NEET FTS-3 (CODE-A) HA 27-03-2020 Hindi PDF

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27/03/2020 CODE-A

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph. 011-47623456

MM : 720 TEST SERIES for NEET-2020 Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Test - 3
Topics covered :
Physics : d.kksa dk fudk; rFkk ?kw.kZu xfr] xq:Rokd"kZ.k
Chemistry : Å"ekxfrdh] lkE;koLFkk
Botany : dksf'kdk: thou dh bdkbZ] dksf'kdk pØ o dksf'kdk foHkktu, ikniksa esa ifjogu
Zoology : ikpu ,oa vo'kks"k.k] 'olu vkSj xSlksa dk fofue;
funsZ'k :
(i) mi;qDr xksys dks Hkjus ds fy, dsoy uhys@dkys ckWy isu dk ç;ksx djsaA
(ii) fpUg xgjs gksus pkfg, rFkk xksys dks iw.kZr% Hkjk tkuk pkfg,A
(iii) çR;sd çfof"V ds fy, dsoy ,d xksyk HkjsaA
(iv) xksys dks dsoy fn, x, LFkku esa gh HkjsaA
(v) mÙkj iqfLrdk ij jQ dk;Z fcYdqy ugha djuk pkfg, rFkk mÙkj iqfLrdk ij 'osr&nzo ;k vU; fdlh feVkus okys
inkFkZ dk ç;ksx u djsaA
(vi) çR;sd ç'u ds 4 vad gSaA çR;sd xyr mÙkj ds fy, dqy çkIrkadksa esa ls ,d vad ?kVk fn;k tk,xkA


Choose the correct answer : lgh mÙkj dk p;u dhft, :

1. A hollow sphere of radius 0.5 m and mass 1. f=T;k 0.5 m rFkk æO;eku 10 kg dk ,d [kks[kyk
10 kg, rolls on a horizontal surface. Its centre of xksyk ,d {kSfrt lrg ij yq<+drk gSA blds
mass has speed 60 cm/s. Magnitude of work
æO;eku dsUæ dh pky 60 cm/s gSA bldks jksdus ds
required to stop it is
fy, vko';d dk;Z dk ifjek.k gS
(1) 3 J (1) 3J
(2) 5 J (2) 5J
(3) 1.8 J (3) 1.8 J
(4) 1.2 J
(4) 1.2 J
2. ,d Bksl xksyk blds lefefr v{k ds lkis{k eqDr
2. A solid sphere is rotating freely about its axis of f=foe esa Lora= :i ls ?kw.kZu dj jgk gSA xksys dh
symmetry in free space. The radius of sphere
f=T;k blds æO;eku dks leku j[krs gq, ?kVuk
starts decreasing keeping its mass same. Which
of the following option is correct?
çkjaHk djrh gSA fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk fodYi
lgh gS?
(1) Angular momentum will decrease
(1); laosx ?kVsxk
(2) Angular speed will increase
(2); pky c<sxh
(3) Rotational kinetic energy will increase (3) ?kw.kZu xfrt ÅtkZ c<sxh
(4) Both (2) and (3) (4) (2) rFkk (3) nksuksa

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

3. From a disc of radius R and mass M, a circular 3. f=T;k R rFkk æO;eku M dh ,d pdrh ls] dsUæ ls
hole of radius is removed from a distance 3R R
4 nwjh ls f=T;k dk ,d o`Ùkh; fNæ fu"dkflr
4 4
3R fd;k tkrk gSA pdrh ds 'ks"k Hkkx dk ry ds
from centre. The moment of inertia of
4 yEcor~ v{k rFkk ewy pdrh ds dsUæ ls xqtjus okys
remaining part of disc about an axis perpendicular
v{k ds lkis{k tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gS
to plane and passing through centre of original
disc is 255
(1) MR 2
255 512
(1) MR 2
512 238
(2) MR 2
238 512
(2) MR 2
512 237
(3) MR 2
237 512
(3) MR 2
(4) MR 2
253 512
(4) MR 2
4. ,d fcUnq æO;eku m ,d jLlh ftldk ,d fljk
4. A point mass m moves in a circle of radius R with ,d fNæ ls xqtjrk gS] dh lgk;rk ls ,d fpduh
speed v on a smooth horizontal table, with the
{kSfrt est ij pky v ls f=T;k R ds o`Ùk esa xfr
help of a string whose other end passes through a
hole. By pulling the string, the radius of circle is 2R
djrk gSA jLlh dks [khapdj o`Ùk dh f=T;k dks
2R 3
reduced to . The final angular momentum of rd ?kVk;k tkrk gSA æO;eku dk vafre;
mass is laosx gS
3 3
(1) mvR (1) mvR
2 2
2 2
(2) mvR (2) mvR
3 3
(3) mvR (3) mvR
1 1
(4) mvR (4) mvR
3 3
5. Three identical uniform spheres, each of mass M 5. æO;eku M rFkk f=T;k R okys rhu le:i xksyksa dks
and radius R, are placed as shown in figure. The
fp= esa n'kkZ, vuqlkj j[kk tkrk gSA v{k AB ds
moment of inertia of the system about the axis AB
is lkis{k fudk; dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gS

46 36 46 36
(1) MR 2 (2) MR 2 (1) MR 2 (2) MR 2
5 5 5 5

19 17 19 17
(3) MR 2 (4) MR 2 (3) MR 2 (4) MR 2
5 5 5 5

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

6. A man of mass 50 kg is in a gravity free space at a 6. æO;eku 50 kg dk ,d O;fDr Q'kZ ds Åij 20 m dh

height of 20 m above the floor. He throws a stone Å¡pkbZ ij xq:Ro eqDr f=foe esa gSA og mèokZ/kj ds
of 0.5 kg downwards with a speed of 36 km/h at
lkFk 60° ds dks.k ij 36 km/h dh pky ls 0.5 kg
an angle of 60° with vertical. When the stone
reaches the floor, the distance of man from the ds ,d iRFkj dks uhps dh vksj Qsadrk gSA tc iRFkj
floor is Q'kZ rd igq¡prk gS] rc Q'kZ ls O;fDr dh nwjh gS

(1) 20.2 m (2) 20.1 m (1) 20.2 m (2) 20.1 m

(3) 20.0 m (4) 19.9 m (3) 20.0 m (4) 19.9 m

7. The moment of inertia of a uniform triangular 7. le:i æO;eku ?kuRo ds ,d le:i f=Hkqtkdkj
lamina of uniform mass density will be (all three iVy dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gksxk (lHkh rhuksa v{k iVy
axis lie in the plane of lamina) ds ry esa fLFkr gSa)

(1) Maximum about axis-1

(1) v{k-1 ds lkis{k vf/kdre
(2) Maximum about axis-2
(2) v{k-2 ds lkis{k vf/kdre
(3) Maximum about axis-3
(3) v{k-3 ds lkis{k vf/kdre
(4) Equal about all the three axis
(4) lHkh rhuksa v{k ds lkis{k leku
8. A solid sphere of mass 2 kg rolls down a fixed
inclined plane of height 7 m. The rotational kinetic 8. æO;eku 2 kg dk ,d Bksl xksyk Å¡pkbZ 7 m ds ,d
energy of sphere at bottom of plane is fLFkj vkur ry ds uhps yq<+drk gSA ry ds isans ij
(g = 10 m/s2)
xksys dh ?kw.kZu xfrt ÅtkZ gS (g = 10 m/s2)
(1) 40 J
(1) 40 J
(2) 50 J
(2) 50 J
(3) 100 J
(3) 100 J
(4) 140 J (4) 140 J
9. A solid cylinder of mass 2 kg is rolling on a
9. osx 5 m/s ls ,d {kSfrt lrg ij yq<+drs gq,
horizontal surface with a velocity 5 m/s collides
with a horizontal spring of force constant æO;eku 2 kg dk ,d Bksl csyu cy fu;rkad
300 N/m. The maximum compression produced in 300 N/m ds ,d {kSfrt fLçax ls Vdjkrk gSA fLçax esa
the spring is mRiUu vf/kdre laihM+u gS
(1) 0.2 m (2) 0.3 m (1) 0.2 m (2) 0.3 m
(3) 0.4 m (4) 0.5 m (3) 0.4 m (4) 0.5 m

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

10. A torque of 10 N m is applied on a wheel having 10. 10 N m dk cyk?kw.kZ; laosx 5 kg m2/s okys
angular momentum 5 kg m2/s. If torque is ,d ifg;s ij vkjksfir gSA ;fn cyk?kw.kZ ifg;s dh
supporting the motion of wheel, then angular
momentum of the wheel after 3 second is
xfr dks lgk;rk çnku djrk gS] rc 3 lsd.M ds
ckn ifg;s dk; laosx gS
(1) 35 kg m2/s (2) 30 kg m2/s
(1) 35 kg m2/s (2) 30 kg m2/s
(3) 40 kg m2/s (4) 25 kg m2/s
(3) 40 kg m2/s (4) 25 kg m2/s
11. Two rings each of mass M and radius R, are
placed with common centre such that their planes
11. æO;eku M rFkk f=T;k R ds nks oy;ksa dks mHk;fu"B
are mutually perpendicular. The moment of inertia dsUæ ds lkFk bl çdkj j[kk tkrk gS fd buds ry
of the system about an axis through the centre ijLij yEcor~ gSaA fudk; dk dsUæ ls xqtjus okys
and perpendicular to plane of one of the ring is v{k rFkk ,d oy; ds ry ls yEcor~ v{k ds lkis{k
5 2
tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gS
(1) MR 2 (2) MR
2 5 2
(1) MR 2 (2) MR
3 2
(3) MR 2 (4) 2MR
2 3 2
(3) MR 2 (4) 2MR
12. A particle of mass 2 kg is projected at an angle of
60° above the horizontal, with a speed 12. æO;eku 2 kg ds ,d d.k dks {kSfrt ds Åij 60° ds
20 m/s. The magnitude of angular momentum of dks.k ij pky 20 m/s ls ç{ksfir fd;k tkrk gSA tc
the particle about point of projection, when it is at d.k vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ ij gksrk gS] rc ç{ksi.k fcUnq ds
maximum height will be
lkis{k d.k ds; laosx dk ifjek.k gksxk

(1) 300 kg m2/s (2) 120 3 kg m2/s (1) 300 kg m2/s (2) 120 3 kg m2/s
(3) 40 3 kg m2/s (4) 150 kg m2/s (3) 40 3 kg m2/s (4) 150 kg m2/s
13. Four similar particles of mass m are orbiting in a 13. æO;eku m ds pkj leku d.k vius xq:Rokd"k.kZ cy
circle of radius r in the same angular direction ds dkj.k leku; fn'kk esa f=T;k r ds ,d o`Ùk
because of their gravitational attractive force. The
esa pDdj yxkrk gSA çR;sd d.k dk osx gS
velocity of each particle is

1 GM GM (1) (1 + 2 2) (2) (1 + 2 2)
(1) (1 + 2 2) (2) (1 + 2 2) 2 r r
2 r r
GM  1 + 2 2  GM  1 + 4 2 
(3)   (4)  
GM  1 + 2 2  GM  1 + 4 2  r  2  r  2
(3)   (4)  
r  2  r  2 

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

14. A point P lies on the axis of a fixed ring of 14. ,d fcUnq P dsUæ O ls nwjh R 3 ij æO;eku M
mass M and radius R at a distance R 3 from rFkk f=T;k R dh fLFkj oy; ds v{k ij fLFkr gSA
centre O. The particle starts from P and reach at
d.k oy; rFkk d.k ds eè; xq:Rokd"kZ.k ds çHkko esa
O under gravitational attraction between ring and
particle. The speed of particle at distance R from P ls xfr çkajHk djrk gS rFkk O rd igq¡prk gSA
centre is dsUæ ls nwjh R ij d.k dh pky gS
(1) (2) (1) (2)

(3) ( 2 − 1) (4) ( 2 − 1) (3) ( 2 − 1) (4) ( 2 − 1)
2R R 2R R

15. Two small masses M1 and M2 are placed at 15. nks NksVs æO;ekuksa M1 rFkk M2 dks ,d nwljs ls d nwjh
distance d apart. The minimum speed with which ij j[kk x;k gSA nks æO;ekuksa ds eè; ,d eè;fcUnq
a particle of mass m projected from a point ls ç{ksfir æO;eku m ds ,d d.k dh U;wure pky
midway between the two masses, so as to escape D;k gksuh pkfg, rkfd iyk;u vuUr rd gks?
to infinity, is
2G(M1 + M2 ) G(M1 + M2 )
2G(M1 + M2 ) G(M1 + M2 ) (1) v = (2) v =
(1) v = (2) v = d d
d d
G(M1 + M2 ) 1 G(M1 + M2 )
(3) v = 2 (4) v =
G(M1 + M2 ) 1 G(M1 + M2 ) d 2 d
(3) v = 2 (4) v =
d 2 d 16. dsIyj dk f}rh; fu;e (vFkkZr~ {ks=Qy fu;e) fdl
16. Kepler’s second law (i.e. law of area) is based on ij vk/kkfjr gS?
(1) Law of conservation of area (1) {ks=Qy laj{k.k dk fu;e
(2) Law of conservation of momentum (2) laosx laj{k.k dk fu;e
(3) Law of conservation of angular momentum (3); laosx laj{k.k dk fu;e
(4) Law of conservation of energy (4) ÅtkZ laj{k.k dk fu;e
17. Kinetic energy of a satellite in an orbit depends on 17. ,d d{kk esa ,d mixzg dh xfrt ÅtkZ fdl ij
(1) Mass of satellite only fuHkZj djrh gS?
(2) Radius of orbit only (1) dsoy mixzg ds æO;eku ij
(3) Mass of central planet only (2) dsoy d{kk dh f=T;k ij
(4) All mass of satellite, mass of central body and (3) dsoy dsUæh; xzg ds æO;eku ij
radius of orbit
(4) mixzg ds æO;eku] dsUæh; oLrq ds æO;eku rFkk
18. The amount of work done in bringing three
d{kk dh f=T;k lHkh ij
particles each of mass 0.1 kg slowly from infinity,
to the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 0.2 18. æO;eku 0.1 kg ds rhu d.kksa dks vuUr ls Hkqtk
m is 0.2 m ds leckgq f=Hkqt ds 'kh"kks± rd ykus esa fd,
(1) –1.0 × 10
J (2) 1.0 × 10
J x, dk;Z dh ek=k gS
–11 –11
(3) –2.0 × 10
J (4) 2.0 × 10
J (1) –1.0 × 10 J (2) 1.0 × 10 J
–11 –11
(3) –2.0 × 10 J (4) 2.0 × 10 J
19. Two particles of equal mass M go round a circle of
radius R under the action of their mutual 19. leku æO;eku M ds nks d.k vius vU;ksU;
gravitational attraction. The speed of each particle xq:Rokd"kZ.k dh fØ;k ds çHkko esa f=T;k R ds ,d
is o`Ùk ds pkjksa vksj tkrk gSA çR;sd d.k dh pky gS
(1) (2) (1) (2)
R 2R R 2R
(3) (4) (3) (4)
3R 2 R 3R 2 R

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

20. Consider a planet in solar system which has mass 20. lkSj-e.Mj esa ,d xzg ij fopkj dhft, ftldk
equal to that of the earth and average density
æO;eku i`Foh ds æO;eku ds leku gS rFkk vkSlr
twice that of the earth. If an object weighs w on
earth, then its weight on planet is ?kuRo i`Foh ds vkSlr ?kuRo ls nksxquk gSA ;fn ,d
oLrq dk i`Foh ij Hkkj w gS] rc xzg ij bldk Hkkj
(1) w (2) 2 w
2/3 1/3
(3) (2) w (4) 2 w
(1) w (2) 2 w
21. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of 2/3 1/3
(3) (2) w (4) 2 w
earth is g, the speed with which a body hit the
earth surface, when released from a height equal
21. ;fn i`Foh dh lrg ij xq:Roh; Roj.k g gS] tc ,d
to radius of earth is oLrq dks i`Foh dh f=T;k ds cjkcj Å¡pkbZ ls NksM+k
tkrk gS] rc i`Foh dh lrg ls oLrq fdl pky ls
(1) gR (2) 2gR
gR (1) gR (2) 2gR
(3) 2 gR (4)
2 gR
(3) 2 gR (4)
22. Three particles of masses 2M, m and 3M are 2
placed at points A, B and C respectively with 22. æO;eku 2M, m rFkk 3M ds rhu d.kksa dks Øe'k%
3 fcUnqvksa A, B rFkk C ij j[kk x;k gS rFkk
BC = AB. m is very small than 2M and at time
2 3
t = 0 they are all at rest. At subsequent times
BC = AB. m, 2M ls vR;f/kd NksVk gS rFkk le;
before any collision takes place t = 0 ij ;s lHkh fojkekoLFkk ij gSaA fdlh Hkh VDdj
ds gksus ls igys vuqorhZ le; ij

(1) m will remain at rest

(1) m fojkekoLFkk ij jgsxk
(2) m will move towards 2M
(2) m, 2M dh vksj xfr djsxk
(3) m will move towards 3M
(3) m, 3M dh vksj xfr djsxk
(4) m will have oscillatory motion
(4) m dh nksyuh xfr gksxh
23. If gravitational force between two masses varies
1 23. ;fn nks æO;ekuksa ds eè; xq:Roh; cy F ∝ ds
as F ∝ 3
. Then orbital speed of satellite varies r3
r vuqlkj ifjofrZr gksrk gSA rc mixzg dh d{kh; pky
with radius of orbit as d{kk dh f=T;k ds lkFk fdlds vuqlkj ifjofrZr
1 gksrh gS\
(1) v ∝ (2) v ∝ r 0
r 1
(1) v ∝ (2) v ∝ r 0
1 r
(3) v ∝ (4) v ∝ r 1
r2 (3) v ∝ (4) v ∝ r
24. A uniform spherical shell gradually expands r2
maintaining shape. Then gravitational potential at 24. ,d le:i xksyk viuh vkd`fr dks cuk;s j[krs gq,
centre will (mass remains constant) /khjs ls foLrkfjr djrk gSA rc dsUæ ij xq:Roh;
(1) Increases (2) Decreases
foHko (æO;eku fu;r jgrk gS)
(1) c<sxk (2) ?kVsxk
(3) Remains constant (4) Oscillates
(3) fu;r jgsxk (4) nksyu djsxk
25. A wheel starts from rest and rotates with a
constant angular acceleration of 2.0 rad/s2. The
25. ,d ifg;k fojke ls xfr djuk çkjEHk djrk gS rFkk
number of revolutions made by wheel in 10 s is 2.0 rad/s2 ds fu;r; Roj.k ls ?kw.kZu djrk gSA
nearly 10 s esa ifg;s }kjk fd;s x;s ifjØe.kksa dh la[;k gS
(1) 10 (2) 12
(1) 10 (2) 12
(3) 16 (4) 20
(3) 16 (4) 20

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

26. Two small kids weighing 8 kg and 12 kg, are trying 26. 8 kg o 12 kg Hkkj ds nks NksVs cPps] dsUæ ij vkyEc
to balance a seesaw of total length 3 m with the
fulcrum at centre. If one of the kid is sitting at one
okys 3 m dqy yEckbZ ds >wys dks larqfyr djus dh
end, the distance of other kid from fulcrum is dksf'k'k djrs gSA ;fn ,d cPpk ,d fljs ij cSBk
gqvk gS] rc vkyEc ls vU; cPps dh nwjh gS
(1) 1.5 m (2) 4/3 m
(3) 1.4 m (4) 1.0 m (1) 1.5 m (2) 4/3 m
(3) 1.4 m (4) 1.0 m
27. A uniform cylinder is released, from rest from top
of an inclined plane of inclination θ and length l. If 27. ,d le:i csyu dks vkufr θ o l yEckbZ ds vkur
cylinder rolls without slipping, the speed of ry ds 'kh"kksZ ls fojke ls NksM+k tkrk gSA ;fn csyu
cylinder at bottom of plane is fcuk fQlys yq<+drk gS] rc ry ds iSans ij csyu dh
4 2 pky gS
(1) gl sin θ (2) gl sin θ
3 3 4 2
(1) gl sin θ (2) gl sin θ
(3) gl sin θ (4) 2gl sin θ 3 3
(3) gl sin θ (4) 2gl sin θ
28. A cubical block of mass M and edge length l slides
down a rough inclined plane of inclination θ with a 28. M æO;eku o Hkqtk yEckbZ l dk ,d ?kukdkj xqVdk
uniform velocity. The torque of the normal force on ,dleku osx ls θ vkufr ds [kqjnjs vkur ry ij
the block about the centre of cube has a
uhps fQlyrk gSA ?ku ds dsUæ ds lkis{k xqVds ij
vfHkyEc cy ds cyk?kw.kZ dk ifjek.k gS
(1) Zero (2) mgl cos θ 1
2 (1) 'kwU; (2) mgl cos θ
(3) mgl sin θ (4) mgl cos θ 1
2 (3) mgl sin θ (4) mgl cos θ
29. The linear mass density of a rod of length l, with
29. l yEckbZ dh NM+ dk gYdk fljk ewy fcUnq ij gS] NM
lighter end at origin is given λ= (2 + 3 x 2 ). The
dk js[kh; æO;eku ?kuRo λ= (2 + 3 x 2 ) gSA ewy
distance centre of mass of rod from origin is
fcUnw ls NM+ ds æO;eku dsUæ dh nwjh gS
l (4 + 3l 2 ) l (4 + 3l 2 )
(1) (2) l (4 + 3l 2 ) l (4 + 3l 2 )
(2 + l 2 ) 2(2 + l 2 ) (1) (2)
(2 + l 2 ) 2(2 + l 2 )
l (4 + 3l 2 ) l
(3) (4) l (4 + 3l 2 ) l
4(2 + l 2 ) 2 (3) (4)
4(2 + l 2 ) 2
30. A circular plate of diameter d is kept in contact
with a square plate of edge d as shown in figure.
30. d O;kl dh o`Ùkh; IysV dks fp= esa n'kkZ, vuqlkj d
The thickness and density of material are same Hkqtk dh oxkZdkj IysV ds lEidZ esa j[kk tkrk gSA
everywhere. The centre of mass of composite inkFkZ dh eksVkbZ rFkk ?kuRo lHkh txg leku gSA
system will be la;qDr fudk; dk æO;eku dsUæ gksxk

(1) Towards left of origin (1) ewyfcUnq ds cka;h vksj

(2) Towards right of origin (2) ewyfcUnw ds nka;h vksj
(3) At origin (3) ewyfcUnq ij
(4) Outside the two plates (4) nksuksa IysVksa ds ckgj dh vksj

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

31. Consider a gravity free hall in which a tray of mass 31. ,d xq:Ro eqDr gkWy ij fopkj dhft, ftlesa m
M, carrying a cubical block of ice of mass m and æO;eku o Hkqtk L dh cQZ ds ?kukdkj xqVds xzg.k
edge L, is at rest in the middle. If ice melts by what
distance does the centre of mass of the tray and
fd, gq, M æO;eku dh ,d Vªs eè; esa fojke esa gSA
ice system descend? ;fn cQZ fi?kyrh gS] rc fdruh nwjh ls Vªs dk
æO;eku dsUæ rFkk cQZ fudk; uhps vkrs gS?

