New Fourth Level

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫دوسيه الإبداع في اللغه الإنجليزهب‬

‫ب‬ ‫ال‬ ‫ت‬ ‫س‬ ‫م‬‫ل‬‫ا‬

‫وى زا ع‬
‫لكافه الفزوع الإكاديميه‬
‫اعداد ‪ :‬عمز خالد عواد‬
‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬

‫‪Unit six‬‬

‫‪Education today‬‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Words Meanings in English In Arabic
academic connected with education, especially at college or ‫أكاديميا‬
university level
compulsory obligatory; required ‫اجباري‬
contradictory if two ideas are contradictory they are completely ‫متناقض‬
different and thus unable to both be true
Developed nation a rich country that has many industries, ‫متطور‬
comfortable living for most people, and usually
an elected government
fluently speaking a language very well, like a native ‫بطالقة‬
drop to stop studying a certain subject at university ‫يسقط مادة‬
economics the study of the way in which money and goods ‫اقتصادي‬
are produced and used
engineering the study of how roads, bridges, machines, etc. ‫هندسة‬
enroll to officially arrange to join a school, university or ‫يسجل‬/‫يتسجل‬
lifelong continuing or existing throughout your life ‫مدى الحياة‬
agriculture the science or practice of farming ‫الزراعة‬
astrophysics the study of the chemical structure of the stars and ‫فيزياء فلكية‬
the forces that influence them
pharmacy the study and practice of preparing drugs or ‫صيدلية‬
medicines l
pioneering introducing new and better methods or ideas for the ‫ريادي‬
first time
proficiency a good standard of ability and skill ‫ مهارة‬/‫جودة‬
psychology the study of the mind and how it works ‫علم النفس‬
qualifications Official record of achievement ‫مؤهالت‬
undertake to commit yourself to do something and to start to ‫ يتعهد‬/‫يلتزم‬
do it
sociology the study of societies and the behaviour of people in ‫علم االجتماع‬
colloquial (adjective) (of language or words) used mainly in ‫ دارج‬/ ‫عامي‬
informal conversations rather than in writing or
formal speech
Tailor made custom-made; made to fit exactly ‫وافي للشروط‬
tutorials a period of intensive teaching and discussion given by a ‫درس خصوصي‬
tutor to an individual student or a small group of students

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Business management an area of study which involves learning about ‫إدارة أعمال‬
running a company, in areas like controlling,
leading, monitoring, organizing and planning
linguistics the study of the grammar, history and structure ‫علم اللغويات‬
of languages
Halls of residence accommodation provided by a university or ‫غرف لالقامة‬
motive Reason for doing something ‫حافز‬
minority Not many ,The opposite of majority ‫االقلية‬
debts Costs , charges ‫ديون‬
fees Money you owe ‫ رسوم‬/ ‫اجور‬
financial Relating to money ‫امور مالية‬
Banking and finance The study of economics ‫مالية ومصرفية‬
linguistics The study of language in an analytical way ‫علم اللغويات‬
history The study of ancient and modern civilizations ‫علم التاريخ‬
law The study of legal system ‫القانون‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Secondary school ‫مدرسة ثانوية‬ nursing ‫تمريض‬

Typical ‫نمط‬ physics ‫الفيزياء‬
ensure ‫يكفل‬ linguistics ‫علم اللغويات‬
Cooperation ‫تعاون‬ Business ‫إدارة أعمال‬
optional ‫اختياري‬ biology ‫علم األحياء‬
achievements ‫انجازات‬ medicine ‫الطب‬
factors ‫عوامل‬ geography ‫الجغرافيا‬
determining ‫ معين‬/ ‫محدد‬ opportunity ‫فرصة‬
math ‫رياضيات‬ attitude ‫ تصرف‬/‫اتجاه‬
dentistry ‫طب األسنان‬ behaviour ‫سلوك‬
marketing ‫تسويق‬ increasingly ‫بشكل متزايد‬
geology ‫علم األرض‬ prospects ‫احتماالت‬
chemistry ‫الكيمياء‬ global ‫عالمي‬
translation ‫ترجمة‬ abroad ‫خارج البالد‬
Visual arts ‫فنون بصرية‬ financial ‫أمور مالية‬
sociology ‫علم االجتماع‬ fees ‫ رسوم‬/ ‫أجور‬
Banking and finance ‫مالية و مصرفية‬ debts ‫ديون‬
history ‫تاريخ‬ motive ‫حافز‬

word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic

academic connected with education, especially at college or university level )‫أكاديمي (تعليمي‬
compulsory obligatory; required ‫إلزامي‬
contradictory if two ideas are contradictory they are completely different and thus ‫متناقض‬
unable to both be true

developed a rich country that has many industries, comfortable living for ‫دولة متقدمة‬
nation most people, and usually an elected government
fluently speaking a language very well, like a native speaker ‫متحدث بطالقة‬

tuition teaching, especially in small groups ‫تعليم‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A few years ago, as many as 1,000 schools across the USA started making school years longer

by adding up to ten extra days to the school year or by making each school day longer by half an

hour. This was because it was found that secondary school students in the USA and the UK were

spending the least time at school, with an average school year of 187 days. The typical Jordanian

school year is longer than this. However, none of these are nearly as long as the school year in

countries like Japan and South Korea. South Koreans attend school for 220 days per year, and in

Japan, the school year numbers 243 days.

According to a study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD),

students in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea spend the most time studying in the world. They

want to learn as much as they can to ensure excellent exam grades. They go to school for about

nine hours, although this includes optional after-school tuition and activities. They also spend

about three hours on homework every day, which is three times as much as many other countries.

Their high academic achievements do suggest that the longer you study, the better you do in final

exams .

In Finland, however, students are usually given less than half an hour of homework per night, and

they attend school for fewer and shorter days than 85% of other developed nations. Despite this,

they achieve top marks in subjects like Maths and Science. In addition, most students also speak

at least two, and often three, languages fluently. The contradictory views of the study suggest that

the number and length of school days is not the only factor in determining whether students will

succeed at school or not.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answers the following questions based on the text:

1. How many days does the average Japanese student spend at school?
2. Write down the sentence that shoes after school tuition and activities in Japan, South Korea and
Indonesia is not compulsory.
3. Find a word in the text that means the same as "Completely two different ideas and that can't
both be true".
4. One of study results suggests that the longer you study, the better you do in final exams. Do agree
with this result? explain your point of view?
5. Why did many schools in the USA decide to extend the school days?
6. Quote the sentence that indicates the school in Japan and South Korea is longer than it is in the
USA, UK and Jordan?
7. What is the purpose of having longer school years in Japan, Korea and Indonesia?
8. In Finland, students are considered to be some of the least who attend school with shorter time.
does this have negative effect on their achievements? Justify your answer giving two pieces of
evidence in the text.
9. What were the two contradictory results of the study carried out by the Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development (OECD)?

10. Find a word in the text that means the same as "Something you do not have to do or use, but
you can choose to if you want to".

B. Critical Thinking

1. "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world'. Think
of the statement and, in two sentences, write down your own point of view.

2. Students go to school for about 9 hours, although this includes optional after-school
tuitions and activities. Suggest three of these activities.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 Homework
1. According to the text, why do the students in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea spend most of
their time studying?

2. There are two ways to make a school years longer in the USA. Mention them

3. Students in Japan, Indonesia and South Korea spend the most time studying in the world. Write
down their study schedule.

4. According to the text, what distinguishes studying in Finland?

5. There are two contradictory viewpoints mentioned in the text, write them down.

6. Write down the sentence which indicates that Jordanian students attend school for more than
187 days per year.

7. Write down the sentence which indicates that Jordanian students spend more time at school than
the American and British students.

8. Quote the sentence which indicates that the after school activities in Japan and South Korea is
not compulsory.

9. Find a word in the text which is opposite in meaning to the word 'compulsory'.

10. Find a word in the text which means “speaking a language very well, like a native speaker.

11. What does the underlined pronoun ‘their’ refer to?

12. What change has recently taken place in some American schools? Why has this occurred?

13. How many days a year do most students in the USA attend school?

14. Compare between the school year in USA, Jordan, Japan and South Korea.

15. Three countries have the most time studying in the world. Write them down.

16. What does the underlined pronoun 'they' refer to?

1. According to the Finland’s views of study, the number and the length of school days is
not the only factor in determining whether students will succeed at school or not. Suggest
three factors would result in better grades for most students.

2. Most countries have a minimum school-leaving age for their students as there are
consequences of having different leaving ages. Think of this statement and in two
sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

word Meaning in English in Arabic

astrophysics the study of the chemical structure of the stars and the forces ‫فيزياء فلكية‬
that influence them
engineering the study of how roads, bridges, machines, etc. ‫هندسة‬
pioneering introducing new and better methods or ideas for the first time ‫ريادي‬
Tailor - made custom-made; made to fit exactly ‫وافي الشروط‬
undertake to commit yourself to do something and to start to do it ‫ يلتزم‬/ ‫يتعهد‬

Studio schools are pioneering schools which receive funding as well as support from private

businesses, and which seek to encourage young people to undertake a less conventional form of

secondary education. These schools often specialize in one specific area, whilst understanding that the

same broad range of skills and qualifications should be made available to all young people

One such school has recently opened to educate fourteen- to eighteen-year-olds who have a special

interest in working in the space industry. Students follow a tailor-made curriculum at the school,

including subjects such as Astronomy and Astrophysics. Lessons are a mixture of small-class tutorials,

with projects supervised by leading companies in both the space and technology industries. Prominent

scientists and engineers are brought in as guest lecturers, with students aiming to achieve top grades in

their Math and Science exams. When they leave school, they will be well-placed to take any number of

different career paths. ‘They don’t have to become astronauts!’ says a spokesperson for the school.

‘Excellent grades in science and technology subjects can open many doors and lead to a variety of

career opportunities.’

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1.How do studio schools differ from traditional schools? Write down two differences?
2.How do leading companies in the space and technology industries encourage and support students in
space schools?
3.What is the purpose of inviting guest lecturers of prominent scientists and engineers to space
4.In what way do the school subjects in space schools differ from those in conventional schools?
5.Find a word in the text that means the same as "introducing new and better methods or ideas for
the first time"?
6.Quote the sentence which indicates the acceptable age of students in space schools?
7.What advantages will students of space schools have after leaving school over those who study at
conventional schools?
8.Find a two- word adjective in the text that means the same as "custom - made; made to fit
9.Space schools follow some new methods and techniques in teaching. Write down these two teaching
10. "When they leave school, students of s[ace school will be well-placed to take any number of
different career paths ".Do you agree? Justify your answer.

B. Critical Thinking
Modern life is changing rapidly and it is time to reconsider the conventional role of schools.
Think of this statement and in your answer booklet write down your point of view

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 Homework
1. According to the text, what are Studio Schools?

2. The writer says “studio schools are pioneering schools”. Is he justified? Explain your answer.

3. Quote the sentence which indicates that various skills and qualifications are required in Studio

4. Space Schools teach their students special subjects related to space. Mention two examples of such

5. According to the text, leading companies, prominent scientists and engineers play vital role in
space schools. Write down their role?

6. A spoken person for the school says that the students in Space Schools don’t have to become
astronauts. How does he justify this?

7. According to the text, why it is important that students get high grades in subjects like Math,
Science and other technology subjects?

8. Find a word in the text which means " the study of the chemical structure of the stars and the
forces that influence them'.

9. Who supports studio schools?

10. Find out a phrase in the third paragraph which means " well – known "

11. How old are the students who attend the Studio schools?

12. What does the underlined pronoun 'they' refer to?

13. What does the underlined pronoun 'which' refer to?

14. How are the following groups of people involved in Space schools?
A: Leading companies in space and technology industries.
B: Prominent scientists and engineers.

1. The writer states that Studio Schools encourage young people to undertake less conventional form
of secondary education. Suggest three methods to help making education less conventional.

2. Many schools receive funding as well as support from private businesses for special educational
purposes. Think of this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

word Meaning in English Meaning in Arabic

colloquial (adjective) (of language or words) used mainly in informal ‫ دارج‬/ ‫عامي‬
conversations rather than in writing or formal speech
Put (my) back into it To put a lot of effort into something ‫يبذل جهد‬

Two summers ago, Anita spent five months studying Arabic at the German-Jordanian University near

Madaba. As my father is originally from Jordan, I grew up speaking Arabic as well as German. However, I

had never studied Arabic formally, and when the opportunity came up for me to spend a year in Jordan

studying Arabic, I didn’t hesitate for one moment.

I have relatives in Jordan and they arranged for me to stay with a wonderful family who live just outside

Madaba. I was amazed by the number of international students there, who were not only from Germany,

but from all over the world. Most of them had studied Arabic to a high level. I’m very familiar with

colloquial Arabic, which is what my family speaks and understands. The Arabic class, in Modern Standard

Arabic, was challenging, especially the grammar. Every week, we had to learn a vocabulary list of around

50 words. We covered many topics. Living with a family helped to improve my Arabic-speaking skills

because, while all the students heard Arabic in the classroom and streets, I could also practice it at home. I

really put my back into it, and I earned an A on the course.

What impressed me most about students in Jordan was their behavior and their attitude to studying. All the

students who I met appreciated the importance of their university education and the opportunities it would

give them to contribute to their country’s prosperity. They also showed extremely positive values.

Everybody was honest, and people discussed problems rather than getting angry if they disagreed with

each other. As someone who enjoys delicious food, beautiful places and friendly, hospitable people,

studying in Jordan was one of the best decisions I have made in my life. I made many new friends. I also

improved my Arabic speaking, writing and reading skills. My dream is to be fluent in Arabic one day – and

as I intend to return to Jordan as often as I can, I know I’m going to make this dream a reality.
‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. Why was Anita enthusiastic about studying Arabic in Jordan?

2. Where did Anita stay while studying at the German- Jordanian University?
3. Where do students in the German- Jordanian University come from?
4. What does the underlined phrase "put my back into" mean?
5. Anita got A on the Arabic course. Mention two things she did so that she could get this honor.
6. Anita was impressed by the positive attitude of students to studying at the German- Jordanian
University. What was their attitude?
7. Quote the sentence which shows that Anita was an Arabic native speaker?
8. According to Anita, what was the most difficult part of learning Arabic?
9. Find a word in the text means the same as "language used mainly in informal conversations
rather than in writing or formal speech".
10. What does the underlined word "who" refer to?
11. If you were learning a new language, what would you do to acquire it as soon as possible.
Write down two suggestions.
12. What does Anita like in Jordan the most? Write down three things?
13. Why is Anita looking forward to visiting Jordan again and again?
14. What behavior of the students in the German- Jordanian University does Anita admire?
15. Replace the underlined phrasal verb “ spent my childhood” with a correct phrasal verb.

B. Critical Thinking

 Today, communication technology has turned the world into a global village. Do you
think learning foreign languages has become more important? Justify your answer in
two sentences.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 Homework

1- Why was Anita so willing to go to Jordan to study Arabic?

2- Anita states that living with a family helped to improve her Arabic speaking skills. How does
she justify this?

3- What makes Anita familiar with colloquial Arabic?

4- Several aspects about the Jordanian students impressed Anita. Write down two of them.

5- Studying in Jordan was one of the best decisions she has made. Write down two reasons?

6- What does the idiom “put my back into ' mean?

7- What does the underlined pronoun “their” refer to?

8- Write down the sentence which indicates that many students from all over the world come to
study in German-Jordanian University

9- Anita can speak two languages . What are they ? Why

10- Was Anita good at her university . Why ?

11- Describe the Jordanian students attitude to their university education.

12- Anita has got many benefits from studying in Jordan .Write down them .

13- What is her dream?

14- Find out a word which means ( affect strongly ) .

15- What does the underlined pronoun 'it' refer to?

16- What does the underlined word ' fluent' mean?

1- According to the Anitia's Blog, the Arabic class in Modern standard Arabic, was challenging,
especially the grammar. Suggest three ways to improve learning a certain language.

2- Many students choose to go on an exchange program to study in another country. Think of this
statement and in two sentence write down your point of view.

3- Students who choose to go on an exchange program may face a cultural shock. Explain this
statement giving two pieces of advice to help them adapt with a new life in a new country.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

word Meaning in English

In Arabic

A qualification that is given to you when you have

degree ‫درجة‬
successfully completed a course of study.
Halls of residence A accommodation provided by a university or
college ‫سكن جامعي‬

motive Reason for doing something ‫حافز‬

Not many ,The opposite of majority ‫أقلية‬

Money you owe ‫رسوم‬

Costs , charges ‫ديون‬

Relating to money ‫مالي‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

In England, almost 50% of school leavers go on to higher education. The figure has not always

been as high as this. Twenty years ago, it was closer to 30%, and thirty years before that, it was only

about 5%. Another huge change has been financial. Before 1998 CE, higher education in the UK was

completely free for UK citizens. Since then, tuition fees have been introduced. Most students borrow

this money from the government. They don't have to repay it immediately. Instead, they pay it back

slowly out of future earnings.

Despite the high cost, most students choose to study away from home. A recent survey of 17,000

students revealed that only 7% wanted to stay at home while they studied for their degree. Of course

for most young people, living away from home means borrowing even more money from the

government. So why don’t students choose to avoid debt by staying at home, where they don't have to

pay rent? Most of them say that they want to move to the University their Choice, rather than the

nearest one. Another strong motive is the desire to live in a new culture. Where do these students live?

Many have rooms in halls of residence, especially in their first year; others rent flats or houses. A

lucky minority live in property that their parents have bought for them. Most of them need to learn to

cook, do their own washing and manage their time and money.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1. What have been the two major changes that took place related to higher education in the UK?
2. Why do most students prefer moving away from home to study at university? Write down two
reasons or motives?
3. Find a word in the text that means the same as “reason for doing something”?
4. The text mentions two kinds of accommodation for students. What are they?
5. Find a word in the text that means the same as the opposite of “majority”?
6. What new experiences must most students learn while living away from home? Mention two
of them? What does the underlined word “they” refer to?
7. How do most university students manage to pay for the costs of studying?
8. How are students expected to repay the loans they got from the government?
9. Quote the sentence that implies that a few students are rich enough to live in apartments that
their parents buy for them?
10. Find a word in the text that means the same as “relating to money”?
11. What does the underlined phrasal verb” halls of residence” in the last paragraph, mean?
12. The text mentions many kinds of housing for students who study outside their home. Write
down two of them.

B. Critical Thinking
Most university students would like to move away from home to study. What do you prefer
staying at home or moving away when you go to study at university? Write your preference in
two sentences.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 Homework

1- According to the text, there are two huge changes which occurred in higher education in
England. Write them down?

2- Write down the sentence which indicates that students don't have to pay off the government at once

3- There are many challenges facing the students who choose to study abroad. Mention three of them.

4- The writer mentioned two reasons that make students choose to study away from home, what are

5- Where do students who study abroad live?

6- Find a word in the text which is opposite in meaning to the word "majority".

7- Find a word in the text which means "reason of doing something".

8- What does the underlined pronoun "it" line two refer to?

9- Write down the sentence which indicates that most university students choose the costliest option.

10- The writer states that the government helps students financially to study abroad. Is he justified?
Explain your answer.

11- Where did most of the students get the fees from? How do they pay back them?

12- Mention the percentage of the students who wanted to stay at home while they study for their

13- According to the text there are motivations for the students to study a way from their homes.
Mention them.

14- What does the underlined pronoun "they" refer to?

15- What does the underlined word "motive" mean?

