Rage Across Russia

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The tale discusses a time in Russia's history when the Garou (werewolves) had close ties to human nobles before the rise of communism. It tells a story from this period.

The tale is about three brothers (sons of the Tsar) who are tasked with capturing the magical Firebird that has been stealing apples from the Tsar's garden.

The main characters are the Tsar (father of the three sons), and his three sons - Dimitri, Vasily, and Ivan.

rche War A~ainst the Wyrm

by (])avi~ Key & Ceorge Heal

2 Rage Across Russia

rche rcale of the '1irebir~,

rcsarevich lvan an~ the

£/ray Wolf

Long ago , the Garou were tied w the nobles of this land. They His sons answered together, "We will try to capture the
would help us, and we would watch over them. This is a tale of Firebird for you."
those times, before the Leeches and the Communists destroyed The first night, the eldest son went into the garden to
the old way of life . It is a swry of a time when we were almost keep watch. He sat near the apple tree, and as the night
friends with the humans. wore on, he became very drowsy and fell asleep. While he
Once upon a time, there lived a mighty Tsar, a noble slept, the Firebird flew into the garden, picked some apples
Silver Fang. He had three sons, but to his sorrow, the wolf and flew off.
did not breed true in any of them. The oldest was Tsarevich In the morning, the Tsar asked Dimitri if he had seen the
Dimitri, the second was Tsarevich Vasily and the third was Firebird. He answered that she had not come into the
Tsarevich Ivan. garden that night.
The mighty Tsar had a magnificent palace with a garden The next night, Vasily went to keep watch in the garden.
so beautiful it must have been blessed by Gaia herself. All He also sat under the apple tree, and in several hours, he fell
kinds of beautiful flowers, trees and shrubs grew in his asleep. While he slept peacefully beneath the tree, the
garden, but the Tsar's favorite was a tree that bore golden Firebird slipped into the garden, picked a great number of
apples . apples and flew away. The next morning, the Tsar asked
The Tsar noticed one day that many of his apples had whether Vasily had seen the Firebird. Vasily answered that
been picked during the night. He found out that every she had not come into the garden that night.
night, while the court slept, the Firebird, totem spirit of the The third night, it was Tsarevich Ivan's turn to keep
Silver Pack, flew into his garden and picked as many apples watch over the tree. He sat beneath it for several hours and
as she wished. nothing happened . Then, suddenly, the entire garden was
He called his sons to him. "My beloved sons," he said, illuminated by a radiant golden light. The Firebird flew
"the Firebird has been stealing my golden apples. If one of overhead. Her eyes sparkled like huge crystals and her
you captures her alive, I will give that son half my kingdom wings were golden flames . She perched upon the apple tree
while I live and the other half upon my death ." and began to partake of the golden apples. Tsarevich Ivan
stole up to her softly and tried to catch her. Although he

Legends of the Garou 3

could not hold her, he was able to seize her tail. As the
Firebird tore herself from his grasp, one beautiful, luminous
feather remained in Ivan's hand.
In the morning, Ivan went to his father and gave him the
feather of the Firebird. The Tsar was very pleased that his
youngest son had finally succeeded in getting at least one
feather. He took it into his chamber. When it was brought
in, the entire room glowed as though it was lit by thousands
of candles.
From that time on, the Firebird did not come into the
garden, but the Tsar became obsessed with the idea of
keeping her in his palace.
He summoned his three sons to him and asked them to
go out and find the Firebird.
The two eldest sons were filled with envy that their
younger brother had succeeded in obtaining a feather from
the Firebird's tail after they had failed completely. After
obtaining their father's blessings, they set out together on
their quest. The Tsar tried to keep his youngest son in the
palace while the two older brothers were gone, but he could
not persuade Ivan to remain, so the Tsar finally granted his
youngest son his blessing. Ivan then chose a horse from the
stables and rode out from the palace.
Whether he rode for a long time or a short time, whether
the distance was a short one or a long one, no one knows,
... ' ~', . but he rode until he came to a large open field. In the middle
of the field was a tall pillar, and on the pillar were the
:: "~: /.''';/.,. . ":-, " .. following words:
"Whoever goes from this spot on the road straight ahead
will be hungry and cold.
"Whoever goes from this spot to the right will be safe, but
his horse will be killed.
"Whoever goes from this spot to the left will be killed
himself, but his horse will be safe."
Tsarevich Ivan read the inscriptions and rode off into
the right, thinking that even though his horse might be
killed, he would be safe and could find another horse.
He rode for three days. On the third day, a great gray wolf
appeared and asked him why he had come this way. "You
knew your horse would be killed," the wolf said. And so
saying, the wolf devoured Ivan's horse and ran away.
Ivan wept for his horse and continued his journey on
foot. He walked and walked until he was exhausted. Just as
he was about to sit down and rest, the gray wolf appeared
again. The wolf had recognized Ivan's noble ancestry and
told Ivan that he felt sorry for him. "I am very sorry for
eating your horse," he said, "but I will make it up to you. If
you climb on my back, I will take you wherever you wish to
Ivan told the gray wolf the purpose of his journey.
Hearing this, the wolf ran much faster than any horse.
When night fell, they came to a stone wall.
"Climb over the wall," the wolf said, "and into the mane. However, since you came stealthily, under cover of
garden. There you will find the Firebird in a golden cage. night, I should proclaim your dishonor in all the Tsardoms!
As you grab the Firebird, be careful not to touch the cage. I will, however, give you a chance to pay for your crime ...
If you do, you will surely get caught." "If, Tsarevich Ivan, you travel beyond the Thrice Ninth
Ivan climbed into the garden where all was as still as Land to the Thrice Tenth Kingdom and bring back the
death. He took the Firebird out of the cage, but before he beautiful Princess, Elena the Fair, I will forget what you
left the garden, he thought to himself that it was very have done."
foolish to leave the magnificent golden cage. Where would So Ivan went back to the gray wolf again and told him
he put the Firebird? He went back for the cage. The everything that had happened. Again the wolf berated him
moment he touched it, there was a great cry. The guards for not listening, but he finally agreed to take Ivan where he
woke up and chased Ivan across the garden. When they wished to go.
caught him, they immediately led him before their Tsar, Tsarevich [van mounted the gray wolf's back, and the
Dolmat. wolf ran as fast as an arrow. In a very short time, they arrived
The Tsar was furious with Ivan and berated him for in the Kingdom of Elena the Fair. Reaching the golden
trying to steal the Firebird from his garden. fence that surrounded her palace and garden, the wolf asked
"Who are you, and where do you come from?" the Tsar Ivan to sit down.
asked. "This time, I will steal the Princess. Go back along this
"I am the son of Tsar Vyslav . Forgive me for walking in road and wait for me beneath the green oak tree."
your garden, but the Firebird has been stealing golden Ivan did as he was told. The gray wolf sat near the golden
apples from my father's garden every night. That was why fence and waited there until Princess Elena took her walk
I came to take the Firebird away." in the garden with her ladies in waiting. When at last Elena
"Young man, if you had come to me and told me your entered the garden, the gray wolf quickly jumped over the
story, I would have given you the Firebird. But since you fence, caught the princess and ran to the place where Ivan
came under the cover of night and tried to steal her, you was waiting.
have acted with disgrace. You have disgraced yourself and Tsarevich Ivan joined Elena on the backof the gray wolf,
your entire family. I will, however, give you a chance to who then darted away towards Tsar Afron's Kingdom . No
save your family's honor. I will give up the Firebird if you matter how fast the Princess' guards pursued the wolf, they
will retrieve something for me ... were unable to catch him.
"Go to the Thirtieth Kingdom beyond the Twenty Nine During the long ride back to Afron's kingdom, Ivan and
Lands and bring me the horse with the golden mane from Elena fell madly in love. When they arrived at Tsar Afron's
the Kingdom of Tsar Afron. [f you succeed, you may keep kingdom, Ivan knew that, in spite of the fact that he loved
the Firebird. But if you fail, [ will proclaim before all of the the Princess dearly, he would have to lead her to the palace
Tsardoms that you are a thief!" and given her up to the Tsar. At that thought, he grew
Ivan went to the gray wolf and told him everything. The exceedingly sad and wept bitterly.
wolf proceeded to berate him for not listening, for trying to Ivan told the wolf of his love for the Princess and begged
take the cage even when he had been warned against it. for his help once again . The wolf agreed to help him and
Finally, the wolf relented and told Ivan to sit on his back. told Ivan his plan.
He would take him to the horse with the golden mane . "I will transform myself into the beautiful Princess.
Ivan climbed onto the back of the gray wolf, and the wolf Then you must take me, in the guise of Elena, to Tsar Afron.
took off as fast as lightning. The wolf ran until night fell, He will give you the horse with the golden mane, for the
and they arrived at the royal stables of Tsar Afron. Tsar will think that [ am Princess Elena. Later, when you
"listen closely this time," the wolf said. "You can easily are far away on the horse with the golden mane, [ will ask
go into the stables and take the horse with the golden mane, the Tsar to let me walk in the open field. [t will be easy to
but do not touch the golden bridle hanging on the wall. escape."
Please, be careful this time!" [van told the real Princess Elena to wait for him outside
j van entered the stables, took the horse and began to of the town . The wolf transformed himself into the Prin­
leave, but when he noticed the golden bridle hanging on cess, and Ivan took him to the Tsar.
the wall, he could not resist taking it. The instant he took Afron was delighted when he saw the Princess and gave
the bridle, an alarm was raised. The stable boys woke up at the horse to T sarevich Ivan . Ivan immediately mounted
once and chased him across the stable . When they cap­ him and galloped away. He picked up Elena at the ap­
tured [van, they brought him before Tsar Afron, who pointed place, and they rode off towards the kingdom of
questioned him just as Dolmat had. T sar Dolmat.
"Young man," said Tsar Afron, just as Dolmat had said, Meanwhile, the gray wolf, in the guise of the beautiful
"if you had come to me and told me beforehand what you Elena, lived with Tsar Afron for one day before he begged
wanted, I would have given you the horse with the golden to be allowed to walk in the open fields. Tsar Afran, so in

Legends of the Garou 5

love with Elena that he could deny her nothing, granted her captured the horse and the Firebird. If she spoke, they
that wish. As soon as the wolf got to the open field, he would kill her as swiftly as they killed I van.
shifted back to his wolfform and escaped from the kingdom. Elena was so frightened that she promised to do as they
Tsarevich Ivan rode with Elena next to him and was so commanded. They left for the palace of Tsar Vyslav.
taken with the beautiful princess that he completely forgot Tsarevich Ivan lay dead for thirty days. One night, the
about the gray wolf. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, the gray wolf came upon his body. He wanted to revive him, but
gray wolf appeared and told Ivan to ride on his back and let he could not. At that moment, the wolf saw a raven and her
the Princess ride on the horse with the golden mane. two young start to swoop down to eat the Tsarevich's body.
As they approached Tsar Dolmat's kingdom, (van begged The wolf hid behind a bush. As one of the young ravens
the gray wolf to transform himself into the horse with the began toeat Ivan, the wolfleaped out from behind the bush,
golden mane so that he could keep the real horse. The wolf grabbed the young raven and threatened to tear him in half.
agreed and changed himself into the golden-maned horse, The raven's mother flew to the ground and said to the wolf,
upon which Tsarevich Ivan rode into the palace grounds of "Oh, gray wolf, do not touch my young child, for he has
Tsar Dolmat, leaving Elena in the green meadow to await done nothing to you!"
his return. "Mother Raven," the wolf said, laughing, "if you had
Tsar Dolmat was overjoyed to see the beautiful horse. asked me for the body of my friend, I would have gladly
He wined and feasted Tsarevich I van and, after two days, given it to you and your children. But as you came so
gave Ivan the Firebird in the golden cage, as he had stealthily, under cover of night, you have angered me.
promised. However, I will not harm your child if you will retrieve
Tsarevich Ivan took the Firebird, returned to where he something for me ...
had left Elena, and together they mounted the horse with "You must fly beyond the Thrice Ninth Land to the
the golden mane and set out for Ivan's homeland. Thrice Tenth Kingdom and bring the water of death and
Back in the kingdom of Dolmat, the Tsar decided the the water of life to him. Then I will let your child go."
next day to ride on his golden-maned horse in an open field. This she promised to do, and on the third day, the raven
When he mounted the horse and attempted to spur him on, returned with two vials of water and gave them to the wolf.
the horse threw him, changed into the gray wolf and ran off. The gray wolf sprinkled the water of death on the body
The gray wolf overtook Tsarevich Ivan and told him to of Tsarevich Ivan, and immediately the parts of his body
mount him and let the Princess ride on the horse with the grew back together. He then sprinkled the water of life on
golden mane. the body, and Tsarevich Ivan stood up.
They continued on their journey. When the gray wolf "I have slept for a long time," he said.
brought them to the spot where they first met, he made one "Yes," answered the wolf, "you would have slept forever
more request. had I not brough t you bac k to life!
"Climb down from my back. This is the spot where I tore "Your brothers killed you as you slept. They have taken
your horse in half, and this is the spot where I have brought the Princess Elena, the horse and the Firebird. You must
you back safely. Now you have the horse with the golden hurry home. I suspect one of your brothers will not be able
mane ; mount him and go where you have to go. I am no to resist marrying the fair Princess!"
longer your servant." Thus speaking, the gray wolf ran off And, in fact, Vasily was to marry Elena the Fair that very
and Tsarevich Ivan set off with his beautiful Princess. day.
He rode with her until they were close to his own land . Tsarevich Ivan rode back to his father's palace and found
They were so tired that he reined in the horse with the that the wedding had already taken place. The guests were
golden mane. The two dismounted and lay down to rest just starting on the wedding feast. When Ivan entered the
under a tree. I van tied the horse to the same tree and put the feasting chamber, Elena saw him and sprang up from the
cage with the Firebird by his side. The two lovers spoke table. She ran to him and kissed him, crying out, "It is
tenderly to each other and fell asleep. Prince Ivan who is my beloved bridegroom, not Vasily!"
While they were sleeping, Tsarevich Ivan's brothers When Tsar Vyslav asked her what was meant by this
Dimitri and Vasily passed that way, returning empty-handed extraordinary turn of events, Elena told him how the two
from their own journeys. Seeing the horse and the Firebird elder brothers had threatened her with death if she told him
in the cage near their sleeping brother and the Princess, the truth, how they had killed Tsarevich Ivan and stole the
they decided to kill Ivan and take his treasures for their golden-maned horse and the Firebird.
own. Dimitri drew his sword, stabbed Ivan through the At this, the rage blazed up in their father's eyes. His
heart and then hacked his body into small pieces. He then humanity melted from him, and he stood before them in
woke up Elena, who realized that Ivan was dead. She was Crinos form. Of those there, only Tsarevich Ivan and the
terribly frightened and began to weep bitterly. Princess Elena did not cower from Vyslav's wrath as he slew
Dimitri put his sword to Elena's throat and commanded the dishonorable Dimitri and Vasily.
her to tell the Tsar that they were the ones who had

6 Rage Across Russia

Returning to his human form, the Tsar sent out word to As for Tsarevich I van and the Princess, they lived
the Garou that the gray wolf, an outcast from the tribes, was happily ever after. One of their children bred true, and in
to be restored his rank for aiding Vyslav's son. No more time. he became one of the Silver Fangs' greatest heroes.
would the gray wolf wander the land alone, barred from the
succor and company of his kind. For his aiding his Kin. he
was accepted as a member of the Thirteen Tribes.

Legends of the Garou 7

(re~its 5 pecia/l[hanks

Authors: George Neal and David Key Rob "Them!" Hatch for the ants in his pants.
Additional material by: Bill Bridges, Aziel "Astral" Ken "Phase IV" Cliffe for being out on the farm with
Burton, Nicole "Nik" Clouser, Renee Palmer, David Rob.
Schusterman, Jeff Watkins Phil "Ubangi Stomp!" Brucato for helping stop the ant
Special material and research: Heather Curatola, Alan menace.
M. Fisher and Harry Heckel Brian "Beseiged" Campbell for defending the castle with
Development: Bill Bridges his ant moat.
Editing: Brian Campbell Mark "Overseas" Rein· Hagen for missing Ant Fest II.
Art Director: Richard Thomas Andrew "Ghostmobile" Greenberg for letting his car
Art: Jeff Rebner, Dan Smith, Joshua Gabriel Timbrook, drive around without him .
Richard Kane Ferguson, Chris DiNardo Stewart "My name is Stew W., and I'm addicted to ... "
Maps: Brian J. Blume Wieck for offering to trade copies of Mage for Magic: the
Cover Art: Steve Casper Gathering cards.
Typesetting and Layout: Sam Chupp
Logo and Back Cover Design: Michelle Prahler

© 1993 by White Wolf, Inc. All rights reserved. Repro­

duction without written permission of the publisher is
Author's l[hanks
expressly denied, except for the purpose ofreviews. Werewolf Special thanks to those who provided additional
the Apocalypse ™ is a trademark of White Wolf, Inc. Rage material, and to the following for giving us alternatives
Across Russia and all material contained herein is copy­ to sitting in front of the computer: Jennifer Bell, David
righted by White Wolf, Inc. Gallating, Mark Morcow, Eric Barnum and all the other
The mention of or reference to any companies or prod­ apartment dwellers and regulars.

ucts in these pages is not a challenge to the trademarks or
copyrights concerned.
Maps: Some graphic elements © 1993 by Brian J. Blume. This book is dedicated to the people of Russia and
everyone who believed we could actually pull this thing

8 Rage Across Russia


Legen~s of the Carou:

rche rcale of the 'Jirebir~, rcsarevich Jvan
an~ the Cray Wolf 2
The truth behind a Russian folktale

Jntro~udion: mother (j{ussia 10

Chapter One: History 18
From the time of the Tsars to modern days

Chapter rcwo: Ceography 40

Facts about the land and its ecological peril

Chapter rchree: rcribes of the moon 52

The Garou of Russia

Chapter 'Jour: lnemies 80

Those who oppose Gaia's Way

Chapter 'Jive: ~roblems & ~/ots 102

Major problems in Russia and some story ideas

Appen~ix: Spirits of 'Jiel~ an~ Stream, Hearth an~ Home 120

Russia's resident spirits

10 Rage Across Russia

For the Motherland's Sake, Go Forward, Heroes
- I. Toidze, Soviet Russian Political Poster

Listen closely, my child, and guard well the secrets you Realize that the Garou are real, and although you lack
are about to learn. I am going to tell you of your forefathers our power, you are of our blood. You are Kinfolk, and
and your children. I will tell you of the despair they now someday in your line, the wolf may breed true.
face. long and glorious is the history of our kind within the
Motherland. Our blood is found in the line of tsars and
nobles, as well as the greatest warriors of the steppe. You can
I[ he 'Jolly of d'ri~e
claim kinship, my child, with the mightiest of the Cossacks. I must tell you of the pride and folly of the Garou of
This nobility and heritage is something that you must pass Russia. We were given the duty of controlling the flock in
on to your children. the Motherland. We protect Gaia, the spirit of the earth,
You must also know that there are many things in legend from the rising tide of humans. For years, we alone among
that are true. Heroes and demons, witches and werewol ves­ the C,arou were able to fulfill this task. Our kind in the area
all of these must find a place in your mind, for they are as now known as Europe would call upon us in their time of
real as you are. Before you say I am insane, listen to what I need, and we would come. We even kept the mighty Baba
say. Perhaps, if you listen well, the madness of the flock will Yaga in check, and, in the end, we thought we had de ­
not fall upon you. stroyed her. We of the Motherland grew proud, and that
There is so much I must teach you, and so little time . pride brought us low. In our pride, we failed to tend to the
While your father has been keeping you safe, my pack and needs of our flock, and they fell to the corruption of the
I have been fleeing the hunt. I did not want to leave my Wyrm. Our blood was removed from the throne, and Gaia
family or my lifemate, but your father and I knew we had to began to scream in her anguish. Still, in our pride, we did
keep you safe until you were ready to take your part in the not seek the aid of those who might have helped us .

Introduction 11
'[he d'rice of d'ri~e
royal family were dashed . The Bolshevik Revolution was
many things to many people, but to the us, it was the first
Without guidance, the flock grows. By supporting that in a long line of defe ats. Agents of the Wyrm controlled the
growth, Gaia suffers. They strip her skin and lay open her new government and our culture. Everything that had once
body for shale and coal. The woodlands of our origin hold aided our mission was lost. The old legends were refuted ,
only stumps where the men h ave passed . The land itself is and we were forced underground .
now burned and despoiled where the Wyrm-born chemi­ As Russia modernized, we found it harder to act. Ties
cals are poured, and the folly of human science makes itself with Kinfolk were broken, and many of our children were
known. never taught the Ways. The great wo lf packs that o nce
When Gaia suffers, the Garou suffer as well. The pride of roamed the countryside were driven further into the wilds.
the Children of the Motherland is known by the others of Their numbers dwindled as the humans encroached. Waves
our kind . Even the Wyrm knows. It tempts the most of humanity swept over our territories. Our sacred grounds
prideful of our kind and often leads them from the true were entombed in the glass and steel of their Wyrm-ridden
Way. As Kinfolk, you must help us guard against this. cities. For the first time in our history, we looked upon the
Because of our former greatness, the Wyrm takes great joy face of fear.
in bringing us low. Only strength of will can help us resist Human expansion despoiled the land. Wyrmholes fester
the lies of the Wyrm. in the land, and creatures creep forth to bring the age-old
Even now, our pride seems to have no end, for we lose battle to our homes. Greater and more ferocious creatures
face if we ask help outside our sept. Even within our sept, hunt the wild lands each night, and a powerful force draws
the fooli sh laugh at those who require ass istance outside the very life from our caerns. The shadow of the Wyrm falls
their own pack. upon our land, fo rcing even our best Theurges to struggle to
reach the Umbra. We fear that this shadow takes the form
'[he Wyrm (j{ises of our ancient enemy, the one we thought was destroyed . If
this enemy is back, ifBaba Yaga once again wa lks the Earth,
Beginning in the 1800s, agents of the Wyrm began we may be the first to know the true meaning of the
sowing the seeds of discontent in Russia. Eventually, this Apocalypse. Where she treads, we can be sure that the
discontent bred rebellion . In 1917, any hopes we might Koshchie, the Talon of the Wyrm, will soon follow.
have had for maintaining our hold on Russia through the

12 Rage Across Russia

Other Werewolf dlooks
So hear me now, my child . If one of the breed comes to Rage Across Russia refers to many things introduced
you, do your part. Heed their words, and aid them if you can. in previous Werewolfsourcebooks. The following books
The war has come to us, and it might be decided by the will be helpful in running a Russian campaign: Werewolf
actions of Kinfolk like yourself. Our hope lies with Kin like Players Guide , Book of the Wynn and Umbra :The Velvet
you. The next generation must not have our pride or repeat Shadow. In addition, the Silver Fangs' greatest Russian
our folly . I fear that if we do not work together, we are all caern is detailed fully in Caerns: Places of Power. While
damned . this is not required for play, it will come in handy for
Again I must leave you, my child, but I do so out of love. stories involVing the Sept of the Crescent Moon.
If the fight is not carried on now, we will leave you nothing
but the torment of the Wyrm and memories of a better time. Wyrm. They have heard little, if anything, from the Garou
who dwell within, and, with the fatalism of a dying race,
How 1[0 Use rchis OIook
they seem to have accepted that Russia is beyond their
Rage Across Russia is intended for use with Werewolf: There are some tribes who have not accepted the loss of
The Apocalypse; it incorporates elements from Vampire: Russia. Their curiosity drives them to attempt infiltrating
The Masquerade as well. While the stories and ideas Russia to discover the truth. So far , none of them have
contained within this work are intended for Garou charac­ returned from these endeavors. They are all blocked by the
ters , the majority can easily be adapted for use in a Vampire Shadow Curtain, a dark shroud in the Umbra that blanke ts
chronicle. the whole of Russia.
Russia is an enormous country, one where many types of Those who study such things state that the appearance
werecreatures have lived. Garou are the only Iycanthropes of the Shadow Curtain corresponds to the fall of the Iron
living there today in great numbers . Rumors of a Gurahl Curtain and wonder about the connection. Spirits that
stronghold in the far northern reaches of Siberia are greatly have managed to pass beyond the curtain bring back
exaggerated. Other shapeshiftersdo live in Russia, but with chilling news. The native Garou fight for their own survival
the exception of the Siberian Corax, most are very hard to against almost certain destruction by forces unknown .
find. They are in desperate need of assistance, but in their pride,
In the Gothic-Punk world, Russia is a dangerous place. they refuse to ask for it.
Even with the Soviets gone, people still vanish . Questions There is glory to be found in Russia, but whether anyone
remain unanswered, and for most people, it is safer that way . will live to claim it is anyone's guess. One need only look
The quickest way to disappear is to ask questions. Not even about the landscape to see the touch of the Wyrm in Russia.
supernatural beings are immune: Garou, vampires and It is apparent in the halls of political power. It is obvious in
mages are just as likely to become victims. the apathy, paranoia and corruption that was the mark of
What is Russia to the Garou? In the eyesof many, it isone everyday life during the Communist days of Russia. The
of their greatest failures. Indeed, some believe that the first corruption persists even now. The Maeljin Incarna brought
battles of the Apocalypse will be fought here. The outcome their own special brand of suffering to the land and people
of these battles may determine the final course that the in ways that were impossible in the more open societies of
Apocalypse takes. other nations. The vampires that used to control Russia
Russia is the ancestral home of the Silver Fangs, and it is never realized that the environment they created was a
one of their greatest failures. In the few years since the spawning ground for a power they neither understood nor
Russian Revolution, the country has become thoroughly controlled.
corrupted by the Wyrm; few Garou care to speak about this. Welcome to Russia. The Wyrm is wa iting.
The Garou in Russia, led by the Silver Fangs, fight on in
silence against the growing power of the Wyrm . By doing '[heme: Whose War ls It?
this, they may very well have damned themselves, and
possibly the rest of the world . By far, one of the principle themes of this book is
conflict. Russia is a place where the environment has been
When did this silence start? The Garou of Russia are
almost systematically devastated. There is much the Garou
proud. Their protectorate was one of the last to fall to
have to do to stop the Wyrm from encroaching on the soil
"human progress." This has given them cause to believe
and soul of the land. They must root out and destroy the
that they can win this fight on their own. This attitude can
source of the evil- but one problem remains. What is the
easily find reinforcement. However, the Garou of Russia do
source? Is it truly the witch, Baba Yaga, as many claim? Or
not fully understand what they face. If they did, they could
is Baba Yaga actually trying to save the land, unaware of the
not possess what little hope they retain .
greater horrors she unleashes?
Outside of Russia, the majority of Garou seem to have
given up on ever rescuing the land from the clutches of the

Introduction 13
The conflict in Russia is one in which almost anyone Because of their retreat, the Garou could do little but
could be the enemy. It could be a witch hiding in a nearby watch as decades of neglect by the Communists led to the
village, the vampire that lives down the street or even your ruination and contamination of the land, rivers and air.
own Sept Leader. Betrayal, manipulation and corruption Some fought, some died, but a few banded together to
are central plots whose roots may be found throughout unleash their rage in epic conflict. The few times this
Russian history. occurred, the death toll was legendary . By the end of
Lack of knowledge is a central theme as well. In Old Stalin's regime, the spirit of both Russia's people and the
Russia and the Soviet Union, knowledge was a two-edged Russian Garou were crushed.
sword, one that could cut the person who wielded it as easily The Garou have been oppressed, and now that they have
as it cut his enemies. Staying quiet kept people safe. That freedom, a new enemy is rising. As it prepares to push them
strategy still works today. Despite their politeness and down yet again, many are driven to the point of Harano.
friendliness, Russians are very reticent when asked about Others have found new strength in their fight against the
dangerous topics . Finding information without the right destruction of the land. Some have even allied with the
contacts can be very difficult. powers of darkness to prevent it. Despite its seeming war
with the Garou, it has shown that it seeks the cleansing of
moo~: rrhe Han~ of the damaged land as much as any Garou.
Russia is a place of war. Confl ict rages on anum ber of
{])arkness lncroaching fronts, and in many cases, it is very hard to prove decisively
who the enemy is. Despair waits for those who must make
The mood in Russia is one of gloomy despair and fear,
dangerous choices. It becomes clear that a decision must be
tinged perhaps with a tiny glint of hope . Mother Russia is
made, and fear of the consequences of the wrong choice
dying. Her Garou have felt the iron hand of oppression
weighs heavily on the minds and hearts of the greatest of
upon themselves and have witnessed it among the humans.
Russia's Garou.
They have felt the fear of the flock and have gone into
hiding because of it. Many have died over the years, and
their virtually useless sacrifices color the thoughts of many

14 Rage Across Russia

'[he Carou an~ Overa ll, the population of wolves in Russi a seems linked to
times of trouble .

'[heir Kin In the 20th century , wolves followed in the footsteps of

humans, penetrating into the taiga of Siberia and the
Despite a ll the efforts of the Wyrm and other forces in deserts. This expansion of the range of the wo lf led to an
Russia, the Garou remain . They have survived numerous expansion in the range of the G aroLi. Western Russian
attempts to destroy them. The reason fo r this is simple: they werewolves, such as the Silver Fangs, Red Talo ns and
have the assistance of the Kinfolk, the unsung relatio ns of Shadow Lo rds, followed the migrating packs and came into
the G arou. contact with the Russian Wendigo and Uktena, who were
Kinfolk have played an impo rtant part in the G arou's tied closely to the small wolf and native popul ations who
survival in Russia. They have even held Russia's throne , already lived there.
where they ruled the great empire with the Garou in the The wolf population peaked to approximately 150,000
background . In Russia, G arou and Kinfolk are fa mily, and priorto World Warll. C ontrol measures instituted afterthe
they are quite protective of each other. war resulted in the killing of over 40,000 wolves in Russia
When the Impergium ended, the Garou ruled the area (along with no small number ofGarou, mostly Red Talo ns
that would become Russia through their Kinfo lk . The and Wendigo). The population soon dwindled to between
Kinfolk ruled according to G arou wishes, holding Russia 60,000 and 70,000 wolves. However, in the 1980s, a new
back while the Industrial Revo lution shook the rest of the increase, corresponding to the internal economic crisis ,
world . Thus was the influence of the Wyrm delayed in began.
Russia, until a man named Peter ascended to the throne. Overa ll , wolf attacks on hum ans, whether by healthy or
Peter was Kinfolk, but he held that the beliefs of the ra bid wo lves, are extremely rare. In fact, many of the
G arou and the others were outdated. Through his efforts, reported cases of wolf attacks are actua lly in response to the
the backwards nation of Russi a began to modernize. This effect o f the Delirium on humans witnessing G arou attacks.
empowered the Glass Walkers, and the influence of the It is interesting to note that Russian wolves live much
Eastern European Shado w Lords also increased . closer to humans than their western counterparts. This is
Despite this "betrayal", the Garou continued to value because the Russian people tend to leave fewer deer or
their Kinfolk . These "no t-quite -G arou" could walk unde­ caribou fo r them . Wolves range particularly close to hu ­
tected among men and among the Garou's enemies. They mans and livestock in the agricu ltural regions of the country.
also had access to political powers the Garou did not and During the latter half o f the 20th century, wild game
could utilize rituals and fetishes gifted to them from their became more prolific, and new populations of wolves de­
"family ." veloped in the Russian forests. Recently , though, Russia's
difficulties have led to greater human depredation of wild
Among the various social stratas in Russia, Kinfolk of the
and game animals . Thus, the wolves have again begun
various tribes may still be found. The blood of the S ilver
ranging closer to humans and cattle.
Fangs, Black Furies and Shadow Lords can be found in the
descendants of the Russian aristocracy. Those of Cossack The Russian government, in an attempt to cover up its
lineage may possess the bloodline of these tribes, a long with own corruptio n and incompetence, found a new enemy.
the heritage of the Get of Fenris and the Bo ne Gnawers. This was encouraged by the Shadow C ouncil of Brujah
Kinfo lk of the working class may trace their Iineage to any vampires, who were beginning to tie the wolf population to
tribe of Russia, and some Russians with Gypsy backgrounds the nearly stable population of Garou.
might be carrying the blood of the Children of Gaia, the Hunting methods for wo lves in Russia are virtually
Uktena or perhaps even the Fianna. identica l to those in the United States, except for the
Kinfo lk gave Russian Garou an edge and helped them to practice called flag hunting. Using this method, a rope of
survive the years of the purges, many of which were directed colo red flags is used to cordon off an area o f the forest in
not only at "enemies of the state", but also against the which wolves are hiding, confining them to one area while
Garou. It is by Kinfolk that the blood survives, and the the hunters search. Russian methods of wolf control also
G arou of Russia acknowledge this fact. include the extermination of pups in dens, limited use of
poisons and, mo re recently, hunting from aeri al gunships
Wolves in lJ?ussia and mo tor vehicles.
In many cases, the vampires provided special ammuni­
With its size and vast wilderness, Russia is home to o ne tio n, such as silver and incendiary rounds , especi a lly if a
of the largest indigenous wolf po pulations in the world. hunting group was go ing into a region known to be a Garou
These wolves find food in the abundant herds of wild and haunt. Predator co ntrol in Russia has taken its to ll on the
domesticated hoofed animals. In Russia , wolves benefited Garou, particularly the Red Talons, who would often
from internal instability. Efforts to control them met with attack hunting parties. These counterattacks were often
little success, despite some of the extreme methods used. quickly dispatched as soon as the humans brought weapons
with silver and incendiary ammunition to bear.

Introduction 15
As times change in Russia, the centralized efforts at '1idion:
eliminating wolves are being replaced by the older, poorly
supplied methods. While the hunting of wolves took a
Rusalka, Chemevog and Yvgenie, by C.]. Cherryh, form
an excellent series set in Old Russia. They contain a great
serious toll on Garou, wolves seem to be doing relatively
deal of folklore and a good story.
well, especially in the face of looming economic and social
collapse within Russia. The Brothers Karamozov, Crime and Punishment and Notes
from the Underground, by Fyodor Dostoevsky. All literary
Source material classics and must-reads for anyone truly interested in an in­
depth study of the Russian people and their trials and
More novels have been written on the subject of the tribulations.
Cold War with the Soviet Union than perhaps any other War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy. Considered one of the
topic involving Russia. These may prove useful, at least if greatest novels of all time; if you have the time for this one,
you want an idea of the way the Russian military worked or you may want to try it.
inspiration for an espionage campaign. A number of books Russian Lacquer, Legends and Fairy Tales (Volumes rand
on Russian politics and people can be found in your local II), by Lucy Maxym, contains a wonderful collection of
library. Movies can be helpful as well, especially when Russian tales that, while concise, tell the stories well. The
describing the locales in your game. Fiction, non -fiction, stories a re illustrated by pictures taken from Russian lac­
periodicals and films are listed below. quer boxes.

O1ooks cPublications
The New Russians, by Hedrick Smith, is a good back ­ u.S. News and World Report contains exactly what its
title suggests. It is excellent for current information about
ground source related to the roots of Russia's problem. It
Russia. The issue from April 13th, 1992 contains more
contains a great deal of useful information about the people
information on Russia's environmental problems.
of Russia, their politics and the internal problems faced by
their nation. Current Digest of the Soviet Press. English language trans­
lations of the major stories in various Soviet newspapers.
Russians as People, by Wright Miller. While this is an
older publication, it contains a good overview of the Soviet There are also a number of Russian or Soviet publica­
people without delving too far into the politics. tions, such as Soviet Life, Pravda and We. All three are
available in translated form in the United States.
The Soviet Union (Fourth Edition), by Vadim Medish. A
good overview of the ethnicity, climate, geography and
political structure of the Soviet Union movies
Ten Days That Shook the World , by John Reed. Reed was Russia House, starring Sean Connery and Michelle
an American journalist and member of the American Pfeiffer. A modem tale of love and espionage set in Russia.
Communist party who escaped to the Soviet Union after Gorky Park, the film adaptation of the novel of the same
being indicted for treason during the Red Scare following name, is a murder mystery set in Moscow.
WW l. He was buried beside the Kremlin Wall in Moscow
The Hunt For Red October, directed by John McTiernan
with other Bolshevik heroes. The book describes the Bol­
and starring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin; based on the
shevik Revolution.
book by Tom Clancy. The last real Cold War thriller .
The Other Side: How Soviets and Americans Perceive Each
The Russians are Coming is an amusing film about when
Other, by Robert English and Jonath an Halperin of the
East meets West. It is useful for breaking out of the Soviet
Committee for National Security. Soviet and American
stereotype, such as the ones depicted in the J ames Bond
perceptions of each other through books, movies, media
films and Red Dawn .
coverage and political propaganda.
Red Dawn, directed by John Milius. While this is cer­
Russia and the Golden Horde: The Mongol Impact on
tainly not the best movie depicting the Russian people or
Medieval Russian History, by Charles Halperin. The time of
society, it does give a feel for what Russia's Garou are up
the Tatar Yoke.
against. Beware, however. The film represents the absurd
The Formation of Muscovy 1304-1613, by Robert paranoia of the later years of the Cold War, almost as if it
Crummey. Moscow's rise to power in Russia. were a last gasp to prove how important America's stand
Behind the Urals: An American Worker in Russia's City of against the "Ev il Empire" was .
Steel, by John Scott. First -hand account of Stalin's industri­ There are numerous other movies in the "East Meets
alization and the First Five Year Plan in the industrial city West" genre that could prove interesting to those with the
of Magnitogorsk ("Magnetic Mountain"). time. However, many of these will not be overly useful in
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, by Alexander running a Russian campaign. It is best to choose carefully.
Solzhenitsyn. Exile in Siberia under Stalin.

16 Rage Across Russia

O{ussian 'Jilms and directing techniques. This one is a film school peren­
Ivan the Terrible and Alexander Nevsky, directed by Sergei
Dersu Uzala, directed by Akira Kurosawa, is a movie set
Eisenstein . Excellent black and white films depicting leg­
in the Siberian wilderness in the early part of the Soviet
endary Russians. A must for anyone using historical Past
Regime . Its account gives a feel for the territory. The main
Life flashbacks in their game.
character, Dersu Uzala, tells a compelling story about the
Battleship Potemkin, directed by Sergei Eisenstein. This way oflife ofSiberian hunters and the dying of their culture.
film about the revolt of sailors on the Potemkin was a While it is directed by Kurosawa, one of the greatest
stirring revolutionary statement for Russians. One of the Japanese film directors (and one of the greatest directors of
classic early films, Eisenstein revolutionized film editing all time), the film was funded by the Soviets.

Introduction 17
Rage Across R ussm
Question: Is it dangerous to remember in the USSR?
Answer: I do not believe so, but I am not sure that my opinion
is shared,
- Yuriy Afansyev, Director, USSR Institute of
History and Archives, 1986

During this time of nomads, and the subsequent time of

f[he f[ime of the f[sars
the tsars, the Silver Fangs forged their links with the
aristocracy. The chiefs and the greatest warriors of the
During the time of the Impergium, and for many years humans were chosen from the flock. These ties would
thereafter, Russia's people were nomadic tribes of wander­ persist as both a blessing and a curse to the Garou.
ing barbarians, The Slavs, ancestors of the modern Russian
people, lived in the northern forests. In those days, it was
easy for the Garou to track the wandering humans, and
Z'he ~ussian lmpire
many packs would follow the nomads, keeping their flock The Chronicles, compilations kept by Russian monks
under close watch. After the Impergium, the Silver Fangs from the 11 th century to the 16th century, are a major
of Russia reversed their decision. The Garou were charged source of information about Russian history, The most
with two reponsibilities: teaching the humans respect for important and the oldest is the Povest, or Tales of Bygone
Gaia and protecting humanity from the corruption of the Years, which is also known as Nestor's Chronicle. It tells the
Wyrm. tale of Russia, although it is ignorant of the Garou's place
To this end, the packs chose certain families of humans in Russian history.
and either joined them or followed them on their migra­ The unification of the Slavic tribes of Novgorod under
tions, These were the first Kinfolk families of Russia. Under a Scandinavian chief marks the beginning of the Russian
the guidance of Garou mystics, and through the Kinfolk Empire. The chief, called Rurik, was a Kinfolk of the Get of
families, the worship of t~e Mother Goddess flourished in Fenris.
the land, This religion, along with other ancient beliefs, This caused some small strife early on between the Silver
persisted in Russia even after the GDuntry's conversion to Fangs and the Get over just whose flock had the right to rule
Orthodox Christianity. over Russia, This dispute was finally settled years later

Chapter One: History 19

when the Silver Fangs' Kinfolk ascended to the thrones of
the tsars.
Rurik's descendants continued to expand the empire. In
882, Oleg, Rurik's successor, moved the capital from
Novgorod to Kiev, known then as Kiev Rus. Igor, one of the
first rulers of Kiev Rus, attacked Constantinople in 941 and
signed a treaty with its country in 944. This began com­
merce between the Byzantine Empire and the burgeoning
Russian Empire.

Vladimir, the youngest of three brothers vying for the
throne, won his position with the aid of the Varangians
(the Scandinavians). He continued the previous rulers'
practice of subjugating the Slavic people. He is also known
for his notorious womanizing and for raping his brother's
In 988, he converted to Christianity. His conversion was
brought about by his desire to marry the Byzantine emperor's
sister, Anna. The emperor would only permit this if Vladimir
converted. By accepting Christianity, Russia became part
of Europe. This marriage was also an important political
alliance. Vladimir was later declmed a saint.
The treaty with Byzantium opened the way into Russia
for the Ventrue clan of vampires and attracted the atten­
tion of the T zimesces and Shadow Lords of Eastern Europe
and Germany.
The power of the Garou waned as outside forces began
turning their attention to the newly formed Russian Em­
pire. The power of superstition and the strength of the old
religion faded with the advent of the Russian Orthodox
Church. New places of worship were erected on the sites of
old churches and, despite Garou efforts, the Church be­
came the greatest cultural force in Russia. The Silver Fang
blamed the Get of Fenris for this setback, for Vladimir was
a distant Kinfolk of the Get.
The Garou, while they retained some measure of influ­
ence in the houses of the aristocracy, could not stop their
decline in power as more outside forces established ties
within the growing empire. Vampires gained a substantial
position among the aristocracy and continually vied with
the Garou for influence.

Kiev (J{us
o Russian land l You are already far beyond the hills.

