Class 7
Class 7
Class 7
[Time : 2.00 Hours] CLASS : VII (Sample Paper) Full Marks : 400
01. Which among the following is the smallest unit 1. fuEu esal sdkS u yackbZdh l cl sNksVh bdkbZgS\
of length ?
(1) Ms l hehVj (2) uSuksehVj
(1) decimetre (2) nanometre
(3) micrometre (4) kilometre (3) ekbØks ehVj (4) fdyks ehVj
02. The displacement of a body is zero, then the 2. fdl hoLrqdk foLFkki u ' kw U; gS] rksr; dhxbZnw j h&
distance covered : (1) ' kw
U; gS A
(1) is zero (2) ' kw
U; ughagS A
(2) is not zero
(3) ' kw
U; gksHkh l drk gS; k ughaHkh gksl drk gSA
(3) may or may not be zero
(4) dgk ughat k l drk A
(4) cannot say
03. Which of these conditions is/are essential for a
3. fuEu esadkS u&l hfLFkfr@fLFkfr; k¡Nk; kmR i UU
kdjusdsfy, vko' ; d
shadow to be produced ? gS\
(1) A light source (2) An opaque object (1) i z
d k' k Ï ksr (2) v i kjn' khZoLrq
(3) A screen/surface (4) All of the above (3) i nkZ@l rg (4) mi ; qDr l HkhA
04. Choose from the options 1, 2, 3 and 4 given in 4. fodYi 1] 2] 3 rFkk4 esafn, x, fp=kksal sml fp=kdkspq usat ks
Fig. the figure which shows the correct direction fo| q
r / kjk dhl ghfn' kk dksn' kkZ r k gS&
of current.
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
Time (minutes) 0 4 8 12 16 20
l e; ( feuV) 0 4 8 12 16 20
Table B l kj . khB
r; nw
j h(m) 0 5 10 15 20 25
Distance moved (m) 0 5 10 15 20 25
l e; ( feuV) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (minutes) 0 1 2 3 4 5
Distance moved
r; nw
0 4 8 12 16 20
0 4
8 12 16 20 l e; ( feuV)
Time (minutes)
fp=k esafn; kx; k xzki Ql ghgS&
The graph given in Figure is true for :
(1) dsoy A dsfy, (2) ds
oy B dsfy,
(1) A only (2) B only
(3) both A and B (4) neither A nor B (3) A rFkk B nksuksadsfy, (4) u rksA uk ghaB dsfy,
(B) (B)
(A) (A)
Time taken by the bob to move from A to C is t1 ckW
c }kjkA l sC rd t kusesat1 l e; yxrkgSrFkkC l sO rd
and from C to O is t2. The half of the time period
T y d dsl e; kof/ dkvk/ k
t2 l e; yxrkgSAbl l jy yks
of this simple pendulum is : 2
(1) 2(t1 + t2) (2) (t1 + t2) (1) 2(t1 + t2) (2) (t1 + t2)
3 3
(3) 4(t1 + t2) (4) (t1 t 2 ) (3) 4(t1 + t2) (4) t1 t2
2 2
16. Look at Figure. D
16. fp=k dksns[ksa&
(A) (B)
The length of wire PQ in case of A is equal to the
diameter of the semicircle formed by the wire (A) (B)
CDE, in case B. One pin is attached to each wire fLFkfr A esaPQ rkj dhya ckbZ] fLFkfr B esaCDE rkj }kjkcuk, s
with the help of wax as shown in Figure. Which x, v ¼Z oÙ̀kdsO;kl dsya ckbZdscjkcj gSAfp=kkuq l kj ekse }kjk
pin will fall first ? i zR;sd rkj dsl kFk , d fi u t q M+k gqv k gSAdku S&l k fi u i gys
(1) Both pins fall at the same time fxjsxkA
(2) Pin in case, B (1) nksuksafi u , d l kFk fxjsxk
(3) Pin in case, A (2) fLFkfr B es afi u
(4) Can’t say (3) fLFkfr A es afi u
17. In the given figure, two mirrors P and Q are (4) dgk ughat k l drk
situated at an angle of 70° with each other and 17. n' kkZ
, x, fp=kesa ] nksni Z. kP rFkkQ , d nw l jsl sl kFk70° dsdks.k
a ray of light is incident on mirror P at an angle i j fLFkr gS arFkk ni Z . k P i j 65° dk dks.k cukrsgq , i zd k' k dh
of 65°. What is the value of angle A if the ray , d fdj. k v ki frr gksrh gS Adks.k A dk , d eku fdruk gksxk
