The Muse Extremely Deep Field: Detections of Circumgalactic Si Emission at
The Muse Extremely Deep Field: Detections of Circumgalactic Si Emission at
The Muse Extremely Deep Field: Detections of Circumgalactic Si Emission at
ms ©ESO 2024
June 10, 2024
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, 181-8588, Japan
Observatoire de Genève, Université de Genève, 51 Chemin de Pégase, 1290 Versoix, Switzerland
Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, University of Groningen, P.O Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen, The Netherlands
arXiv:2406.04399v1 [astro-ph.GA] 6 Jun 2024
Univ. Lyon, Univ. Lyon1, Ens de Lyon, CNRS, Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon UMR5574, F-69230, Saint-Genis-
Laval, France
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik Potsdam (AIP), An der Sternwarte 16 14482 Potsdam, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Königstuhl 17, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Department of Astronomy, The University of Texas at Austin, 2515 Speedway, Stop C1400, Austin, TX 78712-1205, USA
The Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, AlbaNova, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Plan, Toulouse 14, avenue E. Belin, 31400, France
Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Ganeshkind, Post Bag 4, Pune 41007, India
Department of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 475 N. Charter St., Madison, WI 53706, USA
Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, CNES, LAM, Marseille, France
Centre for Astrophysics and Supercomputing, Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122, Australia
Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The University of Tokyo, 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8582, Japan
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan
Department of Astronomical Science, SOKENDAI (The Graduate University for Advanced Studies), Osawa 2-21-1, Mitaka,
Tokyo, 181-8588, Japan
Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, PO Box 9513, NL-2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands
Context. The circumgalactic medium (CGM) serves as a baryon reservoir that connects galaxies to the intergalactic medium and fuels
star formation. The spatial distribution of the metal-enriched cool CGM has not yet been directly revealed at cosmic noon (z ≃ 2–4),
as bright emission lines at these redshifts are not covered by optical integral field units.
Aims. To remedy this situation, we aim for the first-ever detections and exploration of extended Si ii* emission (low-ionization state,
LIS), referred to as “Si ii* halos”, at redshifts ranging from z = 2 to 4 as a means to trace the metal-enriched cool CGM.
Methods. We use a sample of 39 galaxies with systemic redshifts of z = 2.1–3.9 measured with the [C iii] doublet in the MUSE Hubble
Ultra Deep Field catalog, which contains integration times spanning from ≃ 30 to 140 hours. We search for extended Si ii*λ1265,
1309, 1533 emission (fluorescent lines) around individual galaxies. We also stack a subsample of 14 UV-bright galaxies.
Results. We report five individual detections of Si ii*λ1533 halos. We also confirm the presence of Si ii*λ1533 halos in stacks for the
subsample containing UV-bright sources. The other lines do not show secure detections of extended emission in either individual or
stacking analyses. These detections may imply that the presence of metal-enriched CGM is a common characteristic for UV-bright
galaxies. To investigate whether the origin of Si ii* is continuum pumping as suggested in previous studies, we check the consistency
of the equivalent width (EW) of Si ii* emission and the EW of Si ii absorption for the individual halo object with the most reliable
detection. We confirm the equivalence, suggesting that photon conservation works for this object and pointing toward continuum
pumping as the source of Si ii*. We also investigate Si ii* lines in a RAMSES-RT zoom-in simulation including continuum pumping
and find ubiquitous presence of extended halos.
Key words. Galaxies: high-redshift – galaxies: formation – galaxies: evolution – galaxies: halos
1. Introduction the gas outside the interstellar medium (ISM) and inside the
virial radius of the host dark matter halo. This region serves
The circumgalactic medium (CGM) is the baryonic matter that as a dynamic interface connecting galaxies to the intergalactic
envelops galaxies. The most common definition of the CGM is medium (IGM). Metals are ejected from galaxies to the CGM
via outflows powered by supernovae explosions, stellar winds,
Based on observations made with ESO telescope at the La Silla and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). A part of those metals may
Paranal Observatory under the large program 1101.A-0127 be mixed with inflowing pristine and recycled gas and accrete
e-mail: [email protected],
onto the galaxies. Hence, the CGM is a gas and metal reservoir
[email protected]
of a galaxy and plays a pivotal role in galaxy evolution (e.g., lar emission tracer of cool metal-enriched CGM, Mg ii λλ2796,
Tumlinson et al. 2017; Péroux & Howk 2020). 2803, is useful only at z ≲ 2 because at higher redshifts the ob-
Historically, the CGM has been observed in absorption im- served wavelength shifts into the near-infrared and the cosmic
printed on quasi-stellar object (QSO) spectra (e.g., Wolfe et al. dimming effect is more severe (e.g., Rubin et al. 2011; Erb et al.
1986). This method can trace a wide range of column densities 2012; Martin et al. 2013; Burchett et al. 2021; Zabl et al. 2021;
and ionization states of various elements. The CGM is found to Leclercq et al. 2022; Dutta et al. 2023; Guo et al. 2023a, Pessa et
be a multiphase medium in terms of its density, temperature, ion- al. 2024 in prep.). Other possible tracers are [O ii]λλ3726, 3729
ization, kinematics, metallicity, and structure (e.g., Werk et al. (e.g., Yuma et al. 2013, 2017; Epinat et al. 2018; Johnson et al.
2016; Steidel et al. 2016; Chen et al. 2020; Schroetter et al. 2018) and very faint Fe ii*λ2365, λ2396, λ2612, and λ2626 (e.g.,
2021). However, this method is limited to the lines of sight of Finley et al. 2017; Shaban et al. 2022). At z ≃ 4–7, [C ii]λ158µm
background sources. Large programs with recent or upcoming can be covered by sensitive ALMA bands 6 and 7 ([C ii] ha-
instruments targeting bright galaxies as background sources (to- los; e.g., Fujimoto et al. 2019; Ginolfi et al. 2020). At z ≃ 2–
mographic mapping) can reach the IGM scale. For instance, The 4, no bright emission tracer of the cool metal-enriched CGM is
COSMOS Lyman-Alpha Mapping And Tomography Observa- available in the observed optical regime. While extremely faint,
tions (CLAMATO) survey with Keck/LRIS (Lee et al. 2014) and the most promising tracers are the emission lines Si ii*λ1265,
the Prime Focus Spectrograph-Subaru strategic program (PFS 1309, 1533, which are not contaminated by other line features at
SSP) Galaxy Evolution survey (Greene et al. 2022) have a few nearby wavelengths given the spectral resolution of current fa-
Mpc transverse resolution at z > 1. Higher spatial resolutions cilities (cf. C ii*λ1335 emission and C iiλ1334 absorption, which
can be achieved using QSO pairs (e.g., Tytler et al. 2009; Ur- cannot be resolved by the resolving power of MUSE, ≃3000).
