اللغة الإنجليزية - أساسي + ثانوي-1

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General Guidelines and

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EnUlisV LanUuaUe CurriQulu[

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ISBN: 978-9957-84-475-2

9 789957 844752
General Guidelines
and General and Specific Outcomes for the

for the Basic and Secondary Stages

The Board of Education approved the revised document of (General Guidelines and General and Specific Outcomes for the English
Language Curriculum) in Session No. 4/2013, dated 17 /6/2013.

English Language National Team for General Guidelines for English Language National Team for General and Specific
English Subject Outcomes for the English Language Curriculum

Yusof Hamdan Al-Garaibeh Najwa Saleh Othman Sana Akram Al-Saqqa Dr. Ibrahim Abu Shehab
Narmin Dawod Al-Azza Dr. Ibrahim Abu Shehab Narmin Dawod Al-Azza Dr. Thouqan Saleem Masadeh
Saleh Hassan Al-Omari Thouqan Saleem Masadeh Saleh Hassan Al-Omari Majeda Abdel- Majeed Tahboub
Suheer Eyad Al-Alami Ashraf Mohammad Al-Eswed Eman Younis Tobail Najwa Saleh Othman
Majeda Abdel- Majeed Tahboub Ali Eisa Al-Jeet Haifa Hafez Takrouri (Coordinator)
Mohammad Mustafa El-Qudah Haifa Hafez Takrouri (Coordinator)

Review and Adaptation Committee:

Dr. Thaer Issa Tawalbeh Dr.Saleh Hassan Al-Omary Narmin Dawod Al-Azza Suha Abd Al-Razzaq Esleem

Seham Sulaiman Salameh Arwa Hamad Alzurqan Haifa Hafez Takrouri (Coordinator)

Editors: Dr. Saleh Al-Omary Haifa Hafez Takrouri Copy Editor: Narmin Dawod Al-Azza Designer: Mustafa Mutlaq

Production: Suliman Khalialah

‫ ﺻﺎﻟﺢ ﺣﺴﻦ ﺍﻟﻌﻤﺮﻱ‬.‫ﺩ‬ ‫ﺍﻟﺘﺪﻗﻴﻖ‬

‫ﻫﻴﻔﺎﺀ ﺣﺎﻓﻆ ﺍﻟﺘﻜﺮﻭﺭﻱ‬ ‫ﺍﳌﺮﺍﺟﻌﺔ‬

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©Ministry of Education, Jordan, First Edition 2006
Second Edition 2013
ISBN 978-9957-84-475-2

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or in any means:
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the Ministry of Education.
Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
General Guidelines .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Rationale ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Core Subject Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
English Subject Organizers ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
General and Specific Outcomes .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Grade One ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Grade Two ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Grade Three ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Grade Four ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 24
Grade Five .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 28
Grade Six .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 32
Grade Seven ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Grade Eight ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 40
Grade Nine ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 44
Grade Ten ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48
Secondary Stage/ General English ............................................................................................................................................................... 53
Level One ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
Level Two ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 57
Level Three ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 61
Level Four .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
Secondary Stage / Vocational English .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
Level One ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Level Two ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 74
Appendix 1: Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................................................................................ 79
Appendix 2 Sample Units ............................................................................................................................................................................... 97
Appendix 3 Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
Helpful Websites and References for Teachers of English ..................................................................................................................... 107

This curriculum learning outcomes document was role of the teacher is to help students reach the
developed in 2005 for English as a Foreign Language for outcomes by giving greater consideration to the
grades one through twelve. It gives precise and detailed individual learning needs of every student, varying
descriptions of the knowledge and skills students are the order in which they introduce topics and selecting
expected to acquire at each grade. The curriculum is appropriate learning resources for the learning needs
to be used with General Framework: Curriculum and of their students.
Assessment, which describes the features of the new
ERfKE curricula: - Variety of Instructional Strategies: selecting
appropriate instructional strategies to methods ensure
- An Emphasis on Knowledge Economy Competencies: all students achieve learning goals that emphasize
educating students to be innovative thinkers who higher order and critical thinking and go beyond
can locate, analyse and communicate information, memorizing facts and information.
and work with one another to create a prosperous
Knowledge Economy for all. - New Ways of Assessing Learning: providing students
with authentic ways, such as research assignments,
- Integration of Information and Communications teamwork, and oral and multi-media presentations to
Technologies: ensuring students use technological demonstrate the knowledge and skills they acquire.
devices and processes (e.g. doing research, processing
information, communicating around the world) to The document begins with the English as a Foreign
broaden and deepen their learning. Language Framework that is the basis for the grade-level
general and specific outcomes.
- New Roles for Students: giving students greater
opportunities to define their own ways of reaching the The curriculum itself includes the broad range of
outcomes. knowledge, skills and attitudes students are expected
to learn from Grade 1 to Grade12. For example,
- New Roles for Teachers: emphasizing that the primary specific ways of using technology to learn have been

incorporated, such as the use of e-dictionaries. Oral for all subjects of the grade(s) they are teaching. The
communication skills and specific skills of analysis and requirements for each grade should be seen in the
critical thought related to the media are described in context of the overall process of building language
detail. knowledge and skills from grade to grade across all
The English language outcomes are organized into four
organizers, which correspond to the four main areas It is hoped that this document will help parents and
of language use. The four organizers are: Listening, students to understand the developmental nature of
Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The programme in the English curriculum and assist teachers in honing
all grades is designed to develop these four essential their teaching practice and thereby contribute to the
skills including using oral language accurately and development of both the learning and teaching of
effectively and developing an appreciation of literature English in Jordan.
and the ability to respond to it. Students are also
expected to develop skills in using technology, such as This document has been reviewed to guarantee the
searching for and sharing information, and to use critical following aspects:
and analytical skills when using and responding to - Integration of knowledge economy skills such as
communications media. critical thinking and problems solving.
- Horizontal and vertical integration
The document concludes with Appendices that provide - Appropriateness to learners’ age level
a Scope and Sequence, Glossary, Sample Units, and - Balance in integration of knowledge, skills and
Reference Materials. attitudes.

Note: It is strongly recommended that teachers of

English language read through the outcomes for all the
grades rather than just the particular grade their students
are in as well as the curriculum learning outcomes

General Guidelines

English is an international language and (i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing) in
fundamental to learning and communicating addition to appreciation of literature. He/ She can
in all cultures. For Jordanian students the EFL benefit from mass media such as newspapers,
curriculum should help the learners to internalize magazines, TV and Internet.
the Arab-Islamic culture which should be used
as aspiring board to understand, appreciate, and It is assumed that after learning English at school,
interact with people of different countries, as well students will have deepened their values and
as Jordanian identity. With the increasing use of heritage; at the same time they can cope with
Information and Communication Technology emerging issues analytically and critically.
(ICT), our students need to cope with different
means of technology that emerge as a result. In
addition, students may need to learn English if
they seek to get a future career. Through learning
English, they will be able to develop confidence,
competence and self-reliance to meet the demands
of school employment and further education.