1- The writer states that it is expected that students who choose to study away from home will face
many difficulties, suggest three tips to make studying abroad less challenging.
2- Studying abroad has many advantages and disadvantages. Think to this statement and in two
sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

: ‫ تقسم صفات المقارنة من حيث عدد المقاطع الى قسمين أساسين هما‬

1. Short adjective :

-: ‫ و تقسم الصفات القصيرة ( المقطع الواحد ) إلى قسمين هما‬

a. Regular adjective : long / tall / fast / slow / small / cold / hot / big / happy / lazy / easy / cheap

b. Irregular adjective: good / well / bad / much / far / little/ many

2. Long adjective :expensive / generous/ famous/ beautiful/ colourful/ interesting/ difficult / dangerous

‫ تستخدم درجة المقارنة للمقارنة بين شخصين أو شيئين فقط‬

-: ‫هناك ثالثة قواعد للحصول على صفة المقارنة‬

N1+ be + adjective + er + than +N2 ‫ إذا كانت الصفة قصيرة منتظمة‬:‫أوال‬

Ex. Suzan is ……………….. her sister. (tall)

Ex. Ali is ……………….. Akram. (strong)
N1 + be + adjective + than + N2 )‫ إذا كانت الصفة قصيرة غير منتظمة (شاذة‬:‫ثانيا‬

Adjective comparative

Good/ well Better than

bad Worse than

Much/ many More than

little Less than

far Farther than

Ex. My teacher is ………………….. your teacher. (good)

Ex. My school is ………………… yours. (far)

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

N1 + be + more + adjective + than + N2 : ‫ اذا كانت الصفة طويلة‬:‫ثالثا‬

Ex. Joory is ……………………………….. than Juan. (beautiful)

Ex. My father is ………………………….. than his father. (generous)

‫ تستخدم صيغة التفضيل لتفضيل شيء عن باقي األشياء او تفضيل شخص عن باقي األشخاص من نفس النوع‬
-: ‫ هناك ثالث قواعد للحصول على صيغة التفضيل‬

N1 + be + the + adjective + est+ N2 ‫ إذا كانت الصفة قصيرة منتظمة‬:‫أوال‬

Ex. Majed is ………………….. man in the town. (tall)

Ex. That book is ……………………. One I have read. (easy)

N1 + be + the + adjective + N2 )‫ إذا كانت الصفة قصيرة غير منتظمة (شاذة‬:‫ثانيا‬

adjective Superlative

Good/ well best

bad Worst

Much/ many Most

little Least

far Farthest

Ex. Marry is ……………… student in the class. (good)

Ex. John is ………………….. student in the class. (bad)

N1 + be + most + adjective + N2 ‫ اذا كانت الصفة طويلة‬: ‫ثالثا‬

Ex. Tokyo is …………………….. city in the world. (crowded)

Ex. Reem Al Bawady is one of ……………………….. restaurants in Jordan . (expensive)

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 Irregular forms

positive comparative superlative

good better best
bad / ill worse worst
little (amount) Less least
little (size) smaller smallest
much / many more most
far (place + time) further furthest

far (place) farther farthest

late (time) later latest

late (order) latter last

near (place) nearer nearest

near (order) - next

old (people and things) older oldest

old (people) elder eldest

‫ تستخدم المقارنة المتساوية للداللة على أن شخصين أو شيئين لهما نفس الميزة‬

N1+ be + as + adjective + as + N2

Ex. Maher is as ……………… Salma. (fat)

Ex. Akram is as …………………… Hussein. (old)

‫ تستخدم المقارنة الغير متساوية للداللة على ان شخصين او شيئين ليس لهما نفس الميزة‬

N1 + be + not + as + adjective + as + N2

Ex. Autumn is not ………………. Winter. (cold)

Ex. John isn’t ……………………. George. (tall)

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Q/ Rewrite the following sentences ……..

N1 + be + not + as + (short adj) + as + N2 N2 + be + adj + er + than + N1

 BMW isn’t as cheap as KIA

KIA …………………………………….

 Ali isn’t as young as Hussein

Hussein ………………………………..

 John isn’t as fast as George

George ………………………………….

N1 + be + not + as + (long adj ) + as + N2 N1 + be + less (long adj) + than + N2

N2 + be + more (long adj) + than + N1

 Football isn’t as boring as Rugby.

Rugby ………………………………….
Football ……………………………….

 Ali is more careful than Hussein

Hussein is ……………………………..
Hussein isn’t ………………………….

1. Yesterday is hotter than today.

Today ……………………………

2. Salma is faster than Muna.

Muna ……………………………..

3. Chimpanzees are more intelligent than dolphins.

Dolphins are …………………………………..

4. Silver is cheaper than Gold.

Gold is ………………………………

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5. Egypt isn’t as big as Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia ………………………………

6. Merry is more beautiful than Liza.

Liza is ……………………………………..

7. Shark is more dangerous than fish.

Fish is ………………………………………

8. He is more serious than she is.

She isn’t …………………………………….

) as much/ as many ( ‫ و يضع لنا بين االقواس‬less / than ‫ يعطينا جملة فيها‬:‫مالحظة‬
‫ و‬as ‫ بـ‬than ‫ حسب المطلوب و نستبدل‬not as many / not as much ‫ بـ‬less ‫نستبدل‬
‫ننزل الجملة على ترتيبها‬

 There is less information about the weather in our city than your city. ( as much)


 There are less books in your library than in my library. (as many)


‫ هنا نحول صفة التحويل إلى عكسها‬the least ‫إذا إعطانا صفة تفضيل و كتب في بداية التحويل‬
The cheapest the least expensive
The simplest the least complicated
The easiest the least difficult
The safest the least dangerous

 The cheapest thing in the shop is the bag .

The least ………………………………………………………..

 The easiest exam in the Tawjihi will be English .

The least ………………………………………………………..

N1 has more ( countable Noun ) than N2 N2 has fewer (countable noun) than N1
N2 doesn’t have as many (count. N) as N1

N1 has more (uncountable N. ) than N2 N2 has less (uncountable N.) than N1

N2 doesn’t have as much (uncoun.N. ) as N1

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SB. P.45 Ex.5

 Look at the diagram of after-school classes and complete the sentences with the phrases
in the box.

1. English is -------------------studied subject.

2. -----------------studied subjects are Music and Art.
3. There are--------------------- students studying Science as Maths.
4. Math is------------- popular than Science, but-------------popular than English.
5. Students don’t like doing Music and Art -----------------they like doing Maths.
6. Neither Maths nor Science are-------------------- English.

as much as ‫بقدر‬ Less ‫اقل‬ More ‫أكثر‬ not as many

the least ‫األقل‬ the most ‫األكثر‬ as popular as ‫شائع‬ ‫ليس كثير‬

AB. P.31 Ex.4

Study the information in the table about compulsory education and complete the sentences
below it. Use the words and phrases in the box. One word is not needed.

Compulsory education in different countries

England 5–16 years

Portugal 6–18 years

Jordan 6–15 years

Turkey 6–18 years

Japan 6–15 years

Later / ‫بعد‬
Earlier ‫قبل‬ Less ‫اقل‬ Longer ‫اطول‬ the most ‫األكثر‬ the least ‫األقل‬

1 Portuguese and Turkish children have the most compulsory schooling.

2 Portuguese children have to go to school for------------- than children in Japan.
3 In Jordan, children start school a year--------------than English children.
4 Japanese and Jordanian children have------------------------compulsory schooling.
5 Jordanian children can leave school one year --------------than English children.

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 complete this paragraph with the appropriate words.

Increasingly ‫بشكل متزايد‬ Prospects ‫فرص‬ Global ‫عالمي‬

Proficiency ‫بكفاءة‬ Lifelong ‫مدى الحياة‬ abroad ‫في الخارج‬

 If you do a degree in Medicine or Law, you will find that your job (1) …………….. are better
than if you do a more general degree. However, language (2) …………………is becoming (3)
……………………..….. important for anyone who wants to travel or work (4)………………….for a
large (5) ……………………….company or organisation. Remember, it’s never too late to study or
change career direction. Studying is a (6)…………………… activity – you’re never too old to start!

AB. P.32 Ex.5

 This table gives recent information about some of the most popular university subjects offered by
British universities. Use it to complete the sentences.

Subject Number of applications in 2014 CE Change since 2013 CE

Business Studies 280,240 +3.2%
Visual Arts 244,620 +2.4%
Biology 231,720 +8%
Engineering 141,100 +11%
Law 108,130 -1%
Physics 104,410 +5%
Medicine and Dentistry 98,910 +3%
Computer Science 97,110 +13%

Use phrases from the box.

as popular as as much as least popular more people less popular than
more popular not as many the fastest the most popular

1. Business Studies is the most popular subject.

2. ---------------------people applied for Law in 2014 CE as in the previous year.
3. Physics isn’t ---------------------Biology.
4. Law is ---------------------than Medicine and Dentistry.
5. ---------------------growing subject is Computer Science.
6. Engineering is---------------------Visual Arts.
7. 11%---------------------applied for Engineering in 2014 CE than in 2013 CE.
8. The ---------------------subject on the list is Computer Science.

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 The following paragraphs are comments made by university students. Fill in the gaps with the
appropriate university subjects. One subject is not needed.

Banking and finance ‫مالية و مصرفية‬ Linguistics ‫لغويات‬ Physics ‫فيزياء‬

Fine Arts ‫فنون جميلة‬ History ‫تاريخ‬ Law ‫قانون‬

1. You should study __________________ if you’re interested in learning about the legal system. I
studied it because I wanted to help people, and now I have a great job in an office
2. Studying __________________ lets me focus on my love of language in an analytical way. It has
introduced me to ideas about language that I never thought of before.
3. Maths has always been my strongest subject, and I feel that by studying __________________ I
can use my strengths to solve practical problems.
4. __________________ is a subject that I’ve always been interested in. Learning about ancient and
modern civilisations is fascinating. Studying it at a higher level means really understanding how
different cultures interacted in the past.
5. Economics and the global market have always interested me, but I wanted to study a subject with
a clear career path, so I chose __________________. After I graduate, I want to begin a career in

 Neither Maths nor Science are as popular as English. Summer 2016

English …………………………………………………..

 Jordanian children start school a year later than English children Winter 2017
English children ……………………………………………….

 Studying physics isn’t as popular as studying Biology in Britain

Studying Biology ……………………………………………… Summer 2017

 The electronic newspapers are not as acceptable as the ordinary ones. Winter 2018
The ordinary newspapers ……………………………………………

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1. Biology is more popular than physics.

Physics ………………………………..
2. Geography is less interesting than History
Geography ………………………………
History …………………………………..
3. Neither Maths nor Science are as popular as English.
Maths and science …………………………………..
4. Physics isn’t as popular as Biology.
Physics …………………………………………….
Biology ……………………………………………
5. English level three is longer than English level four.
English level four ………………………….. or ……………………….
6. Khalid isn’t as tall as Ali
Khalid …………………………………………………………..
Ali ……………………………………………………………..
7. Rami doesn’t have as many books as Ali
Rami ………………………………………
Ali …………………………………………
8. There are more students in the USA than Jordan.
There ………………………………………………. (fewer)
There ………………………………………………. ( not as)
Jordan ………………………………………………
Jordan doesn’t ………………………………………
9. Jordanian students study fewer subjects than Japanese students.
Jordanian students ………………………………………………
Japanese students ……………………………………………….

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10. The website doesn’t have as much information as the book.

The website ……………………………………………….
The book …………………………………………………..
11. My brother eats more fast food than I do.
I ………………………………….. or ………………………..
12. The safest country in the world is Jordan
The least ………………………………………………………
13. There is no subject in the tawjihi is as long as English.
English ………………………………………………………..
14. Jordanian children star school a year later than English children
English children …………………………………………………
15. Jordanian children leave school a year earlier than English children.
English children ………………………………………………………
16. There is no sport in the world is as exciting as football.
Football ………………………………………………………………
17. I can’t run as fast as you.
You …………………………………………………………………
18. Mahmoud doesn’t work as hard as his brother.
Mahmoud’s brother ………………………………………………..
19. I like swimming more than running.
I don’t like ……………………………………………………………
20. Ali has more books than me.
I …………………………………………… or ……………………..

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 Complete the following sentences with suitable words from the box:

ensure determined translated compulsory law

‫يتأكد‬ ‫يحاول‬ ‫مترجم‬ ‫إجباري‬ ‫قانون‬

1. Please ……………….. that the door is locked before you leave .

2. Salma is studying ……………….at the university and she wants to become a lawyer
3. Ali …………….to give up smoking in the new year .
4. This book has been ……………….from Arabic into English .
5. Maths and physics are …………….. subjects ; Art and Music are optional.

 Replace the words and phrases in bold with words from the box. One word is not
needed. The first one is done for you.

compulsory contradictor developed nation tuition Optional fluently

‫إجباري‬ ‫متناقض‬ ‫دولة متقدمة‬ ‫دروس‬ ‫اختياري‬ ‫بطالقة‬

1. A wealthy country is a country that’s economically and socially advanced.

2. Is Maths a subject that you have to do?

3. You don’t have to stay after school for the chess club – it’s your choice.

4. Do you have music lessons at the weekend

5. Those statements are on different sides of the argument.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Get it off your chest To tell someone about something that ‫االعتراف بما يزعجك‬
has been worrying about
Get cold feet To lose your confidence in something at ‫رفض االستمرار بسبب الخوف من شيء‬
the last minute
Keep your chin up To remain cheerful in difficult situations ‫الشعور بالتفاؤل في الظروف الصعبة‬
Play it by ear To decide how to deal with a situation as ‫ترك القرار للظروف‬
it develops
Have ahead for figures To have a natural mental ability for math ‫امتالك القدرات العقلية‬
/ numbers

1. I’m too nervous to do a parachute jump. I think that I’ll……………….. at the last minute.
2. If you’ve got a problem, talk to someone about it. It helps to………………… .
3. I don’t think I’d be a very good accountant. I don’t really………………….. .
4. ……………………….! I’m sure everything will be fine in the end.
5. I’m not sure if it’ll be warm enough to have a barbecue. We’ll have to………….

 Read the following sentences and then answer the questions that follow:

1. Ahmad was to give a presentation, but he got cold feet at the last second, and was unable
speak. What does the idiom “got cold feet” mean?

2. If you have some problem, get it off your chest by talking to a close friend.
What does the idiom “get off your chest” mean?

3. I couldn’t learn playing the piano because I have never had a head for music.
What does the idiom “had a head for” mean?

4. Keep your chin up!Your exam might not be as difficult as you think.
What does the idiom “keep your chin up” mean?

5. I don’t have any plan for tomorrow. I’ll just play it by ear.
What does the idiom “play it by ear” mean?

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‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

‫و ازرة‬
‫ شتوي‬+ ‫صيفي‬

1. Majed is too nervous to do a parachute jump. I think he will lose his confidence at the last

Replace the underlined phrase with the correct body idioms. Get cold feet

2. Even if things have been difficult for you, always …………………….., everything will be
normal soon.

Keep your chin up

3. I am not sure if it will be warm enough to have a barbecue. We will have to keep our chin up.
Replace the underlined body idiom with the correct one

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬


‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196


Words Meaning in English In

Career advisor someone who provides information to help people to make choices ‫مرشد مهني‬
about their training and work
circulation the movement of blood around the body when it is pumped by the heart; ‫الدورة الدموية‬
also air ~, the movement of air
concentration attention, or attention span ‫تركيز‬
dehydration the state of having drunk too little water ‫جفاف‬
diet the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day ‫نظام غذائي‬
diploma either a document showing that someone has successfully completed a ‫شهادة الدبلوم‬
course of study or passed an examination, or the name of that course
Master degree a period of one or two years of study which takes place after the ‫شهادة الماجستير‬
completion of a Bachelor’s degree
memory someone’s ability to remember things, places and experiences ‫الذاكرة‬
Multitask to do several things at the same time ‫متعدد الوظائف‬
Multilingual speaking, reading or writing in more than two languages ‫متعدد اللغات‬
nutrition the process of getting the right kind of food for good health and growth ‫التغذية‬
PhD a doctorate; the highest degree awarded by a university faculty ‫شهادة الدكتوراه‬
Post graduate someone who has finished their first degree and is continuing to study ‫خريج‬
either a Master’s or a PhD; ~ degree a second degree of Master’s or
PhD level
Public university a university that is funded by public means, through a government ‫جامعة حكومية‬
Private university a university not operated by a government ‫جامعه خاصة‬
undergraduate someone who has not yet completed their first degree ‫طالب جامعي‬

vocational used to describe a particular job and the skills involved ‫ حرفي‬/‫مهني‬

simulator any device or system that simulates specific conditions or the ‫ مشابه‬/ ‫محاكي‬
characteristics of a real process or
Stand out to be much better than other similar people or things ‫يقاوم‬

Tailor made custom-made; made to fit exactly ‫تفصيل‬

Tutorial a period of intensive teaching and discussion given by a tutor to an ‫درس خصوصي‬
individual student or a small group of students

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

huge ‫ضخم‬

Blood circulation ‫الدورة الدموية‬

benefits ‫فوائد‬
Foreign language ‫لغة أجنبية‬
claimed ‫يدعي‬
functionality ‫األداء الوظيفي‬
unique ‫فريد‬
challenges ‫تحديات‬
Mother tongue ‫اللغة االم‬
participants ‫مشارك‬
experiment ‫تجربة‬
distracted ‫ حائر‬/‫تائه‬
transferred ‫ محمول‬/ ‫منقول‬
subconscious ‫ال شعوري‬
optional ‫اختياري‬
Attend ‫يحضر‬
collaboration ‫ مشاركة‬/ ‫مساهمة‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Circulation the movement of blood around the body when it is pumped by the ‫الدورة الدموية‬

heart; also air ~, the movement of air

Concentration attention, or attention span ‫تركيز‬

Dehydration the state of having drunk too little water ‫جفاف‬

Diet the kind of food that a person or animal eats each day ‫نظام غذائي‬

someone’s ability to remember things, places and experiences ‫ذاكرة‬

Nutrition the process of getting the right kind of food for good health and growth ‫تغذية‬

A – Do you know if it's too late to start revising now?

No, it’s never too late to start revising! The first thing I would do is to draw up a revision timetable.

B – Do you mind telling me how I should draw up a timetable?

Look at all the subjects you have to do, and work out when you are going to work on each one. It’s a good idea

to change the order of the subjects in your timetable for each day. Try doing a little English, followed by some

Maths, then Biology, and so on. This way, by changing the focus of your revision you keep your mind fresh.

C- Do you know whether it's best to get up early, or to revise late at night?

The earlier you start in the morning, the more beneficial your revision will be, because that’s when you feel

most awake and your memory is at its best. I’d also recommend studying for 30-minute periods, and then taking a

break It’s been proved that concentration starts to decrease after half an hour, so frequent breaks will help the brain

recover and concentration to return

D- Could you explain what you mean by frequent breaks?

By a break, I mean any change of activity from studying. It could be something as simple as just getting up

from your desk and listening to some music, or walking around for ten minutes.

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‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

E- Could you tell me how much exercise I need?

Physical activity is very important, of course, especially when you are studying. Exercise will make a huge

difference to the way you feel. The physical activity will increase your heart rate and, in turn, that will increase

your blood circulation. It also sends more oxygen to the brain, which makes you revise more efficiently!

F- Do you mind giving me some advice about diet?

Nutrition is very important. You should try to eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as you can. It’s essential not

to become dehydrated, so drink lots of water.

A. Answers the following questions based on the text:

1. Why does the expert recommend change the order of the subjects in your timetable for
each day?
2. What can you do to help the brain to recover and concentration to return?
3. Write down two examples on how to change activity during your revision?
4. There are many benefits for physical activity when you are studying. Mention two of them.
5. According to the expert, when is the best time for studying? And why?
6. Find a word in the text that means the same as “attention, or attention span”.
7. When is it likely you become dehydrated?
8. How can you increase your blood circulation?
9. The experts recommend drawing up a timetable for revision. Do you think it is a good
idea? Justify your answer.
10. What does the underlined word “that” refer to?

Critical Thinking:
“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.”
Think of the statement and, in two sentences, write down your point of view.

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‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 Homework
1- There are many tips students could follow as a successful revision habit for exams mentioned in the text. Write
down three tips.

2- According to the text, what should students do if they feel that they are too late to start revision for their

3- The writer states that it is a good idea to change the order of subjects in the timetable. Is he justified? Explain
your answer.

4- What is the importance of taking break from studying?

5- Write down the sentence which indicates that the best time for students to start revising is the early morning.

6- There are some activities which can be done as a break from studying mentioned in the text. What are they?

7- How does exercise make students revise more efficiently?

8- Write down the sentence which indicates that drinking water prevents dehydration.

9- What does the underlined word "one" refer to?

10- Find a word in the text which means “right kind of food for good health and growth"

11- What does the underlined word ' dehydrated' mean?

*** Critical thinking

1- The writer states that when students feel awake their memory will be at its best. Suggest three other tips to help
students improve their memory power.

2- It is expected that students will likely face many difficulties while preparing for exams. Think of this statement
and in two sentences write down your point of view.

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 Complete the sentences with words from the box. One word is not needed. The first one is done
for you. (A.B. page 35(1))

circulation memory concentration beneficial diet dehydration nutrition

‫الدورة الدموية‬ ‫الذاكرة‬ ‫تركيز‬ ‫فائدة‬ ‫نظام غذائي‬ ‫جفاف‬ ‫تغذية‬

1. I used to eat too much junk food, but now I have a much healthier ………..
2. It’s ……….. to take regular breaks when revising.
3. It’s important to drink a lot of water in order to avoid …………….
4. Don’t sit still for too long – move around frequently to increase your ………..
5. Zainab listens to music while she’s working. It helps her ………..
6. Adnan never forgets anything! He’s got an amazing ……………..

