Beyond The Barriers - The Book of Worlds
Beyond The Barriers - The Book of Worlds
Beyond The Barriers - The Book of Worlds
Introductions All Around 9
Chapter One: Astral Worlds 23
Chapter Two: The Velvet Curtain 49
Chapter Three: Enigmas 71
Chapter Four: Realms of Interest 101
Chapter Five: Celestial Bodies 137
Chapter Six: Those Beyond 159
Appendix: Game Systems 182
Table of Contents 3
By Kathleen Ryan Blood spurts from her ears as the drums rupture, and then
Deep in the Umbra, somewhere between the Horizon the silence steals even her heartbeat. More slowly, her skin
Realm Shangri-La and Pluto’s second moon Cerberus, burns, reddens, bruises blue, the capillaries bursting into
Amanda walks. In her hands is a silver cord, strong and space. She fights nausea and loses, retching and kicking,
light, stretching behind and before her for as far as she can her hair floating forward into the mess. Gasping, she curls
see. The minutes pass into hours, but she follows it patiently, up, eyes shut, knuckles clenched white around the useless,
knowing that at the end of the walk is home, knowing that broken cord.
her friends keep the path secure for her. She starts to drown.
The thread snaps. At the edge of panic, the young mage ransacks her
Quick as thought, the shield magicks drop, and Amanda mind and memory, hunting anything, everything she has
falls free in the void. ever known, heard or thought about breathing the Ether.
In the first startled second, the vacuum catches at Frantically she builds a wall of logic, a chain of reason to
her breath, and the only air in a million miles escapes bind her lungs to her bidding — and chokes on nothing.
her. The water in her breath freezes before her eyes. She commands, shouting to herself (and her terrified
Prelude 5
to those eyes drops out of focus and bumps its nose into What the hell? Amanda curses, checking her watch.
her right lens. There is only one hour left, and she reaches slowly
Too surprised to keep hold of the glasses, she lets and bitterly for the old bowie knife.
them drift out of her reach, studying the newcomers — Wait. A voice — two voices? — echoes in her head.
six or seven mouse-shaped skeletons with intense golden The young mage looks up in confusion to the angel
lights for eyes. They scurry around Amanda and the angel, (collapsed in a feathery heap before her), then past the
running steady on a plane she cannot see. pale spirit to a darkness storming up the path, swallowing
The young mage digs into her pocket for the crackers, the stars behind it.
black and blue fingers clumsy on the cellophane. She The darkness comes closer, and faintly now Aman-
hands a few to the angel. da sees the rider: Mitzi Zimmerman, the Old Man’s
See if they like these, she says, and begins to throw second-in-command. She guides her huge steed with
odds and ends from her bag. Pens, keys and knives spin a simple rope halter, brings it to a standstill in front of
out in all directions as she maneuvers herself parallel to them, and still the horse is darkness, solid and graceful,
the mice. They fidget around her, nibbling at her hair eyeless and eerily undefined.
and jacket, crawling into her pockets whenever her spin Nice to find you alive, Amanda. I thought I was looking
brings them above the spirits’ “floor.” Finally she stops for a corpse.
turning. With her head and shoulders securely above Mitzi dismounts, unties the halter. The darkness
the ground, she wills herself to grab hold of it, and pulls dissipates, and black saddlebags fall to the ground.
herself up as easily as out of a swimming pool.
Do you still have the thread with you?
For the first time, she sees that the void around them
Amanda reaches into her bag, pulls it out for the
is not empty — along the mice’s course there is a trail,
older woman to see. Mitzi takes it and examines it care-
a faint gray line in a dusty black plain. She turns to her
fully, end to end, and tosses it over her shoulder, where
Avatar, realizes that her soul has been standing on this
it disappears.
plane all along.
All right. This is how it is. She pulls a small glass jar
Now the mice have swarmed up the angel. Her wings
from her pocket, hands it to Amanda. Put a little of this
are open, and though her cheeks are still wet, the tears
in each ear, and rub it on all the skin you can get to now.
have stopped. Two bony noses peek out from her hair,
You can do a more thorough job later, when you have time.
one mouse perches on her right wing, three on her left,
and in her good left hand the last two are munching on Amanda obeys, and Mitzi continues aloud in her
saltines, the crumbs falling through their empty ribs. She quiet, firm voice. “You can’t go back to Cerberus now.
bites her lip and frowns. This thread was cut from there, and either we have to
clean house or the Hermetic refugees do. I’m hoping it’s a
Amanda, guiltily unwrapping another pack of crack-
just misguided assassination attempt, and not something
ers, leans forward to try to soothe her. The mice duck
more serious, but… there it is. Someone back home is
their heads in and hide from her, running to the other
out to get you.
side of her Avatar, huddling in the hollow of the wings.
“While I’m thinking about it, do you have the letter
I want to go home, the angel whimpers, and begins
from Scherer?” She accepts it, throws it over her other
to cry again.
shoulder, and goes on.
The mice perk up their heads as she speaks, and twitch
“The plan is, you go back to the alchemist’s shop,
nervously in the shadow, eyes dancing. A moment later,
keep quiet, and we’ll call for you in about a week. I’ve
they stream out in single-file, and the last in line lifts its
brought enough clothes and things to get you by for
tail to the angel, beckoning with its forepaw for her to
that long — I really am so pleased you survived! — and
take it. Fearfully, she reaches forward — Amanda catches
Scherer’s apprentice can help you with anything I’ve
her other hand only just in time — and the mice race
off with the angel and her mage crawling along behind
them, faster than sound. “I don’t think they’re going to want me back.”
The sun is only is a pinpoint itself when the mice “Why not?” Mitzi hands Amanda the saddlebags, and
stop, but Pluto and Cerberus are nowhere in sight. The starts twisting the rope into a different pattern.
line breaks up as the spirits confer, skulls shaking ner- “I killed a man in Scherer’s workshop.”
vously around their leader, and in great agitation they “Oh. Shit… Who was it?”
run — first under the Avatar’s wings, then behind Aman- “Richard Somnitz.” She pauses, remembering. “Of
da’s boots, then darting back along the trail sunward. the House of Helekar, they said.”
Prelude 7
8 Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds
All Around
You wish to see the distant realms? Very well. But know this first: The
places you will visit, the places you will see, do not exist. For there are only two
worlds — your world, which is the real world, and other worlds, the fantasy.
Worlds like this are worlds of the human imagination: Their reality, or lack
of reality, is not important. What is important is that they are there. These
worlds provide an alternate. Provide an escape. Provide a threat. Provide a
dream, and power, provide refuge, and pain. They give your world meaning.
They do not exist, and thus they are all that matters.
— The Faerie Queen, The Books of Magic (Neil Gaiman)
Alexis Hastings
Greetings and good day, fellow travelers! Alexis Hastings greatest experts that we’ve been able to find to tell you all
at your service. This is so much fun — I’ve never gotten to about their pet places. I’d like to thank Porthos Fitz-Em-
be a tourguide before. Anyway, without further ado, let me press for giving us this extraordinary opportunity to publish
tell you all about myself: To make a long story short, I’m a this guide, and my good friend the wild and wacky Fisher
Son of Ether, strange as it sounds. I could be an Ether Kid, Princess. Don’t mind her if she seems a bit… guarded. She’s
if you prefer. I travel through as much of reality as I can not quite as enthralled with the concept of this guide as
find, exploring, researching, and finding new ways to use Porthos and I are. But never mind, I’m sure she’ll warm to
electricity. But I digress. her topic. How can she not? While not an expert on the
We’re all here today to take a wild and wonderful tour whole of the Otherworlds, I am an incurable explorer and
of the Otherworlds. Much as I would like to be an expert sometime hopeless romantic, well qualified to give you
on them all, I’m afraid I am not. So, it’s my pleasure to let the basics of what you can expect when traveling to these
you know that later in the book we’ll be bringing along the strange new realms.
Besides the Penumbra and the Worlds, a number of
Zones float about the Near Umbra. They weave their way
in, around, and through everything else, bobbing about like
bubbles in carbonated water. Some of them are lots of fun,
and some of them are truly frightening reminders of the
powers we play with and the truths we have yet to learn.
No one understands the Zones; they defy all attempts to
measure, define or categorize them in anything but the most
basic ways. The Digital Web, the Maya Dream Realms, the
Mirror Zone and possibly others we haven’t found yet criss-
cross the Worlds’ layers. From what I’ve seen, they often take
on the “tone” of the “layer” they’re crossing into (look I said
this wasn’t an exact science. Bear with me). If you entered a
pleasant Dream Realm in the High Umbra, for instance, it
might shift beneath you and end up in the Low Umbra “sec-
tor.” Boom. Instant nightmare. Some places, I’m told, never
shift out of place, or do so only rarely. If that’s true, there are
some sectors of the Web that are best avoided.
`e Mercurian Cosmolon
1.Midrealm (Mount Qaf ) 2.Material World 3.Horizon 4.High Umbra 5.Middle Umbra 6.Low Umbra 7.Penumbra 8.Anchorheads
9.Umbral Realms (found in all three Umbrae) 10.Deep Umbra / Etherpace 11.Shade Realms 12.Shard Realms / Planets 13.Paradox Realms
14.Aetherial Reaches 15.Oblivion 16.Courts `e Zones overlap and are part of everything.
Airt: An Otherworldly trail left by a spirit’s passage.
Hard to find, but more flexible than Moon Paths.
Aisling: A journey into the Otherworlds.
Astral Travel: Entering the Otherworlds by projecting
one’s mind from his body, leaving the body behind.
Domains: Places in the Penumbra sustained by some
other reality. Domains usually contain some powerful Res-
onance related to their energies. Corrupt areas are called
blights, while areas of purity are called glens. Gateways past
the Horizon are known as Anchorheads.
Far Umbra: Space outside the Horizon. This is where
the three Umbrae are one, indistinguishable. Also called the
Deep Umbra, Deep Universe, Etherspace and the Void.
Gauntlet: The barrier between the Penumbra of a planet
and the mundane side. Only four Realms are known to have
one: the Earth, the Moon, Venus and Mars.
Great Enigmas: The Dream Zone, the Mirror Zone,
and the Digital Web.
High Umbra: The World of ideas made manifest; divided
into the Vulgate (common concepts), Courts (Umbrood
Realms) and Epiphamies (abstract concepts), which can
often be reached only through Astral travel.
Horizon, The: The “barrier” separating the Near Umbra
from the Far or Deep Umbra. I include barrier in quotes
because the Horizon is not a sharply defined obstacle; it is
a wide belt of space only slightly more difficult to pass than
the areas within and without it. Even so, the Nephandi and
their kind find it difficult to cross.
Maya: The Dream Zone, also called the Dreaming by
the fae and the Dreamtime by Australian shamans. An enig-
matic universe in which normal laws do not apply. See Zone.
Moon Paths: Glowing paths which run through the
Middle Umbra at night, and cross into the lower levels of
the High Umbra.
Near Umbra: Space inside the Horizon. This is where
the Three Worlds exist.
Overlap Zone: Whenever two Realms overlap or exert
great influence over one another, a new “Realm” is formed. The
most famous of these are the Verbena Seasonal Realms, formed by
the overlap of Venus’ Spirit Realm with the Shade Realm of Life.
Pattern Web: A network of spirit-webs which bind the
Middle Umbra to the high and Low Worlds, and criss-cross
between Realms there. Garou myth claims these webs tie
creation together.
Penumbra: The spirit aspect of a planet. Earth has three,
one in each Umbra. Mars, Luna and Venus each have one.
Pericarp: The “Gauntlet” around a Realm, which often
resembles a shimmering mist or an opaque shell from the
outside. Walking into a Realm without using the “door”
(a portal or gateway) requires getting around the pericarp
(using Spirit 5).
