Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation Independent
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation Independent
Nursing Care Plan Assessment Diagnosis Planning Implementation Rationale Evaluation Independent
-Administer pain medication as prescribed
by the physician.
SUBJECTIVE: Difficulty of Within 30mins. of nursing Independent: Goal partially met, after
The client complains of breathing due to interventions, the patient -Position the patient in semi-Fowler’s -Positioning helps maximize lung 30mins. of nursing
difficulty of breathing. hypertension as will be able to maintain an position. expansions. interventions, the
evidenced by fast effective breathing pattern, patient was able to
OBJECTIVE: breathing as evidenced by relaxed - Evaluate skin color, temperature, - Lack of oxygen will cause maintain an effective
-Temperature- 36.6 ℃ breathing at normal rate capillary refill, observe central versus blue/cyanosis coloring to the lips, breathing pattern, as
-RR- 28 cpm and depth and absence of peripheral cyanosis. tongue, and fingers. Cyanosis to the evidenced by relaxed
-BP- 154/86 mmHg tachypnea. inside of the mouth is a medical breathing at normal rate
-PR- 78 bpm emergency. and depth and absence
-Urine Sample: 1,9443 - Encourage deep breathing exercise. of tachypnea.
mg/dl of microalbumin
- To promote chest expansion.
-Hemoglobin A1c of74%
-Occipital Headaches
-Polyuria and Polydipsia
-Pain Scale: 8/10 Dependent:
-Administer oxygen at lowest
concentration as indicated. -To help patient in breathing.
-Evaluate the client’s current -Acute, even short term situations can
disorder/conditions that could enhance risk affect any client, such as sudden
potential for falls. dizziness, positional blood pressure
changes, new medications, change in
glasses prescription, recent use of
alcohol/other drugs, and so on.
-Assess the client’s cognitive status (brain -This affects the client’s ability to
injury, neurological disorders/depression). perceive his/her own limitation or
recognize danger.
-Ascertain the client’s/significant other’s -This may reveal a lack of
level of knowledge about and attendance to understanding, insufficient resources,
safety needs. or simple disregard for personal