Edu 30: Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principles Course Audit Practice Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Piat, Cagayan



Practice Test

Name: _________________________________________________Score:_______________

Direction: Choose the best answer.

1. Dr. Escoto, the school physician conducted a physical examination in Ms. Manuel's class.
What concept best describes the quantitative increase observed by Dr. Escoto among learners
in terms of height and weight?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation

2. Which situation best illustrates the concept of growth?

a. A kinder pupil gains 2 pounds within two months.
b. A high school student gets a score of 85 in mental ability test.
c. An education student has gained knowledge on approaches and strategies in teaching
different subjects
d. An elementary grader has learned to play piano.

3. Which statements below best describes development?

a. A high school student's height increased by 5'2" to 5'4"
b. A high school student's change in weight from 110 lbs. to 125 lbs.
c. A student had learned to operate the computer
d. A student's enlargement of hips

4. What concept can best describes Francisco's ability to walk without a support at age of 12
months because of the "internal ripening" that occured in his muscles, bones and nervous
system development?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation

5. Teacher Jesus in now 69 years old has been observing changes in himself such as the aging
process. Which term refers to the development change in the individual?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
6. Manuel, a five-year old boy can hold his pen and write his name with his right hand. Which term
describes Manuel's action/ behavior?
a. Development
b. Growth
c. Learning
d. Maturation
7. Which of the following theory can help Miss Samson determine the readiness of her learners by
administering a readiness test?
a. Conditioning Theories
b. Cognitive Development Theory
c. Maturation Theory
d. Ethological Theory
 8. Mr. Francisco was very much worried about the thumb sucking of his son. A friend of him says
that certain behavior among infants. Who presented that notion that certain behavior like thumb-
sucking is normal behavior?
A. Sigmund Freud
b. Erick Ericson
c. John Bowlly
d. Urie Bronfrenbenner

9. A newborn infant move his whole body at one time, instead of moving a part of it. Which of the
following principles is illustrated by his behavior?
a. Development proceeds from specific to general.
b. Development proceeds from general to specific.
c. Development follows an orderly pattern.
d. Development follows a general pattern.

10. Train up a child in the way he should be; when he grows up, he will not depart from it. Which
principle supports this?
a. Development is determined by his heredity
b. Development is determined by the environment
c. Early development is more critical than the late development
d. Early development is less critical than late development.

11. Which state of the psycho-sexual theory does young boys experience rivalry with their father for
their mother's attention and affection?
a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Phallic
d. Latency

12. Angela focuses her attention on the school work and vigorous play that consume most of her
physical energy. Which stage of psychosexual theory illustrates her behavior?
a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Phallic
d. Latency

13. Which of the following is likely to be developed if infants are shown genuine affection?
a. Trust
b. Autonomy
c. Initiative
d. Industry
14. Christian develops an integral and coherent sense of self. He seeks answers to the question. "Who
am I"? Which of the following is Christian likely to develop?
a. Initiative
b. Identity and Role Confusion
c. Intimacy
d. Autonomy

15. Ms. Reyes uses images and language to represent and understand her various lessons to preschool
learners. What stage in the cognitive theory of development explains this?
a. Sensorimotor
b. Preoperational
c. Concrete operation
d. Formal operation

16. Connie develops concepts necessary for everyday living, builds healthy attitudes towards oneself,
and achieve personal independence. These are among the attributes of an individual in what particular
a. Infancy and early childhood
b. Middle childhood
c. Adolescence
d. Early adulthood

17. Some children are more active than others, as everyone knows-extremely highlevels of activity or
hyperactivity are considered problematic. How may a teacher help a child who is hyperactive?
a. Make him the leader of the class
b. Transfer him to another class
c. Give him challenging activities that are appropriate to his ability level and interests.
d. Allow him to spend longer at the playground until he gets tired.

18. Tessa gets jealous whenever she sees her father showing love and affection to her mother. Which
of the following is she showing according to Freud?
a. Complex
b. Phallic
c. Electra Complex
d. Oedipus Complex

19. In Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development, which of the following statements would illustrate
Edward who is 11 years old?
a. Able to see relationships and to reason in the abstract.
b. Unable to breakdown a whole into separate parts.
c. Differentiates goals and goal-directed activities.
d. Experiments with methods to reach goals.

