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The document appears to be a maintenance manual for FANUC DC servo units for M series machines. It describes the construction, connections, settings, troubleshooting and specifications of single-axis and dual-axis servo units.

The main components described include the printed circuit boards, magnetic contactors, thermal relays, circuit breakers, resistors, transistors, diodes, capacitors and surge absorbers that make up the servo unit.

The velocity control unit is connected via signals and power as shown in the diagrams. Its main functions involve setting and adjusting the velocity control PCB as well as protecting and detecting errors in the servo system.


( For M series )


© F A N U C LTD, 1981



1. STRUCTURE ........................................................................................................................................... H

2. CONNECTIONS........................................................................................................................................ 1-4
2.1 Servo system connections.................................................................................................................. 1-4
2.2 Detailed servo system connection d ia g ra m s................................................................................... 1-6
2.3 Connection of power supply transformer t a p ................................................................................. 1-9
2.4 Connection diagram of velocity control unit ................................................................................. 1-13


3.1 Setting and adjustment o f velocity control unit P C B .................................................................... 1-17
3.2 Block diagram of velocity control unit P C B ................................................................................... 1-21
3.3 Location of thermal relay in velocity control u n i t ............................................... 1-23

4. T R O U B LE S H O O TIN G ........................................................................................................................... 1-24

4.1 Protections and error detection fu n c tio n s ...................................................................................... 1-24
4.2 Troubleshooting................................................................. 1-25

APPENDIX 1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 1-32

1.1 Parts specifications on velocity u n i t ................................................................................................ 1-32
1.2 Magnetic contactor terminal arrangem ent...................................................................................... 1-35
1.3 Thermal relay terminal arrangement................................................................................................ 1-36
1.4 External view of velocity control u n it .............................................................................................. 1-37
1.5 DC servo motor maintenance .......................................................................................................... 1-44
1.6 DC servo motor using m ultipole resolver........................................................................................ 1-53


1. CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................................. И-1

2. CONNECTIONS...................................................................................................................................... П-3
2.1 Connection D ia g ra m ...................................................................................................................... H-3
2.2 Connections of Power Transformer .................................... ........................................................ H-7
2.3 Details of Signals .............................................................................................................................. H-9
2.4 Turning on Sequence and Time Chart of Power Supply and Signals ....................................... 11-10
2.5 Connection Diagram of 2 Axes Type Servo U n i t ........................................................................ И-11

3. SETTING AND ADJUSTMENT FOR VELO CITY CONTROL U N I T ............................. 11-13

3.1 Setting and Adjustment for Velocity Control PCB ................................................................... II-13
3.2 Block Diagram of Velocity Control P C B ..................................................................................... 11-16
3.3 Location of Thermal Relay in Velocity Control U n it .................................... II-18
4. T R O U B LE S H O O TIN G ................................................................................. 11-19
4.1 Protection and Error Detection Function .................................................................................. 11-19
4.2 Troubleshooting............................................................................................................................. II-20

APPENDIX 1 .................................................. 11-28

1.1 Parts Specifications on Velocity U n i t .......................................................................................... 11-28
1.2 Magnetic Contactor Terminal A rrangem ent................................................................................ 11-30
1.3 Thermal Relay Contactor Arrangement....................................................................................... II-30
1.4 External View of Velocity Control U n i t ..................................................................................... 11-31
1.5 Motor Models and Specifications................................................................................................. II-33


FANUC DC Servo Motor series consists of 23 models, including low inertia series for high frequency posi­
tioning with PWM drive, medium inertia series with PWM drive, and high inertia series with thyristor drive. This
allows selection of the most suitable model for any size of machine tool.
This manual covers maintenance procedures for the M series 2 axes type servo unit which drives the FANUC
M series DC servo motor (Models 00M, OM).
Maintenance procedures for the 2-phase controlled DC servo unit and the 6-phase controlled (S T E P 2 )
DC servo unit are covered by Manual B-51401E, those for the 6-phase controlled (STEP 3 ,4 ) DC servo unit by
Manual B-51401E-3, those for the Big (Models 40, 50, 60, 60H) DC servo units by Manual B-51401E-5, those for
the 1 axis type servo unit by Manual B-53265E.

This chapter covers maintenance procedures for the M series DC servo unit (for 1 axis type servo unit) which
drives the FANUC M series DC servo motor (Models 00M, ОМ, 5M, ЮМ, 20M, 30M, 30MH).
1 .1


This M series servo unit consists of a velocity control unit and a power supply transformer and dischange
unit. Individual machine tool specifications may require a discharge unit or not. Structures for both cases are
shown in Fig. 1.1 and Fig. 1.2.
The following table shows correspondence between motor models and DC servo units.

Motor models Servo Units Remarks

00M A06B-6047-H001

ОМ, 5M A06B-6047-H002

Velocity iuivi, zuivi
control un its A06B-6047-H040 Separate discharge circuit

A06B-6047-H041 Separate discharge circuit

30MH A06B-6047-H005

ЮМ, 20M A06B-6047-H05 0

Discharge unit
30M, 30MH

Domestic Transformer A06B-6047-H011

200V MA
220V Transformer A06B-6047-H012
supply Transformer A06B-6047-H013
transformers MC
Export Transformer A06B-6047-H021
190V MAE
I Transformer A06B-6047-H022
550V MBE
Transformer A06B-6047-H023


The following block diagram shows an example of M series servo unit structure in an NC system using two
velocity control units.

M series DC servo motor

* The two velocity control axes share one transformer.

Fig. 1.1 M series servo unit block diagram

1 .1

The following block diagram shows an example of M series servo unit structure in an NC system in which
three control units are used and velocity control unit for use a separate discharge unit is connected to the Y-axis.

M series DC servo motor

* The three velocity control axes share one transformer

Fig. 1.2 M series servo unit block diagram

1. 2


2.1 Servo system connections

Fig. 2.1 is a standard velocity control unit connection diagram.
(In case 2 axes control)

Fig. 2.1

Notes 1: Connections o f cables K l, K2, КЗ and K5, are explained in Section 2.2.
2: Connections for cable K6 depend on which NC control unit is used.
3: Connection o f the power supply transformer is explained in Section 2.3.

I. 2.1

Fig. 2.2 shows connection diagram of velocity control unit with the separate discharge circuit.
(In case 3 axes control)

Notes 1: Connections o f cables K l, КЗ and K5, are explained in Section 2.2.

2: Connections for cable K6 depend on which NC control unit is used.
3: Connections o f cables К 7 and K8 are explained in Section 2.2.
4: Connection o f the power supply transformer is explained in Section 2.3.

I. 2.2

2.2 Detailed servo system connection diagrams

2.2.1 Connection diagram for cable K1

C control Velocity control unit
^ ,-4jV C M
e D,
c CN1(7)
-V \A r
I \b O O O C X X i , J
---- J j i /—TSA ------ С
■ iX X X J C X X ! ;
ч / \_/
Lbl CN1(6)
J CNlflS)
-A W -j-M A r1

D 21
CN 1(3)

BYL21. CN 1(4)

r E
Y2l]] CN1(2)
cN iaa
—v w —

r PR D Y 2 1
~~ЛЛА/— — W V — fT

K ALM CN1(14)
if? ’f r

Not used (
LM 2

C OM1 C N igo)

CN103) I

Signal name Meaning

VCMD Velocity command voltage
TSA, В Tachogenerator (F/V converter) signal
OVLl, 2 Overload signal
ENBL1, 2 Enables transistor ON/OFF
PRDYl, 2 Position control unit ready signal

2.2.2 Connection diagram for cable K2, K2'

I. 2.2

2.2.3 Connection diagram for cable КЗ

Power V elocity control unit

transformer 31 34 R T if t )
R -O O-
32 35 T l( l)
33 36 T l(2)
T -o o -

2.2.4 Connection diagram for cable K5

A1 and A2 may take different connections.

(1) For model 00M

T 1 (5)
T l ( 6)
A 1 ^
Ai P f i * Model
T l( 7 ) ? A 2 J s
2 00M
T l ( 8) I

^ Q I G 3 k
я - T 1

(2) For model ОМ, 5M

Velocity T 1(5) J[ A 1 ,
Ar O l f
control unit т 1 (6) T
— x Model
T 1(7) ? A 2 ) B 0MJ 5M
T 1(8; ?

I G D ^
л у y

(3) For model ЮМ, 20M, 30M, 30MH

Velocity T 1(5) ( A 1 v с
control Model
T l(6 ) ) f D
unit ( A 1 t ЮМ, 20M
T 1(7) 1 30M, 30MH
( A2 )( F
T 1(8) JI A2 J( G
L G iк P ... b
, .. \ \>

I. 2.2

2.2.5 Connection diagram for cable K8

Power supply V elocity control unit

(For connection
to transformers
51 and 52)
41 1 8A C N 2 (1 )

42 } CT ]f CN2(2)

43 ) 1 8B ][ CN 2 (3)

4 TOH 1 j CN2 (4)

• " - j: s
[т о н 2 TOH 2 ]Г CN2 (5) ) Note

T3(3) ( Thermostat contact )

T 3 (4)
Discharge unit

Note: Refer 3-1 for short bar setting “S20 ”.

2.2.6 Connection diagram for cable K7

Separate discharge
circuit velocity
control unit

VH T 2 (4)
T 2 (5)
LCE T2 (6) I Note 1
_ Ф ---------

T 3 ( l)
t T 3 (2) unit

*Notes 1: With the velocity control unit for Model 30MH, T2(5) and T2(6) on the discharge unit are not
2: Refer 3-1 fo r short bar setting “S26 ”.

I. 2.3

2.3 Connection of power supply transformer tap

More sure the input tap of the power supply transformer is set according to the input voltage when con­
necting the power supply cable to the DC servo unit.
If set incorrectly, the DC servo unit may cause trouble.

2.3.1 Primary side connection

Connections of the transformer terminals and power supply cables U, V, and W must follow the input
supply voltage specifications in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.
(1) For domestic model power supply transformers MA, MB and MC.

Table 2.1

Supply voltage Connection of primary-

side terminals
200V U-2, V-4, W-6
220V U-l, V-3, W-5

(2) For export model power supply transformers MAE, MBE, and MCE.

Table 2.2

Connection of primary-side terminals

Connection of power Strapping trans­

Supply voltage
supply cables U,V,W former terminals
(Common to 200V) U-3-7,V-l 1-15, W-l 9-23
(Common to 220V) U-2-6, V-10-14, W-18-22

380V U-3, V-11-,W-19 4-7,12-15,20-23,


(Common to 415 V/ U-3, V -ll, W-19 4-6,12-14,20-22,
440V 8-16-24

460V U-2, V-10, W-18 4-6,12-14,20-22

(Common to 480V) 8-16-24

550V U-l, V-9, W-17 4-5,12-13,20-21,


If more than one power supply transformer is used, both must be connected to the tap in the same way.
Also the connection of transformer overheat must be done in the same manner.

