Research Q2-Week 2 For Stdents
Research Q2-Week 2 For Stdents
Research Q2-Week 2 For Stdents
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graduation options.
Learning Module
Q2 – W2
SY 2021- 2022
Mandaue City College Senior High School
1. As Budgen & Brereton said, “reviewing the literature requires the ability to juggle multiple tasks, from
finding and evaluating relevant material to synthesizing information from various sources, from critical
thinking to paraphrasing, evaluating, and citation skills” (as cited by Baraceros, 2016, p. 31). (2006)
2. (Baraceros, 2016) The format of a review of literature may vary from discipline to discipline and from
assignment to assignment.
3. Baraceros it is necessary for you to review information, facts, data available, or theories that have
some relationship with your hypothesis which you posed in your stated problem or research question.
4. Calmorin and Calmorin stated (2007), “the investigator should have the ability to compare between
what he should read and include in his study and what he should not read and does not need to include
in his study.
5. (Write Source 2007, p. 345) A reliable source should provide information fairly, covering all sides of a
Activity III. Directions: To avoid plagiarism, practice the art of paraphrasing the statements from Test II.
Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
1. ________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________
Performance Task
Task I. Directions: Prepare note cards or index cards size 1/8. Research the details that support your
variables, the theories that support your study, or the concepts that you want to discuss in your chosen
study. When you research, copy only one or utmost two sentences on the front of the card. At the back,
copy the copyright information.
3. What type of literature review do you want to use? Arrange your details and explanations in that
4. What are the gaps that you need to solve in your chosen study
Front of card Back of Card - To make a change feels awful, but to stay where you are is even worse.
(Scazzero and Scazzero 2010, 39)
Back of card - Scazzero, Geri and Peter Scazzero. The Emotionally Healthy Woman. Metro Manila: OMF
Literature Inc., 2010.
Test II. Outlining. Before writing your literature review in essay, outline it first to get the overview of
your study. Determine the type of literature review to use as a guide to the flow of your writing. Do this
on a separate sheet of paper.
Topic: ___________________________________________________________
Type of literature review: ________________________________________
I. First concept/theory
A. First sub discussion
B. Second sub discussion
C. Third sub discussion
II. Second concept/theory
A. First sub discussion
B. Second sub discussion
C. Third sub discussion iii.
III. Concept/theory
A. First sub discussion
B. Second sub discussion
C. Third sub discussion
Iv. Gap in the study
A. First sub discussion
B. Second sub discussion
C. Third sub discussion