1 s2.0 S0196890414008711 Main
1 s2.0 S0196890414008711 Main
1 s2.0 S0196890414008711 Main
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Optimal planning of energy systems greatly relies upon the models utilized for system components. In
Received 3 April 2014 this paper, a thorough modeling framework for photovoltaic (PV) power plants is developed for applica-
Accepted 27 September 2014 tion to operation and planning studies. The model is a precise and flexible one that reflects all the effec-
Available online 28 October 2014
tive environmental and weather parameters on the performance of PV module and inverter, as the main
components of a PV power plant. These parameters are surface radiation, ambient temperature and wind
Keywords: speed. The presented model can be used to estimate the plant’s output energy for any time period and
Photovoltaic power plant
operating condition. Using a simple iterative process, the presented method demonstrates fast and accu-
rate convergence by merely using the limited information provided by manufacturers. The results
PV module modeling obtained by the model are verified by the results of System Advisor Model (SAM) and RETScreen in var-
ious operational scenarios. Furthermore, comparison of the simulation results with a real power plant
outputs and the comparative statistical error analysis confirm that our calculation procedure merits over
SAM and RETScreen, as modern and popular commercial PV simulation tools.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction PV modules form the main part of PV power plants. The model
used for PV modules has a substantial influence on the calculation
For years, conventional power plants relying on fossil fuels have of output energy and requires a great deal of investigation [3]. Sev-
been the main source of energy to supply the world’s electricity eral models have been pointed out for the PV modules that are
demand. The environmental concerns regarding carbon emissions known as performance models. The simplest one is the efficiency
of fossil fuels persuade governments to extend the utilization of model that just uses the product of module efficiency and the solar
renewable energy resources, such as wind and solar energy [1]. irradiation to calculate the output energy of the module [4]. It is
Solar energy offers some fascinating features that merits over obvious that this model cannot provide enough accuracy because
other energy resources. The sunlight is ubiquitous and can be of its substantial simplification assumptions [5,6]. Another model
directly converted to electricity by photovoltaic (PV) cells. This is the algebraic model [7]. Although this model is more accurate
technology has many advantages such as absence of moving parts, than the efficiency model, it requires a lot of information not pro-
low maintenance cost, no noise emission, and simple operation vided in manufacturer’s datasheets [6]. The third commonly used
[2]. On the other hand, the drawbacks of the PV system are the high model is the five-parameter model [6,8]. In this model, the PV
initial investment cost and low efficiency of the solar cells. Further- module is characterized by an equivalent circuit with five param-
more, the PV output energy highly depends on solar insolation and eters specifying the circuit components. The output energy can
ambient temperature. Considering fluctuations of the PV output be calculated based on a simple numerical circuit analysis and this
power by variation of the weather conditions, accurate prediction method leads to more accurate results [8–12].
of the output power is a challenging problem. The estimation of out- Several algorithms have been reported for deriving the five
put power is crucial in economic and technical planning of PV sys- parameters model based on the basic information provided in
tems, such as optimal sizing, placement and optimal power manufacturer’s datasheet (i.e. three current–voltage pairs of PV
management of single or hybrid PV-integrated energy systems [3,4]. module at Standard Rating Condition (SRC)). In [9,10], Genetic
Algorithm (GA) is implemented to obtain the parameters of the
PV module but this algorithm uses a complex procedure and needs
⇑ Corresponding and co-first author. large amount of experimental data [13]. A similar method
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Abedi). based on Differential Evolutionary (DE) optimization algorithm is
0196-8904/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
498 R. Navabi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 89 (2015) 497–506
introduced in [14]. This method also suffers from unnecessary tools have been developed and utilized. Modeling of the current–
repetitive calculations to obtain the parameters at all operating voltage curve of a photovoltaic (PV) module for outdoor conditions
points. However, in this paper, all the operating point values are has been discussed [21]. However, this model does not account for
determined just by simple modifications to the values calculated exact modeling of incidence solar irradiation. The simulation of a
at Standard Test Condition (STC). grid connected PV system is carried out using an already-devel-
As can be observed, most of these methods are rather compli- oped model, namely TRNSYS tool, and the outputs are compared
cated, usually need a large amount of experimental data, and suffer with measured data [22]. In that work, there is no original model-
from high computational burden [9,13]. Hence, resorting to simpli- ing improvements relative to the utilized software tool.