20. Trisha goes with her mother in school. She enjoys the workplace of her mother. Which of the
following ecological theories is illustrated by the situation?
a. Microsystem
b. Mesosystem
c. Exosystem
d. Macrosystem

21. Lito, a student in secondary level tends to spend more time with his friends and his family, thus,
his behavior is greatly affected by them. In which stage in the Psychosocial Stages of Development
does Lito belong?
a. Autonomous vs Shame and Doubt
b. Identity vs. Role Confusion
c. Intimacy vs. Isolation
d. Initiative vs. Guilt

22. Anna believes that authority is respected. She is now in what particular level in moral
development theory of Lawrence Kholberg?
a. Social contract
b. Law and order orientation
c. Interpersonal concordance
d. Universal ethics orientation

23. What level has a four year old learner like Maryann reached when she acquired new skills such as
putting the same shapes and the same colors together?
a. Development
b. Maturation
c. Zone of Proximal Development
d. Learning

24. Which of the following principles can be the basis of the growing realization of the significance of
the early childhood education?
a. The young children are capable of doing many things at an early stage.
b. The child should be seen and should learn.
c. The first five years of life are the formative years of the child.
d. Early childhood experiences can be interesting and challenging.

25. Which development principle is NOT TRUE?

A. Children‘s development is a function of environment and heredity.
B. Children develop at different rates.
C. Children develop in a predictable manner.
D. Children develop skills and abilities in an unpredictable manner.

26. Which type of parenting style is most beneficial to the development of children, according to
A. Authoritarian C. Authoritative
B. Permissive D. Uninvolved

27. According to Erikson, what years are critical for the development of self-confidence?
A. High school years C. Preschool years
B. Elementary school years D. College years

28. At the high school level, Kohlberg’s advice to teachers is for them to begin discussing with
student about abstract principles such as justice and human rights. On the average, in which moral
development stage are high school students supposed to be?
A. Post conventional stage
B. Conventional stage
C. In between conventional and post conventional stage
D. That depends on the school culture

29. Which is the ideal stage of moral development?

A. Social contract C. Law and order
B. Universal ethical principle D. Good boy/good girl

30. Based on Freud’s theory, which operate/s when a student strikes a classmate at the height of
A. Ego C. Id
B. Superego D. Id and Ego interact

31. “Do not cheat. Cheating does not pay. If you do, you cheat yourself” says the voiceless voice
from within you” In the context of Freud’s theory, which is/are at work?
A. Id C. Ego
B. Superego D. Id and Ego interact

32. What is referred to as the “looking glass self “of Cooley?

A. It is how I look at myself through the eyes of others.
B. It is how others look at myself.
C. It is how others affect me.
D. It is how I influence others.

33. You will understand when a pre-school boy asserts that two rows of five coins similarly spaced
have equal amounts; but when one row is spread out so that it is longer than the other, he says it has
more coins. Based on Piaget’s theory, which ability does he lack?
A. Multiple classification C. Reversibility
B. Perspective taking D. Conservation

34. When asked about her order, a little girl tells the waiter “yong kagaya kahapon.” With Piaget’s
theory in mind, what is the little girl’s behavior called?
A. Pre-operational egocentrism C. Reversibility
B. Conservation D. Transductive reasoning

35. In the context of Piaget‘s theory answer this analogy: Preoperational stage: Transductive
reasoning Concrete operational stage:______.

A. Proportional reasoning C. Inductive reasoning

B. Deductive reasoning D. Logical reasoning

36. In which order does cognitive development proceed, according to Piaget?

I. Formal operations stage
II. Sensorimotor stage
III. Preoperational stage
IV. Concrete operations stage



37. Teacher H begins a lesson on tumbling by demonstrating front and back somersaults in slow
motion and physically guiding his student through the correct movements. As his student become
more skillful, he stands back from the mat and gives verbal feedback about how to improve. With
Vygotsky’s theory in mind, what did Teacher H do?