bano Stawinski et al. 2023), gravitationally lensed QSOs (e.g., Si ii* are fine-structure fluorescent emission lines from singly
Chen et al. 2014; Rubin et al. 2018), and gravitational-arcs as ionized silicon, which is a low-ionization state (LIS), with an
background sources (e.g., Lopez et al. 2018). A galaxy-centered ionization energy close to H i (ionization energy for Si and Si+
stacking approach is also useful to statistically map gas and met- are 8.1 eV and 16.4 eV, respectively). The energy levels of the
als with impact parameters ranging from ≃ 50 kpc to a few Mpc Si+ ion for the three transitions this paper focuses on are shown
(e.g., Rakic et al. 2012; Turner et al. 2014; Dutta et al. 2024). in Figure 1. The origin of Si ii* is suggested to be “continuum
Recently, Bordoloi et al. (2023) achieves the impact parameters pumping” (or “continuum fluorescence”) rather than collisional
of ≃ 20–300 kpc individually, using James Web Space Telescope excitation or recombination (Shapley et al. 2003). Collisional
(JWST)/NIRCam slitlesss grism spectroscopy. These studies en- excitations are dominant only in dense environments with high
able to reach an outer-CGM scale, but an inner-CGM scale is electron densities, which is higher than typical values in H ii re-
difficult to investigate. Moreover, the identification of the host gions (Shapley et al. 2003). And the recombination rates of Si2+
galaxies that are responsible for the absorption lines in QSO into the excited Si+ is of the same order as the collisional exci-
spectra is a challenging task. Hence, this method cannot provide tation rates when Si+ and Si2+ have comparable abundance with
the spatial distribution of gas and metals around individual host T ∼ 104 K (Shull & van Steenberg 1982; Shapley et al. 2003).
galaxies on an inner CGM scale. Shapley et al. (2003) model observed nebular emission lines us-
A complementary method to absorption-line studies is direct ing the photoionization code CLOUDY (Ferland et al. 1998).
observations of the CGM in emission, which has been challeng- They find that any model that reproduces the line ratios of the
ing because of its low surface brightness (SBs). Modern opti- other lines ([O iii], [O ii], Hβ, O iii], and C iii]) predict more than
cal integral field units (IFUs) such as the Multi-Unit Spectro- one order of magnitude weaker Si ii* emission by collisions and
scopic Explorer (MUSE; Bacon et al. 2010) and the Keck Cos- recombination. Therefore, those two processes are unlikely to be
mic Web Imager (KCWI; Morrissey 2018) make it possible to the dominant origin of Si ii* emission in H ii regions. As for the
detect diffuse CGM emission around individual host galaxies continuum pumping scenario, first, Si+ in neutral clouds absorbs
(e.g., Wisotzki et al. 2016). In particular, extended Lyα emis- the UV continuum and creates Si ii resonant absorption features.
sion, the so-called “Lyα halo”, which traces cool and warm hy- Second, a fraction of Si+ deexcites to the fine-structure level and
drogen CGM (e.g., Steidel et al. 2011; Momose et al. 2014; Guo emits Si ii* photons (see Figure 1). Si ii* lines are escape chan-
et al. 2023c) has been intensively detected and studied around nels of resonant transitions and are expected to be as spatially
individual Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z ≃ 2–6 (e.g., Leclercq et al. extended as the resonant emission lines.
2017, 2020; Chen et al. 2021; Claeyssens et al. 2022; Erb et al. Fluorescent lines are extremely faint, and Si ii* emission is
2023). Their diverse profiles and statistical trends as well as ori- ∼ 10–50 times weaker than Lyα emission of LAEs (Steidel et al.
gins can now be discussed. Recently, a high fraction of Lyα halos 2018). In fact, extended Si ii* emission has not been directly de-
around UV-continuum selected (not based on Lyα) galaxies at tected. Wang et al. (2020) found weak Si ii* emission lines com-
z ∼ 3-4 is reported (Kusakabe et al. 2022). The ubiquitous pres- pared to the associated absorption line in HST/Cosmic Origins
ence of resorvoirs of hydrogen in the CGM is directly confirmed Spectrograph (COS) data for 5 galaxies at z = 0, which implies
at cosmic noon and earlier epochs (z > 3 with MUSE). that the bulk of Si ii* emission arises on larger scales than the
However, metals in the CGM at cosmic noon (z ∼ 2–4), COS aperture. Gazagnes et al. (2023) compare COS spectra of
which is the peak of star-forming activity of galaxies, have not Si ii*λ1265 for 45 local galaxies (COS Legacy Archive Spectro-
been directly confirmed in emission, in particular for the cool scopic SurveY, CLASSY) with mock spectra from zoom-in sim-
phase. The CGM is known to be metal enriched even at z ∼ 2– ulations (Mauerhofer et al. 2021). They find stronger Si ii* emis-
4 from transverse absorption-line studies (e.g., Turner et al. sion lines in the simulations than observed, and they argue that
2014; Lehner et al. 2016; Méndez-Hernández et al. 2022; Ur- aperture losses of COS can explain the weakness of observed
bano Stawinski et al. 2023; Bordoloi et al. 2023). This is also Si ii* and that Si ii*λ1265 is spatially extended. Very recently,
suggested by outflowing metals identified by down-the-barrel Vasan G. C. et al. (2024) study spatially-resolved outflow prop-
analysis (e.g., Shapley et al. 2003; Steidel et al. 2010; Du et al. erties for a lensed star-forming galaxy at z = 1.87 with KCWI
2018; Sugahara et al. 2017) and by broad-line components seen and show that Si ii* emission is more extended than the contin-
in spectra (e.g., Carniani et al. 2023; Xu et al. 2023). A popu- uum for a certain direction extracted with a pseudo slit.
Article number, page 2 of 13
Haruka Kusakabe et al.: The MUSE eXtremely Deep Field: Detections of circumgalactic Si ii* emission at z ≳ 2
In this project, we search for Si ii* halos around galaxies at tion are described in Bacon et al. (2023). Each MUSE object has
cosmic noon (at z = 2–4) as a tracer of metal-enriched cool CGM a source file, which is in the format of MPDAF1 multi-fits for-
using integral field unit data to remedy the problem. We use data mat and is composed of various data files such as minicubes, im-
from the MUSE Hubble Ultra Deep Field (HUDF) survey (Ba- ages, and spectra. It is available on the AMUSED website2 . We
con et al. 2023) and test the presence of Si ii* halos with surface use 5”×5” minicubes from each of the source files. We create
brightness profiles of Si ii* and UV continuum. We report the continuum-subtracted minicubes following the method used in
first detections of Si ii* halos. We also stack the MUSE data for Kusakabe et al. (2022), taking the median for each pixel within
a UV-bright subsample to study the general extent of Si ii* and a spectral window of 100 slices (masking ±400 km s−1 around
compare it with simulations. the Lyα wavelength if the spectrum covers). The continuum sub-
The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we describe traction is useful not only to investigate emission lines, but also
the data and the sample construction. Section 3 presents meth- to remove neighboring sources around a target source. In order
ods and results of the search for individual Si ii* halos and those to identify HST counterparts, calculate UV magnitudes, and cre-
of a stacked subsample. In Section 4, we discuss photon conser- ate masks, we use the HST catalog and data from Rafelski et al.
vation for Si ii, compare observed results with those of zoom-in (2015).
