Ijems 14 (2) 2007 133-145
Ijems 14 (2) 2007 133-145
Ijems 14 (2) 2007 133-145
Elevated tanks are the structures frequently used in Upsetting circumstances were experienced through
order to store fluid for not only drinking but also for damage to the staging of elevated tanks in some
fire fighting. There has been intensive focus on the earthquakes which occurred in different regions of the
seismic safety of lifeline structures; i.e., tanks in world3-5.
seismic regions; particularly those critical structures Numerous studies have been done for dynamic
that may fail during earthquakes and can potentially
behaviour of liquid storage tanks, most of which are
endanger drinking water, fail to stop large fires and
concerned with ground level cylindrical tanks.
results in substantial economical losses. The 1999
Kocaeli earthquake in Turkey caused significant Contrary to this, very few studies exist related to
structural damage to the Tubras refinery itself and an underground and elevated tanks. It is generally
associated tank farm with crude oil and product assumed that the elevated tanks are fixed to the
jetties. Of 112 tanks on the farm six of varying sizes ground. So, attention is focused on the dynamic
were damaged due to ground shaking and fire. The behaviour of the fluid and/or supporting structure.
consequent fire in the refinery and on the tank farm In the 1950s the concept of analyzing probability of
caused extensive additional damage. Fire started in elevated water tanks as a single degree of freedom
one of the naphtha tanks lasting for three days and system was suggested6. Some codes still recommend
endangered the safety of the whole region. During the this approach7. If the tank is completely full of water,
earthquake this fire initiated as a result of sparks vertical motion of the sloshing is prevented, and
created by bouncing of the floating roof in one of the supporting structure has a uniform rigidity along the
tanks. The sparks ignited the naphtha1. The height. In this regards, the elevated tank may be
Production Index dropped by 12.1% and 9%,
treated as a single degree of freedom system or in
respectively, during August and September of 1999,
resulting in an annual drop of 5% from 1998 level. other words as a normal inverted pendulum. When the
This is largely attributed to the slowdown in fluid in the vessel oscillates, this changes dynamic
production at the TUBRAŞ2. behaviour of the elevated tanks. It is indicated that
All the reasons mentioned above show that with observations of real elevated tanks large errors
this type of structure and its reliability against are involved in using a single-degree-of-freedom
failure under seismic load are of critical concern. system model. Therefore, the methods which consider
______________ sloshing in the elevated fluid storage tanks are
*For correspondence (E-mail: [email protected]) preferred and used in present study.
Housner8 proposed the equivalent impulsive mass seismic response of isolated elevated tanks. These
(mass moving firmly with the walls) and convective researchers concluded that the base shear of elevated
mass (sloshing mass) to represent the dynamic liquid storage tank was significantly reduced due to
behaviour of fluid. The impulsive mass is connected isolation and proposed approximate methods which
to tank walls by rigid links, whereas the convective accurately predict the peak response of the isolated
one by springs. A two-mass model is developed by elevated steel tank with significantly less
using this equivalent masses and springs. In this computational efforts. It is clear from the literature;
model, walls were assumed as rigid and the rigidity of very few researchers have presented the seismic
supporting structure characterized by k1 rigidity which behaviour of elevated tanks when compared to tens of
equals to that of the supporting structure for a the studies for ground-supported cylindrical tanks23.
horizontal force applied at the same height as the But Livaoğlu and Doğangün24 proposed a simple
mass. Further, applications of two-mass model for analytical procedure for the seismic analysis of fluid-
elevated tanks have been reported by Sonobe and elevated tank-foundation/soil systems and they used
Nishikawa9 and Shepherd10. Housner’s two-mass this approximation in selected tanks considering fluid-
model has been commonly used for seismic analysis elevated tank-soil/foundation system. Livaoğlu25
of elevated tanks11. performed a comparative study of seismic behaviour
Haroun and Ellaithy3 developed a model which of the elevated tanks by taking both fluid and soil
included an analysis of a variety of elevated rigid interaction effects on the elevated tanks into account.
