Estimation of The Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction Motors by Laboratory Test
Estimation of The Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction Motors by Laboratory Test
Estimation of The Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction Motors by Laboratory Test
Estimation of the Equivalent Circuit Parameters of Induction
Motors by Laboratory Test
Moshe Averbukh * and Efim Lockshin
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Ariel University, Ariel 44837, Israel;
[email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]; Tel.: +972‐528‐814‐120
Abstract: The determination of equivalent circuit parameters for AC induction motors represents
an important task in an electrical machine laboratory. Frequently used open‐circuit and short cur‐
rent tests answer these requirements. However, the results have a low accuracy. This becomes es‐
pecially obvious when the equivalent circuit is applied for the motor current and power prediction.
The main obstacles in this circumstance lie in the difficulty of providing a pristine open‐circuit test,
the lack of which causes errors in parameter estimation. A much more accurate approach can be
carried out with a test including several output points with measurements of the motor torque, ve‐
locity, current, and power magnitudes. Nevertheless, a relatively simple and accurate method to
ensure determining parameters for such tests does not exist. This article tries to provide such a
method by an approach based on Kloss’s simplified equation and the Thevenin theorem. The sig‐
nificant novelty of the method is the specially selected synergetic interaction between the analytical
and numerical approaches, which give a relatively simple algorithm with a good accuracy and a
convergence of the parameters’ estimation.
Keywords: AC induction motor; equivalent circuit parameters estimation; Thevenin theorem
Citation: Averbukh, M.; Lockshin, E.
Estimation of the Equivalent Circuit
Parameters of Induction Motors by
1. Introduction
Laboratory Test. Machines 2021, 9,
AC induction motors, owing to their compactness, high reliability, and low costs, are
machines9120340 found in a large number of industrial machines. The use of these motors continues to be‐
come increasingly widespread due to the availability and decreasing cost of variable fre‐
Academic Editor: Dan Zhang quency drives (VFD), emphasizing the superiority of asynchronous electrical motors over
other types. Therefore, the requirements for selecting optimal AC motors need greater
Received: 19 November 2021 attention. The optimal choice of AC motor can be effectively carried out by the equivalent
Accepted: 7 December 2021 circuit that can ensure estimation of motor output characteristics in a wide range of con‐
Published: 8 December 2021 ditions. The determination of AC induction motor equivalent circuit parameters repre‐
sents one of the important laboratory tasks both in the study of electrical machines in
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neu‐
academic courses of electrical machines and drives [1], and industrial applications [2–4].
tral with regard to jurisdictional
There are three major groups of methods for the estimation of AC induction motor
claims in published maps and insti‐
parameters [5–11]. The first one includes software programs such as ETAP [5], numerous
tutional affiliations.
methods based on a simplified circuit algorithm [6], nameplate data [7], and manufactur‐
ers’ datasheets [8–11]. The application of these methods, both for students and technicians
in a production laboratory, is problematic. This is due to difficulties and complications in
Copyright: © 2021 by the authors. Li‐
the use of special software and the high cost of these programs. An additional obstacle to
censee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
using special software and methods in the educational laboratory, described in [5–11], is
This article is an open access article the advanced age of the electrical machines used in such study and the fact that they have
distributed under the terms and con‐ no fully rated data.
ditions of the Creative Commons At‐ The second group of methods of assessing equivalent AC motor parameters is rep‐
tribution (CC BY) license (http://crea‐ resented by different experimental techniques [12–18]. Wang et al. [12] suggested a non‐ linear least‐squares approach for the identification of equivalent circuit parameters.
Machines 2021, 9, 340.
