LADUMA: Discovery of A Luminous OH Megamaser at Z 0.5: Marcin - Glowacki@curtin -

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Draft version April 7, 2022

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LADUMA: Discovery of a luminous OH megamaser at z > 0.5

1, 2, 3
Marcin Glowacki, Jordan D. Collier,1, 4, 5, 6 Amir Kazemi-Moridani,7 Bradley Frank,8, 1, 4 Hayley Roberts,9
Jeremy Darling, Hans-Rainer Klöckner,10 Nathan Adams,11, 12 Andrew J. Baker,7, 2 Matthew Bershady,13, 14, 4

Tariq Blecher,15 Sarah-Louise Blyth,4 Rebecca Bowler,11, 12 Barbara Catinella,16, 17 Laurent Chemin,18
Steven M. Crawford,19 Catherine Cress,2 Romeel Davé,20, 2 Roger Deane,21, 22 Erwin de Blok,23, 4, 24
Jacinta Delhaize,4 Kenneth Duncan,20 Ed Elson,2 Sean February,8 Eric Gawiser,7 Peter Hatfield,11
Julia Healy,23 Patricia Henning,25, 26 Kelley M. Hess,27, 23, 24 Ian Heywood,11, 15, 8 Benne W. Holwerda,28
arXiv:2204.02523v1 [astro-ph.GA] 6 Apr 2022

Munira Hoosain,4 John P. Hughes,7 Zackary L. Hutchens,29 Matt Jarvis,11, 2 Sheila Kannappan,29 Neal Katz,30
Dušan Kereš,31 Marie Korsaga,32, 33 Renée C. Kraan-Korteweg,4 Philip Lah,34 Michelle Lochner,2, 8
Natasha Maddox,35 Sphesihle Makhathini,21 Gerhardt R. Meurer,16 Martin Meyer,16 Danail Obreschkow,16
Se-Heon Oh,36 Tom Oosterloo,23, 24 Joshua Oppor,13 Hengxing Pan,2, 11 D. J. Pisano,37, 38
Nandrianina Randriamiarinarivo,2 Swara Ravindranath,39 Anja C. Schröder,40 Rosalind Skelton,14
Oleg Smirnov,15, 8 Mathew Smith,41, 42 Rachel S. Somerville,43 Raghunathan Srianand,44
Lister Staveley-Smith,16, 17 Masayuki Tanaka,45, 46 Mattia Vaccari,1, 2, 47 Wim van Driel,48 Marc Verheijen,49
Fabian Walter,50 John F. Wu,39 and Martin A. Zwaan51
1 Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA)
2 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of the Western Cape, Robert Sobukwe Road, Bellville 7535, South Africa
3 International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), Curtin University, Bentley, WA 6102, Australia
4 Department of Astronomy, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa
5 School of Science, Western Sydney University, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith, NSW 2751, Australia
6 CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science, PO Box 1130, Bentley, WA, 6102, Australia
7 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, 136 Frelinghuysen Road, Piscataway, NJ

08854-8019, USA
8 South African Radio Astronomy Observatory, 2 Fir Street, Black River Park, Observatory, 7925, South Africa
9 Center for Astrophysics and Space Astronomy, Department of Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences, University of Colorado, 389 UCB,

Boulder, CO 80309-0389, USA

10 Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hügel 69, 53121, Bonn, Germany
11 Astrophysics, University of Oxford, Denys Wilkinson Building, Keble Road, Oxford OX1 3RH, UK
12 Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK
13 Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 475 N. Charter Street, Madison, WI 53706, USA
14 South African Astronomical Observatory, P.O. Box 9, Observatory 7935, South Africa
15 Department of Physics and Electronics, Rhodes University, PO Box 94, Makhanda (Grahamstown), 6140, South Africa
16 International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR), The University of Western Australia, 35 Stirling Highway, Perth, WA

6009, Australia
17 ARC Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astrophysics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D)
18 Centro de Astronomia – CITEVA, Universidad de Antofagasta, Avenida Angamos 601, Antofagasta 1270300, Chile
19 unaffiliated
20 Institute for Astronomy, University of Edinburgh, Royal Observatory, Blackford Hill, Edinburgh, EH9 3HJ, UK
21 Wits Centre for Astrophysics, School of Physics, University of the Witwatersrand, 1 Jan Smuts Avenue 2000, South Africa
22 Department of Physics, University of Pretoria, Private Bag X20, Pretoria 0028, South Africa
23 ASTRON, the Netherlands Institute for Radio Astronomy, Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4, 7991 PD, Dwingeloo, The Netherlands
24 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, P.O. Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
25 National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Pete V. Domenici Science Operations Center, P.O. Box O, 1003 Lopezville Road, Socorro,