fying approaches such as decreasing the original model’s degree is This paper proposes a simple and fast method to determine the
sometimes inevitable to gain more simplicity by losing accordance overall PV plant parameters without any modification to the
with practical conditions. For instance, four or three-parameter model. The proposed algorithm is formulated based on the decom-
models can be mentioned [15]. A more effective solution is to position of the equation set into two parts which are solved sepa-
develop an algorithm which can produce accurate results for the rately by an efficient and simple iterative process. The presented
original model in a simple and fast procedure, and without using method demonstrates high accuracy and fast convergence in less
an extra mathematical solution method. than five iterations. Besides, the presented model offers a low com-
Besides the electrical model of PV module, incident solar irradi- plexity calculation procedure to describe the performance of the
ation and cell temperature are two key factors influencing the out- plant, eliminating the need to apply an external mathematical sol-
put energy. The use of sky models is necessary to determine the ver. Taking into account the surface radiation, ambient tempera-
effective incident radiation on the module surface. The total solar ture and wind speed, the model can accurately estimate the
insolation is comprised of two main components including beam plant’s output energy at any operating conditions based on limited
radiation and diffuse radiation. The simplest sky model is the iso- information provided in datasheets. The calculation results are
tropic model which assumes that the diffuse radiation is uniformly compared with two software tools, namely SAM and RETScreen,
distributed across the sky [16]. This model gives acceptable results as well as a real power plants output data. Results obtained by
for overcast skies but underestimates the radiation in clear skies. the presented calculation procedure show more accuracy com-
Two other models have been developed to overcome this problem, pared to the results of SAM and RETScreen, which use different
namely Hey-Davies model [17] and Reindl model [18]. In Hey- models.
Davies model, the circumsolar component of the diffuse radiation The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Sections 2–5
is added to the isotropic radiation to represent the overcast condi- describe the PV module model, surface radiation model (sky
tions. The Reindl model offers more precision by accounting for the model), cell temperature model and inverter model, respectively.
horizon brightening [18,19]. Therefore, Reindl model is chosen as The combination of these models to build up the PV plant model
the default sky model in this study. is illustrated in Section 6. Section 7 provides simulation results
The PV inverter is also another main component of a PV plant. and model verification, as well as error analysis considering
The role of the inverter model in calculation of the output energy measurement data from a real PV power plant.
is negligible [20]. The simplest model of PV inverter is the com-
monly-used efficiency model which estimates the AC output 2. PV module model
energy simply by multiplying the constant inverter efficiency by
the input energy. This model is naive and suffers from lack of accu- The equivalent circuit of PV module with respect to the five-
racy. The second model is the algebraic model which simulates the parameter model is depicted in Fig. 2 [23].
variable efficiency of the inverter under different energy and volt- The nonlinear output characteristic of the PV module at SRC,
age inputs. This model is simple and presents sufficient closeness where the insolation is 1000 W/m2 and the ambient temperature
to realistic conditions for consideration in planning problems. is 25 °C, is expressed by the following equation:
The overall model of the PV plant is obtained by putting
h VþIRs i V þ IR
together the models of sky, PV module and inverter. Fig. 1 depicts s
I ¼ I L Io e a 1 ð1Þ
the main components of PV power plant model for estimation of its Rsh
output power. Based on the obtained models, several simulation
where I, V, RS and RSH are the output current, output voltage, series
and parallel resistance of the PV module, respectively. IL is the
photocurrent of the solar module and I0 is the reverse saturation
Weather & Location Datasheet information current of the diode. a is the ideality factor of temperature, defined
information by:
Ns nkT c
Cell temperature a¼ ð2Þ
where q is the electric charge, K is the Boltzmann constant and n is
Electrical model an ideality factor of the diode in the equivalent circuit. The value of
Sky model Inverter
of module n is between 1 and 2. Tc is the module temperature in Celsius.
