Cad Review Final

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1. The following are levels of moral development of Kohlberg Theory, except one.
A. Conventional- moral reasoning is based on the conventions or norms of society.
This may include approval of others
B. Pre-conventional- moral reasoning is based on the consequence/result of the act,
not on, the whether the act itself is good or bad
C. Mutual conventional
D. Post conventional- moral reasoning is based on enduring or consistent principles. It
is not just recognizing the law, but the principles behind the law
2. Inferiority means?
A. Is the knowledge about the self, such as beliefs regarding personality traits, physical
characteristics, abilities, values, goals and roles.
B. Is the feeling created when a child gets a feeling of failure when they cannot finish
or master their school work
C. the way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially toward others.
D. It involves a sense of belonging and acceptance, a sense of good and a sense of
being capable of doing good

3. He explain the theory of human behavior in terms of interaction of various

components of personality.
A. Jean Piaget- explain the piaget’s cognitive development(page 78)
B. Sigmund Freud(page 68)-
C. Erik Erikson- explain the psycho-social theory of development(page 89)
D. Lawrence Kohlberg- explain the moral development(111)

4. According to the Public Health Summit in 2000, the following are some of the negative
results of media. Except?
A. Children will increase anti-social and aggressive behavior
B. Children may become less sensitive to violence and those who suffer from violence
C. Seek out information or skills on their own, as needed, to meet their goals.
D. Children will view violence as an acceptable way to settle conflicts

5. It is defined as one’s thoughts and feelings about one self-concept and identity.
A. Identity
B. Feelings
C. Self awareness
D. Self-esteem

6. Piaget used the term _______________ to refer to the cognitive structures by which
individuals intellectually adapt to and organize their environment.
A. Scheme
C. Role scheme
D. Critical thinking

7. his is the process of fitting a new experience into an existing or previously created
cognitive structure or schema.
A. Assimilation
B. Accommodation- process of creating a new schema
C. Equilibration- is achieving proper balance between assimilation and
D. None of the above

8. This is the stage 3 in Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development that is characterized by

the ability of the child to think logically but only in terms of concrete objects.
A. Sensori-Motor Stage- first stage corresponds from birth to infancy.
B. Pre-Operational Stage- 2-7 years old. At this stage, the child can now make
mental representations and closer to use of symbols
C. Concrete-Operational Stage- 8-11 years old
D. Formal Operational Stage- 12-15 years old. At this stage thinking becomes more
logical. They can now solve abstract problems and can hypothesize
9. Bronfenbrenners’s model also known as the ____________?
A. Bioecological system- theory presents child development within the context of
relationship system that comprise the child’s-environment
B. Microsystem- is the layer nearest the child
C. Mesosystem- serves as the connection between the structures of the child
D. Macrosystem- layer is found in the outermost part in the childs environment

10. The World Health Organization defines _________ as any person between ages 10 and 19.
A. Early Adulthood
B. Middle and Late childhood
C. Adolescent
D. Middle Adulthood

11. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel's class.
What concept best describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Escoto among learners
in terms of height and weight?
A. DevelopmenT
B. Growth
C. LearninG
D. Maturation

12. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth?

A. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months.
B. A high school student gets a score of 85 in mental ability test.
C. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching
different subjects.
D. An elementary grader has learned to play piano.
13. Which statements below best describes development?
A. A high school student's height increased by 5'2" to 5'4"
B. A high school student's change in weight from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs.
C. A student had learned to operate the computer
D. A student's enlargement of hips
14. What concept can best describes Francisco's ability to walk without a support at age of 12
months because of the "internal ripening" that occured in his muscles, bones and nervous
system development?
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Learning
D. Maturation
15. Teacher Mary in 69 years old has been observing changes in herself such as the aging
process. Which term refers to the development change in the individual?
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Learning
D. Maturation
16. Manuel, a five-year old boy can hold his pen and write his name with his right hand. Which
term describes Manuel's action/ behavior?
A. Development
B. Growth
C. Learning
D. Maturation
17. Which of the following theory can help Miss Samson determine the readiness of her learners
by administering a readiness test?
A. Conditioning Theories
B. Cognitive Development Theory
C. Maturation Theory
D. Ethological Theory
18. Mr. Francisco was very much worried about the thumb sucking of his son. A friend of him
says that certain behavior among infants. Who presented that notion that certain behavior like
thumb-sucking is normal behavior?
A. Sigmund Freud
B. Erick Ericson
C. John Bowlly
D. Urie Bronfrenbenner
19. A newborn infant move his whole body at one time, instead of moving a part of it. Which of
the following principles is illustrated by his behavior?
A. Development proceeds from specific to general.
B. Development proceeds from general to specific.
C. Development follows an orderly pattern.
D. Development follows a general pattern.
20. According to Erikson, what is the primary task of adolescent?
A. To establish trust
B. To search for his identity
C. To be more intimate with others
D. To establish integrity