3 L
(2) L
4 (2)
(3) L
2 (3)
(4) Zero
(4) 'kwU;
32. The escape velocity from a spherical planet is
about v0 km/s. The escape velocity from a planet
32. ,d xksyh; xqg ls iyk;u osx dk eku yxHkx
v0 km/s gSA xzg nksxquh f=T;k o ekè; vkSlr ?kuRo
having twice the radius and half the mean density
okys xzg ls iyk;u osx gS
(1) v 0 2
(1) v 0 2
(2) v0
2 (2)
(3) 2v 0 (3) 2v 0
(4) 4v 0 (4) 4v 0

33. The force between a hollow sphere of mass M and 33. dks'k ds vUnj M æO;eku ds [kks[kys xksys o fcUnq
point mass m inside the shell is æO;eku m ds eè; cy gS

(1) Attractive and constant (1) vkd"khZ rFkk fu;r

(2) Attractive and depends on the position of point (2) vkd"khZ rFkk dsUæ ds lkis{k fcUnw æO;eku dh
mass with respect to centre fLFkfr ij fuHkZj djrk gS
(3) Zero everywhere inside the shell (3) dks'k ds vUnj çR;sd txg 'kwU;
(4) Zero only at centre (4) dsoy dsUæ ij 'kwU;

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

34. The correct variation in the value of acceleration 34. tc ge i`Foh dh lrg ls dsUæ dh vksj xfr djrs
due to gravity(g) with depth (d) as one moves
gS] rc xgjkbZ (d) ds lkFk xq:Roh; Roj.k (g) ds eku
towards the centre from surface of earth is
esa lgh ifjorZu gS

(1) (2)
(1) (2)

(3) (4)
(3) (4)

35. If the kinetic energy of a satellite moving around a

planet is doubled. Then it will
35. ;fn xzg ds ifjr% xfr'khy mixzg dh xfrt ÅtkZ
dks nksxquk fd;k tkrk gSA rc ;g
(1) Move in a circular orbit of smaller radius
(1) de f=T;k dh o`Ùkh; d{kk esa xfr djsxk
(2) Move in an orbit of elliptical shape
(2) nh?kZo`Ùkh; vkd`fr dh d{kk esa xfr djsxk
(3) Move in a circular orbit of greater radius
(3) vf/kd f=T;k dh o`Ùkh; d{kk esa xfr djsxk
(4) Escape from the gravitational pull of planet
(4) xzg ds xq:Roh; [khapko ls iyk;u djsxk
36. A body is projected vertically upward from the
surface of a planet of radius R, with a speed equal 36. ,d oLrq dks R f=T;k ds xzg dh lrg ls xzg ds
to half the escape speed for that planet. The fy, iy;u pky dh vk/kh pky ls mèokZ/kj Åij dh
maximum height from surface of earth attained by vksj ç{ksfir fd;k tkrk gSA i`Foh dh lrg ls oLrq
body is
}kjk çkIr vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ gS
(1) (2) R
2 3 (1) (2)
2 3
(3) (4) (3) (4)
4 5 4 5
37. A uniform thin rod of mass M and length l is bent 37. M æO;eku o l yEckbZ dh le:i iryh NM+ dks R
to form a semicircle of radius R. The gravitational f=T;k ds v)Zo`Ùk ds :i esa eksM+k tkrk gSA o`Ùk ds
potential at the centre of circle is
dsUæ ij xq:Roh; foHko gS
(1) Zero (2) − πGM
l (1) 'kwU; (2) −
(3) − (4) − (3) − (4) −
l πl l πl
38. A body of mass 500 g is thrown upwards with a 38. 500 g æO;eku dh ,d oLrq dks 20 m/s ds osx ls
velocity 20 m/s and reaches back to surface of
Åij dh vksj Qsadk tkrk gS rFkk 20 s esa xzg dh
planet in 20 s. Then weight of body on planet is
lrg ij iqu% ykSVrh gSA rc xzg ij oLrq dk Hkkj gS
(1) 2 N
(1) 2 N
(2) 4 N
(2) 4 N
(3) 5 N (3) 5 N
(4) 1 N (4) 1 N

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

39. A man of mass 50 kg is at one end of 6 m long 39. 50 kg æO;eku dk ,d O;fDr 'kkar ty esa fojke esa
boat of mass 100 kg rests in still water. The man fLFkr 100 kg æO;eku dh 6 m yEch uko ds ,d
moves to the centre of boat and sits there. The
centre of mass of the system will shift by
fljs ij gSA O;fDr uko ds dsUæ dh vksj xfr djrk
gS rFkk ogk¡ cSBrk gSA fudk; dk æO;eku dsUæ
(1) 0 m (2) 1 m
fdruk foLFkkfir gksxk?
(3) 5/3 m (4) 1.5 m
 (1) 0 m (2) 1 m
40. A force F= 2iˆ + β jˆ + 3kˆ is acting at a point having (3) 5/3 m (4) 1.5 m
 
position r = 8iˆ + 6 ˆj + 12kˆ . The value of β for 40. ,d cy F= 2iˆ + β jˆ + 3kˆ fLFkfr r = 8iˆ + 6 ˆj + 12kˆ
which angular momentum about origin is okys fcUnw ij dk;Zjr gSA β ds fdl eku ds fy,
conserved, is
ewyfcUnw ds lkis{k; laosx lajf{kr gS?
1 3
(1) (2) 1 3
3 2 (1) (2)
3 2
(3) 1 (4) –1 (3) 1 (4) –1
41. The ratio of the acceleration of a disk of mass m 41. fcuk fQlys vkufr dks.k θ ij uhps yq<+dus rFkk
and radius R rolling down an incline of angle θ fcuk yq<+ds vkur ij uhps fQlyus ds fy, m
without slipping and slipping down the incline
æO;eku o R f=T;k dh pdrh ds Roj.k dk vuqikr
without rolling is
1 3
(1) (2) 1 3
3 4 (1) (2)
3 4
2 2
(3) (4) 2 (3) (4) 2
3 3
42. A rope is wound around a solid cylinder of mass 3 42. ,d jLlh dks fp= esa n'kkZ, vuqlkj 3 kg æO;eku o
kg and radius 20 cm as shown in the figure. A 20 cm f=T;k ds Bksl csyu ds ifjr% ck¡/kk tkrk gSA
mass of 4 kg is suspended from the other end and
4 kg æO;eku dks ,d fljs ls yVdk;k tkrk gS rFkk
released. The linear acceleration of 4 kg mass is
NksM+k tkrk gSA 4 kg æO;eku dk js[kh; Roj.k gS

4g 5g 4g 5g
(1) (2) (1) (2)
11 11 11 11
6g 8g 6g 8g
(3) (4) (3) (4)
11 11 11 11
43. A person sitting firmly over a rotating chair has his 43. ,d ?kw.khZ dqlhZ ij n`f<+r cSBk ,d O;fDr viuh
arms stretched. If he fold his arms, his kinetic Hkqtkvksa dks rkfur fd, gq, gSA ;fn og Hkqtk,sa eksM+rk
energy about the axis of rotation gS] rc ?kw.kZu v{k ds lkis{k bldh xfrt ÅtkZ
(1) Increases (1) c<sxh
(2) Decreases (2) ?kVsxh
(3) Remain same (3) leku jgsxh
(4) May increase or decrease (4) cM+ ;k ?kV ldrh gS

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

44. A satellite moving around the earth in a circular 44. ,d mixzg i`Foh ds pkjksa vksj r f=T;k dh o`Ùkh;
orbit of radius r with speed v, if suddenly loses
some of its energy. Then
d{kk esa v pky ls xfr'khy gS] ;fn vpkud viuh
dqN ÅtkZ [kks nsrk gS, rc
(1) r will increase and v will decrease
(1) r c<+sxk rFkk v ?kVsxk
(2) Both r and v will decrease
(2) r rFkk v nksuksa ?kVsaxs
(3) Both r and v will increase
(3) r rFkk v nksuksa c<sxsa
(4) r will decrease and v will increase
(4) r ?kVsxh rFkk v c<+sxh
45. The density of a planet is two times that of the
earth, and acceleration due to gravity at the 45. ,d xzg dk ?kuRo i`Foh ds ?kuRo dk nksxquk gS] rFkk
surface of planet is half that at the surface of xzg dh lrg ij xq:Roh; Roj.k i`Foh dh lrg ij
earth. If radius of earth is R, then the radius of xq:Roh; Roj.k dk vk/kk gSA ;fn i`Foh dh f=T;k R
planet would be gS] rc xzg dh f=T;k gksxh
(1) (2) 2 R (1) (2) 2 R
2 2
(3) (4) 4 R (3) (4) 4 R
4 4

46. Which of the following is a path function? 46. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk ,d iFk Qyu gS\
(1) Internal energy (2) Enthalpy (1) vkarfjd ÅtkZ (2) ,UFkSYih
(3) Entropy (4) Heat (3) ,UVªkWih (4) Å"ek
47. For a reaction, 47. ,d vfHkfØ;k ds fy, ∆H = 25 kJ mol–1 rFkk
∆H = 25 kJ mol and ∆S = 75 JK mol .
–1 –1 –1
∆S = 75 JK–1 mol–1 gSA
The minimum temperature above which the fdl U;wure rki ij mijksDr vfHkfØ;k Lor%
reaction is spontaneous will be izofrZr gksxh\
(1) 200 K (2) 233.3 K (1) 200 K (2) 233.3 K
(3) 333.3 K (4) 400 K (3) 333.3 K (4) 400 K
48. If the equilibrium constant for the reaction 48. ;fn vfHkfØ;k H2 + I2  2HI ds fy, lkE; fu;rkad
H2 + I2  2HI is K, then the equilibrium constant 1 1
K gS, rks vfHkfØ;k HI  H2 + I2 ds fy, lkE;
1 1 2 2
for the reaction HI  H2 + I2 will be fu;rkad gksxk
2 2
1 1
(1) K2 (2) (1) K2 (2)
1 (3) (4) K
(3) (4) K K2
49. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdl vfHkfØ;k ds fy, ∆H =∆U
49. For which of the following reaction, ∆H =∆U ?
(1) CaCO3 (s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)
(1) CaCO3 (s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)
(2) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g) (2) N2(g) + 3H2(g)  2NH3(g)
(3) 2HI(g)  I2(g) + H2 (g) (3) 2HI(g)  I2(g) + H2 (g)
(4) PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g) (4) PCl5(g)  PCl3(g) + Cl2(g)

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

50. For the following processes 50. fuEufyf[kr izØe ds fy, ∆H (kJ/Mol) ds eku uhps
∆H (kJ/Mol) fn, x, gSa
A → B –x A → B –x
2B → C + D– y
2B → C+D –y
E+B → 3C –z
E+B → 3C –z
2A + 3B → 3D + E ds fy,, ∆H gksxk
For, 2A + 3B → 3D + E, ∆H will be
(1) 2z + x – 2y (2) z – 2x + 3y
(1) 2z + x – 2y (2) z – 2x + 3y
(3) – z + 2x – 2y (4) z – 2x – 3y
(3) – z + 2x – 2y (4) z – 2x – 3y
51. ;fn 10 eksy vkn'kZ xSl fuokZr esa izlkfjr gksrh gS]
51. If 10 moles of an ideal expands in vacuum, then
the work done will be rks fd;k x;k dk;Z gksxk
(1) Zero (2) 10 J (1) 'kwU; (2) 10 J

(3) 8 J (4) 12 J (3) 8 J (4) 12 J

52. If enthalpy of neutralisation of four acids A, B, C 52. ;fn pkj vEy A, B, C rFkk D dh mnklhuhdj.k
and D are – 50, – 20, – 53 and – 42 kJ eq–1, ,UFkSYih Øe'k% – 50, – 20, – 53 rFkk – 42 kJ eq–1 gS,
respectively when they are neutralised by a tc ;s ,d lkekU; {kkj }kjk mnklhuhd`r gksrs gSa]
common base then the strongest acid among the
rks fuEufyf[kr esa ls izcy vEy gS
following is
(1) A (2) B
(1) A (2) B
(3) C (4) D
(3) C (4) D
53. fuEufyf[kr izØeksa esa ls fdlesa ,UVªkWih c<+rh gS\
53. In which of the following processes, entropy
increases? (1) v.Ms dk mcyuk
(1) Boiling of egg (2) jcM+ dks [khapuk
(2) Stretching of rubber (3) ty dk fgeu
(3) Freezing of water (4) ty ok"i dk la?kuu
(4) Condensation of water vapour 54. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk ,d foLrh.kZ xq.k gS\
54. Which of the following is an extensive property?
(1) rki (2) vk;ru
(1) Temperature (2) Volume
(3) ?kuRo (4) nkc
(3) Density (4) Pressure
55. 10–8 M HCl foy;u dk pH gS
55. pH of 10–8 M HCl solution is
(1) 7 (2) 6.5
(1) 7 (2) 6.5
(3) 8 (4) 6.9
(3) 8 (4) 6.9
56. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk ,d yqbZl vEy ugha gS\
56. Which of the following is not a Lewis acid?
(1) AlCl3 (2) NH3
(1) AlCl3 (2) NH3
(3) B2H6 (4) BF3
(3) B2H6 (4) BF3
57. ,d foy;u ds pH eku esa 2 ls 4 rd o`f) dh tkrh
57. The pH of a solution is increased from 2 to 4, its
gS, rc bldh H+ lkanzrk
H+ concentration will
(1) esa 100 xquk deh gksrh gS
(1) Decreased by 100 times
(2) Increased by 100 times (2) esa 100 xquk o`f) gksrh gS

(3) Doubled (3) nksxquh gksrh gS

(4) Halved (4) vk/kh gksrh gS

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)
– –
58. The conjugate acid of HSO4 is 58. HSO4 dk la;qXeh vEy gS
(1) SO24− (2) SO3 (1) SO24− (2) SO3

(3) H2SO4 (4) H2SO3 (3) H2SO4 (4) H2SO3

59. Which of the following mixtures is not a buffer? 59. fuEufyf[kr feJ.kksa esa ls dkSulk ,d cQj feJ.k
(1) CH3COOH and CH3COONa
ugha gS\
(2) NH4OH and NH4Cl (1) CH3COOH rFkk CH3COONa

(3) NaCl and HCl (2) NH4OH rFkk NH4Cl

(4) H2CO3 and Na2CO3 (3) NaCl rFkk HCl

60. If Ka of HX is 1 × 10–4, then Kb of X– ion will be (4) H2CO3 rFkk Na2CO3

(1) 5 × 10–9 (2) 1 × 10–10 60. ;fn HX dk Ka 1 × 10–4 gS, rks X– vk;u dk Kb gksxk
(3) 1 × 10–4 (4) 2 × 10–5 (1) 5 × 10–9 (2) 1 × 10–10
61. For the reversible reaction (3) 1 × 10–4 (4) 2 × 10–5
PCl5(g) + heat  PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g) 61. fuEufyf[kr mRØ; vfHkfØ;k ds fy, lkE; vxz
The equilibrium will shift in the forward direction
fn'kk esa foLFkkfir gksxk
(1) By decreasing the temperature PCl5(g) + Å"ek  PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)

(2) By increasing the pressure (1) rki esa deh djus ij

(3) By increasing the concentration of PCl5(g) (2) nkc esa o`f) djus ij
(4) By increasing the concentration of PCl3(g) (3) PCl5(g) dh lkanzrk esa o`f) djus ij
62. The salt which will have the highest pH in (4) PCl3(g) dh lkanzrk esa o`f) djus ij
aqueous solution is
62. tyh; foy;u esa fdl yo.k dk pH mPpre gksxk\
(1) NaCl (2) Na2SO4
(1) NaCl (2) Na2SO4
(3) NH4Cl (4) CH3COONa
(3) NH4Cl (4) CH3COONa
63. Which will undergo cationic hydrolysis?
63. fdlesa /kuk;uh tyvi?kVu gksxk\
(1) CH3COOK (2) NH4Cl
(1) CH3COOK (2) NH4Cl
(3) NaCl (4) NaCN
(3) NaCl (4) NaCN
64. If the heat of combustion of methane is
–x kJ/mol, then the heat released during the
64. ;fn esFksu dh ngu Å"ek –x kJ/mol gS, rks 40 g esFksu
combustion of 40 g of methane will be ds ngu ds nkSjku eqDr Å"ek gksxh
(1) 5x kJ (1) 5x kJ

(2) 2.5x kJ (2) 2.5x kJ

(3) x kJ (3) x kJ
(4) 2x kJ
(4) 2x kJ
65. Total heat capacity for adiabatic process is
65. :)ks"e izØe ds fy, dqy Å"ek /kkfjrk gS
(1) Zero (2) 1 (1) 'kwU; (2) 1

