Assessment in Research

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Assessment No.

Course No. MAED/PEED/Mgt.601
Descriptive Title: Methods of Research/ Business Research/Technological Research

Instructions: Answer the following questions comprehensively.

1. Knowing the various definitions of research from the different points of view of several
authors, how do you describe research? Or what is research for you? (10pts.)

~ According to the various viewpoints of various authors, research is the act of

gathering information about a specific topic or issue in a specific field or area that advances
humanity by causing us to be curious about something that bothers us and to question and
immerse ourselves in order to learn everything that should be known. We can successfully
understand the most recent breakthroughs in our specialties thanks to a range of formal
education. This research serves as the basis for knowledge and is a major source for standards
or recommendations for addressing a range of issues in business, politics, or even our society.

2. Discuss the importance and uses of quantitative research in your field of specialization.

~ Since it gives educators information that may be utilized to guide decision-making,

quantitative research is crucial to the field of education. We, as teachers can use this kind of
study to spot trends and patterns in the learning and behavior of our learners as well as to
gauge how well educational initiatives and programs are working. Moreover, quantitative data
can be used to evaluate academic performance and gauge student achievement. It is possible
to learn about and assess the effectiveness of a teacher, a student's performance and growth,
their learning preferences, and other aspects of the quality of education at a particular school

Guiuan 6809
Eastern Samar, Philippines
[email protected]
or institution through this kind of research. We are able to improve what is lacking and
remedy the mistakes we have made as a result of these studies, according to the report.

Quantitative research is not just used to assess the quality of education; it can also be
applied to other areas where statistical data and analysis can be graded or evaluated. Also,
incorporating quantitative research into the curriculum might help our students learn more
and improve their ability to use statistics to fully understand certain concepts. Additionally,
quantitative research is crucial not just in the commercial world but also in the sphere of

3. Differentiate the types of research (i.e., quantitative, qualitative & mixed method). Illustrate its
difference by citing at least one (1) example of each type of research title from the published
journal. (20 pts.)

~ Quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methodologies are the three most often used
research methods. In order to address relationship queries of study variables, quantitative
research might be performed. It looks for justifications and forecasts that will affect other
people and locations. The purpose is to create generalizations that advance theory and to
establish, confirm, or authenticate linkages. (Example of this study is by Mark
Wyatt (2014) Towards a re-conceptualization of teachers' self-efficacy beliefs: tackling enduring
problems with the quantitative research and moving on, International Journal of Research &
Method in Education, 37:2, 166-189, DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2012.742050)”.

While in a comprehensive strategy, qualitative research incorporates discovery. It is

also referred to as an unfolding model that takes place in a natural environment and allows
the researcher to gain a high level of information via direct participation in the events.
Purposeful usage for describing, explaining, and analyzing acquired data is what defines this
form of research. (Example published research: Melissa Glackin & Jill
Hohenstein (2018) Teachers’ self-efficacy: progressing qualitative analysis, International Journal
of Research & Method in Education, 41:3, 271-290, DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2017.1295940)

Guiuan 6809
Eastern Samar, Philippines
[email protected]
Moreover, researchers might combine data collection or analysis techniques from
qualitative and quantitative research procedures in a single research project when using the
mixed methods approach to research. The objective of researchers who employ a mixed
methods approach is to maximize the benefits and minimize the drawbacks of both
quantitative and qualitative research methods. The advantages and disadvantages of the
various study methodologies are, of course, relevant to the situation and the way that the
researchers hope to approach the phenomenon rather than absolute in research. For
instance, if a researcher claims to offer in-depth insight into a phenomenon, they may see
choosing a small yet representative sample—typical of qualitative research—as appropriate.
As is common of quantitative research, the researcher may utilize inferential statistics to
quantify the findings as strengths that merit grouping into a single research study. (Example:
Simon Boone & Mieke Van Houtte (2013) Why are teacher recommendations at the
transition from primary to secondary education socially biased? A mixed-methods
research, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 34:1, 20-
38, DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2012.704720)

4. Describe ethics in quantitative research and qualitative research. (10pts.)

~ Research ethics are moral guidelines that help researchers do and publish research without
lying or intending, consciously or unknowingly, to hurt study participants or other members of society.
To ensure the validity of your study, you must follow ethical standards when doing and reporting your

To protect study participants, the general public, and the researcher themselves, one must
abide by the ethical standards established by regulatory committees. Following moral principles will
make sure that one's study is accurate and real, and it will also help one obtain the public's trust and
support. While presenting his or her findings in the publication, he or she must also follow ethical
standards. This will guarantee that your article is original and that your readers won't see any
unreliable information. In addition, research ethics instill a sense of accountability in researchers and
facilitate the assignment of blame in cases of misconduct.

Prepared by:

Guiuan 6809
Eastern Samar, Philippines
[email protected]
Graduate Faculty

Guiuan 6809
Eastern Samar, Philippines
[email protected]

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