PV module model I
No. of modules and
inverters Rs
IL Io Ish Rsh V
As it can be seen, Rs, Rsh, I0, IL and a are the five characteristic Step (1), Initialization
parameters that describe the performance of the module. For the first iteration, initial values of the model parameters can
be chosen as:
2.1. Calculation of parameters at SRC
V mp
að0Þ ð12Þ
n V th
The five-parameter model must be determined at different
operating conditions based on the information provided by manu- bð0Þ ¼ 1 ð13Þ
facturers in the module’s datasheet. Usually, three current–voltage
pairs at SRC are used to calculate the parameters of the module: Rsh ð0Þ ¼ 1 ð14Þ
the short circuit current (Isc), the open circuit voltage (Voc) and
the current and voltage at the maximum power point of the PV In order to obtain an equation for n, it should be noted that in
output curve (Imp, Vmp). Based on these values, Eq. (1) can be the short circuit condition, the diode current can be neglected
rewritten at the three different operating points of the module to compared to the short circuit current. Therefore, Eq. (3) can be
obtain an equation set comprising of five equations, as follows: rewritten as:
h Isc Rs i I R Isc ðRs þ Rsh Þ
sc s
Isc ¼ IL Io e a 1 ð3Þ IL ð15Þ
Rsh Rsh
h i Io ¼ e a ð16Þ
V mp þImp Rs V mp þ Imp Rs Rsh
Imp ¼ IL Io e a 1 ð5Þ
Using Eqs. (15) and (16) in Eq. (1), n can be given by:
dðIVÞ V oc V MP IMP Rs
¼0 ð6Þ
dV mp n¼
Isc ðRs þRsh ÞV oc
V th Ln ðIsc I MP ÞðRs þR ÞV MP
dðIÞ 1 This equation shows that n is related to Rs, while Rs is unknown
¼ ð7Þ
dV sc Rsh in the first iteration. The initial value for the parameter is obtained
In the above equations, all of the parameters are expressed at as n(0) = min {n1(0), n2(0), n3(0)} [8], where:
SRC. Eq. (3) is derived from the short circuit condition, Eq. (4) is 8 V V V
> n ð0Þ ¼ oc mp th
written based on open circuit condition, Eq. (5) represents the > 1
> V th Ln I IIsc
> sc mp
equivalent circuit at maximum power point of the module, Eq. >
< V V
(6) is the derivative of the output power to yield the maximum n2 ð0Þ ¼ oc mp ð18Þ
power point, and the derivative of the current at short circuit con- >
> V th Ln V
V mp
> th
dition is related to Rsh by Eq. (7). These five equations must be >
: n ð0Þ ¼ ðIsc Imp ÞðV mp V th Þ
simultaneously solved to determine the parameters of the PV mod- 3 Isc V th
V oc V mp ð21Þ
where: >
> n2 ðkÞ ¼ V Lnðaðk1Þbðk1ÞÞ
> th
: n3 ðkÞ ¼ ðIsc Imp ÞðV mp Imp Rs ðk1ÞÞ
V MP þ nV th IMP Rs Isc V th
a¼ ð9Þ
nV th
where (k) and (k 1) index the value of parameters in the current
Isc ðRs þ Rsh Þ V oc and previous iterations, respectively.
b¼ ð10Þ
Isc ðRs þ Rsh Þ 2V MP By using n(k), Rs(k) and Rsh(k) can be calculated by:
Ns kT c 1
V th ¼ ð11Þ Rs ðkÞ ¼ ½V oc V MP nðkÞ V th Lnðaðk 1Þ bðk 1ÞÞ ð22Þ
As it is obvious, a, b and Rs are related to each other; and ðV MP IMP Rs ðkÞÞV MP nðkÞV th V MP
thus, an iterative numerical method is necessary to solve these Rsh ðkÞ ¼ Rs ðkÞ ð23Þ
ðV MP IMP Rs ðkÞÞðIsc IMP Þ nðkÞV th IMP
500 R. Navabi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 89 (2015) 497–506
In the design of PV plants, it is usually supposed that Maximum
Efficiency (%)
Table 1
List of input parameters for the simulation of the presented PV power plant model.
h=h+1 Is h < 8760 ?
