Manguiat, Ciara Loreal M. BSN 1-Y2-5 NCMA 111: Nursing Care Plan
Manguiat, Ciara Loreal M. BSN 1-Y2-5 NCMA 111: Nursing Care Plan
Manguiat, Ciara Loreal M. BSN 1-Y2-5 NCMA 111: Nursing Care Plan
BSN 1-Y2-5
NCMA 111
Dorothy Grant
- Patient reports that she experienced migraine headache and - Not getting adequate sleep and has - Been nibbling on crackers, lunch meat,
rates her pain as a 9. been eating cheeseburgers on the and sodas daily
- Intense throbbing pain in right temporal area run.
- Significant history of migraine headaches. - Voice trembles slightly when
- Reports feeling a little lightheaded speaking
- Temporal area is tender to touch; the temporal artery is - Patient has not attended any Zumba
palpated. classes for the past 2 weeks
- Nausea - Nausea
The patient is experiencing lack of sleep and positively Vestibular The client was not eating a proper meal, is The patient is experiencing lack of sleep,
Migraine, sensitivity to light. experiencing inactiveness and, lack of light and sound sensitive, and nausea.
Vestibular Migraine (Vertigo) and/or Severe migraine secondary Fatigue Stress and/or Electrolyte Imbalance
to Aneurysm
Major: Dry-skin, tender temporal area, extreme sensitivity to light Major: Expresses lack of energy, nausea, and Major: Lightheadedness and migraine
and sound, and pain scale as 9. extreme sensitivity to light and sound. headaches
Confirm the diagnosis because it meets the defining Confirm the diagnosis because it meets the Confirm the diagnosis because it meets the
characteristics and is confirmed by the patient. defining characteristics and is confirmed by defining characteristics and is confirmed by
the patient. the patient.
Subjective: Severe migraine Short term: Get the patient’s consent Patients become more Short term:
Patient reports that she secondary to After 24 hours of nursing for medical intervention cooperative with their After a week of nursing
experienced migraine Aneurysm. The patient intervention, the patient and care and explain the treatment plans if they knowintervention, the patient
headache and rates her pain is experiencing a will be able to verbalize reason for each. what is going on. verbalized a reduce of
as a 9. She has an intense Migraine headache. reduce of pain scale from pain scale from 9/10 to
throbbing pain in right Migraine creates lateral 9/10 to 4/10 or 3/10. Assess conditions that Proper assessment helps 4/10 or 3/10.
temporal area and she has a discomfort which can can increase the patient’s determine needed fall
significant history of severely impair a Long term: level of fall risk, such as precautions. Long term:
migraine headaches, with her person’s ability to After 3-4 days of nursing a history of falls, After 3-4 days of nursing
first episode occurring when function. Migraine intervention, the patient changes in mental status, intervention, the patient
she was 16 years old. Also causes are unknown, will identify personal sensory deficits, balance, identified the personal
reports feeling a little and avoiding specific triggers to avoid having medications, and triggers to avoid having
lightheaded. She says she is “triggers” is the key to migraine attacks and symptoms related to migraine attacks and
nauseated but denies avoiding attacks. In the successfully be migraine diseases. successfully be migraine
vomiting. She described client’s case, a certain free. free.
them as orange and blue trigger precipitated a Bring the patient to Like the laboratory tests,
triangles traveling from left migraine attack causing imaging studies such as imaging aids in the The goal was met.
to right across her visual the severe pain. MRI and CT scan. diagnosis of the patient's
field, starting with the loss of underlying conditions.
her core field of vision and Vestibular Migraine
progressing to flashing lights. (Vertigo) related to Obtain a list of Some medications may
significant history of medications that the contribute to the migraines
Objective: migraine headaches as patient is currently that the patient is
Height: 162.5cm evidenced by a taking experiencing.
Weight: 63.5kg throbbing pain in right
temporal area, blurred Independence promotion is
Physical Assessment: vision, nausea, and Evaluate the patient’s essential in patientcare.
o Skin is warm, pale, sensitivity to light and knowledge on comfort
and dry to touch. sound. measures during
o Voice trembles headache attacks.
slightly when Sudden movements can
speaking Teach the patient to trigger dizziness.
move slowly, like sitting
Pulse: 78 bpm up slowly and taking a
Respirations: 24 bpm few minutes before
BP: 128/74 mmHg standing up.
Temp.: 37.1°C / 98.8°F
During migraine attacks, Bright light and sounds
Head and face are round and provide non-stimulating exacerbate the patient’s
symmetric, with her head in a environment. migraine.
central position; no masses Encourage the patient to This maintains the patient’s
are noted. seek assistance as sense of control and reduces
necessary. the fear of feeling isolated.
Normal range of motion of
the head and neck, with no
abnormal movements. Prescribed medications can
Give medications as help reduce dizziness as
Trachea is in the midline and ordered. well as the associated
the thyroid gland is nausea.