History of Anesthesia

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Role of

Waleed I Hamimy
Professor of Anesthesia, Surgical Intensive Care & Pain Management
Cairo University

[email protected]
An / Esthesia
Without / Sensation
 Surgical
instruments in our
Egyptian Museum

 Edwin Smith
papyrus (1600 BC)
include 48 surgical

5 m – 17 pages
Pain alleviation
 To allow surgery patients were sedated by
 Local anesthesia was also known,

◦ Water was mixed with Vinegar over Memphite

stone, resulting in the formation of carbon
dioxide with its known analgesic effect. Cryo-
Herbal remedies
 Opium (plant of joy):
3400 BC ‫بالد الرافدين‬
 Clay Tablet form in the

cuneiform script at the

of Pennsylvania Museum o
f Archaeology and Anthro

Nefertiti presenting opium to her
The ancient Egyptian pharmacopia
 Found in 1873 & kept
in the library of the 
University of Leipzig,
in Germany.
 110 page scroll (20 m


Ebers papyrus
1550 BC
 Mandrake
(‫) لوفا أو بيض الجن‬
 Contains many
 was used by ancient

Egyptians for
sedation &
 Mandrake plant
from Arabic medical
manuscript in
Istanbul mosque

Chinese & indians used Cannabis,
Hashish & Wine for anesthesia prior to
the introduction of opium by 400 BC.
 Acupuncture was also used by Chinese
‫‪Middle ages‬‬
‫‪‬‬ ‫حكيم أبوالقاسم فردوسي شاعر فارسي أول (‪ 1000‬م) من وصف في أحد‬
‫قصائده (شاهنامة) عملية قيصرية حيث تم أعطاء التخدير بواسطة أحد‬
‫أطباء أستخدمو التخدير باالستنشاق ‪‬‬

‫أبو القاسم الزهراوي ( ‪ 1013 - 936‬م) ◦‬

‫ابن سينا (‪ 1037 – 980‬م) ◦‬
‫ابن ظهر (‪ 1161 – 1091‬م) ◦‬
Dr Wells inhaled nitrous oxide and
a fellow dentist extracted his tooth
Dr Morton used Ether for anesthesia of
Mr Abbott for tumor excision by Dr
Warren (1846)
 John Snow (1813-1858) was the first
physician to practice anesthesia in the
operating rooms and performed several
researches on the mechanism of action of
 Anesthesia was born as a specialty on 1930

by Crawford Long
Role of the Anesthesia Department
1- Anesthesia Clinic
2- puts you to sleep
3- During Anesthesia
 Blood pressure
 ECG & heart beats
 Blood oxygenation
 Body temperature
 Amount of anesthetics delivered
 Expired carbon dioxide
 Urine production
 Breathing vaweforms
 Depth of anesthesia
4- Recovery from anesthesia in PACU
5- Surgical Intensive Care Unit
6- Pain Clinics
Videoconferencing & Anesthesia
The goddess Ritho giving birth to the god Ra
assisted by midwives

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