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AL-TR-89-040 AD:

AD-A227 121
Final Report
forteprod Electric Propulsion Study
21 Sep 1988 to
30 Nov 1989

OCT 0c41990u

August 1990 Author: Science Applic3tions International Corp.

D.L. Cravens 21151 Western Avenue
Torrance CA 90501-1724


Approved for Public Release

Distribution is unlimited. The AL Technical Services Office has reviewed this report,
and it Is releasable to the National Technical Information Service, where it will be
available to the general public, Including foreign nationals.

Preparedfor the: Astronautics Laboratory (AFSC)

Air Force Space Technology Center
Space Systems Division
Air Force Systems Command
Edwards AFE CA 93523-5000
"80 0 S0 1) -. 2,

When U. S. Government drawings, specifications, or other data are used for any purpose
other than a definitely related Government procurement operation, the fact that the Govern-
ment may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings,
specifications, or other data, is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise, or in any way
licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission
to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may be related thereto.


This final report was submitted by the Science Applications International Corporation,
Torrance CA on completion of contract F04611-88-C-0014 with the Astronautics
Laboratory (AFSC), Edwards AFB CA. AL Project Manager is Dr Franklin B. Mead, Jr.,
This report has been reviewed and is approved for release and distribution in accordance
with the distribution statement on the cover and on the DD Form 1473.


Chief, Future Technologies Section Chief, Advanced Concepts Branch


Director, Astronautical Sciences Division
S C~~yc


2.. .Approved for Public Release; Distribution ,.s


Science Applications1 (If appikable)
International Corporation Astronautics Laboratory (AFSC)
6c. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIPCode) 7b. ADDRESS (City, Stat.e, and ZIP Cod)
21151 Western Avenue AL/LSV
Torrance CA 90501-1724 Edwards AFB CA 93523-5000

ORGANIZATION (Ifapplicable) F04611-88-C-0014

162102F 921C 009P 344647
11. TITLE (include Security Classification)
Electric Propulsion Study (U)
Cravens, Dennis J.
Final FPROM &8fMQUL.. T BIJ..10 19008 I171

A17. COSATI COOES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse If necessary and identif bv block number)
FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP Inductive theories, electric propulsion, unified field
21 0- theories, Conservatc!±,n Laws, Dynamic Theory, experimental
design, momentum non-conservation
it ,BSTRACT (Continue on reverse If necessary and Identif by b mbe)
This report reviews inductive theories and experimental approaches which provide for inter
actions between gravitational and electromagnetic fields. The theoretical section develops a
general relativistic five dimensiunal theory to the point that electromagnetic effects can be
interpreted. Emphasis is placcd on modifications to the classical Maxwell equations and
field vector equations. The theories are then used to propose specific experimental studies
which can verify the electromagnetic and gravitational interactions. Specific recommenda-
tions are made for experiments that would both verify the theories and serve as a basis for
electric propulsive syst*ms that would convert between electromagnetic and inertial momentum.


FRANKLIN B. MEAD, JR. 805-275-5540 LSV
DD Form 1473, JUN 86 Previouseditions are obsolete. SECURITY CLASSIFICTION OF THIS PAGE

This document is the final report for Task 07, Electric Propulsion Study, of the Research
Applications Scientific and Engineering Technical Assistance (SETA) contract, F04611-88-C-
0014. This contract provides support to the Air Force Astronautics Laboratory (AL). Dr.
Lawrence Quinn, AL/LSC, is the Air Force Project Manager for this contract. Science
Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the contractor and Dr. Robert Long, Jr. is the
SAIC Program Manager. The duration of this task was 21 September 1988 to 30 November 1989.

The Air Force Task Manager for this task was Dr. Franklin Mead, AL/LSVF. Dr. Dennis
Cravens was the Principal Investigator at SAIC. The other principal technical contributor was Dr.
Pharis E. Williams, who was consultant on this task.

The author wishes to thank Dr. Pharis Williams and other tireless theoreticians who have
spent years slowly working and removing the rocks from the difficult path to the unified field
theory as others idly stand by complaining that the road is too rough to travel and may never lead

Accesiori For
DI IC 1AS 0-'
Unzinnoiiced U]


Availabd•liy Codes
Avaoi drdlor
Dist Special

-1- D

Section Page

PREFACE ............................ .. .1

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................. .2


1.2 MEASUREMENT ................................................. 6
1.3 FORCE FIELDS ................................................................... 8
1.4 CHIRALITY - Odd Number of Space-Like Dimensions ..................... 11

CHAPTER 2. THEORIES ........................................ 13

2.1 INTRODUCTION ............................................ 13

2.2 GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF THEORY ........ ................... 14
2.2.1 Born - Infield ................................................... 17
2.2.2 Landd........................................ 19
2.2.3 Podolsky ......... ............................ 20
2.2.4 Corben ............................................... 21
2.2.5 Flint .............................................. 21
2.2.6 Ingraham .................................................. 21
2.2.7 Arctan Potential ........................................ ........ 23
2.2.8 e• ......................................... 24
2.2.9 Widliams .................................................... 25
2.3 DEVELOPMENT OF 5-D EM EQUATIONS ................................. 27
2.3.1 Modifications to Maxwell's Equation .................................. 33
2.3.2 Lornnz Forces in 5-D ................................... ....... 36
2.3.3 Wave Propagation in 5-Space ......................................... 38
2.3.4 Limits to Conversion Rates ............................................. 40
2.3.5 Reduction to Newton's Laws - PPN ................................... 41
2.3.6 Ther oelectric Potentials in Gravity Fields ........................... 43
2.3.7 Field Vectors and Equations in 5-D .................................... 44
2.4 CONSERVATION LAWS ......................................... 47
2.4.1 Conservation of Energy .................................................. 48
2.4.2 Conservation ofLinear Momentum ...... ........... 50
2.4.3 Conservation of An*llar Momentum .................................. 51
2.4.4 Conservation of Parity ......................................... .53
2.4.5 Conservation of Pseudovectors ......................................... 54
2.4.6 Conditions for Nonconservation ........................................ 58
2.5 VACUUM FLUCTUATIONS ................................................... 60
2.6 QUANTUM CONSIDERATIONS .............................................. 62


Section Page

2.7 COMPATIBILITY OF 10-D STRING THEORIES .......................... 68

2.8 MACHS PRINCIPLE ........................................................... 69
2.9 ROSEN'S BI-METRIC THEORY .............................................. 72
2.10 NONCONSERVATION ......................................................... 74
2.11 PARTICLES IN 5-D SPACES .................................................. 76

CHAPTER 3. EXPERIMENTS ................................................................ 78

3.1 APPROACH TO SELECTION OF EXPERIMENTS ........................ 78

3.2 RADIATION PRESSURE ....................................................... 80
3.3 BIEFIELD-BROWN EFFECTS ................................................. 83
3.4 CONDUCTIVE SUBMARINE .................................................. 88
3.5 GRAVITATIONAL ROTOR ..................................................... 89
ROTATIONAL ALIGNMENT .................................................. 90
3.7 NONINDUCTIVE COILS ............ .................... 94
3.8 EM TRANSPARENCY OF CONDUCTIVE MEDIA ........................ 100
3.9 MAGNETIC LOOP ............................................................... 101
3.10 SPEED OF LIGHT IN A MASS FLOW ....................................... 103
3.11 CHARGED TORQUE PENDULUM ........................................... 105
3.12 THERMOELECTRIC$JRAVITATIONAL EFFECTS ....................... 107
3.13 BINARY PULSAR .............................................................. 107
3.14 PROTON SCATTERING ............................... 107
3.15 INERTIAL MASS VARIATION ................................................ 107
3.16 AN IMPROPER EXPERIMENT ................................................ 108

CHAPTER 4. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................... 110


Appendix Page

A TENSOR SYMBOLS AND NOTATION .................................... A-I

B GRAVITATIONAL ROTOR .................................................... B-1
D OTHER APPROACHES CONSIDERED ..................................... D-1
E POSSIBLE "ANTIGRAVITATIONAL EFFECTS" .......................... E-1
F ACCESS TO INFORMATION ............................................. F-1
G OTHER THEORIES ............................................................. G-1


Figure Page
1 Radiation Pressure/Density Experiment ............................................... 82
2 Hooper's Patent Figures ................................................................. 99


Table. Page

I Comparisons of Potentials ............................................................. 26

2 Comparisons of Self Energies .......................................................... 27
3 Modification of Maxwell's Equations .................................................. 35
4 Modification of Maxwell's Fourth Equation .......................................... 36
5 Comparison of Experiments ........................................................... 79


The primary objective of this task is to outline physical methods to test theories of inductive
coupling between electromagnetic and gravitational forces and to determine the feasibility of such
methods as they apply to space propulsion. To this end information was sought, assembled and
used, first to develop a theoretical approach and finally to suggest some practical experiments that
may have propulsive implications. It was found that the lack of reliable experimental results has
greatly limited the theoretical understanding and development of inductive theories. However,
several experimental approaches are outlined.

The most theoretically satisfying experimental approach is the use of a torsion balance and
bolometer system to quantify any differences between radiation pressure density and energy
density over a range of light frequencies. Also, it is possible to study the role of divergent currents
within segments of a circuit. Several experimental claims having direct application to the coupling
problem have been made through the years and seem to have gone unexamined. It may be more
useful to confirm or deny these claims than it is to start in a completely new direction.

Four of these claims seem to be intevsting enough to examine: 1) T. T. Brown's

propulsive forces developed from an asymmetric capacitor charged to high potentials, 2) W.
Hooper's V x B forces with claims of gravitational shielding and field production, 3) examination
of forces resulting from divergent currents, and 4) investigations of the Mach principle. All of
these have a stigma attached to them due to the establishment's view of the nonexistence of an
electromagnetic and gravitational coupling and other historical and personality conflicts. However,
if any of these bre correct, they could lead directly to futuristic propulsive systems.

A five-dimensional theory is developed in this report to establish a theoretical framework in

which experimental approaches can be understood. This is done to give a direction to the proposed

Note: References to published works are indicated in the text by numbers in parentheses,
e.g., (1). They are listed at the end of this document in Section R.


Current chemical rockets are approaching their theoretical limits in terms of specific impulse
(Isp). To make any dynamic new advancements in mission abilities we must seek new and
nonconventional approaches to propulsion now so that revolutionary concepts are available for
future advancements. Such advances as nuclear, solar, and electric propulsion offer very
promising Isp performances for near-term applications. The basic limitation common to all such
systems, however, is that the traditional Newtonian physics is restricted by the law of conservation
of momentum. This means that all such systems, regardless of their power sources, must utilize
some fuel in their exhaust.

Conventional physics rules out any departure from the conservation of momentum.
Recently, however, physics has seen a multitude of new theories that try to unify all of physics.
One specific set of multidimensional theories has approached the unification problem by
inductively coupling the electromagnetic (EM) forces with the gravitational forces. Inductive
coupling means that a conversion between gravitational and electrical forces is possible.
Inductively linked theories indicate that the interactions between the two forces may open methods
for the interconversion of electric and gravitational events, just as magnetic and electric events are
now interconvered. This means that inductively coupied theories may offer ways to convert
charges into masses. This is similar to the way the fourth dimension has supplied a method of
converting mass into energy.

The motivation for such a study is the recent advances in unified field theories. Even
though there has been no single accepted theory, several things are now clear. If unification of
fields is possible then interconversion is likely. It is only a matter of determining the size of the
coupling constant. Should such conversion be possible, the power density made available would
be 10 orders of magnitude beyond nuclear events. This conversion and inductive linkage of both
charge and mass by the new theories may open whole new avenues to propulsion.

Most multidimensional attempts at unification try for unification of all four of the
fundamental forces. The emphasis of this report, however, was limited to the unification of
gravity with electrical effecis. This leads to te possibility of new practical propulsion systems.
To this end, the report concentrated on 5-D theories that allow for nonzero coupling. For
comparison of the theories, two areas were considered: self energy of a charge and field equations
in terms of modification to the Maxwell equations. The reasoning is that these (and not

cosmological studies) are best suited for experimental design and ultimately for practical propulsive

The theoretical section of this report consumed more effort than was originally planned,
due to several factors. The most important was the sheer complexity of the theories and the fact
that the theoretical works were spread out over many years when the symbolic tensor notation was
being developed. Another factor was that on closer examination, many theories which originally
attempted unification of forces were constructed so that conservation of inertial momentum was
retained. This later point was significant since the conversion of electromagnetic to inertial forces
is of prime concern in the development of a novel propulsion system. It was found that most
theoreticians have preconceived notions as to the nature of conservation of charge and inertial
momentum and have adjusted their theories accordingly.

Historically the most fruitful period for gravitational studies was in the 1930's and 40's.
Theoreticians were more likely to conjecture about the nature and interconversion of gravity during
that period. During the 40's the emphasis seemed to shift toward nuclear studies. There now
seems to be a slow but steady resurgence in gravitational studies. Most studies, however, are now
cosmologically based and not based on ground laboratory events. The theoreticians seem to have
an aversion to studying possibilities of interconversion of electric and gravitational forces and little
funding is currently available. This is a case where there is a high funding leverage potential; even
a small increase in funding could drastically redirect the effort. Theoreticians working in this area
are a potentially potent "brain power" asset and it is the view of this report that it is beneficial to the
national interest to develop this asset. It must be emphasized that such an effort should be targeted
at theories that: 1) allow for inductive coupling of forces, 2) have definite experimentally verifiable
effects, 3) may lead to new momentum terms, and 4) have gravitational and not nuclear emphasis.
Furthermore, a supportive network and an accelerated idea exchange would enhance the
development of this national asset.

On the experimental side, several approaches were selected for study. Two studies stand
out as being especially worth a closer look. These are the radiation pressure experiment and
Biefield-Brown effect studies. The radiation pressure study is recommended since it avoids the
complexities inherent in high voltage experiments. In this case even an experiment that fails to
detect nonzero coupling may give information useful for absolute laser power calibration and solar
sail studies. Several Biefleld-Brown studies are now underway. The approach by Woodward is
the most pleasing on theoretical grounds and he furnishes the only realistic estimate of a coupling

constant obtained experimentally (0.029± 0.006 for the first term of a Taylor series expansion of
the gravitational field in terms of energy density).


In any attempt to unify many laws we must be certain that all concepts are well defined
since subtle differences may later cause grave consequences. While at first glance such concepts as
length, time, and mass seem to have intuitive meaning, relativity has shown us to be cautious in
defining even simple terms.

Length (L), time (M), and mass (M) form the foundation of all units currently used within
physics. Other quantities such as acceleration (LT' 2 ), charge (L 3 /2 T'IMI/2) and energy
(L 2 T-2 M) can be derived from these units. It is possible, in theory, to resolve any physical
measurement known into these three fundamental units. Space is unique in having a 3-fold
degeneracy. The same length unit is assumed to be usable for all three orthagonal directions. This
in effect sets the metric in a local frame such that the curvature is the same in all three directions.
With this in mind it should be possible to construct a 5-Dimensional theory based on these units as
variables to predict and explain any physical measurement that has these three units as its basis.
Since any physical measurement can be resolved into these five components any attempts at higher
order dimensions could be compressed into them. Thus, higher dimensional theories will appear
to "fold back on themselves" and the higher dimensions may not be required by normal physical
measurements once the 5-D theory is perfected.

A 5-D theory could be constructed from length, time, and any variable containing mass-for
example, charge, mass, action, entropy, etc. However, such eqtations would be unduly complex
unless the additional variable was chosen so that it was independent of the other four variables.
There are several useful choices for such a d6cision. Charge is independent of position, time, and
velocity and may make a logical choice for such a theory. Charge is quanitized and, thus, would
not likely give well behaved continuous functions for paths and also it is not likely to give time
asymmetries and predictions of fiundamental particle structure. Mass density is the initial choice for
our additional variable. This choice is consistent with William's Dynamic Theory and will give
some intuitive feel for the theory.

Using the philosophy of Mach there are guidelines involved in measurements, physical
reality, and the laws of nature. First there must be some kind of comparison between the
measuwing device and the measured object. To avoid confusion, we seek to arrange things so that

the general variability of the measurement indicates the variation of the measured object and not of
our standard. This is arranged by being certain as to the conditions involved during our
measurement and having standardized units which have definite meaning. Any intrinsic property
of the object must appear as a uniformity (constant) or a law during the measuring process. In
other words, we must be able to trace all measuring operations back to a standard or to some
physical law. During this process we will either be able to trace our physical observation to a
known standard or to an assumed law or else it will appear as an unexplained item outside the
prediction of our laws. Current research tries to improve the laws so that few observations are
outside our assumed laws and thus explain some unexplained observational measurements.

The alternative to this approach asserts that the assumed laws are traceable directly to
fundamental standards of measurement instead of other laws which may not be so based. The
Dynamic theory will strive to base its entire foundations on nothing other than standardization of
the measurements of length, time, and mass density. Thus when concepts such as charge appear it
will be defined in terms of the dimensions of the Dynamic theory instead of other assumed laws
and the operation of a current balance. We, like Mach, will not assume space to have any
properties that cannot be traced directly to physical objects of the universe and only properties
relative to those found in our laws. Therefore, absolute values of position, time, and mass density
are not assigned to any objects except our measurement standards and all else are based on relative
measurements (or interval) from these standards.

Position is not considered fundamental to a location. Instead distance as described by a

standard to some reference will enter the equations. Thus an interval is fundamental and location
or position of an object is now a computational result based on physical intervals from other
objects within the universe. This is at the basis of Mach's principles. That is, only the relations
between real physical objects should appear in a physical theory.

We now have established a need to base our physical law on intervals between real physical
laws using the independent units of length, time, and mass density. We must now establish the
mathematical form of our interval and establish its general form. Since we wish our theory to
unify existing theories we will chose our interval to be expressed as a function of the coordinate
differences and expressed so that the distances and intervals are as:

1) a function of pairs of points,

2) positive real,
3) single-valued,

4) continuous and analytic,
5) symmetric to space,
and 6) zero for identical points.

This is done by expressing the interval in tensor notation using the summation convention
where repeated subscripts are to be summcd over, i.e.

ds2 = gudrudrv (p,,V =0,l, 2, 3, 4). (1)

This allows immediate applications in a usable mathematical form. Except for Finsler geometry, all
current theories use this quadratic definition for the line element.


Before we incorporate such an interval into our theory we must verify that it is what we
mean when we conduct the physical measurements and does indeed allow us to trace all parts of
our theory to our standard units. To readily identify the parts of our new interval with existing
theories we will identify:

xo with time,
x1, x2 , x3 with x, y, z coordinates, and
x4 with an arbitrary function of mass (specifically, mass density).

We will measure an interval of distance by placing an object with a given length next to
some measuring device (standard or derivable from a standard of length) with a measuring scale.
This is best done by having the object at rest compared with our measuring scale and having all
points coincident at the same time. Also we wish to have both an object and scale which are
neither changing in length or in other physical properties during the measurement. In effect we
have chosen our weasuremet operation such that

dro = dX4 0 (2)

for our measurement of length. This is equivalent to saying that the interval was measured at both
points at the same time and that matter was not destroyed or created during our measurement of the
object. Notice this collapses equation I to

ds2 = 911dx1~d 2 gXd
3 (3)

which is the expected 3-D result of classical geometry.

When we measure time we normally take some physical device such as a clock (or fixed
stars compared to t earth or vibration of a molecule) and count time intervals by allowing the
device to go through some cyclic motion which brings its interval components back to their
beginning position. For example, after the earth has rotated so as to bring back the stars to their
original position we count i day.

Also we do not wish to allow the device to gain or lose any components during the
process. In this way the time interval is measured during a process in which

A = dr = dA• = dx, =0 (4)

so that equation 1 reduces for a time interval to

d 2 = gdX (5)

If the clock is allowed to move or energy (or mass) is added during the process then equation 4
may become only an approximation and the time interval given by equation 5 becomes only

Mass density is normally not considered to be measured by a fundamental measurement.

Instead we normally think of obtaining mass and length intervals separately. Within the Mach
principles, however, mass is an inertial measurement which in an interval or relativistic approach
has meaning only in context with other objects within the universe. What we measure is the effects
of the universe with that object within that region of space that is under consideration. That is to
say, we measure the inertial component of the object which is locally within our region of
measurement. Said another way, it is the inertial property felt within a volume that is a result of
average mass of the universe coupling to the region under measurement. For practical matters, this
can be accomplished by measurements of specific gravity compared to some standard.

The mass density is found within a region by an inertial balance of some type for a specific
time and position. This has the effect of setting

dr. = d, = d, = dr, =0. (6)

so that the mass density interval is

ds2 =44d 2 (7)

We notice that the measurement of mass density is to be conducted by comparing our standard to
the object to be measured and the measurement should be by inertial methods with both the object
and the standard at the same general location and time.


The exact geometry of a region can be expressed in tensor form as

dS2 =g ,gdx#,&d- (p, v = 0, , 2, 3, 4). (8)

Assume an observex is under the mistaken impression that the geometry is

ds•= d- d.-dy 2 -dz 2 -Ody 2 (9)

which he expects from special relativity. After many experiments he finds that this geometry does
not coincide with his observational results. He has two choices: 1) to retain his supposed
geometry (9) and supplement it with force fields or 2) change the underlying geometry of his
physical laws.

Let us suppose he watches the movement of a test particle. He would originally assign a
path of

Jds. = 0 (10)

calculated from the 4-D line element of equation 9 to the expected straight line path of the particle.
The particle, however, does not acknowledge this and instead follows a path expressed by

fds = 0 (1)

calculated from the 5-D line element of equation 8. To the observer this appears as a deviation
from the predicted line. The deviation is seen as some external or internal force. As !ong as our
predicted interval 4-D is close to the 5-D interval, the force may go unnoticed. But when the
interval is significantly different from 4-D element, the deviation appears as a force field. For
significant departures from the standard 4-D theory, there needs to be a nonzero term resulting
from the added coordinate. For example the mass or energy density needs to change along the

In the cases where experiments have only small changes in mass densities there will be little
notice of the deviation from the assumed paths. When the mass density changes become larger
there is a deviation from the expected paths. These would become more apparent as the change in
mass (or energy) densities increases. As energy densities increase more force fields show up.
Such additional fields of force would most likely appear first in processes at high mass densities.
The constructed forces required by the mistake in geometry would require factors in the supposed
force fields of mass or mass density.

This is exactly what current physics sees in the region of high energies. More force fields
are continually required as higher and higher energies are reached. Also the additional forces are
usually expressed as mass transfer (as Yakawa potentials, virtual particles with mass or charge).
If, as an example, such forces were really from a geometry with self-consistent equations of some
5-D theories (see equations 8 and 11) the force field might appear to have am underlying "eight-fold
way" type of symmetry. This should be kept in mind as eight and not four Maxwell-like equations
are developed. Thus the trajectory of a particle near a region of high mass density (such as a
nucleus, proton, etc.) deviates from a path predicted solely using the special law of relativity. It is
hoped that a 5-D theory will reduce the need for additional forces to the fundamental theory.

We are most experienced to think in the 3 dinensions-x, y, z. This is the world in which
we conduct our normal day-to-day activities. However, dimensions can be things other than
length, width, and depth. People are usually more comfortable in terming them variables instead
of dimensions. Engineers talk of having many variables, say eight binary channels, entering a
device. They then treat the electronic device as some function that processes the input variables
into another set of identities (often similar eight channels). Thus they are working with eight
variables or eight dimensions and are attempting to take a point located in an 8-dimensional space
into another point located in the same 8-D space. Biophysicists will speak of a conformational map
of a protein. Here there may be several hundred variables in the form of bond angles of a

molecule. They then attempt to find a most probable value for each variable which minimizes some
function (energy).

In physics we can treat the world as a set of input variables (conditions in the world) where
we are attempting to understand some function (physical laws) which changes the input variables
to ancther set of variables (conditions of the world at a different time or place). All physical
conditions of the worid that are, yet known can be expressed in just five variables. Thus all
physical measurements can be expressed in five fundamental units-length, width, depth, time, and
mass. Any other measured value can be resolved into these five fundamentals.

Stated in terms of linear algebra, the unit vectors of mass-density, time, distance in three
orthogonal dircctions, and their derivatives totally span the. space of all physically observable
events and objcts. For an object (or event) to be considered within a physical theory, we desire
that it possess a position, exist in time and have a nonzero mass or energy density. To devoid a
physical object of mass (or energy) density seems to border on metaphysics and not physics.
Either it exists within some volume and interacts or it is not a real physical item. Any physical
event (or object) can be totally described as a function of these five variables and their derivatives.
Nothing -lse is required. For example, the observation of charge is only made manifest by the
forces (NLT-2 ) on a test particle. We ultimately measure lengths, masses, and times with our
equipment and they can dtmote (hopefully completely) any physically conceivable event.

From this outlook it is navjral to think of a physicists job as determining the functions that
takc an object from a given set of five variibles (x, y, z, t, y) into another condition ef the world
(x' , y', Z":t', y'). As far as can ba determined to date, all physical measurements can be expressed
in this way. Thus, five dimensions is a logical choice for working in the physical universe. There
are at the present many theories which attempt to describe nature in many dimensions. However,
these all apparently end up requiring space to be curved back into itself and the higher dimensions
not appearing in "normal" physical events. It has often been said-"If there are more dimensions,
where are they?" The aisw% is we can only "see" five dimensions and to work with more seems a
complication. Unfortunately most theories try to force nature. into only three or four dimensions.
This tacitly admits particles of zero mass (energy) density. Such theodes can expect to explain
such things as the character and interworkings of particles such as neutrinos.

Once we have assured ourselves that five variables are sufficient to describe the physical
universe, we must then try to determine the process that will take one 5-D condition into another.
The logical choice seems to be a variational hpproach. The reason for this is that we would very

much like to have a total system of physical laws which has a finite number of rules. In order to
have a finite number of rules we will be required to find some system which will give us the
physical outcome of any event after we have studied a set of conditions that are approximately the
same. In other words, we would like the outcome of an event to be somewhat similar to the
outcome of a similar event. If it were not so, then we would have the never ending task of
studying all possible world conditions since there would always be some conditions slightly
different from the one we so carefully studied before.

This is basically a way of stating the variational principle. The process of the physical laws
should be mostly continuous (piece-wise smooth continuous) so that a small change in the initial
conditions can give no more than a small change in the outcome. This is what we mean when we
mathematically state that

6 ds is stationary, (12)

remembering ds is just the path from one physical measurement (expressed in our five
findamental variables) to another physical measurement.

1.4 CHIRALITY - Odd Number of Space-Like Dimensions

For a unification theory to be consistent with the physical world it must satisfy the
empirical restraint that it be in agreement with the Yang-Mills force. This means it must lead to
chirality within zhe weak force. Such forces are seen in the case of beta decay. Here there is a
force whose spatial mirror-reflected image does not exist in nature. Within many theories this
leads to a violation of conservation laws such as charge conversions to account for the apparent
nonconservation effects.

The 5-D theory avoids both of these problems of nonconservation and chirality. The
theory admits an interconversion between charge and mass. This means 5-D replaces charge
conservation with conversion methods. This is similar to the mass-energy conversion of relativity
which replaced mass conservation in the classical theory.

Chirality requires that there be an odd number of spatial dimensions. This is because the
outcome of testing chirality within an N-dimensional manifold is a result of N mirror reflections of
a right-handed object transformed into a left-handed object. If the space has an even number of

dimensions, the even number of reflections return the right-handed object to its original

Many have used this argument to say a unification theory must have an even number of
dimensions. The fallacy is that chirality dictates only that the number of spatial dimensions be odd;
not that the space-timoe dimensions be even. Within the (3+2) 5-D theory the additional dimensions
are time-like and not space-like. In other words the signature of our metric is (+--+). Thus there
is an odd number of space-like dimensions and chirality is valid.

The even number of the time-like dimensions (time and mass density) do not possess
chirality. Thus reflecting to both time reversal and mass reversal leads to a symmetry. Although a
reversal of mass is not clear, it is likely to lead to symmetries of antiparticles.

When all spatial (parity), time, and mass density (related to charge through conversion
formula) components undergo reflection we see that the entire manifold is reversed. Since ds, our
basic interval, is defined from the quadratic ds2 a reversal of the total function leads to the same
results. Thus, charge parity time (CPT) is a good symmetry within a (+--+) D theory.




A review of various physical theories is given in this section. These were selected because
they allow for slight modifications of either general relativity or electromagnetism but reproduce the
traditional views as limiting cases. This is important since we have confidence in the standard
theories; and experiments show that they are correct in currently practiced cases. Of course, for a
breakthrough in technology in this area to occur, there must be some expansion of the theories.
The approach taken was to compare some sensible theories to see if some new and useful effects
might be found. A comparison of how competing theories treat the EM potential is made along
with a review of those theories.