simulations, and discuss how to increase a sample size with dif-
ferent selection criteria. Finally, conclusions are given in Section
2.2. Sample selection
5. Throughout this paper, we assume the Planck 2018 cosmolog-
ical model (Planck Collaboration et al. 2020) with a matter den- We construct a sample of galaxies at z = 2.07–3.87, for which
sity of Ωm = 0.315, a dark energy density of ΩΛ = 0.685, and the [C iii]λ1907, C iii]λ1909 doublet nebular lines and at least
a Hubble constant of H0 = 67.4 km s−1 Mpc−1 (h100 = 0.67). one of the Si ii*λ1265, 1309, 1533 lines are redshifted into the
Magnitudes are given in the AB system (Oke & Gunn 1983). All MUSE wavelength range. The available redshift ranges for the
distances are in physical units (kpc), unless otherwise stated. three Si ii* lines are shown in the top panel in Figure 2. We
require sources to have a secure spectroscopic redshift with
ZCONF ≥ 2 and a C iii] signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of S NR >
2. Data and sample 3. We visually inspect C iii] in spectra and images extracted from
To search for extended Si ii* emission of z ≳ 2 galaxies, we uti- MUSE cubes to ensure these criteria. We use systemic redshifts
lize deep MUSE data from data release 2 (DR2) of the MUSE measured by the C iii] line rather than reference redshifts (RE-
HUDF surveys (Bacon et al. 2023), where rich multi-wavelength FZs) in the DR2 catalog, which are given by Lyα at z ≳ 3 or
data are also available (see Section 2.1). We construct our sample absorption lines at z ≃ 2. Si ii* lines are expected to be located
with the DR2 catalog using the systemic redshifts for the indi- at the systemic redshifts (e.g., France et al. 2010; Dessauges-
vidual search and stacking analyses (see Sections 2.2 and 2.3). Zavadsky et al. 2010; Jaskot & Oey 2014; Wang et al. 2020),
We create masks to avoid potential contaminations from neigh- though redshifted Si ii* lines are also reported, which could be
boring galaxies (see Section 2.4). due to the contamination of the absorption at the blue edge for
low-resolution spectra or stacking of spectra for different sources
(e.g., Shapley et al. 2003; Erb et al. 2010; Berry et al. 2012). As
2.1. Data and catalogs Si ii* lines are extremely faint, secure measurements of systemic
redshifts enable us to not rely on the presence of Si ii* in 1D
The MUSE HUDF DR2 data are obtained as a part of the MUSE spectra on a galaxy scale and to directly search for spatially ex-
guaranteed time observations (GTO) program described in Ba- tended Si ii* in narrowband images extracted from MUSE cubes.
con et al. (2023). We use two fields among the MUSE HUDF We limit our sample to galaxies with a secure and isolated HST
DR2 data set: a single 1 × 1 arcmin2 pointing with a 31-hour counterpart (based on Rafelski et al. 2015, MAG_SRC=RAF)
depth (udf-10, see also Bacon et al. 2017 and Inami et al. 2017), with a high HST matching confidence level of MCONF≥ 3 in
and the adaptive-optics (AO) assisted MUSE eXtremely Deep the DR2 catalog. In total, we have 39 galaxies, whose absolute
Field (mxdf), whose maximum integration time is 141 hours UV magnitudes (MUV ) and systemic redshifts (zsys ) are shown
with a 1-arcmin diameter field of view. They are located inside in the bottom panel of Figure 2. The MUV is calculated at rest-
the Hubble eXtreme Deep Field (XDF; Illingworth et al. 2013)
with deep HST data (see Bacon et al. 2023, for more details). frame 1600 Å by fitting 2 or 3 HST bands with a power-low
model (with parameters being an amplitude and a UV slope β).
The udf-10 covers the optical wavelength range from 4750 Å to
We would like to note that our sample is constructed simply
9350 Å, while mxdf covers from 4700 Å to 9350 Å, with an AO with the deepest data for this pilot study. We discuss possible
gap from 5800 Å to 5966.25 Å. The spectral resolving power strategies to extend the sample in Section 4.3.
of MUSE varies from R = 1610 to 3750 at 4700 Å to 9350 Å,
respectively. The full width at half maximums (FWHMs) of the
Moffat point spread function (Moffat PSF, Moffat 1969) are 0′′. 7 2.3. Stacked sample
(0′′. 7) at the blue wavelength edge and 0′′. 5 (0′′. 6) at the red The subsample used for the stacking analysis is restricted to
wavelength edge for the mxdf (udf-10). The 3σ point-source bright UV-continuum galaxies using an apparent magnitude cut
flux limit for an unresolved emission line in the mxdf (the udf- of mUV = 26.0, in order to enhance the SNR of the stacked im-
10) is ≃ 6 × 10−20 erg s−1 cm−2 (≃ 2 × 10−19 erg s−1 cm−2 ),
ages (see Section 3.3 and Figure 2). The origin of Si ii* is pre-
at around 7000 Å (not affected by OH sky emission), which dicted to be continuum pumping as mentioned in Section 1, and
corresponds to a 3σ surface brightness limit for an unresolved a bright UV continuum is necessary to have a bright Si ii* emis-
emission line of ≃ 1 × 10−19 erg s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 (≃ 2 × 10−19 sion line. Indeed, Si ii* emission lines are stronger in 1D stacked
erg s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 , see Bacon et al. 2023). spectra for subsamples of MUSE LAEs with brighter UV contin-
The MUSE HUDF DR2 catalog includes 2221 sources from
z = 0 to 6.7, which are selected by emission-line detections as 1
well as through HST priors. The details of the catalog construc-
P31 = 36.9 %
P31 = 33.6 %
P13 = 100 %
1260.42 Å
1304.37 Å
1526.72 Å
P32 = 15.5 %
P42 = 63.1 %
P42 = 66.4 %
1309.27 Å
1533.45 Å
1265.00 Å
1264.74 Å
P23 ≈ 10 %
P42 = 100 %
P24 ≈ 90 %
Fig. 1. Energy levels of Si+ ions and different channels of excitation and de-excitation from the ground-state or the fine-structure level (fluores-
cence) for Si ii*λ1265, 1309, 1533 lines in panels (a) to (c), respectively. The probabilities (P) of related transitions and their wavelengths are also
8314 140
231 7697 8378
8414 263 6999
18 6298 8507 120
7615 8336
6674 1759
1395 106
51 1316 76 8537
1141 6666 80
20 7600 8048 6700
2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75
Systemic redshift (zsys)
Fig. 2. Redshift distribution of our sample. (Top) Redshift ranges covered for the Si ii*λ1265, 1309, 1533 lines. Navy and yellow shades indicate
mxdf and udf-10, respectively. (Bottom) The MUV and zsys distribution of our sample with MUSE IDs. The color bar indicates the integration
time. The stacked subsample is enclosed by gray squares. The MUV corresponding to mUV = 26.0 (magnitude cut for the stacking sample) at each
redshift is shown by the black dashed line. The individually-detected Si ii* halos are indicated by red crosses (see Section 3.2 ).
uum (such as those with higher stellar masses and with brighter minicubes, we create neighboring object masks. First, we define
UV magnitudes) than the subsample counterparts in Feltre et al. target pixels. We use an HST segmentation map and mask pix-
(2020). The number of sources for the stacking subsample is 14. els not corresponding to a main target on a 5”×5” HST/F775W
We would like to note that applying fainter magnitude cuts in- cutout for each object. It is convolved with the MUSE mof-
deed reduces the SNRs of the Si ii* lines. fat PSF at the redshifted Si ii* wavelength for the main target
and rebinned to match the MUSE pixel scale. Then, we apply a
threshold value of 0.1 to the peak-normalized convolved cutout
2.4. Masks to delimit the spaxels of the target. Lower threshold values such
In order to exclude pixels that might be affected by bright neigh- as 0.05 cause contamination of neighboring objects inside the
boring objects in Si ii* narrowband images extracted from the target spaxels. Using a higher threshold value of 0.2 does not
change the main results in this paper but enhances the contam- Among the 39 sources, we detect five Si ii* halos for the
inated pixels outside the following neighboring object masks. Si ii*λ 1533 line (MID= 24, 35, 50, 51, 1141; see Figure 3).