Storyteller Hints
Gamespeak r-changing: We’re not
to him who • The Otherworlds are eve
is a beautiful book, but of little use e. the Otherworlds exist in a
The world talking about solid places, her
eran travelers are often sur-
cannot read it. constant state of flux. Even vet
n visits. While the
— Carlo Goldoni pris ed by the way things change betwee
aking. While character general nature of a Realm will usually (not always!) remain
Hi, folks! This is your developer spe time.
ntial when you’re describing the same, some subtle changes will always occur over
narrations are fun — and esse
erworlds — there’s a time In short, nothing here is set in stone.
something as subjective as the Oth
presenting the rules. inite: Imagine every
for simple gamespeak. A time for • The Otherworlds are inf
re rules are con cern ed. ce; now imagine that every
Now, I have kind of a dilemma whe idea you ever had became a pla
e myself, I tend to avo id usin g place, if only for a moment.
I hate ‘em. When running a gam idea everybody had became a
er, I also realize wha t a mes s a want to do with the Oth-
them as much as possible. Howev Get the picture? Anything you
-forming a gam e, part icul arly if dful of Realms presented
Storyteller can get into while free erworlds can be done. The han
Checking Loo pho le-F ind ers less as they’re described, at
she’s got a couple of dreaded Chart- in this book remain more or
es, we just nee d to kno w how am Realms, Paradox Realms
nesting in her chronicle. Sometim least in the modern world. Dre
mage reach the Sha dow land s? stantly, however, and often
to resolve a situation: How does a and Astral Worlds change con
k in Autocthon ia? Ob viou sly, e people in the same place.
How well does Spirit magick wor appear differently to the sam
ge games, and we nee d the m ure in your favorite novel
we need a few rules to run our Ma You want your troupe to advent
the midst of pla y. re in the Dream Realms,
in a place we can find easily in for a while? It’s floating out the
dix composed ent irel y might recognize where they
In the back of this book is an Appen and just because the characters
pter for easy reference. Th ese dict what’s going to happen
of rules, grouped chapter by cha . are, doesn’t mean they can pre
official as they get, any way
are the “official” systems — as ing their stay!
disc ard wh ich eve r dur only limits on your
You can use whichever ones you
like , and This book is a guideline; the
ning Otherworlds, it’s ofte n n and your willingness
ones get in the way. When run isn’ t chr onicle are your own imaginatio
g. After all, a Realm
good to keep your players guessin to experiment.
laims “Hey, I know how tion is king: Hard
very my sterious wh en a player exc
at • Kee p rules to a minimum; descrip
e 5, roll eight success es your world, they
to get out of this! Use Life 3, Prim ey syst em s not only restrict the possibilities of
these rules as you will. Th you have one of those
difficulty 8, and we’re free!” Use also get predictable, especially if
to my office :-). ks before you do!
should save you an agonized call ann oyi ng players who buys all the boo
to offer you Storytellers Don’t feel restricted by the rules unless you need something
Before we begin, I also wanted
the Otherworlds in general. to fall back on.
a few bits of advice for running
k. Have fun!
As I said, the rules are in the bac
Within each chapter, all the Realms • Non-White Wolf inspirations incl
have been laid ude several DC/
out in a similar fashion: Vertigo comics titles (Sandman, Sha
de: The Changing Man,
Each place begins with a Description Swamp Thing, John Constantine: Hel
, which shows us lblazer, Doom Patrol,
what many travelers have seen; the The Invisibles, and Books of Magic),
Background offers the Realms of Fantasy by
most commonly-known history of M. Edwards and R. Holdstock, and
the land (which may any number of fantasy
or may not be true, depending on novels. Books on symbolism can be real
your wishes); Places of ly helpful, especially
Interest display a variety of importa Carl Jung’s Psyche and Symbol and
nt locations within the David Fontana’s The
Realm; Finally, Ecology explains how Secret Language of Symbols. Alice K.
the Realm maintains Turner’s The History
itself, and mentions important figu of Hell, Dante’s Inferno and H.P. Lov
res there. Rules systems ecraft’s Dreamlands
are offered at the back of the book. books can be invaluable inspirations
. Compilations of art
by M.C. Escher, Edward Blake, H.R
. Giger, Frank Frazetta,
Other References J.K. Potter, Susan S. Boulet and
any number of fantasy
Even a book as huge as Beyond artists offer Storytellers some visual
the Barriers can’t stimulation, and films
offer all the possibilities for every den like The Adventures of Baron Muncha
izen of the World of usen, City of Lost Chil-
Darkness. The rules and Realms we dren, Forbidden Zone, Dreamscape,
describe are familiar The Dark Crystal, The
places in our vision of the World of Never-Ending Story, Time Bandits, 200
Darkness. They need 1: A Space Odyssey,
not appear or work the same way in you and the Aliens movies can set your
r personal chronicle. imagination spinning
into the right realms. Have fun!
Hey, folks! Alexis here. Ready to tie our brains in a and dreaming minds in particular seem to travel instantly
knot? Good! Let’s begin. between Realms. Each mind that passes through an area
By definition, an Astral Realm is anything you can leaves a track or residue. Some thinkers build up an area,
stand on inside the Astral Umbra. In practical terms, what some break it down, but most have no effect. Real dreamers
you’re standing on are clusters of fairly solid thoughts. They and true iconoclasts are rare.
begin on the fringes of the Penumbra and work outward Astral Realms occur naturally when many people invent or
from there. As the concepts they represent grow more and consider the same concept. They occur artificially when spirits,
more abstract, the Realms grow further and further “away,” Incarna, powerful Umbrood or great mages gather thought-stuff
becoming harder and harder to reach, until only the most together. The most advanced Realms, the Epiphamies, extend
advanced minds can even comprehend them. past human thought patterns altogether. I assume that Oracles
Just as all beings with souls or spirits are present in the of the mental disciplines form such refuges from the tapestries
Middle Umbra in some small way, every thinking being of their own minds. Since no one I’ve ever met can verify
has a slight presence in the High Umbra. Minds (human, having traveled so far out, my own thoughts on the matter
dog, dolphin, Umbrood or other) jump from idea to idea, will have to occupy Realms of their own. :-)
The Vulgate
…the consensus omnium insists on the Some Realms of the Middle Umbra lie in a flux between
immateriality of spirit, though not everyone the Vulgate and the Middle World. This flux resembles a thick
would agree that it also has a reality of its fog shot through with glowing Pattern Webs and Moon Paths.
own. It is, however, not easy to see why our A doorway from the High Worlds might just as easily lead
hypothetical “matter,” which looks quite dif- to Dystopia or the Radiance as to the Grand Hallway. The
ferent from what it did even thirty years ago, Aetherial Reaches discussed in Chapter Two seem to be an
alone should be real, and spirit not.… Spirit exception — they appear to be off-limits to a lot of us — but
and matter may well be forms of one and the the other Realms, especially Mythic Realms, form a hazy
same transcendental being. boundary between the Middle and High Umbrae.
— Carl Jung, “The Phenomenology of the Spirit in Fairy Tales” Astral doorways lie all around the Penumbra, often
There may be more things in heaven and earth than are concealed by glowing mists until you’re right on top of them.
dreamt of in Horatio’s philosophy, but the collective philosophy of Some Astral travelers claim that the world which appears
the entire human race (and, some would add, other races as well) behind the door you open is the world you will into being
creates a bewildering cornucopia of Realms. In the Vulgate, the behind that doorway — that is to say, it’s there because
most easily accessible concepts — invention, transition, travel, you put it there. These folks insist there are no accidents
warfare, love, etc. — form a spectrum of worlds which dance and in the Astral worlds; every place you find is where you’re
pass through each other as human consciousness shifts. There’s supposed to be. Asking whether or not the Realm is still
no single “Land of Love” or “Field of Battles”; instead, Realms there when you aren’t is like asking the old question about
with those aspects hover like dragonflies behind an endless and trees making noise when they fall, and the answers get just
ever-changing series of doorways and windows. If you’ve ever seen as circular. Let’s stick to basics: When you find a doorway,
The Yellow Submarine, you get the general idea. step on through. If you dare.
Despite its name, the Great Hall is pretty sparse. A few
ancient couches, carved from wood in the fashions of the Fertile
Crescent Kingdoms (and seemingly as old) line the walls, but
no food or water, other than the cold streams of the Fountain,
can be found.
No one lives in the Great Hall permanently, although many
visitors stay for months on end, wandering from portal to portal.
Sooner or later, these vagabonds either perish or settle down,
and are not seen again. Those passing through pitch tents, wrap
themselves in blankets, or simply sleep on the cold stone floors.
Every once in a while, a shimmering host of ghostlike figures
sweep through the Hall, driving all settlers before them. Those
who do not depart willingly are driven through the nearest
portal, to live or die as they will. So the sentinels enforce their
decree. Those worldwalkers who would pass through the Hall of
Endless Gates are advised to mind their manners. If your “hosts”
say leave, then by all that’s sacred, leave!
The Inventium
O! for a Muse of fire, that would ascend
The brightest heaven of invention.
— William Shakespeare, King Henry V
Someone once said that the Realm of
Invention, the Inventium, “gives testimony
to humankind’s unlimited creativity.” It does.
Every gizmo, widget, doohickey and thing-
amajig that anybody ever thought of is here.
Giant mountains of things tower overhead.
Moving around means keeping to the valleys
between these mountains, and from there, it’s impossible to
see in any direction but ahead, behind and above. Overhead,
the sky buzzes with airplanes, jets, ornithopters, helicopters
and other strange flying machines. Sadly, it’s all for show.
Almost nobody lives here. The inventions dance of their
own accord; without the “material” constraints of Earth’s
reality, the machines can be themselves.
Getting to the Inventium is easy. Look for the footlocker. It’s
there, past the spinning moon, on the far side of the Realm of Con-
nectivity, just a plain metal footlocker floating in space. It measures
five feet by three feet and is made of iron or some other dull metal.
The unremarkable exterior of the footlocker does not attract many
people to it. Few would ever expect to find a whole Realm hidden
inside it. To further discourage visitors, a magical inscription upon
The Courts
...godlike Shapes, and Forms not as extensive as I would have liked, but they’re enough
Excelling human; princely Dignities, to give an Umbral explorer some idea of where he’s going
And Powers that erst in Heaven sat on thrones, and what he’ll find when he gets there.
Though of their names in Heavenly records now
Be no memorial. The Elemental Domains
— John Milton, Paradise Lost There’s a lot of debate as to whether true elemental Courts
At the mid-point of the Spires, a host of exist at all. While Hermetic writ and traditional folklore describe
magnificent Realms unfold to the Astral trav- the Court of the Fire Lord, the Sea Queen’s Domain and other such
eler. From paragons of beauty to rotting pits, Realms, the tales disagree about the details. I’m inclined to believe
these so-called Courts provide homes for the higher orders of that there are regions set aside by certain elements and shaped by
Umbrood — the Preceptors and Lords of Hermetic terminol- their influence; within these areas, powerful elementals and other
ogy who embody the old gods, the elementals who incarnate Umbrood set up shop and declare their Realm “the Court of the
the forces of nature, and the demonic and angelic hosts who Five Winds,” or something like that.
personify the ultimate evils and goods. Several “independent” Cosmologists debate whether the elemental Courts “be-
Umbrood also make their homes in these labyrinthine corridors, long” in the High Worlds or the Middle ones. A case can be
carving out Realms which resonate in Awakened folklore: the made for either distinction; although it’s hard to reach these
excruciating playgrounds of the Hestilics, the jeweled gardens of Courts from the Umbra, it can be done, so they probably
Parmantha, the floating steeples of Aelida, the Gneech King’s occupy that fringe area I mentioned earlier. You know, the
Court of Cormanth, and so many others. one with the Pattern Webs and the Mythic Realms? Good,
good. Okay, now, although the four Western elements seem
Most Courts have permanent portals leading from their
to occupy larger regions than the Eastern Courts of Wood
halls to Chantries on the Horizon, or occasionally even to
and Metal, each type of element — except Ether, which
Earth. The elemental domains send small gateways to the
frankly bugs me — holds some sway in the High Umbra.