One of the objectives of this task is to design experiments that will be useful in advanced
propulsion techniques. For truly innovative EM propulsive methods, the traditional Maxwell
equations must be expanded or modified to allow for inductive coupling to gravitational forces. It
was determined that the most straight-forward way to compare theories was through their methods
of treating the EM potentials and their field expressions. If an advanced EM propulsion approach
is to couple to the gravitational potential, it will be reflected in the EM potential and its calculation
of self and radiation energy. What is desired is a way that the gravitational potential and coupling
can be modified electromagnetically or that momentum can be exchanged between EM and inertial

Although strong and weak nuclear forces exist, it is primarily the gravitational and EM
forces that govern most common events. The two theories which best model natural events are the
General Theory of Relativity (Einstein's) and Maxwell's Equations of Elecuromagnetism. Together
with thermodynamics they account for all current technology outside of nuclear devices. A single
theory that describes all these things has been a long sought prize.

General Relativity is based on the generalization of the metric (tensor) properties of 4-D
space time which in turn accounts for the existence of the gravitational interactions. Maxwell's
equations govern all EM interactions between charged quantities. In the 19209s Kuluza found that
a 5-D view of the universe seemed to couple both the gravitational and the EM interactioas. The
goal was to form a physical picture of the universe that was based on a geometric regularity that
extended from the cosmic to subatomic universe. Before embarking on a review of 5-D theories it

is first important to understand the constraints on dimensionality (n - number of space-like
dimensions). Some of these are strong constraints but most are only matters of convenience.


1) Einstein's eauation R,,- 0 for vacuum energy says that empty space time should be
flat. For particles to cause curvature in space time (nonzero Riemann-Chiistoffel
tensor) the space must be n > 3.

2) Only in n - 3 are Maxwell's equations conformably invariant. Conversely if you want

modifications to Maxwell's equation, you need to look at n >3.

3) Circular or nearly circular planetary orbits are stable only for n •- 3 for the two-body
problem. The existence of old binary systems seems to indicate the orbits must be

5) It is only in spaces of odd n that Huygen's principle is true. Simply stated, in even n
spaces, some signals could be retrieved even after the wave front had passed. Signals
from distant pulsars seem to indicate that Huygen's principle does hold to a good

It should be noted that these constraints are general in nature and serve only as a guide.
They do not rule out the possibility that any additional dimensions are not time-like or have
curvatures smaller than present experimental access.


In the initial 5-D theory, the line element was given as

ds2 =a yodtidx' where i, j 0, 1,2, 3, 4, (13)

with the added consu-aint that

r =4
=0. (14)

[Notice the convention x0 = t and xj, x2, x3 • x, y, z is used throughout the report for uniformity
regardless of the notation of the original work.] Kaluza called this additional requirement, as
expressed in equation 2, the cylinder condition.

Further it normaiized with respect to the coordinate so that

744 = 1. (15)

The result of this approach was that the geodesics in the 5-D manifold correspond directly
with the usual 4-D paths of charged particles in a combined gravitational and electromagnetic field.
This means, to a weak field approximation, electromagnetism can be considered as part of the
geometrical structure of a 5-D manifold. This is derivable from the 5-D variational principle,

0 =-afd'x=ayR (16)

provided we set j9f•2-K fi • -iG.

Also the electromagnetic gauge transformation is simply a geometric effect of the coordinate
change through the'fifth dimension, to wit:

= I41) = + Y44 (17)

or for the electromagnetic potential

A =(18)

In such a system the metric tensor, G , has 15 components instead of the 10 in 4-D. It is
these extra degrees of freedom that. allow the unification. They correspond to ten components of
the 4-D metric tensor gpn, the four components of the electromagnetic potential Amn and the
additional one is undetermined and in effect set to 1 by the cylinder condition.

This basic approach has been modified by various writers. It was found that the
assignment of physical items to the geometric values should not follow directly from the metric but
instead be made through conformed regauging. In Weyls theory the regauging transformation
between metric differs only by a scalar function of the coordinates

G".= _,2. (19)

In the original theories G44 = -1 but in later theories the scalar was assigned to a scalar
field. Several meanings have been assigned to the scalar field: 1) It may represent an
undiscovered massless fundamental field. This is similar to the Brans-Dicke scalar-tensor theory.
This is the most common interpretation. 2) The field can also be viewed similar to the scalar field
of the Klein-Flock-Gordon equation. It is interesting to note that, if the first interpretation is the
correct one, then the mass of the field particle must be related by

M= (e /2)ýFG (20)

and the mass would be 10-6g. This is an exceptionally large (weighable on a good pan balance)
mass. It is possible to renormalize the theory to yield a given value for the mass but it can not be
determined what mass should be selected.

There have been many historical attempts to develop a theory that calculates a finite self-
energy. The difficulties are that most attempts are not relativistically invariant. For example, some
theories spread the charge out over a nonzero radius, r0 . This is attractive, but the r0 is
relativistically dependent on the velocity of the particle. Thus, the self energy or rest energy (mass)
changes in different reference frames. Such theories do not have relativistic invariance. Some
theories renormalize to avoid such difficulties. This leads to probabilities that are not conserved in
all reference frames. In such theories the particle appears or disappears (changes kernel amplitudes
and thus the integrated probabilities) dependent on the velocity of the reference frame. Quoting
from R. Feynmann (1): "The difficulty suggested by this problem has never been solved. No
modification of quantum electrodynamics at high frequencies is known which simultaneously
makes all results finite, maintains relativistic invariance, and keeps the sum of probabilities over all
alternatives equal to unity." He also states, "It is possible that we are calculating in a naive
manner, and, if all of the consequences of general relativity (such as the gravitational effects
produced by large stresses implied here) were included, the effects might cancel out; but nobody
has worked all this out."

We will now look at several approaches to the problem. A historical summary of the self
energies and potentials resulting from these methods appears in Tables I and 2 which follow the

It has long been known that the self energy of a charged particle is infinite when calculated
in 4-space when a 1/r2 Coulombic potential is used. The reason is that the l/ 2 term tends to
infinity as the distance, r, tends to zero. In 4-space one is faced with a dilemma. Either the charge
particle is not point-like or the shape of the potential is non-Coulombic. If the first interpretation is
taken then all charged particles must have a substucture and there can be no ultimately fundamental
charged particle. Five-space offers a solution to the dilemma by allowing the charge to be spread
over the added dimension.

The role of this self-energy and vacuum energy terms has led to conjectures to unlimited
energy sources. Yet this seems totally unfeasible on thermodynamic grounds. To see several
approaches to this self-energy problem we need to turn to some historically proposed solutions.
The results are summarized in Table 2. The form of the potential is the basis for several
experimental developments. It is perhaps the most fundamental concept required for a microscopic
understanding of natural phenomena governed by electromagnetic forces. In unified theories it
should be kept in mind that linkage between electric and magnetic forces is expected to generate a
similar potential and that potential can be different from the Coulombic.

2.2.1 Born . Infield

Born and Infield (2) approached the problem by trying to solve the difficulty of the infinite
self energy of charged particles. This is done by starting with the invariant Lagrangian

6fLdv = 0 (21)

which gives

L-- fS+ ji" j (22)

using the metic g and the field tensor f. For flat space,

L= •I1+F-G 2 _-

where F is twice the classical EM Lagrangian,

F =(/ b2 XB 2 - E 2 ) (24)

"G2= -j= -(B'E)2 (25)

and b is Born's absolute field unit. The field equations

H~2 dL =,B-G.E
H=b 2d 1+-G2 (26)

and D= b2 -L= E-GB (27)

6dE +F-G2

give the equations

c 9t: (28)

VxH- D-=O , (29)

c at

V.=O , (30)

V.D=O (31)

which are devoid of the normal terms involving charge and current. For an elecutn at rest

D(r)=e/r2 ' (32)

,(r)=y(e/r.) with r. (33)
Zi.(+4)1/2 0(33)


E(r)= (e / r.2 ) 1 (34)

Thus the electric field is finite at all points and does not go to infinite at the origin. The self
energy is likewise finite and found to be

esl = 1.236 ero . (35)

2.2.2 Land6

Landi (3) also worked with explaining the self energy of a particle. He does this by giving
an elect'on a finite radius r0 . For two electrons,

E(r) = (e 2 / rX -exp(r / ,.)) (36)


r. = 2e 2I/3Mc 2 (37)

At r = 0 the mutual energy is finite and is

E(o) = e'/ r. (2 particles) (38)

and the self energy is half of that,

€(o) = e2 / 2ro. (39)

The modified electric potential is given by • = (e / r2 X1- exp(r / r.)). It is the difference between
the Coulomb and Yukawa potentials. Thus, the second term was identified with the meson.

2.2.3 Podolsky

Podolsky (4) also approaches the self energy problem with alteration of the Lagrangian.
He starts by writing the Lagrangian as

L =(1/2XE2+ H2) + (a2/2{(V. E)2 -(Vx H-(1/c)Elk) 2 ] (40)

or in tensor form

L=(1/2{(l/2)Fj2+a 2(±LJ]41

The field equations can be obtained from this Lagrangian as

"+" + 0 (42)

which is the same as classical theory and gives

1-( =
4-x)k=42rFj (43)

which gives the modified expressions

(1-a2C3) V.E=4xp (44)


(1- a 2 0) (VxH-(1/c)t)=4xJ/ c. (45)

The scalar field then becomes

*ffi(e / rXI - exp(-r / a)) (46)

which is the same as the result by Landd.

2.2.4 Corben

Corben (5) developed a 5-D theory of electrodynamics. He assigns A4 with the

gravitational potential and J4 with the mass (rest) density of matter. All the classical relationships
of classical relativity and electromagnetic theory are recovered as the components associated with
the fifth coordinates (i.e. d / &4) tend to zero. Corben assigns to the fifth dimension the
relationships between charge and mass. His conclusion is that mass and charge are
interchangeable and only the total of their coupled effects is conserved.

Corben's (6) second paper is interesting from the standpoint of energy and momentum
conservation. Corben's general approach follows closely from Pauli's work (7).

2.2.5 Flint

Flint (8, 9, 10) attempted a 5-D theory which starts by assuming that the components of the
electromagnetic potential are independent of x4 . From this he shows that the fifth component of
momentum is then constant and the coordinate becomes cylindrical in character. The theory gives
no new effects.

The important point of the work to be noticed here is its converse. Thus, if the components
are not independent of x4 , it becomes plausible that momentum may become a function of terms
relating components of the fifth dimension.

2.2.6 Ingraham

Ingraharn (11) relates the current as


The 5-D potential for a particle with velocity v and the radius vector R is then

(Spa)V/C 4 Z(R 2 + 2 ) with i=, 2,3 , (48)


(tm)-1r 4 R+L2 (.vl and (49)

(exMa) F4uzO (50)

Lambd&is taken here to be x4 . The potential becomes

= e
4x (R2+1A,2)' . (51)

The charge density is found to be

p (R 2+4;2)5/2
pr=4x •(52)

The finite X effectively spreads the charge over a radius less than 2X. The electric potential
E(r) = 4=0
(R 2+ ;L2)312 (53)

and the self energy is

es/= (1/ 2)J E2dv (54)



2.2.7 Arctan Potential

One approach developed for this work is to use a 5-D radius vector in the electrostatic

4 ,ra+x 4

and allow the fifth coordinate to only range from , to co. The electrostatic potentiai is then

f(") (R)dx,, (57)

q(r) e or (58)
17 ex~oA r + X4

ip(r) e 2 r 1 (59)

This remains finite at die origin with the value

'(o)= a (60)

It reduces the Coulomb potential for large r's:

p(r > 0) e .2 .(61)

The charge density of this function is

p(r) - ((62)

The self energy for the 5-D particle is then

e8. =e 2 / 4x 2e,. (63).

2.2.8 Milne

Milne developed a considerable body of work (12) on the theoretical approach to field
unification. His approach involved a second time-like component. He made a very interesting
observation: It is impossible to use a moving test charge to measure the magnetic fi'kld without its
own velocity, relative to the velocities of the other charges present in the field, bringing into
apparent existence distinct additional currents. This is a very deep insight and has not been
generally recognized. The important point is that either. 1) the theory is not relativistic invariant or
2) it is not consistent with quantitized charged. Mr.second case is often overlooked and it is tacitly
assumed that a test charge can be made arbitarily small. Yet it is known that clUarMe is guantitized
and is invariant to all transformations. This means that any theory which hypothesizes an
arbimtrijy smal test charge is fabricating a nonphysical quantity. Within Milne's theory, the force
between two e~ectrons is

Fe (( W2 21
F = p- + W2 CJ 2 / MClr)] + exp(C2 / MC2 r)j(4

where W is the kinetic energy of elecirons. The important factor in the potential is the exponeditial
tmn,, which goes as exp(a/r) instead of exp(ria) as in the earlier work. This imparts a well behaved
nature to energy calculations.

Notice that for the case of W << mc'andr >> e 2 / MC2 the potential reverts to the Coulomb

F = e / r2 , (65)

for two charges with r < e2 / Mc2 ,

F(r)= (e 2 / 2r 2)(1 + W mc2) exp- (e/2 mC2 r) , (66),

with the modification being a result of the kinetic energy W. This modification only appears in
dynamic systems. This is a very pleasing result but unfortunately appears to get lost in
philosophical debates on Milne's work.

2.2.9 Williams

Williams has advanced a 5-D theory starting from thermodynamics (13, 14, 15). This is a
unique approach and does not appear to have been stated elsewhere. He has combined the
thermodynamic laws with mechanical systems to give a unified 5-D theory. He has expressed the
electrostatic potential as

Vr) 2 - r)exp(-A, / r) ,(67)

where A is a fundamental constant that is particle dependent.

The particle's self energy can then be calculated by

8,=(1/2)fE2dv (68)

Williams has used this potential to calculate atomic rmass defects. The results are generally better
than standard models.

Table 1. Comparisons of Potentials


EA(r) = 1 r 2 (69)

Truncated Coulomb

E,(r) = I/ r2 ;r Z:r. Ep(r) a0- r < r. (70)


Ec(r) = (e/ r) 1(
ri (71)

Coulomb with Yakawa

ED(r) =(e r2Xl - exp(-r r.)) with r= 2e1

I3mc2 (72)


E,(r) := a4 . (r--
2 + r 2)2(73)


E,(r) ( A /r)exp(-A r)
r (74)


E (r)= •(12 + K. E.)2eXp- (e2/ MC2r)


Table 2. Comparisons of Self Energies

Coulombic: infinite (77)

Born Infield: 1.236 e2 / r, (78)

Land&: e 2 / (2r.) (79)

Podolsky: C2 / (2r.) (80)

IngrahamL 3e2 / (1281•) (81)

Arctan: e2 /(4x 2eo). (82)


One goal of this work is to expand such 5-D theories to provide a useful set of field
expressions and see where they may lead. Specifically, we wish to see how changes in the
classical Maxwell expressions may result from such theories. The expression will be developed
into classical differential form to facilitate the understanding of expected physical effects.
Conventional coordinate-based tensor symbolism will be used. A brief review of the symbols
appears in Appendix A.

The line element is given by

ds2 "gij dxi dxJ for ijao,l1,2,3,4 , (83)

x 0 -ct , (84)
x 1 2 3 -space , (85)
and x4 -j. (86)

Widliams (13, 14, 15) has started from thermodynamic reasoning and assigned j as mass
density. Wesson (16) has assigned

j=Girrc 2 (87)

The field equations are written as analogs to the 4-D Einstein expressions as

Gi - Rij - 1/2go R , or (88)

- (8 p g/c 4) Tij . (89)

It is further assumed that the metric is a function of all 5 coordinates and no added cyclic
conditions are imposed.

Likewise by analogy, the electromagnetic equations can be quickly obtained from the 4-D
expressions by expanding the antisymmetric electromagnetic tensor, F1 tn, and the current vector,
AP The potentials A and the j from Maxwell's theory now form a 5 vector

K 0 =j mA° K1i=A' (90)

from Flo = K*., - K,,# (91)

"o XE2 X3 'V4

where F - 40 83 2 V(92)
F -1E 2- 3-B 0 B V
2 V2

4 - V1 -V2 -V 3 0

and 4r=/= F/',IV. (93)

Notice that the symbol V has been used to designate the expected fields derived from the
added fifth coordinate. The metric signature has been tentatively assigned the value of (+-+-).

These can now bc utilized to derive 5-D analogs to the classical Maxwell expressions. By
using the BiaWchi identities.

Fij,k + Fiji + Fkij - 0 (94)

from which we obtain four field equations

VB=.O (95)

VxE+±-=O, (96)
VxV-a-7=O, (97)

VV,+(1/c) -a. - =0
dE (8
- OT

The first two are the normal Maxwell expressions. The last two indicate the new role
played by the mass terms.

Notice the constant a. is introduced specifically to indicate the degree of coupling between
the EM and inertial fields. Additional equations are obtained from the current density expression.
F.,=i 41ij (99)

as three additional equations

V.E + a.--V4= 4xp (100)

c?•E dV
V xB- (1 / c)-•- +a. -. 4rJIc, (101)
& aY
and V.V +(I /C)-!L=-4 J 4 . (102)
& C

Equation 101 will become important in locating new effects. The electric field from a
region now depends on both the charge density, r, and the change in the mass (energy) density.

Notice that J (i - 0, 1, 2, 3) are the classical charge density or current, and that J4 is a new
entity which is a mass density-like flow and dependent on the exact assignment of the fifth

A 5-D analog to the continuity equation can be obtained by

4xrJ,., = Fji (103)


J =0 (104)

to give

-+Vj+a.aJj4=0 (105)

This expression is important in looking for nonconservation of charge.

Likewise the 5-D force forces become

Fj = q(Ei+(v xB)i)+J4V4, and (106)


F4 = (V4 V ) (107)

for particles of velocity v. Notice the scalar-like force that modifies the classical Lorentz force.

To better understand the expected change due to the added physical dimension we must
look at some special cases. Without any mass effect (free space)

i.- 0 (108)
and J 4 -0 (109)

and the field equations reduce to the four familiar Maxwell equations.

If all elecromagnetic effects could be removed the equations become

with E, =Bi=0 for i=1,2,3 (110)

From equation 100

a dV4 /dY= (111)

from equation 97

VxV=0, (112)

from equation 105

a.&. 4 / =O--, (113)

from equation 98

VV4 +(I / C)a.. = (114)

and forom equation 102

V-V+(1/C) =-44 (115)


Equations 111 and 102 can be used to help understand V4 and J4 . From these it is apparent
that they are functions linear with respect to the added dimension. From equation 112 it is seen
that a divergence in mass from a point is impossible in the absence of charge and magnetic effects.
This rules out photon-photon reactions via virtual charged particles. Such terms have plagued
QED calculations.

Equations 94, 95, 96, and 98 can be rewritten to stress their correlation with the classical
Maxwell formalism. The first two remain unchanged

V.B=0 (116)


VxE+-±,= 0( 117)

indicating no monopolies and that the line integral of E about a loop is proportional to the time
change of the magnetic field through the loop. The remaining two make possible new additions to
Maxwell's expressions

New Terms

V.E=4xp aT (118)

_E aodV

VxB - =41rJ (119)

Equation 118 modifies Gauss's Law to state that flux through a closed surface is
proportional to the charge inside only if there is no mass density change within that region. In
other words, the effect of particle creation/annihilation within a region must be considered when
calculating the flux from a volume. Conversely calculation of mass within a volume must consider
the. possible flow of electromagnetic energy within the volume (pair production). It can be argued
that Gauss's law implies a l/r2 potential and any new terms would alter that potential. The effects
are very subtle or appear only in high mass density regions. The new potential does not have
divergencies as does the h/r2 . Likewise the magnetic field can now arise from changes in the
electric flux, movement of charges and the change from V arising from mass effects.

It is interesting to note that Milne (12) pointed out a need to modify just these two Maxwell
expressions. He arrived at slightly different terms due to alternate assumptions concerning two
time-like coordinates. His viewpoint was that strict relativistic ab initio theories must consider the
possibility that in moving reference frames it is impossible to use a moving test charge to measure a
magnetic field without its own velocity, relative to the velocities of other charges present in the
field, bringing into existence distinct additional currents. Thus, he proposed a modification to
these Maxwell expressions when the magnetic field depends on the velocity of the test.-charge
measuring it. Some have countered this by saying the test charge can be made infinitesimally
small. But this is inconsistent with physical reality since charge is quantitized and an
infinitesimally small charge is not possible.

This concept is very important. It seems to have been totally ignored in the current
literature and only appears in Milne's work. The idea is a theoretic insight directly into the heart of
the understanding of charge. Here we have a case of a fundamental physical theory relying on the

existence of a physically impossible quantity. Charge is unique in that it is quantitized and the
number of fundamental carriers is a relativistic and probablistic invariant within all physical reality.

2.3.1 Modifications to Maxwell's Equation

Any system which would link EM with other forces must add changes to Maxwell's
equations. These equations are perhaps the most experimentally verified ones of physics. Any
modifications must be examined closely to see if the modifications violate any known experiment.
The four Maxwell equations can be grouped into two sets: electrostatic and electrodynamic, and
magnetostatic and magnetodynamic.

Two of the equations come from the Bianci relations (equation 94):

V. B =0 exclusion of magnetic monopoles, and (120)

VxE=dB/at E of a loop depends on the B flux through it. (121)

Both of these equations can be derived directly from the antisymmetric nature of the tensor, F.,
and Bianci tensor identity. They should hold in all coordinate systems and for all multidimensional
spaces. They are valid even under nonsymmetric space-time curvature. The Bianci relations are
valid for both simple differentiation and the covarient differentiation of a general tensor so

FijVo+Fvv.u +Fop.v = F,+F', + Fop; V = 0 (122)

There appears to be no valid theoretical reason to experimentally test any non-classical or novel
effects linked to modifications to these equations.

The two Axiomatic Maxwell equations are separate from the Bianci relations. They are:

oE /ai= Vx H -4,,J (123)


which depends on currents in loops plus a displacement current

and V.E=4f p . (124)

equation 124 shows that the flux of E depends on charges inside the volume.

These two laws stand on a different theoretical footing than Maxwell's first two equationt.
They can be traced to the definition of current by

FMuv,v=4 I.xP (125)

This, however, is not valid within general relativity when the curvature tensor is nonzero.
The normal differentiation (comma) should be replaced by full covariant differentiation (semicolon)
if the definition is to have meaning in all reference frames. That is

FAU;v = 4rgv1. (126)

This will include curvature terms, r's.

It is interesting to note that a0l plausible variations to Maxwell's equations investigated here
had variations in just these two equations. This was true regardless of the theoretical starting
point. (Williams started from the thermodynamics, Chambers from 5-D, Milne from
noninfinitesimal test charge, etc.)

It is highly recommended that any experimental project hoping to capitalize on

modifications to Maxwell's equations concentrate on these two equations. Targeting these two
relations is most likely to demonstrate any coupling between EM and other forces. Modifications
are summarized in Tables 3 and 4.

Table 3. Modification of Maxwell's Equations

Maxweul: V.E-p/Eo=0 (127)

3 -. r x H] (128)
Trocheris: V. D-4xp= V.[

Widliams: V.E-4fp=dV4/dy (129)

Milne: V.E=(1i/c)&z/dt (130)

Lucak. V.D-4xp=-4/ 1 ý-+V.gradq

Chambers: V. E -p /e

Table 4. Modification of Maxwellcs Fourth Equation

=0 (133)
Maxwell: C2EVxB-J/zo- ?

Trocheris: VxH-4xJ/c-1/c -2e VxrxD+(I/c)-rxH

& 2

WVVRKs: VxB-4xJ- = V

MleV x H - 1/c.2 --
grad(a) (136)
Milne: VxH-1/c-=grd &

Lucak: Vx -4J/ -1 --•]f----(137)----•y-

Chambers: VxB-p-J-(1/c2) 9E ±Q

2.3.2 Lorentz Forces in S-D

The Lorentz force is given by the familiar expression

F - q(E+vxl). (139)

It is a postulate separate from the Maxwell expressions but yet consistent with those expressions.
It can be obtained by the Biot-Savart Law

dF=JIdlxBc (140)

for two loops of stationary currents if one current produces a B field which then exerts a force of
dF on the current when a current of I dl passed through a small element of the second. Since the
Lorentz expression contains the observed velocity v it is not clear that it is rigorously valid at v
approaching c.

Several researchers have suggested that the Lorentz expression be dropped and a return be
made to the Ampere force laws for interacting currents. Most either do not see any difficulties or
do not think that the effort is justified. Recently Peter Graneau has conducted experiments that
seem to support a return to Ampere force laws.

The forces can be approached from a theoretical view as arising from

Force = dp/d-, (141)

and in full tensor notation for any n - space

Sr +! dx1v= ei.2 (142)

Lhd~r'2 'drJ drI r

with Forcem FjJu (143)

Expressed in 5-D notation of the Dynamic Theory this is written as

Ka = FafJ#p=T•;p. (144)

These force densities become

K,. =(Y/c,•E. j+ V114] (145)

KU(/Ic[JXB+J 4 V] (146)
and K4,=-(I / c) .V]. (147)

Within the Dynamic Theory of Williams (13) the J4 is the "mass charge" that is simijlar to
the "weight" of the material and the V's are related to the "gravitational potential." The important
feature is that the classical Lorentz style forces are now seen to contain addietonal terms.

It :s hard to interpret the expressions above for the general case. However in the Dynamic
Thlory where mass density is taken as the additional dimension, the J4 V term is apparently the
Newtonian Force

Fm •-•V*ml (148)

and V can be considered to be the gravitational field strength of the transverse gravitational
component. The J V term is more difficult. Also one must remember that the expression must
properly be transformed and may require the use of curvature terms (r' s) for the general case.
The K is especially interesting since it would seem to be the force in the "direction of mass
density" and may tend to decrease the expected "pinching" that would be expected from the E and
B fields alone (notice sign). If this is correct we might see dispersive forces at high currents in
conditions that otherwise would compress the material. These terms may become important in
designing of efficient EM propulsive devices that operate with high currents or with highly flo-w,,

2.3.3 Wave Propagation in S-Space

It is extremely difficult to derive and understand the nature of the propagation of 5-D
waves. This is due to several factors. One, is the complications of assigning physical
understanding to the mass terms equivalent to optical properties such as the index of refraction. A
more severe complication is the mathematical complexity arising from retaining mass effects in the
wave formalism while having to teat Christoffel terms in the geodic trajectories.

The following will proceed by setting spaco. curvature terms to zero but retaining the 5-D
form of the wave expression. The propagation of the wave will proceed by using

6fds as stationary. (149)

The trajectory becomes

dv -r;v0vV =0 (150o)

Proceeding by mathematical analogs to 4-D, a solution can be expressed as

A(r,:) = a,,exp{ -P!~( (151)

where 1 is the direction cosine of the wave:

I = (c,-/c,-k 2,-lc,,-k 4 ) (152)


lJlJL =1 (units: c= 1) (153)

for propagation along x, and thus

A(r.,) = agexp{---i-(cd kx + k 4 m)}. (154)

The first and second derivative of k must be zero for the direction of the ray to be constant
at an arbitrary 5-D point. Otherwise there would be an uncertainty that would enter the expression
for phases.

Placing this into the field equations, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 101, and 102, the solution
becomes for flat space

B., =V.,=oJ0, (155)
B,=(ck / w)Ex , (156)
E-= E.exp{i(Ox - kb + k4 m)}, (157)
and =k •


For a wave propagating along x,

Ey =(w/ kc)B. , (159)

V k 2
~~0 (160)
VYack 4 E. (161)

V4=k/aok4 E,, (162)

k , (163)
and JY =-IJ4 (164)
' k "

2.3.4 Limits to Conversion Rates

The trajectories for light can be obtained by the imposing a stationary condition for the line
element in equation 10,

,fd$2 = 8fg'dx'dxj= 0 (165)

or using flat Euclidean space

&2 = C2dt- x2 y2 dZ2 + (I /a)2d,2 (166)

with a. a real constant for a metric signature (+--+) and a. a pure imaginary constant for a (+---)
signature. For flat space

C7t = a.c -(V2 /c2) (167)

This sets a limit on the time rate of mass conversion. The added function of mass as a fifth
dimension has placed a limit as how quickly mass and energy can be converted. This is very
reasonable since mass cannot move with unlimited velocity. This leads to a natural cutoff for self
energy calculations and can avoid some divergences in a way consistent with general relativity.

The maximum rate of conversion will occur for real a. when v-0. At zero velocity the
conversion rate is j, = a*c and no conversion is possible at v = c. This means that no particles
can be created that have velocities v = c. The result is that infinities arising in self-energy

calculations, corresponding to infinite kinetic energies for virtual particles, are avoided. Likewise
photons would not be expected to spontaneously be converted to mass while traveling at v = 0.
This avoids divergences due to vacuum terms. There could be conversion of photons when they
interact with matter such that the refractive index is h > 0 and thus v < c.