Students need to acquire a sufficient knowledge

of English that will enable them to utilize the
ordinary and electronic libraries when doing their
projects, reports, research papers, etc... . To be
able to express oneself in English, a student needs
to show mastery over the four skills of language

Core Subject Outcomes

It is expected that the students will:

• communicate information, ideas, opinions and feelings effectively for a variety of purposes in written, spoken and
visual forms to interact and collaborate with others to accomplish goals;

• utilize critical thinking skills to make value judgments on texts, contexts and social norms in light of Arab-Islamic
culture and values;

• read and understand both simplified and authentic texts (i.e., both original and real life) of a general nature and/or
technical language and identify the main ideas from different ICT texts;

• apply the skills and strategies necessary for efficient utilization of electronic technology in lifelong learning contexts
and in real life situations to gather, organize information and generate new ideas;

• translate texts from Arabic into English appropriately and vice versa;
• explore and respond creatively to Arabic and world literature as a way of knowing, developing personal values, under-
standing our cultural heritage and appreciating other cultures in light of the Arab-Islamic culture;

• acquire a positive attitude towards English and realize its importance as a means for promoting mutual understanding
amongst peoples and countries.

English Subject Organizers
Grade groupings
English Organizers Descriptors
1-6 Listening Listen to understand and respond to spoken English in basic and simple guided contexts
Speaking Speak in English clearly as correctly as possible in the context of basic and simple guided short exchanges
Reading Read to understand and respond to written English in basic and simple guided contexts
Writing (minor focus) Write in English to convey information clearly and correctly in basic and simple guided contexts
7-10 Listening Listen to understand spoken English in a variety of simple authentic formats and contexts
Speaking Speak in English to participate in discussions and present information in various simple authentic contexts
Reading Read to understand and respond to written English in a variety of simple authentic
informational and literary contexts
Writing Write in English to communicate information and ideas clearly and correctly for specific purposes and
audiences in various simple authentic contexts
Secondary Stage: Listening Listen to and understand English in a variety of academic and authentic contexts
General English
Speaking Speak and interact in English in a variety of academic and authentic contexts
Reading Read to understand and respond to written English in a variety of advanced authentic, informational and
literary contexts
Writing Write in English to communicate information and ideas clearly and correctly in a variety of academic and
authentic contexts
Secondary Stage: Listening Listen to understand English in a variety of vocationally relevant authentic formats and contexts
Vocational English
Speaking Speak in English to communicate in a variety of vocationally relevant authentic informational and
technical contexts
Reading Read to understand and respond to written English in a variety of vocationally relevant authentic
informational and technical contexts
Writing Write in English to communicate information and ideas clearly and correctly for specific technical
purposes and audiences in a variety of vocationally relevant authentic contexts

General and Specific
General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L1.1 demonstrate recognition of L1.1.1 recognize the sounds of the letters of the English alphabet (e.g., listen
basic English sounds and their and point to letters)
Listen to combinations in simple words L1.1.2 recognize some basic English words (e.g., boy, girl, red, blue)
and respond to L1.2 demonstrate understanding L1.2.1 recognize short, simple greetings (e.g., A: Hello B: Hello. Good
spoken English in of simple words in greetings morning)
basic and simple and classroom-controlled L1.2.2 recognize and respond to basic classroom-controlled instructions (e.g.,
guided contexts instructions stand up, walk to the door)
L1.2.3 show appreciation of listening to short, simple rhymes and songs

L1.3 develop strategies to L1.3.1 use pictures and flash cards to understand new words when listening
understand basic spoken words L1.3.2 recognize objects teachers hold up when listening (e.g., ball)

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S1.1 pronounce the letters of the S1.1.1 pronounce the letters of the alphabet correctly
English alphabet and learned S1.1.2 pronounce some simple words accurately (e.g., numbers 1-10)
Speak English basic words correctly S1.1.3 imitate the pronunciation of some simple English words and pronouns
clearly as correctly (e.g., after listening to a tape)
as possible in the
context of basic
S1.2 use learned words to speak S1.2.1 repeat and pronounce correctly foreign names as appropriate
and simple guided
short exchanges
in simple familiar situations S1.2.2 pronounce correctly some key simple words for objects, actions, and
and develop a love of singing numbers
songs and repeating rhymes S1.2.3 ask and respond to some simple questions about persons, objects, and
numbers using three or four words (e.g., colour)
S1.2.4 sing short, simple songs after listening to a tape
S1.2.5 repeat short, simple rhymes after listening to a tape

S1.3 take part in simple familiar S1.3.1 participate in simple short, simple guided exchanges with a peer (e.g.,
exchanges and mini-class greeting each other)
presentations S1.3.2 present letters of the alphabet to the class (e.g., say a letter and a word
starting with that letter such as “b” for banana)
S1.3.3 ask for help (e.g., body language, “Please help.”)

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R1.1 demonstrate recognition R1.1.1 recognize letters of the English alphabet
of the letters of the R1.1.2 recognize small and capital letters
Read to English alphabet and their R1.1.3 recognize simple words and phrases (may need repetition)
understand combinations in basic words
and respond to
written English in R1.2 develop pre-reading R1.2.1 read English from left to right
basic and simple strategies
guided contexts
R1.3 demonstrate understanding R1.3.1 show understanding and ability to read out learned simple words
of simple words in reading about names, objects, actions, and numbers when reading through different
materials activities (e.g., fill in a missing word)
R1.3.2 recognize the characters in the reading materials (e.g., Laila, Faisal)

R1.4 make connections between R1.4.1 use picture clues and illustrations to determine the meaning of basic
prior knowledge and new words (e.g., match words with pictures)
words R1.4.2 recognize basic familiar expressions when reading (e.g., Good morning)

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W1.1 print some letters of the W1.1.1 copy English numbers, and capital and small letters correctly
alphabet in English correctly W1.1.2 print the English alphabet and numbers legibly
Write in English W1.1.3 print single words neatly
to convey
information W1.2 be able to label, match and W1.2.1 label objects
clearly and complete W1.2.2 fill in missing letters to complete a word
correctly in W1.2.3 fill in missing words to complete a sentence (e.g., missing words in a
basic and simple postcard)
guided contexts
W1.3 use appropriate simple W1.3.1 write from left to right
organizational patterns W1.3.2 alphabetize by first letter (e.g., a list of friends’ names)

W1.4 apply knowledge of simple W1.4.1 spell simple familiar words correctly (e.g., boy, table)
spelling and punctuation W1.4.2 use capital letters for names

W1.5 start developing correction W1.5.1 correct the spelling and capitalization of words with teacher assistance

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L2.1 demonstrate recognition of L2.1.1 recognize the sounds of all the letters of the alphabet
basic English sounds and their L2.1.2 recognize simple words and phrases
Listen to combinations in simple words,
understand phrases and short phrases
and respond to
spoken English in L2.2 demonstrate understanding L2.2.1 follow short, simple oral instructions (e.g., Touch your ear.)
basic and simple of simple spoken words in L2.2.2 respond to short, simple questions before and after listening (e.g.,What
guided contexts short, simple instructions, colour is …?)*
questions and guided L2.2.3 respond in short, simple guided exchanges (e.g., A: What’s your name?
conversations B: I’m Ali.)*
L2.2.4 use prior knowledge to understand short, simple exchanges (e.g., A:
Have a present. B: Thank you. A: You’re welcome.)
L2.2.5 develop a love of listening to short, simple rhymes and songs in English

L2.3 develop strategies to L2.3.1 use pictures, flash cards and posters to understand new words when
understand simple spoken listening (e.g., classroom and school objects)
words, phrases and, short L2.3.2 use teacher introduction to understand new words when listening (e.g.,
sentences references to classroom and school objects)
L2.3.3 use words and short phrases (e.g., Pardon me!) or body language (e.g.,
facial expressions to show non-understanding)*