Machines 2021, 9, 340 2 of 13
Yamamoto et al. [13] used no‐load and locked‐rotor tests with a simple procedure to de‐
termine equivalent circuit parameters of an induction double‐cage rotor motor. An esti‐
mation of equivalent circuit parameters of an induction motor from load data was pro‐
posed by Bhowmick et al. [14]. De Silva used linear graphs and the Thevenin–Norton cir‐
cuits theorem for an analysis of electro‐mechanical systems including induction motors
[15]. Daut et al. [16] assessed specific 0.5 HP motor equivalent parameters based on a load
factor test. The searching procedure established on stochastic principles of particle swarm
optimization for finding AC motor equivalent circuits was proposed by Sakthivel et al. in
[17] and by Nikranajbar et al. in [18].
It is worth mentioning the analytical formulations and methods for AC motor pa‐
rameter identifications. Among them is the Kloss formula, which simplifies the definition
of the torque vs motor velocity slip [19–21]. Panovko and Shokhin used Kloss expression
for the analysis of the AC induction motor in a vibrating machine [19]. Mihăilescu and
Galan applied the Kloss rule for the assessment of output parameters and performances
of a three‐phase induction motor fed by a vector control [20]. Andersson et al. used Kloss
formulation for selecting the appropriate AC motor in the design of aircraft actuation sys‐
tems [21].
The third group of approaches to determining the parameters and functionality of an
AC asynchronous motor uses the application of the Thevenin theorem [22–24]. Haque
used the Thevenin circuit for the determination of the parameters of NEMA induction
motors with manufacturer datasheets [22]. Abidin and Adam employed a Thevenin dia‐
gram for the design of the AC motor prototype [23]. Mohammadi and Akhavan used a
three‐phase motor hybrid approach combining the Thevenin theorem with a genetic al‐
gorithm and particle swarm optimization for a parameter estimation [24].
The literature review provides several effective and rather accurate examples of the
estimation of AC motor equivalent circuit parameters based on dissimilar methods. How‐
ever, for the education or production laboratory in the manufacturing facilities of electri‐
cal machines, they are not exactly applicable, as they are either unnecessarily complex or
expensive. The method for parameter finding should be rather simple but sufficiently ac‐
curate in providing the results of AC motor testing.
This article proposes an original approach based on the data of motor loading, the
Kloss equation, and the Thevenin circuit. This method provides a simplified technique for
experimental testing that ensures accurate results for those who carry out this work. The
article includes the following sections. A methodology section represents the definition of
output parameters of induction motors by a T‐equivalent circuit, Thevenin simplification
of the equivalent circuit, and Kloss‐formulation‐related maximum achievable motor
torque, as well as a critical slip with results of motor loading. In addition, the methodology
section provides the foundation of an equivalent circuit estimation based on the synergetic
cooperation of the developed analytical and numerical methods. Furthermore, the meth‐
odology section describes the definition of two important motor parameters—τmax and
sK—based on measured torque–velocity points during motor loading. The results section
shows the experimental laboratory setup that was used for the verification of the proposed
approach, as well as the confidence of this method’s application based on the comparison
of the theoretical output motor performance and motor current with measured parame‐
ters. The last sections summarize the results of the work that was done in the study.
2. Methodology
2.1. AC Induction Motor and Output Parameters Defined by an Equivalent T‐Circuit
The functionality of AC induction motors is described in different ways. The dynamic
formulation of the electromechanical processes during electromagnetic interactions be‐
tween motor windings was found by Kraus et al. [25] and Leonhard [26]. This methodol‐
ogy ensures the most accurate results of dynamic processes. However, its application is
problematic for students and technicians in manufacturers’ facilities, as it requires a
Machines 2021, 9, 340 3 of 13
profound knowledge of mathematics and high technical ability to operate complex soft‐
ware programs.
Another way of describing an AC machine, known as the energy analysis approach,
is based on the analysis of the energy flows diagram of an electric machine. This method,
described by Chapman [27], gives satisfactory and quite precise results for the steady‐
state mode of electrical machines’ functionality. The major representative of the energy
approach is an equivalent motor circuit, different variations of which were presented by
Toliyat and Kliman [28]. Among them, the most useful is the T‐circuit (Figure 1). We
adopted this diagram for our investigation because it can be used for the verification of
all AC input and output characteristics in a steady‐state mode.