A. Guided participation C. Apprenticeship

B. Peer interaction D. Scaffolding

38. Which is essential in the cognitive development of persons according to Vygotsky?

A. Independent thinking C. Individual mental work
B. Social interaction D. Scientific thinking
39. Teacher X asked her student to describe how their families celebrate holidays. Students can
discover that people celebrate holidays differently. Which principle in cognitive development
governs Teacher X’s teaching activity?
A. Social interaction is essential for cognitive development.
B. children often think in different ways at different ages.
C. Cognitive development involves relating new information to prior knowledge.
D. Children actively construct their knowledge.

40. Social exposure to various cultures expands a child’s pool of knowledge. Which statements go/es
with this sentence?

I. The less experiences a child has, the more disciplined he/she becomes.
II. The more experiences a child has, the richer his/her world becomes.
III. The more selective parents in the exposure of their child, the more challenged the child
A. I only C. I and II
B. II only D. III only
41. Rodel gave a wrong answer. Teacher said “Wrong! You are way off.” As a consequence other
student in the class were afraid to answer questions. Which of the following is illustrated by the
A. Ripple effect C. Severity error
B. Halo effect D. Central tendency error

Apply theories of learning and development to the teaching-learning process.

Read the following and answer # 42-44


Principal Emilia wants her teachers to apply constructivism in teaching.

42. Which material will her teachers least prefer?

A. Unquestionable laws C. Open-ended topics
B. Controversial issues D. Problems or cases

43. On which assumption/s is the principal’s action anchored?

I. Students learn by personally constructing meaning of what is taught.
II. Students construct and reconstruct meanings based on experiences.
III. Student desire meaning from the meaning that the teacher gives.

A. I and II C. I, II, III

B. I D. II
44. Which concept/s of the learner will Principal Emilia as a constructivist NOT accept?
I. “Empty vessel”
II. “Tabula rasa”
III. Candle to be lighted

A. I only C. II only
B. I, II D. III only
45. All of the following describe the development of children aged 11 to 13 EXCEPT
A. sex differences in IQ becomes more evident
B. they shift from impulsivity to adaptive ability
C. they exhibit increased objectivity in thinking
D. they show abstract thinking and judgment

46. A Grade 6 twelve-year-old boy comes from a dysfunctional family and has been abused and
neglected. He can decode at the second grade level, but he can comprehend orally materials at the
fourth or fifth grade level. The most probable cause/s of this student’s reading problem is/are
A. immaturity C. neurological factors
B. emotional factors D. poor teaching

47. The role of play in the pre-school and early childhood years is the ___________.
A. develops competitive spirit
B. separates reality from fantasy
C. develops the upper and lower limbs
D. increases imagination due to expanding knowledge and emotional range

48. Who of the following authors would most help Teacher Lito to understand the underlying effects
of poverty on academic achievement?
A. Maslow C. Piaget
B. Dewey D. Kohlberg

49. In a well-known experiment, psychologists frustrate young children by placing a wire fence
between the children and a pile of toys, when finally allowed to play with the toys, the children
smashed and destroyed them. Which reaction was demonstrated?
A. Rational aggression C. Dormant aggression
B. Displaced aggression D. Sustained aggression

50. In a social studies class, Teacher P presents a morally ambiguous situation and asks student what
they would do. On whose theory is Teacher P’s technique based?
A. Bruner C. Kohlberg
B. Piaget D. Bandura

51. Which educational issue can be clarified by understanding Maslow’s Needs Theory?
A . Sex education issues in school
B . Delinquency in the public schools
C . The effects of different classroom structures
D. The effect of poverty on academic achievement

52. You are convinced that whenever a student performs a desired behavior, provide reinforcement
and son the student learns to perform the behavior on her own. On which principle is your conviction
A. Cognitivism C. Constructivism
B. Behaviorism D. Environmentalism
53. William Glasser’s control theory states that behavior is inspired by what satisfies a person’s want
at any given time. What then must a teacher do to motivate students to learn?
A. Make schoolwork relevant to student’s basic human needs.
B. Avoid giving assignments.
C. Make teaching-learning interactive.
D. Organize a curriculum in a spiral manner.

