Using Ultrasonic Coating Thickness Gauges

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COATING INSTRUMENT SERIES oating thickness gauges,

which use an ultrasonic

Using Ultrasonic
principle, are becoming
increasingly popular. They
support or replace destruc-
tive measurement tech-

Coating Thickness
niques for concrete, wood,
and plastics applications.
In the past, thickness measurement of
coatings over nonmetals has been a chal-
lenge. Earlier techniques included:

• Optical cross-sectioning (cutting
the coated part and viewing the cut
microscopically—ASTM D41381)
• Height measurement (measuring
before and after with a micrometer)
DAVID BEAMISH, DeFelsko Corp. • Gravimetric (measuring the mass
and area of the coating to calculate
Ten years ago, the first hand-held instrument thickness)
appeared that was specifically designed to • Dipping wet film thickness gauges
into the wet paint and calculating dry-
measure coating thickness ultrasonically. Many industries film thickness using the percent of
now use this technology in their quality programs. This solids by volume
article describes the working principle and benefits • Substitution (placing a steel coupon
that ultrasonic testing has brought to the coatings alongside the nonmetal and coating it
industry. at the same time).
The above time-consuming tests can
be difficult to perform. They are often
subject to operator interpretation and
other measurement errors. Inspectors find
destructive methods impractical because
they require patching and may compro-
mise the coating system. With the arrival
of ultrasonic methods, however, many
FIGURE 1 applicators and inspectors have switched
to nondestructive inspection.

Ultrasonic Testing
Ultrasonic testing is not new to the
corrosion industry. Nondestructive test-
ing (NDT) with “corrosion” gauges per-
mits quick thickness measurement of
objects without requiring access to both
sides. NDT is commonly performed on
steel tanks and pressure vessels.
For coating measurement, however,
corrosion gauges are not ideal. The instru-
ments can approximate the depth of some
thick coatings and linings, but they do
not have sufficient sensitivity to measure
Ultrasonic coating thickness gauges for single and multilayer applications. paint, lacquer, and other corrosion-inhib-
iting materials.

The first hand-held instrument de-

signed specifically for coating thickness
appeared on the market 10 years ago. Al-
though the instrument is now into its
third generation, the basic operating prin-
ciples remain the same. It uses a single-
element transducer and advanced nu-
merical techniques to filter and enhance
digitized echoes. Today’s hand-held ul-
trasonic coating thickness gauges are
simple to operate, affordable, and reliable
(Figure 1).

How Ultrasonic Test Ultrasonic vibrations reflect off coating interfaces.

Instruments Work
The probe (transducer) sends an ultra-
sonic vibration into the coating with the FIGURE 3
assistance of couplant applied to the sur-
face. The vibration travels through the
coating until it encounters a material with
different mechanical properties—typi-
cally the substrate but perhaps a different
coating layer. The vibration, partially re-
flected at this interface, propagates back
to the transducer. Meanwhile, a portion
of the transmitted vibration continues to
travel beyond that interface and experi-
ences further reflections at any material
interfaces it encounters (Figure 2).
Because a potentially large number of
echoes could occur, the gauge is designed
to select the maximum or “loudest” echo
from which to calculate a thickness mea-
surement. Instruments that measure in-
dividual layers in a multi-layer application
also favor the loudest echoes. The user
simply enters the number of layers to
measure, say three, and the gauge mea-
sures the three loudest echoes. The gauge Two examples of how uneven some coating/substrate regions are.
ignores softer echoes from coating imper-
fections and substrate layers.
pleasing surface texture. Thick elasto- “plastic-like” protection. Penetrating fin-
meric coatings provide flexibility and ishes are absorbed into the wood and
Coating and Substrate long-lasting resistance to salt spray, harden to create a strong protective bar-
Interfaces chemical attack, and normal weathering. rier that will not flake off.
Coatings over nonmetal substrates They bridge hairline cracks and continue A factor influencing the accuracy and
serve a variety of functions. Some coat- to expand and contract during their ser- repeatability of ultrasonic measurement
ings are designed to restore, protect, wa- vice life. On wood, appearance often is how the coating and substrate interface
terproof, and beautify structures con- plays a major factor. Some wood coatings with one another. Figure 3 shows two
structed of wood, masonry, or concrete. minimize the rate and range of changes examples of coated concrete. These pho-
Others are specifically formulated to fill in the wood’s moisture content. Others, tos, taken at higher resolution than most
pores and surface defects in masonry or like solventless polyurethane (PU), pro- field destructive tests are capable of,
concrete and to provide an aesthetically vide a tough, flexible impact-resistant clearly show the boundary between coat-