I. 2.3

2.3.2 Connections in the power supply transformer

Domestic models
Connections for power supply Connections for powersupply Terminal array of power supply
transformers MA, MB, and MC transfromers MA 31 to 36. transformers MA, MB, and MC
(Connection for 31-36 of MA is
as shown right.)
185V 32
031 33
185V °
1 8 s J -0 34 1 85V
о 32
032 35

2 O-
1 O- 2 00V £ 033
L f
50V °
o 35

3 О
2 20V i 18V n 36
-0 4 1
H __
50V °
о 36 42
4 O-

5 O-

E 0V
1 8V
-0 4 2
-0 4 3
-О 4 4
2 00V 0V
6 O- -О 45 47
1 8V © 4 т
-О 4 6 48
-О 4 7 49

E 0V
-О 4 8
-О 4 9 51

i с -О 5 1
TOH2 -052

Export models
Connections for power supply Connections for power supply Terminal array of power supply
transformers MAE, MBE, and transformers MAE 31 to 36. transformers MAE, MBE, and
MCE (Connection for 31-36 of MCE.
MAE is as Shown right).
1 5 33
275V 275V 185V 1 85 V 2 6 34
31 31
1 85V ° 3 7 35
T o 34 ■ -i 32
к 185V 185V л 4 8 36

32 33
Г 50V „ 9 13 41
35 34
185V 50V 10 14 42

i t:
33 35
_ 50V c 36 11 15 43
о 41 12 16 TT
OV 17 TiT
I О 42 21
18V 18 22 Тб”
О 43
18V 19 23 ~
О 44
I 18V
20 24 48
О 47

200 24 0 - OV ® J r 51
0 48
18V 52
О 49
/ T0H2

I. 2.3

(1) For power supply transformers MA and MAE (2) For power supply transformers MB, MC, MBE, and

31 To T1(A), (1), (2) o f To T1(A), (1), (2) o f 1st axis

185V velocity control unit
185V for models 0M and 5M
To T 1(A), (1), (2) o f To T1 (A), (1), (2) o f
35 velocity control unit
2nd axis 3rd axis
50V for model 00M
To CN2 (1), (2), (3)
0V To CN2 (1), (2), (3) o f 1st axis
42 o f 1st axis
Trans­ 18V
formers ^3
MA and 44
MAE 0V To CN2 (1), (2), (3) of
45 To CN2 (1), (2), (3) o f
2nd axis
18V 2nd axis
0V To CN2 (1), (2), (3) of To CN2 (1), (2), (3) o f
48 3rd axis 3rd axis

51 To CN2 (4), (5) o f To CN2 (4), (5) o f 1st axis

52 1st axis

Note: The model 00M motor uses a relatively low power supply transformer voltage. I f the higher voltage
used for the other models is applied to the velocity control unit for Model 00M, it will cause a fault.


2.3.3 Motors and transformers for each axis

1st axis 2nd axis 3rd axis Power supply Remarks

Model Model Model
00M, OM 00M, OM 00M, OM Transformer Model 00M uses trans­
MA(MAE) former output terminals
Model Model 34, 35, and 36.
00M, OM 5M Model ОМ, 5M uses
terminals 31, 32, and 33.
Model Model Model (1.5KVA)
00M 00M ОМ, 5M

Model Model Model

ОМ, 5M ОМ, 5M 5M
Model Model Transformer
ОМ, 5M 10M MB(MBE)
Model Model
ОМ, 5M 20M
(2.5 KVA)
Model Model Model
ОМ, 5M ОМ, 5M 10M
Model Model Transformer
ОМ, 5M, 20M, 30M MC(MCE)
Model Model Model (5KVA)
ОМ, 5M, ОМ, 5M, ЮМ, 20M
ЮМ, 20M, 10M,20M, 30M
30M 30M

2.4 Connection diagram of velocity control unit

2.4.1 In case model 00M (A06B-6047-H001)


M otoi Setting

I. 2.4
2.4.2 In case model ОМ ~ 30M (A06B-6047-H002 ~ 4)



'] 14 1 ICA
PRDYl 8 PRDY2 2 l,BA
2 YALM1 15 3 LEA
*A IM 2 l CD2 5 LEB
3 16
OVLl 10 OVL2
-Q ] 4 *A LM 4 17
5 18 10
12 OVL2 11 LBE
6 19 12 GE
TSA 13 TSB VRDY 2 13 (TD3
7 COM 20 MCC 14 DEC
15 ICE
Ш )

O B -0 0 0 9 - 0 3 2 0

To transformer

Eф _ ! !с l Wfy I
ПП L*0
'N F B 1 i
-6 k m -
1. 'RT 4
Ю 4 »
Diode |E1
L E C jC 2 IC2
module :*C 1 :R l

■ N F B f 4! (Нооз) I E l IE 1
4< гщ - 23 — (№ 0 4 )

r .. Г MCC
VL B B | В 2 ^BDjB I B2
I Surge О j.
i absorber DC 5M
4 ‘ D C 1 OM

IQ1 I D C 20M
[Z N R
I RM D C 3 0M

(R e )

L> tfM 3 « 0 0 4 ), JM2 . !TM4(H004j
w Ю 95 .9 6 5
IskH RM Rd)
,- @ _ E
Motor Setting
s r DCOM 6A
A 0 6 B —6 0 4 7 - H 0 0 2 DCOM 5M DC10M 12A
A 0 6 B -6 0 4 7-H 00 3 D C 1 0 M • 20M DC20M 18A
АО 6 B - 6 0 4 7 -HO 0 4 DC 3 0 M
DC30M 24A
2.4.3 In case model 1QM~30M with separate discharge circuit (A06B-6047-H040, H041)

Motor Setting
•! 6 H - 6 0 1 7-Щ М П - -iX ’lONJ, liUM
DC10M 12A
ii 6 В - 6 0 4 7 -1K>4 1- - -DC30M DC20M 18A

DC30M 24A

2.4.4 In case model 30MH (A06B-6047-H005)

I. 2.4
l X 14 1 18A l 1 KCA
PRDYl 8 PRDY2 2 CT 2 2 LBA
2 *ЛШ 1 15 3 18B 3 3 LEA
9 4 T0H1 4 CDl 4 LBB
3 16 5 TC№ 5 CD2 5
OVLl 6 6 IN TLl 6 JV C
] 4
*ЛШ 4 17
7 I№PL2 7 LBC
VRDY 1 ч VRDY2 8 BRK 2

5 18
Ю OVl.i 10 LED
12 OVL2 11 LBE
6 19 12 VRDYl 12 <ffi
TSA 13
7 20 14 &Г!П 14
15 15
a:2 0 B— (>009--032(’ _ m i i 1 1

Note) Remove the short bar when the discharge unit is provided.
I. 3


3.1 Setting and adjustment for velocity control PCB


TsO о _
S 20 Vcc
230 *PRDY
20 — -----------------------1 4


1 _ C.

7 -------------------------- 1

Note) Parts location on PCB may be changed without notice.

I. 3.1
SETTING OF JUMPER О : Position to be short circuited
00M ОМ, 5М 10М~30М(Н)
Jumper Pulse Pancake Pulse I Pancake Pulse Pancake
coder tacho coder tacho coder tacho
S 1 О О О О
2 о Tacho-gene setting
3 Compressor enable
4 Gain attenuator
5 О О о О о О
о High frequency gain
6 О О о о О
7 О о о о о о Ripple filter
8 О о и о о о High-gain С. К. T. enable
9 Capacitor for compensation
10 О о о о о о C.K.T
12 о о о о о о
DC gain
14 Capacitor for high-gain
01A* Current limiter set
15 02B* No connection
Chopping frequency
16 о о о о о о selector
Thermostat for transformer
20 See note 1 and discharge unit enable
21 BRK alarm enable
22 DCAL alarm enable
23 TGLS alarm enable
OVC alarm operating
24 О о о о о о time selector
25 о о о о TGLS alarm motor selector
26 See note 2 ^ __ --- ^ __ Discharge unit selector
Motor selector for
126 О о armature voltage feedback


Pos Item Remarks
Pot Check-Pin Shorting Setting and Check
Check at Check shall be made in
1 jumper accodkance with above table
CHI 5-3 CHI 5-3 CH16-3 CHI 7-3
Check of DC
2 CH16-3
power source CHI 7-3 22 ~ 27V 14.5~15.5V -14.5~-15.^

3 Gain RV1 5 Scales

CH6-3 CHI-3 ± 0.5V MAX Pancake

CH2-3 tacho
4 Offset RV2
5 Scales Pulse
00M 0.6+l.lXscale(A)
5 Overcurrent RV3 10 Scales 0M~2OM 2 + 3.8Xscale(A)
alarm ADJ.
30M(H) 4 + 7.5Xscale(A)
1) Normality 5 scales
Tacho-generator RV4 2) Use for fine adjusting
6 compensation of loop gain. Refer to
maintenance manual of NC
** 00M 564/(93-5Xscale)(A)
Current limiter
7 RV5 9 scale 0M~20M 1880/(93-5Xscale)(A)
30M(H) 3760/(93-5Xscale)(A)

1. If connection between CN2 (4) (5) and transformer or discharge unit existed,
you will disconnect S20.
2. If you used discharge unit, you will be open-circuit at S26.
3. Pot scale is as follows. 5 scales
Right figure shows 8 scales. A
4. ♦Mark is total edition of PCB r #
С1 10 scales
5. Current limiter function is applied for PCB edition 02B or later.

Check Check
terminal SYMBOL Contents terminal SYMBOL Contents
CHI 3/4 VCMD CH11 PWA PWM CKT output for driver A phase
2 TSA Tacho-generator signal 12 PWB '' В phase
3 OV 13 PWC " С phase
4 OV 14 PWD " D phase
5 15 +24V +24V
Compensation С. К. T.
6 16 +15V +15V
7 Triangle wave See Fig.2 17 -15 V -15V
00M 066V /A 18 VCMD Velocity command
8 Current 0M~20M 02 V/A 19 VFB1 Armature voltage feedback
30M(H) 0J.V/A 20 VFB2 signal
9 ER Imput o f PWM C.K.T. 23 ENBL Driver enable
10 Discharge Discharge monitor
See fig.3.
,1.2± 0.2V



S16 Short
0 .8±0.1 time width
msec Fig.3


Name Meaning

PRDY Position ready signal

Monitoring for breaking o f fuse resistors(R81, R82)

VccRDY L ighting: No-breaking
(Green LED) No lighting : Check item.
(1) Continuity check : R81, R82
(2) " PCB CN2 to transformer

BRK (Red LED) No fuse breaker cut off.

High voltage alarm

HVAL Power supply voltage is too high.
(Red LED) Discharge C.K.T.gose wrong.
Load inertia is too high.

High current alarm (Excessive current alarm)

HCAL Short C.K.T. between T1 (5) (6 ) and (7) (8)
(Red LED) Transistor module is damaged.
PCB o f PWM C.K.T.gose wrong.

OVC Overcurrent alarm (set RV3)

(Red LED) Motor load is too heavy.

Motor runaway alarm

TGLS Velocity feedback signal is lost.
(Red LED) Motor armature connection is off.

Discharge alarm
DCAL Acceleration and deceleration frequency is too high.
(Red LED) Regenerative energy from machine weight o f vertical axis is too large.
Transistor for regenerative discharge is damaged.

Power supply voltage drop alarm

LVAL(Red LED) Power supply voltage is too low
________ Faulty PCB___________________

I. 3.2

I. 3.3

3.3 Location of thermal relay in velocity control unit

For models 00M, ОМ, 5M, ЮМ, 20M, and 30M.

Motor Setting value

00M 4A
5M 9A
10M 12A
20M 18A
30M 24A

For model 30MH

36A setting

Thermal relay

1 .4


4.1 Protection and error detection functions

The M series servo unit has the following functions designed to protect the motor from overload and to
detect an error in the servo loop circuits.