(3) Infinite (4) R (3) vuUr (4) R

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

66. Work done in a reversible isothermal expansion is 66. mRØ; lerkih; izlj.k esa fd;k x;k dk;Z gS
given by
V (1) – 2.303 nRT log
(1) – 2.303 nRT log f Vi
P (2) – 2.303 nRT log
(2) – 2.303 nRT log i Pf
(3) 2.303 nR log
(3) 2.303 nR log f Vi
(4) (1) o (2) nksuksa
(4) Both (1) and (2)
67. 21 g ,yqfefu;e ds rki dks 250 K ls 350 K rd
67. The amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of 21 g of aluminium from 250 K to
c<+kus ds fy, vko';d Å"ek dh ek=k gS
350 K is (Specific heat of aluminium is (,yqfefu;e dh fof'k"V Å"ek 0.9 J (°C)–1 g–1 gS)
0.9 J (°C)–1 g–1) (1) 1590 J (2) 2010 J
(1) 1590 J (2) 2010 J (3) 1890 J (4) 2400 J
(3) 1890 J (4) 2400 J 68. ,d xSl ds fy, γ 1.66 gS, rc xSl gksxh
68. For one of a gas, γ is equal to 1.66, the gas will
(1) ,dyijek.kqd (2) f}ijek.kqd
(1) Monoatomic (2) Diatomic
(3) f=ijek.kqd (4) prq"ijek.kqd
(3) Triatomic (4) Tetraatomic 69. Lor% izo`fÙk ds fy, vko';d ifjfLFkfr gS
69. Necessary condition for spontaneity is (1) ∆S 0
(1) ∆Ssystem =
0 (2) ∆H 0
(2) ∆Hsystem =
0 (3) ∆G =0

(3) ∆G =0 (4) ∆S dqy > 0

(4) ∆STotal > 0 70. fuEufyf[kr vfHkfØ;kvksa ij fopkj dhft,A

70. Consider the following reactions (i) C (xzsQkbV,s) + 2H2O (l) → CO2(g) +
(i) C (graphite, s) + 2H2O(l) → CO2(g) + 2H2(g); 2H2(g);
∆H° = –a kJ/mol ∆H° = –a kJ/mol
(ii) C (graphite, s) + O2 (g) → CO2(g); (ii) C (xzsQkbV, s) + O2 (g) → CO2(g);
∆H° = – b kJ/mol ∆H° = – b kJ/mol
(iii) CH4(g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l); (iii) CH4(g) + 2O2 (g) → CO2(g) + 2H2O(l);
∆H° = – c kJ/mol ∆H° = – c kJ/mol
1 1
(iv) CO(g) + O2 (g) → CO2(g); (iv) CO(g) + O2 (g) → CO2(g);
2 2
∆H° = – d kJ/mol ∆H° = – d kJ/mol
∆fH° of CO2 (g) will be CO2 (g) dk ∆fH° gksxk
(1) – a kJ/mol (2) – b kJ/mol (1) – a kJ/mol (2) – b kJ/mol
(3) – c kJ/mol (4) – d kJ/mol (3) – c kJ/mol (4) – d kJ/mol

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

71. If enthalpies of formation of CH4(g), CO2(g) and 71. 25°C rFkk 1 atm nkc ij CH4(g), CO2(g) rFkk
H2O(l) at 25°C and 1 atm pressure are –x, H2O(l) dh lEHkou ,UFkSYih Øe'k%–x, –y rFkk
–y and – z kJ/mol respectively, then enthalpy of
– z kJ/mol gS] rks CH4 (g) dh ngu ,UFkSYih gksxh
combustion of CH4 (g) will be
(1) x – y – z kJ/mol (2) x – y – 2z kJ/mol
(1) x – y – z kJ/mol (2) x – y – 2z kJ/mol
(3) z + x – y kJ/mol (4) z – 2x – y kJ/mol
(3) z + x – y kJ/mol (4) z – 2x – y kJ/mol
72. ;fn fu;r nkc ij fudk; dks 50 J Å"ek nh tkrh gS
72. The change in internal energy if 50 J of heat is
given to the system at constant pressure and rFkk fudk; }kjk 20 J dk;Z fd;k tkrk gS] rks
20 J of work is done by the system will be vkarfjd ÅtkZ esa ifjorZu gksxk
(1) – 30 J (2) 30 J (1) – 30 J (2) 30 J

(3) – 70 J (4) 70 J (3) – 70 J (4) 70 J

73. The thermodynamic process for which volume 73. fdl Å"ekxfrdh izØe ds fy, vk;ru fu;r jgrk
remains constant is gS\
(1) Isothermal process (2) Isobaric process (1) lerkih; izØe (2) lenkch izØe
(3) Adiabatic process (4) Isochoric process (3) #)ks"e izØe (4) levk;rfud
74. If the solubility of a salt A2B3 in its saturated
74. ;fn yo.k A2B3 ds lar`Ir foy;u dh foys;rk s mol
solution is s mol L–1, then its solubility product will
be L–1 gS, rks bldk foys;rk xq.kuQy gksxk

(1) 27 s3 (2) 54 s5 (1) 27 s3 (2) 54 s5

(3) 108 s5 (4) 27 s4 (3) 108 s5 (4) 27 s4

75. Which pair will show common ion effect? 75. dkSulk ;qXe lkekU; vk;u izHkko n'kkZ,xk\
(1) HCN + NaCN (2) HCl + NaCl (1) HCN + NaCN (2) HCl + NaCl

(3) NaOH + NaCl (4) H2SO4 + Na2SO4 (3) NaOH + NaCl (4) H2SO4 + Na2SO4

76. At temperature higher than 25°C, which of the 76. 25°C ls mPp rki ij 'kq) ty ds lanHkZ esa
following options is correct regarding pure water? fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk fodYi lgh gS\
(1) [H+] = [OH–], pH = 7 (1) [H+] = [OH–], pH = 7

(2) [H+] < [OH–], pH = 7 (2) [H+] < [OH–], pH = 7

(3) [H+] > [OH–], pH = 7 (3) [H+] > [OH–], pH = 7

(4) [H+] = [OH–], pH < 7 (4) [H+] = [OH–], pH < 7

77. If for a reaction, 2A(g) + B(g)  C(g) , KC is 77. ;fn vfHkfØ;k 2A(g) + B(g)  C(g) ds fy, KC
2 × 104. Then the Kp for the reaction at the same 2 × 104 gS] rks leku rki ij vfHkfØ;k ds fy, Kp
temperature will be gksxk
(1) 2 × 104(RT)2 (2) 2 × 104 RT (1) 2 × 104(RT)2 (2) 2 × 104 RT

2 × 104 2 × 104 2 × 104 2 × 104

(3) (4) (3) (4)
(RT)2 RT (RT)2 RT

78. Unit of molar entropy is 78. eksyj ,UVªkWih dh bdkbZ gS

(1) J K mol–1 (2) J K–1 mol–1 (1) J K mol–1 (2) J K–1 mol–1
(3) J mol–1 (4) J K–1 (3) J mol–1 (4) J K–1

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

79. Enthalpy change for the reaction, 79. vfHkfØ;k 4O(g) → 2O2 (g) ds fy, ,UFkSYih ifjorZu
4O(g) → 2O2 (g) is –a kJ. The dissociation energy –a kJ gSA O-O cU/k dh fo;kstu ÅtkZ gS
of O-O bond is (1) –4a kJ (2) –a/2 kJ
(1) –4a kJ (2) –a/2 kJ (3) a/2 kJ (4) 2a kJ
(3) a/2 kJ (4) 2a kJ 80. fuEufyf[kr esa ls dkSulk H2O esa vR;f/kd foys;'khy
80. Which of the following is most soluble in H2O? gS\
(1) AgBr (Ksp = 5.0× 10–13)
(1) AgBr (Ksp = 5.0× 10–13)
(2) AgCl (Ksp = 1.8× 10–10)
(2) AgCl (Ksp = 1.8× 10–10)
(3) CuS (Ksp = 6.3 × 10–36)
(3) CuS (Ksp = 6.3 × 10–36)
(4) AgI (Ksp = 8.3 × 10–17)
(4) AgI (Ksp = 8.3 × 10 )
81. ,lhfVd vEy rFkk lksfM;e ,lhVsV ds leku eksy
81. The pH of 1 L solution containing equal moles of ;qDr 1 L foy;u dk pH gS (,lhfVd vEy dk pKa =
acetic acid and sodium acetate is
(pKa of acetic acid = 4.74)
(1) 9.47 (2) 4.74
(1) 9.47 (2) 4.74
(3) 5.82 (4) 6.91
(3) 5.82 (4) 6.91
82. 0.3 M HCl rFkk 0.1 M NaOH dks leku vk;ru esa
82. pH of a solution obtained by mixing equal feykus ij izkIr foy;u dk pH gS
volumes of 0.3 M HCl and 0.1 M NaOH is
(1) 1 (2) 1.5
(1) 1 (2) 1.5
(3) 2 (4) 2.5
(3) 2 (4) 2.5 83. 0.1 M CH3COOH ds fo;kstu dh dksfV gS
83. Degree of dissociation of 0.1 M CH3COOH is (Ka = 1 × 10-5)
(Ka = 1 × 10–5) (1) 0.01 (2) 0.02
(1) 0.01 (2) 0.02 (3) 0.025 (4) 0.05
(3) 0.025 (4) 0.05 84. 500 K rFkk lkE; ij ,d can ik= esa H2 dh lkaærk
84. At equilibrium, the concentrations of H2 = 1 × 10 M,
–2 = 1×10–2 M, N2 dh lkaærk = 4 × 10–1 M rFkk
N2 = 4 × 10–1 M and NH3 = 2 × 10–3 M in a sealed NH3 dh lkaærk = 2 × 10–3 M gSA fuEufyf[kr
vessel at 500 K. The value of Kc for the reaction vfHkfØ;k ds fy, Kc dk eku gksxk
N2(g) + 3H2  2NH3(g) will be N2(g) + 3H2  2NH3 (g)
(1) 0.01 (2) 100 (1) 0.01 (2) 100
(3) 0.1 (4) 10 (3) 0.1 (4) 10
85. Bomb calorimeter is used to calculate 85. ce dSyksjhehVj dk mi;ksx fdldh x.kuk ds fy,
(1) ∆U (2) ∆G fd;k tkrk gS\
(3) ∆H (4) ∆S (1) ∆U (2) ∆G

86. Which of the following is a correct statement (3) ∆H (4) ∆S

related to a closed system? 86. ,d cUn fudk; ls lEcfU/kr fuEufyf[kr esa ls
(1) Exchange of both energy and matter are dkSulk dFku lgh gS\
(1) ÅtkZ rFkk nzO; nksuksa dk fofue; laHko gS
(2) Exchange of neither energy nor matter is
possible (2) u rks ÅtkZ u gh nzO; dk fofue; laHko gS

(3) Exchange of only energy is possible (3) dsoy ÅtkZ dk fofue; laHko gS

(4) Exchange of only matter is possible (4) dsoy nzO; dk fofue; laHko gS

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

87. If the value of an equilibrium constant for a 87. ;fn ,d vfHkfØ;k ds fy, lkE; fu;rkad dk eku 2
reaction is 2 × 107, then at equilibrium the system × 107 gS, rks lkE; ij fudk; esa gksxk
will contain
(1) vf/kdka'k mRikn
(1) Mostly products
(2) vf/kdka'k vfHkdkjd
(2) Mostly reactants
(3) dsoy vfHkdkjd
(3) Only reactants
(4) Equal concentrations of reactants and (4) leku lkanzrk ds vfHkdkjd rFkk mRikn
products 88. 27°C ij ,d ;kSfxd ds xyu dh xqIr Å"ek
88. Latent heat of fusion of a compound is 3000 J/mol gS] rc ÅtkZ ifjorZu gksxk
3000 J/mol at 27°C. Entropy change will be
(1) 12 JK–1 mol–1 (2) 10 JK–1 mol–1
(1) 12 JK–1 mol–1 (2) 10 JK–1 mol–1
(3) 0.1 JK–1 mol–1 (4) 1.5 JK–1 mol–1
(3) 0.1 JK–1 mol–1 (4) 1.5 JK–1 mol–1
89. 25 °C ij nqcZy vEy o nqcZy {kkj ds tyh; foy;u
89. At 25°C, the pH of an aqueous solution of a weak
acid and a weak base is given by
dk pH gS
(1) pH = 7 + (pKa – pKb) (1) pH = 7 + (pKa – pKb)
(2) pH = 7 −
(pK a − pK b ) (2) pH = 7 − (pK a − pK b )
2 2
7 + ( pK a − pK b )
(3) pH = 7 + ( pK a − pK b )
(3) pH =
2 2
7 + ( pK b − pK a )
(4) pH =
7 + ( pK b − pK a )
(4) pH =

90. At 27°C, N2O4(g) dissociates 40% into NO2(g) the

90. 27°C ij N2O4(g) dk NO2(g) esa 40% fo;kstu gksrk
equilibrium vapour density of the mixture is gS feJ.k dk lkE; ok"i ?kuRo gS
(1) 32.85 (2) 40.26 (1) 32.85 (2) 40.26
(3) 46 (4) 72.41 (3) 46 (4) 72.41

91. The non membranous cell organelle common to 91. f>Yyh jfgr dkSulk dksf'kdkax çksdSfj;ksV~l o
both prokaryote and eukaryote is ;wdSfj;ksV~l nksuksa esa mHk;fu"V gksrk gS?
(1) Centriole (2) Nucleoid (1) rkjddsUæ (2) U;wfDy;kWM
(3) Ribosome (4) Nucleolus (3) jkbckslkse (4) dsfUæd
92. Prokaryotic cell cannot have 92. çksdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk esa ugha gks ldrk gS
(1) dsUædh; f>Yyh
(1) Nuclear membrane
(2) xq.klw=
(2) Chromosome
(3) dksf'kdk fHkfÙk
(3) Cell wall
(4) IykTek f>Yyh
(4) Plasma membrane 93. çksdSfj;ksfVd dksf'kdk ds fy, vlqesfyr dh igpku
93. Identify the incorrect match for prokaryotic cell. dhft,A
(1) Mesosome – Respiration (1) ehlkstkse – 'olu
(2) IykfTeM – thuksfed DNA
(2) Plasmid – Genomic DNA
(3) XykbdksdsfyDl – thokf.od dksf'kdk dks
(3) Glycocalyx – Protects bacterial cell
lqjf{kr j[krk gS
(4) Chromatophore – Photosynthetic pigment (4) ØksesVksQksj – çdk'kla'ysf"kr o.kZd

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

94. A polysome contains

94. ,d ikWfytkse esa
(1) Many ribosomes and a single m-RNA
(1) vusd jkbckslkse o ,d ,dy m-RNA gksrk gS
(2) Single ribosome and many m-RNAs
(2) ,dy jkbckslkse o vusd m-RNAs gksrk gS
(3) Single ribosome and single m-RNA
(3) ,dy jkbckslkse o ,dy m-RNA gksrk gS
(4) Many ribosomes and many m-RNAs
(4) vusd jkbckslkse o vusd m-RNAs gksrk gS
95. All of the following features are true for lipids of
95. fdlds vfrfjDr fuEufyf[kr lHkh y{k.k IykTek
plasma membrane, except
f>Yyh ds fyfiM ds fy, lgh gksrs gSa?
(1) Tails are hydrophobic
(1) iqPN tyfojkxh gksrs gS
(2) Polar heads are towards the inner sides
(2) /kqzoh; f'k"kZ vkarfjd Hkkxksa dh vksj gksrs gS
(3) May consist of phosphoglycerides
(3) QkWLQksfXylsjkbM ls cus gks ldrs gS
(4) Major lipids are phospholipids
(4) QkWLQksfyfiM~l eq[; fyfiM~l gSa
96. The structure which form living component of dead 96. dkSu lh lajpuk e`r dksf'kdk ds thfor ?kVd dk
cell wall, is
fuekZ.k djrh gS?
(1) Plasmodesmata (2) Pits
(1) IykTeksMsLekVk (2) xrZ
(3) Middle lamella (4) Plasma membrane
(3) eè; iVfydk (4) IykTek f>Yyh
97. The component of endomembrane system which
97. çksVhu la'ys"k.k esa lfEefyr var%f>fYydk ra= dk
is involved in protein synthesis is also related with
?kVd ______ ls Hkh lacaf/kr gksrk gS
(1) Formation of precursor of enzymes of
(1) ykblkslkse ds ,atkbe ds ewyvUosf"kd ds fuekZ.k
(2) izksVhu dk Xykbdkstkbys”ku
(2) Glycosylation of proteins
(3) izksfV,t ds lgk;rk ls izksVhu ds [kaMu
(3) Breakdown of proteins with help of proteases
(4) dksf”kdk ds lkanzrk ds j[kj[kko
(4) Maintenance of osmotic concentration of cell
98. lgh (T) ;k xyr (F) ds :Ik esa fuEufyf[kr dFkuksa
98. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false
(F) and select the correct option.
dks fpfUgr dhft, rFkk lgh fodYi dk p;u
A. Outer mitochondrial membrane is more
permeable than inner one. A. ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k dh ckg~; f>Yyh vkarfjd f>Yyh
dh rqyuk esa vf/kd ikjxE; gksrh gS
B. Inner membrane of mitochondria contains
ATP synthase enzyme. B. ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k dh vkarfjd f>Yyh esa ATP

C. Mitochondrial matrix contains enzymes of

flUFkst ,atkbe gksrk gS
Krebs cycle and 80S ribosomes. C. ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k dh vk/kk=h esa ØsCl pØ ds
A B C ,atkbe o 80S jkbckslkse gksrs gSa
(1) T T T
(1) T T T
(2) T F F
(2) T F F
(3) T T F (3) T T F
(4) F T F (4) F T F
99. The type of plastid which is not involved in 99. yod ¼IykfLVM½ dk dkSulk izdkj [kk| ds lap;u
storage of food, is esa lfEefyr ugha gksrk gS\
(1) Chloroplast (2) Amyloplast (1) DyksjksIykLV (2) ,ekbyksIykLV
(3) Chromoplast (4) Elaioplast (3) ØkseksIykLV (4) bfy;ksIykLV

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

100. The smallest cell organelle is not found in/on 100. lcls NksVh dksf”kdkax fdl ij ugha ik, tkrs gSa\
(1) Plastids (2) Mitochondria
(1) IykfLVM ¼yod½ (2) ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k
(3) RER (4) Nucleolus (3) RER (4) dsfUnzd
101. Which of the given is true for cilia but false for 101. fn;k x;k dkSulk i{ekHk ds fy, lgh gS ijUrq
prokaryotic flagella?
izksdSfj;ksfVd d”kkHk ds fy, xyr gS\
(1) Help in locomotion (1) pyu esa lgk;d gksrk gS
(2) Made up of tubulin proteins (2) V~;wC;wfyu izksVhu dk cuk gksrk gS
(3) Is extension of cell wall (3) dksf”kdkfHkfÙk dk foLrkj.k gksrk gS
(4) Basal body is made up of proteinaceous rings (4) vk/kkjh dk; izksVhu;qDr oy;ksa dk cuk gksrk gS
102. A. Centrioles form spindle fibres during cell 102. A. rkjddsUnz dksf”kdk foHkktu ds nkSjku rdqZ rarqvksa
division. dk fuekZ.k djrk gS
B. Higher plant cells lack spindle fibres as they B. mPp ikni dksf”kdkvksa esa rdqZ rarqvksa dk vHkko
lack centrioles. gksrk gS D;ksafd buesa rkjddsUæksa dk vHkko gksrk
(1) Only A is true gS
(2) Only B is true (1) dsoy A lgh gS
(2) dsoy B lgh gS
(3) Both A and B are true
(3) A o B nksuksa lgh gSa
(4) Both A and B are false
(4) A o B nksuksa xyr gSa
103. Nucleolus
103. dsfUnzd
(a) Is non membrane bound structure
(a) f>Yyh jfgr lajpuk gS
(b) Is larger and more numerous in cells (b) dksf”kdk foHkktu ds varxZr dksf”kdkvksa esa cM+h o
undergoing cell division.
vf/kd la[;k esa gksrh gS
(c) Is the site of 70S ribosome assembly. (c) 70S jkbckslkse lewgu dk LFky gksrk gS
(1) Only (a) is true (1) dsoy (a) lgh gS
(2) Only (b) is true (2) dsoy (b) lgh gS
(3) Both (a) and (b) are true (3) (a) o (b) nksuksa lgh gSa
(4) All (a), (b) and (c) are true (4) (a), (b) o (c) lHkh lgh gSa
104. The chromosome having p and q arm 104. p o q Hkqtk okys xq.klw=
(1) Appear V-shaped during anaphase (1) Ik”pkoLFkk ds nkSjku V-vkdkjh gksrk gS
(2) mi&e/;dsUnzh xq.klw= gS
(2) Is sub-metacentric chromosome
(3) vaR;dsUnzh xq.klw= gS
(3) Is telocentric chromosome
(4) ds ,d fljs ij xq.klw=fcUnq gksrk gS
(4) Has centromere at its one end
105. thokf.od dksf”kdk dks fpifpik vfHky{k.k iznku
105. The structure which provides gummy or sticky djus okyh lajpuk
character to bacterial cell, is
(1) isIVkbMksXykbdsu dh cuh gksrh gS
(1) Made up of peptidoglycan
(2) dksf”kdk dh vkd`fr fu/kkZfjr djus ds fy,
(2) Responsible to determine the shape of the cell mÙkjnk;h gksrh gS
(3) Comprises of polysaccharides (3) ikWyhlSdsjkbM~l dh cuh gksrh gS
(4) Found in all bacterial cells (4) lHkh thokf.od dksf”kdkvksa esa ik;k tkrk gS
106. Identify single membrane bound cell organelle 106. buesa ls ,dy f>Yyhc) dksf”kdkax dh igpku
among these dhft,A
(1) Mitochondria (2) Centriole (1) ekbVksdkf.Mª;k (2) rkjddsUnz
(3) Plastid (4) Lysosome (3) yod ¼IykfLVM½ (4) ykblkslkse