Conversely the velocity of light, vo , can be expected to rely on the rate of mass
conversion. That is

CC (168)

The limiting rate for mass conversion is an exceptional important concept. It is ultimately
tied to thermodynamics and the "arrow of time." Williams has calculated the maximum conversion
rate for uranium in an atomic reaction and finds that it is consistent with the mass conversion
principle. It is plausible that the concept can be employed to limit production of virtual particles in
self-energy calculations. The fact that infinitely massive particles are excluded from formation in
infinitesimal time intervals severely limits such calculations. This is a major theoretical point.
Infinities have plagued such calculations since the 1920Ys due to the failure of excluding such terms
in a relativistic consistent method. It is only with 5-D theories that use mass density as the
additional component that this appears possible.

The change in the velocity of light would be expected only where a large change of mass
density would be occurring. The phase velocity can be written as

VP =(I / k)(+ + , (169)

2.3.5 Reduction to Newton's Laws - PPN

One very good approach to testing theories of gravity is the parametrized post-Newtonian
(PPN) formalism (16). This allows many theories to be tested parametrically by a single general
theory. Estimates of the parameters can rule out entire classes of theories and determine which, if
any, theories are more likely to be correct.

The reasoning behind the PPN formalism is that all metric-based gravitational theories must
predicted the same g, metric in the weak field slow motion limit since Newton's Laws should be
recoverable from all practical theories. The PPN approach begins by a mathematical expansion of
the metric in terms of dimensionless New'tonian gravitational potentials. There are 10 parameters
used in the expansion. The general maetric given in PPN formalism is rewritten so that the 10
general parameters replace the 10 degrees of freedom within the metric with the PPN parameters.
For this study the parameters a., 4,, 42, , and 4, are called to question. These are the ones
linked to the breakdown of global conservation laws of linear and angular momentum. Will (17)
has shown that any 4-D metric theory conserves these momentum components if and only if
C3,1 == =41 = =4
= 0. Such a theory is called a conservative theory. The use of the PPN
formalism has been very successful in comparing and classifying alternative metric theories of

An interesting effect that may find use in propulsion is that theories with (cj + '2) • 0
predict that the center of mass of a binary system may self accelerate in the direction of the
system's periastron. This acceleration has been given by Will (20) as

Afhn - 2l a - 42
& m.=-'"
a"l ' (I'2 2 (170)

where 1) is a unit vector directed from the center of mass to the point of periastron of m (most
distant part of orbit). Current experimentsplacean upperlHmitin % as < 2 X 10-5 and a weak
limit of 4 as < 100. There is no fully developed theory with 4ua0.

In a binary pulsar such as PSR 1913+16, the acceleration would be manifested in both a
changing Doppler shift and a secular change in the observed pulsar period. The ratio of the time
change of pulsar period to the orbital period, P / P, has been placed near 4.6 X 10"9/yr. If this
iatio can be mtked over time it could distinguish between changes due to energy loss and 4, if
the ratio P/ Pis constant. If however the ratio changes linearly with time, then a secular
acceleration of the center of mass is likely and 4 0 0. This could be functional in any future
propulsion system but the effect would be small for any practical rocket size.

It is suggested that the period and Doppler shift of PSR 1913+16 or a suitable pulsar be
tracked over an extended time (decades). This could be relatively easy and inexpensive to

2.3.6 Thermoelectric Potentials in Gravity Fields

It now appears likely that the thermoelectric potentials of a couple can be altered by a
gravitational field. This work is from J. Anadan of the Max Planck Institute fur Physik und
Astrophysik at the Werner Heisenberg Institut fur Physik, Munich, W. Germany (18). The best
discussion of the effect appears in Phys. Lett. 105A, 280 (1984). A brief description follows.

The general relativistic equations can be developed such that the density of total kinetic
energy flow

WV, = kPw( d•7 - apT) - ( irC / e)Jv 11

by using the projection tensor P,. = gx. - t~tv and the conduction electron density

': = P'V. (172)

which gives the total kinetic energy

W."= P, W. (173)
J,"= aEv + -Pw'(O•-a.•) oE-Pv(d7- aT) .(174)

Here, k, s are the thermal and electric conductivities, T the temperature, C the chemical potential, p
the Peltier coefficient, e the electrical charge, and

a, = t'rtO., 4- a. (175)

Anadan has shown that these general relativistic expressions give a Peltier and Seebeck
effect that is mcified in a gravitational potential (also apparently correct for an accelerating frame).

If a current flows through a circuit formed from two different conductive wires, then the heats U 1,
and U2 produced per unit time at the upper and lower thermocouple junctions are related by

U2 =-( + aH/ c 2 •J (176)

where H is the height of the junctions and a the acceleration (g). Notice that the heat flow is not
equal at the two junctions. Also, if the temperature at the two junctions is maintained at T1 and T 2
then the e.m.f, across a connecting circuit would be

1 ý'{T ~H~2~ 2 (l + gn /C2)1. (177)

2.3.7 Field Vectors and Equations in $-D

We now turn our attention to developing the field vectors. To work with the wave
propagation and forces it is convenient to define the five current as

A = (icPJ 1 ,.J
2 ,.J
3 J4 ) (178)

and the five potential vector as

A=--(ilcAAA'A4) "(179)

There are two assumed conditions that simplified theoretical progress. They are usually
tacitly assumed but we need to take special note that they are separate postulates. The first is the
continuity equation,

aL=O (180)

which governs the flow of charge, and the second is the Lorentz condition,

-A=o (181)

which governs the flow of the potential field. The A's may be theoretical constructs or physically
real. What is more physical is the antisymmetric field tensor

FY= ", (182)

as discussed elsewhere. We have already developed the Maxwell-like equations starting from

&k.-. &, + __A=
&zJ 0 (183)

and using for the current density, J

FA= AA .~, (184)

Equation 183 is a tensor identity based on the antisymmetry of , and equation 184 comes
from the variation of the action. Using equations 183 and 184 and recalling that the field tensor A
is defined by equation 182, we obtain

- a = ;t" (185)

By using the Lorentz condition, equation 181, the first term is zero and we are left with

a2 . = P

It is convenient to introduce a 5-D analogy with the del operator.

a2 20a
*_(1/c2)W7+V2 + 45 (187)

Notice that the zeroth component is the customary (i/ c)? and x4 is our fifth (additional)
coordinate, written in units of length so that a. y - x4 . With this notation, equation 186 becomes

* (138)

Returning to the vector identity, we rewrite it as

by use of antisymmetry (equation 182). Now differentiating with respect to xk gives

a2F d 2F~ d2_ =0

i =0(190)+ j -

Using the definition of the current vector (equation 184) gives

+k CVk)=X
-. k (191)


012F1 2[~~
kt F• (192)

These give the three vector equations and the one scalar equation:

from (i,j)= (1,2),(2,3), and (3,1):

*2 RUE-VxJ, (193)

from (i,j)= (0,1),(0,2), and (0,3):

S+ ,(194)

from (ij) = (4,1),(4,2), and (4,3):

2 V =.U(VJ 4 - a). (195)

and the scalar expression from (i,j)= (4,0):

* 2 V4 =.U 2-c2-dP _& (196)


The first two of these equations are just 5-D expressions of the classical wave equations.


In the following we will discuss the theoretical foundations of the primary conservation
laws. The point is made that both parity and angular momentum are not true tensor quantities.
This means that there is no overwhelming theoretical reason why they must be conserved in cases
involving inversion. Parity has been experimentally shown not to be universally conserved and it
is plausible that angular momentum may likewise be violated by some specialized cases. This may
lead to massive amounts of energy conversions or changes in orbital angular momentum. This is,
however, only a theoretical "opening" and no practical experimental approach seems to lead
directly to propulsive systems in the foreseeable future.

The goal of an advanced propulsion unit is to achieve the maximum integrated thrust over
the life of the mission. Since chemical and nuclear systems are rapidly reaching their theoretical
maximum performance values any advanced system must perform in ways that exceed such
assumed theoretical limits to performance. Just as engineers must continually "push the envelope"
in development we must push the theoretical envelope in the hope of locating where advances may
be made.

The limits to most propulsion systems can be traced to our present understanding of the
physical conservation laws. These laws are the foundations of modern physics and cannot be

lightly discarded. Instead we must come to an understanding as to their theoretical origins before
we can hope to find ways around them. They arc normally never questioned but instead assumed
"a priori." The only successful attempts to derive the conservation have been by symmetry studies
and it is there that we must turn for our investigation. We later see that if the symmetry of a system
cau be broken there may be a theoretical rational to consider departures from the familiar
conservation Laws.

2.4.1 Conservation of Energy

Energy conservation theorems in physics can only be assumed or related by symmetry

properties. Consider the fact the Newton's and Maxwell's equations do not change with time.
This symmetry of time gives rise to the conservation of energy. Quantum mechanically, if H is the
Harmiltonian of an isolated system then the homogeneity of time implies that H is not an explicit
function of time. Therefore,

=E((ilh)(H,E]+aE/&)=((i/hXH,E]+aE/dt) ,(197)

-E(i/lh[n,E]+0 (198)

d-E) = 0E = (199)
d: dt

and E is a constant of motion. The homogeneity of time and invariance of our physical laws give
rise to conservation of energy. Thus, if new energy sources are found (as was nuclear) the terms
are added to our physical laws, in that way the physical laws we know are derived indirectly from
our desire to keep them consistent with time.

A more technical and rigorous approach was given by Enmny Noether (19). By looking at
transformations of the action integrals, she showed thet every parameter associated with
transformation, that leaves the action integral invariant, leads to a corresponding conservation law.
For the case of conservation of energy, we can choose a system whose Lagrangian does not
depend explicitly on time, t. The transformation chosen is

t - to + a (200)

where a is an infinitesimal constant. The Langrangian is the

L = L(qi,qi',t' + a), (201)

since the Lagrangian is derived from physical laws whose form does not change in time. The
variational integral is then

A = f2L(qiqi'*)&P (202)

and the transformational problem becomes for an infinitesimal a

.q)5 =L(q5 ,q8 (l - al))

= L(qi,qj -a


A = JILqjq1 -- La'dr'.
L 24

Using variational procedures of least action

SL=o (205)


p,,- L = E (206)

which is the well known energy theorem of classical physics. In short the symmetry of time
(homogeneity, invariance to infinitesimal translations) has given the physical effect of conservation
of energy.

There is no known way to alter time symmetry. Thus, there can be no way around energy
conservation if we insist that our physical laws are time invariant.

2.4.2 Conservation of Linear Momentum

We now direct our attention to conservation of momentum. Here is where a propulsion

system finds its greatest limitations and where breakthroughs may just be possible. The
conservation of momentum for an isolated system depends on the homogeneity of space. Consider
a region in space removed from other objects. Now enclose the region with a box and conduct a
virtual displacement of the box (transform space coordinates with At=O). There is no experiment
confined to the box that can reveal its new location without making references outside the box.
This means that the physical laws of an isolated system of particles can only depend on their
relative orientations and not on their distances from some arbitrary point. For example, the
Hamiltonian can always be transformed to a system omitting the arbitrary point, i.e. center of
mass, etc.

Mathematically, the displacement operator D(d) is given by

D(d) =I +_ (207)

for an infinitesimal displacement d and density L. Solving for , we get

P 2 = (A/idXD(d)- (208)

The Hamiltonian of a system commutes with a displacement since it cannot depend explicitly on an
arbitrary point of origin. Thus

, I0 (209)

and the conservation of momerstum is found to have its origins in the homogeneity of space.

Noether's principle can be easily extended for momentum. Writing the classical action

S(T - v).k

with dte kinetic energy reflecting the translation in space

T=(1/2)M(' +) 2 + (y, + )2 +(Z+ 6)2 (211)


~fl L fd (212)


mx - Constart (213)
r•- Constant (214)
mz = Constant (215)

which is the law of conservation of momentum.

Conservation of momentum is seen to be intimately related to the symmetry of space. This

will be valid as long as space is homogeneous or the system is totally isolated. If the system is
near an external object then homogeneity is lost and momentum can be "relayed" between the
objects (for example, gravity assisted spacecraft trajectory techniques). Also, if material or
radiation are absorbed or emitted by the region, momentum can be altered (for example, photon,
EM systems).

2.4.3 Conservation of Angular Momentum

The conservation of angular momentum is perhaps the most theoretically interesting (parity
is also interesting but already has been proven not strictly conserved). This is because there art
definite theoretical arguments that can call it into question. The symmetry diat dictates conservation
of angular momentum is the.isotopy of space. In other wonds space is supposed to be unchanged
by a rotation about some fixed axis in space. That is all spatial axes are the same. Present cosmic
background studies show that the 30K background radiation is almost the same in all directions.

Such studies are often used in support of the big bang theory. Astronomers have termned the
hypothesis, that the i•n•verse is spatially homogeneous and isotropic, the Cosmological Principle.

From time to time microwave studies have indicated a small anisotopy in the radiation
background. Such departures are known to be less than 1% of the total background. The
inportant point, however, is that space in our local galaxy is not isotropic. In fact, it is easy to tell
that the solar system is in a galaxy which has a net angular momentum in reference to observable
distant g~aaxies. There is, therefore, a distinguishable axis.

Although it may be hard to distingiish the exact position of a space point with respect to far
stars, it is relatively easy to distinguish how - system is rotated in comparison to the "flxed" stars.
As the conservation ot angutar momentum is developed, notice that it will likely only be valid if
space is isotropic. Departures become "reasonable" if the large region containing the system
departs from rotational symmetry.

For the conservation of angular momentum we must consider a Lagrangian that is

rotationally invariant. If the potential energy V is the result of "central forces," then V depends
only on the distances between the two particles, i.e. on the spatial quantity

S- r(X, - XI+(Of -, V+ (z1 - zh) . (216)

This is true if not only a constant translation, but also a constant rotation, of the reference
system leaves both potential and kinetic energy unvaried. An infinitesimal rotation of the
coordinates may be written in terms of the arbi-ary infinitesimal vector, Q3.

rl:r÷ + rl •(217)

If 4 is m a fiunction of cthen the kIned'c energy is

7' (1 / 2)mP• = (I 2)m(Q + il x r) t218)

T (1 / 2)mr 2 -+i2m(rxi). (219)

ThIas by least action,

x rxmv - (220)

so the total angular momentum is a constant. It is only if the center of mass is at rest with respect
to the origin, that the angular momentum will be independent of the point of reference.

For an observer in space, it is very difficult to quickly determine the absolute time,
position, or velocity. However, an absolute rotation can be determined quickly. Stated in
astronomical terms, the homogeneity of space and time is close enough to preclude determining
instantaneous displacement in time and space, but the isotropy of space is not uniform enough to
preclude determination of an instantaneous rotation. This gives a theoretical opening for possible
departures from conservation of angular momentum.

To break the symmetry of space, a system merely has to rotate. In this way a preferred
direction in space is set up. The effect is expected to be second order, but it definitely is within
theoretical possibilities. Pulsars and quasars may be naturally occurring cases of
interconservations between spin and energy.

Other than Kerr metric approaches, relativity avoids rotating frames of reference and
nowhere has there been a good study on 102 energy terms allowing angular momentum to interact
with the energy and gravitating mass in relativistic problems. Forward has suggested that an
interconservation between angular momentum and energy may be of the order of

E=Lc/A, A - 1.6xl0-3m (221)

which is equivalent to 1/2 ton of TNT for the angular momentum of each orbiting electron.

2.4.4 Conservation of Parity

Conservation of parity was held in high regard until experimental results revealed that it
was not conserved in beta decay. For objects such as cannon balls and colliding particles, it can be
seen that the laws that ditate their paths are the same for a mirror image of the objects. In quantum
mechanics the concept of conservation of parity i. very useful. From the famous Co-60 beta decay
experiment (20, 21) (discussed below), it is now recognized that parity is not always conserved.

The important point is that the conservation theorem may not be valid if the system is selected in
such a way as to "break" the underlying symmetry supporting the theorems.

The Co-60 experiment will serve as a well documented example of departure from
conservation theorems and the spin alignment of nuclei. Consider a quantity of Co-60 placed
within a magnetic field. The magnetic field aligns the nuclear spins of cobalt such that the magnetic
field of the coil and the nuclear magnetic moment are parallel. Experimentally it was found that the
emission of beta particles was greater along one direction of the coil.

Experimentally the direction of the current in coil was reversed to effect a mirror image. It
was found that direction of the maximum beta ray intensity was reversed. Conservation of parity
would have required no change and, thus, equal intensities in both directions. In relativistic terms
this can be traced to the fact that whereas translation, linear momentum, acceleration, electric fields,
etc. are tensor quantities, angular momentum, spin, magnetic field, etc. are pseudovectors. For
pseudovectors, scalar products change sign on some coordinate inversions. For example,
electromagnetic energy terms like H2 and E 2 are scalars but those like E.H are pseudovectors and
may not be invariants since parity is not conserved. Simply stated, the experimental evidence that
parity can be violated establishes the fact that quantities based on pseudovectors need not be
conserved in all cases. It also points the way to where to look for departures from conservation.
Also note that simple phenomena involving electromagnetic and strong or weak nuclear events
alone do conserve parity. It is not until more complex events involving several forces does the
parity - pseudovector question come to play.

2.4.5 Conservation of Pseudovectors

Ordinary polar vectors transform by

ai =aaa. (222)

but the so called axial or pseudovectors transform according to

q = aaaa (223)


a = detlaikl. (224)

For all proper rotations, a - 1 and the axial vector transforms just like a polar vector. The
scalar product of two axial vectors is a scalar. The scalar product of a polar and axial vector is a
number which can change its numerical sign on reflection. When odd number coordinvies are
reversed we have a = -1. A common example is the magnetic moment or magnetic field vector,
H. Physically this means that the pseudovector would behave just like a full vector for simple
translations and rotation (hence Galilean coordinates and Lomentz transformations). It would not
however, act the same for coordinates other than Galilean or for inversion.

This means that experiments designed to circumvent conservation theorems (i.e. angular
momentum) should:

1) involve two or more fundamental forces

2) possess broken symmetry (odd parity)
3) involve the use of pse'udovectors
4) align the axis of broken symmetry with inversion characteristics of the

The conservation of angular momentum is a deep-seated physical principle of great use. It

can be shown that, although energy and linear momentum are true tensors, both parity and angular
momentum are pseudotensors. Angular momentum is thus not required to be conserved under
inversions and in noninertial reference frames. Careful high accuracy experiments are needed to be
undertaken to check the validity of angular momentum conservation since it apparently stands as a
separate postulate.

The conservation theorems are at the very heart of modem physical theories. The
conservation of charge, energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, isospin, etc. are often the
tools used to show reason and utility among competing theories. Often they are treated as
unassailable but occasionally a return to the foundations leads to unexpected revision of theories.
For sometime parity was considered as a fundamental conserved quantity. In the light of the Co-
60 Beta decay we now understand that parity can be violated and that CPT is a more fundamental
symmetry in nuclear and weak interactions.

In retrospect, many point out that parity should not have been expected, from first
principles, to be conserved. This section will seek to call into question our as3umption that angular
momentum is required to be conserved. We will find that both angular momentum and parity stand
on equal thcoretical footing within a relativistic and symmetry view. It is hoped that some
experimentalist will be moved to test this nonconservation possibility.

Eefore we understand the concept of nonconservation and symmetry breaking we must be

sure of our view as to what is meant by conservation. For a quantity A to be conserved it must
satisfy the tensoir expression

a-; =0. (225)

In flat space-time where the coordinates can be labeled x, y, z, t this can be written as

A, +-A,' +; + =0(226)

Multiplyiag by dx dy dz and integrating over that volume this becomes

JIA* +.dAZ l0b

J termfl (227)

with the boundary conditions arising from the three space terms. Physically we say that the
quantity within the region depends on the movement of that quantity across its spatial boundaries.
Thus, there can be no change of that quantity except there can be transport of the quantity across
the spatial boundaries of the volume. For a tensor .4, there is clearly a corrcsponding
conservation law.

Within a general relativistic viewpoinL, any physical principle expressible as a tensor

expression should hold in all reference frames, both inertial and noninertial. For quantitics such as
mass and linear monntuwm tensor expressions are easily expressed. This means that their physical
relationships are invariant to alteration from any arbitrary frame of reference, so long as they are

written in tensor form. The reason for this is that all tensors must transform in a way that is linked
to the coordinates.

Quantities such as parity and angular momentum, however, are not "true" tensors or "true"
vectors. Instead they are quantities termed pseudotensor pseudovectors or axial vectors. For most
transformations, there is no practical difference between pseudovectors and "true" vectors. In fact,
both work equally well under proper (spatial) rotations, translations, and in general Galilican and
Lorentz transformations. As a result it is usually assumed that such quantities are always the same
as true vectors. However this is not the case.

In fact the cross product of any two true vectors is a pseudovector. The difference between
the two kinds of vectors can be seen in improper rotation or in pure inversions of coordinate
systems. Consider

C=AxB (228)


Ci - AjBh- AkB• . (229)

Upon an inversion of the coordinate system, both A and B change sign which means C
does not change sign. The entire cross product changes sign as we go from a right hand to a left
hand coordinate system. The angular momentum of a particle is usually expressed as the cross
product of the particle's momentum, p, with the radizs vector, r, from the origin:

L=pxr (230)

and by convention we use a right hand rule to determine the sign of the pseudovector. In fact, a
series of infinitesimal roations can be expressed only by pseudovectors, but finite rotations cannot
be expressed in that form. Thus, angular momentum can be expressed only as a pseudovector.
Often complex systems cannot be expressed as pseudovectors owing to the noncommunitivity of
finite rotations.

At first one may wish to argue that an inversion can never correspond to a physical
displacement of a rigid body. But to say that this is the case for all physical events assumes two

things. First, that all physical events take place with strictly rigid bodies and second that only
space rotations are used. Since one of the four coordinates must be time-like, some events may
well enter transformations as a partially imaginary rotation and hence have inversion properties.
For example, if a force is velocity dependent both space (real) and time (imaginary) components
can enter the transformation leading to inversion-like effects.

Such effects would not be expected in Galilean or Lorentz transformations. In inertial

frames psauduvectors act the same as true vectors where ordinary vectors transform as (summation

A. -i a#idAj (231)

pseudovectors transform as

A. -Maja4 ydAj (232)

where jal is the determinant of the transformation. For proper rotation jai = 1 and the
pseudovectors behave the same as ordinary vectors. In general for inertial frames, the determinant
of the metric g w'll be constant and there is no real variance between the two. However, for
improper rotations or transformations involving inversion components Jai * 1. In general, for
noninertial frames the components of the metric will not be constant and the pseudovecto" is no
longer transformed like an ordinary vector. Another way to look at it is that in noninertial frames
the elements, g1 of the metric vary from region to region. Thus, a pseudotensor's value can vary
due to the IgJ in equation 83 as it is trahsported as transformed to various regions.

2.4.6 Conditions for Nonconservation

Emmy Noether approached conservation from the transformation properties of the action
integral. She found that the conservation of energy could be recovered from verifying that the
action integral waw dependent only on relative lme difference and not absolute time. Thus, she
saw that the symmetry of time gives rise to the conservation of energy. Likewise, it was
discovered that conservation of linear momentum for an isolate system depends on the
homogeneity of space and conservation of angular momentum on the isotropy of space.

If a region does not possess the proper symmetry then it is not clear as to why conservation
laws would be required to hold a priori. For example, if a region was not isotropic to space and
time then it is not clear that conservation of angular momentum could not be violated. For a
hypothetical single isolated body alone in a universe clearly the space would be symmetric. For a
real object in a real universe, however, it may be possible to have a region or reference frame
which is not isotropic.

Consider the following simplified thought experiment. An observer is in deep space

several light years away from the nearest stars. Only with great difficulty could he tell if his watch
was changed by a few years since there is little to indicate the absolute time. Likewise, a
displacement of thousands of kilometers or even a change of velocity of a few km/hr would go
unnoticed. Such operations illustrate the close homogeneity of space and time and thus hint at the
conservation of energy and linear momentum. On the other hand, our observer would quickly be
able to tell a rotation of a few milliradians or a change in angular speed by observation of the
distant stars. In other words, isotrpy of space in our galaxy is not exact and not as nearly perfect
as the homogeneity of time and space. Another way to understand the problem is to ask: When
does a space traveler detect a Coriolis force? The answer is, only when there is motion relative to
some external frame such as the fixed stars.

In fact for any object rotation, compared to the fixed stars there is not an isotropic nature to
space. Admittedly for a "stationary" object there is little preference in direction. So for an object
initially at "rest" the concept of conservation of angular momentum should be good. However, as
the object begins to rotate compared to an external environment it can no longer be considered
isolated and Machian arguments become important.

The theorems of conservation of energy, linear momentum, angular momentum, charge

and parity lay at the foundations of physical theory. Noether showed that such conservation
theorems can be considered as results from symmetry properties and the action (line integral)
principle. We have a choice of considering conservation or action and symmetry as the starting
postulate. The action principle is extremely useful since it allows us to develop many properties.
It allows calculations of events without having to experimentally investigate all possible paths. It
also develops a continuum and predictable outcomes from investigation with near identical end

It is well known that conservation of energy follows frnm the homogeneity of time,
conservation of linear momentum from the homogeneity of space, conservation of angtilar

momentum from the isotopy of space, and conservation of parity from space inversion. The
experiment involving beta decay of Co-60 in magnetic fields has shown that parity is not always
conserved. There have not.been any well documented violations of the other conservation
theorems, and they are often considered physical laws as was parity before violations were

The violation of parity can be theoretically justified since parity is a pseudovector and not a
true vector. Within a general relativistic viewpoint only tensor quantities should be used to express
valid physical laws. In the case of pseudotensors, Galilean and Lorentz transformations leave
physical laws unaltered but more general transiormations, such as inversion and noninertial
frames, can alter the expressions. This brings us to question the absolute validity of conservations
on angular momentum since it, too, is a pseudovector.

Conceptually the conservation laws are relatively simple. On a particle side the
conservation of energy, linear momentum, and charge seem theoretically to be extremely sound.
For example, imagine an observer in deep space. The observer could not easily distinguish the
difference if suddenly his clock was offset by a small At (E conservation), his position displaced
by a small Ar (p conservation), or his charges were all reversed Aq (conservation). However,
small rotation with respect to distant stars could be quickly distinguished (L conservation). There
would, of course, be no possibility if the observer was entirely isolated but in practice this is rarely
the case. The pseudovector properties of angular momentum can be seen in another way. The
conservation of angular monentum relies on the isotropy of space. However, a rotating object has
a preferred spatial direction compared to the distant masses of the universe. The Mach principle is
an example of such considerations. Development of such principles mathematically and
experimentally is a more difficult task since it involves noninertial reference frames.


A relatively new approach to the understanding of gravity has recently been studied by H.
Pathoff. Gravity is seen as a Casimir-like effect in which the vacuum fluctuations give rise to
gravitationdl effects. However, it does not seem to lead to a practical inertial propulsion system
anytime in the near future.

One attempt at unifying gravity with electromagnetic effects has been to consider zero point
fluctuations of the quantum vacuum state. Some early qualitative work was done by the Russian
physicist Andrei Sakharov (22). In such systems gravity is not a separate force but arises from

electromagnetic fields when a detailed analysis is conducted that includes the fluctuations of the
quantum vacuum.

In brief, gravity is supposed to be similar to Van der Waals or Casimir forces working on
virtual states within the vacuum zero energy state. This arises from the fact that quantum
calculations show a residual energy of jAw for a total vacuum. It is well known that even within
our most precise physical theory, Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), that there is a divergence of
energy at extremely high frequencies. This has led to an "arbitrary" cutoff frequency mc and is
imposed so that integrals which sum energies will not reach infinity. Sakharov suggested that the
cutoff be chosen such that

C= (233)

so that

G -= 2 . (234)

Puthoff (22) has recently also calculated such values based on frequency spectra arguments
considering zero-point fluctuations. This placed into consideration the possibility of gravity as
being "already unified" and a result of known electromagnetic fields. Gravity is then considered as
being due to variations in the zero point energy of the quantum vacuum due to mass disuibution.

The argument is that the frequency cutoff is so small that it is beyond practical
measurement. "The path integral (method) did not then provide, nor has it since provided, a truly
satisfactory method of avoiding the divergence difficulties of quantum electrodynamics." "No
modification of quantum electrodynamics at high frequencies is known which simultaneously
makes all re#ults finite, maintains relativistic invariance, and keeps the sum of the probabilities over
all alternatives equal to unity." However, Dirac (24) has pointed out that such divergences indicate
a very fundamental weakness in the theory.