No. Type Indication Content

1 Overload On the NC control unit This overload alarm occurs if the motor
current exceeds the current required
to actuate the thermal relay or if the power
transformer thermostat or the regenerative
discharge unit thermostat operates.
2 Velocity LED indicator TGLS If the motor speed exceeds the specified
feedback goes on. upper limit due to a break in the velocity
wire break feedback wire, the TGLS indicator goes on
and the motor is stopped by the dynamic
3 Overcurrent LED indicator OVC If the motor current exceeds the specified
goes on. upper limit for more than the fixed period
(about 600 msec), the OVC indicator goes
on and the motor is stopped by the dynamic
4 Circuit The ON button of the If an abnormal current exceeding the rated
breaker circuit breaker pops limit of the breaker is applied to the motor,
up and LED indicator the circuit breaker operates and the motor
BRK goes on. is stopped by the dynamic brake.
5 Overvoltage LED indicator HVAL If the AC input voltage applied to the servo
alarm goes on. transformer exceeds the allowable value,
the HVAL indicator goes on and the motor
is stopped by the dynamic brake.
6 Low-voltage LED indicator LVAL If the AC power source voltage drops abnor­
alarm goes on. mally, the LVAL indicator goes on and the
motor is stopped by the dynamic brake.
7 Circuit mal­ LED indicator HCAL If abnormal current is applied to the transi­
function goes on. stor bridge circuit, the HCAL indicator goes
on and the motor is stopped by the dynamic
LED indicator DCAL If the regenerative discharge circuit mal­
goes on. functions or if the acceleration/deceleration
rate is too high, the DCAL indicator goes on
and the motor is stopped with the dynamic

I. 4.2

4.2 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting and fault recovery are discussed in this section. The manual should be used to determine
the causes of problems.
1. Overload alarm
2. Servo ready signal is not output
3. TGLS alarm
4. ОVC alarm
5. BRK alarm
6. HVAL alarm
7. LVAL alarm
8. HCAL alarm
9. DCAM alarm
10. The motor does not rotate when a motion command is input.
11. Machine vibrates

1. Overload alarm

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

The thermal relay When the thermal relay is operating Change the set value or cut­
on the servo unit check the set value referring to sec­ ting conditions.
is operating. tion 3.3. If the value is not correct, Check the mechanical load
(See section 3.3 set the correct value using the value.
for the location setting dial. (The thermal relay can be
and check pro­ If the setting value is correct, reset by pressing the reset
cedure for the check the cutting conditions and button about ten minutes
thermal relay.) the friction torque by measuring after the relay was actuated.
the motor current value between See section 3.3 for the
terminals CH8 and CH3 on the location of the reset button.)
PCB, or between the power supply
wires during cutting operation.
The transformer Remove the wires connected to
thermostat is transformer terminals 51 and 52
operating. and measure the resistance across them.
(See section 2.3.2.)
The normal value is 10 ohms or Change the cutting condi­
less; if the circuit is open (more than tions.
100Ш ), the thermostat is operating.
If the thermostat is operating and Replace the transformer.
the surface temperature of the
transformer is 80 to 90PC, check
the motor current during cutting.
If the surface temperature is 60°
or less, the transformer is defective.

I. 4.2

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

3 The thermostat on Remove the wires connected to
the regenerative terminals T3 (3) and (4) on the
discharge circuits regenerative discharge circuits and
is operating. measure the resistance between
the terminals (see item 2.2.5).
The normal value is 10 ohms or
less; if the circuit is open (more than
100Ш ), the thermostat is operating.
If the thermostat is operating The acceleration/decelera-
and the temperature of the metal tion rate should be once
plate on the regenerative dis­ per second or less.
charge unit is from 80 to 90°C,
check the rate of acceleration/de­
If the temperature is 50 to 60°C Replace the regenerative
or less, the regenerative discharge discharge unit.
unit is defective.

2. The servo ready signal is not output

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 The 100V AC Check whether the power is present Check the circuits related to
power is not at terminals (3) and (4) of terminal emergency stop.
being applied to board T1 in the velocity control
the velocity unit.
control unit. (See the Appendix, “Outer Dimen­
sions” , for the location of the
terminal board.)
2 The velocity Check whether the red LED alarm See the following pages for
control unit is indicators on the PCB are appropriate alarm counter­
in alarm status. on or not. measures.
3 The power Measure the voltage between check Servo transformer tap
supply voltage terminals CHI5, CHI6, CHI7, and change.
(+24V and ±15V) CH3 referring to section 3.1, “PCB
used on PCB is Mounting Diagram.”
abnormal. (See section 3.1 for the voltage
Check the connection between the Connection between servo
servo transformer terminal and transformer and CN2 on
CN2 on PCB. PCB.
(See item 2.3.2.) Replace PCB.

I. 4.2

3. TGLS alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 The motor power If the TGLS alarm indicator goes on Check the power cable con­
cable is not con­ when a motion command is not input, nection.
nected to termi­ the alarm cause described at the left
nals (5), (6), (7) should be checked.
or (8) of terminal
board T1 in the
velocity control
unit, or the power
cable is broken.
2 PCB setting Check the setting according to Adjust the setting.
is improper. section 3.1.
3 Velocity feed­ Measure the velocity feedback Repair the cable carrying
back voltage is voltage between check terminals' the velocity feedback voltage.
not being applied CH2 (TSA) and CH3 (GND) with Repair the defective source
or is intermittent. an oscilloscope. Confirm whether (i.e., motor or control) of the
the voltage is being interrupted. velocity feedback voltage.

4. OVC alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 PCB is defective. The OVC alarm indicator goes on Replace the PCB.
if the power is turned on when the
motor power cable is disconnected *
(In this case, since the drive axis
may fall down, it should be
The S23 terminal should be shorted
so that the TGLS alarm indicator
will not go on. After confirmation,
the S23 connection should be
2 PCB setting Check the setting of variable registor Change the RV3 setting.
is improper. RV3 which is used to set the upper
limit of the motor current (see
section 3.1).
(Generally, RV3 is set to 10, but
the adjustment may differ with
the machine tool.)
3 Mechanical load Observe the waveform between Alleviate the mechanical
is abnormal. check terminals CH8 and CH3 overload.
with an oscilloscope. Check
whether the current which is
determined by RV3 flows for
more than 600 msec or not.

I. 4.2

5. BRK alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check Procedure Countermeasures
The circuit breaker The breaker is open when it is as Turn off power and reset the
operated. shown below. breaker.
See section 5.4 for the location of the It cannot be reset immedi­
breaker. ately, wait about ten minutes
This button pops up and try again.)
when the breaker
To reset the breaker,
press the button
after turning off the

Diode module The breaker operates again when Replace diode module DS or
DS or some power is restored after the the whole velocity control
other part of the countermeasures of item 1. unit.
velocity control
unit is defective.
Mechanical load Observe the motor load current Alleviate the mechanical
is excessive. between terminals CH8 and CH3 overload.
on the PCB with an oscilloscope.
Check whether it exceeds the
rated current.
The PCB or the The BRK alarm occurs when the Replace the PC board or the
connection between circuit breaker is not operating. velocity control unit.
the PCB and the
velocity control
unit is defective.

6. HVAL alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check Procedure Countermeasures
1 The AC input Check the tap connection on the Change the tap connection.
power source servo power transformer.
voltage is too high.
2 The servo motor Check the insulation resistance Clean the brushes and com­
is defective. between the armature and the mutator.
motor body.
3 PCB is defective. The HVAL alarm indicator is Replace the PCB.
on although no trouble is
found in items 1 and 2 above.

I. 4.2

7. LVAL alarm

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

1 The AC input power Check whether the wires for the AC Change the tap connection.
source voltage is too input power source are connected
low. to the correct taps on the servo
2 The connection Check the PCB control voltage Change the connection.
between the servo (+24V and ±15V).
transformer and (See Section 3.1.) Check the connec­
CN2 on PCB is tion between the servo transfomer
defective. terminals 41 through 43,44
through 46, and 47 through 49 and
the CN2 on PCB.
(See Section 2.3.2.)
3 The PCB is defective. The LVAL alarm indicator is on Replace the PC board.
although no trouble is found,
in items 1 and 2 above.

8. HCAL alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 Improper motor The HCAL alarm indicator does Fix the motor power cable
power cable not go on when the power is connection.
connection. turned on with the motor power
cable is disconnected.
(In this case, since the gravity axis
may fall down, it should be sup­
ported. The S23 terminal on the
PCB should be shorted so that
the TGLS alarm indicator will
not go on.
The S23 connection should be
opened after confirmation.)
2 The transistor The HCAL alarm indicator goes on Replace the transistor
module is when the motor power cable is module.
defective. disconnected. о
Turn off power and measure the Cl
resistance between the following B1
terminals using a multi meter. E l, C2
If the measured value is 10 ohms B2
or less, the transistor module is E2
defective. 0

Confirm between
C l-E l, C2.
E l, C2-E2.

9. DCAL alarm

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

1 Transistor Q1 or the The DCAL alarm indicator goes on Replace transistor Q l.
PCB is defective, immediately after turning on power. Replace PCB.
2 PCB setting is Terminal S26 is shorted although Open terminal S26.
improper. the separate regenerative discharge
unit is used with the gravity axis.
3 Machine tool The waveform shown in Section Adjust the counterbalance.
counterbalance 3.1 Fig. 3 is measured at stated
is improper. periods on check terminal CH10
while the counterbalanced
axis is moving down at rapid
travers speed.
4 The acceleration/ Check whether the positioning Use a dwell period and
deceleration rate rate at rapid traverse speed decrease the accele­
is too high. exceeds 1 to 2 times per second. ration/deceleration rate.
Check that this alarm indicator
does not go on when the rate is

10. The motor does not rotate when a motion command is input.
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 The power cable The TGLS alarm indicator goes Check the power cable
is not connected. on and the motor does not work. connection.
2 The enable signals Check that +24V is applied Turn on the enable signals
(ENBL1 and between terminals CH23 (ENBL) (ENBL 1,2)
ENBL2) are not and CH3 (GND) on the PCB. enable signals (ENBL 1,2)
input to the PCB.

3 The PCB or its Check the PCB control Replace the PCB or fix the
connection is voltage (+24V and +15V). connection.
defective. (See Section 3.1 for the
voltage values.)
4 The velocity Measure the voltage between Apply the velocity
command voltage check terminals CHI8 (VCMD) command voltage (VCMD).
(VCMD) is not and CH3 (GND) using an oscillo­
being applied. scope.

I. 4.2

11. Machine vibrates

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

1 PCB setting is Check whether the VCMD voltage Change the setting of set pins
improper or a set corresponds to the TSA voltage S I, S2, S3, and S4.
pin contact is correctly while an axis is moving Check the set pin contact.
defective. at constant speed.
VCMD voltage
(Check the voltage between check
terminals CHI 8 (VCMD) and CH3
(GND) with an oscilloscope.)
IV /2000 rpm (00M, ОМ, 5M)
7V/1000 rpm (10M, 20M, 30M, 30MH)
TSA voltage
(Check the voltage between check
terminals CH2 (TSA) and CH3
(GND) with an oscilloscope.)
3V/1000 rpm (pulse coder
6V/1000 rpm (tachogenerator
2 The position loop Check the related parameter.
gain is not set
3 The machine tool, or The vibration still remains after Repair any defective part
detector is de­ terminals CH5 and CH6 on the which synchronizes with the
fective. PCB are jumpered. vibration cycles.
4 The servo ampli­ The vibration decreases when Please contact the FANUC
fier and the terminals CH5 and CH6 on the service center.
machine tool are PCB are jumpered. Change the PCB setting.



1.1 Parts specifications on velocity unit

Parts specifications in the velocity control unit are as follows.