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

107. Gas vacuoles 107. xSl jl/kkuh

(a) Are found in all aquatic eukaryotes.
(a)lHkh tyh; ;wdSfj;ksV~l esa ik;h tkrh gSa
(b) Are membraneless.
(b) f>Yyhjfgr gksrh gSa
(c) Provide buoyancy to the cell.
(c) dksf”kdk dks mRIykodrk iznku djrh gS
(1) Only (a) is true
(1) dsoy (a) lgh gSa
(2) (a) and (b) are true
(2) (a) o (b) lgh gSa
(3) (b) and (c) are true
(3) (b) o (c) lgh gSa
(4) (a) and (c) are true
(4) (a) o (c) lgh gSa
108. The ___ face of golgi complex gives rise to the
108. xkWYth lfEeJ dh ___ lrg lgk;d iqfVdkvksa dks
secretory vesicles.
mRiUu djrh gSA
(1) Convex (2) Cis
(1) mUurksnj (2) fll
(3) Maturing (4) Forming
(3) ifjiDo (4) fuekZ.kdkjh
109. Both matrix of mitochondria and stroma of
chloroplast contains 109. ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k dh vk/kk=h o gfjryod dh ihfBdk
nksuksa esa
(1) Linear dsDNA
(1) js[kh; dsDNA gksrk gS
(2) Enzymes of glucose synthesis
(2) Xywdkst la”ys’k.k dk ,atkbe gksrk gS
(3) Protein synthesis machinery
(3) izksVhu la”ys’k.k e”khujh gksrk gS
(4) Enzymes of TCA cycle
(4) TCA pØ dk ,atkbe gksrk gS
110. Endomembrane system does not include
110. var%f>fYydk ra= esa ugha gksrk gS
(1) Endoplasmic reticulum
(1) varnzZO;h tkfydk
(2) Golgi complex
(2) xkWYth lfEeJ
(3) Lysosome
(3) ykblkslkse
(4) Peroxisome
(4) ijkWDlhlkse
111. Select the wrongly matched pair.
111. vlqesfyr ;qXe dk p;u dhft,A
(1) Plasma – Selectively
(1) IykTek f>Yyh – Pk;ukRed :Ik ls
membrane permeable
(2) Algal cell wall – Contain cellulose,
(2) “kSoky dh – esa lsY;wykst]
galactans and
manans dksf”kdkfHkfÙk XysDVsu o eSusu
gksrk gS
(3) Primary cell wall – Thin, elastic and
incapable of (3) izkFkfed dksf”kdk – iryh] yphyh o
extension fHkfÙk foLrkj.k esa v{ke
(4) Middle lamella – Amorphous (4) e/; iVfydk – fØLVyh; tksM+us
cementing layer okyh ijr
112. Who explained that “new cells are formed from 112. fdlus O;k[;k dh fd “ubZ dksf”kdk,a igys ls
pre-existing cells”? fo|eku dksf”kdkvksa ls curh gSa”?
(1) Schleiden (2) Virchow (1) “ykbMsu (2) fopksZ
(3) Schwann (4) R. Brown (3) “oku (4) vkj- czkmu

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

113. Polytene chromosomes 113. ikWfyVhu xq.klw=

(1) Are diplotene bivalents
(1)fMIyksVhu ;qxyh gSa
(2) Show somatic pairing (2) dkf;d ;qXeu n”kkZrs gSa
(3) Are seen in all insects (3) lHkh dhVksa esa gksrs gSa
(4) Contain one chromonemata per chromosome (4) esa ,d ØkseksusekVk izfr xq.klw= esa gksrk gS

114. Activity of all of the given cell organelles can be 114. fdlds vfrfjDr fn, x, lHkh dksf”kdkaxksa dh
seen in a germinating fatty or oil containing seed, fØ;kfof/k] vadqj.k olk ;k rsy okys cht esa gks
except ldrk gS\
(1) Mitochondria (2) Glyoxysome (1) ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k (2) XykbvkWDlhlkse
(3) gfjryod (4) (1) o (3) nksuksa
(3) Chloroplast (4) Both (1) and (3)
115. fdl izkoLFkk esa dksf”kdk,¡ dsoy mikip;h :Ik ls
115. The phase in which cells are only metabolically
lfØ; gksrh gS ijUrq izpqj ek=k esa ugha gksrh gSa\
active but do not proliferate, is
(1) G2 izkoLFkk (2) varjkykoLFkk
(1) G2 phase (2) Interkinesis
(3) G0 izkoLFkk (4) G1 izkoLFkk
(3) G0 phase (4) G1 phase 116. ØkseSfVM~l dk foikVu fdl nkSjku gksrk gS\
116. Separation of chromatids are seen during (1) iwokZoLFkk (2) Ik”pkoLFkk
(1) Prophase (2) Anaphase (3) vaR;koLFkk (4) e/;koLFkk
(3) Telophase (4) Metaphase 117. v/kZlw=h foHkktu I ds ckn mRiUu gksus okyh iq=h
dksf”kdk,¡ v/kZlw=h foHkktu II ds ckn mRiUu gksus
117. Daughter cells produced after meiosis I are similar
to daughter cells produced after meiosis II, in
okyh iq=h dksf”kdkvksa ds leku gksrh gS
(1) xq.klw= la[;k esa
(1) Chromosome number
(2) DNA dh ek=k esa
(2) DNA content
(3) vkuqoaf”kd laiwjd esa
(3) Genetic compliment (4) izfr xq.klw= esa ØkseSfVM~l dh la[;k esa
(4) Chromatid number per chromosome 118. fdlds vfrfjDr ,d prq’d lHkh ls lEcfU/kr gksrk
118. A tetrad is related with all, except gS\
(1) LFkwyiV~V ¼iSdsVhu½ esa gksrk gS
(1) Seen is pachytene
(2) ,d ;qxyh prq’d ds :Ik esa gksrk gS
(2) A bivalent appear as tetrad
(3) esa 4 flLVj ØksesfVM~l gksrs gSa
(3) Contains 4 sister chromatids (4) v/kZlw=h II esa ugha gksrk gS
(4) Not seen in meiosis II 119. vf/kdka'k dksf'kdkax G1 çkoLFkk esa f} gksrk gS
119. Most cell organelles duplicate in G1 phase but ijUrq rkjddsUæ o ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k dk f}xq.ku fdl
duplication of centriole and mitochondria is seen nkSjku gksrk gS\
during (1) S çkoLFkk
(1) S phase (2) G2 çkoLFkk
(2) G2 phase (3) Øe'k% S rFkk G2 çkoLFkk

(3) S and G2 phase respectively (4) Øe'k% G2 rFkk S çkoLFkk

120. dk;TekVk dk mikarhHkou fdl nkSjku gksrk gS\
(4) G2 and S phase respectively
(1) f}iV~V (fMIyksVhu)
120. Terminalisation of chiasmata is seen during
(2) ikjxfrØe (Mk;dkbusfll)
(1) Diplotene (2) Diakinesis (3) ;qXeiV~V (tkbxksVhu)
(3) Zygotene (4) Pachytene (4) LFkwyiV~V (iSdsVhu)

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

121. In plant cells, cytokinesis

121. ikni dksf'kdkvksa esa lkbVksdkbusfll foHkktu
(1) Occur by furrow formation
(1) [kk¡p fuekZ.k }kjk gksrk gS
(2) Occur by a cell plate
(2) dksf'kdkiV~Vh }kjk gksrk gS
(3) Occurs before karyokinesis
(3) dSfjxksdkbusfll ls igys gksrk gS
(4) Both (1) and (3)
(4) (1) o (3) nksuksa
122. In all of the given phases, each chromosomes
122. fdlds vfrfjDr fn, x, lHkh çkoLFkkvksa esa çR;sd
have two chromatids, except
xq.klw= esa nks ØkseSfV~l gksrs gSa?
(1) Metaphase I
(1) eè;koLFkk I
(2) Anaphase I
(2) i'pkoLFkk I
(3) Metaphase II
(3) eèokoLFkk II
(4) Anaphase II
(4) i'pkoLFkk II
123. Mark the wrongly matched pair.
123. vlqesfyr ;qXe dks fpfUgr dhft,A
(1) Interkinesis – DNA replication (1) varjkykoLFkk – DNA çfrd`rh;u

(2) G1 – Post mitotic gap (2) G1 – i'p lw=h varjdky

phase çkoLFkk
(3) Interphase – Covers > 95% of (3) varjkoLFkk – dksf'kdk pØ dh
total duration of dqy voLFkk dh
cell cycle 95% ls vf/kd
(4) Pachytene – Activity of (4) LFkwyiê (iSdsVhu) – fjdkWfEcust ,atkbe
recombinase dh fØ;kfof/k
124. lqlkè; folj.k lfØ; ifjogu ls fHkUu gksrk gS
124. Facilitated diffusion differs from active transport as D;ksafd lqlkè; folj.k
the former
(1) ,d ÅèoZxkeh çfØ;k gS
(1) Is an uphill process
(2) çd`fr esa mPp :i ls p;ukRed gksrk gS
(2) Is highly selective in nature (3) esa ATP dh vko';drk ugha gksrh gS
(3) Does not require ATP (4) fof'k"V f>Yyh çksVhu dh vko';drk ugha gksrh
(4) Require special membrane proteins gS
125. Diffusion 125. folj.k
(1) Is a slow process (1) ,d ean çfØ;k gS
(2) Occurs from lower concentration to higher (2) fuEu lkaærk ls mPp lkaærk rd gksrk gS
(3) Bkslksa esa xSlksa dh rqyuksa esa vf/kd mHk;fu"B gksrk
(3) In solids is more common than gases gS
(4) Of one substance depends on another (4) ,d inkFkZ dk folj.k nwljs inkFkZ ij fuHkZj
substance djrk gS
126. Solute potential of a solution is 126. ,d foy;u dk foys; foHko
(1) Always negative (1) lnSo _.kkRed gksrk gS
(2) Zero (2) 'kwU; gksrk gS
(3) Positive (3) /kukRed gksrk gS
(4) Equal to ψ w of pure water (4) 'kq) ty ds ψ w ds cjkcj gksrk gS

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

127. Withdrawal of protoplast of a plant cell from its 127. fØ;k ds dkj.k ikni dksf'kdk ls ty dh
wall due to excessive loss of water from cell due
to osmotic action, is
vR;f/kd gkfu ds dkj.k bldh dksf'kdk fHkfÙk ls
thoæO; dk vyx gksuk D;k dgykrk gS\
(1) Plasmolysis
(2) Endosmosis
(2) var%ijklj.k
(3) Deplasmolysis
(3) thoæO;fodqapu
(4) Active transport
(4) lfØ; ifjogu
128. The correct expression for a flaccid cell is
128. <+hyh dksf'kdk ds fy, lgh vfHkO;Dru gS
(a) DPD = OP
(a) DPD = OP
(b) ψ s =0
(b) ψ s =0
(c) TP = Negative
(c) TP = _.kkRed
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (b) and (c)
(1) (a) rFkk (b) (2) (b) rFkk (c)
(3) (a) and (c) (4) All (a), (b) and (c)
(3) (a) rFkk (c) (4) lHkh (a), (b) rFkk (c)
129. Absorption of water by hydrophilic substance
129. foy;u ds fuekZ.k ds fcuk tyjkxh inkFkZ }kjk ty
without forming a solution is called
dk vo'kks"k.k D;k dgykrk gS?
(1) Plasmolysis
(1) thoæO;dqapu
(2) Imbibition
(2) var%'kks"k.k
(3) Osmosis
(3) ijklj.k
(4) Deplasmolysis
(4) thoæO;fodqapu
130. Symplastic pathway of water movement involves
all, except 130. fdlds vfrfjDr ty dh xfr ds flIykfLVd iFkØe
esa lHkh lfEefyr gksrs gS?
(1) Cytoplasm
(1) dksf'kdæO;
(2) Plasmodesmata
(2) IykTeksMsLekVk
(3) Cell wall
(3) dksf'kdkfHkfÙk
(4) Vacuole
(4) jl/kkuh
131. A. Root pressure is related to re-establishment of
continuous chains of water molecules in xylem 131. A. ewynkc ok"iksRltZu }kjk mRiUu o`gr ruko ds
under enormous tension created by varxZr tkbye esa ty v.kqvksa dh lrr Ük`a[kyk
transpiration. ds iqu%LFkkiu ls lacaf/kr gSA
B. Root pressure is responsible for guttation. B. ewy nkc fcUnqL=ko ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gksrk gSA
(1) Only A is true (1) dsoy A lgh gS
(2) Only B is true (2) dsoy B lgh gS
(3) Both A and B are true (3) A o B nksuksa lgh gSa
(4) Both A and B are false (4) A o B nksuksa xyr gS
132. Absorption of water by roots is maximum in 132. ewyksa }kjk ty dk vo'kks"k.k vf/kdre gksrk gS
(1) Soil with high salt concentration (1) mPp yo.k lkaærk okys e`nk esa
(2) Water logged soil (2) tykØkafr e`nk esa
(3) Soil with 0°C (3) 0°C okys e`nk esa
(4) Well watered and well aerated soil (4) ty;qDr o okru;qDr e`nk esa

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

133. Complete the below given statement by choosing 133. A o B ds fy, lgh fodYi ds p;u }kjk uhps fn,
correct option for A and B.
x, dFku dks iw.kZ dhft,
“ A microfibrils are oriented B and make it
“ A lw{erarqd B vfHkfoU;Lr gksrs gS rFkk ja/kz ds
easier for the stoma to open.
[kqyus ds fy, bls vklku cukrk gS
(1) Pectin Longitudinally
(1) yacor :i ls
(2) Cellulose Radially
(2) lsY;wykst vjh; :i ls
(3) Pectin Radially (3) isfDVu vjh; :i ls
(4) Cellulose Longitudinally (4) lsY;wykst yacor :i ls
134. Choose the odd one for chief sink for mineral 134. [kfut rRoksa ds eq[; flad ds fy, fo"ke in dk
elements. p;u dhft,
(1) Meristematic cells (1) foHkT;ksRdh dksf'kdk
(2) Developing fruits (2) ifjo/kZu Qy
(3) th.kZ i.kZ
(3) Senescent leaves
(4) r:.k i.kZ
(4) Young leaves
135. ¶yks,e jl fdlds vfrfjDr eq[;r% vU; lHkh dk
135. Phloem sap mainly consists of all, except
cuk gksrk gS
(1) Sucrose (2) Water (1) lqØkst (2) ty
(3) Inorganic nitrogen (4) Hormones (3) vdkcZfud ukbVªkstu (4) gkeksZu

136. Select the incorrect match w.r.t role of following 136. fuEufyf[kr tBjh; dksf'kdkvksa dh Hkwfedk ds lanHkZ
gastric cells. esa xyr feyku dk p;u dhft,A
(1) 'ys"ek xzhok – E;wdl L=for djrh
(1) Mucus neck – Secrete mucus
cells dksf'kdk,a gS
(2) eq[; dksf'kdk,a – isfIlukstsu L=for
(2) Chief cells – Secrete pepsinogen djrh gS
(3) Parietal cells – Secrete vitamin B12 (3) iSjkbVy – foVkfeu B12 L=for
dksf'kdk,a djrh gS
(4) Oxyntic cells – Secrete HCl
(4) vkWfDlfUVd – HCl L=for djrh gS
137. In which type of dentition, a set of deciduous teeth dksf'kdk,a
is replaced by a set of permanent teeth? 137. fdl çdkj ds nar foU;kl esa] nw/k ds nkarksa dk
(1) Heterodont (2) Thecodont leqPp; LFkk;h nkarksa ls çfrLFkkfir gks tkrk gS?
(3) Diphyodont (4) Monophyodont (1) fo"kenarh (2) xrZnarh

138. The enzyme that is not present in pancreatic juice (3) f}ckjnarh (4) ,dckjnarh
is 138. og ,atkbe tks vXuk'k;h jl esa mifLFkr ugha gksrk
(1) Lipase gS
(1) ykbist
(2) Enterokinase
(2) ,UVsjksdkbust
(3) Chymotrypsinogen
(3) dkbeksfVªfIlukstu
(4) Amylase
(4) ,ekbyst

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

139. Select an incorrect statement. 139. xyr dFku dk p;u dhft,A

(1) Anxiety and eating spicy food together in an (1) ,d lkekU; ekuo esa ,dlkFk O;xzrk vkSj
otherwise normal human, may lead to elkysnkj Hkkstu xzg.k djus ls vip gksrk gS
(2) va/kuky ,d NksVk va/k dks"k gS tks dqN lgthoh
(2) Caecum is a small blind sac which hosts some lw{ethoksa dks gksLV (iksf"kr) djrk gS
symbiotic micro-organisms
(3) fuxj.k ds nkSjku vfyftg~ok Hkkstu dks
(3) During swallowing, uvula prevents food from
'okluyh esa tkus ls jksdrh gS
entering trachea
(4) lDdl ,aVsfjdl vka=h; jl dks fn;k x;k uke
(4) Succus entericus is the name given to
intestinal juice
140. dkWye I dk dkWye II ls feyku dhft, vkSj lgh
140. Match column I with column II and choose the
correct option. fodYi dk p;u dhft,
dkWye I dkWye II
Column I Column II
a. ihfy;k (i) dkbyksekbØksu
a. Jaundice (i) Chylomicrons
b. okgd çksVhu (ii) jDr esa fcfy:fcu
b. Carrier (ii) Bilirubin increases c< tkrk gS
proteins in blood
c. olh; vEy (iii) lqxe ifjogu
c. Fatty acids (iii) Facilitated transport d. U;qfDyvkslkbMstst (iv) lDdl ,aVsfjdl

d. Nucleosidases (iv) Succus entericus (1) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)

(2) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv)
(1) a(ii), b(iii), c(iv), d(i)
(3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv)
(2) a(ii), b(i), c(iii), d(iv) (4) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i)
(3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i), d(iv) 141. fuEufyf[kr esa ls fdrus ,atkbe Xywdkst ds fuxZeu
(4) a(ii), b(iv), c(iii), d(i) gsrq vius fØ;k/kkjksa ij fØ;k djrs gS?
141. How many of the following enzymes act on their (a) lqØst (b) ykbist
substrates to release glucose? (c) MkbisIVhMstst (d) fVªfIlu
(a) Sucrase (b) Lipase (e) ySDVst
(c) Dipeptidases (d) Trypsin (1) nks (2) rhu
(e) Lactase (3) pkj (4) ik¡p
(1) Two (2) Three 142. Lru/kkfj;ksa ds ;d`r esa _____ dksf'kdk,a gksrh gS tks
(3) Four (4) Five Hk{kdk.kqd gksrh gSA fjDr LFkku dks lgh :i ls Hkjus
142. Mammalian liver contains ___ cells that are okys fodYi dk p;u dhft,A
phagocytic. Choose the option which fills the blank (1) jtrjath
correctly. (2) iSusFk
(1) Argentaffin (2) Paneth (3) tkbekstu (fd.otu)
(3) Zymogen (4) Kupffer (4) dqIQj
143. A salivary gland situated in the cheek region is 143. ykj xzafFk tks xky ds {ks= esa fLFkr gksrh gS
(1) Parotid gland (1) iSjksfVM (d.kZiwoZ) xzafFk
(2) Sub-mandibular gland (2) vofpcqdh; xzafFk
(3) Tonsil (3) Vkafly
(4) Sub-lingual gland (4) v/kksftâok xzafFk