Within 5-D views the arguments take on a slightly different view. Instead of the cutoff
frequency, wc, there is in "cylindrical" Kaluza-Klein theories a fundamental radius, r4 , related to

the scale of compactification. The fundamental electric charge e, is related to the classical radius of
the charge by:

e- 6r4 (235)

In most reasonable KK theories, the r4 is time dependent and shrinks with the increasing age of the
universe. This confirms Dirac's large number hypothesis: that the electromagnetic and
gravitational coupling constants increase with the agr of the universe and that G (or h/2x) may vary
with time.

The two methods may be linked by considering the Casimir effect (25). The Casimir effect
can be thought of as an attraction of two conducting plates due to the zero-point vacuum
fluctuations. Since som-s EM modes between the plates are not available to the vacuum
fluctuations, there is an inequality between the EM pressure inside and that outside. This forces
the plates together when they are separated by small distances.

In 5-D the plates can be thought of as boundary conditions such that x4 =0. If one does
not make the zero-mode approximation in the metric then the potential arising from the massive
spin 2 excitations within the cavity leads to 0 4 . This causes the Casimir forces to
< r4x'
compactify the fifth dimension to the order of the Planck length. Thus, the Casimir effect can be
used to justify compacting the added dimension.

The extremely small scale of the effect leads to doubt that a particle experiment can be
achieved within the next few decades. It is conceivable, within the viewpoint of gravity as a
Casimir-like effect, that inertial or gravitational mass may be altered when placed within a "Casimir
cavity." However, it is likely that the effects would be on the order of the Planck length cavity
size. *T1is would not seem accessible. Perhaps a Mossbauer-type experiment on decaying
particles in a cavity would be possible, but even this may not be a practical experiment. It is
i1ecozrmmeded that the area be reviewed once every 5 years (or so) for theoreical developments but
otherwise be left alone for now.


In this section we will develop an aproach that may avoid the singularities of QED. An
attempt is made to gain mathematical consistency between quantum mechanics and general
relativity. Covariant differentiation is applied to quantum mechanical communication Poisson
brackets to yield an added curvature term to the standard uncertainty expression. The added tem is
evaluated in terms of the Schwartzschild solution and is found to show promise to resolve
divergences within quantum electrodynamics while retaining normal probabilities and relativistic
covariance. It is unlikely that the principles will find direct application in a new propulsive system.
It does however give an alternate view to the self energies and vacuum energies. This theory was
originally produced from William's 5-D theory but it may equally apply to 4-D theories.

There have been many attempts to unify General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Mechanics
(QM). These have typically centered on modifying GR to accommodate QM. The rigorous
mathematical approach of GR makes modification of GR a likely target for proposing alternate
conjectures and premises. However the early metric theories of Einstein hold a unique
mathematical simplicity and beauty.

The alternative approach here will be to modify QM at the most fundamental level possible
to bring it into consistency with GR. The'framework for this method is based on the raditional
Einstein relativistic approach, the commutator formalism of Dirac (26) and the path integral
methods of QED of Feynman (27). All three have proven historically to be fundamental
approaches possessing great utility. They also yield theories compatible with experimental
evidence starting from only a few basic mathematical principles and assumptions.

The divergences arising within quantum electrodynamics have long resisted conventional
methods or resolution. The introduction of special relativistic approaches has reduced such
divergences so that they are only divergent to terms logarithmic with integral cutoff values. The
renormalization of the QED expressions has made dhe theory one of the more experir'entally
verified within physics. However, the divergernces remain within the formal mathematical
expressions. These divergences have been a major obstacle to unification efforts and it has been
suggested by Dirac (24) that they indicate a need for a deep seated alteration of the theory. The
approach taken here involves introducing general relativity (GR) at the most fundamental point
possible within the quantum mechanical (QM) theory.

Most formal developments of quantum mechanics aer patterned after the work of Dirac
(26). The method uses a correspondence principle and links the QM development to the
Hamiltonitua methods of classical physics. The most fundamental departure from classical physics
by QM is the introduction of noncommutation of position and momentum operators. The quantumi
commutation brackets ar. developed from the clAssical Poisson brackets,

f, - - - -. (236)

Within traditional QM theories these are expressed as operators and take the common form of

{q,.p'}U- j-
j IhJVd. (237)

This conuiutatioin bracket furnishes a possible clue to a QM and GR connection. Notice

that the noncommutation of the quantum operators has its roots within the classical Poisson
bracket. It is well known within GR (28) that the order of differentiation is important exactly in the
cases of nonzero curvature. The vanishing of the Riemann-Christoffel curvature is the necessary
and sufficient requirement for the comnutation of covariant differentiation. If the principle of
covariance is used as a basic tenet of general relativity then we may expect a connection to QM
through the commutation bracketz when covariant differentiation is used.

Specifically, the underlying Poisson brackets must be expressed in terms of covariant

differentiation. Thus

m (238)

. oaPa = me i4. (239)

The Poisson brackets become

{q"Pv}[•I a 'j40"] (240)


{qup} pa (242)

where qa is an operator. not a scalar. Simplification gives

{qiA,pvj}= ih[8;.j+ rp9t]. (243)

This is similar to the traditional commutator for zero 7urvature but is now con,,istent with the
principle of covariance.

The quantum mechanical commutators can now express an additional factor which arises
from curvature of the space. To get a better understanding of this new term we may assume a
point mass for the particle under consideration. This allows ipplication of the well known
Schwartzschild solution for the particle (37). Using thc traditional 4-D spherical symmetric

d$2 Me2 Udt 2 - e2A dr2 - r 2 d& 2

- r 2 sin 2 9di 2 (244)

gives the familiar metric,

2V 2
go Me -e ,=-r '11 (245)

833 = -r 2 sin 29 (246)

govu ", P O u, (247)

ge-l- 2mr
/. (248)

These can be applied to equation 243 to develop the required modification to the nonne1
uncertainty relations by the replacement


where mn is a cons3tant of intugration and is taken to be the rest mass of ihe pardcle. The important
feature of th-.expression is that QM can now be expressed in a method consistent with the principle
of covariance. Further, the departures from the theory only take place within distances on the
order of the Schwartzschild radius. The added term has U:tle effect at the larger distances normally
encountered in electrodynamics.

The effects of this General Relativistic curvature term on QED can be best. seen tby starting
from the path integral approach. The path integral approach has been taken by Feynman (1, 27) to
develop QED in a very clear, intuitive, and formal way. It basically considers all possible paths
that a particle can take in order to go from one 4-D point to another. Each path carries a phase
factor which is expressed as

eaSIA (250)

where S is the action of the particle. Feynman uses the Lagrangian method for expressing the

S , ILdt (251)

and then develops a very intuitive approach to QED by the method of path integrals (36). The
classical oath of a particle can be e),mressed as the path of least action. Paths near the, classical path
have nearly similar phase factors. A path removed from tie classical one experiences rapid'
changes in the phase. (The variation of the action is a minimum near the least action path but
remote paths have a large variation.)

The probability of a particle going from one point to another is then calculated from the
square of the sum of all amplitudes which carry ep (4Y / A) as a phase factor. The regions
removed from the classical action contribute little to the probability since in those, regions the
phases are widely different. This results in the cancelling of terms within the sum, for regions of
any considerable size, and the QM effects ore seen on~ly when the action .s within A of the classical

Returning to equation (249), the added GR term should be considered within the phase
expression of QED for consistency with GR. For an isolated particle with nonzero mass this gives
the replacement

ei$/A -+ eisIA, -* eiS/A[1-2m/r] (252)

for the QED phase factor of each path.

To understaid the importance of such phase factors, consider regions approaching the
Schwartzschild radius. In such regions the A becomes small and the phase between action paths
begins to increase its variation. Thus, those regions will contribute little in probability calculations
owing to their wide variation of phases. It can now be seen that the QM effects cancel in regions in
space closer than the Schwartzschild radius in the same way they cancel in regions removed more
than A from the classical least action path in momentum space.

The QED calculations remain unaltered for regions much further removed than the
Schwartzschild radius of the particle. This is exactly where QED has shown its great utility. Also
the terms within the probability and energy calculations for very close regions no long diverge.
Instead they cancel due to phase terms. We have substituted the least action principle with a
maximum probability principle and a principle of covariance. (This may open a likely method of
incorporating entropy and thermodynamics into the theory.)

The suggestion here that A be replaced by terms containing a curvature term should not be
treated lightly. It appears to be a very fundamental and deep lying variation at the very foundations
of QED. The reason for this is that it alters the fundamental path integral.

K(b,a) = leis(b'a)IA'dr
b (253)

which expresses the sum of all possible paths to arrive at point b from point a. This means that not
only are most of the divergences in energies avoided in a relativistic covariant manner, but also the
normality of the probabilities are retained. The probability is simply proportional to the absolute
square of the kernel

P(b)dx = IK(b,a)I2 dX. (254)

It is now apparent that the modification suggested here appears to be a valid relativistic way
to avoid QED divergences while retaining a normal probability for the states. It also produces
mathematical consistencies within QM, GR, and QED from a fundamental mathematical approach
,•sng the most basic principles of each.

It is interesting to note that the OR term would normally be considered as small. However,
the necessary and sufficiency arguments regarding the vanishing of the Riemann-Chistoffel tensor
require that it be nonzero or the position and momentum operators of QM would be expected to
commute. In other words, the curvature term is important precisely when QM is required due to
noncommutation of the operators. In fact, the Riemann-Christoffel curvature term is one of the
few places within common mathematics where noncommutation is encountered in a natural
manner. Also, notice that the additional term appears to become important in exactly those regions
where QED has encountered difficulties. Although the full QED calculations of self energy are not
yet complete, simplified numerical solutions indicate that the added term gives self-energies near
the traditional QED calculations that terminate their integrations near K., of about mc/A. Such
cutoffs have long been used ad hoc for such calculations to give reasonable results.


Very little work has been done in the area of compactification of IO-D theories to five
dimensions. Most work has focused on reducing the theories into 4-D. This is because most
theoreticians do not see five physical dimensions as required by nature. Recently much attention
has been given to 10-D string theory. It is hoped that such string theories would yield a viable
unification theory. Much of the excitement has now died down as its inherent difficulties have
been realized. Most of this difficulty can be traced to the fact that there is no unique way to reduce
the 10-D theory to 4-D. From the 5-D point of view this is understandable, since a limited vector
manifold of space and time alone can never span all physical observations. A fifth component of a
function of mass or charge is required.

The curious feature of 10-D string theory is that the type liB superstring is the most super-
symmetric of the simplest chirial suing theories. One might expect that it would be at the focus of
current research. However this has not been the case. Again it appears to be avoided because, in
general, theoreticians are predisposed to compactify to four and not five dimensions. In the low
energy field theory limit, it possesses no Yang-Mills fields and should be approached from a
Kaluza-Klein mechanism.

The irony is that the IIB weak field limit readily compactifies to five dimensions. This can
be seen (29) when given the expectation values

FAW = -m e a (255)


FffV, = +m Cnupq (256)

with the Greek subscripts ranging from 0 to 4 and the English subscripts ranging from 5 to 10.
The Einstein equations then follow quickly as

9to, = -4m2 g9U (257)


9f = +4m2 gMn (258)

and we can find two separate spaces for bosons and fermions.


In Newtonian physics the three laws of motions are developed only within a preferred
reference frame. Newton invoked the concept of "absolute space and time" to explain this
preferred frame of reference. It is only within this absolute space that particles are restrained by
inertia and undergo rectilinear motion with constant velocity. A motion which deviates from linear
motion or from a constant velocity relative to this absolute space, implies the existence of force
acting on the particles. The inertial resistance of the particle to forces is interpreted to be due to the
restraining effect of the absolute space on the particles. This restraining effect is termed "inertial
force." Newton essentially proposed that inertial forces on an object arise via a local interaction of
the object with absolute space.

Instead of assigning the source of the force to space there is an alternative: It is the fixed
stars that give rise to the inertial forces. In Newton's famous rotating bucket experiment (30),
Newton concluded that outside matter made no contribution to inertial forces. Yet it remains
possible that the inertial forces could be caused by the mass of fixed stars since their far greater
mass overshadows the proximity of anything on earth to the rotating bucket. Today most modern
textbooks on mechanics define an inertial reference frame to be a system of coordinates traveling at
constant velocity relative to the fixed stars. Essentially, the inertial forces on a particle arise from

an interaction of the particle with the rest of the matter in the Universe. Th1t idea of abslute space
is to be avoided since it is entirely unobservable. In a universe of only one object how car rotation
be defined? Yet in our univer•c of many distant stars and galaxies rotation is easily detected.

Newton's concepts were closely reexamined by Enmst Mach (31) in 1883. Mach suggested
that the shape of the stuface of the water in the bucket may depend on the rotation of the vessel "if
the sides of the vesse; increased in thickness." Thirring calculated such effect using general
relativity. Thirring used a weak field approximation to find that a slow!y rotating mass shell as on
the bucket above drags along with it the inertial frmnes. In such an approximation the result is only
valid when the induced rotation is small compared to the rotation rate of the container. The strong
field solution to the problem is still not verified. It is this stkong field solution that can be viewed
as a manifestation of Mach's principle of relativity.

Mach's principle influenced the formulation of Einstein's theory of relativity. The basic
ideas were that relative motion was dictated by the inertia and inertial forces produced by matter in
the rest of the universe. Einstein enumerated three characteristic effects expected by the Mach

1) If masses are accelerated then a body should experience a force in the same
direction as the acceleration of the mass.

2) A rotating body should generate a "Coriolis field" which deflects masses in the
sense of rotation as well as a radial centrifugal field.

3) The inertia of a body should increase if masses are accumulated nearby.

The first two effects are well known in general relativity and are called "dragging of inertial
frames." This is reasonable to expect from general relativity since the structure of space time is
intimately tied to matter. Thus, the fabric of space time is attached to the matter in it. If some
amtter is moved then the fabric also moves and drags the rest of the matter with it. The magnitude
is directly dependent on the amount of matter in the field.

Even today there is much controversy over the precise formulation of the Mach prin,.iple
within general relativity. It is even questionable whether or not general relativity is compatible with
the conceyt. Sometime the principle is used to set boundary conditions. Sometimes it is used for
entirely new formulation of relativity. This has led to confusion.

The confusion is avoided in the bi-metric formulation and we are led to a natural
interpretation of Mach's Principle. The boundary conditions say that the two metrics are the same
at infinite distances. When g is specified it imposs a covariant boundary condition on the
admissible solution to the gravitational field equations. By formulating the covariant equations for
g in terms of the total matter and energy density of the universe, one has the inertial structure of
space time determined by the mass-energy distribution of the universe. This is simply a covariant
statement of the Mach effect. The boundary conditions relating 8., with 7Y serve to eliminate
some of the solutions to the field equations. The ones remaining are covariant and relate spacc time
with a mass density function.

All three basic Machian effects predicted by Einstein can be recovered from bi. metric
formulation of 5-D relativity theory. They depend only on the gravitational force equation in the
approximation of low (slow) velocity relative to the fixed stars. Recall that the motion of an object
in a gravitational field can be written in terms of the geodesic,

d=A + 0 (259)

where VO is the velocity along g

such that

9 v'vIIV
= 1.(260)

Multiplying by the mass gives the momentum expression

dt 0(261)

with p V=mVv (262)

and m = m.dr / dsi (263)

This is the force equation written for the background space time. The term on the right of
equation 261 is the force acting on a particle of momentum p relative to the fixed stars.

For the case where the mass is held approximately constant, the equation can be rewritten as
approximately (for low gravitatdonal potentials)

(1 / 2 )gugw (,- 8...AtV (264)

The metric element g, now transforms like a scaiar and the go like the components of a
three vector.

This expression is the key to understanding the Mach principle. It becomes clear as the
equation is viewed from the post-Newtonian aiproximation (PPN). The first term is a gradient
and gives rise to Newton's Law of gravity as well as a centrifugal force term if the system is
rotating. The second and third terms are time derivatives and are nonzero only if the source of the
gravitational field is accelerating. It gives rise to the dragging of inertial frames. The last term is a
vector product of the three velocity vectors and the curl. It leads to a Corioiis force field term if the
source is rotating. The force is directed along tne direction of rotation of the source.

The last prediction made by Einstein can be seen from the fact

M = Me4'gV>m. (265)

(recall clocks run slower in gravitational fields so Y.. > 9.). Consequently, for a mass in the
background frame, the inertia of the mass will increase as other masses are brought near. This
demonstrates that the bi-metric formulation similar te that of Rosen is consistent with Mach's


The concepts of energy, momentum, angular momentum, and center of mass motion are
best explained through the killing field stucture and the underlying Reimannien space time. This
can be done by introducing a second metric tensor, 7,,p into the general re!ativistic approach. This
is similar to the consideration of force fields that was discussed in Section 1 3. This second metric
does not change the physical consequences of generdl relativity, but it does provide a background
space time relative to which the conservation laws for the gravitational fields can be formulated
and discussed. The existence of this second metic enables one to redefine the gravitational force,

which Einstein had turned into geometry. The existence of the gravitational force then leads
directly to the concept of gravitational energy and gravitational energy density. T1, e second metkic
can be interpreted as representing an inertial space time since formally the inertial effects appear
relative to 0,, and not g,

The introduction of bi-metric relativity enables one to use the Noether theorem to formulate
covariant continuity equations from the bi-metric expressions. To discuss this concept in general
relativity one must introduce an assumed background fram-.ework. The killing field structure gives
intrinsic meaning to the conservation laws it forms. This is equivalent to the introduction of
absolute objects into general relativity and is intimately conncted to the Mach principle.

N. Rosen (32) was the first to formally iitroduce the second metric into the formalism of
general relativity. His goal was to distinguish between inertial and gravitational forces by
comparing the two metrics, 7.,, and g9,. To understand Rosen's rational we must realize that
gravitational forces do not exist in general relativity. Einstein successfully geometrized the
gravitational field into pure geometry. To recreate forces onc must introduce some background
metric tensor field or external reference frame to compare motions. By comparing the effects of
gravitational space time (described by gV) with the effects of the background space time (described
by Y,,)one can assign the deviations of a physical system from its motions in the background
space tune to gravitational forces.

The second metric defines an inertial system in the same way that inertial effects occur in
special relativity. The metric g,., defines the path of an object in a gravitational field The
deviation of this path from the geodesic (expressed in the 7, reference frame) defines the
gravitational force acting on the particle. This gravitational force in turns leads directiy to the
concept of a gravitational stress-energy density tensor. This forms the bases of the bi-metric

Weinberg (75) calls the force seen in such comparisons the gravitational force since it can
ý,e written as

F M,d 2x"
dx, + -e ii (266)
F ' -2 ' dr d )

This means that the force is the gravitational force acting on an object relative to a flat
background. This is exactly what is needed to formulate a covariant Noether theorem for the
gravitational field. Since all partial derivatives of g,, can be written in terms of Christoffel
symbols, one can introduce the Yp, into general re!ativity in such a way that only covarziant
derivatives appear. Recall that the covariant derivatives consider the curvature of space while
ordinary derivatives ignore the changes of the coordinates in space. It is the curvature terms (1' s)
that hold the corrections that appear as a force. We see t'he curvature as a force in the inertiel
framework expressed by 7,.v.

The logical selection for a reference frame is the fixed stars, There are several reasons for
this selection. One is that in regions far removed spatially from any local source of gravity the
gravitadional forces should tend to zero. The curvature terms then vanish at large distances from
the local gravity source. This means that g,,, and 7M,, become identical at large distances from the
object considered. The Mach Principle finds a natural expression in terms of the bi-metric
formalism. The principle is a statement concerning the effects of matter on the inertial properties of
other matter in the universe. The principle has taken many confusing and contradictory forms in
the literature.


To derive the conservation conditions within the Dynamic Theory we need to introduce the
energy-momentum tensor which is

Ti= -L FitFAX- .)FAjA (267)

The most general conservation laws are the expressed as

?uJkFit (268)

which is normally seen equal to zero but in general this is not required.

The conservation law resulting from the fifth dimension is identically satisfied by the
Maxwell expressions. When the conservation law which governs changes in time is solved we

VS+(Y 2)-)(B2+E2)-E.IJ+ I /"0 (269)

where S is the Poynting vector, E x B. The first two terms are the classical expression. They
specify that the flow of energy in a volume is proportional to the change in electric and magnetic

fields (squares) in the volume. In the 5-D theory there is an added term related to aV41 . This
can be associated with a current and is associated with creation and annihilation of charge. This
term also appeared in the Maxwell-like expression. The term signifies the change in charge density
due to creation or annihilation of charge. This interpretation has been common in almost all
unconstrained multidimensional theories.

The trend among theoreticians is to constrain the theory in some way to exclude
nonconservation. Here we wish to see if there .s a way to induce this non-conservation. The zey

seems to be the a/at terms. This enters the charge, momentum and energy conservation

Returning to the last term of the Poynting expression above, notice it also appeared in the
Maxwell-like equation (101) which can be rewritten explicitly as

a 0 -- = 4xJ / c- V xB+(C) (270)

Placing this into the Poynting expresion (in suppressed units)

V"S+(j()±(B2+E2)-E'(Ik-xVB)= 0• (271)

New Term

This means that interesting energy and momentum flows are expected for E Iktarms and E. V x B
terms. In other words, where the electric fields are rapidly changing or where there is a cz I

(rotation) of the magnetic field reacting with electric fields. (The electric field should be
perpendicular to the axis of rotation.) These areas have been exactly where anomalous
experimental claims have occurred. The E. It term will be considered in the Biefield-Brown
discussion for charging capacitors. The curl term is curious. It may be an expression that may
come to bear in rapidly rotating systems of magnets. Notice a rnpidly rotating magnet reacts
somewhat like a charge. The E. V x B term is a triple scalar product. It is the same as the
divergence of the Poynting vector.

The generalized expression (a, .8, a are general arbitrary coefficients),

V S+ a . (B2 + E2) + PE. ! . + aE. V×B= (272)

is very useful in deciding what kinds of experiments should produce new results. In energy
related experiments, the new terms due to the added dimension is expected in cases of changing
electric fields and rotating magnetic fields. The other expected place is where the ma.s (or energy)
density is changing.


The field expression for V4 was found in equation 196 as

'2V L 2 dp_ dJ4 (73
4=PO• dC ) •(273)

By setting the charge density and all currents to zero it becomes

*2V4 = 0. (274)

This can be solved by first taking the Fourier transform with respect to mass density to give

then taking the Laplace transform on time (with all first and second order terms zero at the
boundaries,) to give
5"' )-k #A(,s~k)
= 0, 26
0,c (276)

When S = iw the solution is of the form

V4 = -I(277)

This function is related to finding a given rest mass within a given volume. It appears to be the
quality that we associate with a real particle. The function is damped for K> 0 but it becomes
oscillatory for wi > ck. For firquencies

f > '~3.4x• lOHz (278)

the quantity V4 will rapidly die out. This indicates that if r. is of the order of a classical electron
radius and is indicative of most elementary particles, then only particles with rest mass under 140
MeV should appear stable. If this is correct then protons (940 MeV) would be expected to either
be unstable or have a radius smaller than one tenth of dte classical radius of an electron.



The multidimensional theories in this report are still unverified. One approach would be to
find an experiment that would prove or disprove the theories and then try to make use of the
information to design a technology using the effect. An alternative is to try to look for desired
technology using the nonclassical effects predicted by the theories and then design experiments
that best demonstrate the effect. The best experiment from the first view is the Radiation Pressure
experimenL The best from the later view is the charging capacitor (Biefield-Brown) approach.

A number of experiments that would test for the inductive coupling are outlined. Most
seem to be more expensive to conduct than does their probability for success would warrant. A
few experiments are outlined that seem to be practical and may offer sone measure of promise for
success. R are offered after a brief description of each experiment.

The experiments and methods are presented according to thei feasibility of verifying an
inductive coupling that may lead to a propulsive system, since that was the primary objective of
this task. Of the new experiments suggested here, the radiation prissure and density approach is
the most highly -e-omamnded.Of the existing studies, the work of Woodward is seen to be the
best and most direct approach to verifing nonzero coupling. Some experiments leading to new
methods of propulsion and power are included in the list even though they are classical in nature
and not 5-D based. They are included since they were found during the task and were determined
to warrant more attention than they are currently receiving. A subjective comparison of
experiments can be seen in Table 5. Additional experiments of more doubful quality are listed in
Appendix D.

Table 5. Comparison of Experiments


I Radiation Pressure 3 3 3 4
2 Biefield-Brown 3 5 1 (3,4) propulsion
3 ConuciveSumarne2 3 iSpropulsion
4 Gmvitational Rotor 2 5 3 3 propulsion
5 Spin Aligned Nuclei 2 3 5 3 propulsion
6 Noninductive Coils 3 3 3 3 ______

7 EM Trparency 3 1 1 3 communications
8 Manetic Loop 3 3 1 3
9 S~ggof Light 1 1 1 2 _____

10 Charzed Torque 3 1 1 3
11 Thermoelatric/
Gravitational 2 1 3 3____
12 Binary Pulsar 2 3 1 4 orbital changes
13 Proton Scattering 1 1 1 2
14 Ina ~iMass - 3 1 1 1 3 _____

Ranking Key:

cost ($) 1: high 2.~ mod-high 3: modemae 4: low-mod' 5: low

propulsion 1: no __ _ _3: possible S: yes
power 1: no 3: possible 5: yes
praciccaliry 1: new 2: new device 3: devices can be 4: existing 5: existing
process .. nchine dam


Five dimensional theories suggest that there is a difference in radiation pressure and
radiation energy density due to the new terms. One way to test this is by the comparison of the
radiation pressure with bolometer readings. Some difficulties can be avoided by using the fact that
the effect depends on the square of the frequencies and may be isolated by using experimental
designs using two frequencies.

Classically the expressions for the radiation energy density and pressure are identical. This
is not the case for five-dimensional waves that include three transverse components (electric,
magnetic and gravitational). In the Dynamic Theory, the energy density, Ed, is given by

Ed = -L[E2+B2+ V2] (279)

and the radiation pressure expression, El is found to be

[E+B .. v1.
E XI= (280)

This difference may lead to an experiment to compare the two expressions. The classical
experimental approach dates to Nichols and Hall at Dartmouth College (1901-1903), who
measured the radiation prewures using a torsion balance. They did this by allowing a beam of light
to fall on a mirror mounted to a torsion fiber so that it could react to the radiation pressure. The
experimental results reported in flalliday and Resnick (33) were 7.01x10-6 N/m 2 for the radiation
pressure and 7.05x10-6 N/n 2 for the radiation energy density. This was considered very good
experimental technique at the turn of the century. If their numbers are accurate there is a 5%
difference in the two values. The difficulty in the experiment is in the calibration of the bolomater.
There may be a way around this impasse.

From the Dynamuc themy, the energy density calculated by Williams is

Eda-I~ (+ 4 ue)+ -]EY. (281)

where A = aock4 e uid eo is the frequency. The radiation pressure is given by

I - F2
E =-(I
• + )--. (282)

The ratio between the two is

Ed / EP - I+ 2A(2 (283)

The ratio depends on the frequency of the light. Thus, if we conduct experiments to measure the
ratio over a range of frequencies, then it will be possible to determine the coupling constant ao
without bing limited by the bolometer calibration accuracy.

For example, some lasers and light sources have several emission lines. Assume we have a
light source that emits two distinct frequencies and that they are emitted at a fixed (or slowly
changing) known ratio of intensities. We now construct a Nichols/Hull experiment in which both
the minor and the bolometer have a relatively flat response over the range of frequencies. The
experimental design will be similar tc Figure 1.

A light source (#I) with two sepbrate emission lines is allowed to shine on a diffraction
grating (#2) which splits the light into different paths for the two frequencies. A neutral density
filter (#3) is adjusted along one path so that the radiation pressures at the torsion balance (#6) from
the two frequencies are equal. Two beam splitters (#4 and 5) are placed along the path so that a
fraction of the beam can be received at the bolometer (#8). Either frequency can be selected for the
bolometer by a slit (#7).

The first step in the experimental protocol is to balance the torsion developed by the two
light beams. MTs is done by adjusting the filter (#3). The energy at the bolometer is then read for
both frequencies separately. The diffraction system (#2) would then be readjusted so that the paths
taken by the two beams are reversed. Again the bolometer reading would be recorded for each
frequency. Finally, the diffraction system would be replaced by a beam splitter and filter so that a
single frequency would travel along both paths.

Classically, we would expect the bolometer readings to be equal when the torsion system is
balanced. Any deviation admits the possibility of unequal pressure and density values.

ag woo a-
00 I . o


Fig=z 1. Radiadon Prmsurw/Densty Expeirimet

It should be noted that this experimental approach also allows for balancing the energy
received at the bolometer and then reading any torque with the torsion balance. This would be a
useful check to the technique. A larger signal-to-noise ratio can be obtained by using modem high
intensity lamps and lasers than were available to Nichols and Hull.