Figure 1. T‐type equivalent circuit of an AC induction motor.
The equivalent circuit is related to one phase of a motor and includes connections
between: R1, R2; the equivalent resistances of a stator and rotor circuits, X1, X2; the reac‐
tance of leakage flux in stator and rotor magnetic circuits, and Xm; the reactance of the
magnetizing flux. The equivalent circuit allows the calculation of the main motor input–
output parameters—such as the input current, power, power factor (cos φ), output power,
and output characteristic—as the function of rotation the velocity vs. motor torque as fol‐
lows. The magnitudes of the input parameters are:
jX m 2 jX 2
U ph s R jX jX m R2 jX 2 s
I in ph ; Z in R1 jX 1
R2 R2 js X m X 2
1 1
Z in j Xm X2
s (1)
Pin 3 I in ph U ph cos
cos cos arg Zin
The estimation of the output parameters is rather complicated with the T‐circuit hav‐
ing two serial–parallel branches. Nevertheless, the complexity of the calculations can be
eliminated by applying the Thevenin approach. As a result, a simpler Thevenin‐equiva‐
lent circuit of the AC motor can be obtained, as shown in Figure 2.
Machines 2021, 9, 340 4 of 13
Figure 2. Thevenin one‐phase equivalent circuit for an AC motor.
The Thevenin voltage, resistance, and reactance are calculated as per Chapman [27]:
U Th ; (2)
X m X1
RTh R1 R1 ;
m X 1
X Th X 1 (4)
Thevenin’s approach, along with the motor output characteristic, allows the determination
of the maximum torque τmax (5) and a critical slip sK (6):
3 U Th2
2 S (5)
max ;
RTh RTh2 X Th X 2
sK ; (6)
RTh2 X Th X 2
It is worth pointing out that those Equations (5,6) form an algebraic system of equations,
the solution to which provides a basis for finding the parameters RTh, R2, XTh, and X2. How‐
ever, these equations can be solved only if the τmax and sK are known. To find τmax and sK,
we used the Kloss expression relating the motor torque and motor velocity so:
m 2
max s sK
sK s
The Kloss formulation can be applied to the assessment of τmax and sK by fitting them
with an LMS procedure to a set of operating points obtained from experimental measure‐
The precision of the motor output characteristic by a Kloss formula is relatively high
(the discrepancy between theoretical and real characteristics is less than 1–2%) in the range
where torque is changing from zero to a maximum value. The accuracy of the motor de‐
scription by a Kloss expression is lower when the slip s is changing from sK toward smax
(smax = 1). However, this does not lessen the accuracy of the assessment of τmax and sK, as
the fitting is carried out during the first interval of the motor characteristic beginning at
zero and increasing to maximum torque.
Machines 2021, 9, 340 5 of 13
To facilitate the solution of (5,6), the parameters RTh, R2, XTh, and X2 were combined
into dimensionless variables α and β as follows:
3 U Th2 3 U Th2
2 S R2 2 S R2
max ; (8)
R X X2
2 2
Th Th
R2 R2 R2
sK (9)
2.2. Foundation
The proposed method uses a set of operating points obtained through a motor load‐
ing diagram. For the demonstration of the method, the set of output points of the loading
diagram are represented in Table 1. The submitted method is explained by the algorithm
in Figure 3. In the first step, the measured points of motor loading are approximated using
the Kloss Formula (7) by a least‐mean‐square (LMS). This results in magnitudes of τmax
and sK. Then, the probing Thevenin voltage magnitude is assigned to calculate dimension‐
less coefficients α and β. The probing Thevenin voltages are determined by consistently
increasing the value of the coefficient γ. Its value is selected from sequentially ascending
magnitudes laying in between a relatively narrow range from 0.85–0.87 to 0.97–0.99. The
increment of the γ coefficient is chosen as per the accuracy requirements, and, as usual, it
would not be less than 0.005–0.01. Therefore, the number of probing points remains rela‐
tively small, ensuring a short calculation time. Once selected, the coefficient γ defines the
sequential magnitude of UTh (2) that allows the solution of the combined Equations (5),
(6), and (7):
3 U Th2 1
; (10)
2 S max R2 sK
2 2 (11)
Table 1. Results of the AC motor measurement during loading.