1.1.1 MODEL 00M velocity control unit


Symbol Name Specification

PWB Printed Circuit Board A20B-0009-0320
MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001-0158
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001-0148/5
NFB1, 2 Circuit breaker A60L-0001-0143/15A
RM Resistor Module A40L-0001-0103/B
Q1 ~ Q 4 Transistor A50L-0001-0092
DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0134
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0095/102
ZNR Surge absorber A50L-2001-0139

1.1.2 MODEL 0Mr 5M velocity control unit


Symbol Name Specification

PWB Printed Circuit board A20B-0009-0320
MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001 -0151 / 15N
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001-0148/6
NFB1, 2 Circuit Breaker A60L-0001-0143/15A

RM Resistor Module A40L-0001-0103/A

DCR Discharging Resistor A40L-0001-0114/ A
TM1, 2 Transistor Module A50L-0001-0091
Q1 Discharging Transistor A50L-0001-0092
DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0134
D Diode A50L-2001-0135
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001 -0095/121
C2 Capacitor A42L-0001-0095/102
ZNR Surge Absorber A50L-2001-0139


1.1.3 MODEL 10M, 20M velocity control unit


Symbol Name Specification

PWB Printed Circuit Board A20B-0009-0320
MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001-0151/15N
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001-0148/12
NFB1, 2 Circuit Braker A60L-0001-0143/15A
RM Resistor Module A40L-0001-0115/A
DCR Discharging Resistor A40L-0001-0114/A
TM1, 2 Transistor Module A50L-0001-0091
Q1 Discharging Transistor A50L-0001-0092
DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0134
D Diode A50L-2001-0135
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0095/121
C2,C3 Capacitor A42L-0001-0095/102
ZNR Surge Absorber A50L-2001-0139

1.1.4 MODEL 30M velocity control unit


Symbol Name Specification

PWB Printed Circuit Board A20B-0009-0320
MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001-0151/15N
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001-0148/18
NFB1, 2 Circuit Braker A60L-0001-0143 /15A
RM Resistor Module A40L-0001-0115/B
DCR Discharging Registor A40L-0001-0114/A
TM1 - 4 Transistor Module A50L-0001-0091

Q1 Discharging Transistor A50L-0001-0092

DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0134
D Diode A50L-2001-0135
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0095/121
C2, 3 Capacitor A42L-0001-0095/102
ZNR Surge Absorber A50L-2001-0139


1.1.5 MODE L 30MH velocity control unit


Symbol Name Specification

PWB Printed Circuit Board A20B-0009-0320

MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001 -0151 /20N
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001-0135/36
N FB 1,2 Circuit Braker A60L-0001-0143/20A
CDR Resistor A40L-0001-0110
HCR Resistor A40L-0001-0111
DBR Resistor A40L-0001-0112
DCR Discharging Resistor A40L-0001-0113
TM1~ 4 Transistor Module A50L-0001-0091

Ql Discharging Transistor A50L-0001-0097

DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0138

D Diode A50L-2001-0135
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0061/2G331E

C 2 ,3 Capacitor А42ЫЮ01-0095/152
ZNR Surge Absorber A50L-2001-0139


1.2 Magnetic contactor terminals arrangement

(a) For Model 00M

---- © '

11 12
13 14 15
11 12 13 14 15

D r - K - H

21 22 23 24 25 C2
21 22 23 24 25
© © © ©


(b) For Model ОМ, 5M, 10M, 20M, and 30M


a ©
© © © 11 A1 13
© 11 A1 13 © Cl B1 о О Q вз
B1 B3
© l l l h

□ B4



© ©©
21 A2 23 C2 B2 О О B4
© 21 A2 23
© ту
(c) For Model 30MH

_ И A1 13
Cl B1 Q Q Q B3

l l l h
C2 II!
21 A2 23


1.3 Thermal relay terminals arrangement

(a) For Models 00M, ОМ, 5M, ЮМ, 20M, 30M

0 OM

2 4

H -f\
98 96 95
For ОМ, 5M, ЮМ, 20M, ЗОМ

Ы -f^ ] 98 96 95

(b) For Models 30MH

Operation indicator

2 4 6 U 96 95


1.4 External view of velocity control unit

(1) Velocity control unit

(a) MODEL 00M (A06B-6047-H001)

(b) MODEL ОМ, 5M (A06B-6047-H002)


о 0

— | Transistor
module □ T
d г
I----------- T 7 r-.
II II II Connector

Diode ^TMl TM
Diode module

II II Transistor

Resistor module Radiator

Г Spacer


Name plate

M, Current settin g.
dial |
/ Thermal relay

/ ^Reset button
Terminal block

vName plate
(c) MODEL ЮМ, 20М (А06В-6047-Н003)



I Transit or
о о

module □ Gf ни
J— L ■LHU Connector


| Diode module \
KJ I *l
/*ч /
Resistor module ! Magnetic - 4 . О ¥:
| contactor

4 50

eC :

vName plate
(d) MODEL 30M (A06B-6047-H004)

2 05

(e) Regenerative unit

ЮМ, 20M, 30M velocity control unit

Terminal block to connect

regenerative unit

Note: Other components are same as (c), (d).

(f) MODEL 30MH (A06B-6047-H005)
Resistor Resistor


(g) Regenerative discharge unit (A06B-6047-H050)





1.5 DC servo motor maintenance

1.5.1 Outline

Proper maintenance inspection, such as check of the brush, is necessary to insure continued satisfactory
operation of the DC servo motor used for driving the NC machine tool.
It is recommended that the concrete maintenance plan be made, referring to this manual, on the basis of
the operating environment and operating condition in order to perform the proper maintenance inspection.

1.5.2 Reception and storage

Immediately upon receipt of the DC servo motor, check the following items,
о Whether the DC servo motor is exactly the specified one (check the type, detector type),
о Whether there is any mechanical damage sustained in transit or not.
о Whether the rotating part can be normally turned by hand,
о In the case of the DC servo motor with brake, whether the brake is normal,
о Whether there is any loosened screw or play.
Every DC servo motor undergoes strict inspection before shipment, therefore any special receipt inspection
may not be required as a rule. If the receipt inspection is particularly needed, however, it is advisable to refer to
the specifications regarding the wiring of DC servo motor and detector, current, and voltage so as to make the
inspection without any mistake. Don’t leave the received DC servo motor outdoors, but preserve it indoors as
soon as possible. Avoid storing it in the place with an extremely high or low humidity, a radical change of
temperature, and dust.
If the DC servo motor is to be stored for more than one year, the brush should be removed from the DC
motor. Because if the brush is left contacting the same place of the commutator for a long time, rusting and
corrosion can take place from that place, which may cause poor commutation and noise.

1.5.3 Mounting

Note the following points when mounting the DC servo motor.

(1) The place where the DC servo motor is mounted should be so structured that check and replacement of the
brush can easily be made. As the brush must be checked periodically, the structure which facilitates the
check work is inevitably required.
(2) In the case of the DC servo motor with a heat pipe (with a fan motor), design the structure of the mounting
place so as to easily check and clean the cooler.
(3) The water-proof structure of the DC servo motor is not so strict. If cutting oil, lubricating oil, etc.
penetrate into the inside of the DC servo motor, these may cause poor insulation, short-circuit of the coil,
defective commutator surface due to poor commutation, or abnormal wear of the brush. Therefore, due
care should be taken so that the motor body will be kept away from such liquids as cutting oil and so on.
(4) When mounting the DC servo motor on the gear box where liquid lubrication is performed, use the DC servo
motor with oil seal on the output shaft. If the lip of the oil seal is always exposed to oil, there is a possibi­
lity that the oil may penetrate little by little into the inside of the motor in the course of a long time.
Therefore the height of the oil level must be lower than the oil seal lip. When the DC servo motor is
mounted with the output shaft upward, mount another oil seal than the one on the motor shaft so as to
make the structure where the oil which passed through the first oil seal can directly flow outside.
The oil seals used for the respective DC servo motors are listed in the following.


о The DC servo motors equipped with the oil seal as the standard parts.

DC motor model Oil seal specification

00M AC0382A0 (SC type)
ОМ, 5M AB1O17F0 (SB type)

o The DC servo motors having no oil seal as the standard parts. If the oil seal is necessary, the oil seal
flange should be specially specified, or the oil seal should be furnished at the machine side.

DC motor model Oil seal specification

ЮМ, 20M, 30M,
30MH AC2057A0 (SC type)

The oil seals used for the DC servo motors are the products of JAPAN OIL SEAL INDUSTRY Co., Ltd.
(5) The DC servo motor is coupled with the load through the direct coupling, gears, timing belt or such. In any
case the force exerted on the motor shaft must not exceed the values shown in the following table, therefore
due care should be taken for the operating condition, mounting method, and mounting accuracy.

Permissible radial Permissible axial

DC motor model load load
00M 25 kg 8 kg
ОМ, 5M 75 kg 20 kg
ЮМ, 20M, 30M, 450 kg 135 kg

о The values of permissible radial loads are the ones when the load is imposed on the end of the shaft.
The values in this table indicate the maximum permissible loads which are the sum of the constant force
always exerted on the shaft owing to the mounting method (e.g., the force given by the tension of the belt
when the belt coupling is used) and the force generated by the load torque (e.g., the force transmitted from
the gear face).
(6) Make the wiring between the DC servo motor and the control circuit without any mistake, just as specified
in the specifications. (See the connection diagram of the machine.) A mistake made in the wiring may
cause runaway or abnormal oscillation and may give damage to the motor or the machine. When the DC
servo motor is run by the open loop, the relations between the signals at the respective terminals and the
rotating direction are as follows.
i) Motor power line terminals (A1 and A2).
When the positive voltage is applied to terminal A1, the DC servo motor turns clockwise when viewed
from the output shaft.
ii) Tachogenerator terminals (G1 and G2)
When the motor rotates clockwise when viewed from the shaft, the positive voltage generates on the
G1 side.
iii) Resolver terminals ( S I, S3 ; S2, S4 ; R1, R3)
When the excitation is made by applying Cosin across terminals SI and S3 and by applying Sin across
terminals S2 and S4, thus the motor is turned clockwise, the phase of output of R1 and R3 changes
to negative.


iv) Pulse coder terminals (А, А; В, B; Z, Z)

When the DC motor turns clockwise when viewed from the shaft, the rectangle wave whose phase
leads 90° from that of the rectangle wave on terminal В is outputted from A. The signals at terminals
A and В have phases respectively inverse to those of A and B.
When the wiring is completed, measure the insulation between the power line and the motor frame before
turning on the power. The measurement should be make with a 500V megger on a multi-tester. Further,
check the insulation between the signal lines and the motor frame with a multi-tester. Be sure not to use
a megger especially for measuring the insulation of the signal lines for the pulse coder.

1.5.4 Maintenance and cleaning

(1) Check and cleaning of motor brush

Check and clean the motor brush in the way explained in the following. If the motor brush is abnormally
worn because of forgetting the check, the motor can be damaged as the result, therefore, be sure to check the
motor brush.
(i) Periodic check should be made at the intervals listed in the following as the standard.
о In the case of a general machine tool (lathe, milling machine, machining center, or such) Every one year,
о In the case of a machine tool with a high frequency of acceleration/deceleration (turret punch press or
such) Every two months.
However, it is recommended that the check interval be determined judging the actual wear situation of the
motor brush.
(ii) Confirm that the power supply to the DC servo motor (machine) is OFF. Immediately after the DC servo
motor has been operated, the brush may be hot. In such a case, make the check after the brush is complete­
ly cooled.
(iii) Remove the brush cap, as shown in Fig. 5 (a), using a screwdriver which fits to the slot.
(iv) After taking out the brush completely, measure (visually) the length of the brush (see Fig. 5 (b)). If the
length of the remaining brush is shorter than 10mm (5mm in the case of Model 00M), the brush cannot be
used any more. Taking this fact into consideration, make a judgement as to whether the brush can be used
until the next check time, and if necessary, replace the brush with a new one.
(v) Check the brush very carefully. If any deep groove or scar is found on the contact surface of the brush
or if any mark of arcing is perceived on the brush spring, replace the brush with a new one. In this case,
check the brush occasionally for about a month after the replacement, and if the same situation happens
during this period, contact our nearest service station.
(vi) Blow off the brush dust in every brush holder with compressed air (factory air), and the brush dust will
come out through another brush holder. Before using the compressed air, confirm that the air does not
contain iron dust or a large amount of moisture.
(vii) After the check, put back the brush and tighten the brush cap fully. In this case, be careful that sometimes
the brush spring is caught in between the conducting metal and brush holder and the brush cap cannot go as
far as the depth.
Confirm that all the brush caps are tighten into the respective brush holders to almost the same level. When
putting the brush into the brush holder, sometimes the brush cannot smoothly slide due to the brush dust
which adhered to the inside surface of the brush holder. In such a case, clean the inside surface of the
brush holder with the tip of a screwdriver. (Take care not to scratch the commutator surface.)


(viii) When replacing the brush, use just the same brush (in the quality, shape, etc.) as the existing one. After
replacement of the brush, run the DC servo motor without load for a while to fit the brush surface to the
commutator surface.