- The Lay oflgor's Campaign: The Omen

Kiev Rus had three basic political forms - the prince,
the Boyars (who formed the oligarchy) and the Veche, the
town assembly. The prince was a warrior, merchant and
administrator. The Boyars were warriors, landowners and
advisors. The Veche, however, was a form of popular
Every free male had membership in the Veche. It was
strongest in the cities, especially Novgorod. Every town

20 Rage Across Russia

had a Veche bell. When it rang, everyone would gather Byzantium was cut off in the 11th and 12th centuries by
around it to discuss major questions. In Novgorod, the fighting with the Povlotsy steppe people. By the time the
Veche was so strong that it had the power to appoint the trade route was reopened, Byzantium had declined.
prince . It is said that the Silver Fangs cleverly caused the
In Kiev Rus during this period, the Glass Walkers can problems with the people of the steppes, knowing it would
first be found, making their mark on Russian history. The eventually crack the power of Kiev Rus and the Glass
power of the Veche in Kiev Rus came from the support of Walkers, but most Garou believe this is giving the Silver
these city Garou, and their Kinfolk families held places in Fangs too much credit. They look instead to the Shadow
the Veche in various towns across Russia . As powerful an Lords, who are known to have Kinfolk families among the
impact as they made here , however, they didn't truly come steppe people.
into power until later in Novgorod . This alternative Trade with the Germans in the North Baltic area be­
presented a challenge to the Silver Fangs' own style of came especially important after the breakup of Kiev Rus.
leadership, but the Silver Fangs never took direct action. Persian trade was mainly for luxury items, but this also
Towns in Kiev Rus seem to have developed for largely became difficult due to Asian internal difficulties. Agricul­
economic reaso ns. There are estimates th at, in the early ture at this time was done by the slash and burn method,
1100s, Kiev had 40,000 to 50,000 people, while Novgorod although in some sections, the wooden plow was used.
had about 10,000 to 15,000. Commerce seemed to be the A sense of history and connection to Byzantium were
dominant economy in Kiev Rus, which was probably in­ crucial to Kiev Rus, especially during the Imperial Russian
spired by the Varangians' trade route into Greece. period, which emphasized this ancient connection. The
legacy of Kiev Rus included Christianity and the concept of
Yaroslav the Wise one common land. This concept is expressed in the Lay of
Igor's Campaign. The land is said to belong to "neither
Yaroslav the Wise became ruler after Vladimir's death.
Magyars nor Poles, but grandsons of a common grandfa­
By Norse accounts, he was a stingy coward. By Russian ther."
accounts, however, Yaroslav was a wise ruler who strength­
During these times, Garou and vampires would occa­
ened the role ofeducation in his country. He was considered
sionally involve themselves in struggles among the houses,
to be a great hero because of his campaigns against the
but the majority of the Garou were content to guard their
Finns, Lithuanians, Poles and the Pechenegs (a race of
Kinfolk and maintain their watch against the encroach­
steppe peoples).
ment of the Wyrm . Vampires often became the sudden
In 1043, he attacked Constantinople. The trade route
target of Garou hatred during these years .
from the Varangians to the Byzantines consolidated under
the control of Kiev Rus. Yaroslav also built Santa Sofia, the
first stone church, modeled after the church of the same
Appanage (j{ussia
name in Constantinople. He also aided in the spread of The period known as Appanage Russia came after the
Christiani ty . collapse of Kiev Rus . One of the most powerful cities during
Yaroslav loved religion and devoted himself to it. He this period was Novgorod. The city was a center of trading,
translated church documents from Greek to Slavic. He was especially for fur and wax. It eventually became the Eastern
enthralled by the countries to the south of Russia and end of the Hanseatic League.
slowly became "Slavicized". This is one reason the Novgorod was especially notable for its Veche, again
Varangians were critical of him . Another reason was his supported by Glass Walkers and their Kin. The city had 10
close alignment with the Silver Fangs instead of the Get of sections, each with its own Veche. The mayor (posadnik)
Fenris. Shortly before his death in 1054, he admonished his was its head elected official. The prince was appointed and
sons to live together in peace before they lost their land . had to be approved by the Veche. The prince was not
After Yaroslav's death, Kiev Rus entered a period of permitted to live in Novgorod, but lived instead in a special
decline, disintegration and nearly continuous civil war. section of his own. The prime purpose of the prince in
Vladimir II Monomakh (1113-1125) briefly h alted this Novgorod was defense - he was essentially a "hired gun".
decline. The aristocracy invited him to rule, but he Next to the head of the Orthodox Church, the Arch­
supported the demands of the peasants and the Church. bishop of Novgorod was the most important person in the
Upon his death, Vladimir's sons fought for the throne. Kiev Church. The archbishop was also important politically, as
Rus broke up in 1132. he often became the mediator between the prince and the
(1)ecline of K,iev (j{us The church was the one source of unity in Appanage
Russia. The archbishop was respected by everyone, no
One sign of the decay of Kiev Rus was the breakdown of
matter where he lived. The monasteries also became the
commerci al trading. The three main trading partners were
major agents of economic expansion and land develop-
the Greeks, Germans and Persians. However, trade with

Chapter One: History 21

ment . When they pushed outward, the peasants followed the title "Tsar", which is a Slavic corruption of the word
them. "Caesar".
Ivan III and Vasilii II were both Kinfolk of the Silver
'L'he 'L'atar yoke Fangs. The tribe had seized the right of breeding with the
bloodline of Rurik . The Get of Fenris were too weak
Not a mighty cloud has covered the sky, compared to the Silver Fangs to defend their right over
Nor mighty thunders have thundered: their flock. The supreme ascension of the Silver Fangs over
Wither travels the dog, Crimea's Khan? ­ the flocks of Russia had begun. However, with the invisible
To the mighty Tsardom of Muscovy. influence of vampires at cross-purposes, the Silver Fangs
- "The Raid of the Crimean Tatars" found it hard to maintain a strong hold over the tsars.
Russia also faced another crisis at this time . The Mongol
invasion, known as the Tatar Yoke , lasted from approxi­ )van the 'L'errible
mately 1240-1480. Under the Tatars, however, the Church
He was fearsome to the enemy , and was always prepared to
was given nearly full protection from raids and was ex­
fight for the fatherland. He was cruel to his subjects given to him
empted from paying tribute.
by the Lord, being always ready to spill their blood , and both
The Grand Prince Dmitrii won the first major victory
merciless and daring at killing.
over the Tatars at the Battle ofKulikovo on the Don River,
- Prince Ivan M. Katyrev-Rostovsky, The Book of
where Dmitrii won his famous appellation "Dmitrii
Donskoii". This victory, largely a matter of prestige, gave
During his reign, Ivan IV- known as Ivan the Ter­
the Russians hope that the Tatars were not indestructible.
The victory did not shatter the Tatar Yoke, however, as rible- greatly expanded Russian territory, as well as
shown by the Tatar sacking of Moscow two years later. expanding trade to the Caspian Sea and opening trade with
Regardless, Moscow began to rise in power. Siberia. In 1547, Ivan IV married Anastasia Romanov.
The marriage proved to be crucial during the dynastic crisis
The Tatar Yoke was secretly supported by the Shadow
shortly after I van's death.
Lords, who had Kinfolk families among the Mongols . The
Ivan IV's reign also included the English and Dutch
Silver Fangs demanded that they remove their families
"discovery" of Russia, which included the establishment of
from the Silver Fang territories, but the Shadow Lords
claimed that they had no control over the Mongols and the Muscovy Company, a private British trading company.
that there was nothing they could do. Most Garou still do From 1565 to 1572, Ivan IV earned his title of Ivan the
Terrible by killing 9,000 people in Tver and 42,000 in
not believe this.

'L'he (J{ise of moscoJO Ivan was a Kinfolk of the blood of the Silver Fangs.
Unlike the majority before him, he was willing to use his
Two Romes have fallen; one stands; a fourth there shall not ties with the Garou to expand his influence and assert his
be. control over Russia. Ivan used the Garou to suppOrt his
- Monk Filofei to Vasilii Ill, c. 1510, about armies a nd enforce his edicts on recalcitrant nobles.
Moscow Russia moved into Siberia in the 1580s, when the
Moscow's victory as the dominant Russian city was Stroganov family sent approximately 800 people into Sibe­
assured with the unification of Russia under Ivan III (1462­ ria in search of fur. This angered the resident Red Talons
1505) and Vasilii II (1505-1533). The Tatar Yoke ended and Uktena, who cut themselves off from the Garou coun­
under Ivan III, when he refused to pay tribute to Khan cils. The Red Talons eventually returned, but the Uktena
Ahmed, leader of the Golden Horde, though the actual still have only tenuous contact with the council today.
power of the Tatar Yoke had probably ended as early as the
1440s. '1e~or an~ the Si~ns of
I van III also married a member of the Roman nobility­
Sophia Paleologos, the niece of the last Byzantine emperor.
The Pope hoped to use this marriage to convert Ivan III to After I van's death, his son Fedor ruled from 1584 to
Roman Catholicism. This failed, however, as Ivan hated
1598 . Fedor, probably mentally retarded, was unable to rule
Roman Catholicism. Sophia legitimized Russia and estab­ effectively. The Garou whisper that Fedor was the first
lished a direct line to Byzant ium and Rome. This was obvious sign that there was something wrong with the
exactly what the Silver Fangs desired : new royal blood for Silver Fang bloodline.
the line.
The true ruler of the empire was Fedor's brother-in-law,
Under Ivan 1II and Vasilii II, Russian territory increased Boris Godunov. Boris persuaded the Patriarch of the Or­
by 300-400% with the annexation of Novgorod, Pskov,
thodox Church to create a Russian Patriarch in Moscow in
T ver and other terri tories. Ivan III was also the first to use 1589. Moscow then became the only independent Ortho-

22 Rage Across Russia

dox Church, as the others were under Ottoman control. announcement of his marriage to Marina, which scandal­
Fedor was the last confirmed descendant of Rurik. His ized the Orthodox Clergy.
death in 1598 led to a dynastic crisis and the "Time of The Silver Fangs could not understand why their Kin­
Troubles." folk had gone renegade until they discovered that Dmitrii
Boris Godunov emerged as a leader after Fedor's death was now the Blood Bound ghoul of a Polish Tzimisce
and persuaded the Patriarch to declare him Tsar. However, vampire. Prince Vasilii Shuysky, a Silver Fang Garou,
his rule was marred by three years offamine and rumors that decided to take direct action to save the tribe's hold on the
Ivan IV's son, Dmitrii, was still alive. Boris Godunov died throne.
in 1604, and the people rallied around Dmitrii, who had Prince Shuysky played on the displeasure of the clergy
arrived in Moscow after fighting several battles with Boris and others, gathering boyars and commoners to spread
Godunov's forces. rumors against Dmitrii. His pack infiltrated the palace
guards. Despite repeated warnings, Dmitrii refused to be­
tDmitrii lieve that Prince Shuysky was anything but loyal.
Dmitrii also ignored the rumors of an assassination plot.
Such is the honor which demons render to those who love Shuysky's group spread the word that the Poles were going
to murder the Tsar. In the confusion, they carried out the
- St. John Chrysostom, on Dmitrii's death. assassination themselves . Dmitrii fought to resist and, at
In Poland, Dmitrii had converted to Roman Catholi­ one point, attempted a jump of over a hundred feet in an
cism and married Marina, a Polish noblewoman. Dmitrii attempt to get help. He fell to the street below.
was loved by his people, and was crowned Tsar on July 21st, The people, who loved Dmitrii, killed 2,000 Poles that
1605. day in Moscow. Shuysky was then able to convince the
Dmitrii had several problems during his reign, however. people that Dmitrii had been an impostor. Dmitrii's body
His secret Catholicism conflicted with what the Russian was publicly displayed.
Orthodoxy expected of the Tsar. Dmitrii also loved the The Silver Fangs had not realized that Dmitrii's master
West, especially the Poles, and wanted to reconnect Russia had acted the night before. Dmitrii was now one of the
to the rest of Europe. The Boyars began to perceive Dmitrii undead- a vampire. Sightings of his body caused great
as more foreign than Russian. This was reinforced by the

Chapter One: History 23

consternation among the people. Some claimed to have
seen it moving out of ditches and off platforms.
A cPerio~ of Weakness

Superstitious Muscovites attributed these sightings to Following Peter's rule, the throne of Russia suffered a
black magic. To combat the force of evil in their midst, irate period of weakness . The various hidden factions tried to
citizens captured the undead body. It was burned, and the impose themselves on rulers too incapable of holding up
ashes were fired out of a cannon pointed toward the West . under pressure. Eventually, the Ventrue placed Catherine
It appeared as though Dmitrii's one night of immortal II, known as Catherine the Great, on the throne of Russia.
existence had come to an end. Silver Fang power waned during her reign, and the
Garou all but declared war on the vampires. The Kindred
A Series of Crises were now quite well entrenched. The Silver Fangs' focus on
the vampire problem led them to neglect the business of
There were a number of other crises, especially after keeping the aristocracy in control.
Vasilii lV's death. Civil war broke out, followed by a war
Seeing Russia's potential future problems, the Children
with the Poles and Swedes. There was also a second and a
of Gaia assisted Catherine's grandson, Alexander I. in
third "false Dmitrii".
taking the throne. Alexander began a series of reforms, but
Unknown to the populace, however, these "false Dmitriis" they were abandoned in the face of the Napoleonic Wars.
were the actual Dmitrii. Despite the best efforts of the
Throughout the many wars of the 19th century, the
citizens of Moscow, Dmitrii had faked his supposed death.
Ventrue were able to manipulate the Garou into fighting
Vicissitude and Obfuscation allowed him to make further
each other, inadvertently causing them to neglect the real
attempts to regain the throne. In every instance, the Silver
Fangs found him and chased him off. It is commonly
believed by the Silver Fangs that Dmitrii was finally de­ Discontent spread among the intelligensia of Russ ia.
stroyed by a Silver Pack of the Garou . Nicholas I, reacting to a near revolt, laid the groundwork
for oppression: a secret police, censorship and the elimina­
The Boyars decided the only way to end the crises was to
tion of dangerous material from school texts. Nicholas
put the son of the Polish King Sigismund, Wladyslaw, on
began a campaign against education programs and intellec­
the throne. The Poles invaded in 1611. This was another
tuals. None of the groups involved in Russia, wheth~r
plot by the Polish Tzimisce. Although his plot with Dmitrii
vampire, mageorGarou, attempted to stop him. In the halls
failed, he tried to gain control through Wladyslaw. This
of power and the halls of learning, the Wyrm began its slow
also failed .
insinuation. The end of the 19th century and the beginning
Calm was restored with the election and coronation in of the 20th saw the end of the Russian Empire.
1613 of Michael Romanov as Tsar, ending the dynastic
What the Garou did not and could not know was that
crisis. The Silver Fangs were once again in charge.
Nicholas I was the pawn of a newly formed group of mages:

cPeter the Creat the New World Order convention of the Technocracy.
Their work was so subtle that none of the Garou today
The rise of Peter the Great led to the territorial expan­ know these mages even exist. The years that followed in
sion of Russia and its establishment as a European power. Russia were also tainted by New World Order intervention
Peter moved the capital to Saint Petersburg, known as a from on high, culminating in the worst atrocities ofStalin.
window on the West and a gateway to Europe. Indeed, some suspect that Stalin was actually a mage of this
This sudden expansion of Russian power led to a great convention.
influx offoreign interest, especially in Europe. Seeing a new The rulings of the nobility and the tsars fomented
opportunity, a number of vampires from the aristocratic revolutionary activities. The ascension of Nicholas II, a
clans entered Russia and established themselves. They well-intentioned but weak ruler, opened the door for other
quickly moved to gain Peter as a pawn, but he managed to players, such as Rasputin, the "mad monk", who sought to
outmaneuver them on all counts. By the same token, he was manipulate the tsar through his wife and her concern for
able to manipulate the Garou, notably the Silver Fangs and her hemophiliac son, Alexis. There are a number of Kin ­
Shadow Lords, into assisting him. dred today who claim to be Rasputinj one of them is a
Under Peter, the Russian Empire truly became a reality. Malkavian in Russia and the other is a Nosferatu in Berlin.
During Peter's rule, and the expansion of Russian knowl­ Who can say which one of them is telling the truth?
edge and industry, the Glass Walkers once again gained There were other players in the bid for power. The
prominence. Another player also entered the picture. As Brujah vampires' interest in revolution was tempered only
the amount of industry increased, the Wyrm slithered into by their anger. The Bone Gnawers, the Garou children of
Russia. the oppressed serfs, supported the revolution, submitting
themselves to slavery. In the midst of these movements,
human revolutionaries struggled to make Russia a better

24 Rage Across Russia

'[he '[unguska dJlast
On June 30th, 1908, an explosion occurred near the
Tunguska River in the T ungus region of Siberia. The blast
was about 500 miles northwest of Lake Baykal and 250
miles away from the town ofKirnsk. The explosion leveled
all of the trees in a 20 mile radius. At least until 1960, one
could still see evidence of the event: the trees knocked
down were all burnt on one side and faced away from the
center. No crater has ever been found.
There has never been a good explanation for the Tunguska
blast. A number of theories have been advanced. The core
of a comet might have hit the surface of the earth. A passing
UFO might have had a tragic accident. Some theories even
postulate a miniature black hole hitting the planet. These
theories are all wrong.
The Garou are closer to the truth. The Uktena may
know what happened, but they have no desire to share their
knowledge . Other Garou believe that something went
wrong with one of their rites. This is partly correct.
In actuality, the blast was the result of an epic battle
between a Yakut Dreamspeaker mage and Trevero, a
draconic Zmei who had broken the magical bonds holding
him there. The mage eventually won the battle. An
Uktena performed the ancient, almost forgotten rite to
bind T revero again.

The workers have nothing to lose in this but their chains , They
have a world to gain. Workers of the world, unite!
- Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto
To win their own freedom,
they wanted to escape their serfdom.
They hurled their words like arrows against their lord,
and 1 wonder about those who approve of such a horde.
- Prince Ivan Khvorostinin (c. 1603), Autobio­
graphical Verses
With the decline of the tsarist period in Russia and the
waning power of the tsars, it should have come as little
surprise to the Garou that times were about to change.
However, it did come as a surprise, and the Garou were
unable to either stop the changes or even slow them down
appreciably. Indeed, the Bone Gnawers were partly respon­
sibility for the Russian Revolution occurring in the first
In 1917, an uprising against the aristocratic leaders of
Russia took place. This uprising was supported by the clan
of vampires known as the Brujah. The vampires meant to
use the revolution to avenge themselves upon the Ventrue
and Toreadors. These clans were seen as responsible for
maintaining the country as one of the last feudal, aristo­
cratic nations in the world.
Oddly enough, despite attempts by Cainites from other
nations, the Brujah found themselves on the winning side.
The Bolsheviks, supported by the Bone Gnawers, took

Chapter One: History 25

control and began establishing a new society in which
equality for all was to be the watchword.

With this Revolution, the traditional Garou power in Not merely for a time have J, Misery -Luckless-Plight,
Russia broke down. When the Bolsheviks moved in, the actached myself to you;
Brujah and Bone Gnawers were with them. The Brujah fell J shaU labor with you to your very deach!
to fighting among themselves as they worked to manipulate - Misery-Luckless-Plight, anonymous Russian
Lenin and the other leaders. The major factions of Brujah poem, 17th century
in Russia destroyed each other.
Political dissension became one of the greatest crimes in
At some point, early in the Communist control of the Soviet Union . Dissidents could expect either exile or
Russia, Lenin rea li zed that there was some sort of "Shadow execution. Under Lenin, and later under Stalin, people
Council" in Russia and set about manipulating it to his own began to disappear.
ends. He managed to play the Brujah against one another
Stalin decided that modern industry was what the Soviet
while gaining substantial power himself.
Union needed to compete with the rest of the world.

'the dJru;ah Council Industrialization began, heedless of the potential conse­

quences. The Brujah a llowed this corruption to occur,
The Bone Gnawers quickly lost control of what they had while the Garou struggled uselessly to avert it. The forced
helped create. The Brujah found out about the Garou ties industrialization and collectivization that was carried out
to the aristocracy, Kinfolk living among the peasants and under Stalin was extremely costly to the Garou, who
the extensive organizations of the Gangrel, Rav nos and eventually lost too much and faded into the background.
Nosferatu vampires fairly quickly. Just as quickly, they The Wyrm began to slowly reach out further and sink its
moved to convert or eliminate them . Many Ventrue found tendrils into the Motherland. The Garou, weak from
their interests in Russia suddenly unprofitable. The purges and the hunters, could do little to stop it. Those who
Malkav ians reveled in the chaos. The Garou who had opposed the Brujah or the Communists' plans ended up
helped bring about the revolution tried to break the tenu ­ exiled or dead. In some cases, those who fought aga inst the
ous grasp of the Brujah, but the Bone Gnawers were not state faced fates worse than death .
crafty enough to second-guess or outmaneuver the vam­ Wyrm taint and infestation spread, and many Garou
pires. were afraid to act, fearing to bring down the hand of the
A civil war followed the Bolshevik takeover. Bolsheviks Cainites that had shattered their power so recently. In some
fended off competitors attempting to take power. Using instances, the Garou acted and were successful, wi th Soviet
this as a smokescreen, the Brujah carried out a war of their leaders none the wiser. But in other situations, Garou
own against those who would oust them . They still turned moves were anticipated and countered. Like everyone else
against each other. The disorganization of the Garou took in the Soviet Union, the Garou were oppressed. Many
its toll, and many died. Silver Fang Kinfolk ties were lost as came to accept the hand that fate had dealt them. Others
the Bolsheviks, now under shaky Brujah control, moved to fought and died with the nobility of true Garou . Some,
elimina te the remnants of the aristocracy. Nicholas II, the however, sought to consolidate their forces, build their
former Tsar, and his family were executed. Supposedly strength where the Wyrm and its agents couldn't reach
Nicholas' youngest daughter , Anastasia, escaped, but the them and infiltrate the lairs of their enemies. They waited
mundane world has no verification of this rumor. In actu­ in hiding for the right moment, a time when they could take
ality, the Silver Fangs secreted her out of Russia by Moon back what had been theirs.
Bridge to live quietly with Kinfolk elsewhere in the world. The Revolution left the Garou of Russia weak and
Facing resistance from the popu lace and opposition from disorganized. Never before had they faced an enemy as
leaders and intellectuals, Lenin began to institute a series of implacable as the idealistic vampires who were unaware of
measures designed to set the Communists firmly in power. the corruption they nurtured within their country. Never
The Brujah, also uncertain of how to deal with their before had they faced a concerted effort by humans and
flagg ing attempt at Utopia, and unwilling to admit it, vampires to eliminate them. However, the Garou gained
turned against Lenin. In 1924, they ar ranged his death. allies in unexpected places as the oppression of the new
Leon Trotsky was to have replaced Lenin, but Stalin, with regime continued.
assistance from the Ventrue and Toreador, arranged for
Trotsky's exile and seized power for himself.

26 Rage Across Russia

200 divisions in the East . By 1944, only a third of their
'[he Creat troops were in the West . Two-thirds of their troops were
needed on the eastern front .
6Patriotic 1Dt7ar Regardless of these facts, the Western battles have taken
precedence in history. Everyone has heard of D-Day and
No one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten. the Battle of the Bulge, but few know of the Battle of Kursk
- Olga Bergholz, epitaph on the statue of Mother or Operation Kutuzov.
Russia at Piskariovskoye Cemetery, St. Petersburg Fifty-five million people, military and civilian, died in
Many Westerners have no idea of the scale World War World War II. Twenty million of them were Soviets. One­
II took on the Eastern Front. These figures will give some tenth of all Soviets died. Most Westerners have no
idea: the D- Day invasion force (J une 6, 1944) consisted of comprehension of what this really means. In St. Petersburg
three airborne divisions and five infantry divisions. The (formerly Leningrad) there is a graveyard for the victims of
Germans launched the Battle of the Ardennes (the Battle the siege of 1941-1944. There are about 900,000 people
of the Bulge) on December 16,1944, with 20divisionsand buried there in common graves. Each grave has 50,000
five in reserve. This included 970 tanks. At the time of the bodies in it.
crossing of the Rhine (spring 1945), the entire Anglo­ The total Soviet death count for World War II was
American force in Europe consisted of85 combat divisions. somewhere between 15 and 20 million people. The United
On the other hand, at the outset of the Battle of Kursk States lost 350,000.
(Operation Citadel), the Germans fielded 570,000 men, or After the heavy losses of the "Great Patriotic War",
about 38 divisions (with 15,000 men in each division), Stalin killed 20 million more people in his purges and in
2500 tanks and SPGs, 10,000 field guns and 2000 aircraft. gulags.
This was pitted against 977 ,000 Soviet soldiers (approx. 65
divisions), 3300 tanks, 20,000 field guns and 3000 aircraft.
At the beginning of Operation Kutuzov (the Soviet
drive on Orel), the Soviets fielded 1,286,000 men (approx . Most cities in Soviet Europe were deSignated "Hero
85 combat divisions). This was equivalent to the number Cities" for their sacrifice in the Great Patriotic War. Each
of Anglo-American combat forces in Europe. In 1943, the city has a hero city monument with an eternal flame .
Germans had 20divisions in the West (including Italy) and Eternal flames are common in Soviet Europe. In ByelorUSSia,

Chapter One: History 27

the village of Khatyn was completely destroyed by the during the war. During the siege of Leningrad, there are
Nazis. It now stands as a monument to all Byelorussians many reports of people peeling wallpaper and eating the
killed in the Great Patriotic War. There is a marker at every glue. The only reason many residents survived such prac­
spot where a house used to stand. There are rows of blocks tices was the assistance the Bone Gnawers, who used their
standing as a testament to the destruction of the war. Each Gifts to process the non-nourishing and often poisonous
block is marked with the name of a village and a vial of dirt items into real food.
from that village. These represent all the other villages
destroyed in Byelorussia.
Khatyn also has a memorial square. One corner holds an
rche Sha~o", 'Years
eternal flame symbolizing the one out of every four people Garou division at the onset of the revolution and oppo­
in Byelorussia who were killed by the Nazis. Each of the sition to industrialization led to the shadow war instigated
other three corners has a tree, symbolizing the lives of the by the Brujah.
three out of four people who survived. It is quite possible that the Brujah saw the Garou as
Many other cities also have monuments. The largest free pawns of their hated Ventrue enemies; then again, they
standing statue in the world is in Volgograd (formerly could have seen the Garou as an independent force. Either
Stalingrad). A woman, standing atop a hill, holds a sword way, the werewolves had made enemies. This also led to the
aloft in victory. This commemorates the Battle ofStalingrad. shadow war that has played between the Garou and the
Brujah since the years follOWing the Russian Revolution.
Carou (])urin~ the Many Soviet leaders, despite what they proclaimed pub­
licly, were greatly interested in the supernatural. Secret
Creat c1'atriotic War research was conducted. Although none can say what was
truly discovered, numerous papers on psychic phenomena
They died for the Russian land. and UFOs have come out of the Soviet Union. Some
The grass withered from sorrow, Soviet researchers actually accumulated proof of the exist­
and the saddened trees dropped earthward. ence of such things as vampires and werewolves, but that
- The Lay of Igor's Campaign: The Russian Defeat knowledge was quickly suppressed whenever the Brujah or
The sociopolitical upheaval of World War II did not Garou discovered it. The KGB had a secret internal divi­
leave the Garou of Russia untouched. The Garou's contri ­ sion specifically created to deal with supernatural threats,
bution to the war was mainly in aiding partisan operations. an organization similar to the F. B.1. Special Affairs . "Super­
Regardless of Garou involvement, the sacrifices and victo­ natural threats" included Garou. Backed by vampires and
ries of the Russian people in the war were almost entirely other shadowy forces, the KGB began hunting the Garou.
their own. Perhaps the Garou of Russia became afflicted by the
Partisan activities in occupied Russia were very severe emotions of the Urge Wyrms, or perhaps they truly did not
and caused the German invaders no end ofdifficulties. The see what needed to be done. Until 1986, the Garou were
10,000 partisans that took part in the Battle for Moscow are largely a silent force in Russia, with the exception of their
credited with destroying 18,000 Germans. Between August partisan aid in World War II. Many coexisted with the
and November of 1943, partisans in Byelorussia destroyed humans in cities or on the edges of civilization . Others
1,828 trains and locomotives and blew up n railway fought against the pervasive influence of the Wyrm as the
bridges. One historical account claims that from 1941­ Brujah attempted to bring about the utter destruction of
1944, Byelorussian partisans killed 500,000 Germans, the Garou, unknowingly despoiling the Russian environ­
including 47 generals and the German high commissioner ment and corrupting its people with toxins and urges.
of Byelorussia. The Brujah were corrupted by the Wyrm deep in their
Byelorussia was the center of partisan activity. It did not silent idealistic hearts. Unlike Pentex or the Black Spirals,
act alone. At the same time, Ukrainian partisans were the true ,leaders of the Soviet Union were not corrupted by
reported to have killed 460,000 Germans. The Garou leapt one Wyrm, but by all three. Thus, the influence of the
from shadows to tear Nazi soldiers limb from limb, and the Wyrm came to pervade almost all of Russia as the Brujah
Germans grew to secretly fear these "partisans." remade the country in their own image.
The Russian Garou resistance front, largely run by Bone Eventually, the Wyrm became so deeply rooted in some
Gnawers and Glass Walkers, had nothing to do with areas of the Soviet Union that not even the greatest heroes
Hitler's own partisans, the "Werewolves." While there of the Garou could not tear it out. In these areas, the Black
were German Get of Fenris on Hitler's side, they are still Spiral Dancers secretly built their caerns . Like all other
despised bydecendents ofthe Russian Get in the Varangians Garou, they hid from the eyes of the secret leaders, espe­
for their role in the war. cially when vampires tended to classify all Garou as "enemies
The war was a trying time for the Russian people. One of of the state."
the many reasons Bone Gnawer Kinfolk are so loyal to their The Black Spirals helped many environmental disasters
mangy Garou cousins is the work those GarOlI did for them along, and the Garou directed their energies against them.

28 Rage Across Russia

If they could not reach the head of the snake to kill it,
perhaps they could batter at its body.

rrhe Carou d'light

Some Garou, together with their Kinfolk, managed to
infiltrate the Brujah-controlled government. Most of these
insurgents were Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers or Children
of Gaia Kinfolk. The Children of Gaia took it upon them ­
selves to work within the system, educating the powerful of
the Soviet Union to prevent the spread of such Wyrm­
ridden technologies as atomic reactors and nuclear weapons.
They failed. Reactors were built and weapons were deto ­
nated on the soil of the Motherland. The spirit of the land
cried out, and the Children felt the sting of hate. The Red
Talons howled in anger. Their cries rose above the more
moderate voices in council. The Children of Gaia were
exiled from Russia.
The Red Talons, however, were not the Garou respon­
sible for this decision . The Shadow Lords goaded the Red
Talons into taking action against the Children, and many
members of both tribes were slain. The Children of Gaia
who remained in Russia had the aid of the Glass Walkers.
Some members of that tribe are now actually Children of
The Garou of Russia have paid a price for their pride, and
still will not admit the ir mistakes. They still refuse to seek
help outside of Russia. Although things appear to be
getting better for them at the moment, there are strange
plans in the making. Things are not always what they seem
in Russia. At the national level, the Garou have regained
a small semblance of control from Boris Yeltsin, thanks to
the diligent support of the Glass Walkers' Kin. Active
opposition to the Garou's attempts at cleaning up Wyrm­
ridden areas has ceased, and recently the Garou have been
finding aid in unexpected areas.
However, as the Garou become more active, so do the
agents of the Wyrm. Caerns have been attacked and over­
run by mysterious creatures. Survivors describe them as
beings straight out of legend . These creatures are generally
thought to be the materialized forms of certain Banes , but
no one is quite certain. When the Garou move in to retake
a captured caern, they find it empty and powerless. Where
the Wyrm has struck, magic has been lost irretrievably.
This is unusual, as places of power captured by the Wyrm
are normally corrupted into its image.
The draining of the caerns is not the only mystery. It has
proven next to impossible for anyone of Garou heritage to
leave Russia . Moon Bridges will not open to caerns outside
of the Motherland, and the Umbra has darkened. The
spirit world is now harder to reach.
Lastly, many of Russia's Garou are still afflicted by one or
more of the Urge Wyrms, although they are not aware of it.
The Maeljin Incarna maintain active interests in Russia,
setting the touch of their masters on the hearts and minds
of all. Not even Gaia's defenders are safe.

Chapter One: History 29

f[ime!ine of (j{ussia Since the OIeginnings of Communism

1848 -Karl Marx publishes the "Communist Mani­ -April: The beginning of Stalin's Five Year
festo" in London. Plans.
1861 -The beginning of the "Era of Great Re­ 1930 -The beginning of the Great Purge . Stalin
forms," in which all Russian serfs are freed o rders the death or imprisonment of untold
from bondage. millions of Soviets.
-The Bone Gnawers become more active in -The Garou war with Stalin, but lose even
the politics of the Garou. more ground as the Brujah, despite their
1902 -V.1. Lenin, in exile, writes a revolutionary misgivings, step in and support him .
pamphlet entitled "Wha t is to be Done?" 1933 -November 16: Diplomatic relations estab­
-A number of Bone Gnawer leaders seize lished between the United States and the
upon Lenin's ideas and form a sept, based in U.S.S .R.
Moscow, known as the Sept of the People's -Limited contact established by the Glass
Will. This experimental sept follows the Walkers with Garou outside of Russia .
social teachings of Marx. -August 23: Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
1905 -After a popu lar uprising in St. Petersburg, signed, insuring peace between Germany
Tsar Nicholas II establishes the Duma, the and Russia. Secret protocol divides Poland
first Russian parliament. in half, grants Baltic states and Bessarabia
1914 -August: Beginning of World War I. to USSR.
1917 -March 2: Abdication of Nicholas II. -September 1: German invasion of Poland.
-The Silver Fangs and the other aristocratic World War II begins. See the "Timeline for
clans move to stop the impending revolu­ World War II on the Eastern Front."
tion, but their methods prove unable to 1940 -August 20: Assassination of Trotsky in
stop what has begun, especially since the Mexico.
revolution proves to be backed by a number 1946 -March 5: Winston Churchill makes Iron
offorces, including Brujah and Bone Gnaw­ Curtain speech.
ers. -The Cold War begins.
-November 7: Bolsheviks seize power. -Clampdowns result in the restricting of
-December 7: Creation of the Cheka, later Garou movements, and the eventual loss of
known as the KGB. much outside communication.
1918 -March 3: Brest-Litovsk peace treaty with -Children of Gaia begin attempting to pre­
Germany. vent the Soviet government from
-July: Bolsheviks defeat anti -Communist developing atomic weapons.
opponents to become the single ru ling party. 1948 -October 10: Launching of the Soviet's first
-July 17: Nicholas and his family are ex­ guided ballistic missile.
ecuted. 1949 -April 4: N .A.T.O. formed.
-Lenin nationalizes the economy, private 1953 -March 5: Stalin dies.
trade is barred, and collective farming is -September: Nikita Krushchev succeeds
instituted . Stalin as the first secretary of the Central
-The Garou begin to lose ground with the Committee.
defeat of the anti-Communist forces. Even 1955 -May 14: Warsaw Pact is signed.
the Bone Gnawers begin to realize that 1956 -February: Krushchev criticizes Stalin's reign
what they began might be going out of of terror.
control. -October: Soviet forces quell uprising in
1922 -April: Stalin elected general secretary of Hungary.
the Central Commi ttee ofthe Russian Com­ -The Children of Gaia's failure to prevent
munist Party. Soviet development of atomic weapons
-December: Founding of the U.S .S.R. leads to their forced exile under the fangs of
1924 -January 21: Death of Lenin. the Red Talons.
1929 -January: Stalin's rival Leon Trotsky is ex­ 1957 -October 4: Soviet Union launches Sput­
pelled from the U.S.S.R. nik, the world's first artificial satellite .

30 Rage Across Russia

1961 -April 12: Voskhod, the first manned space -Fall: Popular revolutions oust Communist
vehicle, is launched. regimes in Eastern Europe.
-Talks between Krushchev and President -November: The Berlin Wall falls.
Kennedy in Vienna . -Soviet troops are withdrawn from Afghani­
-August: Berlin Wall is erected. stan.
1962 -October: Krushchev's decision to place 1990 -lithuania, Estonia and Latvia declare inde­
nuclear weapons in Cuba touches off the pendence.
Cuban Missile Crisis. -Baba Yaga rises from torpor and begins to
1964 -October 14: Krushchev ousted from Com­ manipulate her pawns into position for a
munist Party; Leonid Brezhnev assumes conflict with the Brujah council.
control. -July: Yeltsin and other reformers leave the
1968 -August: "Prague Spring" movement in Communist Party.
Czechoslovakia is stopped by Soviet Forces. -December: Eduard Shevardnadze resigns as
1971 -May: President Nixon visits Moscow. First foreign minister.
Strategic Arms limitations Treaty signed. 1991 - June 12: Yeltsin becomes the President of
-September 11: Krushchev dies. Russia in its first popular election. Through
1975 -Soviet - Cuban intervention in Angola. him, the Garou regain a small measure of
1979 -December: Soviet troops invade Afghani­ the control they once had.
stan. -July: Warsaw Pact is disbanded.
1981 -December: Various demonstrations lead to -A small caern in a forest held by the Red
the declaration of martial law in Poland. Talons is attacked and captured. When a
1982 -November 10: Brezhnev dies. party is gathered to retake it, the area is
-November 12: Former KGB chief Yuri found abandoned and the caern is found
Andropov assumes power. powerless. This is the first of the caerns to
1984 -February 9: Andropov dies.
-August: Hard-line coup against Gorbachev
-February 13: Konstantin Chernyenko takes
fails and leads to the eventual disintegra­
tion of the U.s.S .R.
1984 -March 10: Chernyenko dies.
-A painfully slow reconciliation between
1985 -March 11: Mikhail Gorbachev becomes
the Bone Gnawers and the ruling tribes
General Secretary of the Communist Party.
begins. Garou activity in Russia begins to
1986 -Gorbachev begins process of reforms. step up in response to various pressures.
Glasnost (po Ii tica lope nness) and
1991 -1993 -Various events and internal troubles lead t
Perestroika (economic reconstruction) be­
the resignation of Gorbachev. Russia be
comes one of the largest countries to b
-Garou begin to slowly become active again, classified as having Third World status. Th
although by now, the forces of the Wyrm problems of forming a capitalist system with
are entrenched. out an industrial base capable of dealing wit
-Boris Yeltsin becomes a Politburo member. the new demand for consumer goods prove
1987 -December: Gorbachev and Reagan sign a extremely difficult for Russia to surmount.
treaty limiting intermediate range ballistic -The Garou of Russia discover that there is
missiles in Europe. a new, powerful force in Russia, and move
1988 -Gorbachev creates a full-time parliament to deal with it in various ways, as well as
and multicandidate elections. warring with the powerful Wyrm spirits
-October: Gorbachev named President of that corrupt the land.
the U.s.S.R. Late 1993 -After a conflict with Parliament results in th
-250,000 Soviet troops are withdrawn from death of a police officer, Yeltsin brings in tht
Eastern Europe. military and has the parliament buildin
1989 -April: Gorbachev purges the Central Com­ shelled. The parliament surrenders a nc
mittee of hard-liners. Yeltsindissolves it, assuming emergency pow
-May 26: Yeltsin wins Moscow seat in the ers.
election for the new Congress of People's

Chapter One: History 31

f[imeline 0/ Worl~ War }} on the [astern 'Jront
1939 -September 1: Germany invades Poland. -December 16: German attempt to relieve
-September 17: Russia in vades Poland. Stalingrad fails.
-September 27: Poland surrenders.
1943 -January 31: German 6th Army surrenders
-November: U.S .S.R. annexes the western at Stalingrad .

Ukraine and western Byelorussia. -Febru ary 16: Russians retake Kharkov.
-November 30: Soviets invade Finland.
-March 14: Germans re -retake Kharkov.
1940 -March 12: Soviet-Finnish war ends; Fin­ -July 5: Battle of Kursk .

land cedes territory. -August 5: Russians take Orel/Belgorod in

-June 15: Soviets occupy Baltic States. Dnieper River drive.
-June-August: Annexation of Northern -August 23: Russians re-re -retake Kharkov.
Bukovina, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. -September 24: Russians retake Smolensk.
1941 -June 22: Operation Barbarossa begins. Ger- -November 7: Soviets recapture Kiev.
many invades Russia. -November 28: Tehran Conference be­
-September 8: Siege of Leningrad begins. tween Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchill.
--Garou attacks on German troops assist in 1944 -January 27: Siege of Leningrad lifted.
reducing the force that strikes at Leningrad. -April 10: Russians retake Odessa.
The Russian Get of Fenris war with the -May 9: Russians retake Sevastopol.
German Get . -June 22 : Operation Kutuzov, the drive to
-September 17: Germans capture Kiev. retake Byelorussia, begins .
-September 30: The drive on Moscow be- -July 28: Soviets enter Poland .
gins. 1945 -January 17: Soviets capture Warsaw .
-November 8: Germans enter Crimea. -February : Yalta C onference between
-November 9: Leningrad siege tightens. Roosevelt, Stalin and C hurchill.
-Bone Gnawers do their best to help the -February 13: Soviets capture Budapest.
besieged humans survive by feeding the -April 13: Soviets capture Vienna .
hungry with what they can scrounge -April 27: Soviet and US forces meet at
through their Gifts. Torgau.

-December 6: Operation Typhoon, Soviet

-May 2: Soviets take Berlin.
counterattack at Moscow, begins. German
-May 8: Germany surrenders.
offensive halted .
-May 9: Soviets take Prague.
1942 -May: Soviet Union signs a treaty with
-July: Potsdam peace talks divide Germany,
Great Britain, joining the Allies against
Berlin, and most of Europe into Western
and Communist blocs.
-June 25: Germans take Kharkov.
-August 8: Soviets declare war on Japan.
-July 1: Germans take Sevastopol.
-August 15: Following the Americans' drop ­
-July 23 : Germans take Rostov-on-Don.
ping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and
-August 9: Germans take C aucasus oil fields . N agasaki, Japan surrenders, ending World
-August 23: Germans reach Stalingrad. War II.

-September 23 : 90% of Stalingrad in Ger­ -The Garou are horrified by the method
man hands. with which the war ends, as the world is

-November 19: Operation Uranus, Soviet gripped in nuclear fear for the next decade,

counteroffensive at Stalingrad, begins. fueling the Cold War and fe eding the Wyrm .

32 Rage Across Russia

Wolves an~ Cosmonauts The ruble was nearly worthless, and the food situation was
worse than ever.
On March 18, 1965, Voskhod 2 launched into space,
Now unemployment threatens the nation on an unprec­
showing the world humanity's first space walk . On March
edented scale, and people long for the days of old, when the
19th, Voskhod 2 returned to Earth with its crew, Alexei
government guaranteed each citizen a job, food, health
Leonov and Pavel Belyayev. The cosmonauts fell into the
care and a place to live.
Ural Mountains when their re-entry rockets failed. They
landed a thousand miles off-target and were stranded in Violent crime is increasing. On the streets of Moscow,
deep snow for a day and a night before recovery craft found teenage girls consider prostitution a glamorous career.
them. During this time, they were threatened by wolves Some factories are too broke to pay their workers, giving
who were apparently kept back only by the feeble fire the them manufactured goods instead. Workers are forced to
crew started in their craft. sell these goods or trade them for food . Industry's productiv­
ity has fallen to levels below those of the Great Depression
The wolves that found them were actually Lupines. A
of the 1930s.
pack of Red Talons found the capsule and debating fiercely
over whether to kill the humans . Finally, one faction won For the ethnic Russia ns and Slavs, their death rate now
out. The Red Talons thought it was a poor idea to attack exceeds their birth rate, and their population is actually
humans trying to leave the planet. shrinking. Suicide and attempted suicide rates are up, as are
incidents of organized crime. Resentment directed against
~uss;a f[o~ay citizens who h ave actually managed to succeed under the
current conditions has worsened. On the horizon, there is
Gorbachev's rise to power led to a new era in the Soviet little hope. Even the young turn to crime and obsessive
Union . Perestroika and Glasnost became the new watch­ trading of new and used merchandise .
words, and the entire world looked on as the "Evil Empire" The attitude of hopelessness is exactly what Baba Yaga
slowly opened up and westernized. Slow progress towards desires . When the time comes, it will make people more
the reduction of nuclear weapons and military forces pro­ open to her desires . This attitude is also strengthens the
ceeded, despite occasional setbacks over the American Wyrm and its minions . Their efforts to corrupt the people
desire to implement the Strategic Defense Initiative . and land of Russi a h ave redoubled with the new changes.
When George Bush became the President of the United The influence of the Urge Wyrms may be seen just by
States, progress towards good relations between the East walking down a city street and looking into the face of each
and West continued. However, in the Soviet Union, re­ person you pass. Russia has become a land of despair, ripe for
forms were beginning to have another effect. People the pickings of Cainite and Wyrm alike. Both groups have
demanded more changes. The Soviet government was begun to move, and the Garou are too disorganized to work
pressured to act faster. Gorbachev was unwilling to let them cohesively against them.
proceed too quickly for fear oflosing control. Boris Yeltsin, Baba Yaga is sly . She can see how these others, the Black
President of the Russian Republic of the Soviet Union, Spiral Dancers, want to lay waste to the land . Tha t is not
pushed for more reform. Yeltsin and Gorbachev came into her goal; the Hag wants the people prepared for her ulti­
conflict numerous times. mate goal, not destroyed or contaminated by whatever it is
In 1991, the Soviet Union was gripped by another that has tainted the land in her absence. She will use them
revolution as a group of hard-liners from the Communist until they cannot be used any more. Then they will be
Party attempted to wrest control of the country from destroyed.
Gorbachev. The Brujah backing the Communists were
behind the entire plot and played their hand in an attempt
to draw out the forces manipulating Gorbachev. This plot
failed . These elder Brujah were destroyed by Gorbachev's Russia was the largest of the 15 republics that once
master- the dreaded Baba Yaga. As a resu lt of the coup, formed the Soviet Union, a country that once possessed
Gorbachev had lost popularity, while Boris Yeltsin gained one-sixth of the world's land mass. As far back as the
a great deal of support. Further events led to the splintering Napoleonic Wars, Russia has been the area's traditional
of the Soviet Union into the Commonwealth oflndepen­ seat of power. The former Soviet Union stretched from the
dent States, an autonomous collection composed of the Pacific Ocean to the Baltic Sea and encompassed 12 time
various former Republics. zones. The official census of 1979 counted over 100 lan­
Gorbachev soon stepped down, and Yeltsin was eager to guages native to the Soviet Union.
take his place. Russia became a democratic nation, and the Gothic- Punk Russia, while resembling the real Russia in
Cold War was over. A new war, however, had begun. many ways, is a more extreme place. The ravages of the past
Russia was a nation again, but the degree of reform n eces­ can be seen in the eyes of the populace. Devoid of
sary and the events of the past few years virtually ruined its challenge, the Russians walk past each other like zombies.
economy . Shortages of basic commodities were common. They walk as if the y were alone in the world, ignoring
everything else. Each citizen follows her own age nda,

Chapter One: History 33

completely oblivious to what might happen to others in her into the situation by direct contact. Foreigners are, of
path. course, the exception. A foreigner is the Russian equivalent
Five hundred years of domination, first under the Czars of walking trader. Some things that are taken for granted in
and then under the Communists, has worn thin on the Westerners' lives are absolute luxuries to Russian citizenry,
people of Russia. The sense of community overwhelms the and often common Russians will make contact to trade.
needs of the individual, and the assumption that each Russians do love to talk, though, and are especially inter­
Russian is merely part of the whole predominates. From the ested in learning about the West. They will be glad to talk
American viewpoint, this extreme sense of community about Russia with Westerners.
borders on the deranged. The conditions for Russians who
lived under the Communists were not much better than !.o~ging
that of the serfs who lived under the Czars. There are two types of hotels in Russia: the new and the
Hopes of freedom led the serfs to revolt, first in the old. The difference is striking. New hotels are often multi­
Kerensky Revolution of February 1917, and then again in level high-rises with fancy names like "Europeiskya" or
the October Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Famines and "Metreopole." These hotels exude an air of respectability,
general discontent lead to the revolution, and the Commu­ style and power. Each floor of a hotel is served by a
nists promised to change the harsh living conditions. The d.ezhumaya, traditionally placed there to monitor the ac­
promise was never truly fulfilled. tivities of the hotel patrons. The dezhumaya are still present
To truly understand the Russians of the modern World in many of Russia hotels, both grand and common.
of Darkness, you have to understand that mental and Hotels are sources of cheap traditional food. Foods such
physical freedom is an unknown concept to many citizens. as Beef Stroganoff and Chicken Kiev are well known.
The simple pleasures of life have long been denied or Russians have a love of simple heavy foods and soups.
repressed. The sudden ecstasy of freedom leads to many of Sausages made from horse meat and cabbage are very
the chaotic problems that dominate the lives of the typical common and, depending on the locale, so is caviar and fish.
Only when personal contact has been established does
the once-blank face of the typical Russian change to that of Russians have a love ofgood drink and toasting. Often at
a helpful friend. A Russian will be kind and courteous and banquets, there are dozens of toasts, and sometimes a few
will try and help persons as best he can, but only if forced guests will spend the night sleeping under the table. Rus­
sians, although hardy drinkers, are for the most part
intelligent: often parties with large amounts of alcohol are
tempered with heavy appetizers that soak the effects of the
Alcohol, often considered a staple in the lives of the
average Russian, has, of late, been more difficult to acquire.
Since the late 1980s, the government has tried to curb the
consumption of alcohol, but the rate of deaths and prob­
lems caused by alcohol are still fairly high and getting
worse. Authorities have actively begun patrolling the cities
in search of drunks and habitual problem cases, but the
numbers are hardly redUCing. Russians have a great number
of illegal stills and homebrews, and the flow of alcohol is
hardly curbed by the efforts of the government.