again reflected by the mirror Q ? ; fn fdj. kni Z . k Q l si q u%i jkofÙkZr gksrhgS\
65° 65°
70° 70°
(1) 50° (2) 80° (3) 104° (4) 90° (1) 50º (2) 80º (3) 104º (4) 90º
Space For Rough Work Class-VII/04
18. Which of the following explains the properties:– 18. fl Vªl i Q yksaesafuEufyf[ kr esadkS u] uk' kd] dM+ ok] t y esa
corrosive, sour, water soluble, present in citrus ?kqy u' khy xq . kksadh O;k[ ; k djrk gS\
fruits ? (1) v Ey (2) {kkj
(1) Acid (2) Base (3) Salt (4) Alkali (3) yo. k (4) , Ydyh
19. Which of the following types of medicines is used 19. v i p dsbykt esafuEufyf[ kr esafdl i zd kj dsvkS "kf/ dkmi; ksx
for treating indigestion?
fd; k t krk gS\
(1) Antibiotic (2) Antacid
(1) i zfrt S fod (2) i z
(3) Antiseptic (4) Antipyretic
(3) jks xk. kqjks/d (4) Tojuk' kh
20. A test tube contains pink solution formed by
20. , d i j[ kuyhesaxq y kchfoy; u gSt ksfi Q ukW
Yi QFksfyu dsdq N cw
adding few drops of phenolphthalein to sodium
hydroxide solution. Few drops of sulphuric acid dksl ksfM; e gkbMªkW Dl kbM ds?kksy esaMkydj cuk; k t krk gS A
are added to the test tube. It is observed that the l YÝ; w fjd v Ey dhdq N cw ¡nksadksVsLV V~ ;wc esaMkykt krkgSA, slk
pink colour of the solution ns[kk x; k fd foy; u dk xq y kchja x&
(1) turns dark pink (1) xgjsxq y kch ja x esacny t krk gSA
(2) becomes colourless (2) ja xghu gkst krk gSA
(3) turns purple (3) cS xuh ja x esacny t krk gSA
(4) does not change its colour (4) bl dsja x esadksbZi fjoÙkZ u ughagksrk gSA
21. Sodium hydroxide is not used for neutralising 21. v Eyrk dsnkS j ku i sV esaekS tw n gkbMªksDyksfjd v Ey dksmnkl hu
the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach djusdsfy, l ksfM; e gkbMªkW Dl kbMdkmi; ksx ughafd; kt krkgS ]
during acidity because D; ksa
(1) it is a weak base and cannot neutralise acid (1) ; g , d nq cZ
y {kkj gSv kS j v Ey dksmnkl hu ughadjrk gSA
(2) it is a strong base and it will burn the mouth (2) ; g , d i z cy {kkj gSv kS j ; g eq¡g v kSj i sV dhnhokj esat yu
and walls of stomach
mRiUu djsxk A
(3) it is not soluble in water hence cannot be
(3) ; g t y es a?kq
y u' khy ughagSbl fy, fuxykughat kl drkA
(4) i sV esamifLFkr v Ey] l ksfM; e gkbMW ªkDl kbMdsl kFki zfrfØ; k
(4) the acid present in stomach does not react
with sodium hydroxide ughadjrk gSA
22. The reaction in which potassium hydroxide 22. og v fHkfØ; kft l esai ksVS f' k; e gkbMªkWDl kbM] l YÝ; w fjd v Ey ds
reacts with sulphuric acid is called l kFk v fHkfØ; k djrk gSog dgykrk gS&
(1) dilution of acid (2) neutralisation (1) v Ey dk ruq d j. k (2) mnkl huhdj. k
(3) sulphonation (4) slaking (3) l Yi Q ksuhdj. k (4) pw uk' keu
23. Fill in the blanks by choosing the options with 23. mfpr ' kCn okysfodYi dkspq udj fjDr LFkkuksadksHkjsaA
appropriate words. t c gkbMªksDyksfjd v Ey] l ksfM; e gkbMªkW Dl kbMdsl kFkv fHkfØ; k
When hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium djrk gSrks] __________ v kS j __________ curk gSA ; g
hydroxide, _____ and _____ are formed. The i zfØ; k m"ek ds__________ dsl kFk gksrh gSA i zkIr ?kksy
process is accompanied by _____ of heat. The
__________ i z Ñfr dk gS A
resulting solution is ____ in nature.
