Dynamic Analysis of Elevated Water Tanks: Damini J. Dhondge, Dr. R. S. Talikoti
Dynamic Analysis of Elevated Water Tanks: Damini J. Dhondge, Dr. R. S. Talikoti
Dynamic Analysis of Elevated Water Tanks: Damini J. Dhondge, Dr. R. S. Talikoti
ABSTRACT: Water tanks are very important components of lifeline. They are vital component in municipal
water system, firefighting systems and in many industrial facilities for storage of water. The water tanks get
heavily damaged or collapsed during earthquake due to the fluid-structure interactions; hence the seismic be-
havior of tanks has the characteristics of complex phenomena. Water storage tanks ought to stay practical
within the post-earthquake amount to confirm potable water system to earthquake affected regions. The para-
metric study suggests that the elevated circular tanks performs better than elevated rectangular tanks. In the
present study, a dynamic analysis of elevated RCC water tanks design for the zone III and zone V as per Indi-
an Standard: 1893-2002 (Part-2) and analyzed manually as well as using the software considering all the
earthquake forces. Objective of this paper is to understand the dynamic behavior of elevated water tanks un-
der earthquake loading.
Special Issue: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering 19(1) 2019
last revised in 2002, and it now has seismic zones – 1.3.3 Water Pressure
II, III, IV and V. The seismic zone I areas were The water pressure is triangular or uniformly var-
merged with those of seismic zone II in 1970. Seis- ying load which is zero at the top and maximum at
mic Zone Map presents an outsized scale read of the the bottom of the water tank.
unstable zones. Hence soil variations and variations
in the geology cannot be represented at that scale.
Therefore, for major projects, such as large scale 1.4 Aim of the study
dams or a power plant, the seismic danger is investi- The aim of design is the performance of an adequate
gated specifically in detail for that particular site. probability that structures being designed will carry
For the purposes of urban planning, the area to be out.
urbanized is again zoned further as smaller unit Satisfactorily during their intended life. Structural
which is known as micro-zoning. By doing so, the design of the water tank should be economical.
local of earthquake forces are:
Seismic variations in soil profile, geology etc. can
also be considered. The necessary factors that have 1.5 Objectives of the study
an effect on the magnitude, • The main objective of this project is Dy-
1.2.1. Zone Factor, Z
namic Analysis of the Elevated water
As mentioned earlier, India has been divided into
four seismic zones as per IS 1893 (Part 1): 2002.
• To study the Examine base shear of Ele-
There are different zone factors for different zones.
1.2.2. Important Factor, I
vated Circular water tanks Supported on
It relies upon useful utilization of the structures, Frame Staging considering different
characterized by hazardous results of its collapse or height and zone and plotting the graphs as
failure and post-earthquake practical requirements or base shear Vs height and base shear Vs
financial significance. Elevated water tanks are uti- zone.
lized for putting away consumable water and used
during crisis for example, putting out fires and are of • To know about the manual design of struc-
post-earthquake significance. Importance factor is ture for the safe and economical structure
taken as 1.5for elevated water tank. of the tanks.
1.2.3. Response reduction factor, R
It relies on the apparent earthquake hazard and 2 METHODOLOGY
harm caused on the building, described by brittle or 2.1 Design 1: Analysing structure manually in
ductile displacements. R values of tanks are not as Microsoft Excel.
much as buildings since tanks are less ductile and
have low redundancy when compared with other The first step for the analysis has been the elevat-
building. For Special Moment Resisting Frame ed water tank designed manually in Microsoft excel
(SMRF), R value is 2.5. It will be design for earthquake acting. Proper load-
1.2.4. Structural Response Factor,(Sa/g) ing conditions, earthquake zone etc. are to be con-
It is a component meaning which denotes accel- sidered in this design. All wall loads and slab loads
eration response spectrum of the building subjected has calculated in excel and directly applied in mod-
to soil disturbance due to earthquake and depends on eling of the elevated water tank structure in staad-
the damping of the structure and natural period of pro.
2.2 Design 2: Elevated water tank structure in
1.3 Loads Considered STAAD-PRO.
1.3.1 Dead load After clear analysis of water tank, the next step
The dead load in a tank includes the self-weight has the effect on tank at different height of structure
of the structure and all other superimposed dead with the help of STAAD-PRO software. For this at-
loads (viz, all permanent constructions and installa- tempt, we have tried to consider same loading condi-
tions including weight of all side slabs). tions, and earthquake zones coming on the structure
1.3.2 Live Load so that it will be easy for comparison.
The magnitude of live load to be taken generally The tank selected for study will be circular type.
depends upon the type of occupancy of the tank. IS Tank is analyzed by using STAAD-PRO analysis
3375 part 4 gives certain minimum values of live package and performance with respect to displace-
loads for specific purpose. ment, base shear and maximum forces are presented.
Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering 19(1) 2019
Special Issue: Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering 19(1) 2019
The behavior of structure due to seismic loads Table 4: Base moment in zone III Vs zone V
and wind loads are observed by performing dynamic
analysis considering seismic zone III, zone V and Base Moment(kN.m) 12m 15 m 18 m
wind zone VI. Parameter considered for comparison
Zone III 1713.33 2906.12 2974.88
are displacement, height variation, time period, base
Shear. Zone V 3854.99 6538.77 6693.48
Table 2: Height of the tank Vs Displacement
Base 12m 15 m 18 m
Zone III 191.96 223.23 242.92
Zone V 431.91 502.26 546.58
The objective of research was to study Elevated
water tanks (Circular type) variation of height and
Figure 6: Base Shear in zone III Vs Zone V base shear analysis in different zones is to suggest
the height of tank increases displacement are
increases. The behavior of Tank due to seismic loads
Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering 19(1) 2019
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