NM 87801-0387, USA
26 Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of New Mexico, 210 Yale Boulevard NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106, USA
27 Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a (CSIC), Glorieta de la Astronomı́a s/n, 18008 Granada, Spain
28 Department of Physics and Astronomy, 102 Natural Science Building, University of Louisville, Louisville, KY 40292, USA
29 Department of Physics & Astronomy, CB3255, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, USA
30 Department of Astronomy, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003, USA

Corresponding author: Marcin Glowacki

[email protected]
2 Glowacki et al.

31 Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA
32 Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, UMR 7550, F-67000 Strasbourg, France
33 Laboratoire de Physique et de Chimie de l’Environnement, Observatoire d’Astrophysique de l’Université Joseph Ki-Zerbo (ODAUO), 03

BP 7021,Ouaga 03, Burkina Faso

34 Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Australian National University, Canberra, ACT 2611, Australia
35 University Observatory, Faculty of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Scheinerstr. 1, 81679 Munich, Germany
36 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Sejong University, 209 Neungdong-ro, Gwangjin-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
37 Department of Physics & Astronomy, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA
38 Gravitational Wave and Cosmology Center, Chestnut Ridge Research Building, Morgantown, WV 26505, USA
39 Space Telescope Science Institute, 3700 San Martin Drive, Baltimore, MD 21218-2410, USA
40 Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, Giessenbachstraße 1, D-85748 Garching bei München, Germany
41 School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK
42 Univ Lyon, Univ Claude Bernard Lyon 1, CNRS, IP2I Lyon / IN2P3, IMR 5822, F-69622, Villeurbanne, France
43 Center for Computational Astrophysics, Flatiron Institute, New York, NY 10010, USA
44 IUCAA, Postbag 4, Ganeshkhind, Pune 411007, India
45 Department of Astronomical Science, The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, SOKENDAI, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo,

181-8588, Japan
46 National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588, Japan
47 INAF - Istituto di Radioastronomia, via Gobetti 101, 40129 Bologna, Italy
48 GEPI, Observatoire de Paris, PSL Université, CNRS UMR 8111, 5 place Jules Janssen, 92190 Meudon, France
49 Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, Landleven 12, 9747 AD, Groningen, The Netherlands
50 Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie (MPIA), Königstuhl 16, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
51 European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching, Germany

(Received February 11, 2022; Revised March 28, 2022; Accepted March 29, 2022)

In the local Universe, OH megamasers (OHMs) are detected almost exclusively in infrared-luminous
galaxies, with a prevalence that increases with IR luminosity, suggesting that they trace gas-rich galaxy
mergers. Given the proximity of the rest frequencies of OH and the hyperfine transition of neutral
atomic hydrogen (H i), radio surveys to probe the cosmic evolution of H i in galaxies also offer exciting
prospects for exploiting OHMs to probe the cosmic history of gas-rich mergers. Using observations for
the Looking At the Distant Universe with the MeerKAT Array (LADUMA) deep H i survey, we report
the first untargeted detection of an OHM at z > 0.5, LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 (nicknamed
“Nkalakatha”). The host system, WISEA J033046.26−275518.3, is an infrared-luminous radio galaxy
whose optical redshift z ≈ 0.52 confirms the MeerKAT emission line detection as OH at a redshift
zOH = 0.5225 ± 0.0001 rather than H i at lower redshift. The detected spectral line has 18.4σ peak
significance, a width of 459 ± 59 km s−1 , and an integrated luminosity of (6.31 ± 0.18 [statistical] ±
0.31 [systematic]) × 103 L , placing it among the most luminous OHMs known. The galaxy’s far-
infrared luminosity LFIR = (1.576 ± 0.013) × 1012 L marks it as an ultra-luminous infrared galaxy;
its ratio of OH and infrared luminosities is similar to those for lower-redshift OHMs. A comparison
between optical and OH redshifts offers a slight indication of an OH outflow. This detection represents
the first step towards a systematic exploitation of OHMs as a tracer of galaxy growth at high redshifts.