* Listening and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S2.1 pronounce the English S2.1.1 pronounce all the letters of the alphabet correctly
alphabet and learned English S2.1.2 say two-syllable words with the correct stress (e.g., brother, sister)
Speak in English words and short phrases S2.1.3 pronounce words correctly when talking about animals, clothes,
clearly and correctly presents, and members of the family
correctly in
the context of S2.2 speak about names, objects, S2.2.1 ask or respond to short simple questions about clothes and colours using
basic and simple and numbers in short simple short sentences
guided short sentences and develop a love S2.2.2 sing short, simple songs after listening to a tape
exchanges and of singing songs and repeating S2.2.3 repeat short, simple rhymes after listening to a tape
presentations rhymes

S2.3 take part in basic, short, S2.3.1 ask and answer basic, short simple questions (e.g., likes and dislikes)
familiar exchanges and mini- S2.3.2 give and respond to short simple commands and instructions (e.g., add
class presentations one and two; spell fish)
S2.3.3 with a partner, use pictures to make a simple dialogue
S2.3.4 use learned basic words to describe something in a picture

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R2.1 demonstrate recognition R2.1.1 identify all the small and capital letters of the English alphabet
of the letters of the English R2.1.2 recognize learned simple words and phrases
Read to alphabet and simple familiar R2.1.3 match simple words with their printed form (e.g., five=5)
understand words
and respond to
written English in R2.2 use strategies to understand R2.2.1 show understanding of the new learned words
basic and simple simple reading materials R2.2.2 use picture clues to predict the meaning of simple words, phrases and
guided contexts short sentences (of three to four words) when reading
R2.2.3 ask questions to understand simple words and phrases (e.g., What is ..?)*

R2.3 demonstrate understanding R2.3.1 show understanding of learned basic words, phrases, and short
of simple reading materials sentences about names, objects, actions, and numbers when reading (e.g., fill
in simple charts)
R2.3.2 recognize the characters in the reading materials (e.g., Sara)

R2.4 make connections between R2.4.1 demonstrate understanding of basic familiar information when reading
prior knowledge and simple (e.g., match colours and fruit)
words, phrases and short R2.4.2 make connections between illustrations and simple (short) written
sentences materials

* Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W2.1 print all the English W2.1.1 print the English alphabet (capital and small letters), simple words and
alphabet correctly and legibly phrases, and numbers correctly, legibly, and neatly
Write in English W2.1.2 fill in blanks to form basic short sentences and charts (e.g., I like____ )
to convey
information W2.2 write basic words and W2.2.1 write basic phrases to describe pictures, objects, people, and activities
clearly and phrases for specific purposes by choosing appropriate words from a given list
correctly in basic W2.2.2 make simple cards for friends containing English words
and simple guided
contexts W2.3 use appropriate basic W2.3.1 produce simple groups of related items in a web (e.g., classroom
organizational patterns objects, family members)

W2.4. apply knowledge of basic W2.4.1 use capital letters for the names of people and places
spelling and punctuation W2.4.2 use simple single adjectives to describe objects (e.g., big ball)

W2.5 begin to revise written W2.5.1 revise simple written work using capital and small letters
work with the assistance of the

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L3.1 demonstrate recognition of L3.1.1 recognize the sound of diphthongs in the English alphabet (e.g., ae, ie)
basic English sounds and their L3.1.2 say two syllable words with the correct stress (e.g., father, mother)
Listen to combinations in simple words
understand and sentences
and respond to
spoken English in L3.2 demonstrate understanding L3.2.1 follow short, simple oral instructions related to work in class (e.g., Open
basic and simple of simple words in short, your textbook to page 10.)
guided contexts simple instructions, questions L3.2.2 show understanding of short, simple questions before and after listening
and guided exchanges (e.g., What is it?)
L3.2.3 participate in short, simple guided exchanges (e.g., likes and dislikes)*
L3.2.4 show appreciation of simple rhymes and songs in English

L3.3 develop strategies to L3.3.1 use pictures, flash cards, and textbook to understand new or unfamiliar
understand simple spoken words when listening (e.g., rooms in a home)
words and short sentences L3.3.2 use prior knowledge to participate in short, simple guided exchanges
(e.g., raise hand)*
L3.3.3 ask for help (e.g., What does the word “door” mean?)*

* Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S3.1 pronounce learned short S3.1.1 pronounce diphthongs correctly (e.g., ae, ie)
English words, phrases and S3.1.2 pronounce short, simple questions and statements with correct intonation
Speak in English sentences correctly patterns (e.g., yes/ no questions)
clearly and
correctly in S3.2 use simple words in short S3.2.1 give short, simple commands and instructions ( e.g., come here; jump up
the context of sentences to take part in short, and down)
basic and simple simple, guided and familiar S3.2.2 use short sentences to participate in simple exchanges based on learned
guided short exchanges models ( e.g., likes, dislikes)
exchanges and
presentations S3.3 take part in prepared short, S3.3.1 describe orally pictures, places, and people in short, simple sentences
simple mini class presentations S3.3.2 present short, simple mini class presentation to the class on a familiar
and activities topic (e.g., show and tell)
S3.3.3 sing simple songs with peers after listening to a tape
S3.3.4 recite simple rhymes with peers after listening to a tape

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R3.1 demonstrate recognition of R3.1.1 match spoken short, simple words and sentences with print
short, simple words, phrases R3.1.2 recognize familiar short, simple words and phrases
Read to and sentences
understand and
respond to written R3.2 use reading strategies to R3.2.1 learn new words through direct instruction and assigned independent
English in basic understand short, simple language exercises and activities
and simple guided reading texts (e.g., words, R3.2.2 recognize the components of compound words to understand their
contexts short sentences) meaning
R3.2.3 infer the meaning of new words through familiar contexts
R3.2.4 use picture clues to make predictions about the content of reading
materials (e.g., a description of a person, place or thing)
R3.2.5 use knowledge of punctuation (e.g., question mark and period) to
understand what they read
R3.2.6 ask and respond to questions before, during and after reading

R3.3 demonstrate understanding R3.3.1 demonstrate understanding of short, simple rhymes and songs (e.g., fill
of short, simple reading in words in charts)
materials (e.g., short, simple R3.3.2 describe main characters, settings and events in short, simple songs and
sentences, songs, rhymes) rhymes

R3.4 make connections between R3.4.1 demonstrate understanding of simple familiar information when reading
prior knowledge and (e.g., timetable)
experience, and short, simple R3.4.2 demonstrate understanding of simple familiar instructions when reading
reading materials (e.g., how to play a game)

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W3.1 print English letters W3.1.1 copy short, simple sentences correctly, legibly and neatly
correctly, legibly and neatly W3.1.2 print short, simple sentences correctly, legibly and neatly
Write in English
to convey W3.2 write simple words and W3.2.1 complete a short, simple letter to a friend
information short, simple sentences on W3.2.2 make simple cards and posters (e. g., greeting card for Mother’s Day,
clearly and familiar topics for specific Teacher’s Day)
correctly in purposes W3.2.3 write a list of actions (e.g., helping mum, going shopping)
basic and simple W3.2.4 write a simple description of one’s city (e.g., I live in …. It is a big/
guided contexts small city/village.)