n 1 2 3 … N
(τm)n, Nm τ1 τ2 τ3 … τn
(ωm)n,rad/s ω1 ω2 ω3 … ωn
(Iin)n, A (Iin)1 (Iin)2 (Iin)3 … (Iin)n
(Pin)n, W (Pin)1 (Pin)2 (Pin)3 … (Pin)n
(cos φ)n (cos φ)1 (cos φ)2 (cos φ)3 … (cos φ)n
Machines 2021, 9, 340 6 of 13
Figure 3. Algorithm of the equivalent circuit estimation.
The p.u. values of α and β after the solution are expressed in terms of the variable R2.
In Equations (10) and (11), the Thevenin voltage UTh has been defined by the coefficient γ;
the synchronous speed ωS is given by the motor template; whereas τmax and sK have been
assessed previously.
Therefore, assigning an arbitrarily chosen value of R2 in Equation (9) allows the cal‐
culation of coefficients α and β from Equations (10) and (11). Being assessed coefficients,
α and β allow the calculation of all circuit parameters. An essential point contributing to
an increase in the accuracy and speed of a solution is the narrow range of possible R2
values, which can be significantly limited by the following considerations. The feasible
range of resistance R2 is restricted, as the solution of α and β must be positive and larger
than 1. Thus:
3 U Th 2
1 1.5U Th2
1 R2 max ;
2 S max R2 s K 1 (12)
S max 1
For β:
Machines 2021, 9, 340 7 of 13
1 1.5UTh2
2 2 1 R2 min ;
sK2 1 1 (13)
S max 2 1
sK sK
Equations (12) and (13) define the upper and lower limits of R2, between which it
provides feasible values of other parameters. The feasible span is relatively narrow, en‐
suring a relatively small number of probing points for the calculation of equivalent circuit
parameters. This circumstance increases the accuracy of the method and the convergence
stability of the solution. It is worth noting that for any value of R2 solving Equations (12)
and (13), the motor characteristic curve passes exactly through two important points: (0,
0) and (τmax, sK). This, together with the motor characteristic pattern, ensures the closeness
of real and theoretical curves between 0–sK values. However, this is not enough for the
determination of all circuit parameters, as the closeness of mechanical curves does not
guarantee the coincidence of the theoretical and real motor currents.
Thus, in the next step, the optimal selection of R2 ensures the alignment of the theo‐
retical and real motor currents. It is worth remembering that, once being chosen, R2 pro‐
vides the basis for the calculation of dimensionless coefficients α and β and, therefore, all
parameters (R1, R2, X1, X2, and Xm) of an equivalent circuit. The optimal R2 magnitude is
chosen from a restricted range of allowable values (12)–(13) by a sequential procedure aim‐
ing to obtain a maximal closeness between the theoretical and real motor currents. Differ‐
ent indicators may be chosen for the assessment of the closeness (coincidence) between the
theoretical and real currents. The minimal sum of squares of deviations (LMS) between the
theoretical curve and experimentally measured current values was selected as an indicator
of a coincidence. Obviously, for each arbitrarily chosen UTh the closeness of the experi‐
mental current to its theoretical prediction was different.
As the optimal UTh, the value that ensures the best coincidence between theoretical
and real currents should be chosen. It is worth noting that the Thevenin voltage is defined
by the value of the coefficient γ (2). Therefore, selecting the coefficient γ arbitrarily pro‐
vides the best R2 magnitudes and thus defines all equivalent motor parameters. The result
of assigning γ sequentially (within its feasible range 0.9–0.99) is the set of the criterion
(LMS) values defining the closeness between theoretical and real currents. The global min‐
imum of this criterion determines the global optimal R2 value and hence all equivalent
parameters of the equivalent circuit.