Do exercise keep fit ‫ يتدرب‬/ ‫يتمرن‬
Do a subject study ‫يدرس‬
Draw up a timetable write a schedule ‫إعداد جدول مواعيد‬
Make a start begin ‫يبدأ بداية جديده‬
Make a difference change something ‫يؤثر او يحدث فرق‬
Take a break relax ‫يأخذ استراحة‬

 Use the collocations from exercise 2 to complete the sentences. The first one is done for you. (A.B.
page 35(3))

1. If you want to lose weight, you should ………………. every day.

2. The deadline is tomorrow, and you haven’t done anything yet! You really must …….……
3. If you send money to charity, you will ……………….… to a lot of lives.
4. You look tired. Why don’t you …………….…….. ?
5. I need to organise my time better. I think I’ll …………..……….

 Replace the underlined misused collocation in the following sentences with the correct one.

If you send money to charity, you will do exercise to a lot of lives.


‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Phrasal Verbs
Draw up To prepare a document ‫ يكتب‬/ ‫يعد‬
Look at To examine something closely ‫ينظر بتمعن‬
Work out To understand / to find the answer to some thing ‫ يستنتج‬/ ‫يفهم‬
Getting up To rise to a standing position ‫ يقف‬/‫ينهض‬
Listening to To take notice ‫يستمع إلى‬
Switch between To change ‫ يبدل‬/ ‫يغير‬

 Give the meaning of the underlined phrasal verb :

I try to give them advice but they never listen to what I tell them .

 Complete the following sentences with the appropriate prepositions :

1. I can't work ……… to do this .

2. He got ………….to tell an elderly woman sit down.
3. Our lawyer is going to draw ……….. the contract .
4. My tooth aches . I think a dentist should look ……… it .

 Study the following dictionary entry and choose the meaning for the underlined phrasal verb.

This week you can have the car and I'll go on the bus, and next week we'll switch between us again.

_ to examine something

_ to change

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utterance Something that is said, such as a statement ‫قول‬

Multilingual speaking, reading or writing in more than two languages ‫متعدد اللغات‬

Speaking a foreign language, it is claimed, improves the functionality of your brain in several different

ways. Learning new vocabulary and grammar rules provides the brain with beneficial ‘exercise’, which

improves memory. As well as exercising the brain, it is thought that learning a new language also presents

the brain with unique challenges. These include recognizing different language systems and ways to

communicate within these systems. These skills improve your chances of success in other problem-solving

tasks as well. It is said that students who study foreign languages do better, on the whole, in general tests in

maths, reading and vocabulary than students who have only mastered their mother tongue.

According to a study carried out by Pennsylvania State University, USA, multilingual people are able to

switch between two systems of speech, writing, and structure quite easily. It has been proved that they are

also able to switch easily between completely different tasks. One experiment required participants to

operate a driving simulator while carrying out separate tasks at the same time. The experiment showed that

multilingual participants were less distracted by the other tasks and therefore made fewer driving errors.

It is believed that language learning can also improve your decision-making skills. When you speak a

foreign language, you are constantly weighing up subtle differences in meaning of a word or the way that

an utterance is made. This process is then transferred subconsciously to other situations in which judgment

is called for, and decisions have to be made.

Finally, learning a language can also improve your ability to use your mother tongue more effectively.

As you become more aware of the way that a language works, you begin to apply it to the language that

you use every day. The skills you obtain from learning a language, therefore, can make you a better

speaker and writer in your own language.

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Answers the following questions based on the text:

1) Which organ of a human being does learning a foreign Language improve?

2) Learning a foreign language embodies many skills that can help you in other problem-solving tasks.
Write down two of these skills mentioned in the text.

3) How can learning a foreign language improve your memory?

4) According to the study carried out by Pennsylvania State University, what is the effect of learning more
than one language on multilingual people?

5) Some people believe that language learning can also improve your decision making skills. Are they
justified? Explain your answer.

6) In what way can leaning a foreign language improve your ability to use your mother tongue

7) The text explains the benefits and advantages of learning foreign languages. Write down any two
advantages mentioned in the text.

8) Quote (or Write down) the sentence that means that learning foreign languages can improve how your
mind works.

9) Find a word in the text that means the same as “something that is said, such as a statement”.

10) What does the underlined word “they” refer to?

Critical thinking
“learning a foreign language is worth the time and effort.” Think of this statement and write down your

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 Homework
1- According to the text, speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain. Write down two
of these functions.

2- The writer says" It is believed that language learning can also improve your decision- making skills”. Is he
justified? Explain your answer.

3- Write down the sentence which indicates that learning a foreign language improves writing and speaking skills
in the mother tongue.

4- What are the challenges facing brain in learning a new language?

5- How could experiments prove that multilingual people are able to switch easily between different tasks ?

6- What does the underlined pronoun 'it' ?

7- What does the underlined pronoun 'who' refer to?

8- Find a word in the text which means “speaking, reading or writing in more than two languages'

9- Find out a word which means ' expressed in many languages'.

10- Compare between the student who knows more than one language with student who speaks only one language.

Critical thinking

1- The writer states that learning new vocabulary and grammar rules exercises the brain. Suggest three
other activities to help exercising the brain.-+

2- The importance of learning foreign languages is universal. It will always benefit the learner in one way
or another. Think of this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

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diploma either a document showing that someone has successfully completed a ‫شهادة دراسية‬
course of study or passed an examination, or the name of that course
Master degree a period of one or two years of study which takes place after the ‫درجة الماجستير‬
completion of a Bachelor’s degree
PhD a doctorate; the highest degree awarded by a university faculty ‫الدكتوراه‬

Post graduate someone who has finished their first degree and is continuing to study ‫طالب دراسات عليا‬
either a Master’s or a PhD; ~ degree a second degree of Master’s or PhD
Private university a university not operated by a government ‫جامعة خاصة‬

Public university a university that is funded by public means, through a government ‫جامعة حكومية‬

undergraduate someone who has not yet completed their first degree ‫طالب جامعي‬

vocational used to describe a particular job and the skills involved ‫مهني‬

Online distance A formalised teaching and learning system specifically designed to be ‫التعلم عن بعد‬
learning carried out remotely by using electronic communication
enroll To officially arrange to join a school, university or course. ‫يسجل‬

Our country has a high standard of education. This is mainly due to the fact that the government considers

education a necessity. All schools, from kindergarten to secondary, are the responsibility of the Ministry of

Education (MOE). Pre-school and kindergarten education is optional, followed by ten years of free, compulsory

education. For higher education, students enter university, either for academic or vocational courses.

Students can attend one of ten public universities, or one of nineteen private universities. A large number of

Jordanian students choose to study at these institutions, as well as foreign students from all over the world. These

are undergraduates studying for a first degree, or postgraduates studying for a Master’s degree, a PhD or a higher

diploma. The three universities with the most undergraduates are the University of Jordan in Amman, Yarmouk

University in Irbid and Al Balqa Applied University in Salt. These are all public universities. An example of a

newer university is the German-Jordanian University in Amman, which was set up in 2005 CE. It is a

collaboration between the MOHE and Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research, and it follows

Germany’s model of education in Applied Sciences. For students who wish to complete their university studies

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while working at the same time, it is also possible in some Jordanian universities to enroll onto online distance

learning programmes. In the future, this option will become available in many other universities.

A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1) What are the four education stages in Jordan mentioned in the first paragraph?

2) Find a word in the first paragraph that means the same as “obligatory; required”

3) Students of different levels go to university to get degrees. What are the four degrees that you can get

at university after leaving school’

4) In what way does the German-Jordan University differ from the other public Jordanian universities?

5) Name three public universities mentioned in the text.

6) Quote the sentence that shows the year when the German-Jordan University was established?

7) What does the underlined word “it”, in the third paragraph, refer to?

8) The German-Jordan University was established by cooperation of two German and Jordanian

educational organisations? What are they?

9) If you didn’t have time to go to university, how would you study and get a university degree?

10) How many years must each Jordanian learn at school?

11) What does the underlined word “enroll”, in the last paragraph, mean?

12) What do you think the main advantage of distance learning is?

13) Education is very important for the development of any country. Write down three suggestions that

might improve education in Jordan.

B: Critical Thinking:

The writer states that the government considers education a necessity. Do you agree? Write your point

of view in two sentences.

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 Homework

1. The writer says" our country has a high standard of education" Is he justified? Explain your answer.
2. According to the text, what is the role of the Ministry of Education?
3. The writer mentioned two types of courses that students can study at the Jordanian universities. What
are they?
4. How many public and private universities are there in Jordan?
5. Two classifications of university students are mentioned in the text. What are they?
6. Write down the sentence which indicates that not only Jordanian students attend the Jordanian
7. Mention three universities that have the largest number of undergraduate students.
8. What is special about the German Jordanian University?
9. Find a word in the text which means ' obligatory'.
10. What does the underlined pronoun 'these' refer to?
11. Name three public universities mentioned in the text?
12. According to the text, what could students who are unable to attend university do to get a degree?
13. (MOE) is responsible for some schools .What are they?
14. What is the optional education and the compulsory education?
15. What is the best education for the child who is too young to start primary school?
16. What does the underlined pronoun "it" refer to?
17. What is the best type of institution for :
A: someone who wants to get a first degree.
B: a postgraduate with a first degree who wants to study further.
C: a postgraduate with a master degree who wants to study further
18. When was the German – Jordanian university in Amman set up?

1- The writer states that foreign students from all over the world come to study in the Jordanian universities.
Suggest three reasons which make them choose Jordan for studying.

2- Students who complete their studies while working might face a lot of difficulties. Think of this statement
and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Acquiring a language
Immerse To be deeply involved in something and spend most of your time doing it. ‫يغرق في‬

1- Learn English fast – the natural way!

It is said that the best way to acquire a language is to immerse yourself in it, and that’s what we offer

at Extreme English: total immersion.

2 - What exactly do you mean by ‘total immersion’?

You will stay in one of our beautiful apartments. You’ll hear and speak English all day long. You can

either join a small group of other students of a similar level, or request a ‘tailor-made’ course. For

example, you may require a course in academic English to prepare you for undergraduate or

postgraduate studies, or a vocational course to help you with your career. Either way, you will live and

work together as a family.

3 - What will I be doing?

In the mornings, after breakfast, one or more of our trained and experienced teachers will arrive, and

you will have three hours of intensive tuition. Then, after enjoying lunch together around the table,

you’ll visit local places of interest, go shopping, take part in sports, etc. In the evenings, there will be

a choice of cultural activities, for example the theatre or a concert, or you may prefer to relax at home

and chat (in English, naturally!). Whatever you do, your teachers will be with you, acting as guides,

tutors and friends.

4- How long are the courses

Some people just come for a week, and they are usually amazed by how much progress they make in

such a short time. Others come for two, three, even four weeks. It’s up to you. You can be sure of one

thing – we’ll do our very best to give you a first-class experience and send you home thinking and

dreaming in English!

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A. Answers the following questions based on the text:

1) The text promises learners to learn and acquire English in a short time. What is their method of

teaching English?

2) Quote the sentence which tells learners where they will reside during the course.

3) Learners have two options of how they like to learn English. What are the two options.

4) Why do some learners need a ‘tailor-made’ course for? Mention two needs.

5) The text states that you will live and work together as a family. Write down two examples to show
6) The course includes formal and informal teaching of English. What activities of informal learning

can the students do? Write down two things.

7) What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph, refer to?

8) Find a word in the text that means the same as “teaching, especially in small groups”.

9) How many hours a day will the students receive formal intensive teaching?

10) The students should make two important decisions before they start the course. What are they?

11) What roles and tasks do teachers have in this special institute? Mention 3 roles.

B. Critical Thinking:
 Do you think total immersion in learning foreign languages is useful for students? In two
sentences, write down your opinion focusing on the advantages of total immersion.

Winter 2018

1. In the evenings, students at extreme English can practice some activities. Write down two of
these activities.
2. Before arriving to carry out a course at Extreme English , students have to make two decisions.
Write down these two decisions.
3. Quote the sentence which shows how teachers can support their students at Extreme English.
4. Find a word in the text that means “to be deeply involved in something …..”
5. What does the underlined pronoun “ it “ refer to?
6. Learning a foreign language comes up with different kinds of struggles and obstacles. Write
down three possible obstacles a person may face while learning a foreign language.
7. It is said anyone who keeps learning stays young. Think of this statement and write your

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1. According to the text, what is the best way to acquire a language?

2. Give two examples of courses that students may require mentioning their purposes.

3. Write down the sentence which indicates that the people who take the courses will be surprised by how fast
their language has improved.

4. According to the text, how long do the courses last?

5. Some examples of informal activities are mentioned in the text. Write down three of them.

6. The writer states that students will be living as a family. Give two examples from the text.

7. What is meant by 'extreme English'?

8. There are two decisions that students have to make before they arrive. What are they?

9. What do you think "a tailor – made course" mean?

10. What does the underlined pronoun 'others' refer to?

11. What does the underlined pronoun ' they' others refer to?

12. Which part of the day will be the most formal? What happens then?

13. The text says that students will be living ‘as a family’. Give two examples from the text that illustrate this.

14. What does the underlined word ' academic' mean?

1. The writer states that the people who take the courses will be amazed by the progress they
achieved in their language in a very short time. Suggest three tips to help students improve their
language quickly.

2. It is said that the best way to acquire a language is to immerse yourself in it. think of this statement
and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 The function:
To ask questions in a polite, formal way.

 We can begin impersonal questions with:-

 Could you tell me ……?

 Do you know …?
 Do you mind telling me …?
 Could you explain ….?
 I wonder …………………

1. WH questions (what, where, how, how many ……)

Wh + helping verb + subject + main verb + complement + ?

Be – Have – Model

-: ‫خطوات التحويل‬
‫ ضع أداة السؤال نفسها‬.1
‫ اقلب الفاعل مع الفعل المساعد‬.2
‫ أكمل السؤال مع وضع عالمة السؤال‬.3
 What will I be doing?
Do you mind telling me what I will be doing?

 What should I do to start revising?

Could you tell me what I should do to start revising?

Wh + helping verb (DO) + subject + main verb + complement + ?

Do + v1 ‫نحذف الفعل المساعد و يبقى الفعل مجرد‬
Does + v1 s / es ‫نحذف الفعل المساعد و نضيف للفعل‬
Did + v1 ‫نحذف الفعل المساعد و نحول الفعل للتصريف الثاني‬

 What exactly does Ali work?

Do you mind telling me what exactly Ali works

 What exactly do you do?

Do you know what exactly you do?

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1. When has Hani arrived at home?

Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
2. How can we go to Petra?
Could you possibly explain ……………..……………………..…………………
3. Why did your parents come back here?
Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
4. What exactly do you mean by frequent breaks?
Could you explain ……………………..….………………………………………
5. How much exercise do I need?
Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
6. How many hours do I need to revise English?
Do you mind telling me …………………………………………………………
7. When does the restaurant open?
Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
8. What does your father do?
Do you mind telling me ……………………..……………………………………
9. How should I draw up a timetable?
Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
10. What exactly do you mean by "total immersion"?
Could you explain …………………………..……………………………………
11. Where is my father?
Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
12. How long are the courses?
Could mind telling me ……………………………………………………………
13. Why does the sky sometimes look red?
Do you mind telling me …………………………..………………………………
14. When will we know our results?
Do you know ……...………………………………………………………………
15. Who is the Arabic teacher?
Could you possibly tell me ………………………………………………………
16. How can I solve this Maths problem?
Could you explain ……………………………………………………………..…
17. Where is the library?
Do you mind tell me ……………………..………………………………………
16. How much does this book cost?
Could you tell me …………………………………………………………………
17. How much sleep do teenagers of your age need?
Do you know ……..………………………………………………………………
18. What do you mean by "mnemonics" ?
Could you possibly explain ……………………………………………………..

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2. YES / NO Questions ‫األسئلة التي تبدأ بفعل مساعد‬

Helping verb + subject + main verb + complement + ?

Be – Have – Model

-: ‫خطوات الحل‬
) or ‫ ( نستخدمها إذا كان في السؤال‬Whether ‫ أو‬If ‫ نضع‬.1
‫ نقلب الفاعل مع الفعل المساعد‬.2
‫ نكمل السؤال مع وضع عالمة السؤال‬.3
1) Have you passed the exam or not?
Do you know whether you have passed the exam or not?

2) Can I use your pen?

I wonder if I can use your pen?

Helping verb (DO) + subject + main verb + complement + ?

Do + v1 ‫نحذف الفعل المساعد و يبقى الفعل مجرد‬
Does + v1 s / es ‫نحذف الفعل المساعد و نضيف للفعل‬
Did + v1 ‫نحذف الفعل المساعد و نحول الفعل للتصريف الثاني‬

1. Does the exam start at ten or half past ten?

Do you know whether the exam starts at ten or half past ten?

2. Did you do to the party last week?

Could you tell me if you went to the party last week?

 Do you mind ………………….. me where the library is? (tell)

‫و ازريات‬
1. Does the bell ring at eight or half past eight?
Do you know ......................................................................................
2. “ What can’t we bring onto the plane?
Could you tell me ......................................................................................
3. Are students allowed to navigate the internet during the open exam?
Do you know ………………………………………………………..
4. Is there a concentration between the amount of TV. People watch and how fit there are?
Do you know ……………………………………………………………………………
5. How can I get to Queen Alia Airport by public transport?
Could you tell me …………………………………………

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1. Can we take water in the exam?

I wonder …………………………………………………………………………..
2. Is it too late to start revising?
Do you know ………………………………………………………………..?
3. Please, give me some advice about diet.
Do you mind ………………………………………………………………..?
4. It is possible to improve your memory?
Could you tell me ……………………………………………………………..?
5. Can you suggest a healthy breakfast?
Do you mind ………………………………………………………………….?.
6. Please, help me to plan my revision?
Do you mind …………………………………………………………………..?
7. Are you allowed to eat sweets during the exam?
Do you know ………………………………………………………….………..?
8. Please, tell me where you found that information?
Do you mind …………………………………………………………………..?
9. Does the exam start at ten or half past ten?
Do you know …………………………………………………………………..?
10. Could you explain the best way to revise?
I wonder ……..…………………………………………………………………..
11. Please, give me a glan of water.
Do you mind ………………………………………………………………..?
12. Is the exercise better in the morning or in the evening?
Do you know …………………………………………………………………?

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 Rewrite these direct questions as indirect questions using all the phrases in the box. Then ask and
answer the questions with your partner. SB. P.51 Ex.5

Could you tell me ... Do you know ...

Do you mind telling me ... Could you explain ...

1. Where should I revise for exams?

2. How much sleep do teenagers of our age need?

3. Is it possible to improve your memory?

4. What do you mean by ‘mnemonics’?

5. What should I do on the day before the exam?

AB. P.35 Ex.4

Complete the questions with words from the box. The first one is done for you.
how how much if when where whether
who why

1. Do you know if we can take water into the exam?

2. Could you tell me------------------- this book costs, please? ‫تدرب على هذا‬

3. Do you know ---------------------I’ve passed my exam or not?

‫السؤال على‬
‫نمط التحويل‬
4. Do you mind telling me------------------ the library is?

5. Could you explain------------------------ I can solve this Maths problem?

6. Could you possibly tell me -------------------------the Arabic teacher is?

7. Do you know------------------------ we’ll know our results?

8. Do you mind explaining ----------------the sky sometimes looks red?

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AB. P.36 Ex.5

 Complete the following indirect questions.
1 Can you suggest a healthy breakfast?
Do you mind suggesting …………………………………….?
2 Please help me to plan my revision.
Do you mind ---------------------------------------------------?
3 How can I relax?
--------------------you explain---------------------------------- ?
4 Are we allowed to eat sweets during the exam?
---------------------you know------------------------------------ ?
5 Please tell me where you found that information.
----------------------mind -----------------------------------------?
6 Does the exam start at ten or half past ten?
----------------------whether------------------------------------- ?

AB. P.36 Ex.6

 Rearrange the words to make indirect questions. The first one is done for you.

1 if / revise / you / explain / I / the / could / best / wonder / to / way / .

I wonder if you could explain the best way to revise.

2 needs / you / much / sleep / how / a / do / know / teenager / ?