Therefore, we adopt the value 0.1. These are the first detections of individual Si ii* halos. The Si ii*
Second, we use a 5”×5” HST/F775W cutout whose sky and lines in the DR2 reference spectra show that there are no signif-
the main target are masked with the HST segmentation map for icant velocity shifts for the line peaks of Si ii*1533 (Figure 3;
each source. This cutout is convolved with the MUSE PSF and the systemic redshifts are given by the [C iii]λ1907, C iii]λ1909
rebinned to match the MUSE pixel scale. Then, we define pixels doublet nebular lines, see Section 2.2).
brighter than a certain threshold on the cutout, except for the tar- Among the five Si ii* halo sources, MID=1141, shown in the
get pixels, as masked pixels. The applied threshold value is half top panels of Figure 3, is the best-case object. The Si ii* emission
of the value above in the absolute sense (without normalization). profile shows three data points that deviate by more than 1σ from
the normalized continuum. This object is well-isolated and with-
out a spatial offset of Si ii* from the UV continuum. The images
3. Results are not significantly affected by masks, which makes the SB pro-
file test secure. The Si ii* emission line can be clearly confirmed
3.1. Extracted images and surface brightness profiles on the spectrum shown in Figure 3. MID= 24 and MID=35 are
a pair of galaxies, which could contaminate each other’s 5” × 5”
For each source, we create a Si ii* emission narrowband (NB) images despite the neighboring object mask. Moreover, MID=35
image from the continuum-subtracted minicube. We sum fluxes is an X-ray detected AGN (Luo et al. 2017), whose Si ii* halo
in a window of ±200 km s−1 around the Si ii* wavelength, ex- might have a different origin from other sources. The Si ii* NB
cluding NaN (masked) spaxels, wavelength slices affected by of MID=50 shows a peak offset from the UV center measured
OH skylines, and the AO gap in the cube. The variance image with the HST data, with two neighboring LAEs in the DR2 cat-
of the NB is created from that of the cube with error propa- alog, which spatially overlap with the extended Si ii* emission.
gation. A UV continuum broadband (BB) is created from the The Si ii* SB of MID=51 is noisy even though it meets our halo
median filtered original minicube with a window of ±300 wave- criterion. Considering these details on the five sources, we high-
length slices (375 Å) around the Si ii* wavelength (masking be- light MID=1141 in the following sections.
low +400 km s−1 from the Lyα wavelength) to obtain a good The redshifts of the individually-detected Si ii*λ1533 halos
SNR. We also exclude NaN in the cube and the AO gap. If the range from 2.23 to 3.32 with four of them at zsys ≲ 2.5. The non
wavelength window is not fully covered, we use as many spec- detections at z > 3.5 could be due to the high noise levels of
tral slices as possible. The variance image of the BB is assumed MUSE data at red wavelengths (severe night sky and low sensi-
to be identical to that of the mean-filtered BB created from the tivity; Bacon et al. 2023) and the cosmic dimming effect on the
same cube with error propagation. We apply a neighboring ob- SB profiles (by a factor of 2.7 between z = 2.5 and z = 3.5).
ject mask (see Section 2.4) and measure SB profiles of these Another interesting result is that we cannot confirm extended
two bands using PHOTUTILS (Bradley et al. 2021). The aper- emission for any of the other Si ii* lines (λ1265, 1309). In
ture and annuli are centered at the HST counterpart position with the optically thin limit, the strengths of fluorescent lines are
1-pixel (0′′. 2) annuli from 0′′. 1 to 0′′. 9 and then 2-pixel annuli at expected to depend on the strength of the paired absorption
1′′. 2 and 1′′. 6, followed by a 3.5-pixel annulus at 2′′. 15, to enhance lines, which are determined by their oscillator strengths, f . In
the SNR at outer radii. The azimuthally-averaged radial SB pro- particular, the Si iiλ1260 resonant absorption line correspond-
files are calculated from the effective areas and the measured flux ing to the Si ii*λ1265 line has a ten times larger f than that
above. We normalize the SB profile of the UV continuum at the of the Si iiλ1526 resonant absorption line corresponding to the
center (R = 0) to that of Si ii*. Si ii*λ1533. However, in the simulations of Mauerhofer et al.
The top panels in Figure 3 show the Si ii* emission NB, the (2021) there is no significant difference in the equivalent widths
UV-continuum BB, and the SB profile for a highlighted object, of Si ii*λ1265 and Si ii*λ1533 absorption lines because both
MID= 1141. The details of this object are explained later (Sec- lines are saturated (Mauerhofer et al. in prep.). In such an op-
tion 3.2). tically thick regime, the equivalent widths for the corresponding
fluorescent emission (Si ii*λ1265 and Si ii*λ1533) are similar in
3.2. Identification of Si ii* halos the simulations. Therefore, non detections of Si ii*λ1265 as well
as Si ii*λ1309 would not be due to fainter total fluxes for these
To identify extended Si ii* emission, we compare the shape of the lines than for the 1533 line. The reason for nondetections of
azimuthally-averaged radial SB profiles of the UV continuum Si ii*λ1265 and Si ii*λ1309 halos are not clear. The samples for
and the Si ii* emission. We take account of uncertainties in SB Si ii*λ1265, 1309 lines are limited to high redshifts (zsys > 2.8
profiles of Si ii* emission only (blue shades in Figure 3) as those and > 2.6, respectively), and none of them are bright in apparent
of UV continuum are negligibly small (gray shades). If more UV magnitudes, which are directly related to SNRs (see Figure
than two adjacent data points of the Si ii* SB profiles deviate by 2). Bright sources would be crucial for the detection of diffuse
more than 1σ from the normalized continuum, we identify it as Si ii* lines if the origin of Si ii* is continuum pumping. How-
extended Si ii*. The significance of the presence of the halo with ever, we cannot distinguish whether it is caused by differences in
this criterion corresponds to more than 97.5%3 . We would like to lines, samples, or noise levels. We note that the Si ii*λ 1533 lines
note that, as we use circular photometry, our test may miss non- are also brighter than the other two lines in the stacked MUSE
circular halos as discussed in Kusakabe et al. (2022) for Lyα LAE spectra of Feltre et al. (2020) and Kramarenko et al. (2023),
halos. Our halo search is not complete in that sense but secure. which might also be due to the difference in objects stacked for
different Si ii* lines.