(1) yo. k] t y] mR l ft Z
r ] mnkl hu
(1) Salt, Water, Evolution, Neutral
(2) yo. k] t y] v o' kks "k. k] mnkl hu
(2) Salt, Water, Absorption, Neutral
(3) yo. k] t y] mR l ft Zr ] v Eyh;
(3) Salt, Water, Evolution, Acidic
(4) yo. k] t y] v o' kks "k. k] {kkjh;
(4) Salt, Water, Absorption, Basic
Alkalis , Ydyh
Bases Alkalis Bases {kkj , Ydyh {kkj
fi Q
Yi Q
Add q Add r q feyk; k r feyk; k
p p
Pink solution
Pink solution Colourless
solution xq
y kch ?kks
y ja
xghu ?kksy xq
y kch ?kks
(1) p Acid, q Acid, r Base (1) p v Ey , q v Ey , r {kkj
(2) p Base, q Acid, r Base (2) p {kkj, q v Ey , r {kkj
(3) p Base, q Base, r Acid (3) p {kkj, q {kkj, r v Ey
(4) p Base, q Acid, r Acid. (4) p {kkj, q v Ey , r v Ey
26. Acid rain can cause damage to buildings, soil
26. v Ey o"kkZ
] Hkou] feV~
Vh v kS
j i kS
/ ksadks{kfrxzLr dj l drk gSA
and plants. What do you think the acids come
from? v Ey dgk¡ l sv krk gSbl dsckjsesav ki D; k l ksprsgS a\
(1) Calcium oxide and carbon dioxide dissolve in (1) dS
fYl ; e v kW
Dl kbM v kS
j dkcZ
u Mkbv kW
Dl kbM o"kkZt y esa
rain water to produce acids. ?kq
y dj v Ey cukrsgS
(2) Carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide dissolve (2) dkcZ
u Mkbv kW
Dl kbM v kS
j l Yi Q
j Mkbv kW
Dl kbM o"kkZt y esa
in rain water to produce acids. ?kq
y dj v Ey cukrsgS
(3) Sulphuric acid and carbon monoxide dissolve (3) l YÝ; q
fjd vEy v kS
j dkcZ
u eksuksv kW
Dl kbMo"kkZt y esa?kq
y dj
in rain water to produce acids.
v Ey cukrsgS
(4) Chlorine and fluorine gases dissolve in rain (4) Dyks
j hu v kS
j Ýyksjhu xS
l sao"kkZt y esa?kq
y dj v Ey cukrsgS
water to produce acids.
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
(c) (c)
(d) (d)
54. Find the remainder when y3 + y2 – 2y + 5 is 54. t c y 3 y 2 2y 5 dksy – 5 l sfoHkkft r fd; kt krkgSrks
divided by y – 5. ' ks"k Kkr djsaA
(1) 145 (2) 210 (3) 220 (4) 440 (1) 145 (2) 210 (3) 220 (4) 440
55. If AC and EF are parallel, find ADB. 55. ; fn AC v kS
j EF l ekukUrj gS
] rksADB Kkr djsa
60° 60°
140° 140°
(1) 60° (2) 100° (3) 80° (4) 40° (1) 60° (2) 100° (3) 80° (4) 40°
56. Two chimneys 18 cm and 13 cm high stand 56. 18cm v kSj 13 cm mQ ¡pkbZdhnksfpefu; k¡t ehu i j l h/ s[ kM+
upright in a ground. If their feet are 12 cm apart, gS
A; fn mudsv k/ kj 12cm dhnw
a j hi j gS
arksmuds' kh"kksZ
then the distance between their tops is : dhnw
j hgS
(1) 5 (2) 31 (3) 18 (4) 13 (1) 5 (2) 31 (3) 18 (4) 13
57. If A : An isosceles triangle is right angled. 57. ; fn A : , d l ef}ckgqf=kHkq
t l; gskrhgS
R : A = B = 45° and C = 90°. R : A = B = 45° rFkkC = 90°
Which of the following statement is true ?