Keywords: megamasers — hydroxyl masers — radio loud quasars — galaxy mergers — starburst
galaxies — ULIRG

1. INTRODUCTION (AGN; Klöckner et al. 2003). Four 18 cm lines connect

OH megamasers (OHMs) are luminous 18 cm wave- the four hyperfine levels within the 2 Π3/2 (J = 3/2)
length masers, produced in the centers of luminous and ground state of the OH molecule: two main lines at
ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs) 1665 and 1667 MHz, and two satellite lines at 1612 and
that have undergone merger-induced starburst activ- 1720 MHz. In contrast to Galactic OH masers, extra-
ity (Lo 2005), are rich in dense gas (Darling 2007), galactic OHMs have large line widths and main line flux
and in some cases host luminous active galactic nuclei ratios F1667 /F1665 > 1. These attributes, along with the
LADUMA: Discovery of a luminous OH megamaser at z > 0.5 3

weakness of their satellite lines (McBride et al. 2013), MeerKAT is a fixed-configuration array of 64 an-
can be naturally explained by a model in which OHMs tennas equipped with receivers spanning the L (900–
are powered by radiative pumping through 53 µm lines 1670 MHz) and UHF (580–1015 MHz) bands. These
that overlap in velocity, and in which different projected overlapping frequency ranges access redshift ranges of
distributions of masing clumps can account for observa- 0 ≤ zH I ≤ 0.58 and 0.40 ≤ zH I ≤ 1.45 for the H i
tions of both diffuse and compact emitting structures line, and 0 ≤ zOH ≤ 0.85 and 0.64 ≤ zOH ≤ 1.87,
(Lockett & Elitzur 2008). adopting the stronger of the two main OH lines (at a rest
The most extensive OHM survey in the local Uni- frequency of 1667.359 MHz) to define zOH . The LAD-
verse has been conducted with Arecibo, with a focus on UMA deep H i survey is using both L and UHF bands
the detection of z > 0.1 systems (Darling & Giovanelli to probe the evolution of gas in galaxies over cosmic
2002a). In total, 53 OHMs were detected, spanning the time. LADUMA is targeting a single pointing on the
redshift range 0.10 ≤ z ≤ 0.27. Although Combes et al. sky (03:32:30.4 −28:07:57 J2000) that encompasses the
(2021) report a tentative 3σ detection of the 1720 MHz extended Chandra Deep Field South (ECDFS) and lies
satellite line in emission in a targeted MeerKAT ob- roughly at the center of near-IR imaging coverage from
servation of the z = 0.89 quasar PKS 1830−211, the the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO)
main lines of OH have not been detected in emission at survey (Jarvis et al. 2013). Because the solid angle of
z > 0.27 up to now. MeerKAT’s primary beam is inversely proportional to
The local demographics of OHMs have been used the square of the observing frequency, the cosmic vol-
to predict their occurrence at higher redshifts, where ume LADUMA probes for any single spectral line ex-
they are likely to represent a significant source of con- pands with redshift like a trumpet (e.g., a South African
tamination for H i surveys (Briggs 1998; Darling & vuvuzela). Across the L band in particular, MeerKAT’s
Giovanelli 2002b; Suess et al. 2016; Roberts et al. circular field of view increases (at the half-power level)
2021). Such surveys will be conducted by the inter- from 0.7 deg2 at 1667 MHz to 0.9 deg2 at 1420.4 MHz to
ferometers that include the Square Kilometre Array 2.3 deg2 at 900 MHz.
(SKA) and its pathfinder facilities, such as MeerKAT The first official L-band survey observation for LAD-
(Jonas & MeerKAT Team 2016) and the Australian UMA that used the 32k mode of the MeerKAT correla-
SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP; DeBoer et al. 2009). Al- tor (featuring 32,768 channels, each of width 26.1 kHz)
though ULIRGs are more prevalent at higher redshifts was taken on 2019 December 12 with 58 of the 64 anten-
(Takeuchi et al. 2005) in part because normal star- nas in operation. The bright radio galaxy PKS 1934–63
forming galaxies at earlier epochs are likely to have was used as a flux and bandpass calibrator (observed
LFIR > 1012 L even in the absence of recent merging for 10 minutes); the nearby quasar PKS 0237–233 was
(e.g., Reddy et al. 2008), OHMs have the potential to observed as a gain calibrator for 3.5 minutes after each
provide new constraints on the cosmic history of gas-rich 20-minute observation of the LADUMA field. The total
mergers. on-source integration time was 7.3 hours.
We report the first untargeted detection of an OHM We reduced the data across the full L band, excluding
at z > 0.27 from early observations for the Looking At regions affected by radio frequency interference (RFI),
the Distant Universe with the MeerKAT Array (LAD- after splitting into 25 MHz spectral windows (SPWs).
UMA; Blyth et al. 2016) deep H i survey. Section 2 de- For the source discussed in this paper, the relevant SPW
scribes the acquisition and processing of the MeerKAT spans 1086–1111 MHz. Bandpass, flux, and phase cal-
data in which the OH line was detected, and Section 3 ibration were performed using the processMeerKAT
presents our measurements and interpretation of the line pipeline1 , which is written in Python, uses a purpose-
parameters. In Section 4, we discuss the implications of built CASA (McMullin et al. 2007) Singularity con-
this OHM in the context of previous knowledge of OHM tainer, and employs MPICASA (a parallelized form
hosts at lower redshifts and future observations probing of CASA). Flux calibration used the Reynolds (1994)
to higher redshifts; §5 summarizes our conclusions. The model for the spectrum of PKS 1934−63, which is ul-
paper assumes a flat ΛCDM cosmology with Ωm = 0.3, timately tied to northern hemisphere calibrators with
ΩΛ = 0.7, and H0 = 73.3 km s−1 Mpc−1 (Wong et al. flux uncertainties of ∼ 5% at ∼ 1 GHz (e.g., Perley &
2020). Butler 2017). The CASA task tclean was used with ro-
bust = 0 to create an initial continuum model as a ba-