W3.3 use simple patterns to W3.3.1 alphabetize a list of simple words

organize information W3.3.2 sequence a simple series of actions

W3.4 apply knowledge of simple W3.4.1 use and spell correctly learned short, simple vocabulary
spelling and punctuation W3.4.2 use capital letters for names and when starting a sentence
W3.4.3 use an apostrophe to show simple possession (e.g., Ali’s car)

W3.5 revise written work with W3.5.1 correct spelling and use of capital and small letters with the assistance
the assistance of peers of peers

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L4.1 demonstrate recognition of L4.1.1 recognize the sounds of consonant combinations in the English alphabet
basic English sounds and their (e.g., ch, ck, sh)
Listen to combinations in short, simple L4.1.2 show understanding of multi-syllable words (e.g., animal, beautiful)
understand words, phrases and sentences
and respond to
spoken English in L4.2 develop strategies to L4.2.1 use textbook illustrations, and pictionary to understand new or
basic and simple understand spoken words and unfamiliar words when listening
guided contexts short, simple sentences L4.2.2 use prior knowledge to participate in short, simple guided exchanges
(e.g., face the speaker)*
L4.2.3 ask peers for help (e.g., How can I do this part of exercise?)*

L4.3 demonstrate understanding L4.3.1 write dictated simple sentences, or a short paragraph**
of simple words in short, L4.3.2 follow short, simple instructions (e.g., please show me your homework)
simple instructions, questions L4.3.3 respond to questions before, during, and after listening (e.g., Where does
and guided exchanges s/he live?)
L4.3.4 participate in short, simple guided exchanges (e.g., about personal
L4.3.5 show appreciation of simple rhymes and songs in English

* Listening and Speaking

* * Listening and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S4.1 pronounce learned English S4.1.1 pronounce double letter consonant sounds correctly (e.g., ph, ch, gh)
words correctly S4.1.2 pronounce short, simple questions and statements with correct intonation
Speak in English patterns
clearly and
correctly in S4.2 use simple words to S4.2.1 use complete sentences in short, simple guided exchanges based on
the context of participate in short, simple familiar situations
basic and simple guided exchanges in familiar S4.2.2 ask and answer short, simple questions using “Wh-words” (e.g., where,
guided short contexts what, when)
exchanges and S4.2.3 participate in the singing of simple songs and recitation of simple
presentations rhymes after listening to a tape

S4.3 take part in short, simple S4.3.1 deliver a short, simple prepared presentation to the class on a favourite
prepared presentations on topic (e.g., likes and dislikes about celebrations)
familiar topics S4.3.2 retell a short, simple story

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R4.1 demonstrate recognition of R4.1.1 distinguish between formal and informal use of some words (e.g.,
simple words father/dad, mother/mom)
Read to
understand R4.2 use reading strategies to R4.2.1 use picture clues to make predictions about content while reading
and respond to understand short, simple independently
written English in reading materials (e.g., R4.2.2 ask questions while reading (e.g., Does this sound correct?)
basic and simple stories, rhymes, and short R4.2.3 use punctuation (e.g., exclamation mark) to understand a reading text
guided contexts informational paragraphs) R4.2.4 use dictionaries to help understand unfamiliar words in short reading

R4.3 demonstrate understanding R4.3.1 recognize and name some basic kinds of short, simple reading material
of short, simple reading (e.g., stories, poems, and postcards)
materials (e.g., short R4.3.2 identify the topic of short, simple poems
informational paragraphs, R4.3.3 identify main character, settings, and events in short simple stories
stories, and poems) R4.3.4 retell or act out the important events in a short, simple narrative

R4.4 make connections between R4.4.1 begin to form simple opinions about characters, events and information
prior knowledge and in reading materials
experiences and short, simple R4.4.2 relate English phrases to familiar personal experiences (e.g., visiting
reading materials historical places)

R4.5 look for simple information R4.5.1 find information on a favourite topic
in English

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W4.1 write semi-cursive English W4.1.1 copy capital and small English letters in semi-cursive handwriting
letters correctly, legibly, and W4.1.2 write English sentences in semi-cursive handwriting correctly, legibly,
Write in English neatly and neatly
to convey
information W4.2 write short, simple W4.2.1 complete a template of a short, simple letter or an email to a friend
clearly and (completion, answering W4.2.2 write answers to short, simple questions on different topics
correctly in project) sentences and short W4.2.3 produce a poster in English for a school activity
basic and simple paragraphs on familiar topics W4.2.4 write a short, simple entry in a learning log
guided contexts for specific purposes and

W4.3 use simple patterns to W4.3.1 arrange jumbled sentences into a very short, simple story (e.g., follow a
organize writing narrative sequence)
W4.3.2 spell correctly learned simple vocabulary
W4.3.3 organize simple information in tables and charts
W4.3.4 arrange jumbled information in simple tables and charts

W4.4 apply knowledge of simple W4.4.1 use capitalization appropriately

spelling, punctuation, and W4.4.2 use end punctuation correctly (e.g., period, question mark and
usage exclamation mark)
W4.4.3 use capital letters for names and when starting a sentence
W4.4.4 identify and write examples of simple words that sound the same (e.g.,
W4.4.5 correct misspelling and use of capitalization, period, question mark and
exclamation mark with the assistance of peers and teachers

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L5.1 demonstrate recognition of L5.1.1 recognize the different sounds of some consonants (e.g., city, cat; good,
mismatches between spelling general)
Listen to and pronunciation L.5.1.2 recognize the different sounds of some vowels (e.g., cake and steak, gun
understand and son)
and respond to
spoken English in L5.2 demonstrate understanding L5.2.1 follow simple oral instructions (e.g., follow directions from the
basic and simple of spoken words in simple classroom to the library)
guided contexts instructions, exchanges and L5.2.2 participate in simple classroom exchanges (e.g., talk about an event)
presentations L5.2.3 respond to questions before, during, and after listening
L5.2.4 begin to make inferences when listening (e.g., whether the advice given
is valid)
L5.2.5 show appreciation to rhymes and songs in English

L5.3 develop strategies to L5.3.1 use clues to understand new or unfamiliar words when listening (e.g.,
understand spoken words and using maps)
simple sentences L5.3.2 take notes when listening to remember the main idea

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S5.1 pronounce short, simple S5.1.1 speak clearly with a reasonable speed and volume
English words and phrases S5.1.2 speak about events that happened in the past
Speak in English correctly S5.1.3 ask questions and statements in an appropriate tone of voice (e.g., rising
clearly and or falling tone)
correctly in
the context of S5.2 use words and short S5.2.1 use short sentences to talk with a partner or a small group about familiar
basic and simple sentences to participate in situations (e.g., self, family, travel to other countries)
guided short short, simple exchanges S5.2.2 discuss own ideas and those of others about a simple topic
exchanges and S5.2.3 sing songs and recite rhymes after listening to a tape
S5.3 take part in short, simple S5.3.1 prepare and read aloud with appropriate expression a short, simple
prepared presentations to the passage
class S5.3.2 present a short, simple prepared speech of four or five sentences to the
class (e.g., hobbies, interests, show and tell)
S5.3.3 describe processes for doing simple tasks (e.g., making tea)
S5.3.4 with a partner, prepare and present a short, simple dialogue to the class

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R5.1 demonstrate recognition R5.1.1 recognize the use of simple prefixes and suffixes to change the meaning
of word formation (e.g., of words (e.g., un, ful)
Read to derivation)
and respond to R5.2 use reading strategies R5.2.1 use context and visual clues to predict or identify meaning of unfamiliar
written English in to understand simple words
basic and simple informational and some simple R5.2.2 use print or electronic bilingual dictionaries to help understand
guided contexts reading material unfamiliar words in reading materials

R5.3 demonstrate understanding R5.3.1 distinguish fact from opinion in simple reading materials
of simple informational R5.3.2 distinguish cause and effect in simple reading materials
materials (e.g., letters, R5.3.3 explain point of view in simple reading materials
children’s encyclopedias, R5.3.4 draw an illustration based on simple reading materials
stories, and poems)