54. Which psychological theory states that the mind insists on finding patterns in things that
contribute to the development of insight?
A. Piaget’s psychology C. Gestalt psychology
B. Kohlberg’s psychology D. Bruner’s theory

55. When small children call all animals “dogs”, what process is illustrated based on Piaget’s
cognitive development theory?
A. Conservation C. Accommodation
B. Assimilation D. Reversion

56. Bruner’s theory on intellectual development moves from enactive to iconic and symbolic stages.
Applying Bruner’s how should you teach?
A. Begin with the concrete. C. Be interactive in approach.
B. Begin with the abstract. D. Do direct instruction.

57. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura’s social learning theory?

A. Modelling C. Questioning
B. Lecturing D. Inductive Reasoning

58. What is an application of BF Skinner’s operant conditioning theory?

A. Use of ICT in the classroom C. Computer-based
B. Constructivist teaching D. Action research

59. A person who has painful experiences at the dentist’s office may become fearful at the mere sight
of the dentist’s office. Which theory can explain this?
A. Generalization C. Operant Conditioning
B. Classical conditioning D. attribution theory

60. If child is bitten by a large, black dog, the child may fear not only that black dog but also large
dogs. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. Discrimination C. Acquisition
B. Extinction D. Generalization

61. Rene exhibits fear response to freely roaming dogs but does not show fear when a dog is a leash or
confined to a pen. Which conditioning process is illustrated?
A. Discrimination C. Generalization
B. Extinction D. Acquisition

62. Bernadette enjoyed the roller coaster when they went to Enchanted Kingdom. Just at the sight of a
roller coaster, she gets excited. Which theory explains Bernadette’s behavior?
A. Operant conditioning C. Pavlovian conditioning
B. Attribution theory D. Social learning theory
63. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then made to
ingest a drug that produces nausea. Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and smell of alcohol and
stopped drinking alcohol. Which theory explains this?
A. Operant conditioning C. Associative learning
B. Social learning theory D. Attribution theory

64. A mother gives her son his favorite snack every time the boy cleans up his room. Afterwards, the
boy cleans his room everyday in anticipation of the snack. Which theory is illustrated?
A. Operant conditioning C. Associative learning
B. Classical conditioning D. Pavlovian conditioning

65. Based on Bandura’s social learning theory, whom do children often imitate? Those who
_________ .
I. Have substantial influence over their lives
II. Belong to their peer group
III. Belong to other races
IV. Are successful and seem admired
A. I and IV C. I and II
B. II and IV D. IV only

66. If you have to develop in the student a correct sense of right and wrong, with which should you be
concerned according to Freud?
A. Super-ego C. Id
B. Ego D. Super-ego and Ego

67. If a student is encouraged to develop himself to the fullest and must satisfy his hierarchy of needs,
the highest need to satisfy according to Maslow is __________ .
A. Belongingness C. Psychological need
B. Safety needs D. Self-actualization

68. Which is/are the basic assumption/s of behaviorists?

I. The mind of a newborn is a blank slate.
II. All behaviors are determined by environmental events.
III. The child has a certain degree of freedom not to allow himself to be shaped by his

A. III only C. I and III

B. I and II D. II only

69. What is an application of Vygotsky’s idea of scaffolding?

A. Give the learner a task that challenge her ability.
B. From the start leave the learner to herself because she has the power for self-learning.
C. Don’t spoil the learner by doing what she ought to do.
D. Give the learner the necessary assistance until she can be on her own.

70. Which is a classroom application of the theory on operant conditioning?

A. Reinforce a good behavior to increase the likelihood that the learner will repeat the
B. Create a classroom atmosphere that elicits relaxation
C. Helps student see the connectedness of facts, concept and principles.
D. Make student learn by operating manipulatives.