3 should / much / I / do / could / you /revision / me / tell / how / ?


4 mind / you / water / giving / a / glass /do / of / me / ?


5 know / in / would / you / the / happen / whether / to / morning / or / the / in / exercise / is / better /
evening / ?

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The impersonal passive

 The impersonal passive is a formal way of reporting thoughts, sayings, beliefs and
 There are two ways for forming impersonal passive:
It ‫الطريقة األولى هي طريقة‬

) has been ‫ ) ( مضارع تام‬was ‫ ) ( ماضي‬is ‫ نستخدم ( مضارع‬.1

‫ إلى التصريف الثالث‬that ‫ نحول الفعل الموجود قبل‬.2

Believe , think , consider , prove , claim , say , assume

believed, thought, considered , proved , claimed , said , assumed

‫) كما هي دون تغير اي شيء‬that ( ‫ نكمل الجملة من عند‬.3

1) People believe that tigers live in a jungle.

It is believed that tigers live in a jungle.

2) People believed that tigers lived in a jungle.

It was believed that tigers lived in a jungle

3) People have believed that tigers live in a jungle.

It has been believed that tigers live in a jungle.

 They say that women live longer than men.

It ………………………………………….

 They say that dolphins are highly intelligent.

It ……………………………………………

 They used to think that the Earth was flat

It used to be thought that the Earth was flat.

 They believe that learners will absorb the grammar as they learn the vocabulary.
It …………………………………………………………………………………

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

-: ‫ نتبع ما يلي‬that ‫ اذا طلب منك اعادة كتابة الجملة بأستخدام الفاعل الموجود بعد‬: ‫الطريقة الثانية‬

) has been / have been ‫ ) ( مضارع تام‬was / were ‫ ) ( ماضي‬is / are/ am ‫ نستخدم (مضارع‬.1

‫ الى التصريف الثالث‬that ‫ نحول الفعل الموجود قبل‬.2

Believe , think , consider , prove , claim , say , assume

believed, thought, considered , proved , claimed , said , assumed

to ‫ الى‬that ‫ نقلب‬.3

: ‫ نجرد الفعل الموجود بعد الفاعل حسب ما يلي‬.4

V 1 + s / es To + v1

Am / is/ are To be

Has / have To have

Modal + v1 To + v1

V2 To have + v3

Was / were To have been

Has / have + v3 To have + v3

‫ نكمل الجملة‬.5

1) People believe that tigers live in a jungle.

Tigers are believed to live in a jungle.

2) People believed that tigers lived in a jungle.

Tigers were believed to live in a jungle.

3) People have believed that tigers live in a jungle.

Tigers have been believed to live in a jungle.

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 They believe that the story is true.

The story ………………………...

 So, People know that he is talented.

He ………………………………..

 The police think he is in Argentina.

He ……………………………….
 They thought that the car was expensive.
It ...............................................................
The car .......................................................
 They believed that people lived in caves 5 thousand years.
It ......................................................................................
People ............................................................................
 People believe that English is the most widely spoken language
It …………………………………………………………….
English ……………………………………………………..

 Police have reported that it was Peter who caused the accident.
It has …………………………………………………………
Peter has ……………………………………………………

S.B. P53. Ex. 5

 Use the impersonal passive to report these sentences.

1 People think that learning a new language also presents the brain with unique challenges.

2 They say that students who study foreign languages do better, on the whole, in general tests.
A.B. P.36. Ex. 7
 Rewrite the sentences. Use the impersonal passive in two different ways.

1. They say that fish is good for the brain.

2. People think that we only use a small percentage of our brain power.

3. They claim that we remember things we hear in our sleep.


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4. People believe that solving puzzles keeps the brain active.


5. Experts have proved that exercise is good for concentration.


Rewrite the sentences. Use the impersonal passive in two different ways.
1. A journalist reports that they are leaving Las Vegas tomorrow night.

2. The lecturer thought that Columbus never realized that he had discovered America.

3. Their parents thought that the teenagers were dancing at the disco.

4. Everybody thinks that she sings beautifully.


5. The children reported that their friends were swimming when they disappeared.

6. People believed that they had killed the animals during the night.

7. My friends think that my parents are the best parents in the world.

8. They believed that the horse was a present.


9. People think that drugs are very dangerous.


10. They knew that Mr. Brown was stealing iron from the factory.
11. People consider that the team will be classified for the final.

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12. Everybody says that he settled the business.

13. Citizens presume that the government is responsible for the accident.

 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

1. People know that she is a good swimmer.

→ She ……………………………………………………………..
2. They say that Francis is in hospital.
→ Francis ……………………………………………………………..
3. They think that the children are in bed.
→ The children ……………………………………………………….
4. People believe that the robber has worked in the bank.
→ The robber …………………………………………………………
5. People believe that nuclear power stations are dangerous.
→ Nuclear power stations ………………………………………………
6. His colleagues thought that he was on holiday.
→ He ………………………………………………………………………..
7. People know that cars pollute the environment.
→ Cars ………………………………………………………………………….
8. They suppose that the new product will come out soon.
→ The new product ………………………………………………………………………..
9. They found that the mission was impossible.
→ The mission ………………………………………………………………………..
10. They believe that she will win a gold medal.
→ She ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

‫و ازريات‬

1. People believe that eating almonds reduces the risk of heart disease
Eating almonds ……………………………………………..

2. Doing regular exercises is believed to reduce the risk of several diseases

People believe that ………………………………………………………………………

3. They assumed that the last Olympic Games were a great success.
It ………………………………………………………………………

4. Experts have proved that eating fresh vegetables is good for the stomach.
Eating fresh vegetables ...........................................................................

5. My English teacher says that English clubs are essential for learning English well.
English clubs ...........................................................................................................

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬


‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Meaning

success succeed successful Successfully ‫ينجح‬
education educate Educated/ Educationally ‫يعلم‬
Organization/ organize organized ‫ينظم‬
Developer/ develop developed ‫يطور‬
achievement achieve Achieved/ ‫ ينجز‬/ ‫يحقق‬
academy academic academically ‫اكاديمي‬
contradict contradiction contradictory ‫تناقض‬
fluency fluent fluently ‫طالقة في الكالم‬
economize Economics/ economical economically ‫اقتصاد‬
engines Engineer/ ‫يشغل‬
enroll enrolment ‫يسجل‬
agriculture agricultural agriculturally ‫زراعه‬
pharmacy pharmaceutical pharmaceutically ‫صيدلة‬
pioneer pioneer pioneering ‫الريادي‬
proficiency proficient proficiently ‫الكفاءة‬
qualify qualification qualified ‫يؤهل‬
psychology psychological psychologically ‫علم النفس‬
undertake undertaking ‫يلتزم‬
sociology sociological sociological ‫علم اجتماع‬
experience experience experienced ‫ يختبر‬/ ‫يجرب‬
dominate dominance dominant ‫يشير الى‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
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depend dependence dependent ‫يعتمد على‬

repeat repetition repeated ‫يعيد‬
correct correction correct ‫يصحح‬
concentrate concentration concentrated ‫يركز‬
dehydrate dehydration dehydrated ‫جفاف‬
advise Advice/advisor advisory ‫نصيحة‬
circulate circulation circulated ‫دوران‬
diet diet dietary ‫نظام غذائي‬
memorise memory memorable ‫ذاكرة‬
nutrition nutritious ‫تغذية‬
multilingualism multilingual ‫متعدد اللغات‬
vocation vocational vocationally ‫مهني‬
simulate Simulation/ simultaneous simultaneously ‫محاكي‬
tutor Tutorial/ tutor ‫محاضر‬
utter utterance utter utterly ‫قول‬
Enthusiasm Enthusiastic Enthusiastically ‫حماس‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words between brackets :

1. I was a ……………. ( success ) attempt to climb Mount Everest.

2. Rich countries have highly …………… ( develop ) economy .
3. You have …………….. ( achieve ) the success you deserve.
4. She works for a voluntary …………. ( organize ) helping homeless people .
5. She received an excellent …………. ( educate ) .

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. One of the most important things that we give children is a good……………….. (educate)

2. If you work hard, I’m sure you will……………. . (success)

3. Congratulations! Not many people ………………(achievement) such high marks.

4. My father works for an…………….. that helps to protect the environment. ( organize )

5. It’s amazing to watch the………………. Of a baby in the first year of life. (develop)

 His mother was the ………….. ( dominate ) influence in his life .

 Some parts of the report needed ……………… ( correct )
 She has five years teaching ………………( experienced )
 There have been ……………….( repeat ) accidents on this road .

 Choose the correct form of words to complete the following sentences :

1. If you have bad ………………., your hands and feet get cold easily .
( circulate , circulation , circulated )

2. A …………..usually advises his students and helps them to solve their problems .
( tutor , tutorial , tutored )

3. A computer is a ……………of a nuclear attack .

( simulate , simulation , simultaneous )

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Verb Noun
circulate circulation
dehydrate dehydration
advise advice
revise revision
concentrate concentration

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of words from the box :
1 . I'm confused . Could you give me some ………………………….., please ?
2. Before an exam, you must……………………..…. everything you’ve learnt?
3. In hot weather our bodies are in danger of ……………
4. Don't talk to the driver . He must ………………….. .
5. How quickly does blood ….............................round the body?

‫و ازرة‬
2017 + 2016

1. Language ………………….. is becoming an important requirement for many jobs.

2. Services, mostly travel and tourism ………………….. the majority of our economy.
3. Doing lots of exercise won't keep you healthy if you don’t eat ……………. Food as well.
4. Kareem is a ………………….. journalist, he has worked previously for many scientific
journals. (qualification)
Winter 2018

1. Maha shows great ………………….. for her new job as a lawyer in the court.
( enthusiasm, enthusiastic, enthusiastically)

2. Our national team is now well ………………. For the second round of the competition.
( qualify, qualification, qualified)

3. With children, it is important to ………………. The right balance between love and discipline.
(achieve, achieved, achievable)

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬


‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196


Words Meanings in English In Arabic

Blame to say or think that someone or something is responsible for ‫يلوم‬
something bad
punish to give someone an unpleasant task in response to bad ‫يعاقب‬
spill accidentally flow over the edge of a container ‫يسكب‬
pop to burst, or to make something burst, with a short, ‫ينفجر‬
explosive sound
recall to remember a particular fact, event or situation from the past ‫يتذكر‬
dialect a form of language which is spoken in only one area, with ‫لهجة‬
words or grammar that are slightly different from other forms
of the same language
First language the language that you first learn as a child. ‫اللغة األولى‬
register a technical term for the words, style and grammar used by ‫يسجل‬
speakers and writers in a particular situation or in a particular
type of writing

Mother tongue the first and main language that you learnt when you were a ‫اللغة األم‬
influence ‫تأثير‬
sociologist ‫علماء االجتماع‬
secretively ‫بسرية‬
Foreign language ‫لغة أجنبية‬
Sign language ‫لغة اإلشارة‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

deaf ‫أصم‬

varieties ‫متنوع‬

constantly ‫باستمرار‬

benefits ‫فوائد‬

recognized ‫الحظ‬

family ‫عائلة‬

friends ‫أصدقاء‬

Free time activities ‫نشاطات في أوقات الفراغ‬

holidays ‫عطل‬

School studies ‫مواد مدرسية‬

Future studies ‫دراسات مستقبلية‬

Words with similar meanings


Attractive/ desirable tempting

Part of an experiment experimental

Things that make you interested stimuli

speed pace

Copy / make the same sound mimic

Received absorbed

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Look into investigate ‫يبحث عن‬/ ‫يستقصي‬

Come up with produce something (an idea), especially when ‫يبتكر حال‬
pressured or challenged
Point out To show me ‫يلفت االنتباه‬/ ‫يوضح‬
get away with to do something wrong without being discovered ‫يفلت من العقاب‬
or with only a minor punishment/not to be blamed
Leave out Don't have to include/ not include ‫يترك‬
Look at To examine something closely ‫يعاين‬/ ‫يفحص‬
Carry out To do something ‫ينفذ‬
Come about happen or take place ‫ يقع‬/‫يحدث‬
Grow up Spend your childhood ‫ينمو‬

**Replace the words and phrases in bold with the phrasal verbs from the box.

1. Let’s investigate the story and discover what really happened.

2. I wish scientists would think of a way to prevent flu!

3. I was born in a small village, but I didn’t spend my childhood there.

4. This Maths homework is difficult! Could you show me where I’ve gone wrong?

5. Before I can solve the problem, please tell me – how did it happen?

6. I need to do some research before I start my project.

7. Yaseen has replaced the plate he broke, so he will not be blamed for it.

8. You don’t have to include your surname when you sign a friendly letter.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Sociologists have been looking into this question for hundreds of years. They have now begun to look

at not just how people talk, but also how they think, asking whether the way we understand and remember

experiences is influenced by language. As a result of these studies, they have come up with some

interesting results.

A lot of research has been carried out on the relationships between mind, world and language. In one

study, a psychologist points out that when describing an event, English speakers tend to mention the

person who was responsible. Whereas English speakers might say, ‘John broke the vase’, Spanish or

Japanese speakers would use a passive form. It is 15 believed that such differences between languages

have an effect on how their speakers understand events, and whether someone is blamed for an action or

gets away with it.

In another study, speakers of English, Spanish and Japanese were asked to watch videos of two people

popping balloons, breaking eggs and spilling drinks, either on purpose or accidentally. Later, when asked

to recall the videos, the English speakers mentioned the person who did the action. The Spanish and

Japanese mentioned the person responsible for intentional events, but left this out when they considered

that event to be an accident.

Scientists at Newcastle University, UK, have carried out tests to prove that different cultures also have

different ways of seeing colours. They found that in Japanese, for example, there are different words for

light blue and dark blue which are not found in English. Native speakers of Japanese, therefore, made a

clearer distinction between colours on the spectrum.

Is it our language that has affected our way of thinking? Or has a difference in cultural habits affected

both our thoughts and our language? Most likely, culture, thought and language have all come about


‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1) What does the phrase “this question” refer to? ”this question”?

2) According to a study, when do Japanese and Spanish use the passive form- leave out the person who

did the action?

3) Why do native speakers of Japanese made a clearer distinction between colours on the spectrum?

4) According to the writer which affects the other, the language or cultural habits?

5) Quote the sentence which implies that Japanese and Spanish use active when talking about intentional

actions, but they use passive when actions happen by chance.

6) Find a word in the text that means the same as “to remember a particular fact, event or situation

from the past”.

7) What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

8) According to a study, how do native English speakers differ from those who speak Japanese and

Spanish when they want to talk about past actions?

9) What does the phrasal verb “come about”, in the last paragraph, mean?

10) Find a phrasal verb in the text that means the same as “not included (something or someone)

11) When learning a foreign language, what other things you might learn? Answer this question in two

sentences to tell your opinion.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196


1. According to the text, how did the English speaker understand the event when he said ' John broke the vase'?

2.Write down the sentence which indicates that sociologists have been interested in finding out the
relationships between language, thoughts and culture for a long time.

3. According to the text, what is the function of using the passive form by Japanese speaker in the following
sentence? " the vase was broken"

4. According to the text, in which situation did the Spanish and Japanese speakers mention the doer of the
action. When did they use the passive form?

5. The writer states that different cultures have different ways of seeing colours. Is he justified? explain your

6. What does the underlined pronoun 'their' refer to?

7. Find a phrasal verb in the text which means " to do something wrong without being discovered"

8. What do the underlined phrasal verbs " looking into" and " carried out" mean?

9. Give an example to show that the language has some effect on the understanding of the event .

10. How did the speaker of English , Spanish and Japanese recall the video they had seen ?

Critical thinking

1- When people communicate with each other, they don’t usually speak in the same way.
suggest three factors that affect our way of speaking.

2- The culture of the speaker influences his language, thought and the way of speaking. Think of this
statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

look up A word in a dictionary ‫يستخرج‬

for Something you have lost ‫يبحث عن‬

Forward to Something exciting ‫يتطلع الى‬

get Over An illness and feel better ‫يتغلب على‬

up In the morning ‫ينهض‬

on With your work and ‫يستمر بالعمل‬

complete it
take up A new hobby ‫يبدأ‬

away Some fast food ‫يأخذ خارجا‬

off From home for a holiday ‫يأخذ عطلة‬

go away Home for a holiday ‫يسافر‬

back To where you started ‫يرجع‬

ahead with A plan and do it ‫ يبدأبالعمل‬/ ‫يباشر‬

 Complete the following sentences with the suitable preposition

Forward, up, away, over , with

1. It took her a long time to get ………………………………..her problem.

2. We are going to go ……………………….…this weekend and we will be back on Saturday.
3. Engineers have come up ………………………….….new ways of saving energy.
4. The children are looking …………………………………..… their holiday.

 Circle the correct phrasal verb.

1. Can you point at / point out my mistakes when I speak, please?

2. The police will look at / look into the incident.
3. Adnan was late for the meeting, but he came up with / got away with it.
4. The results of the experiment which we carried out / left out yesterday were very interesting
5. I hope I can come up with / come about a way of solving this puzzle.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
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● A phrasal verb is a verb that is followed by one or two particles that change its meaning.
We’re asking candidates to carry out a short task.

● Some phrasal verbs can have objects after them (they are called transitive verbs).
They came up with a good idea. We’re looking into the problem.

● Some phrasal verbs do not have objects (they are called intransitive verbs).
Where did you grow up? My sister and I get on well.

● Sometimes the object can go between the verb and the particle, so the verb and the particle are
separated. With these verbs, object pronouns always go before the particle.
Please point his sister out. Point her out. (NOT Point out her.)

● Sometimes the verb and particle cannot be separated.

They came up with a good idea. (NOT They came a good idea up with.)
The pronoun comes after the phrasal verb when it is a three-part verb and when it is a verb + preposition.

Separable Inseparable
carry out come up with
find out come about
leave out get away with
look up get on well
look over get by
point out get into
take back get on
take up get over
take off get up
take away go through
go off
go away
go back
go ahead with
grow up
look at
look into
look after
look forward to
look for
point at
speed up
take after

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 Rewrite the sentences with phrasal verb formed from the verbs in the box. One verb is
not needed.

find come come leave speed point look

1 Ahmad should hurry or he’ll be late. 2017 ‫صيفي‬

Ahmad should speed up or he’ll be late.
2 I thought of a great idea while I was swimming.
3 That’s amazing news! How did you discover it?
4 That information is important. Don’t omit it.
5 We’ll drive past my old house. I’ll show it to you.
6 It’s a mystery how the mistake happened.

 Rewrite the sentences by replacing the words in bold with the pronouns in the box. Some
pronouns are needed twice. You may need to change the word order.

her him it them

1. The class looked at Omar in admiration when he gave a speech.
2. How did you come up with the plan?
3. Did you leave Fatima out? Remember, she’s invited.
4. I’ll look up the train times online.
5. Farid and I are going to carry out the class survey.
6. We’ll look into your complaints.
7. Fatima pointed her sister out to us and introduced us to her.
8. I don’t think the robbers will get away with the crime.

Winter When Omar gave a speech, the class looked at ……………… in admiration.
2018 ( he, his, him, them)

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 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the phrasal verbs in the box. If necessary, use a
pronoun (it/them/me). Consider whether the two parts of the verb can be separated or not.

look into come up with come about point out get away with carry out leave out

1. As part of the interview, we will be asking all candidates top------------ a short task.
2. Ali broke the glass, but his mother didn’t notice. He------------------- .
3. Last night, I watched an interesting documentary about how the ice age------------- .
4. I’ve been thinking about a subject for my History project, and I’ve-------------- some ideas.
5. I usually add chocolate to the recipe when I make this cake, but as I haven’t got any today, I’m
going to----------------- .
6. Thank you for writing to us about the non-delivery of your parcel. We promise to--------------------

Blame / punish a person for something he / she has done ‫ يعاقب شخص‬/‫يلوم‬
spill a drink ‫أراق‬/ ‫أسال‬
pop a balloon ‫يفجر‬
recall an event ‫ يسترجع‬/ ‫يستذكر‬

1. Don’t let the baby play with the balloon; It might ………….. and frighten her.
2. The accident wasn’t your fault. I don’t………………………….. you at all!
3. Please be careful with your juice. Don’t …………………….….it on the floor.
4. I’m afraid I don’t…………… your name. Could you tell me again?
5. If you go to bed late, it will…………… your performance at school the next day.