R5.4 make connections R5.4.1 express an opinion based on information from a written source*
between prior knowledge R5.4.2 explain similarities and differences between events in simple reading
and experiences and simple materials and personal experiences*
reading materials

* Reading and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W5.1 gather information and ideas W5.1.1 locate information using headings and sub-headings in books and magazines
for writing W5.1.2 conduct keyword searches in English electronic learning materials
Write in English to W5.1.3 locate and select suitable electronic greeting cards for different occasions to
convey information exchange with friends
clearly and
correctly in basic W5.2 Write simple sentences and W5.2.1 write an introductory sentence for a short, simple paragraph that clearly
and simple guided short, simple paragraphs on identifies the topic of the paragraph
contexts familiar topics W5.2.2 write a short, simple descriptive paragraph of four or five sentences (e.g.,
about a person, a place in Jordan)
W5.2.3 write a simple letter or email to a friend
W5.2.4 write a short entry in a learning log
W5.2.5 with partner, write a short dialogue to present to the class

W5.3 use appropriate organizational W5.3.1 use a model to plan a short, simple descriptive paragraph about a picture or an
patterns for writing a short, illustration (e.g., describing oneself, school, family, country)
simple paragraph

W5.4 apply knowledge of the W5.4.1 use and spell correctly learned vocabulary
conventions of language (e.g., W5.4.2 check sources for accuracy of information (e.g., an encyclopedia to check the
spelling and punctuation) location of the Andes mountains)*
W5.4.3 seek advice about appropriate words for specific topics (e.g., the difference
between a house and a cottage)
W5.4.4 correct spelling, punctuation (e.g., capitals, period, question mark, exclamation
mark and apostrophe) with the assistance of peers and teachers

* Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L6.1 demonstrate familiarity L6.1.1 recognize the correct stress of syllables in multi-syllable words
with English sounds in words, L6.1.2 recognize the effect of pauses on understanding when listening (e.g., to
Listen to simple sentences and short, indicate punctuation, for clarity or emphasis)
understand simple presentations
and respond to
spoken English in L6.2 demonstrate understanding L6.2.1 follow oral instructions (e.g., homework assignments)
basic and simple of spoken words in simple L6.2.2 respond to questions before, during, and after listening (e.g., agree or
guided contexts sentences, instructions, disagree with opinions expressed)*
conversations and L6.2.3 listen to participate in simple classroom conversations (e.g.,
presentations conversations about making plans to improve achievement in school)*
L6.2.4 make simple inferences when listening (e.g., about speaker’s point of
L6.2.5 show understanding of main ideas from a simple oral presentation
L6.2.6 show appreciation of listening to rhymes and songs in English

L6.3 develop strategies to L6.3.1 use teacher introduction and other clues to understand new words when
understand spoken words and listening (e.g., pictures of tourism in Jordan)
sentences L6.3.2 ask questions after listening to gain understanding of new or unfamiliar
words (e.g., Excuse me; will you repeat that, please?)*
L6.3.3 use context to understand new words when listening
L6.3.4 use prior knowledge and experience to listen when participating in
simple conversations (e.g., tone of voice, hand gestures)

* Listening and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S6.1 pronounce English words S6.1.1 speak with pauses for clarity and emphasis
and sentences precisely and S6.1.2 use correct intonation for questions and statements
Speak in English correctly
clearly and
correctly in S6.2 use words and simple S6.2.1 use simple sentences to talk with a partner or a small group about
the context of sentences to take part in simple familiar and unfamiliar situations (e.g., responsibilities towards members of
basic and simple exchanges a family)
guided short S6.2.2 discuss simple reading materials to compare own ideas with those of
exchanges and peers*
S6.3 take part in simple prepared S6.3.1 prepare and read aloud with accuracy, comprehension, and expression a
presentations to the class short dramatic passage
S6.3.2 with a partner, prepare and present a simple dialogue to the class
S6.3.3 present a simple prepared speech of four or five sentences to the class
S6.3.4 give feedback about aspects of a peer’s speech (e.g., clarity,
pronunciation, speed of speaking)

* Speaking and Reading

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R6.1 use reading strategies R6.1.1 use context and direct instruction (e.g., information about word origins
to understand simple and derivations) to understand the meaning of new and unfamiliar words
Read to informational and some simple R6.1.2 scan simple written materials to preview them for general content before
understand literary reading materials starting to read
and respond to R6.1.3 skim simple written materials for the main ideas
written English in R6.1.4 use knowledge of verb tenses to understand when things happen
basic and simple R6.1.5 use English print or electronic dictionaries and glossaries to help
guided contexts understand unfamiliar words in simple reading materials

R6.2 demonstrate understanding R6.2.1 distinguish fact from opinion in simple reading materials
of simple informational and R6.2.2 identify cause and effect in simple and literary reading materials
some simple literary learning R6.2.3 draw conclusions from simple reading materials
materials (e.g., letters, R6.2.4 explain an author’s point of view in a simple text
encyclopedias, stories, and R6.2.5 create a mind map/ a chart of the main idea and the supporting details in
poems) simple reading materials
R6.2.6 retell what happens in a simple story*
R6.2.7 read aloud short poems

R6.3 make connections R6.3.1 develop opinions based on information from two simple written sources
between prior knowledge R6.3.2 explain (with evidence) the motive of a character in a simple story (i.e.,
and experiences and simple why the character does a certain thing)
reading materials

* Speaking and Reading

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W6.1 gather information and ideas W6.1.1 locate and use English reference materials found in the classroom and school
for writing library
W6.1.2 use table of contents and keyword search to locate specific information in print
Write in English
or electronic sources
to convey
W6.1.3 use organizational features (e.g., headings, numbering) to locate specific
information on CD ROMs
clearly and
correctly in W6.2 write sentences and simple W6.2.1 write meaningful sentences and paragraphs using given frameworks such as a
basic and simple paragraphs on familiar topics for substitution table and jumbled sentences
guided contexts specific purposes and audiences W6.2.2 write a simple information paragraph of four or five sentences (e.g., about a
W6.2.3 write a simple story of short paragraphs following a guided composition process
W6.2.4 write a simple letter or email to a friend
W6.2.5 write entries in a learning log
W6.2.6 write a simple short speech of four or five sentences to present to the class

W6.3 use appropriate organizational W6.3.1 write paragraphs using proper organization (e.g., , introductory sentence,
patterns for writing simple development sentences, closing or concluding sentence)
paragraphs and narratives W6.3.2 rewrite a paragraph in a simple narrative as required (e.g., change of time,
place, speaker)

W6.4 apply knowledge of the W6.4.1 use and spell correctly learned vocabulary
conventions of language (e.g., W6.4.2 vary sentence structure by using simple and compound sentences correctly
spelling, punctuation) W6.4.3 write a dictated paragraph using correct punctuation marks

W6.5 revise written work with a W6.5.1 check sources for accuracy of information (e.g., aspects of life at the north pole)*
focus on accuracy of information W6.5.2 correct punctuation (e.g., capitals, period, question mark, exclamation mark
and correct expression and apostrophe) with the assistance of peers and teachers

* Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L7.1 develop strategies of active L7.1.1 use the sequence of ideas, words and sentences to understand new or
listening to comprehend unfamiliar words when listening
Listen to simple discussions and L7.1.2 use context to comprehend main ideas
understand presentations.
spoken English
in a variety of L7.2 demonstrate understanding L7.2.1 follow oral instructions (e.g., how to use the Internet)
simple authentic of simple instructions, L7.2.2 respond to questions before, during, and after listening* (e.g.,
formats and discussions and role-plays in differentiate between facts and opinions, cause and effect)
contexts realistic contexts L7.2.3 show understanding of classroom role-plays on topics (e.g., doing
volunteer in the community)
L7.2.4 make inferences when listening to role-plays (e.g., who was responsible
for the accident)
L7.2.5 show appreciation of other’s ideas (e.g., facial expressions and