The probability for two adjacent data points with > 1σ, which One of the individually-detected objects, MID=50 at zsys =
is caused by chance due to noises (i.e., fake detections), is 3.32, has 3 Si ii* lines covered with MUSE. We coadd the NBs
1−0.6826 2
=2.5% with an assumption that noises follow the normal dis- and BBs for the 3 Si ii* lines by taking the median (with the same
tribution. method as used in Section 3.3) and show them in the fifth row of
Article number, page 5 of 13
A&A proofs: manuscript no. ms
-2 z=2.34 -2 -2
MXDF 10 200.0
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1520 1530 1540
R [arcsec] Wavelength [Å]
2 2 2
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
10 18
0 0 0
10 19 60
MID=24 40
-2 z=2.54 -2 -2
MXDF 10 200.0 20
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1520 1530 1540
R [arcsec] Wavelength [Å]
2 2 2
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
10 18
0 0 0
10 19
-2 z=2.54 -2 -2 10
UDF10 10 200.0
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1520 1530 1540
R [arcsec] Wavelength [Å]
2 2 2
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
10 18
0 0 0
10 19 10
MID=50 0
-2 z=3.32 -2 -2
UDF10 10 200.0 5
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1520 1530 1540
R [arcsec] Wavelength [Å]
2 2
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
10 18
0 0
10 19
MID=50 MID=50
-2 Coadded con. -2 Coadded 3 SiII*
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 10 200.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
R [arcsec]
2 2 2
Flux density [erg/s/cm2/Å]
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
10 18 40
0 0 0
10 19
-2 z=2.23 -2 -2
MXDF 10 200.0
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 1520 1530 1540
R [arcsec] Wavelength [Å]
Fig. 3. (From left to right) The HST image, MUSE UV-continuum BB image, MUSE Si ii* NB image, SB profile, and Si ii* spectrum for the
five sources with Si ii* halo detections. Each row except the fifth shows the Si ii*1533 line for a different object. The fifth row shows a coadded
result of three Si ii* lines for MID=50 at z = 3.32, whose three Si ii* lines (Si ii*λ1265, Si ii*λ1309, and Si ii*λ1533) are covered with MUSE. The
image size is five arcsec. Gray shades on the images indicate masked spaxels. For presentation purposes, NB images are smoothed with a Gaussian
kernel with σ = 1.5 spaxel. White contours correspond to 1 × 10−19 erg s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 (the typical 3σ SB limit of the NBs in MXDF for an
unresolved emission Bacon et al. 2023). Cyan crosses on images indicate the HST center. The SB profiles of the UV continuum shown by black
lines are normalized at the center (R = 0) to the SB profiles of Si ii* shown by blue lines. Blue and gray shades represent 1σ uncertainties of the
SB for Si ii* emission and UV continuum, respectively. Gray solid and dotted lines show the SB profile of the PSF normalized at the center and
the typical 3σ SB limit of the NBs in MXDF for unresolved emission, respectively. The rest-frame “reference spectrum” and its 1σ uncertainty
are shown by a black solid and a gray shade, respectively. The reference spectrum for each object is chosen from those extracted by five different
methods to have high-SNR in Bacon et al. (2023). The wavelengths for Si ii* emission and Si ii absorption lines are indicated by gray solid and
dotted lines, respectively. MID= 24 and MID= 35 have broad C iv λλ1548, 1550 lines, which are masked by gray shades at the red edge of the
Figure 3. Extended Si ii* is confirmed with a better SNR, which which are limited by the MUSE wavelength coverage and the AO
implies the Si ii*λ1265, 1309 lines are also spatially extended. gap (see Figure 2)4 . Therefore, we only stack a subsample for the
Si ii*λ1533 line and take the mean and median of the Si ii* NBs
and BBs without weighting, while masking neighboring objects.
3.3. Stacking analysis We also stack 14 sources by combining the NBs and BBs for the
To test the general presence of Si ii* halos, we stack 14 UV- 4
The MIDs for the Si ii*λ1265 subsample are 50, 76, 6666, 6700, and
bright sources (see Section 2.3). The numbers of sources with 8048. Those for the Si ii*λ1309 are 50, 76, 6700, and 8048. Those for
the magnitude cut of mUV = 26.0 available for each of the the Si ii*λ1533 are 24, 35, 50, 51, 76, 1141, 1316, 1395, 6664, 6666,
Si ii*λ1265, 1309, 1533 lines are five, four, and 13, respectively, 6700, 7600, and 8513.
Stacked SB profile
Mean-stacked Mean-stacked 10 18 SiII* 1533(N=13) Median-stacked Median-stacked
UV con. SiII* 1533 mean SiII* UV con. SiII* 1533
2 2 mean con. 2 2
med. SiII*
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
med. con.
10 19
0 0 0 0
10 20
-2 -2 -2 -2
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
R [arcsec]
Stacked SB profile
Mean-stacked Mean-stacked 10 18 3 lines (N=14) Median-stacked Median-stacked
UV con. 3 SiII* UV con. 3 SiII*
2 2 2 2
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
10 19
0 0 0 0
10 20
-2 -2 -2 -2
-2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2 -2 0 2
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
R [arcsec]
Fig. 4. Stacking results. From left to right, we show the mean-stacked UV continuum image, the mean-stacked Si ii* emission image (5 arcsec
each), the mean surface brightness profiles, the median-stacked UV continuum image, and the median-stacked Si ii* emission image. Top and
bottom panels represent stacking results of the Si ii*λ1533 line (N=13) and those of all Si ii* lines (22 images for 14 sources), respectively. Cyan
crosses on images indicate the HST center. White contours correspond to 5 × 10−20 erg s−1 cm−2 arcsec−2 which is also shown by black dotted
lines on the SB profiles. The SB profiles of the mean-stacked Si ii* and UV continuum are indicated by the blue and black lines, respectively,
while the median-stacked Si ii* and UV continuum are shown by the blue and the black crosses, respectively. The blue and gray shades represent
1σ uncertainties of the SB for Si ii* emission and UV continuum, respectively. Following Figure 3, SB profiles for the continuum are normalized
at the center (R=0) to those for Si ii* emission.
three lines. The variance images for the mean stacking, which the individually-detected sources have a bright MUV (and also
we use for our halo test, are created based on error propagation. a bright mUV ) and are located at relatively low redshifts. It is
Then, we apply the SB profile test for the mean-stacked images not surprising that removing such five sources results in non-
with the same method as used in Sections 3.1 and 3.2, as the un- detections. If the origin of the Si ii* is continuum pumping, as
certainties can be calculated correctly for the mean but not for we expect, it then should be more challenging to detect Si ii*
the median. halos without these bright sources. We also stack various sub-
The results of this stacking experiment are shown in Fig- samples including all the sources without individually-detected
ure 4. As shown in the top row, we confirm the existence of a halos and get nondetections of extended Si ii* emission. Future
Si ii*λ1533 halo with five data points that deviate by more than instruments such as BlueMUSE (Richard et al. 2019) or a larger
1σ from the normalized continuum profile. The median profile sample compiling MUSE and KCWI archive data will allow us
of Si ii*λ1533 is consistent with the mean profile and deviates to investigate the dependence of Si ii* halos on sample proper-
from the median continuum as well, in particular at large radii. ties such as MUV (see Section 4.3). It will enable us to draw a
These tests may suggest that the detected halo in the mean pro- firm conclusion of whether Si ii* halos are indeed common for
file is not dominated by a few extreme objects. This is the first UV-bright galaxies at z = 2–4 or not.