material world through large fires, deep waters, caves, for-
Each elemental domain radiates immense power, hewn from
ests, storms or molten metals. Thus, an astral traveler who
the prime essence of that region. The Fire Courts crackle with
meditates before an inferno can pass into the Realm of Fire
walls of flame; breathing here can blister your lungs unless you
if he has the skill. I knew an Akashic who set himself on
take precautions. The Air Domains ride on clouds, with walls
fire to visit Hûo the Flame Lord, preserving his mortal form
of wafting mist as solid as steel to outsiders but ephemeral to the
with advanced magicks so that he’d have somewhere to come
native spirits. In the caves of Earth (which may lie in the Shade
back to when he returned. Lady Aelida brings her visitors
Realm of Matter for all we know), the air itself seems alive with
to her sky-Realm by pulling them through whirlwinds, so
dust; visitors here feel the weight of solid stone bearing down
I’m told, and the mermaid Seline lures paramours into her on them, even in the largest caverns. The Metal Lands have a
undersea boudoir by diving with them into deep pools or similarly claustrophobic atmosphere, but the air here tastes of
oceans. Any way you go, it’s easier to reach a Court through molten iron, and cold steel clanks beneath your boots. I’m told
an Earthly portal than through the Spires. the Wood Groves are just that — endless forests decorated with
The various Umbral Courts are far too extensive a Chinese calligraphy and Indian batik, dotted here and there by
subject for this book. We tried to fit them in, but could not harmony gardens. Beneath a bottomless ocean, the Water Courts
do them justice within this small yet comprehensive guide. present a problem to any visitor without diving gear or advanced
A friend of mine named Hapsburg claims to be working on Life talents. Seaweed and shaped stone guide currents of water
a more detailed treatment of the Umbral Courts (tentatively into “rooms” where elemental spirits drift lazily. All in all, the
entitled The Mad Masque), but aside from referring you to elemental Courts are exciting, if a hassle, to visit.
the extensive Hermetic libraries on the subject, Dindaine The following roll of important elemental spirit Lords
and I cannot explore the various Courts in as much depth and Preceptors comes from an anonymous source inside
as we would prefer. Sorry, folks! (:-) Even so, I can offer a Horizon’s Archives. It’s not complete by any means, but
few brief glimpses into the Courts I’ve heard about. They’re can serve as a roadmap to travelers in the elemental regions:
I never spoke with God I resolved to search for Heaven. Although unworthy of
Nor visited in Heaven — entering Paradise, especially with my current crisis of faith, I
Yet certain am I of the spot suspected a shadow of that exalted place might exist in the High
As if the Check were given — Umbra. If a shallow reflection of Heaven existed, perhaps it
could heal me in some way from the curse of the Nether Realms.
— Emily Dickinson
I prepared for my quest with prayer, fasting and deep
After my Infernal journeys, I knew that meditation. Giving my soul wings, I soared out from my
my soul was in jeopardy. I could feel gloom and body, focused on the ultimate reward. This is what I found….
despair weighing heavily upon my shoulders. My
faith was weak, wounded from battling demons The Gate
and venturing to the false hell of the Nether Realms. Although The Umbral mists parted to reveal a shining gate of mol-
I knew their existence to be a lie, their very presence cast the ten pearl. A white glow emanated from the barrier, bathing
faint heresy of doubt upon me. What if there were no real Hell? me in comfort beyond words. Even so, a nagging voice urged
Chapter One: Astral Worlds 39
me to return to Earth. My time was not yet come, it said, Another voice joined my own. It took me some time
and I nearly followed through and left the gate behind me. to realize it, and when I did, its source shocked me into
Yet I was resolute enough to defy the voice, and eventually silence. A nude and beautiful young woman stood beside
placed my hands upon the Gate of Heaven. me, her voice weaving into my own. When I realized she
As I reached out with trembling hands, naked in my astral was there, I admit I clasped my hands across my privates
form and aghast at my own temerity, a blinding light shone and turned away from her, ashamed. “What’s the matter?”
through the pearly bars. The bars themselves were cool to the asked the girl. “Surely you’re not going to tell me Paradise
touch, and I felt the comfort of salvation flow through me like is improper!” She laughed, but her tone held no mockery.
a cold drink on a summer day. The light washed over me, but “It just doesn’t feel right,” I admitted, “for both of us to
its power did not burn my eyes; instead, I felt the First Song rise stand here naked, especially in Paradise.”
like a voice inside my ears. As my fingers gripped the gate, cool “Aren’t these bodies gifts from God?” she replied. “Isn’t
hands touched me and shining figures moved within the light. it clothes that are the illusion, the comfort of mortal shame
“What brings you to Paradise?” I felt the voice, male but an affront to Divine Grace? Let the mortals hide their
and female at once, like a soft caress. Even so, there was souls from each other. Here, we have no need for shame.
power in the touch, a power so great that I, who had slain It’s lust, not love, that is the poison of sexuality, and carnal
demons, would not dare to defy it. needs, not spiritual ones, which profane our bodies.”
“I have wandered into the lower regions,” I replied, “Those people over there,” I noted, “are wearing clothes.”
weeping suddenly. It was a moment before I could continue. “It makes them feel more at ease. If you feel the same, we
“…And my faith has been wounded badly by the journey,” can take care of that.” In her hands, a white garment appeared.
I finished at last. She handed it to me and indicated the waters at our feet. I had
“You may enter for a while,” the voice assured as the Gate not seen the stream a moment ago, but now it rushed along,
opened completely, bathing me in light so intense my astral clean and inviting. “Please wash up before you put these on,”
body felt dirty in comparison, “but remember: Paradise is for the girl advised. “You’re still stained with the trials of Earthly life.
the dead and the unborn, not for the living. You may heal Before you dress in heavenly garments, you should clean yourself
yourself, but seek not to conquer, nor to remain.” Nodding in heavenly grace.” I agreed, and did as she asked. No mortal
my assent, I entered through the Gate and stumbled through bath ever felt so refreshing. When I had dressed, my guide led
the heart of the light. I have no doubt that if I had lied or me across the fields to join the distant people. She introduced
struggled, I would have been seared into nothingness. us all around, and we spoke of many things until dusk.
My companions were a friendly lot, gracious and happy.
The Pastures Although it seemed as though each of them had come from
A spring breeze, scented with blossoming flowers, greeted Earth at some point, none seemed to remember much about it.
my arrival. Green hills gave way to purple mountains, and bright To them, life was a struggle, an endless test of faith. I gathered
rainbows shone overhead. Luxurious trees offered shade from from our conversations that these souls were recently dead, or
the soft sunlight, while small animals played without fear in not yet born. Perhaps they came here through devout service
the tall grass. In the distance, I saw men and women — some to the angelic hosts, or by steadfast service to Divinity. Like
in simple white garments, others joyfully nude — talking, the poor sufferers in the Nether Realms, there seemed to be
playing or walking hand in hand. A sparkling stream burbled too few of these blessed folk to account for the billions who
between the hills and a gleaming city glittered from a far-off have died. Although the hills and mountains seemed to go on
hill. As I walked, a lion raised his head from the sunlit grasses forever, few signs of human habitation marked the landscape.
while a small pup tugged at the great cat’s mane. The landscape My guide (referred to by one man as “Kalina”) disap-
of Paradise awakened my senses, restoring me to a health and peared shortly before twilight, promising to catch up with
a hope that I thought had fled with childhood. Every scent, me in the morning. “It’s only right,” she said sadly, “that I
every sound, each touch is as clear to me now as it was that should see you on your way when you leave.”
day. I pray I never forget each sensation’s purity. “Is that the way of Heaven?” I asked. Admittedly, I was
Soon, my body was redeemed. The scars, wrinkles and a bit petulant about it. The peace of the Realm was such
blemishes I carried even in my astral form began to vanish, that I never wanted to leave.
replaced by healthy newborn “skin.” My mind cleared and “It is for the living,” she replied. “You agreed to that
my perceptions flowed like a snowmelt stream, cold and clear the moment the gates opened. One day is all the living are
across the landscape. A vitality I feared had disappeared with allotted in Paradise.” She smiled at me, a radiant look that
my youth bled through me, and soon my own voice joined swept my disappointment away. “Most people never get this
the chorus of this sublime world. For the first time in years, far. Be glad for what you’ve experienced.”
I understood the true nature of my Tradition’s Song; the “I am,” I replied.
magicks I had worked with its power had deadened me to She clasped my hands between her own. “So am I.” She
the crystal nature of that Song’s purest essence. left me with a kiss and drifted away as evening colored the skies.
As the night deepened into dawn, I began to wonder
at this endless pleasure. Was such bliss eternal, or simply
a waystation between troubled lives? Was this a rest stop,
a wish-dream, or some shadow of Divine reality? I didn’t
dare to ask my companions, but I suspect they would not
have known the answer even if I had asked. Perhaps it’s
better that way; Paradise is such an ephemeral concept
that questioning it seems like violence.
Not that the Realm seemed frail in any way. Every
now and then, I caught sight of some angelic guardian.
While most resembled the expected cherubs and winged
perfections, I occasionally glimpsed a celestial dragon or
pure-white steed. A protective power surges beneath the
placid surface of Paradise. I have no doubt that if any threat
forced its way past the Gate of Heaven, it would find the
mightiest angels arrayed against it. And, I suspect, a power
that dwarfs the greatest archangel by comparison.
The Epiphamies
…symbols are more than just cultural ar- dart all over the place, taking your measure and defending
tifacts: in their correct context, they still speak their territory. These concept-spirits are the only indigenous
powerfully to us, simultaneously addressing our life-forms in the highest astral reaches — no human mind can
intellect, emotions and spirit. Their study is the stay here for long.
study of humanity itself. The Epiphamies range from the relatively solid Realms
— David Fontana, The Secret Language of of Language and Government to the twisting logics of
Symbols Fractal, Meme and Quark. Time eats its own tail, Music
When your mind transcends concrete hums in a thousand separate keys, and Touch caresses your
realities, you drift to the top of the Spires, astral form like a bath of textures. These places grow more
to the Epiphamies where our most abstract concepts take and more abstract until simple minds like ours can’t even
symbolic form. It’s important to realize that this is the imagine them anymore. At that point, the ur-consciousness
most subjective layer of reality — literally no one sees it of the Oracles is said to take over. Me, I just want to come
the same way. You will see it differently than your partners home and get a drink after a trip like that. Thinking too
will, and all of you probably see something only vaguely much makes me thirsty! :-)
related to the following sections. The descriptions we offer Your narrator from this point on will be our friend
here (courtesy of Alexandré Calais again. Hi, Alexandré!) Alexandré. See you next chapter!
are one man’s observations; they’re somewhat accurate —
based as they are on universal archetypes — but not exact. So Where Are We, Anyway?
If you want exact, go join the Technocracy or something! Good question. If you’ve achieved the upper levels of the
As I’ve said before, most travelers will never reach this Astral Umbra, you’re used to questions. Which is fortunate;
region — a region in name only. Between the Realms, nothing the Realms in this region don’t work like any material world,
is solid; visitors swim through the void between instinct and yet they reveal themselves in forms we can all understand.
consciousness, a misty netherspace shot through with colored Just don’t get to thinking that you can measure what you see
mists, crackles of synaptic energy and currents of sound. Oc- in human terms; these enigmas defy mapping or definition
casional clusters of sparkling dust give way to more lasting as much as the concepts they convey.
Realms; once there, your astral body attains a reflection of What do I mean by that? It’s very simple: What is
your true nature — not your social demeanor, but the person language, really? It’s a series of sounds or lines that pass
you actually are. This isn’t a trip you should embark upon with an idea from one person to another. The trick is that both
other people unless you’re ready to see them as they really are people have to understand the concept for the message to
— and ready for them to see you the same way! In the Realms, pass between them. Ever try speaking Bantu? If a person
the concepts take on an archetypal reality, and seem somewhat speaking Bantu came up and asked you a question in that
stable. Occasional winds brush past as un-Awakened people language, you probably wouldn’t understand a thing he
have brief encounters with advanced concepts. You could said. He spoke in concepts you didn’t comprehend. Was
almost get used to it if it weren’t for the odd Epiphlings that he speaking a language? Well, yeah. You just didn’t know
As I said earlier, the Garou claim there are at This is not my territory at all. Our Umbra expert will
least 13 Realms in the Middle Umbra. I couldn’t introduce himself, present you with a few theories about the
attest to it myself, and I don’t know of any mages cosmology of the Middle Umbra, and detail for you seven
who have been to more than nine or 10. It could of the Realms he’s been able to find.
be that the others will admit only Garou. — Alexis
As the Introduction explains, Zones are regions “be-
tween” the Umbrae, where different laws prevail. Even
the most experienced Otherworld explorers are at a loss
when explaining why Zones are, or even what Zones are.