Entrepreneurship dominates the streets of Russia. Small
business sell everything from cigars to Pepsi-Cola. The
small businesses compete with the larger, once state-owned
stores. Capitalist enterprises are booming, including the
McDonald's franchises that have become more abundant
since the fall ofCommunism. Large companies are now free
of state ownership. Smaller businesses are often held under
the thumbs of local mobsters.
Every corner is dominated by at least one peddler's stand.
The Black Market, which at one point was highly forbid­
den, has moved out onto the corner. Articles from capitalist

Rage Across Russia

(}{ussian Hames

In general, Russian words are pronounced exactly as The following list of common names can be used by
they are spelled. If a word has been transliterated players with native characters.
correctly, the only problem is deciding which syllable to Male with diminutives:
accent. Unfortunately, there are no good rules for Aleksandr - Sasha (alekSANdr - SAsha)
placement of stress. Normally, the stress is learned as Aleksei - Alyosha (aleksEI - alYOsha)
the word is learned . The pronunciations of some well
Boris - Borya (boRIS - BORya)
known cities are :
Viktor - Vitya (VIKtor - VITya)
Moscow (moskVA)

Vladimir - Volodya (vlaDImir - voLOdya)

Irkutsk (irKUTSK)

Vyacheslav - Siava (vyacheSLA V - SLAva)

Odessa (oDESsa)

Yevgeni - Zhenya (yevGEni - ZHEnya)

Kiev (KIev)

Ivan - Vanya (IVAN - VANya)

Novgorod (NOVgorod)

Mikhail- Misha (mikhaIL- Mlsha)

Novosibirsk (novosiBIRSK)

Nikolai - Kolya (nikoLAI - KOlya)

Magnitogorsk (magnitoGORsk)

Pyotr - Petya (PYOtr - PETya)

Rostov (rosTOV)

Sergei - Seryozha (serGEI - serYOzha)

Riga (RIga)

Yurii - Yura (YUrii - YUra)

Murmansk (MURmansk)

Male names without diminutives:

Vladivostok (vladivosTOK)

Andrei (andREI)
Tashkent (tashKENT)

Oleg (oLEG)
Pavel (PAvel)
nations predominate. The Black Market has legitimized Female names with diminutives:
itself since the fall of communism, and these stands are the
Aleksandra - Sasha (alekSANdra - SAsha)
remnants of a network that once rivaled the state-run
Anna - Anya (ANna - ANya)
department stores.
Valentina - Valva (valenTina - VAlya)
The original Black Market has shifted. Although it was
once the purveyor of illegal goods, the abolishment of Varvara - Varya (VarV Ara - V Arya)
Communism has made most of the goods they once sold Galina - Galya (gaLIna - GALya)
legal. The true Black Market has begun widespread sales of Ekaterina - Katya (ekteRlna - KA Tya)
illegal drugs and has flourished since the fall of Commu­ Elena - Lena (eLEna - LEna)
nism . Although strong in the international drug trade Irina - Irya (IRIna - IR va)
before the fall of communism, the overall extent of crime in Maria - Masha (maRlya - MAsha)
Russia was unknown to outsiders and many insiders until Natalya - Natasha (naTAlya - naTAsha)
only recently.
Olga - Olya (OLga - OLya)
Language Sofya - Sonya (SOFya - SOnya)
Tatyana - Tanya (taTYAna - TAnya)
The Russian language is still basically the same one that
was spoken before the Rise of Communism. Although Female names without diminutives:
certain American terms have been added to supplement Vera (VEra)
the language, the only major noticeable change has been Nina (NIna )
the elimination of the words "mister" and "mistress" and
the consolidation of terms that once had both male and at the end of their name. This suffix is known as a
female forms. The word now used for "mister" has been patronymic. For example, Vladimir Sergeevich means
replaced. The word for "comrade" is used formally in "Vladimir, son ofSergei" and Irina Sergeevna means "Irina,
official capaCities, and the informal word for "citizen" is daughter of Sergei". Two Russians will rarely omit the
used in day-to-d ay conversations. patronymic when speaking to each another unless they
However, with the "fall of Communism," disputes over have been good friends for a long time. On the other hand,
language and ethnicity are now common in Russia and the when Russians have known each other for a long time, or
other former republics. Debates over "official" languages when speaking to children, they will often use the more
have become especially severe. familiar diminutive form of the name . For example, Irina
Russians have one other peculiarity that distinguishes becomes Iria, Aleksandr becomes Sasha, and Maria be­
them from the rest of Europe. Russians often introduce comes Masha.
themselves by including the Christian name of their father

Chapter One: History 35

This, combined with the fact many women do not
change their maiden names after marriage, can lead to
Human d'olitics
confusion among identification of relatives. Internal politics in Russia are marked by a great deal of
corruption, graft and backstabbing. Ascension to leader­
Customs ship in the former Soviet Union generally involved a great
Russians often greet each other with hearty handshakes. deal of maneuvering to better one's position while trying to
Russian men often greet good male friends with three kisses bring down one's enemies. Political battles in the halls of
on the cheek, and females do the same to other females. the Kremlin could sometimes last for years.
Men kissing women as a greeting is considered vulgar and Under the communist system, every possible aspect
looked down upon. Casual contact between members ofthe required in the running of the country was bureaucratized.
same sex as an indicator offriendship is not as taboo as it is For example, where the United States has something like
in America. Contact is limited though, and often only 12 regulating agencies, the Soviet Union had 40 or more.
good friends will walk hand in hand together. The government suffered from overspecialization. Every­
Russians often exchange gifts with visitors, and it should thing was centralized. It also suffered from a great deal of
not be uncommon for visitors to either receive or give gifts corruption and stagnation and was susceptible to the whims
as they enter another person's house. American gifts are of the powerful.
highly prized. Although they are usually not expected, they Until recently, the Russian legislative bodies suffered
are greatly appreciated. from the effects of years of high level leadership striving to
Gifts are not just exchanged in the home, however. Gifts reduce its effectiveness. It had become virtually a rubber
can be exchanged anywhere people are meeting. The stamp committee for the Party Leader. This handicap, and
Garou have been very influenced by this practice, and the bureaucratization, were moves by various Brujah in­
visiting Garou, Russian or foreign, usually exchange gifts at tended to throw the others off-track. While this resulted in
a caern. the eventual stagnation of Russia as the system became too
The former Communist system led to the abolishment of heavy to haul itself up, the intrigue that went on when it
many religious holidays. Many of the holidays are celebra­ came time to change leadership became highly intense.
tions of particular groups or events from the past. As such, Vampires, mortals and the occasional Garou agent vied for
most of the holidays from the former Soviet Union have the control of new Party Leaders.
been lost or replaced . The wave of religious rebirth has lead Sudden illnesses and retirements were not uncommon in
to the reinstitution of several Christian holidays, including Soviet politics. Take, for example , the method by which
Easter and Christmas, which were abolished under Soviet the coup against Gorbachev was carried out. He was de­
rule. May Day is the most important holiday in Russia . It tained in his dacha and an announcement of his illness was
occurs on May 1st and is celebrated with large parades and made .
great festivities . All of this has recently changed. With the dissolution of
the Soviet Union and the resignation ofGorbachev, Russia
lthnic Croups has become an experiment in a democratic, free market
Numerous ethnic groups are represented in the popula­ society. It is an experiment that often seems doomed to
tion of Russia. The single largest group is the Slavs, forming failure. Russia's economy is in shambles, faith in the gov­
almost 75% of the population, which contains the Great ernment is at an all time low, and forces with in the
Russians, the Ukrainians or "little Russians," the government have stood in the way of progress.
Belorussians and a large number of Poles. Boris Yeltsin recently disbanded the Russian Parlia­
The next largest group is the Turko -Tatar ethnic group, ment, claiming that it is impeding him in setting up Russia's
believed to be the descendants of the 13th and 14th century recovery. In actuality, the hag Baba Yaga is feeding his
Mongol invaders. This group is composed of the Crimean thoughts with visions of a new Russian Empire, one with
and Kazakh Tatars to the west of the Urals, and the Baskir, Yeltsin as a new Tsar. She wants things the way they were,
Chuvash, Tatar, Yakut, Oirot and Altai peoples to the east. and an autocracy is only the beginning.
The third largest ethnic group is the Japhetic peoples,
which is composed of the Chechen, Kabardian, Balkar and
Cherkess peoples. Fourth largest is the Finno-Ugrian group,
rrhe K,infolk
Kinfolk are the eyes, ears and hands of the Garou in
which is closely related to the Hungarian and Turkish
human society. Without them, the Garou would not have
peoples. Other ethnic groups represented in Russia are the
been able to maintain control of Russia for so many centu­
Jews, Mongolians, Greeks, Gypsies, Koreans, Kurds, Chi­
ries. Indeed, the Kinfolk unified Russia under a single flag
nese, Czechs and Arabs. An ethnic group in the northeast,
long ago, creating a method by which the Garou could
the Chukchi, is believed to be related to the North Ameri ­
administer and protect one of the largest nations in the
can Indians.

36 Rage Across Russia

Even now, in these troubled times, the presence and
assistance of the Kinfolk has allowed the Garou to grasp at
the tiller of the foundering ship that is Russia. Yeltsin now
addresses his nation and tries to save it from the internal
pressures that threaten to destroy it. The aid of loyal Glass
Walker Kinfolk in the government is supporting him.
Some tribes say that this is merely a move by the Glass
Walkers to begin their own bid for dominance in the
contest between the Silver Fangs, Shadow Lords and Get of
Fenris. The Glass Walkers maintain that they were in the
right place at the right time and were willing to do some ­
thing. What they will accomplish by this move remains to
be seen.
The Glass Walkers do not know that Yeltsin is a puppet
of the dreaded Baba Yaga. While the tribe uses their
contacts with Yeltsin to stay one step ahead of the other
Garou, the Hag uses him to anticipate and deal with the
moves of her foes . She allows him a token offree will, but
all major endeavors are subject to her whims. The conflict
between Yeltsin and the Russian Parliament was an action
orchestrated by the Hag to demoralize her enemies. It is
intended to show the Garou just how powerful her hold on
the land and its leader is.

d'laying Kinfolk
While changing shape and running around in the woods
fighting creatures from our nightmares is all fine and dandy,
there is another side to Russia. There are still things that
Kinfolk can do that Garou cannot, and things that Kinfolk
can do that humans cannot. Kinfolk are immune to the
Delirium. They do not exude rage or animal attraction, but
they can learn and use magic, psychic abilit ies and rituals.
Being mortal, it is also very difficult for some supernatural
creatures to detect them.
Kinfolk can do many things Garou either couldn't or
wouldn't do. They can hold public office, lead people and
generally exert an influence over the human world that
Garou cannot achieve.
The possibilities in a game where players roleplay Kin ­
folk are numerous: political intrigue, subtle horror, Cold
War espionage within the supernatural corridors of power
and even vampire hunting. This last option, however, is
extremely dangerous, for few vampires are not in some way
under the control of Baba Yaga. The Hag does not like
mortals who injure her "grandchildren."
The Vampire sourcebook The Hunters Hunted gives
many details on running a game in the World of Darkness
with mortals as the heroes. Further details on mortals are
available in the 2nd edition of the Vampire Player's Guide .

Chapter One: History 37

mages in (j{ussia tion among the Russian peasantry, mages were able to
retain a firm hold on the popular conception of reality. The
church mages and their vedna enemies stood longer in
rche mythic Age Russia than in most of the rest of the world.
Spin me back down the years
And the days of my youth,
rche rcechnocracy
Close the lace and black curtains Peter the Great paved the way for the Technocracy. By
And shut out the whole truth. bringing science and reason into Russia, Peter captured the
imagination of his subjects. With Peter came the Guild, an
- Jethro T ull, ''Thick as a Brick"
older version of the Syndicate, and the Hippocratic Circle,
In the distant mists of memory, heroes called the Bogatyrs forerunners of the Progenitors. As the Tsar set scientists to
defended the people of Russia from scourges like the Zmei the task of bringing Russia "up to date", the Technocrats
and Baba Yaga. These warrior-mages served King Vladimir made their influence felt. Across the land, Paradox crept
I like Arthur's knights. Each had a different superhuman
into once-secure bastions of magickal power. Although the
power- great strength, far-sight, inhuman prowess in mages were able to retain their influence into the 20th
battle and so on. Their love for Mother Russia was unques­ century, the power of the Chorus waned while the
tionable. Some left their families or even killed them to Technomancers grew strong.
show their devotion to the land . According to legend, it
Technomancers brought their greatest influence to bear
was the Bogatyrs who brought Baba Yaga down and sent her
in the years preceding World War I, while the other mages
into torpor.
threw their influence behind the tides of revolt. The final
Sadly, these magickal figures are long since gone. Each revolution, however, smashed the influence of magick in
one has met a tragic ending. Over the centuries, the deeds
the Motherland for decades to come. The Progenitors were
of the Bogatyrs have been largely forgotten, save for the expelled from Russia following the Revolution. Their
hushed tales told on wintry nights. theories were denounced as "counter-revolutionary." The
Whether the Bogatyrs were mages of the Celestial Cho­ other mages were forced further underground by the Com­
rus, a mighty pack of Silver Fangs or a confederation of the munists' atheistic doctrine . Both factions were shut out
two is a matter of dispute . The Silver Fangs claim these until Stalin's reign . Although the Technomancer's ideals
warriors as their own, sneering at the suggestion that mere ruled Russia's imagination, the Technocracy remained
humans could love the land so much. Many Celestial hidden until World War II.
Chorus mages who remember the Bogatyrs refute the idea It is said that Stalin had the strong support of the
that such magnificent heroes could possibly have been Technocracy; some even speculate that he was Awakened
mangy werewolves. With the Bogatyrs long since dust, the himself. Whatever the reason, the dictator evaded at­
question will probably remain unanswered. tempts by Russian Brujah, Garou, Tradition mages and
When Baba Yaga spitefully opened the door for Chris­ simple Sleepers to forge the iron might of the Soviet
tianity in Russia, displaying an act of vengeance against machine. The next fifty years would see Russia dominated
Durga Syn, the Celestial Chorus took the opportunity to by Technomancer ideals and the crush ing might of industry
consolidate their power in the Motherland. Over the cen­ gone mad.
turies, the church hunted the volshun, the ancient
Earth-worshippers, often with help from the Chorus. The rche cPresent
irony of the Chorus' holy mission in Russia remains a secret
Humanity goes forward, perfecting its powers. Everything
to this day.
that's unattainable now will someday become familiar, under­
Over the centuries, Chorus mages within the Russian standable; it is only that one must work and must help with all
church fell out of favor with many others of the Traditions. one's might those who seek the truth.
The Russian church maintained a strong grip on the Tsars,
- Anton Chekov, The Cherry Orchard
and the Chorus guided their vision of Ascension through
the rulers' hands. Though the peasantry was oppressed, Baba Yaga had assistance in constructing her Shadow
they remained faithful to the church, and their faith pros­ Curtain. When she consolidated her power, Baba Yaga
pered. Through differences of doctrine, a long-standing sought out a powerful Celestial Chorus Chantry, one striv­
dispute with the OrderofHermes, and the hubris that came ing to recapture the church's influence as communism fell
with their power, the Russian Chorus cut their ties with the away. With a few false miracles, she won their attention.
other Traditions outside of Russia, while hunting down When a statue of the Blessed Mother wept tears of blood,
Dreamspeaker and Verbena vedna, or witches, within the the awestruck mages gathered the tears. When the Blessed
country. These activities did not make the Russian Chorus Mother commanded them to drink of her tears, they did.
popular with the Traditions as a whole. Soon, Baba Yaga had a Chantry of Blood Bound mages at
her d isposa l.
As the Mythic Age ended, the Chorus moved to preserve
their power. With the widespread ignorance and supersti­

38 Rage Across Russia

She appeared to several Verbena vedna as well and The Traditions do not fare much better. Mysterious
commanded them to raise the power of the land. With the reports of miracles within Russia have drawn the attention
unwitting help of these mages, combined with her own of the Celestial Chorus, but no details have been forthcom­
sorcerous might, Baba Yaga cut off the Motherland from ing, and the Tradition as a whole is beginning to worry.
the rest of the world. The wells oflifeforce, the Nodes, have Verbena and Dreamspeakers with contacts in Russia have
also been cut off, resulting in the horrific deaths of dozens heard similar reports, but nothing more. In Chantries
of mages caught in their Horizon Realms over Russia. As across the world, mages are beginning to wonder ...
the Quintessence to these Realms is cut off, Horizon Realms Within Russia, many of the remaining mages are either
powered strictly by Russian Nodes fold up, wither and rejoicing over a new age dawning for the Motherland or
ultimately disappear. fleeing for their lives. Baba Yaga will brook no interference
The Technocracy is in a panic over these developments. in her plans. Inside the borders, her pawns stalk the
Four major Constructs have lost contact with the world­ Technomancers, the mages who would further poison the
wide network, and smaller Chantries within Russia itself land. Underground vedna and surviving Technomancers
are silent as well. The internal chaos in the former Soviet have banded together in some places for mutual survival,
Union has thrown the Technocracy into disarray; they while mages under Baba Yaga's sway aid her in a new Path
would give much to find out who or what is behind this towards Russia's Ascension.
outrage. The might of the Bogatyrs is sorely needed now.

Chapter One: History 39

40 Rage Across Russia
Not a single hectare of land should be left unsown.

- Vasily Yefanov, Soviet Russian Political Poster, 1931

Russia, formerly the Russian Soviet Federated Socialist primarily in the Black Sea basin, the Ural Mountains and
Republic, is the largest component of what was once the some areas of Siberia.
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. It extends from the Central Russia is principally agricultural, and the repub­
Arctic Ocean in the north to the former republic ofKazakh lic contains approximately 70% of the grain-growing area
and the People's Republic of China in the south, and from ofthe former Soviet Union. The central agricultural region
the Byelorussian and Ukrainian former republics in the is marked by fertile black soil on an almost treeless plain.
west to the Pacific Ocean in the east. Russia covers an area The areas around Moscow and Leningrad contain the
of 6,609,000 square miles and has a population of approxi­ majority of Russian industry, and the northern regions of
mately 200,000,000 people. the country support timber and agricultural industries,
Russia is a land of diversity, encompassing a great varia­ principally livestock and flax. The basin of the Volga River
tion of climactic and geographic features. In the northern supports large-scale industry and farms and contains nu­
areas of Russia, treeless arctic plains, called tundra, are merous mineral deposits. Southern Russia supports wheat
prevalent, while in Siberia, swampy, coniferous forests and tobacco, heavy industry and subtropical agriculture.
called taiga are found. The southern parts of Russia consist The Aural region supports mining and heavy industry, and
of steppes, and the central portion is marked by a forested the eastern sections of Russia contain large forests and rich
belt. Russia is divided into eastern and western portions by soil that is still largely unexploited.
the Ural Mountains. The eastern portion is larger by far and For its size, Russia sports a relatively small population.
contains the area known as Siberia. There are vast ranges of open country and extensive wild
Major rivers of Russia include the Volga and Don, areas. Siberia, for example, is largely unpopulated, espe­
located to the west of the Urals, and the Yenisei, Amur, cially in the northern reaches. Russia sports a vast ecological
Lena and Ob rivers located to the east of the Urals. system, one where caribou, wolves, bear, moose, wild boar,
Climactic conditions range from the subtropical shores of deer, eagles and numerous other creatures playa part. Snow
the Black Sea to the permanently frozen Arctic latitudes. leopards and tigers hunt side by side with bears and wolves.
Russia contains one of the highest concentrations of Because of its size and its diversity of climates, Russia
mineral wealth in the former Soviet Union. It produces supports animal and plant life representing a broad range of
40% of the iron and coal, mined in areas of the Ural ecosystems from subtropical to arctic.
Mountains and Siberia, and 20% of the petroleum, found

Chapter Two: Geography 41

fies the situational horror that exists without even playing
(han~e an~ Upheaval
up the supernatural.
The changes going on right now in the former Soviet - Approximately 70 million Russians breathe air con­
Union are often unpredictable . By the time this book taminated by pollution that is at least five times the
reaches the shelves, political affiliations and whole normally "acceptable" limit for dangerous chemical con­
regions may have changed, especially considering Boris tent .
Yelstin's recent (as this is written) disbanding of the - At least 130 nuclear explosions took place on Russian
Parliament. The map provided here represents only the soil. Most were conducted for geophysical investigation, to
most basic information, such as the location of major create underground pressure in gas and oil fields or simply
caerns and cities, and some republics. Before running a to move earth for the building of dams. The extent of
Russian chronicle, the Storyteller should consult a damage done to the land , water, people and wildlife is
recent atlas or read current periodicals to get the most unknown, but is certainly great. Near two islands ofNovaya
up-to-date changes in Russia. Zemlya, nuclear reactors and other radioactive wastes were
dumped into the sea.
rche White Hi~hts - Each day, approximately 920,000 barrels of oil are
The White Nights occur every June in Russia during the spilled in Russia, equivalent to one Exxon Va ldez disaster
summer solstice. North of St. Petersburg, the sun remains every six hours. During construction ofoil pipelines, shutoff
in the sky for two to three weeks. Many festivals and valves were installed every 30 miles instead of every three
celebrations are held during these times. so that construction would take less time. A break can spill
It is during these times, obviously, that the Kindred are up to 30 miles worth of oil. In Siberia, one pool of spilled oil
at their weakest. They are forced to sleep for two to three is six feet deep, four miles wide and seven miles long.
weeks while the Garou can run about unhindered. The - The Siberian forests are disappearing at the rate of five
vampire hunters also come out during these times. Mem­ million acres per year, rivaling the destruction of the
bers of the Inquisition, along with the Orthodox Church, Amazon Rain Forest. This damage results from pollution
take to the streets to hunt down the sleeping Kindred . and indiscriminate clear-cutting, principally by foreign
The most powerful and experienced vampires of Russia companies, in soil that is unforgiving of such practices.
have learned to either take a vacation south during the - The Chernobyl disaster alone contaminated more than
White Nights or hide where they cannot be found. 50,000 miles of territory.
- In the Ukraine, 1300 tons of beef contaminated by the
lco-(]);sasters Chernobyl disaster have only recently been buried .
- Most of Russia's nuclear reactors are old. Many were
No other great industrial civilization so systematically and so built in the same style as the Chernobyl plant. The situa­
long poisoned its air, land, water and people. None so loudly tion is such that the pressure to keep the plants operating
proclaimed its efforts to improve public health and protect nature overshadows concern about their safety.
while degrading both . And no advanced society faced such a - Some areas of Russia have suffered mysterious out­
bleak political and economic reckoning with so few resources to breaks of illnesses. A recent anthrax epidemic is one
invest towards recovery . example. Russia is known to have extensive stores of
- Murray Feshbach and Alfred Friendly, Jr., biological and chemical weapons developed during the
Ecocide in the USSR Cold War; recent problems could have led to unsafe dis­
Environmental catastrophe has become widespread in posal practices.
Russia as the most pervasive legacy of Communism. In the - Millions of acres of farmland have been depleted by
former Soviet Union, some 290 million people breathe erosion or poisoned by the indiscriminate use of pesticides.
poisoned air, eat poisoned food, drink poisoned water and Also, 30 percent of all foods were found to contain hazard­
often bury their sickly, poisoned children without knowing ous pesticides.
the truth about their deaths. - On the Baltic Sea, factories dump untreated cooling
The Russian peoples are only now discovering the extent and cleaning fluids and tons of industrial waste . In northern
of what has been done to their country in the name of Siberia, thousands ofgas flares burn, sending huge clouds of
progress. Sadly, there is little they can do, as the country black smoke rolling across the Siberian forests.
lacks the resources necessary for environmental clean-up of - In Estonia, one of the former republics, two kindergar­
the degree required; the people are too disorganized and tens were built on top of radioactive waste dumps.
poor. - In certain areas of Russia, the breast milk of some
So many problems exist that stopping any of them could mothers is contaminated with pesticides.
make up a chronicle, or at least a story, in and of itself. The - The Volga River, long known as Russia's riverofplenty,
following list of Russian environmental problems exempli­ is dying. A plethora of dams, power plants, chemicals and
sewage has turned it into one of the world's most polluted

42 Rage Across Russia

rivers. The shores of the Volga are crowded with factories, '[he Urals (]);saster:
dams and hydroelectric plants. It exists in the heart of what
was the Soviet military-industrial complex, and the facto ­
'[he '1orb;~~en Zone
ries have been polluting the river for years. Some 3000 We crossed a strange, uninhabited and unfarmed area.
factories drop approximately 10 billion cubic yards of Highway signs along the way warned drivers not to stop for the
contaminants into the river each year. Damming has greatly next 20 to 30 kilometers. The land was empty. There were no
slowed the river, and pollutants have a tendency to accu­ villages, no towns, no people, no cultivated land . Only the
mulate in the eight manmade reservoirs along the river's chimneys of destroyed houses remained.
course or settle into the riverbed and its delta. In some -Soviet emigre's account of 1961 drive into Ural
areas, chemical concentrations have reached 100 times the Mountains.
accepted levels. Seventy percent of the fish in the Volga In February 1958, at the city of Kyshtym-40 (a city built
contain mercury, and the sturgeon, the source of Russian as part of Stalin's drive to get a nuclear weapon), an
caviar, is slowly becoming extinct. accident occurred at a nuclea r waste dump. According to
- The former Soviet Union had one-tenth as many reports, reactions from the shallowly buried waste caused a
automobiles as the United States. The amount of auto massive explosion which spread radioactive debris over a
pollution was equal to 67 percent of the auto pollution in large area . A region stretching about 100 miles eastward
the United States. (downwind) from Kyshtym was affected. MVD troops, the
- A large percentage ofRussiatls, especially in the factory forerunners of the KGB, moved in and sealed the area . The
belts in the Ural Region and western Russia, suffer from population was not allowed to leave. Food and water were
respiratory ailments stemming from the level of pollutants brought in for them until transportation was readied, but by
in the atmosphere. that time, most of them had spent a month in the contami­
- At various levels of the Russian government, there is nated area.
reluctance to admit that there is a problem. After the people were evacuated, the troops shot all of
the farm animals, burned all of the villages and bulldozed
the rubble into huge mounds. Several hundred villages and
farms were destroyed. Over ten thousand people may have
been affected by the fallout.

44 Rage Across Russia

To this day, signs in the area advise passing vehicles to
drive through the area quickly with their windows up.

nuclear Cula~s
Emigye Konstantin Simis had been a defense lawyer in the
Soviet Union before he came to America; one of his clients had
escaped the death penalty only to be sent to a uranium mine.
Reflected Simin: "Radiation performed the same sentence in six
months, a year, a year and a half - the sentence is the same ."
- Oberg, Uncovering Soviet Disasters
One Soviet estimate claims that from 50,000 to 100,000
premature deaths occurred in the first decade of the Soviet
nuclear program. These were just among the workers.
Another class of people also suffered: Stalin set up nuclear
gulags, where prisoners with life sentences would mine
uranium without protection (at Moscow-lO, T ura-38,
Sverdlovsk-39 and ChelyabinskAO). Radium mining took
place at Ukhta.
Near Kyshtym (see the Ural Disaster, above), unpro­
tected prisoners helped in the cleanup of the 1958 disaster,
fenCing in 100 miles of a contaminated river. Slave labor
from Camp YaV A8/6 was used at nuclear weapons facilities
at ChelyabinskAO, while labor from Camp YaVA8/7 was
used at the Kyshtym uranium enrichment plant.
In the Dzherzhinskiy district of Novosibirsk, prisoners
from Camp 91/8 were used at a weapons factory. Further­
more, at Olga Bay and Shamor Bay (both on the Sea of
Japan), at Cape Med vezhiy on N ovaya Zem Iya and Vaygach
Island, near Frunze, at Zeravshan, Bekabad and Leninabad,
over 22,500 prisoners from Camps UYa-64/2, /4, /6, /8, /9
and /37 were used in various fuel enrichment plants. Over
ten thousand of these workers were hospitalized, probably
for bone marrow collapse.
Other facilities existed at Margilan, Fergana, Leninsk,
Rudnyy, Aksu, Goznyy, Totma and Cherepovets. At
Borovoye, an open uranium mine was worked. This list
could continue on interminably, as it probably already has.
There was little hope for victims of this practice. The
prisoners tried to strike at the Zeravshan mine- the KGB
shot them.

Lake OJaykal an~ the Aral Sea

Lake Baykal is the deepest freshwater lake in the world.
The poisoning of Lake Baykal is one of the largest ecologi­
cal disasters in the world.
The Aral Sea is a huge watershed for its area. It has been
drained by far too many irrigation systems. Boats lie in dry
sand miles from water. The salinity of the water is far too
high to support any useful life. The sea has dropped over 46
feet, and the surface has shrunk by 40 percent. This has
changed local rainfall patterns, raised temperatures and
increased the Earth's atmospheric content of salt and dust
by more than five percent.
The Soviets have effectively destroyed the ecosystems of
both areas.

Chapter Two: Geography

None of the environmental problems listed above are Sept of the cPeople's Will
manufactured for the purpose of this book. All are real, and
that knowledge should make campaigning in Russia all the Caern: Gorky Park in Moscow
more horrific. In the Gothic -Punk world, the situation is Level: 3
worse. The majority of problem areas are infested by Banes, Gauntlet: 4 (5)
whether Smog Banes, Oil Banes or Radiation Banes. They Type: Visions
are there, and their masters are not far behind. Tribal Structure: open, but currently administered by
See Chapter Five for more information on Banes and Bone Gnawers
Wyrm devastation. Totems: The Bone Gnawers who assisted with the
Bolshevik Revolution established this caern under the
Caerns guidance of a spirit of the people. The spirit who assisted the
Gnawers is much like a City Father, only it represents the
There are a number of caerns in Russia, and a large egalitarian principles of Communism. The Bone Gnawers
number of septs. Many of these are very large septs with of the Sept call it "Marx", but its true name is unknown.
large protectorates. Given here are the most powerful There is no actual organization to the caern; everyone,
caerns and septs in Russia. All of these can be used for the upon setting foot in the Sept of the People's Will, is equal.
setting of a chronicle or story, or the Storyteller can use All decisions are made by the group. Forcing leadership is
these for guidelines in creating their own septs. Each of discouraged, sometimes violently, as is pressing one's rank.
these is administered by a single tribe, as are the majority of Although the sept is predominantly Bone Gnawer, all
the caerns and protectorates in Russia. Garou are welcome as long as they do not violate the
Please note that the order in which the caerns are given implicit rules of the sept.
are alphabetically by controlling tribe, beginning with the
Black Furies' Blood of the Sea Sept and ending with the White Sea Sept
Wendigo's Sept of the Siberian Wilds.
Caern: located on the shore of the White Sea, some
Each caern has two Gauntlet ratings; the one in paren­ distance from the city of Archangel
theses is the current Gauntlet under Baba Yaga's Shadow
Level: 2
Gauntlet: 4 (5)
dIloo~ of the Sea Sept Type: Stamina
Tribal Structure: Children of Gaia, but open to Glass
Caern: located near an unpopulated region on the
Walkers and Bone Gnawers
eastern shore of the Black Sea
Totems: Unicorn is close to her persecuted children at
Level: 4
the White Sea Sept, and it is from her that they draw their
Gauntlet: 3 (1)
stamina to resist and survive. It is the only sept remaining
Type: Wyld in Russia that is controlled by the Children of Gaia. The
Tribal Structure: Black Fury, but open to others by White Sea Sept was established long ago by the Children
invitation when they followed their Kinfolk from Finland.
Totems: When the Black Furies came to Russia, they The sept maintains as close a contact as possible with
were led to the shore of the Black Sea by Pegasus and were their Kin in Finland, but the recent limitations on outside
charged with preserving the Wyld there. Various spirits of communications has worried them greatly.
the Wyld and water dwell nearby as well. Only a few Glass Walkers, Bone Gnawers and Stargazers
The caern here is of the Wyld, and its focus is the ever­ know of the existence and location of this caern, which was
changing, rippling currents of the Black Sea itself. This is used by the Children of Gaia in secret as a place of
the largest Black Fury sept in all of Russia, and they contemplation and testing.
violently guard their caern from everyone, including other
Garou. In fact, other Garou are welcome only in special rche Sept of t1afnir's dIroo~
circumstances, and only then under the strict supervision
Caern: a cove on the Baltic Sea near St. Petersburg
of the Furies.
As news of the drainings and attacks on caerns spreads,
Level: 3
the elders of the sept have moved to close it to the outside
Gauntlet: 3 (4)
and shore up its defenses.
Type: Rage
Tribal Structure: Get of Fenris, but other Garou are
grudgingly allowed entrance
Totems: Fafnir's Brood Sept was established by the Get
of Fenris following the siege of Leningrad during the Sec-

46 Rage Across Russia

ond World War. After the siege, Fenris himself led a small much stems from this learning. Thus they have a long
pack of his Get to an area on the shore of the now polluted nistory of being involved in Russia's universities and tech­
Baltic. There, the spirits of those who had died in the siege nical institutes.
had gathered; their anger sought release. The Theurge of Their sept consists of all of the Glass Walkers of Moscow
the pack, Gorman Stonefist, channelled the anger of the and meets in the lecture halls of Moscow University. The
spirits and created the caern. caern is the university itself, and its totem spirit is the
As a caern of Rage, tempers flare high here, especially in combined essence of the thoughts of all the learned who
light of the Wyrm-spawned devastation that characterizes have passed through the halls. The Glass Walkers know
the Baltic Sea and much of the surrounding area. The Get this spirit as Oochityel, and its purview is knowledge.
are waiting to strike, and their rage might lash out in any The Glass Walkers .guard their sept jealously. Other
direction. Garou will be allowed entrance, but will be monitored.
Other Garou are grudgingly allowed entrance into the
caern, but they must tolerate the disparagements of the Winter 'Jorest Sept
Get. Oddly, Silver Fangs who enter are not subject to abuse Caern: a glade deep in the forest of northern Siberia
of this kind, although they may find themselves in an Level: 4
occasional fight.
Gauntlet: 3 (4)
Sept of the Learning Hall Type: Fertility
Tribal Structure: This is a Red Talon caern, and only
Caern: Moscow University in Moscow
lupus Garou are allowed to enter. Other Garou often find
Level: 2 it dangerous to approach it.
Gauntlet: 4 (5) Totems: Stag led the Red Talons to this place of power.
Type: Wisdom He told them that as long as the land remained pure and
Tribal Structure: This caern is jealously guarded by the fertile so that the spirits could graze, those who guarded it
Glass Walkers. would remain pure and fertile, with many herds to feed
Totems: Oochityel, the Scholar them .
The Glass Walkers ofRussia have long maintained a link Pegasus has been seen grazing in the glade and has led
to learning, for the technology the Glass Walkers love so more than one Black Fury lupus to the area to find a wolf

. ~
.... . ..


.. .'

• c.·

Chapter Two: Geography 47
Sept of the Crescent moon
Caern: hidden in the Ural Mountains
Level: 5
Gauntlet: 2 (3)
Type: Kingship
Tribal Structure: Open to all, but the Silver Fangs are
supreme here
Totems: Falcon
This is one of the most powerful caerns in Russia. It is a
caern of Kingship, which means that the natural order of
Garou society tends to impose itself on visitors and dwellers
alike .
A more complete write-up of this caern may be found in
the sourcebook Caerru: Places of Power.

Sept of the Crystal min~

Caern: a crystal grotto beneath a mountaintop temple,
near the Mongolian border.
Level: 4
Gauntlet: 3 (4)
Type: Enigmas and Wisdom
Tribal Structure: The sept is controlled by the Stargaz­
ers, but they will allow anyone entrance provided the
visitor is honestly seeking inner wisdom.
Totems: Chimera revealed this caern to the founders of
the sept through dreams. Appeals to this totem in the caern
mate. This has brought about an arrangement where Red are almost always answered. The answer often takes the
Talons receive all the male children born of the Furies. form ofan obscure omen, requiring great skill with Enigmas
to decipher.
rchun~erstrike Sept Other totems also hold some sway here. Sphinx has led
Caern: located in the western foothills of the southern packs from all over the world to this caern to seek knowl­
Ural mountains edge. The children of the Sphinx are always welcomed by
the Stargazers and are given free run of the caern.
Level: 3
With the troubles plaguing them, many of the Children
Gauntlet: 4 (5)
of Gaia in Russia have found their way to this caern. They
Type: Strength
have brought their totem, the Unicorn, with them. The
Tribal Structure: In theory, the caern is open to all; in addition of Unicorn's attention to the caern has been
reality, the Silver Fangs and their supporters are simply not welcomed by the Stargazers who ward the caern. Because
welcome. of the hospitality shown to its children, Unicorn has vowed
Totems: Grandfather Thunder holds power here and to help Chimera protect the place.
endows his children with the strength of his thunderbolts.
His storm crows are always circling the caern and give Sept of the Spirit Stone
warning to the Warder when trouble comes.
Caern: a small Yakut village located in the taiga of
Typhon also holds some power here. He is the totem Siberia
spirit of several packs operating out of the caern. Though a
Level: 3
lesser spirit than Grandfather Thunder, Typhon has been
Gauntlet: 4 (5)
known to take a more active role in the affairs of its
followers. Recently, little has been heard from Typhon, Type: Gnosis
though his packs still come here for moots and rites, and Tribal Structure: Uktena ward this; it is closed to
they continue to grow in renown. (See the Appendix for everyone but Stargazers.
more details.) Totems: Uktena helped to provide this resting place for
its children. In the world ofRussia, there is so much lore and
so many creatures to be recovered that the Uktena's job is
never ending and always pressing. Because of this, Uktena

48 Rage Across Russia

led his children to this place of rest , hidden well in the Winter Wolf in this place. This has also led several of the
Siberian forest. Wendigo packs to choose Winter Wolf as their totem.

Sept of the Siberian Wil~s

Caern: hidden deep within the artic northeast of Russia,
roughly 70 miles inland from the Bering Sea. There is acloakoverthe Umbra in Russia, a spirit curtain
that was placed there by some unknown force . This curtain
Level: Z
darkens the Umbra, worsening all perceptions and hiding
Gauntlet: 4 (5) the horrors that might lurk there. It also makes the spirit
Type: Will realm harder to reach from this side, although it is easier for
Tribal Structure: Exclusively Wendigo spirits to reach into this realm. Even in the Umbra, actions
Totems: Wendigo has made its presence known here to are more difficult, and abilities and Gifts are harder to use.
protect its children. It did not lead its children here , yet if The appearance of the Russian Umbra betrays the many
this is to be their home, the spirit will give them its blessing years that the Weaver and the Wyrm exerted their influ ­
and help them if it can . ence over the country and its people. Most cities and urban
Winter Wolf showed the Wendigo tribe this place of areas appear as collections of featureless buildings con ­
power. In their journey through the wastes long ago, the nected by rusting pipes and machinery. Gray spirits move
other tribes had given up and returned to safer and easier listlessly through these wastelands. Rarely can such things
grounds, but the Wendigo tribe had no home to which they as Glens be found, and these normally exist on the edge of,
could return . They carried on their search, though they or are surrounded by, stagnation and decay. Some build­
were in danger of starving. Seeing them and admiring their ings, such as cathedrals and other mostly pre-communist
courage, Winter Wolf came to them and lead them to th is structures, appear as areas of color in the grayness of the
place of power. When they had reached safety, Winter Russian Umbra, for these are places where corruption and
Wolf said to them, "Know now that your mind can sustain stagnation have been unable to take hold . In the unblighted
you even when food cannot; here you should come to countryside, the Russian Umbra appears much the same as
replenish that which food cannot restore." anywhere else.
In exchange for showing its children the wisdom of will, The Penumbra in Russia is a study in vast contrast. The
the Wendigo spirit has been willing to take a second seat to untamed wilderness is a home to powerful spirits and

Chapter Two: Geography 49

Wyldlings of many sorts. The forests are lovely, and their
beauty can make the most stone-hearted of Garou feel
Gaia's power, bringing tears to their eyes. The colors are
brilliant, and it is not rare to feel a gentle breeze from a wind
spirit as you sit under the leaves of a great tree and discuss
weather with a forest spirit. The landscape resembles the
Earthly land, with all the good points accented more fully
by the spirits that tend such things.
The Umbrallandscape is not all beauty, however, for it
resembles the land in other ways. Large areas have been
decimated, leaving pollution Banes where wind spirits once
walked or flew . The spirits of trees soon become foul Blight
Children. The Leshii forest spirits become twisted, disgust­
ing looking creatures, violent to all who approach them.
In certain areas, the fabric between Earth and the Umbra
has begun to weaken due to the devastation. Malevolent
spirits wander in and outof the world without knowing they
have changed location. Mortals who wander into these
areas are rarely found again. If they are eventually found,
they are always insane.
In the areas of environmental devastation, the popula­
tion of Banes can be too great to comprehend. The danger
for Garou in these places is far greater than the mere loss of
life. These places act as addictive corrupting influences.
The cities are perhaps the most horrific ofsights, and one
always knows when one is approaching a city in the Umbra.
The presence of the Weaver extends far outside the cities
themselves, and before the city can be viewed, the stagna­
tion can be sensed. Geometric patterns begin to form
outside the cities and even the ground begins to look like a
carefully laid mosaic of finely structured patterns. Spirits
natural to the area take the forms of dark automatons,
emotionless and unfeeling.
The cities themselves are works of the most horrific
gothic art. The buildings are all dingy gray geometric shapes
made of some featureless material that appears partially
alive. Some buildings are interconnected by series of pipes
that turn and twist with no recognizable pattern. These
range from one building to the next, forming a maze of
barriers in the streets. People walk about like zombies
without the slightest hint of expression on their faces .
Only within the few cathedrals or warm homes can
friendly spirits still be found in the city. The Bone Gnawers
claim many friendly spirits exist, but are simply hiding.

([he Sha~oUJ Curtain

There is a great spiritual barrier placed upon Russia . It is
called the Shadow Curtain. This "wall" prevents commu­
nication outside of the country and strengthens the
The Shadow Curtain also prevents travel outside of
Russia's Penumbra. No Garou can reach the 13 Near
Realms from Russia, nor can they easily reach Dream
(although they still dream, it is harder to control dream­
ing). The only exception to this is the Scar. At certain

50 Rage Across Russia

times, when wandering the Penumbra around a Russian
industrial site, a Moon Path to the Scar can be found. Brave
Steppino Si~e",ays
Garou may then enter the Scar in an attempt to reach the The following guidelines apply while in the Umbra:
rest of the Near Umbra. Good luck. - Spirits are not hampered by the Curtain.
This great magical tapestry was erected barely a year ago - All Perception roll difficulties are normally one higher
by Baba Yaga, who arose from torpor in 1990 and immedi­ (to a maximum of 10).
ately began to destroy her opposition. This includes every
- The Gauntlet is raised by one in all areas (to a maxi­
kind of spiritual or magical being, whether Garou, vampire mum of 10).
or mage. Only those in her thrall are spared, and they are
- Spirits can, in areas of a lower Gauntlet, force their way
only puppets whose usefulness will eventually come to an
into the material world (the ability to Materialize is no
longer required). Their chance of doing this is equal to the
The Curtain serves her interests for now by preventing
spirit's Willpower against the area's Gauntlet + 4. Use the
the Garou from gaining aid from outside. It also prevents Stepping Sideways chart to find the time it takes to pass
mages from freely using their magick, for they cannot easily
through the Gauntlet. This costs the spirit five Power
reach their Horizon Realm Chantries anymore. (For more points in addition to the normal Materialize cost.
information on the Shadow Curtain, see Chapter Four:
- All Gifts and Ability roll difficulties, including combat,
are increased by one.

Chapter Two: Geography 51



--------­ Rage Across Russia
There was a time when nothing really mattered,

There was a time when there was nothing I didn't know,

There was a time when I knew just what I was living for,

There was a time and the time was long ago,

There was a time and the time was so long ago,

And I never really sleep anymOl-e ...

- Meat Loaf, "It Just Won't Quit"

Despite various attempts to wipe them out, the Garou in some cities, the rare Ratkin prowls. Flying overhead,
Russia have survived. Each tribe has at least one sept in the wherever there is news to be had or food to scavenge, the
area of the former Soviet Union, and many of them have Corax gather.