71. Which is an underlying assumption of the social cognitive theory? People ____________ .
A. are social by nature
B. learn by observing others
C. learn by trial-and-error
D. learn by association

72. Based on Bandura’s theory, which conditions must be present for a student to learn from a model?
I. Attention
II. Retention
III. Motor reproduction
IV. Motivation
A. I, III and IV C. I and II
B .III and IV D. I , II and III

73. Teacher R, a science teacher, makes sure all eyes are on her as she demonstrates the proper
behavior for lighting a Bunsen burner. Whose theory supports Teacher R’s practice?
A. Vygotsky’s C. Piaget’s
B. Glasser’s D. Bandura’s

74. Teacher D claims, “If I have to give reinforcement, it has to be given immediately after the
response. “ Which theory supports Teacher D?
A. Operant conditioning theory C. Cognitive theory
B. Social-cognitive theory D. Humanist theory

75. One learns Math by building on Math lessons previously learned. This is an application of the
________ theory.
A. physiological C. S-R
B. constructivist D. humanist

Read the following and answer the question.

Teacher F teaches a multigrade class in a very remote barrio. Most of the children hike one and a half
hours to school everyday. By the time they reach the school, they are exhausted, hungry and sleepy.
As a result, most children were not learning. She presented her problem in a meeting with patents
attended only by a few and gave suggestions on what school and community can do. In the meeting it
was agreed that parents took turn to cook camote, bananas cassava or what have they for the
children’s snacks. The health worker was asked to do Operation Timbang for the children. Those
underweight were beneficiaries of supplementary feeding program funded by the barangay.

76. Which theory backs up Teacher F’s suggestions on feeding program and parents giving snacks?
A. Piaget’s cognitive development theory
B. Bruner’s theory
C. Maslow’s hierarchy needs
D. Glasser’s control theory

77. Recent researchers reveal limitations of behaviorists views but they continue to influence
education. Which of these demonstrate/s the influence of behaviorist theories over effective learning.
A. Blended learning
B. Problem solving, HOTs
C. Journal writing
D. Programmed instruction
78. “Learning has taken place when a strong bond between stimulus and response is formed.” This is
based on theory of _________.
A. constructivism C. predisposition
B. categorization D. connectionism

79. According to Ausubel, one of the ways to strengthen the student’s cognitive structure is by using
an instructional tool called__________.
A. cross-referencing C. advance organizer
B. spiral approach D. narrative

80. Thorndike’s law of effect states that a connection between stimulus and response is strengthened
when the consequence is__________.
A. repeated
B. negative
C. pleasurable
D. positive

81. Watson applied classical conditioning in his experiments and the results showed that behavior is
learned through stimulus-response associations, specifically the development of emotional responses
to certain stimuli. This helps us in _________.
A. interpreting reflexes as emotions
B. understanding fears, phobias and love
C. connecting observable behavior to stimulus
D. understanding the role of overt behavior

82. Skinner is known for his theory based upon the notion that learning is a result of change in overt
behavior, meaning, an individual responds to events that occur in the environment. This theory is to
be known as________.
A. connectionism
B. stimulus-response associations
C. classical conditioning
D. operant conditioning

83. The leading proponent of social learning theory is Bandura. He believes

A. behavior can influence both the environment and the person
B. learning stays with the individuals until needed
C. reinforcements influences cognitive processes
D. people learn from one another such as by modeling

84. Miss Reyes observed that one of her students excels in activities requiring strength, speed,
flexibility, and balance and hand eye coordination. According to Howard Gardner, such natural
intelligence can be identified as_______.
A. bodily-kinesthetic C. interpersonal
B. verbal-logical D. verbal-linguistic

85. Learning styles refer to the preferred way an individual processes information. Classify a student
who learns best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through and listening to what
others have to say. He/She is a/an ________.
A. visual learner C. analytic
B. auditory learner D. global
86. Identify the ninth intelligence which is described as the ability to seek connections involving one’s
place in the family, school, community and “role in the world.” They ask “why are we here?” This
intelligence is termed____________.
A. naturalist C. intrapersonal
B. interpersonal D. existentialist

87. Erickson was influenced by Sigmund Freud and came up with a theory which serves as a basis for
analyzing personality and development to help facilitate the teachers understanding of various
environmental factors that affect own behavior and those of his/her students’, as well. This theory is
to be known as____________.
A. emotional development C. personality development
B. moral D. psycho-social