This instrument measures the individual layers in a multilayer system. In this example, layer 1 is 1.2 mils (30 µm) thick. Layer 2 is 4.4 mils (112 µm)
thick. Layer 3 is 2.5 mils (64 mm) thick. Total thickness is 8.1 mils (206 µm). The graphical LCD displays three “peaks” representing three material

ing and substrate. The coating may look flooring, and musical instrument manu- sonic coating thickness gauges usually
smooth on top, but thickness may be in- facturers often apply several layers of require no adjustment to their factory
consistent. Masonry substrates often are lacquer or similar finishing materials to calibration settings.
porous, with varying degrees of surface properly fill the wood. Some processes To ensure optimum accuracy, howev-
roughness. Such porosity and roughness require the ability to identify the thickness er—especially when measuring a coating
may promote adhesion, but they increase of individual layers (or series of layers). for the first time—a known thickness of
the difficulty of attaining repeatable thick- When applied at the wrong thickness, the that coating is measured ultrasonically.
ness measurements. coating layer that beautifies and protects Methods of first obtaining this known
Ultrasonic gauges are designed to aver- a high-quality guitar, for example, can thickness value include removing the
age small irregularities to produce a mean- easily detract from its sound. Too much coating and measuring with a micrometer,
ingful result. On particularly rough sur- coating can dampen the guitar’s acoustic cutting the coating and viewing the cut
faces or substrates where individual resonance; too little can have the reverse under magnification, or applying the
readings may not seem repeatable, com- effect. Quick, nondestructive measure- coating to a metal substrate and measur-
paring a series of averaged results often ments can be taken over the surface of a ing it with a magnetic or eddy current
provides acceptable repeatability. Docu- guitar to ensure a smooth, even coating gauge. The coating is then measured with
ments such as ASTM D61322 and SSPC- without disrupting the production pro- the ultrasonic gauge. If the result is not
PA 23 outline standard methods for this cess. Potential cost reductions include within tolerance of the known thickness,
measurement method and provide useful minimizing waste, minimizing rework the displayed value is adjusted to match
strategies for these situations. and repair, and eliminating the need to the thickness value obtained by other
If more detailed information about scrap guitars to perform destructive coat- means.
this coating/substrate interface region is ing thickness measurements.
desired, ultrasonic instruments with a Applications
graphical liquid crystal display (LCD) Measurement Accuracy One can now take quick, nondestruc-
(Figure 4) illustrate substrate roughness The accuracy of any ultrasonic mea- tive thickness measurements on materials
by displaying wide “peaks” when the sub- surement directly corresponds to the that previously required destructive test-
strate is rough and a narrow “peak” when sound velocity of the material being mea- ing or lab analysis. Such applications in-
it is smooth. An LCD is useful when mea- sured. Sound travels slower through paint clude:
suring a coating system with an unknown than it does through metal. Because ul- • Urethanes, lacquers, and two-com-
number of layers. In the hands of a skilledtrasonic instruments measure the transit ponent PUs on wood and wood prod-
operator, the display presents interface time of an ultrasonic pulse, they must be ucts
information about bond strength and calibrated for the “speed of sound” of that • Paint on gypsum board (dry wall)
material densities. particular material. • Multilayer coatings on automotive
From a practical standpoint, sound plastic
Uses on Wood velocity values do not vary greatly among • Coatings on carbon fiber composites
Ultrasonic testing has brought distinct the coating and lining materials used in • Conformal coatings on fiberglass
benefits to the wood industry. Furniture, the corrosion industry. Therefore, ultra- printed circuit boards
• Latex paints, acrylics, lacquers, ure- instruments are affordable, reliable, and
thanes, epoxies, and polyester resins on simple to operate.
masonry substrates including stone,
brick, tile, concrete, asbestos-cement References
board, renderings, and plasterboard 1. ASTM D4138, “Standard Test Methods for Mea-
• Other homogeneous coatings on surement of Dry Film Thickness of Protective Coating
Systems by Destructive Means” (West Conshohocken,
nonmetal substrates. PA: ASTM, 2001).
Testing can be done without signifi- 2. ASTM D6132, “Standard Test Method for Nonde-
cantly disrupting the production process. structive Measurement of Dry Film Thickness of Applied
Organic Coatings Using an Ultrasonic Gage” (West Con-
Potential cost reductions include: shohocken, PA: ASTM, 2004).
• Minimizing waste from overcoating 3. SSPC-PA 2, “Measurement of Dry Coating
by controlling the thickness of the Thickness with Magnetic Gages” (Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC,
coating or lining being applied
• Minimizing rework and repair DAVID BEAMISH is General Manager of
through direct feedback to the opera- DeFelsko Corp., 802 Proctor Ave., PO Box 676,
tor and improved process control Ogdensburg, NY 13669. The company manu-
• Eliminating the need to destroy or factures hand-held coating test instruments
sold worldwide. Beamish has a degree in civil
repair objects by taking destructive engineering and has more than 16 years’ expe-
coating thickness measurements. rience in the design, manufacture, and market-
ing of these testing instruments in a variety
Summary of international industries including industrial
painting, quality inspection, and manufacturing.
Ultrasonic coating thickness measure- He conducts training seminars and is an active
ment has become an accepted and reliable member of various organizations, including
testing method in many industries. These NACE, SSPC, ASTM, and ISO.


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