tanks undergoing translation and rotation; the model Livaoğlu and Doğangün26 summarized simplified
includes sloshing modes; and it assesses the effect of techniques which are able to determine seismic
tank wall flexibility on the earthquake response of response of the fluid-elevated tanks-soil/foundation
elevated tanks. Resheidat and Sunna12 investigated the system.
behaviour of rectangular elevated tank during Soil-structure interaction may be more important in
earthquakes considering soil-foundation-structure elevated tanks due to the fact that most of the masses
interaction. They neglected the sloshing effects on the lumped above the ground and foundation supported on
seismic behaviour of the elevated tanks. Haroun and relatively small area. The problem of soil-structure
Temraz13 analyzed models of two-dimensional X- interaction for ground supported cylindrical tanks was
braced elevated tanks supported on isolated footings addressed by many investigators27,28. But the same
to investigate the effects of dynamic interaction condition is not relevant to the elevated tanks. So, there
between the tower and the supporting soil-foundation is a need to study the fluid-structure-foundation/soil
system. While doing this, they also neglected the interaction for elevated tanks. Therefore, the purpose
sloshing effects. Marashi and Shakib14 carried out an of this study is to investigate the seismic behaviour of
ambient vibration test in order to evaluate the elevated tanks with frame supporting system on
dynamic characteristics of elevated tanks. Dutta et different subsoils.
al.15,16 studied on the comparisons of the supporting
system of elevated tank with reduced torsional Fluid-Structure-Soil/Foundation Interaction
vulnerability and they suggested approximate The seismic analysis and design of elevated tanks are
empirical equations to determine the values of lateral, complicated by fluid, structure, foundation and soil
horizontal and torsional stiffness for different frame interaction. The model shown in Fig. 1 is used to
supporting systems. They also investigated how the investigate these interaction problems by using general
inelastic torsional behaviour of the tank system with purpose structural analysis programs.
accidental eccentricity varied in accordance with the
increasing number of panel and column17. Housner’s equivalent spring-mass model for fluid
Asthana and Sridhar added fluid mass to the wall The equivalent spring-mass model proposed by
to investigate seismic behaviour of elevated tank. Housner regarding dynamic behaviour of fluid inside
Dogangün et al.19 studied the efficiency of added a vessel is shown in Fig. 2. It is important to note that
mass approach for fluid-structure interaction in the factors in Housner’s equations were modified by
elevated tanks neglecting subsoil effects. Rai5 Epstein29. The fluid is replaced by an impulsive mass
searched the seismic behaviour and retrofitting of mi and this mass is rigidly attached to the tank wall
reinforced concrete elevated tanks. Shenton & and a convective mass mo to the tank wall by linear
Hampton20 and Shrimali & Jangid21,22 investigated springs whose total stiffness is k2. This fluid-structure
model is used to account for fluid-structure interaction even if the fundamental frequency of the structure is
effects for elevated water tanks in this study. in the vicinity of one of the natural frequencies of
The impulsive and convective masses for a sloshing3.