Requirements for this experiment include:

laser (double frequency),
beam splitters,
torsion balance,
bolometer (flat frequency response),
vacuum enclosure,
neutral density filter,
wave length calibration,
diffraction grating,
and Expertise in -
optical measurements,
vacuum technology,
mechanical construction of torsion system.

RECOMMENDATION- This approach has much to recommend it. First, it is potentially a very
clean experiment. Unlike most of the other approaches, it avoids high electric fields, high
vacuums, and sensors sensitive to environmental interferer.ce. Second, it can be useful even if its
sensitivity is too low to detect a nonzero coupling coefficient. Third, there is some historical basis
to believe some effect may be present. Studies of radiation pressures would become useful in
absolute laser power measurement and solar sail applications. Experiments such as this often
require few equipment expenditures when conducted at the right site. It is suggested that
consideration be made for adding such an approach to a USAF Summer Faculty Research
program, to existing radiation pressure studies in solar sail research, or to other similar programs.


In the 193(Ys T.T. Brown experimented with capacitors which seemed to demonstrate a
nonzero coupling between electric and gravitational fields. He received several patents (British

300311, U.S. 3187206, 3022430, 2949550, 3018394, and 1974483) for the claimed effect. The
work has usually been discounted, the results being attributed to ion wind and corona discharge
from the high voltage (to 100 kV) employed. Brown c!aimed forces were developed within his
asymmetric capacitors upon application of large static potentials. He also claimed the forces were
proportional to the capacitance, weight of the dielectric, charging potential, and divergence of the
electric field. A great deal of popular (but iiltte technical) literature has developed from his work.
It is now common to call any apparent mass effects on charged (or charging) capacitors the
Biefield-Brown effect.

There is little theoretical support for effects generated by static fields. Most theoretical
approaches require the use of time varying fields. It is doubtful that Brown had a well filtered 100
kV DC power supply during his work. This would mean that he could have been seeing an event
initiated by time varying fields. Currently at least two groups zr pursuing work to demonstrate
gravitational field effects with capacitors. The one is led by Dr. 3. Woodward and the second is
led by Bob Talley.

These approaches can be understood from the viewpoint of 5D theories. Recall that the line
element, ds, holds all the physical theory. It expresses how an event or object changes in space or
time. In four dimensions the element is simply the square root of the sum of the squares of the
changes in coordinates (.i.e. dx2 + dy2 + dz2 - dt2). In five dimensions there is an added term due
to the change in the added coordinate. In the Dynamic Theory this is taken as the change in the
mass density (and hence the energy density). Any effects not currently seen in our 4-D theories
must be a result of the newly added coordinate. Thus, novel effects can be seen only when there is
a change in the mass or energy density within the experiment. This can take one of two forms.
Either the energy density can change in time during the experiment or the mass density could
change as a function of the spatial coordinates. The first effect is much easier to handle
experimentally and to treat theoretically. Such an effect would appear as a change in the inertia or
mass of the object in the local field or the change in a dynamic property of a moving object.

CHARGING. CAPACITORS - Dr. Woodward's work at California State University (Fullerton,

CA, (34) is perhaps the best currently running experimentation to test for nonzero coupling of the
fields. He has taken an empirical view of the coupling and has described the gravitation field, F,
as a power series:

V.F=4xC[p,+ipo +"'() -a' (284)

where G is the gravitational constant, p. the mass density, c the speed of light, f(E) an arbitrary

function of energy density, and "lat the nth derivative with respect to time used in the Taylor
series expansion. The P is the coupling constant which he has experimentally measured as 0.029
+/- 0.006. It should be noticed that the expression reduces to the classical expression of the
gravitational field in the case where the coupling goes to zero.

Theoretically the above expression has much to recommend it. For one it is a simple
empirical expression which can be derived from a large class of scalar-vector-tensor unified field
theories which admit nonzero coupling. For the case where the function is simply the energy
density and n-l, the formula is similar to equation 272 with E taken as a measure of the energy

Woodward's experimental approach is to rapidly charge a capacitor and measure its

gravitational atraction by strain gages. In his initial studies he used plastic dielectrics of about 350
gin, fields of -2x10 6 volts per meter and switching times of 100 milliseconds. He received signals
corresponding to charges of a few hundredths of a gram. It appears that the experiment was done
with proper technique but it suffered from seismic noise.

Woodward is getting some results. The difficult is in seismic isolation and sensitivity of
his sensors. With a limited amount of funds his work could be improved about an order of
magnitude with currently commercially available sensors.

The use of new materials can greatly increase the sensitivity of the system. Pennwalt (at
Valley Forge, Penn.) has very recently produced an army of new dielectric materials. The company
is working with Maxwell Laboratory of San Diego, CA, for the development of state-of-the-art
capacitors. The materials am baucally made from polymec -CH2CF2 - units. The poperues can
be enhanced by loading the plastic with titanates or quinones to increase the dielectric cor.stants.
The materials have very high breakdown voltages and orientation of the molecules is possible
(during formation). Thus, they display very large energy density possibilities. Unfortunately
much of the work is sensitive due to SDI applications (supported by DNA) or it is proprietary. In
the absence of specific information, this report suggests candidate materials can likely be produced

by doping materials (such as Teflon and analogs) with high dielectric wmterials. Such materials
have been studied by Herbert Pohl and others (35). Cravens' Laboratory has disclosed the use of
ground ceramic superconductive particles within polystyrene for use as a dielectric. The material
can be switched by external thermal and magnetic effects. The lab is also working on dielectrics
that can be switched optically. The figure of merit for the charging capacitor experiment is the
power density per mass. Work on preparing dielectric materials best suited for the charging
capacitor experiments runs parallel to work on fast switching of large electrical surges. Such
properties are useful in ion weapons, pulsed plasmas, electromagnetic pulses and other defence
related activities. If there is a nonzero coupling in the second term of the Taylor series expansion
for the gravitational force, then AC currents can be expected to result in apparent mass changes.
Such changes would be proportional to the square of both the applied potential and the frequency.
The effect would have a nonzero change in inertia when integrated over an entire cycle.

This approach is exceptionally interesting in regards to propulsion advances. In effect, it

changes the gravitational field interaction due to both energy (hence mass) density and the time rate
of change of that density. In other words, power density levels may be tied to gravitational field
interactions. This is consistent with the view taken in the theoretical section (see Section 1.3).
Recall that there is a term in the fundamental line element resulting from the change in mass (and
hence energy) density. It is during processes of changing mass or energy density that the 5-D
nature is expcuted to be detected.

Requirements for this experiment include:

high dielectric mawrials,
fast swching (millisec) power supply at
modma voltaps (kV),
.mentum tnanducers,
sesi isohkton
data aquisiton,
and Amu ofExpert=sin-
maurial selection,
ebcomuc interference.
seismic interference.

RECOMMENDATION- Due to the recent progress and the apparent theoretical validity of
Woodward's approach, it is recommended that effoits be made to encourage and support his work.
It appears to be the best experimental project aimed at nonzero coupling that is now underway.

CHARGED CAPACITORS - Veritay Technology, Inc. has been conducting research (36) under
the SBIR program for the USAF (AF87-192). The goal is to verify and to quantify the conversion
of electrostatic energy directly into a propulsive force in vacuum environments. They have
approached the problem by using charged capacitors as did Brown in his original work. They
have tried to isolate the effect from ion winds by placing an asnrmmetic capacitor within a vacuum.
Further, they have studied the effect as a function of pressure within their vacuum chambers. They
worked over a range of pressure from 10 ton"to lo0torr and voltages up to 1.5 kilovolts. Below 1
torr the forces were seen to be independent of the pressures. The force upon the capacitor was
found to be

F- 3.55 x 10 o.2m (285)

where F is the force expressed in newtons and V is the voltage in kilovolts. The input power of
0.4 milliwatt generated a thrust of 10"7 newton for a thrust-to-power ratio of 2.5 x 1 0 newton/watt
(56 micrpond/watt).

It is difficult to see from the inductive theories how static fields can lead to changes in the
dynamic properties of a system. In Veritay's approach, a static potential in the kilovolt region is
applied to an asymmetric capacitor. There is a spatial divergence in the electric field and energy
density within that field. Within the Dynamic theory a divergence in charge current flow is
required to produce a flow in mass (see Appendix E for a development). This would indicate a
current flow would be required to generate a propulsive force. It should be pointed out that T. T.
Brown work often used "leaky transformer oil" (Le. with water absorbed) or ahtvacuum capacitors
which allowed a nonzero current flow. This may have supplied a current flow within the
capacitors. Briefly stated a time changing electric field may be expected to give rise to changes in
the ineria or mass of an object and a time varying divergent field may be expected to give rise to a
propuli force. The theary does not seem to pedic mass changes resulting from static fields nor
propulsive forces from nondivergent fields. If this interpretation is correct then a vertically
supported torsion fiber systemn could be expected to see results only if the asymnmetic capacitor
was pulsed. The dificulty then would be to design a system with a proper frequency response and
to supply the current to the device without affecting the restoration formes of the rsion fiber.

The current experimental design is not conducive to sceing terms which rely on the time
variations of the electric field. It is, however, conducive to testing spatially inhomogeneous
electric fields. A torsion fiber system with a vertical axis is capable of seeing impulses but not
changes in the inertial mass. To detect mass variations a horizontal axis is required.

RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that Veritay's work be monitored closely as to new

results. It is further suggested that they be encouraged to investigate the theoretically more
proising nonstatic elecuic field. Bete vacuums should be achieved to remove the possibility of
ion wind. Since the effect is proportional to the dielectric constant, they should be encouraged to
use a range of materials.


Peter Graneau has studied possible modifications to Ampere's Law (37, 38). Most
researchers do not take his theoretical work seriously. The important thing, however, is that he
has claimed to have observed departures from classical electromagnetics. He detects departures
from the Lorentz forces at high current levels. In one experiment (28) Graneau passes a current
through a mercury filled trough. Located in the mercury is a pencil shaped copper rod.
Longitudinal forces are developed as large currents pass through the lengthwise trough to the
conductors. This observation is consistent with the view that ine.-24 fraes can be developed by a
divergence in curmrt flow. It should be noticed that the propulsive force ody develops relative to
the conductive media. It is, thereorpe, unlikely that the effect could be used as a space propulsion
device, although oceanic and atmospheric applications seem reasonable.

The movement of the "sub" in the conductive medium must be quantified. This includes
calculation of the drag on the sub. This can be accomplished both by calculatio and by direct
experimental me mnt by propelling the sub by a known fore. The drag can be varied by
adding materal to the soluion. For example, glycerine. guar, or other materials can be added to
increase the viscosity. This would allow the drag to be mathemaially modeled so that other
uffacts could be isolatd•

The conductivity of the solution can be connolled by changing the concetti of the
conductive salts in solutio. In this way the relative conductivity between the medium and the sub
can be varied. The salt concentration can allow for variations between the relative density of the
sub and the medium. High concentrations of salts must be used to achieve large current densities.

They must be chemically compatible with the sub. A gold or silver-plated sub is fecommended.
Temperatures should remain constant during the process.

One way to monitor the kinetic moves of the sub is by the use of photogates. Both the
velocity and acceleration of the sub can be monitored by a suitable array of photogates. These
must use optical frequencies and not IR or other frequencies absorbed by the medium.

Requirements for this experiment include:

conductive salts,
temperature bath,
high current source,
small machine lathe,
photogates (optical),
event recorder,
and Expertise in -
electronic connections,
fluid flows.

RECOMMENDATION - This is a relatively inexpensive experiment to set up. It requires only

readily available materials. It is suggested tiat only a preliminary study be considered initially until
the validity of the longitudinal forces is established.


It can be seen from the 5-D equations for charge conservation. (equation 103 to 105) that
el1c--omagneffcts can creaw a umvicadonal mass density. This is in keeping with dhe principle
that the Val oa unification effot is to write a single expression that relat all the fundamental
fo sousIn Widliams technical comulta report this principle has been applied to cream torque on a
conductive member which has a divergnce in its current flow. Thewe was a small amtnte made wo
measure such an effect. Appendix B gives a detail development of the pdnciple- Two cones (naps
of right cones) were joined at their bases. Electrical contact to the copper cones was made through
two rods immersed in a mercury. As current was passed through the device the rotational torque
was measured by a optical lever by a laser. The experiment failed to witness any large effect but it

was a relatively insensitive device. Due the symmetry of the device, some calculations of the
torque yield zero as the expected value. This is due to the sym-." ry of the device.

The overall theoretical base for the experiment is sound but the mathematical complexity of
the theory does not yield itself to a simple apparatus. This report concludes that the "conductive
submarine" may be a more practical method. The torque measurements in this approach require a
small static balance be measured. The submarine (see Section 3.4) can be read as an integrated
value of a total length of travel. The later is much casier to measure. When the two cone geometry
was calculated independently, it seemed that the divergence at one cone cancelled the convergence
of the other cone.

RECOMMENDATION - This approach scores high due to the theoretical underpinning.

However, it is not recommended at this time. Should better calculations of the divergent fields and
material structure be developed this approach should be reconsidered.



MAGNETIC ALIGNMENT- Paul Brown is currently researching the extrction of power from
decaying nuclei by magnetic methods and ion absorption by conductors. This work was initially
motivated by an investigation of H. Moray's work. Beginning in the 192(Ys and until the 1950's
T. Henry Moray worked on devices which were claimed to produce substantial power outputs
from relatively small and light systems. The original claims of the late 20's were documented by
various independent sources and signed witness reports. The early documented power outputs
were from 100 to 600 watts. Later claims ranged as high as 50 kW but these have not been
supported by individuals not connected directly with Moray. The following is a list of relevant
points gleaned ftoro the witnessed reports and from Moray's book (39).

1) Power outputs of 100 to 600 watts.

2) Photography was often difficult.
3) A ground and antenna were required.
4) Timing was often required.

5) The devices were sealed except for air cooling, antenna connections, ground wire and
output connections.
6) Moray is known to have worked with Ra and other radioactive materials.

7) Moray claimed to be detecting extreely high frequency sources (his claim was cosmkr
8) R. L. 'fadd and Carl Eyring observed the device and its construction (30's) and
concluded pov,-, was obtained by electromen ýetid induction in a tuned circuit.
9) "Moray valves" were originally constructed from a "Swedish stone" that led to studies
of radium.
10) The diodes used were primarily of germanium but included other materials.
11) Moray described thM device as a high speed oscillating energy resonator.

The following is a tentative hypothesis, based on the above facts and other historical facts.
The devices were high frequency resonant devices that were tuned so that the a- .rage times
between nuclear decay of an included source was approximately matched to the period of th%
circuit. In this way the energy from the radioactive alpha decay of a radium source can be capttred
as electrical impulses, which in turn set up electrical oscillations and cou' then be rectified.

There would be several ways in which Moray could have achieved such a conversion and it
is likely that the process evolved as follows. Initially the antenna served to create a bias across a
diode junction so that there would be unequal flow of charge particles and ions resulting from a
radioactive decay. This bias is produced from the atmospheric potential available between the
antenna and the ground. Moray makes several references to the atmospheric potential. There is
reason to believe that some of his antenna wires were doped or coated with radioactive materials.
This method is corrmon for studies of atmospheric potentials since the localized ionization from the
radiation near the antenna increases the available current. Tube technology was c;,rrent during this
era and the availability of an atmospheric bias could be employed to rectify low level currents.
Under the correct gas pressures the "effectiva range" (nuclear term) of the alpha emission may be
match,Al to the electrode spacing for a diode or triode system to yield t "cold cathode" system. In
the 30's high speed solid state rectification was unknown. Moray employed germanium with
bismuth and undisclosed dopants as a rectifying agent.

A preferred embodiment would be to locate an alpha or beta emitter with little gamma
radiation within a concentric solid state dipole so that the radiation can be directly captured and
rectified in one device. The device is analogous to a photovoltaic cell where the ionization is
achieved by radioactively released charged particles instead of photoexcitation. Better efficiencies
could be achieved by absorption of the high energy radiation within a shield so that lower level
secondary particles would be produced.

It is apparent from Moray's work that he was attempting direct convzrsion of radioactive
energy to electrical energy. The initial form was similar to what is now called the Burk Cell (U.S.
Pat. #3,409,820 and 3,530,316) and used atmospheric potential to supply the voltage bias. The
device developed to a beta cell similar to that of U.S. patent #2,552,050 involving a method similar
to that of U.S. patent #3,094,634 involving a semiconductive junction. The final form was
apparently a resonant type of device similar to Paul Brown's recent Resonant Nuclear Power
Supply U.S. patent #4,835,433.

Paul Brown's work is the best current research related to Moray's work. He has produced
several nuclear batteries with power levels ranging from 65 to 100 watts in prototypes and is now
working on a 50 kW system. In his device, a radioactive source is located near or within the
inductive coil of an LCR tank circuit. The radioactive energy is such that it supplies energy at
levels to sustain oscillations within the circuit. Then the oscillations are tansformed to match the
load requirements.

The source of the energy is from the kinetic energy of the released radioactive particles.
The deacceleration collapses the magnetic field generated by the moving charged particles. The
changing magnetic field then accclerazes the conduction electrons within the coil. Paul Brown
describes the device as a sort of particle accelerator in reverse. The kinetic energy of the
radioactive particles produces an electric current via the magnetic field which collapses during

The device works entirely upon classical theories and does not require 5-D inductive
theories for its explanation. It is, however, a potentially useful device for space power. Peripheral
Systems of Portland, Oregon is working with Brown on marketing the device.. A 7 pound
prototype using about 2 grams of Sr-90 has generated about 75 watts of power. This is significant
considering the half life of Sr-90 is 28 years. The device disclosed in his patent contained one
millicurie of Ra, 200 grams of U and 300 grams of Th. When functioning at 86 kHz, it generated
23 amps at 400 volts into a resistive load. The company is just starting up and has not conducted
long term tests. They are reportedly seeing some lifetime difficulties with radiation damage to the
conductors. There is little documentation on the wark and no independent testing of the devices.
Only a few prototypes are presently available. Peripheral System is now seeking private support
and has made a few moves to seek USN support. Journal articles should be available within the

RWCOMMENDATION - Paul Brown's approach should be followed and encomaged in regards to
power production. Since the mass fraction of a Beta emission is so low, it is doubtful that any
beneficial propulsive system could be developed. It does, however, have potential as a power
device. The concept of magnetic alignment of decaying particles has an additional potential benefit.
Should it be possible to direct most decay product along a chosen axis then shielding restrictions
can be relaxed. This could equate to mass savings for a space-based nuclear device. None of the
devices seem to involve inductive coupling of fields. This area is not recommended for verification
of 5-D theories.

ROTATIONAL ALIGNMENT - Nuclei can also be aligned by rotation (40). Henry Wallace
claimed some unusual effects (41-43) assigned to electromagnetic and gravitational couplings.
This was in three U.S. patents (#3823570, #3626605, and #3626606). The assertion was that the
opplication of a rotational force on a material of half-integral spin would result in a reorientation of
the nuclear structure and could be utilized for "altering its gravitational attraction toward other
bodies, separation of isotopes by distinguishing between nuclei according to their nucleon
contenL..." The patents are written in a very believable style which includes part numbers, sources
for some components, and diagrams of data.

Attempts were made to contact Wallace using patent addresses and other sources but he
was not located nor is there a trace of what became of his work. However, should the work be
real it may furnish a novel expetimental approach to experimental design. The concept can be
somewht justified on general relativistic grounds since rotating frames of time varying fields are
expected to emit gravitational radiation. Even if the work does not give a direct gravitational
coupling it may furnish a new method for nuclear spin alignment.

The famous proof of parity violation in the decay of Co-60 may be useful here. It was
found that the nuclei of Co-60 could be aligned by a magnetic field and then the nuclei frozen in
that aligned state. When the nuclei beta decayed, the direction for the decay products was along the
magnetic field. This could form a propulsive device. Since rotating reference frames and magnetic
fields are so similar it is plausible that rotations could be used to align nuclei. If this could be
performed with suitable, light nuclei a very efficient propulsive system may be possible due to the
high energy density. One likely candidate would be Na-22.

This could be the starting point of a very practical experiment with direct propulsion
application. Unlike many of the other experiments which require close measurements of
mechanical systems this could be designed to measure, primarily, nuclear decay and such

measurement can be very sensitive. The other importance is that if spin polarization can give rise
to a preferred direction of decay products then the shielding difficulties of nuclear systems may be

RECOMMENDATION -This would make an interesting study. It is likely that some researchers
will pursue this investigation now that it has been pointed nut. The development of this approach
should be monitored. When and if it is found to be valid (as determined from scientific literature)
the implications to nuclear shielding should be reviewed. The presence of high rotational speeds
on space vehicles may become important to nuclear events abroad. No action in this area is
suggested for AFAL until research shows it to be a real event.


Several authors have suggested that the v x B terms in the Lorentz expression should be
called into question. Several unverified experimental claims have been made but only qualitative
experimental results have ever been made. An experiment is suggested to test one or several of
these theoretical views. This is an area where the experimental procedure is workable and the
outcome could have direct results in the area of inertia forces.

During the late 60's William J. Hopper put forth an interesting theory involving the v x B
terms of dynamic electrical circuits (44,45,46). There was and still is uncertainty as to the exact
physical understanding of the Biot-Savart-Lorentz law and Ampere's law involving the set of the
reaction forces. Peter Graneau has studied these expressions. Hooper's view was that there are
three different types df electric fields due to the distribution of electric field, and two due to

In Cullwick's extremely insightful work (47), he works through electromagnetic effects

from a relativistic approach. His work is one of the only useful works, even to this date, of
rotating electromagnetic systems. Cullwick takes great pains to point out that the electric current
can be traced to the flow of particles of nonzero mass. As a result linear momentum should be
assigned to its flow. He also shows that Maxwell's theories are consistent only with zero mass
charge carrers. He then shows that new effects will likely appear as nonlinear departures from
Maxwel's equations at high currents or voltages.

At the heart of the issue is the connection of the magnetic field and its source in the charged
particles. EM theory is presently consistent with the idea that spinning magnetic dipoles create

effects indistinguishable from charged particles. There has been no critical experiment which can
disprove whether a magnetic flux rotates with its source. If it does co-move with its source then it
is logical to assume that a motional electric field in a fixed reference frame of the current induces a
magnetic field. This concept is likewise consistent with a field-free interpretation such as
Ampere's original laws.

Maxwell said in page 574 of his TreailC (48), "As it is of great importance to determine
whether any part of the kinetic energy is of the form Tree, consisting of products of ordinary
velocities and strengths of electric currents, it is desirable that experiments should be made on this
subject with great care." The three types of experiments described by Maxwell (Barnett effect,
Einstein and DeHass effect, and Tolman-Stewart effect) were originally attempted in Maxwell's
time but the instrumentation was not good enough to detect the effects and it was assumed that no
inertial masses were associated with the moving charges (electrons). All three effects have since
been observed and we now know that electrons do have nonzero mass. However, the equations
have never been modified to accommodate these findings. In general the kinetic energy arising
from the motion of the conducting electrons is taken as an additional linear term to the magnetic
energy of the current and it is small enough to be ignored at low currents and velocities. This is, of
course, inconsistent with the current view of the mass of particles coming from :heir
electromagnetic nature. (For example consider pair production.) The existence of EM-related
inertial effects of electrons in conductors shows that the conduction current has true momentum
equal to the product of the motional electron mass and their mean velocity.

The electro-kinetic energy of a current is

(Yzmv =()Li2 (286)

where L is the inductance and i the current. But this is true only if the mean velocity of the charges
is small compared to the speed of light. Cullwick has shown (p. 253 of ref. 47) departures firm
equation 286 are expected in highly inductive circuits with high currents. Th.; energy becomes

T=(m-m/l)C 2 - pmoc 2 (3-l) (287)

as v - cand m is the electromagnetic mass of the total effective conduction charge, .8 the

relativistic factor and %P the rest mass of the conduction charge. Cullwick develops the following
group of equations fcr differing current values compared to the self e.m.f., a:

i<<a vi Tffi )Li2 E=-L'

i=0 v=c/42 T=0.586Li Ef-l.293L-d
dr (288)
2 E--2L-..
i>a v-c T-Li

For a toroidal coil 10 cm radius of 8x x 10-4 henries, the current a is about 85 amperes.
Cullwick has postulated that electromagnetic field theory may become nonlinear in the case of very
intense field. This involves a nonlinearity between E and D and also between H and B in free
space in the case of very intense fields.

Milne (12) approaches the problem from a different direction. He develops EM theory
from relativistic considerations and from some additional philosophical view points. He points out
that "it is impossible to use a moving test charge to measure a magnetic field without its own
velocity, relative to the velocities of other charges present in the field, bringing into apparent
existence additional currents." He then develops EM consistent with the magnetic field of the test
particle's velocity. At first one may say this is not required because the test charge can be made to
have an arbitrarily small charge. But this is not consistent with quantum mechanics and the known
quanitization of charge. It is very satisfying to notice that the potentials that Milne derives from
this approach are similar to those of the neo-columbic potentials obtained in William's dynamic
theory. In fact these are the only two theories known to the author that have the constant r in the

Hooper (46) has approached the problem from a experimental viewpoint. He assigns a
difference to electric fields generated by differing methods. The specific field we are interested in
this report is called the "motional" electric field to differentiate it from other types. He goes to
special lengths to differentiate the motional electric field arising firom

E=vxB (289)

with an induced electric field due to time changing magnetic field


and with static fields related to a stationary electric charge.

To understand Hooper's analysis, consider the Lorentz force from

E=vxB (291)

which Hooper interpreted as E., the induced motional electric field. He claimed to have
experimentally verified that this field was different from other elecmc fields and that it was akin to
gravitational fields. Unlike electro-static fields this force acts in line with the electric field. One
important result is that for a total system the super position of all B fields can be zero but the
motional electric field can still be nonzero.

For example, consider a long conductor folded back on itself at its center labeled as b. The
current then flows from one end, a, to the center, b, and then finally reaches the other end, c. The
magnetic field from the current flow from a to b is B, and from b to is -B. They must be equal
and opposite since each has the same current flow (but in opposite directions). Likewise the
velocity of the electric charges must also be equal and opposite. If the B field is calculated from
the sum of the parts then its magnitude goes to zero.

If, on the other hand, it is calculated from the superposition of E fields then it sums to a
nonzero quantity. It can be argued that either the assumption of superposition of the B field (and
hence separability of force fields) is incorrect or Hooper's concept of a motional electric field is
correct. Hopper concluded that the magnetic field (associated with currents) moves with the charge
carriers within the current. This is consistent with Ampere's law and at variance with the Biot-
Savart law.

Hooper produced two patents (U.S. 3,610,971 and 3,656,013) in which he claims to have
produced gravitational-like fields from the motional electic field from v x B. The first suggests
the use of superconductive materials to obtain large drift velocities (1012 times larger than normal
conductors). In the second, he rotates magnets about their magnetic axis to generate the effect. He
claimed to have conducted a wide range of experiments that verified his interpretation of the theory.

One experiment is especially interesting and it may have implications in the area of
propulsion. It is also a very workable design that allows for simple verification of the effect. The
description here is based on Hooper's patent (Figures 4. and 6 of patent #3,610,971). A long
conductor is folded at its midpoint. It is then coiled in a "pancake" winding so that the resulting
coil is noninductive. The following is taken directly from that patent. Hoopet's patent Figures 2
through 6 are reproduced heme as Fi~ure 2.

It is desirable to have an apparatus with which to expzimentally study

gra'itationnl and antigravitational phenomena under steady continuouis
conditions. In Figure 4 of the drawings is shown another modification of the
device shown in Figure 2. Here I utilize a noninductive coil wound in the form
of a solid, low, thick walled, hollow, right circular cylinder, and indicated
generally by numeral 60. DC current is supplied th.ough lines 62 to the coil
60. In the region directly beneath this coil disk 60 1 place a similarly shaped
nonferrous disk 64, suspended by a carrier 66 to the end of a beam 68. The
beam 68 is pivotal about a fulcrum 70 and is counterbalanced by a load 72.
For positions of disk 64 below coil 60, the B x v field can only be directed
vertically upward when a ccntinuous DC current is flowing in the wires
composing the disk 60. It should be noted that this field is practically uniform
and parallel close to the disk, hence it is not amractive in its action on neutral
matter. Its action on such matter can only change the state of electrical
polarization in the matter. Any change thus effected in the state of polarization
should cause the earth's gravitational field to act less intensely, on any object
placed close to the under surface of the device, causing it to weigh less,
become weightless, or to actually be accelerzte upward by dhe anidg•vitaional
action of the earth's field.