2.1. MeerKAT
4 Glowacki et al.

sis for phase and amplitude self-calibration, after which etry. By fitting emissivity-weighted blackbody func-
model continuum visibility data were subtracted from tions to 1000 realizations of the Spitzer/MIPS and Her-
the corrected visibility data using the CASA task uvsub. schel/SPIRE flux densities between 70–350 µm (sam-
A third-order polynomial fit to the continuum was then pling their respective uncertainties), we derive a rest-
calculated and subtracted using the CASA task uvcon- frame dust temperature Td = 41.9 ± 0.6 K, a dust emis-
tsub for all channels in each SPW to remove residual sivity index β = 1.67 ± 0.06 (for τν ∝ ν β ), and a
continuum emission from the spectral line data. Finally, far-IR (rest-frame 42.5–122.5 µm) flux (6.30 ± 0.05) ×
spectral line cubes were created using tclean with ro- 10−12 erg s−1 cm−2 . Using the cosmology adopted for
bust = 0.5 and no cleaning; all channels in the resulting this paper and the redshift measured in §3.1 below, we
(dirty) cubes were convolved to a common synthesized then arrive at LFIR = (1.576 ± 0.013) × 1012 L , con-
beam of 14.200 × 12.200 at a position angle of −15.8◦ . firming the source as a ULIRG as previously noted by
The RMS per 26.1 kHz channel was found to increase Moncelsi et al. (2011).
with frequency across the 1086–1111 MHz SPW, with a
value of 0.40 mJy beam−1 near 1095 MHz. All data were 3. RESULTS
reduced on the ilifu cloud computing facility2 .
3.1. OH emission properties
Visual inspection of the continuum-subtracted
26.1 kHz channel data cube with the Cube Analysis The spatial centroid of LADUMA J033046.20–
and Rendering Tool for Astronomy (CARTA; Comrie 275518.1 lies at right ascension 03:30:46.20 and declina-
et al. 2020) revealed a bright spectral line at an ob- tion −27:55:18.17 (J2000) with uncertainties of ±0.700
served frequency of 1095 MHz, which we designate as (calculated as beam size divided by S/N) — consistent
LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 and describe in detail with the centroids determined for its counterparts at
in §3.1. other wavelengths, within their own uncertainties of
∼ 0.500 or greater. At this position and the observed
line frequency, the primary beam correction was a fac-
2.2. Archival data tor ∼ (0.72)−1 , which we applied using CASA before
LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 has a clear galaxy measuring line parameters.
counterpart in WISE imaging (WISEA J033046.26– In the right panel of Figure 1, we show the spec-
275518.3) and in previous radio continuum mapping by trum integrated over a 1500 aperture, with frequency
the Australia Telescope Large Area Survey (Mao et al. Doppler-corrected to the heliocentric reference frame
2012; Franzen et al. 2015). The galaxy has a bent-tail and rebinned by a factor of 2. At the observed fre-
radio morphology (Dehghan et al. 2014), and has been quency, each rebinned (52.2 kHz) channel corresponds to
classified as a narrow-angle (or head-tail) radio galaxy 14.3 km s−1 in rest-frame velocity. A single-Gaussian fit
(that is, the bent radio structure lies on one side of the to the line spectrum yields (with fit uncertainties noted
optical host galaxy). The source has also been detected as errors) a central frequency of ν = 1095.07±0.09 MHz,
in dust emission by the Multiband Imaging Photome- a rest-frame line width ∆v = 459 ± 59 km s−1 (full-
ter for Spitzer (MIPS; Rieke et al. 2004) on the Spitzer width at half-maximum, which corresponds to an ob-
Space Telescope (Hanish et al. 2015) and by the Spec- served frequency width of 1.68 MHz), a peak flux den-
tral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE; Griffin sity of 1.42 ± 0.16 [±0.07] mJy,3 and a total spectral line
et al. 2010) on the Herschel Space Observatory (Oliver flux Fline = 0.69 ± 0.02 [±0.03] Jy km s−1 that agrees
et al. 2012; Shirley et al. 2021). Table 1 lists selected well with a direct integral of the spectrum (0.69 ±
photometry for the source in the infrared and radio. Op- 0.02 [±0.03] Jy km s−1 ).
tical spectroscopy has yielded two independent redshift We note that the 1665 MHz OH line may contribute to
measurements of z = 0.5245 (Eales et al. 2009) and the measured line flux and width, although this fainter
z = 0.5247 (Mao et al. 2012), neither with a quoted feature is not yet detected in this single-track observa-
uncertainty; in this paper, we average these two mea- tion, nor currently preferred over a single Gaussian fit.
surements and adopt the ∼ 100 km s−1 uncertainty that Given the presence of a multiwavelength counterpart
is typical for AAT redshifts of similar vintage (see, e.g., with a previously measured optical redshift z = 0.5246,
§1 of Baldry et al. 2014), yielding zopt = 0.5246±0.0005. it is clear that our detection is hydroxyl emission at
We can determine the host galaxy’s infrared luminos- zOH = 0.5225 ± 0.0001 (identified as the 1667.359 MHz
ity using the source redshift and far-infrared photom- transition) rather than H i emission at zH I = 0.2970.