cylindrical tank are determined from; Sloshing frequency of ω and the stiffness of k2 for a
cylindrical tank are given by;
tanh ‚ (1.74 R h )
mi = mt ; g 1.84 ⋅ h
(1.74 R h ) ω2 = 1.84 tanh ; k2 = mo ω2 …(2)
mo = mt ⋅ 0.318 tanh ‚ (1.84 h R ) …(1)
h where g is the ground acceleration. The impulsive and
convective masses are located from the bottom of the
where mt is the total mass of the fluid, R is the inner vessel at the distances hi and ho as shown in Fig. 2,
radius of the vessel and h is the depth of the fluid. respectively; the heights are given by,
Convective masses of additional higher-mode may
also be included if desired. A single convective mass 3 ⎡ cosh (1.84 h R ) − 1 ⎤
is generally used for practical design of elevated hi = h ; ho = ⎢1 − ⎥h
tanks21,30 and higher modes of sloshing have 8 ⎣⎢ 1.84 ⋅ h R ⋅ sinh (1.84 ⋅h R ) ⎦⎥
negligible influence on the forces exerted on the tank … (3)
Fig. 6—Design response spectrums of Type-1 recommended by Eurocode-8 for subsoil classes of A ( ), B ( ), C ( )
and D (………). (peak ground acceleration also called “design ground acceleration” ag is taken as 0.4 g and response modification factor
is taken as 2)
is taken into account, and subsoil is also divided into Response spectrum analyses were carried out using
finite elements having eleven different Young’s SAP200036 package program. First twelve modes are
modulus, and three different Poisson ratios given in taken into account in the modal analysis. SRSS and
Table 1. CQC methods were used for mode superposition and
In this study, to judge the validity of the applied the practically same results were determined from both
model which is named as massless foundation methods as similarly mentioned in the study by
methods, result obtained analysis of 3D finite element Shrimali and Jangid40. From these results estimated
model with artificial boundary or viscous boundary period values, order of the modes and contribution of
are used. For comparison, transient analyses are the modal mass for selected systems are presented in
performed by using the North-South component of Table 2. Because it was aimed for using the response
1999 Kocaeli Earthquake (Yarımca record) for the spectrum to investigate how soil-structure and fluid-
considered elevated tank models. As can be seen from structure interactions change the dynamic behaviour of
Figs 7 and 8, both approximations gave almost same structure with known modal characteristics, it was
result for roof displacements and base shear assumed free field motion at the bottom of foundation
deviations, i.e., while the maximum displacement level. All the models were subjected to the same
obtained from the massless foundation model in A seismic effect. But it is important to note that for design
subsoil class are calculated as 0.087 m, from the other process of such structures considering interaction
more rigorous approximation is evaluated as 0.089, effects researcher or designer must consider wave
similarly for D subsoil class this results are obtained propagation effects by comparison with other free field
0,111 and 0,118 respectively. When the time history analysis results.
of the base shear is evaluated, same comparison can Periods for two modes given in Table 2 have the
be made easily, almost coincided deviation is seen in same value for the 1st and the 2nd sloshing modes and
the illustrations for both A and D subsoil classes. for the 3rd and the 4th impulsive modes with
These illustrations show that using the massless perpendicular directions in the axisymmetrical plan
foundation approximation cannot cause the large geometry of the elevated tank. As can be seen from
errors or misleading result for the scope of Table 2 although the values of the period for sloshing
investigated model in this research. modes increase from 3.68 s to 3.79 s, the values of the
Fig. 7— For two different approximation, variations of the roof displacement in time for two different subsoil classes