Owing to the procedure mentioned above, the algorithm of equivalent circuit param‐
eters finding has been established (Figure 3).
The algorithm begins with the determination of τmax and sK by the Kloss formalization.
Then, for each magnitude of coefficient γ, the optimal R2 value is chosen. In the end, the
optimal pair of γ (UTh) and R2 is determined, and all equivalent circuit parameters are
calculated following the algorithm’s sequence.
The estimation of τmax and sK due to the obtained measured loading points (see Table
1) of a motor characteristic should be evaluated by the Kloss expression with the use of
the LMS approach. The following is represented in Table 1. The first row consists of a
sequential number of tests—n. The second row includes the measured motor torque (τm)n
in each test. The third row includes the measured motor velocities (ωm)n. The fourth shows
the motor currents (Iin)n. The fifth shows the input power (Pin)n. The sixth and last row
shows the measured power factors (cos φ)n.
This task of τmax and sK is not trivial, as the Kloss equation is not linear, and the appli‐
cation of LMS requires rigorous mathematical development. Therefore, this procedure is
discussed in detail in the following section.
2.3. Matching a Kloss Formula to the Measured Data of Motor Loading
The LMS protocol assumes the minimum of summarized squared deviations be‐
tween theoretical and measured data (Equation (7)). Therefore, the assessment of param‐
eters τmax and sK is ensured by the minimum of the sum that is stated for the set of
Machines 2021, 9, 340 8 of 13
experimental data (Table 1) by Equation (14). This procedure of finding τmax and sK should
be the first priority.
2 max
Z i MIN (14)
i 1
si sK
sK si
The solution of Equation (14), requiring the minimization of the sum of squares of
deviations, is obtained by equalizing the partial derivatives of Z for τmax and sK to zero. The
result of the differentiation is as follows:
dZ 2 max 1
i 0
max i 1
si sK si sK
sK si sK si
2 1 si
2 max
si sK 0
sK s s
i 1
K si sK
sK si s
K si
The transformation of these expressions causes the algebraic fifth‐order equation to
be impossible for an analytical solution. However, the absolute minimum of Equation (14)
in terms of τmax and sK exists, which can be demonstrated, for example, by Figure 4. An
analysis of Equation (14) shows the presence of one global minimum.
Figure 4. 3‐D graph of the summarized error between real AC motor data and their approximation
by the Kloss formula with different values of the maximum torque τmax and critical slip sK.
Considering only one minimum value of the maximum motor torque τmax and critical
slip sK, the minimum of Equation (14) can be obtained by the numerical approach rela‐
tively simply. The developed scanning routine (MATLAB) searches τmax and sK values
within their feasible ranges and can find these values with any required precision.
3. Results
3.1. Validation of the Submitted Approach
The validation of the submitted method was carried out in an electrical machine la‐
boratory. The testbench for the experiments and measurements is shown in Figure 5a,b.
Machines 2021, 9, 340 9 of 13
AC motor: stator windings
Controllable U1 V1 W1
Indicator T, ω
U2 V2 W2
A, V, W
(a) Experimental testbench (b) The scheme of the experimental setup
Figure 5. The testbench (a) for the experiments on AC motor characterization and the electrical scheme of the setup (b).
The testbench included a 3ph AC motor with the number of poles P = 4 (synchronous
speed nsynch = 1500 rpm), a stator winding connection delta (D), (Uph)nom = 400V, f = 50 Hz,
Pnom = 1000 W, and Inom = 1.8 A. The AC motor was fed by a 3ph variac for the control motor
supply. The motor was attached to a controllable braking unit capable of applying a load
torque in a wide range (0–20 Nm) and equipped with torque and rotation speed indica‐
tors. VoltAmperWatt meters were connected in the scheme for the measurement and reg‐
istration of the input current, voltage, active power, and cos (φ) during experiments. The
accuracy of the measurements of the motor torque was less than േ3%, the rotation veloc‐
ity was less than േ0.5%, and other electrical parameters were not less than 0.4%. During
experiments, the AC motor was loaded increasingly from the minimum up to the maxi‐
mum allowable torque, and the measured parameters were recorded.