2 is 3 Errors in brackets represent 5% flux scale uncertainties.

LADUMA: Discovery of a luminous OH megamaser at z > 0.5 5

Table 1. Selected photometry for LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1.

Observed Flux
Source wavelength density Reference
WISE 3.4 µm 0.122 ± 0.005 mJy Wright et al. (2010)
WISE 4.6 µm 0.084 ± 0.007 mJy Wright et al. (2010)
WISE 12 µm 0.928 ± 0.085 mJy Wright et al. (2010)
Spitzer/MIPS 70 µm 141.11 ± 0.66 mJya Hanish et al. (2015)
Spitzer/MIPS 160 µm 208.34 ± 2.13 mJya Hanish et al. (2015)
Herschel/SPIRE 250 µm 90.93 ± 0.65 mJy Shirley et al. (2021)
Herschel/SPIRE 350 µm 42.36 ± 1.53 mJy Shirley et al. (2021)
Herschel/SPIRE 500 µm 17.6 ± 3.7 mJy Shirley et al. (2021)
ATCA 20 cm 0.42 ± 0.029 mJy Franzen et al. (2015)
Note— flux density extracted from a point spread function (PSF) fit

Figure 1. Left: RGB composite image made from the grz filters of archival Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) data. White contours
are from the zeroth moment map of our MeerKAT observation with no masking applied, integrated across ∼ 600 km s−1 , at
multiples of 5σ (1σ = 0.0295 Jy beam−1 km s−1 ). The cyan cross indicates the centroid position and uncertainties from the
Franzen et al. (2015) observation with ATCA. The 14.200 × 12.200 MeerKAT synthesized beam is plotted as a dashed yellow
ellipse. Right: Spectrum of the detected OHM, with frequency Doppler-corrected to a heliocentric reference frame and rebinned
from its native 26.1 kHz resolution by a factor of 2. The rest-frame velocity range included in the moment map is shaded grey;
the best Gaussian fit to the OH emission profile is overlaid in blue. The red dashed line indicates the frequency (1093.7 MHz)
where the 1667 MHz line would have appeared for zOH = zopt ; that zOH < zopt suggests a possible OH outflow.
From the integrated line flux, we use the general rela- The left panel of Figure 1 shows contours from the
tion for spectral line luminosity zeroth moment map for the source, integrated over
600 km s−1 and overlaid on a composite image made
Lline  ν  F
  D 2
L from the grz filters of archival Hyper Suprime-Cam
= 1.0234 (1) (HSC; Miyazaki et al. 2018) data. The cyan cross in-
L MHz Jy km s−1 Gpc
dicates the ATCA position and its uncertainties from
in terms of observed frequency ν = 1095.1 ± 0.1 MHz Franzen et al. (2015), and the yellow ellipse shows the
and luminosity distance DL = 2.85 ± 0.02 Gpc for our MeerKAT synthesized beam. The OH emission is spa-
adopted cosmology, obtaining an equivalent isotropic lu- tially unresolved, with S/N ∼ 18.4 relative to the RMS
minosity of LOH = (6.31 ± 0.18 [±0.31]) × 103 L . in the zeroth moment map away from the source. Fig-
6 Glowacki et al.

