Seismic Analysis of Over Head INTZE Water Tank Subjected To Sloshing Effect
Seismic Analysis of Over Head INTZE Water Tank Subjected To Sloshing Effect
Seismic Analysis of Over Head INTZE Water Tank Subjected To Sloshing Effect
Dr. K Naresh
Professor and HOD, Dept. of Civil Engineering Sri Krishna Institute of Technology
Abstract- Water supply is a life line facility that must During lateral base excitation seismic ground
remain functional in natural disaster. These structures acceleration reasons hydrodynamic stress at the tank
have large mass concentrated at the top of slender wall which depends at the geometry of tank, top of
supporting structure hence these structure are
liquid, homes of liquid and fluid-tank interplay.
especially vulnerable to horizontal forces due to
Proper estimation of hydrodynamic strain calls for a
earthquakes. The Intze water tank were collapsed or
heavily damaged during the earthquakes because of
rigorous fluid-shape interaction evaluation. In the
unsuitable design of supporting system or wrong mechanical analogue of tank-liquid system, the liquid
selection of supporting system and underestimated is split in two components as, impulsive liquid and
demand or overestimated strength. So, it is very convective liquid.
important to select proper supporting system and also Column-Beam type staging is always considered
need to study the response of Intze water tank subjected better than RC shaft type staging because of more
to seismic forces in different zones and to find out the absorbing capacity of seismic forces and huge
design parameters for seismic analysis. It is also
redundancy compared to shaft type staging. Column-
necessary to consider the sloshing effect on container
Beam type staging have more flexural members like
roof slab. The effect of hydrodynamic pressure and
pressure due to wall inertia & effect of vertical ground
beams and columns to absorb heavy lateral loads
acceleration in the seismic analysis must be considered during seismic action. The failure pattern in such
in the seismic analysis of Intze water tank. staging to be known earliest, if damage occurs in
staging pattern then the forces distributed to other
Index terms- Intze Water Tank, Sloshing effect, SAP part of the structure, also to be detail as per Indian
2000 standard code to resist lateral forces and able to
I. INTRODUCTION sustain deformation.
All over the world, most of the failures of large water II. LITERATURE REVIEW
tanks after/during earthquakes are suspected to have
resulted from dynamic buckling caused by George Housner et. al., [1963][1]: In 1960 Chilean
overturning moments of seismically induced liquid faces earthquakes, some elevated water tank stand
inertia and surface slosh waves and also because of without damage and some tank are damaged heavily.
unsuitable design of supporting system or wrong An analysis of such elevated tanks is taken into
selection of supporting system and underestimated account movement of liquid relative to tank and
demand or overestimated strength. movement of tank relative to tank. The simplified
A water tower built in accordance with the Intze dynamic analysis is carried out with simplified
Principle has a brick shaft on which the water tank expression and to know the exact behaviors of
sits. The base of the tank is fixed with a ring anchor elevated water tank under dynamic loadings.
(Ringanker) made of iron or steel, so that only For structural engineers dynamic analysis of such
vertical, not horizontal, forces are transmitted to the tanks is very important and such analysis is carried
tower. Due to the lack of horizontal forces the tower out for empty tank and full tank condition with
shaft does not need to be quite as solidly built. This sloshing effects. For tank with full liquid considered
type of design was used in Germany between 1885 as one-mass structure and the tank with partially
and 1905 filled with liquid considered as two mass structures,
behavior of such structure under seismic and sloshing Elevated water tank is analyzed for two degree and
effect is completely different. So therefore proper single degree of freedom system because the full tank
understanding of dynamic behavior of tank is very behaves like single mass and partially filled tank
important. behaves like two mass structures. For seismic
Sarvesh K Jain et. al., [1993][2]: Elevated water tank stability of the water tank the structure is analyzed for
to be analyzed for two degree and single degree of (a) empty condition (b) full tank condition and (c)
freedom system because the full tank behaves like partially filled tank condition in partially filled tank
single mass and partially filled tank behaves like two due to sloshing of liquid the impulsive and
mass structure. For seismic stability of the water tank convective hydrodynamic pressure to be applied to
the structure to be analyzed for (a) empty condition tank side walls so the sloshing effect on elevated
(b) full tank condition and (c) partially filled tank water tank is considered in zone 2 and zone 5 for
condition in partially filled tank due to sloshing of optimum design of it. The effect of sloshing to be
liquid the impulsive and convective hydrodynamic considered while designing the elevated water tank.