Figure 5 of the drawings illustrates the manner in which the

noninductive device in Figure 2 is wound with wire 22, by turning the linear
conductors back on themselves through a 1800 turn. Figure 6 illustrates the
way the noninductive windings of the device illustrated in Figure 4 is achieved.
One very long insulated wire is simply turned back on itself at its midpoint and
wound double into a solid coil held together in the shape illustrated (44).

20 22

FIG. 24212


atenSttes I~~ 361,4 7

Figue 2.Hoopr'sPatet Fiure

This forms the basis for a recommended experiment. The disk (#64) should be replaceable
so that an way of materials could be tried. The coil itself should be of a highlyconductive material
so that large currents can be used (preferable superconductive for large drift velocities). A high
current power supply is required.

Experimentally it is recomended that the gravitational attraction of the suspended disk

(#64) be studied as a function of:

1) number of noninductive loop turns,

2) the current through the loop,
3) the mass of the disk,
4) the dielectric constant of the disk,
5) the polarizability of the disk,
6) the drift velocity of the conductors in the loop, and
7) the electric shielding of the disk.

The theoretical rational is very weak but one should recall similar effects may be reached
from the study of inertial effect of the current carrier in Cullwick's work, from the magnetic effects
of the test particles in Milne's work, from the study of Ampere's equation in Graneau's work, and
othera. Although the concept is at variance with many established interpretations of EM it is not at
variance with any well established experimental evidence. This is a relatively straightforward
experiment with few inherent complications. Further, it has been claimed by Hooper and others
that gravitational and antigravitational forces have been witnessed in the functioning of the device.

RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended the experiment patterned upon Hooper's patent be

reconsidered if some future expermental results are found to be credible.


The S-D Dynamic Theory predicts certain frequencies can pass freely through a conductive
media without attenuation. This is not admitted by classical theories. Although it is doubtful if
such an effect could lead to a propulsion system, it could be very useful for communications
during nuclear blasts and reentry blackouts. This can be verified in a practical experiment. The
theoretical development appean in Appendix C.

For om frequencies satisfying the conditions set forth in Appendix C, the gravitational or
the component respectively will experience no attenuation. These conditions result in
fifth order polynomials in frequency. In iome regions the gravitational and/or the magnetic
component will experience an amplitude growth. At some frequencies there is growth in the
gravitational and/cr magnetic component at the expense of the electric component For this type of
traitsmission the energy originally in the electric component experiences an attenuation and is
transferred to the gravitational and/or the magnetic components which experience a gin. The net
result is the trnsissio of energy through the media without loss, only a change in form.

This lends itself easily to experimental verification. Suppose a frequency generator and
antenna is located within a superconductive box. Clasically there could be no transmission out at
any frequency. If the frequency is scanned and there does exist a frequency (or frequencies)
related by the 5-D expressions which escapes detection then it would indicate the validity of the

RECOMMENDATION - Locating such effects could be useful in such applications, as

transmissions to submarines, and in communications during nuclear blasts and satellite reentry.
The experiment is very practical but it is not recommended for AFAL due to its lack of propulsive
prospects. It is, nevertheless, a simple uncomplicated experiment.


It is repot that the basic principle of magnetic propulsion was at one time considered by
the USAF as described in AFRPL-TR-72-31. The concept may warrant re-evaluation due to
advances in ceramic superconductivity. Very lar single turnis of low fields should be considered
instead of multi-turn loops of high intensity. During searches of electromagnetic propulsion
concepts, a very interesting patent (1963 U.S. 3,504,868) was found which provides a way to
make orbital maneuvers without the expenditure of fuel (49). The method basically uses reaction
forces between the n o e magnetic field of the earth and that of a superconductive loop
canied by a spacecraft. The concept seems reasonable.

The concept was to use reaction forces of magnetic fields to supply the impulse to an
orbiting sacecraft au no lo"s of mass by the spacecraft. The concept appears to be valid and may
give very significant savings in upper stage weigh. fot specialized uses, since no propellant weight
need be required. The conccpt dees not require advanced field theories and can be understood in
classical terms.

Basically it uses a large superconductive coil external to the spacecraft to react with the
earth's magnetic field. Engelberger has calculated a 0.08 g force can be obtained by a single loop
of niobium tin wire at 4000 A in a polar orbit of 200 km (This was calculated for a single loop of
10 km radius and a wire radius of 2 mnn). This would not be large but understand that the force is
applied over extended time and does not require the expulsion of any fuel. It does, however,
require a power source.

The concept appears to be practical with existing materials and devices and does not require
extensive development. It is likely to be usable only for very slow orbital changes. However, it
may be a practical device for LEO to space station moves involving large masses. The exact
translational force F on a loop has beea calculated by Engelberger as function of various orbital
angles with respect to dhe earth's magnetic field:

F = 5xlO-NI co cosa + I~in sin a + ý(3cs8sin a+( Di sina

{ ( 2[(o,
n P 11( 2 9 2 )

where N is the numrbr of turns in the loop. I is the current in the loop in amperes and A is the
area of the loop in square meters, r is the orbital radius and ro the radius of the earth. The orbital
angle alpha represents the angie between the magnetic north pole of the earth and the radius vector
to the craft. The angle beta is the angle between the radius vector and the normal to the current
carrying loop. The current to the loop is switched each quarter of an orbit (at the poles and

A typical application would be the maneuvering of surveillance satellites in polar orbits.

Since there is no expenditure of fuels, it would greatly enhance their maneuvering life expectancy.
The concept is limited in that it cannot act in an orbit along the magnetic equator and works most
efficiently in polar orbits. However, it can maneuver into (not out of) equatorial orbits. As a
result, to go from LEO to GEO, it would be necessary to maneuver from a low polar orbit into a
high polar orbit then maneuver to GEO. But if weight and not time was critical it could be done.

Engelberger makes several practical suggestions regarding design. First a single large loop
is better than many small loops. This minimizes the hoop stresses which tend to expand the loops.
For multi-turn solenoids the intense magnetic fields would create large hoop stresses and forces
between adjacent turns. Instead a single loop is proposed. The hoop stress on the large single

loop now serves to form a long flexible current bearing wire into a circular shape. He suggests,
further, that the superconductor be sleeved within an inflatable tube to reduce temperature
fluctuation and serve as a sun shield. The cooling of the loop could be achieved by placing the
superconduc'ive material within a concentric tubular layer of conductive material such as bismuth
"telluride. Cooling can then be achieved by the Peltier effect. With proper materials the cooling
material can also serve the role as a mechanical member to resist the induced hoop stresses. It
should also be noticed that electrical switching of the current is required. The work being done to
the spacecraft is extracted from the current flow within the superconductor. This could be supplied
ut switching times.

RECOMMENDATION - This approach is not within the framework of inductive coupling and is
entirely classical in nature. However, due to its potential and the recent developments in
superconductivity it is recommended that a complete analysis of Engelberger's method be
undertaken. This should include materials cooling requirements, hoop stresses, mission
applications, and use of stress bearing members.


Within 5-D theories, the speed of light varies due to a flow of mass density. This is an
interesting event but the experiment does not seem practical due to the extreme mass flows that are
required and the complexitias of other factors. The experiment does not seem to have any direct
application to propulsion methods.

In 5-D theories that do not force the cylinder condition, the phase velocity of light is
dependent on terms in the fifth coordinates. One of the simplest ways to see this is from analogy to
41). The 5-D path interval is

d,= cd + dy2 - c2(dfr + dy2 + dz2) (293)

which can be rearranged to give for A5-D geodetic path

d =dr 2 (l -
=L2 -2v2+ v4) (294)

If the velocity is real then

2 exC2 (l+V42)
V (295)

where v is the phase velocity of light in 5-space, c is the velocity of light in free space, and v4 is
the time rate of change of the fifth coordinate. The phase velocity seen in a labortaroy 3-space is

0/), = c1 - ,~2} : C (296)

and the corresponding group velocity is

do { 7
W71 } ac. (297)

"The thing to notice here is that the velocity is dependent on the divergence of the fifth
coordinate. If this is taken as mass-density, as in Williams work, or if it is taken as charge density
it may be possible to construct an experimental verification. The velocity of light would experience
a change in proportion to a divergent flow of mass. The difficulty of the approach is that an
extremely large mass flow would be required to observe any effects. An explosive blast could be
utilized but no good models exist that would allow separating the effect above and uncertainties in
the refractive indexes and other effects.

If the concept is correct then it might be possible to check for these effects at the limb of the
sun during i solar flare. Since the effect is dependent on frequency, a signal on two frequencies
could be made to pass through a solar flare. This, however, would be complicated and involves
being at the right place and time when the event happened.

If on the other hand, the fifth coordinate is related more to charge density, charge to mass
ratios, etc. then other possible experiments could be developed. For example an interferometer
experiment could use a path where the electric field is time varying and divergent. A phase locked
loop could be used to correlate the fringe changes with the divergent fields.

RECOMMENDATION - This experimental approach is not recommended. It would not give clean
and unequivocal results. How this could lead to a propulsive system is presently unclear. The

differences between phase and group velocities is, however, interesting and may be of concern in
sending signals through large divergent flows (i.e., nuclear blasts).


Erwin Saxl (50) claimed to have modified the period of a torque pendulum by placing it
inside an electrical cage and raising the electric potential of the pendulum and connected cage. The
change of the period was cited at near 0.2% at a potential of 5 kV. This would seem to indicate a
coupling between inertia and electromagnetism. It is not recommended that this experimental
approach be followed. An effect of this nature could not have escaped notice by experimentalists.

In the early 1960's, Erwin Saxl conducted a series of experiments which seemed to
illustrate a nonzero coupling between EM and gravitational fields. He constructed a delicate torque
pendulum consisting of a disk suspended from a wire. The device was held at constant
temperature and the period of the pendulum was studied by a photogate as both the pendulum and
casing were,charged. He observed a change in the period proportional to the square of the appLied
voitage (with a small negative bias to the curve). The effect was studied by Saxi for 10 years. He
concluded that it was a dynamic effect and it occurred with a vertical torque pendulum but it did not
occur with a conventional pendulum.

He measured changes to periods on the order of 0.1 sec: out of approximately 35 sec. His
work and patent are written in a style that sounds detailed and precise and suggests that he was a
careful experimenter. There is the possibility that eddy currents or other factors are at work here,
but it is not easy to see how they could have entered into this careful experiment.

With present day equipment this experiment could be done with reasonable ease. The
construction of Saxr's device is covered in detail in his patent. The experiment seems very
straightforward. If the effect is real then it should be simple to place two timepieces in identical
chambers and check their deviations compared to each other as a function of their relative
potentials. This would allow for a cumulative effect and be easier to detect. This procedure could
be. carried out on several kinds of timing systems, including torque pendulums, swinging
pendulums, quartz timing, etc. Only in systems using inertial based methods of timekeeping
would Saxl's claimed effect be seen. The usual controls should be followed including exchanging
positions of clocks, seismic isolation, exchanging the roles of potentials and grounds, etc.

If Saxls observations were correct, then a change of 0.3% (0.1 sec out of 35 sec) at 5 kV
should be readily seen once a suitable torque pendulum time piece was located or produced. To
quantify the eddy current effects, one would need to supply an external coil to impose a magnetic
field. Effects could be measured as a function of the external field and any eddy effects could be

Within the Dynamic Theory the gravitational field is expressed as

V -9. 8 volt,-coulomb ()8

re~kg ) (298)

which also can be expressed as a electric potential through the conversion facto

fi = e x1
= 2.4 10- coulomb /kg. (299)

This conversion factor can be obtained by equating gravitational and electrostatic forces

F,-= Ks and
r2r F. =K@1130
2 "(300)

This is based on separate assumptions but appears to be correct. (There could be a dimensionless
coupling constant involved.) With this in mind, the gravitational field of the earth is

V = .9.8voit. coulomb 1 =-4 x10" volts /r . (301)

m -kg

This is an exceptionally high figure and if correct it is difficult to see how any conventional
EM process could ever achieve such field intensities to overcome gravity. The important point here
is that since a gravitational field can induce red shift and "clock times" then electromagnetic fields
can also be expected to generate red shifts due to the interchange of fields through the coupling
constant The effect of the charige in the torque pendulum's period due to electric potential is
admitted by the theory. It is the magnitude that calls to question the experiment or the theoretical
interpretation of the conversion constant.

RECOMMENDATION - It is very unlikely that this is a real phenomenon. It is hard to believe that
such a thing could go unnoticed for such a time. It is recommended that no action be taken at this


This area was discussed in the theoretical section. Unified theories predict that a potential
between thermocouple junctions develop in the presence of a gravitational field. The effect would
be exceedingly small and it is doubtful if the effect would be worth the effort of preparation. There
does not seem to be any propulsive possibilities for such an effect.

RECOMMENDATION - It is recommended that no action be taken on this approach.


As discusued in Section 2.3.5, a binary pulsar is expected to be accelerated along the

direction of the major axis of revolution. This effect is approximately proportional to the
eccentricity of the orbits. Presently all observed binary pulsars seem to have nearly equal mass for
their component parts. As a result, their orbits are nearly circular.

RECOMMENDATION - No action is recommended until astronomical observations display binary

pulsars with suitably eccentric orbits. At such tirmn the binary system should be monitored for any
long term accelerations.


The shape of the potential is relevant to the exact physical model employed. As was seen in
Table I of the theoretical section, several potential functions are prmposed. Unfortunately the
effects only appear at distances of 10"34 cm. This requires exceptionally high energies.

RECOMMENDATION - Due to the excessive cost and remote likelihood of success it is not
recommended that such studies be pursued for the sole purpose of verifying the nonzero coupling


Thyseen-Bornemisza and Groten of W. Germany (51) have proposed a very practical

experiment. They propose to suspend a cylinder shaped mass from a torsion fiber. The period of
oscillation for the torsional system is measured for two cases. First with nothing in the adjacent
area. Then, secondly, with a large massive concentric layer of mercury located around the
torsional system. This would furnish information on any mass induced inertial effect. This is an
extremely interesting and theoretically satisfying experiment. It would furnish information on the
Mach principle that has long been at the base of many theoretical developments. The effect would
no doubt be small and very large masses would be required. Although it does not lead directly to a
propulsive system, it would be a rewarding study for someone to do.

RECOMMENDATION - No AFAL action is suggested at this time. However, the Mach principle
plays an extremely fundamental role in unification studies. Should an experiment by external
agencies be done with positive results, then this area should be reconsidered.


This is a discussion of an incorrectly developed experiment that was often found to be

proposed as a nonconservaion of momentum approach. It has its roots in the momentum imparted
to the EM field which must ultimately be traced to the interaction of charged particles making up the
device. This is an example that appeared many times but is not a valid approach. It is included
here to avoid unnecessary detours by future investigators. The explanation hinges on the
difference between energy and imomentum and their relationships within a relativistic approach.

Although the effect was seen in many different guises it is best shown by a simple thought
experiment. Suppose a point charge is outside an infinitely long solenoid with constant current .t a
distant d from the solenoid's axis. Since it is infinitely long there is no B field external to the
solenoid in free space. Now if we change the current so that the flux through to coil changes then

the E field in the Wdirection is given by E=cA force will act on the charge but
there will not be a corresponding force on the solenoid. If we prepared a system of both the
solenoid, charge and a method to vary the E field then the charge would be set in motion and the
center of mass of the system could be set in motion without any external forces. It can be seen,
however, from general relativistic theories that this is impossible and thus a paradox is produced.

Apart from the fact that an infinitely long solenoid is impossible and that end effects must
be considered there are other resolutions to the general experiment. Here are two such resolutions.
First, the thought experiment assumed that the charge exerts no force on the solenoid. This was
tacitly assumed and is correct only if an infinitesimally small element of the current carrying wire
was neutral. This neutrality at first seems most reasonable since a model of current is elecurons of
a given charge density flowing in a uniform background of positive charge of the same density.
But relativity theory modifies this conclusion and predicts that the current density of the electrons
in motion will be slightly different from the density when the eectrons are at rest. This comes
about because the charge density is defined as the quantity of charge per volume. The volume
undergoes a Lorentz contraction but the charge is an invariant. In short, the relativistic theory
predicts that the charge density of the flowing electrons will not exactly compensate for positive
background charge density. In a local region the wire of the solenoid will appear charged even
though the entire solenoid is uncharged as a whole. This local imbalance of charge density turns
out to be proportional to (v/c) 2. Since the solenoid is locally charged an external point charge will
exert forces on the wire of the solenoid and will generate a net force on the solenoid.

A second approach to the paradox is to make a more precise calculation of the force on each
volume element of the wire. To accomplish this we must take the force on each electron and then
average it over the volume. In relativistic mechanics the equations of motion for an electron
involve both velocity terms and the rest mass. The time rate of change of momentum is
F=d- m

This gives terms on the order of (v/c)2 which can be shown to exactly correct the force t3 retain the
center of mass of the system.

In general, many methods have been proposed to circumvent conservation of momentum

by the center of mass but most fall prey to omission of relativistic effects. Clearly, unless some
nonzero coupling between gravitational forces and other forces occurs then conservation of
momentum must hold.


Five dimensional approaches to the unification of fields have a long and rich history.
Unfortunately the theories have not been studied from an experimental viewpoint. Instead theorists
have relied more on their physical intuition than experimental results to guide their developments.
Attention to this area is long overdue and cxperimental study should be directed at establishing the.
creditability of various theories.

It is recommended that serious attention be paid to supporting experimental work that is

directed at unification efforts. The subatomic particle studies have received a great deal of attention
in recent years. However, very few, if any, experiments have been designed to study gravitational
and inertial effects. This is regrettable since most results leading to practical engineering solutions
will likely come from electrmagnetism and gravitational effects instead of weak and strong nuclear

It is recommended that policies and plans take into consideration long time studies in the
area of gravity and inertia. These areas deserve more emphasis. This is likely to be more
important than any single experimental program. Since chemical propulsion is reaching its
theoretical limits and nuclear propulsion has political difficulties, it is more likely that gravitational
and electromagnetic studies will lead to future breakthroughs than any nuclear force studies (with
the possible exception'of moze recent low temperarwre fusion work).

Verification of the theoretical 5-D approach is best accomplished by re-examination and

duplication of the Nichols-Hull experiment. This would be an important study for verification and
for the study of classical effects. The costs are low for this type of approach. All of the required
equipment is commonly found in optical laboratories. It is recommended that the program become
part of existing research in the area of solar radiation studies or laser beam power studies. This is
an important feature of the approach, since direct funding of a theoretical prediction is often
difficult. The problem with the approach is that it will v.c directly produce a propulsion system.

The Biefield-Brown approach is best suited for experimental work which would lead
directly to a propulsion system. This area is now being investigated by two independent grlups.
The study of a charging capacitor (by Woodward) rests on firmer theoretical support. This report
specifically recommends that time varying (and not static) energy densities be studied. The fast
switching times of capacitors achieve greater changes in energy densities than most other

processes. This should be the prime concern of anay experimental design. The theoretical
predictions indicate that the effect is proportional to the first or second derivative of the energy (or
mass) density with respect to time. The most important development would be the verification of a
nonzero second order term. This would alow for rapid and practical expansion of technology by
the use of high frequency alternating currents.

Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore labs are reportedly engaged in studies of high power
density devices related to SDI research. Unfortunately this area appears classified and not acces-
sible for this report. Any study involved in verifying 5-D work through the Biefield-Brown effect
should seek to find the highest energy density changes available in capacitor systems. Woodward
is using barium titanates from Sprague. This report has identified some specialized proprietary
plastics by Pennwalt within which exceptionally high energy density capacitors could be made.

Specifically, this report recommends that the charging capacitor approach be taken and that
it should be modified to provide:
1) a materials search for the highest energy density materials available for capacitor
2) seismic isolation,
3) improved sensors, and
4) shortest switching time consistent with sensors.

Both the radiation pressure studies and the charging capacitor studies are extremely practi-
cal and feasible. The other approaches reviewed did not seem to warrant near-term support for the
sole purpose. of theo.-y verification. Any AFAL support for such studies should wait until some
new experimental evidence is produced by external researchers, likely in the form of scientific
journal publications. The conductive submarine and spin aligned nuclei work are nearing the stage
where there may be new evidence to consider. The noninductive coil approaches have a large fol-
lowing with independent inventors. As superconductive materials become readily available there
could conceivably be some new work available. This is a long shot but it should be kept in mind
as one searches for evidence of nonzero coupling.

The magnetic field propulsion device (by Engelberger) does not lead to verification of the
5-D theories. It does warrant reinvestigation in light of current superconductor advances. It is ex-
tremely practical and is suitable for shuttle "get-away-specials." Likewise, the Nuclear Resonant.
method of Paul Brown does not have the potential of 5-D verification but could become useful as a
power source.


Coordinate base tensor symbolism was selec:ed for this report. This seemed to be the best
for undersianding the role of any newly added dimension. The numbering system for the
coordinate system is:

x1, x2 , x3 space, and

X4 the added coordinate (mass density).

(Notice that for tensors the superscript denotes an index and not a power.) This report takes the
view that five unit vectors (and derivatives) along these coordinates are all that is required to fully
denote any physical event or object. For a physical law to exist throughout the universe then it
must be possible to express it in general tensor form using these five coordinates.

In this appendix we will first briefly review the major points in tensor symbolism. For the
best review of the notation and its operation the reader is referred to Dirac's General heory. of
Relivity (26). His notation is entirely compatible with this 5-D theory. After reviewing the
general notation, several points will be made which are specific to this report.


1) A contravariant vector is written as A".

2) A covariant vector is written as A,,.

3) dx" is often written dx, but be careful to recall it is actually a contravariant vector. It
appears to be the only time where a subscript is thought of as a contravauiant instead of a covariant

4) The summation convention is: if a literal suffix is repeated in a term then that term is to be
summed for values of that suffix (usually 0, 1, 2, 3, 4). For example:

dS2= g ,,dxdx . (A l)


4 4

p.0 v.0

or more specifically

dV2 = 7,4 74 g,.dxlgdxv (A3)

p,,0 v.0

5) Any suffix that is repeated twice within a term is a "dummy suffix" and can be replaced
freely. For example:


6) Coordinates are to be chosen as independent. For example:

•--e= Oif p # v


7) Laws of Transformation are given by

,,, = ,,,
A (convaants)
adAP- a pv (covaniarns).

8) The inner prxoduct (scalar product) ibexpressed as

AuBA. (M6)

9) The outer prcdqct (vector product) is expressed as

A#uBv. (A7)

10) Invariants are independent of the coordinate systems and are tensors of zero rank. For

dS2 = 4g ,dx-d•xv. (AM)

11) Raising, lowering and substituting can be achieved by:

multiplication by g"' to give substitution with raising,

multiplication of g, for substitution, or
multiplication of 9m. for substitution with lowering.

12) Vectors are perpendicular (orthogonal) if

A;B" = 0. (A9)

13) Length, I, of a vector is given by

t 2 = AOA. (AlO)

14) A vector can be perpendicular to itself if it is along a null path since ds2 =0 along such a

15) Small displacements leave vectors unaltered to first order. To wit

(I+ def aAmA,*+A,*dA, + AxdA' (All1)

(t + df)2 a e + 2A, dA,4

and it may be represented by

dA =K-A.
= (A12)

16) The direction cosine can be determined by the inner product where 9 is the atigle between
the vectors

cos- AmaXBPPP)'(A13)

17) Simple dervatives are written with a comma as

a.A Ax"

18) Christoffel symbols of the first kind are defined as

r,,, + [,,..1- (,v2x .. o + ,,. v- (A15)

For example:

ru#v+ rv, MSAIv.0 (AI6)

or for an additional example (from #15)

= ',,V,&r•#°
dva A (A17)

19) Christoffel symbols of the second kind am defined as

rga-l{..} -n I 1, + .. - L.V.-) (A18)

'1v ,-{Av.. 1 - ,' r,,.

20) Geodesics will be of fundamental imporance to development of the theoy. They have ft
propenies which allow

ds to be smtionary.

This means that the track given by Jds does not change drastically as the end points are changed
only slightly,

ds2 = g.,,dxA dx v (A19)

It can also be written as

Sd2.a dxAd. v
-- XG-= ra 4 . =o. (A20)

This is the equation of a geodesic and we can see that it is a natural result from requiring that
3fds = 0. This will appear in many cases where we set the 5-D interval as stationary.

21) Covariant differentiation is a somewhat special process in which care must be shown so as
to retain tensor properties of the results. This is often a common cause of difficulties as it is
sometimes easy to get into the habit of assuming the form of the results of the operations. We will
write covariant differentiation by the use of a semicolon (;) before the suffix (notice we used a
comma for an ordinary derivative).

The process can be seen by taking a vector A at a given point x and shifting it by a parallel
displacement to point (x + dx). This results in a vector

AO,(x + r)- A,.(x) =r:,'Ad

A,(x + dr)- A,(x) = (A,.- r,,ýA)dxY


AO, , =A,%.,,- r;,*,

A;Iv =A-" +rfAA Ais=P~r~~,Aa(A22)

This is called the covariant derivative of A.. The covariant derivative of a product is then


(AB,);,) = (A,°B,). + r4,AGB,- raA B (.23)

Derivatives of higher order tensors can be given as

T1O.V° = rV.,-r;T.
To.v-r ra
-f- ' (A24)
T~ T.V - ,

In general we introduce a Christoffel symbol for each suffix with a + sign for each contravariant
(superscript) part and a - sign for eac% covariant (subscript) part. Also in generai the covariant
derivative of a product of any tensor quantity is given like a "chain rule." In physical cases we arc
seeidng tensor equations that will work in all coordinate systems. For the equations to remain
tensor quantities, we must be careful to use covariant and not ordinary differentiation. In analogy
with the d'Alenbert equation we must use the covariant form so

U v=0

goes over to

Lv,,,;,,=o. (A26)

The confusion that most people run into with covariant differentiation is that covariant
differentiation becomes the same as ordinary differentiation for the case of treating the gov as
constants. This leads to a twndency to treat the two the same. However, as soon as we move from
flat space to varying curvature, we must be sure that all equations use covariant differentiation. In
short, the two differentiations are only equivalent in space wheiv the Christoffel symbols are
everywhere zero.

22) An antisymetmic tensor has the property

Av = -Avg (A27)

and since A' = -A,, ,.A28)

then A,=O

and the tensor must have a zero t'ice.

23) Order of covariant differentiation can be important in tensor quantities. if we differentiate a

scalar twice then
s•Ov=sO..- ra-s.
s.; V= s,,V =17)"s,. (A3 1)
j4;v = •p =rasa .

This shows that for a scalar the order is not important. For a vector we must use

= - ro, va*- r! Vva (A32)

so by using the samne process on V.;, we have

VP(rPj - r. +ra rP - rar ).
vVp;vP- v= =p;r, (A33)
Vrp V0ap lo (A33

The second factor on the right side is called the Riemann-Christoffel curvature

RPWV =rW,0P- r,,',,.o +r0.rP - r; .rp (A34)

and is antisynmetric in the last two of its suffixes or

R'w. R~c (A35)

Also we have

= (A ) S

for cyclic substitutions of its subscripts. It is important to notice that only if the Riemann-
Christoffel tensor ("cirvature" tensor) vanishes can the order in covariant differentiation be treated

as permnutable. Notice also that it can be expressed totally in terms of g,, and is, therefore, of
fundamental importance. In fact g., is the only tensor that can be constructed from the metric
tensor and its first two derivatives that is linear in the second derivative. When it is contracted it is
termed t Ricci tensor

IA =.m (A37)

When contracted twice it is called the curvature scalar or total curvature

R = gAVRUV. (A38)

Also notice that

and for tensors

"TA TA faRl -TAROT, (A40)

Thus, the covariant derivatives commute if the curvature tensor vanishes. This fearture is important
to quantum mechanics.

The Dynamic Theory specifies mass density as the added coordinate. This fifth coordinate
has been chosen by various authors in many ways. The important thing to note is that it must be a
function of mass to spar, the space of physical observable events. Some selections suit various
needs arid they will be bettv for specific applications. As long as there is a nonvanishing mass
component of the variable, it should be possible to reduce the selection (Gram reduction) to a
voctor which can spin the manifold of all physical reality.' Mass density is convenient because it
can be utilized readily to obtain thermodynamic relationships. Thermodynamics represents a large
corpus of information that is often overlooked (except as an afterthought) by researchers working
on unification. Williams has successfully started from thermodynamics and developed a basic
relativistic principle. This is a major accomplishmenL

Except for some tentative work by Woodward and Williams there is no estimate of the
coupling coefficient. When ex',amining the 5-D Poynting expression it appears that the E. E term is
the obvious place to begin experimental studies. Other processes arm possible, but the complexity
of the theory does not allow for easy calculations. Higher order terms may be possible but those
cannot be clearly seen within the Dynamic Theory.