Carou ~olitics
more. Today, there are nearly a thousand Garou spread
throughout the land, from the western borders of Poland to
the edge of the Bering Sea. The most populous tribes are
the Silver Fangs, Bone Gnawers, Glass Walkers and Get of Among the Garou, internal politics have begun seething
Fenris. They are followed by the Shadow Lords and Black as the Silver Fangs' role in Russia wanes, due, the other
Furies, then the Uktena and Wendigo. tribes believe , to their reputed madness. Nonetheless, the
The Red Talons, once as numerous as the Silver Fangs, Fangs of Russia are stronger than in the West, as Russian
have lost nearly half their numbers. Silent Striders and nobility was well noted for breeding outside their lines,
Stargazers are rare, as few of their number remained in especially with other royal families, and not merely Russian
Russia when the Iron Curtain fell. The Fianna are one of ones. But the rumored madness still exists and is tak ing the
the poorest represe nted tribes in Russia, but there are a few Fangs slowly; apathy and stagnation are as prevalent among
- very few - and most of them are immigrants. The them as among humans.
Children of Gaia were exiled, and now number less than The Get ofFenris and the Black Furies are the two tribes
half their previous number in Russia. who are closest to the Silver Fangs, but between them , old
There are a number of other werecreatures throughout enmities often flare. Both groups are aware of the Silver
the country. In the Russian Far East, among the Siberian Fang decline , and both are working to prevent it, but their
tigers, a few Bastet Khan may be found. In the far north and pride prevents them from working together. While the Get
the wilds of Siberia, Gurahl sleep or lumber about, and in and the Furies strive to determine how to res tore or replace

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 53

the Silver Fangs, the Shadow Lords take great pains to trusting that their name and howls will be enough to rally
advance their own interests. It has become obvious that the other tribes behind them when the time comes.
they intend to wrest control of Russia's Garou from the The few Children of Gaia remaining in Russia have
Silver Fangs, but, with the majority of the tribes against virtually merged with the Glass Walkers and Bone Gnaw­
them, they have little hope of success. ers in an attempt to masquerade as members of these tribes .
Who will replace the Silver Fangs if they ultimately fail They do, however, keep track of their own pups and
or are irredeemable? The Get of Fenris? The Black Furies? maintain their own identities beneath the facade. Their
In truth, neither tribe wants the leadership of Russia. The long-term goal is to save the Garou of Russia from them­
Russian Get are so closely tied to the Silver Fangs that they selves.
cannot imagine taking power from them, and the Furies
believe themselves underequipped for the position of lead­
ership in a land as large and diverse as Russia.
OJlack '1uries
Perhaps it is time for the Bone Gnawers to take a stand. I t may seem odd that ries are fairly well repre­
Unfortunately , they are virtually shunned among the higher sented among the 1I11"''»'''~I' a. Long ago, they were
ranks of Russian Garou , even though they are one of the invited into Russia Fangs to carry out the
most populous tribes. Muchof the animosity stems from the distasteful job of ~",*I m. Most Furies
part the Gnawers played in the Russian Revolution, inad­ settled in the lIII!iIIIi!_ld,ly in the area of the
vertently causing the rise of vampiric power over the FltIrJ. !rn in Russia is found
government. The Bone Gnawers are a potent force, allied thl~~e I:iill!g' a<1ts.~a and guarded by the
with the Glass Walkers and the remaining Children of maintain a
Gaia. The Bone Gnawers have the clearest insight into the presence " ''','_II/U''''~ ,!.!..'.--.,a (except the
needs of the nation ancl its people, and they more attuned Get's and Ll"~ILU1""Pi1t). £]q.~!i@v do what they
to the problems of the Garou in Russia than any other tribe. have always
The Glass Walkers are hiding and protecting the few Members of this , maintain a strong sense
Children of Gaia that remain and are closely tied with the of sisterhood, and among the Furies knows no
Bone Gnawers . They tend to ignore the more aristocratic bounds. Black Furies expected to aid one another,
tribes, although there have been numerous co mmuniques especially in the face recent adversities .
between their leaders and the Shadow Lords. Politically, the Furies are allied with the Silver
This has caused concern among the other tribes, for a Fangs, but this alli grows more tenuous with each
Glass Walker / Bone Gnawer / Shadow Lord alliance would passing day. The Furi strongly oppose the growing power
be a powerful thing. The Glass Walkers know nothing of a of the Get of Fenris and the Shadow Lords. They also fear
supposed three -way alliance; they seek only to use the the growing importance of the Glass Walkers and Bone
Shadow Lords to help locate who or what is behind the Gnawers . The Black Furies, more than ever, are having to
recent strangeness that has plagued Russia. figh t for equality of position within the caerns they help to
Stargazers and Silent Striders have virtually absolved protect.
themselves from Garou politics. The Stargazers in particu­ As the Silver Fangs decline, the Black Furies have been
lar seem content to sit by and observe, speaking only when in a panic over who will rise to replace them. They are not
directly questioned . As for the Striders, the majority have overly impressed by any of the Russian Garou, not even
disappeared, and those that remain seem to be waiting for deeming themselves worthy for reasons unknown to others.
some great occurrence. In actuality, both groups are deeply Recently, some Furies have come to see the merit of the
involved in finding out exactly what is going on behind the radical Red Talon plan. This has caused internal strife
scenes in Russia. More than any other tribe, they are within the tribe. Despite the fact that the Get are the only
placing themselves in great danger. other Garou that will stand so staunchly behind the Silver
The Red Talons, oddly enough, have become one of the Fangs, the Black Furies are at odds with the Get. Since the
most vocal tribes in the council, balanced against the Get favor the Red Talon plan, the Black Furies will not
Wendigo and Uktena 's virtual withdrawal to the deepest offer public support for it.
wilds. They raise their voices in a howl ofwar , futilely trying
to unify the Garou into a concerted assault on humanity, Septs
attempting to force the secret power in Russia to reveal
There is one major Black Fury sept in Russia, the Sept of
itself so they can sink their fangs and talons into it.
the Blood Sea, but there is at least one Fury in residence at
While most of the other tribes see the Silver Fangs as
each of the major caerns. There are 35 Black Furies at the
failing, the Fangs see themselves as biding their time and
Black Sea caern, and 40 more Furies spread throughout the
holding on to what they have. They do not want to risk other caerns.
open war until they can identify the enemy . A vast amount
of information passes into the hands of the Silver Fangs,
and despite many dreadful events, they continue to wait,

54 Rage Across Russia

Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 4,
Intimidation 5, Primal-Urge 4, Melee 4, Leadership 3,
Bone Gnawers: They may be the downtrodden, but they Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 4, Occult 3, Rituals 5
had no excuse to rebel against their leaders. Look at what Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3, Past Life 4,
has happened! Pure Breed 1, Resources 2
Children of Gaia: Our unfortunate cousins were right in Gifts: (1) Falling Touch, Inspiration, Razor Claws,
promoting peace between the tribes of the Garou, but they Sense Prey, Sense Wyrm; (2) Curse of Aeolus, Spirit of the
carried their beliefs too far. They forget that Gaia's most Fray, True Fear; (3) Combat Healing, Silver Claws; (4)
powerful method of cleansing is a raging storm. Stoking Fury's Furnace, Venom; (5) Gorgon's Gaze
Fianna: Their men are worthless, disorderly drunkards, Rage 7, Gnosis 7, Willpower 10
rakes and rogues who are more interested in satisfying their Rank: 5
egos and appetites than saving even one pup from the Rites: Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite of the Un­
Wyrm. There are only a few of them in the Motherland, and veiled Glen, Rite of Praise, Stone of Scorn
thank Gaia for that. Fetishes: T ears of Gaia, Pine Daggers, Elk Tooth Neck­
Get of Fenris: These ineffectual, unruly, swaggering lace, Moonwatch
braggarts need to be taken down a few notches. Although Image: In Lupus form, Mother's Pride is a middle-aged
they will never admit to error, we grow tired of having to wolf. Streaks of gray shine through her fur. In Homid, she
take care of their mistakes. Were we not both allies of the is an average-looking woman of above average build. Her
Silver Fangs, we would teach them a lesson. face shows her middle age, but her eyes and hair tell a
Glass Walkers: These city wolves are too close to the different tale, a tale of countless years filled with hardships
enemy to see how it encroaches on them. Because of this, and lost dreams.
they are not to be trusted. Roleplaying Notes: Mother's Pride is a wise and disci­
Red Talons: Our wild sisters and brothers are noble in plined leader on the field of battle. She is also protective of
their fierce integrity and are best left to their own counsel. her young. Pride has fought a long, hard campaign, and her
They have been the most poorly used of any of the Garou, dreams have gone up in flames. Gaia hurts, and she can do
no matter what the Bone Gnawers say. so little. Beneath her despair lies the heart of a warrior
Shadow Lords: Although their methods are different, waiting to be unleashed.
they are worse than the Get. Their history in this country Background: Pride is the leader of the Blood of the Sea
proves them to be a great danger to our tribe. Their Sept, a position she has held for a number of years. She has
arrogance could prove to be their destruction. been through a lot, fought many battles and done many
Silent Striders: Mysterious loners can be helpful, but great things. Now she is growing tired. Even though there
they spend too much time travelling and not enough effort are still battles to fight, she may not be able to rise to the
in fighting the Wyrm. challenge. Were it not for the fact that the other sisters at
Silver Fangs: They are our leaders, and perhaps the the caern demand her attention, she would step down and
noblest of the Garou. Their lack of direction alarms us. We perhaps become Warder.
fear for their future, but see little that we can do.
Stargazers: They spend too much time in contempla­ f[atiana
tion and not enough in action. However, they have given Breed: Homid
valuable advice in the past and, therefore, should not be Auspice: Ahroun
disregarded. Nature / Demeanor: Alpha / Competitor
Uktena: More mysterious in some ways than the Glass Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6),
Walkers. They keep to themselves and walk a spirit path Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
that few of us can see. Appearance 5 (4/0/5/5), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Wendigo: We admire them for their spirit, but they Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 5,
should spend less time retreating and more time searching Empathy 3, Intimidation 4, Primal-Urge 5, Subterfuge 3,
for a way to defeat our enemies. Animal Ken 3, Firearms 2, Melee 4, Leadership 3, Stealth 4,
mother's cPri~e Survival 4, Medicine 1, Occult 1, Rituals 3
Backgrounds: Pure Breed 3
Breed: Lupus Gifts: (1) Heightened Senses, Inspiration, Sense Wyrm;
Auspice: Ahroun (2) Curse of Aeolus, Spirit of the Fray; (3) Visceral Agony
Nature / Demeanor: Alpha / Caregiver Rage 8, Gnosis 7, Willpower 9
Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6), Rank: 3
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1), Rites: Gathering for the Departed, Moot Rite, Rite of
Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3 Cleansing

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 55

She has been given the responsibility of guarding the
Sept of the Crescent Moon with her pack and has done very
well so far. She and her pack have lost only one battle, and
they staunchly refuse to speak of the incident.

Athena "Win~chaser" O{emov

Breed: Homid
Auspice: Ragabash
Camp: Freebooters
Nature / Demeanor: Competitor / Show-Off
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
Appearance 3 (1/0/3/3), Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Alertness 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3,
Expression 2, Primal-Urge 2, Subterfuge 2, Animal Ken 2,
Melee 2, Stealth 4, Survival 2, Enigmas 2, Investigation 1,
Occult 1, Rituals 1, Kindred Lore 1
Backgrounds: None
Gifts: (1) Heightened Senses, Open Seal, Persuasion,
Fetishes: Stone of Luna (LevelS, Gnosis 7; this fetish is
a moonstone in which a Yua Hua spirit is bound- see the Rage 5, Gnosis 4, Willpower 6
Appendix for stats. When activated, the markings on the Rank: 1
stone will rise off, forming a small shimmering ribbon of Merits / Flaws: Immune to Wyrm Emanations, Animal
light with a blue and gold aura. The Yua Hua will then open Magnetism / Overconfidence
a Moon Bridge to a destination from two to fifty mi les away. Rites: None
The Bridge usually exits in a copse of trees. Since this fetish Fetishes: Fang Dagger
relies on a Gaffiing of Luna, it is susceptible to lunar Image: In Homid, Athena is a stunning, shapely and
madness. During the new moon, this fetish should be tanned Greek girl with long black hair and green eyes. In
activated with extreme caution, for there is a 60% chance Lupus, she is a long, sleek black wolf with white highlights
that it will open the Bridge to a Wyrm-tainted location.) in her facial area.
Image: Tatiana is a beautiful, medium-sized wolf with a Roleplaying Notes: You are insatiably curious. Enough
glossy black coat, full ruff and five silver streaks beginning said.
at her forehead and travelling down her back. In Homid
Background: Athena was an orphan on the streets of
form, she is an absolutely gorgeous, raven-haired young
Leningrad until two years ago. She found it easy to use her
woman with pale skin, green eyes and Greek features, more
looks to get by, especially since she was an early bloomer.
beautiful than an ancient Greek statue. Those who are She spent time as a prostitute until the Black Furies took
perceptive will recognize that part of her beauty lies in the
her away from that life and showed her what she truly was.
cold, killer glint of her eyes.
Athena easily took to her new life and has since proven
Roleplaying Notes: You are a thoughtful and excep­ herself to her tribe. She does not, however, share the
tional pack leader, viciously protective of your pack and common Black Fury sentiment regarding men.
always the first to enter battle. This form of leadership has
endeared you to your pack, who exhibit undying loyalty to
you both in combat and at moots. You are well aware of the
OJone CnaUJers
effect your appearance has on people, especially men, and
you are often annoyed by it. Because of this, you treat all
men with extreme derision.
Background: Long before Tatiana's birth, her family
moved to a small fishing village in Crimea. The Turks had
invaded their home near Constantinople. Because much of
her family died in the migration to Crimea, her Kinfolk to rage.
were overjoyed when the First Change came upon Tatiana. The Bone Gnawers are ssia a. They date
She was then recruited by her grandmother, a Black Fury, back to the time of the Impergium in Russia and have
and trained in the Ways. always been the ones to speak for the downtrodden, the
serfs and the slaves of the nobility.

56 Rage Across Russia

The Russian Bone Gnawers trace their lineage from that the Bone Gnawers have been corrupted by the Wyrm
these folk and the wolves that dwell on the fringesofhuman and point to their caems as evidence. While it may be true
habitation. They are different here than in Europe and the that the Bone Gnawers are more likely to suffer from
West, both in characteristic and temperament, but there is corruption than many of the other tribes in Russia, in
one thing that they share with their brethren: a deeply general, they are set more firmly against the Wyrm and its
ingrained sense of survival. In Russia, survival is often agents than the other tribes, even though they see them­
directly dependent upon silence. Of all the Russian tribes, selves as embroiled in a hopeless fight.
the Bone Gnawers are the most reticent. Though often disregarded, there can be no doubt that
Few other Russian tribes retain the Kinfolk connections the Bone Gnawers represent one of the most potent politi ­
that the Bone Gnawers claim. They are tied to the peasant cal forces among the Garou of Russia. For now, the Bone
and working class of Russi a asclosely as the Silver Fangs and Gnawers are silent, debating the merit of the Red Talons'
the Shadow Lords are tied to the aristocracy. Russia's Bone plan . Their opinion means a great deal to the Silver Fangs,
Gnawers are the descendants of the masses that the com­ though most of the other tribes look upon them with
munist revolution was supposed to free. In fact, the maj ority contempt.
of Bone Gnawers supported the Bolshevik Revolution, and
the idea of equality espoused by the Communists has
become ingrained into Bone Gnawer thought.
The Gnawers in Russia are as knowledgeable about Each Russian city that houses workers or common folk is
survival as their western brethren, though most of them the domain of the Bone Gnawers. Their protectorates
have not lived as street people or homeless- at least , until rarely extend beyond the boundaries of the city or town in
recently. If the communist leaders did anything, they kept which the sept dwells. Caerns are generally located in fields
people housed and fed. Survival for Russia 's Bone Gnawers or parks, wherever toil has helped to shape the land. Gorky
took on a whole different meaning. Food was available, and Park, in Moscow, is a major Bone Gnawer caem. Nearly a
everyone worked. People failing to work were sometimes hundred Bone Gnawers compose the Sept of the People's
incarcerated by the authorities . The members of the tribe Will at the Gorky Park caern.
did their best to avoid this. In jail, one's Garou nature might They also maintain caerns and septs in St. Petersburg
be revealed. and Kiev, with a few small caerns scattered in other cities;
The Bone Gnawers of Russia are different than they are they share many of these caerns with the G lass Walkers. A
in other parts of the world: they have been fed better, are few of the protectorates of these septs extend into the
cleaner and have kept their opinions to themselves. How­ countryside near their home city. There are perhaps an­
ever, as Russia has begun to resemble some nations in the other hundred Bone Gnawers spread throughout the
west, the Bone Gnawers have changed as well, resembling country.
their western brethren more and more.
Russian Bone Gnawers have the closest ties to the Stereotypes
centers of population and the common folk. The problems Black Furies: They consider themselves to be the cham­
that affect the working classes and lower classes of Russia pions ofthe downtrodden, but they kowtow to the imperialist
tend to find their way into the Bone Gnawer population as Silver Fangs. They are no allies of ours.
well. They suffer from the urban and suburban tragedies Children of Gaia: Poor, misguided purveyors of peace.
that have befallen numerous areas. Many have had to eke They will be remembered as allies in our quest for equality.
out a living under appalling conditions of pollution, are
Fianna: We know little of these. What few there may be
poisoned by chemical dumping and radiation or are tainted
in Russia do not seem to serve any real purpose, but we will
in some fashion by the pervasive influence of the Wyrm.
not turn them away.
Until recently, most of the efforts of the Bone Gnawers
Get of Fenris: More agents of the imperialists. These
to cleanse the Wyrm's poisons have been largely unsuccess­
warlike buffoons should be removed from the Motherland.
ful. Now, however, they have begun receiving assistance
Glass Walkers: While they do not espouse our ideas of
from the Glass Walkers and other unknown sources. The
equality, the Glass Walkers are honest allies and have been
two tribes of urban Garou have formed close ties, and the
a great deal of help to us.
loose organization of the Bone Gnawers has been strength­
ened by the need to unify. This is an alliance that could Red Talons: They are uncivilized and cling to the old
accomplish much, and with the problems that they face, traditions of dominance. Rather than changing with the
the Bone Gnawers are one of the few tribes in Russia that times, they seek to destroy everything that does not fit with
possesses the motivation and the numbers to actually carry their idea of the "natural order."
the fight to the Wyrm. Shadow Lords: As imperialist pig-dogs go, these are the
Oddly, none of the Bone Gnawer caerns have suffered worst. Support the Silver Fangs and their lackeys if you
from the mysterious losses of power that many other Rus ­ must, but do nothing for the Shadow Lords .
sian caerns have encountered. There are many who believe

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 57

Silent Striders: They are wanderers who do not fit Rites: Rite of Contrition, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of
within the system. Talisman Dedication, Rite of Becoming, Rite of Binding,
Silver Fangs: Tsarist and aristocratic leaders of the Ritual of Summoning, Gaia's Vengeful Teeth
Garou. Their ideals would turn us all into their serfs, and Fetishes: None
this must be avoided. Image: In Homid, Nicholas is a tall man with short­
Stargazers: Mystics and fortunetellers in a world that no cropped black hair and a petrifying gaze. His Lupus form is
longer needs them. They are excellent arbitrators, but their able to halt a pack at a glance, in spite of his ragged pelt and
philosophy does not match our own. stooped posture.
Uktena: Backwards folk who cling to spiritualism and Roleplaying Notes: You were one of the staunch sup­
practice questionable arts. They should be shown the error porters of the Communist Party. You still believe that the
of their ways and brought down the path we follow. system can work; you were brainwashed by it all long before
Wendigo: They are much like the Uktena, but are more your First Change. It was just a case of the wrong people
violent in attitude. being in charge. You try to keep your sept quiet and orderly.
Background: Nicholas was a rather disgruntled member
Hicholas Zukeine of the Communist Party during the last years of Stalin. He
Breed: Homid firmly believes in the teachings of Marx and Engels and has
helped to maintain the Sept of the People's Will as a living
Auspice: Theurge
example of their standards. As elder advisor, many Garou
Nature / Demeanor: Director / Conniver
look to him for advice, and Nicholas advises.
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 4, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1), cPetrov K.ol~ar
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Breed: Homid
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Empathy 3,
Auspice: Galliard
Expression 3, Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 3,
Animal Ken 2, Drive 2, Firearms 2, Leadership 3, Perfor­ Nature / Demeanor: Survivor / Competitor
mance 2, Stealth 4, Survival 3, Computer 3, Enigmas 3, Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
Investigation 3, Occult 3, Politics 3, Rituals 4 Stamina 2 (4/5/5/5), Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 4, Kinfolk 2, Resources 1 Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Gifts: (1) Cooking, Mother's Touch, Persuasion, Spirit Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 1, Dodge 4, Empathy 2,
Speech, Scent of Sweet Honey; (2) Command Spirit, Sight Primal-Urge 1, Streetwise 5, Animal Ken 2, Stealth 4,
from Beyond, Jam Technology; (3) Beg, Umbral Sight; (4) Survival 3, Linguistics 2, Rituals 3
Ultimate Argument of Logic, Spirit Ward; (5) Survivor Backgrounds: Mentor 1, Totem 2
Rage 9, Gnosis 8, Willpower 9 Gifts: (1) Beast Speech, Cooking, Mindspeak, Persua­
Rank: 5 sion
Rage 6, Gnosis 4, Willpower 6
Rank: 1
Merits / Flaws: Jack-Of-All-Trades, Immune to Wyrm
Emanations, Moon Bound / Banned Transformation (Sil­
ver), Low Self-Image
Rites: None
Fetish: None
Image: In Homid, Petrov's clothes make him look like a
bum- worn out military jacket, boots with holes in them,
threadbare pants and a duffel bag just as scruffy as the rest
of him . In Lupus, he looks more like a mutt, but a friendly
Roleplaying Notes: Look at you, you have to be the most
pathetic werewolf there ever was. Take, for example, your
trouble with women. I mean, you couldn't get a date with
the Elephant Man's sister! And some fighting machine you
make! Just let there be some silver in the area, and you can't
even shift . Good thing almost no one has silver in the
gutters. But all the same, it's a better life than nothing, and
one of these days you'll show them.

58 Rage Across Russia

Background: Recent events in Russia left Petrov with­
out a home . He has been a Garou for a while, but his lack

of confidence has prevented him from rising far. He spends The few Children of Gaia that remain in Russia are
a good deal of time at the Sept of the People's Will, for he loosely tied together in a community of common knowl­
feels like he's accepted there, and he can go there unno­ edge. They live among the septs of the Glass Walkers and
ticed. Bone Gnawers, or among their human or wolf Kinfolk,

Chil~ren of Caia
depending on where they have settled. The Children of
Gaia maintain one caern in secret on the shores of the
White Sea near Archangel. There are 20 Children at that
caern, and there are 25 Children hid ing elsewhere through­
serenity in the cou out Russia.
become the paria •
Garou . They did
Wyrm, but were
Red Talons. No Black Furies: They are noble hunters working for Gaia,
and would likely support us if we tried to return to the
councils of Russia .
Bone Gnawers: Many believe them to be misguided by
the teachings of the human named Marx . However, their
G ai were 0 e e religious leaders of ideas of equality are an ideal from which we all benefit, and
Old Russia, nurturing the eli on f the Mother Goddess their plight is terrible to behold.
among the humans. Even after the coming of Christianity, Fianna: These rogues can reduce tension with their
the old religions and superstitions died hard. Indeed, some banter and promote cheer with their music and dance. If
say they never died ; practice merely shifted from the public only there were more of them in the Motherland.
domain to private life and continued unabated. The tribe Get of Fenris: Warriors and berserkers. They are the
has a long tradition in Russia . They were the ones who allies of the Silver Fangs, and if for nothing else, should be
established the network of Kinfolk that has been so fruitful respected for their dedicated spirit. Their tact is, however,
for the Garou. another matter.
However, in an effort to stop the rampant destruction of Glass Walkers: The most adaptable of our kind next to
the Russian environment, the Children of Gaia lost a vital the Bone Gnawers. They are our only true allies in all of
struggle, resulting finally in the detonation of nuclear Russia and could perhaps be the ones to bring about change .
weapons on Russian soil by Russian people. With this Red Talons: The plight of our forest brothers saddens us,
defeat came a loss of face among the Garou, for the other but we find it hard to forgive them their savagery. The
tribes had chosen, against their better judgments, to follow spirits of our fallen Kin cry out, and the Talons have made
the Children of Gaia's plan to control the humans. When a special place for themselves in the Realm of Atrocity.
the Children's methods failed miserably, to tragic conse­
Shadow Lords: Villains all. This tribe has the worst
quences, the rage of the Red Talons was unleashed. The
characteristics of Eastern European nobility. Their ways
Children of Gaia are no longer the voice of compassion
threaten to destroy us all.
within the tribes, for they now have no voice at all.
Silent Striders: These travellers often bear important
The defacement of the tribe was so complete that many
news, and they are quite useful for carrying messages . But
Children were exiled from their caerns. The Red Talons
they also carry a deep secret. What is it?
were quick to capitalize further upon the Children's weak­
Silver Fangs: Our leaders. They allowed the Red Talons
ened condition and began secretly hunting them. The
and the Shadow Lords make war upon us, but they are our
Children went underground. Many went to live in safety
leaders, and we must support them. If only there was
with their long-established Kinfolk. With the aid of the
another choice.
Glass Walkers, who were sympathetic to their plight, the
Children of Gaia set up a strong underground information Stargazers: Of all the Garou, these mystics value knowl­
network. They now keep track of both the Wyrm and the edge, peace and spiritualism as much as we do. Strange that
Red Talons, though none can say which the Children hate their voices were silent when we needed them the most.
more . It is said that they have spies in the caerns disguised Uktena: Walkers of the Umbra, binders ofspirits. There
as members of other tribes; if that is true, those Garou are is much we can learn from each other. However, they have
in true danger if they are discovered . a tendency to delve into mysterious and arcane forces
instead of dealing with the threats of the human world.

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 59

Wendigo: Cold hearted warriors of the Siberian forests. Each slash of claw on flesh brings doom to Gaia. The right
The Wendigo could be of great assistance to the Garou if ways must be taught.
they could be persuaded to come out of their self-imposed Background: Alyosha is still young, but has managed to
exile. achieve leadership of the White Sea Sept. She was born in
Finland, where she became one of A var's Chosen, a camp
Alyosha !.yubou of Garou who travel the world with a message of unity
Breed: Homid between humanity and the Garou. She came to Russia to
Auspice: Philodox spread the word, but upon seeing the poor state of the
Children of Gaia there, she chose to stay and help them
Nature / Demeanor: Caregiver / Caregiver
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6).
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 5, Manipulation 2 0/0/0/0), OJ r; nger-of-!.;ght
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2, Empathy 5, Breed: Metis
Expression 4, Instruction 4, Primal-Urge 3, Animal Ken 2, Auspice: Ahroun
Drive 2, Melee 3, Leadership 4, Stealth 3, Survival 3, Nature / Demeanor: Visionary / Judge
Enigmas 3, Law 4, Linguistics 3, Occult 5, Politics 3, Rituals 5 Attributes: Strength 5 (7/9/8/6), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5)
Backgrounds: Allies I, Contacts 2, Kinfolk 3, Resources 4 Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 4, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
Gifts: (1) Mother's Touch, Persuasion, Resist Pain, Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Scent of the True Form, Truth of Gaia; (2) Calm, Luna's Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 4,
Armor, Strength of Purpose; (3) Dazzle, Tongues, Wisdom Intimidation 3, Primal-Urge 2, Driving 2, Firearms 2,
of the Ancient Ways; (4) Cocoon, Unicorn's Grace; (5) Leadership 3, Performance 3, Stealth 2, Enigmas 2, Occult I,
Halo of the Sun Rituals 2
Rage 6, Gnosis 6, Willpower 10 Backgrounds: Kinfolk 1
Rank: 5 Gifts: (1) Sense Wyrm, Inspiration, Mother's Touch,
Rites: Rite of Lasting Glory, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of Razor Claws; (2) True Fear, Luna 's Armor; (3) Heart of
Contrition, Rite of Caern Building, Voice of the Jackal, Fury
Rite of the Fetish, Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite of the Rage 6, Gnosis 5, Willpower 7
Opened Bridge Rank: 3
Fetishes: Silver Sword Merits/Flaws: Mixed Morph, Calm Heart, Venus Rising
Image: In Homid, Alyosha is 6' 6", with a motherly look / Driving Goals (Unite the Garou), Mark of the Predator
of caring and compassion. She has blond hair and compas­ Fetish: H armony Flute
sionate blue eyes. Rites: None
Roleplaying Notes: You believe that fighting and com­ Image: In Homid, Bringer-of-Light is a six-foot slab of
peting is the Wyrm's way, not Gaia's. There must be peace. muscle . His Lupus form is almost as large as his Hispo, with
a chilling stare that unravels the rage in the most savage of
Roleplaying Notes: Unspeakably calm, you always at­
tempt to promote cooperation between warring factions.
However, you will not hesitate to resort to force if neces­
sary . Your name comes from a vision you once had, a
premonition of being one among many carrying torches of
unity into the chaotic Russian night .
Background: Bringer-of-Light was born at the White
Sea Sept. His mother, a Garou, died giving him birth, and
he was raised by the sept leader. Lyubov instilled in him a
love for his enemies, along with her own goal of eventually
uniting the tribes of Gaia and humanity. This goal has
become Bringer-of-Light's reason for being.

60 Rage Across Russia

'J;anna Gifts: (1) Sense Wyrm, Shed, Resist Pain, Resist Toxin;
(2) Call to Duty, Howl of the Banshee, King of Beasts; (3)
Awaken Beast, Eyes of the Cat
Rage 9, Gnosis 6, Willpower 10
Rank: 3
Metis Disfigurement: Blackened Eyes (lose two Percep­
either footloose individ tion dice whenever looking at something in twilight or
brave lone wolves who h darkness, but gain one die to Intimidation- you unnerve
be found among the Gy - people when you look at them.)
Rites: Rite of the Opened Caern, Rite ofCleansing, Rite
Septs of Summoning, Rite of the Fetish
Fetishes: Translator's Ear (Level 3, Gnosis 7; a silver
As the Fianna
earring embedded with a diamond that allows the wearer to
they have no caer
hear and comprehend any conversation within 100 feet,
even in another language), Fang Dagger
Image: In Homid form, Screams-of-Nightmares is a
The Fianna that can be found in Russia have many of the middle-aged man with short reddish-brown hair. The irises
same stereotypes about the other tribes as the Fianna ofhis eyes are a dark black. In wolfform, he is a huge, blood­
everywhere. See Werewolf Players Guide for a list of the red wolf with black streaks across his shoulders_ In both
Fianna's opinions on the other tribes. Homid and Lupus forms, he wears an earring in his left ear.
Roleplaying Notes: Your stare unnerves people. You
S creams-o/-J1iohtmare s want to be friends with everyone you meet , but you are
Breed: Metis afraid that you will scare them away. You skulk around in
Auspice: Philodox the dark, hoping that the darkness will hide your flaw . You
Nature / Demeanor: Caregiver / Lone Wolf are very lonely. You often write poetry to human females,
but are too shy to confront them, fearing that they will
Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
brand you a beast.
Stamina 5 (7/8/8/8), Charisma 5, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
Appearance 5 (4/0/5/5), Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5 Background: Screams-of-Nightmares was born to a
Fianna and a Silent Strider. The Strider, his father , was
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4,
slain, and Screams was raised by his mother, a Fiannagypsy.
Expression 4, Intimidation 3, Primal-Urge 3, Melee 5,
He has made a name for himself, although he is considered
Stealth 2, Survival 3, Enigmas 4, Medicine 3, Occult 2,
a Ronin by the Russian tribes.
Rituals 4
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 5, Resources 3, Kinfolk 2
eet of 'Jenr;s
recognize su
asset. It
Ru E~~~~~

and pure breeding of the

et, and they now support the
Silver Fang I p without question . It is said that
none of the td es grieve as deeply for the problems facing
the Silver Fangs as do the Get. If this is true, they have let
no other Garou see their grief.
The Get of Fenris supported the plan presented by the
Red Talons for dealing with the nuclear crisis, but the

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 61

influence of the Silver Fangs has had a tempering effect Children of Gaia: They have been exiled! The few that
upon them. As the madness of the Silver Fangs worsens, the might remain are worthless to us. This is war. We do not
Get of Russia have taken it upon themselves to fulfill the need peacemakers.
obligations of their chosen leaders. This brings them into Fianna: These rogues tend to appear and disappear like
almost direct conflict with the Shadow Lords and the Red the Gypsies they travel with. They are one of the most
Talons, with whom they would normally sympathize. The unreliable tribes in Russia.
majority of the Get take on these responsibilities without Glass Walkers: They claim to "understand" and "con­
question, and, in fact, go to great pains to maintain the trol" the cities. If so, why do they not purge the Wyrm taint
illusion that the Silver Fangs are still in control. This from them? Perhaps they are not so powerful as they make
illusion is so complete that even the Silver Fangs do not us out to be.
realize the extent to which the Get have assumed their Red Talons: A sad group of warriors whose time looms
responsibilities. If there is a leading tribe in Russia now, it on the horizon. They are one of the only tribes in Russia
is the Get, and only they know it. The problem is that they worth saving.
do not want the position and do not see anyone as worthy
Shadow Lords: Bastards all! They seek tooust us and our
of it.
rightful rulers, the Silver Fangs. When the time comes, we
Russia has changed the Get of Fenris, much as it has will destroy them if they will not bow.
changed every tribe of Garou that has set foot on it. True,
Silent Striders: They are too few to be of much help to
the Get are still bloodthirsty warriors, but their rage has
been tempered by the need to survive and the nobility of
Silver Fangs: The only tribe worthy enough for us to
the Silver Fangs. Now that the Get have had to shoulder
follow . The Silver Fangs are our lords, and we must do all
some of the responsibilities ofleadership, they have discov­
that we can to save them ... from themselves, if needs be.
ered that wisdom is not something unnecessary to them.
The Get of Fenris have learned temperance. Stargazers: They think too much . They should learn to
fight like real Garou.
Septs Uktena: We don't understand them at all, nor do we try.
There are too few to really affect the situation, although
There were once a number of Get of Fenris septs located they seem to be quite able to deal with spiritual threats.
in northern Russia near the seacoasts. That number dwindled Wendigo: Excellent fighters, but they don't understand
to only three as the Get of Fenris were drawn away to care that in order to win, they must take the battle to the Wyrm.
for caerns normally guarded by the waning Silver Fangs.
One of these caerns has recently fallen prey to the myste­ Anton J1or~enska/~
rious assaults and drainings that have plagued virtually
Breed: Lupus
every other Russian tribe. This is a great insult to the Get,
Auspice: Ahroun
and they greatly desire to learn the secret behind the
drainings. Nature / Demeanor: Bravo / Bravo
Of the remaining two caerns, one is located on the Attributes: Strength 5 (7/9/8/6), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6),
northern coast across from Novaya Zemlya, where it pro­ Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
vides the main defensive force against the Black Spiral Pit Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
there. It is guarded by the Arctic Axe Sept, composed of35 Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 5,
members. Intimidation 4, Primal-Urge 5, Animal Ken 3, Firearms 2,
The other caern is located near St. Petersburg on the Melee 3, Leadership 4, Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 3,
coast of the Baltic Sea. It is guarded by the Sept of Fafnir's Investigation 2, Occult 3, Rituals 4
Brood, which is composed of 40 Get. Throughout the rest Backgrounds: Allies 5, Pure Breed 3
of Russia there are 30 more Get, most of them guarding Gifts: (1) Heightened Senses, Inspiration, Leap of the
Silver Fang caerns. Kangaroo, Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Sense Prey; (2) Spirit
of the Fray, Halt the Coward's Flight, Snarl of Predator,
Stereotypes T rue Fear; (3) Combat Healing, Cat Feet, Heart of Fury; (4)
Stoking Fury's Furnace, Clenched Jaw; (5) Song of the
Black Furies: These willful bitches of war are often our Great Beast
rivals, but they do respect the Silver Fangs, and that, if Rage 9, Gnosis 6, Willpower 9
nothing else, shows that they are not all bad.
Rank: 5
Bone Gnawers: The most useless of the tribes in Russia!
Rites: Rite of Cleansing, Rite of the Hunting Grounds
They brought the Wyrm upon us and themselves . Why
Fetishes: Scar Fetish (Level 5, Gnosis 8; each success on
should we help them get rid of it?
the activation roll adds one extra soak die against any type
of wound, including aggravated damage. This scarified
tattoo appears as a medieval shield.)

62 Rage Across Russia

Rage 3, Gnosis 8, Willpower 6
Rank: 1
Merits/Flaws: Charmed Existence / Compulsion (petty
theft), Notoriety, Overconfident
Rites: None
Fetishes: Collar of Innocence (Level4, Gnosis 8; a small
leather collar that, when activated in Lupus form , makes
the wearer appear to be a small, harmless puppy.)
Image: In Homid , Fang Jumper is a simple, nondescript
man with large curious eyes. His only memorable feature is
the way he looks around constantly. In Lupus, he usually
appears as a puppy.
Roleplaying N otes: You are a jester among an arrogant
warrior race. You are also one of the luckiest people alive .
You get away with so much that you've stopped wondering
when it's going to finally catch up to you. You aren't even
aware that you tend to swap the belongings of those people
around you. Life is so amusing; there always seems to be
chaos everywhere you look.
Background: Fang Jumper is an anomaly . As a pup, he
Image: In Lupus, Anton looks Iike a cross between a gray
wandered into a Get of Fenris caern at the time of his First
northern wolf and a timber wolf. He has a number of scars
Change. He is also a good-humored Get of Fenris. How­
crossing his pelt, but one seems to occupy a place of honor
ever, his sense of humor is one that tends to get him in
on his shoulder (his Scar Fetish). He is getting more gray
trouble with the other members of his tribe. He has been
with his age .
through everything the Get can put a pup through and has
Roleplaying Notes: Anton is the Sept Leader of the come out smelling like roses every time. Most of the Get
Fafnir's Brood Sept. He rules absolutely and enforces his want him to be somewhere else, and so he h as travelled a lot
dictates personally. He has never lost a fight, and is begin­ since his Rite of Passage.
ning to think that the only thing that can beat him is time.
Background: Anton is a grizzled old warrior. He fought
against the Germans in World War II when they sought to
Class Walkers
invade his home in the lands near Leningrad. He has never The beauty of nature is in the wealth of the nation!
been defeated, for he is as smart and wily as he is powerful. - Vytautas Kaushinis , Soviet Lithuanian Politi­
Unlike many of his berserker kin, Anton favors hit and run cal Poster, 1962
tactics over true frontal assaults. He wants to stay alive, and The Glass Walkers lon/il,\ago rought "modern" ideas to
he wants his tribesmen to survive. Russia, supporting the rise th ity-states and ousting the
Recently, Anton has started tentative overtures towards traditional power of the p . who were usually Silver
the Black Furies, acting against the advice of the majority Fang Kinfolk. The Glass rs helped the towns to
of the other elders at Fafnir's Brood Sept. He has begun to institute an early form ..lJf._~~"r<Oalled the Veshe . The
feel that the two tribes' continual conflict is pointless in the Silver Fangs still ruled
face of greater troubles . Walkers always found

gang Jumper
Breed: Lupus
Auspice: Ragabash
Nature / Demeanor: Competitor / Jester
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6) ,
Stamina 2 (4/5/5/5), Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Wyrm ."
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Primal-Urge 5, This could not r ro tn e truth . It is simply
Streetwise 2, Animal Ken 2, Stealth 5, Survival 2, Enigmas 2, prejudice against the Glass Walker's city ways that causes
Occult 2, Rituals 1 this opinion among the Garou. While the Glass Walkers
have little say among the Garou councils of Russia, they
Backgrounds: Resources 1
virtually control many of the cities now that the Leeches no
Gifts: (1) Blur of the Milky Eye, Leap of the Kangaroo,
longer hold sway.
Open Seal, Resist Pain

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 63

Only the Children of Gaia welcomed the Walkers when Silent Striders: Probably the best, most reliable messen­
they arrival in Russia. For this act of kindness, the Glass gers in Russia. The mail system in this country certainly
Walkers feel they owe a debt and have gone to great lengths isn't useful. We need them.
to protect the now-persecuted Children. Recently, they Silver Fangs: They claim to lead the Garou of Russia,
have worked together with the Bone Gnawers on various but we haven't seen a lot of leadership lately.
projects. Many say that the coalition between these two Stargazers: We could learn a few things from them, and
tribes forms the single most powerful alliance in Russia. If they could learn from us.
this is true, they have yet to reveal their intentions. Uktena: Their mastery of the spirit world is intriguing,
Many Garou are concerned that the Glass Walkers are but they are exceedingly hard for us to approach.
the only tribe whose ranks have increased noticeably with Wendigo: They so rarely come to the cities that it is
each passing year. Many also wonder why, like the Bone difficult to figure them out. Best to avoid them for now.
Gnawers, the G lass Walkers have lost no caerns to the
mysterious drainings. The leaders of the Shadow Lords, dIoris rcser~ov
Black Furies and Get of Fenris have been leaning on the
Breed: Homid
Glass Walkers in council, trying to get them to disclose a
secret that many feel they must know. Auspice: Theurge
Nature / Demeanor: Maker / Perfectionist
Septs Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
Stamina 4 (6/7/7/7), Charisma 4, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
Glass Walker septs exist in the major cities of Russia, Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4), Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
primarily to the west of the Ural Mountains, in Moscow, St. Abilities: Alertness 5, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Streetwise 4,
Petersburg, Kiev and even in some towns throughout Rus­ Subterfuge 2, Drive 2, Firearms 2, Melee 3, Leadership 5,
sia. They share some of these caerns with the Bone Gnawers. Repair (Computers) 3, Stealth 2, Computer 4, Enigmas 3,
Their caerns are located in places of learning, politics and Investigation 3, Linguistics 2, Occult 3, Rituals 5, Science 4,
manufacturing and are generally moderately powerful. Area Knowledge (Moscow) 4
The Sept of Learning Hall is composed of 40 members, Backgrounds: Allies 2, Contacts 3, Resources 5
and there are 65 more Glass Walkers in the cities and towns
Gifts: (1) Control Simple Machine, Persuasion, Sense
of the land.
Wyrm, Spirit Speech; (2) Command Spirit, Cybersenses,
Heat Metal, Jam Technology; (3) Control Complex Ma­
Stereotypes chine, Data Flow, Disquiet, Elemental Favor; (4)
Black Furies: Impressive in both skill and appearance, Attunement, Phone Travel; (5) Feral Lobotomy
but not very social. They tend not to trust us, so watch out. Rage 7, Gnosis 10, Willpower 7
Bone Gnawers: One of the only tribes to live beside us Rank: 5
in the cities. We have a profitable alliance with them, but Rites: Rite of Contrition, Ritual of the Questing Stone,
our ideological differences could prove to be a problem Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite ofBinding, Rite of Spirit
eventually. Awakening, Rite of Becoming, Ritual of Summoning, Rite
Children of Gaia: They were one of the first tribes to of the Fetish
accept us when we came to Russia, and we owe them a debt Fetish: Surge of False Energy
for that. Help them when you can, especially if you can Image: In Homid, Boris is the model of a University
anger the Shadow Lords while you're at it. Don. His suit is never less than impeccable, his tie is always
Fianna: There are too few of them, and few of them deal straight and his expensive shoes are always clean. He reeks
with us. Those that do, however, are easy to get along with of money tastefully spent. There is something compelling
- as long as you keep an eye on your valuables. about his beautiful face and manicured hands. His Lupus
Get of Fenris: Brutish, hulking killing machines kept in form has gray fur with a very fine network of silver lines
check only by the waning power of the Silver Fangs. Keep running through it.
an eye on them, and plan on their doing something stupid Roleplaying Notes: You are the head of the Sept of the
and violent. Learning Hall, which is based out of Moscow UniverSity.
Red Talons: They should learn tochange with the world You tend to use all of your resources to accomplish any goal
rather than expecting the world to change for them. you have. You also work on only one project at a time, but
Shadow Lords: An interesting group. They seem quite you always give that one project your full attention.
anxious to get us on their side. While they would make Background: Boris has been the head of the sept for a
useful allies, assisting them in taking power from the Silver while now and all but owns the university. He is currently
Fangs is about as appealing as a root canal. throwing all his abilities and resources at identifying the
new, mysterious force in Russia. He is tracking down all
information he can get and verifying it rigorously.

64 Rage Across Russia

lllison Cortau~ Ellison was soon marked by a Bone Gnawer shortly after an
incident in evading the police . The Bone Gnawer, Petrov
Breed: Homid Koldar, led him to Gorky Park where Ellison made his first
Auspice: Ragabash Garou contacts. He was introduced to the Glass Walkers of
Nature / Demeanor: Jester / Gallant Moscow and is currently travelling to various caerns in the
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6), company of a small pack. Only one member of the pack
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 2, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0f), knows English.
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4, Chases-After-(])reams
Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 2, Drive 3, Firearms 2, Repair 3, Breed: Lupus
Security 4, Stealth 4, Computer 2, Enigmas I, Science 2 Auspice: Philodox
Backgrounds: Contacts I, Resources 2 Nature / Demeanor: Lone Wolf / Cub
Gifts: (1) Control Simple Machine, Open Seal, Scent of Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 3 0/4/5/5),
Man; (2) Heat Metal; (3) Control Complex Machine, Data Stamina 2 (4/5/5/5), Charisma 3, Manipulation 4 0/1/1/1),
Flow, Invent Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 2, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Rage 3, Gnosis 5, Willpower 7 Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3, Empathy I,
Rank: 3 Primal-Urge 2, Subterfuge 2, Leadership 4, Repair I, Stealth 2,
Rites: None Survival 2, Computer 5, Enigmas I,lnvestigation 2, Rituals 2,
Fetish: Phoebe's Veil Science 2
Image: In Homid, Ellison appears as a young man of Backgrounds: Allies 2, Resources 2
average build with light brown hair and gray eyes. In Lupus, Gifts: (1) Truth of Gaia, Heightened Senses, Control
he is a moderate sized brown wolf with a black mask and Simple Machines; (2) Cybersenses, Jam Technology
socks. Rage 3, Gnosis 3, Willpower 3
Roleplaying Notes: You are a sneak. Not the kind who Rank: 2
manipulates people, but the kind who gets into buildings at Merits / Flaws: Fast Learner, Computer Aptitude / Soft
night. The challenge of breaking through security is your Hearted
greatest joy in life. You are almost compulsive in planning Rites: Rite of the Opened Caern
break-ins. Listen to the people around you and mark poten­
Fetishes: None
tial enemies and allies. Trust no one until they prove their
Image: In Lupus, Chases-After-Dreams is a slim, dark
gray shape with very little to call attention to his presence.
Background: Ellison figured that the upheavals in Rus­
In Homid, he is tall man who crouches to appear less
sia would allow the perfect opportunity for acquiring wealth
threatening. He doesn't look complete without a computer
- by stealing it. The problem was, Ellison didn't under­
in his hands.
stand much Russian and found it hard to operate in a
Roleplaying Notes: As you grew up, you had an inex­
country of people as private and close-mouthed as he was.
pressible feeling of incompleteness. No matter what you
were dOing, you were always sad. Then came the day of the
Change. You were taken in by your tribe, and you encoun­
tered your first piece of electronics, a cellular phone with
extras. You were a lmost instantly entranced. You ha ve
never been the same since.
Background: Chases-After-Dreams' mother was born
an experimental wolfbeing held by Moscow University. He
spent the majority of his time in captivity until his First
Change, when his tribe came and took him away. He has
since learned much about the new and fascinating world of
humans, and has done a great deal to advance himself in the
eyes of the other Glass Walkers, who originally viewed him
as an idiot child.