secure detection of a stacked Si ii* halo. It may imply that the
individually detected sources are not extreme cases, Si ii* halos
must be common for UV-bright galaxies at z = 2–4. 4. Discussion
The bottom row of Figure 4 shows the results of stacking all 4.1. Testing photon conservation
the Si ii* narrowbands and corresponding UV continuum bands
for the 14 sources (three lines; in total 22 images). We find that Shapley et al. (2003) suggest that the origin of the Si ii* is
the mean-stacked Si ii* deviates by more than 1σ from the mean- continuum pumping (see Section 1 for other origins). For the
stacked UV continuum for six data points. The median-stacked Si ii*λ1533 line, Si+ in neutral clouds makes a Si iiλ1526 reso-
Si ii* is consistent with the mean-stacked Si ii*, and the devia- nant absorption line, and then a fraction of Si+ deexcites to the
tion from the normalized continuum is similarly seen with the fine-structure level, emitting Si ii fluorescence photons at 1533 Å
median-stacked profiles. (see Figure 1). As the Si ii is a resonant line, the Si ii* line can
We note that removing MID= 35, which is an X-ray detected be regarded as an escape channel of photons from resonant scat-
AGN with extended Si ii* (see Section 3.2), does not change tering. If dust extinction is negligible and the escape is isotropic,
the results and that the other 13 sources do not have a counter- then the equivalent width (EW) of Si ii* emission and that of
part in the deep X-ray catalog (Luo et al. 2017). We also note the corresponding resonant absorption should be comparable be-
that stacking without individually-detected Si ii* halos results cause of photon conservation. However, it is possible for the ab-
in nondetections of extended Si ii*. As shown in Figure 2, all sorption and emission to have different EWs for one given di-
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rection of observations even if the origin is continuum pumping 4.2. Comparisons with zoom simulations
without dust, because of the complex gas distribution in front of
stars in galaxies (e.g., Prochaska et al. 2011b; Carr et al. 2018). We compare our stacked Si ii*1533 profile with those from the
Simulations predict that absorption lines depend sensitively on cosmological zoom-in simulations of Mauerhofer et al. (2021),
the direction of observations (Mauerhofer et al. 2021; Gazagnes which are used in Gazagnes et al. (2023) and Blaizot et al.
et al. 2023). Below, we assume an isotropic case. (2023). Mauerhofer et al. (2021) present three snapshots contain-
ing a relatively small galaxy (such as MUSE LAEs) at z = 3.0,
3.1, and 3.2. The stellar mass for the galaxy is ∼ 2 × 109 M⊙ ,
To investigate the scenario of continuum pumping, we use and the star formation rate ranges from ∼ 2 to 5 M⊙ yr−1 for the
the isolated, high-SN object MID= 1141 (see Section 3.2) and three snapshots. Si ii*photons in this simulations originate from
test photon conservation between Si ii absorption and associated continuum pumping. We provide mock MUSE cubes for obser-
Si ii* emission, which is commonly assessed with the EWs of vations from 12 directions for each snapshot in the rest frame.
these lines (e.g., Prochaska et al. 2011a; Wang et al. 2020). First, This original mock cube has a size of 300 × 300 × 110 pix-
we check the flux curve of growth (CoG) for the continuum and els corresponding to 7′′. 5 × 7′′. 5 × 16.6 Å (from 1521.83 Å to
the emission line to determine the spatial extent. Second, we 1538.42 Å) with a spaxel scale of 0′′. 025/pix. Then, to match the
measure the EW curve of growth for Si ii* emission and compare size of observed and simulated galaxies, we measure the me-
it with the absorption EW. We measure EWs from the MUSE dian size of the simulated galaxy among the 36 directions. A
data (without HST), which makes the EW comparison fair. Ide- UV-continuum BB image is created from each median-filtered
ally, we should measure the curve of growth for the absorption. original cube with a window from 1528.5 Å to 1531.5 Å (the
However, due to the limited depth and spatial resolution of our continuum between Si ii absorption and Si ii* emission). We de-
data, we have to assume that the absorption follows the same fine the galaxy center by identifying the brightest pixel, as in
spatial profile as that of the continuum. The left panel of Figure Gazagnes et al. (2023), for each UV continuum BB image after
5 shows normalized fluxes within growing apertures for contin- HST PSF convolution (F606W in Rafelski et al. 2015). The half-
uum (black) and Si ii*λ1533 (blue). Fluxes are measured from light radius (R50 ) is measured around the galaxy center with the
the Si ii*λ1533 NB image and the corresponding UV continuum original mock cube (without HST PSF convolution) using PHO-
BB image (Section 3.1) with PHOTUTILS and the neighboring TUTILS. The median R50 for the simulated galaxy is 0′′. 0875 (3.5
object mask with corrections of masked areas. On a galaxy-scale pix). This is 1.7 times smaller than the median R50 for the 14
of R= 0′′. 8, the aperture includes about 80% of the continuum stacked galaxies (R50 =0′′. 15 with F606W after PSF correction).
but only 50% of the Si ii*. An R= 2′′. 4 aperture captures most of Since we do not have a simulated galaxy that is large enough
the Si ii* flux. in Mauerhofer et al. (2021), we manually rescale the original
mock cube by a factor of 1.7 by interpreting the spaxel scale
as 0′′. 0425/pix, which is referred to as an intrinsic mock cube
The right panel shows rest-frame EWs for Si ii*λ1533 emis- below. The intrinsic mock cubes are cut out around the galaxy
sion within growing apertures (blue), compared with the EW for center defined above and are 5 arcsec each. The 5” cubes are
Si iiλ1526 absorption measured at R≤ 0′′. 8, EWabs (Si iiλ1526)= convolved with the MUSE PSF and line spread function (LSF)
1.6 ± 0.2 Å (red). Rest-frame EWs are measured in spectra described in Bacon et al. (2023) at the median redshift of the
extracted from the original minicube (to which the neighbor- stacked sample (z = 2.68). Then the convolved mock cubes are
ing object mask is applied) with growing apertures. The con- rebinned to match the MUSE cubes in the rest frame. We apply
tinuum flux density is measured by the median filtering each similar analyses to the 36 mock MUSE cubes as used for the
spectrum from 50-slice shorter wavelength (62.5Å) than the ab- observational data (see Section 3). A slight difference from the
sorption to 50-slice longer wavelength than the emission. Ab- method for the MUSE data is continuum subtraction. Continuum
sorption and emission fluxes are measured as differences from cubes used for continuum subtraction are created using median
the continuum. The EW for Si ii*λ1533 is EWem (Si ii*λ1533)= filtering from 1528.5 Å to 1531.5 Å which are also used for
1.1 ± 0.1 Å at R≤ 0′′. 8, which is smaller than EWabs (Si iiλ1526)= the UV-continuum BB images. The 1σ uncertainties for stacked
1.6 ± 0.2 Å. EWem (Si ii*λ1533) increases with R and reaches mock data are derived from 15.87 to 84.12 percentiles of SB
EWem (Si ii*λ1533)= 1.8 ± 0.4 Å at R≤ 2′′. 4, which is consis- profiles among individual mocks. We would like to note that the
tent with EWabs (Si iiλ1526) at R≤ 0′′. 8 within the 1σ uncertain- simulations assume cosmological parameters of H0 = 67.11 km
ties (see Figure 6 for the spectra), although the EWs have large s−1 Mpc−1 and Ωm = 0.3175, which should not have a signif-
measurement errors. Therefore, the absorption EW on the galaxy icant impact on the results below. We convert distances in the
scale and the fluorescent emission EW on the CGM scale are unit of arcsec for the simulated data to those in the unit of kpc
consistent with each other. This is compatible with photon con- at z = 2.68 with the Planck 2018 cosmological model (Planck
servation on the CGM scale, albeit with large uncertainties. It Collaboration et al. 2020) as the galaxy sizes are matched and
implies that the origin of extended Si ii* emission can be the con- MUSE PSF are convolved in the unit of arcsec.