fuEufyf[ kr esadkS
u l k dFku l gh gS
(1) A is true and R is not the correct explanation
of A. (1) A l R
; gSv kS
j R, A dk l gh o. kZ
u ughagS
(2) A is false. (2) A v l R
; gS
(3) A is true and R is correct explanation of A. (3) A l R
; gSv kS
j R, A dk l gh o. kZ
u gS
(4) None of these (4) bues
al sdksbZugha
1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
(1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4)
18 18 3 15 18 18 3 15
2x y 1 3x y 2x y 1 3x y
65. , then find the value of : 65. x 2y 2 rks 3x y dk eku Kkr djsa
x 2y 2
3x y
1 3
1 3 (1) (2)
(1) (2) 5 5
5 5
5 6
5 6 (3) (4)
(3) (4) 7 7
7 7
1 1
67. 41 21 19 9 67. 41 21 19 9
6 6
(1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 9 (4) 1 (1) 4 (2) 6 (3) 9 (4) 1
68. Ho w many prime number’s are th ere in 68. 67 × 355 × 1112 es
afdruhv HkkT; l a
[ ; k, ¡gksxh\
67 × 355 × 1112
(1) 42 (2) 36
(1) 42 (2) 36 (3) 45 (4) 28
(3) 45 (4) 28
1 3 4
69. Evaluate : 814 92 27 3 69. gy djsa%811/4 93/2 274/3
1 1
(1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 9 (4) (1) 1 (2) 3 (3) 9 (4)
3 3
70. In a division sum, the divisor is ten-times the 70. fdl hfoHkkt u i z'u esa
] Hkkt d] Hkkxi Q
y l s10 xq. kkv f/ d gSv kS
quotient and five times the remainder. If the
' ks"kl s5 xq
. kkv f/ d gSA; fn ' ks"k46 gSrksHkkT; dksKkr djsaA
remainder is 46 then find the dividend.
(1) 5388 (2) 5343 (3) 5336 (4) 5391 (1) 5388 (2) 5343 (3) 5336 (4) 5391
71. The value of [(–4) × (–9) × (–25)] [(–2) × (–3) × (–5)] 71. [(–4) × (–9) × (–25)] [(–2) × (–3) × (–5)] dk eku gS
is :
(1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 30 (4) 40
(1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 30 (4) 40
72. 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 .......... 200 ckj dksbl i z
d kj fy[ kkt k
72. 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 .......... 200 times can be written
as : l drk gS
(1) 200 × 3 (2) 200 + 3 (1) 200 × 3 (2) 200 + 3
(3) (200)3 (4) 3200 (3) (200)3 (4) 3200
73. In the given figure, PA AB, QB AB and 73. fn, x,
fp=k esa] PA AB ] QB AB r Fkk
OAP OBQ , then OAP OBQ rks
70° 20°
70° 20° C
(1) 20° (2) 25° (3) 15° (4) 30°
(1) 20° (2) 25° (3) 15° (4) 30°
83. Which number will replace the question mark, 83. dkSu l hl a
[ ; ki z'uokpd fpÉ dksfoLFkkfi r djsxh] ; fn rhuksafp=kksa
if the same rule is followed in all the three esal eku fu; e yxk; k t krk gS\
figures ?
4 8 5
4 8 5
6 14 6 14 6 ?