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 65

0{e~ f[alons Bone Gnawers: Rrrr. It their fault Wyrm come to
Children of Gaia: They fail! They die! That all we say.
Fianna: Who? We not know them.
Get of Fenris: True Garou . They angry like us!
Glass Walkers: They wrong! Wyrm taint! Why not
anybody see this?
Shadow Lords: They lie. We no t trust them anymore.
Silent Striders: Never here when needed. Always leav­
ing. Not right .
re illed by an enemy
Silver Fangs: They leaders. Show your throat to them!
Many were machine-gunned
But they too lazy. Need to act!
te ,and attempts by the Garou to
Stargazers: Strange.
hunters met with only limited
success. T .' e prin te Garou victims of the hunt were the Uktena: They play with spirits. Bad spirits. They in
Red Ta lons an tne few Wendigo that dwell in Russia . But danger.
the sudden, rapid decline in the wolf population is some­ Wendigo: We call them brothers. They lose family like
thing that all Garou must mourn. us to humans . They will kill humans with us .
Because of their major losses, the Red Talons have
become politically active . This change of style surprised
t'[uni>ra (j{unner
many of the Garou, and the vigor with which the Red Breed: Lupus
Talons went at their chosen task was astounding. The tribe Auspice: Galliard
adopted the same philosophy for politics that they main­ Nature / Demeanor: Survivor / Director
tained for war: complete destruction of the opposition. The Attributes: Strength 5 (7/9/8/6), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
opposition in this case happened to be anotherGarou tribe, Stamina 4 (6/7/7/7), Charisma 5, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
the Children of Gaia, who were driven into exile, hounded Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 3
by the fangs of the Red Talons. Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
The Red Talons are the voice ofgenocide in the councils Empathy 2, Expression 2, Intimidation 5, Primal-Urge 5,
of the Garou, advocating a return to the Impergium in Animal Ken 4, Leadership 4, Survival 3, Rituals 5
Russia. The ir arguments are so vehement, and their evi ­ Backgrounds: Past Life 2, Pure Breed 3
dence so convincing, that they have almost won the support
Gifts: (1) Babble, Beast Speech, Call the Wyld, Leap of
of the major tribes of Russia . Only indecision at the higher
the Kangaroo, Resist Pain, Sense Prey; (2) Beast Mind, Call
levels and liberalism among the younger Garou have pre­
the Wyrm, Sense the Prey; (3) Cat Feet, Song of Rage; (4)
vented the Red Talons' plan from becoming reality. The
Avalanche, Quicksand; (5) Gaia's Vengeance
Glass Walkers have been in constant opposition, and many
Red Talons fear the reputed alliance between the Glass Rage 7, Gnosis 8, Willpower 10
Walkers and the Bone Gnawers .

There are few Red Talon septs left. As their numbers
were ravaged by the war on wolves, they were unable to
defend their caerns against the mysterious drainings. The
Talons have lost fourcaerns to the drainings, more than any
other tribe. Even with aid from the Get of Fenris, the
number of caerns held by the Red Talons has dwindled to
The Winter Forest Sept guards this last caern in Siberia.
The sept is composed of 40 Talons, the Garou who have
survived the war on wolves and the drainings. There are
maybe 25 more Talons wandering throughout Russia.

Black Furies: We share with noble sisters. We like to
run with them.

66 Rage Across Russia

Rank: 5 Theydo not know that on his Rite of Passage, with a pack
Rites: Moot Rite, Rite of the Departed, Rite of Wound­ of Red Talons and Wendigo, he slew one of his homid
ing, The Hunt, Rite of the Totem, Rending of the Veil pack mates. So far, no one knows his secret.

Sha~oUJ £.or~s
Fetishes: Gnostic Bag
Image: [n Lupus, Tundra Runner is an overwhelming
red wolf. His claws are prominent, but his fangs are subdued
enough that he can speak well. His Homid form has flaming
red hair, but no other truly distinctive features; he very
rarely takes Homid form.
Roleplaying Notes: You are an angry wolf, and your
patience is running out. When your goal is in sight, then
you can play the game ofquiet and calm, but until then, you
must work with all your might to restore your tribe.
Background: Tundra Runner is 43 and has been the top
Alpha of all the Red Talons in Asia for 20 years, a feat not
With the Silver Fangs suffering from a seeming state of
matched in a dozen generations. He knows he is outgunned
degeneracy that even their ancient allies the Get of Fenris
and outmatched, but he is the best leader available. The
cannot deny, it seemed clear that the Shadow Lords would
Soviet pogrom on wolves has reduced the tribe drastically,
finally have the leadership they long sought. However, the
and he will do anything in to get revenge for this, even
diligence of the Get in defending the Silver Fangs, as well
sending spies into human society.
as the sudden emergence of the strong political front of the
t[ears-at-'1iesh Red Talons, has caused the Shadow Lords to bide their
time. Perhaps , they think, the new strife will make it all the
Breed: Lupus easier for them to assume control at a later time.
Auspice: Ahroun The Shadow Lords seek any possible advantage over
Nature / Demeanor: Predator / Judge enemy and ally alike, often using contrived situations to
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6), increase their worth in the eyes of the other Garou. They
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 1, Manipulation 1 (0/0/0/0), are envious of the Glass Walkers' seeming control over the
Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4), Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 strange new spirits of industry, and they have given power
Abilities: Alertness 2, BrawlS, Dodge 4, Primal-Urge 2, to them in return for their knowledge. The Glass Walkers
Animal Ken 2, Melee 4, Stealth 3, Enigmas 2, Rituals 3 have spurned them so far, which has raised the ire of the
Backgrounds: Mentor 1 Shadow Lords. But they know a good thing when they see
it, so they wear the face of conciliation- for now.
Gifts: (I) Heightened Senses, Razor Claws, Scent of
Running Water
Rage 10, Gnosis 5, Willpower 5 Septs
Rank: 1 Shadow Lord septs are located primarily in the areas to
Merits / Flaws: Huge Size / Dark Fate (wIll be killed by the far west of Russia, close to eastern Europe. There are
humans), Dark Secret (killed a Homid Garou during his only two caerns, but these two caerns are fairly powerful and
Rite of Passage) very well guarded. One of the caerns is located in the
Rites: None Ukraine, on the border with Romania, and is guarded by
Fetish: Far Bite (Level 4, Gnosis 8; this is a Scar Fetish the Brooding Sky Sept, composed of30 Shadow Lords. The
depicting a pair of fangs with wings. It is carved onto Tears­ other caern, in the southern foothills of the Urals, is
At-Flesh's shoulder. When activated, it allows him bite guarded by the Thunderstrike Sept, composed of25 Garou.
anyone within line of sight. He must spend one Gnosis There are about 20 more Shadow Lords throughout Russia.
point for this.) The Thunderstrike Sept has already fended off an attack
Image: In Lupus, Tears-At-Flesh is a strong wolf with a by whatever force has been draining the caerns. They claim
streak of blood across his fur (Tears-at- Flesh decorates to know who or what is behind the attacks, although they
himself with the blood of his slain enemies). refuse to divulge that information, hoping to use it to
further their own ends.
Roleplaying Notes: Humans are like mice. They scurry
around in fear, and occasionally you eat one.
Background: Tears-at-Flesh is quite possibly one of the
angriest Garou in Russia. He frenzies at the slightest oppor­
tunity. Some elders believe he is the rage of all Garou given
form and made flesh. Most believe that he should be
monitored and controlled.

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 67

Black Furies: They could pose a danger to our plans if
they cannot be converted. If they do not bend, they will be
Bone Gnawers: They are one of the most numerous
tribes in Russia, and this could make them useful allies. If
they will not accept us, then we may have to force them to
see our point of view.
Children of Gaia: They have been eliminated from the
picture. It is good that we saw the potential for trouble with
them and moved to eliminate it through the graces of the
Red Talons.
Fianna: A wild card that must end up in our hand or be
eliminated from the deck.
Get of Fenris: Along with the Black Furies, the Get
could prove to be one of the greatest obstacles to our
ambition . They must be converted or removed from the
Glass Walkers: They have things that we want. They
would make useful allies, especially because few other tribes Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, BrawlS, Dodge 3,
will have anything to do with them. Intimidation 5, Primal-Urge 4, Streetwise 3, Drive 3, Melee 4,
Red Talons: Useful tools. It is doubtful they have figured Leadership 4, Survival 3, Enigmas 3, Politics 4, Rituals 5
out that we used them as a weapon against the Children of Backgrounds: Contacts 5, Kinfolk 5, Resources 4, Allies 3
Gaia. We will probably be able to manipulate them into Gifts: (1) Fatal Flaw, Sense Wyrm, Smell of Man, Razor
raging against our other enemies as well. Claws; (2) Clap of Thunder, Distractions, Inner Strength,
Silent Striders: They know something they are hiding. Staredown; (3) Paralyzing Stare, Reshape Object; (4) Bridge
Something must be done to ensure their loyalty. Walker, Open Wounds; (5) Obedience, Shadow Pack
Silver Fangs: Our rivals, the ones whose power we must Rage 7, Gnosis 9, Willpower 8
break in order to assume control and lead the Garou against Rank: 5
our enemies. Their madness makes them as dangerous to
Rites: Rite of the Opened Caern, Rite of Totem, The
themselves as to others, something that can work in our
Rending of the Veil, Rite of the Phoenix
Fetish: Sword of Granite (Level 5, Gnosis 6; this is a
Stargazers: They are a mystery to us, but our stand is
two-handed sword made of granite; when thrust into the
clear. They will help us or be destroyed.
ground, all persons within 15 feet sink into the ground two
Uktena: Their mastery of the spirit world is something feet per activation success. For every two feet, the victim
that we need, yet nothing we have done has convinced needs four success on an extended Strength roll to break
them to pass their knowledge on. They refuse to even assist out. Vampires with Earth Meld can exit anytime they want,
us. but must spend a full round doing so.)
Wendigo: In order to get these ghosts of the cold wastes Image: In Homid, Sasha stands six feet tall and walks
to aid us, we must first lure them from the deep forests and with a mild limp. He has long black hair, green eyes and an
earn their trust. elderly look. He appears wiser than his physical years. In
Alexan~er "Sasha" Volkav, "'1ather­ Lupus, he is a large black wolf with a multitude of minor
scars and five major scars that appear to have been made by
n;~ht" a single slash from some ungodly huge monster.
Position: Sept Leader Roleplaying Notes: You are tired. When you were a cub,
Breed: Homid you fought well and saw your friends die. When you reached
Auspice: Galliard middle age, you were chosen as part of the Silver Pack, but
again your friends died . You are past your prime, and you
Nature / Demeanor: Confidant / Director
know it. The problem is that no one else does. You will
Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6), teach the young the ways of battle and lead for now, but the
Stamina 5 (7/8/8/8), Charisma 2, Manipulation 5 (4/2/2/2), time approaches when you will step aside to let a new pack
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 4 lead the fight.

68 Rage Across Russia

Background: Sasha is a man who has grown old before
his time. Many of the things he has seen and done weigh Silent Stri~ers

heavily upon him. He has all but relinquished his place as

the leader of the Thunderstrike Sept, and he is planning on
retiring [Q become Warder eventually . He is tired of the
power games the Shadow Lords play, but does not discour­
age them. The part he played in the exile of the Children
of Gaia still haunts his dreams.

l~uar~, "Sun-Curser" In the past, the Silent Striders provided much of the
information that travelled between caerns, and they never
Breed: Homid involved themselves in the political machinations of the
Auspice: Philodox other tribes. They sought information instead, and bartered
Camp: Society ofNidhogg their services as couriers for the secrets of the tribes.
Nature / Demeanor: Predator / Survivor They spent time with the Gypsies of Russia, and became
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 2 (2/3/4/4), tentative allies of the two vampire clans that are closest to
Stamina 2 (4/5/5/5), Charisma 2, Manipulation 5 (4/2/2/2), the Gypsies, the Gangrel and the Ravnos. From these clans,
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 2, Intelligence 3, Wits 4 the Striders learned much of what they passed on to the
Abilities: Awareness 1, Brawl 2, Dodge 3, Intimidation 1, other tribes, but the Striders learned too much. Through
Primal-Urge 2, Subterfuge 1, Drive 2, Etiquette 1, Firearms 3, their vampire contacts, they discovered that Baba Yaga had
Leadership 1, Performance 2, Computer 1, Investigation 2, arisen. And soon , Baba Yaga discovered these curious
Law 1, Linguistics 2, Occult 4, Politics 1, Rituals 2 Garou who asked too many questions.
Backgrounds: Past Lives 4 They know that Baba Yaga is somehow behind the force
behind the Shadow Curtain and the draining of the caerns,
Gifts: (1) Aura of Confidence, Fatal Flaw, Persuasion,
and they are aware that she has seven Generals who
Scent of the True Form
command her minions. They do not know the names or
Rage 3, Gnosis 3, Willpower 5
faces of these Generals. What names they have heard are
Rank: 1 scarcely believable , for they are out of legend. The Zmei
Merits / Flaws: Lack of Scent, Bad Taste, Common were destroyed a millennia ago, and Koshchei was just a
Sense, Eidetic Memory / Overconfident, Short Fuse, One story, wasn't he?
Eye (right), Mark of the Predator, No Partial Transforma­ Now there is a hunt on against the Silent Striders, and
tion they must be very careful who they meet, for Baba Yaga's
Rituals: Talisman Dedication, Rite ofCleansing, Rite of eyes are everywhere. If anyone has a chance of getting out
Binding, Rite of Summoning of Russia past her minions, it is the Striders, but they may
Fetishes: None be too few and the opposition too numerous.
Image: In Homid, Sun-Curser sports a black goatee and
has penetrating gray eyes . In Lupus, he is an impressive
black wolf with massive shoulders.
The Silent Striders meet once a year, during the celebra ­
Roleplaying Notes: You want the sun out of your life. It
tion of the fall equinox at a random location determined at
breaks up the clouds and weakens your power. You consider
th.e prior year's meeting. They do not maintain actual septs
all others as being below you and manipulate them in an
in Russia, nor do they control any caerns. It is doubtful that
offhand manner. You are all that really matters . Those
any Strider will appear at the selected site this year, for the
Wyrm creatures are still an uppity lot; better send some
risk is too great.
more pawns to get rid of them.
There were once nearly 30 Silent Striders in Russia.
Background: Eduard is a young but impressive Garou.
Now, 20 are left, thanks to Baba Yaga's hunt.
He has always hated the light of the sun and believes
himself to be inextricably linked to the night. Since before
his First Change, he has loved the velvet blackness that Stereotypes
covers the land when the sun drops below the horizon. He Black Furies: True warriors of the Wyld. Respect them
underwent his Rite of Passage at the Thunderstrike Sept in or avoid them, but know that we need them in this coming
the Ural Mountains and quickly became the leader of a battle.
newly-formed pack. It is almost his time to advance again,
Bone Gnawers: They are different in Russia, quite
but he has done a few things that, if discovered, could hurt
different. However, the Bone Gnawers are as adept at
his respected reputation. Sometimes a creature comes into
surviving hardships here as they are in the rest of the world.
his dreams and whispers of a world without light. He has
Perhaps we can use their aid.
told her things, and she has promised him rewards.

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 69

Children of Gaia: The Children of Gaia see m to be Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 2, Dodge 5,
gone, but we know they aren't. If they have any plans, they Primal-Urge 3, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4, Animal Ken 2,
must work carefully and quickly . Firearms 2, Leadership 2, Stealth 3, Computer 1, Enigmas 4
Fianna: Be careful, for many of them roam with the Backgrounds: Resources 3, Contacts 3, Kinfolk 2, Pure
Gypsies. Let them not see us, for they will a lways tell tales, Breed 4, Past Life 3
and these tales will fall to dangerous ears. Gifts: (1) Blur of the Milky Eye, Persuasion, Speed of
Get of Fenris: They are self-destructive, but strong. Thought; (2) Blissful Ignorance, Jam Technology, Sum­
Their stamina and strength will be needed. mon Tali sman; (3) The Great Leap, Silence
Glass Walkers: This is a tribe perhaps better at adapta ­ Rage 6, Gnosis 8, Willpower 8
tion in Russia than the Bone Gnawers. Who else has taken Rank: 3
the cities of the humans and made them their domain? Rites: None
Avoid them, however, for their cities have too many eyes. Fetish: Mirrorshades (Levell, Gnosis 7; this is a pair of
Red Talons: They are mindless in their rage, and it has American mirrorshade sunglasses that, when activated,
nearly destroyed them. We can do nothing. produces a mirrored surface on the inside of the glasses that
Shadow Lords: They consider themse lves our saviors. will allow the user to step sideways with ease. The shades
We consider them arrogant. Can their arrogance be used as reduce all Gauntlet difficulties by 2, and the user does not
a weapon? need to stare into a reflective surface.)
Silver Fangs: The Silver Fangs are surely going mad. Image: In Lupus from , N atasha is a sleek, quick wolf with
They sit in their caerns and watch as the world passes them jet black fur and deep, soulful eyes. In Homid form, she is a
by. If only we could warn them; all paths to them are striking, beautiful woman standing 5' 6" tall. She has
guarded . shortly cut black hair.
Stargazers: Perhaps they will see our clues and realize Roleplaying Notes: You used to be a happy and carefree
the danger. wanderer. That has changed. Now you are paranoid and
Uktena: We will need their aid; if only we could reach always looking over your shoulder. Being hunted does that
them safely. to you.
Wendigo: They are a tribe worthy of respect, but I fear Background: N atasha came to Russia shortly before the
they will not aid us when the time comes. recent problems. She is a traveller who has been all over the
world and desperately yearns to leave Russia for other parts,
l1atasha i]er~man, "moon Chaser" but she also feels a responsibility to warn the native Garou.
Breed: Homid Who should she approach? How can she be sure anyone she
Auspice: Raga bash approaches is not working for the Hag?
Nature / Demeanor: Rebel/Gallant Anubis i]arstri~er
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7 f7),
Stamina 4 (6/7/7/7), Charisma 4, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1), Breed: Homid
Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4), Perception 5, Intelligence 2, Wits 4 Auspice: Ahroun
Nature / Demeanor: Lone Wolf / Reluctant Garou
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7),
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 2, Manipulation 2 (1/0/0/0),
Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Primal-Urge 4,
Drive 2, Firearms 3, Melee 3, Stealth 1, Computer 1,
Linguistics 1, Medicine 1, Rituals 1, Science 2
Backgrounds: Fetish 3, Mentor 2

Gifts: (1) Smell of Man , Razor Claws, Speed ofThought,

The Falling Touch

Rage 5, Gnosis 3, Willpower 6
Rank: 1
Merits / Flaws: Huge Size / Persistent Parents, Animal
Musk, Strict Carnivore, Sign of the Wolf
Rite: None
Fetish: Fang Dagger
Image: In Homid, Anubis is olive-skinned, with heavy
Slavic facial features. He is immense, gives people the

70 Rage Across Russia

creeps and can barely pass for human in Homid! In Lupus, with keeping their blood line pure eventually bred recessive
he is the largest jackal ever seen. genes into their children. Members of the tribe who saw
Roleplaying Notes: This whole Garou thing stinks. You impending disaster created a great uproar within the Silver
don't like it one bit. If you can ever get back to your Fangs. Then, while the Garou were so occupied with
hometown, you'll settle down and never stray. politics, the minions of the Wyrm struck. History records
Background: You had a good life at home; mom and dad this as the Bolshevik revolution; the Garou record it as the
were devoted and understanding. Then came that night­ fall of the mighty.
marish night that you were kidnapped on the way home Not only did the Silver Fangs lose control of their flock,
from school in your Polish border town. That was the most but the Brujah clan of vampires assumed a near total
horrible night of your life. To start with, you Changed. You political control of Russia. If this were not enough, the
went from being the second biggest kid in your group of Silver Fangs found themselves on the losing end of a
friends to an immense monster. Now, you always smell, defensive war. The vampires rapidly plunged the country
have all the signs mom ever told you about for werewolves, into industrialization, heedless of the environmental de­
can't eat vegetables (maybe this isn't so bad) and are just struction this unleashed. What was once the greatest success
plain huge! of the Garou soon became the world's largest environmen­
You couldn't go home to mom in this condition, but she tal disaster area.
was so worried, and as best you know, still is. Just to make In pride, the Silver Fangs refused to reach out to the
that night worse, something attacked the pack as you were other Garou for help. Now the entire nation suffers for this
crossing the border and killed almost everyone. It was fast; pride. The other Garou are only now beginning to realize
you never saw it come or go. You got taken in by another the folly of their greatest tribe, and the Silver Fangs fear the
sept, but now you can never stay in one place too long. humiliation to come. For the first time in history, some of
Gotta keep moving, doesn't matter where, so long as it isn't their number have turned to the Wyrm, and this shames the
here. But you are quite willing to take something with you, tribe further. As if this were not enough, rumor has it that
and you can almost guarantee delivery. the most ancient enemy of the Silver Fangs, Baba Yaga, has
Anubis took his name from some books he read in the once again arisen. The Silver Fangs fear the worst, for they
library. He doesn't want to be a Garou, he just wants to feel they are no longer strong enough to handle the respon­
return to his normal life. The Garou of Russia that know sibility of so many tasks.
him accept him, and even like him, although his tendency Despite everything, the Silver Fangs remain dominant
for not sitting still for long has lost him a few friends. in Garou politics in Russia . Their voices are always heard,
Unknown to him, an agent of Baba Yaga's Army of the and nearly always respected, although whispers in council
Night is watching him and reporting his movements. He is speak of the large role the Get of Fenris play in keeping the
not ready to strike yet; he might still learn something that Silver Fangs in power.
could be used. The Silver Fangs are very indecisive in council, which
has reduced their actual influence among the other tribes.
Silver gangs Garou speak of a time when events such as the Red Talons'
action against the Children of Gaia would have resulted in
swift retribution by the Silver Fangs. But to this date, the
incident has received only minor attention. Silver Fang
moots have degenerated into lectures about the history of
the Garou, and hopelessly optimistic views are expressed
Between the closest allies of the Silver Fangs, the Black
Furies and the Get ofFenris, there is a great deal of tension.
This tension grows as the power of the Silver Fangs wanes
in favor of the Get. In the wings, the Shadow Lords wait for
a chance to make their own move towards leadership
among the Russian tribes, a fact well known among the
The attitudes of the Russian Silver Fangs are divided.
There are at least three factions , possibly more. A few favor
action; they want to do something to take the war to the
Wyrm, but they are undecided as to what tactic to take.
They are restrained by those who are content to simply hold
tion? on to what they have until some opportunity comes along.
Then disaster struck, taking many forms. With pride to What the opportunity is, they will not say, simply asserting
elevate them, the Silver Fangs had far to fall. The obsession that all Garou will recognize it when it comes. Another

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 71

group lives in the past, glorying in history and past exploits, Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7),
disregarding the present. The numbers of this last faction Stamina 5 (7/8/8/8), Charisma 3, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
are growing as the Silver Fangs spiral into madness . Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 2

Septs Abilities: Alertness 3, BrawlS, Dodge 4, Intimidation 3,

Primal-Urge 4, Animal Ken 3, Melee 5, Leadership 3,
The Silver Fangs are one of the oldest and most prolific Stealth 4, SurvivalS, Investigation 3, Rituals 3
tribes in Russia. Most of the stories of heroes concern them. Backgrounds: Kinfolk 3, Allies 3
They control the most powerful caerns, the largest protec­ Gifts: (1) The Falling Touch, Leap of the Kangaroo,
torates and the legendary septs. The Silver Fangs have lost Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Sense Wyrm; (2) Awe, Scent of
one caern oflate, but they acknowledge it as a weak caern. Sight, Sense Silver, Spirit of the Fray; (3) Combat Healing,
The largest and most legendary sept, the center of the Heart of Fury, Wrath of Gaia; (4) Ignore Wound; (5) Luna's
Garou councils, is the Caern of the Crescent Moon, hidden Avenger
deep in the Ural Mountains. This caern is home to nearly Rage 8, Gnosis 7, Willpower 9
30 Silver Fangs. There are close to 70 Silver Fangs spread
Rank: 5
throughout the rest of the country, either in charge of their
Merits / Flaws: Ambidexterity / Overconfident
ownsmall caerns or guests at caerns guarded by other tribes.
Rites: Rite of the Opened Caern, Rite of Fetish
Stereotypes Fetish: The Twin Swords of Lothair (Level 6, Gnosis 8;
Black Furies: They are among our greatest allies. If only a pair of swords which must be wielded Florentine style
they could learn to get along with the Get of Fenris. (one in each hand); if either sword is used separately, it will
bury in the ground up to the hilt. The swords have several
Bone Gnawers: We resent the fact that they caused the
special powers, the least of which is the ability to store up
downfall of our tsars, but we shall not punish them for this,
to eight points of Rage within them. They can also produce
as long as they recognize us as their true rulers.
a Clap of Thunder if they are crossed in the air in the form
Children of Gaia: It is sad that they are gone, but their
of a cross above the head of the wielder. When activated,
failure could not go unpunished. At least, so I believe . . .
the swords cause aggravated wounds.)
Fianna: An amusing little group of mendicants. They
Image: In Homid, Chases stands a little over six feet tall
are without peer as entertainers. It is sad that there are so
and has long flowing silver hair with black stripes. In Lupus,
few of them in Russia.
he is a long silver wolf with black ears and a black striped
Get of Fenris: They are our warriors, surpassed only in
reliability by the Black Furies.
Roleplaying Notes: You are strong-willed and overbear­
Glass Walkers: We believe that they know something
ing. You are not calm; "brash" should be your middle name.
we do not, and if this proves to be the case, their arrogance
You are not a wolf of few words. You talk and brag to others
will not go unpunished.
without end. If you weren't the best, then someone might
Red Talons: It is a sad fate that has befallen the Red
shut you up . But then, you are the best, so what you do isn't
Talons, but their recent political activity is troubling.
really bragging- you're really just educating those around
Could it be that we are losing some measure of control?
you .
Shadow Lords: Upstart pups who will be dealt with
Background: Chases-Street-Demons seemed to have
when the time comes. They think we have grown too weak
been born a hero. He gained his fetish, as powerful as it is,
to be a threat to them. They couldn't be more wrong.
on his Rite of Passage, and although he was quite inexpe­
Silent Striders: Strange Garou, but they are excellent
rienced in the ways of sword combat, he learned quickly.
messengers and spies. They do seem to know secrets that
His name stems from the fact that during his Rite of
will not disclose . We will ask them the next time they come
Passage, he chased down and destroyed a car. Now he
to us.
spends his time either travelling across Russia or standing
Stargazers: Excellent councilors who know that their
before the wall of heroes at the Caern of the Crescent
place is to advise, not command.
Moon, forever hoping to see himself on it.
Uktena: Very knowledgeable in the ways of the spirit,
but not so in the realm of polities. Hieola; cPre~atelsk;
Wendigo: Powerful warriors . If they would only come to
Breed: Homid
council, I'm sure their demands could be met.
Auspice: Ahroun
Chases-Street-tDemons Nature / Demeanor: Director / Judge
Breed: Lupus Attributes: Strength 5 (7/9/8/6), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6),
Stamina 5 (7/8/8/8), Charisma 2, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
Auspice: Ahroun
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 5
Nature / Demeanor: Bravo / Survivor

72 Rage Across Russia

Nicolai has a secret. He has begun walking down the
path towards the Wyrm and has accepted his first Gift from
it. This is in return for his assistance in bringing down the
Sept of the Crescent Moon. He believes himself to be well
along the road to accomplishing this. He intends to ad­
vance as quickly as possible in the eyes of the elders of the
Ural Caern before destroying it from within.

Breed: Metis
Auspice: Galliard
Nature / Demeanor: Martyr / Autist
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 4, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4), Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 5, Dodge 5, Empathy 2,
Instruction 3, Primal-Urge 3, Subterfuge 3, Animal Ken 2,
Etiquette 2, Performance 5, Investigation 2, linguistics 2,

Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
Rituals I
Backgrounds: Pure Breed 4, Past life I
Empathy 2, Intimidation 4, Primal-Urge 4, Streetwise 2, Gifts: (I) Call of the Wyld, Create Element, Lambent
Subterfuge 3, Drive 2, Firearms 4, Melee 3, Leadership 2, Flame; (2) Awe, Dreamspeak
Stealth 4, Survival 2, Investigation 4, Medicine I, Rituals 3 Rage 4, Gnosis 5, Willpower 6
Backgrounds: Kinfolk I, Pure Breed 2 Rank: 2
Gifts: (I) Razor Claws, The Falling Touch; (2) Heart of Metis Disfigurement: Bestial Reflection
Fury, Staredown, Spirit of the Fray, True Fear; Rend Reality MeritslFlaws: Concentration, Fast Learner, Time Sense
(special Black Spiral Dancer Gift) / Pack Mentality, Wolf Years
Rage 8, Gnosis 6, Willpower 9 Rite: None
Rank: 2 Fetishes: Harmony Flute, Sanctuary Chimes, Spirit
Rites: Moot Rite, Gathering for the Departed, Ritual of Whistle
the Questing Stone, Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite of Image: In Homid, Sings-for-the- Beast is always cul­
Passage tured, refined and downright beautiful, but she looks a little
Fetishes: Tears of Gaia older each day. In Lupus, she is a true white wolf, going gray
Image: In Homid form, he is an attractive young man fast.
with platinum blonde hair and an unsettling, blue-eyed Roleplaying Notes: You are a follower . True, you prefer
gaze. In Lupus, he is a large, silvery-white wolf with crystal­ people not to know that you are metis, and you are embar­
line blue eyes, powerful and sleek in appearance. rassed at how fast you are aging, but both of these are
Roleplaying Notes: You treat everyone, human and products of the purity of your breeding. Since ,rime seems so
Garou, even elders, with a soft-spoken, angry, contemptu­ short for you, you try to be where everything is happening
or where people are gathering. You want to teach, but
ous condescension. Speaking to other Garou seems
before anyone will listen, you have to be famous. You need
degrading to you. You believe that they would turn tail and
glory, so you try to be where it can be found. You are living
howl if they really knew what was going on. Within your
pack, you demand absolute loyalty and will not hesitate to as fast as you can.
eliminate those who question your leadership. Background: Sings-for-the-Beast was the product of a
Silver Fang mating with one of the Lost, a Garou who had
Background: Nicolai is the pack leader of the Crescent
Moon's strike team. His pack consists of another Silver lost her Kin Fetch and had not undergone the Change. Her
Fang, a Bone Gnawer, two Shadow Lords and a Glass mother underwent her First Change shortly thereafter and
went through her Rite of Passage while heavy with child.
Walker. They are the ones who deal with threats that
Sings was born, and her father prepared her way in Garou
originate in the nearby cities and the factories that dot the
society. She works hard to keep her place and hopes that
Ural area. The entire pack has risen in renown in a very
one day her story will grace the Cliff of Heroes maintained
short time. This has both impressed the other Garou of the
area and made them wary ofN icolai. He rules his pack wi th by the Sept of the Crescent Moon .
an iron fist, tolerating no dissent and no failure.

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 73

Stargazers Shadow Lords: There is little place for arrogance in light
of the troubles.
The Stargazers have be a part of Russia since the Silent Striders: They have disappeared from council,
Impergium. They have lUlllJ;lJCCll the advisors to the great­ and I wonder why. It has always been their way to leave.
est leaders of the Garou, they usually be found at Silver Fangs: They are too tied to the Litany. Only truth
the great caerns has remained can break their apathy, but where will they find it?
relatively constant ile they are not a Uktena: In their sojourns to the spirit world, they have
major power, lost sight of our troubles here.
Politically, the Wendigo: In their retreat from the world, they have
ors to those who maIallJl1K<Dns retreated from the truth.
their place to do
consider it Chien Sun, "mountain Win~"
upon to judge Breed: Homid
The Russian ~~~!'rfl. ics, tellers and Auspice: Galliard
philosophers. r truth and solvers of
Nature / Demeanor: Confidant / Visionary
mysteries. They of the Children of
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7),
Gaia as the voice of
Stamina 4 (6/7/7/7), Charisma 4, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
Fangs universally respect for their wisdom, but nowa­
Appearance 1 (0/0/1/1), Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 3,
days, they are just as likel to ignore their council as to
listen. Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
Expression 2, Instruction 4, Primal-Urge 3, Animal Ken 3,
It has become an obsessiDn among the Stargazers to find
Drive 3, Meditation 5, Melee 4, Repair 3, Survival 3,
out what is truly going on behind the scenes in Russia, but
Kailindo 5, Enigmas 4, Rituals 3
they feel they must find incontrovertible evidence before
presenting their findings to the Silver Fangs. If not, the Backgrounds: Allies 3, Kinfolk 4
Fangs will ignore it, and the Apocalypse will come that Gifts: (1) Balance, The Falling Touch, Persuasion,
much closer. The Stargazers are one of the only tribes in Sense Wyrm; (2) Inner Strength, Jam Technology, Sense
Russia that sees the current events in Russia as signs of a Silver, Surface Attunement; (3) Clarity, Disquiet, Heart of
storm to come . They are often dismissed as pessimists. Fury, Merciful Blow, Whispering Wind; (4) Questioning;
(5) Wisdom of the Seer
Septs Rage 6, Gnosis 8, Willpower 10
Rank: 5
The Stargazers maintain a single caern in the Russian Far
Merits / Flaws: Calm Heart, Ambidexterity / Intoler­
East, near the Mongolian border. It is located within a
ance (of fighting between the tribes)
crystal grotto beneath a mountaintop temple. There are 15
Rites: Rite of Opened Caern, Rite of Fetish
Stargazers at this caern. There are seven more Stargazers
throughout the country. They live among the other tribes Fetish: Sticks of the Sea Wind (Level 3, Gnosis 8; a pair
at the most powerful or important caerns. Recently, three of combat sticks that must be wielded in tandem; if the user
Stargazers from the Uktena Evergreen Sept were killed
when that caern was drained.

Black Furies: Their useless bickering with the Get only
exacerbates all our problems.
Bone Gnawers: In trying to achieve equality, they have
only succeeded in dividing us further.
Children of Gaia: In their search for the truth, they
overlooked human nature. I hope they can soon return.
Fianna: They must be judged as individuals, for there are
too few Fianna in Russia.
Get of Fenris: One who uses anger as a weapon can have
it turned back at himself.
Glass Walkers: They have imprisoned themselves in a
Weaver's web, but do not recognize their peril.
Red Talons: They will die hating, and they will be

74 Rage Across Russia

waits till the end of the round to strike, he receives a bonus Yaga's spirit minions increases. Arbitration of this is left to
strike without a reduction of his Dice Pool or an expendi­ the Storyteller, but it should still be a risky thing for an
ture of Rage. The user has his normal Dexterity + Melee Uktena to brave the spirit world.
Dice Pool for this attack. Rage cannot be spent in the same
round that this power is used. Damage is Strength + 2, but
the damage is not aggravated.)
Image: In Homid, Chien Sun is a small oriental man The Uktena in Russia are rumored to control at least one
standing juSt under five foot six. His right eye is milky due and possibly more caerns located in the wilderness of
to a hit to the head long ago and his right ear is frayed from Siberia and the Russian Far East. Their talents in dealing
a bite that never healed. He wears minimal dress, lacking with matters of the spirit world are often sought out by other
showy decoration or unnecessary features. In Lupus, he is a tribes, such as the Shadow Lords .
sleek gray wolf of thin stature with black paws. There are 35 Uktena at their major caern, the Spirit
Roleplaying Notes: The calm warrior, ready to destroy Stone, and 25 more Uktena spread throughout Siberia and
if necessary, but more ready to teach the young and the ill­ upper Mongolia.
informed. You teach that patience is the key to life and The Uktena have recently lost a caern, the Evergreen
success. Only through clearness of the mind is true victory Sept, to the drainings. Fifteen Uktena and three Stargazers
possible. were killed. Only one Garou escaped to tell the tale of its
Background: Chien Sung trained in the ways of the destruction.
martial arts before his First Change. Shortly before his
Change, a group of mysterious men and women arrived and Stereotypes
took him from the monastery . They explained to him that Black Furies: They walk the Wyld paths and are aston­
he was to be a warrior for the world spirit, one who would ishing in their righteous rage.
interpret the songs of Gaia through the dances of combat.
Bone Gnawers: Either they have resisted the Wyrm well
Chien accepted his new role and welcomed his ability to
or it has consumed their souls so throroughly that none can
change shape.
tell of their corruption .
He rose through the ranks of the Garou through dedica­
Children of Gaia: Poor, lost children. They sought an
tion and intense work. Now he leads the Sept of the Crystal
enemy without and were brought low by the Wyrm within .
Mind. He is the chief teacher there and is one of the most
Fianna: Though they are different, they bring a fresh
qualified instructors ofKailindo to be found.
point of view to the old ways.
The recent developments in Russia have been brought
to his attention, and they worry him. He is currently Get of Fenris: They should learn to control their rage
before it brings them low. We would do well to avoid them .
working very hard to train the new warriors sent out to spy
and fight for the Garou. Glass Walkers: Their new approach to the Umbra is
fascinating, but their closeness to the Wyrm is potentially

Uktena dangerous, both for them and for the rest of Garou.
Red Talons: They are like angry children, our brothers
re strongly tied with of the tundra , but they must be thwarted, for they will bring
t well within Russia, the rest of us down with them.
ar East. The Uktena Shadow Lords: The Shadow Lords are the most openly
corrupt of us. They must be watched, for the Wyrm waits
deep in their hearts.
Silent Striders: These Garou are knowledgeable in
many secrets, secrets we must convince them to reveal.
Silver Fangs: Despite their nobility, the Silver Fangs
walk a path that leads to stagnation and ruin. If they are not
shown the way out, they will be lost.
Stargazers: We share much in common with these wise
young and idealistic, bu ones, though our traditions are different.
world by their mentor .
Wendigo: They are the closest to us in both origin and
Of all the tribes, the Uk na Theurges have the least spirit, but their isolation can only lead to sorrow.
trouble piercing the Sha w urtain to reach the Umbra.
None ofthe other tribes u ef tand this, but to the Uktena,
it is simple: their totem, Uktena himself, allows them this
access. The Gauntlet is treated as normal for the Uktena.
However, there is a dark side to this; anytime an Uktena
steps sideways, the chance of detection by one of Baba

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 75

You take your position as pack leader of the caern
guardians very seriously. Your pack has protected the Ural
Caern successfully, and you are willing to do anything to
maintain this flawless record. You honestly believe that
whatever has been attacking the other caerns will strike the
Sept of the Crescent Moon with great force .
Background: Speaker-to-Mountains came to the Ural
Mountain caern a few years back and approached the
Warder, Grimfang , in hopes of gaining his tutelage.
Grimfang saw the potential within the young lupus and
placed her in charge of a pack. Her pack consists of five
lupus and a homid Silent Strider Ahroun. They are charged
with protecting the Umbra IGlen that corresponds with the
location of the Ural Caern.

Jvan OJolkov
Breed: Homid
Auspice: Theurge
Nature / Demeanor: Reluctant Garou / Cub
Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 3 (3/4/5/5),
S peaker-to-mountains Stamina 2 (4/5/5/5), Charisma 2, Manipulation 2 (l/O/O/O),
Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Breed: Lupus
Abilities: Alertness 1, Brawl 2, Dodge 2, Prima l-Urge 1,
Auspice: Theurge
Drive 3, Firearms 3, Repair 2, Stealth 3, Survival 2, Com ­
Nature / Demeanor: Maker / Visionary
puter 1, Investigation 2, Medicine 3, Ritua ls 1, Science 2
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7),
Backgrounds: Past Lives 4
Stamina 5 (7/8/8/8), C harisma 4, Manipulation 4 (3/1/1/1),
Gifts: (1) Persu as ion , Sense Magic, Sense Wyrm, Spirit
Appearance 3 (2/0/3/3), Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 2, Dodge 3, Empathy 5,
Rage 2, Gnosis 6, Willpower 7
Expression 1, Intimidation 3, Primal -Urge 5, Subterfuge 2,
Animal Ken 2, Etiquette 2 (Garou), Leadership 2, Medita­ Rank: 1
tion 4, Stealth 2, Survival 4, Enigmas 4, Occult 4, Rituals Merits/Flaws: Mercury Rising, Natural Channel, Mixed
5, Herbalism 2, Spirit Lore 3, Wyrm Lore 1 Morph / Foe from the Past (Gangrel), Insane Past Life
Backgrounds: Past Life 2 (comes out in the presence of his foe), Notoriety (insanity)
Gifts: (1) Find Water, Spirit Speech, Sense Magic; (2) Rites: Rite of Contrition, Rite of Cleansing, Rite of
Command Spirit, Name of the Spirit, Sight from Beyond; W ou nding
(3) Umbral Sight Fetish: None
Rage 6, Gnosis 9, Willpower 9 Image: In Homid , Ivan looks powerful, with corded
Rank: 3 muscles that stand out well from his shoulders, neck and
legs. He is always in jeans of some sort (he wears cutoffs to
Rites: Rite of Cleansing, Ritual ofTalisman Dedication,
swim or work out), and he also likes to wear tanktops. He
Rite of the Open Caern, Ritual of Summoning, Rite of
acts like a rebel because he refuses to accept what is going
Becoming, Rite of the Fetish, Rite of the Shrouded Glen
on around him. In Lupus, he always appears confused, as if
Fetishes: Spirit Tracer (Level 2, Gnosis 5), Spirit Whistle
he would rather be elsewhere.
(Level 4, Gnosis 8)
Roleplaying Notes: You refuse to be a werewolf. You
Image: In Lupus, Speaker-to-Mountains is a small dark
were raised hearing the traditional stories, and you just
gray wolf with almost runelike white patterns on her back.
don't want to be one of the "bad guys". Unfortunately, there
In Homid, she is a small, slender young woman of Tibetan
are these voices in your head, and they refuse to leave you
ancestry with a long, luxuriously thick black braid.
alone. The worst one is absolutely nuts, but you can't do
Roleplaying Notes: You are reserved in expressing your anything about it. They say you are a "Theurge", but you
feelings, but this does not mean that you are quiet. You don't want to deal with it. Too bad you seem to be good at
seem to have a way of making your feelings known without it. When you watch another "Theurge " perform a ritua l, the
all the useless blabber and screaming that most of the Garou new knowledge burns into your memory like a branding
use. Since your practice of spi rit weaving has taugh t you iron searing a mark into soft flesh.
that uncontrolled behavior can be extremely destructive,
you strive to remain calm in every situation.