Brush holder

Fig. 5(a) Structure of Brush Holder

DC motor model Length of Length of

usable brush
00M 10 mm 5 mm
ОМ, 5M 19 mm 10 mm
Fig. 5 (b)
ЮМ, 20M, 30M,
30MH 19 mm 10 mm

(2) Cleaning of heat-pipe cooling section (In the Case of MODEL 30MH)
A large amount of dust accumulated on the net and fin of the heat-pipe cooling section lowers the capabili­
ty of the heat pipe, and causes troubles due to the generated heat.
(i) When dust is accumulated on the net, which disturbs the ventilation, remove the net and clean it.
(ii) When a large amount of dust is accumulated on the fin (made up of many aluminum discs), clean the fin by
blowing compressed air (factory air) to it. If the dust cannot be removed in this way, remove it with a thin
rod or something like that.
(iii) Since the dirtiness at the cooling section is largely dependent on the environment conditions, the frequency
of periodic cleaning should be properly determined according to the operating environment.
(Periodic check at every six months is the standard.)

(3) Check of tachogenerator

The tachogenerator currently used for the DC servo motors is pancake type. It can be cleaned
without disassembling it by blowing compressed air from outside. Check the tachogenerator if any such troubles
as described in the following is found.


Troubles caused by tachogenerator

If a failure occurs in the tachogenerator the trouble described below occurs.
Movement of machine wobbles at rapid traverse.
In most cases the vibration period is one or four times per one turn of the motor.
Generally these troubles appear when the motor is running at high speed.
In most cases these troubles are caused by the defective at the brush contact of the tachogenerator.
The characteristic of the tachogenerator which has been used for a long time will sometimes be degraded by
the influence of the brush dust. The actual aspects of this kind of troubles are as follows.

(i) Adjacent commutator segments are short-circuited one another by the brush dust.

(ii) The brush cannot slide smoothly in the brush holder due to the brush dust, thereby the contact
between the brush and commutator is unstable.
(iii) The contact resistance is increased due to a carbon film which thickly adheres to the commutator
surface, as a result the ripple in the output increases.
(iv) The contact resistance is increased due to oil, such as cutting oil, which adheres on thecommutator
surface, as a result the ripple in the output increases.
The above-mentioned four examples are the typical defectives, and the troubles caused by these
defectives can be removed by cleaning the tachogenerator. However, in the case of the defective described
in 4) if a large amount of oil penetrates into the tachogenerator, the oil cannot be perfectly removed with­
out disassembling and cleaning the tachogenerator. In such a case, therefore, clean the tachogenerator
temporarily and replace it with a new one without leaving a long period.


Cleaning of the tachogenerator

The tachogenerator is mounted on the DC servo motor with multipole resolver as illustrated in Figure 5.C.

Spring-loaded washer

The figure without multipolar resolver is basically equal to that using a multipolar resolver except that a spacer
mechanism (instead of the multipolar resolver) is included in the tachogenerator.
Remove the back cover from the DC servo motor when the tachogenerator is cleaned. Be carefulnot to
load the lead wires with the back cover when the back cover is removed from the DC servo motor.
(i) Blow dry air to the connutator surface. Most of the defectives caused by the brush dust can be remedied
by this.
If the trouble cannot be remedied by this work, perform further the following cleaning.
(ii) Remove the brush holder after removing two small pan-head screws, check whether the movement of the
brush is smooth. If the brush can not slide smoothy, remove the brush dust adhering to the brushguide
section, and burr, etc. with a thin screwdriver or something like that.


(iii) Take out the rotor, and carefully remove the dust in the segment grooves. Then check the resistance
between every one of the adjacent segments.
When the measured resistance is 20 to 30 ohm over the whole circumference, it is normal. If any measured
resistance is extremely high (e.g., several hundred ohms), the winding is open somewhere between the
In such a case, replace the tachogenerator with a new one. If any measured resistance is lower than 20 ohm ,
there is a short circuit between the segments, therefore clean further the segment grooves. The cleaning
should be made with a piece of rather thick paper (Don’t use any metal piece).
(iv) When the commutator surface is covered with a thick carbon film, wipe it off using a piece of cloth wet
with alcohol.
(v) If the commutator surface is rough, the tachogenerator cannot be used any more, therefore replace it with a
new one.
(vi) Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly.
At assembling the brush holder if it is mounted as it is, the brush will be hit by the side of the commutator
and will be broken. Push in the brush to the depth with the point of an automatic pencil or something like
that, thus the spring pushes the side of the brush, and the brush stays at the depth. Then mount the brush
holder in this state. By pushing the brush at its back, the brush comes out again to contact the commutator.
Precisely align the matchmark between the brush holder and the magnet before tightening the mounting
screws of the brush holder. Set the brush holder at the position where the length of the protrusions of the
four brushes from the brush holder look almost even (concentrically).
If the alignment is not precise, the ripple may increase.
The matchmark is already made to indicates the optimum positions of magnet, and brush holder so as to
minimize the ripple. Therefore, avoid replacing only one of the parts with a new one. However, replacement
of the brushes is feasible.
If one of the parts should be replaced from some unavoidable reason, remove the DC servo motor from the
machine and make it free running, then set the parts to the optimum position so as to minimize the ripple
from the tachogenerator, observing the ripple with a synchroscope.


(4) Replacing method for pulse coder

(i) Replacing process

(a) Remove M4 + screw.
(b) Remove the lead wires from the cannon connector by soldering.
(c) Remove the pulse coder.
(d) Mount the new pulse coder and tighten M4 screw.

Round head screw (M4)



Signal Color Cannon connector

A Black A

*A Black / White D

В Blue В

*B Blue / White E

z Green F

*z Green White G

ov Gray and Gray / White HP,T

5V Red and Red / White C,J,K

(5) Cautions
(i) Motor with pulse coder
Since a glass disc is employed in the pulse coder, don’t give an extreme impact to the motor by hammering.

(6) Spare parts

The user should have at least one set of DC motor brushes on hand.

DC motor model Number of spare Brush

brushes per set specification
00M 2 A290-0632-V001
ОМ, 5M 4 A290-0641-V001
ЮМ, 20M, 30M, 4 A290-0651-V001


1.6 DC Servo Motor Using Multipole Resolver

FANUC M series DC servo motors use a multipole resolver. The characteristics of the multipole resolver
is different from the two poles resolver used for FANUC high-inertia series DC servo motors. And setting
alteration is required.


Refer to table (a)-(b) for CMR, DMR, capacity of reference counter and loop gain multiplier.
о Printed Circuit Boards A20B-0008-0460
A20B-0008-0470 (for the 4th axis)
These printed circuit boards are used for control of the resolver and inductosyn.
о Locations......................... VR1 X,Y,Z (Potentiometer)
VR1H (for the 4th axis)

Two poles resolver

Multipolar resolver
(Produced by Tamagawa Seiki)
0% 60%

If alarm 414,424,434,444 are occurred, check the next items.

о Checking procedures
(D Set the following parameters and turn the power off and on:
Parameter Bit Specification
013 Bit 4 PHS=1
082-085 GRDSa=0 a = X , Y , Z , 4 t h
115-118 BKLa=0
316 Bit 7 CDSCG=1
(2) Perform Reterence point return
If Return is not available, the machine tool must be Reference point,
moved so that the pulse width of TP1 l a can be zero (or less than 0.5/xs).
(3) Move the axis by 100/4000 of the machine tool motion amount per 1 cycle of the resolver.
Detection Multiplier = 1 ... 100 detecting unit
(3) Set a value of zero to bit 7 (CDSCG) of parameter 316 and turn the power off.
(5) Short TP9 and GND.
(6) Turn on the power.
The following alarm messages are issued to the operator:
о Alarm number 414
о Alarm number 424
о Alarm number 434
о Alarm number 444
(7) Check the waveform of the check terminal TP 5a and adjust the frequency of the signal by
using variable resistors VX1, VY1 and VZ1:
Frequency range ... 140KHz through 320KHz
Standard frequency ... 250KHz
(§) Release TP9 from GND, set a value of zero to bit 4 (PHS) of parameter 013 and turn the power
off and on.
Then write down the value of parameter 128 ^ 131.

If difference between two exceeds “50” after power turning on/off, perform procedure (5 ) 'V/ (8 )
(9) Initialize all the parameters related to this adjustment.
Refer to table (e) for CMR, DMR, capacity of reference counter, loop gain multiplier,
о Printed Circuit Board 01 'v 08P07
[A20B-0008-0911,0912, A20B-0009-0100]
о Locations Setting pin P1L/P1M
VR1L/VR1M (Potentiometer)

Two pole resolver Multipole resolver

Setting pin
P1L/PIM open open

Volume 0% 60%

If alarm 546 ^ 560 are occurred after above setting, adjust next items.
Adjusting procedure
(T) Set the following parameters and turn the power off and on.
о Set backlash compensate amount at ‘0’ (Parameter 3681 ^ 3695)
о No performing the pitch error compensation. (Set parameter 3821 'X/ 3835 at ‘0’)
о Set grid shift amount at ‘O’ (Parameter 4021 'v 4035)
о No checking the frequency of feedback in DSCG ststem (Set 8th bit of parameter 0040 at ‘0’)
(2) Perform reference point return
If this function is not available, the machine tool must be moved so that the pulse width of CHIL/CHIM
can be less than 0.5/xs.
(3) Move the axis by 100/4000 of the machine tool motion amount per 1 cycle of the resolver.
(4) Turn the power off and short setting pin P2L/P2M.
(5) Turn the power on with emergency condition.
(6) Check the waveform of the check terminal CH10L/CH10M and adjust the frequency of signal by using
variable resistor VRIL/VRIM.


3.l£ts ^ 7 . 2 ^
(Standard 4jJs)

(7) Perform the phase shift amount setting automatically.

(Set parameter 1090,1091 at ‘0’). And then write down the value of parameter 4081 'v 4095.
(§) Turn the power off and open setting pin P2L/P2M.
( 9) Turn the power on and check the value of parameter 4081 ^ 4095. If difference between two exceeds
“50” , perform procedure (4) 'v (9)again.
@ Initialize all the parameters related to this adjustment.
(a) FANUC System 6T (for radius designation)
FANUC System 6M

Loop gain multiplier

Motion amount Detection Reference
Revolver CMR DMR 7V/2000 rpm 7V/1000 rpm
per DC motor unit counter

10 mm 5X 1 1/2 1/im 2000 717 1434

8 mm 4X 1 1/2 1/im 2000 896 1792

6 mm 3X 1 1/2 1/xm 2000 1195 2389

5 mm 5X 2 1/2 0.5/xm 2000 717 1434

4 mm 4X 2 1/2 0.5/im 2000 896 1792

3 mm 3X 2 1/2 0.5/лп 2000 1195 2389

0.5 inch 5X 2 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 717 1434

0.4 inch 4X 2 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 896 1792

0.3 inch 3X 2 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 1195 2389

0.2 inch 5X 5 1/2 0.00002 inch 2000 717 1434

(b) FANUC System 6T (for diameter designation)

Loop gain multiplier

Motion amount Resolver Detection Reference
per DC motor CMR DMR unit counter 7V/2000 rpm 7V/1000 rpm

10 mm 5X 1 1 0 .5дт 4000 358 717

8 mm 4X 1 1 O.Sfxm 4000 448 896

6 mm 3X 1 1 0.5/xm 4000 597 1195

5 mm 5X 1 1/2 0.5jum 2000 717 1434

4 mm 4X 1 1/2 0.5jumn 2000 896 1792

3 mm 3X 1 1/2 0 .5 д т 2000 1195 2389


0.5 inch 5X 1 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 717 1434

0.4 inch 4X 1 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 896 1792

0.3 inch 3X 1 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 1195 2389

0.25 inch 5X 2 1/2 0.000025 inch 2000 717 1434

0.2 inch 4X 2 1/2 0.000025 inch 2000 896 1792

0.15 inch 3X 2 1/2 0.000025 inch 2000 1195 2389


Motion amount Minimum Loop gain multiplier

Resolver Detection Reference
per DC motor moving CMR DMR
type unit counter 7 V/2000 rpm 7V/1000 rpm
revolution unit

10 mm 5X 0.5/im 1 1 0.5/im 4000 358 717

8 mm 4X 0.5/im 1 1 0.5/im 4000 448 896

6 mm 3X 0.5/im 1 1 0.5/xm 4000 597 1195

5 mm 5X 0.5/xm 1 1/2 0.5/im 2000 717 1434

4 mm 4X 0.5/iin 1 1/2 0.5/im 2000 896 1792

3 mm 3X 0.5 jitm 1 1/2 0.5/im 2000 1195 2389

0.5 inch 5X 0.00005 inch 1 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 717 1434

0.4 inch 4X 0.00005 inch 1 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 896 1792

0.3 inch 3X 0.00005 inch 1 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 1195 1389

0.2 inch 4X 0.00005 inch 1/2 0.00005 inch 2000 896 1792

This chapter covers maintenance procedures for the M series 2 axes type servo unit which drives the FANUC
M series DC servo motor (Models 00M, ОМ, 5M). Refer to table 1.1 about the combination of employed motor.