Fig. 5. Flowchart of the hourly PV plant output energy calculation during a year.
where / is the latitude of the PV plant location (north is positive x ¼ ðh 12Þ 15 ð41Þ
and south is negative), d is the declination (angular location) of
where N represents the Nth day of the year and h is the hour of a
the sun at the solar noon, and x is the hour angle that represents
day in 24-h format.
the angular displacement of the sun to east or west of the local
The total radiation on a horizontal plane (G) is sum of diffuse
meridian due to the rotation of the earth on its axis at 15° per hour.
radiation (Gd) and beam radiation on the horizontal plane (Gb), so
d and x are defined by:
Gd is calculated as follows:
284 þ N
d ¼ 23=45 sin 360 ð40Þ Gd ¼ G Gb ð42Þ
R. Navabi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 89 (2015) 497–506 503
Table 2
Verification of the module model.
Manufacturer Suntech power Q-cells canadian solar Trina solar Abound solar
Model STP-290 24-vd Q-Smart UFL-95 CS6A 190P TSM 170D AB1 65-A
Cell type Amorphous silicon Amorphous silicon Amorphous silicon Single crystal silicon Amorphous silicon
Voc (V) 45.5 89 29.6 43.6 46.1
Isc (A) 8.42 1.68 8.5 5.25 2.26
Vmp (V) 35.6 66.4 23.9 35.8 35
Imp (A) 8.15 1.43 7.95 4.76 1.88
Pmp at SRC (W) 290.381 94.95 187.83 170.403 65.809
Error at SRC (%) 0.08 0 0.001 0.002 0.001
No. of iterations 3 4 5 5 4
Pmp at NOCT (W) 213 66.1 136.1 118.6 47.4
Error at NOCT (%) 0.9 0.8 0.75 0.2 0.4
Table 3
Parameters for the PV plant model in cases 1 and 2.
Case Module No. of modules Inverter Module Azimuth Ground Location Loss
in array slope (°) angle (°) reflation (%)
Case 1 Suntech power STP 180S-24 100 Satcon Technology PVS 250 20 0 0.2 Arizona – Phoenix 0
Case 2 Grape solar GS-S-250-Fab5 40 Fronius USA, LCC – IG Plus 40 10 0.2 California – Arcata 0
10 uni 240
Another parameter used in (37) is Rbeam, which is defined by: where ns is the reflection index of the module surface. Different val-
ues may be assigned to this index. ns = 1.256 brings about the min-
Gbn cos h cos h imum error [6].
Rbeam ¼ ¼ ð43Þ
Gbn cos hz cos hz The incidence angle modifier is defined by:
where h is the angle of incidence, i.e. the angle between the beam sðhÞ
K sh ¼ ð48Þ
radiation on a surface and the normal to that surface. sð0Þ
where s(h) is called the transmittance through a single cover.
cosðhÞ ¼ sinðdÞ sinð/Þ cosðbÞ sinðdÞ cosð/Þ sinðbÞ cosðcÞ
" !#
þ cosðdÞ cosð/Þ cosðbÞ cosðxÞ KL
1 sin ðhr hÞ tan2 ðhr hÞ
sðhÞ ¼ e cos hr 1 þ ð49Þ
þ cosðdÞ sinð/Þ sinðbÞ cosðcÞ cosðxÞ 2 sin2 ðhr þ hÞ tan2 ðhr þ hÞ
þ cosðdÞ sinðbÞ sinðcÞ sinðxÞ ð44Þ
where K is the glazing extinction coefficient and L is the glazing
where c is the azimuth angle of the module. thickness. In this study, K and L are considered 4 m1 and 2 mm,
The last parameter in (37) is the anisotropy index, given by: respectively [5].