* Listening and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S7.1 say English words and S7.1.1 pronounce words accurately
sentences clearly S7.1.2 use appropriate intonation patterns for different kinds of sentences (e.g.,
Speak in English questions, exclamations)
to participate
in discussions S7.2 use words and sentences S7.2.1 participate in class discussions (e.g., about personal interests)
and present to participate in simple S7.2.2 in a small group, discuss reading materials to fill a chart or table*
information in discussions and conversations S7.2.3 interview peers in a focused discussion (e.g., proper behaviour in public)
various simple in authentic contexts
authentic contexts
S7.3 take part in prepared simple S7.3.1 use sequencing words (e.g., first, second) to assist the listener when
presentations to the class presenting information about a process
S7.3.2 role-play a TV interview (e.g., participating in a sporting activity)
S7.3.3 recite short poems
S7.3.4 summarize the main idea of a simple poem
S7.3.5 make suggestions for the improvement of peers’ presentations or written

* Speaking and Reading

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R7.1 use reading strategies to R7.1.1 skim and scan authentic reading materials on topics related to prior
understand simple authentic knowledge or personal interest
Read to informational and literary R7.1.2 make use of punctuation (e.g., semicolon) to understand reading
understand reading materials materials
and respond to R7.1.3 use knowledge of prefixes, suffixes, and roots to understand the
written English meaning of new and unfamiliar words (e.g., re -, dis-, -ist)
in a variety of R7.1.4 use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to find meanings,
simple authentic pronunciation, and synonyms of words
informational and
literary contexts R7.2 demonstrate understanding R7.2.1 summarize or paraphrase key ideas in reading materials*
of reading materials (e.g., R7.2.2 explain an author’s purpose for writing *
websites, interviews, one-act R7.2.3 explain whether events are believable *
plays, stories, etc) R7.2.4 read (silently or loudly) for a variety of purposes (e.g., a text message
from a friend, news item, etc.)
R7.2.5 recommend an interesting book to a peer*

R7.3 make connections R7.3.1 locate and use facts and opinions to support own ideas
between prior knowledge R7.3.2 identify the moral of events (e.g., about helping a disabled person; a
and experiences and simple story about family unity)
authentic informational and R7.3.3 read independently for enjoyment (e.g., short stories with pictures,
literary reading materials (e.g., poems)
websites, interviews, one-act

* Speaking, Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W7.1 gather information and ideas W7.1.1 locate and use simple English reference materials found in the classroom and
from print and electronic sources school library
Write in English to organize writing in simple W7.1.2 use the Internet to locate specific information for assignments in English
to communicate contexts W7.1.3 take notes from resource materials (e.g., facts about mountains)
information and W7.1.4 summarize information (e.g., facts about a person’s life)
ideas clearly
W7.2 write 2-3 paragraphs for W7.2.1 write multi-paragraph compositions
and correctly for
specific simple authentic W7.2.2 write short reports (e.g., trees in my area /village/city )
specific purposes
purposes and audiences such as W7.2.3 produce 2-3 -paragraphs about a personal experience
and audiences in
short reports, narrative accounts, W7.2.4 write answers to questions based on reading materials*
various simple
and presentations W7.2.5 write a variety of computer-mediated communication (CMC) texts (e.g.,
authentic contexts
emails, chats, etc.) to peers on topics related to study needs
W7.2.6 translate words from Arabic into English and vice versa
W7.2.7 create a poster (e.g., travel poster for a Jordanian historical site using ICT)

W7.3 use appropriate organizational W7.3.1 use substitution tables or any other given framework to write meaningful paragraphs
patterns to create simple authentic W7.3.2 organize 2-3 -paragraphs (e.g., write introductory, developing, and concluding
written work paragraphs)
W7.3.3 organize paragraphs by sequencing events in a narrative
W7.3.4 create authentic charts and tables of information

W7.4 apply knowledge of the W7.4.1 spell correctly learned vocabulary

conventions of language (e.g., W7.4.2 write dictated material using correct punctuation
spelling, punctuation, and usage)

W7.5 revise written work for clarity, W7.5.1 correct spelling and punctuation (e.g., capitals, period, question mark,
correctness and coherence with exclamation mark, and apostrophe) independently
the assistance of peers and W7.5.2 review written work for consistent use of voice both independently and with
teachers the assistance of peers

* Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L8.1 develop strategies of active L8.1.1 recognize how a speaker’s emphasis of different sentences helps identify
listening to confirm meaning what is important
Listen to in authentic formats such L8.1.2 use the sequence of ideas, words and sentences to identify the main idea
understand as simple discussions and while listening
spoken English presentations L8.1.3 recognize the relationship of intonation to meaning (e.g., serious or
in a variety of making fun indicated by tone of voice)
simple authentic
formats and L8.2 demonstrate understanding L8.2.1 follow oral directions (e.g., searching for websites)
contexts of simple directions, L8.2.2 respond to critical thinking questions before, during, and after listening
conversations and L8.2.3 respond to an opinion expressed by a speaker *
presentations in realistic L8.2.4 show understanding of information in an oral presentation (e.g.,
contexts summarize a listening material)*
L8.2.5 make inferences and judgments that show an understanding of a
L8.2.6 show appreciation of the efforts of others after a presentation (e.g., write
a thank-you note) *

* Listening, Speaking and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S8.1 say English words and S8.1.1 use appropriate intonation for different kinds of moods (e.g., to show
sentences clearly and correctly humour)
Speak in English
to participate S8.2 use words and sentences S8.2.1 participate in class discussions with peers and teacher about comparisons
in discussions to participate in simple and contrasts (e.g., Royal Jordanian Airlines then and now; good and evil
and present discussions and conversations characters)
information in in authentic contexts S8.2.2 in a small group, discuss a solution to a problem (e.g., pollution)
various simple S8.2.3 interview peers to write a report (e.g., attitudes of adolescent about some
authentic contexts aspect of science)

S8.3 take part in well-prepared S8.3.1 use connecting words (e.g., now and then, however) to help
simple authentic presentations comprehension of the listener when presenting information
to the class S8.3.2 speak clearly and interact with the audience effectively
S8.3.3 role-play a scene from a play studied in class
S8.3.4 recite orally a simple poem and comment on its theme
S8.3.5 make suggestions for the improvement of the presentations of others

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R8.1 use reading strategies to R8.1.1 use context (e.g., definitions, comparison/contrast, and clue words) to
understand simple authentic guess meanings of new words or phrases
Read to informational and literary R8.1.2 skim and scan reading materials to identify relevant information
understand reading materials R8.1.3 use knowledge of word parts, foreign origins, and simple derivations to
and respond to understand the meaning of new words
written English R8.1.4 use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to confirm word
in a variety of meanings, parts of speech, and clarify meaning
simple authentic
informational and R8.2 demonstrate understanding R8.2.1 outline sequence of events or ideas*
literary contexts of simple authentic R8.2.2 summarize a short document*
informational and literary R8.2.3 interpret reading materials by asking and answering questions*
reading materials (e.g., R8.2.4 assess the value of reading materials
biographies, plays) R8.2.5 analyse the content of reading materials in order to make inferences

R8.3 make connections R8.3.1 show appreciation of texts based on relating new ideas to previous
between prior knowledge beliefs, values and experiences while reading
and experiences and simple R8.3.2 read independently short passages from magazines and newspapers for
authentic informational and information and enjoyment
literary reading materials (e.g.,
biographies, plays)