They follow their own physics, exist outside the “estab-
lished” cosmos, and seem to represent realities altogether
separate from our world, or even from the Three Worlds,
for that matter.
Optimists insist that the Zones express nature’s creativ-
ity; here, the possibilities aren’t used up, but stay in constant
motion. Most Virtual Adepts believe that the Digital Web is
the new Earth, and they want to make sure that they get to it
before the Technocracy sets it all in stone. More pessimistic
travelers call the Zones, “the seams of creation,” and predict
that as the world continues to go to hell, that the Zones will
grow wider and wider until everything else is sucked into
them and disappears. Both theories have valid points; the
Zones are spreading, and have become much easier to reach
in recent years. What this development portends, I’m not
sure I want to know.
Reaching the Zones is often more a matter of luck than
of intent. While some of them, like Maya and the Digital
Web, are close enough to enter often and on purpose, the
more esoteric Zones, like the Null and the Mirror, open only
by accident. The Vistas don’t seem to open at all; everyone
I’ve ever talked to says you can see them but can’t join them.
In short, these regions are enigmas, even to the Awakened.
Maybe it should stay that way. I guess even God needs His
little secrets.
• The Reaches
Along the Horizon, three patches of essence create
mini-Realms called “Reaches.” These Reaches seem to
correspond to the metaphysical elements of Dynamism,
Stasis and Entropy, although the Garou who know the
Middle World best call them Wyld, Weaver and Wyrm.
In the highest skies of the Aetherial world, these regions
embody their “parents”: the Wyld Reaches throb with con-
stant change — nothing there retains its form for long. The
Weaver Reaches resemble titanic webs, huge manifestations
of the Pattern Web that binds the Tellurian together. The
Wyrm Reaches are unspeakably hostile, floating hives of
decay both spiritual and material.
All three Reaches pass through the Horizon, forming
wormhole Anchorhead gates to greater Realms in the Void
beyond. I’ve heard learned people call these greater Realms
Shenti (see Chapter Five). No one I’ve spoken to has passed
into these outer worlds, but I can imagine the journey would
be hazardous in the extreme.
The Chasm
What seest thou else
In the dark backward abysm of Time?
The Chasm is a much a state of mind and being as it is
— Shakespeare, The Tempest a location in the Middle Umbra. The Realm that contains
I have traveled to the Chasm but once, and the largest known rent in the cosmic tapestry isn’t much to
it is not a quest that I intend to undertake again. behold. As far as the eye can see, plains of gray dried mud give
Sometimes, memories of the Chasm wake me way to plains of brown dried mud, except for the Chasm itself.
in the night. I will not return to it ever, at least Running through the center of the Realm, the crack
not of my own free will. draws the gaze of any visitor, although it’s not much to
Crevices and ruts in the Middle-Umbra’s see. Perhaps it would be better to say that it’s much not
trails lead to the Chasm. These dark lines resemble the sort to see. If you look down into the great canyon, the void
of cracks that children jump over on broken sidewalks or inside isn’t dark or light. It just isn’t anything. You’ll feel
avoid stepping on in dried mud. The cracks and ruts grow it when you visit — a chill that starts at the back of your
larger as you approach this abyss. If you fail to find the Chasm neck and runs down your spine and stops just below your
that way, just travel randomly along pathways you do not breastbone. A reminder that we’re all mortal maybe, I’m
know. This eternal canyon draws all lost things to it, even not sure. Something to let us know that in the business of
through the Umbral mists. forever, even reality may die.
Cities are the abyss of the human species.
— Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile
Dystopia is a nightmarish world, a dark futuristic city
My information about Dystopia comes (Or is it, in fact, the future?) that sprawls endlessly, broken
from a Virtual Adept, Daneel. She spends only by a toxic lake or burning river. Pollution is ever-pres-
much of her time exploring the Digital Web ent, and the misery of the Realm’s inhabitants is almost
Zone, but we met in Dystopia, where we were palpable. This sprawl has four layers: the Undercity, Old
trying to avoid agents of the Technocracy. Town, Downtown and Uptown.
While I had wandered into Dystopia in the The Undercity, or the Pit, extends deep beneath the
conventional way, she had taken the more streets of Dystopia. Some say this Undercity is larger than
commonly-traveled road there, a “back door” from the all of the other layers combined. The trash from Dystopia’s
Digital Web, where this spiritual computer network meshes upper layers filters down here, where the stench of organic
with the Realm. Werewolves refer to this entrance as and chemical wastes assaults the traveler. Dying spirits and
the Computer Web. Entry into Dystopia is possible through madmen share the sewers and collapsed subways with the
any terminal in the Digital Web, and some Virtual Adepts Technocracy’s mutant rejects and shuffling toxic mon-
take new members there for lessons of how not to let the strosities. Cults of diabolists hold perverse rites in the Pit,
Earth decay. and Nephandi sometimes scour the Undercity for potential
The routes to Dystopia have a modern feel to them. If servants. None of the Undercity’s denizens have any hope
you can find pavement in the Middle Umbra, follow it until left. No Technomancer can accept the Undercity and remain
you see skyscrapers all around you. A number of Formatted devoted to creating the world his Union foresees.
Sectors in the computer Zone [places where some mage or Old Town covers the street level of Dystopia. The
cabal has grabbed a bit of Net-space and changed it to fit ground-level view looks like a war zone. The competing
their needs. — Alexis] access Dystopia; some Cybernauts scents of burning paper, oil, urine, smog and cleaning fluid
seem to enjoy coming here for some hard-hitting R&R, and don’t enhance the environment. Rats scuttle back and
some Technocrats may use the Realm to indulge in fantasies forth. Barricades of vehicle wreckage, rusted girders and
their “Inner Circle” probably wouldn’t approve of. assorted debris block the streets. Graffiti proclaims death and
Surely the hum of wheels and clatter of printing
presses, to let alone the lecturers with their black
coats and tumblers of water, have driven away Hy-Brasil appears as a land of endless fantasy stories.
the goblin kingdom and made silent the feet of Here, the seasons never change and day stands locked
the little dancers. eternally in twilight. In the western half of the land, the
— W.B. Yeats, Fairy and Folk Tales of Ireland sun sets in a midsummer sky. To the east, the moon rises,
cold and baleful, over a midwinter night. The westlands
Although I have encountered a fair share
have well-tended woods with little undergrowth. Trick-
of changelings, I never completely understood
ling brooks flow down into fish-laden ponds. Gossamer
the faerie folk. They possess a power over
dreams which awes me. I feel that if we mages could un- waterfalls slip over moss-covered boulders by meres that
derstand the fae and their magicks, we could unlock many reflect the unbroken blue sky. The western horizon glows
barriers along our Ascension Paths. I decided to seek out with a rose-colored sunset. Occasional scenic manors and
the faerie Realms of the Middle Umbra, and arrived in the accompanying peasant villages break the verdant forests.
world called Hy-Brasil, a domain of the faeries sundered Knights clad in silver armor and sunlight-spun raiment ride
forever from lost Arcadia. I’m not certain if Hy-Brasil even white steeds through the westlands, dispensing justice in
has anything to do with true faeries, or whether it’s a dream the name of their lord.
Realm, a wish-fulfillment, or a trick. The eastern woods are gnarled and dying. The pools
To reach Hy-Brasil, concentrate upon the faerie folk. are stagnant, and the mud-filled creeks ooze sluggishly past
Recite ancient tales of the western fae and recall the legends their banks. Dead leaves and brambles cover the forest
of the Fair Ones while following the paths of the Spirit floor. Thick cobwebs stretch across the trails. As visitors
World. The Umbral mists sometimes part to reveal winding move farther east, snow and ice gradually cover the ground,
trails to Hy-Brasil. Wanderers who reach these roads often making travel difficult. Ancient ruins covered in strangle
encounter minor faeries who often demand a toll before vines rise from the forest, here and there, and monsters
they allow a visitor to pass into Hy-Brasil. These tolls range dwell in the east. Ogres and goat-headed men attack the
from a handful of dirt to one’s good sword arm. Sometimes unwary. Large serpents and spiders prowl through the upper
it’s best not to give them what they want. branches of trees.
Untold ages past, the faeries created Hy-Brasil to serve
as a buffer between Arcadia and the Middle Umbra. Lord
Lysander, a true knight of the Sidhe, received the privilege
of guarding the gate to Arcadia against all who would ap-
proach. Lysander’s enemies in the courts of Arcadia were
glad to be rid of the honorable warrior. Even so, Lysander
swore an oath to defend the gate until the true king chose
a new knight to relieve him.
In those days, the Seelie and Unseelie courts alter-
nated rule in Arcadia. When the Unseelie court was in
session, they sent Princess Mariana to the Umbral gate
to serve their own interests. Mariana was a quick-witted,
dark beauty talented in the greatest magicks of the fae.
Mariana was young for her ability, and elders, jealous of
her imagination, tricked her into swearing that she would
stay in the gateway Realm until she destroyed the Seelie
Lord Lysander.
Both Seelie and Unseelie nobles established their own
domains in Hy-Brasil, and soon began their war. Mariana
sent monsters into battle against the silver knights of
Lysander, and he, in turn sent his soldiers against her.
After a few years of stalemate, the Shattering occurred,
destroying the gate to Arcadia. Mariana, Lysander, and
their retainers were stranded, and have remained so ever
The two nobles aged in soul and spirit, if not appear-
ance. Their conflicts alternated between subtle intrigues
Mythic Worlds
Do there exist many worlds, or is there but time or event from the viewpoint of a single Earth culture,
a single world? This is one of the most noble and and embodies its greatest ideals.
exalted questions in the study of Nature. In the early days of human culture, these Realms were
— Albertus Magnus few, and those which existed were fairly predictable. The
Everyone who has ever traveled through confusion and revisionism of recent centuries, however,
the Umbra knows of the Mythic Worlds, has multiplied the Mythic Realms beyond counting. In this
Realms where legends still live and breathe, “region” of the Middle World, hundreds of Mythic Realms,
homes to our mythic histories and heroic ar- many sharing the same name but vastly different events,
chetypes. While each of the Mythic Worlds is have come into being. Camelot is one such Realm — or
its own separate Realm, numerous gates, Airts, and portals rather I should say, one such series of Realms. For each tale
connect them all. In essence, each of the Mythic Worlds of King Arthur births another landscape, each with its own
shares the same basic nature: each one portrays a legendary versions of Arthur, Lancelot, Gwenivere, Merlin, and so on.
The Radiance
There is no metaphysical, super-ordinary, final, structured mindset, who believe the world functions
absolute reality. in one particular way, must break their thoughts free
— James Burke, The Day the Universe Changed before they can reach the Radiance. Few Technocrats,
Rumors have always abounded about a if any, ever locate this Realm.
Realm of raw magick, a place of primal power.