Several symbols have been used to indicate the coupling. The a. is the notation by
Wiliams and indicates the constant entering the line element. It places the same role as kc in the 4-
D line element. The 0 which appears in Woodward's work is the coefficient to the first derivative
term in the Taylor expansion of the gravitational field. Woodward uses both a beta and a beta
prime. The difference is because the constant may be material dependent. This is similar to the
role played by the dielectric constant and the magnetic susceptibility. This should be kept in mind
when working with V which may have a counterpart similar to the pairs - B with H and E with D.

The other coupling factor is that of 4eU and it is indicative of the relationship between
the gravitational and electric forces. This is given the symbol P by Williams. Care must be used
when speaking of beta since it is different for Williams and Woodward.


It has been suggested that the divergence in the electrical current can give rise to inertial
effects. Wiifiams has proposed an experiment (Section 3.5) which would develop torque by
imposing a current through two cone-shaped copper conductors joined at the base. The torque
developed would be monitored by a laser lever system. It has been calculated by others that the
divergence will be offset in this geometry by a convergence elsewhere in the circuit. Although the
concept is interesting, it is recommended that the Graneau "sub" type experiment (Section 3.4)
would also test this concept and since the parts of the circuits can move, may be immune to some
of the uncertainty in the convergence and geometry.

Williams has calculated that a gravitational rotor is possible using the torque developed
from divergent current flows (Section 3.5). The charge conservation equation,

SO +V.J.+a 0 -0 (Bl)

represents the prediction that it may be possible to violate one of the most sacred of the
conservation principles. The force law is

F=pE+J 4 V/c (B2)

so that it is possible to interpret J/c as the gravitational mass density. This would require that

g f , J,/c d(vol) (B3)

be the gravitational mass of the distribution of gravitational mass density through the volume.- If
the electromagnetic effects can create a gravitational mass density, then a new process to control
gravitational forces is possible.

First consider only steady state situations such that ap/at is zero. Then

v. j +ao) J4 10 =o. (B4)

Then equation B4 would become

i=/-.- cose•. (Bs)


Now the divergence is given by

y +(B6)
oar +
ax dy az
afI~cosO ,
-o(ose B7)

- -Icose dy (B8)

but d? Yxdh, so h =cose4d7 -+h (B9)

Sh2 (B9O)
d.J= '=(d (2(BIO)

so2 =( 2 (Bll)
2xtTd+2 h a.

or J4 = •ard+2y-I ;I + (J4)0 (B12)

This force is given by

F =(J )V. (813)

Then at x equal -x' and x', the element of torque on two cones joined at their bases as
shown below would be given by

=r (-VX-x)dx + •(-VXx)dx. (B14)

Equation B 12 gives us an expression for J 4 at -x. Let's look at the expression for y for
x5O. Here

y~d- (dý(B 15)

where y=d at x=O, y=O at x=h,and

_.y =-.dd (B16)

Since the only difference in the expression fir J4 between -x and x is the sign change in

then J4 (-'x) = -J 4 (x) and our expression for the elemeat of torque at x becomes

-2(x) jVfx d (B 17)

X S-2idydr(
(B 18)
2 +hh2 y

S--4/dy x dx
x~d2 + h2 d_- 2ao (B19)

-I h
xao[¢ Vd2 -+h2 (hx-dx)2"(30

Integrating the element of force we find

"h-r V1h XdX

0 [:raotcf d+h ( (B21)

f,•o•M 2 f+ loq(h - x) + h x.0 "B.)

The expression for torque becomes

{ J 10 4 h (B23)

The gravitational charge density is JC-T'hus, the force density is j4 and the force is
given by the density times the area, which is

area = xt(2y - tccse). (B24)

Since cos 9 = 0 at x, the 2lement of torque would be giver. by

dr = (jy•)Vxt (2yX-x)dc - (jy~, )vxi (2y)x dx (B25)

- -2 1
.<)Vxt(2y)x dx.
> (B26)

From equation B12, if J4 = 0, then wc may write

dr=- 2 d(7JVx:(2y).dr
2 (B27)

4dVxdx (B28)

2.'Vyd hx d(
•+h 2
aOdd d(h+x) (B29)

Then the :lement of torque becomes

dr o xd (B30)

Now we need to integrate the element of torque in equation B30 ovow tý.; range O0 x < h
- Dh/d h(l
W -D/d). Thus,

2Vacoe fh(s) x9 (B31)

aoc j0hl (B32)

2hlycose rdI- D~ + dhlo B2

- - - + og d (B33)
ac -d _d-D

First, it should be noticed that the units of this expression for torque are a little strange if
we envision V to be the earth's gravitational field and the torque expression includes the current I.
Look back at ihe force law. In this force law the fields E and V have units of volt/nm If wc look at
the units of the earth's gravitational field and use the electrical units for joule we would write

G= coulomb
-9 (l vok m-kg (34

From this expression, we see that the earth's gravitational field units are a factor of Mkg
away from the desired units. Indeed, this unit problem crops up every time one wants to use
predictions from the field equations which involve V. This is as it should be, since the V field is
in a system of equations which have units of die electric and magnetic fields.

Using the equation P=4 with the earth's knowai field strength, we find that

V = --9.(vol coulomb) (B35)

-9.8 volt . coulomb, kg (B36)
2.4 x 101coulomb, kg .m

V=-4.OX I011 volslm. (B37)

We now have the needed expression for determining the torque involved in some particular
cones. Suppose we select

I = 10 ampere, h = d = 0.I m, and t = 0.001 m.

Using the expression for torque, equation B33, we now have

1 2l0ams)(4 x 10" VOIV )r kgf/30l m~o 1 Q.D

40 o(A
Torque 4x 7k,/0 , 0 m)c i
JO.1 +lJo}•:0.


amp , kgy 3 cos45o

Torque f.1-D /M +, 0. }


For the particular device we had in mind, we would use a D =0.25 inch or

D = 6.35 x 10"3 m. We also wished to use copper as the material so that , = 89x 103kg/ 3. We

then have

-_&7x10 5 )(O.7079 3 volt-am~p

&X u3k'/ .3)f
TorueIU kyl m/1

{O.i-6.3x10- 3 + log( 20 1.0 .} (B40)

0.1 0.2-6.3x0"(B

Torque - -0.423 volt -amp*see {0.937 + log(0.576)} (B41)

- -0. 423 volt. coudomb{0.276}. (B42)

Thus, we have

Torque =--0.117N m=--0.086ft lbf (B43)

1.03 in.UOf. (B44)

Williams constructed an experimental apparatus using the double cone geometry.

Measurements were taken where h=d=O.1m,t-O.O1 m,D-A2(1V
4 in.)=3.2xlO-' m. The
cones were of brass with a density of 8.63 x 103 kg/m 3 (slightly less than copper).

The 1/4 inch diameter copper rods were immersed into the mercury for current carrying
ability. The density difference between the mercury and copper was used as a balancing torque
and as the reference torque for any measured rotation. The rotational torque required to overcome
resistance offered by the mercury may be found from looking at the displacement: of mercury oit
the side that the copper rod is forced down by

Fop = (Area of rod) (19) [PH: - PC] . (B45)

On the other side the force downward would be the same magnitude as the force up so that
the reference torque is given by

= 2 Area 12 a [PH#- Pc.]. (B46)

However, I is not measured. The longer lever arm L is measured and the shorter lever arm
I, is measured. Then, if there is a measured displacement in the light, L , the displacement of the
rod in the mercury, may be determined since


and 0 - / (B48)

or fry = 2Area (PH, -PCu,)( I (B49)

Torque v g ( /m (B50)

i ai3X 7
i0 a)p(Coupomdks)j

XI/= o-0.314) + lo{

• 0.1(B12)

Torque =4.46 X106 volt* sec kg. m4(,/a) (B51)

The current is unspecified because it is the parameter to carry in the experiment. The a. has
been left out because it is virtually an unknown. Indeed, perhaps the experiment would best be
considered a measurement of a. than anything.

if I is in amps and we set

.k5I)=ai4,=a(4x 107k,0/ (B52)

then we may obtain the torque expression-

Thqe4.46 x IVvolt -amp-sec I1 0. 112 1 (in arnps)(N-M) (B53)

4x 10 7 a a

Now let us turn to the torque of the mercury device.

Torque ref. = 2 (Area)XPHS - Pc,) ( • (B54)

For our apparatus, area = (x ,n) 2 = xr(3.2 x 10_3)2 M2 z3.17 X10-4 M2 ,

L 2 = I Ima =0.11 m (B55)

P, = 13.6 x 103 k/3 (B56)

pCV = &.9 X10( k3y' (B57)


=241(N .mXL(m)) 2(Li(m)). (B58)

Torque ref.

Now for a given experimental setup theLI is known. Let us suppose that L1 = 10 m. Then
if a. (or a) were known, the current, I, would be related to the observed displacement of the laser
spot, L(m), since Torque - Torque ref, or

0.112 i(aMps) = 241(L(m))2 (10) (B59)


then I(omps) = 2.15 x 1O[L(m)] 2 . (B60)


On the other hand the expected displacement, L, would be given by

[6,-4.64 x 1o 1 (B61)

or L .(m)6.8
x 10-3- ="-• (B62)

From equation B62, we find that in our experiment with 10 amperes we would have
expected a displacement of the laser spot of

L= 115 (B63)

If the estimate of a, was off such that a =100, then the expected displacement would
have been only 2 mm.


The 5-D Dynamic Theory predicts that certain frequencies can pass freely through
conductive media without attenuation. This is not admitted by classical theories. Although it is
doubtful if such an effect could lead to a propulsion system, it could be very useful for
communications during nuclear blasts and reentry blackouts. This can be verified in a practical
experiment. This development and discussion is taken directly from William's work (13, 14, 15).

Williams has found that the electric component will pass unattenuated (theoretically) if the
5-D analog to conductivity (a) is zero. This is satisfied by two conditions. The first is that the
4-D ; is zero, the classical condition for a perfect dielectric. The second condition is that a
constant appears as the additional component, h, of a due to the 5-D nature of the wave. Williams
has used this additional component to define a constant A by

h= A"(Cl)

The 5-D equations cannot be solved in general. However, approximations such as

dielectric constants being linear to the fifth component can be made. Williams has calculated from
the wave equations, equations 155 to 164, that an E-M wave would be unattenuated if

(=2)3_(pC2)2_2 -=,(2

which has only one real solution:

p = 1L7971A. (C3)

The complex solutions are:

1" 2 = (-0.'8985 1 i L.0434)A. (C4)

Considerhig the real solution and assuming A2 to be real, we find that

w= A
L7971 ° (c5)

We do not yet know the dependence of A upon 1.-e, or 0). The assumption that A is
linear in 0 would meaw that the relative strength of the gravitational component compared with the
electric component, given by

V, =-JA) E, .(C6)

does not depend upon frequency in free space. The classical assumption that

A = iow (C7)

admits no frequencies at which the electric component of the wave is left unattenuated. By using
the 5-D field equations and looking for cases of zero imaginary mass density, it is possible to
obtain frequencies which do leave the wave unattenuated. These occur at

f =- + ) (C8)
Aý, +(4 MtAz)

where h can also be expressed as

h • M9)
20 2(A..+VA~.2+ w2)

and where A. is the real part of the initial electrical waveform given in equation 157. That is

14-(At 4 . (ClO)

Substituting for the defined quantities in equation C8, assuming 712<<p and
disregarding negative frequencies, we find two possible frequencies for which the imaginary part
of the mass density vanishes:

i[1 6 21 Cli


O) -- + _ I- 1 (C12)

The condition specified by equation C12 represents a seventh order polynomial in w,

therefore the roots of this polynomial have not been sought It may be noted, though, that there are
up to seven possible frequencies ior which the magnetic and electric components are unattenuated.


The following is a brief review of other methods that were considered during the effort. It
is not recommended that much effort be spent on these areas unless and until they are more fully

VARIATIONS IN e/m - Vladimirov (52) has a unified five dimensional field theory that
predicts the time variations of the elm ratios. It should be possible to plot the Josephson-frequency
data as a function of the time of year ( actually the distance to the sun and other gravitational

CAPACITOR DETECTION OF GRAVITY - Gregory Hodowanec (53, 54) has made

claims of experimentally detecting gravitational field with a capacitor. He has detected variations in
his circuits during star eclipses, novas, and other events. He has recently claimed receiving
extraterrestrial signals. The circuits are simple and would be easy to construct. However, the
evidencc is not very impressive at this time and there does not seem to be any simple way to make
a propulsive system which involves the principle even if he is correct.

It may be interesting to use his device as a sensor in a Hooper v x B experiment. In some

experimental designs Hooper would shield his motional electric field genezator and would use
capacitor as detectors. In Hodowanec's circuit he shields the capacitor and amplifier.

It is not recommended that this experiment be pursued for propulsive studies except as a
possible circuit modification of any possibly existing Hooper experiments.

EM WAVES AND DIELECTRICS - In a number of developments (55, 56) it 'vas found that
there may be new and unusual effects imparted to an electromagnetic wave that strikes a rotating
object. The most commonly predicted effect is that their would be an amplification of the intensity
of the HM field. There is an interaction between the frequency of the EM wave and the angular
velocity of the rotating dielectric. If this effect is real then it may furnish methods for frequency
selection and amplification. Again there does not seem to be a direct link to propulsive system.

ROTATION OF MASSES - Wesson (57, 58) appears to be very active in the area of 5-D
studies. Written correspondence with Wesson has shown that he is willing to work on
experimental design but only as an paid consultant. He has proposed to detect pot silile departures

from the conventional law of gravitation by massive objects moving about a common axis in a
circular path. His work is interesting and the form of many of his equations is similar to
Williams. He uses a variable rest mass as his fifth component. It is unclear if this will lead to a
workable propulsion experimental system. His work bears a closer look.

GRAVITY WAVE EMITTER . There has been some Russian work in the area of inductive
theories. Most of the work appeared during the mid- to late- 197(Ys. Specifically, Grischchuk (59)
has proposed experiments involving gravitational- wave emitters. He proposed to excite a torus
shaped coil with EM waves. Apparently this is similar to the Hooper experiment involving
noninductive coils. Due to the translation and political difficulties the outcome of these
experiments is not known. It may be profitable to do an indepth study of Grischchuk's work if the
noninductive approach is taken.

ATMOSPHERIC DISCHARGES - Lasers are known to ionize the atmosphere. If a high

altitude craft could direct an ionizing beam from above, it may be possible to direct the ever
prevalent atmospheric electric potential to discharge to an object below. For a spacecraft positioned
above the ionosphere no damage would be rendered to the beam origin. However, as a conductive
channel is directed to the object a lighting-like discharge would be directed toward the object. For
example, rockets in low boost stages are known to be susceptible to lighting due to the exhaust
ionization of the plume. A beam may be useful against such targets or sensitive electrical

Secondly, it is possible to cause thermal blooming of lasers in the atmosphere as IR lasers

pass through regions of air (especially when seeded with materials such as SF 6 ). Pulsing such
beams creates acoustic energy. Even small wattages of acoustical power can be very harassing
demoralizing to ground troops.

ROTATION OF CLOCKS - Ziino of Italy (60) has proposed to test for the dimensionality of
time by a clock experiment. It consists of two clocks, one at rest and one at the outer edge of a
rotating system. The differences in time would yield information concerning the transverse time
component and the validity of a three-dimensional time. The experiment would involve excessive
rotational speeds or extended rotation times at precise angular speed. For this reason it is not

RECIPROCITY THEORY - Dewey Larson (61) has proposed a Reciprocity Theory which is
6-D in nature. The theory allows for interconversions between EM and gravity. The theory is

qualitative in nature. It proposes multiplicative instead of additive inverses between particles and
antiparticles. The theory is difficult to understand since it is cloaked in specialized language and
jargon. After about 40 years of development it still has failed to demonstrate any quantitative
predictions outside of classical theory.

It is not recommended that this area be pursued until it demonstrates useful quantitative
results to practical experiments not achievable by classical methods. Currently the few followers
of the theory have not been willing to propose definitive tests of the theory. All of its present
successes seem to be linked to its use of dimensional analysis (appears to be similar to general
relativistic unit geometerization but with units of velocity).

GRAVITY STRESS - Sinichi Seike (62) has produced a device which is claimed to be a
transistorized Gravity Power generator. According to one interpretation of his theory the
gravitational stresses on a electrical system can be used to produce useful power. It is hard to see
how a conservative field such as gravity can be used to do continuous work on a closed system. It
would seem to be only possible if the fields had components that were not linear in terms of the
velocities and currents.

This area may warrant watching for any future developments in light of the possible
Ampere law modifications to current interactions that allow for nonlinear reactions in some cases.

ROTATION OF MAGNETS - There is a continuing debate in physics as o the reality of the

magnetic field. The prime question is whether the axial magnetic field of a bar magnet rotates with
the magnet or is stationary. The Faraday unipolar generator dates back to the 183()s. DePalma,
Tewari and others (63, 64) have attempted to utilize the Faraday generator to produce more power
than needed to run it. Most objective reviews of the work have, however, failed to see such
effects. The work is a typical case of great claims (leviation claims, free energy, time warping,
etc.) accompanied by claims of government suppression but without independent verification based
on experimental numbers.

It is very doubtful that these claims will be independently validated and even more doubtful
that they will lead directly to a propulsive system. However, the work on homopolar generators as
high current devices is reasonable and may be useful for ground uses. The angular momentum
complications seem to rule the system out for any practical space applications.

BASKET WOVEN COILS - Lester Hendershot (65) constructed an energy device in the
192ffs which was claimed to extract "free energy." The devices were witnessed to work. The
devices featured unusual "basket weave" coils and specially formed capacitors. Some circuit
diagrams of his device still exist. Several possibilities do exist:

1) the device worked via absorption of AM radio waves

2) the device works via principles involving time varying inhomogeneous electric fields

3) the device works by some unknown method

4) the device worked by electrolytic action within the capacitors

5) the device was a fake.

In the absence of any indepth analysis, it is not recommended that the experiment be

SEARL EFFECT - The Searl Effect (66) is a separate issue from the homopolar generator
above. Searl has claimed to produce disk levitation by rapidly rotating magnets. There have been
claims of antigravity, high electric fields, perpetual motion, inertial loss, gas ionization. All these
claims come from Searl or those supportive of his work and no outside witnesses are available.
Searl has not supplied any technical data or specifics of the operation in any easily referenced
source. It is not recommended that this work be experimentally followed by USAF. It is worth
noting, however, that a rotating magnet does have some definite theoretical peculiarities.

PERMANENT MAGNETS - According to some reports, Hans Coler (67) was a German
scientist during WWII who constructed a "free energy device." The device consisted of permanent
magnets, coils, and condensers and output up to 6 kW were claimed. The device is vaguely
reminiscent of Hendershot's. It may have been misinformation from the Germans due to war


a unique theory of gravitation based on the ether or preferred frame concept. He conducted
experiments to test his view using freely falling objects. The experiment involved measuring the
acceleration of weights of different composition. He used timed sparks to photograph the fall. He

concluded that not all materials fell at the same rate. Barium aluminate and complex silicates fell at
rates 0.02% less than the lead standard weight. Such experiments are done easily now with
vacuum environments, photocell gates and mu-metal shields. It would make a good historical
study for a well equipped undergraduate college physics lab.

DePalma (64) has also reportd different gravitational acceleration in freely falling
gyroscopes. This could be. exploined by general relativistic frame dragging and eddy currents
induced by the earth's magnetic field. More recently E. Fischbach (70) reexarined the classic
Eotvos experiment which is used as proof of the eciuivalence thec,;- He reexamined the exact data
and found that there was a statistical bias dependent on the relative numbers of protons and
neuaons within the test sample, He concluded that elernents fall at different rates to one part i08
dependent on their nuclear components. The effect was called the "Fifth Forre." The hypercharge
of the elements is thought to play a role in determining the magnitude of the force. It shouid be
noted that the Eotvos experiment is primarily a static one. Gravitational interactions of falling
objects may be different and involve terms of first order in derivatives of time.

PULSED FIELDS - R. Zinsser of W. Germany (71, 72, 73) has claimed the production of
impulse by altering the local gravitational field. He uses pulses of electromagnetic waves of a
specific shape and frequency (pilses of 2.5 ns at a 40 MHz repetition rate). He demonstated a
device at the 1981 meeting in Toronto. The claim was that a propulsive thrust developed due to
localized gravitational anisotropy around the matter. We have not beer, able to verify the claims or
gain detailed infonration on the process.

COUPLING IN BETA DECAY - In 1979 Dr. P.B, Eby with NASA-Marshall (74) proposed
an expcriment to test for possible coupling between gravitational and weak nuclear events. The
proposal was to check the vaiation of Beta decay (or K capture) as a function of gravitational
potential. Dr. Peter Parker (of Yale Univ.) was engaged to dc preliminarily studies but the
program was dropped. This was due to funding cuts and to questions as to the degree of accuracy

Although it is doubtful that a separate experiment should be funded for such a check of
coupling, it may be possible to search existing data for relevant information. Since beta batteries
are being used on some spac-.- vehicles, it may be possible to obtain a power vs. gravitational
potential plot. Since the power generated by a beta battery is d-pendent on the time rate of decay of
nuclear particles, an upper limit on the coupling could be obtained. Such data was not obtained
with coupling constants in mind. T"Ms means that variables effecting power may not be tightly

controlled. If a future power source was properly designed then a coupling value may be obtained
without undo extra expense. There are no overwhelming reasons to believe that the coupling is
nonzero but such a fundamental concept should be "nailed down" to rule out some theories. It is
unlikely that even a positive result would lead to a propulsive system and the gamma ray spectrum
experiment is much more practical (unless the data is already available).


Due to the added mass-related terms, there are eight field equations instead of the normal
four of Maxwell. The terms also enter thf.. continuity expression. The 5-D version of the
expression is

V.J+a, 0-, (El)

which is a result of the antisyn'metry of the electromagnetic field tensor. For the case where the
coupling coefficient, a., is zero, the divergence of the current is classically restricted to zero by
equation El. But in 5-D the spatial divergence can be nonzero and proportional to the change in
"mass-density current," J. Notice that the 5-D continuity equation is the same as Maxwell's as a.
tends to zero. If the coupling constant is nonzero then it would be possible to have a nonzero
spatial divergence in the current J which would lead to mass-density effects. This means a mass
flow may result from a divergence in the charge current flow.

In other words, it might be possible for a divergence in the special current flow to lead to
"antigravitational" effects. This result is directly from the 5-D nature of the theory and the possible
nonzero value for the coupling constant and not on the more uncertain assumptions of other
portions of the theory. In fact, it seems to be unavoidable for amy multidimensional theory that
uses a function of mass for one of its additional dimensions. The only question appears to be:
What is the value for the coupling constant?

The other factor to consider is the Poynting vector expression. For the case of no
divergence in J, the new effect can be expected where there is a nonzero E. E term. In other
words, where there is a changing electric field vector.

Access to Information

Much of the work in inductive theories goes unpublished in normal technical journals.
This is due to: 1) their highly speculative nature, 2) the fact that due to the complexity of the topic
good work is often too large to print, 3) some work is very poor, 4) there is a lack of experimental
evidence and 5) experiments that would verify such inductive effects are not believed by the
"establishment." Dr. Cravens will retain (for 5 years or longer from the date of this
report) all
reference materials used for this report. He will continue to accumulate reference material in this
area. Interested individuals may contact him at:

Dr. Dennis Cravens Dr. Dennis Cravens

(ravens' Laboratory or Cravens' Laboratory
2222 Wheeler St. P.O. Box 3
Vernon, TX 76384 Vernon, TX 76384

He will attempt to supply serious researchers reference and bibliographic materials for cost
of duplicating and shipping. This will of course be subject to current U.S. copyright and export

Dr. Cravens will also receive and archive new relevant materials that may be sent to him. It
is hoped that an interested network of researchers may be developed and that new materials can be
added to the archive.

F- 1

There has been many approaches at unifying gravitation and electromagnetism. Many also
attempt to combine other factors such as Dirac's Large Number Hypothesis which states the
gravitational constant is changing with time or Mach's Principle which states inertia is dependent
on distant matter. Some of the more debated theories are the scalar-tensor formalism.

SCALAR-TENSOR THEORY - This theory started from studies of 5-D unification attempts.
In addition to the physical metric tensor, g, there is a scalar field 9. Many of the current
approaches are now using four instead of five dimensions but retain the scalar field. Originally the
g44 element of the metric tensor was found to require separate postulates within some 5-D theories
and often appeared redundant. The scaler field is a coefficient in front of the stress tensor in the
Einstein equation. The scalar is therfore related to the gravitational constant. This leads directly to
the Dirac Hypothesis. Also the mass of a particle in the background reference frame becomes

M " (G1)

Since the scalar field is related to the local gravitational field the mass becomes dependent on the
distribution of matter in the universe. This leads to Mach's Principle. Thus, we have an approach
for which matter moves gravitationally on geodesics and for which locally measured values of the
gravitational constant depends on a scalar field. It is the distribution of the mass density in the
universe that determines the scalar field.

The scalar gives rise to an additional wave equation. The added equation represents a
scalar field that is mediated by a zero rest mass particle. From this one would expect an additional
fundamental force that is yet to be discovered. This field would be connected to the gravitational
field and influence inertial effects.

All of these considerations indicate that inertial effects can be altered in a local space.
However is only in the positive direction. In other words, the inertia of an object can be increased
(not decreased) by assembling mans close to the test body. To decrease the inertia of an object it
must somehow be decoupled from the rest of the universe. This indicates that an object such as a
spaceship could have its inertia increased but not decreased. Unfortunately, this is just opposite of

what is normally desired. On the other hand, it may still be possible to make the exhausted fuel
appear to have greater inertia than normally expected by some still unknown mechanism,

FINSLER GEOMETRY - This area of research has attracted little work. The concept rests on
Riemann's classic work - About the Hypothesis Lying at the Foundations of Geometry. In this
work Riemann points out the possibility of more general metrics. This is based on a new method
of length measurement. We take length to be derived from the square root of the quadratic in terms
of distance,

-ds 4= ý dr v.(2
dr4 J~.(02)

Riemann suggested that it might also be expressed as the fourth root of a quadratic form. This
geometry is very complicated and leads to complex forms. This area of research has been almost
ignored since the 1929s. During the work on this task it was found that 5-D theories using
Finsler geometries may be similar to 1O-D theories. The reasoning is that the fourth root opens the
possibility of two separate states of 5-D each which are manifested together. They are represented
as the real and imaginary components of similar expressions. This may be equivalent to the
spontaneous compactification of lO-D suing theories into two 5-D subspaces for the separation of
Bose and Fermi particles. Comparison of the statistical nature of these particles with this
interpretation remains unfinished.

THEORIES WITH TORSION - When Eddington developed his general geometry he assumed
that the affine connection was symmetric, i.e.

rp Pa (G3)

If the relation is made nonsymmetric by the introduction of a constant coefficient on one side, we
ha,' a geometry with torsion. This is the last variation that Einstein investigated during his
lifetime. This approach created a theory in which the connections coefficients were nonsymmetric
and they contained a torsion tensor. The torsion component is often taken as the spin properties of
the matter in question. Most modern theories of supergravity has a skew symmetric connection
and hence torsion.

CLIFFORD ALGEBRA: Eddington developed a unified dteory in his Fundamental Theory
(76). Although not often recognized, the approach was five dimensional. On philosophical
grounds he developed what is called E algebra. This is similar to complex algebra but instead of
only i and 1 being impotent there is an array of numbers (E's) that also have absolute moduli of
unity. In this algebra there ar, 16 elements that satisfy the anticommutation rules for Dirac
matrices. This mathematics is consistent with what is now known as Clifford algebra. This math
is at the base of supersymmetric gage field.

This algebra is five-dimnensional over the set of real numbers. It possesses chirality and
hence consistent with particle physics. The approach fell into disfavor during the 50's after
Eddington's death. This was liltely due to the fact of its complicated nature and lack of defenders.
The algebra was later rediscovered by Majorana and is currently referred to as Majorana spinors.


1. Feynman, R.P., A.R. Hibbs (1965). Qiianim dlanics and Path Integrals
(McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York) also Feynman and Hibbs (1962).

This is a highly technical book that supplies the theoretical foundations of quantum
elzctrodynamics. A popular view can be found in\Feynman's M.. It is this area of work for
wHhich Feynman received his Nobel Puize. The basic view taken is that of examining the action
integrals of interacting particles. In classical theoretical p ysics, the path taken by a particle is that
which minimizes the 3fds integral. Feynman takes e approach that within quantum
electrodynamics all possible paths must contribute, to a real even . He sums over all paths using the
phase factor of eisla where S is the action. The quantity A is theleast action (Plank's constant).
Since A is very small, paths far removed from the path of the classical action oscillate rapidly (due
to the phase factor). For large everyday items, only the classical path is noticed. For elementary
particles the action, S, is of the same magnitude as A and many paths st be considered within
the kitegral.