76 Rage Across Russia

All in all, this is a very painful life; you came to Siberia
to get away from it, but the voices are still here. There is

some other psycho that keeps trying to kill you; he says that The Wendigo have one caern, complete with sept and
you betrayed him centuries ago. protectorate, located near the shores of the Bering Sea.
Background: Ivan was not meant to be a Garou. He There are 30 Wendigo there. From here, they will attack
entered the Red Army before his First Change and was any minion of the Wyrm or, indeed, anyone who gets too
kidnapped by the Uktena towards the end of his first year near. They have not been attacked as yet, nor do they know
of service. He wanted to be a soldier and have a normal life, of the attacks on other caerns. It is possible that their
but all of that has changed now. Normalcy is impossible. isolationism will prove to be their downfall.
One of his past lives is a reasonably powerful Theurge
who crossed a powerful vampire. The Theurge eventually
died. The vampire did not. Now the vampire, who is one of
the lieutenants in Baba Yaga's Army of the Night, is after Black Furies: As warriors of the Wyld, they are without
his old rival's descendants. peer and are worthy of our trust. But their disrespect for men
Ivan's elders feel that they have done all they can in could prove to be their weakness.
trying to adapt him to Garou life. Ifhe can not survive, then Bone Gnawers: They adopt human philosophies in an
so be it. attempt to create equality among the Garou. They only
create their own doom.
Wenbigo Children of Gaia: While they are the most open­
hearted of Russia's Garou, they are unable to see the
enemies that lurk in our own caerns. That is why they were
brought low.
Fianna: We barely know them, but they are a happy
Get of Fenris: We do not truck with the Get. They are
too belligerent for their own good.
~.,,_,.....rr-;;r.·4r<a lly contended with the Silver Glass Walkers: The Glass Walkers walk towards the
b "'I::"•.~0~m
a9 r the two groups were separated by Wyrm .
. s. During the time of Russian industri­
Red Talons: We, too, seek revenge for our hurts, but
alization, the Wendigo retreated far from any human these wolves are too reckless. Their rage takes them into the
habitation and were the least affected by the changes that maw of doom.
marked the beginning of the twentieth century. Later
Shadow Lords: Nothing good comes from them. They
developments, and the expansion into the Siberian lands
are darkhearted conquerors who seek to exploit us all.
by the Soviet industrial machine, led to such deve lopments
as the hunting of wolves using helicopter based gun plat­ Silent Striders: We have become friends, as they are one
f~rrns -special ammunition was supplied, of course, by the
the few tribes who are willing to visit our caerns. Still, we
"people" in power who knew the real reason for the hunting haven't seen them for a long time.
of the wolves. Since the Wendigo had been out of contact Silver Fangs: Their failure is clear. Why the others still
with civilization for so long, they had no idea of what they follow them is a mystery.
were up against, and the hunting took a far greater toll on Stargazers: They spend much time in contemplation,
them than on any other tribe except the Red Talons. and their spirits are noble.
There are few Wendigo left in Russia, but there is a Uktena: They are our brothers, but where we walk the
rumor circulating among the more learned Garou of a path of war, they walk the path of spirit.
hybrid line related to both the Silver Fangs and the Wendigo.
Neither the Wendigo nor any hybrid tribe are politically
active in Russia. The Wendigo keep to themselves, fiercely Breed: Lupus
guarding their lands and caerns from human and Garou Auspice: Galliard
alike. If such a hybrid tribe exists, it is small, has little power Nature / Demeanor: Survivor / Director
and is, as yet, unrecognized by the Garou population. Attributes: Strength 4 (6/8/7/5), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6),
Russia's Wendigo are a small, very potent force. They Stamina 5 (7/8/8/8), Charisma 2, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0),
control one small area of Siberia, and woe betide any who Appearance 3 (2/0/2/2), Perception 5, Intelligence 3, Wits 4
try to enter it without their permission. They are adept at Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 3,
survival in the icy wastes, masters of animalistic combat Intimidation 4, Primal-Urge 4, Subterfuge 4, Animal Ken 2,
and controllers of powerful spirits of the snow and ice. Melee 4, Rituals 4, Survival 3,
Backgrounds: Familiar Spirit 4, Past Lives 4

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 77

Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4,
Primal-Urge 3, Drive 2, Melee 3, Stealth 1, Survival 1,
Enigmas 3, Investigation 1, Occult 3, Rituals 3
Backgrounds: Past Lives 3
Gifts: (1) Call the Breeze, Persuasion, Sense Wyrm,
Spirit Speech
Rage 4, Gnosis 9, Willpower 7
Rank: 1
Merits /Flaws: Mercury Rising, Natural Channel, Con­
centration/ DrivingGoal (find the Croatans), Soft Hearted,
Overconfident, No Partial Transformation
Rites: Rite of Talisman Dedication, Rite of Binding
Fetish: None
Image: In Homid, Walks-for-the -Dead is a fit young
man. In Lupus, Walks is a lean timber wolf.
Roleplaying Notes: You know you've got a great destiny

' ",-._J/ ;
ahead of you and can't help but be overjoyed. So many
around you are just waiting for the Apocalypse, but you
know there is a way out. There's gotta be. You lead a whole
Gifts: (1) Call ofWyld, Camouflage, Leap of Kangaroo, pack who you have convinced to believe as you do.
Sense Prey; (2) Curse of Aeolus, Dreamspeak, Eye of Eagle, Background: Walks-for-the-Lost has abandoned his
Sense the Unnatural; (3) Catfeet, Chill of Early Frost; (4) human name in favor of his new Garou one. He is fascinated
Attunement, Bridge Walker; (5) Song of the Great Beast by the lost Croatan tribe and is convinced that he can solve
Rage 7, Gnosis 8, Willpower 7 their mystery. He believes that the Croatan must have left
Kinfolk in Russia on their march to the Pure Lands long
Rank: 5
ago, and if he can find them, he is sure he can revive the
Merits / Flaws: Huge Size tribe.
Rites: Rite of the Opened Caern, Rite of Totem, Rite of
the Fetish
Fetishes: Fang Dagger
rche Siberakh
Image: In Homid, Blood-on-the-Wind is a tall, dark­
haired man with pale features. In Lupus, he is stark white
with gray stripes leading from his ears to his tail.
Roleplaying Notes: You are calm and collected, always
ready and always cautious. Stupidity rules the foolish who
would rather fight than think, and you will not be part of it.
The enemy comes in many forms and surrounds you from all
sides. They must be taught their errors. Order will prevail,
and when it does, so will Gaia.
Background: Blood-on-the-Wind became the leader of
the Sept of the Siberian Wilds several years ago when he
challenged and beat the former leader. He has brought a
new vigor to the Wendigo, but it is a vigor tied to maintain­
ing their isolation from the rest of the world.

Breed: Homid
Auspice: Theurge
Nature / Demeanor: Alpha / Reveler
Attributes: Strength 2 (4/6/5/3), Dexterity 4 (4/5/6/6),
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 3, Manipulation 2 (1/0/0/0),
Appearance 2 (1/0/2/2), Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

78 Rage Across Russia

paragons of the legendary Silver Fang virtues: nobility, could be the best chance for a ruling tribe in Russia, one
virtue and bravery. It is believed that the native stock from that will lead the Garou to victory over the Wyrm. If only
the Wendigo flock invigorates the lineage of these Fangs. they could find them ...
A few of the Children of Gaia believe that the Siberakh

Chapter Three: The Tribes of the Moon 79

80 Rage Across Russia
d'entex an~ the tainted corporation helped the Black Spiral Dancers estab­
lish Pit after Pit all over the country. Some of the strangest

Covernment Wyrm caerns in the world are found in Russia now, and this
pleases both the Black Spirals and Pentex. The company
Disaster teaches you a lot - that is true. But these times felt secure allied with the native Black Spiral Dancers.
demand different methods of learning. Without their support, the operation would have fallen
apart under Garou pressure.
- Geydar Aliyev, chairman of the Accident
Investigation Committee In late 1990, it all came apart. For some reason that
Pentex could not understand, the Black Spirals rebelled.
Until a few years ago, Russia had no corporate base of its
This is the first such case in the company's history, and no
own. The corporations active within the country could be
one could comprehend it. All contact with the leaders of
traced to outside money, and most of that money could be
the tribe was cut off. Messengers sent to the caerns either
traced back (only by the most resourceful investigators) to
never returned or were so completely insane that there was
Pentex. For many years, Pentex, through its holding corpo­
no point in listening to them.
rations, helped the government of Russia remain financia lly
secure while running a virtual business monopoly within As if it was an omen, the government started to lose
the country, allowing them to do business as they saw fit. stability at the same time. In a desperate attempt to salvage
The reigning Brujah council didn't realize that the numer­ the government, the ruling council increased opportunities
ous corporations they were dealing with were all just for trade, opening many of the doors Pentex had held shut
tentacles of one octopus. for so long. In some cases, other companies, many of which
were run by vampires of various sorts, were invited into the
For the Garou, the result was an ongoing war the likes of
country. Pentex found itself in economic competition for
which were seen nowhere else in the world. Wolves were
the first time in Russia.
hunted by helicopter gunships, and the land was despoiled
at a rate difficult to believe . All of this was sanctioned by Sensing the weakness in their opponents, the Garou of
the government. Russia rallied and began putting more and more pressure
against Pentex subsidiaries. These problems caused Pentex
It was too much for the Garou to stop. Pentex was
to take a temporary leave of absence from Russia.
winning as they expanded their control ofRussian ind ustry.
Under the blanket of absolute unaccountability, the Wyrm­

Chapter Four: Enemies 81

With the withdrawal of Pentex money, the government draped over the other side . The other leg was folded up, and she
began to collapse faster , and Baba Yaga stepped forth to put covered hel'self with her foot .
down the ailing system. Many companies lost everything in As he looked upon her, she opened her eyes and slowly began
the chaos that ensued, and life became very hard for people to unfold her ugly limbs. Her hands dug grooves into the metal
in Russia. Pentex was glad to be out of the war zone for once, of the stove as she rose, and he could see the sharp prongs of
but they still do not know who or what was behind the jagged metal where she had been laying. She rose to full height,
governmental collapse and the treachery of their most and he knew that even in his mos t warlike form, he would easily
potent allies. The only lead they have is a person calling fit into her massive jaws.
himself"The General." They would dearly love to remove As that thought crossed his mind, she smiled, and he saw steel
this "General's" head. teeth dripping with blood and spittle. His courage faltered. His
Pentex is not without forethought, however, and has heart fluttered . She spoke:
chosen to bide its time for now. They suspect that when "You look at me with such awe. Do you find me pleasing?"
Russia stabilizes, it will once again be in need of potent The voice carried with it all the malice of a raging Nexus
investors, and Pentex will be there. The megacorps think Crawler. The bitterness crept into his soul, forcing him to
they will face little resistance when they take up where they answer before he had time to lie. His voice made him sound like
left off. a pup rather than the most respected of his tribe in Russia , yet he
They are mistaken. spoke. He had no choice.
"I find you glorious. " And he knew she would loathe him­
6Jlack Spiral (]Jancers how could she not, as weak as he was in her presence? She smiled
again, and her fangs came closer to him. She spoke again, and
The Black Spiral Dancers of Russia never held much this time he was certain that somewhere, someone had died
power until the revolution. When the Brujah council came horribly to produce the power of this voice.
to power, they caused so many problems for the Garou that
"Bring your children to me, all your children, and we will
the Thirteen Tribes could no longer devote time to their
revel with your children in a celebration of my glory." Having
continual war with the Black Spiral Dancers. When Pentex
said this, she allowed him the bliss of her fangs .
entered Russia, they did so with the aid of the Black Spiral
Dancer Kinfolk in the government.
He awoke, knowing he would never forget what happened.
He aLso knew what had to be done . Leaving the chicken hut, he
The Black Spirals are responsible for the testing of
sought out another elder of his tribe and brought him to the Hag.
nuclear weapons on Russian soil. In a brilliant piece of
Soon, another Spiral felt the bliss of the Embrace . The Black
manipulation, the Black Spiral Dancers successfully
Spirals would follow him, and he would follow her.
"planted" some of their Kinfolk as retainers to the Brujah.
The Black Spirals are now one of Baba Yaga's favorite
These Ghouls, who occasionally had the ear of the council,
tools . She uses them on every dangerous mission that must
convinced the Brujah that if they did not test the weapons,
be carried out, and she takes great glee in watching them
other vampires woul.d continue to develop them overseas
fight. She sees them as an excellent weapon. To keep them
and one day use them against the council. The normally
happy, she has allowed them the use of her space station,
pa ranoid vampires wondered why they had not seen this
MIR. However, this has recently become the source ofsome
sooner and promptly entered the Cold War.
rebellion against her leadership. Perhaps it is time for her to
Nuclear testing, accompanied by the environmental
fly up there and explain the situation.. . or perhaps not. One
devastation of the Pentex corporations, provided several
thing is certain to Baba Yaga: there is only one way to treat
prime locations for Pits. The population of Black Spiral
an excellent weapon once you are done with it. You destroy
Dancers began to climb steadily. When their numbers had
it so it may not be used against you.
reached a sufficient level, they again took up their war with
the Thirteen Tribes. This time, they had the advantage.
The Black Spirals were happy with the situation as it
was, yet they could feel something more was to come. In
1990, it did . The eldest Theurge of the Black Spirals, an old rche Hive of the Unleashe~ Atom
lupus called Poison Tooth, was visited in his dreams. The Caern: The Chernobyl nuclear reactor in the Ukraine
visitor was none other than a Wyrm servant. What else Level: 3
could produce such a monster?
Gauntlet: 4 (5)
Poison Tooth was in a hut, an impossibly large hut, which
Type: Toxins
seemed larger inside than outside . He sat at the table, and the
Tribal Structure: Open only to Black Spiral Dancers
cat on the floor told him to make himself comfortable . The
and other Wyrm creatures
mistress would see him shortly, as soon as she finished her rest.
Then he noticed the Hag . She slept on the stove, though she could Totems: G'louogh, the Dance of Corruption
hardly fit upon it. Her head hung down on one side and one leg

82 Rage Across Russia

The Chernobyl nuclear reactor in the Ukraine has
become the most recent addition to the Russian Black
Spiral Pits. It started as a low-powered caern, but has
mysteriously risen in power with every new tragedy that
occurs related to the reactor's meltdown in the 1980s. The
radiological effects of that disaster are far-reaching, from
children born with cancer to the corruption of crops and
cattle miles away. The radiation was even carried as far
north as Lapland, killing many reindeer and destroying the
way of life of the nomadic Sami people. Many Sami had to
move to towns or villages for jobs.
Baba Yaga does not like Chernobyl. It symbolizes a
poison in her motherland. However, until the usefulness of
the Black Spirals has come to an end, she will tolerate the
strange activity around the reactor. Should there be an­
other meltdown crisis, however, her anger against the
Black Spirals will know no bounds. The Spirals sense this
and are very careful not to take their revels too far.

The MlR space station, in orbit around the Earth, is

certainly the oddest pitthe Black Spirals have built. Details
can be found in Book of the Wynn.
Baba Yaga has not yet realized just how powerful this
caern is, for it provides a direct path to Malfeas, the Lair of
the Wyrm. When she discovers this potential threat to her
power, she will quickly shut down the caern. If any Garou
can discover a way to get such information before her, she
will be grateful and spare the messenger's lives .. . this time.

([he Hive of the Clowing Sea

Question: How do you tell a man is from the Nonhern Fleet )
Answer: He glows in the dark .
- Soviet Navy joke
Caern: A sunken nuclear sub off Novaya Zemlya
Level: 4
Gauntlet: 4 (5)
Type: En igmas
Tribal Structure: Open only to Black Spiral Dancers
and other Wyrm creatures
Totems: Kraken
Just off the islands of Novaya Zemlya, nuclear reactors
were dumped into the sea. A nuclear submarine also sank
here 10 years ago, its reactor forgotten. Now the Black
Spirals have taken up residence on the land nearby to be
close to their shrine under the sea.
On special moot nights, the Black Spirals swim down
below the frigid waves and board the sunken sub, which has
been magically sealed and filled with air. There they dance
their bizarre and blasphemous rites far from the sight of
human or wolf. Each hive member has a fetish allowing him
the Gift: Spirit of the Fish.

Chapter Four: Enemies 83

Except for the destruction ofSharkala, they failed. They
Storyteller Warning were unable to kill the rest of the creatures, who were far
The Great Zmei are truly fearsome beasts of immense more powerful than they originally believed. The death toll
power. They are beings of an older time, when the mounted as, one by one, the Zmei were bound into magical
energies of the world still ran rampant and Wyld. slumber.
Indeed, they were once creatures of the Wyld until the Each time a Zmei was fought, the Silver Fangs would
Wyrm was corrupted, dragging the Zmei (among oth­ record the combat on the Wall of Heroes in their Ural
ers) down with it. Mountains caern. The Garou managed to bind all the
A Storyteller must be very careful when using the known Zmei, hiding them in locations remembered now by
Zmei in a game, for they are a challenge to even the only the oldest Galliards.
greatest pack ofGarou warriors; a single Garou does not The Garou did not know of all the Zmei, however.
stand a chance before one. Even though it was the Shazear escaped the hunt and has remained awake to this
Silver Fangs who drove the Zmei to their slumbers, the day, except for long periods of sleep to preserve his energy.
traditional dragons layers of old are not Garou, but During World War II, Gregornous was accidentally
mages. High magick and cunning can work where claw awakened. He hid from all contact until he knew his master
and fang are useless. had risen again. At the bidding of Baba Yaga, Gregomous
If the Storyteller is using Mage with his Russian has managed to find Shazear and awaken IlIyana. Presently,
game, perhaps the Zmei could represent an interesting the three of them are seeking the others and hoping to wake
challenge. They are corrupted Marauder creatures from them.
before the Mythic Age and are now part of the Nephandi Clues and portents have told the Garou that these
horde. Theycan stay on Gaia longer than other draconic creatures are stirring. At least two packs have failed to
beings (unlike Ik-Thazai in Mage) because of the nature return from missions to investigate sightings of "abnor­
ofBaba Yaga'ssummoning long ago (which makes them mally large Wyrm creatures." In one instance, a survivor
immune to Paradox). However, they still need to de­ came back to the caern telling stories about dragons. The
vour Quintessence- and they get it from Garou caerns. other Garou only laughed. The elders, however, heard the
This is the cause of the caern drainings, for the Zmei are story and now suspect that the Zmei walk again. So far, the
digesting the power whole. missions to check on the sleeping Zmei have been hindered
Nonetheless, valiant Garou can act against them. by the need to guard the caerns from the drainings. It has
How players participate in the defeat of the Zmei is up also taken a long time to find those who remember the
to the Storyteller. However, the tale should be a hard burial sites of the Zmei. Only Trevero's tomb has been
and dangerous one. The best tactic by far is a group of investigated so far, and he is still deep asleep.
mages and Garou united against the Zmei, like the The young Garou believe these creatures are simply large
Bogatyr heroes of old. Banes and, despite their elders' warnings, the pups are
See Chapter Five for story ideas involving Garou excited about the possibility of hunting them down. The
characters and the Zmei. elders know that, soon enough, the pups will learn the
truth, and then run in fear.

'[he Zmei Yes, the elders are worried, for they know that if the Zmei
have been released and Baba Yaga has truly risen, the
The Zmei are dragons. They were first summoned to this Koshchei can not be far behind.
world long ago by Baba Yaga in her attempt to kill the
Nosferatu Antediluvian who had turned her into a vam­ Zmei cPoUJers
pire. There were seven of them summoned into the world.
The six remaining Great Zmei all share the following
They are known as the Great Zmei: Goluko, Gregornous,
IlIyana, Rustarin, Trevero, Sharkala and Shazear. Each of
Fear: When first engaging with a Zmei in serpent form,
these great creatures resembles their true master, the Wyrm,
a Willpower check is required against a difficulty of 6. Only
though some were able to take other forms at will.
one success is needed. However, should the player roll more
For years, even after Baba Yaga entered her slumber,
than three successes, her character will enter frenzy and
these creatures held sway over large areas of land. People
attack. If the player fails her roll, her character is frozen in
feared to enter what became known as the "dragon lands."
fear and can do nothing until she makes a successful roll
Finally, after much debate, the Silver Fangs of Russia (she can roll each turn). If she botches, then her character
decided that the time had come to rid the world of these will enter a Fox frenzy and flee.
creatures. They enlisted the aid of some of their Kinfolk,
Regeneration: The Zmei regenerate at a rate of one
who had the power to work magic, and went out to slay the
Health Level per round, provided that they are still alive at
great Wyrms.
the end of the round. This is similar to Garou regeneration:

84 Rage Across Russia

a Zmei must roll his Stamina (difficulty 8) to regenerate in successful Perception + Alertness roll , difficulty 8, can aim
combat. for these locations. The attack difficulty is raised by one,
Rend Reality: When in serpent form, the Zmei have the but the damage Dice Pool is increased by 2.
ability to travel beyond this world by ripping a hole in the Image: Goluko is 30 feet long, in addition to his IS foot
fabric of reality . This costs them a great deal of personal tail. His once-lustrous scales are now a sickly green and are
energy, reflected in a loss of five points of Rage, two points falling off in places. He has mutated warts growing across
of Willpower and one permanent point of Gnosis. Any his belly now, a sign of the radiation disease.
creature following a Zmei into such a rift must make a Roleplaying Notes: AAAAaaaaaaRRRggghhhHHH I
Willpower check, difficulty 8, to remain sane. Even if they Pain! All is pain!
do make the roll, they will acquire one permanent derange­ Background: Rage is all that is left of the once great
ment. Entering a Zmei rift will deliver the Garou to a Goluko. His mind has been shattered. When he was bound,
blasted and barren plain in Malfeas: the true lair of the the Silver Fangs neglected his resting place in the remote
Zmei. The Zmei must also spend the cost to return to this Taimyr Peninsula. It just so happens that remote locations
world . are the preferred sites for modern nuclear testing, particu­
Flight: When in serpent form, all the Zmei have wings larly underground testings. Not even the force of multiple
and are capable of flight. Their full flight speed is equal to thermonuclear explosions could destroy the magical bonds
30 yards + (3 x Dexterity) per round. that held Goluko. Unable to escape, Goluko writhed in the
Attacks: All Zmei can attack with fangs (diff. 5; Str + 4 depths of the earth . Radiation slowly devoured his weak­
damage) or claws (diff. 6; Str + 3). They can also strike with ened body.
a tail lash (diff. 7; Str + 2); if successful, the victim must Once the most passive of the Zmei, Goluko is now
make an opposed Dexterity roll (difficulty 6) against the nothing but rage. The problem is that the Black Spiral
Zmei'sdamage successes. Failure means the victim is knocked Dancers are trying to raise him with their Rite of Draconic
to the ground. Liberation. See Chapter Five, "The Sleeper Awakens", for
Other things of note: an idea of what could happen. If Goluko escapes, the
• Due to their size in serpent form, all attack rolls against destruction cou ld be on an unprecedented scale. Even Baba
a Zmei have their difficulty reduced by one. Yaga cannot allow that.
• Body levels of the Zmei are as follows : ok/ok/ok/ok/ok/
- 1/-I/-I/-3/-3/-3/-5/-5/-5/Incapacitated.
• In serpent form, a Zmei's scales act as three dice of Attributes: Strength 10, Dexterity 5, Stamina 8, Cha­
armor to soak all physical attacks. Zmei scales can soak all risma 0, Manipulation 3, Appearance 0, Perception 5,
forms of damage- even most magical damage that nor­ Intelligence 4, Wits 5
mally ignores soaks (such as damage from the Gift: Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 5, BrawlS, Dodge 3,
Bacchantes'Rage). Empathy 2, Intimidation 9, Primal-Urge 4, Subterfuge 5,
The seven Great Zmei are listed below: Stealth 3, Survival 4, Enigmas 5, Linguistics 3, Occult 4,
Rituals 4, Area Knowledge (Russia) 4
Coluko Rage 7, Gnosis 8, Willpower 10
Attributes: Strength 12, Dexterity 6, Stamina 10, Cha­ Powers: Hex Scream (Gregornous lets out an ear-pierc­
risma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 2, ing scream. As far as the sound can carry-which is a long
Intelligence 0, Wits 3 way, considering the creature's lungs- plants wilt, the
Abilities: Athletics 5, Alerrness 2, Brawl 6, Dodge 3, earth shakes, buildings tumble and the life force of the
Intimidation 7 world screams back in pain. Mothers miscarry, and calamity
Rage 10, Gnosis 3, Willpower 7 strikes. Everyone within hearing range must make a Per­
ception + Empathy roll, difficulty 7. Anyone who fails will
Powers: Balefire Blast (Golukocan breath balefire. Roll
be cursed with a calamity: one bad thing will happen. This
Dexterity + Athletics, difficulty 6. Treat the blast as a gout
calamity is up to the Storyteller, but some examples are: the
of radioactive flame : difficu lty 9 to soak, with three wounds
breaking of a character's best fetish, a discovery made by a
taken per blast. These wounds are unsoakable and take
nearby werewolf hunter, or an afternoon lost in the woods.
twice as long to heal; in addition , any roll on the Battle Scar
Gregornous must spend one Gnosis and one Willpower
chart is at + 10. This blast costs Goluko one Rage point.)
point each time he uses this power.)
Radiation (Goluko is radioactive - he even glows in the
Image: Gregornous is roughly 50 feet long. His tail alone
dark! Those who approach him suffer the effects of this
is 20 feet long, and his scales are as black as soot. His
radiation. Anyone within 10 feet of him must make a
presence causes despair in most who look upon him. His
Stamina roll each turn, difficulty 6, or take low level effects:
scales do not shine, and looking into his eyes is like staring
one wound level, unsoakable.)
into the void.
Weakness: Radiation poisoning isslowly killingGoluko.
HIS scales are falling off in places. Any Garou with a

Chapter Four: Enemies 85

Roleplaying Notes: Yes, you are great and powerful. but Jllyana
you are here only to serve the "Little Grandmother." This
is true of the other Zmei as well, even if they will not admit Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 6, Stamina 8, Cha­
it. You may have to show them how to respect their real risma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 0, Perception 5,
Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Background: Gregornous was accidentally awakened in Abilities: Alertness 6, Athletics 5, Brawl 5, Dodge 4,
a battle between a Technomancer and a Celestial Chorus Empathy 2, Intimidation 6, Primal-Urge 5, Subterfuge 3,
mage sometime during WWIl. The Paradox spirit un­ Stealth 2, Enigmas 3, Occult 5, Zmei Lore 7
leashed during the battle purged the area of any magick that Rage 7, Gnosis 10, Willpower 9
did not conform to the laws of science, including the Powers: Combustion Word (lllyana speaks one word
binding spell that held Gregornous. Gregornous himself and all things within 20 yards of her burst into flame ­
was immune to the Paradox's effects, due to Baba Yaga's including Garou . Garou must roll their Stamina against a
summoning spell which brought him into the world. Al­ difficulty 9; failure means the Garou takes three wounds .
ways a clever one, Gregornous laid low, hid in the wilderness This damage is soabble, but aggravated . The problem is
and tried to figure out what was going on in the world now. that, for the next 10 turns, anyone within the 20 yard area
Of all the Great Zmei, it is Gregornous who desires the must make this roll each turn. Any combustible object in
approval of the Hag the most. He secretly watched over her range will also burst into flame. Illyana must spend two
resting place for years until she finally rose. He does not Gnosis points to use this power.)
remember any existence before answering the call of Baba Image: Illyana is a serpent roughly 65 feet long. Her
Yaga; as far as he is concerned, she brought him into scales are the colors of the rainbow and sparkle in light.
existence. He would do anything to protect his "mother", Roleplaying Notes: You are quiet and deadly. If some ­
though he does not tell the other Zmei this. one pushes you too far, or shows a disinterest in your tales,
blow them up; they clearly have no taste. If someone asks
you about your race, you will glad ly tell them. It matters not
if they take this knowledge to the grave. They will know
the honor of dying to a Zmei.
Background: Illyana is the lore keeper of the Zmei. She
lives to collect stories about the exploits her brothers. She
alone among the Zmei seeks out the company of the others.
She alone is welcome to visit any of the Zmei without
Her greatest passion is the tales of great battle and great
deceptions. She is secretly glad that T revero is not yet
awake; she finds him to be poor company.
I1lyana alone knows the true record of the fight with the
Antediluvian vampire, and she alone knows his resting
place (or believes she does . .. ) She has not revealed this to
anyone, as it gives her a sense of power she has never before
held, and perhaps gives her an advantage should things get
really bad.

Attributes: Strength 11, Dexterity 6, Stamina 10, Cha­
risma 1, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0, Perception 6,
Intelligence 3, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 5, Brawl 4, Dodge 5,
Empathy 5, Intimidation 8, Primal-Urge 5, Subterfuge 4,
Stealth 3, Leadership 5, Enigmas 5, Occult 4, Linguistics 2,
Area Knowledge (Russia) 4, Area Knowledge (Umbra) 5
Rage 7, Gnosis 9, Willpower 10
Powers: Commanding Gaze (Rustarin can gaze at a
victim and cause him to freeze in place. He will be unable
to move for 10 rounds or as long as Rustarin stares at him,
whichever is longer. The victim may make a Willpower roll
opposed by Rustarin's Willpower. He may not spend Will-

86 Rage Across Russia

power for automatic successes on this roll. If successful,
then the victim can act freely for one turn and every
additional turn in which he spends a Willpower point. Ifhe
has five successes, then the power is broken and will not
work on him again for another week. Rustarin must spend
a Gnosis point to use this power.)
Image: Rustarin is 80 feet long from head to tail. Her
scales are a deep blue, and they shimmer like sapphires. Her
eyes are shifting kaleidoscopes that draw others into their
Roleplaying Notes: You are in command, let none of the
Zmei doubt it. If they do not doubt your authority, others
will not question it. Shoul.d a lesser creature offend you, eat
it. You are eager to show how powerful the Zmei are, for
they are your troops, and their power reflects on you and is
represented in you. You wield the other Zmei like weapons
and, with the exception of Shazear, they are perfect tools.
Background: Rustarin is the leader of the Zmei. She uses
her skills and powers to impose her authority upon the
others. She is a good leader, and none of the Zmei resent
her, with the exception of Shazear and Trevero.
Itwas Rustarin who first answered the call ofBaba Yaga,
and he told the Hag the names of the others. Rustarin ,
understands what it is that each of the other Zmei respect . , \

She has managed to keep their respect and control them.

She does not like Baba Yaga anymore, for she resents the
Hag winning Gregornous' loyalties. Rustarin thinks that
lesser Wyrm creatures should defer to the Zmei.
Rustarin still sleeps, although the binding is weak. Her
location is somewhere in Kazakhstan, near the Aral Sea.

Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 6, Stamina 9, Cha,
risma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0 (3), Perception 5,
Intelligence 5, Wits 6
Abilities: Alertness 6, Athletics 4, Brawl 4, Dodge3 (4),
Empathy 4, Intimidation 5, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 5,
Drive 3, Melee 4, Stealth 3, Computers 2, Enigmas 5,
Linguistics 3, Occult 4, Science 1, Area Knowledge (Mos,
cow) 2, Area Knowledge (Russia) 3
Rage 5, Gnosis 6, Willpower 10
Powers: Shapeshift (Shazear is able to assume human
form. He appears as a very good looking young man in his
late twenties. He has black hair, a medium build and gray
eyes. The attributes in parentheses above for Shazear in his
human form. Shazear also does not incite fear in human
form, nor can he fly.)
Image: Shazear is the smallest of the Zmei. He is only 40
feet long, including his tail. He is a shadowy gray with
reflective scales that look like crystal. His eyes glisten and
move with intelligence and cunning.
Roleplaying Notes: You are the smartest of your kind­
the others are morons! Baba Yaga is smart, though, smarter
than she lets on. That makes her even worse . You want no
part of that. The human cities appeal to you more. They say

Chapter Four: Enemies 87

the West has even greater cities; perhaps you will go there Background: Trevero is the strongest of the Zmei in
sometime. sheer physical power. He loves the concept of destruction
Background: After the battle with the ancient and is a servant of the Beast-of-War. He remembers bearing
Absimiliard was over, the first thing Shazear saw was a the Maelj in, Hellbringer, upon his back in a war against the
nomadic camp of humans. He immediately became fasci­ Garou in the distant past. He carries this memory and a
nated with the little creatures and took their form to get a hatred for the Garou to this day.
better look. He liked what he saw and has had a fascination When in combat, Trevero is ruthless and will decimate
with humans ever since. large areas just to catch a single target. When not in
Of all the Zmei, Shazear is the most clever and resource­ combat, he is always looking for a way to get into a fight.
ful. He has on more than one occasion tricked the others In the year 1908, Trevero broke free from his binding
into doing what he wanted without them realizing it. He is, spells. The resulting battle with an Uktena, a pack of Silver
by nature, curious and insightful. Fangs and a mage resulted in the deaths of over 20 Garou
Shazear escaped the Silver Fangs' hunt of the Zmei nearby and the creation of the T ungusta Blast.
because they never knew he existed. He has carefully Since the renewal of the Rite of Draconic Binding,
hidden from them for years, living among humans in their Trevero is deeper asleep than he has been in ages. Even
cities. He has some Glass Walkers wondering about him, Baba Yaga cannot break the spell that binds him. But
but has cleverly thrown them off his trail many times. perhaps there are some unknown forces that could ...

AUJaken;n~ the Zme;

Shazear has come to love the ways of the little people. Of
all the Zmei, he is the most likely to be turned from the path
of the Wyrm and back to the path of the Wyld, the Zmei's
The binding rites performed to lay the Zmei to rest are all
original heritage. Due to his long sabbatical among hu­
mans, he is no longer susceptible to Rustarin's commands ancient, and their power weakens with each passing year.
Already, Gregornous has been freed from his bonds and has
or her stare.
released !lyana. Goluko may follow soon, if the Black
Gregornous found him after Baba Yaga's awakening, but
Spirals get their way . As for Rustarin, the Zmei are still
Shazear has convinced him that he has only been awake for
searching for her. She was the last to be put down, so no one
a few years now; if the other Zmei were to know that he
knows where she lies. As soon as she is found, though, the
wandered for so many years without trying to free them, he
Zmei are sure to figure a way to free her. T revero is the only
might not survive their anger.
one who has little chance of rising soon, as his spell was
Baba Yaga, though, is the only being he truly fears. He renewed in 1908. However, the following methods may be
serves her now, but wants out. This isn't for ethical reasons; able to release him:
he just can't stand leashes anymore.
The Rite of Draconic Liberation: This is a Black Spiral
t"(revero Dancer rite, developed through years of research and pieces
of knowledge seized from Garou ancestor spirits who once
Attributes: Strength IS, Dexterity 6, Stamina 12, Cha­ knew the Rite of Draconic Binding. However, only two
risma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 3, Black Spirals know this rite, and they were both devoured
Intelligence I, Wits 4 by Goluko as they cast it (see Chapter Five, "The Sleeper
Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 5, Brawl 7, Dodge 3, Awakens"). Whether or not another Black Spiral is around
Intimidation 7, Primal-Urge 5, Enigmas 5, Occult 4, Area who knows this rite is the Storyteller's decision.
Knowledge (Russia) 3, Area Knowledge (Umbra) 3 Paradox: In some special instances, the effects of Para­
Rage 10, Willpower 8, Gnosis 7 dox can destroy the binding. Such was the case with
Powers: Poison Spray (Trevero can spew a stream of Gregornous. However, the rite is, metaphysically speaking,
highly toxic green poison from his mouth. He must make an "static" or "coincidental" magick. Only when it has been
attack roll of Dexterity + Athletics, difficulty 7, and spend weakened through years of neglect will Paradox affect it.
one Gnosis point. Anyone hit by this spray takes eight dice See Mage: The Ascension for more information on Para­
of damage; this is soakable. The damage is aggravated and dox.
can only be healed by the Gift: Resist Toxin. Trevero can Vampiric Thaumaturgy: Baba Yaga knows many dread
spray as a repeated attack; use the firearm rules from rites unknown to any other vampire. It was she, long ago,
Werewolf or the Werewolf Player's Guide.) who summoned the Zmei into the world. She can also
Image: Trevero is the largest of the Zmei. He is 50 feet summon them back out. However, she cannot directly
long, not including his tail, which stretches another 20 feet. oppose the Rite of Draconic Binding. She must indirectly
His scales, with serrated edges, are the color of fresh blood. attack it through other means. She knows that, since Garou
To look upon Trevero is to look into the face of rage. magic made the rite, Garou magic can undo it. If she can get
Roleplaying Notes: You are filled with anger and a a Garou to cast a Rite of Caern Opening on the site of a
hungerfordestruction. Why should you stop and talk when buried Zmei, she is convinced that she can take the power
your actions can say so much more?

88 Rage Across Russia

spent for that purpose and turn it instead towards attacking verify its truth have either perished long ago or no longer
the Zmei's magical bonds. speak.
The problem is convincing the Garou to create a caern Long ago, when the first seed of corruption was sown in the
on such a suspect site. As soon as she discovers where land of Russia, it was not the Garou who resisted it, but a
Rustarin lies, she will set plans in motion to lure Garou powerful earth priestess called Baba Yaga. Her magic was linked
there, where she will plant false evidence of a lost caern. to the land itself, and the land was Baba Yaga. Baba Yaga used
When the foolish Garou gather to build their precious her power to help her people live in harmony with the land and
place of power, she will be there to take all the power they the spirits.
send out and use it for her own greater ends. Within the time ofBaba Yaga' slife, an invisible enemy came

rc he OIaba ya~a to Russia. 1twas a longtime before this evil became known to the
people, but he had been preying upon them for a while. Baba
Yaga went to confront this evil thing of the night, a vampire who
When Russia was young, so, too, was Baba Yaga. As Russia drank the blood of the living. She was startled when she saw him,
grew in power, so, too, did Baba Yaga. As Russia became for he was truly hideous. Never before had she seen such
corrupt, so, too, did Baba Yaga ... ugliness, and she could not allow it to reside in Russia. She hurled
- Silver Fang proverb scorn at him, admonishing him for his foul looks and demanding
But you, my beloved, will belong to our mother, the damp that he leave her lands.
earth. Absimiliard, the first of the Nosferatu c/an, was yet again
- Peter Kvashin, "Dear Brother" spurned by mortals for his tragic face. He swore that this earth
There are many tales told in Russia of the dreaded Baba priestess, this Baba Yaga, would regret her remarks. He slunk
Yaga. Many of these legends conflict with each other. away from her, letting her believe she had driven him off.
Some Galliards say that if even a few of these stories are The night of the next moon, he came for her. She put up a
correct, Baba Yaga is certainly something to fear. Rest great fight, but even her mightiest magick could not slow the night
assured, many of the stories are true .. . creature's march towards her. She called up the spirits of trees
Of these stories, there is one which is sometimes told by and streams, and the land cried with every ste p the vampire took.
those who know more than a little of the truth behind the Her hands shone like the sun , burning his dead flesh. The wind
masks of history. Even this story is suspect; any who could protected her, though the vampire ripped trees from their roots to
throw at her. The old one withered before her, and his anguished

Chapter Four: Enemies 89

form burned. He screamed his rage and still she did not let up, Baba Yaga knew that she could never turn back . She h ad
for she knew that if she released such a creature, she would die. chosen to live when the time had come for her to die; now
The old one only smiled. Then he was gone. she was immortal. She had broken all her vows to the earth,
He had vanished without trace. Baba Yaga dared to hope it and the earth turned away from her. Baba Yaga lost her
was her doing, that her magick had destroyed him. powers of magick and gained new powers instead. She knew
many secrets of the land, and these would work to her
The very animals of the forest then turned against her. The
advantage against many enemies in the years to come.
same creatures that had helped her in the past now threw
themselves against her. She turned to run, for she had never Baba Yagacan still feel the pain of the earth, and she
experienced such betrayal. She ran straight into the vampire's knows that much of this is her fault. She believes she is
arms and was soon locked in an iron embrace. beyond redemption and plays the part of the ogre. If she
cannot be saved, she will rule in her damnation, but deep
Without speaking a word, the old one told her ofgood and evil.
within her soul, she cries for her loss . She would dearly love
He told her how he had searched the world for one worthy of his
power and that he had finally found her. He told her of how she to heal her land. This is why she will never hurt a truly
Innocent person.
would serve him. Togetherthey would rule Russia. He then gave
her death and darkness, pain and new life. Because of her pact, she now owes Koshchei- and the
Baba Yaga woke the next night with the old one sitting nearby . Wyrm. She is working to bring him back from the spells
She tried to run, but with a single word, he stopped her from that now bind him, spells placed by the cursed Bogatyrs of
leaving. She knew her mind was not her own, and her body no old.
longer coursed with life. She felt her ties to the land begin to She is still one with the land, though the tie is weakened
weaken. The old one smiled, and she recoiled in disgust. now, and she must rob the la nd to cast her most powerful
She reached inside herself and began the Summoning . In her spells. She has always seen herself and Russia as one; she
mind, she could feel the land rebel against this, begging her not sees the new corruption of the land as a manifestation of her
own spirit. This revelation hurts her.
to do such a thing. Yet all she wanted was the destruction of this
vampire who had made her less than human. However, there are those who whisper that this tale is
The old one did not move . He was transfixed by her words spread by Baba Yaga herself, so that her enemies will pity
as she called upon the darkness. The Zmei answered her call, her and perhaps falter if they are ever in a position to deliver
stirring in the depths of Malfeas. One by one, they tore through her deathblow. Whispers tell of how Baba Yaga was not
the fabric of reality, descending from the night sky. Embraced by the Nosfera tu Antediluvian, but rose to
power instead through cannibalism: diablerie of her own
At Baba Yaga's command, they set upon the old one, but his
cunning far outmatched theirs. As powe?ful as they were, they
were weak from their journey into this world and unwise in its Baba Yaga will admit weakness to no one, and she
demands respect from everyone around her. If she is not
ways. He created figments of himself in their minds and sent
them scattering to the far comers of Russia to find her. given that respect, she will kill the offender. There are no
second chances with the Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga saw this and wept. She knew the vampire would
make her his slave, a thrall to his desires. She could not bear to She is fond ofchildren because she sees them as pure. She
contemplate this. Once more she reached into the darkness, and will not directly attack a child unless it shows some corrup­
this ti?ne, she brought forth all that she feared. tion (this includes rude behavior). If the child is corrupt,
she will kill it before it can grow to further corruption. She
A pact was made with Koshchei, the Talon of the Wyrm. It
kills most creatures by swallowing them whole.
was freed by the will of Baba Yaga. Koshchei stepped forward to
battle the old one, and Baba Yaga fled in fear. She ran from the
maelstrom on the battlefield.
dIaba YaBa
Sire: Absimiliard
There are no witnesses to the battle , for the very spirits of the
local land had been destroyed in their fight to save Baba Yaga the Clan: Nosferatu
night before. EPics and legends recount glorious blows delivered Nature / Demeanor: Bravo / Plotter
by both sides, and cunning deceits made by both contestants . No Generation: 4th
one knows for sure what happened. All that is known is that Embrace: 5000 BC
Koshchei returned, and Absimiliard was never seen again. Apparent Age: at least 200
Baba Yaga knew that the old one did not reside in Russian soil, Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 6, Stamina 9, Cha­
for the land itself told her that . But the land wept, for the great risma 6, Manipulation 6, Appearance 0, Perception 7,
Baba Yaga now owed her existence to Koshchei. That was the Intelligence 9, Wits 7
pact. Abilities: Alertness 4, Brawl 7, Intimidation 8, Subter­
In choosing to fight her fate and resist the vampire, she had fuge 5, Animal Ken 4, Etiquette 6, Pilot (Mortar and Pestle) 7,
doomed the land . Now Koshchei, one of the Talons of the Stealth 4, Survival 6, Alchemy 8, Area Knowledge (Rus­
Wyrm , was free in the land . Corruption had taken hold in sia) 9, Investigation 3, Linguistics 3, Medicine 3, Occult 9
Russia .

90 Rage Across Russia

Disciplines: Animalism 7, Auspex 7, Celerity 3, Domi­ The Generals are some of the most fearsome of Baba
nate 8, Fortitude 8, Obfuscate 7, Potence 7, Presence 8, Yaga's creatures. They are never called by their real names;
Thaumaturgy 9, Protean 3 each army calls its leader "The General". Because of this
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 2, Courage 4 practice, the Garou mistakenly think that the troubles
Humanity: 0 plaguing them are the work of one person called "The
Willpower: 10 General". This is an illusion that the Generals wish to
Merits / Flaws: Eat Food, Mansion (the chicken hut),
Occult Library / Monstrous The Generals work well together; doing otherwise would
incur the wrath of Baba Yaga. As with all organizations,
Cannot harm a totally virtuous person (One who pos­
however, there is bitterness within them and conflict
sessesConscience 5, Humanity 10 and eitherTrue Faith 5+
between them. Baba Yaga allows this because she feels it
or Golconda)
keeps her troops on edge. They are always looking for the
Derangements: Delusions of Grandeur
best way to gain her favor.
Blood Pool/Max per turn: 50/ 10
Image: The most hideous hag imaginable- eight feet
tall, four-inch iron claws, shark like iron fangs, stringy hair,
rche Army 01 the night
gnarled gray flesh covered in boils, eyes laced with cataracts This is Baba Yaga's main contingent of vampires. They
and a long warty nose. further her political goals and carry out her city-based
Roleplaying Notes: You are the most powerful sorceress operations. They also help patrol the Shadow Curtain by
on Earth and the ruler of the Motherland. Men, other controlling the red tape process needed to get over the
Kindred and even Garou are cattle to assuage your ravenous border.
hunger (and you are so hungry). You are generally coarse The Army of the Night is lead by Viktor, a powerful
and crotchety, but you hide a terrible cunning within and vampire who allows no room for error in himself or others.
enjoy playing cat and mouse games with your prey. You Viktor was a servantofBaba Yaga before she entered torpor,
respect politeness, and if a lesser being can stand to gaze and his continued loyalty to her has earned him a special
upon the abomination that is your face and humbly refer to position in the eyes of the Hag. His loyalty is unquestioned
you as "Little Grandmother", you might spare them ... and and unquestioning. Rumor has it that he ripped his own
then again you might not. childe apart for failing to show the proper respect for Baba
Haven: Baba Yaga lives in a magical hut, her "chicken Yaga in her absence.
hut". This peasant hovel has two giant chicken legs for The Army of Night is composed of nearly 25 vampires,
walking through the woods, moving anywhere Baba Yaga including Viktor.
likes. The inside of this hut is much larger than the outside.
Who knows how many rooms it has inside? Diktor, Ceneral of the
Mortar and Pestle: Baba Yaga flies about the skies in a Army of the ni~ht
large mortar, which she steers with a giant pestle. Sire: Unknown

rche Cenerals Clan: Gangrel

Nature / Demeanor: Gallant / Conformist
When Baba Yaga awakened, she refused to believe that Generation: 6th
the world as she knew it had changed. These pitiful crea­ Embrace: 3 BC
tures called vampires would not control her land. (How Apparent Age: late 20s
dare they even think it!) No one would doubt her control Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 7, Stamina 7, Cha­
of Russia - her Russia. Most importantly, she could not let risma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 6,
her enemies have the power to fight her. Intelligence 5, Wits 4
Baba Yaga declared war on the rest of the world. Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 5. Brawl 6, Dodge 4,
She summoned back her immortal minions, the vam­ Intimidation 5, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 5, Drive 3, Fire­
pires she had sired that were still in the world . She tempted arms 4. Melee (Sword) 5, Security 4. Stealth 6, Survival 6,
and recruited new servants, both mortal and supernatural. Bureaucracy 4, Investigation 2. Linguistics 4, Politics 3,
Her power grew. Garou Lore 2
Once again, Baba Yaga controlled legions of servants. Disciplines: Obfuscate 4, Fortitude 3, Animalism 3,
She then divided her servants into groups, and to each Celerity 4, Auspex 2, Presence 4. Protean 7
group, she appointed a leader. These leaders were the most Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-ControlS, Courage 5
powerful and loyal of the servants Baba Yaga had at her
Humanity: 4
command. As the groups continued to grow in size, they
Willpower: 10
granted themselves the title of "army" and called their
leaders "generals". Blood Pool/Max per turn: 30/6

Chapter Four: Enemies 91

disloyal by the spirit, she is ripped apart by the army troops,
who then feast on the body.
Elders of the Garou lament the number of warriors who
have been lost to corruption in these times. They wonder
how this can be. The answer is simple : Baba Yaga does not
like the ecological destruction her land has suffered and
wants to correct it. To this end, she especially wants to
recruit Garou to her side. The Army of Conversion recruit­
ers offer powerful incentives to any who would join. But
most of all, they have convinced many Garou that, when
the Apocalypse rears its head, Baba Yaga will be on their
side. She doesn't want the world destroyed. If she did, how
could she rule it) No Garou wants to be on the losing side,
and many join the army with hopes of winning.
The Army of Conversion is lead by the spirit known as
Typhon . When manifesting in this world, he appears as a
black thunderhead with eyes of crackling yellow lightning.
Typhon can look into the spirit of those brought before him
and know their loyalty to Baba Yaga. This ability has
proven very useful to the Hag. She wishes she could do the
Image: A tall, dark man of good build. His body is in same for Typhon, for she is unsure of his true allegiance.
perfect shape . His glare is intense and commanding, the Typhon is an Incarna of the Totem family. As such, he
kind of gruff official who can bend the rules to his own will. is more powerful than his characteristics could reflect.
Roleplaying Notes: You are old and tired, but you serve However, he is still of small status as a totem; he has no
Baba Yaga with a zeal reserved for fanatics. Your service to realm of his own, but must share a portion of Grandfather
her is the only thing preventing you from going into the Thunder's realm.
earth for rest. If an enemy is not Garou, you show it no Typhon is a deceitful spirit who is out for sheer power. To
mercy. Werewolves, though, should at least be given a this end, he is playing both sides of the field. Many Shadow
chance. Lord packs, impressed with his power, have chosen him as
Background: Viktor has been Blood Bound to Baba their totem. If the Garou were to discover his actions, they
Yaga from a thousand years before her torpor. He has waited would disown him and even go so far as to retaliate with all
all this time to serve her again. He is powerful, and the years they had . If a group of heroes found evidence of Typhon's
have taught him much about combat and survival. He has treachery, and positioned Grandfather Thunder to act
mastered both . against Typhon, Typhon would be destroyed . For Typhon's
Totem statistics, see the Appendix.
The only thing that rivals his love for Baba Yaga is his
respect for the Garou. In another life, perhaps, he could The Army of Conversion includes, Typhon, two cor­
have befriended them. Despite his orders, he sometimes rupted Garou, three Skrags, one Psychomachia and one
shows leniency to the Garou in battle. Baba Yaga does not Enticer fomori.
know of this, and she would not be pleased to discover
Dmitri's failing. rrhe Army of War
Quote: "That will simply not do, little one. I rule here. " This is Baba Yaga's combat force. They are capable of
converging on a location, setting up command channels
rche Army of Conversion and assaulting targets in a matter of hours. The army
consists mainly of tainted Garou and Black Spiral Dancers.
Known also as the Army of Corruption, this legion is in
There are also some fomori and Banes. The Army of War,
charge of recruiting new followers for Baba Yaga. All types
of creatures can be found under their control: spirits, Banes along with the Zmei, is responsib Ie for draining the caerns.
and werewolves are the most numerous. During one of this army's first missions- an attack on a
This army tests the loyalty of new recruits before sending Red Talon caern- a commanding fomor went against
them to another army for action. They give each recruit a Baba Yaga's orders, ignoring her tactical advise. A Black
battery of tests designed to determine one thing: loyalty to Spiral Dancer, Snaps-at-Shadows, attacked thecommand~r
and killed him after her pack was wiped out for the fomor's
Baba Yaga. The most powerful or important recruits are
idiocy. A treacherous Bane immediately repo rted the "mu­
Blood Bound by Baba Yaga herself. The final test for
tiny" to Baba Yaga. Upon hearing the Bane accuse her,
recruits is looking into the eyes of the spirit acting as the
General of the Army of Conversion. If the recruit is found Snaps-at-Shadows saw red and went into a frenzy rage,
tearing the Bane apart.

