Practical Research 2 Q2-Week 3
Practical Research 2 Q2-Week 3
Practical Research 2 Q2-Week 3
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Republic of the Philippines
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Vision: “As a learner-centered public institution, Mandaue City College envisions excellence, innovation and success in education to inspire and transform
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graduation options.
Learning Module
Q2 – W3
SY 2021- 2022
Mandaue City College Senior High School
The next question you have to answer is, how many of the subjects, participants, or respondents
should be selected as a source of data? This lesson will teach you how to describe sampling procedures
in quantitative research. Note that the sampling procedure should be aligned to your chosen research
design. Since you have already decided the research design of your study, then you are ready for this
The first step in determining the sample size is identifying the population of the topic of interest.
The population is the totality of all the objects, elements, persons, and characteristics under
consideration. It is understood that this population possesses common characteristics about which the
research aims to explore.
There are two types of population: target population and accessible population. The actual
population is the target population, for example, all Senior High School Students enrolled in Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) in the Division of Cagayan de Oro City. While the
accessible population is the portion of the population in which the researcher has reasonable access, for
example all Senior High School enrolled, STEM strand at Marayon Science High School – X.
When the whole population is too costly or time-consuming or impractical to consider, then, a
sample representative is identified. Sampling pertains to the systematic process of selecting the group to
be analyzed in the research study. The goal is to get information from a group that represents the target
population. Once a good sample is obtained, the generalizability and applicability of findings increases.
The representative subset of the population refers to the sample. All the 240 Senior High School
Students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Strand in a school, for
example, constitute the population; 60 of those students constitute the sample. A good sample should
have characteristics of the represented population – characteristics that are within the scope of the
study with fair accuracy. Generally, the larger the sample, the more reliable the sample be, but still, it
will depend on the scope and delimitation and research design of the study.
Lunenberg and Irby (2008), as cited by Barrot (2017, p 107), also suggested different sample
sizes for each quantitative research design.
Literature Review. Another approach is by reading similar or related literature and studies to
your current research study. Since you are done writing your review of related literature and studies,
you might want to recall how these studies determine sample size. Using this approach increases the
validity of your sampling procedure.
Formulas. Formulas are also being established for the computation of an acceptable sample
size. The common formula is Slovin’s Formula.
where: n is the sample size, N is the population size, E is the desired margin of error
Power Analysis. This approach is founded on the principle of power analysis. There are two
principles you need to consider if you are going to use this approach: these are statistical power and
effect size.
The probability of rejecting the null hypothesis is called statistical power. It suggests that indeed
there is a relationship between the independent and dependent variables of the research study. The
ideal statistical power of a research study is 80%. With the statistical power, it will be used to identify
the sufficient sample size for measuring the effect size of a certain treatment. The level of difference
between the experimental group and the control group refers to effect size.
If the statistical power tells that relationship between independent and dependent variables,
the effect size suggests the extent of the relationship between these two variables. Henceforth, the
higher the effect size, means the greater the level difference between the experimental and control
groups. For example, your research study reveals that there is a difference in the pretest and posttest
scores of the students in the given anxiety test after implementing a psychosocial intervention. With the
effect size, you will have an idea of how small or large the difference is.
Visit the following links to practice the power analysis approach.
Simple Random Sampling. It is a way of choosing individuals in which all members of the
accessible population are given an equal chance to be selected. There are various ways of obtaining
samples through simple random sampling. These are fish bowl technique, roulette wheel, or use of the
table of random numbers. This technique is also readily available online. Visit this link to practice.
Stratified Random Sampling. The same with simple random sampling, stratified random
sampling also gives an equal chance to all members of the population to be chosen.
However, the population is first divided into strata or groups before selecting the samples. The
samples are chosen from these subgroups and not directly from the entire population. This procedure is
best used when the variables of the study are also grouped into classes such as gender and grade level.
You can simply follow the steps from this given example:
Ex. A population of 600 Junior High School students includes 180 Grade 7, 160 Grade 8, 150
Grade 9, and 110 Grade 10. If the computed sample size is 240, the following proportionate sampling
will be as follows.
The number of members per subgroup is divided by the total accessible sample size. The
percentage result of members per subgroup will be multiplied from the computed total sample size.
After obtaining the sample size per strata, then simple random sampling will be done for the selection of
samples from each group.
For example, a researcher would like to interview of all public senior high school students
across Mindanao. As a researcher cluster will be selected to satisfy the plan size. In the given example,
the first cluster can be by region, the second cluster can be by division, and the third cluster can be by
Another way of doing cluster sampling is illustrated on the figure on the right side.
Systematic Sampling. This procedure is as simple as selecting samples every nth (example every
2nd, 5th) of the chosen population until arriving at a desired total number of sample size. Therefore the
selection is based on a predetermined interval. Dividing the population size by the sample size, the
interval will be obtained. For example, from a total population of 75, you have 25 samples; using
systematic sampling, you will decide to select every 3rd person on the list of individuals.
Activity 1. Determine the Sampling Procedure Directions: Identify the sampling procedure used
in each given situation. Write your answer on the space provided and then explain your choice.
Directions: Search in the internet for a sample research study. Identify the research design used
and its sampling procedure.
▪ Research Design
▪ Characteristics of
▪ Sampling Procedure
▪ Sample Size
▪ Source
Activity 3. Let’s go online. Practice what you have learned from this lesson. Visit the following
Directions: As you have learned from this lesson, answer each question comprehensively.