Many wizards have spent their lives searching Description
for such a world, pursuing random Airts and Initially, the Flux assaults travelers with an overwhelm-
making attempts to map the Middle Umbra. ing sensory display. Silk caresses, tearing spikes, raindrops
The ultimate goal of these lifelong quests for and flaming embers pour over your skin. Nightmares
the “Realm of Power” is the Radiance. and daydreams come to life, and swirls of color and mad
The Radiance defies easy description or easy naming. morphing shapes caper before your eyes. A cacophony of
Some call it the Flux Realm; others refer to it as the Wyld voices, sound effects and harmonious songs rise, fall, mix
Realm or the Primal Chaos. My favorite term for the Ra- and clash in your ears. One moment, a traveler smells roses,
diance is the Pool of Resonance, a name I learned from a the next moment, burning rubber makes him choke. His
Dreamspeaker friend. This may be the place where “free tongue can’t tell whether it tastes mint or vinegar. The
Quintessence” goes when it has no Pattern to fill. Cosmolo- sensations are different for every individual. They change
gists claim that the Radiance Realm leads to another, larger randomly, usually after an instant, but sometimes linger
manifestation of Dynamic energies out past the Horizon. If for hours. During the initial overload, even the mightiest
it does, I’m not sure how to get there or return. The energies wizards stand paralyzed, overwhelmed by sensation. My
of the Radiance are powerful enough to disorient or even fellow Cultists seek out the Radiance just to feel the im-
dismember most Umbral travelers. pressions at its rim.
I’ve found that scanning for Prime and Spirit After moments or hours — who can tell? — the sensory
energies combined helps you feel your way to the Ra- assault ends. The landscape of the Realm pulls back, leaving
diance. When your senses go totally haywire, you’re a sphere of stability around the traveler. This stable area
almost there. An entryway to the Realm itself can take resonates with a mage’s essence. For example, a wild and
any shape or any form, so it’s easiest not to look for an lonely wood may surround a Verbena, while the interior
entrance, just trust in finding one. Travelers with a of a grand cathedral might surround a member of the
Most travelers who fall into the Wasteland don’t
see much of the scenery. What little they do see, isn’t
worth looking at. The Realm consists of muddy hills with
dirty vegetation, old trees, vines, lots of undergrowth,
and an eternal cold drizzle. Half-buried bones jut from
the mud, marking the tops of mass graves. Overhead, a
queasy dark cloud of smoke taints everything with the
stench of burned flesh. Some travelers have walked through
a parched desert, but they say the smell is even worse in that
part of the Realm.
Any group which enters is separated; each must deal
with her pain alone. An explorer may shout, scream or
even call out magickally to others, but every person in
the Realm perceives herself as totally alone. Until the
visions come…
In time, the traveler who wanders through the
Wasteland sees mirages forming around her. As she
watches in sick fascination, phantoms replay atrocities
from around the world, both large and small — geno-
cides, mass rapes, child killings, mass destruction, even
the end of the world. No matter what she does, these
phantoms ignore her, although some other Awakened
creatures, such as the Garou, claim they can interact
with the participants.
The traveler is in trouble when haze or steam
forms around her, and solidifies into a scene wrenched
Don’t do it, Eleanor told the little girl; insist on your cup of
stars; once they have trapped you into being like everyone else you
will never see your cup of stars again; don’t do it; and the little girl
glanced at her, and smiled a little subtle, dimpling, wholly compre-
hending smile, and shook her head stubbornly at the glass.
— Shirley Jackson, The Haunting of Hill House
In the drowsy dark cave of the mind than instinct. Maybe you have even accomplished the
Dreams build their nest with fragments astral visitation known as hayimn, where your mind seeps
Dropped from day’s caravan. across the barriers of other sleeping minds and steps into
— Rabindranath Tagore a communal Realm. Or possibly the fae have invited you
Speak to me of raindrops and I’ll sell you on one of their mad dances, intoxicating you just enough
to share the wellspring of their nature. And, of course, you
a migraine. Breathe in my ear and I’ll vomit
have read books. Many books. And in each book lie the
forth rainbows in which all the wisdom of
seedlings of a dream.
Greece can be heard. Confused? Get used to
it. If you venture forth into the Dreaming, You doubt me? Just look at the hordes who greet an
author at his signings, at the millions who hang upon each
you must accustom yourself to contradictions.
installment of a fictional hero’s escapades, no matter how
You have already visited the Dreaming many times; contrived they may be. Visit a fantasy convention, and see
perhaps the adventures you had there seemed beyond your the dozens, the hundreds, who mold their lives after the
control, or perhaps you have already learned the ways of creations of Tolkien, Lovecraft, Stoker or McCaffrey. Look
what mortals call “lucid dreaming,” the art of moving your- at your own actions; in buying this book, you have consented
self through the Maya with conscious deliberation rather to share our dreams.
Descriptions of Dreams
Leaving someone else’s dream can be tricky; unless How does one detail the dream? Summarize an epiphany?
you can overpower their mind, your fate belongs to them Measure the drifting foundations of imagination? It is a task
and you leave at their pleasure. Exiting your own dream that cannot be done. Merely trying reduces the dream to
is easy; unless some spirit captures you (and this can banal words and empty metaphors. Even so, you the reader
happen…), you simply snap yourself awake. Note that wish to know the experiences others have shared while
the moment between sleep and wakefulness produces a traveling the Realms. Even when we may find the answers
vortex which allows dream spirits into our world. Most inside our own memories, we do not feel validated until we
of them dissipate after a moment or so, but some linger in have seen those same territories mapped out with surgical
the dark corners of your room, feeding on the imagination precision by one with “authority.” Very well. Rather than
and passion you shed while awake. Not all such creatures reveal my own experiences — which I have done about as
are hostile — some, like the elusive Amore Muse, are to much as I care to do — I present two friends of mine, Monaco
be treasured — but it’s worth remembering that dreams Sabine and Malcolm, to elaborate on places they have seen.
can follow you home. Fare thee well, O brave magicians!
Paradox Realms
Madness in great ones must not unwatch’d go. time, however, these “ornaments” disentangle themselves
— William Shakespeare, Hamlet from their Earthly connections and drift away into space.
When I think of Paradox Realms, I think of The chances of returning from a Paradox Realm after that
those spiders that live under water within bubbles occurs are slim indeed.
of their own trapped air and spittle. Many such
Realms exist in the Deep Umbra, floating there Rugnir’s Crib
like blisters. Why anyone would want to go near The first is Rungnir’s Crib, the oldest Paradox Realm
them is beyond me. Not to contradict myself, of we have recorded. Can you imagine the gaffe this Rungnir
course, but that’s what I do. I study and document must have committed in order to create a Paradox Realm
Paradox Realms in the hope of someday better first discovered over 1,000 years ago and still going strong?
understanding them, of freeing those already trapped within Theories have been flying for centuries, some plausible,
them and finding a way for us to avoid Paradox altogether. some totally ridiculous. What do we know? We know that
My name is Alexandro Manuella and I head a Sons of Rungnir was a Viking chieftain. The markings on his body
Ether team whose main goal is to better understand Paradox tell us that. We know that he was dealing with Life magick;
through in-depth study of these Realms. We watch and learn. the nature of the Paradox tells us that. And we know that
From time to time, we have become actively involved in a he’s never coming out. The look on his face tells us that.
Realm, and sometimes even have managed to free the mage This Paradox Realm is not only one of the oldest, it is also
trapped within, thus bursting the bubble and relieving the one of the most intriguing. Because it’s been around for so long,
Tellurian of an irritation. Each Realm must be treated as a we can gain insight into the way Paradox Realms change as
unique enigma to be solved. Herein lies the true challenge time passes. Rungnir’s Crib has evolved over the centuries. An
of what we do. Preconceptions hold no sway here. account by its discoverer indicates that it was once a large Realm,
The cosmological causes, effects and locations or such vast enough for its discoverer to enter and walk around, while
Realms have already been treated upon elsewhere in this Rungnir hung inside it. In recent decades, we have watched it
book. I have been asked to describe three Paradox Realms shrink down until it clings to Rungnir’s body like a second skin.
in particular: the one that’s been around the longest, the one Inside this Umbral amniotic sack that is his Realm,
that’s the biggest, and the one that’s the baddest. Dozens more, Rungnir is conceived, grows, passes through infancy to old
perhaps hundreds more exist, strung between the Horizon age, dies, turns to a pile of dust and then is conceived again.
and the Void like shimmering Christmas ornaments. For All of this occurs within a matter of days. Some Scientists
a while, perhaps as long as a month on so, Earth time, the believe that centuries of this have driven Rungnir mad.
mage imprisoned in such a Realm may ponder the actions he Others don’t agree, however; my colleagues and I think
committed to bring him to this fate. If he does, the Realm frees that Rungnir’s repeating life has merely confused him. He
him and disappears; oddly enough, the victim returns straight exhibits no signs of insanity during any of his youth or adult
to Earth when this happens, although his “trajectory” may stages. He gives no outward indication that he’s in pain or
land him in another part of the world. After a relatively short that he cares about what’s happening to him. Having been
Horizon Realms
I suppose there are a few of you out there the predations of Deep Umbral critters. The Horizon also
who are going to insist upon trying to visit the makes a wonderful neighborhood for Umbral Chantries, and
fortresses your fellow mages have set up and everyone who’s anyone wants to move in. You see, here in
like to call Chantries. Very well. Some of them the Horizon, you can build your very own dream Chantry.
are actually lots of fun to visit. The first thing Want a world where water routinely flows uphill? Or perhaps
I ought to do for you is try to explain how the a world in which the pink rays of the two suns shine down
Horizon works. Let’s see… you can think of on yellow and purple polka-dotted grass? Tacky, I’ll admit,
the Horizon as the skin of the Near Umbra, but easy enough to do. A Horizon Realm is a custom-built
if you’d like. A membrane between the Near reality, as opposed to the spontaneously created realities of
Umbra and the Deep Umbra, keeping out all other types of Realms. Most mages create Chantries that
of the foreign particles just waiting to infect us. conform perfectly to their own world view and magickal
Well, the analogy breaks down right about there, be- (or Scientific) theories, making them wonderful places to
cause the Horizon does far more than just protect us from study and experiment.
By degrees — it is happening year by year, This massive Realm/Construct exists in the Deep Uni-
appliance by appliance — we are wiring ourselves verse, orbiting the sun directly opposite Earth. It appears to
to a gigantic hive. be a polished chrome sphere, but is, in fact, a polyhedron.
— Sven Birkerts, The Gutenberg Elegies At most recent count, it has 4,294,967,200 sides. Set into
This place is incredible. the surface are solar panels measured by the acre, delicate
Autocthonia is a futuristic “arcology,” as 100-foot-tall antennae, and sealed ports concealing satellite
envisioned by contemporary architect Paolo probes, shuttles and weapon emplacements. Alien entities
Soleri: essentially, a self-sufficient, city-sized known as Geomids swarm about their native Realm.
community encompassed entirely within a Rarely has anyone outside the cyborg Convention or
single structure. In this case, that structure is a space station the Void Engineers’ Autocthonia Research Corps seen this
10 miles in diameter. To hundreds of Kamrads, Techno- place. Few mages can overcome the many problems of Deep
mancers, cyborgs and artificial constructs, it serves as both Universal travel. Fewer still can avoid being calcified by aggres
place of employment and residence. The rest of Iteration X sive Attack Geomids. Furthermore, Iterators and we Void
considers it a logical replacement for heaven. Engineers carefully restrict space exploration, as you know.
• Forbidden Planet
Among Traditionalists, the name “Autocthonia”
engenders the same mix of mystery and dread as Hades
or Hyperborea or any other mythical Realm. Hermetic
mages refuse to speak that name, as if afraid to invoke
the wrath of some demon. When they must, they refer
to it as “the Realm of Binding.”
Though imaginative tales abound, no Council mage
has seen Autocthonia, or even knows its location. Even we
Ethermages — who were associated with the Technocracy to
some degree since our founding — can only hypothesize about
its existence. This we rarely do, however; any Machine Realm
of Iteration X must be lifeless and unimaginative, contrary to
the philosophy of True Paradigm Science.
The other Techno-Tradition, the Virtual Adepts,
used to have a cocky nickname for Autocthonia: “Graybar
Land.” It refers to the mindless limbo created when your
computer slowly processes gigabytes of data and you’re
stuck watching a gray progress bar creep across the screen.
Four months ago, that most elite Virtual Master, RAMses,
claimed to have discovered a Restricted Sector linked to
this “Graybar Land” and hacked himself an “ultra-Elite”
access code. Last week, I checked on him at the hospital
— still no improvement, of course, but it’s hard to simply
accept the neurologist’s report. Naturally, the Graybar
joke is now pretty lame.