II. 1


The M series servo unit (2 axes type) consists of the velocity control unit and the power transformer. Four
types of velocity control units are available according to the M series servo motor models employed, and one veloci­
ty control unit applies to two servo motors.
One power transformer is prepared. This transformer can be used in Japan as well as in overseas countries.
Fig. 1 shows the configuration of an NC system of 2 controlled axes.
M series
servo motor

Types of Units and Their Specifications

Table 1 (a)

Name Applicable motor Specifications Remarks

L axis M axis
00M 00M A06B-6047-H201
00M OM A06B-6047-H202
Velocity control unit
OM OM A06B-6047-H203
OM 5M A06B-4047-H206

Power transformer Transformer ME A06B-6047-H221

(Applicable to both
Japan and overseas

Table 1 (b)

Item Specification

Applicable motor model 00M 0M 5M

Rated output voltage (Note 1) 50V 90V 150V

Rated output current (Note 1) 4A 7A 9A

Rated output (Note 1) 0.15 kW 0.4 kW 0.8 kW

Rated capacity (Note 2) 0.3 kVA 0.8 kVA 1.5 kVA

Input power Input voltage 3 phases 200, 220, 230, 380,420,460, 550VAC
(Input to
transformer) Allowable voltage fluctuation +10%,-15%

Allowable frequency fluctuation ±2 Hz

Main circuit system Transistor bridge

Control system PWM control

Rated velocity command voltage 7V/2000 rpm

Rated velocity feedback voltage 3V/1000 rpm or 6.V/1000 rpm

Current limit value (Note 3) 12A 40A

Alarm, protective function Various functions (See 4.1)

Ambient temperature range 0° to +55°C

(Note 1) The rated output is guaranteed at rated input voltage. I f the input voltage fluctuates, the rated output
is not always guaranteed, even if the input voltage fluctuation is within the allowable fluctuation range.
The rated output current corresponds to the continuous rated torque/torque constant o f the motor.
(Note 2) The rated capacity corresponds to the input power capacity at the continuous rating o f the motor.
(Note 3) The current limit value is the preset standard value. The deviation o f the operating value due to the
circuit parts is about ±10%.

2.1 Connection Diagram

Notes: 1. For details o f cables K1 ~ K5, see subsection 2.1.1 ~ 2.1.5.
2. Connections o f cables K1 and K6 differ according to NC control unit.
For details, refer to the connecting manual o f each NC.
з: For connection o f the power transformer, refer to 2.2.
For selection o f fuse F, see appendix 1 o f FANUC DC servo motor M series Descriptions (B-53262E).

И. 2.1

2.1.1 Details of connections of cable K1

Velocity control unit

NC control unit for two axes.
-t-Л -ЛАЛл- Л Л Л гт-^>----
D O C O O O C I EL I CN1L (20) Jr
TSAL I CN1L (6) \n \A
7$77~ -л л л j_
n X X X D O C! j T S B L lc N lL (1 9 )
OVL1L I CN1L(3) тут
OVL2L I CN1L (16)
VRDY2L X CN1L (17)
-ЛЛЛ/—£ - -АЛЛ/—
ENBL2L I CN1L (15)
H +24V
-AW — j j
PRDY2L 1 CN1L(14)
♦ALM1L I CN1L (8)

Now, these *ALM2Li CN1L (9)

<; ♦ALM4L] CN1L(10)
not in use
COML ) * CN1L(131
V Y l\J


-t-V -ЛЛЛ/—f WV—r-j^^>----
П Х Т Т Х Г Х! j E M I CN1M(20) 7^T
T lX T X T T X( j tsbmi cnim(ig)
-A A A - j_ V \A r

QVLIMA CN1M (3) nr

0VL2MX CN1M (16)
VRDY2M x CN1M (17)
-ЛЛЛг- T -ЛЛЛ/— ^
ENBL2M X CN1M (15)
I +24V
PRDY2M CN1M (14)

Now, these *ALM2M 1 CN1M (9)

signals are < *ALM4M 1 CN1M(10) a
not in use CN1M(13)
comm) X

Cable employed: Connector employed MR20LFH

For VCMD/E, TSA/TSB, (Honda Tsushin Kogyo, Co. Ltd.)
0.1 ~ 0.18mm2 paird
shielded cable. (For mounting layout of connector
terminals, see 3.1)
For others; 0.18 -0.3 mm2
200V vinyl wire

Fig. 2.1.1

II. 2.1

2.1.2 Details of connections of cable K2

Cable employed: 0.75 mm2 (30/0.18) 200V heat-resistant vinyl wire.

Fig. 2.1.2

2.1.3 Details of connections of cable КЗ

Power 2nd unit Velocity control unit

transformer lst.---- ♦1
31 34 , T1 (A)
R -o o-
32 35 T1 (1)
33 36 T1 (2)
T -O O

Screw M4 Screw M4

(Use crimp style terminal 5.5-S4, if 3.5 mm2 cable is used)

Motor employed Cable employed

Model 00M, ОМ, 5M 2.0 ~ 3.5mm2 600V Heat-resistant vinyl cable

Fig. 2.1.3

2.1.4 Details of connections of cable K4

Cabinet Velocity control unit

AC 100V
/tv \J\J V 100B , T1 (3)
1$ —о—1|—
U II оU- 100 A X T1 (4)
Contact OFF at /1
emergency stop
/ Screw M4
Cable material: 0.75mm2 200V vinyl wire.
Fig. 2.1.4

II. 2.1

2.1.5 Details of connections of cable K5

The following figure shows an example with L axis 00M and M axis OM.

Cable material:
for 00M; 1.25 mm2, 3-conductor vinyle cord cable
for ОМ, 5M; 2.0 mm2 , 3-conductor vinyle cab tyre cable

Fig. 2.1.5

II. 2.2

2.2 Connections of Power Transformer

(1) Primary connections
Connections of the transformer terminals and power supply cable U.V and W must follow the input supply
voltage specifications in Table 2.2.1.

Table 2.2.1

Connection of transformer primary terminals

Power voltage
Connection of power cable U, V, W

200V U—8, V—16, W—24

220V U -7 , V—15, W—23

230V U—6, V—14, W—22

380V U—4, V—12, W—20

420V (Common
to 415V and 440V) U -3 , V - l l .W - 1 9
(Common to 480V) U—2, V—10, W—18

550V U - l , V—9, W—17

(2) Secondary connections

T o T l (A), (1), (2) of

velocity control unit

of the 1st unit

N o te ) O pen 4 4 ~ 4 6 term inals

of the 2nd unit when o n ly one u n it is used.

To CN2 (4), (5) of

the 1st unit

Fig. 2.2 (a)

И. 2.2

(3) Connection in the power transformer

Terminal layout of power

transformer (Screw M4)
-o 31
о 42°V 31
0 380V 32
-о 32 5 1
6 2
°Q 230V
-о 33 7 3
0 220V 41
8 4
л 200V 42
-о 41 13 9
-о 42 14 10
-о 43 15 11
-о 44 45
16 12
-о 45 46
21 17
r\ -о 46 51
22 18
23 19
24 20

-о 51 X
C. (
-о 52

O -

© тЬл

Fig. 2.2 (b) Connection Diagram of Power Transformer

2.3 Details of Signals
Table 2.3

Name of Significant
No. Signal contents Type Send direction Details
signal level

When the contact is turned on, electromagnetic contactor MCC

PRDY 1L Velocity control ON inside the velocity control unit turns on. When it is turned off,
PRDY 2L unit ON signal (closed) the motor is stopped by dynamic braking.
(The unit does not receive PRDY of M axis.)

ENBL 1L When this contact is turned on, the PWM control circuit oper­
ENBL 2L ON ates.
Enable signal Contact
ENBL 1M (closed) When it is turned off, no current flows to the motor.
ENBL 2M (Enable signal is effective to each of L and M axes.)

Overload alarm This contact is turned off, if the thermal relay trips, or if the
signal Contact thermostat of the power transformer operates.
OVL 2L (open)
(Send from L axis) (OVL 1M and OVL 2M are shorted.)

Velocity control This contact is turned on when electromagnetic contactor MCC

unit ready signal Contact in the velocity control unit turns on.
VRDY 2L (closed)
(Send from L axis) (VRDY 1M and VRDY 2M are shorted.)

EL Velocity command
voltage 0~±12V Model 00M, ОМ, 5M: 7V/2000 rpm
VCMDM signal

Analog NC Velocity
TSBL Velocity feedback 3V/1000rpm or6V/1000rpm
voltage 0~±15V control
TSAM signal (Select by setting on PCB)
signal Motor unit
II. 2.4

2.4 Turning on Sequence and Time Chart of Power Supply and Signals
2.4.1 Turning on power supply
Turn on velocity control unit ON signal (PRDY 1L and PRDY 2L) after the 3-phase AC power was supplied.

3-phase AC power supply


2.4.2 Time chart for velocity control unit ready signal (VRD Y 1 or V R D Y 2)

or longer or shorter or shorter

2.4.3 Relation between alarm generation and velocity control unit ready signal (VRD Y 1L or V R D Y 2L)
If an alarm other than overload alarm among alarms mentioned in item 3.2 “Protective and Fault Detection
Functions” occurs, VRDY1L/VRDY2L turns off.
When the overload alarm occurs, OVL1L/OVL2L turns off but VRDY 1L/VRDY2L does not turn off.

Connection Diagram of 2 Axes Type Servo Unit
i.1 For specification of servo unit A06B-6047-H201, H202, H203
[I. 2.5
2.5.2 For specification of servo unit A06B-6047-H206


1 V I! 1 ел
1 PlilJY 14 l'RI)Y2 1 14 2 U ll 2 ВА
8 * AI.Ml 8 *A IM l
2 KNBL1 15 INBI.2 2 IN BL1 15 К NHL 2 3 K ll 3 КЛ

9 * a i ,m 2 9 ^ A IA ll:
з C VI.l 16 OVI.2 3 16 4 СК 4 ВС
10 > A I,M 4 10 *Л |.М 4
— i YltDY 1
17 VHDY 2 4
17 5 ПК 5 КС

5 <L'l’J i 18 (l.M T 5 ( ’TCIlit 18 CLMT 6 KF 6 111)

12 12
6 TSA 19 TSB 6 TSA 19 TSB 7 С 1)1 M 7 ВВ
13 COM 13 COM
7 v r\m 20 к 7 VCMI) 20; К 8 С 1)1 1. 8 GК
('N IL 9 I N Т I. 9 И 1С
10 I NT Ь 2 10 В К
11 ВНК1 11 BG
A20B-1000-0220 12 о V L 1 12 В J
13 OV 1.2 13 КС К
14 м с с 14 свзк
15 100 А 15( OD3M
J \3
Л1 6 H 1200 0 )2 3 0 1 J -
II. 3


3.1 Setting and Adjustment for Velocity Control PCB

C H 15Q 17Q 16Q 25Q 7q 30 J 0 0 240

□ S 32

Enable signal check termi

S 28
529 HclAIt
530 I

□ П
□ ovc

CHi4LO i 3 t O Е^О пьО хэьО гоьО 9lO 1 4 ^ 1 3 ^ 1 2 ^ 1 1 * 0 1 8 ^ 0 2 0 ^ 9 ^ 0 4 0

1S24l 1S24M
1 S27l 1S27M
1 S23L JS23M
S25l JS25M


1— *S9L Б9м
□ □
S33L S33M

S8l S8M


KV5l -I- 6L 1 3L i 4L 1 1L J 2l J Ш Д Х П
CH18lO 1l O 81,0 2lO 5lO 6lO 18lO Im O 8mO 2mO

Connector CN1L Connector CN1M

1=1 Q

Note) Part location on PCB may be changed without notice.