92 Rage Across Russia

When she regained control of herself, she realized in The Army of the Arcane includes a Chantry of three
horror that, in her frenzy, she had struck Baba Yaga. The Celestial Chorus mages (including Stranvich), one
ancient vampire appeared completely unharmed and smiled Dreamspeaker mage and a Chantry of four Verbena.
at Snaps-at-Shadows. Before she could apologize and beg
for her life, the Ahroun was rewarded with the command of t[amara An~reeva
the Army of War. Nature / Demeanor: Visionary I Fanatic
The Army of War is made up oHive packs of Black Spiral Essence ("'): Dynamic
Dancers (31 total), three renegade Pentex First Teams (6 Tradition (*): Verbena
fomori, 9 highly trained humans), one newly formed pack
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Cha­
of Garou Ronin (4 total), one Brujah vampire (bound to
risma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3, Perception 2,
Baba Yaga) and 10 Ghouls (furnished with blood by the
Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Brujah). Occasionally, Soviet military units are dominated
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Dodge 1,
into aiding missions, although the supernatural force is
Expression 4, Streetwise 2, Subterfuge 4, Animal Ken 1,
kept out of their sight.
Drive 2, Firearms 3, Leadership 3, Stealth 2, Survival 3,

Army 0/ (])espair Herbalism 3, Linguistics 3 (Russian, English, French) ,

Medicine 2, Occult 4 (Verbena magick), Politics 1, Rituals
This army, if it can be called an army, is the smallest 2 (Russian Verbena)
contingent. It is also the most potent. The Army of Despair Backgrounds: Allies 3, Avatar 2, Contacts 3
consists of three awakened Zmei: Gregornous, Shazear and Spheres*: Correspondence 2, Forces 3, Life 3, Prime 1,
lllyana. The Army of Despair is led by Gregornous, at least Spirit 2
until Rustarin is freed. Willpower: 7
This army has three primary functions: the draining of Arete*: 4
caerns, the search for their sleeping brothers and the search Quintessence"': 10
for Koshchei's Soul Egg. They have been quite successful at
Paradox"': 6
the first task, but a complete failure at the lasr two.
(* These are statistics from Mage: The Ascension . For
So far, Baba Yaga has been pleased with the Zmei's caern
simplicity, assume that Tamara's magick allows her to heal
raiding, but if they do not find Koshchei's egg soon, the
wounds (like Mother's Touch) or disease, cast elemental
serpents may find that Baba Yaga's fangs can penetrate even
effects like fire, wind or electricity, sense things at great
their thick hides.
distances, speak with spirits and alter her appearance. Her

rrhe Army 0/ the Arcane Dice Pool for these effects is 4 if the effect is "coincidental",
i.e., they could conceivably occur naturally, or 3 if the effect
The Army of the Arcane is the only faction of Baba is "vulgar" or obviously supernatural. Assume her difficulty
Yaga's forces that is not vulnerable to internal disputes. The for these feats to be 7 or so, depending on what she is
army consists of mages she has converted to her side; most attempting. Note that mages tend to avoid "vulgar" magick
of them are Blood Bound. under most circumstances.)
They have one major duty: the upkeep and gradual Image: A short young woman of medium build, with
strengthening of the Shadow Curtain. They have also been swarthy skin, large brown eyes and straight black hair going
called upon to aid the ArmyofDespair in finding Koshchei, nearly to her waist. Tamara has a firm, clear voice, and she
but so far, that search has revealed nothing. cuts a more imposing figure than her height would suggest.
Joseph Stranvitch is the leader of the Army of the She dresses in layers of peasant clothing and prefers a more
Arcane. He is a Celestial Chorus mage devoted to old traditionally Russian look to modern Western fashions.
Russia and the power of the Orthodox Church. He has Tamara focuses much of her magick through a dagger, a
fallen under the thrall ofBaba Yaga, and she has convinced gnarled wood wand or a pouch of herbs which she scatters
him that anything he does for her aids the greater glory and to the winds. Although only 24, her eyes reflect a wisdom
beyond her years.
power of the Church. His mind has become so poisoned by
this lie that he has summoned a demon called Bezariel, the Roleplaying Notes: Years of hiding have taught you to
"Blood Angel," to become the General of the Army of the be careful. Strangers are not to be trusted, and secrets must
Void. not be freely given away. Cover your doubts with an
Many of the mages in the Army of the Arcane see this enigmatic air, implying that you know far more than you
war as their perfect chance to break down static reality and actually do . As a Verbena, you have a keen sense of the
allow some dynamism back in. Only Baba Yaga is powerful sacred in the midstof the carnal. Gowith your instincts, but
enough to aid them in this, or so they believe. Baba Yaga always leave an escape route behind you . You have always
does not want this. Defeating static reality would only trusted the spirits of the land above everything else, but
now you've found that even they are not to be trusted .
empower potential enemies of hers.

Chapter Four: Enemies 93

Background: Tamara's grandmother, a vedna named
Andreeva, was taken away by the KGB. Young Tamara
swore to carryon the old woman's teachings. Andreeva's
coven, the Volinchaya, found her and learned of her
potential. Tamara soon Awakened to the possibilities of
magick, learned the ways of mages and took her
grandmother's mage name as her own. As Glrunost loos­
ened the bonds on Russian society, the Volinchaya took up
freedom's cause, encouraging local folks to look ahead to a
new era while embracing the spirituality of the old Russia ...
a very old Russia.
The coven was hunted by the KGB, but hid out in
Siberia. They slowly spread the worship of the Earth, the
blood and the spirit. Tamara's oratory skill and natural
charisma brought many converts into the fold.
When Grandmother Russia appeared and spoke to the
vedna, she convinced them of what they must do to aid the
Motherland. The cabal channeled their efforts and ener­
gies into weaving the Shadow Curtain, watchingforoutsiders
and picking off the occasional KGB agent.
The Volinchaya are popular with the people of their
region, but Tamara is uneasy. In her dreams, she sees a
twisted shadow land where ghosts haunt the sleep of the
weak. Though devoted to Grandmother Russia, Tamara
has begun to doubt her coven's actions. If someone can
provide Tamara with proof that her actions did more harm
than good to the land, she might become a crucial ally.

Z'he Army 01 Z'he Voi~

Next to the Army of Despair, this is Baba Yaga's smallest
army, but it is growing. It consists of the darkest and most
foreign of spirits, all under the command of Bezariel, a
Their task is to capture spirits and suck their energy from
them, all for Baba Yaga to consume in her Thaumaturgy
rites or feed to her Zmei. It is rare to encounter this army,
as it mainly resides and operates on the other side of reality
in dark realms of the Umbra.
Baba Yaga is not so foolish as to think her demon does
not have its own agenda. She simply works with it for the
moment, with the realization that the situation may not
last. The demon does its job with enthusiasm and effi­
ciency, but Baba Yaga has not yet been able to divine its
own interests.
Bezariel himself is a beautiful creature with a face that
commands trust and thoughts of innocence. This simply
makes his painful attentions all the worse for his victims.
He is never alone and always travels in the company of the
four minions he has created. These creatures are called
They appear as tall, slender, humanoid shadows. Each
one wears a dark gray robe and carries a long, slender sword.
Although the swords appear fragile, and might break on
contact, they have proven to doubters on more than one

94 Rage Across Russia

occasion that they are combat worthy. Anyone threatening Regenerate (Bezarie I recovers one wou nd level per rou nd .
Bezariel will discover just how effective they are. He can also soak aggravated wounds with his Stamina.)
The Fades can turn invisible any time they choose. Some Image: The most beautiful young man imaginable.
Garou insist that the Fades do not become invisible, but Roleplaying Notes: You are a master of torture. It is one
actually cease to exist. Whatever the case, even when of the only pleasures left for you. You also enjoy watching
Bezariel is apparently alone, his Fades are near. others look at you with a mixture of awe and dread. You are
dreadful, even more dreadful than they suspect.
dJezariel, "rche dJloo~ Angel" You respect Baba Yaga, a creature of evil with a purpose.
Attributes: Strength 9, Dexterity 8, Stamina 7, Cha­ Perhaps respect is the wrong term. After all, she has the
risma 4, Manipulation 6, Appearance 8, Perception 5, power to kill you, but you will not let that happen.
Intelligence 8, Wits 8 You always smile your sweetest just as you are about to
Abilities: Athletics 5, BrawlS, Dodge 5, Subterfuge 5, kill . You are the Blood Angel, the killer with the face of
IntimidationS, Melee (Sword) 4, Performance 3, Stealth 6, innocence. They have every reason to be afraid ...
Survival 4, Occult 8, Torture 9
Rage 7, Willpower 10, Gnosis 10 '1a~es
Health Levels: Bezariel has 13 wound levels as follows: Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5. Cha­
ok/ok/-l/-1/-l/-l/-Z/- Z/- Z/-3/-3/-4/incapacitated. risma 0, Manipulation 0. Appearance 1, Perception 3,
Bezariel has physical form (Physical Attributes and Health Intelligence Z, Wits 4
Levels) in the Umbra; he is not a spirit, but a type of Abilities: Alertness 5. Athletics Z. Brawl 3. Dodge 3.
creature made of both spirit and matter. Intimidation 4. Melee (Sword) 5. Stealth 6
Powers: Teleport (Bezariel can move to any place he Health Levels: Fades do not feel pain of any sort. The
can see in the blink of an eye. He must concentrate slightly result is a Health chart that appears as follows: fine/fine/
to do so; as a result, any action taken just after teleporting fine/fine/-l/-l/-l/-l/-3/-3/-3/-5/incapacitated.
is at + Z difficulty for him. Teleporting takes one action.) In order to kill a Fade, Bezariel must first be incapaci­
Dematerialize (With one round ofconcentration, Bezariel tated. Should the Fade reach incapacitated, it will remain
can simply cease to exist for all intents and purposes. Only so until the next night, when it will arise and begin to
magick. rites or rituals may effect a dematerialized demon.) regenerate.
Create Fade (Bezariel can create up to four bodyguards. Powers: Dematerialize, Teleport, Summon Sword
It takes one full day and night to make each Fade. The Shadow Meld (a Fade becomes invisible whenever it
living body of a supernatural or Awakened creature is enters a man-sized or larger shadow; the shadow must be
required (a werewolf, mage, fomori, etc.; vampires or zom­ dark.)
bies cannot be used, as they are already dead). The process Silence (Fades are supernaturally quiet creatures. They
is exceedingly painful and results in the infusion of certain make no sound when they walk, and even in combat, no
powers and the removal of all identify and sense of self. sound is made when a fade strikes a blow.)
Statistics for Fades are listed below.) Regenerate (Fades recover one wound level per round
Spirit Store (this power allows Bezariel to store the unless they are in direct harsh light.)
energy from its victims for Baba Yaga. The demon kills the Note: Fades are created from the still living bodies of
spirit and stores the spirit essence (Power or Gnosis) in a supernatural creatures. They generally have the Physical
small, glass sphere, which begins to glow once full. It Attributes of the creature from which they were made. If
amazed Bezariel that one could simply walk into an Earthly the base creature has multiple forms, such as a werewolf. it
store and purchase hundreds ofthese valuable glass spheres.) will always appear in its human form and never shapeshift
Detect Essence (Bezariel can detect any spirit nearby again.
that has Power or Gnosis.) All of Bezariel's Fades are former Get of Fenris Garou.
Summon Sword (Bezariel and his Fades can call their They were unfortunate enough to encounter the demon
swords into existence from nowhere . The summoned sword just after his first visit to Baba Yaga .
is very long and thin, averaging five feet in length and one Roleplaying Notes: You do not speak. You see every­
inch in width. In darkness, they glow a pale blue. They are thing around you. You watch. You wait. When it is allowed,
magical and inflict aggravated damage. Bezariel summons a you kill. That is all. To do more is to remember, and to
stronger sword than his Fades; his sword does Strength + 4 remember is to live it all again. You watch. You wait.
damage . The sword ceases to exist if dropped or set down,
and it cannot be given away . It takes no time to summon a rche [yes
The Eyes keep Baba Yaga informed of everything that
goes on. Everything. The Eyes are a group of Baba Yaga's
childer and ghouls who are fanatically loyal to her. They are

Chapter Four: Enemies 95

spread throughout her armies, spying on her followers. Image: An extremely ugly old man who is still in good
They use their powers of information gathering to warn her shape. He hides his face behind an upturned collar, dark
of any threat. Nothing escapes them. They are supervised glasses and a large hat.
by Baba Yaga's own child, Sergei Voshkov, and they are all Roleplaying Notes: You are the childe of one the most
as ruthless as he is. powerful vampires on the face of the earth. Your loyalty to
Through the use of her Eyes, Baba Yaga keep her people your sire is unwavering, because nothing offers you as good
in line and watches her enemies. No one in the world is safe an opportunity ro wield power as does your current unlife.
from her spying, least of all the Garou. You are inherently suspicious of everyone who works with
you. Only your most trusted agents know anything more
Sergei Voshkov, than they absolutely need to know. You will allow nothing
([he lye of aaba Yaga ro stop your dominance of Russia.
Background: The shadowy chessboard of Cold War
Sire: Baba Yaga
Europe was the sromping ground of many powerful players.
Clan: Nosferatu
In the espionage community, one man bore the mark of
Nature / Demeanor: Fanatic / Autist distinction. Sergei Voshkov was a premiere KGB agent and
Generation: 5th easily the most viciously effective spy in the business. With
Embrace: 1991 the MI5, the CIA and various other agencies close on his
Apparent Age: 68 heels, the master spy slid through every obstacle in his way,
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4, Cha­ leaving a wake of disappearances and brutal murders. In an
risma 3, Manipulation 5, Appearance 0, Perception 5, explosive world of brutality and atrocity, Sergei Voshkov
Intelligence 4, Wits 6 was clearly the worst.
Abilities: Alertness 5, Athletics 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Voshkov was a lready a legendary figure by the late 1980s.
Intimidation 6, Leadership 5, Subterfuge 5, Animal Ken 1, Rumors abounded concerning his nefarious explOits. Un­
Drive 4, Etiquette 3 , Firearms 5, Melee 3, Security 5, fortunately, Sergei never left eyewitnesses capable of relating
Stealth 5, Survival 3, Bureaucracy 3, Investigation 6, Lin­ any information. With the new decade came change­
guistics 5, Occult 1, Politics 5 drastic, dreaded change. That damnable Gorbachev kow­
Disciplines: Obfuscate 7, Potence 4, Dominate 4, Forti­ towed to the imperialist West and mothballed the mighty
tude 2, Auspex 4, Celerity 1, Thaumaturgy 1, Animalism 4, KGB. His once powerful vehicle ofdepravity and terror was
Protean 2 no more. Retirement offered little for Sergei Voshkov .
Virtues: Conscience 0, Self-Control 5, Courage 5 Jaded by his many years in the KGB, little moved
Voshkov to emotion. With some difficulty, he retained his
Humanity: 1
dignity when the Hag materialized out of the shadowy
Willpower: 10
corners of his elegant study. In Russia, one hears the tales
Blood Pool/Max per turn: 30 / 6 of Baba Yaga, but that doesn't mean everyone believes
them. The stories can be dismissed as Tsarist babble or
peasant ignorance, but nothing was going to dismiss the
Hag. Voshkov gathered his dignity about him, met her cold
malfeasant gaze and waited for her deadly iron claws to rend
his body.
Instead of an agonizing death, Voshkov received sooth­
ing words. She was speaking to him. Her voice permeated
his soul with the sound of crushing rocks, but her words
gave him purpose. She needed a General, someone loyal to
the Rodina. The Mother of Russia called for him to lead the
armies of the night, purging the old order and restoring the
land to the people. Voshkov's hunger for a purpose con­
sumed him. She offered a new vehicle, despite the horrible
cost, that could carry him for eternity. Voshkov became her
Voshkov serves Baba Yaga throughout his travels; he is
her Eye. His formidable mortal prowess in espionage and
warfare , combined with the supernatural might given him
by Caine makes Sergei Voshkov a deadly opponent.
Quote: "You cannot hide, comrade. I will always find
you ."

96 Rage Across Russia

l[ he Koshchei
payment. By the power of Baba Yaga and her betrayal of
Gaia, Koshchei the deathless came into the world again.
Long ago, early in the war against G aia, the Wyrm Koshchei escaped his imprisonment and hurled himself
reached into the world to grasp it. The valiant Garou leapt into a battle against Absimiliard, the Nosferatu elder.
forth as one and gnawed off the Wyrm's hand . The Wyrm Although Absimiliard was tired from his battle with the
screamed and pulled its arm back, withdrawing it through Zmei, Koshchei was not at the height of his powers, having
a rift into worlds where the Garou could not follow them. just been released from his entrapment over the centuries.
The Garou fell upon the severed hand and tore it to pieces, No one knows the true outcome of that battle. Koshchei
but they could not destroy it utterly. was the only one to walk away from it, but rumors say that
As the fingers were bitten off, they squirmed away in he and Absimiliard made a deal, a corrupt pact, whereby
different directions, and the Garou split up to chase after Absimiliard, who could outlive the earth, would free
them. As each finger was caught and torn some more, the Koshchei from any successive imprisonment in the years to
talons came apart . When they touched the ground, they come. Those who have heard of such a thing shudder to
reformed into humanoid shapes, and each one ran off in a think of this pact, a pact which, if fulfilled, guarantees both
different direction . By this time, the Garou were too tired the Apocalypse and Gehenna.
to stay on their trail, and all the talons escaped into the Koshchei terrorized Russia for many years, and his leg­
world . ends are still told in tales today . But Koshchei was eventually
Over the span of the years, the Talons returned to cause caught and trapped again by the Silver Fangs and bound
trouble. They were primal manifestations of the Wyrm, the again into t'he Soul Egg.
physical stuff of its first manifestation in the world' of With the awakening ofBaba Yaga, Koshchei has gained
matter, and were thus almost indestructible by any force. a limited form of awareness, though he cannot communi­
But the Garou were able, through great feats and earth cate with the rest of the world. Koshchei knows he is
magic, to bind them into objects. The Garou still tell the imprisoned, and he knows that Baba Yaga will eventually
tales of the Talons, scaring cubs around the campfire late at find him and free him.
night. They also prepare the cubs for the dreaded days If the location of the Soul Egg is discovered, it will still
when a Talon might break free of its binding object. take some time to free Koshchei. However, when he is free,
One of the Talons is the Narlthus, the Talon that the world is in big trouble. Koshchei is the Talon of the
escaped to the North and terrorized the frozen world . It was Eater-of-Souls, and as such, he might find a method to
finally bound into a star stone fallen from the sky and resurrect the Consumption Wyrm, which would feed on all
remains there to this day. However, the stone has come into the souls of the world. This would be an Apocalypse,
the hands of the Black Spiral Dancers, who work zealously indeed.
to free the Talon from its shell. (See Rite of Passage for more
details.) The Garou say that the Narlthus was the thumb 'Jreein9 1<.oshchei
Talon , the claw of the Beast-of-War.
The freeing of Koshchei is almost guaranteed to eventu­
Another Talon, whose name has been forgotten , is
ally bring about an Apocalypse by setting off a chain of
carefully guarded by the Sept of Bygone Visions, a Black
events that will free the other Talons. The following
Fury caern in the Mediteranean Sea. Almost no Garou in
information is given for the Storyteller, although things
the world today knows that it is there, and no one knows
should never come to this. It is not advised that the
which object within the vast horde kept by the sept con­
Storyteller allow Baba Yaga- or anyone-- to find the Soul
tains the Talon.
Egg. It does not show up on Sense Wyrm or any supernatu­
There is debate over the number of Talons; some say ral senses; it is just a gemstone as far as scrying is concerned.
there are five, but others argue that, as with dragons, the
At any point in the stages below, events can still be
Wyrm had only four fingers, including the thumb . Regard­
prevented by brave Garou and the process can be halted.
less, one (or two) Talons have been forgotten by the world.
Pray it is so.
The final, and in many ways most fearsome Talon, is
Koshchei, the First Finger Talon, "He-Who-Points". Stages
As Koshchei escaped into the world, he ran to the East,
1. Finding the Soul Egg
to the lands that would become Russia. But he was soon
The gemstone is in the possession of a small group of
found by the greatest of Gaia's children, the Silver Fangs,
Uktena Theurges in Siberia. Their only task is to guard the
and they bound Koshchei into a gemstone called the Soul
Soul Gem. They are aware that Koshchei is stirring, al­
Egg, stopping him from ever travelling the world again.
though they do know the cause, which is Baba Yaga. It
Time passed, and the world changed. New evil and
could be too late when they find out. Even the rest of the
corruption consumed the lands around Koshchei's egg.
Uktena do not know where this small sect of Banetenders
Finally, Koshchei felt a summons reach through the dark­
live, and they will be very hard to find.
ness, and Koshchei took the offered path and the offered

Chapter Four: Enemies 97

2. Cracking the Egg
Once the gemstone has been obtained, cracking it is very
hard. Once Baba Yaga has it, she can use an ancient spell
that only she knows. However, it requires first bathing the
stone in the blood of 10 Silver Fang heroes (each of Pure
Blood 4 or more) . Baba Yaga will overcome this hurdle
when the time comes; first, she must find the stone .
There is a second, much simpler, method of cracking the
egg, although no one (not even Baba Yaga) knows it. A
normal mortal must swallow the gem. This is, in fact, a
better method, for no matter how he is freed, Koshchei will
need a mortal body to possess. Should the gem be swal­
lowed, he will have one ready .
3. Koshchei is Free
Koshchei will need a body. As soon as Baba Yaga has the
gemstone, she will search Russia for the perfect body for
Koshchei. If this is a werewolf, so be it. The body must be
dead, but in perfect condition (freshly dead). When
Koshchei is freed from the stone, he will possess the body,
and it will become his .
He will still take months to grow to his full power.
Nonetheless, he is powerful at all stages. Within the first
three months, treat him as a very strong and agile ferectoi.
Within the next eight months, his connection to the earth
will increase; he will gain the powers of a Wyrm elemental,
one every two months, until he commands the abilities of
all of them . For the next sixteen months, he wi 11 regrow his
powers, gaining many Gifts and spirit Charms. At the end
of this period, he will reach full power and can no longer
effectively be given game statistics.
Should Koshchei be freed without a body, he will take
the form of an ugly, short man and will be as weak as a
normal mortal. It will take him nine months to grow a
ferectoi body and begin the growth stages listed above.
During this time, he can be killed easily.
Koshchei can be killed before he reaches full power; he
must then begin the process all over again.
4. The Empty Egg
Even when free of the Soul Egg, Koshchei is st ill con­
nected to it. The gem is linked to him in a special way, and
anything done to it will affect Koshchei. For this reason,
Baba Yaga will hide the gemstone in a carefully guarded
place. However, she is afraid that if she kept it on her
person, she might lose it. She will hide it in her chicken hut.
Anything done to the gemstone will effect Koshchei, but
the gemstone is indestructible, and so Koshchei is death­
less. A nuclear blast will not harm the stone, although it
would get very hot (uncomfortably so for Koshchei) and
radioactive (making him dangerous to others).
Koshchei cannot h andle the gemstone himse lf; if he
touches it, he loses h is powers for as long as he remai ns in
contact with it. He must trust Baba Yaga to guard it for him .
The only way to ultimately stop Koshchei is to take the
gemstone to Malfeas and throw it into the vortex there.

98 Rage Across Russia

However, once the gemstone enters Malfeas, it will act as ing a rod or running out of gas, can occur. This is due to the
a beacon to every Bane there, who will fightto gain the gem Shadow Curtain.
themselves . If it can be thrown to the vortex successfully, Toensure thattheydo not lose theircontrolof the media
then Koshchei will be destroyed, regardless of whether he and transportation, Baba Yaga's forces have been slowly
resides in the stone at that time or not. taking over the Russian government by bribing officials and
The gemstone can also be taken to the Abyss, where it appointing their members to important positions.
will disappear for good- or will it? The Uktena Theurges
have debated this for a long time. The Abyss is rumored to
be the dormant Eater-of-Souls; if Koshchei is in fact the
(1)urtJa Syn's '1orces
Talon of the Eater-of-Souls, then throwing the gemstone Baba Yaga's main competition for power in Russia is
into the Abyss might be disastrous. No one can say for Durga Syn. She has charged her children, the Ravnos, with
sure ... fighting the forces of the encroaching "Awful Hag". They
5. The Chain Reaction have been only moderately successful in defeating Baba
Yaga's malfeasant horde.
If Koshchei is freed and allowed to gain power, he will
begin hunting down and freeing the other Talons. He will While their illusions are extremely powerful, they are
very disorganized. Even with Durga Syn, a powerful ileader,
find the Narlthus right off, but the others may take him a
while. He does not, however, need a powerful rite to free the Ravnos are a hard lot to discipline. In addition, their
the Talons; he can use his own hands. caution and respect for the Land of Russia restricts them
from using more destructive methods.
Once the Talons are freed, they will begin freeing all
manner of Banes (such as the Cataclysm in San Francisco).
This activity will probably awaken the sleeping Separatists
Antediluvians (if they exist). This will bring about one Although the separatists try not to be involved in the
version of Gehenna . war between Baba Yaga and Durga Syn, they really serve
It is not advised that Storytellers let their chronicle get the faction that has them under its control. For example, a
to this point, unless they want to play out one version of the Ventrue, who was very proud of his independence, served
Apocalypse . If the player characters cannot defeat Koshchei as an infantryman in a skirmish for Durga Syn. He was
during any of the stages, then the Storyteller might want to captured and sent back to the Ravnos for a suicide attack.
let them play especially powerful characters for one story,
perhaps including the premier Silver Pack of the Garou
Nation, who might stand a chance against the Koshchei
when others have failed.

rche Vampires
Like the Kindred of Europe, the Russian vampires have
organized themselves into strong alliances. However, these
organizations have little to do with the Camarilla, Sabbat
or Inconnu. Instead, they are loyal to an individual, either
Baba Yaga or Durga Syn, or are part of an independent
group of separatists.

aaba 'YatJa's '1orces

Currently, Baba Yaga's forces control most of Russia .
They want to isolate Russia from the outside world.
So far, they have managed to gain control over the
media. They have prevented any reports of supernatural
activity from reaching the western world or from alerting
Garou or Kindred outside of Russia to Baba Yaga's plans.
Their control over the media allows them to know many
things that happen inside the country.
They also completely control transportation both into
and out of the country, as well as travel within the country.
Any Garou, Kindred or mages that try to leave the country
suddenly discovers that their transportation will not cross
the border. Amazing "coincidences", such as a car throw­

Chapter Four: Enemies 99

Unfortunately, he did not perish immediately, and his vitae
sufficed to heal the injured neonates.
Through this Ventrue's fate, they have learned that they
are not strong enough to protect their own blood. There is
a Russian proverb- "a bird who sits on the fence during a
battle gets shot." The Ravnos have found this to be true.
Slowly, the separatists have joined either one side or the
other. Their reasons vary, but most either join Baba Yaga to
rampage or ally with Durga Syn to hide and hope for a way
out of Russia .

(])ur~a 5yn
Sire: Unknown
Nature / Demeanor: Caregiver / Martyr
Generation: 7th
Clan: Ravnos
Embrace: A.D. 923
Apparent Age: 42
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 5, Cha­
risma 6, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4 (1), Perception 4,
Intelligence 6, Wits 6
Abilities: Alertness 6, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 3,
Empathy 4, Intimidation 2, Leadership 4, Subterfuge 4,
Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Firearms 2, Melee 5, Security 4,
Stealth 4, Survival 6, Bureaucracy 2, Investigation 5, lin­
guistics 6, Occult 4, Politics 2
Disciplines: Obfuscate 6, Potence 2, Dominate 4, Forti­
tude 6, Animalism 6, Chimerstry 6, Thaumaturgy 3
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self-Control 4, Courage 5
Humanity: 7
Willpower: 10
Blood Pool/Max per turn: 20 / 5
Roleplaying Notes: You are responsible for the people of
Russia. You must keep them safe from the menace that is
Baba Yaga. Even though the Witch's goal is to return magic
to Russia, you must oppose her. After the magic has re­
turned, what heinous crimes will the Hagcommit? Anything
as evil as Baba Yaga must not be permitted to continue its
Background: Long before Baba Yaga entered torpor,
long before the forces of Christianity swarmed over the
Motherland , Durga Syn served the Mother Goddess and
the people of Russia. As she gained wisdom and under­
standing, she would use her faith to bolster crops in times
of draught and ease the cold of the fiercest winters.
Her beauty and power brought Durga Syn to the atten­
tion of the ancient hag, Baba Yaga. The Hag was once a
former follower of the Mother Goddess, and she schemed to
make Durga Syn her servant. Baba Yaga blew her foul,
blood-clotted breath upon the land, stunting the crops and
ruining the livestock. As Durga Syn struggled to discover
the cause of the horrible blight upon the land, Baba Yaga
came to her offering the solution. Baba Yaga also offered her
the golden apple of wisdom and eternal life. Flattered by the

Rage Across Russia

people. The Hag cast a powerful curse upon Durga Syn,
sapping her of her beauty and youth.
At Baba Yaga's behest, the armies of the Christians
marched over the soil of Mother Russia, crushing the
religion of the Goddess beneath their feet. Despite her best
efforts, Durga Syn could do nothing to save her Goddess.
The Hagappeared once again to offer her the embrace of
immortality. Rather than stand by while a servant of the
people was used so cruelly, the Russian Ravnos vampires
acted to save Durga Syn from an unlife of servitude to the
most vile creature in Mother Russia . Using their predilec­
tion for illusions, the Ravnos created a horde of Christian
warriors to occupy Baba Yaga's attention. While the Hag
dealt with the Christians' attempts at religious conversion,
the Ravnos embraced the Durga Syn.
Using her new power to augment her previously potent
magick, Durga Syn resisted Baba Yaga's corrupting plans.
After Baba Yaga entered torpor, Durga Syn concentrated
her efforts on foiling the plans of the Nosferatu.
Quote: "Look past illusion. There you will find truth."
attention, Durga Syn thanked the Witch for the gracious
offer, but said that she could not accept it. Enraged by this
slight, Baba Yaga swore to destroy Durga Syn and her

Chapter Four: Enemies 101

The source of these caern drainings is the largest prob­
d'roblems lem presently facing Russian Garou. That source is none
other than Baba Yaga. The Garou suspect that she is
Russia has many problems. The Garou have even more. draining their caerns for power in order to take over the rest
Like the rest of the world, Russia has pollution. However, of the world. They are only partially correct.
the problem in Russia has reached an entirely new scale. It would appear to casual observers that most the Russian
Radiation Banes reside near schools. Oil Banes live in lakes people are all in the thrall of the Wyrm. They have waged
of oil many miles across. The Russian environment is one an all-out war on their planet, even to the point of dropping
of the worst on the planet. This is the d irect resu lt of an atomic bombs on their own soil. This perception of the
ongoing policy of ecocide. If you wish to add a real touch of Russ ian people as corrupted by the Wyrm is distorted. As
horror to your game, it should be noted that none of the with all people, the population of Russia has leaders and, in
environmental disasters mentioned in the beginning of this case more than most, those leaders are the pawns of the
Chapter Two are fictional. Wyrm.
Besides the problem with Banes in the area, there are
other spirits that roam Russia. The Russian land has long
been the home of spirits. In the old days, spirits were of great
Wyrm {])evastation
help to the Garou in keeping the land in balance., but with And not I, Misery, alone, but all my relatives,

the spread of pollution in Russia, these spirits have become and there is a godly race of them:

tainted; many of them now serve the Wyrm. we are all gentle and insinuating,

These are some of the problems the Garou face from day And he who joins our family will end his days among us!

to day. There are also the "regular" problems of Black Spiral - Misery-Luckless-Plight, anonymous Russian poem, 17th

Dancers and other Wyrm minions. Russia does, however, century

have additional problems, many of which are unique. The following is a list of eco-disasters in Russia and their
One such problem is that the caerns of Russia are losing possible effects on the Russian Garou. The supernatural
their power. Until recently, no one knew why. This is a peril these sites now pose can be the source of many stories.
great loss to the Garou, because without these places of Chapter Two includes a list of the "mundane" eco-horrors.
power, they are at an even greater disadvantage in their - The site of the ever popular Chernobyl nuclear power
war. plant is now highly radioactive, and is now the home of

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 103

many atomic elementals and radiation Banes. It is also the fish, and disease and pollution Banes claim the area for
site of a new Black Spiral Dancer Pit. their own. The powerful river spirits that once helped both
- The oil spill in Siberia makes most other oil spills look Garou and humans are now in alliance wIth the Wyrm, or
small. The oil spans an area of almost 28 square miles with they are so weak from desecration that they cannot resist
an average depth of six feet. It could be considered a lake corruption any longer.
now. This spill is the result of a rupture in the oil pipeline These are just a few of the environmental Wyrm prob­
that runs through the area. The calise of the leak is still lems confronting the Russian land and its protectors. The
unknown. very land of Russia is being defiled by the Wyrm, and the
The oil lake is presently home to one of the largest GarOLI are kept so busy trying to fight it that they are unable
collections of Banes on the planet. As would seem appro­ to see the larger, coming disaster.
priate, most of these are Oil Banes. However, it is the
profusion ofother less likely Banes-such as Breeder Banes Vanishings
- that make the area truly an enigma. None know to this
date why Banes are gathering there in such numbers. In the midst of all the problems Russia faces, one that is
often overlooked is the frequency of people vanishing.
- The Volga river has always been the lifeline of Russia.
During the communist rule, the KGB was charged with
It is the primary shipping route, its waters have produced
removing all persons considered undesirable. They carried
food and humans have worked the river to live. Now the
out this task with ruthless efficiency. Ouring the recent
spirits of the mighty river are screaming in agony. The water
turmoil, the number of such vanishings increased greatly.
is now brown with the filth of human waste where clear
The rate of disappearance has not declined, even though
water once flowed. The fish that are still in the river are not
the political situation has stabilized somewhat.
fit to eat. The ones that have been tainted by the Wyrm are
even worse. Touching the water of the Volga is risky, This has not yet come to the attention of the Garou.
although people stiU work there and even fish there. The Many of their Kinfolk are among the missing and this, in
water carries numerous diseases in addition to other dan­ and of itself, must soon draw their attention.
gers. The situation is the following: in the time of the commu­
The Garou have been fighting to save this river, but it nist rule, it was clearly the KGB that was removing
undesirables. Now, with the Brujah council gone, the
has done no good. Under the Wyrm's guidance, the river is
motivating force for the vanishings must be the same force
now home to a great number of creatures that were once

104 Rage Across Russia

that ousted them. While it is true that Baba Yaga has , in
fact, removed some of the stronger pawns of her opposition,
she is not responsible for the mass vanishings that have
taken place. Baba Yaga has no reason to make simple
peasants vanish .
A few people realize that the power behind the political
change is far too busy to bother with such things, suggesting
that the cause might be some other agent . This suspected
agent is discussed in whispers at the caerns. With watchful
eyes, the Garou have discussed the possibility that some of
their own people have used the turmoil as a diversion to
strike out at the populace of the country. In these whispered
conversations, the Red Talons are secretly accused by their
brethren of being responsible.

The Sept of the Crescent Moon was buzzing with con­
versation. A young Garou had recently arrived bearing
news important enough that Grimfang, the warder of the
caern, had come down from his mountain retreat and
spirited the pup away into the cabins of the elders. Word
had spread throughout the caern, and most of the Garou
had gathered near the moot fires, talking amongst them­
Some were mingling, while others stood aloof, keeping
their conversations within their own packs. Several Garou
who had been at the caern long enough to know noted that
all three of Grimfang's chosen packs were present.
Nicolai Predatelski stood somewhat apart from the rest
of his pack. Sneering slightly, he surveyed the assembled
Garou. Unlike the majority, his pack didn't converse among
themselves, but merely maintained an air of superior aloof­
ness .
Tatiana's pack of Black Furies chatted easily among
themsel ves, occasionally casting dark looks at where Nicolai
stood. The pack leader, Tatiana, stood out like a sore
thumb, as she was easily the most beautiful Garou at the
Closest to the rest of the assembled Garou, Speaker-to­
Mountains and her pack looked out ofplace when compared
to Nicolai's or Tatiana's packs. However, when it came to
knowledge of the ways of spirits, there were perhaps only
one or two Garou at the caern more adept. Speaker herself
was deep in conversation with a youngster just out of his
Rite of Passage.
The door of the central cabin opened, and Grimfang,
wearing Homid form, trundled out. Behind him was Piotr
Volk, the Silver Fang leader of the sept, Andrei Bolkowski,
the Gatekeeper, and Ivan Sukosin, the Master of the
Challenge. The four elders made their way to the fires as
conversation died away. When there was silence, Piotr
stepped forward . His old but still vital Homid form dwarfed
the sinewy, ancient form of the Warder.
In a voice like steel grating on stone, Piotr addressed the
assembled Garou. "It fills my heart to see so many of you

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 105

interested in news from the world outside our mountain cackling above the battlefield as we fought the invaders.
home," he said. "But I fear the news that has been brought She was borne aloft in a large mortar which she steered with
is not pleasant words of peace, but grim words of war." a huge pestle, and I fled from her as I felt her burning eyes
Murmurs swept through the crowd. light upon me. They pierced me to my soul, and I ran as if
Piotr continued, "Our new guest has travelled a great the Wyrm itself was on my heels .
distance to be with us, placing himself in considerable "I came back the next day, and there was nothing, no
danger. We are fortunate that, unlike some of our brethren, sign that a Garou had ever been at that place. It felt wrong,
he was able to recognize the better part of valor and flee too, as if the connection to Gaia was gone. The caern had
certain death at the handsofour enemies. This allowed him vanished, and my sept vanished with it, so [ went searching
to come here, and he came bearing knowledge of our foes." and ended up here."
Stepping forward, Grimfang swept his gaze over those Alexei shivered and his head dropped. It was clear that
assembled. Despite his age, the Warder commanded re­ his story was at an end. Cries-at-N ight leaned her head
spect from even the Shadow Lords and Get ofFenris among against him to comfort him.
the gathering. "Our visitor is going to tell his story, and it Grimfang addressed the gathering, "That is the tale of
is a tale of fear. While he is before you, give him the respect the Evergreen Sept. I intend to try and contact them,
you would give Piotr or myself." The old Theurge stepped although I doubt I will achieve any success. I suggest we
back as a young homid walked out of the cabin in the take this pup's tale and learn from it. Whoever or whatever
company of a nondescript silver lupus, who many recog­ this force is, it is stealing our caerns. They are not content
nized as Cries -at-Night. to merely corrupt them - no, they must drain the very
The newcomer, a young boy, stepped nervously into the essence from them! This must be stopped."
light. Cries-at-Night settled down at his feet and gazed
around, as if hoping someone would comment disparag­ Communications
ingly about the newcomer so as to give her an excuse for
violence . No one moved.
The protection ofthe USSR state border is very important, an
inalienable part of the defense of the socialist Fatherland. The
Piotr spoke up again, gesturing to the boy. "This is Alexei
USSR state border is inviolable. Any attempts w violate it are
Petrov. He represents the Stargazers, and it is his story we
resolutely suppressed.
will hear tonight." The sept leader looked at Alexei expect­
- Preamble to the "Law of the Border of the
Alexei cleared his throat, glanced down as Cries-at­
Night nudged his leg, then looked around and slowly began The Garou of Russia are loathe to reach to the outside for
speaking. "I represent the Evergreen Sept, although I might aid, and in some cases, the Silver Fangs have strictly
be the last of its members. Only a week ago, I finished my forbidden any attempts to reach the outside world . How­
Rite of Passage and became Garou. Following the rite, I was ever, in areas where the Silver Fangs' hold is not so strong,
told that it was customary to have a revel. The revel lasted Garou often attempt to communicate with their kin out­
for days, and I may have learned more in those few days than side of Russia, or even to leave the country entirely. These
attempts are not working. Phone lines have a tendency to
I did on my rite .
go out, as do other communications. Even the Glass Walk­
"What happened then is confusing. It was almost as if an
ers find communications devices non-cooperative.
icy pall had fa'llen over our hearts. Everything ceased ... and
Shortwave radios seem to function normally, but how
then they came.
many Garou are radio operators?
"I don't know what they were, but they clambered into
Since the coup, it has become almost impossible for
this world from the Umbra and began to attack. They flew
Garou to leave Russia. If they take the normal routes of
through air and slithered over the ground - they must
travel, they are hampered by bureaucracy, flights are can­
have been dragons! Other things joined them - vampires,
celled, trains break down, etc. If they go on foot, they are
I think, leeches or zombies. I had never seen anything like
hunted and hounded by spirits at the border; they either die
them. Others appeared, some tearing their way out of the
fighting their way out or turn back. Someone or something
ground itself.
doesn't want them to leave. Most who try to leave end up
"The initial battle lasted but a few minutes, for many of vanishing. Those few who have succeeded in crossing the
us were too drunk or tired to fight. We hadn't expected an borders inevitably find themselves back in Russia soon
attack, and we were unprepared for it . I'm certain they had afterwards, by some stmnge coincidence.
been watching us, for the entire attack was well executed.
It isjustasdifficult for Garou to enter Russia . The easiest
We never had a chance. Then I saw something that made
way in is by Moon Bridge. However, travellers will soon
my blood run cold.
discover this to be a one -way trip, as it is impossible to open
"As the battle raged, I heard a cackling above us. What a Moon Bridge to a location outside of Russia.
I saw there allowed the Fox to take me. Not Banes, not
Treat all difficulties for travelling into or out of Russia by
vampires - Her! The Baba Yaga! The horrific hag flew
Moon Bridge as having a 10 difficulty. (Any attempts to

106 Rage Across Russia

enter or leave should also be roleplayed.) Successfully
leaving will result in the character being hunted by persons }ntro~udory Story:
unknown until she is either killed or returned to Russia. If
a Garou enters Russia, she will be watched, especially if she Sha~o", on the moon
is fairly powerful. The forces guarding Russia's borders are This is meant as an introductory scene for a chronicle set
less adamant about supernatural creatures entering Russia in Russia. It assumes that the characters are a non-native
than Garou leaving. pack coming to Russia on a mission, unaware that getting
The Garou do not know that this situation exists for all out is not as easy as getting in.
beings of supernatural origin. Russia's borders are currently This chronicle, like most chronicles and stories set in
being watched by agents of Baba Yaga. These agents have Russia, is not meant for introductory characters; it is de­
orders to restrict any and all supernatural beings. Violence signed for at least Rank Three Garou. Russia is a dangerous
is an option, but it is not necessary as long as the message place. Many powerful plots take place that will determine
is clear: no one of supernatural heritage will be permitted to the course of the Apocalypse. This story is but the first
enter or leave Russia without special approval. This list episode in an ongoing drama.
includes werecreatures, vampires, mages and fomori.
Welcome to Mother Russia.
Baba Yaga enforces this wall, part of her Shadow Cur­
tain, with the aid of mages Blood Bound into her service.
Through their magick, amazing coincidences around the
borders occur. The Black Spirals also aid the Hag in this by The characters are given the important task of finding
binding spirits to crossroads and along key places through out what is going on in Russia. Their elders have entrusted
which Garou might try to escape. them with the mission of entering the country, finding out
what is going on with their Kin and then returning to
report. Their findings will determine whether the Garou
Nation diverts its attention away from the Amazon War to
aid Russia. Nobody knows that the pack may be stuck there
for some time.
The characters gather at a caern powerful enough to
send a Moon Bridge to the Sept of the Crescent Moons'
Ural Mountains caern. The most likely caern would be the
Hand of Gaia, at the Finger Lakes in New York State, but
the Storyteller is free to use any device that will get the pack
to Russia.
If the Storyteller desires, he can give the characters
fetishes for their journey as a gift from the elders. They will
need all the help they can get.

