
Nf = 2.663424 (cl. 3 of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dc) = 1.033 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dq) = 1.016 (cl. of IS 6403)
Depth factor (dg) = 1.016 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination of load to vertical (a) = 0 degree
Inclination factors (ic) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (iq) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
Inclination factors (ig) = 1 (cl. of IS 6403)
From Table 1 of IS 6403

f' for local shear failure (Φ'=Φ*2/3) = 18.762 degree

Bearing capacity factor (Nc' ) = 13.88 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Nq' ) = 5.78 For Local shear failure
Bearing capacity factor (Ng' ) = 4.72 For Local shear failure

q = Effective surcharge at the base level of foundation = g*Df

qa = Net pressure for a specified settlement of 75 mm
R = Relative density of soil
W' = Correction factor for Water Table = 0.50 (cl. of IS 6403)

Qu' (Local shear failure) = 1/F(2/3*c* Nc' *sc*dc*ic + g*Df*(Nq' -1)

*sq*dq*iq + 0.5*g*B*Ng' *sg*dg*ig*W' )
245.72 KN/m2

As per Figure 9 of IS 8009 (Part I) 1986

Average SPT Value = 20
Settlement at a load of 1 kg/cm2 (100 kN/m2) = 17.5 mm (For Width = 25 m)
Water Table Correction for Settlement = 0.5
Correction Factor for Depth of foundation = 0.98
Correction Factor for Rigidity of Foundation = 0.8
Settlement after Water Table Correction = 27.44 mm

Load at 75 mm Settlement = 273.32 kN/m2

Safe Bearing Capacity = 245.72 kN/m2

7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 11

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