tinuum pumping as predicted under the assumption of isotropic The left panel of Figure 7 shows a comparison of the ob-
escape and no dust. In that case, either a small amount of dust, served and simulated mean-stacked SB profiles. The simulated
a low optical depth, or a combination of both are implied. Un- UV continuum (gray dotted line) is well matched with the ob-
fortunately, data for the other four sources with individual Si ii* servations (black solid line), thanks to our manual 1.7 times
halos are either noisy or have accompanying galaxies inside their expansion. The simulated Si ii*1533 profile (green dotted line)
5”×5” minicubes, which prevents us from obtaining a firm con- is more extended than the simulated UV continuum (gray dot-
clusion about the mechanisms for the four sources. The trend of ted line) and consistent with the observed Si ii*1533 (blue solid
increasing EW of Si ii* emission with radius beyond the galaxy line), though simulated Si ii* halo is slightly less extended than
scale is predicted by simulations (Mauerhofer et al. 2021), which observed within 1σ uncertainties.
are compared with slit spectroscopy of low-redshift galaxies in The mean profiles can be biased toward bright halo sources,
Gazagnes et al. (2023, see also Wang et al. 2020). so we check whether the mean-stacked profiles are consistent
Article number, page 8 of 13
Haruka Kusakabe et al.: The MUSE eXtremely Deep Field: Detections of circumgalactic Si ii* emission at z ≳ 2
Flux CoG (image) 1.8
EW CoG (spectrum)
Normalized flux( R)
EW ( R) [Å]
0.6 1.4
0.2 Sill* 1533 (em.) Sill* 1533 (em.)
UV con. 0.8 Sill 1526 (abs.)
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
R [arcsec] R [arcsec]
Fig. 5. Curve of growth (CoG) for Si ii* flux and EW for MID= 1141. Left: Normalized fluxes within radius R as a function of R measured
from the Si ii* NB image (blue line) and the UV continuum BB image (black line). The blue shade indicates 1σ uncertainties for the Si ii* flux.
The vertical magenta lines show R=0′′. 8 (galaxy scale) and R=2′′. 4 (CGM scale), respectively. Right: EW(Si ii*) CoG as a function of R shown
by the blue line with the blue shade indicating 1σ uncertainties. EWs are measured in spectra extracted from the original minicube with growing
apertures around the HST center. The red line and shade show the EW for Si ii absorption at R=0′′. 8 and its 1σ uncertainty, respectively.
60 60
50 50
40 40
30 30
20 20
10 10
0 0
1520 1525 1530 1535 1540 1520 1525 1530 1535 1540
Wavelength [Å] Wavelength [Å]
Fig. 6. Galaxy-scale and CGM-scale spectra for MID=1141. Left: The black line shows the spectrum extracted from the original minicube with a
0′′. 8 aperture (radius) around the HST center. The gray solid line indicates the continuum. The gray shade shows 1σ uncertainties. The vertical red
and blue lines indicate the rest-frame wavelength of Si ii absorption and Si ii* emission (EWabs (Si iiλ1526)= 1.6 ± 0.2 Å and EWem (Si ii*λ1533)=
1.1 ± 0.1 Å). Right: The spectrum extracted from a 2′′. 4 aperture around the HST center (EWem (Si ii*λ1533)= 1.8 ± 0.4 Å).
with the median-stacked profiles for the Si ii* and the continuum We also check EW CoG of Si ii*1533 emission and Si ii1526
(green and gray crosses, respectively) in the right panel of Figure absorption lines for the simulations as shown in the left panel of
7. We confirm that they are consistent with each other, as for the Figure 8. The EWs of Si ii*1533 emission and Si ii1526 absorp-
MUSE observations of Si ii*1533. The right panel also compares tion are consistent at a CGM scale for both intrinsic cubes and
simulated mean-stacked SB profiles with PSF and LSF convo- PSF-convolved cubes, which are also seen on the mock spectra
lution versus without convolution, indicated by dotted and solid (see the middle and right panels of Figure 8). It means that the
lines, respectively. The simulated galaxy indeed has significantly photon conservation works for the simulations with continuum
more extended Si ii*1533 than the UV continuum in the intrinsic pumping in the sense that the scattered photons are not more at-
mock cubes, but the difference is mostly hidden by the MUSE tenuated by dust than that stellar continuum. This is consistent
PSF convolution5 . with our observations for MID=1141.
From these comparisons, we conclude that our simulations
We check individual mocks and find that the shapes of the individual with continuum pumping scenario can reproduce the observa-
SB profiles (green dotted line) are fully dominated by the PSF. tions. This lends extra support for the interpretation of Si ii*
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emission as a signature of continuum pumping. We note that the 2. We stack images of Si ii*λ1533 line for a subsample of
selection bias with the UV magnitude cut may have an impact on 13 UV-bright galaxies. We confirm the presence of stacked
the observed result and this comparison. The mock observations Si ii*λ1533 halos, which may imply that metal-enriched
are re-scaled by a factor of 1.7 to correct for the fact that the CGM is common for UV-bright galaxies. We also stack im-
simulated galaxy is smaller than the observed ones (see above). ages of Si ii*λ1265, 1309, 1533 for 14 UV-bright galaxies
The simulated galaxy is fainter than the observed one, though the and detect a Si ii* halo. If we stack fainter galaxies or re-
range of absolute magnitudes overlaps (MUV from -18 to -19). It move the five individually-detected halos from stacking, we
would be interesting to test the selection bias with a larger and get nondetections of Si ii* halos. We need a larger sample to
brighter simulated galaxy, or several, maybe at a slightly lower draw a firm conclusion.
redshift. 3. We find that the EW of the absorption line and fluorescent
emission line are roughly equal when integrated out to large
distances for MID=1141. This suggests that photons are con-
4.3. Possible extension of the sample
served and that the emission line is mostly due to pumping
We discuss possible strategies to extend the sample with existing from the stellar continuum.
data in this section. There are a few ways to increase the sample 4. We test the presence of Si ii* halos in zoom-in simulations,
size: (1) sources at z > 3.87, which have other nebular line de- which account only for continuum pumping. After re-scaling
tections such as the O iii]λλ1661, 1666 doublet and He iiλ1640 the mock observations to correct for the fact that the simu-
in the same catalog and the same field (with the same integration lated galaxy is smaller than the observed one, we find that
time), (2) sources located in shallower fields such as mosaic field the simulated halos are consistent with the observed stacked
(9×9-pointing with 10-hour integration, in the same catalog of halo within 1σ uncertainties. This lends extra support for the
Bacon et al. 2023) and MUSE-WIDE field (1-hour integration interpretation of Si ii* emission as a signature of continuum
Herenz et al. 2017; Urrutia et al. 2019; Kerutt et al. 2022), (3) pumping.