21. Which state of the psycho-sexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with their father
for their mother’s attention and affection?
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
22. Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most of
her physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behavior?
A. Oral
B. Anal
C. Phallic
D. Latency
23. Which of the following is likely to be developed if infants are shown genuine affection?
A. Trust
B. Autonomy
C. Initiative
D. Industry
24. Christian develops an integral and coherent sense of self. He seeks answers to the
question. “Who am I”? Which of the following is Christian likely to develop?
A. Initiative
B. Identity and Role Confusion
C. Intimacy
D. Autonomy
25. Ms. Reyes uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to
preschool learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development explains this?
A. Sensorimotor
B. Preoperational
C. Concrete operation
D. Formal operation

26. Connie develops concepts necessary for everyday living, builds healthy attitudes towards
oneself, and achieve personal independence. These are among the attributes of an individual in
what particular stage?
A. Infancy and early childhood
B. Middle childhood
C. Adolescence
D. Early adulthood
27. Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows-extremely high levels of
activity or hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a teacher help a child who is
A. Make him the leader of the class
B. Transfer him to another class
C. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interests.
D. Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired.
28. Tessa gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection to her mother.
Which of the following is she showing according to Freud?
A. Complex
B. Phallic
C. Electra Complex
D. Oedipus Complex
29. In Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development, which of the following statements would
illustrate Edward who is 11 years old?
A. Able to see relationships and to reason in the abstract.
B. Unable to breakdown a whole into separate parts.
C. Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities.
D. Experiments with methods to reach goals.
30. Trisha goes with her mother in school. She enjoys the workplace of her mother. Which of
the following ecological theories is illustrated by the situation?
A. Microsystem
B. Mesosystem
C.. Exosystem
D. Macrosystem
31. He defines developmental task as one that “arises at a certain period in our life, the
successful achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later tasks while
failure leads to unhappiness, social disapproval, and difficulty with later tasks.”
A. Santrock
B. Robert Havighurst
C. Jean Piaget
D. Erikson

32. What is Sigmund Freud theory?

A. Psychoanalytic Theory
B. Electra Complex
C. Oedipus Complex
D. Psychosexual Theory

33. It operates on the pleasure principle. It focuses on immediate gratification or

satisfaction of its needs.
A. Ego
B. Id
C. Superego
D. Unconscious

34. What is Jean Piaget’s theory?

A. Psychosexual theory
B. Psychosocial theory
C. Cognitive theory of development
D. Moral development theory

35. It is the process of fitting a new experience into an existing or previously created
cognitive structure or schema.
A. Accommodation
B. Equilibration
C. Schema
D. Assimilation

36. It is achieving proper balance between assimilation and accommodation.

A. Accommodation
B. Equilibration
C. Schema
D. Assimilation

37. What is Erik Erikson’s theory?

A. Psychosocial theory of development
B. Psychosexual theory
C. Cognitive theory of development
D. Moral development theory

38. He developed moral reasoning.

A. Lev Vygotsky
B. Urie Bronfenbrenner
C. Jean Piaget
D. Lawrence Kohlberg

39. He coined Ecological Theory.

A. Lev Vygotsky
B. Urie Bronfenbrenner
C. Jean Piaget
D. Erik Erikson

40. It includes the cultural values, customs, and laws. It is the outermost part in the
child’s environment.
A. Macrosystem
B. Microsystem
C. Exosystem
D. Mesosystem
41. The pattern of movement/change that begins at conception and continues through the
A. Human development
B. Major principles of human development
C. Relatively Order
D. Similar pattern but outcomes are likely to vary among individuals

42. It is an advanced order type whose price is dynamically derived from a combination of the
best bid/ask and a user-defined offset amount.
A. Human development
B. Major principles of human development
C. Relatively Order
D. Similar pattern but outcomes are likely to vary among individuals

43. These predictable patterns of growth and development allow us to predict how and when
most children will develop certain characteristics.
A. Human development
B. Major principles of human development
C. Relatively Order
D. Similar pattern but outcomes are likely to vary among individuals

44. It is also true that there are stages to growth and that developments unfold at predictable
times across the life span.
A. Development is Continuous
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Rate of Development Varies Person to Person

45. The discontinuity view sees development as more abrupt-a succession of changes that
produce different behaviors in different age-specific life periods called stages.
A. Development is Continuous
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Rate of Development Varies Person to Person
46. Elements may be missed such as a child missing out crawling before walking, but the
development will continue in what is known as an expected pattern of development.
A. Development is Continuous
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Rate of Development Varies Person to Person

47. Individuals differ in the rate of growth and development. Boys and girls have different
development rates.
A. Development is Continuous
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Rate of Development Varies Person to Person

48. This happens because development has taken place and the child's behavior proceeds from
general to specific.
A. Development is Continuous
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Development Proceeds from General to Specific

49. Generally, it is seen that the child whose mental development is above average, is also
superior in so many other aspects like health, sociability and special aptitudes.
A. Development is Continuous
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Most Traits are Correlated in Development

50. Human development is a joint product of both heredity and environment as: All mental and
social traits depend on the environment.
A. Growth and Development is a Product of Both Heredity and Environment
B. Development is Gradual
C. Development is Sequential
D. Most Traits are Correlated in Development.

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