Scene One: Lon~on OJr;~~e ;s

gall;n~ (]JolOn ...
The Moon Bridge walk seems to take longer than usual.
Allow the players some time to get into the lull of endless
walking . Once the characters are suitably tired, and reason­
ably close to their destination, a dark shadow in the shape
of a hand comes over the Bridge.
At first, characters will need a Wits + Alertness roll to
notice, but the situation soon becomes quite obvious. The
clawed shadow wraps around the Bridge and shakes it
violently. Everyone needs to make a Dexterity + Athletics
roll, difficulty 7, to remain standing.
Finally, the clawed hand pierces the Bridge. The Garou
may try to rake it, but it is simply a shadow, a construct of
magick, and may not be affected in any way . It continues to
crush until it has destroyed the Moon Bridge. Garou must
make a Dexterity + Athletics roll, difficulty 6, to avoid
being caught in the grasp of the hand as the Bridge crumbles

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 107

about them. Anyone who fails must make a Willpower roll, tained on one side of the field by Garou, and losses seem to
difficulty 8, or lapse into catatonia and the shock of fear as be mounting fast.
the pack is smothered in the darkness of the void . At the center of the caern, by the menhir, stands an old
As the Bridge collapses, a vista opens up beneath the Garou defended by the circle of Garou around him. His
characters: the ground is several hundred feet below them hands are outstretched and mystical energy crackles around
and their purchase is disappearing fast. All of them begin to him. His gaze is focused upwards at something, and if
fall, even those grasped by the shadow hand, which slowly characters follow that gaze, they can make a Perception +
dissipates, dropping everything in its clutches. Alertness roll against a difficulty of 6. If they succeed, they
As the characters fall, give the players a hectic scare as notice something flying across the moon. As the flying
the ground approaches fast. Characters with Gifts or fe­ shape passes over the moon, a bright light flashes and a
tishes that allow them to fly may use them , but whether howl of defeat is heard below. The old one is impaled on a
they can carry someone else is another matter. Characters silver shaft. It runs completely through him and pins him
suffering from the catatonia inflicted by the shadow hand where he stands. Runs-in-Mist is dead.
can do nothing. The Garou below fight on, but now a few of them have
Just before they hammer into the ground, the Lune frenzied . They tear madly into their enemies and seem to be
guardian of the Bridge reappears, weak and tattered . It finally winning.
catches the pack with its own semi-materialized form and The characters can try to reach the clearing to aid in the
then dissipates, no longer strong enough to keep itself battle. They must roll Dexterity + Athletics (difficulty 7)
together. The characters plummet once again. to quickly navigate the snow-strewn, wooded slope. They
Thanks to the help of the Lune, their fall has been need 10 successes on an extended roll (three rolls only) to
somewhat broken. They will take only 10 dice of damage reach the clearing before . ..
when they hit the ground. This damage is aggravated, but ...a chilling roar thunders from the sky. Anyone looking
soakable. up cannot miss the creature descending from a rift in the
The pack strikes the ground on the side of a mountain Umbra: a dragon . Its snakelike body is huge, and it is held
covered with snow. Mountains rise up even higher all about aloft on massive, beating bat wings. Its maw gapes wide,
them. These daunting peaks cannot be climbed without waiting to devour a feast. This is Gregornous of the Great
equipment. There are no obvious trails off the mountain, Zmei.
but anyone with a successful Perception + Survival roll The dark, flying shape flits past the dragon, and streams
(difficulty 6) will discover two ledges below, one running to of energy begin rising from the menhir below. The dragon
the north, the other to the south. They each require five swallows it up. As its jaws snap shut, everyone can feel the
successes on an extended climbing roll to reach. sudden loss of spirit. All Garou in the area feel the draining
of the caern as its energy is sucked from the center and into
Scene rcUJO the beast's mouth.
The creature turns away and flies off into the distance,
There are two options: the South Trail and the North soon lost in the clouds. The dark, flying shape is gone. The
Trail. Use whichever section applies. Silver Fangs' Howling Wind Caern is no more .
rche South rcrail.. rche d1attle The attack of the Banes and Black Spirals isn't over yet.
They sweep in to attack the demoralized Sept of the
After an hour of walking single file along the ledge, the Howling Wind . They will attack the characters also. Even
characters come to a break leading to a valley below. The if they flee, the Banes will pursue as they are spreading out
sun went down a half hour ago, but the ledge is no danger to catch any fleeing Garou.
as long as the characters take it slowly. Before they reach
The Storyteller can now use the scene given for the
the break into the valley , characters can make a Perception North Trail below.
+ Alertness roll (difficulty 9); anyone who succeeds will
hear, from far off in the distance, a Call to Succor howl rche north rcrail
followed soon by an Anthem of War howl.
Should the characters choose this path, they will walk
When they reach the break, they have a vantage point
along a ledge similar to the southern trail. After two hours,
to look into the valley below. There is a battle taking place
the trail ends on a slope, stretching down towards woods.
there. In the clearing, Garou gather in a circle around a
Beyond the trees, a human Village can be seen.
central menhir stone, fighting off creatures from all sides. It
is obviously a caern under attack, a place in danger of being They will also see a wounded wolf stumbling towards the
overrun. woods. It has not noticed them yet, but if they approach it,
it will turn around ready to fight . It is Forest-Walker, a
Wynn creatures of all types run amok on the battle field.
member of the Sept of the Howling Wind . She opened a
Large, multi-headed war Banes crush Garou and seem to
short Moon Bridge (using a Gift) to this spot and escaped
ignore their own wounds. Putrid fluids bleed from hundreds
the remainder of the battle . She had to run, for clutched in
of injuries. A pack of Black Spiral Dancers is being con­

108 Rage Across Russia

her Lupus mouth is a wonderful fetish: a Faberge egg There are a few crucial facts to remember: the fetish does
containing the soul of Runs-in-Mist, the elder who was contain Runs-in-Mists' soul, and Baba Yaga wants it. It acts
struck down in the battle. as a homing beacon to Banes, and whoever carries it will
When Forest Walker realizes that the characters aren't have to fight to keep it.
enemies, she begs them to help her. She explains what The village that the pack can see from the north trail is,
happened at the battle and says that she must get the fetish in fact, the staging area for the Wyrm troops used in the
to the Ural Mountain caem, to the north of here, so that battle at the caem. The village is also populated by Silver
Runs-in-Mist's soul cango on toGaia. She will not say why Fang Kinfolk known to Forest Walker. The Wyrm minions
his soul is in the fetish or why his spirit could not pass are in the guise of Soviet military troops on some sort of
beyond on its own. If pressed on the matter, however, she exercise in the Urals. If the characters are careful enough,
will whisper that Runs-in-Mist had the fetish prepared they may be able tosneak into the village and gain aid from
especially for the battle, for he suspected who their enemy the Kinfolk.
was and anticipated the attack . He believed that, if he was Another problem is that the land between the Howling
killed, his soul would belong to his enemy; the fetish Wind Caem and the Sept of the Crescent Moon is the
prevents this, however. Forbidden Zone, a region of nuclear waste devastation. The
The enemy, of course, is Baba Yaga. She is aware that accident took place years ago, but who knows what Wyrm
Runs-in-Mist had discovered true knowledge of her and creatures roam this region still? (See Chapter Two: HEco_
attacked the caem to kill him. She suspects that he has Disasters" for more information.)
somehow escaped, though she does not know how. Thus, If the characters can get the fetish to the Ural caem, then
she has dispatched a pack of Black Spiral Dancers to guard Runs-in-Mist's soul can be freed . Before departing, he will
the path to the Ural caem in case survivors try to reach it. tell the Theurges what he knows: Baba Yaga is indeed the
The characters must confront them before they can new power in Russia, and the Zmei have arisen. Whether
reach the caem. the Silver Fangs actually believe this, they will, nonethe­
less, be hesitantto act. They wi II wantto send the characters
On90ing d'lots off on fact finding missions to discover if this is indeed true.
As exasperating as this inaction is, it wiH give the pack a
These are simply the introductory scenes of a Russian good chance to explore the plots seething in Russia .
chronicle. The rest of the story is left to the Storyteller.
The following complications can be added to the story.
Lost in unknown woods: Forest Walker loses con­
sciousness from her wounds and cannot guide the characters
directly to the caem. They must choose a direction and
hope it is right.
Combat draws crowds: The fighting has drawn the
attention of the local authorities . The characters will be
questioned about what they know, where they are from,
why they don't speak Russian and where their passports are.
This will bring them to the attention of the vampire in
charge of the authorities.
Another pack lost: The group encounters another group
of foreign Garou in much the same situation, or so it seems.
However, these foreign Garou also speak fluent Russian . In
fact, they are working for Baba Yaga and waiting the proper
moment to strike.
Umbra rift: The characters encounter the results of the
stress placed on the Gauntlet by the Zmei. There is a tunnel
into the Umbra itself. The Gauntlet has a rating of zero, but
the area is Wyrm-tainted. On the other side of the tunnel,
the characters will encounter what appears to be a Glen.
All the spirits, although not obviously Wyrm-tainted, are
dishonest and will lie to the pack. They are just pretending
to be kind. The tunnel is only temporary.

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 109

Image: Forest-Walker is a tall, slender, dark-haired
woman. Her dark eyes are very expressive and tend to show
not only her intellect, but also her sorrow and despair. In
Lupus, she is a lanky brown wolf with black markings and
a black mask.
Roleplaying Notes: You do not have time to argue wi th
these newcomers; they must help you and that is all there
is to it. Anything less than that is unacceptable.
Background: Forest-Walker has lost her pack in the
battle and is now alone. Even Runs-in-Mist, her mentor, is
gone . If her life has any purpose now, it is to ensure that
Runs-in -Mist's soul is delivered safely to the Theurges of
the Crescent Moon Sept.

Story Spr;ngboar~s
Presented here are some story ideas for use in an ongoing
Russian chronicle . They can be adapted for play with new
characters or experienced Garou.

Suffering School
The pack encounters a child obviously suffering from a
Wyrm -oriented affliction. The child is sickly and mis­
shapen, with signs of a beginning deformity . She lacks
energy - she doesn't even laugh - and if viewed from the
Umbra, she will appear to be riddled with tiny worms.
After investigation, and a little leg work, the pack will
Eavesdropping: The pack encounters a group ofenemies find that the child's school is located on a waste dump.
(Black Spiral Dancers, vampires, etc.) discussing plans for Chemical and radiation Banes rise up to lay their corrup­
an upcoming attack on the Sept of the Crescent Moon at tive seeds into the children. Several children have already
the Ural caern. This can put some suspense into the story, been infected.
as the characters must get to the caern quickly and warn
To save the children, the pack must journey into the
them . Whether or not the plans for attack are legitimate is
Umbra and combat the Banes surrounding them . However,
up to the Storyteller. even this will not completely cure their affliction: the rot
has been planted deep in their spirits.
'forest-Walker Only a journey to the Atrocity Realm, in the Near
Breed: Homid Umbra, can ultimately save them. However, getting from
Auspice: Ahroun Russia to that realm is almost impossible; the Scar must be
Tribe: Silver Fang reach ed first (see Chapter Two: Stepping Sideways). In the
Nature / Demeanor: Lone Wolf / Confidant Atrocity Realm, there is an emanation reflection of the
Attributes: Strength 3 (5/7/6/4), Dexterity 5 (5/6/7/7), children's school. It is a disgusting place, where classes are
Stamina 3 (5/6/6/6), Charisma 3, Manipulation 3 (2/0/0/0), taught by cruel Banes rather than kind teachers. Emana­
Appearance 4 (3/0/4/4), Perception 4 Intelligence 4, Wits 5 tions of children cry as the Bane teachers swat them with
Abilities: Alertness 2, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Empathy 2, rulers.
Primal-Urge 2, Firearms 2, Melee 3, Leadership 2, Stealth 3, The Breeder Bane that laid the seeds of corruption rests
Survival 2, Enigmas 1, Investigation 1, Medicine 2, Rituals 3 in a pond of chemical slop in the basement of the schoo l. If
Backgrounds: Pure Breed 2 it can be destroyed, then the corruption will leave the
Gifts: (1) Inspiration, Smell ofMan, Speed ofThought; (2)
Jam Technology, Messenger's Fortitude; (3) The Great Leap But the corruptio n wdl not leave the school, for it rests
on corrupt ground. It must be torn down, and the ground
Rank: 3
must be burnt before the blight will fully leave the area.
Rage 4, Gnosis 8, Willpower 9
The corruption continues even deeper, stretching back
Rites: Rite of Cleansing, Talisman Dedication, Open
to the government level, where the decision was made to
build the school on the waste dump. If the characters are

110 Rage Across Russia

crafty enough, they can find files in the Atrocity Realm
school office that will lead them to the real perpetrators.
But even this will ultimately lead them to more levels of
shadowy evil, and eventually to the source itself: the
Seventh Generation. (See Umbra: The Velvet Shadow for
details on the Atrocity Realm, and Rage Across New York
for details on the Seventh Generation.)

}sn't ([hat ... ?

The Garou are minding their own business for once
when they see a group of people they recognize as Shadow
Lords. These Shadow Lords are known followers ofTyphon.
The Shadow Lords, not noticing the pack, shift to Crinos,
as do their previously unrecognized traveling companions:
two Black Spiral Dancers.
At this point, the pack has several options. If they sit and
watch, they see the Shadow Lords and Black Spirals enter
a building where political reform talks are taking place .
Soon, screams and panic ensue as the Delirium causes the
humans to go nuts. The Shadow Lords use the confusion to
kill a known and popular reform figure.
If, at any time, the pack chooses to involve themselves,
the Shadow Lords will respond by welcoming them or, if the
characters attack them (rightly so), they will attempt to kill
them. Somewhere in all the confusion, the Black Spirals
If they wait and tell others what happened, the Shadow
Lords will have only one thing to say in defense, "Typhon
told us to do it." Any further accusations will have to be
resolved at the Thunderstrike Sept. The Shadow Lord
judges of that sept accept the Typhon excuse as valid, and
criticize anyone who doesn't agree, claiming "spiritual
persecution". The "guilty" pack will be found without
Wyrm taint.
If the characters further investigate, the Black Spirals
will try to kill them, as will the Shadow Lord pack. If they
survive this gauntlet of attacks, they may discover clues
that Typhon has been corrupted and is serving the enemy.
What the pack does then is up to them, but trying to get the
rest of the Garou to believe this without proof will be almost
If the pack can provide definitive proof of Typhon's
corruption, then the retaliation against the Shadow Lords
will be dire indeed, ruining their political future in Russia
for some time to come. However, since many Shadow Lords
who are not allied with Typhon are joining the hunt, the
ruination will be mitigated somewhat.

([he Sleeper Awakens

The characters are sent to check on the resting place of
a powerful Wyrm creature, something the elders called a
Zmei. The elders were awfully closed mouthed about it;
they just said to check on it.
The pack travels past the arctic circle to the Taimyr
Peninsula and arrives in time to see the end of the ri te

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 111

which wakens the sleeping body of Goluko, one of the
Great Zmei. It immediately devours the two Black Spiral
Dancers who led the rite. The other six Black Spirals all
flee. It then notices the pack of characters. Now it's time
for dessert.
Luckily, Goluko is weak . Describe how the Zmei is
shrugging off the effects of his long sleep. His stats are all
halved for the next five turns. For five turns after that, his
difficulties will all be at plus two. After this, though, he will
be fully awake and possess his full powers and abilities.
The window of opportunity allows the pack an opportu­
nity no other Garou will have: the chance (although slim)
to kill a Zmei. The problems are as follows: Goluko is 60
yards away; it will take characters at least a turn or two of
running to reach him. Characters can, of course, use ranged
If the characters can even knock Goluko down to ha lfhis
Health Levels by the time 10 turns have passed, he will flee
rather than fight. In this way, the characters may at least
survive and have one hell of a tale to tell.
Renown for Killing the Zmei:
If the characters can actually kill a Zmei, they will
become quite famous among the Russian Garou. Renown
awards are as follows:
Goluko - 8,000 Glory
Gregornous - 6,000 Glory (possible Wisdom if any
cunning or trickery was involved)
IlIyana - 5,000 Glory
Rustarin - 7,000 Glory
Shazear - 5,000 Glory
Trevero - 9,000 Glory

cPutting (Down the lmei

The only other chance to stop the Zmei is to perform the
same rite on them that was done long ago by the Silver Fang
heroes. However, this rite is largely forgotten (even by the
Uktena, who used it as late as the turn of the century).
The pack discovers a clue leading to one who knows the
I I rite: a Siberakh. They must find her and convince her to
teach them the rite . Her village is in a far eastern section of
Siberia and may take a long time to find. The pack's only
hope to get a Wendigo to lead them there, but first they
must convince the Wendigo of their just intentions. This
will require undergoing a test for them, such as retrieving a
fetish in the Umbra, which would mean risking a confron­
tation with one of Baba Yaga's or the Wyrm's minions. If
they can successfully retrieve the fetish, the Wendigo will
lead them to the Siberakh village.
From there, they must convince the Siberakh to help
them. She, too, will require a test of some sort, but this one
will be more mentally trying. They must solve a riddle or
puzzle before she will reward the rite. Once they get the rite,
they must swear not to say where they learned it. They must
not even speak of the existence of the Siberakh.

112 Rage Across Russia

Now, the pack must confront a Zmei and perform the of the characters fits this description, the Storyteller may
rite. This is the really hard part. allow her to channel an ancestor who put the Zmei down
long ago. The Storyteller should only allow the roll when
rche (}{ite of tDragon OJin;'ing in sight of the Zmei, and then the difficulty is 9. The
Level: 5 Storyteller must decide which role the ancestor played:
This rite requires at least three participants: a Warrior, Warrior, Defender or Ritemaster. Each success will allow
a Defender and a Ritemaster. The Warrior (there can be the character one extra die for various actions against the
more than one) attacks the Zmei to distract it while the rite Zmei:
is being performed. The Defender (again, there can be more Warrior: add dice to Brawl, Melee or damage (you know
than one) defends any attacks against the Ritemaster so her a weakness in the Zmei's scales).
concentration is not broken; the Ritemaster must put total Defender: add dice to Stamina or Initiative (you can
faith for her safety into the Defender's hands. anticipate its actions and act first).
Finally, the Ritemaster (there can be only one) performs Ritemaster: add dice to Occult.
the rite. She must make an extended roll of Wits + Occult These extra dice can increase a character's Attributes or
against a difficulty of7. She needs 23 successes. One roll can Abilities past their normal maximums.
be made every turn if the Ritemaster is undisturbed. A If the rite is successful, the Zmei will howl a scream of
botch at anytime means the rite must be started all over rage and frustration, only to be cut off in mid-howl as it
again (often fatal, considering the enemy). If the Ritemaster sinks deep into the earth, frozen in a magical slumber.
is wounded at anytime, the rite can stilI continue, but the Nothing (short of a nuclear blast) can release it; even Baba
Dice Pool is lowered as per the Health chart. Yaga's magic cannot undo the rite until "ten generations
During the rite, the Zmei, who knows very well what's have passed from the earth" (at least 500 years).
going on, will try to take out the Ritemaster, devoting all its It is important to choose the site of the rite carefully, for
action towards getting to her. This is why the Warriors and it will become the burial site of the Zmei.
Defenders must be willing to give up their lives to protect
her. Luring the Zmei
One thing which would aid greatly in this task is the The characters will probably have to lure a Zmei to the
blood of heroes: a Silver Fang with a high Past Life. If one desired site. This can be tough, as they are rarely encoun ­

" '"
... .
.' '" ' \ " .

...., "­

,:," "' . "...... ;• ..".<

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 113

tered without one of Baba Yaga's other armies (such as the Who's dJurie~ in Lenin's t[omb?
Black Spirals of the Army of War).
The pack hears a strange rumor from a Glass Walker:
If the Storyteller decides to run this story, then he should
Lenin is allegedly a vampire. The Glass Walker is normally
give the pack some help, in the form of other Garou who
a reliable source, and certain facts make sense in this light.
will distract the Armies while the players take on the Zmei.
Why doesn't Lenin's body decay? Oh, they claim there is a
(The mass combat rules from Rage Across the Amazon can be
"secret potion" which preserves him, but no one has seen
useful for staging a battle in the background.)
this potion or the formula. Does the pack investigate?
Ifit isstill too tough, then one option is forGrimfang, the
Getting into Lenin's tomb at night will be tough, as it is
elder of the Urals caern, to take the part of Ritemaster,
located in Red Square and guarded. If the characters man­
allowing the players to get down and dirty with the Zmei.
age to find their way down the granite stairs into the red and
Although the pack's ritualist should eventually learn the
gray mausoleum, they can see the remarkably preserved
rite, the final lesson might be a demonstration byGrimfang.
body of Lenin enclosed in a crystal case.
Renown for Binding a Zmei:
They will see a man in a lab coat walk to the case. In his
In addition to the Glory awards below, characters can
hand is a bottle: the famous "secret potion" used to preserve
also gain Wisdom or Honor, depending on their actions
Lenin's body. If the pack is hiding, he will proceed to open
during either luring the Zmei or binding it.
the case and apply the salve to Lenin's exposed hands and
Goluko - 5,000 Glory face. When he is through , he will leave the way he came.
Gregornous - 4,000 Glory Ifhe notices the pack, he is startled and tries to hide the
IIlyana - 3,000 Glory potion. If the characters are in Crinos, he is immune to the
Rustarin - 5,000 Glory Delirium. He will tell the werewolves that he just wants to
Shazear - 3,000 Glory be left alone . If pressed, he will tell the following story: he
Trevero - 7,000 Glory is Andrei Zenkovsky, a member of the Society of Leopold,
an organization devoted to destroying vampires. He has
infiltrated the vampire power structure and managed to
become a trusted retainer of one of the vampires. He is

114 Rage Across Russia

entrusted with the duty of applying the potion to Lenin's Investigating the trail further will require either an expert
body, a potion which is made from vampire blood, along shadowing of Andrei over a period of days or a good spy
with other preservatives. network. If either of these are possessed, the Garou can
He then realizes that this chance meeting with the pack trace Andrei back to his Toreador master, an old Boyer
is the opportunity he has been waiting for, the chance to prince.
destroy the ruling vampires. He will try to gain the pack's
aid in an assault the following night on a Ventrue. He will Lupus mysteries
give the characters the address to the vampire's house The vast, unexplored forests ofSiberia offer many chances
outside of Moscow, where a dinner party will be taking to discover mysteries of nature as yet undiscovered. Much
place. He will help them to infiltrate the house and kill the of this region is untouched by humankind; who knows what
vampire . things of old may still reside here, untouched since the
However, Andrei is actually the ghoul of another vam­ world was young? What laws of nature are different here?
pire, a Toreador who now serves Baba Yaga. He has been The Red Talons live closest to these woods, and they
waiting for an opportunity to kill the Ventrue, a potential may know many lupus mysteries unknown to other tribes.
enemy of Baba Yaga. Andrei and his Toreador master will This is a good setting for an all-lupus game, where charac­
both be at the party, and Andrei will make sure that his ters can adventure into the primeval forest to unravel
Toreador master has a reason to leave the room (and his enigmas, uncover wonders or fight off humankind's en­
house) before he helps the Garou in their assault. croachment into this secretive land.
If the character let Andrei leave Lenin's Tomb without Ways of the Wolf gives some ideas for lupus chronicles.
confronting him, he will not return to reapply the liquid for
another month. If they follow him, the path leads to the All Historical '[ales
Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Aro­ Russia's medieval history is rich with legend, epic and
matic Plants. There, in Andrei's guarded office, they can royal pageantry. It would be a shame not to use it in a game.
discover the ingredients which make up the secret potion. There are many possibilities:
There is a veritable alchemical workshop . In a refrigera­
tor, inside a jar marked "V", is the vampire blood .

o .

.• ...

~ . ..

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 115

Historical Chronicle: This chronicle takes place en­
tirely in the past, where characters try to ensure the Wyrm
doesn't get into Russia. They can be Silver Fang heroes,
Bone Gnawers serfs, Glass Walker merchants, etc.
Mythic Chronicle: This can take place in the far past of
Russia, even back to the Impergium. The characters can be
the first heroes to stop the Zmei, or they can be Bogatyrs
fighting against Baba Yaga.
Past Life Stories: Past Lives intrude on the Garou when
they least expect them . Past Lives can be used to provide
flashbacks in the game, allowing the characters to play their
ancestors in vital moments of history, giving them a vis­
ceral feeling for the past. Fight with your ancestors against
the Zmei , ride in the army of Alexander Nevsky, rush
through the streets with your father's Bolshevik friends in
the Revolution, or attack Nazi hordes with your mother's
partisan fighting force. The options are endless.

([he ginal Wor~

Outmaneuvere~, Outnumbere~
an~ Outclasse~
by George "Hucky" Neal
I have experienced the following scenario multiple times,
and each time it has resulted in the disruption of an
otherwise very good game .
Player 1: "Wait a second, I just hit that thing for more
damage than I can take, and you say it's not hurt?!"
Player 2: "Yeah, the same thing just happened to me. We
can't hurt it - what's the point? We go through all this
trouble and we're gonna die"
Player 3: "Yeah, this sucks." (Followed by laughing)
Storyteller: "Look guys, those are the stats the thing has.
That's the way it works, and that's how I'm running it."
The problems here are too numerous to count, but the
biggest one is a problem with frustration. When characters
feel frustrated for long periods of time, they often start to
dislike the game. This can be a potential problem with
Werewolf, where the mood of the game is set deeply in a
sense of futility even in success.
There are a number of ways to deal with it, but in my
games I have found the following methods work exception­
ally well. I present them for you to look over. Find the ones
that suit you best.
One trick is to simply reward people who don't get so
wrapped up in the situation that their frustration over­
whelms them. If you aren't trying to set a very serious tone
for your game, this method works well. However, itcan lead
to abundant silliness if everyone finally says "ah, what the
hell, it's just a game," followed by really silly actions on
behalf of player and/or character.
If you wish to maintain the flavor and seriousness of the
game, something a little more complicated is often neces­
sary. One thing you may wish to try is to keep the things the I am also rather fond of planning my stopping points . No
characters want to fight away from them. It adds to the matter what happens in my games, I end a session in a
frustration, yet it keeps them from feeling that you wan ­ situation where the characters are foaming at the mouth to
tonly slaughtered them. If they keep having to pursue it to find out what happens next. The cliffhanger ending is a bit
fight it, then clearly they want whatever it can dish out. trite, but it produces results.
Along the same lines is the concept of the recurring Let players have some kind of clue what they're getting
powerful bad creature. This is fairly standard stuff, but it into. If you have a powerful character that they are going to
works. The important part here is to give the characters run into that is hostile to them, give them some kind of
some say in what happens. For example, if all the thing ever notice. Have them walk up on it as it rips off the arms of the
does is attack them, wait for them to attack it, and so on, it's local Get of Fenris Ahroun or something like that. Subtle
no fun. However, if they deal with it for a long time only to methods like stories around the fire and whatnot will work
find out it that it betrayed them, insulted everything sacred as well, just as long as they don'tgo into the situation feeling
to their pack and shot their dog ... then that's a villain ! like you baited them into a death trap. If they don't take the
The point is, when dealing with powerful characters hint, then their character's deaths are not on your hands .
controlled by the Storyteller, make the players hate the The last piece of two-bit wisdom is that powerful crea­
creature enough that they'll go to the ends of the earth just tures should be consistent and believable. A master chess
to find out how to hurt it. Entire stories can be built around player is not likely to go head-to-head with a pack of
trying to find a way to kill one thing (see "Putting Down the werewolves he knows he can't beat. It is frustrating to have
Zmei" in the story ideas above). opponents handed to you on a silver platter. Clearly, on
It is important with the recurring villain to have him do occasion, the "god in the machine" has her moments, but
just that- recur. Periodically, it should show up and mess they should be few and far between, never eclipsing the
with your group, preferably at a time when they feel high characters. Should the characters get themselves into a
and mighty. Have them return home after killing the third ­ position where you feel like you should pull them out, even
in-command of the bad guys only find a dead body (a though they did it to themselves - make it hurt!
girlfriend, mentor, dog, etc.) and a note form their foe For example, imagine you're in the midst of battle,
saying, "You may have won this round, but I will exact my surrounded by the members of your pack. You're heavily
price." Whatever works is fine, just make sure they never wounded, and your pack is losing. An evil totem spirit
feel apathetic about your villain. hovers above your head. As your warriors are falling, the

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 117

totem decides to revel in its power. A voice calls to you.
"For your help, though it was unknowingly given, I shalt
keep you alive this time, but when next we meet, no quarter
shall be asked or given ." Then the totem sucks the life force
from an ally of yours to use as energy for keeping you alive.
You 've been pulled out of a deadly situation... but at a price.
There are a lot of powerful creatures in Russia, and most
of them are hostile to your characters. Providing your
characters with a goal, no matter how small, and a sense
that they can possibly achieve it (even if the odds are
impossibly long) will usually be enough to keep the players
going. If it is not, well, try something new!
Safety is for those afraid to live and afraid to die .

([he ginal, ginal Wor"

by David Key
There is much afoot in Russia . The Wyrm rears its head
in places once believed to be free of corruption. Baba Yaga,
the great witch of legend, stalks the Motherland, consum­
ing those who would oppose her. All seems hopeless, for
how can the Garou fight against such a menace?
It is important that the horror of this situation is felt.
Without that, the story becomes nothing more than a
combat game. That's not what this book is about, although,
at first, that is how Rage Across Russia might appear. Most
of the villains in this book are epic in scope; defeating even
one of them is the subject of a chronicle, or at least a long
story. They are powerful, and directly assaulting them
should be pointless. The majority of them must be outwit­
ted or tricked, and only then can the characters pass on to
the next level to confront the evil lurking even deeper
below the surface.
Consider also that not all of these characters are neces­
sarily enemies. For example, the Gangrel Viktor is
sympathetic to the plight of the werewolves, even though
his loyalties lie with the Hag. An interesting story could
deal with trying to convert him, or at least tricking him into
sinking into torpor and getting out of everyone's hair.
Back to the concept of situational horror: how wou Id you
feel standing on the befouled bank of the Volga River, or
watching cancerous fish swim in the Baltic Sea? What
would cross your mind as you saw the victims of Russia's
terrible pollution? Sickly children and dying adults are the
legacies of the rapid industrialization of the Communist
Era. There is no supernatural villain dishing out toxins to
the hapless world like a cook in a cafeteria line, but there is
horror. True, it is not the horror of confronting the Great
Old One at the culmination of a Lovecraft Story, but it is,
in some sense, more real.
A sense of situational horror may be found in the
following scenario: in an area where the toxins of the Wyrm
tend to kill rather than corrupt, and where the Banes have
long since departed, a pack of Garou find themselves
assisting a group of humans trying to eke out a living. As the
humans die without the Garou being able to save them, or

118 Rage Across Russia

even fight the force that is killing them, the horror of the The solutions to situational horror are generally far less
situation becomes obvious . The Garou are fighting a hope­ obvious than the players expect. The key is to build the
less battle. Or is it? What could the pack do to help the situation so that success appears to be impossible without
humans? actually being impossible.

Chapter Five:Problems and Plots 119

120 Rage Across Russia
"I [is best to ask the chair for penniss ion before sitting down. "
-Old Russian Proverb

The Russian people have long believed in spirits. Their and pups are told of the dangers of the Umbra, not of the
lore is some of the richest in the world for stories about allies to be found there.
spirits, and with good reason. Russia is strong in magic, and The Russian Garou know and deal with many types of
this mystic strength is linked to its spirits. Russian spirits spirits. Most of these spirits are more neutral than friendly
inhabit everything from trees and streams to bath houses. or hostile, at least in the case of those that have not been
The Russian spirits are strong and, in many cases, are able touched by the Wyrm. Those that have been tainted,
to effect the world around them. These spirits have not especially the Leshii and the Morozhko, are capable of
always been kind and helpful, but they have always been wreaking a great deal of devastation. A creative Storyteller
there. can have a great deal of fun fooling the players when they
The current state of many of these spirits deeply bothers have to deal with a Russian spirit. Few things are what they
Garou Theurges. Where once they could call upon great really appear to be, and anything can be corrupted by the
water spirits to assist them, now their calls go unanswered, Wyrm. The world is unpredictable: many things believed to
or Wyrm-tainted spirits rise instead. Where once the Um­ be corrupted by the Wyrm are actually untainted.
bra shook with the power of moving elementals, now those These are not the only spirits in the Umbra over Russia.
same spirits are harried or untesponsive. As the land was Banes, Weaverlings and Wyldlings may be found as well.
stripped of its power, so were the spirits tied to it. (Note: Some of these creatures can be used as ghosts or
On the few occasions when a powerful spirit is found, it faeries, but for ease of play, all mechanics are listed for
is clear the price of its power was subservience to the Wyrm. Werewolf. The Occult ability might be useful for predict­
Now powerful water spirits move to drown unwary Garou, ing the behavior of these "spirits".)

Appendix: Spirits 121

Rage 5, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8, Power 20-40 (depending
on the size and cleanliness of [he household it protects).
Charms: Materialize, Reform, Airt Sense, Invisibility
The Domovoi is a house spirit, the overseer of domestic
activities. It is generally beneficial. The Russians believed
that keeping the Domovoi happy was essential to the good
workings of the household (they are occasionally the ghosts
of former family heads) . A Domovoi lives in an oven, and
will leave if the fire in the oven goes out. He usually appears
as an ancient peasant with a long gray beard, or a wretched,
gray old man wearing a blue shirt. A female Domovoi is
known as a Domikha and is the wife of the Domovoi.
Families would often take the embers from the oven of an
old house when they moved, so as to bring along the
Domovoi. Intruders in a house occupied by a Domovoi will
always be attacked.

Rage 5, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8, Power 20
Charms: Materialize, Airt Sense, Invisibility, Prophesy
In Russian folklore, the Bannik were spirits of the bath
houses; they regulated bathing times and the number of
bathers inside. They were skilled at prophesy. When mate­
riali zed, a Bannik, much like other spi rits of the household,
appears as a small, dark, hairy creature. Generally, they are
attired in peasant garb. Banniks will often be found in the
company of a Leshy, especially if bathing times have been
violated. If this is the case, the Bannik and the Leshy will
materialize and attack the unfortunate violator.

Rage 8, Willpower 8, Gnosis 9, Power 40+
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Swamp Sense (similar
to Forest Sense, but works only in swamps), Cleanse the
Blight, Shapeshift, Control Swamp (see the new Charm:
Control Forest ), Reform
In Russian folklore, the Bolotnyi is the spirit master of !.eshii

the swamps and often lives in the taiga. They are virtually
identical to the Leshii in power and appearance. However,
the Bolotnyi are more swampy in appearance.

122 Rage Across Russia

They possess a number of powers over the forest as well
as any advantage a particular shape might give them. The
Crinos form of the Garou is not beyond their ability.
A female Leshy is known as a Lesovikha.

Rage 6, Willpower 7, Gnosis 9, Power 40
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Prophesy
The Lugovik are the spirit masters of Russian meadows.
They are virtually identical to the Polevoi; they are actually
slightly weaker, transplanted versions.

Rage 10, Willpower 8, Gnosis 6, Power 30
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Frozen Breath (cost 1
per die of damage)
The Morozhki are Frost Demons. They are often touched
by the Wyrm, but not always. When materialized, they
appear as 15 to 20 foot tall creatures with frosted, mangy
white fur. A Morozhko has red eyes and lips, long ivory
claws at the end ofgnarled fingers, and large canines jutting
from his lower jaw. When materialized, his teeth and claws
do aggravated damage . They are as prone to frenzy as Garou
are. They can also spend Rage for extra actions.

OlJinnik Rage 7, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8, Power 30 (+ 1 per gift
received in the past month)
(])lJorolJoi Charms: Materialize, Shapeshift (the Ovinnik can turn
Rage 7, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8, Power 30 into a cat for 3 Power points), Invisibility, Paralyze
Charms: Materialize, Shapeshift (the Dvorovoi can Ovinniki typically inhabit barns or grain stores, protect­
turn into a cat at a cost of 3 Power points), Invisibility, ing them from thieves and intruders in return for gifts .
Paralyze Intruders are subject to a gaze attack that induces paralysis.
These are similar to the Ovinnik, but inhabit yards or A materialized Ovinnik can shapeshift into a cat as well as
barns. The Dvorovoi was capable ofchanging into a cat and its normal form. An Ovinnik generally appears as a short,
paralyzing intruders. It appears as a small, dark-haired man dark, hairy humanoid being. They hate white horses, and if
with burning red eyes. Despite appearances, the Dvorovoi one is ever brought into its barn, the horse and master
is one of the various spirits that protects households from would immediately be subject to a violent attack.
thieves or intruders.
Leshii Rage 7, Willpower 7, Gnosis 9, Power 40
Rage 8, Willpower 8, Gnosis 9, Power 40+ Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Prophesy (the Polevoi
Charms: Airt Sense, Materialize, Reform, Forest Sense, can see more clearly into the future than most spirits and
Cleanse the Blight, Shapeshift, Control Forest can deliver more accurate predictions).
A Leshy (plural: Leshii) is the spirit master of a forest . It The Polevoi were the spirit masters or guardians of the
can shapeshift and alter its size from only a few inches in fields . They are oracle spirits, able to perform divinations of
height to the size of a giant. A Leshy 's appearance varies possible futures. They appear as humanoids formed of rich,
with the area it guards. It can appear as a big walking tree blackened soil and have grass or weeds growing from their
in a forest (like one ofToIke in's Ents), as a brown-skinned, heads and bodies. They wilt assist anyone who pays them
green-haired bestial man on a plain (like a Glabro), or even tribute: simply give one a crow less cock and several eggs.
as a giant on a mountain. They are so fond of this gift that they will attack anyone
who would harm the person giving tribute.

Polevoi's picture on page 124

Appendix: Spirits 123
They grow older or younger with the waning or waxing of
the moon.

yua Hua
Rage 3 (7 during full moon), Willpower 7, Gnosis 6,
Power 25
Charms: Open Moon Bridge (power cost 10), Airt
The Yua Hua (pronounced "youA HOOwah") are
Gafflings of Luna, possessing powers similar to a Lune, but
not as potent. They look like small ribbons of moonlight
with blue and gold auras. They are very sentient, but are
subject to the same lunar madness as all aspects of Luna.
During the full moon , a Yua Hua's Moon Bridge will
connect to a Bane's home 90% of the time.

llementals (major)
Most of these Russian elementals are combinations of
elements rather than pure elements.

Rage 5, Willpower 9, Gnosis 7 Power 40
Charms: Hold (engulfs opponent in mud), Airt Sense,
These are mud elementals. They appear as large, vaguely
humanoid agglomerations of mobile mud.

Rage 8, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8, Power 30 (+ 5 per victim)

Charms: Siren Song, Airt Sense, Materialize, Reform,
Life Drain
The Rusalki are powerful, dangerous ghosts, usually from
the spirit ofa drowned maiden . Much like a siren, a Rusalka
will lure men to it with song. They are sometimes bound to
a tree near the water's edge where they died. They appear
as young female humans who obviously died from drown ­
ing. Rusalki are often clothed in water-damaged peasant
garb. Their eyes betray their hunger for the life they have
lost. The majority of Rusalki are creatures of the Wyrm.

Rage8, Willpower 7, Gnosis 6, Power 40 (+ 5 per victim)
Charms: Materialize, Reform, Shapeshift, Airt Sense
The Vodianoi of folklore were half-demons. However,
the Garou know them as foul-tempered water spirits, often
tainted by the Wyrm. They require flesh for sustenance.
Vodianoi will sometimes materialize to drown victims. In
its natural form, a Vodianoi appears as a bestial humanoid
covered in hair, with long horns, clawed paws, a tail and
huge toes. Its vaguely human face has eyes that glow like
embers. They are quite capable shapechangers, however,
and are able to assume the appearance of virtually anything.

124 Rage Across Russia

Jee man f[otems

Rage 4, Willpower 10, Gnosis 7, Power 40

In Russia, the totem of the Silver Pack is known as the
Charms: Freeze, Ice Shards, Airt Sense, Materialize Firebird, or the Zhar Ptitsa, rather than Phoenix. The
These are walking ice e1ementals. They appear as large Legends story at the beginning of this book is a tale
men apparently chiseled from ice. concerning Phoenix.

O{oek mouths rcyphon

Rage 6, Willpower 8, Gnosis 8, Power 45 Type: War
Charms: Gnaw (cost 4 Power points; functions as the Cost: 5
Garou Gift), Materialize, Airt Sense Typhon is a darker, more violent reflection of Thunder.
Rock Mouths are Earth elementals. When materialized, He is always boiling, storming and hurling lightning from
they appear as large humanoids composed of stone and dirt. the skies. Yet he is more inclined towards spirit matters
than mere rage. Typhon also understands the darker side of
Smolnik interpersonal relations and the storms ofpassion. He teaches
Rage 5, Willpower 9, Gnosis 7, Power 40 his followers this as well as he can. Children of Typhon can
Charms: Hold (the Smolnik can imprison an opponent lower the difficulties of seduction or attraction rolls by two.
with its sticky mass), Materialize, Airt Sense This makes Typhon's children some of the most fertile. His
These bizarre elementals are constructed from tar or understanding of darker natures also allows his children
pitch. Smolniki appear as large, vaguely humanoid agglom­ two points of Subterfuge.
erations of mobile tar or pitch. People and things can The most impressive thing about Typhon is his willing­
become stuck in them. ness and even desire to take part in combat. Any follower
ofTyphon can spend two permanent Gnosis points and call
upon him. The follower must roll his Charisma plus Totem
(their own rating, not the pack total) verses a difficulty of
8. If even one success is achieved, Typhon will take part in
the battle. The more successes, the greater his participa­
tion. With five successes, Typhon will appear and start
hurling 10 dice lightning bolts at his foes.
Ban: Typhon is still young as totems go; he is still trying
to gain power. He requires all of his followers to give him
one permanent point of Gnosis.
(Typhon plays an important part in Baba Yaga's hierar­
chy- see Chapter Four: "The Army of Conversion".)

Winter Wolf
Type: Wisdom
Cost: 7
Winter Wolf is the master of survival in harsh condi­
tions. His domain consists of some of the harshest land in
the world, and there he has managed to live as a king. He
is very in touch with the Wyld; his animal nature is strong
and cunning. He is as fierce as any creature can be, yet
knows when a hunt should be left to more foolish creatures.
He teaches his children how to endure in harsh condi­
tions, granting them a plus one to their Stamina and two
points of Survival. He also shows his children the Wyld
within them, granting them an extra level of Primal-Urge
and Animal Ken. The greatest gift of Winter Wolf, how­
ever, is strength of will. He gives his followers access to
three extra points ofWillpower per story. To gain this extra
Willpower, however, the child must grant Winter Wolf the
temporary gift of one Gnosis point.


Appendix: Spirits 125

Ban: Winter Wolf asks that during the harsh months, ized) . The Gifts: Umbral Sight and Pulse of the Invisible
food should be left out for those of his kin who did not find will not detect the spirit, but Sense the Unnatural and
the proper rock under which to dig. Sense Wyrm will. If the spirit attacks someone, that person
can make a Perception + Enigmas ro ll versus the spirit's
He", Charms Gnosis to perceive it. The cost is 2 Power points.
Life Drain: The spirit can drain one Health Level from
Control Forest: This Charm is similar to the Children a target for every 3 Power points spent. The spirit must be
of Gaia Gift: The Living Wood. The spirit can an im ate one in physical contact with the victim.
tree per 2 Power points spent.
Paralyze: This Charm acts like the Shadow Lord Gift:
Freeze: The spirit can drastically lower the temperature Paralyzing Stare. The spirit stares into the eyes of its target
in the immediate area . The cost is 3 Power points for every and rolls its Willpower versus the target's Willpower; the
10 yards radius, and 3 Power points per die of damage; target cannot move for one turn per success. The cost is 5
anyone in the area suffers this damage. Power points.
Frozen Breath: The spirit exhales a breath of bitter cold Prophesy: The spirit can peer into things to come and
air. The cost is 1 Power point per die of damage . tell a questioner one fact about their near future. Generally,
lee Shards: The spirit can fling sharp shards of ice at a these will be mundane events, such as a marriage or inher­
target. The cost is 5 Power points per 3 dice damage. itance. The cost is 5 Power points.
Invisibility: With this Charm, a spirit can make itself Siren Song: This is similar to the Charm: Suggestion,
invisible in the Umbra or the physical world (if material­ but the spirit can only lure a target to it through song, not
suggesting any other commands. The cost is 5 Power points.

HeU) Clyphs

(j{ussia (j{age Across)


126 Rage Across Russia

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