In Figure 3, we consider the implications of WISE

magnitudes and colors for our identification of the de-
tected emission line. We employ the algorithms pre-
sented in Roberts et al. (2021), who use machine learn-
ing to determine the redshift evolution in WISE magni-
tude and color space for an OHM host and a typical Hi
source. The predicted distributions in WISE properties
expected for gas-rich disk galaxies emitting H i at red-
shift z ∼ 0.30 (red) and a galaxy merger traced through
OH at redshift z ∼ 0.52 (blue) show that an OH iden-
tification for our source is plausible for all diagnostics,
while an H i identification is not always supported (see
right panel). Therefore, we are confident that the emis-
sion detected corresponds to the main OH transition at
1667 MHz.

Figure 2. Independent velocity channel maps of a 8× re-
binned 26.1 kHz data cube, with velocities indicated relative 4.1. OH and FIR luminosities
to our measured systemic redshift of zOH = 0.5225. Con- LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 is one of the most lu-
tours are multiples of 2σ (1σ = 0.283 mJy beam−1 ). The
minous OHMs known at any redshift; only three sources
14.200 × 12.200 synthesized beam is plotted in the top left
within the sample of 53 OHMs presented in Darling
& Giovanelli (2002a) and Darling & Giovanelli (2002b)
have higher LOH values, and it is only marginally
ure 2 shows the velocity channel maps of the source after
less luminous than the z = 0.1961 OHM recently de-
rebinning by an additional factor of 4 to a rest-frame ve-
tected by Apertif (Hess et al. 2021), which would have
locity resolution of 57.2 km s−1 .
LOH = 7.18 × 103 L for our cosmology. In recogni-
tion of this power and its unprecedentedly high red-
shift, we have given it the nickname “Nkalakatha,” an
3.2. Confirmation of the 1667 MHz identification isiZulu word that means “big boss.” It is not overly
Notwithstanding the good agreement with a previ- surprising that a detection reached in a single LAD-
ously measured optical redshift, we have considered UMA track will be among the most luminous OHMs
whether the detected emission could correspond to a when compared to sources from the local Universe at
weaker OH line (e.g., the 1612 or 1720 MHz satellite line, z < 0.27. Using the relationship between OH and far-
which can exhibit conjugate behavior: Darling 2004) IR luminosities derived by Darling & Giovanelli (2002a)
rather than the main 1667 MHz transition. In this sce- for an Arecibo survey + literature sample of OHMs,
nario, we would expect an additional detection of the i.e., log (LOH /L ) = (1.57 ± 0.11) log (LFIR /L ) −
(brighter) 1667 MHz main line at a different frequency (15.76 ± 1.22), we find that the predicted OH lumi-
(1132.5 or 1061.2 MHz) in our spectrum. No such emis- nosity for LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 is LOHpred ≈
sion feature is seen at the radio position. We also 2.4×103 L . This is roughly a factor of 2.6 smaller than
looked for emission in the satellite lines assuming our what we observe, but well within the large scatter ob-
detection is indeed the 1667 MHz main line at 1058.9 served for the local relation (Fig. 4). The dust tempera-
or 1130.0 MHz, with no such features seen. This result ture recovered from the fit to the system’s FIR photom-
is not surprising given the weakness of satellite lines in etry (Td ≈ 42 K) is roughly consistent with theoretical
OHMs (McBride et al. 2013), although as the LADUMA expectations and observational results that Td ≥ 45 K
survey proceeds and reaches greater depths, we may be is required for OH masing to occur (Lockett & Elitzur
able to detect them in some systems. We also found no 2008; Willett et al. 2011), particularly if cooler dust out-
evidence of Hi emission or absorption at this redshift, side the masing region contributes to LFIR , and is at the
although such features may become evident from the lower end of the distribution of global dust temperatures
upcoming deeper LADUMA observations. for OHM hosts.
LADUMA: Discovery of a luminous OH megamaser at z > 0.5 7