Fig. 3.1 (a)

И. 3.1

SETTING OF JUMPER Q : Position to be short

00M OM 5M
Jumper Pulse Pancake Pulse Pancake Pulse Pancake Remarks
coder tacho coder tacho ' coder tacho
S1L, M О О
Tachogenerator voltage setting.
2 "
3 "
4 - Gain attenuator
5 "
6 " О О О О О О
7 -
8 "
9 "
10 -
11 - О о о О О О
12 »
13 - о о о о О
14 » о о о о О о
15 -
16 »
23 - TGLS alarm enable
24 - о о о о о о OVC alarm operating time selector
25 - о о TGLS alarm sensitivity setting
27 " OVC alarm enable
33 " о о о о о о Current loop gain selector

See <—
S20 note 1 - - «- - TOH setting
S21 BRK alarm enable
22 DCAL alarm enable
See <— •«—
29 - - - Setting for discharge unit
note 2
31 DLAL alarm enable
32 Chopping frequency selector

Potentio-meter setting
Motor Motor
Pot 00M Remarks
ОМ, 5М
j r 5 scale
RV1L, M 4 scale 4 scale Gain adjustment Figure shows 8 scale ypf
0 scaley чю scale
Offset (1 ) 5 scale for pulse coder
RV2L, M 5 scale 5 scale (2) short CHI and 3, CH2 and 3 and adjust the voltage between CH6 and
3 within ±0.5V for tachogenerator
00M 0.6 + 1.1 X scale (A)
RV3L, M 10 10
Setting o f OVC alarm level
scale scale 0M,5M 2 + 3.8 X scale (A)
Tachogenerator voltage compensation
RV4L, M 5 scale 5 scale ( 1 ) 5 scale for standard
(2) Refer to position control adjustment for loop gain.
00M 6.15 + 0.77 X scale (A)
RV5L, M 9 scale 9 scale Current limiter
0M,5M 20.3 + 2.54 X scale (A)
RV6L, M 0 scale Current loop gain
N o te 1) I f con n ection b etw een CN 2 (4) (5) an d tran sform er or discharge unit existed} S 20 m u st be open ed. I f no con n ection
th o se term inal, sh o rt S20.
N o te 2)
S28 S29 S30 Unit
О О Standard
Push here

N o te 3) When m o u n t th e PCB to unit, con firm th e con n ection o f PCB

n ylo n h o ld er b etw een C N 3 an d CN 4 in Fig. 3.1 (b), th at (upper
co n d ition m ake a trou ble b y bad con n ection . one)
Г~ CN3 Ц Г1 CN 4~ L_
N o te 4) Pancake tach o means pan cake ty p e tacho-generator. PCB C N 3 ,4
one) Servo unit
Fig. 3.1 (b) Nylon holder
II. 3.1
Check Check
SYMBOL Contents SYMBOL Contents
terminal terminal
CH1L, M 3/4 X VCMD CH11L, M PWA, F PWM CKT output for drive A phase, F phase
2L.M TSAL, M Tacho-generator signal 12L, M PWB, G " В phase. G phase
3 OV 13L, M PWC,H С phase, M phase
4 OV 14L, M PWD, J D phase, J phase
5L,M 15 +24V +24V
Compensation C.K.T.
6L, M 16 +15V +15V
7 Triangle wave See Fig. 3.1 (c) 17 -1 5 V -1 5 V
00M 0.66V /A 18L, M VCMDL, M Velocity command
8L,M Current ОМ ~ 5M к 0.2V /A 19L, M VFB1L, M Armature voltage feedback
20L, M VFB2L, M signal
9L, M ERL, M Input o f PWM C.K.T. 24 Don’t use.
10 Discharge Discharge monitor 25 Discharge alarm monitor
See Fig. 3.1 (d)

, 1.2±0.2V



time width
msec (S32 open) Fig. 3.1 (d)
Fig. 3.1 (c)


Name Meaning

PRDY ( ) Position ready signal

Monitoring for breaking of fuse resistors(R81, R82)

VccRDY Lighting : No-breaking
(Green LED) No lighting : Check item,
(1) Continuity check : R81, R82
(2) " PCB CN2 to transformer

BRK (Red LED) No fuse breaker cut off.

High voltage alarm

HVAL Power supply voltage is too high.
(Red LED) Discharge C.K.T.gose wrong.
Load inertia is too high.

High current alarm (Excessive current alarm)

HCALL, M Short C.K.T. between T1 (5L) and (7L), or between T1 (5M) and (7M).
(Red LED) Transistor module is damaged.
PCB o f PWM C.K.T.gose wrong,

OVCL, M Overcurrent alarm (set RV3L or RV3M)

(Red LED) Motor load is too heavy.

Motbr runaway alarm

TGLSL, M Velocity feedback signal is lost.
(Red LED) Motor armature connection is off.

Discharge alarm
DCAL Acceleration and deceleration frequency is too high.
(Red LED) Regenerative energy from machine weight o f vertical axis is i°o large.
Transistor for regenerative discharge is damaged.

Power supply voltage drop alarm

LVAL(Red LED) Power supply voltage is too low
Faulty PCB
DLAL (Red LED) Power supply voltage drop alarm for reverse bias in drive circuit
Faulty power supply circuit for reverse bias

II. 3.2
3.2 Block Diagram of Velocity Control PCB

Fig. 3.2 (a)

И. 3.3

3.3 Location of Thermal Relay in Velocity Control Unit

When the thermal

relay operates white
mark appears here.


Specification Motor model Scale Terminal number Thermal

A06B-6047-H201 00M, 00M 4(2.2) Terminal 2, 4
H202 00M, OM 7.2 (4) Terminal 2, 6 A
H203 0M,0M 7.2 (4) Terminal 2, 4
H206 ' ОМ, 5M 12,9,7.2 В

Scale 7.2 (4)

Thermal A

Motor Rated current Refer to appendix 1.5 for

00M 4A detail of motor specifications.
OM 7.2A
5M 9A

Fig. 3.3

И. 4


4.1 Protection and Error Detection Function

The 2 axes type servo unit provides the following functions for protecting the motor from overload and
also detecting and unusual condition inside the servo loop.

Table 4.1

No. Kind of function Indicates Description

If the motor current exceeds the operating current of

1 Overload Overload alarm is thermal relay or if the thermostat of the power trans­
indicated by the former operates, overload alarm is generated.
NC control unit Alarm signal is output from connector CN1L on both
L and M axes in common.

If the motor speed exceeds a certain value due to the

Light-emitting diode
Tacho-loss loss of the velocity feedback, the motor is stopped by
2 (LED) TGLSL or
detection dynamic braking with TGLS lamp lit. This is detected
TGLSM lights
and displayed on each axis.

If a current exceeding the preset current value con­

LED OVCL or tinues longer than a certain time (about 600msec),
3 Overcurrent alarm
OVCM lights the motor is stopped by dynamic braking with OVC
lamp lit. This is detected and displayed on each axis.

If an unusual current exceeding the operating current

ON button of NFB
of the no-fuse braker flows, the no-fuse braker oper­
4 No-fuse breaker * is protruded and
ates, causing the motor to be stopped by dynamic
LED BRK lights

If the DC voltage of the main power circuit is

5 High voltage alarm LED HVALL or unusually high, HVAL lights and the motor is stopped
HVALM lights by dynamic braking.

If the circuit voltage is unusually low, LVAL lights

6 Low voltage alarm LED LVAL lights
and the motor is stopped by dynamic braking.

If an unusual high current flows to the main circuit, the

LED HCALL or HCAL lamp lights and the motor is stopped by dynamic
HCALM lights braking. This is detected and displayed on each axis.

If the regenerative discharge circuit operates unusually,

Circuit fault DCAL lights and the motor is stopped by dynamic
7 LED DCAL lights
detection braking. DCAL also lights, if frequency of
acceleration and deceleration is too high.

If the voltage supplied to transistor drive circuit is

LED DLAL lights unusually low, DLAL lights and the motor is stopped
by dynamic braking.

* There are two types of no-fuse breaker. When breaker operates, one is that button pops up after one is that switch
goes off.

II. 4.2

4.2 Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting and fault recovery are discussed in this section. The manual should be used to determine
the causes of problems.
1. Overload alarm
2. Servo ready signal is not output
3. TGLS alarm (For L, M axis)
4. OVC alarm ( )
5. BRK alarm
6. HVAL alarm
7. LVAL alarm
8. HCAL alarm (For L, M axis)
9. DCAM alarm
10. DLAL alarm
11. The motor does not rotate when a motion command is input.
12. Machine vibrates

1. Overload alarm

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

1 The thermal relay When the thermal relay is operating Change the set value or cut­
on the servo unit check the set value referring to sec­ ting conditions.
is operating. tion 3.3. If the value is not correct, Check the mechanical load
(See section 3.3 set the correct value using the value.
for the location setting dial. (The thermal relay can be
and check pro­ If the setting value is correct, reset by pressing the reset
cedure for the check the cutting conditions and button about ten minutes
thermal relay.) the friction torque by measuring after the relay was actuated.
the motor current value between See section 3.3 for the
terminals CH8L or CH8M, and CH3 location of the reset button.)
on the PCB, or between the power
supply wires during cutting operation.
2 The transformer Remove the wires connected to
thermostat is transformer terminals 51 and 52
operating. and measure the resistance across them.
The normal value is 10 ohms or Change the cutting condi­
less; if the circuit is open (more than tions.
100kl2), the thermostat is operating.
If the thermostat is operating and Replace the transformer.
the surface temperature of the
transformer is 80 to 909C, check
the motor current during cutting.
If the surface temperature is 60°
or less, the transformer is defective.

II. 4.2

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

3 The thermostat on Remove the wires connected to
the regenerative terminals T3 (3) and (4) on the
discharge circuits regenerative discharge circuits and
is operating. measure the resistance between
the terminals (see item 2.2.5).
The normal value is 10 ohms or less;
if the circuit is open (more than
100 k£2), the thermostat is operating.
If the thermostat is operating and The acceleration/decelera-
the temperature of the metal plate tion rate should be once
on the regenerative discharge unit per second or less.
is from 80 to 90°С, check the rate
of acceleration/deceleration.
If the temperature is 50 to 60°С Replace the regenerative
or less, the regenerative discharge discharge unit.
unit is defective.

2. The servo ready signal is not output

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 The 100 VAC Check whether the power is present Check the circuits related to
power is not at terminals (3) and (4) of terminal emergency stop.
being applied to board T1 in the velocity control
the velocity unit.
control unit. (See the Appendix, “Outer Dimen­
sions” , for the location of the
terminal board.)
2 The velocity Check whether the red LED alarm See the following pages for
control unit is indicators on the PCB are appropriate alarm counter­
in alarm status. on or not. measures.
3 The power Measure the voltage between check Servo transformer primary
supply voltage terminals CH15, CH16, CH17, and tap selection change.
(+24V and ±15V) CH3 referring to section 3.1, “PCB
used on PCB is Mounting Diagram.”
abnormal. (See section 3.1 for the voltage
Check the connection between the Connection between servo
servo transformer terminal and transformer and CN2 on
CN2 on PCB. PCB.
Replace PCB.