In any case, Autocthonia is apparently all too real.
The following text file was intercepted in the Digital
Web. After three years of cracking the encryption, we’ve
learned that it’s a report — a “pilgrim’s narrative” of
sorts — from a Void Engineer known as Quantum to his
superiors at DSEATC (Dimensional Science Evaluation,
Administration and Training Committee).
I know this Quantum well; he has quite a rep
among Cybernauts. An impressive number of sectors
bear his formatting imprint. On at least one occasion,
he infiltrated the Crystal Palace — the Virtual Adepts’
sanctum. On a personal level, the bastard has dumped
my icon more than a few times. Now, apparently, he’s
been assigned to Autocthonia. From his zealous attitude,
I think his tour of duty has lasted far too long.
Power Core
Adjacent to either pole of the Central Core lie the
primary and secondary power generators. The primary
generator taps into a micron star [Editor’s Note: Per-
haps a Node of raw Quintessence. — Alexis] which fuels
the Pattern Realm. This raw plasma generates a virtually
unlimited supply of particles, which then generate energy,
food and water and materials. Thus, Autocthonia remains
completely self-sufficient, free from the despicable machina-
tions of the MECHA Construct. The secondary generator
is a backup, kept idle in case the primary generator fails.
Linked to a minor anti-matter pocket [Editor’s Note:
An Entropic Node, perhaps? — Alexis] on Earth, this
generator may recycle various Patterns if necessary until
a new power source could be acquired. Because Iterators
are wary of Entropy, the secondary generator is maintained
at minimal power.
The robed engineers who monitor the power genera-
tors go about their duties faithfully and in somber silence.
I have often seen them gazing into the flickering reactions
deep within the core, as if mesmerized by the sight of some
greater entity.
The Realm’s mundane residents believe that Autoc-
thonia is powered by a solar-assisted fission generator. The
photovoltaic shingles on Autocthonia’s surface operate at
50% efficiency, meaning that half the sunlight striking them
is converted into energy. (By comparison, the current Earth
record is 29.5%.)
This Construct has a mixed reputation as a place
whence visitors never return. This truth has two deriva-
tions; first, any intruder close enough to see Autocthonia
is also within range of the Construct’s security/defense
system. Few trespassers are ever seen again. The second
truth behind disappearances is more intriguing: Iterators
assigned to Autocthonia eventually become integrated
into the Realm — body, mind and “soul.” Iterators con-
sider this the highest honor. The Interfaces are perfect
examples of such integration. Autocthonia itself is, in a
sense, alive.
This makes Autocthonia a powerful symbol for the
Technocracy. Though humans are mortal, the collective is
Immortal. By contributing to the superorganism — in this
case Autocthonia — a piece of every Technocrat can live
Balador Pleasuredome
One half of the world cannot understand the
pleasures of the other.
It’s said that Akrites Salonikas, one of our Tradition’s
— Jane Austen
founders, laid the cornerstones of Balador Pleasuredome.
The road to wisdom, said Blake, comes Other rumors claim that it began as the Xanadu built by
from excess. We Ecstatics call that road anan- Kublai Khan’s demands. Records are scant, and back-traces
da, the bliss which stops time and expands reveal a bewildering array of impressions. The Greco-Ara-
the consciousness beyond mere mortal sight. bian architecture hints at a joint venture in the early part
On Earth, ananda’s path is shot through with of the first Common Era millennium. Who knows where
potholes — laws against pleasure, necessities the Realm really came from? Whatever its origins, Balador
of survival, and other dangers offered by one’s has become the premiere Chantry of the Ecstatics, a world
own inner demons. In the controlled environment of Balador, of pleasures, adventures and stimulations galore. Its history
devoted Ecstatics can experience ananda without outside spans centuries and its design melds all the best elements of
distractions. Everything a person could want — aside from past ages into a chaotic yet pleasurable whole.
wealth — is there for the asking. The earliest accounts of Balador come from the
Balador is not a free ride; only Cultists of Ecstasy and records of Horizon, where diplomats from other groups
their chosen guests are allowed, and it helps if some regular were brought to “…a Magickall Land where divers Seers
gets you your first pass in. All pleasures are consensual, or cavorted with each other in Great Chambers like unto
they don’t occur. No exceptions. Each visitor must perform the Halls of Sodom, but with less purpose and without
a service for the Chantry for every three days of their stay. Divine punishments.” As always, our forebears made a
Debtors and troublemakers are escorted to the Crystal lasting impression on their peers. No official foundation
Doorway, ejected and forbidden to return. All personal dates exist within the Pleasuredome itself; the earliest
possessions, including clothes, are left to an attendant at financial transactions date from the late 1700s, and we
the Doorway. No “insurance” exists; as ye harm none, do know the Realm is far older than that. Occasionally,
what you will. If you get hurt, it’s your problem.
Although it’s fairly notorious, few mages outside the • Wolfgang Blacksin
Cult have actually been to Balador. Like most rumors, the It’s been said I love to hear myself talk. That’s probably
stories of this “den of iniquity” have grown larger than true. But at the risk of breaking my sterling reputation, I’m
the Horizon Realm itself. Those who see it only for its afraid I’m going to be brief. For one thing, the place isn’t for
excesses miss the point, anyway. It’s still an impressive everybody’s R&R. Only known Ecstatics and their special
sight, and not a place for the easily-shocked. The bodies guests are allowed in. Secondly, if I went on at length about
sprawled across the Great Hall of Aphrodite, the Chan- Balador’s secrets, everyone on Earth would want to visit. And
try’s main entrance, are enough to rattle the composure trust me, this Realm is not for casual consumption. Sorry folks!
of more refined folk. The residents of Balador are nothing –Wolfgang Blackskin
if not active.
I am Forethought, not confirmed (or denied, for that matter) at this time, even
The Death and Resurrection god, by your so-called “Masters of Correspondence.” More symbol-
The Flayed One, the Scapegoat. ically, “Midrealm” refers to the place’s reputation as a neutral
For three eternities, meeting-ground for spirits of all kinds. Spirits who gather here
I have hung upon these hooks in the searing to discuss matters beyond Earthly import.
My flesh burned and bleeding.
These spirits tell a myth, one widespread and consistent
Each night, the Creeper comes to torment me,
to a remarkable degree with many of our own:
To consume my flesh and burn of my blood.
At first, there was nothingness — the Wyrm, the Void,
This is my self-sacrifice, and punishment in advance.
Oblivion, Entropy. This Void persisted indefinitely, since
Each morning, I am born again with greater insights. even Time had yet to be conceived. Then suddenly, a drop
In the pain and ecstasy of death, of Wyld, of primordial essence, splattered into the Void.
I learned of runes and charms, the nature of sin. Another drop followed the first, then another. Where
I sent these secrets to human-kind, drops of Wyld struck the Void, the two essences canceled
Along with community and cultivation, one another. Something was created. This Something
Hope and faith, fire and invention. (also known as Pattern or the Weaver) took the form of
For this boldness, I punished myself, a single seed. Fed by the erratic Wyld-Void reaction, the
seed grew into a sapling: the Alder Bole. As the tree grew,
By hanging from the hooks,
My flesh burned and bleeding.
• An Anonymous Description
For I am Forethought,
The traveler who wrote me this account desired
The Death and Resurrection god,
that I keep his name a secret, and I have. His research
The Flayed One, the Scapegoat. has proven to be valuable to my Chantrymates in the
Aboriginal gods and spirits wander freely across all past, so I asked him to detail a Realm he frequents on
of the Middle Umbra, from the Penumbral reflection of his journeys, a Realm somewhat apart from the Near
Earth to the Near Realms of Garou Cosmology. Yet when Realms described in Chapter Two. A Realm not quite
some significant issue arises, concerned parties meet here “Horizon Realm,” one beyond all simple categories.
in Midrealm for discussion. Supposedly, this place bridges the paths of all Three
Midrealm is aptly named. Not only does it lie in the Middle Worlds. Deeply hidden, this Umbral Garden may answer
Umbra, but most Umbrood contend it exists at the very center questions many of us are too insecure in our own beliefs
of Realty, known to some of you mages as the Correspondence to ponder. I leave conclusions up to you.
Point and to others as Mount Qaf. The validity of this claim is
Places of Interest
For the point about Hell — as of Heaven — is this: when
there, you are in your proper place, which, finally, is exactly
where you want to be.
— Joseph Campbell, “The Mythology of Love”
Victoria Station
Innumerable Suns exist; innumerable Earths
revolve about these Suns in a manner similar to
the way the seven planets revolve around our Sun. Originally,VictoriaStationwasapartofrailbaron(andElectro-
Living beings inhabit these worlds.” dyneacolyte)StephenLawrenceRobertson’sTrans-SpatialRailroad.
The year was 1871. Through a network of teleportation tunnels and
— Giordano Bruno, February 17, 1600
Spirit gates, this intriguing venture attempted to link the world by
(just before being burned at the stake)
rail. At first, only select Awakened conductors knew the routes;
Victoria Station is a wonderful Neo-Ba- but eventually, it was hoped this mode of transportation would
roque edifice of marble and glass. Doric be available to everyone! Victoria Station stood in the Penumbra
columns support the sculpted facade, and of London, anchored to several powerful Nodes and protected by a
the main structure is topped by a copper dome, tarnished a deserted warehouse (its material shadow).
marvelous shade of turquoise. It looks much like any railroad
To the detriment of Progress, the Trans-Spatial Railroad
terminal built in 19th-century England. The only difference
project ended in disaster. After only a dozen runs, the Spirit
is that this one stands on a chunk of ephemeral rock floating
of da Vinci took a wrong tunnel and disappeared from ex-
through the electromagnetic currents of Luna’s Horizon. In
istence. After a flurry of finger-pointing, the Electrodyne
layman’s terms, it’s a space station orbiting the Moon… in Engineers began multiple investigations into the cause of the
the spirit world, no less! “accident.” The results were inconclusive. Ultimately, they
From this forward base, Sons of Ether launch missions placed blame on a combination of “human and technical
of exploration into Etherspace, also known as the Deep error” and then attempted to forget the whole embarrassing
Umbra. Only three ways of reaching Victoria Station exist: experiment. Victoria Station fell into abandonment.
first, by Umbraship; second, by employing powerful Spirit (As an aside, one Euthanatos claims that the train and its
magick; third, using some sort of teleportation device (but if crew — including many noble Scientists — was side-tracked
such a “transporter” exists on the station, it is not common into the Low Umbra. At midnight on each anniversary
knowledge). Void Engineer sentry satellites make the journey of its disappearance, one can supposedly spot the train at
difficult, but every attempt these brackish fools have made certain haunted switching yards. Currently, Professor Neon
to assault the Station has failed. As far as I know, they have is perfecting ectoplasm-sensitive photographic plates with
since given up hope for such malfeasance. which to confirm or refute this rumor.)
Summer Grove
Two rows of standing stones flank the dusty path into
this Realm. The shrill buzz of elusive “heat bugs” and the
distant hint of maniacal laughter carry well through the
still, dry air. A traveler’s tread kicks up mosquitoes, black
flies and sand fleas.
The trail leads into a vast grove of sacred oaks. At the
center stands one of the largest World Trees ever seen. Five
humans could stand arm in arm and still not encompass its
girth. Tradition holds that it’s the adopted form of a Pure
One in age-old slumber. For most spirit-walkers, this is the
limit of their exploration: the one trail in, the grove, the
same trail out. Every instinct warns you that in the rest of
the Realm, human laws no longer apply.
One mystick I know claims to have explored beyond
the Grove itself. A shape-changer, Kamaria was operating
almost entirely by instinct at the time, which is perhaps why
she was allowed to return home. It also means her memories
are vague flashes, mostly impressions of scent and sound.
Apparently, the oak grove becomes a forest of beech, walnut,
chestnut, apple, and even cherry trees. Eventually, the trees
begin to thin; the distance between branches growso great
she had to run among the roots. Much further on, the land
became savanna: scattered trees; termite mounds buzzing
with activity; searing open sky; very little shelter. In a de
pression in the savanna lay a watering hole with powerful
impressions. All manners of creatures — mundane and
mythic, predator and prey — come there to drink. Kamaria
sensed no fear, but some very strong auras.