pressure to be applied to tank side walls so the Sufficient permitted board to be allowed based on
sloshing effect on elevated water tank to considered sloshing wave height. For structural engineers
for optimum design of it. dynamic analysis of such tanks is very important and
Durgesh C Rai et. al., [2002] [3]: Circular elevated such analysis is carried out for empty tank and full
water tank are more vulnerable to seismic effect. tank condition with sloshing effects, in this study.
During bhuj earthquake the circular type water tank
damaged more due to seismic effects. It is evident III. OBJECTIVES
from the current Bhuj study they considered staging
as building structure but actual seismic behavior is This Present study is concentrated on the effects of
completely different for tank. sloshing on Analysis of Elevated Intze overhead
So the selection of staging type is very important in water tank. The objectives of this study are as
analysis, the structure with weak staging results in follows:
failure under seismic loading and staging to be 1. To study the sloshing impact on circular elevated
detailed according to IS13920 detailing under such intze water tank with seismic loading condition
circumstances it can withstand. according to IS 1893-2002 (Part-II).
Sudhir K Jain and O.R.Jaiswal et. al., [2005][4]: By 2. To consider effect of different staging systems
referring international codes Sudhir and Jaiswal on the overall behaviour of E.S.R. The
proposed some modification in IS 1893-(Part-II),the comprehensive study will be concluded by
modification are as follows. suitable conclusions based on the results
The design horizontal seismic co efficient, response obtained.
reduction and importance factor to be referred 3. To study and compare the results which are
according IS 1893 which is given in table while obtained from SAP 2000 for tank empty, tank
designing elevated water tank. with full capacity and tank full capacity with
The impulsive and convective hydrodynamic sloshing.
pressure to be calculated according to code and 4. To Study the seismic parameters for zone-2 and
spring mass modal to be made for single and two zone-5.
mass modal to know the exact dynamic behavior on 5. To study the critical load parameters under the
tank. following conditions.
The analysis results to evaluate for critical case with a) When tank is empty.
taking the effect of sloshing and permitted board to b) When tank is full, by considering hydrostatic
be given grounded on wave altitude due to sloshing. forces.
If permitted board not able to provide then the top c) When tank is full, by considering sloshing effect.
dome to be designed for uplift pressure due to
sloshing effects. IV. METHODOLOGY
Following methodology is adopted to analyses structure, in which one expressing mass of structure
elevated intze water tank. plus impulsive mass behaves like reversed pendulum
1. R.C.C Elevated intze water tank is considered for with stiffness which is equivalent to staging (Ks) and
the study and it is analyzed in SAP2000 on other side it signifying convective mass with
Software. stiffness due to spring(Kc).
2. There are six models are considered. For tank shapes like intze, conical other than round
A. Water tank subjected to gravity load with and four-sided tank rate of h / D will resemble
empty water. towards of an comparable round container of similar
B. Tank subjected to gravity load with full capacity also dia. equivalent to dia. of chamber at
water. container level of water; & m i , m c , h i, h i*, h c , h
C. Tank subjected to seismic load for zone-2. c* and K c of equivalent round container will be
D. Tank subjected to seismic load for zone-5. used.
E. Tank subjected to seismic and sloshing
effect for zone-2. RECOMMENDATIONS OF IS 1893 PART – II:
F. Tank subjected to seismic and sloshing 1. TIME PERIOD
effect for zone-2. A) Impulsive Method
3. Analyse the models by Equivalent static analysis Time period of impulsive method, in second
using IS 1893-2002(Part-II). specified by
4. Initially member sizes are assumed for beam and T i = 2 π ((m i + m s)/Ks) 0.5
columns, later member sizes are optimised based The toughness of the staging is the lateral energy
on the system adopted. would be apply to the center of gravity of elevated
5. From the Conclusions are made based on the water storage container to origin equivalent unit
results obtained. lateral movement. The elasticity of braced beam will
be measured in manipulating the lateral stiffness (Ks)
MASS IDEALIZATION: of water storage tank with moment-resisting frame.