3.2. Representation of the Approach
To apply the submitted approach, the loading motor test with the measurement of
input–output parameters (Uph, Iph, Pin, cos φ, nm, and τm) should be carried out first. The
maximum torque τmax and critical slip sK values should be evaluated in the next step based
on a measured array of nm and τm. Finding parameters τmax and the slip sK ensures in prin‐
ciple the closeness of the theoretical output motor characteristic (nm = Φ(τm)) to measured
points and the is basis for the estimation of all circuit parameters. It is done with the nu‐
merical approach that is facilitated by the theoretical analysis provided by the Thevenin
circuit. The variable γ is chosen arbitrarily from within its practicably valid range. Imme‐
diately after the selection of coefficient γ, the feasible limits of a resistance R2 are deter‐
mined, between which additional probing and scanning is carried out. The definite set of
other circuit parameters for each R2 value is then obtained as described in the methodol‐
ogy section. It is worth mentioning that the set of equivalent parameters determines the
theoretical motor current function vs. the motor torque that can be compared with the
measurement data with the assessing of the cost function value for this current curve.
Arbitrary scanning of the 2‐D space of coefficient γ and R2 finds their most applicable
magnitudes, providing the best matching of a theoretical motor current to its measured
values. The abovementioned results of the laboratory measurements of a given AC motor
are represented in Table 2.
Machines 2021, 9, 340 10 of 13
Table 2. Results of the experimental AC motor testing.
Following the algorithm, the parameters of the maximum motor torque τmax and crit‐
ical slip sK were first estimated by a special MATLAB routine, providing the matching of
the Kloss formula to the operating points. These parameters, based on the results of Table
2, were obtained as τmax = 15.9 Nm and sK = 0.254 p.u. accordingly. The output characteristic
of this AC motor built with the Kloss formula and operating points of a motor is shown
in Figure 6. A relatively good coincidence between the theoretical characteristics and real
measurements can be observed: the discrepancy was less than 6%. Despite this discrep‐
ancy, which was relatively small, this method is good enough for most engineering appli‐
Relative motor velocity, 1-S
Figure 6. The AC motor characteristic described by the Kloss expression compared with the meas‐
ured points.
Further, following the algorithm flowchart, lower and upper limits for the R2 re‐
sistance are calculated considering the obtained τmax and sK for different UTh manifested in
terms of the coefficient γ (Equation (2)). The results of the calculations are represented in
Table 3.
Machines 2021, 9, 340 11 of 13
Table 3. Upper and lower limits of the resistance R2 for different Uth voltages.
γ, p.u. 0.99 0.98 0.97 0.96 0.95 0.94 0.93 0.92 0.91 0.90 0.89
Uth, V 396 392 388 384 380 376 372 368 364 360 356
(R2)min, Ω 12.15 11.91 11.67 11.43 11.19 10.95 10.72 10.49 10.27 10.04 9.82
(R2)max, Ω 19.06 18.68 18.30 17.92 17.55 17.19 16.82 16.46 16.11 15.75 15.41
Later, for each coefficient γ, the optimal R2 magnitude was chosen by a searching
numerical procedure inside a permissible range that is determined by Equations (10) and
(11). This optimal magnitude provides the minimal discrepancy between the theoretical
and real motor currents. During the search procedure for the changing γ, the series of
quantitative indicators formulated by the LMS approach and the definition of the discrep‐
ancy between the theoretical and real currents can be obtained. Therefore, as per the cost
function for the optimal selection of the dimensionless parameter γ and reduced resistance
R2 of the rotor circuit, the sum of squares of deviations of theoretical and real motor cur‐
rent was chosen. The smallest of these sums determine the optimal magnitude of a coeffi‐
cient γ and resistance R2. The selected optimal parameters of γ and R2 allow the assess‐
ment of the most appropriate value Uth and then all the missing additional parameters of
the equivalent circuit: R1, X1, X2, and Xm. The determination of equivalent parameters that
provide the minimum of the discrepancy between the theoretical and real currents en‐
sures the additional exactness of the approach presented in this paper.