It seemed to her that she caught the scent of endless desert
beyond. But even Kamaria was afraid to investigate further.
Autumn Circle
The portal to this Realm is formed by the trunks,
twining roots and interlocking branches of any two trees
that ring the crest of a hill. Within this circle exists a large
clearing, pounded flat by eons of dance. In the center squats
First of all, we must note that the universe is spherical. The reason is either
that of all forms, the sphere is the most perfect, needing no joint and being a
complete unit; or that it is the most capacious of figures, best suited to enclose
and retain all things; or even that all the separate parts of the universe, I mean
the sun, moon, planets, and stars, are seen to be this shape; or that wholes strive
to be circumscribed by this boundary, as is apparent in drops of water and other
fluid bodies of water when they seek to be contained.
— Nicolaus Copernicus, On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres
Background Ecology
As the nearest, easiest Shard Realm to travel to, Venus Which ones would you like? They all exist here. Bygones
has a long history of visitors and conflicts. All Nine Tra- are more common in S.R. Life than anywhere else, and
ditions and most of the other Awakened sects come to our Marauders frequent it. Be careful not to tangle with them.
sister planet for one reason or another. Researchers can detect no pattern in the climate shifts.
Between Venus and the S.R. Life, there are four overlap Jungles sit next to deserts that butt up against oceans. Animals
zones. The zones are referred to as the four Verbena Seasonal stay in their own habitats, never crossing into regions they
Realms. (See Chapter Four for more information.) aren’t designed to cope with. No one knows what happens
to them during the sped-up evolutions.
Imagine a rain forest. Cross it with a greenhouse. Multiply
by 10, and add small dinosaurs. That is the Bygone Venus.
In 1877, the first really detailed map of Mars was
Watch out for mold spores and mildew. Keep moving, published, made by G.V. Schiaparelli. It updated the no-
or things will grow on you and your equipment. Bring rain menclature, classified a fair number of the geological features
protection and breathing masks, or make sure you have and added something strange: dark lines which Schiaparelli
someone in your party who can disinfect you magickally called canali. These channels, or canals, were thought to be
every few hours or so. Don’t sleep on the ground if you can artificial waterways. Percival Lowell agreed with him, and
help it, and certainly not without that Life specialist around. hypothesized artificial waterways built by a sentient Martian
Watch out for the bollixes, too. Venus is blessed (or race. The canals were later “proved” not to exist, and the
plagued) with a vast number of this semi-intelligent species of “dying civilization” theory was abandoned. Unfortunately
Bygone. Whether or not they are dangerous depends on your for science, the theory was right.
point of view, but you should never take your eyes off them. How exactly Schiaparelli and Lowell, both Sleepers,
saw the ruins of the canals — through the Gauntlet,
S.R. Life across a million miles of space, and through a mundane
In its most stable areas, the Shade Realm of Life looks and telescope — we may never know, but the map is a fairly
feels like a perfect version of any ecology you care to name, accurate depiction of the spirit structures built by the
and a few known nowhere else in the Tellurian. There are Martians. The canals run along natural Ley lines, and the
deserts, jungles, temperate forests, grasslands and tundra, and Martian cities were built at the Nodes at their junctions.
even the most exotic climate exists here. Deeper in, one finds In its physical aspect, Mars is a smallish ball of rusty
gas-giant ecologies and even stranger things. red rock, completely lifeless. Though there is water, it ex-
Travelers get into trouble easily in S.R. Life. Not only ists only in the rock itself and in combination with carbon
are there poisonous plants, dangerous animals and nasty dioxide in the polar ice caps. The atmosphere is too thin to
insects, but the Realm itself is constantly in flux. breathe, even for the Technocracy’s genetically engineered
The Moon has always been a gathering-place for Ver-
bena and Dreamspeakers (who revere her), and most other
Traditions (merely respecting her) travel here for their own
reasons. The Garou revere Luna as a goddess, and their myths
attribute many of their talents to Her. Cats are said to walk
to Luna on moonbeams, and the Triple Goddess of elder
cultures is often pictured as the phases of the Moon. Many
Paths and well-worn tracks through the Umbra lead here.
The early Council should have guessed that these would be
the first ways off-planet that the Order of Reason would find.
Darkside Moonbase has changed the whole character of
the Moon. Once fairly friendly to visitors, the Moon now is
hostile, and the fae, Garou and other weres have become even
more protective and belligerent than before. Be careful, and try
to avoid contact, particularly with anything that looks catlike.
Never disturb any ruins, cairns or artifacts you find.
Uranus appears as a huge, green gas giant. It and Neptune
(twins in size and type) are cooler than the inner colossi, and
of slightly different composition. Astronomers hold two main
theories on Uranus’ structure — the first (and more likely),
that the cold, dense atmosphere covers a slush-ball kind of
core; the second, that the atmosphere covers a water ocean,
beneath which would be a silicate, rocky core. Neither has
been confirmed by explorers; very few travel to this Realm.
Uranus is unusual for a gas giant; the Realm has no
internal source of heat. The planet’s oddest feature is that it
“lies on its side.” If you think of the Solar System in spatial
terms, the equator of the sun and the equators of all the
other planets lie more or less in the same plane. Uranus’
equator is tilted 98° to that plane.
The names of the moons come from Shakespeare and
Pope’s The Rape of the Lock. Puck, Cordelia, Ophelia, Bianca,
Cressida, Desdemona, Juliet, Portia, Rosalind and Belinda
are “pebbles;” Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania and Oberon
are world-sized Realms. The Akashic Brotherhood has a
monastery, the Red-Wind-Forest-Home, on Miranda, and
there are at least seven scattered outposts of other Traditions
on the other sizable Realms. I heard two years ago about a
cabal of Hollow Ones planning a trip to Ophelia and Juliet,
but lost track of them afterwards. The smaller moons are
largely unexplored — the Akashic monks are typical of set-
tlers here in that they do not wish to bother or be bothered.
I include Pluto here as the ninth planet and the Shard Realm of aren’t big enough, so either Lowell was very lucky, or there is
Entropy, but with reservations. I shall start by going into why roughly more out there than even Awakened cosmologists are aware
half of our leading cosmologists disagree with the classification. of: possibly the real ninth planet and true Shard Realm of
Pluto was discovered (according to Sleeper history) by Clyde Entropy, referred to in theory as Planet X, or Proserpina.
Tombaugh in 1930. Tombaugh was following calculations made All this may sound like nonsense if you aren’t a Son of
by Percival Lowell (the same Sleeper who managed to see Umbral Ether or an astronomicallyminded Orphan, but there are a
structures on the surface of Mars using a mundane telescope). Pluto lot of people who would like to explore the local system —
was more or less where Lowell had predicted it would be. Pluto itself, the scientifically known moon Charon and the
Lowell based his calculations on eccentricities in the “unknown” moon Cerberus. Unfortunately for cosmologists,
orbits of Uranus and Neptune — but Pluto by itself is not big the entire area has been effectively quarantined by Senex,
enough to cause them. Pluto and both its moons together the leader of the Euthanatos Chantry on Cerberus.
S.R. Entropy
We know very little about this Realm; until the Sphere-uni-
verse theory became popular, no one was looking for it. Not to say
that the Realm has never been visited, but it is nearly impossible
to confirm that a world last traveled to three centuries ago truly is
the world you’re looking for when there is nothing to guide you
but ancient diaries and the memories of very old men.
Because of the quarantine, all travel to S.R. Entropy takes
place on the Horizon. Very little of it has been successful or
enthusiastic. The tendency to avoid any contact with Entropy is
understandably strong, and until explorers with more experience
in the Sphere are available, we won’t know much.
Scouts sent through what is believed to be the Horizon
entryway find themselves in what feels like a section of the
Shadowlands and looks like the inside of a coal cellar at midnight.
This gateway appears as a completely black and lightless area that
occludes stars and objects that pass behind it.
Space is the stature of God.
— Joseph Joubert
Outside the Horizon, yet close enough to reach, three
ThisendsthetouroftheSolarSystem.Ican’ttake enigmas exist without any tie to consensual space. No astron-
youmuchfarther.AfterPluto,theonlythingsoutthere omer can detect them, and few Technocratic probes record
still tied to our sun are the rocky snowballs called the them. Even so, travelers stumble onto these places every so
Oort Cloud by astronomers. The walking Traditions often. Iteration X even has a base in one of them. For lack
(mostly Dreamspeakers and Verbena) recognize them of a better term, the Akashic astrologer Cho Lu called these
in different form, and I like their version better — these enigmas Shenti, or “bodies.” It is as appropriate a name as any.
are the standing stones at the edge of the known world,
The three Shenti seem to embody aspects of the Metaphysic
and dimly lit however you see them.
Trinity, at least in some accessible fashion. Some Akashics believe
Past that, we are only certain of one thing. Deep space is vast, that the Technocratic Realm Autocthonia rests on the fringes of
lightless and alive. The Nephandi and their corrupt masters lie some- Stasis’ Shenti. Umbral roads lead to a place called the Flux, where
where in the Void, perhaps in the Realm called Malfeas, perhaps in Dynamism warps everything it touches. Malfeas, a boiling obscenity
other places as well. Marauders seem to spawn in a place sometimes called of pure corruption, is said by some to be the Shenti of Entropy, or
the Flux, and beings without names prowl the void between worlds. Most at least of the worst aspects of it. Nephandi and Marauders spring
of those who pass the Horizon never return. Remember that. from the latter two Shenti, and the most fanatical Technocrats
Although most walking explorers pass through portals consider Autocthonia a kind of heaven. Perhaps the Earth itself
in the different Realms, the occasional traveler finds she can is the Shenti of the middle Path. I don’t know.
indeed walk in space. How is this possible? Isn’t space an airless All three Realms are very large, apparently stable, spiraling far
vacuum, without gravity or surface? Well, yes and no. It is a past the Oort Cloud. Anchorheads link all three to places within
desert of reality, a barren nothing dotted with islands of some- the Near Umbra. These places, always hidden, often manifest near
thing. If you have the power and the will to bring your own places which epitomize their nature. The Technocracy maintains
pocket of something with you, you can shape that nothing to gateways to their chosen home (see Chapter Four), while unpre-
your needs. (See my notes under “Air and Ether.”) dictable spirits, demons and Umbral storms protect the others (see
Most walkers fashion a path through space. Skill with the Chapter Two). Even the maddest Etherjammers avoid the Shenti.
Correspondence, Mind or Spirit Spheres helps in this regard — the I recommend following their example.
distances are still unimaginably vast. Generally, a traveler will need
some form of ship if he wants to go far; walking in space can literally The “Great Race”
take lifetimes. Long-term survival requires powerful magicks; other- The Etherjammers themselves pilot their odd craft as far
wise, the trip through nothing drains your very soul. The fact that as their theories will carry them. Void Engineers do likewise.
Mad and Fallen exiles have survived outside our Horizon attests that Most establish outposts such as the Copernicus Research
vast reserves of Quintessence exist in space. Those discovered have Center and Victoria Station (Chapter Four) to return to for
been few and far between, though, so it is best to bring yours with you. rest, fuel and food. Though Alexis may hate me for saying
As for the Realms these exiles create, I have heard stories of so, I find the actions of these “Ethernauts” to be analogous to
night-black seas in space, of asteroids honeycombed with living other Victorian gentlemen who found it impossible to acquire
flesh, of screaming stars and glowing, acidic clouds. I imagine that their “trophies” without wiping out whole species. Here is
whatever hells these beings — and their masters — create, those the lesson in the hundreds of lost worlds we may never again
Realms are always changing, nightmarish, and suicidal to enter. discover: Once you snatch your butterfly from the air, it dies.