If elevated water tank is fully filled with liquid then it
has been analyzed as one mass structure, if it is partly B) Convective Method
filled with liquid then it has been analyzed as two Time period of convective method, in second given
mass structure by taking the effect of sloshing by
movement of liquid and in both the cases the ductile T c = 2π (m c / K c) 0.5
behavior of the structure is completely different. So mc and Kc value can be obtained from IS 1893 part II
effect due to sloshing to be taken into account in for circular and rectangular tanks. Subsequently the
partly filled liquid tank and spring-mass module to be mathematical equations for mc and K c are known,
done for both the cases. the equation for T c can be instead stated such as:
Tc = Cc (D/g) 0.5 (Circular tank)
Tc = Cc (L/g) 0.5 (Rectangular tank)
Damping will be in use as 0.5 percent of critical for
convective method for all kinds of water and for all
kinds of storage tanks and for impulsive case
damping will be taken as 2 percent of critical
damping for steel water storage containers and 5
percent of the critical damping for masonry or
concrete water storage containers.
Figure: Two Mass Idealization of Elevated Tank
In the fig shown, the elevated water tanks to be
designed horizontal seismic coefficient, Ah will
modeled as two uncoupled single degree freedom
acquired from subsequent expression, subject to Pcw = Qcw (y) (A h )c ρ g D (1 - cos2φ ) x cos φ
modifications The vertical direction pressure due to convective
Ah = Z I * Sa motion of liquid on tank base slab (y = 0)
2R g Pcb = Q cb (x) x (A h ) c x ρ g D
Z = Zone factor given in Table 2 of IS 1893 (Part- V.TANK MODELLING AND LOADING DATA
I = Importance factor given in Table 3.1, 1. Top dome plate thickness: 150mm
R = Response reduction factor given in Table 3.2, 2. Tank wall plate thickness: 200mm
and Sa/g= Average response acceleration coefficient 3. Bottom conical dome plate thickness: 300mm
as given by Fig. 2 and Table 3 of IS1893 -Part -II: 4. Top ring beam dimension: 350*500mm
2002. 5. Bottom ring beam dimension: 800*500mm
6. Circular ring beam dimension: 400*500mm
4. SLOSHING WAVE HEIGHT 7. Top ring dimension: 350*500mm
The amplitude of the sloshing is analytical study of 8. columns Dimensions : 400*600mm
the amount of the ground motion. Wave height due to 9. And Of height (including 1m inside GL) :
maximum sloshing is specified as follows, 2600mm
d max = ( A h ) c x R x D2 (Circular tank) 10. Bracings : 300*450mm
d max = ( A h ) c x R x L2 (rectangular tank) 11. Water pressure: 49.05KN/m2.
Where, 12. Sloshing effect: 3.29KN/m2.
D - Inner diameter of circular tank,
L - Circular and Rectangular tank inside length
corresponding to the course of earthquake force.
During lateral seismic effect, the pressure generated
on tank wall is horizontal hydrodynamic pressure and
base governed by hydrodynamic pressure in vertical
A) Hydrodynamic Pressure due to impulsive
effect (as per IS1893-PartII)
The Pressure generated by impulsive motion of liquid
on circular liquid tank wall and base is specified as
Piw = Q iw(y) (A h ) i ρ g h cos φ
Qiw (y) = 0.866 x (1 - (y/h ) 2) x tan h ( 0.866 x
P iw - Horizontal hydrodynamic impulsive pressure
on the wall, ρ – Liquid density, φ – Angle due to
Circumferential, y – It is the distance between the
point on container wall corresponding to bottommost
of container wall.