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

144. Tooth enamel is A in origin and is secreted by 144. nk¡r dk buSey mRifÙk eas A gksrk gS rFkk B
B . Here A and B respectively are }kjk L=for gksrk gSA ;gk¡ A o B Øe'k% gS
(1) Ectodermal, Ameloblasts (1) ,DVksMeZy, bySeydksjd (vehyksCykLV)
(2) Ectodermal, Odontoblasts (2) ,DVksMeZy, vksMksUVksCykLV
(3) Mesodermal, Osteoblasts (3) ehlksMeZy, vfLFkdksjd
(4) Mesodermal, Ameloblasts (4) ehlksMeZy, buSeydksjd (vehyksCykLV)
145. Read statements A and B and select the correct 145. A vkSj B dFkuksa dks if<+, vkSj lgh fodYi dk p;u
option. dhft,A
A. The saliva secreted by salivary glands A. ykj xzafFk;ksa }kjk L=for ykj nar {k; ds fo:)
provides protection against dental caries. j{kk çnku djrh gS
B. Glisson’s capsule is associated with pancreas B. Lru/kkfj;ksa esa fXylu laiqV vXuk'k; ls lacaf/kr
in mammals.
gksrk gSA
(1) Both statements A and B are correct (1) dFku A rFkk B nksuksa lgh gS
(2) Both statements A and B are incorrect (2) dFku A rFkk B nksuksa xyr gS
(3) Statement A is correct but B is incorrect (3) dFku A lgh gS fdUrq B xyr gS
(4) Statement A is incorrect but B is correct (4) dFku A xyr gS fdUrq B lgh gS
146. Cystic duct is associated with 146. fiÙkk'k;h ufydk lacaf/kr gksrh gS
(1) Liver (1) ;d`r ls
(2) Pancreas (2) vXuk'k; ls
(3) Parotid gland (3) d.kZiwoZ xzafFk ls
(4) Gall bladder (4) fiÙkk'k; ls
147. How many of the given items in the box are 147. ckWDl esa fn, x, inksa esa ls fdrus ykj esa L=for
secreted in the saliva? gksrs gS?
+ + + +
Na , K , Amylase, Lysozyme, HCO3− ions Na , K , ,ekbyst] ykblkstkbe, HCO3− vk;u

(1) Three (2) Four rhu

(1) (2) pkj

(3) Five (4) Two (3) ik¡p (4) nks

148. Which layer of wall of gastrointestinal tract is 148. tBjka=h; iFk fHkfÙk dh dkSulh ijr :ikrafjr gksdj
modified to form gastric glands and crypts of tBjh; xzafFk;k¡ vkSj yhcjdqu-çxqfgdk fufeZr djrh
Lieberkuhn? gS?
(1) Mucosa (1) E;wdkslk
(2) Serosa (2) fljkslk
(3) Sub-mucosa (3) lc-E;wdkslk
(4) Muscularis (4) eLdqysfjl
149. An elongated and compound gland situated 149. ,d nhf?kZr vkSj la;qDr xzafFk tks ‘C’ vkdkj dh
between the limbs of the ‘C’ shaped duodenum is ds eè; mifLFkr gksrh gS
(1) Spleen (2) Pancreas (1) Iyhgk (2) vXuk'k;
(3) Adrenal gland (4) Thymus gland (3) ,Mªhuy xzafFk (4) Fkkbel xzafFk

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

150. Which of the given statements is correct? 150. fn;s x;s dFkuksa esa ls dkSulk lgh gS?
(1) The chyme is acted on by the pancreatic juice, vXuk'k;h jl] fiÙk vkSj varr% lDdl ,sVsfjdl
bile and finally by the enzymes in the succus
esa mifLFkr ,atkbeksa }kjk dkbe ij fØ;k gksrh gS
(2) cM+h vkar esa olk] olh; vEy vkSj fXyljkWy esa
(2) Fats are converted to fatty acids and glycerol
in large intestine
ifjofrZr gks tkrh gS
(3) Dokf'kvksjdj lnSo çksVhu vkSj dSyksjh vYirk
(3) Kwashiorkor is produced by protein deficiency
always accompanied by calorie deficiency }kjk ,d lkFk mRiUu gksrk gS
(4) vf/kdka'k ikfpr vaR; mRikn o`gna= dh midyk
(4) Most of the digested end products are
absorbed into the body through the epithelial vkLrj ds ekè;e ls 'kjhj esa vo'kksf"kr gks tkrs
lining of the colon gS
151. Choose the mismatch w.r.t digestion and 151. varxzZfgr Hkkstu ds ikpu vkSj vo'kks"k.k ds lanHkZ esa
absorption of ingested food. vlqesfyr dk p;u dhft,
(1) Stomach – Absorption of (1) vkek'k; – ,YdksgkWy dk
alcohol vo'kks"k.k
(2) lfØ; ijfogu – vehuksa vEyksa dk
(2) Active transport – Absorption of amino
acids vo'kks"k.k
(3) lqxe ifjogu – Xywdkst dk vo'kks"k.k
(3) Faciliated – Absorption of
transport glucose (4) –
isfIlu MkbisIVkbM dks
isIVkWu esa :ikrafjr
(4) Pepsin – Converts dipeptides
to peptones djrk gS
152. fuEufyf[kr vfHkfØ;kvksa ij fopkj djsa vkSj A, B
152. Consider the following reactions and choose the
option which correctly identifies A, B and C.
rFkk C dh lgh ls igpku djus okys fodYi dk
p;u dhft,A
Di and Monoglycerides  → Fatty acids + A
MkbZ rFkk eksuksfXyljkWbM~l  → olh; vEy +
Nucleic acids  → Nucleotides B
U;qfDyd vEy  → U;qfDyvksVkbM~l
Starch → Disaccharides LVkpZ C
 →MkblSdsjkbM~l
(1) A-Lipase, B-Nuclease, C- Amylase (1) A-ykbist, B-U;qfDy,st, C- ,ekbyst
(2) A-Lipase, B-Nucleotidase, C- Maltase (2) A-ykbist, B-U;wfDyvksVkbMst, C-ekYVst
(3) A-Lipase, B-Nucleosidase, C-Sucrase (3) A-ykbist, B-U;wfDyvkslkbMst, C-lqØst
(4) A-Amylase, B-Nuclease, C-Lactase (4) A-,ekbyst, B-U;qfDy,t, C-ySDVst
153. Which of the following enzyme is present only in 153. fuEu esa ls dkSulk ,atkbe dsoy uotkr ds tBj
gastric juice of infants? jl esa mifLFkr gksrk gS?
(1) Lactase (1) ySDVst
(2) Sucrase (2) lqØst
(3) Trypsin (3) fVªfIlu
(4) Rennin (4) jsfUuu

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

154. The undigested and unabsorbed substances from 154. NksVh vkar ls vikfpr vkSj vuvo'kksf"kr inkFkZ cM+h
small intestine are passed to the large intestine vk¡r esa fdlds ekè;e ls tkrs gS?
(1) vksgh dh vojksf/kuh
(1) Sphincter of Oddi (2) Ileo – caecal valve
(2) f=dka= dikV
(3) Sphincter of Boyden (4) Pyloric sphincter
(3) ckW;Msu dh vojksf/kuh
155. Select the incorrect match.
(4) tBjfuxZe vojksf/kuh
(1) Ciliated – Increase the 155. xyr feyku dk p;u dhft,A
epithelial cells absorptive surface (1) i{ekHkh midyk – vo'kks"kh lrg
dksf'kdk,¡ {ks=Qy dks c<+krh gS
(2) Bile pigments – Bilirubin and (2) fiÙk o.kZd – fcfy:fcu vkSj
(3) Vermiform – Arises from (3) d`fe:i – va/kuky ls fudyrh
appendix caecum ifj'kksf"kdk gS
(4) Ileum – Highly coiled part of (4) {kqnka= – NksVh vk¡r dk
small intestine vfrdqaMfyr Hkkx
156. All of the following are functions of the buccal 156. fdlds vfrfjDr vU; lHkh eq[k xqgk ds dk;Z gS
cavity except (1) Hkkstu dks NksVs d.kksa ds :i esa pckuk
(1) Mastication of food into smaller particles (2) fuxyus dh fØ;k lqxe cukus gsrq pck, gq,
(2) Adhering the masticated food particles into a Hkkstu ds d.kksa dks cksyl esa fpidkuk
bolus to facilitate swallowing (3) dqN MªXl dks vo'kksf"kr djuk
(3) Absorption of certain drugs (4) yxHkx 30% çksVhu ikpu djuk vkSj varxzZfgr
(4) Carry out about 30% of protein digestiion and Hkkstu dks vo'kksf"kr djuk
absorptive function of ingested food 157. ikpd jlksa ds L=ko dk gkWeksZuy fu;a=.k] tBjh;
157. Hormonal control of the secretion of digestive vkSj vk¡= E;wdkslk }kjk mRikfnr LFkkuh; gkWeksZuksa
juices is carried out by the local hormones }kjk gksrk gSA
produced by the gastric and intestinal mucosa.
Select an incorrect match of hormone, its source gkWeksZu] blds L=ksr vkSj dk;Z ds xyr feyku dk
and action. p;u dhft,A
Hormone Source Action
gkWeksZu L=kksr fØ;k
(1) xSfLVªu vkek'k; tBj xzafFk;ksa dks
(1) Gastrin Stomach Stimulates the tBj jl L=for o
gastric glands to
secrete and release
eqDr djus ds fy,
gastric juice çsfjr djrk gS
(2) GIP vkek'k; vXuk'k;h jl esa ckbZ-
(2) GIP Stomach Release
bicarbonates in the
dkcksZusV eqDr djrk
pancreatic juice gS
(3) lsØsfVu tBjh; L=ko ,oa
(3) Secretin Duodenum Decrease gastric
secretion and xfr'khyrk de
motility djrk gS
(4) CCK-PZ NksVh vk¡r fiÙk eqDr djus ds
(4) CCK-PZ Small Stimulate
intestine contraction of gall fy, fiÙkk'k; ds
bladder to release ladqpu dks çsfjr
bile djrk gS

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

158. Select the incorrect statement. 158. xyr dFku dk p;u dhft,A
(1) Inflammation of bronchi and bronchioles is (1) nek esa 'oluh vkSj 'olfudkvksa dk 'kksFk ns[kk
seen in asthma tkrk gS
(2) One of the major causes of Emphysema is (2) okrLQhfr dk ,d eq[; dkj.k /kqeziku gS
cigarette smoking
(3) /kwy dh vf/kd ek=k ds nh?kZdkyhu çHkkou ds
(3) Long exposure to large amount of dust could
lead to fibrosis of lungs dkj.k Qq¶Qql dh ftlls js'kke;rk gksrh gS
(4) Exchange of gases increases in emphysema (4) Qq¶Qqlksa ds 'kksFk ds dkj.k okrLQhfr esa xSlksa dk
due to inflation of lungs fofue; c<+ tkrk gS
159. Vital capacity does not include 159. tSo {kerk esa lfEefyr ugha gS
(1) RV (2) ERV (1) RV (2) ERV
(3) TV (4) IRV (3) TV (4) IRV
160. Every 1000 ml of oxygenated blood can deliver 160. çR;sd 1000 feyh- vkWDlhtfur jDr lkekU; 'kjhj
around ___ ml of O2 to the tissues under normal fØ;kRed fLFkfr;ksa esa Årdksa dks yxHkx _____ feyh
physiological conditions. Choose the option that O2 çnku djrk gSA ml fodYi dk p;u dhft, tks
fills the correctly. lgh :i ls iwÆr djrk gS
(1) 10 (2) 100 (1) 10 (2) 100
(3) 5 (4) 50 (3) 5 (4) 50
161. Gastro-oesophageal sphincter opens in which part 161. vkek'k;-xzfldk vojksf/kuh vkek'k; ds fdl Hkkx esa
of stomach? [kqyrh gS?
(1) Fundus (2) Cardiac (1) QaMl (2) tBjkxe
(3) Body (4) Pylorus
(3) dk; (4) tBjfuxZe
162. H+ + HCO3− 
 
 H2CO3 + 'A'
−  
162. H + HCO3   H2CO3
Here enzyme ‘A’ is ;gk¡ ,atkbe ‘A’ gS
(1) ATPase (1) ATPase
(2) Carbonic anhydrase dkcksZfud ,ugkbMªst
(3) Succinic dehydrogenase (3) lfDlfud MhgkbMªksftust
(4) Ribozyme (4) jkbckstkbe
163. Which of the following is not seen during 163. var% 'olu ds nkSjku fuEu esa ls dkSulk ugha fn[kkbZ
nsrk gS?
(1) Decrease in intra-pulmonary pressure
(1) vkarj Qq¶Qqlh nkc esa deh
(2) Increase in the volume of the thoracic
chamber (2) o{k-xqgk ds vk;ru esa o`f)

(3) Contraction of external inter-costal muscles (3) ckg~; varjki'kqZd isf'k;ksa dk ladqpu ilfy;ksa
lifting ribs and sternum vkSj mjksfLFk dks Åij mBk nsrk gS
(4) Relaxation of the diaphragm (4) Mk;kÝke dk f'kfFkyu
164. Select a correct match w.r.t. organisms and their 164. tho vkSj mudh 'olu lajpukvksa ds lanHkZ esa lgh
respiratory structures. feyku dk p;u dhft,A
(1) Earthworm – Moist cuticle (1) dsapqvkW – ue D;wfVdy
(2) Cockroach – Gills (2) dkWdjksap – Dykse
(3) Sparrow – Buccal cavity (3) xkSjs;k¡ – eq[kxqgk
(4) Lizards – Moist skin (4) fNidyh – ueRopk

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

165. Select a correct statement. 165. lgh dFku dk p;u dhft,A

(1) Cardiac notch is present in lower half of right (1) dkfMZ,d [kk¡p nk;sa Qq¶Qql ds fupys v)ZHkkx esa
lung mifLFkr gksrh gS
(2) Alveoli are the main sites where actual (2) ok;qdwfidk,a eq[; LFky gS tgk¡ jDr vkSj
diffusion of O2 and CO2 takes place between ok;qeaMyh; ok;q ds eè; O2 vkSj CO2 dk
blood and atmospheric air okLrfod folj.k gksrk gS
(3) Trachea divides at the level of 6th thoracic (3) 'oluyh NBsa o{kh; d'ks:d ds Lrj ij
vertebra foHkkftr gksrh gS
(4) The rate of breathing in a normal healthy man (4) fojkekoLFkk ij ,d lkekU; LoLFk O;fDr esa
at rest is 22-26 times/min
'olu dh nj 22-26 ckj/feuV gksrh gS
166. A device used to measure volume of lungs is
166. og ;qfDr tks Qq¶Qqlksa dk vk;ru ekius esa ç;qDr
(1) Electrocardiograph gksrh gS
(2) Spirometer (1) bysDVªksdkfMZ;ksxzkQ
(3) Electroencephalograph (2) LikbjksehVj
(4) Sphygmomanometer (3) bysDVªksbuflQsyksxzkQ
167. Choose the odd one w.r.t. occupational (4) fLQXekseSuksehVj
respiratory disorders. 167. O;kolkf;d 'olu fodkjksa ds lanHkZ esa fo"ke in dk
(1) Silicosis (2) Asbestosis p;u dhft,A
(3) Pneumoconiosis (4) Pneumonia (1) flfydksfll (2) ,sLcsLVksfll
168. O2-dissociation curve is best described as (3) U;qeksdksfuvksfll (4) U;qeksfu;k
(1) A graphic representation of relationship 168. O2-fo;kstu oØ dks mfpr :i ls fdl :i esa of.kZr
between pO2 and percentage saturation of Hb fd;k tk ldrk gS
with O2 (1) pO2 vkSj Hb ds lkFk O2 dh çfr'kr lkUærk ds
(2) A graphic representation between amount of eè; laca/k dk vkjs[kh; fu:i.k gS
CO2 delivered to the alveoli by every (2) çR;sd 100 ml fovkWDlhtfur jDr }kjk dwfidk
100 ml of deoxygenated blood esa eqDr CO2 dh ek=k ds eè; vkjs[kh; fu:i.k
(3) S-shaped curve depicting the relationship gS
between amount of carbonic anhydrase (3) RBCs esa mifLFkr dkcksZfud ,ugkbMªst dh ek=k
present in RBCs and formation of
vkSj vkWDlhgheksXyksfcu ds fuekZ.k ds eè; laca/k
n'kkZus okyk S-vkdkj dk oØ gS
(4) Graphic relationship between breakdown of
glucose into H2O, CO2 and energy with (4) Xywdkst dk H2O, CO2 ,oa ÅtkZ esa fo[kaMu ,oa
diffusion of CO2 from tissues to blood Årdksa ls jDr esa CO2 ds folj.k ds eè;
169. Which of the following set of features characterise
vkjs[kh; fu:i.k gS
diffusion membrane in humans? 169. y{k.kksa dk dkSulk leqPp; ekuo esa folj.k f>Yyh
(1) 2 layered, alveoli lined by squamous ds vfHky{kf.kd djrk gS?
epithelium, basement substance is absent (1) 2 ijrh;] dwfidk,a 'kYdh midyk ls vkLrfjr
(2) 2 layered, alveolar wall is one-cell thick, gksrh gS] vk/kkj inkFkZ vuqifLFkr gksrk gS
basement substance is present (2) 2 ijrh;] dwfidh; fHkfÙk ,d dksf'kdk eksVh gksrh
(3) 3 layered, alveoli lined by squamous gS] vk/kkj inkFkZ mifLFkr gksrk gS
epithelium, capillaries surround it (3) 3 ijrh;] dwfidk,a 'kYdh midyk ls vkLrfjr
(4) 3 layered, alveoli lined by pavement gksrh gS blds pkjksa vksj dsf'kdk,a gksrh gS
epithelium, total thickness is more than (4) 3 ijrh;] dwfidk,a dqV~fVe midyk ls vkLrfjr
1 mm
gksrh gS] dqy eksVkbZ 1 mm ls vf/kd gksrh gS
Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

170. A person living on plains ascends to stay at an 170. eSnku ij jgus okyk ,d O;fDr leqæ ry ls 8000
altitude above 8000 ft. from sea level would QhV ls vf/kd Å¡pkbZ ij jgus ds fy, p<rk gS rks
develop certain symptoms in 8-24 hours. This is
8-24 ?kaVksa es bl O;fDr es dqN y{k.k fodflr gksus
called mountain sickness and is due to
yxrs gSaA bls ioZr-jksx dgrs gS tks gksrk gS
(1) Low pO2
(1) fuEu pO2 ds dkj.k
(2) Low pCO2
(2) fuEu pCO2 ds dkj.k
(3) Collapse of alveoli
(3) dwfidkvksa ds fldqMus ds dkj.k
(4) Pneumothorax (4) okro{k ds dkj.k
171. Receptors associated with aortic arch and carotid 171. egk/keuh pki vkSj xzhok dk; ls lacaf/kr xzkfg;ka
body are sensitive to
fdlds çfr laosnu'khy gksrh gS
+ +
(1) O2 and H (2) CO2 and H + +
(1) O2 vkSj H (2) CO2 vkSj H
(3) CO2 and O2 (4) O2 only (3) CO2 vkSj O2 (4) dsoy O2
172. The main centre of brain that regulates the 172. efLr"d dk eq[; dsUæ tks 'olu nj dks fu;fer
respiration rate is located in djrk gS] fLFkr gksrk gS
(1) Midbrain (1) eè; efLr"d esa
(2) Hypothalamus (2) gkbiksFkSysel esa
(3) Medulla oblongata (3) esMqyk vksCyksxsaVk esa
(4) Forebrain (4) vxzefLr"d esa
173. Read statements A and B and choose the correct 173. dFkuksa A vkSj B dks if<+, vkSj lgh fodYi dk p;u
A. Pharynx is called the sound box.
A. xzluh dks èofu isfVdk dgk tkrk gSA
B. Diaphragm is a dome shaped muscular B. Mk;kÝke ,d xqacnkdkj is'kh; lajpuk gS tks
structure which separates thoracic cavity from
abdominal cavity.
o{kxqgk dks mnj xqgk ls i`Fkd djrk gS
(1) dsoy A lgh gS
(1) Only A is correct
(2) A o B nksuksa lgh gS
(2) Both A and B are correct
(3) dsoy B lgh gS
(3) Only B is correct
(4) A o B nksuksa xyr gS
(4) Both A and B are incorrect
174. CO2 ds ifjogu ds lanHkZ esa dkWye I rFkk dkWye II dk
174. Match column I and column II w.r.t. transport of
CO2. feyku dhft,A
Column I Column II
dkWye I dkWye II
a. IykTek ds ekè;e ls ?kqfyr (i) 70%
a. Dissolved form through (i) 70% :i esa
b. ckbZdkcksZusV vk;uksa ds :i (ii) 7%
b. As bicarbonate ions (ii) 7% esa
c. As carbaminohaemoglobin (iii) 20-25% c. dkckZehuksgheksXyksfcu ds :i (iii) 20-25%
Choose the correct option.
lgh fodYi dk p;u dhft,A
(1) a(i), b(iii), c(ii) (2) a(i), b(ii), c(iii)
(1) a(i), b(iii), c(ii) (2) a(i), b(ii), c(iii)
(3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i) (4) a(ii), b(i), c(iii)
(3) a(ii), b(iii), c(i) (4) a(ii), b(i), c(iii)