* Speaking, Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W8.1 gather information and ideas W8.1.1 locate and use simple English reference materials found in the school and
from print and electronic sources library
Write in English to organize and write in simple W8.1.2 use the Internet to locate specific information and make notes about it
to communicate authentic contexts W8.1.3 use the Internet to investigate a theme related to personal interests
information and W8.1.4 summarize information (e.g., facts about an author’s life)
ideas clearly
W8.2 write paragraphs and series W8.2.1 write a short paragraph based on information extracted from a simple map,
and correctly for
of paragraphs for specific simple graph or diagram
specific purposes
authentic purposes and audiences W8.2.2 write a paragraph by expanding notes or answering a series of questions
and audiences in
such as short reports, narrative W8.2.3 write a short report on the content of a book or short story
various simple
accounts, and presentations W8.2.4 write two or three paragraphs based on reading (e.g., comparing places.) *
authentic contexts
W8.2.5 fill in forms correctly and neatly, given name, address, date of birth,
nationality, religion, and other essential information
W8.2.6 write a short letter which has a specific function (e.g., accepting or not
accepting an invitation; giving or requesting information)
W8.2.7 translate short sentences from English into Arabic and vice versa

W8.3 use appropriate organizational W8.3.1 develop 2-3 paragraphs using organizational patterns (e.g., compare and
patterns to create simple authentic contrast, cause and effect)
written work

W8.4 apply knowledge of the W8.4.1 spell correctly learned vocabulary

conventions of language (e.g., W8.4.2 write dictated material using correct spelling and punctuation
spelling, punctuation, grammar,
and usage)

W8.5 revise written work for clarity, W8.5.1 edit the writing of a peer for spelling, punctuation, organization, and clarity of
correctness and coherence with the meaning
assistance of peers and teachers

* Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L9.1 develop strategies of L9.1.1 recognize the significance of connectors to understanding when listening
active listening to confirm (e.g., before, after, first, next, then, later, finally)
Listen to meaning in authentic L9.1.2 recognize the relation between intonation and meaning
understand formats such as simple L9.1.3 use context to understand unfamiliar words and ideas when listening to
spoken English discussions, conversations and a presentation
in a variety of presentations L9.1.4 listen to taped native speakers of English to improve pronunciation
authentic formats
and contexts L9.2 demonstrate understanding L9.2.1 write short, simple messages after listening (e.g., telephone, spoken
of simple directions, messages)*
presentations and L9.2.2 compare and contrast different opinions of different persons on a topic*
performances in authentic L9.2.3 identify the attitude of a speaker after listening*
contexts L9.2.4 show understanding of information (e.g., explain the significance of
events in a dramatization of a historical event)*
L9.2.5 provide constructive feedback on the effectiveness of the oral
presentations of peers (e.g., speaking speed, volume, pronunciation)*

* Listening, Speaking and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S9.1 speak English words and S9.1.1 use recorded material to correct pronunciation of words
sentences clearly and correctly S9.1.2 discuss correct pronunciation of words with peers
Speak in English
to participate S9.2 use words and sentences S9.2.1 engage in discussions to exchange ideas about a variety of topics
in discussions to participate in simple S9.2.2 in a small group, sort, organize, and classify data into charts or tables*
and present discussions and conversations S9.2.3 engage in social exchanges (e.g., accepting invitations and offers)
information in in a variety of authentic S9.2.4 interview (i.e., face to face or online) peers, and family members etc.
various simple contexts about a variety of topics (e.g., the benefits and problems associated with
authentic contexts modern technologies)

S9.3 take part in a variety of S9.3.1 use organizational words to assist the listener when presenting
prepared simple authentic information (e.g., one expert thinks …, but I think …)
presentations to the class S9.3.2 make eye contact with audience to interact effectively when presenting
own point of view on a topic
S9.3.3 role-play an issue (e.g., studied in another subject)
S9.3.4 deliver a simple e-presentation using visual aids or technology (e.g.,
about own city)
S9.3.5 recite a favourite English poem and explain choice*
S9.3.6 make suggestions for the improvement of spoken English in the
presentations of peers

* Speaking, Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R9.1 use reading strategies to R9.1.1 make a list of words that are the same in Arabic and English and share it with
understand a variety of simple peers to build vocabulary
Read to authentic informational and R9.1.2 build vocabulary by visiting a website with a “word of the day” feature
understand literary reading materials R9.1.3 read silently different types of reading materials for specific purposes (e.g.,
library resources for information; poems for enjoyment)
and respond to
R9.1.4 skim written materials before reading to determine their purpose or the type of
written English the material
in a variety of R9.1.5 scan reading materials for general information for a project
simple authentic R9.1.6 use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to confirm word meanings,
informational and pronunciation, parts of speech, derivations, and clarify shades of meaning
literary contexts
R9.2 demonstrate understanding R9.2.1 identify the relationship among facts, ideas, concepts and themes in reading
of a variety of simple authentic materials
informational and literary reading R9.2.2 analyse text content to develop a supported interpretation
material (e.g., biographies, R9.2.3 evaluate information in a variety of resources to select materials for personal or
narratives, and poems) school-related purposes
R9.2.4 interpret literary reading materials by asking and answering questions*

R9.3 make connections between R9.3.1 explain connections between what they read, personal ideas and beliefs
prior knowledge and experiences R9.3.2 read different types of magazine and newspaper articles to obtain information
and a variety of simple authentic and show enjoyment
informational and literary reading R9.3.3 read independently to acquire information on topics related to hobbies and
material (e.g., biographies, interests
narratives, and poems, etc.)

* Reading and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W9.1 gather information and ideas W9.1.1 locate and use English reference materials found in the school and public libraries
from print and electronic sources W9.1.2 use the Internet to locate specific information and make notes for simple research
Write in English to organize and write in a variety projects in other subjects
to communicate of simple authentic contexts W9.1.3 use the Internet to investigate a theme related to personal interests and school
information and studies
ideas clearly and W9.1.4 summarize information (e.g., historical information about Jordan)
correctly for specific
W9.2 write 2-3 paragraphs for a W9.2. 1 write 2-3 paragraphs on different topics (e.g., examples of good
purposes and
variety of specific simple authentic study habits, instructions for preparing a certain dish)
audiences in various
purposes and audiences such as W9.2.2 write a short, informal letter with a specific function (e.g., requesting or giving
simple authentic short reports, narrative accounts, information)
contexts and presentations W9.2.3 fill in application forms, giving essential information about one’s self
W9.2.4 translate sentences and short paragraphs from Arabic into English and vice versa

W9.3 use appropriate organizational W9.3.1 develop 2-3 paragraphs using an organizational pattern such as a series of
patterns to create simple authentic examples
written work W9.3.2 organize a simple e-presentation (e.g., about own city)

W9.4 apply knowledge of the W9.4.1 spell correctly learned vocabulary

conventions of language (e.g., W9.4.2 write dictated material using correct spelling and punctuation
spelling, punctuation, grammar,
and usage)

W9.5 revise written work for clarity, W9.5.1 with a peer, use a spell check and program to edit the writing for spelling and
correctness and coherence with the punctuation
assistance of peers and teachers W9.5.2 revise own work to enhance the precision, clarity, and artistry of written
W9.5.3 edit final drafts of written work for conventions of standard English