UV-bright sources at the same redshifts in other fields with simi- 5. The best way to extend our sample with existing data in the
larly long integration times (> 30 hours) in MUSE archival data future is using deep MUSE and KCWI archival data for UV-
(e.g., Fossati et al. 2019; Lofthouse et al. 2020). The samples bright galaxies with the same selection criteria.
(1) and (2) are tested with the MUSE DR2 catalog (not includ-
ing MUSE WIDE) in the same manner. We find that these less KCWI or BlueMUSE (Richard et al. 2019) will allow us to inves-
restrictive selection criteria do not help to increase the number tigate HI Lyα halos for Si ii* halos detected with MUSE. Blue-
of detections of Si ii* halos. Therefore, (3) using deep MUSE MUSE will also make it possible to individually detect Si ii* ha-
archival data for UV-bright galaxies with the same selection cri- los of more diverse sources and to study their statistical proper-
teria would be the best way to extend the sample in the future. ties thanks to a more moderate cosmic dimming effect at z ≃ 2
In addition, (4) gravitationally lensed sources observed with (by a factor of three, compared to z ≃ 3). Such larger samples
MUSE (e.g., Richard et al. 2021; Claeyssens et al. 2022, would be useful to improve the stacking experiments (see also
Claeyssens et al. 2024 in prep.), would be useful to investigate Section 4.3) and to study spectral variations at different radii
more compact Si ii* halos in the future (see the right panel of from the centers of galaxies as done for Lyα (Wisotzki et al.
Figure 7), which would be hidden by the PSF without the power 2018; Guo et al. 2023c,b). Such studies will be advanced more
of the magnification. We would like to note that they are not with better sensitivities and higher spatial resolutios achieved
included in this pilot study as magnification can add complica- by extremely large telescopes such as Thirty-meter telescope
tions and uncertainties. To investigate Si ii* halos at higher red- (TMT), one of whose key science cases is CGM mapping with
shifts (z ∼ 3–6), whose Si ii* lines are covered with MUSE, WFOS (Skidmore et al. 2015), as well as European-Extremely
we could use (5) sources with systemic redshifts measured by large telescope (E-ELT).
nebular lines with James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), and Acknowledgements. HK acknowledges support from the Japan Society for
(6) MUSE LAEs, whose systemic redshifts can be estimated by the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Overseas Research Fellowship (202160056)
empirical relationships based on the Lyα line (Verhamme et al. as well as JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (202300224,
23KJ2148). HK thanks Yuri Nagai, an academic assistant at NAOJ, for her won-
2018). We do not include these sources in this pilot study, con- derful support. VM acknowledges support from the Nederlandse Organisatie
sidering uncertainties in wavelength calibration (e.g., Maseda voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) grant 016.VIDI.189.162 (‘ODIN’).
et al. 2023; D’Eugenio et al. 2024; Meyer et al. 2024) and more AV and TG are supported by the SNF grant PP00P2 211023. T.N. acknowledges
severe cosmic dimming effects. It is future work for us to inves- support from Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship FL180100060.
I.P. acknowledges funding by the European Research Council through ERC-AdG
tigate higher-z sources. SPECMAP-CGM, GA 101020943. This work is based on observations taken
by VLT, which is operated by European Southern Observatory. This research
made use of Astropy6 , which is a community-developed core Python package
5. Conclusions for Astronomy (The Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018), and other soft-
ware and packages:MPDAF (Piqueras et al. 2019), PHOTUTILS, Numpy (Harris
To study the spatial distribution of the metal-enriched cool CGM et al. 2020), Scipy (Virtanen et al. 2020), and matplotlib (Hunter 2007).
at cosmic noon in emission, we search for extended Si ii* emis-
sion (fluorescent lines) using the MUSE HUDF data and catalog
with 30-140 hour integration times. We construct a sample of 39
galaxies with systemic redshifts at z = 2.07–3.87, at which the References
[C iii]λ1907, C iii]λ1909 doublet nebular lines and at least one of Bacon, R., Accardo, M., Adjali, L., et al. 2010, Proceedings of the SPIE,
the Si ii*λ1265, 1309, 1533 lines are redshifted into the MUSE 7735, 773508, conference Name: Ground-based and Airborne Instrumen-
wavelength range. Our major results are summarized as follows. tation for Astronomy III Place: eprint: arXiv:2211.16795 ADS Bibcode:
Bacon, R., Brinchmann, J., Conseil, S., et al. 2023, Astronomy & Astrophysics,
1. Five individual Si ii*λ1533 halos are confirmed to be present 670, A4
from statistical tests with surface brightness profiles. These
are the first detections of extended Si ii* emission.
Stacked SB profile
10 18 obs. vs. sim. (con. pumping) 10
PSF effect on simulations (con. pumping)
Obs. mean SiII* Sim. mean SiII* (w/ PSF)
Obs. mean con. Sim. mean con. (w/ PSF)
SB [erg/s/cm2/arcsec2]
Sim. mean SiII* (w/ PSF) Sim. median SiII* (w/ PSF)
Sim. mean con. (w/ PSF) 10 18 Sim. median con. (w/ PSF)
SB [scaled]
Sim. mean SiII* (intrinsic)
10 19 Sim. mean con (intrinsic)
10 19
10 20 10 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
R at z=2.68 [kpc] R at z=2.68 [kpc]
Fig. 7. Stacked SB profiles of our observations and of zoom-in simulations from Mauerhofer et al. (2021). Left: Comparison of stacked SB profiles.
The blue and black solid lines show observed mean-stacked SB profiles of Si ii*1533 and continuum, respectively. The blue shade indicates 1σ
uncertainties for Si ii*1533. The observed continuum is normalized at R = 0 to the peak of the observed Si ii*1533. The green and gray dotted lines
(shades) show mean-stacked SB profiles of Si ii*1533 and continuum, respectively, for the simulations after PSF and LSF convolution (their 1σ
uncertainties, which correspond to 15.87 to 84.13 percentile of SB profiles for individual mocks). They are normalized at R = 0 to the peak of the
observed Si ii* profile. Right: Stacked SB profiles for simulations. The green and gray dotted (solid) lines show the mean-stacked SB profiles of
Si ii*1533 and continuum, respectively, with (without) PSF and LSF convolution. The green and gray crosses show the median-stacked SB profiles
of Si ii*1533 and continuum, respectively, with PSF and LSF convolution. They are scaled by the same factor as used in the left panel.
Fig. 8. EW CoG and spectra of the simulations with continuum pumping. Left: The median cumulative EW in rest-frame as a function or R. The
blue and red solid lines (shades) indicate the EW of Si ii*1533 emission and Si ii1526 absorption lines (their 1σ uncertainties) with MUSE PSF
convolution, respectively. The cyan and magenta dashed lines (shades) show the intrinsic EW of Si ii*1533 emission and Si ii1526 absorption lines
(their 1σ uncertainties). Middle: The median spectrum extracted from the intrinsic mock cube with a 1.2 kpc aperture (galaxy scale) shown by the
black line. The cyan and magenta lines show the wavelength of Si ii*1533 emission and Si ii1526 absorption lines, respectively. Right: The median
spectrum extracted from the intrinsic mock cube with a 19 kpc aperture (CGM scale).
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