Test-3 (Code-A) Test Series for NEET-2020

175. Complete the analogy by choosing the correct 175. lgh fodYi dk p;u dj lkn`'; dks iw.kZ dhft,A
Årdksa esa O2 vkiwfrZ dh vuqifLFkfr : vukWfDlvk : :
Absence of O2 supply to tissues : Anoxia : : Less
Årdksa esa O2 vkiwfrZ dh deh : ____
O2 supply to tissues : ____
(1) fMLuh;k
(1) Dyspnea
(2) ,sfLQfDlvk ('oklkojks/k)
(2) Asphyxia
(3) gkbiksfDl;k (vovkWDlherk)
(3) Hypoxia

(4) Eupnea
(4) ;wfIu;k

176. Thoracic cavity is bounded dorsally by A ,

176. o{k xqgk i`"Bh; :i ls A ls, v/kjh; :i ls
B ls vkSj ik'oZr% C ls ifjc) gksrh gSA ;gk¡
ventrally by the B and laterally by the C .
Here A, B and C are A, B o C gSa

(1) d'ks:d mjksfLFk ilfy;k¡
(1) Vertebral Sternum Ribs

(2) mjksfLFk ilfy;k¡ d'ks:d naM

(2) Sternum Ribs Vertebral
(3) ilfy;ka mjksfLFk d'ks:d naM
(3) Ribs Sternum Vertebral
(4) d'ks:d ilfy;k¡ mjksfLFk
(4) Vertebral Ribs Sternum
column 177. O2-fo;kstu oØ dks ck;ha vksj foLFkkfir djus okyk
dkjd gS
177. The factor causing left shift of O2-dissociation (1) mPp pO2
curve is
(2) mPp pCO2
(1) High pO2
(3) mPprj rkieku
(2) High pCO2
(4) H+ vk;uksa dh mPp lkaærk
(3) Higher temperature
178. lgh dFku dk p;u dhft,A
(4) High concentration of H+ ions
(1) ok;qeaMyh; ok;q esa dwfidkvksa dh rqyuk esa pO2
178. Select the correct statement. vf/kd gksrh gS
(1) pO2 in atmospheric air is higher than in alveoli (2) ,d ,dy ijrh; Qq¶ f>Yyh Qq¶Qql
(2) A single layered pleural membrane increases lrg ij ?k"kZ.k dks c<krh gS
friction on lung surface (3) O2, CO2 dh vis{kk jDr esa vf/kd ?kqyu'khy
(3) O2 is more soluble in blood than CO2 gksrh gS
(4) CO2 has to be utilised for catabolic reactions (4) ÅtkZ mRiknu gsrq vip;h vfHkfØ;kvksa ds fy,
for energy production CO2 mi;ksx dh tkrh gS

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)

179. Following are the respiratory volumes of a man, 179. fuEufyf[kr ,d euq"; ds 'olu vk;ru gSA bldh
his inspiratory capacity and expiratory capacity (in var% 'olu {kerk ,oa fu%'olu {kerk Øe'k% gksxh
ml) respectively would be
TV 500 ml
TV 500 ml
IRV 2500 ml
IRV 2500 ml
ERV 1000 ml
ERV 1000 ml
RV 1100 ml
RV 1100 ml
(1) 1600 ml, 3600 ml
(1) 1600 ml, 3600 ml
(2) 3000 ml, 2100 ml
(2) 3000 ml, 2100 ml
(3) 3000 ml, 1500 ml
(3) 3000 ml, 1500 ml
(4) 2500 ml, 2100 ml
(4) 2500 ml, 2100 ml
180. fu%'olu ds nkSjku okq; dk iFk gksrk gS
180. Route of air during expiration is
(1) ok;q dwfidk → 'okluyh → 'oluh →
(1) Alveoli → Trachea → Bronchi → Bronchioles
'olfudk,a → uklk xqgka,
→ Nasal cavities
(2) Alveoli → Bronchioles → Pharynx → Larynx
(2) ok;q dwfidk → 'olfudk,a → xzluh → daB →
→ Nasal cavities uklk xqgk,a
(3) Alveoli → Bronchi → Bronchioles → Trachea (3) ok;q dwfidk → 'oluh → 'olfudk,a → 'okluyh
→ Nasal cavities → uklk xqgk,a

(4) Alveoli → Bronchioles → Bronchi → Trachea (4) ok;q dwfidk → 'olfudk,a → 'oluh →
→ Nasal cavities 'okluyh → uklk xqgk,¡

  

27/03/2020 CODE-A

Regd. Office: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

MM : 720 TEST SERIES for NEET-2020 Time : 3.00 Hrs.

Test - 3

Answer Key
1. (1) 37. (2) 73. (4) 109. (3) 145. (3)
2. (4) 38. (4) 74. (3) 110. (4) 146 (4)
3. (3) 39. (1) 75. (1) 111. (3) 147. (3)
4. (3) 40. (2) 76. (4) 112. (2) 148. (1)
5. (2) 41. (3) 77. (3) 113. (2) 149. (2)
6. (1) 42. (4) 78. (2) 114. (3) 150. (1)
7. (3) 43. (1) 79. (3) 115. (3) 151. (4)
8. (1) 44. (4) 80. (2) 116. (2) 152. (1)
9. (4) 45. (3) 81. (2) 117. (1) 153. (4)
10. (1) 46. (4) 82. (1) 118. (3) 154. (2)
11. (3) 47. (3) 83. (1) 119. (3) 155. (1)
12. (1) 48. (2) 84. (4) 120. (2) 156. (4)
13. (1) 49. (3) 85. (1) 121. (2) 157. (2)
14. (4) 50. (4) 86. (3) 122. (4) 158. (4)
15. (3) 51. (1) 87. (1) 123. (1) 159. (1)
16. (3) 52. (3) 88. (2) 124. (3) 160. (4)
17. (4) 53. (1) 89. (3) 125. (1) 161. (2)
18. (1) 54. (2) 90. (1) 126. (1) 162. (2)
19. (4) 55. (4) 91. (3) 127. (1) 163. (4)
20. (3) 56. (2) 92. (1) 128. (3) 164. (1)
21. (1) 57. (1) 93. (2) 129. (2) 165. (2)
22. (2) 58. (3) 94. (1) 130. (3) 166. (2)
23. (1) 59. (3) 95. (2) 131. (3) 167. (4)
24. (1) 60. (2) 96. (1) 132. (4) 168. (1)
25. (3) 61. (3) 97. (1) 133. (2) 169. (3)
26. (4) 62. (4) 98. (3) 134. (3) 170. (1)
27. (1) 63. (2) 99. (3) 135. (3) 171. (2)
28. (3) 64. (2) 100. (4) 136. (3) 172. (3)
29. (3) 65. (1) 101. (2) 137. (3) 173. (3)
30. (2) 66. (4) 102. (1) 138. (2) 174. (4)
31. (4) 67. (3) 103. (1) 139. (3) 175. (3)
32. (1) 68. (1) 104. (2) 140. (3) 176. (1)
33. (3) 69. (4) 105. (3) 141. (1) 177. (1)
34. (2) 70. (2) 106. (4) 142. (4) 178. (1)
35. (4) 71. (2) 107. (3) 143. (1) 179. (3)
36. (2) 72. (2) 108. (3) 144. (1) 180. (4)
27/03/2020 CODE-A

Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005, Ph.011-47623456

MM : 720 TEST SERIES for NEET-2020 Time : 3:00 Hrs.

Test - 3

Hints and Solutions


1. Answer (1) 1. mÙkj (1)

Work required = loss of energy vko';d dk;Z = ÅtkZ dh gkfu
1 1 1 1
= mv 2 + I ω2 = mv 2 + I ω2
2 2 2 2
1 1 2 v2 1 1 2 v2
W mv 2 + × MR 2 ⋅ 2 =
W mv 2 + × MR 2 ⋅ 2
2 2 3 R 2 2 3 R
5 5
= mv 2 = mv 2
6 6
5 5
= × 10 × 0.6 × 0.6 = 3 J = × 10 × 0.6 × 0.6 = 3 J
6 6
2. Answer (4)
2. mÙkj (4)
L = I ω = constant
L = Iω = fu;rkad
ω∝ 1
I ω∝
Moment of inertia goes on decreasing, hence
angular speed and rotational kinetic energy will tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ ?kVrk gS] vr%; pky rFkk ?kw.kZu
increase. xfrt ÅtkZ c<+sxhA
3. Answer (3) 3. mÙkj (3)
= Imain − Icut
Iremain I= I e[q; − I dV
2 2 2
mR  mR m9R 
=−  +  mR 2  mR 2 m9R 2 
2 16 × 2 × 16 16 × 16  =−  + 
2 16 × 2 × 16 16 × 16 
mR 2  mR 2 9mR 2 
= − +  mR 2  mR 2 9mR 2 
2  512 256  = − + 
2  512 256 
256mR 2 19mR 2 237 mR 2
= − = 256mR 2 19mR 2 237 mR 2
512 512 512 = − =
512 512 512

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

4. Answer (3) 4. mÙkj (3)

As external torque is zero; so angular momentum pwafd ckg~; cyk?kw.kZ 'kwU; gS] blfy,; laosx
remain constant.
fu;r jgsxkA
5. Answer (2)
5. mÙkj (2)
2 2  36
I AB MR 2 +  MR 2 + 3MR 2 =×2 MR 2 2 2  36
5  5  5 =
I AB MR 2 +  MR 2 + 3MR 2 =×2 MR 2
5  5  5
6. Answer (1)
6. mÙkj (1)
Mass of stone m = 0.5 kg
iRFkj dk æO;eku m = 0.5 kg
Mass of man M = 50 kg
O;fDr dk æO;eku M = 50 kg
Apply conservation of linear momentum in vertical
direction mèokZ/kj fn'kk esa js[kh; laosx laj{k.k dks ç;qDr djsaA
 
0= 0.5 × 5 + 50v 0= 0.5 × 5 + 50v
 1  1
v= − m/s v= − m/s
20 20
20 20
Time taken to reach ground
= = 4s /kjkry rd igq¡pus esa fy;k x;k le;= = 4s
5 5

1 1
h = 20 + × 4 = 20.2 m h = 20 + × 4 = 20.2 m
20 20
7. Answer (3) 7. mÙkj (3)
Moment of inertia also depend on the mass tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ Hkh v{k ls æO;eku forj.k ij fuHkZj
distribution from the axis. djrk gSA
8. Answer (1) 8. mÙkj (1)
1 1 1 1
mv 2 + I ω2 =mgh mv 2 + I ω2 =mgh
2 2 2 2
7 7
mv 2 =mgh =2 × 10 × 7 mv 2 =mgh =2 × 10 × 7
10 10
mv 2 = 200 mv 2 = 200
1 1
KR = mv 2 40 J =
KR = mv 2 40 J
5 5
9. Answer (4) 9. mÙkj (4)
1 1 1 1 1 1
mv 2 + I ω2 = KX 2 mv 2 + I ω2 = KX 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 v2 1 1 1 1 v2 1
mv 2 + × mR 2 × 2 =KX 2 mv 2 + × mR 2 × 2 =KX 2
2 2 2 R 2 2 2 2 R 2
3 1 3 1
mv 2 = KX 2 mv 2 = KX 2
4 2 4 2

3m 3×2 5 3m 3×2 5
X v = 5 = = 0.5 m =
X v = 5 = = 0.5 m
2K 2 × 300 10 2K 2 × 300 10

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

10. Answer (1) 10. mÙkj (1)

 
 dL  dL
τ= τ=
dt dt
   
dL = τdt dL = τdt
   
L2 − L1 = 10 × 3 L2 − L1 = 10 × 3

L2 = 30 + 5 = 35 kg m2/s L2 = 30 + 5 = 35 kg m2/s
11. Answer (3) 11. mÙkj (3)
I= I1 + I2 I= I1 + I2

1 3 1 3
=MR 2 + MR 2 = MR 2 =MR 2 + MR 2 = MR 2
2 2 2 2
12. Answer (1) 12. mÙkj (1)
     
L =×
r P= −300(kˆ ) kg m2s−1 L =×
r P=−300(kˆ ) kg m2s−1

13. Answer (1) 13. mÙkj (1)

Net gravitational force = centripetal force. usV xq:Roh; cy = vfHkdsUæh; cy
+ cos 45 ° = + cos 45 ° =
4r 2 (r 2)2 r 4r 2 (r 2)2 r

GMM  1 1  Mv 2 GMM 1 1  Mv 2
+ = 4 + =
r 2  4 2 r r2  2 r

1 GM 1 GM
=v (1 + 2 2) =v (1 + 2 2)
2 r 2 r

14. Answer (4) 14. mÙkj (4)

Apply energy conservation law ÅtkZ laj{k.k fu;e ç;qDr djsaA
GMm Gmm 1 GMm Gmm 1
= + 0 =− + mv 2 = + 0 =− + mv 2
2R R 2 2 2R R 2 2

1 GMm  1 1 1 GMm  1 1
= mv 2 − = mv 2 −
2 R  2 2  2 R  2 2 

=v ( 2 − 1) =v ( 2 − 1)

15. Answer (3) 15. mÙkj (3)

Apply energy conservation law ÅtkZ laj{k.k fu;e ç;qDr djsaA
GM1m  GM2m  1 GM1m  GM2m  1 2
− + − 2
 + mv =0
− + −  + mv =0
d /2  d /2  2 d /2  d /2  2

G(M1 + M2 ) G(M1 + M2 )
v =2 v =2
d d

16. Answer (3) 16. mÙkj (3)

Kepler’s second law is based on conservation of dsIyj dk f}rh; fu;e; laosx laj{k.k ij
angular momentum. vk/kkfjr gSA

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

17. Answer (4) 17. mÙkj (4)

K= K=
2r 2r
18. Answer (1) 18. mÙkj (1)
3GMM 3 × 6.67 × 10 × 0.1× 0.1 3GMM 3 × 6.67 × 10−11 × 0.1× 0.1
W =
− =
− W =
− =

r 0.2 r 0.2
−1.0 × 10−11 J
= −1.0 × 10−11 J
19. Answer (4) 19. mÙkj (4)
= =
R 4R 2 R 4R 2
v= v=
4R 4R
20. Answer (3) 20. mÙkj (3)
Weight = w = mg Hkkj = w = mg
g= GM
R2 g=
4 4
M= πR 3d M= πR 3d
3 3
3M 3M
R3 = R3 =
4πd 4πd
1 1
R∝ , g ∝ d 2/3 R∝ , g ∝ d 2/3
d 1/3 d 1/3
Weight on earth w = kmd i`Foh ij Hkkj w = kmd2/3
Weight on planet wP = km(2d) xzg ij Hkkj wP = km(2d)2/3
wP = w(2)2/3 wP = w(2)2/3
21. Answer (1) 21. mÙkj (1)
Apply law of conservation of energy ÅtkZ laj{k.k fu;e ç;qDr djsaA
GMm GMm 1 GMm GMm 1
− +0 =
− + mv 2 − +0 =
− + mv 2
2R R 2 2R R 2
=v = gR =v = gR
22. Answer (2) 22. mÙkj (2)
G 2Mm G(3M )m G 2Mm G(3M )m
Fm, net − =
Fm, usV −
( AB )2 9 ( AB )2 9
( AB )2 ( AB )2
4 4
2GMm 4 GMm 2GMm 4 GMm
= − = −
( AB )2 3 ( AB )2 ( AB )2 3 ( AB )2
2GMm 2GMm
= , towards point A. = , fcUnq A dh vksj
3( AB )2 3( AB )2

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

23. Answer (1) 23. mÙkj (1)

K mv 2 K mv 2
= =
r3 r r3 r
1 1
v∝ v∝
r r
24. Answer (1) 24. mÙkj (1)
V= − GM
r V= −
25. Answer (3)
25. mÙkj (3)
1 2
θ = ω0t + αt 1 2
2 θ = ω0t + αt
θ= × 2 × 100= 100 rad 1
2 θ= × 2 × 100= 100 rad
θ 100
n = = 15.93  16 θ 100
2π 6.28 =
n = = 15.93  16
2π 6.28
26. Answer (4)
26. mÙkj (4)
8g × 1.5 =
8g × 1.5 =
d = 1.0 m
d = 1.0 m
27. Answer (1)
27. mÙkj (1)
1 1
mgh mv 2 + I ω2
2 2 1 1
mgh mv 2 + I ω2
2 2
1 1 v2
mgh = mv 2 + mR 2 × 2
2 4 R 1 1 v2
mgh = mv 2 + mR 2 × 2
2 4 R
mgl sin θ = mv 2
4 3
mgl sin θ = mv 2
=v gl sin θ
3 4
=v gl sin θ
28. Answer (3)
 28. mÙkj (3)
 v = constant

 v= fu;r
mg sin θ = µ N
mg sin θ = µ N
l l 
Torque of friction = µN=
⋅ mg sin θ  
2 2 l l 
?k"kZ.k dk cyk?kw.kZ = µN=
⋅ mg sin θ  
2 2
Because cube does not topple, so net torque is
zero. D;ksafd ?ku iyVrk ugha gS] vr% usV cyk?kw.kZ 'kwU; gS
So torque of normal reaction = mgl sin θ 1
2 blfy, vfHkyEc çfrfØ;k dk cyk?kw.kZ = mgl sin θ

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

29. Answer (3) 29. mÙkj (3)

∫=xdm ∫ x (2 + 3 x )dx 2
∫=xdm ∫ x (2 + 3 x )dx 2
xcm =
∫ dm ∫ (2 + 3 x )dx
∫ dm ∫ (2 + 3 x )dx

l l l l
2∫ xdx + 3 ∫ x 3dx 2∫ xdx + 3 ∫ x 3dx
0 0
= l l 2 = 0
l l

2∫ dx + 3 ∫ x dx 2∫ dx + 3 ∫ x 2dx
0 0 0 0

3 4 3 4
l2 + l l2 + l
4 l (4 + 3l 2 ) 4 l (4 + 3l 2 )
= 3
= = 3
2l + l 4(2 + l 2 ) 2l + l 4(2 + l 2 )
30. Answer (2) 30. mÙkj (2)
Centre of mass lies towards heavier object. æO;eku dsUæ Hkkjh oLrq dh vksj mifLFkr gS
31. Answer (4) 31. mÙkj (4)
In gravity free space Fext is zero. xq:Ro eqDr f=foe esa Fext 'wkU; gSA
32. Answer (1) 32. mÙkj (1)
v0 ∝ R d
v0 ∝ R d
v0 R d 1 v0
= = R d 1
vP d 2 = =
2R vP d 2
2 2R
vP = v0 2 vP = v0 2
33. Answer (3) 33. mÙkj (3)
Inside a spherical shell gravitational field is zero xksyh; dks'k ds vUnj çR;sd LFkku ij xq:Roh; {ks=
'kwU; gSA
34. Answer (2)
34. mÙkj (2)
 d 
g ′ g 1 −
=   d 
 Re  g ′ g 1 −
= 
 Re 
g′ =
− d +g g
Re g′ =
− d +g
y mx + c
y mx + c
35. Answer (4)
35. mÙkj (4)
36. Answer (2)
36. mÙkj (2)
mghR 1  2gR  2
= m  mghR 1  2gR 
R + h 2  2  = m 
R + h 2  2 
mghR 1 m2gR
= mghR 1 m2gR
R+h 2 4 =
R+h 2 4
4h= R + h 4h= R + h
h= h=
3 3