PRDY 1,2 are Check whether the LED PRDY Make velocity control unit
not ON. lights or not. ON signal (PRDY 1,2) on.

II. 4.2

3. TGLSL, M alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 The motor power If the TGLS alarm indicator goes on Check the power cable con­
cable is not con­ when a motion command is not input, nection.
nected to termi­ the alarm cause described at the left
nals (5L),(7L),(5M), should be checked.
(7M) of terminal
board T1 in the
velocity control
unit, or the power
cable is broken.
2 PCB setting Check the setting according to section Adjust the setting.
is improper. 3.1. Check S23L, M and S25L, M.
3 Velocity feed­ Measure the velocity feedback voltage Repair the cable carrying
back voltage is between check terminals CH2 on the the velocity feedback voltage.
not being applied L or M axis which has alarm condition Repair the defective source
or is intermittent. (TSA) and CH3 (GND) with an oscillo­ (i.e., motor or control) of the
scope. Confirm whether the voltage is velocity feedback voltage.
being interrupted.

4. OVCL, M alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 PCB is defective. The OVC alarm indicator goes on Replace the PCB.
if the power is turned on when the
motor power cable is disconnected *
(In this case, since the drive axis
may fall down, it should be
The S23L, M terminal should be
shorted so that the TGLSL, M alarm
indicator will not go on. After
confirmation, the S23L, M connec­
tion should be opened.)
2 PCB setting Check the setting of variable registor Change the RV3L, M
is improper. RV3L, M which is used to set the setting.
upper limit of the motor current
(see section 3.1).
(Generally, RV3L, M is set to 10 scale,
but the adjustment may differ with
the machine tool.)
3 Mechanical load Observe the waveform between check Alleviate the mechanical
is abnormal. terminals CH8L or CH8M and CH3 overload.
which has an alarm condition with an
oscilloscope. Check whether the cur­
rent which is determined by RV3L, M
flows for more than 600 msec or not.

И. 4.2

5. BRK alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check Procedure Countermeasures
The circuit breaker The breaker is open when it is as Turn off power and reset the
operated. shown below. breaker.
See appendix 1.4 for the location It cannot be reset immedi­
of the breaker. ately, wait about ten minutes
There are two types o f and try again.)
no fuse breaker.
When breaker operates
(a) button pops up
' (b) switch goes o ff
To reset the breaker
(a) Press the button
after turning o ff
the power
(b) Make the switch
on after turning
o ff the power.

Diode module The breaker operates again when Replace diode module DS or
DS or some power is restored after the the whole velocity control
other part of the countermeasures of item 1. unit.
velocity control
unit is defective.
Mechanical load Observe the motor load current Alleviate the mechanical
is excessive. between terminals CH8L, M and CH3 overload.
on the PCB with an oscilloscope.
Check whether it exceeds the
rated current.
The PCB or the The BRK alarm occurs when the Replace the PC board or the
connection between circuit breaker is not operating. velocity control unit.
the PCB and the
velocity control
unit is defective.
Other case breaker
is defective.

II. 4.2

6. HVAL alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check Procedure Countermeasures
1 The AC input Check the primary tap selection Change the tap connection.
power source on the servo power transformer.
voltage is too high.
15% or more of
tap voltage.
2 The servo motor Check the insulation resistance Clean the brushes and com­
is defective. between the armature and the mutator.
motor body.
3 Wiring is wrong. Is motor power cable wired at each Check wiring.
axis independently?
Avoid following condition
• Each axis motor power cable is
bundled in one cabtyer cable.
• Though wired at each axis, each
cable is bundled in a long distance.

4 Noise on AC input AC po\ ver supply gets the high Eliminate the cause of noise.
power supply. voltage noise.

5 PCB is defective. The HVAL alarm indicator is on Replace the PCB.
although no trouble is found in
items 1 through 4 above.

II. 4.2

7. LVAL alarm

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

1 The AC input power Check whether the wires for the AC Change the tap connection.
source voltage is too input power source are connected
low. to the correct primary taps on the
servo transformer.
2 The connection Check the PCB control voltage Change the connection.
between the servo (+24V and ±15V).
transformer and (See Section 3.1.) Check the connec­
CN2 on PCB is tion between the servo transfomer
defective. terminals 41 through 43, 44
through 46, and the CN2 on

3 The PCB is defective. The LVAL alarm indicator is on Replace the PC board.
although no trouble is found,
in items 1 and 2 above.

8. НСALL, M alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 Improper motor The HCALL, M alarm indicator does Fix the motor power cable
power cable not go on when the power is connection.
connection. turned on with the motor power
cable is disconnected.
(In this case, since the gravity axis
may fall down, it should be sup­
ported. The S23L, M terminal on the
PCB should be shorted so that the
TGLSL, M alarm indicator will not
go on.
The S23L, M connection should be
opened after confirmation.)
2 The transistor The HCAL alarm indicator goes on Replace the transistor
module is when the motor power cable is module.
defective. disconnected. 0
Turn off power and measure the Cl
resistance between the following B1
terminals using a multi meter. E l , C2
If the measured value is 10 ohms B2
or less, the transistor module is E2
defective. 0

Confirm between
C l-E l, C2.
E l, C2-E2.
3 The PCB is No problem in item 1 and 2. Replace the PCB.
defective. Consider the PCB is defective.

И. 4.2

9. DCAL alarm
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 Transistor Q1 or the The DCAL alarm indicator goes on Replace transistor Q1.
PCB is defective. immediately after turning on power. Replace PCB.

2 PC В setting is Terminal S25, S29 is shorted although Open terminal S25, S29.
improper. the separate regenerative discharge
unit is used with the gravity axis.
3 Machine tool The waveform shown in Section Adjust the counterbalance.
counterbalance 3.1 Fig. 3 is measured at stated
is improper. periods on check terminal CH10
while the counterbalanced
axis is moving down at rapid
travers speed.
4 The acceleration/ Check whether the positioning Use a dwell period and
deceleration rate rate at rapid traverse speed decrease the accele­
is too high. exceeds 1 to 2 times per second. ration/deceleration rate.
Check that this alarm indicator Adding the discharge
does not go on when the rate is unit.

10. DIAL alarm

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 PCB is defective. Replace the PCB.

11. The motor does not rotate when a motion command is input.
Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures
1 The power cable The TGLSL, M alarm indicator goes Check the power cable
is not connected. on and the motor does not work. connection.
2 The enable signals Check that +24V is applied between Turn on the enable signals
(ENBL1L, M and terminals R58 (For L axis), R57 (ENBL1L, M, ENBL2L, M)
ENBL2L, M) are (For M axis) and CH3 (GND) on
not input to the the PCB.
3 The PCB or its Check the PCB control Replace the PCB or Fix the
connection is voltage (+24 V and +15V). connection.
defective. (See Section 3.1 for the
voltage values.)
4 The velocity Measure the voltage between Apply the velocity
command voltage check terminals CH18L, M (VCMD) command voltage (VCMD).
(VCMD) is not and CH3 (GND) using an oscillo­
being applied. scope.

И. 4.2

12. Machine vibrates

Item Cause of trouble Check procedure Countermeasures

1 PCB setting is Check whether the VCMD voltage Change the setting of set pins
improper or a set corresponds to the TSA voltage S1L; M • S2L, M • S3L, M
pin contact is correctly while an axis is moving and S4L, M
defective. at constant speed.
VCMD voltage
(Check the voltage between check
terminals CH18L, M (VCMD) and
CH3 (GND) with an oscilloscope.)
7V/2000 rpm (00M, ОМ, 5M)
TSA voltage
(Check the voltage between check
terminals CH2L, M (TSA) and CH3
(GND) with an oscilloscope.)
3V/1000 rpm (pulse coder
6V/1000 rpm (tachogenerator
2 The position loop Check the related parameter.
gain is not set
3 The machine tool, or The vibration still remains after Repair any defective part
detector is de­ terminals CH5L, M and CH6L, M which synchronizes with the
fective. on the PCB are jumpered. vibration cycles.
4 The servo ampli­ The vibration decreases when Please contact the FANUC
fier and the terminals CH5L, M and CH6L, M service center.
machine tool are on the PCB are jumpered. Change the PCB setting.



1.1 Parts Specifications on Velocity Unit

Parts specifications in velocity control unit are as follows.

(1) A06B-6047-H201 ~ 203

Table 1-1 (a)

Symbol Name Specifications

PWB Printed Circuit Board (Upper one) A20B-1000-0220
Printed Circuit Board A16B-1200-0230 *
MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001-0172
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001 -0173/7.2-4
NFB1, 2 Circuit breaker A60L-0001-0143/15A
RM Resistor Module for H203 A40L-0001-0139/A
99 for H202 /В
99 for H201 /С
DCR Discharging Resistor A40L-0001-0129
TM1, 2 Transistor Module A50L-0001-0091
Qi Discharging Transistor A50L-0001-0092
DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0134
D Diode A50L-2001-0135
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0115
C2 Capacitor A42L-0001-0114
ZNR Surge Absorber A50L-2001-0163/220

* Note: When A16B-1200-0230 is ordered, its specification includes A20B-1000-0220.


(2) A06B-6047-H206
Table 1-1 (b)

Symbol Name Specifications

PWB Printed Circuit Board (Upper one) A20B-1000-0220
Printed Circuit Board (Lower one) A16B-1200-0230
MCC Magnetic Contactor A58L-0001-0172
MOL Thermal Relay A58L-0001-0173
NFB1, 2 Circuit breaker A60L-0001-014 3 /15A
RM Resistor Module A40L-0001-0139/A

DCR Discharging Resistor A40L-0001-0129

TM1, 2 Transistor Module A50L-0001-0091
Q1 Discharging Transistor A50L-0001-0092
DS Diode Module A50L-2001-0134
D Diode A50L-2001-0135
Cl Capacitor A42L-0001-0115
C2 Capacitor A42L-0001-0114
ZNR Surge Absorber A50L-2001-0163/220


1.2 Magnetic Contactor Terminal Arrangement

11 A1 13
Cl B1 о о о B3



ч Гп
B2 21 A2 23 64


Fig. 1.2

1.3 Thermal Relay Terminal Arrangement

Operation indicator

Test trip lever

2 4 6
98 96 95

Fig. 1.3

1.4 External View of Velocity Control Unit
(1) A06B-6047-H201, H202, H203

See from left side

Terminal board



v Transistor


A06B-6047-H201, two choke coils

-H202, one choke coil
-H203, without choke coil

Thermal relay

Terminal board T1

Earth terminal

Fig. 1.4 (b)
(2) А06В-6047-Н206
See from left side


Fig. 1.4(d)
Fig. 1.4 (с)

1.5 Motor Models and Specifications

Item /ЮМ 0M 5M
kw 0.15 0.4 0.8
Output power (0.2)
(HP) (0.5) (1)
Rated torque at stall kg-cm 10 30 60
Max.torque kg-cm 52 270 550
Max. speed rpm 2,000 2,000 2000
Rotor inertia kg-cm-s2 0.0045 0.022 0.037
Back EMF constant V/k rpm 26 44 70
Torque constant kg-cm/Amp 2.53 4.3 6.8
Mechanical time constant m-sec 11 13 9
Thermal time constant min 15 45 50
Weight kg 3 13 17

The values on the table are those under the following conditions.
(1) The temperature of the motor is 20°С.
(2) Drive current is pure DC.

Fig. 1.5

Revision Record


Adding the 2 axes type servo Unit maintenance

03 JAN 1983
manual (B-53265E-1/01)

02 OCT 1981 Correction of errors

Edi­ Date Contents Edi­

tion tion Date Contents
• No part o f this manual may be
reproduced in any form.

• Al l specifications and designs

are subject to change without

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