Choose the correct answer to complete the following sentences :

1. I've ……………..some coffee on the carpet .

( spilled , recalled , punished )

2. He doesn't……………..exactly when he first met Ali.

( blame , spill , recall )

3. They have broken the law and they deserve to be …………….. .

( proved , punished , spilled )

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It is believed that the Italians were the first people to come up with a sign language system in the

sixteenth century. The idea was then taken to France in the seventeenth century, where the language

was developed further.

One of the early developers of sign language was Charles-Michel de ’Epée, whose mother tongue

was French. He picked up sign language while he was working with deaf people in Paris in the

eighteenth century. The language was being used by two deaf sisters as a form of communication. De

l’Epée then set up a school for deaf people, which was replicated across Europe. It was the first time

that sign language was actively taught, and it made an enormous 10 impact on the lives of deaf people.

Just as there are different spoken languages in countries around the world, each country has its own

sign language. Sign language is used as a first language by about 70 million people in the world. The

use of sign and spoken languages does not differ. Both can be used to provide and share information,

tell stories, have informal discussions and give formal talks. Both have different registers and dialects,

and both are constantly evolving.

Many varieties of the Arabic Sign Language have been developed, and there are almost as many

Arabic sign languages as there are Arabic-speaking countries.

Recently, the benefits of learning sign language are being promoted not only to deaf people, but

also to those with normal hearing. In some schools, sign language is being offered as a foreign

language. Since, like all languages, sign language has a grammatical structure, it is now being

recognized and taught as an optional foreign language.

Learning sign language is of enormous benefit to anyone, whether they can hear or are deaf. Like

learning any new language, it involves and challenges the brain. It also allows people who master sign

language to be able to communicate with a new international community.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answers the following questions based on the text:

1. Quote the sentence which tells about when and where was the idea of sign language first
2. How did Charles-Michel de l’Epèe learn the sign language for the first time?
3. What information in the text tells you that not all sign languages are the same worldwide.
4. Write down two similarities between sign languages and spoken languages.
5. Why is sign language being offered and recongised as a foreign language today?
6. What are the benefits of learning a sign language whether to deaf people or those with normal
hearing? Write down two benefits.
7. Find a word in the text that means the same as “produced a copy of something”
8. What does the underlined word “it” in the fourth paragraph, refer to?
9. The author states that learning a sign language can be beneficial even to the people who can
hear. Is the writer justified? Explain your answer.
10. How many people are there in the world that can use and understand sign languages as first
11. Deaf people are normal people but they cannot hear. What suggestions can you think to
improve their lives? Write down three suggestions.

Winter 2016

1. The article states different uses for sign and spoken languages. Write down two of these uses.
2. Learning sign language is beneficial for anyone for two reasons. Mention them.
3. Replace the underlined phrase “to think of” with the correct phrasal verb.
4. Quote the sentence which indicates that there is not only one Arabic sign language.
5. What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
6. Deaf people may face many unique challenges with learning sign language. Suggest three
ways to overcome these problems.
7. It is preferable to offer sign language as a foreign language in public institutions. Think of this
statement and in two sentences write down your opinion.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196


1- What was the role of Charles Michal in developing sign language? What helped him achieve this task?

2- What is the meaning of sign language?

3- Write down the sentence which indicates that French were not the first people to invent the sign
language but were the developer of it.

4- Many similarities between the sign and spoken language are mentioned in the text. Write down two of

5- The writer says “learning sign language is of enormous benefit to any one, whether they can hear or are
deaf. Is he justified? Explain your answer.

6- According to the text, sign language is taught to people with normal hearing. Explain supporting your
answer with an example.

7- What does the underlined pronoun 'it' refer to?

8- What does the underlined pronoun ' whose' refer to?

9- Write down the sentence which indicates that sign language is not universal.

10- Write down the sentence which indicates that sign language in not fixed but constantly changing.

11- Where was the sign language developed? When?

12- Who was the first to come up with a sign language? When?

13- Who used the sign language? Why?

14- What did De LEpee build for deaf people ?

15- Why does each country have its own sign language?

16- There are many varieties of the Arabic sign language. Give the reason.

17- In what way do you think that being taught sign language has made an enormous impact on Lives of
deaf people?

*** Critical thinking

1- The writer states that sign language made an enormous impact on the lives of deaf people. Think of this
statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

2- Deaf people still face obstacles in dealing with the hearing community. Suggest three tips to help the
people with normal hearing communicate with deaf people.
‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

 It means that it is not affected by gender , so not obviously male or female.

Gender _ specific words Gender _ neutral words

Businessman, businesswoman Business person
salesman, saleslady Sales assistant / sales person

headmaster, headmistress Head teacher

he or she they

Gender _ specific words Gender _ neutral words

Mankind humans
postman Postal worker
stewards Flight attendants
His/ her their
Police man / police woman officer
Chairman Chair person

Seaman Sailor
Spaceman A astronaut

 Choose the best options to complete the sentences.

1. For centuries, mankind has / humans have preserved culture through storytelling.
2. A postman / postal worker delivers your post
3. During the flight, the flight attendants / stewards and stewardesses will serve you drinks.
4. At the book fair, everybody was buying their / his favourite books.
5. If you need to report a crime, speak to a police woman / officer.

 Replace the underlined word with a gender_ neutral word .

Salem was the chairman of the meeting.

 A postman delivers your post. Winter 2016

Replace the underlined word with a gender_ neutral word

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

It is fascinating to observe the way language is absorbed by a baby. He or she quickly learns to respond to

certain sounds and words, for example ‘mum’ or ‘dad’. Then, after a few months, the baby starts to try out

experimental noises and mimic sounds. A one-year-old baby can probably say a few words – and

certainly understands a lot more. After two years, many children have a vocabulary of about fifty words.

With twins, however, the story might be a little different. First of all, their development is sometimes

slower. It is thought that this may be because some twins have less one-to-one interaction with adults than

single babies have, and they spend more time communicating with each other. Secondly, some twins seem

to develop their own unique language. While this is not very common, it is certainly fascinating. They

speak – and seem to understand – strange ‘words’ and sounds that nobody else can make out. This is

known as ‘cryptophasia’. Certainly, what they say isn’t understood by anyone else, but is it really a

language? the development by twins of a language that only they can understand.

Although it is tempting to believe that these twins really do make up their own secret language, the truth is

probably much simpler. Most experts think that as both children are experimenting with language at the

same time, and both have been presented with the same sounds and stimuli since birth, they are very likely

to recognize what the other one says. In other words, they are both developing their ‘real’ language at the

same pace and making the same mistakes along the way.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

1) How fast does a baby learn the language and what the first things are when they start to learn?
2) In what ways do twins differ from single babies in developing their language? Write down two
3) Why are twins slower than single babies in learning language? Write down two reasons for that.
4) What do you think ‘cryptophasia’ mean?
5) The author doesn’t think that twins invent a secret language. Is the author justified? Explain your
6) Quote the sentence which implies that twins may create their own language.
7) Find a word that means the same as “things that make you interested”.
8) The author says that “A one-year-old baby can probably say a few words - and certainly understands a
lot more.” Why do you think a bay understands more words than he/she could say?
9) What does the underlined word “one” in the last paragraph, refer to?
10) What does the underlined word “mimic” in paragraph 1 mean?
11) Imagine that you have a twins at your home, what do you think is the best way to help them develop
their language fast? Write down two suggestions
Summer 2016

1. Twins language development is sometimes slower than single babies for two reasons.
Mention them
2. Find a word that means “ things that make you interested”
3. Quote the sentence which indicates that it is attractive and desirable to think that twins create
their own language.
4. Babies go through different steps before they have a vocabulary of about fifty words. Write
down two of these steps.
5. What does the underlined pronoun “this” refer to?
6. Raising and looking after twins may cause many difficulties to parents. Mention three
possible difficulties that parents may face.
7. It is said that twins who don’t grow up in the same environment may develop their language
skills differently. Think of this statement and in two sentences write your opinion.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

1- The writer mentioned four stages of early communication. What are they?
2- Twins develop their language slower than single babies do. Write down the reason.
3- Write down the sentence which indicates that twins invent and speak secret language.
4- According to the text, what is meant by " cryptophasia?
5- The writer states that twins develop their real language at the same pace and make the same mistakes
along the way .Is he justified? Explain your answer.
6- What does the underlined pronoun 'they' line 21 refer to?
7- Find a word in the text which means "speed"
8- What are the first words that babies respond to?
9- What does the underlined pronoun ' their' refer to?
10- How do the following respond to the language?
A: one –year-old baby.
B: two – years –old baby
11- What do the underlined words Absorb, experimental, mimic mean

*** Critical thinking

1- According to the text, single babies get benefit from the interaction with adults to improve their
language. Suggest three ways to support the child’s communication skill

2- Teaching babies sign language open up the lines of effective communication . Think of this statement
and in two sentences write down your point of view.

 Complete the sentences to give a similar meaning. Use the correct form of the word in brackets. The first
one is done for you.

1. This book changed my way of thinking. (influence)

This book influenced me.
2. It was done accidentally. (purpose)
It wasn’t ………………………………………………..
3. Who is in charge of these children? (responsible)
Who …………………………………………………… ?
4. We had a great time. (experience)
It was …………………………………………………….
5. How are Jaber and Mahmoud related? (relationship)
What …………………………………………………… ?

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

The passive voice

The verb in the

passive should Object + Verb to be + P.P + complement
follow the
following rule

Simple Present am (not) +P.P
1- V1 are
V1+s He washes the dishes.
Don't the dishes are washed

was He washed the dishes.

(not) + P.P The dishes were washed
Simple Past Were
Didn't +V1

3- has He has washed the dishes.

3.Present Perfect (not)+ Been + P.P The dishes have been washed
(not) +P.P

He had washed the dishes.
Past Perfect had (not)+ been +P.P the dishes had been washed.

had (not)+ P.P

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

5- is He is washing the dishes

Present Progressive am (not) + Being + P.P the dishes are being washed.
is (not) +V1-ing

Was He was washing the dishes.

6- Past Progressive + Being + P.P the dishes were being
was Were
+ (not) + V1-ing
He will wash the dishes.
7- future simple modal + be + P.P The dishes will be washed.

modal + (not) + V1

Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first.

1-Millions of people all over the world use computers to do heavy jobs.
2-I expect everyone to reach the summit after hard work.
3-Many schools teach English as a second language in Jordan.
4-Few people use this road in winter.
This road……………………………………………………………..
5-Techers give us exams every month.
6-Hunters kill animals for their food and skin.
7-Our teacher corrects our papers perfectly.
Our papers…………………………………………………………..
8-We don’t eat meat in the morning.
9-My mother doesn’t clean my room daily.
My room……………………………………………………………..
10-Nothing shakes my belief in God.
My belief in God…………………………………………………….

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

11-The waiter poured the coffee.

The coffee…………………………………………………………….
12-The player rolled the dice.
The dice……………………………………………………………….
13-The tourists burned wood in the fireplace.
14-The Smiths built a new house on the river.
A new house……………………………………………………….
15-The traffic officer stopped the motorcycles.
The motorcycles……………………………………………………
16-I turned off the lights after dinner.
The lights……………………………………………………………..
17-We didn’t type the letter yesterday.
The letter……………………………………………………………..
18-Nobody asked you to go alone.
19-I didn’t invite him for my birthday party.
20-The police are following our car right now.
Our car………………………………………………………………
21-The students are taking some notes about the lecture.
Some notes………………………………………………………….
22-The farmer is watering the trees at the moment.
The trees……………………………………………………………..
23-The applicant is filling the application form with the needed information.
The application form……………………………………………….
24-Sameera is writing a letter to her father in the USA.
A letter……………………………………………………………….
25-The boy is climbing the tree.
The tree………………………………………………………………
26-Ahmad was doing some exercises at this time yesterday.
Some exercises……………………………………………………..
27-She was making salad when we arrived.
28-While we were watching the film ,we felt tired.
While the film………………………………………………………
29-The lights went out while he was baking the bread.
While the bread……………………………………………………
30-When the nurse came ,the patient was examining the patient.
The patient……………………………………………………………
31- The leader has explained the plan graphically.
The plan……………………………………………………………..

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

32-My father has taken many courses on computer.

Many courses………………………………………………………
33-The police man has fined many drivers for breaking the law.
Many drivers……………………………………………………….
34-The children have spoiled the food
The food…………………………………………………………….
35-The attacking army has captured many important cities.
Many important cities………………………………………………
36-I haven’t eaten anything so far today.
37-The government had established many schools.
Many schools………………………………………………………
38-The hijackers had told the pilot to change the route.
The pilot……………………………………………………………
39-After the doctor had carried out the operation, he smiled.
After the operation……………………………………………….
40-She slept after she had locked the doors.
After the doors……………………………………………………………
41-Before they left, they had washed the dishes.
The dishes…………………………………………………………


 Correct the verbs between the brackets

Our final science project has ……………………………. As the best project.(be, choose)
A new vocational school has …………….. recently in my area. (build)
Mr . Tareq will ……………. A more responsible post by the manager. (offer)
Sign language …………………. In the 16th century. (invent)

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Question Tags
The function:

We use question tags to check or query information.

The form: We form a question tag by:

1. Placing a suitable auxiliary from the statement.

2. Negate the positive statement or place a positive tag for negative statement.
THE RULE : Affirmative sentences , negative tag? (vice versa)

3. Using a suitable pronoun for the subject.

Note: The negative word [not] must be contracted in the tag. [n’t]

 Aseel is playing piano, ………………………... ?

 Sam can come, ………………………………....?
 You haven’t got a car, ……………………….....?
 You aren’t going out today, ……………………?
 There is a birthday party today, ………………..?
 I'm late, ……………………………………..….?

( do , does) + not + pronoun ? ‫ إذا كانت الجملة في زمن المضارع البسيط (مثبت) نستخدم‬

 He likes music, …………………………….?

 They live in Spain, ………………………...?
 They don’t have car, ………………………?
 He doesn’t play football, …………………..?

(did) + not + pronoun ? ‫ إذا كانت الجملة في زمن الماضي البسيط (مثبت) نستخدم‬

 You saw the film last night, ……………………………….?

 Liza cooked well, ………………………………..................?
 Omar didn’t come to the class yesterday, ………………….?

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

‫حاالت خاصة مهمة جدا يجب حفظها جيدا‬

I am – e.g. I am right, …………………?
Let's – e.g. Let's go out, ……………….?
Positive imperative - e.g. Stop daydreaming, ……………………?
Negative imperative - e.g. Don’t be late, …………………………?
This/ That is – e.g. this is Ali's pen, ………………………………?
Offer help ( S+ will + v1) .....................................................................?
No (nobody, No one) ( rarely, hardly , never, seldom, barely and scarcely)
e.g. Nobody cheated in the exam, ………………………………..?
e.g. They rarely eat in restaurants, ……………………………….?
e.g. He never came again, ………………………………..……….?

Subject (someone, somebody, no one, nobody, everyone, everybody) ………..

Subject (something, everything, nothing) ……………
1) Something was stolen from my house, wasn’t it?
2) No one was at home when it was stolen, were they?

1. She wasn’t there yesterday, -------------------?

2. We should try to help, -------------------?
3. You haven’t got a pen I can borrow, -------------------?
4. Your mother comes from Madaba, -------------------?
5. They sold their house, -------------------?
6. You’ll phone me later, -------------------?
7. It doesn’t rain here, -------------------?
8. You live in Zarqa, ------------------------?
9. It’s funny, ---------------------------------?
10. He has to go, -----------------------------? ‫وزاريات‬
11. She went home, -------------------------?
12. I haven’t won, ---------------------------?
13. You won’t be late, ----------------------?
o Kids mustn’t eat too much chocolate, …………………?
o Children have had their lunch, …………………………?
o Let's fight against poverty, ……………………………..?
o I have to quit fatty food, ……………………………….?
o Let's walk along the beach, …………………………….?
o The food in the restaurant wasn’t extremely good, ………………………..?
o The keyword ………………… the student to answer the question, won’t it? (help)
o The English alphabet doesn’t have 40 letters, ………………? ( does it, did it, doesn’t it)
o Saleem and his brother spoke French in the conference, ……………. They? (do)

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Negotiate to discuss something in order to reach an agreement, especially ‫يتفاوض‬

in business or politics
Shake hand to move someone’s hand up and down in a greeting ‫يصافح‬
Tell joke to say something to make people laugh ‫يحكي نكته‬

Track record all of a person’s or organisation’s past achievements, ‫منجزات‬

successes or failures which show how well they have done

Today, we talk to Mr Ghanem, a businessman based in Amman who often visits China. We asked
him when he first started doing business with China. ‘I’ve been doing business with China for many
years. My first trip there was in 2004 CE, and it was not very successful.’

Why was it not successful?

‘I worked for a small computer company in Amman. They sent me to China when I was still quite
young. If only the company had realised that the Chinese respect age and experience more than youth!’

Did you make any mistakes on that visit?

‘Yes! I wish I had researched Chinese culture before I visited the country. In order to be successful in
China, you need to earn their respect. Chinese business people will always ask about a company’s
successes in the past. However, because I worked for a new company, I could not talk about its track
record. We did not do any business deals on that first trip.’

When did you learn how to be successful in China?

‘I joined a larger company and they sent me on a cultural awareness course. On my next visit to
China, it felt as if I hadn’t known anything on my first visit!’

What advice can you give to people wanting to do business in China?

‘Before I visit a company, I send recommendations from previous clients. I also send my business
card with my job position and qualifications translated into Chinese.’

Can you tell us about your last meeting in China?

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

‘Of course! I arrived on time. You must not arrive late, as this shows disrespect. Then, when I met
the company director, I shook hands with him gently. I began the meeting by making small talk about
my interesting experiences in China. During the meeting, I made sure that my voice and body language
were calm and controlled. I never told a joke, as this may not be translated correctly or could cause

Was it a successful meeting?

‘Yes, it was. I knew that the director had researched my business thoroughly before the meeting, so I
was prepared for his detailed questions. When I began negotiating, I started with the important issues.
The Chinese believe in avoiding conflict. It is always important to be patient. I was prepared to
compromise, so in the end, the meeting was successful.’
1-The writer mentioned some reasons that make Mr. Ghanem's first business with China unsuccessful.
Write down three reasons.

2-According to the text, Mr. Ghanem regrets that he didn't research Chinese culture before visiting China.
Is he justified? Explain your answer.

3- What helped Mr. Ghanem to learn how to be a successful business man in China?

4- What was Mr. Ghanem's advice to the people who are willing to do business in China?

5- Mr. Ghanem followed certain steps during his last meeting in China. Mention three steps.

6- What makes Mr. Ghanem's last meeting to China successful?

7- Write down the sentence which indicates that telling jokes during business meeting shows disrespect
according to the Chinese culture.

8- What do the Underlined pronouns 'his, him' refer to?

10-What is the meaning of ' track record’?

11- When did Mr Ghanem first start doing business with China?

12- Chinese respect two things . Mention them.

*** Critical thinking
1- The shortest way to a successful business is to be a successful businessman. Suggest three
characteristics of a successful businessman.

2- Cultural differences between countries can create a number of barriers in business development. Think
of this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Agreement an arrangement or promise to do something, made by two or ‫اتفاق‬

more people, companies or organisations
Export goods sold to another country ‫يصدر‬
Extraction the process of removing and obtaining something from ‫استخراج‬
something else
Gross Domestic the value of a country’s total output of goods and services ‫الناتج المحلي‬
Products ‫االجمالي‬
Import goods bought from other countries ‫يستورد‬
reserve something kept back or set aside, especially for future use ‫احتياطي‬
fertilizer a substance that is put on the land to make crops grow ‫اسمدة‬
knitwear clothing made from wool ‫مالبس صوفية‬

In this report, we will look at the countries that Jordan trades with and what goods it exports and

First, let’s look at exports. Jordan is rich in potash and phosphate, and the extraction industry for
these minerals is one of the largest in the world. Not surprisingly, two of Jordan’s largest exports are
chemicals and fertilizers. Pharmaceuticals and other industries represent 30% of Jordan’s Gross
Domestic Product (GDP), and 75% of Jordan’s pharmaceuticals are exported. However, the majority
(65%) of the economy is dominated by services, mostly travel and tourism.) Most of Jordan’s exports
go to Iraq, the USA, India.

Now let’s look at imports. Unlike some other countries in the Middle East, 10 Jordan does not have
large oil or gas reserves. For that reason, Jordan has to import oil and gas for its energy needs. Its other
main imports are cars, medicines and wheat. In 2013 CE, 23.6% of Jordan’s imports were from Saudi
Arabia. This was followed by the EU, with 17.6% of its imports. Other imports have come from China
and the United States.