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

37. Answer (2) 37. mÙkj (2)

l = πR l = πR
l l
R= R=
π π
Gdm G GM Gdm G GM
V = − ∫ dm =
= − −∫
V = − ∫ dm =
= −
V = − V = −
l l
38. Answer (4) 38. mÙkj (4)
2u 2u
T = T =
g g
2 × 20 2 × 20
⇒ 20 = ⇒ 20 =
g g

g = 2 m/s2 g = 2 m/s2

Now weight = mg = 0.2 × 2 = 1 N vc Hkkj = mg = 0.2 × 2 = 1 N

39. Answer (1) 39. mÙkj (1)
 
∴ F ext = 0 ∴ F ext = 0
 
∆X cm = 0 ∆X cm = 0

40. Answer (2) 40. mÙkj (2)

   
If=τ 0,=L constant =
τ 0,
= L fu;r
41. Answer (3) 41. mÙkj (3)
g sin θ 2 g sin θ 2
Acceleration in rolling aR = g sin θ yksVuh esa Roj.k=
aR = g sin θ
K2 3 K2 3
1+ 2 1+ 2
Acceleration when slipping=
as g sin θ fQlyus ds nkSjku Roj.k =
as g sin θ

aR 2 aR 2
= =
aS 3 aS 3

42. Answer (4) 42. mÙkj (4)

For motion of mass 4g – T = 4a æO;eku dh xfr ds fy, 4g – T = 4a

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

For motion of cylinder csyu dh xfr ds fy,

TR = Iα TR = Iα
MK 2a 3 MK 2a 3
=T = a =T = a
R2 2 R2 2
3 3
g 4a + a 4=
g 4a + a
2 2
8g 8g
a= a=
11 11
43. Answer (1) 43. mÙkj (1)
1 2 1 2
I ω= constant and K= Iω I ω= fu;r rFkk K= Iω
2 2
44. Answer (4) 44. mÙkj (4)
45. Answer (3) 45. mÙkj (3)
GM 4 GM 4
g= = πGRd g= = πGRd
R2 3 R2 3
ge ge
gP = gP =
2 2
4 4 πGRd 4 4 πGRd
πGRP 2d = πGRP 2d =
3 3 2 3 3 2
RP = RP =
4 4


46. Answer (4) 46. mÙkj (4)

Internal energy, enthalpy and entropy are state vkarfjd ÅtkZ] ,UFkSYih rFkk ,UVªkWih voLFkk Qyu
functions. gSaA
47. Answer (3) 47. mÙkj (3)
∆H 25000 Jmol−1 ∆H 25000 Jmol−1
= = T
= =
∆S 75 JK −1 mol−1 ∆S 75 JK −1 mol−1
= 333.3 K
= 333.3 K
mijksDr 333.3 K ij vfHkfØ;k Lor% izofrZr gksxh]
Above 333.3 K, the reaction will be spontaneous.
48. mÙkj (2)
48. Answer (2)
;fn vfHkfØ;k mRØ; gS] rks lkE; fu;rkad dk
If the reaction is reversed, the value of equilibrium
constant is reciprocated. Also, if the reaction is
eku O;qRØfer gks tkrk gSA bl çdkj] ;fn vfHkfØ;k
multiplied by a factor (n) then the value of dks dkjd (n) }kjk xq.kk fd;k tkrk gS] rks lkE;
equilibrium constant becomes K ′C = (K C )n fu;rkad dk eku K ′C = (K C )n gks tkrk gS

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

49. Answer (3) 49. mÙkj (3)

∆H = ∆U + ∆ngRT
∆H = ∆U + ∆ngRT
 ∆ng =
0  ∆ng =
∴ ∆H =∆U ∴ ∆H =∆U
50. Answer (4) 50. mÙkj (4)
∆H (kJ/mol) ∆H (kJ/mol)
[A → B –x]×2 [A → B –x]×2
[2B → C + D– y ] × 3 [2B → C + D– y ] × 3
[3 C → E+B +z]×1
[3 C → E+B +z]×1
2A + 3B → 3D + E – 2x – 3y + z
2A + 3B → 3D + E – 2x – 3y + z
51. mÙkj (1)
51. Answer (1)
w = – Pext ∆V
w = – Pext ∆V
 Pext = 0 (fuokZr)
 Pext = 0 (vacuum)
∴ w = 'kwU;
∴ w = zero
52. mÙkj (3)
52. Answer (3)
mnklhuhdj.k ,UFkSYih mPp gksus ij vEy izcy
Higher is the enthalpy of neutralisation stronger
will be the acid.
53. Answer (1)
53. mÙkj (1)
54. Answer (2)
54. mÙkj (2)
The properties which depends upon the quantity
og xq.k tks fudk; esa mifLFkr nzO; dh ek=k o
or size of matter present in the system is called as vkdkj ij fuHkZj djrk gS foLrh.kZ xq.k dgykrk gSA
extensive property. 55. mÙkj (4)
55. Answer (4) 56. mÙkj (2)
56. Answer (2) bysDVªkWu U;wu Lih'kht yqbZl vEy ds tSls dk;Z
Electron deficient species can act as Lewis acids. djrh gSA
57. Answer (1) 57. mÙkj (1)
58. Answer (3) 58. mÙkj (3)

→ H2SO4 HSO−4 + H+ → H2 SO4
Bronsted Base Conjugate acid czUlVsn {kkj la;Xqeh vEy
59. Answer (3) 59. mÙkj (3)
HCl is a strong acid and NaCl is a salt of strong HCl ,d izcy vEy gS rFkk NaCl izcy vEy rFkk
acid and strong base. Therefore, mixture of NaCl çcy {kkj dk ,d yo.k gSA vr%] NaCl rFkk HCl dk
and HCl is not a buffer.
feJ.k ,d cQj ugha gSA
60. Answer (2)
60. mÙkj (2)
For conjugate acid-base pair
la;qXeh vEy-{kkj ;qXe ds fy,
Ka × Kb = Kw
Ka × Kb = Kw
K Kw
Kb = w Kb =
Ka Ka
10 −14 10 −14
= =
1× 10 −4 1× 10 −4
= 1 × 10–10 = 1 × 10–10

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

61. Answer (3) 61. mÙkj (3)

On increasing the concentration of PCl5(g), the PCl5(g) dh lkanzrk esa o`f) djus ij vfHkfØ;k vxz
reaction will procced in the forward direction.
fn'kk esa vxzlj gksxhA
62. Answer (4)
62. mÙkj (4)
CH3COONa is a salt of weak acid and strong
base. CH3COONa nqcZy vEy rFkk izcy {kkj dk yo.k
63. Answer (2)
63. mÙkj (2)
64. Answer (2)
Combustion of 16 g of methane gives x kJ heat
64. mÙkj (2)
16 g esFksu ngu ij x kJ Å"ek nsrk gS
Combustion of 40 g of methane give × 40 kJ
16 x
40 g esFksu ngu ij × 40 kJ Å"ek nsrk gS
heat. 16
= 2.5 x kJ. = 2.5 x kJ.
65. Answer (1) 65. mÙkj (1)
 For adiabatic process, Q = 0  :)ks"e izØe ds fy,, Q = 0
dQ dQ
Also, total heat capacity = =0 blh çdkj, dqy Å"ek /kkfjrk = =0
dT dT
66. Answer (4) 66. mÙkj (4)
67. Answer (3) 67. mÙkj (3)
q = Cm ∆T q = Cm ∆T
= 0.9 × 21 × (T2 – T1) = 0.9 × 21 × (T2 – T1)
= 0.9 × 21 × 100 = 0.9 × 21 × 100

= 1890 J = 1890 J

68. Answer (1)

68. mÙkj (1)
For one mole of monoatomic gas γ = 1.66 ,d eksy ,dyijek.kqd xSl ds fy, γ = 1.66
69. Answer (4) 69. mÙkj (4)
70. Answer (2) 70. mÙkj (2)
Standard enthalpy change for the formation of 1 eksy ;kSfxd dks mlds gh rRoksa tks viuh
1 mole of a compound from its elements in their vR;f/kd LFkk;h lewgu dh voLFkk esa gks] ds fuekZ.k
most stable states of aggregation is known as dh ekud ,aFkSYih ifjorZu dks ekud eksyj laHkou
standard molar enthalpy of formation. ,UFkSYih dgrs gSaA
71. Answer (2)
71. mÙkj (2)
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
CH4 + 2O2 → CO2 + 2H2O
∆combH = ∑∆ H f (Pr oducts) − ∑∆ H
f (reac tan ts) ∆nguH = ∑∆ H mRikn − ∑∆ f H ( vfHkdkjd )
f ( )

= ∆ f HCO2 + 2x ∆ f HH2O − ∆ f HCH4 = ∆ f HCO2 + 2x ∆ f HH2O − ∆ f HCH4

= – y – 2z – (–x) = – y – 2z – (–x)
= x – y – 2z kJ/mol = x – y – 2z kJ/mol

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

72. Answer (2) 72. mÙkj (2)

∆U = q + w ∆U = q + w
= + 50 J – 20 J = + 50 J – 20 J
= 30 J = 30 J
73. Answer (4) 73. mÙkj (4)
For isochoric process, ∆V = 0 levk;rfud izØe ds fy,, ∆V = 0
74. Answer (3) 74. mÙkj (3)
A2B3  2A3+ + 3B2–
A2B3  2A3+ + 3B2–
2s 3s
2s 3s
Ksp = [A3+]2 [B2–]3 Ksp = [A ] [B ]
3+ 2 2– 3

= (2s) (3s)
2 3
= (2s)2 (3s)3
= 4s2 27s3 = 4s2 27s3
= 108s5 = 108s5
75. Answer (1) 75. mÙkj (1)
76. Answer (4) 76. mÙkj (4)
On increasing temperature, dissociation rki esa o`f) gksus ij fo;kstu vf/kd gksrk gSA
77. mÙkj (3)
77. Answer (3)
KP = KC (RT)∆ng
KP = KC (RT)∆ng
2 × 104
2 × 104 KP = 2 × 104 (RT)–2 =
KP = 2 × 104 (RT)–2 = (RT)2
78. mÙkj (2)
78. Answer (2)
79. mÙkj (3)
79. Answer (3)
80. Answer (2)
80. mÙkj (2)
For the given salts fn, x, yo.kksa ds fy,
s = K sp s = K sp

s AgCl = 1.8 × 10−10 =3.24 × 10 −5 M s AgCl = 1.8 × 10−10 =3.24 × 10 −5 M

∴ AgCl will be most soluble among the given

∴ fn, x, yo.kksa esa ls AgCl vR;f/kd foys;'khy
salts. gksxkA
81. Answer (2) 81. mÙkj (2)
[Salt ] pH pK a + log
[ yo.k ]
pH pK a + log
[ Acid] [ vEy ]
= 4.74 + log 1 {  [Salt] = [Acid]} = 4.74 + log 1 {  [yo.k] = [vEy]}

= 4.74 = 4.74
82. Answer (1) 82. mÙkj (1)

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

83. Answer (1) 83. mÙkj (1)

84. Answer (4) 84. mÙkj (4)
[NH3 ]
−3 2
(2 × 10 ) [NH3 ]
(2 × 10 −3 )2
=KC = =KC =
[N2 ][H2 ] (4 × 10 )(1× 10 )
3 −1 −2 3
[N2 ][H2 ] (4 × 10 )(1× 10 )
3 −1 −2 3

4 × 10 −6 4 × 10 −6
= = 10 = = 10
4 × 10 −1 × 1× 10 −6 4 × 10 −1 × 1× 10 −6
85. Answer (1) 85. mÙkj (1)
86. Answer (3) 86. mÙkj (3)
87. Answer (1) 87. mÙkj (1)
88. Answer (2) 88. mÙkj (2)
Latent Heat xqIr Å"ek
∆S = ∆S =
Temperature rki
3000 J / mol 3000 J / mol
= =
300K 300K
= 10 JK–1 mol–1 = 10 JK–1 mol–1
89. Answer (3) 89. mÙkj (3)
90. Answer (1) 90. mÙkj (1)
N2O4  2NO2 N2O4  2NO2

N2O4  2NO2 N2O4  2NO2

(i) 1 0 (i) 1 0
= 1 − 0.4 0.6 0.4 × 2 0.8
= (eq)
= 1 − 0.4 0.6 0.4 × 2 0.8

vapour density of equilibrium mixture feJ.k dk lkE; ok"i ?kuRo

46 46 46 46
= = = 32.85 . = = = 32.85
0.6 + 0.8 1.4 0.6 + 0.8 1.4


91. Answer (3) 91. mÙkj (3)

Both eukaryotes and prokaryotes have ribosomes ;wdSfj;ksV~l o çksdSfj;ksV~l nksuksa esa jkbckslkse gksrk
92. Answer (1) gSA
In prokaryotes genetic material is naked. 92. mÙkj (1)
93. Answer (2)
çksdSfj;ksV~l esa vkuqoaf'kd inkFkZ vuko`r gksrk gS
93. mÙkj (2)
Plasmid is an extra-chromosomal DNA of
IykfTeM çksdSfj;ksV~l dk ,d ckg~; xq.klw=h; DNA
94. Answer (1)
94. mÙkj (1)
95. Answer (2) 95. mÙkj (2)
Lipids of plasma membrane contain polar heads ItkTek f>Yyh dh fyfiM~l esa ckg~; Hkkx dh vksj
towards the outer sides and non polar tails /kqzoh; 'kh"kZ o vkarfjd Hkkx dh vksj v/kqzoh; iqPN
towards inner sides. gksrk gS
Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

96. Answer (1)

96. mÙkj (1)
97. Answer (1)
97. mÙkj (1)
Glycosylation of proteins – Golgi body çksVhu dk – xkWYth dk;
Protease mediated – Lysosome Xykbdkstkbys'ku
protein break down çksVh,t eè;LFk çksVhu dk – ykblkslkse
Maintenance of osmotic – Vacuole
concentration of cell dksf'kdk dh – jl/kkuh
98. Answer (3)
lkaærk dk j[kj[kko
Mitochondrial matrix contains 70S ribosomes. 98. mÙkj (3)
99. Answer (3) ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k dh vk/kk=h esa 70S jkbckslkse gksrk gSA
100. Answer (4) 99. mÙkj (3)

Nucleolus is site of r-RNA synthesis only. 100. mÙkj (4)

101. Answer (2) dsfUæd dsoy r-RNA la'ys"k.k dk LFky gSA

Both cilia and flagella help in locomotion. 101. mÙkj (2)
Prokaryotic flagella is extension of cell wall but i{ekHk o d'kkHk nksuksa pyu esa lgk;d gksrs gSaA
lack tubulin. çksdSfj;ksfVd d'kkHk dksf'kdk fHkfÙk dk foLrkj.k gS
102. Answer (1) ijUrq blesa V~;wC;wfyu çksVhu dk vHkko gksrk gSA
Spindle fibres are also formed in higher plants. 102. mÙkj (1)
103. Answer (1) rdqZ rarq mPp ikniksa esa Hkh curs gSaA
Nucleolus is the site of rRNA synthesis. It is larger 103. mÙkj (1)
and more numerous in cells actively involved in dsfUæd rRNA la'ys"k.k dk LFky gksrk gSA ;g çksVhu
protein synthesis.
la'ys"k.k esa lfØ;:i ls lfEefyr dksf'kdkvksa esa
104. Answer (2) o`g~r o la[;k esa vf/kd gksrk gSA
Sub-metacentric chromosomes appear L and J 104. mÙkj (2)
mi-eè;dsUæh xq.klw= L o J vkdkjh gksrk gS
105. Answer (3)
105. mÙkj (3)
Capsule provide sticky character to bacterial cell.
dSIlqy thokf.od dksf'kdk dks fpifpik vfHky{k.k
106. Answer (4)
çnku djrk gSA
Lysosome is single membrane bound structure. 106. mÙkj (4)
107. Answer (3) ykblkslkse ,dy f>Yyh c) lajpuk gSA
Gas vacuoles are found in prokaryotes. 107. mÙkj (3)
108. Answer (3) xSl jl/kkuh çksdSfj;ksV~l esa ik, tkrs gSaA
Maturing or trans face gives rise the secretory 108. mÙkj (3)
ifjiDo o Vªkal lrg lgk;d iqfVdkvksa dks mRiUu
109. Answer (3)
djrh gS
Both mitochondria and chloroplast contain circular
109. mÙkj (3)
dsDNA, 70S ribosome and protein synthesis
machinery. ekbVksdkWf.Mª;k o gfjryod nksuksa esa o`Ùkh; dsDNA,
70S jkbckslkse o çksVhu la'ys"k.k e'khujh gksrk gSA

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

110. Answer (4) 110. mÙkj (4)

111. Answer (3)
111. mÙkj (3)
Primary cell wall is capable of expansion.
çkFkfed dksf'kdk fHkfÙk foLrkj.k esa l{ke gksrh gSA
112. Answer (2)
112. mÙkj (2)
113. Answer (2)
113. mÙkj (2)
Lampbrush chromosomes are diplotene bivalents.
ySEicz'k xq.klw= fMIyksVhu ;qxyh gSA blesa çfr
They contain large number of chromonemata per
chromosome. xq.klw= ØkseksusekVk dh o`gr la[;k gksrh gSA
114. Answer (3) 114. mÙkj (3)

Germinating fatty seeds do not contain

vadqj.k'khy olk cht esa gfjroyd ugha gksrk gS
chloroplast. 115. mÙkj (3)
115. Answer (3) G0 dksf'kdk pØ dh 'kkar çkoLFkk gS
G0 is quiescent stage of cell cycle. 116. mÙkj (2)
116. Answer (2) 117. mÙkj (1)
117. Answer (1) iq=h dksf”kdk
Daughter cells

v/kZlw=h foHkktu I v/kZlw=h foHkktu II

Meiosis I Meiosis II → DNA dh ek=k 2C → DNA dh ek=k C
→ DNA content 2C → DNA content C → çR;sd xq.klw= esa → çR;sd dksf'kdk esa
→ Crossed over → Genetically
thofofue; djus vkuqoaf'kd :i ls
chromatids dissimilar okys ØkseSfVM~l~ vleku
in each chromatids each ØkseSfVM~l
chromosome cell → 1 xq.klw= → 1 xq.klw=
→ 1 chromosome → 1 chromosome = 2 ØksesfVM~l = 1 ØkseSfVM~l
= 2 chromatids = 1 chromatid 118. mÙkj (3)
118. Answer (3) 1 ;qxyh = 4 ØkseSfVM~l (nks flLVj) ;k
1 Bivalent = 4 chromatids (Two sister) or two nks letkr xq.klw=.
homologous chromosomes. 119. mÙkj (3)
119. Answer (3) 120. mÙkj (2)
120. Answer (2) 121. mÙkj (2)
121. Answer (2) tarq dksf'kdkvksa esa dksf'kdkæO; foHkktu [kk¡p fuekZ.k
In animal cells cytokinesis occurs by furrow }kjk gksrk gSA
formation. 122. mÙkj (4)
122. Answer (4) i'pkoLFkk II esa xq.klw=fcUnq foikfVr gksrk gS rFkk
In anaphase II centromere splits and chromatids ØkseSfVM~l i`Fkd gksrk gS
separate. 123. mÙkj (1)
123. Answer (1) varjkykoLFkk v/kZlw=h foHkktu I o v/kZlw=h foHkktu
Interkinesis is gap phase between meiosis I and II ds chp dh varjky çkoLFkk gksrh gS rFkk blesa
meiosis II and it lacks DNA replication. DNA i`frd`rh;u dk vHkko gksrk gS