22 OH
2.0 HI
20 LADUMA J033046.20

W1-W2 [mag]
1.5 -275518.1
W1 [mag]

12 0.0
0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 0 2 4 6
W1-W2 [mag] W2-W3 [mag]
Figure 3. Predicted distributions of gas-rich mergers traced by OH at zOH ∼ 0.52 (blue), and H i-rich disk galaxies at zH I ∼ 0.30
(red), in WISE color-magnitude and color-color space, generated using algorithms presented in Roberts et al. (2021). Contours
enclose the upper 99% (dashed), 90%, 80%,... 20%, and 10% of the Gaussian kernel density estimates for the respective galaxy
distributions. In the left panel, both OH and H i identifications are supported for LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1, while in the
right panel, OH is clearly preferred.

For LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1, we correct the ob-

served radio continuum flux density4 (Table 1) to
1.4 GHz in the rest frame assuming a spectrum Sν ∝
ν −0.7 , and arrive at an estimated q ≈ 2.7. This value
is consistent with the infrared-radio correlation for star-
forming galaxies with no evidence of AGN (see, e.g.,
Fig. 16 of Delhaize et al. 2017), higher than the median
q = 2.37 recently measured for 89 star-forming galaxies
in the COSMOS field (An et al. 2021), and much higher
than the threshold q ≈ 1.8 at which galaxies are three
times more radio-loud than the mean for star-forming
systems (Condon et al. 2002). Spitzer/IRAC photom-
etry for this source (Lonsdale et al. 2003) also disfavor
an AGN identification according to well-established cri-
teria (Stern et al. 2005; Donley et al. 2012), as does a
classification of its optical spectrum (Mao et al. 2012).
As a result, we view the far-IR emission from LAD-
UMA J033046.20−275518.1 as more likely due to star-
burst activity than to a bolometrically significant AGN.
Such a conclusion is also not surprising given evidence
Figure 4. LOH vs. LFIR for known OHMs (Roberts et
al. 2022, in preparation). LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 from the local Universe that ULIRGs hosting OHMs are
(green star) is one of the most luminous OHMs on both axes. less likely to show evidence of AGN at infrared wave-
lengths than non-masing ULIRGs (Willett et al. 2011).
We have also considered the FIR–radio flux ratio pa-
rameter q, defined by Helou et al. (1985) as
4.2. A possible molecular outflow
n F
 1029  S
1.4 GHz
−1 o
q = log
W m−2 3.75 × 1012 Hz mJy
(2) 4 This value is comparable to the value measured from MeerKAT
continuum imaging of the LADUMA field, which will be pub-
lished in a forthcoming paper analogous to Heywood et al. (2022).
8 Glowacki et al.