Jordan has more free trade agreements than any other Arab country, and it 15 trades freely with
many countries, including the USA, Canada and Malaysia. Which other areas are important for Jordan’s
trade? Jordan first signed a trade agreement with the EU in 1997 CE. It signed a free trade agreement
with Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia in 2004 CE. In 2011 CE, another trade agreement was made with the
EU, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia. Trade with the EU and North Africa in particular is likely to grow.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

1- Name two exported and imported goods in Jordan?

2- Name two countries that Jordan exports its goods to.
3- Write down the sentence which indicates that Jordan has the world's largest extraction industry for
potash and phosphate.
4- According to the text, what countries does Jordan import its good from?
5- The writer states that trade with EU and North Africa is likely to grow. Is he justified? Explain .
6- What does the underlined pronoun ' it' refer to?
7- What does the underlined pronoun ' that ' refer to?
8- What does the underlined word ' agreement' mean?
9- Find a word in the text which means ' the process of removing and obtaining something from
something else'
10- What is the percentage of pharmaceuticals that Jordan exports?
11- What dominates the economy of Jordan?
12- There are two big parts of services in Jordan. What are they?
13- Which countries does Jordan have trade agreements with?

1- The writer states that Jordan's trade is growing with many countries. Suggest three tips to develop a
successful trade.

2- Trade is vital to the success of civilization and to improving and supporting the countries . Think of
this statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.
Winter 2017
1. Most of Jordan’s exports mainly go to four countries. Write them down
2. Many of Jordan’s fertilisers are made mainly of two minerals. Mention them.
3. Quote the sentence that indicates the country which supplied Jordan with nearly a quarter of
its imports in 2013.
4. Find a word in the text which means “ things kept back or set aside, especially for future
5. What does the underlined pronoun “it” refer to?
6. Citizens of a country should support the economy by buying their country’s own products.
Suggest three advantages of buying products from one’s own country.
7. Exports play as important role in developing the economy of countries. Think of this
statement and write your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Target market People who are identified as possible customers ‫الزبائن المختارة‬
Age group A set of people of similar age ‫مجموعة من نفس‬
Department store A large shop that sells many different types of things ‫سوق‬
Sales pitch the statements and promises that someone makes to try to ‫الترويج للسلعة‬
persuade someone to buy something
Package holiday An organized trip with everything included in the price ‫الرحل المخطط لها‬

Whether you’re selling a new type of toothpaste to a chain of pharmacies, the latest computer
software to a school or a new kind of package holiday to a travel agency – you need to know …
How to make a sales pitch

1- Do your research
Don't come away from a sales pitch wishing you had been better prepared. It is essential to know
everything about your product. Do you know when it was developed, and where it is produced? You
also need to know who the target market is – for example, the age group or income of the people who
might buy it. Not only that, you should know all about the competition – that is, similar products on the
market. Why is your product superior to others and why does it have better value?

In addition, you should know exactly which people you are speaking to, and what their needs are. For
example, if they represent a middle-class department store in a humble neighbourhood, be ready to explain
why your particular product would suit customers who do not have lots of money. What makes your
product perfect for them? Most of all, you need to believe in what you’re selling, and the best way to do
that is to use it!

2 Prepare and practise

Plan your presentation carefully, not just what you will say, but how you will say it. Will you read it
word by word, use notes or memorize it? Whatever you decide, it is always a good idea to have a list of
your main points, in case something interrupts you, or you simply freeze with nerves (it happens!).
Then practise it, if possible in front of colleagues. Make changes and practise it again.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

3 Be professional

Keep your presentation short and simple. Start with some friendly comments. For example, thank your
hosts for allowing you to speak to them, and compliment their company. Remember to speak slowly and
clearly. It is important to appear confident (even if you’re nervous!). While you’re speaking, don’t keep
your head down. Instead, look round the room and make eye contact with your audience. Smile! When
you’ve finished speaking, invite questions. If you don’t know the answers, don’t pretend! Thank the
questioner and promise to find out the answer (and do it!). Finally, have a summary of your presentation
ready to hand out at the end of the session. I wish I had known all this when I started out in business!
Good luck!
Answer the following questions based on the text:
1. What is the topic of this text? What is a sales pitch?
2. The author advises on making good preparation for your sales pitch. Write down two of these
3. Why are sellers advised to have a list of their main points of their sales pitch?
4. According to the expert, what qualities should your presentation or your sales pitch have? Write
down two qualities.
5. While giving the presentation, what does the expert recommend that sellers should do? Write down
two recommendations.
6. Quote the sentence that indicates sellers should be honest if they don’t know some information the
buyers asking to know about.
7. Quote the sentence which tells you that the author didn’t have all of this experience when he started
to give sales pitches to his customers.
8. What do we call a large shop that sells many different types of things?
9. If you were a sales person, what products would you try to sell to a middleclass store department?
10. What does the underlined word “it” in paragraph 3 refer to?
11. What does the underlined phrase “target market” mean?
12. To be a successful and convincing sales person you should have some personal qualities. Write
down three good qualities you think a salesperson should have.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

1- According to the text, there are several matters should be researched before making a sailing pitch.
Mention three of them.

2- Quote the sentence which indicates that using what you sell is the best way to believe in what you sell.

3- The writer says “It is always a good idea to have a list of your main point" Is he justified? Explain.

4- The writer mentioned some tips for effective presentation. What are they?

5- Find a word in the text which means ' the statements and promises that someone makes to try to persuade
someone to buy something"
6- What does the underlined pronoun 'their'?
7- Give examples of friendly comments.
8- What does the underlined pronoun 'that'?
9- What does the underlined expression (target market) mean?

1- The writer says " when you are speaking, don't keep your head down'. Suggest three body language
tips for effective presentation.

2- Pitching an idea and selling it effectively can be challenging and discouraging. Think of this statement
and in two sentences write down your point of view.

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Unreal past forms for past regrets

The function:
● wish or If only + Past Perfect ( sub. + had / hadn’t + p.p )
1. To express regrets about the past.
2. To reflect on past actions if we are trying to improve our work or our behaviour.

 I didn't do much work for my exam.

I wish …………………………………………..
If only…………………………………………..

 I bought these shoes. They hurt my feet.

I wish …………………………………………..

 We’re late. We didn’t catch the earlier bus.

We’re late. If only …………………………….

Unreal past forms for present wishes

The function:
● wish or If only + Past Simple ( sub. + v2 / didn’t + v1) express wishes about the present that are impossible or unlikely to happen.

 I don’t know the answer.

I wish ………………………….
‫ماضي بسيط منفي‬ ‫مضارع بسيط مثبت‬
 We don’t live in a bigger flat. ‫ماضي بسيط مثبت‬ ‫مضارع بسيط منفي‬
I wish ………………………….. ‫ماضي تام منفي‬ ‫ماضي بسيط مثبت‬
‫ماضي تام مثبت‬ ‫ماضي بسيط منفي‬
 He isn’t tall.
He wishes ……………………… Should have + v3 had + v3
Shouldn’t have + v3 hadn’t + v3
 We are not old.
If only …………………………. Regret + v1+ ing hadn’t + v3

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
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1. I didn’t study for the test.
I wish ………………………………………………………………
2. Omar wasn’t in the class yesterday.
I wish …………………………………………………....................
3. Sam didn’t finish his homework.
Sam wishes ………………………………………………….…….
4. They weren’t very friendly with him.
I wish …………………………………………………….………
5. I went to the meeting.
I wish ………………………………………………………….…
6. My class began at ten O'clock.
I wish ……………………………………………………..……..
7. Ali lives in a small village.
Ali wishes ………………………………………………………….
8. Muna can't find a good job.
Muna wishes ………………………………………………………
9. I regret I didn’t tell the interviewer about my computer skills.
I wish ………………………………………………………………
10. I regret I told them about the accident.
I wish ……………………………………………………………..

1) I regret that I ate too much at lunch today.

I wish l ……………………………………………………………………….
2) It’s a pity I don’t have a laptop.
If only I ………………………………………………………………………
3) I’m sorry that I can’t help you.
I wish l ……………………………………………………………………….
4) My father regrets that they didn’t have computers when he was young.
My father wishes they ……………………………………………………….

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5) Nawal regrets that she is very fat.

Nawal wishes she ……………………………………………………………
6) They regret that they didn’t go to the beach yesterday.
If only they ………………………………………………………………….
7) It’s a pity that I don’t live near my school.
I wish l ………………………………………………………………………
8) The castle is very beautiful, but I don’t have my camera.
I wish l ……………………………………………………………………….
9) The library was closed all the last week.
If only the library …………………………………………………………….
10) I regret that my car consumes much petrol.
I wish my car ……………………………………………………………….
11) Huda regrets being aggressive with her friend yesterday.
Huda wishes she ……………………………………………………………
12) I have trusted him, but I found it was wrong.
I wish I ……………………………………………………………………...


1. I regret speaking aloud in my class.


2. Nader should have been more careful with this essay. He didn’t get good marks.
Nader wishes …………………………………………………………………..

3. I regret living abroad for a long time.


4. Mahmoud didn’t consult his career advisor, so he felt sorry.

………………………………………………………………………………( wish)

5. I always have to get home early, I wish my parents ………….….. me stay out later.
(lets, won’t let, would let, will let)

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S.B. P.65 Ex. 5

 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1. Ali did not pass his exams. If only he--------------- harder last year. (study)
2. Ziad did not know about Chinese culture when he went on a business trip to China. He wishes he-----
---------------- a cultural awareness course. (do)
3. It was too hot to go to the beach yesterday. If only it---------------- cooler. (be)
4. I feel ill. I wish I-------------------so many sweets! (not eat)

A.B. P.45 Ex. 5

 Complete the sentences with words from the box.

hadn’t if wish had had only

1. I couldn’t understand anything. ---------- only I’d studied Chinese!

2. Ibrahim was right and I was wrong. I wish I ---------- listened to him.
3. I---------- I’d known more about the company. If I’d done some research!
4. I am very hungry! I wish I---------- eaten before I went to the conference.
5. I regret the deal now. I wish we ---------- done it.

A.B. P.45 Ex. 6

 Read the situations and complete the sentences.
1. Sultan forgot to do his Science homework.
If only he ------------------------ to do it.
2. I regret going to bed late last night.
I wish I--------------------------earlier.
3. Nahla could not find her way round the city very easily.
If only she-----------------------------a map.
4. Oh no! I’ve forgotten my library book. I left it at home.
I wish I--------------------------------------- .
5. Our team didn’t play very well yesterday.
If only they-----------------------------------better.

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A.B. P.45 Ex. 7

Use the prompts and write sentences with I wish and If only.

1. I’m cold. (bring a coat)

If only I’d brought a coat.
I wish I’d brought a coat.

2. We’re late. (get up earlier)

3. I feel ill. (not eat so many sweets)
4. Fadi has lost his wallet. (be more careful)
5. Huda was too busy to visit us yesterday. (be able to come)
6. I’ve broken my watch. (not drop it)

A.B. P.45 Ex. 8

Rewrite the sentences with the words in brackets.

1. Samia regrets being angry at breakfast time. (only)

2. If only I had concentrated properly in class today. This homework is really difficult. (I)
3. Nader should have been more careful with his essay. He didn’t get a good mark. (wishes)
4. I wish I had learnt English better when I was younger. (if)

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A.B. P.47 Ex. 11

 Complete the sentences using the correct form of the following prompts. The first one is
done for you.

 be older
 have a camera with me
 live in a big house
 not have a headache
 not be so far away
 like the same things

1. Our flat is very small.

If only we lived in a big house.
2. Jaber isn’t old enough to drive a car.
He wishes he______________________.
3. My brother and I never want to watch the same TV programme.
I wish we _________________________.
4. I’m looking at a beautiful view, and I’d love to take a photo.
If. only I ___________________________.
5. My cousins don’t live near here.
I wish they ________________________.
6. I want to go out this afternoon, but I don’t feel well.
If only I ___________________________.

S.B. P.68 Ex. 4

 Choose the most suitable verb form to complete these sentences.
1. Ziad is not very good at basketball. He wishes he---------- taller!
(is / were / was)
2. I can’t do this exercise. I wish I---------- it.
(understood / understand / understanding)
3. Mr Haddad does not understand the Chinese businessman. If only he-------- Chinese.
(speak / spoke / had spoken)
4. Jordan needs to import a lot of oil. If only it----- larger oil reserves.
(has / had / had had)

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make A mistake
make Small talk
cause offence
earn respect
join A company
shake hands
ask questions

 Complete the sentences with collocations from the previous box :

1. Be very careful when you answer the questions, and try not to……….......
2. If you are polite, you won’t……………………or upset anybody.
3. Before the serious discussion starts, we always………………..; it’s often about the weather!
4. Nasser has applied to the …………………where his father works
5. In business, when you meet someone for the first time, it’s polite to………………………..
6. After the talk, there will be a chance for you to ……………about anything you don't understand .
7. By working hard , you will …………..the ……………of your boss.

 Complete the explanations with words from the box. One word is not needed.

Compromise ‫المساومة‬ conflict ‫نزاع‬ negotiate ‫يتفاوض‬ patient ‫مريض‬

track record ‫سجل النجاحات‬ previous ‫سابق‬ prepared ‫مستعد‬

1. When you talk about business and try to do a deal, you _____________.
2. When you are ready for something, you are _____________ for it.
3. When you can prove that you have experience, you have a ___________
4. When two sides disagree and argue, there is _____________.
5. When each side changes their position a little so that they can agree, they have managed to
6. When you stay calm and take your time, you are being _____________.

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 Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the box :

minerals _ exported _ fertilisers _ knitwear

1. They added some natural …………… make plants grow better .

2 . Jordan has ………………………..many products to the European Union even before the 1997 CE
trade agreement was made..
3. Jordan is rich in a lot of natural …………….such as coal and salt .

Words Meanings in English In Arabic

Sales pitch a presentation made by someone who is trying to ‫ترويج للسلع‬
sell a product

Target market people who are identified as possible customers ‫الزبائن المختارة‬

Age group a set of people of similar age ‫مجموعه من نفس‬

Department a large shop that sells many different types of ‫سوق‬
group things

Package holiday an organized trip with everything included ‫الرحل‬

in the price (travel, accommodation, ‫المخطط‬
food) ‫لها‬

 Complete the following sentences with suitable words from the previous box :

1. He is a good …………….for personal computer .

2.We met the travel agent who arranged everything for our ……………… .

3. Teenagers have been chosen to be the ……………….for the new tablets .

4. Carrefour is one of the famous ………………… Jordan .

5. This club is very popular with the 20 – 30 …………………. .

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Words Meanings in English In Arabic
Adaptable able to adapt to new conditions or situations ‫متكيف مع‬
Ambitious having a strong desire for success or achievement ‫طموح‬
attributes a quality or feature that is considered to be good ‫ينسب الى‬
or useful (in a person)
Competent having enough skill or knowledge to do ‫كفؤ‬
something to a satisfactory standard
Conscientious showing a lot of care and attention (to a task) ‫واعي ومدرك‬
Curriculum Vitae CV a short, written description of a person’s ‫سيرة ذاتية‬
qualifications, skills and work experience that
they send to potential employers

enclosed surrounded, especially by a fence or wall ‫محاصر‬

Enthusiastic showing a lot of interest and excitement about ‫متحمس‬
Fond of having an affection or liking for someone or ‫مغرم ب‬
Full time happening or working for the whole of the ‫كامل الوقت‬
working week, and not only part of it
Headphones a piece of equipment that you wear over your ears ‫سماعات رأس‬
to listen privately to the radio, music, etc.

intern someone who works for a short time in a ‫متدرب‬

particular job in order to gain experience
interpreter someone who translates spoken words from one ‫مفسر‬
language into another
keen having or showing eagerness or interest ‫محب‬/ ‫مهتم‬
reference a person who provides information about your ‫مرجع‬
character and abilities
regional relating to a particular region or area ‫إقليمي‬
secure Safe, free from danger ‫امن‬
Surveyor person whose job is to measure the conditions of ‫باحث مسحي‬
a building or to record the details of an area of
Voluntary done or given by choice ‫تطوعي‬
Work experience A period of time that someone spends working in ‫خبرات في العمل‬
a particular place

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Words Meanings in Arabic

regional ‫إقليمي‬
rewarding ‫تكريم وتحفيز‬
seminar ‫ حلقة بحث‬/ ‫ندوة‬
translation ‫ترجمة‬
career ‫مهنة‬
advertising ‫اعالن‬
banking ‫عمل بنوك‬
Career advisor ‫مرشد مهني‬
Lawyer ‫محاماة‬
Achievements ‫انجازات‬
enthusiastic ‫حماس‬

Q/ Complete the sentences with words or phrases from the box. One word or phrase is not
needed. The first one is done for you.

Career interpret seminar regional rewarding headphones translation

‫مهنة‬ ‫يترجم‬ ‫ندوة‬ /‫إقليمي‬ ‫ مجزي‬/ ‫مرضي‬ ‫سماعات الرأس‬ ‫ترجمة‬

1. Please listen to the music through headphones, so that you don’t disturb anybody.
2. I have just read a _____________ of a book by a Japanese author.
3. In the UK, there is a central government, but there are also _____________ councils around
the country.
4. My uncle is fluent in several languages. He is often able to _____________ for us during
conversations with foreigners.
5. Nada made a successful presentation at a _____________ in Irbid last month.
6. Doing volunteer work can be a _____________ experience.

Q/ Circle the correct words.

1. Ali is thinking of having / taking a course in Agriculture.

2. I get a feeling of satisfaction / secure after a hard day’s work.
3. Make sure your online passwords are secure / rewarding.
4. In order to work in finance, you need to be a very successful / responsible person.
5. My friend has just got a job / work at our local bank.
6. After a long agreement / meeting, we managed to do a deal.

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Q/ Match words with meanings:

Marketing recruiting pensions calculations web enquiries

‫تسويق‬ ‫توظيف‬ ‫ادخار‬ ‫عمليات حسابية‬ ‫استفسارات‬

1. money you save over your lifetime to pay for your old age:………....
2. online questions: ……………….
3. maths; work with numbers :…………….
4. finding suitable employees:…………………
5. promoting your product; finding customers: ………………… .

Words followed by prepositions

Work as ‫يعمل ك‬
Decide on ‫قرر بشأن‬
Translate into ‫ترجم من والى‬
Talk about ‫تحدث عن‬
Ask about ‫سأل عن‬
Good as ‫جيد ك‬

Q/ Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. One preposition is not needed.

about (x2 ) as at into in on

1. Would you like to work _____ a teacher in a big school?

2. We need to decide _____ a place to meet.
3. Can you translate this Arabic _____ English for me, please?
4. I’d like to talk _____ the film I’ve just seen; it was brilliant.
5. The teacher asked us _____ our favourite books.
6. My sister is really good _____ drawing and painting.

Winter 2018 We need to decide …………. A place to meet.

(into, on, at, about)

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
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My name is Fatima Musa and I have worked as an interpreter for five years. Many students
have emailed me about my work because they want to know what it would be like to do my job.
So here is 5 my reply.

I have always been fond of languages. My father worked in many different countries when I
was young and we usually travelled with him. When we visited a country, I always wanted to learn
the language.
At school I was very good at English. Therefore, I decided on a career as an interpreter.
My job now involves going to important conferences and seminars around the world. When a
person speaks in English at a conference, I listen to what they say through headphones. I then
translate into Arabic while the speaker is talking. I give the translation through headphones to other
people at the meeting. This means that anyone in the room who speaks Arabic can understand what
people are saying. Is it an easy job? Not at all. English is not the same in all English-speaking
countries. For example, the

English words that are used in India are sometimes different to the words that people use in
the UK, the USA or Australia. As well as knowing regional English, you also need to know a lot
of specialist language. Some of the words that are used to talk about business, science or law, for
example, make it almost a different language!
Unless you have a language degree, you will not be able to become an interpreter. Provided
that you have a postgraduate qualification, you will probably get a job as an interpreter quite
quickly. If you get an interview for a job, you will need to show that you have good listening
skills and a clear speaking voice. You will also need to show that you can think quickly and that
you are able to concentrate for long periods of time. If you are successful, it is a secure and
rewarding job. You will probably need to travel a lot, but that is not a problem as long as you
enjoy visiting other countries
It is a very responsible job. I am aware that if I translate things badly, it could affect an
important law or trade agreement between countries. However, you get a huge feeling of
satisfaction when you know that people understand everything that you translate.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1) Quote the sentence which indicates that Fatima Musa has always liked languages.

