SWAGELOK-prise Échantillon en Bouteilles
SWAGELOK-prise Échantillon en Bouteilles
SWAGELOK-prise Échantillon en Bouteilles
Sample Cylinders,
A c c e s s o r i e s , a n d O u t a g e Tu b e s
F e a t u re s
■ Sizes from 10 to 3785 cm3 (1 gal)
Sample Cylinders
Features Double-Ended Cylinders
■ Body made of seamless tubing provides consistent wall ■ Sizes from 40 to 3785 cm3 (1 gal)
thickness, size, and capacity. ■ Working pressures up to 5000 psig (344 bar)
■ Smooth internal neck transition allows easy cleaning and ■ 304L and 316L stainless steel materials resist intergranular
eliminates trapped fluids. corrosion.
■ Cold-formed female NPT threads provide greater strength. ■ 304L and 316L stainless steel double-ended cylinders are
■ Heavy-wall end connections provide strength and available with dual certification to DOT and TC
resist flaring. requirements.
■ Full-penetration gas tungsten arc-weld construction provides
leaktight sample containment.
■ Swagelok DOT sample cylinders conform to the “Shipping
Each cylinder is hydrostatically tested to at least 5/3 the
working pressure.
Container Specifications” from the U.S. Code of Federal
Regulations, Title 49, or Bureau of Explosives, Tariff DOT-3E 1800/TC-SU6158 124 cylinders are hydrostatically
No. BOE 6000. proof tested at 3050 psig (210 bar).
■ Swagelok Transport Canada (TC) sample cylinders conform DOT-3A 1800 and 5000/TC-3ASM 124 and 344 cylinders are
to requirements of the “Transportation of Dangerous Goods marked with a serial number. Volumetric expansion of each
Regulations” and National Standard of Canada cylinder during hydrostatic testing must be within the limits set
CAN/CSA B339. by DOT Specification 3A and TC Specification 3ASM.
DOT-3A 1800/TC-3ASM 124 cylinders are hydrostatically
Single-Ended Cylinders proof tested at 3000 psig (206 bar) minimum.
■ 150, 300, and 500 cm3 sizes meet a DOT-3A 5000 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at
variety of sampling needs. 8333 psig (574 bar) minimum.
■ 304L stainless steel construction DOT-E7458 1800 cylinders are hydrostatically proof tested at
resists intergranular corrosion. 3000 psig (206 bar). All testing of DOT-E7458 cylinders is
witnessed by a DOT-approved independent inspection agency.
DOT-4B cylinders are hydrostatically
proof tested at 1000 psig (69 bar)
Pressure-Temperature Ratings
Material 316L SS 316L SS, 304L SS Alloy 400 316 SS 304L SS
3E 1800: 316L, all sizes,
DOT and 304L, 40 to 500 cm3
Specification 3A 5000 3A 1800: 304L, 1000 to 3785 cm3 E7458 — 4B 500
Temperature, °F (°C) Working pressure, psig (bar)
–65 (–53) to 100 (37) 5000 (344) 1800 (124) 1800 (124) 1000 (68.9) 500 (34.4)
200 (93) 3960 (272) 1360 (93.7) 1580 (108) 840 (57.8) 500 (34.4)
300 (148) 3570 (245) 1230 (84.7) 1490 (102) 760 (52.3) 500 (34.4)
400 (204) 3290 (226) 1130 (77.8) 1430 (98.5) 700 (48.2) 500 (34.4)
500 (260) 3060 (210) 1050 (72.3) 1420 (97.8) 650 (44.7) 500 (34.4)
600 (315) 2920 (201) 1000 (68.9) 1420 (97.8) 620 (42.7) 500 (34.4)
650 (343) 2870 (197) 980 (67.5) 1420 (97.8) 610 (42.0) 500 (34.4)
700 (371) 2810 (193) 970 (66.8) 1420 (97.8) 590 (40.6) 500 (34.4)
750 (398) 2750 (189) 950 (65.4) 1410 (97.1) 580 (39.9) 500 (34.4)
800 (426) 2700 (186) 930 (64.0) — 570 (39.2) 500 (34.4)
850 (454) 2640 (181) — — 560 (38.5) —
Ratings limited to 300°F (148°C) max with PTFE internal coating.
Ratings may be limited by individual country government regulations.
Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes 3
P P—both ends
B female NPT B female NPT
size size
Material Pressure Internal
in. (mm)
Grade/Cylinder Rating Volume P Ordering Weight
Specification psig (bar) cm3 ± 5 % in. Number A B T lb (kg)
150 304L-05SF4-150 4.88 (124) 1.1 (0.50)
304L SS/ 500
300 1/4 304L-05SF4-300 2.00 (50.8) 8.62 (219) 0.093 (2.4) 1.8 (0.82)
DOT 4B (34.4)
500 304L-05SF4-500 13.6 (345) 2.7 (1.2)
40 1/8 304L-HDF2-40 1.25 (31.8) 3.88 (98.6) 0.070 (1.8) 0.31 (0.14)
50 304L-HDF4-50 3.75 (95.2) 0.38 (0.17)
1.50 (38.1)
75 304L-HDF4-75 4.94 (125) 0.62 (0.28)
304L SS/
DOT 3E 1800 150 304L-HDF4-150 5.25 (133) 0.94 (0.43)
(124) 1/4 0.093 (2.4)
TC SU6158 124 300 304L-HDF4-300 8.94 (227) 1.6 (0.73)
2.00 (50.8)
400 304L-HDF4-400 11.4 (290) 2.1 (0.95)
500 304L-HDF4-500 13.8 (351) 2.6 (1.2)
1/4 304L-HDF4-1000
1000 3.50 (88.9) 10.9 (277) 0.180 (4.6) 6.5 (2.9)
1/2 304L-HDF8-1000
304L SS/ 1/4 304L-HDF4-2250
DOT 3A 1800 2250 17.2 (437) 14.0 (6.4)
(124) 1/2 304L-HDF8-2250
TC 3ASM 124 4.00 (102) 0.206 (5.2)
3785 1/4 304L-HDF4-1GAL
26.7 (678) 21.0 (9.5)
(1 gal) 1/2 304L-HDF8-1GAL
150 316L-HDF4-150 5.25 (133) 0.94 (0.43)
316L SS/
DOT 3E 1800 300 316L-HDF4-300 2.00 (50.8) 8.94 (227) 0.093 (2.4) 1.6 (0.73)
TC SU6158 124 500 316L-HDF4-500 13.8 (351) 2.6 (1.2)
150 316L-50DF4-150 8.00 (203) 3.0 (1.4)
316L SS/
DOT 3A 5000 300 1/4 316L-50DF4-300 1.90 (48.2) 14.5 (368) 0.240 (6.1) 5.6 (2.5)
TC 3ASM 344 500 316L-50DF4-500 23.5 (597) 9.1 (4.1)
150 M-HDF4-150 5.25 (133) 0.94 (0.43)
Alloy 400/ 1800
300 M-HDF4-300 2.00 (50.8) 8.94 (227) 0.093 (2.4) 1.8 (0.82)
DOT E7458 (124)
500 M-HDF4-500 13.8 (351) 2.9 (1.3)
4 Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes
Needle Valves with C
Rupture Disc Units
Ordering Information and Dimensions Dimensions are for
B reference only and are
A subject to change.
End Connections Flow Valve Ordering Orifice
Inlet Outlet Pattern Number in. (mm) Ordering Information and Dimensions
With 2850 psig (196 bar) rupture disc
End Connections Dimensions, in. (mm)
1/4 in. Straight SS-16DKM4F4-2 Ordering
male NPT 1/4 in. Inlet Outlet Number A B C D
SS-16DKM4F4-A-2 0.218
Angle (5.5) With 2850 psig (196 bar) rupture disc
1/2 in. NPT SS-16DKM8-F4-A-2 1/4 in.
male NPT 1.88 1.06 0.94 0.50
male SS-RTM4-F4-2
With 1900 psig (130 bar) rupture disc 1/4 in. (47.7) (26.9) (23.9) (12.7)
Straight SS-16DKM4-F4-1 female
1/4 in. 1/2 in. NPT
1/4 in. 2.19 1.22 1.19 0.56
male NPT SS-16DKM4-F4-A-1 0.218 male SS-RTM8-F4-2
female (55.6) (31.0) (30.2) (14.2)
Angle (5.5) NPT
1/2 in. NPT SS-16DKM8-F4-A-1 With 1900 psig (130 bar) rupture disc
male NPT
1/4 in.
Dimensions are for reference only and are subject to change. 1.88 1.06 0.94 0.50
male SS-RTM4-F4-1
1/4 in. (47.7) (26.9) (23.9) (12.7)
For more information, see the Swagelok Nonrotating-Stem NPT
Needle Valves catalog. Other Swagelok valves are available 1/2 in. NPT 2.19 1.22 1.19 0.56
for use with sample cylinders. Contact your independent male SS-RTM8-F4-1
(55.6) (31.0) (30.2) (14.2)
Swagelok sales and service representative for details. NPT
Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes 5
ring shown Tube fitting
plug Pipe cap
Pipe plug
6 Sample Cylinders, Accessories, and Outage Tubes
Outage Tubes
■ Made from 316 stainless steel or alloy 400 tubing
■ Offered in 1/4 or 1/2 in. NPT sizes
■ Marked “Outage Tube” for identification
Outage tube length (L) is measured from the end of the pipe
fitting to the end of the tube. Standard tube length is 10.4 in.
(26.4 cm). Tubing can be cut to a desired length; instructions
are included.
Outage tube
welded to
male NPT end
Outage tubes provide a vapor space of the desired volume
in cylinders containing liquefied gases, so that liquid in the
cylinder can expand if the temperature increases. Without
enough vapor space, a small temperature increase can
cause the liquid to expand and increase the pressure
See local regulations and other appropriate guidelines for
safe filling limits for your application.
Outage tube Vapor
Use space
Outage is the vapor space in the cylinder expressed as a
percentage of the total volume of the cylinder. Total
% outage = (vapor space/total volume) 100 volume
1/4 (6.4)
A ID for tube socket
weld connection