20160215042419-Ki Stahlsortenvergleich Rev0 e
20160215042419-Ki Stahlsortenvergleich Rev0 e
20160215042419-Ki Stahlsortenvergleich Rev0 e
In addition to the susceptibility of specific FBE formulations As long as thickness has not been substantially reduced,
to UV attack, the degree of chalking also depends on weathering appears to have only minimal effects on the
direct exposure to UV, the intensity and duration of the performance of FBE coatings. One published study of pipe
UV radiation, and the availability of water on the coating coated in the US and installed in the Middle East showed
surface 1. A pipe stored above ground experiences the no significant reduction in either flexibility or short-term
most chalking on the top (12 o’clock position), less on the cathodic disbondment tests (65°C, 3% NaCl, and 48 hour
sides (3 and 9 o’clock positions) and little or none on the duration) after 3 years in a stockpile11. The Cetiner study,
bottom (6 o’clock position). Since the degree of chalking is which evaluated pipe that had been stored for approximately
dependant on the intensity and duration of the UV radiation one year, showed no measurable reduction in performance
and the presence of moisture, it is not surprising that in either the 48-hour cathodic disbondment test or hot
variations in the degree of chalking observed in the field water adhesion tests. There was however a measurable
appear to be geographic-location specific. reduction in flexibility as measured by the CSA FBE flexibility
test method at -30°C12. Based on this work, Cetiner and
Effects of Chalking on coworkers recommended that pipe stored for longer than
Coating Performance one year should be protected from UV radiation.
The chalking process is polymer degradation and thus
thickness loss is an obvious concern. Thickness loss is Again, it is important to keep in mind that the rate of
caused by alternate chalking and removal of this loose chalking/thickness loss can vary considerably and is
surface material by wind, rain, tidal splash or blowing dependant on the susceptibility of the specific FBE
particulate. The rate of thickness loss depends on the rate formulation to UV attack, the intensity and duration of the UV
of removal of the protective layer as well as the factors that exposure, the availability of moisture, as well as the rate at
determine the degree of chalking reviewed in the previous which the protective chalk layer is removed.
section. Field experience suggests that there is considerable
variance in the rate of thickness loss which tends to relate to
Common Industry Solutions
Many different methods have been used throughout the
location/geography. The chalking process takes some time
industry to protect coated pipe from UV radiation. As a
to get started. One study reported a thickness reduction
preventative measure, many applicators apply additional
in the 12 o’clock position of about 20 μm (3/4 mil) after
coating thickness at the time the FBE coating is applied in
approximately a year of storage in northern US and southern
order to compensate for any thickness loss that may occur
Canada10. Historical observation suggests that measurable
during the time between when the pipe is coated and when
thickness loss typically begins within 9 to 18 months1. Once
the pipe is actually installed. The typical procedure in most
started, the typical rate of loss is in the range of 10 to 40 μm
cases is to provide a barrier between the sun and the coated
(0.375 to 1.5 mil) per year.
pipe. The barrier could include any of the following:
Important Notice
All statements, technical information, and recommendations related to 3M’s products are based on information believed to be reliable, but the accuracy or completeness is
not guaranteed. Before using this product, you must evaluate it and determine if it is suitable for your intended application. You assume all risks and liability associated with
such use. Any statements related to the product which are not contained in 3M’s current publications, or any contrary statements contained on your purchase order shall
have no force or effect unless expressly agreed upon, in writing, by an authorized officer of 3M.
Corrosion Protection Products Division