Chapter Five: Celestial Bodies 157
158 Beyond the Barriers: The Book of Worlds
Chapter Six:
Those Beyond
I suppose every single one of us that comes here, knowing that his work will
mean contact with extraterrestrials, thinks that he will be an exception, that he’ll
find a way to make friends with at least some of them. You figure you’ll get the
Lingoe to teach you a few words...”Hello! How are you? Nice whatsit you’ve
got there!” That kind of thing. You think, we can’t just go on forevermore being
strangers, right? But when the time comes, and you get close to an Alien, you
understand what the scientists are talking about when they say it isn’t possible.
— Suzette Haden Elgin, Native Tongue
When traveling the Otherworlds, you a task beyond our current scope. (Not that Porthos doesn’t
are going to meet many strange and myste- have plans already.)
rious beings. Some will be weaker than you What follows is admittedly a compromise. We chose our
are, some stronger. All are dangerous to the favorites from the common, the interesting and the perilous. The
unwary, careless or stupid. descriptions are as detailed as we could make them, and I hope
In an effort to give our readers an edge that they will be useful. One warning: Even the best written,
in caution, care, and foresight, we set out to best-illustrated guidebook can’t really portray the essence of a
present a detailed listing of the most common creature. Treat every Umbrood you meet, no matter how well
types of Umbrood. Alexis and I polled Dois- you think you know it, as if it were unidentified, all-powerful
setep and our contributors for just those spirits (and other and temperamental — because you might be right.
things) they had encountered frequently. When the list hit And show no fear.
2,000, we called a halt. The complete Guide to Umbrood is — Alexis and The Fisher Princess
• Gamespeak Alert: Storytellers are advised that an encounter with Otherworldly denizens can be much more than
a simple “bug hunt”; these creatures, especially the more esoteric ones, operate on wavelengths far different than our
own. While a “monster” stands and fights or runs, an Epiphling may buzz wonderingly in and out of an explorer’s ear,
hoping to see what color her brain is. Similarly, a being who has survived for hundreds or even thousands of years isn’t
likely to jump into a potentially fatal fight when he could simply wave his fingers and disappear. As a general rule when
you’re running Umbrood creatures, think of whatever action is most obvious and appropriate. Then do the opposite.
These Umbrood are organized in the following way: Alien Horrors are living tools of the Nephandi (or is that
the other way around?); Dream Spirits inhabit the Realms within the Maya; Epiphlings can be found cruising any-
where in the Near Umbrae, and draw from the essence of a single thought or concept; Major and Minor Umbrood
also travel the Airts on their own strange missions, and Realm Dwellers inhabit a certain Realm described in an
earlier chapter. Note that spirit entities use their Gnosis for Social and Mental Attributes when they’ve Materialized.
These Umbrood are only the tip of a huge iceberg. Plenty of additional Otherworldly oddities can be found in
the following games and sourcebooks:
• Werewolf (Book of the Wyrm, Axis Mundi, Umbra: The Velvet Shadow, Werewolf Storytellers Guide
and Players Guide)
• Mage (The Book of Madness, Ascension’s Right Hand, Horizon: The Stronghold of Hope, The Mad
Masque [forthcoming])
• Wraith (The Sea of Shadows, Dark Kingdom of Jade Adventures, Midnight Express)
• Vampire (Clanbook Malkavian, Storytellers Guide to the Sabbat)
• Changeling (Changeling Players Guide)
• Abilities or the light waves which give it color), the Watchers add
• Warriors: Alertness 2, Awareness 1, Brawl 5, 3 extra dice to their Stealth pool.
Dodge 5, Intimidation 4-5, Firearms 1-4, Leadership 2, • Slow Regeneration: If limbs are severed or
Meditation 2, Melee 4, Stealth 5+, Survival 4, Technology otherwise lost, they soon grow back. Warriors grow about
2, Computer 2, Cosmology 2, Enigmas 1, Science 2 one per day, while spies regenerate one per week, and the
behemoths could take months.
•Spies:Alertness 5, Awareness 3, Brawl 0-2, Dodge
3-5, Intuition 3, Intimidation 2, Subterfuge 3, Meditation 3, Melee • Tentacles: Watchers may attack multiple foes
3, Research 2, Stealth 6, Survival 2, Technology 3, Computer without dividing their Dice Pools. Alternatively, a Watcher
2, Cosmology 2, Culture 1, Enigmas 2, Investigation 4 could focus all its attacks upon a single foe, either gaining
an extra die for each tentacle used (Dexterity + Brawl,
• Behemoths: Alertness 3, Awareness 3, Brawl 6,
difficulty 8, 5 for vessels), or adding one more damage die
Dodge 0-3, Intimidation 8, Meditation 4, Stealth 3, Survival
per tentacle. Once a creature is grappled, it is immobilized
5, Cosmology 2, Enigmas 2
(no Dodge roll versus the tentacles or beak) until it breaks
• C. malefica possess a variety of skills, depending free (Strength roll, difficulty 6 + 1 for each additional
on their professions and roles. tentacle employed).
Spheres: none (but see below) Some Watchers have several other genetically enhanced
Willpower: 6-10 abilities that can often be mixed and matched for maximum
Health Levels: 8 (warriors); 6 (spies); 16-26 (behe- variety. Few possess more than two such powers, but other
moths); 14-20 (C. malefica) Watchers suffer no penalty for specimens might command other powers not listed here.
injury until their final two Heath Levels, at which point • Armor: The strengthened shell provides two
they drop to -4. A Watcher’s tentacle can withstand one extra soak dice unless opponents specifically target vul-
half of the creature’s total Health Levels before being cut nerable areas (raise the difficulty by +1).
through. This damage does not count against the Watcher’s • Ink Cloud: The Watcher can emit a blinding
total Health Levels, but renders that tentacles unusable. cloud of ink approximately equal in volume to the body
Armor Rating: (see below) of the creature itself.
Attacks/Powers: Tentacles (Strength, crushing); beak • Squeeze: Some Watchers have entirely soft
(Strength + 2 dice damage, difficulty 8); other powers bodies and can cram themselves through holes less than a
include: tenth their thickness.
• Jet Propulsion: All of the subtypes have the • Barbs: Like the vampire squid of Earth, these
ability to move rapidly through any medium they perceive Watchers have thousands of barbs in place of the suction
as liquid or liquid-like (such as water or deep space). The cups normally occupying their tentacles. Add three dice
speed of movement averages about 40 mph in viscous to the damage Dice Pool.
solutions like water, or hundreds of miles per hour in space. • Magick-like Effects: One or more of the follow-
• Chameleonic Coloring: The Watchers’ skin ing: Co-locate Self (Correspondence 4); Pierce Gauntlet
can change rapidly to match the color and texture of its (Spirit 3); Disruption (either Entropy 3 — for destroying
surroundings. Unless someone magickally negates the structures and machines — or Entropy 4 — for destroying
ability (Life or Forces magick can rework the skin color, flesh. Either attack has a Dice Pool of 7.
Give me one tall ship to sail craft sometimes take more than their due — they’ve been
A star to guide her by know to eat their own “masters” halfway through an
Let me orbit unknown worlds engagement. Prisoners taken aboard Nephandi ships live
A thousand miles high long and sickening lives.
— Emma Bull, “One Tall Ship” Marauders may not be more humane, but they do seem
Technomancers — and that includes more refined. Their ships often hold a group delusion to-
Ethernauts — who ply the spaceways know gether by conforming to each crewman’s hallucinations and
that only one thing stands between you and providing common ground. Thus, a Marauder vessel might
the Void: a good solid Umbraship. Under seem pieced together from bits of shipwreck, spacecraft,
optimum conditions, these vessels travel at unimaginable mansion and WWII fighter plane. Some theorists believe
that the Bermuda Triangle and Sargasso Sea supply “spare
speeds and provide safe and (somewhat) comfortable lodg-
parts” to shipbuilding Marauders. Living quarters aboard the
ings for their crews. Even so, life on an Umbraship can be
Mad Ones’ ships can be as well-appointed or as squalid as
cramped, monotonous and sterile.
individual Marauders prefer. Many craft boast artwork that
The Sons of Ether deal better with such problems than
unhinges the sanity of those who see it from a distance —
the practical-minded Void Engineers do; the Sons’ ships
demented Jolly Rogers from hell.
resemble Victorian drawing rooms in space, with ample
These vessels are presented for maximum story potential
supplies of choice tobacco, comfy chairs, good books and
and easy use. Some of the more refined ship equipment can
magnificent gadgets to while away the time. Life-support
be found in Technocracy: Void Engineers; most, however,
machines are elegant and comprehensive. Ship designs
is self-explanatory.
range from pulp sci-fi rockets to archaic star-riggers.
Whatever works.
The Engineers let their hair down considerably when Ship Combat
away from the other Conventions (see “The Big Joke” in Umbraship combat is best left to narrative storytelling;
Technocracy: Void Engineers), but still remain bound to nothing gets in the way of a good space fight like a lot of
their own laws of mass and energy. With the logistics of chart-checking. The “rules” below aren’t meant to be tac-
Technocratic physics, there’s not much room left for lux- tical simulations, but quick-and-dirty resolutions for tense
ury. And, as any good Technocrat knows, a good scientist situations. Feel free to complicate or ignore them as befits
isn’t supposed to need such comforts. Is it any wonder the your own game.
Engineers enjoy pulling the wool over their comrades’ eyes? • Basic Rolls: When rolls are necessary, like during a
The alien craft of the Fallen and the Mad have no dogfight or pursuit, the Storyteller should have the helms-
need for such rubbish; many of these Umbraships are men of both craft make resisted Wits + Piloting rolls (see
alive in their own right, and maintain their “crews” as the “Combat Maneuvers” Chart for difficulties). Whoever
a large animal hosts its parasites. Although their living scores the most successes wins that turn. If both sides were
quarters are as decadent as their crews can make them, trying to do damage, and both succeed, both ships are hit.
the Nephandi prefer twisted constructions of black For simplicity, don’t split Dice Pools.
metal and tattered gauze; their warped vessels combine • Multiple Gunners: If an additional person controls the
the slick refinement of polished bone with the agonies ship’s guns, that character can make an additional Dexterity
of pulsating flesh — occasionally their own. Travelers + Heavy Weapons or Wits + Pilot roll on the chart. Figure
who’ve met the Fallen Ones in space insist that they damage normally. For ships with a lot of guns, simply make
feed their Umbraships with their own blood and fluids, one roll and add two more damage dice for each additional
or channel their very souls to power its weapons. Such gunner firing at the target.
Travel Methods
Place Means of Travel and Navigation
Periphery Awareness, Dream, Rank One Spheres, Auspex 2
Astral Travel Mind 4 or 5, Auspex 5, Clairvoyance 5, Gifts; navigate by Perception + Occult
Stepping Sideways Spirit 3 (4 to bring others), Gifts (innate to Garou); navigate by
Perception + Enigmas (shapeshifters) or Wits + Cosmology (mages)
High Umbra Astral travel, stepping sideways (Vulgate only); navigate by Perception +
Occult, or Intelligence + Occult (Epiphamies)
Middle Umbra Stepping sideways, astral travel
Low Umbra Entropy 4/Life 2/Spirit 3; navigate by Wits + Occult
Realms Portals, gates or Anchorheads
Paradox Realm Find (Perception + Spirit Lore), step through
Maya Mind 1/Spirit 1, or fae enchantment to see; sleep, Mind 3 to visit (only
Dreamspeakers can step sideways); navigate by Wits + Enigmas
Hollow World No magick necessary
Horizon Spirit 5, Mind 5, or Willpower roll (10 successes out, 15 successes in)
Anchorhead and Aetherian Reaches Willpower roll (5 successes, difficulty 8)
Deep Umbra Spirit 5, Mind 5, Life 3, or life-support device for long survival;
navigate by Perception + Cosmology.
World to World High Umbra/Dream Zone to other: Willpower roll (difficulty 8);
Middle to High Umbra: climb Pattern Web (Dexterity + Athletics or
Cosmology); Low to any: Entropy 5/Spirit 4, Entropy 5/Mind 5 for an
Astral traveler, or Argos 4; Realm to Realm: Portals and gates.
Index 197