Fig. 8— For two different approximations, variations of the base shear force in time for two different subsoil classes
Table 2—Modal properties such as periods, mode orders and % contributions of the model masses
Systems Mod properties Sloshing Horizontal mode for structure Torsional mode HM for CSS * Vertical
Mode mode
System-I: Period, (s) 3.68 1.03 0.19 --- 1.01 0.14 0.14 ---
Fixed-base Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th --- 5th 10th 8 th & 9 th ---
Contribution % 14 2 76 1 0 0 --- 1 0 0 0 ---
System-II: Period, (s) 3.68 1.04 0.19 --- 1.01 0.14 0.15 ---
Limestone- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th --- 5th 10th 8 th & 9 th ---
E=30 GPa, ν =0.2 Contribution % 14 2 75 1 1 0 --- 0 0 0 0 ---
System-III Period, (s) 3.68 1.04 0.19 --- 1.01 0.14 0.15 ---
GPD2 Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th --- 5th 10th 8 th & 9 th ---
E=7GPa, ν =0.2 Contribution % 14 2 75 1 1 0 --- 0 0 0 0 ---
System-IV: Period, (s) 3.68 1.05 0.19 --- 1.01 0.14 0.15 ---
GPD1 Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th --- 5th 10th 8 th & 9 th ---
E=2 GPa, ν =0.2 Contribution % 14 2 75 1 1 0 --- 0 0 0 0 ---
System-V: Period, (s) 3.68 1.08 0.20 0.14 1.01 --- 0.15 ---
Very dense glacial till Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th 10th 5th --- 8 th & 9 th ---
E=500 MPa,ν =0.3 Contribution % 15 1 76 1 1 0 3 0 --- 0 0 ---
System-VI: Period, (s) 3.69 1.13 0.22 0.15 1.01 --- 0.15 ---
Sandy clay- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th 10th 5th --- 8 th & 9 th ---
E=250 MPa,ν =0.3 Contribution % 17 0 71 6 0 0 2 0 --- 0 0 ---
System-VII: Period, (s) 3.69 1.19 0.23 0.15 1.01 --- 0.15 ---
Sandy clay)- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 8th 5th --- ---
E=150 MPa,ν =0.3 Contribution % 17 0 50 26 2 0 2 0 --- 0 0 ---
System-VIII: Period, (sec.) 3.70 1.26 0.25 0.16 1.01 --- --- 0.17
Hard clay- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th 9 th & 10 th 5th --- --- 8th
E=100 MPa,ν =0.3 Contribution % 15 3 50 26 1 0 2 0 0 --- --- --- 1
System-IX: Period, (sec.) 3.71 1.31 0.26 0.16 1.01 --- --- 0.19
Hard clay- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th 9 th & 10 th 5th --- --- 8th
E=75 MPa, ν =0.4 Contribution % 15 4 54 22 1 0 3 0 0 --- --- --- 0
System-X: Period, (sec.) 3.72 1.42 0.27 0.17 1.01 --- --- 0.22
Hard clay- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th 9 th & 10 th 5th --- --- 8th
E=50 MPa, ν =0.4 Contribution % 16 3 58 16 1 0 3 0 0 --- --- --- 0
System-XI: Period, (sec.) 3.74 1.56 0.29 0.17 1.01 --- --- 0.29
Hard clay- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 6th & 7th 9 th & 10 th 5th --- --- 8th
E=35 MPa, ν =0.4 Contribution % 20 1 69 3 2 0 3 0 0 --- --- --- 0
System-XII: Period, (sec.) 3.79 1.84 0.32 0.18 1.01 --- --- 0.36
Medium clay- Mode order 1st & 2nd 3rd & 4th 7th & 8th 9 th & 10 th 5th --- --- 6th
E=20 MPa, ν =0.4 Contribution % 17 9 44 24 2 1 3 0 0 --- --- --- 0
1: HM for CSS: Horizontal mode for vessel scope shaft.
2: GPD: Granite partially decomposed.
periods for the 3rd and the 4th impulsive modes classes like C and D). In other words, while
significantly increase from 1.03 s to 1.84 s. This contribution of the 3rd and 4th impulsive modal masses
significant increase for the period values may cause for fixed-base system are 76% for excitation direction
different seismic response of elevated tank. and 1% for perpendicular direction to the excitation,
When the contribution of modal masses for the these values for System VIII were 50% and 26%,
analyzed systems are investigated, it can be seen from respectively. So, the coupling effects must be taken into
Table 2 that the contribution of the convective mass for consideration in dynamic analysis of soil-elevated tank-
excited direction of the systems reaches 20%, and the fluid systems, especially, for soft soils.