88. The theme of Vygotsky’s socio-cultural theory emphasizes the role of appropriate assistance given
by the teacher to accomplish a task. Such help enables the child to move from the zone of actual
development to a zone of proximal development. Such assistance is termed_________.
A. competency technique C. active participation
B. scaffolding D. collaboration

89. From the point of view of Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory, how would one explain
why being born to a poor family makes a person work harder?
A. The macrosystem affects an individual’s behavior.
B. Culture determines a person’s behavior.
C. A person’s highest need is self-actualization.
D. Eros or life instinct helps the individual to survive.

90. The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and individual. This principle
A. students can adopt alternative problem solving models
B. students can modify their own personal styles
C. each student become aware of how learning styles can be changed
D. each student has his/her own distinctive style of leaning and solving problems

91. According to Piaget’s stages of cognitive development, between ages 12 and 15 children reach
formal operational stage. What are they capable of doing at this stage?
A. Can focus on only one aspect of a situation or event
B. Can solve abstract problems and think deductively
C. Can reason inductively or deductively
D. Can do multi-tasking

92. At the preoperational stage of Piaget’s cognitive development. The child can only see his point of
view and assumes that everyone has also has his same point of view. What is this tendency called?
A. Transductive reasoning C. Egocentrism
B. animism D. Conservatism

93. A child was shown an amount of water in a glass. The teacher poured the whole amount to a much
taller and narrower glass and marked this glass A. The same amount was poured in a shorter and
wider glass, marked glass B. When asked which has more water, A or B, the answer was, “Glass A”.
In what stage of cognitive development is the child and what is the ability called?
A. Concrete Operational stage; Conversation
B. Formal Operational stage; Deductive reasoning
C. Sensori-motor stage; Symbolic functions
D. Pre-Operational stage; Centration

94. In which order do the 3 important goals during childhood be attained according to Erickson?
A. Autonomy, initiative, trust
B. Trust, autonomy, initiative
C. Initiative, trust, autonomy
D. Autonomy, trust, initiative

95. The fourth year high school student is in the developmental stage of__________________
A. Late Childhood
B. Pre-adolescence
C. Adolescence
D.Early childhood

96. In what developmental stage will the college graduating student fall?
A. Pre-adolescence
B. Adolescence
C. Early Adulthood
D. Middle Adulthood

97. Which holds true of Adolescence?

A. Spurt in physical growth and hormonal changes
B. Lack of idealism
C. Dependence
D. Defiance of peer group norm

98. Which are said to be the formative years?

A. 0-5 years old
B. 2-7 years old
C. 3-5 years old
D.0-7 years old

99. To work for value internalization, which level of morality should we help young people attain?
A. Post-conventional morality
B. Pre-conventional Morality
C.Conventional Morality
D. Between conventional and post-conventional morality

100. Vygotsky claimed that social interaction is important in learning. What does this imply?
A. Since they are not capable of interaction, children in the crib has no learning yet.
B. Children learn well by passive presentation of information
C. Children learn from adults and other children
D. Children are independent problem solvers
44. B 90. D
45. A 91. B
46. B 92. C
1. B 47. D 93. A
2. A 48. A 94. B
3. C 49. B 95. C
4. D 50. C 96. C
5. D 51. D 97. A
6. A 52. B 98. A
7. C 53. A 99. A
8. A 54. C 100. C
9. B 55. B
10. B 56. A
11. C 57. A
12. D 58. C
13. A 59. B
14. B 60. D
15. B 61. A
16. B 62. A
17. C 63. C
18. C 64. A
19. A 65. A
20. C 66. A
21. D 67. D
22. A 68. B
23. C 69. D
24. B 70. A
25. D 71. B
26. C 72. A
27. C 73. D
28. A 74. A
29. B 75. B
30. C 76. C
31. B 77. D
32. A 78. D
33. D 79. C
34. A 80. D
35. B 81. B
36. A 82. D
37. D 83. D
38. B 84. A
39. A 85. B
40. B 86. D
41. A 87. D
42. A 88. B
43. A 89. D

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