2) What has made Fatima like to learn languages?

3) What qualifications do you need to become an interpreter?

4) There are some personal qualities and qualifications an interpreter should have. Write down

three qualities of a good interpreter.

5) The job of an interpreter is very difficult, but it has benefits and privileges. Write down two

of these benefits.

6) Why is the job of an interpreter stressful and involves high feeling of responsibility?

7) Why do you think you need to do a language degree to work as interpreter?

8) At international conferences, how do people from different countries understand each other?

9) Find a word in the text that means the same as “safe; free from danger”.

10) What does the underlined word “him” in paragraph 2 refer to?

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1- Mention the main cause that made Fatima talk about her job as interpreter?

2- What encouraged Fatima to choose her career as interpreter?

3- According to the text, explain Fatima's role as an interpreter?

4- There are many challenging aspects in Fatima's career as an interpreter? Mention two of them.

5- The writer mentioned several requirements for becoming an interpreter. What are they?

6- Fatima mentioned that her job as an interpreter is very responsible. Is she justified? Explain your


7- Write down the sentence which indicates that the interpreter will feel rewarded if the

listeners understand the translated information.

8- What does the underlined pronoun 'that' refer to?

9- Find a word in the text which means " related to a particular region or area'.

10- Headphones are important in Fatimah`s job. Why?

11- What is the effect of bad translation?

 Critical thinking

1- The writer states that while being able to connect people together through language is
rewarding, there is some challenges interpreter may face while on job. Suggest three strategies
to help interpreter and make him able to overcome the problem of interpretation.

2- Interpretation could play an important role in developing the tourist sector. Think of this
statement and in two sentences write down your point of view.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Business Studies is a popular choice for students who are choosing a degree course in the UK. After
graduating, some go on to further study, but most of them take up employment. Many large companies
offer graduate training schemes, which are a kind of apprenticeship. We went to meet twenty-two-year-
old Ricky Miles, who is about to graduate in the subject.

- How long have you been studying Business Studies, Ricky?

It’s a four-year course, including two periods of work experience. Each one lasted six months, but
they weren’t in the same year.

- What exactly have you studied over those four years?

Quite a lot! Maths, of course, Accounting, Finance and Economics. Oh yes, Marketing and Sales, too.
I also did a 20course in Management, which is about recruiting and managing staff, and how to deal with
conflict, and a course in Advertising. We all had to do IT, too, because computer skills are essential.

-What did you most enjoy about the degree?

The work experience, definitely. I learnt so much, both times, and of course it looks great on my
curriculum vitae. One of the companies offered me paid work last summer, so I managed to get even
more 30experience that way. Also, I wouldn't have had much money last year if I hadn't had that job!

-What kind of company was that, and what did you do there?
It was a company that provides financial products – savings and pensions, mostly. At first I just
‘shadowed’ different people, watching what they were doing. Then I did quite a lot of checking for them
– you know, checking their calculations. When I went back in the summer, I was in the sales department.
My job was to follow up web enquiries, and send out further information to possible clients. I enjoyed it,
and I wouldn't have had that opportunity if I hadn't done the work experience first.

- What are you planning to do next?

I’ve just applied for a job with a bank. I have the right qualifications, but I know there will be a lot of
other applicants. I’ll just have to wait and see if I get an interview. If I do, I’ll have to prepare really

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
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A. Answer the following questions based on the text:

1) What is the name of Ricky’s degree?
2) Quote the sentence that shows Ricky’s study includes theoretical as well as practical study.
3) Write down three courses that Ricky has studied at the university.
4) Ricky got a paid work last summer. How helpful and useful was this for him? Write down two things.
5) What does the company where Ricky got a paid job do?
6) Ricky says: “At first I just ‘shadowed’ different people, watching what they were doing.” Explain what
Ricky means and why you think he did that.
7) What was Ricky’s work in the sales department?
8) Ricky says: “I’ll have to prepare really carefully.” What will he have to prepare carefully for?
9) Find a word in the text that means the same as “a qualification that is given to you when you have
successfully completed a course of study”
10) What does the underlined word “they” refer to?
B: Critical Thinking:
Most established companies demand that you should have work experience. Fresh graduates don’t have
any work experience. Write down your advice for those graduates, in two sentences.

Summer 2017

1. Ricky Miles studied several courses at the university to get a degree in Business studies. Write down
two of these studies.
2. Students in the United Kingdom choose one of two paths after graduation. Mention them.
3. Quote the sentence which shows the type of the company that Ricky Miles worked for last summer.
4. Find a word in the text that means “finding suitable employees”.
5. What does the underlined word “their” refer to?
6. Certain companies prefer to conduct official interviews before hiring new employees. Suggest three
skills an employee should have to pass a job interview.
7. Some studies in the UK have shown that the work experience a student goes through has many
negative impacts. Think of this statement and in two sentences write your opinion.

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1- How long do business studies take?

2- Mention three courses that should business students study to get the degree.

3- According to the text, Ricky thinks that having a degree in Business studies is very beneficial and he

enjoyed it. Is he justified? Explain your answer.

4- What was Ricky's role in the sales department?

5- Write down the sentence which indicates that in the UK many people get a degree in business studies.

6- Find a word in the text which means ' on line questions'

7- What does the underlined pronoun 'them' refer to?

8- According to the text, what are the steps that Ricky has to follow to get a job with a bank?

9- How does Miles spend a quarter of his time as a student?

10- What kind of company did he work for last summer? What was his job?

11- What do large companies offer graduates?

12- There are two choices for the student of business studies? What are they?

13- What does the underlined word ' Marketing ' mean?

14- What does the underlined pronoun ' which ' refer to?

Critical thinking

1. According to the text, Ricky has to wait for a job interview with a bank and should be well
prepared. Suggest three steps to follow when preparing for a job interview.

2. Choosing what to study at university is one of the biggest decision students make. Choosing a
degree that you love might not be as beneficial as you think. Think of this statement and in two
sentences write down your point of view.

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Conditional sentences
 Zero with future time phrases

 The function:

To describe something that always happens (the inevitable consequence) after a certain action or

 The structure:

If+ S + present simple…., S + present simple….

S + present simple…. If+ S + present simple…(no comma)

o e.g.
 If plants don’t get enough sunlight, they die.
 Water turns to ice when the temperature falls below zero.

Q/ Correct the verbs between the brackets:

1. If I ……………… thirsty, I drink water. (feel)

2. If Fatima studies at a good university, she usually ………… a good job. (get)
3. If she ………. Hungry, she eats a sandwich. (be)
4. Plants don’t grow if it ……………….. (not, rain)
5. If you …………. Oil on water, it floats. (put)
6. If you heat water, it ………………… (boil)

 First conditionals with future time phrases

 The function:

To describe a future outcome of a certain future action or event.

 The structure:

If+ S + present simple…., S + will+ Base….

S + will+ Base …. If+ S + present simple…(no comma)

o e.g.
 If you get an interview for a job in pharmaceuticals, you will need to show real enthusiasm for
the industry.

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Q/ Correct the verbs between the brackets :-

1. If you ………………. More carefully, you will have an accident. (not, drive)
2. We'll take the train if the weather …………. Very bad. (be)
3. He will succeed easily if he …………… hard. (study)
4. If it ………….. tomorrow, we can go skiing. (snow)
5. Can you come to visit me if you …………….. busy? (not, be)

 We can use

1. provided that 2. as long as 3. Unless 4. Even if

in the same way as if, but they don’t all mean the same thing.

I’ll buy the book if / provided that / as long as it isn’t too expensive.
(I won’t buy it if it is too expensive)
I’ll buy it unless it’s expensive.
(I’ll buy it if it isn’t too expensive.)
I’ll buy it even if it’s expensive.
(I will buy it. The price isn’t important.)

 The second conditional

 The function:

1. To talk about a hypothetical or improbable situation.

2. To give advice. If I were you,…..

The structure:

If+ S + Past simple …., S + would + Base ….

S + would+ Base... If+ S + Past simple …(no comma)

o e.g.
 She would travel all over the world if she were rich.
 If I had his number, I would call him.

 Note: with the verb To Be we use IF + I / HE / SHE / IT + WERE

 e.g.
o If I were not in debt, I would quit my job.
o If he were taller, he'd be accepted into the team.

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 The third conditional

 The function:

To imagine past situations that are impossible and did not happen. (would)
To talk about the imaginary past (could / might)

 The structure:
If+ S + Past Perfect …., S +( would/ could/ might) have + V.3 ….
S + (would/ could/ might) have + V.3 ... If+ S + Past Perfect …(no comma)

Q/ Correct the verbs :-

1. If I had been here, I …………………. The job. (get)

2. If she ……………… So fast, she wouldn’t have had an accident. (not, drive)
3. If the exam ………………. So difficult, I would have passed. (not, be)
4. If I had spoken French, I …………………….. a better job. (get)
5. If I ……………….., I would have felt better. (sleep)
6. I would have visited him if he ………………………… me, (invite)
7. If you had saved some money, you ……………………….. a car. (buy)

‫ نمط السؤال الوزاري على جملة الشرط الثالث هو اعد كتابة الجملة‬
‫ قبل الحل يجب على الطالب أن يميز جملة السبب و النتيجة عن طريق أدوات السبب و النتيجة‬
(because, since, as) + Cause , Result/ Result + (because, since, as ) + cause.
Cause + (so, and so, therefore, as result, consequently, thus, because of that, that’s why, that’s
how, and) + Result
‫ وإذا لم تحتوي الجملة على إي رابط فأال غلب أنها مرتبة األولى سبب و الثانية نتيجة‬
‫ أي أداة عند التحويل نحذفها‬
.‫ يجب وضع الفاصلة بالوسط‬If ‫ إذا بدأت الجملة ب‬
‫خطوات التحويل‬
‫ الضمير الموجود في جملة السبب‬/ ‫ ثم االسم‬if ‫ نضع‬.1
‫ حسب جملة السبب إذا كانت مثبتة ننفيها و إذا كانت منفية نثبتها‬had / hadn’t + v3 ‫ نضع‬.2
‫ نضع الفاصلة‬.3
‫ الضمير الموجود في جملة النتيجة‬/ ‫ نضع االسم‬.4
modal ‫ أي إذا جملة النتيجة مثبتة ننفي‬,‫ وأيضا حسب المثبت و المنفي‬would / could/ might + have + v3 ‫ نضع‬.5
‫ مثبت‬modal ‫وإذا جملة النتيجة منفية يبقى‬
‫ النتيجة‬/ ‫ نكمل الجملة وال ننسى حذف أداة السبب‬.6

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1. Because John studied hard, he passed his exams. ( if/ might)

2. The weather was very cold, so we didn’t go out. (if / could)
3. The exam wasn’t very difficult. That’s why we solved it. (if / would)
A.B. P52 Ex. 13
 Read the situations and complete the sentences with the third conditional, using the word
in brackets. The first one is done for you.

1. Saeed left his camera at home, so he wasn’t able to take pictures of the parade. (could)
2. I had a headache yesterday, and I didn’t do well in the Maths test. (might)
3. I didn’t know your phone number, so I wasn’t able to contact you. (could)
4. You had a brightly-coloured T-shirt on. That’s how I noticed you in the crowd.(might not)
5. I worked really hard the day before the exam. I got top marks. (might not)

If / provided that Unless ‫التحويل من‬ 

Unless = if + not
Doesn’t + v1 V1 + s/es
Don’t + v1 V1 ‫مجرد‬
Didn’t + v2 V2
‫مساعد منفي‬ ‫مساعد مثبت‬

1. If you aren’t happy, I will be very upset.

Unless …………………………………………..

2. Provided that he doesn’t come on time, he will be late.

Unless ………………………………………………..

3. Unless she finished, she would be very angry.

Provided that …………………………………………….

4. Unless he is at home, he won’t know the news.

If ………………………………………………………….

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 Correct the verbs between brackets then write your answers down in your ANSWER
1) If you press that button, the machine …………….. (work)
2) If Majed focuses on driving more, he………….. any accidents. (not make)
3) If Hadeel…………….. (walk) faster, she won’t be late.
4) Our team would win the match if they…………….. (play) enthusiastically.
5) If you had been more careful, you…………….. (not lose) your job.
6) If I…………….. (be) you, I would stay at home.
7) You won’t finish on time if you…………….. (not work) harder.
8) I…………….. (bring) you some food if I had known that you were hungry.
9) I…………….. (not buy) these things if I were you.
10) I wouldn’t have brought umbrella if I…….. (know) that it was not raining.
11) If you (read) …………….. the story carefully, you would have understood it better.
12) If you go to Egypt, what…………….. (you visit) ?
13) Plants die if you…………….. (not water) them.
14) What…………….. (you do) if you were me?
15) We will have to walk if we…………….. (run out) of petrol here.
16) I will send you a message if I…………….. (know) your email address.
17) If Hadeel eats too much chocolate, she…………….. (gain) weight fast.
18) If it is too cold, the river…………….. (freeze)
19) When I come to see you tomorrow, I…………….. (bring) the books.
20) When he…………….. (leave) school he will go to university.
21) We will come and visit you unless it…………….. (rain).
22) If Sami…………….. (take) my advice, he wouldn’t have suffered a lot.
23) If Ali runs all the way to the station, he…………….. (catch) the bus.
24) If I were you, I…………….. (take) care of my health.
25) I think I…………….. (be) successful if I had tried it again.
26) We will come back if the storm…………….. (get) worse.
27) My mother…………….. (feel) sick if she eats fish.
28) If I…………….. (have) a car, I would have visited you yesterday.
29) As long as Rawan studies hard, she…………….. (pass) her exams.
30) Provided that you keep silent, I…………….. (help) you.
31) You will make progress in English as long as you…………….. (study) every day.
32) Maha will not get better unless she …………….. her medicines. (take)
33) Even if you offer him a good price, Ahmad…………….. (not sell) you his car.
34) Majed will get the job provided that he…………….. (do) well in the interview.
35) If you meet Noor in the party, …………….. (tell) her I will wait for her.
36) You would get a reward if you…………….. (do) well in the exam.
37) If had studied for more than 8 hours, I…………….. (have) a severe headache.

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Complete each of the following items so that the new item has a similar meaning to the
one before it, and write it down in your ANSWER BOOKLET

1) If Rania doesn’t finish her homework, she won’t come with us.
Unless ………………………………………………………………………
2) If Ahmad lives in a big city, he will be happy.
3) Sami won’t accept your invitation if you don’t call him.
Unless you …………………………………………………………………
4) If Amer knows the answer, the teacher will reward him.
5) If nobody oils the machine, it won’t work properly.
Unless ………………………………………………………………………..
6) If nothing new happens tonight, I will visit you.
Unless ………………………………………………………………………..
7) I didn’t see Majed, so I didn’t tell him about our plan.
If ……………………………………………………………………………..
8) I was angry because I didn’t know the reason.
If ……………………………………………………………………………...
9) You didn’t listen to me, so you fell into trouble.
If …………………………………………………………………………….
10) You didn’t see Mr. Hassan because you didn’t arrive earlier.
If …………………………………………………………………………….
11) Ramzi was driving fast, so he made an accident.
If ……………………………………………………………………………
12) You got lost because you didn’t have a map.
If ……………………………………………………………………………
13) Press that button, so the film starts.
If ……………………………………………………………………………
14) Put this piece of wood at water. It doesn’t sink.
If ……………………………………………………………………………
15) You can’t travel to the USA unless you get a visa.
If ……………………………………………………………………………
16) Unless Hadeel is more careful, she will make many mistakes.
If ……………………………………………………………………………
17) If Manal keeps doing exercises every day, she will lose weight.
As long as ………………………………………………………………….
18) If I have money, I won’t lend you any.
Even if …………………………………………………………………….
19) Dalia won’t go on a picnic unless her father agrees.
If ……………………………………………………………………………

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‫و ازريات‬

Q1/ Correct the verbs between the brackets

1. Provided that it ……………., we will have a picnic next week. (not, rain)
2. Plants die if they ……………… enough sunlight. (not, give)
3. Rawan always takes her mobile when she …………. (go out)
4. Ali will be upset if you ………………… to your party. (not, invite)

Q2/ Complete the following sentences

1. Salem left his wallet at home, so he wasn’t able to purchase his necessary items. (could)
2. I studied really hard the day before the final exams. I achieved the first rank in my class.
(might not)
3. Salam didn’t apply immediately for the scholarship, so he didn’t get it (if / could)
4. Marwan worked really hard the day before the exam. He got top marks. (if / might not)
5. The company didn’t know your phone number, so they weren’t able to contact you. (if/ might)

Q3/ Choose the suitable item to complete the following sentences.

1. During Ramadan, Muslims eat …………… the sun sets.
(as long as, unless, when, even if)

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S.B. P73 Ex. 6

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.
1. Unless you have a language degree, you do / will not be able to become an interpreter.
2. If you get an interview for a job, you needed / will need to show that you have good listening
3. If you are successful, it is / will be a secure and rewarding job.
4. You get a huge feeling of satisfaction when you know that people understand / understood
everything you translate.

S.B. P74 Ex. 2

Complete the sentences with expressions from the box that ask for or give advice.

you could if I were you why don’t you

1. Before you find a full-time job,------------- consider doing voluntary work?

2. ---------------------------, I’d find out about training courses.
3. As you have a Geology degree,---------------- do a course in Land Surveying and become a

S.B. P74 Ex. 3

Complete the following mini-dialogues by giving advice.
1. A: I would like to get a job as a teacher of English.
B:--------------------- study English at university?
2. A: I want to learn Chinese, but they don’t teach it in my school.
B: You-------------------------- do a Chinese course online.
3. A: I don’t understand what we have to do for homework.
B:-------------------- , I would ask the teacher.
S.B. P74 Ex. 4
Complete these sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. I--------------- (have got) the job if I -----------------(have) some experience.
2. If you -----------------(do) the course, you ---------------------(have) enough experience to apply for
the job.

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A.B. P49 Ex. 4

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1 When you -------- at the station next Saturday, we ------ there to meet you.
2 Nasser -----------out with us tomorrow unless he-------------- help his father.
(come/have to)
3 I -----------you with your homework, as long as you---------- me with mine!
4 Provided that it------------ , we----------- a picnic next week. (not rain/have)
5 If you--------- the prize, how ---------you---------- the money? (win/spend)
6 Even if Omar------------ his driving test this afternoon, he------------------ his own car. (pass/not have)
 Circle the correct word in bold, and complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verb in brackets.
1. When / Unless you -------------- water to 100°C, it boils. (heat)
2. You will not pass your exams as long as / unless you-------------- hard. (study)
3. If / Unless you------------------- the plants, they will die. (not water)
4. Do you usually go home or meet your friends when / provided that school------ ? (finish)
5. Your new computer will last a long time as long as / even if you---------- careful
with it. (be)
 Join the sentence beginnings 1–5 with their endings a–e, using the words in bold.
1. During Ramadan, we eat a. it’s closed.
2. I’ll phone you b. we’re tired.
3. We’ll go to our favourite restaurant c. it’s part-time – I haven’t
even if
on Friday finished my university studies yet.
4. I will take the job offer unless d. the sun sets.
5. We have to go to school, provided that e. I miss the bus so that you pick
me up.

1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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A.B. P50 Ex. 7

Tick the correct sentences. Rewrite the wrong ones with words from the box. The first two are
done for you.
even if if unless when
1. Ice cream melts when it gets warm. ✓
2. We need umbrellas unless it rains. †We need umbrellas when it rains.
3. The teacher will be pleased unless I write a good essay.
4. Our team will celebrate if they win the match.
5. Provided that everyone works hard, we’ll all pass our exams.
6. Babies are usually happy as long as they’re hungry or cold.
7. We should always be polite unless we feel tired.
A.B. P50 Ex. 8
Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use the zero or first conditional.
1. When I get home from school, I usually------------------------------------------.
2. Unless we’re given a lot of homework tonight, ----------------------------------------
3. If there’s something I don’t understand, I usually------------------------------------
4. Even if I’m tired tonight, ------------------------------------------.
5. As long as I have enough money, ------------------------------------------.
6. Provided that my parents agree, ------------------------------------------.
A.B. P52 Ex. 12
Rewrite the advice, using the words in brackets. The first one is done for you.
1. You should practise the presentation several times. (were)
If I were you, I’d practise the presentation several times.