Special MATLAB software was developed for finding the equivalent circuit parame‐
ters based on the proposed algorithm. The results of the software application were as fol‐
lows: R1 = 20.35 Ω; R2 = 15.92 Ω; X1 = X2 = 30.18 Ω; and Xm = 335.3 Ω. An analysis of the
obtained results demonstrates a coincidence of output characteristics of 98–99%. The av‐
erage square root deviation for a motor theoretical current is about 11%. The graph of the
measured phase motor current and its theoretical assessment is represented in graph Fig‐
ure 7.
Motor one phase current, A
Figure 7. Measured phase motor current (blue dots) and its theoretical assessment.
The deviation between the theoretical and measured currents was not significant.
Therefore, our method of finding the parameters of the AC motor equivalent circuit can
be applied effectively to various applications of electrical machines and drives.
4. Discussion
The task of determining an equivalent AC motor circuit is not trivial and represents
a significant mathematical challenge due to the requirements for obtaining an accurate
Machines 2021, 9, 340 12 of 13
and stable solution. The relatively accurate and stable solution of an equivalent T‐circuit
of an AC induction motor can be reached with the application of the analytical searching
procedure, leading to the decisive algorithm is presented in the article. The first part of
the algorithm is based on the use of the Thevenin theorem and Kloss formula. They rep‐
resent the analytical fragment of the algorithm that can provide some of the parameters.
The additional part of the algorithm is based on the numerical search procedure providing
other missing equivalent parameters.
The algorithm was implemented by specially developed MATLAB software. It is
based on the experimentally obtained data: the rotation velocity, torque, and current. The
method described in the article suggests a relatively simple approach to finding the pa‐
rameters of the T‐equivalent circuit of an AC induction motor. The application of the sub‐
mitted MATLAB software significantly improves the accuracy of the assessment and in‐
creases the solution’s stability. The relative error of output motor characteristics was 11%.
The error in the motor current estimation remained between 0 and 11%.
This method can be carried out using the standard equipment of an electrical ma‐
chine laboratory with the use of MATLAB programming software. The method in this
article is particularly relevant to electrical machines and electrical drives courses and other
engineering applications, as it can provide high‐quality results.
5. Conclusions
The solution to the assessment of T‐equivalent circuit parameters of an induction mo‐
tor can be effectively based on the successfully found combination of analytical and nu‐
merical approaches. Such a finding represents the significant novelty of the method as
ensuring a fast convergence and high accuracy of the parameters’ estimation.
As per the analytical solution, the Thevenin theorem with a Kloss formulation in di‐
mensionless terms was applied to provide a rigorous definition of the output circuit pa‐
rameters. The analytical part of the solution diminishes the probing space of a numerical
search for supplementary circuit parameters and increases the stability of the finding
The main idea of the method can be applied further to the more complicated equiv‐
alent circuit of AC induction motors.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, M.A.; methodology, M.A. and E.L.; software, M.A.; val‐
idation, E.L.; formal analysis; investigation, E.L.; writing—original draft preparation, M.A.; writ‐
ing—review and editing, M.A.; visualization, E.L. All authors have agreed to the final version of the
manuscript. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable.
Data Availability Statement: Not applicable.
Acknowledgments: The authors wish to acknowledge the technical support of engineer Arieh
Shochat in carrying out laboratory experiments and measurements and Judy Frank for the help in
language editing and improvements.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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