Be NLoad Case Nod Ax Shear Force Bendi ng mom ent 36 COMBINA 389
123.2 - 6.234 - - -
ao e ial fo CASE 4
43 24.52 0.8194 4.2077 0.008
rc e 2 7
Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz 44 COMBINA 396 120.0 - 23.8 6.236 - - -
38 87 0.8431 3.9723 0.010
N N m m m 4 9
27 COMBINA 318 444.0 83.05 12.57 - - 4.08 45 COMBINA 395 100.7 - 67.3 6.176 - - 3.436 -
TION 97 6 9 0.6149 4.2269 98 TION LOAD
9 38 2.3132 6 0.001
17 COMBINA 310 385.6 262.4 11.96 3.7049 - - [3] Time Period
TION 35 48 4 3.210 2.96 Table: Time period for all condition of the intze
LOAD 4 22
water tank
33 COMBINA 311 261.4 383.6 15.87 - - 3.27 MO Tank Tank Tan k Tan k Tank Tank
TION 11 84 1 2.9904 0.160 09 D with with no with with with with
LOAD 3 AL hydrosta sloshi sloshin
CASE 4 tic load hydro hydr o hydr o ng and g and
36 COMBINA 389 122.4 - 6.183 - - - static stati c stati c hydro hydro
TION 99 24.37 0.8124 4.0907 0.00
load load in load in static static
4 85 zone-2 zone-5 load in load in
12 COMBINA 263 111.0 53.58 121.0 68.126 - - zone- 2 zone-5
TION 9 9 95 7 92.798 14.1 1 1.104402 1.1527 1.0419 1.0419 1.52867 1.041942
LOAD 9 68 47 42 42 6
1.0153 0.9352 0.9352 1.29610
45 COMBINA 395 102.1 - 6.144 - - 0.00
TION 66 68.25 2.2693 3.3944 17 2 0.973363 55 75 75 8 0.935275
LOAD 9 1.0048 0.8950 0.8950 1.12740
3 0.953234 43 1 1 5 0.89501
6 COMBINA 269 33.42 117.3 12.056 - 15.2
TION 76.67 5 0.1818 0.1717 0.1717 0.21395
73 6 121.74 939
LOAD 2 12 4 0.175719 74 42 42 1 0.171742
CASE 4 0.1522 0.1394 0.1394 0.15870
96 COMBINA 787 - 1717. 1.380 159.54 0.38
TION 74.60 0.47 981 8 5 0.14625 56 25 25 1 0.139425
19 21
LOAD 8 0.1389 0.1352 0.1352 0.14762
CASE 4 6 0.135817 9 41 41 9 0.135241
Table: Critical beam and column Tank with full 0.1257 0.1213 0.1213 0.12775
capacity by considering sloshing effect in seismic 7 0.121612 42 04 04 4 0.121304
zone-5 0.1173 0.1131 0.1131 0.12600
Bea Load Case Nod Axial Shear Force Bending moment 8 0.113868 35 48 48 1 0.113148
m e force 0.1171 0.1039 0.1039 0.11453
No Fx Fy Fz Mx My Mz 9 0.11376 28 13 13 5 0.103913
KN KN KN KN-m KN-m KN- 0.1078 0.0972 0.0972
m 10 0.104864 6 9 9 0.11439 0.09729
27 COMBINA 318 448.3 83.77 12.52 0.1336 - 1.941 0.0802 0.0793 0.0793 0.10599
TION 56 8 5 6.0496 7
LOAD 11 0.079802 43 57 57 1 0.079357
CASE 4 12 0.074098 0.0749 0.0728 0.0728 0.09118 0.072802
17 COMBINA 310 404.3 2737 11.23 4.8545 - 0.048 85 02 02 9
TION 93 43 7 5.6689 5
33 COMBINA 311 271.0 399.7 16.35 - 0.5976 0.750
TION 48 42 3 4.0653 3
12 COMBINA 263 160.0 81.86 148.5 87.053 - -
TION 63 1 97 5 134.87 17.97
LOAD 2 7
96 COMBINA 787 149.1 - 1717. 1.3807 319.39 0.761
83 0.472 986 72
Figure: Plot mode v/s Time Period
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