contributions for impulsive modes range 44-76%. As Subsoil classes were generally defined in earthquake
seen from Table 2, one of the most important result is codes with similar subsoil class definition. But as can be
that the coupling effects for the 3rd and the 4th impulsive seen from Table 1, different Young’s modulus between
modes of the systems in two directions (excitation the intervals from 35 MPa to 100 MPa were proposed
direction and perpendicular to the excitation direction) for hard clay. Furthermore, massive volcanic rocks and
in the axisymmetrical plan geometry can be more hard rock are in the same soil group of A in the Turkish
effective with increasing softness of the soil (subsoil Earthquake Code41. When the soil is considered as an
elastic media, changes in properties of the soil like For this reason coupling effect was considered in this
Young’s modules and Poisson ratio affect not only the paper and the results calculated for the two directions is
values of periods but also deterioration on the row
regularities for vibration modes except for torsional
mode. For example, period value of the 8th mode for
Systems of VIII, IX, X and XI in which soil may be
assumed soft is for vertical vibration mode. But this
period value for the other systems is of horizontal mode
of the vessel scope shaft. When first seven systems are
investigated (Table 2.) it can be seen that the 8th and the
9th modes relating to the vessel scope shaft do not
efficiently affect the dynamic behaviour of systems
whereas the 10th mode is more important than the 8th
and 9th modes for design. Furthermore, vertical mode Fig. 9— Variations of the systems periods with the Young’s
only occurs at the 8th and 6th vibration modes of the last modulus of subsoil for sloshing (◊), impulsive (□) and torsional
five systems (defined as soft soil). So, this indicates that modes (∆).
choosing the actual values for the properties of the
subsoil is very important for seismic design of elevated
tanks. Besides, the results may include some important
deficiencies, if only first few modes are included in the
The relationship between periods in the first five
modes and Young’s modulus of soil for the systems can
be seen from Fig. 9 in the logarithmic scale. The
periods for convective and impulsive modes decrease
with increasing Young’s modulus for soil. This
decrease was dramatic in the interval of 35 MPa~500
MPa values of Young’s modulus for impulsive mode.
When the Young’s modulus increase on the interval of
500 MPa to 7 GPa, the same decrease occurs gradually.
For the larger values of Young’s modulus the periods of
Fig. 10—Lateral displacements of elevated tank systems (a) for
all modes have practically the same value as the fixed- excited direction (b) for perpendicular direction to excited
base system. But the decrease of the sloshing periods direction; System I ( ), System III ( ), System VI
(1st & 2nd) is relatively small compared to the period for ( ), System VII ( ), System XI ( ),
impulsive mode as in Fig. 9. Here, the period value for System XII ( )
torsional modes of the elevated tank is not considerably
affected by the properties of the subsoil.
Lateral displacements of the systems I, III, VI, VII,
XI and XII are shown in Figs 10 and 11 to avoid
confusion. Fig. 10a presents the lateral displacements of
the selected soil-elevated tank-fluid systems in excited
direction. Here, the lateral displacement of the fixed-
base system has the smallest value of 59 mm and
System-XI yields the largest value of 173 mm.
Similarly, Fig. 10b presents the lateral displacement
occurred in the perpendicular direction to the excitation
direction. Again the smallest value is obtained for the
fixed-base system as 11 mm, System-XII gives the
largest value of 142 mm in this direction. Thus,
misleading results can be determined as seen from
Figs 10a and 10b, if one rules out the coupling effects.
Fig. 11—Final lateral displacements of the elevated tank systems; times larger than that of fixed-base system and
System I ( ), System III ( ), System VI ( ), allowable displacement was exceeded for System-IV to
System VII ( ), System XI ( ), System XII
( ) XII. In some cases these large displacements may cause
superposed with the both SRSS and CQC techniques. instability of the elevated tanks, although internal forces
Fig. 11 presents one of the final lateral displacements have small values. The first three systems (I to III) have
because SRSS and CQC techniques give the same practically the same lateral displacement.