2. It would be a good idea for you to make a list of questions. (could)

3. You ought to get some work experience. (don’t)
4. You shouldn’t look too casual. (If)
5. You should do a lot of research. (would)

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 Study the following sentences and answer the question that follows.

1. My uncle is a very genius man. He always comes out with new ideas.
What is the function of using the pronoun “He” in the above sentence?
2. Have you thought about changing the type of motor oil for your car?
What is the function of using the phrase “Have you thought about” in the above sentence?
3. You should pay more attention to your teachers in class.
What is the function of using “should” in the above sentence?
4. If I were you, I’d quit smoking instantly.
What is the function of using “If I were you, I’d ” in the above sentence?
5. My main recommendation is that you follow the instructions exactly.
What is the function of using “my main recommendation ” in the above sentence?
6. We had to stop our movement because it was very stormy.
What is the function of using “because” in the above sentence?
7. The bank refused to cash the to cash the cheque as I didn’t have my ID.
What is the function of using “as” in the above sentence?
8. Since we were a bit late, we had to take a taxi.
What is the function of using “since” in the above sentence?
9. Majed couldn’t sleep because of the noise.
What is the function of using “because of” in the above sentence?
10. The climber was sick due to lack of oxygen.
What is the function of using “due to” in the above sentence?
11. Noor didn’t find her keys, therefore she had to wait for her husband.
What is the function of using “therefore” in the above sentence?
12. Pollution is increasing in the world, so there are climate changes.
What is the function of using “so” in the above sentence?
13. Automation is replacing human beings; as a result, unemployment is going up.
What is the function of using “as a result” in the above sentence?
14. Rami is very intelligent; because of that, he always stands out his colleagues.
What is the function of using “because of that” in the above sentence?
15. The company suffers from unreasonable decisions; consequently, it has lost much money lately.
What is the function of using “consequently” in the above sentence?
16. Why don’t you sleep earlier.
What is the function of using “Why don’t you” in the above sentence?
17. You could look for a job for a small company.
What is the function of using “could” in the above sentence?
18. There aren’t as many cars in Karak as there are in Amman.
What is the function of using “as many…as” in the above sentence?

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19. Could you tell me what I should do?

What is the function of using “the indirect question” in the above sentence?
20. It is thought that people react well in difficult situations.
What is the function of using “impersonal passive form” in the above sentence?
21. You’ve done well in the exam, haven’t you?
What is the function of using “the underlined question tag” in the above sentence?
22. I wish I were taller. They refused me in the basketball team.
What is the function of using “wish I were” in the above sentence?
23. Muna wishes she had been to school when she was young.
What is the function of using “wishes she had been” in the above sentence?
24. If you press that button, the machine works.
What is the function of using “zero conditional” in the above sentence?
25. If Huda studies hard, she will pass her exam.
What is the function of using “the first conditional” in the above sentence?
26. They would have found a solution if they had considered it carefully.
What is the function of using “the third conditional” in the above sentence?

Model Answers:
1. to link ideas:
2. to give advice:
3. to give advice
4. to give advice:
5. to give advice:
6. to show cause / explain the reason for something:
7. to show cause / explain the reason for something:
8. to show cause /explain the reason for something:
9. to show cause / explain the reason for something:
10. to show cause / explain the reason for something:
11. to show result/ explain the consequences of an action:
12. to show result/ explain the consequences of an action:
13. to show result/ explain the consequences of an action:
14. to show result/ explain the consequences of an action:
15. to show result/ explain the consequences of an action:
16. to give advice:
17. to give advice:
18. to show/make comparison:
19. to ask questions in a polite, formal way.
20. to report thoughts, sayings, beliefs and opinions in a formal way
21. to check or query information:
22. to express wishes about the present that are impossible or unlikely to happen.
23. to express regrets about the past. We might use it to reflect on past actions if we are
trying to improve our work or our behaviour.
24. to describe something that always happens
25. to describe a future outcome of a certain future action or event.
26. to imagine past situations. These past situations are impossible, and did not happen.

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‫‪Word‬‬ ‫‪Meaning‬‬ ‫‪Word‬‬ ‫‪Meaning‬‬

‫‪Cornfield‬‬ ‫حقل الذرة‬ ‫‪Silent sank‬‬ ‫الهبوط بهدوء‬

‫‪sunny‬‬ ‫مشمس‬ ‫‪stretched‬‬ ‫ممتد و منبسط‬

‫‪Morn‬‬ ‫الصباح‬ ‫‪tender‬‬ ‫طري وطازج‬

‫‪skylark‬‬ ‫طائر القبرة‬ ‫‪nest‬‬ ‫عش‬

‫‪speck‬‬ ‫ذرة‬ ‫‪stalks‬‬ ‫قصبات‬

‫‪gay‬‬ ‫مبتهج ومسرور‬ ‫‪paused‬‬ ‫توقف‬

‫‪accord‬‬ ‫انسجام وتوافق‬ ‫‪swift‬‬ ‫بسرعة‬

‫‪butterflies‬‬ ‫فراشات‬ ‫‪slid‬‬ ‫ينزلق ويغيب‬

‫‪On the wing‬‬ ‫محلق و مرتفع‬ ‫‪mate‬‬ ‫رفيق ‪ /‬صاحب‬

‫‪soared‬‬ ‫محلق عاليا ومرتفع‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Christina Rossetti

The earth was green, the sky was blue: ‫ و السماء زرقاء‬, ‫كانت االرض خضراء‬
I saw and heard one sunny morn ‫ذات صباح مشمس رأيت و سمعت‬
A skylark hang between the two, ‫ذكر قبرة يتعلق بين االثنين‬
A singing speck above the corn ; ‫مثل بقعة صغيرة تغني فوق الذرة‬
A stage below, in gay accord,
‫ في تناغم و مرح‬,‫و اسفل منه‬
White butterflies danced on the wing
, ‫رقصت فراشات بيضاء و هي تطير‬
And still the singing skylark soared
, ‫فيما ال يزال القبرة يحلق عاليا‬
And silent sank and soared to sing
. ‫و يهبط صامتا و يحلق عاليا ليغني‬

The cornfield stretched a tender green ‫امتد حقل ذرة اخضر يافعا‬
To right and left beside my walks ;‫الى اليمين و الى اليسار بجانب خطوات‬
I knew he had a nest unseen ‫كنت اعرف ان له عش مخفيا‬
Somewhere among the million stalks .) ‫في مكان بين المليون ساق (سيقان الذرة‬

And as I paused to hear his song ‫وحين توقفت السمع اغنيته‬

While swift the sunny moments slid , ‫كانت اللحظة المشمسة تنزلق بسرعة‬
Perhaps his mate sat listening long , ‫لعل رفيقته (زوجته) جلست تستمع اليه طويال‬
And listened longer than I did ‫و استمعت له فترة اطول مما استمعت‬

‫كلمتين أو أكثر تبدأ بنفس ألحرف‬
Listening Long
Singing Speck

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Answer the questions.

1. Is a speck something big or small (line 4)?

2. If something is in accord, is it in agreement or disagreement (line 5)?
In agreement
3. Does tender suggest something fresh and young, or old and strong (line 9)?
Fresh and young
4. What does a bird do in a nest (line 11)?
It lays eggs
5. Which part of a plant is the stalk (line 12)?
It’s the long, upright part of the plant that supports the leaves.
6. Does swift mean slow or fast (line 14)?

Choose the correct word to complete the summary of the poem.

The poet describes how (1)………….. (content / sad / lonely) she feels as she walks through a
cornfield. As she walks along, she sees a skylark (2) ………….. (flying away from the cornfield /
flying in the sky / falling towards her). It doesn’t sing as it flies (3) ………….. (lower /
higher).Below it, butterflies (4) ………….. (sit quietly / move slowly / move quickly) in the
cornfield. The poet knows that the skylark’s nest is (5) ………….. (visible in / hidden in / far away
from) the cornfield. She (6) …………….. (notices / imagines / knows) that its companion is also
listening somewhere in the cornfield.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Answer the questions about the poem.
1. The poet uses many examples of alliteration. Find one example. What effect is the poet
trying to achieve with this technique?
Some word pairs alliterate (singing speck on line 4, listening long on line 15, listened longer on line
16), but there are also lines that alliterate: And still the singing skylark soared (line 7), And silent sank
and soared to sing (line 8) and While swift the sunny moments slid (line 14). Alliteration adds to the
rhythm of the poem and also links dissimilar words together (here we have soared and sank;
silent and singing).
2. Find two references to another listener, apart from the poet herself, in lines 10 to 16 of the
poem. Who or what is this listener?
The two references are I knew he had a nest unseen (line 11) (the female bird is sitting on the eggs);
Perhaps his mate sat listening long (line 15) (the female bird). The listener is the female skylark.
3. How do we know that the poet leaves the cornfield before the skylark has stopped singing?
She says, Perhaps his mate sat listening long, And listened longer than I did (lines 15–16). This
shows that the poet leaves the cornfield but speculates that the bird’s mate might still be listening to
the song: therefore, the bird must still have been singing.
4. List the colours that have been used in the poem. What do you think they symbolise?
Green, blue, white.
I think that green symbolises the freshness of nature;
It is used in conjunction with blue to emphasise how bright and vivid nature can be.
White is used to symbolise the purity and elegance of the butterfly.

‫ مرتين و ازرة و هذه‬stanza ‫هذا‬

And as I paused to hear his song ‫هي األسئلة لكال الدورتين‬
While swift the sunny moments slid
Perhaps his mate sat listening long
And listened longer than I did

1. Find an example of alliteration in the above stanza,

2. What is the effect the poet is trying to achieve with alliteration
3. Why did the poet stop in the cornfield?
4. How did time pass when the poet was listening to the skylark?

‫ المزيد من األسئلة تجدها في المكثف‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Word Meaning Word Meaning

midst ‫وسط‬ frail ‫ ضعيف‬/ ‫سهل‬
glade ‫أرض واسعة‬ hesitation ‫تردد‬
bungalows ‫منازل‬ enclosed ‫ مقيد‬/ ‫محصور‬
conductor ‫ مرشد‬/ ‫دليل‬ palings ‫سياج‬
Passing along ‫على طول الطريق‬ hut ‫كوخ‬
carriages ‫عربات‬ conducted ‫منساق و منقاد‬
passengers ‫مسافرين‬ enclosure ‫سياج‬
hamlet ‫قرية‬ half ‫حيوان‬/ ‫حيوان اليف‬
_domesticated ‫منزلي‬
provide ‫يزود‬ doubtless ‫بدون شك‬
conveyance ‫ عربه‬/ ‫مركبة‬ resolved ‫عازم على‬
delay ‫ بطئ‬/ ‫تأجيل‬ hire ‫يستأجر‬
foreseen ‫متوقع‬ persisted ‫أصر‬
obstacle ‫عائق‬ excessive ‫ الفائض‬/ ‫الزائد‬
arise ‫يظهر‬ loan ‫ اقتراض‬/ ‫استالف‬
route ‫طريق‬ flurried ‫ مرتبك‬/ ‫حائر‬
gained ‫يكسب‬ bargain ‫صفقة‬
sacrifice ‫يضحي‬ stimulate ‫يحفز‬
steamer ‫باخرة‬ provisions ‫ مؤونة‬/ ‫مخزون‬
response ‫رد‬ purchased ‫اشترى‬
rejoined ‫انضم والتحق ثانية‬ dense ‫كثيف‬
Wry grimace ‫تكشيرة‬ Forest of palms ‫غابة من شجر النخيل‬
magnificent ‫رائع‬

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

by Jules Verne

The story, set in 1873 CE, is about an Englishman, Mr Phileas Fogg, who is trying to complete a
journey around the world in eighty days. At this point in the story, he and his travelling companion,
the Frenchman Mr Passepartout, are travelling through India by train. They have befriended another
traveller, Sir Francis Cromarty.

The train stopped at eight o’clock, in the midst of a glade some fifteen miles beyond Rothal, where
there were several bungalows and workmen’s cabins. The conductor, passing along the carriages,
shouted, ‘Passengers will get out here!’

‘Where are we?’ asked Sir Francis.

‘At the hamlet of Kholby.’
‘Do we stop here?’
‘Certainly. The railway isn’t finished.’
‘What! Not finished?’

‘No. There’s still a matter of fifty miles to be laid from here to Allahabad, where the line begins

‘Yet you sell tickets from Bombay to Calcutta,’ retorted Sir Francis, who was growing warm.

‘No doubt,’ replied the conductor, ‘but the passengers know that they must provide means of
transportation for themselves from Kholby to Allahabad.’

‘Sir Francis,’ said Mr Fogg quietly, ‘we will, if you please, look about for some means of
conveyance to Allahabad.’

‘Mr Fogg, this is a delay greatly to your disadvantage.’

‘No, Sir Francis; it was foreseen.’

‘What! You knew that the way—’

‘Not at all, but I knew that some obstacle or other would sooner or later arise on my route.
Nothing, therefore, is lost. I have two gained days to sacrifice. A steamer leaves Calcutta for

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

Hong Kong at noon, on the 25th. This is the 22nd, and we shall reach Calcutta in time.’

There was nothing to say to so confident a response.

Mr Fogg and Sir Francis Cromarty, after searching the village from end to end, came back without
having found anything.

‘I shall go afoot,’ said Phileas Fogg.

Passepartout, who had now rejoined his master, made a wry grimace, as he thought of his
magnificent, but too frail Indian shoes. After a moment’s hesitation, he said, ‘Monsieur, I think I have
found a means of conveyance.’

‘An elephant! An elephant that belongs to an Indian who lives but a hundred steps from here.’
‘Let’s go and see the elephant,’ replied Mr Fogg.

They soon reached a small hut. Enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question. An
Indian came out of the hut, and, at their request, conducted them within the enclosure. The elephant,
which was reared, not to be an animal that merely carried things around, but for warlike purposes, was
half-domesticated. Happily, however, for Mr Fogg, the animal’s instruction in this direction had not
gone far, and the elephant still preserved its natural gentleness. Kiouni – this was the name of the
elephant – could doubtless travel rapidly for a long time, and, in default of any other means of
conveyance, Mr Fogg resolved to hire him. However, elephants are far from being cheap in India as
they are becoming scarce. Male elephants, as they are only suitable for circus shows, are much sought
after especially as the majority are domesticated. When therefore Mr Fogg proposed to the Indian to
hire Kiouni, he refused point-blank. Mr Fogg persisted, offering the excessive sum of ten pounds an
hour for the loan of the elephant to Allahabad. Refused. Twenty pounds? Refused also. Forty pounds?
Still refused.

Phileas Fogg, without getting in the least flurried, then proposed to purchase the animal outright, and
at first offered a thousand pounds for him. The Indian, perhaps thinking he was going to make a great
bargain, still refused.
At two thousand pounds the Indian yielded.
‘What a price, good heavens!’ cried Passepartout, ‘for an elephant.’

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

It only remained now to find a guide, which was comparatively easy. A young Parsee*, with an
intelligent face, offered his services, which Mr Fogg accepted, promising so generous a reward as to
materially stimulate his zeal. The elephant was led out and equipped. Provisions were purchased at
Kholby, and, while Sir Francis and Mr Fogg took the howdahs* on either side, Passepartout got
astride the saddle-cloth between them. The Parsee perched himself on the elephant’s neck, and at nine
o’clock they set out from the village, the animal marching off through the dense forest of palms by the
shortest cut.

* Parsee – a person living in South Asia but descended from Persia.

* howdah – a seat for riding an elephant

Answer the questions.
1. What kind of house is a bungalow (line 6)?
A house with one floor
2. How does the word hamlet (line 9) suggest that there aren’t many houses or people in the area
where the train has stopped?
A hamlet is a very small village, which suggests that there are very few people and houses

3. What form of transport is a steamer (line 24)?

It is a ship powered by steam.

4. What kind of facial expression is a wry grimace (line 30), and why did Passepartout’s face
show this expression?

It’s an expression that shows pain or unhappiness. Passepartout wasn’t happy because he
didn’t want to walk far, as he didn’t think his shoes would be sturdy enough.

5. Read line 36 again. Which words tell us that the elephant was kept safely away from direct
contact with humans?
enclosed, palings: The elephant was in a compound surrounded by high palings. In other
words, the animal was fenced in an area.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

1. Answer the questions.
1. Why can’t the train continue its journey from Kholby to Allahabad?
The train cannot continue its journey because the railway line hasn’t actually been completed

2. Why is Sir Francis annoyed during his conversation with the conductor? What
expression is used to mean he is getting annoyed? (line 15)
He is annoyed because he feels cheated by being sold a ticket to somewhere the train doesn’t
go. ‘Growing warm’ means getting annoyed.

3. How does Mr Fogg deal with the situation when he discovers that his train journey
cannot continue? How does his attitude differ from that of Sir Francis? Look at lines 23
to 26.
Fogg says that he suspected that this might happen and suggests that they find another
means of transport. Compared to Sir Francis, he is very calm and confident and doesn’t show
any anger.

4. Why did the Indian man decide to rear an elephant?

He wanted it for fighting.

5. How do we know that the elephant is not aggressive?

’It still preserved its natural gentleness’, meaning that it does not want to fight (lines 40–41).

6. How many people travel on the elephant?

four – the guide, Passepartout, Sir Francis and Mr Fogg

2. Complete the sentences with the correct word.

calm confident enthusiastic unapologetic worried

1. The conductor is unapologetic about having sold a ticket to Allahabad to the travellers, even
though the train will not take them there.
2. Mr Fogg is confident that he will still complete his journey in eighty days.
3. Passepartout feels worried about the prospect of walking the rest of the way to Allahabad.
4. Mr Fogg remains calm while he negotiates the sale of the elephant.
5. The guide is very enthusiastic about making the journey by elephant.

3. Complete the sentences 1–3 with the names of the characters.

Sir Francis Passepartout Phileas Fogg

1. Phileas Fogg is prepared to walk the rest of the way to Allahabad.

2. Passepartout thinks that two thousand pounds is too much to pay for an elephant.
3. Sir Francis does not know where they are when the train stops.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫ أدبي‬/ ‫علمي‬ 078 9000 196

1. Find a line in the story that represents the following ideas.
a) time ( lines 20 – 21)
b) money (lines 49 – 51)
c) transport (lines 41- 43)

2. Consider the idea of transport. Compare the train (lines 6–15) and the elephant (lines 38–45).
What are the advantages and disadvantages of each mode of transport mentioned, and how does
this relate to the rest of the extract?

Transport is an important theme in this story. These two passages describing a train’s unfinished route
and an elephant’s potential to be a good mode of transport are interesting since the railway is not
finished (line 11) and the elephant is needed to continue on their journey. The elephant, a live animal,
is described like a mode of transport; it ‘could doubtless travel rapidly and for a long time’. In this
situation, the man-made transport fails, whereas the animal seems to be a more positive investment.

3. Do you think that this story shows the importance of time? Justify your answer.

I think that this story shows the importance of time when Phileas Fogg is so precise about the number
of days they have to spare in line 24. It also references time in the passage where the elephant is
described (‘rapidly’, line 41). However, I think that more importance is given to efficiency, because
Phileas Fogg is not in a hurry; he is instead very well prepared (lines 23–25).

4. Read the following extract from the story. Find two examples of literary devices.
“The Parsee perched himself on the elephant’s neck, and at nine o’clock they set out from the
village, the animal marching off through the dense forest of palms by the shortest cut.”

1. Alliteration – Parsee perched;

2. Personification – the animal marching ‫و ازريات‬

“‘Yet you sell tickets from Bombay to Calcutta,’ retorted Sir Francis, who was growing warm.
‘No doubt,’ replied the conductor, ‘but the passengers know that they must provide means of
transportation for themselves from Kholby to Allahabad.’”
1. What is the expression that is used to mean that Sir Francis is getting annoyed?

“They soon reached a small hut. Enclosed within some high palings, was the animal in question. An
Indian came out of the hut, and, at their request, conducted them within the enclosure. The elephant
was reared as a half- domesticated animal”
1. how was the elephant reared?
2. Which words tell us that the elephant was kept safely from direct contact with humans?

“Not at all, but I knew that some obstacle or other would sooner or later arise on my route.
Nothing, therefore, is lost. I have two gained days to sacrifice. A steamer leaves Calcutta for
Hong Kong at noon, on the 25th”
1. What form of transport is a steamer?
2. Write down two cities are mentioned in the above lines.

‫المستوى الرابع‬ ‫عمر خالد عواد‬
‫علمي ‪ /‬أدبي‬ ‫‪078 9000 196‬‬

‫ح‬ ‫ين‬
‫م مد الله‬

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