6 14 6 14 6 ? 8 8 4
8 8 4 10 18 14 22 11 15
10 18 14 22 11 15
(1) 8 (2) 4
(1) 8 (2) 4
(3) 10 (4) 6 (3) 10 (4) 6
84. If 'P + Q' means 'P is the brother of Q'; 'P × Q' 84. ; fn 'P + Q' dkeryc P, Q dkHkkbZgS
] 'P × Q' dkeryc P,
means 'P is the father of Q'; 'P ÷ Q' means 'P is Q dkfi rkgS _ 'P ÷ Q' dkeryc P, Q dhek¡gS ] fuEufyf[ kr
the mother of Q'; which of the following would esafdl dk eryc R, M dk csVk gS\
mean 'R is the son of M' ?
(1) M × S × R (2) M + R × S
(1) M × S × R (2) M + R × S
(3) M ÷ R × S (4) M × R ÷ S
(3) M ÷ R × S (4) M × R ÷ S
85. Which of the following Venn diagrams best 85. fuEufyf[ kr osu v kjs[kesadkS
u ^l w
] pk¡n v kS
j rkjksa
* dschp l cl s
illustrates the relationship amongst, "Sun, Moon v PNk l a
ca/ n' kkZ
r k gS\
and Stars" ?
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
(1) 20 (2) 22
(1) 20 (2) 22
(3) 23 (4) None of these (3) 23 (4) bues
al sdksbZugha
87. Find the figure from the options which will 87. fodYi l smu fp=k dksKkr djsat ksfn, x, i z'u fp=k esanhxbZ
continue the same series as established by the Jà
[ kyk dsl eku v kxsc<+
krk gSA
given problem figures.
i z'u fp=k
Problem Figure
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
88. ; fn 7 1 = 64;
88. If 7 1 = 64;
3 9 = 144
3 9 = 144
5 6 dk eku D; k gS\
What is the value of 5 6 ?
(1) 22 (2) 55 (1) 22 (2) 55
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
95. Given below are four figures out of which three 95. pkj fp=kuhpsfn, x, gS aft l esal srhu dq
N rjhdsl sl eku gS
are alike in some manner. Find that figure ml fp=k dkspqusat ksv U; fp=k l sfHkUu gS
which differs from the rest of the figures.
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
1 1
Creative jpukRed
Intelligent 4 5 6 Kkuh 4 5 6
2 7 7
3 Lethargic
3 vkyl h
Which number represent intelligent and dkSu l hl a [ ; k Kkuh v kS
j v kyl h] t ksjpukRed ughagSml dks
lethargic people who are not creative ? n' kkZ
r sgS
(1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 7 (1) 4 (2) 5 (3) 6 (4) 7
97. The question consists of a set of three figures X, 97. bl i z'u esarhu fp=kksadk l eq Pp; X, Y rFkk Z gSt ksdkxt ds
Y and Z showing a sequence of folding of piece of Vqd M+ sdksrg djusdsØe dksi znf' kZ r djrk gSAfp=k Z ml
paper. Fig. (Z) shows the manner in which the i z.kkyh dksn' kkZ
r k gSft l esaeq M+
sgq, dkxt dksdkVk x; k gS A
folded paper has been cut. Select from the options
a figure which would most closely resemble the
fodYi l sml fp=kdkspq usat ksfp=kZ ds[ kq
y sgq
, : i dksl cl s
unfolded form of Fig. (Z). l gh : i l sn' kkZ
r k gS
98. Select a figure from amongst the options which 98. fodYi ksaesal sfp=k dkspqusat ksi z'u fp=k }kjk cuk, x, Jà
[ kyk
will continue the same series as established by dsl eku v kxsc<+ k, xk A
the problem figure.
Problem Figure i z'u fp=k
? ?
(1) (2)
(1) (2)
(3) (4)
(3) (4)
100. fdl hl ad sr esa
] BELIEF dksAFKKDI ds: i esafy[ kkt krkgS
100. In a certain code, BELIEF is written as AFKKDI.
How is SELDOM written in that code ? bl l a
d sr esaSELDOM dksdS l sfy[ kkt k, xk\