Khmelnik Force
Khmelnik Force
Khmelnik Force
Khmelnik force
It is shown that from the existence of electromagnetic
momentum flow and from the law of momentum conservation
there follows the existence of a previously unknown force. The
author suggests to experimenters to verify the generation of
Khmelnik force and to supplement its name by their own names.
1. Introduction
2. Faraday motor
3. Tamm’s Mental Experiment
4. Experiment of Graham and Lahoz
5. Ivanov’s Mental Experiment
6. The proposed device
1. Introduction
In [1] it is shown that the Lorentz and Ampere forces can be
defined as the consequences of the existence of electromagnetic
momentum flow and of the law of momentum preservation. They are
defined in the form (in SI system):
F V S c , (1)
S - the energy flow density,
V - volume of body, which is penetrated by the flow of
electromagnetic field,
- relative permittivity of body,
- relative permeability of body,
c - light speed in vacuum.
Based on this form it can be asserted that there exists an additional force
which we shall call for short “Khmelnik force” (if, of course, nobody had
considered previously this force). In particular, it can be the Lorentz
force or the Ampere force. But in other cases it is not equivalent to these
forces. Consider some of these cases.
2. Faraday motor
The most striking example of such a force can be observed in the
design shown in the following Fig. 1. "The inventor of this motor took
disc of neodymium magnet with nickel coating, magnetized along the
axis, in the center attracted to it by magnet a screw with a sharp end, and
that end attracted by magnet to the positive terminal of round battery.
Then he connected the negative terminal of the battery by thin wire (like
a brush) with cylindrical surface of the magnet. Thus, between the tip of
the screw and the positive terminal a bearing with very low friction was
formed. When the negative terminal of the battery was connected to the
magnet circle, the magnet spun immediately and within a couple of
seconds has reached a top speed of the order of 15,000 rev / min, and
then due to imbalance broke from the screw and flew away!” The quote
and Fig. 1 are taken from [2], but one can easily replicate this experiment.
Earlier in [2] a brief explanation of the experiment was given.
Fig. 1.
creates a force F that rotates the magnet at a speed v . This force is
neither Lorentz force nor the Ampere force.
F v
Fig. 2.
Fig. 3.
capacitor plates in the static electromagnetic field there exists the
Pointing vector (3). The lines of Pointing vector, i.e. the energy flow
lines, are concentric circles whose planes are perpendicular to the axis of
the capacitor. If the intensity E varies in time, the current through the
capacitor, which results in this case, must interact with the magnetic field
and the capacitor must rotated. Therefore, this effect should be observed
only at alternate intensity E.
Fig. 4.
Fig. 5.
+U H
Fig. 3.
Suppose further that k 4, c 3 108 , U 30000, h 0.2.
Then, by (8) we find
F 4 0.2 0.5 30000 1000 10 400 3 108 2N .
Yet we find from (6) Iw kLH 4 0.5 1000 2000A.
1. Khmelnik S.I. Lorentz Force, Ampere Force and Momentum
Conservation Law. Quantitative Analysis and Corollaries, in this
issue and in
2. Gennady Ivchenkov. Magnetic field - static entity not owned by the
carrier field, or paradox unipolar machines, (in Russian),
3. Khmelnik S.I. Faraday Unipolar Motor and the Impulse Preservation
Law, (in Russian)
4. Tamm I.E. The foundations of the theory of electricity. The
publishing house of technical and theoretical literature, Moscow.
“NAUKA”, 1989 (in Russian).
5. Graham G.M., Lahoz D.G. Nature, 285, 154, 1980.
6. Ivanov G.P. This is not FLYWHEEL, or the first steps of real
as well as (in Russian)
7. Ivanov G. P. Justification for the existence of ether-supported forces
in classical electrodynamics. "Papers of Independent Authors", publ.
«DNA», ISSN 2225-6717, Israel-Russia, 2010, issue 15, ISBN 978-0-
557-52134-0, printed in USA, Lulu Inc., ID 8976094 (in Russian),