In this report, notice that the phase factor containing S must be integra over the 5-D line
element given by

ds2 = g,,dxdvdx-,

which can be identified with the 5-D generalized entropy.

The theoretical section of this report discusses the role of A. The A is a meas e of
commutation properties of the quantum operators. This report finds that since it is related to the
commutation of differential operators, it must also be related to the curvature term, R, in gene
relativity. This is an important point and has been overlooked by previous research. In a\
generalized space commutation of covariant differential operators occurs if and only if the curvature
is nonzero.

Placing these two concepts together the A is found to be modified by approximately 8..
which depends on the gravitational interactions. In otiher words, the time units of the least action
constants must be altered due to the presence of a gravitational field. For QED calculations we
now find that the phase which enters the path integrals begins to oscillate for cases of close
approach to the particle. Thus, only paths outside of (I-2m/r) contribute to the event in the same,
way that only paths near the classical action contribute. The theoy is seen to approach QED for
distances above (l-2m/r). This is a major accomplishment and it avoids most of the singularities
encountered in traditional QED.

2. Born, M. and Infield, L., "Foundations of the New Field Theory," Proceedings of the
Royal Society of London, Vol. 144 (1934), p. 425.

In this work the action integral is an invariant. 'The equations are not general and are
devoid of any charge or current terms. The work tried to avoid the singularities in the self energy.

3. Landd, Alfred, "Finite Self Energies in Radiation Theory - Part I," Physical Review, Vol.
60 (1941), p. 121.

Landd's work involved the use of a finite size for the charge distribution. When the charge
spreads over a volume terms similar to the Yakawa potential appear.

4. Podolsky, Boris and Schwed, Philip, "Review of a Generalized Electrodynamics," Review

of Modern Physics, Vol. 20 (1948), p. 40.

Podolsky approaches the infinite self energy calculations by rewriting the Lagrangian. This
is done by altering the field terms but not ihe particle terms. The field terms lead to zero mass
particles which are assumed to be neutrinos. The potential is the same as in (3), above. What is
happening here is that when the problem is thought of as residing in the particle ( as in 3), the field
is seen to be altered. When the problem is thought of as residing in the field then a new particle is
required. This is indicative of a underlying problem.

5. Corben, H. C., "Special Relativistic Field Theories in Five Dimensions," Physical Review,
Vol. 70 (1946), p. 947.

Corben uses a truly 5-D approach to the self energy problem. He views the added
coordinate as a facor that relates mass to the electromagnetic fields. When derivatives of the fifth
coordinates are dropped from his equations the potential function is equivalent to the Lienard-
Wiechert potentials. In Corben's later work the fifth coordinate is taken as the rest charge density.

6. Corben, H. C., "Theory of Electromagnetism and Gravitation," Physical Review, VWl. 69
(1946). p. 225.

See (5) above.

7. Pauli, W., "Relativistic Field Theories of Elementary Particles," Reviews of Modern

Physics, Vol. 12 (1941), p. 203.

Pauli's work is mostly a 4-D view. He derives laws from a madified Lagrangian. The
work by Corben (4,5) uses Pauli's approach but extends it into 5-D.

8. Flint, H. T., "The Theory of the Electric Charge and the Quantum Theory - Part I,"
Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 29 (1940), p. 417.

Flint assumes that the added coordinate is cyclical. That is, the components of a real world
event are independent of the added coordinate. This is the same as saying that the added component
of momentum is constant in the 5-space.

9. Flint, H. T., "The Theory of the Electric Charge and the Quantum Theory - Part lI,"
Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 29 (1940), p. 417.

See (8) above.

10. Flint, H. T., "A Study of the Nature of the Field Theories of the Electron and Positron and
of the Meson," Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Vol. 185 (1946), p. 14.

See (8) above.

11. Ingraham, Richard, "Classical Maxwell Theory with Finite Particle Sources," Physical
Review, Vol. 101 (1956), p. 1411.

Ingraham's work is 5-D in nature. His work is concerned with conscrvation laws and
charge distribution. Charge, in his theory, is spread out over a radius on the oider of lambda and
damps out quickly at larger distances.

12. Milne, E. A., Kinematic Relativity Oxford Press (1948); also in Relativity. Gravitation
and World Structure. Oxford Press (1935).

Milne's work is very interesting although much of it is lost in metaphysical arguments.

Dirac often made reference to Milne's double time components (24). There are two points in
Milne's work that should be reexamined today. One involves the role of the test particle within
Maxwell's expressions. Current theories tacitly assume that a test particle can be introduced into
the field without any undue effects. This cannot be done in a relativistic manner. Since charge is
quantiized. it is physically unacceptable to postulate a test particle with infinitesimal charge so that
no magnetic effects enter the field that is to be measured. The second point in Milne's work
(which needs to be reexamined) is the concept of double time dimensions. This appears to be
equivalent to the bi-metric theories. Instead of proposing a background metric, Milne proposes a
background time.

13. Williams, P. E., "The Possible Unifying Effect of the Dynamic Theory," May 1983,

This is part of a series of works by Pharis Williams. The novel aspect of the work is that
Williams starts from thermodynamics instead of the usual general relativistic and Newtonian
approach. He applies a generalization of the second law of thermodynamics (via Carathedory) to
mechanical systems in addition to the utual thermodynamic ones. This leads directly to the
constancy of the speed of light. For isolated systems the extremes of generalized entropy lead to

the special relativity for zero It The existence of differential entropy within thermodynamics
guarantees the existence of an integrating factor which couples the Reimannian space to a Weyl
Space (via a gage function). This is an important point because there is often criticism of 5-D
theories due to the lack of the integrating constants. In other developments, ai "ad hoc" condition
is imposed to guarantee an integrating constant. Here thermodycamics is used to prove its
existence. The two spaces are similar to Rosen's bi-metric approach. The Reimannian space
corresponds to a closed system wAth conservation of energy and severe boundary conditions. The
Weyl space corresponJs to differential entropy and a Machian worid where only relative conditions

Williams develops the 5-D field equations and the n-o-coulombic potential. The equations
aVow for inductive coupling between the electric and gravitational fields. The fundamental
constant, A , in the potential may be material dependent and different for electrons and protons.
Thus, for far fields, the difference between the two potentials may give rise to the gravitational
potential. This concept is similar to that of O.F. Mossotti.

14. "The Dynamic Theory: A New View of Space, Time and Matter," Los Alamos Sci. Lab.
Report, Dec. 80, LA-8370-MS

See (13) above.

15. "The Dynamic Theory: Some Shock Wave and Energy Implications," Feb. 1981,

See (13) above.

16. Will, G. M., "Experimental Gravitation from Newton's Principle to Einstein's General
Relativity," 300 Years of Gravitation, ed. by Hawing, Cambridge Univ. Press, p. 80-127

G. Will has worked extensively in the area of experimental verification of general relativity
and its variations. Most of the txperiments are based on large scale cosmological events. Since
they are far field events, it is doubtful that subtle deviations from I/r 2 potentials can be found by
this method. His use of the PPN method is important. It is, however, based on 4-D theories with
10 independent parameters. In 5-D theories there are 15 parameters. A similar study for 5-D
theories should be interesting. This is an area of recommended future studies.

17. Will, G. M., "Theoretical Frameworks for Testing Relativistic Gravity," Astrophys. J.
169. 125.160 (1971).

See (16) above.

18. Anadan, L, Phys. LWt,. 1 , 280 (1980).

This work discusses the possibility of detecting an electric potential that develops within a
system in a grutational field. No useful methods seem practical with the effect. The concept is
based on a rearrangement of the conduction electron density due to the gravitational pull on the
mass equivalence to the energy within the system. It is not an inductive effect between the fields.

19. Noether, E., "Invariante Variations Probleme," Goett. Nachr., p.235-257 (1918).

This is the theoretical foundation of the conservation laws. The idea is that conservation
laws are illustrations of an underlying symmetry. A condition which will remain constant during
some kind of transformation (physical event) indicates that some mathematical condition is the
same before and after the event (symmetry). If our task is to find conditions for nonconservation,
then we must find the underlying symmetry and strive to break it. Such "breaking" may not be
possible in a global region but may be possible in a local area. To locally alter the conservation
laws we must locally alter the underlying symmetry.

20. Wu, G. C., et al., "Experimental Test of Parity Conservation in Beta Decay," Phys. Rev.
05.. p. 14 13 (1957).

The experiment showed that parity can be violated. Until then,. parity was considered
inviolable. Cobalt-60 was magnetized and the atoms were frozen in that state. The direction of
escaping beta rays changed as the material thawed and allowed atomic rearrangement.

The important point here is that only tensors and not pseudotensors are required to be
conserved in all physical events. General Relativity imposes the requirement that all physical laws
be written in tensor equations so that they can be applied throughout the universe independent of
the background reference frames.

21. Lee, T.D. and C. N. Yang, Elementary Particles and Weak Interactions, BNL 443, U.S.
Dept. of Comm., Office of Tech.Serv., Washington (Oct. 1957).

See (20) above.

22. Sakharov, A. Soy. Phys. Doklady 12, 1040 (1968).

This is an alternative view of gravity. In it the gravitational force is seen as an extension of

the Van der Waals forces within the vacuum. It has several interesting features and ties nicely to
the Casimir force.

23. Puthoff, H. E., "Zero Point Fluctuations of the Vacuum as a Source of Atomic Stability
and the Gravitational Interaction," Proceed. of the Brit. Soc. for the Phil. of Sci., Sept.
See (22) above.

24. Dirac, P. A. M., Directions in Pysia. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. p. 36 (1978).

This is a collection of lectures by Dirac. He reviews some of the difficulties remaining in

quantum theory. Most researches have grown complacent with the difficulties due to the great
success of the theory. Dirac was one of the main founders of the theory and knows full well the
weaknesses of the theory He was quite bothered by the mathematical inconsistencies of the theory
(i.e. self energies). The salient feature of the work is that real progress in physics is made by
questioning the foundations not by complacency.

25. Casimir, H.B.G., Proc. Kon. Ned. Akad. Wetemscjap., 54, pp. 793 (1948).

This is a discussion of a very short range force. The force does not follow the (I$r2). The
departures from the Coulombic potential at short ranges is difficult to study but may indicate
departures from traditional explanations.

26. Dirac, P.A.M., The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, fourth ed. (Oxford at the Ciarendon
Press, Oxford), Chap. IV (1958).

This is the classic work that founded most of moden ideas about quantum mechanics. The
interesting point is the use of the correspondence principle. It is the comrmutators that hold the
primary role at the foundations of quantum mechanics. Yet few have tiied to derive quantum
mechanics from a correspondence to general relativity. Instead most researchers try to adjust
general relativity by introducing quantum principles into it. Ope should not be surprised to find
that approach incomparable.

27. Feynman, R.P., Quantum Electrodvnamics - A Lecture Note and Reopint Volume. (W. A.
Benjamin, Inc. New York).

This is a lecture series study of quantum electrodynamics. It develops rules for summing
interactions between particles. Feynman introduces a function to supply a cutoff of terms at small
es. The problem is that when cutoffs and renormalization occur it is not general relativistic
invariant while retaining the probability of one for a particle in sp.ce. This is the kind of problem
that worried both Feynman (see 1) and Dirm (see 24).
Expressed in terms of 5-D theory, renormalization cannot be carried out without
introducing new curvature turns to covariant differential expressions. There is room in the 5-D
theory to renormalize by the modifications of the least action (change time units by 8. ). A cutoff
function is better achieved in the 5-D theory by the maximum rate of energy (mass) conversion.
Such a function gives a limit of t,. = aoc which plays the same role as v.. = c which "cuts off"
special relativity at high velocity.

28. Fock, V., The Thory of Space. Time and Gravitation, trans. N, Kemmer, Pergamon
Press, New York, Chap. 111 (1964). See also Dirac, P.A.M., lcneral Theory_ o
Relxj.iyi, John Wiley & Sons, N.Y., p 17-31 (1975) and Eddington, A.S., Thr
Mathematical Tineory of Relativity second ed., University Press, p. 60-73 and p. 82-85

These books give a basis for general relativity. Eddington gives a very good development
of the theory without undue clutter. However, it uses out of date symbols. Nevertheless, it is one
of the best on the subject- Dirac's book uses current notation that is easy to use. It is extremely
concise and is the symbolism used for this report. Fock's work is very indepth but often hard to
follow. It is indicative to the approach taken by many Russian workers in the field.

29. Schwartz, J. H., "Covariant Field Equations of Cbiral N - 2, D = 10 Supergravity," Nucl.

Phys. B p. 269-288 (1983).

The development uses 10 dimensions to describe space. The author points out that the
equations most simply compactif, into .' and not 4 dimensions. It is interesting to note that the
10-D work with supergravity normally uses symmeu-y as its guide. Here the theory points to 5
dimensions. Unfortunately authors avoid compressing the space to 5-D. Instead, they attempt to
compress it into 4-D.

In 10-D space, which is compactifled into two 5-D manifolds there is a natural separation
of the Bose and Fermi statistics. The change in sign on the exponents of these two statistics
appears to be related to the sign of the metric signature (+-+ or---).

30. Newton, I. Mathematical Principle, University of California Press, page 10 (1960).

Newton describes his views on inertia. This is the classic reference to the rotating bucket
experiment. His ideas of absolute position and time are no longer considered real. See Mach
below (31).

31. Mach, E. The Science of Mechanics (1893) reprinted by Open Press (1960).

Mach reviews the historical and metaphysical foundations of mechanics. His primary
principle is that the theory should be guided by physical observations and measurements and not
abstract constructions. He disagreed with the concepts of absolute space and assigning properties
to things that could not be physically examined. It is his work that influenced Einstein's
development of relativity.

It is interesting to consider Milne's objection to the introduction of a impossibly small test

charge to derive Maxwell's expression in light of Mach's views.

32. Rosen, N. Phys. Rev. 57,147 (1940), Phys. Rev. 5L.150 (1940), Ann. of Phys. 22.1

Rosen has developed a theory in which there are two metrics governing space. One is the
background space and one is the physical space. In this way there is a more natural way to discuss
the role of gravitation. See (13) above.

33. Halliday, David, Resnick, R., E , combined 3rd ed., John Wiley and Sons (1978).

This is a standard college physics textbook. It does contain some historical discussions of
key experiments and developments.

34. Woodward, J., personal communication with Jim Woodward, both by meetings and by
phone 1988-1989.

Woodward is an experimentalist. His original investigation in the area of inductive

coupling used rotating spheres and cylinders. He looked for electromagnetic effects during times
of acceleration and deceleration. More recently he has examined the effects due to the changes of
electric fields within dielectrics. He is studying the E !I terms which appea,- in the fliw of energy
within a region. This term can be expected from the V E expression derived in developing the
5-D Maxwell-like expressions.

36. Talley, R. "Twenty- First century Propulsion Concept", SBIR - AF-87-192 (1987).

This is an experimental program by Veritay Technology which is patterned after T. T.

Brown's work. Veritay has placed an asymmetric capacitor on a vertical torsion fiber. They have
detected a force on the order of a fraction of a dyne at applied voltages of several kilovolts. A
pulsed asymmetric capacitor may be expected to produce an impulse.

37. Graneau, P. Amnere-Neumann Electrodvnamics of Metals, Hadronic Press Nonantum,

Mass. (1985).

In these works Peter Grzn:au has attempted to study modifications of the Lorentz-style
forces. He starts from the historical perspective of Amperes Laws. Some modifications of
Lorentz forces can be expected within 5-D theory. Specifically the 3-force would be
.F = (YXJ x+4V)
and the time component would be
.F= XE.J+V4. 4)

and the mass denisity component would be

F4 -(-,X)J.V).

38. Graneau, P., "Electromagnetic Jet-Propulsion in the Direction of Current Flow," Nature
295. p. 311, June 18, 1982.

See (37) above.

39. Moray, T. H., The Sea of Hnerg, 5th ed, Cosray Research Inst., Inc., Salt Lake City,

Moray was an old style independent inventor. He may have found a way to directly
convert energy released by radioactive decay into electrical energy. His work was the motivation
for Paul Brown's Nuclear Resonance Battery.

40. Parker, Peter, personal communication via phone, also in "Development of a Direct
Experimental Test for Any Violation of the Equivalence Principlc by Weak Interactions,"
Final Report NASA-NAS-8-33572 (Dec. 1981).

Dr. Parker worked with NASA to test the coupling between gravitational and weak forces.
The program was dropped. Most of the work involved viewing changes in decay counts of a very
active source. The count rate was expected to change due to the gravitational red-shift. This was a
GR view and did not require any inductive coupling of the fields.

41. Wallace, H.W., "Heat Pump," U.S. patent # 3,823,570 issued July 16, 1976.

These are a series of patents by Wallace which involve coupling between rotational systems
and gravity. These are very curious claims and we have been unable to track down what became
of them or of Wallace. It may be interesting to review his work in light of that of M. Trocheris and
by examining V x V. The V x V terms may be involved in rotation of nonzero masses.

42. Wallace, H. W., "Method and Apparatus for Generating a Gravitational Force," U.S.
patent # 3,626,6G5 issued Dec. 14, 1971.

See (41) above.

43. Wallace, I. W,, "Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field," U.S.
patent # 3,626,606. •

See (41) above.

44. -iopper, W. J., "All Electric Motional Electric Field Generator," U.S. patent # 3,610,971
issued April 10, 1969.

Hooper's work involved separu ting the electromagnetic forces ixcording to their method of
production. He saw the v x B terms separate from E terms. He developed several experiments to
check this assertion. He worked with copper conductors. Should anyone try to replicate the
claimed effect, they should use superconductive materials. Mere is a gain of 166 in the drift
velo.,ity by using superconductors.

45. Hooper, W. J., "Apparatus for Generating Motional Electric Field," U.S. patent
"#3,656,013issued April 11, 1972.

See (44) above.

46. Hopper, W. J., New Horizons in Electric. Magnetic and Gravitational Field Theory,
Electrodynamic Gravity, Inc. (1969).

See (44) above.

47. Cullwick, E.G. Electro Magnetism and Relativity, Longmans, Green and Co., N.Y.

This is a good reference book on EM effects. It is old but still one of the best. Cullwick
mentions the fact that current analysis does not include the mass of the electrons within the EM
calculations. He points out that such terms may appez bometime in the future as we go to higher
current densities. If we ever succeed in developing a fluid superconductor many unusual effects
should start appearing.

48. Maxwell, J. C., A Treatise on.E xicity afid MagnetisnM Vols. 1 and 2, Dover Pub., 3rd
ed. (1954).

This is the classic work in EM. It is old but this is an advantage. Maxwell lets all the basic
assumptions (such as zero electron mass) be easily seen. Most current work assumes Maxwell is
correct and no modifications are possible.

49. Engelberger, J., "Space Propulsion System," U.S. patent # 3,504,868 issued April 7,

This patent is of a magnetic loop to be carried on a spacecraft for the purpose of

propulsion. This area has been reviewed several times in the past (AFRPL-TR-72-31). This
patent appeared several times in computer searches using such key words as electromagnetism,
gravity and propulsion. The newer superconductors are appmraching the temperature range where
simple solar shielding and proper re-irradiation can keep them in a conductive state. Unfortunately
the new ceramic superconductors saturate at moderate magnetic field values. The interesting point

in Engelberger's patent is that a single large loop is used instead of small multi-turn loops. This
keeps the magnetic fields low and would prevent saturation and hoop stresses.

50. Saxl, E. J., "An Electrically Charged Torque Pendulum," Nature 203, p. 136 , July 11,
1963. and "Device and Method for Measuring Gravitational and Other Forces," U.S.
patent #3,357,253 issued Dec. 12, 1967.

Saxl claimed to see a change in the period of a torque pendulum when its electric potential
was raised. The patent cover. detail construction plans of his device.

51. Thyseen Bernenisza and Groten, "Testing Inertial Mass Variation," Transact. N.Y. Acad.
of Sci., p. 687, Dec. 1972.

This is a proposed experitrent to test the Mach effect. It looks for a change in the inertia of
a mass connected to a torque pendulum. If Mach is correct, the inertia should be dependent on the
coupling of the mass to all masses in the universe. This is an interesting experiment in light, of the
recent Greenland ice sheet experiment involving G.

52. Vhadimirov, Y.S., "The Unified Field Theory, Combining Kaluza's Five-Dimensional and
Weyl's Conformal Theories," Gen. Rel. and Gray. 14, No. 12, p. 1165 (1982).

This work is indicative of the Russian work in 5-D theories. Most of the Russian work is
based on Weyl's theories of differential geometry. In GRC vol. 14, no. 12, 1167 (1982)
Vladimirv treats the added coordinate as a physically real variable. instead of one of convenience to
simplify projecting into a 4-D world. The Russian literature seems to be more open to nonzero
inductive theories than does the free-world.

53. Hodowanac, Gregory, "All About Gravity Waves," Radio Electronics, p.53, April (1986).

Hodowanec is an independent invcntor who is detecting anomalous readings from

capacitors. His device is more-cr-less a capacitor directly connected to the input of an op-amp. He
claims to detect signals when masses are moved near the electrically shielded device. The effect
may be simple "pink noise." Hodowanec has detected anomalous activities appearing from the

54. Hodowanec, Gregory, leers. 34 Cleveland Ave. Newark, NJ. 07106.

See (53) above.

55. Schieber, D., "Some Remarks on Scattering by a Rotating Dielectric Cylinder," I. of EM

Waves and Appl., Vol. 2, No. 2, p. 155 (1988).

These articles are indicative of studies of EM waves and rotating bodies. It appears that
when EM waves pass through rotating dielectrics some unusual effects are predicted. This may
lead to some interesting future, technology.

56. Zeldovich, I. B. and Rozhavskii, L.V., "Rotating Bodies and Electrodynamics in a

Rotating Reference Frame," Radiofizka, Vol. 29, No. 9, p. 1008 (1986).

See (55) above.

57. Wesson, P. S., "A New Approach to Scale - Invariant Gravity," Astron. Astrophy. IM
p. 145-152, (1983).

58. Wesson, P. S., Gen. ReL Gray. 16, p. 193 (1984).

Paul Wesson has worked to produce a 5-D theory with the rest mass being the added
coordinates. This is compltible with the 5-D theory of this report. This report, however, pr-fcrs
mass density as the coordinate since it gives a better intuitive link to thermodynamic and field-like
(not point-like) properties.

59. Bragin"ii, Grischchuk, L.P., et al., "Electromagnetic Deutcors of Gravity Waves," Zh.
Eksp. Tear. Fi,. 65, 1729-1737 (Nov. 1973).

This is one of many Russian works that proposed to detect gravity waves with
elecutsagnetic detectors. During the 70's there seemed to be a lot of Russian activity in the amck.
The work has now tapered off. There is no evidence that any of the methds were used.

60. Ziino, G. "On a Straightforward Experimental Test for Three Dimensional Time," Nuovo
Cimento, Letter,. Serie 2, Vol. 28, p. 551, Aug. 16, 1980.

Here Ziino has proposed a clock experiment to check for a 6-D space.

61. Larson, D., communication at the Sept. meeting in Seattle, Washington.

Larson is an electrical engineer who has developed a 6-D alternative view of the world.
The works of his followers appear in Reciprocity.

62. Seike, S., The Principles of Ultra Relativity, 8th ed. G. Research Lab., Ehime, Japan

Seike has claimed to produce energy from the gravitational field. No working models are
available for full examination.

63. DePalma, B. E., "Electro-Mechanical Device for the Amplification of Electrical Power,"
Energy Unlimited: The New Age Science Magazine, no. 7 (1980).

Through the years there have been many interesting developments concerning the Faraday
Homopolar generator. DePalma has claimed to get more energy out than is supplied to the
generator. None of the claims seem to withstand careful examination and no machine has ever been
made self driving. The underlying reason that such claims continue to resurface is that rotating
magnetic fields are extremely difficult to handle within existing theories. This is because for a
rotating frame there is a distance (removed from the axis) which is traveling at velocities greater
than c. Although the distance is not within any real physical object, its existence within the
mathematical development greatly complicates any calculations.

64. Tewari, F., "Generation of Electrical Power from Absolute Vacuum by High Speed
Rotation of Conducting Magnetic Cylinder," Tech. Rep. Dept. of Atomic Energy, Bomby,
India (1985).

See (63) above.

65. Skilling, E., "Hendershot's Fuelless Generator," Jr. of the Borderland Sci. Res. Found.,
(July 1962).

This is a claim of generat'ng more energy than is supplied. The interesting point here is not
the claim of perpetual motion but the method used. If there are previously unknown effects due to
the added coomlinate then they may appear as annomolous effects. As described 'aarlier, the effects
should appear in cases of asymmetry of electric fields, at high frequencies, rotating magnetic fields
and high currents. Perhaps some of the anomolous effects claimed by nonmainstream individuals
may be a starting point to see the new terms. However, this does not seem to be one of those

Some early accounts of Hendershot's device described it as a capacitor (wound from

triangular sheets of foil) located within a "basket woven inductive coil."

66. Searl, J.R.R., British provisional patent specification #57578 (Sept. 1970).

Searl claimed to produce a flying disc by using rapidly rotating magnets of special design.
The rotating disc is claimed to produce extremely large potentials with negative polarity at the rim
and vacuums in the surrounding air. His work appears to be targeted at gaining public funds for
the project rather than at scientific inquiry.

67. Hurst, 1.., "The Invention of Hans Coier Relating to an Alleged New Source of Power,"
Bios Trip no. 2394, British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee, London (undated,
ca. 19-44).

Coler product a device known as the Stromzeuger. It is a claim of greater than one
efficiency. It used magnets in a circular arrangement. All claims and information related to the
device are extremely doubtful.

68. Brush, C., "Discussion of a Kinetic Theory of Gravitation," Proc. of Amer. Phil. Soc.
60,2 (1921).

Brush conducted a series of experiments testing the gravitational acceleration of various

materials. He used bodies in free fall and calculated their acceleration from photographs (spark

69. Brush, C., "Gravitation" Proc. of Amer. Phil. Soc. 8 5 (1929).

See (68) above.

70. Fischbach, E. et al., Reanalysis of the Eotvos Experiment. Phys. Rev. Let. %61(1986)

A reexamination of the data in the Eotvos experimenit shows a statistical trend. The question
is whether materials of the same weight but various prator to neution ratios have the save
gravitational interaction.

71. Zinsser, R.G. "Mechanical Energy from Anisotropic Gravitational Fields," Firsnti
Sy=m. on Non-Conventinr, EeC= r)T.IC•rolo2- Toronto (1981).

A claim of anomalous result due to pulsed power.

72. Zinsser, R.G., U.S. Patent 04,085,384

See (71) above.

73. Zinsser, R.G., KE.G.A. Mechanical Eaergy from a NovelClein Regenerative Source.
Idar-Oberstein (1983)

See (71) above.

74. Eby, P.B., "An Experiment to Verify that tie Weak Interactions Satisfy. the 3trong
Equivalence Principle," NASA-TM-78209, Nov. 1978.

See (40) above.

75. Weinberg, Steven, Gravitation and Cosmology: rinciplta and Applic1ton of th- General
Thiry= of RelativitX. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. New York, Pages 70-90 (1972).

Weinberg takes a nongeomrtrical approach to relativity. He does not cover detailed

derivations nor classifications of exact solutions of the field equations. He concentrates on the
experimental results of gravity, more along the lines of applications of the theory than its

76. Eddinaton, A.S., FundamentalTheo_, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge (1946).

-tdington first wrote a vc'. outstanding work on relativity (lT. NIAth maricaLib3 =gf
BjJsadiyiy. 1924). This work is still one of the b-..,t works or. relativity and shows a deep
undeistanding of the physical ideas that support the theomy. It was written at a time when the
relativistic assumptions at :he foundation of the theory were clear. Later works op relativity often
develop the theory along chains of research with contradictory or incompatible assumptions.

Eddinron, in his ater wolks such as E mdawnIbg Thy_. attempted to expand his work
to unify the basic concepts. Much of this later work has metaphysical foundations thait have since
beer. brought into question. However, his purely mathematical developments are still valid and
point to =reas that are fertile for the unification efforts. He saw a need to view the world in a 5-D
approach &nddeveloped a separate 5-D algcbraic system (E-algebra). This work seems to be the
first to develop the concept of chirality based on the arbitrary sign before 1. It is also the first work
that used the 4x4 and 16x16 matrices which haive been important in understanding substomic
particle syimmetry. All this was done before subatomic particle theory was developed. The
importan: point is that the mathematics were based on a perceived need for a 5-dimensional space.
This has been ignored by current research.


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