Large-scale outflows emanating from the central re- set between the OH and optical redshifts is most simply
gions of galaxies and powered by both starbursts and explained by a starburst-driven outflow.
AGN have been known for decades to play an impor- This detection highlights the potential of upcoming
tant role in the evolution of galaxies and the intergalac- spectral line surveys, whose wide frequency coverage
tic medium (e.g., Heckman et al. 1990). Such outflows will enable further high-redshift measurements. Roberts
have been detected through OH observations in a num- et al. (2021) predict that 83 ± 20 OHMs will be detected
ber of systems. Baan et al. (1989) detect three dis- in LADUMA alone, which will nearly double the num-
tinct outflows in emission in a sample of five OHMs, ber of known OHMs. Greater numbers are expected
with one galaxy showing a maximum outflow velocity of in lower redshift but wider area surveys, such as the
800 km s−1 . González-Alfonso et al. (2014) meanwhile Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY
find far-IR OH features blueshifted by over 1000 km s−1 (WALLABY; Koribalski et al. 2020), the Apertif Wide-
in Mrk 231, with the central AGN likely responsible for area Extragalactic Survey (AWES; Hess et al., in prep),
the high mass outflow rate and outflow velocities de- and the H i component (MIGHTEE-H i; Maddox et al.
tected. 2021) of the MeerKAT International GigaHertz Tiered
The OH emission in LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 Extragalactic Exploration (MIGHTEE) survey (Jarvis
is blueshifted by 407 ± 118 km s−1 relative to the red- et al. 2016). As LADUMA reaches greater depths, we
shift measured from optical spectroscopy. The simplest expect to set further OHM redshift records, which will
explanation for a one-sided velocity offset is a starburst- enable studies of the cosmic rate of gas-rich galaxy merg-
driven outflow, given the high value of q noted above. ers and further constrain galaxy evolution models.
However, the situation could be more complex, involv-
ing multiple nuclei or a disk close to an (obscured) AGN,
possibly interacting with outflows. As our MeerKAT ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
observation of this galaxy and its OH emission is un- The authors sincerely thank Zolile Tibane for
resolved, higher spatial resolution observations would suggesting the nickname “Nkalakatha” for LAD-
be required to further characterize the outflow’s extent UMA J033046.20−275518.1. We also thank the anony-
and energetics. The study of Gowardhan et al. (2018), mous referee for comments that have helped improve the
investigating molecular gas outflows in two starburst paper.
ULIRGs in mid-J CO and 18 cm OH lines, is instruc-
The MeerKAT telescope is operated by the South
tive in this regard. CO outflow velocities are seen to ex-
African Radio Astronomy Observatory (SARAO; www.
ceed 1600 km s−1 , with corresponding mass outflow rates, which is a facility of the National Research
of 300–700 M yr−1 ; meanwhile, OH outflow velocities
Foundation (NRF), an agency of the Department of
are seen to extend to 1000 km s−1 , with velocity wings
Science and Innovation. The authors thank the mem-
for one source agreeing “remarkably well” with previ-
bers of the SARAO engineering, commissioning, and sci-
ous detections of outflowing molecular gas. A higher-
ence data processing teams for building and operating
resolution study of other molecular species (e.g., CO) in
an absolutely superb facility. The MeerKAT data pre-
LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 may thus be a produc-
sented in this paper were processed using the ilifu cloud
tive strategy for confirming the existence of an outflow
computing facility (, which is operated
in OH.
by a consortium that includes the University of Cape
Town (UCT), the University of the Western Cape, the
5. CONCLUSIONS University of Stellenbosch, Sol Plaatje University, the
We present the first detection of an OHM in Cape Peninsula University of Technology and the South
the LADUMA field, LADUMA J033046.20−275518.1 African Radio Astronomy Observatory. The ilifu facility
“Nkalakatha,” which is also the highest redshift detec- is supported by contributions from the Inter-University
tion of such a system to date in the main 1667 MHz OH Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy (IDIA, which is a
emission line. OH emission is found to be redshifted to partnership between the UCT, the University of Pretoria
zOH = 0.5225, which agrees well with an optical red- and the University of the Western Cape), the Computa-
shift of zopt = 0.5246 for a host galaxy already known tional Biology division at UCT, and the Data Intensive
to be a ULIRG. The system’s total OH luminosity of Research Initiative of South Africa (DIRISA). Data pro-
LOH = (6.31 ± 0.18 [±0.31]) × 103 L makes it one of cessing used pipelines that were developed at IDIA and
the most luminous OHMs known (all other 1667 MHz are available at
detections have redshifts z < 0.27), and is consistent MG acknowledges support from IDIA and was par-
with its large far-IR luminosity. The ∼400 km s−1 off- tially supported by the Australian Government through
LADUMA: Discovery of a luminous OH megamaser at z > 0.5 9

the Australian Research Council’s Discovery Projects the Instituto de Astrofı́sica de Andalucı́a (SEV-2017-
funding scheme (DP210102103). AKM and AJB 0709); from grant RTI2018-096228-B-C31 (Ministry of
acknowledge support from NSF grant AST-1814421. Science, Innovation and Universities / State Agency for
AKM also thanks the LSSTC Data Science Fellow- Research / European Regional Development Funds, Eu-
ship Program, which is funded by the LSST Corpo- ropean Union); and from the coordination of the par-
ration, NSF grant OAC-1829740, the Brinson Foun- ticipation in SKA-SPAIN, funded by the Ministry of
dation, and the Moore Foundation; his participation Science and innovation (MICIN); and ZLH and SK ac-
in the program has been helpful for this work. HR knowledge support from NSF grant AST-1814486. Parts
and JeD acknowledge support from NSF grant AST- of this research were supported by the Australian Re-
1814648; MB and JO acknowledge support from NSF search Council Centre of Excellence for All Sky Astro-
grant AST-1814682; RB acknowledges support from physics in 3 Dimensions (ASTRO 3D), through project
an STFC Ernest Rutherford Fellowship (grant number number CE170100013, and by the South African Re-
ST/T003596/1); JaD and HP acknowledge the finan- search Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science
cial assistance of SARAO; KMH acknowledges funding and Technology and the NRF.
from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish Min-
istry of Science, Innovation and Universities through
the “Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa” awarded to Facilities: MeerKAT

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