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

124. Answer (3) 124. mÙkj (3)

Active transport requires ATP. lfØ; ifjogu ds fy, ATP dh vko';drk gksrh gSA
125. Answer (1) 125. mÙkj (1)
Diffusion occur from high to low concentration. folj.k mPp ls fuEu lkaærk dh vksj gksrh gS
126. Answer (1) 126. mÙkj (1)
127. Answer (1) 127. mÙkj (1)
128. Answer (3) 128. mÙkj (3)
ψ s =0 for pure water. ψ s 'kq) ty ds fy, 0
129. mÙkj (2)
129. Answer (2)
130. mÙkj (3)
130. Answer (3)
,iksIykfLVd iFkØe esa dksf'kdkfHkfÙk o varjdksf'kdh;
Apoplastic pathway involves cells wall and
vodk'k lfEefyr gksrk gS
intercellular spaces.
131. mÙkj (3)
131. Answer (3)
132. mÙkj (4)
132. Answer (4) 133. mÙkj (2)
133. Answer (2) 134. mÙkj (3)
134. Answer (3) th.kZ i.kZ [kfut ds L=ksr dh rjg dk;Z dj ldrk
Senescent leaves may act as source of minerals. gS
135. Answer (3) 135. mÙkj (3)


136. Answer (3) 136. mÙkj (3)

Parietal or oxyntic cells secrete HCl and intrinsic fHkfÙk ;k vkWfDlfUVd dksf'kdk,¡ HCl vkSj uSt dkjd
factor. (This factor is essential for absorption of L=for djrh gSaA ;g dkjd vk¡r esa foVkfeu B12 ds
vitamin B12 in intestine. Vitamin B12 vo'kks"k.k ds fy, vko';d gSA foVkfeu B12
(Cyanocobalamin, cobalamin is present in fish, lkbuksdksckykehu@dksckykehu eNyh] vaMs] nw/k] ek¡l
eggs, milk, meat, liver (animal source)). ;d`r (tarq L=ksr) esa mifLFkr gksrk gS)A
137. Answer (3) 137. mÙkj (3)
Heterodont – Different types of teeth are present fo"kenarh – nar foU;kl esa d`rd] jnud] vxzpo.kZd
in dentition, namely incisors, canine, premolars vkSj po.kZd uked fofHkUu çdkj ds nkar mifLFkr
and molars. gksrs gSaA
Thecodont – Each tooth is embedded in socket xrZnarh – çR;sd nkar tcMs dh vfLFk dh xfrZdk esa
of jaw bone. /k¡lk gksrk gS
Monophyodont – Teeth that appear only once ,dckjnarh – nk¡r tks tho ds thoudky ds nkSjku
during a lifetime of organism e.g., premolars and dsoy ,d ckj fn[kkbZ nsrs gS tSls ekuo esa
last molar teeth in humans. vxzpo.kZd vkSj vafre po.kZd nkarA
138. Answer (2) 138. mÙkj (2)
Enterokinase is secreted by the intestinal mucosa. ,UVsjksdkbust vka= E;wdkslk }kjk L=for gksrk gSA
The pancreatic juice contains enzymes – trypsinogen, vXuk'k;h jl esa fVªfIlukstu] dkbeksfVªfIlukstu
chymotrypsinogen, procarboxypeptidase, amylases, çksdkcksZDlhisIVhMst] ,ekbystst] ykbist vkSj
lipases and nucleases. Trypsinogen is activated U;qfDy,tst ,atkbe gksrs gSaA ,UVsjksdkbust }kjk
by enterokinase into active trypsin which in turn
fVªfIlukstu] lfØ; fVªfIlu esa cnyk tkrk gS tks
activates the other enzymes in the pancreatic
vXuk'k;h jl ds vU; ,atkbeksa dks Hkh lfØ; djrk

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

139. Answer (3) 139. mÙkj (3)

During swallowing epiglottis prevents food from fuxj.k ds nkSjku daBPNn Hkkstu dks 'okluyh esa
entering wind pipe and uvula prevents it from ços'k djus ls jksdrk gS rFkk vfyftg~ok bls
entering into nasal cavity. uklkxqgk esa djus ls jksdrh gSA
140. Answer (3) 140. mÙkj (3)
In Jaundice, liver is affected and bile pigments like ihfy;k esa ;d`r çHkkfor gksrk gS rFkk jDr esa
bilirubin increase in blood causing yellowish fcfy:fcu tSls fiÙk o.kZdksa ds c<us ls Ropk vkSj
colouration of skin and eyes. Some substances vk¡[kksa dk jax ihyk gks tkrk gSA Xywdkst vkSj vehuksa
like glucose and amino acids are absorbed with vEy tSls dqN inkFkZ okgd çksVhuksa dh lgk;rk ls
the help of carrier proteins. This mechanism is vo'kksf"kr gks tkrs gSA ;g fØ;kfof/k lqxe ifjogu
called facilitated transport. Protein coated fat dgykrh gSA çksVhu vkofjr olk d.kksa dks
globules are called chylomicrons. Ptyalin/
dkbyksekbØksu dgrs gSA Vk;fyu@ α -ykj ,ekbyst
α -salivary amylase is a component of saliva.
ykj dk ,d ?kVd gS
141. Answer (1)
141. mÙkj (1)
Sucrose  → glucose + fructose lØ
q kst
lqØkst → Xywdkst + ÝDVkst
Lactose 
→ glucose + galactose lØ
q kst
ySDVkst → Xywdkst + xSysDVkst
142. Answer (4)
142. mÙkj (4)
Argentaffin cells present in small intestine
probably release hormones. Paneth cells in NksVh vkar esa mifLFkr jtrjath dksf'kdk,¡ laHkor%
‘Crypts of Lieberkuhn’ secrete antibacterial gkWeksZu eqDr djrh gSA yhcjdqu-çxqfgdk esa iSusFk
lysozyme. dksf'kdk,¡ ,aVhcSDVhfj;y ykblkstkbe L=for djrh
143. Answer (1) gSA
143. mÙkj (1)
Salivary Gland Location
ykj xzafFk LFkku
Parotid Cheek area
iSjksfVM xky ds ikl dk Hkkx
Sub-maxillary/ Lower jaw
sub-mandibular v/kkstaHk/vofpcqdh; fupyk tcM+k
Sub-lingual Below the tongue v/kksftg~ok thHk ds uhps
144. Answer (1) 144. mÙkj (1)

The hard chewing surface / covering of the teeth is buSey ls cuh nkarksa dh pckus okyh dBksj lrg
made up of enamel which helps in mastication of Hkkstu dks pckus esa enn djrh gSA ;g buSey ekuo
food. This enamel is the hardest substance in the 'kjhj esa lcls dBksj inkFkZ gS tks buSey dksjd
human body, secreted by ameloblast cell
dksf'kdk (mRifÙk esa ,DVksMeZy) ls L=for gksrk gSA
(ectodermal in origin). Hard enamel is formed
principally of calcium phosphate.
dBksj buSey eq[; :i ls dSfY'k;e QkWLQsV dk cuk
gksrk gS
145. Answer (3)
145. mÙkj (3)
Glisson’s capsule is associated with mammalian
liver. fXylu laiqV Lru/kkjh ds ;d`r ls lacaf/kr gksrk gSA
146 Answer (4) 146 mÙkj (4)
The duct of gall bladder is called cystic duct. fiÙkk'k; dh ufydk fiÙkk'k;h ufydk dgykrh gSA
Duct of parotid gland is called Stenson’s duct. iSjksfVM xzafFk dh ufydk LVsalu ufydk dgykrh gSA

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

147. Answer (3) 147. mÙkj (3)

The saliva secreted into the oral cavity contains eq[k xqgk esa L=for ykj esa oS+|qrvi?kV~; (Na+, K+
+ + –
electrolytes (Na , K Cl , HCO3− ), enzymes, – −
Cl , HCO3 ) ,atkbe] ykj ,ekbyst vkSj ykblkstkbe
salivary amylase and lysozyme. gksrs gSaA
148. Answer (1) 148. mÙkj (1)
Mucosa forms glands in the stomach (gastric E;wdkslk vkek'k; esa xzfFk;k¡ (tBj xzafFk;k¡) rFkk vkar
glands) and crypts in between the bases of villi in esa vadqjd ds vk/kkj ds eè; çxqfgdk (yhcjdqu
the intestine (crypts of Lieberkuhn).
çxqfgdk) fufeZr djrh gSA
149. Answer (2)
149. mÙkj (2)
The exocrine portion of pancreas secretes an
vXuk'k; dk cfg%L=koh Hkkx ,atkbe ;qDr {kkjh;
alkaline pancreatic juice containing enzymes and
vXuk'k;h jl L=for djrk gS vkSj var%L=koh Hkkx
the endocrine portion secretes hormones, insulin,
glucagon and somatostatin.
gkWeksZu] balqfyu XywdkxkWu ,oa lksesZVksLVsfVu L=for
djrk gSA
150. Answer (1)
150. mÙkj (1)
Fats are converted to fatty acids and glycerol in
small intestine. Kwashiorkor results from protein NksVh vk¡r esa olk olh; vEy vkSj fXyljkWy esa
deficiency unaccompanied by calorie deficiency. ifjofrZr gks tkrh gSA Dokf'kvksjdj çksVhu dh deh
ls gksrk gS u fd dSyksjh dh deh lsA
151. Answer (4)
151. mÙkj (4)
Pepsin converts proteins into proteoses and
peptones (peptides). isfIlu çksVhu dks çksVhvkstst vkSj isIVksu (isIVkbM) esa
ifjofrZr djrk gSA
Proteins  Trypsin/ Dipepti-
 Chymotrypsin dases
Peptones  → Dipeptidase  → Amino

fVfIlu /
Proteoses  Carboxy- acids çkVshu
peptidase  dkbekfsVªfIlu MkbisIVhMstst → vehuksa
iIsVksu   → MkbiIsVhMst 

çksVhvkstst  dkcks
Z lhisI VhMt
s vEy
152. Answer (1)
152. mÙkj (1)
Nucleic acids  → Nucleotides
U;qfDyd vEy 
→ U;qfDyvksVkbM~l
Nucleotidases Nucleosidases
→ Nucleosides 
 → ;fqDyvkV
s kbMstt
s U;fqDyvkl
s kbMstt
 →U;qfDyvkslkbM~l  →
Sugars + Nitrogenous bases
'kdZjk + ukbVªkstuh {kkj
153. Answer (4)
153. mÙkj (4)
Rennin is a proteolytic enzyme found in gastric
jsfUuu uotkr ds tBjh; jl esa ik;k tkus okyk
juice of infants which helps in the digestion of milk
,d çksVhvksykbfVd ,atkbe gS tks nqX/k çksVhu ds
ikpu esa enn djrk gSA
154. Answer (2) 154. mÙkj (2)
The undigested, unabsorbed substances called vikfpr] vuvo'kksf"kr inkFkZ ey dgykrk gS tks
faeces enter into the caecum of the large intestine f=dka= dikV ds ekè;e ls cMh vk¡r dh va/kuky esa
through ileo-caecal valve. tkrk gSA
155. Answer (1) 155. mÙkj (1)
Presence of finger – like projections called villi and vadqjd uked vaxqyhuqek ço/kZ vkSj lw{ekadqj uked
foldings called microvilli increases the surface oy;ksa dh mifLFkfr vo'kks"k.k ds fy, lrgh {ks=Qy
area for absorption. dks c<krh gSA

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

156. Answer (4) 156. mÙkj (4)

The chemical process of digestion is initiated in ikpu dh jklk;fud çfØ;k eq[k xqgk esa vkjaHk gksrh
the oral cavity. Salivary amylase hydrolyses about gSA ykj ,ekbyst yxHkx 30% LVkpZ dks
30% of starch into a disaccharide MkblSdsjkbM&ekYVkst esa ty vi?kfVr djrk gSA
– maltose. Other biomolecules in food are acted vkek'k; vkSj vk¡r esa Hkkstu ds vU; tSov.kqvksa ij
on by enzymes in stomach and intestine.
,atkbeksa }kjk fØ;k gksrh gSA
157. Answer (2) 157. mÙkj (2)
GIP (Gastric inhibitory peptide) inhibits gastric GIP (tBjh; vojks/kh isIVkbM) tBjh; L=ko vkSj
secretion and motility (slows gastric secretion) xfr'khyrk (tBjh; L=ko de djrk gS) dks ckf/kr
158. Answer (4) djrk gSA
Emphysema is a chronic disorder in which 158. mÙkj (4)
alveolar walls are damaged due to which okrLQhfr ,d nh?kZdkfyd fodkj gS ftlesa dwfidh;
respiratory surface is decreased. fHkfÙk {kfrxzLr gks tkrh gS ftlls xSl fofue; lrg
159. Answer (1) ?kV tkrh gSA
Volume of air remaining in the lungs even after a 159. mÙkj (1)
forcible expiration is termed as residual volume. cyiwoZd fu%'olu ds i'pkr~ QsQMksa esa 'ks"k ok;q dk
Vital capacity is the maximum volume of air a vk;ru vof'k"V vk;ru dgykrk gSA ok;q dh og
person can breathe out after a forced inspiration.
Vital capacity (VC) includes ERV, TV and IRV.
vf/kdre ek=k tks ,d O;fDr cyiwoZd var%'olu ds
ckn fu%'okflr dj ldrk gS] tSo {kerk dgykrh gSA
160. Answer (4) tSo {kerk esa ERV, TV rFkk IRV lfEefyr gksrs gSA
O2 gets bound to haemoglobin in the lung surface 160. mÙkj (4)
and gets dissociated at the tissues. Every 100 ml O2 Qq¶Qql lrg esa gheksXyksfcu ls ca/krh gS rFkk
of oxygenated blood can deliver around 5 ml of O2
Årdksa esa fo?kfVr gks tkrh gSA çR;sd
to the tissues.
100 fe-yh- vkWDlhtfur jDr Årdksa dks yxHkx 5 ml
161. Answer (2) O2 çnku djrk gSA
A muscular sphincter (gastro-oesophageal) 161. mÙkj (2)
regulates the opening of oesophagus into the
,d is'kh; vojksf/kuh (vkek'k;-xzfldk) vkek'k; esa
xzfldk ds fNæ dks fu;af=r djrh gSA
162. Answer (2)
162. mÙkj (2)
The given reaction is facilitated by carbonic
anhydrase present in very high concentration in nh xbZ vfHkfØ;k dks RBCs esa cgqr vf/kd lkUærk esa
RBCs and in small quantity in plasma. Zn+2 is a ,oa IykTek esa de ek=k esa mifLFkr dkcksZfud
cofactor of carbonic anhydrase. ,ugkbMªst }kjk lqxe cuk;k tkrk gSA Zn+2 dkcksZfud
163. Answer (4) ,ugkbMªst dk lgdkjd gSA
Diaphragm contracts during inspiration causing 163. mÙkj (4)
increase in pulmonary volume and decrease in var%'olu ds nkSjku Mk;kÝke ds ladqfpr gksus ls
intrapulmonary pressure which forces the
atmospheric air to move into the lungs. Qq¶Qqlh; vk;ru esa o`f) gksrh gS vkSj vkarj Qq¶Qqlh
164. Answer (1)
nkc de gksrk gS tks ok;qeaMyh; ok;q dks Qq¶Qqlksa esa
[khaprk gSA
Animal Respiratory 164. mÙkj (1)
tarq 'olu lajpuk
Cockroach Tracheal system
dkWdjksap 'okluyh ra=
Sparrow Lungs xkSjs;k Qq¶Qql
Lizards Lungs fNidyh Qq¶Qql

Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions) Test Series for NEET-2020

165. Answer (2) 165. mÙkj (2)

Cardiac notch is present in left lung to dkfMZ,d [kk¡p ân; dks lek;ksftr djus gsrq ck;sa
accommodate heart. The rate of breathing in a Qq¶Qql esa mifLFkr gksrk gSA fojkekoLFkk esa lkekU;
normal healthy man at rest is 12-16 times/min. LoLFk ekuo esa 'olu dh nj 12-16 ckj/feuV gSA
Trachea divides at the level of 5th thoracic
'okluyh 5 osa o{kh; d'ks:d ds Lrj ij foHkkftr
gksrh gSA
166. Answer (2)
166. mÙkj (2)
A spirometer cannot measure RV.
LikbjksehVj RV dks ugha eki ldrk gSA
167. Answer (4)
167. mÙkj (4)
Pneumonia occurs due to bacterial infection.
U;qeksfu;k thokf.od laØe.k ds dkj.k gksrk gSA
168. Answer (1)
168. mÙkj (1)
The O2- dissociation curve is plotted with partial
O2- fo;kstu oØ O2 ds vkaf'kd nkc vkSj O2 ds lkFk
pressure of O2 and percentage saturation of
haemoglobin with O2. gheksXyksfcu dh çfr'kr lar`fIr lfgr vkysf[kr fd;k
tkrk gSA
169. Answer (3)
169. mÙkj (3)
Diffusion membrane is made up of three
layers : folj.k f>Yyh rhu ijrksa dh cuh gksrh gS :
→ Thin squamous epithelium of alveoli that lines → ok;q dwfidk dh iryh 'kYdh midyk tks bls
it. vkLrfjr djrh gSA
→ Endothelial lining of alveolar capillaries that → ok;q dwfidh; dsf'kdkvksa dh ,aMksFkhfy;y vkLrj
surround it. tks bls vkofjr djrh gSA
→ Basement substance between squamous → ok;qdwfidk dh 'kYdh midyk vkSj ok;q dwfidh;
epithelium of alveoli and endothelium of dsf'kdkvksa dh ,aMksFkhfy;e ds eè; vk/kkj inkFkZA
alveolar capillaries.
170. mÙkj (1)
170. Answer (1)
Å¡pkbZ esa o`f) ds lkFk cSjksehfVªd nkc Øfed :i ls
The barometric pressure falls progressively with de gksrk gS] ok;qeaMyh; ok;q esa pO2 vuqikfrd :i
the rise in altitude, pO2 falls proportionately in the
ls de gksrh gSA ;g dwfidh; pO2 dks de djrk gS
atmospheric air. This lowers the alveolar pO2 and
consequently reduces the diffusion of oxygen from
rFkk ifj.kkeLo:i dwfidh; ok;q ls jDr esa
the alveolar air to the blood. vkWDlhtu ds folj.k dks de djrk gSA
171. Answer (2) 171. mÙkj (2)

The role of O2 in regulation of respiratory rhythm is 'olu y; ds fu;eu esa O2 dh Hkwfedk dkQh
quite insignificant. egRoghu gksrh gSA
172. Answer (3) 172. mÙkj (3)

Respiratory rhythm centre is located in medulla 'olu y; dsUæ i'p efLr"d ds esMwyk vksCyksxsaVk esa
oblongata of hind brain. Pneumotaxic centre is fLFkr gksrk gSA 'oklçHkkoh dsUæ i'p efLr"d ds
situated in pons of hind brain. iksal esa fLFkr gksrk gSA
173. Answer (3) 173. mÙkj (3)
Larynx is called the sound box. daB dks èofu isfVdk dgk tkrk gSA
174. Answer (4) 174. mÙkj (4)

Test Series for NEET-2020 Test-3 (Code-A)_(Hints & Solutions)

175. Answer (3) 175. mÙkj (3)

Terms associated with breathing : 'olu ls lacafkr in :
(1) Dyspnea – Painful breathing (1) fMLIuh;k – ihMkdj 'olu
(2) Anoxia – Absence of oxygen in inspired
(2) vukWfDl;k – var% 'okflr xSlksa] vfyan jDr ;k
gases, arterial blood or tissues.
Årdksa esa vkWDlhtu dh vuqifLFkfr
(3) Eupnea – Normal breathing
(3) ;wfIu;k – lkekU; 'olu
176. Answer (1)
176. mÙkj (1)
The thoracic cavity is closed below by diaphragm.
o{k xqgk ds uhps Mk;kÝke gksrk gSA
177. Answer (1)
177. mÙkj (1)
High pCO2, higher temperature and high
concentration of H ions shifts the curve to right mPp pCO2, mPprj rkieku vkSj H+ vk;uksa dh mPp
side. lkUærk oØ dks nk;ha vksj çfrLFkkfir djrh gSA
178. Answer (1) 178. mÙkj (1)
Gases like O2 and CO2 are exchanged in our body
nkc ço.krk ds vk/kkj ij gekjs 'kjhj esa O2 o CO2
by simple diffusion based on pressure gradient.
tSlh xSlksa dk fofue; ljy folj.k }kjk gksrk gSA
179. Answer (3)
179. mÙkj (3)
180. Answer (4)
180. mÙkj (4)
Air enters from nostrils and exchange of air takes
place in the alveoli. ok;q ukfldk ls ços'k djrh gS rFkk ok;q dk fofue;
dwfidk esa gksrk gSA

  


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