results in the studied models. As would be expected; the Maximum roof displacements for excitation (x) and
smallest value of 60 mm is recounted for the fixed-base perpendicular to the excitation (y) directions are shown
system and System-XII gives the largest value of 210 in Fig. 12a. Final roof displacement of the elevated tank
mm. The deviation between analysis including the is shown in Fig. 12b. As can be seen from Fig. 12 the
coupling effects and ignoring the coupling effect is coupling effect is more pronounced with the value of
1.7% for the fixed base system, while it is 35% for the Young's modulus less than 500 MPa. Contrary, the
System XII. base shear and overturning moment decreased and
Following comments may be drawn from Figs 10 larger for the values than 7000 MPa, they practically
and 11. Maximum lateral displacement occurs at the top had the same value as was obtained for fixed-base
of the elevated tank for System-XII whereas it occurs at system (Figs 13 and 14).
the intersection of truncated invert cone and vessel wall Maximum base shear forces for excitation (x) and
for fixed-base system. Therefore, deformed shapes of perpendicular to the excitation (y) direction at the
these systems are significantly different from each supporting structure of the elevated tank are presented
other. Maximum displacement for System-XII is 3.5 on normalized form according to the fluid weight in
Fig. 12—Roof displacements of the elevated tank (a) for excitation (x) (◊) and perpendicular to the excitation (y) directions (□) directions,
(b) final roof displacement of the elevated tank.
Fig. 13—Normalized base shears for the elevated tank (a) for excitation (x) (◊) and perpendicular to the excitation (y) directions (□),
(b) normalized superposed base shears of the elevated tank.
Fig. 14—Overturning moments for the elevated tank (a) for excitation (x) and perpendicular to the excitation (y) directions (□),
(b) superposed base shears of the elevated tank.
Fig. 13a and superposed values of normalized base values. It may be considered for the roof design
shears are shown in Fig. 14b. Responses for overturning and details.
moments are given in Figs 14a and 4b. (iv) The periods for impulsive modes were
As can be seen from Figs 13 and 14, the values of the significantly influenced by the rigidity of the soil.
base shear and the overturning moment are the highest But effect was getting smaller as Young’s
of all when value of Young’s modulus is equal to 500 modulus increases. The periods of impulsive
MPa. Coupling effect is also important for this type of modes were not influenced by the Young’s
structures. For example the base shear of the system VII modulus if it was higher than 2000 MPa.
increases from 3068 kN to 4135 kN in case of the Additionally, another mode that could be called as
coupling effects are considered and the deviation is torsional mode was not considerably affected by
almost 35%. the properties of the subsoil in all cases.
(v) Any change in Young’s modulus and Poisson
Conclusions ratios of the soil affects not only the values of the
The following conclusions are drawn from the study: periods but also the mode orders. This indicates
(i) Variations of the displacements along the height that considering the first few modes only may
of the elevated tank are rather different from each cause important deficiencies in the design. In fact,
other for the fixed base system and for the systems vertical modes tend to be included within the first
with low Young’s modulus. In fact, it is observed ten modes if the value of the Young’s modulus is
that the elevated tanks supported on an elastic low.
medium having relatively low value of Young’s (vi) The seismic behaviour of elevated tanks supported
modulus may have displacement larger than the on soft soil, especially if the Young’s modulus is
allowable limits. In some cases, the displacements less than 50 MPa, was sensitive to the contribution
are so large that the elevated tanks can loose of modal masses and mode order of the systems.
stability even though the internal forces are small. In this interval truncation of the soil domain may
(ii) The base shear and bending moment at the base of affect the behaviour of the elevated tanks. Effects
supporting structure increases as the Young’s of horizontal, rocking and vertical motion increase
modulus increases and Poisson’s ratio decreases. as the stiffness decreases. It is observed that the
(iii) The periods for convective (sloshing) modes were horizontal and rocking motion are the most
typically long and were less influenced by the significant factors for the elevated tanks. For this
foundation displacement. But this does not mean reason, further studies should be performed in the
that sloshing effects can be ignored for seismic inelastic range to reveal actual seismic response of
design of elevated tanks. The contribution of the elevated tanks supported on such soils.
convective modes may reach to the significant (vii) When the perpendicular modes are evaluated, it is
true that the modes at perpendicular directions are
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