Calculation of Safe Bearing Capacity As Per IS 6403 - 1981
Calculation of Safe Bearing Capacity As Per IS 6403 - 1981
Calculation of Safe Bearing Capacity As Per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 1
Summary of Safe Bearing Capacity at various Bore Holes
Depth = 5 m
FoS = 2.5
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 3
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 4
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 5
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 6
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 7
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 8
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 9
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 10
Calculation of Safe Bearing capacity as per IS 6403 - 1981
7061364 SKHEP |Structural Design of Diversion Tunnel Inlet Gate Structure | Rev.6 | August 2016 11