Based on Ksh, the modified radiations are as follows:
A¼ ð45Þ G0b ¼ K sh Gb ð50Þ
where Gon is the extraterrestrial radiation that is measured on the
G0d ¼ K sd Gd ð51Þ
plane normal to the radiation.
360N qg G0 ¼ K sd qg G ð52Þ
Gon ¼ Gsc 1 þ 0:033 cos ð46Þ
where Ksd is the incidence angle modifier at h = 58°. Eventually, the
where Gsc is the solar constant and its ultimate value is 1366.1 W/ total radiation on a tilted plane can be rewritten as:
G0t ¼ ðG0b þ G0d AÞRbeam þ G0d ð1 AÞ
3.1. Incidence angle modifier " sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi #
1 cosðbÞ G0b 3 b
1þ sin þ qG G0
As explained in the former section, the incidence angle is the 2 G0b þ G0d 2
angle between the beam radiation on the module and the nor- 1 cosðbÞ
mal to that module. As this angle increases, the amount of ð53Þ
reflection from the surface of the module increases. It is impor-
tant to calculate the amount of radiation which is absorbed by
the module ðG0t Þ. Hence, incidence angle modifiers are defined 4. Cell temperature model
for beam (Gb), diffuse (Gd) and ground-reflected (qgG) radiations.
At first, the reflection angle from the surface of the module The cell temperature is used in the modification equations of
should be calculated by the following equation: the panel ((33)–(36)). However, the available temperature in the
install location of the PV plant is the ambient temperature. Thus,
1 sinðhÞ
hr ¼ sin ð47Þ it is important to find a model which converts the ambient temper-
ns ature to the cell temperature based on the panel and weather
504 R. Navabi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 89 (2015) 497–506
conditions. The effective radiation on the tilted panel and the wind Table 4
speed are the two most important factors affecting the cell temper- Energy output of the PV plant (kW h) for case 1.
ature. The following temperature model is used in this paper [23]: Month SAM RETScreen Proposed model
7. Simulation results
Table 5 Table 7
Energy output of the PV plant (kW h) for case 2. Energy output of the PV plant (kW h) in case 3.
Month SAM RETScreen Proposed model Month Measured output SAM RETScreen Proposed model
January 807.346 836 699.801 January 8740 9950 10,280 9265
February 822.095 873 752.464 February 11,590 13,680 13,921 12,720
March 1169.6 1182 1112.681 March 15,960 17,802 17,751 16,471
April 1418.75 1351 1399.579 April 15,010 15,906 16,160 15,487
May 1507.27 1459 1625.824 May 14,060 15,341 15,052 14,649
June 1403.33 1401 1598.609 June 11,590 10,680 10,825 11,226
July 1517.59 1436 1703.397 July 12,160 11,375 11,698 11,896
August 1356.41 1334 1453.63 August 12,350 11,824 11,367 11,991
September 1289.52 1292 1280.898 September 16,340 15,847 15,975 16,121
October 1078.99 1100 977.905 October 13,490 12,914 12,574 13,056
November 893.036 856 793.32 November 9690 10,526 10,680 9961
December 805.841 788 707.712 December 13,680 13,991 14,121 13,824
Annual 14,069 13,908 14,105 Annual 154,660 159,836 160,404 156,667
Table 8
Statistical error comparison of the employed models.
Table 6
Parameters for the PV plant model in case 3 [27].
Case Module Number of modules Inverter Module Azimuth Ground Location Loss
in array slope angle reflation
Case 3 TBP1275 M 2620 Normal inverter model 25° 12° 0.2 Khatkar-Kalan, 0%
with 8.7% loss india
506 R. Navabi et al. / Energy Conversion and Management 89 (2015) 497–506
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