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening L10.1 develop strategies of active L10.1.1 recognize the importance of figurative language when listening (e.g.,
listening to confirm meaning comparisons in similes and metaphors)
Listen to in a variety of authentic L10.1.2 recognize the significance of connecting words to understanding when
understand formats such as simple listening (e.g., on one hand, on the other hand)
spoken English discussions, conversations and L10.1.3 use context to understand unfamiliar words, expressions and ideas
in a variety of presentations when listening to a presentation
simple authentic
formats and L10.2 demonstrate L10.2.1 record information while listening (e.g., discussions, tapes, audio-video
contexts understanding of simple presentations)
directions, presentations and L10.2.2 respond to brainstorming analytical questions before, during, and after
performances in a variety of listening to an oral presentation or watching a video*
authentic contexts L10.2.3 synthesize information on a topic after listening to a discussion
L10.2.4 identify the objectivity of information provided by a speaker
L10.2.5 provide constructive feedback on oral presentations of peers (e.g.,
accuracy, clarity, completeness)*

* Listening, Speaking and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking S10.1 speak English words and S10.1.1 use dictionaries to check correct pronunciation of words
sentences clearly, correctly, S10.1.2 rehearse oral presentations with peers and get feedback
Speak in English and fluently
to participate
in discussions S10.2 use words and sentences S10.2.1 engage in discussions to exchange interests and experiences using
and present to participate in simple meaningful sentences (e.g., talk about career plans for the future)
information in discussions and conversations S10.2.2 engage in discussions to understand and clarify main ideas
various simple in a variety of authentic S10.2.3 interview peers, teachers, family and community members about a
authentic contexts contexts variety of topics (e.g., the benefits of learning English as a foreign language)

S10.3 take part in a variety of S10.3.1 use socially appropriate language to participate in debates
well-prepared simple authentic S10.3.2 do a presentation on a topic of personal interest or based on a topic
presentations to the class studied in another subject
S10.3.3 participate in a performance (e.g., a scene from a story or play studied
in class)
S10.3.4 make suggestions for the improvement of the presentations of peers

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading R10.1 use reading strategies to R10.1.1 use print and electronic dictionaries and glossaries to confirm word
understand a variety of simple meanings, pronunciation, parts of speech, derivations, synonyms, antonyms,
Read to authentic informational and and clarify shades of meaning
understand literary reading materials
and respond to
written English R10.2 demonstrate understanding R10.2.1 identify the main ideas in informational materials and explain how the
in a variety of of a variety of simple authentic details support the main idea*
simple authentic informational and literary R10.2.2 recognize the organizational pattern of a text (e.g., compare and
informational and reading materials (e.g., contrast; cause and effect)
literary contexts magazine and newspaper R10.2.3 paraphrase information, ideas, opinions and themes in written reading
articles, advertisements, materials about various topics*
brochures, resource materials,
and poems)

R10.3 make connections R10.3.1 read relevant material to get background information on current issues
between prior knowledge and and events
experiences and a variety of R10.3.2 read various articles and stories for enjoyment
simple authentic informational R10.3.3 read functional material for a variety of purposes (e.g., advertisements
and literary reading materials to make a purchase, brochures to plan a vacation)
(e.g., magazine and newspaper
articles, advertisements,
brochures, resource materials,
and poems)

* Speaking, Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing W10.1 gather information and W10.1.1 locate and use English reference materials found in the school and
ideas from print and electronic public libraries
Write in English sources to organize and write W10.1.2 use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written
to communicate in a variety of simple authentic reports on topics related to personal interests and school projects
information and contexts W10.1.3 interview peers, teacher, family and community members in English
ideas clearly about a variety of topics (e.g., the benefits of doing charitable acts)
and correctly for
specific purposes W10.2 write a series of W10.2.1 write 3 well-developed paragraphs on a topic of general interest
and audiences in paragraphs for a variety of (e.g., describing a process; narrating an event; supporting a point of view,
various simple specific simple authentic explaining a concept)
authentic contexts purposes and audiences such W10.2.2 prepare an e-presentation to demonstrate understanding of a theme or
as short reports, narrative an issue related to literary works
accounts, and presentations W10.2.3 complete forms (e.g., application, visa entry, exit cards, and C.V.)
W10.2.4 email others on topics related to study needs and personal interests
W10.2.5 translate short paragraphs from English into Arabic

W10.3 use appropriate W10.3.1 transform information from a visual or non-linear to a linear text and
organizational patterns to vice versa
create simple authentic written W10.3.2 organize information into an e-presentation

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

W10.4 apply knowledge of the W10.4.1 write a text dictated at reasonable speed, using correct punctuation
conventions of language marks
(e.g., spelling, punctuation, W10.4.2 write a paragraph using complex sentences with appropriate
grammar, and usage) subordinating conjunctions (e.g., since, although, as though, unless, until,
whereas, while, so that)
W10.4.3 identify some differences between normal written texts and computer-
mediated communication (CMC) texts

W10.5 revise written work W10.5.1 revise own written work and that of peers for clear and coherent text
for clarity, correctness and with correct standard of English
coherence with the assistance W10.5.2 edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce
of peers and teachers clear and coherent texts with correct spelling and punctuation
W10.5.3 use spell check, dictionaries, etc. to edit texts

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening LG1.1 develop advanced LG1.1.1 recognize tone in spoken language for expressing advice, instructions,
listening strategies in academic warnings, threats, regrets, blame, complaints and excuses
Listen to and and authentic contexts LG1.1.2 identify the characteristics of different types of speech when listening
understand (e.g., formal and informal)
English in LG1.1.3 use various vocal clues to predict and understand the ideas and
a variety of information when listening (e.g., speed, volume, and emphasis)
academic and LG1.1.4 assess the quality of the speaker’s presentation style by using criteria
authentic contexts such as volume and tone of voice
LG1.1.5 identify cultural influences in audio-texts and performances
LG1.1.6 elicit information from some one by asking appropriate questions

LG1.2 demonstrate understanding LG1.2.1 respond to oral presentations by asking relevant questions (e.g., audio-
of directions, presentations visual and class presentations)*
and performances in authentic LG1.2.2 distinguish fact from opinion when listening
contexts LG1.2.3 demonstrate understanding of material recorded by English speakers
on specific topics
LG1.2.4 identify the main idea of a taped talk on topics of personal or
academic interest

* Listening and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking SG1.1 speak English words and SG1.1.1 use online dictionaries with pronunciation function to check correct
sentences clearly, correctly, pronunciation of words
Speak and and fluently in some academic SG1.1.2 use an appropriate tone to influence the audience
interact in English authentic contexts
in a variety of
academic and SG1.2 use words and sentences SG1.2 .1 take part in a plan-based discussion by defining a position and
authentic contexts to participate in discussions selecting evidence to support that position
and conversations in some SG1.2 .2 engage in discussions to understand details about topics in other
academic authentic contexts subjects
SG1.2 .3 interview speakers of English, if possible, on several topics of interest
(e.g., food)

SG1.3 take part in a variety SG1.3.1 defend a position or present information by developing well-organized
of well-prepared academic informational and literary presentations
authentic presentations to the SG1.3.2 present evidence clearly and convincingly to support an interpretation
class of a story or play studied in class*

* Speaking and Reading

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading* RG1.1 use reading strategies to RG1.1.1 read various types of texts silently and take notes for study purposes
understand some authentic RG1.1.2 use context clues to determine the meaning of unknown words
Read to informational and literary texts RG1.1.3 use knowledge of stems and affixes to determine the meaning of new
understand vocabulary
and respond to RG1.1.4 use syntax clues to understand the meaning of a text
written English RG1.1.5 make, confirm, and revise predictions based on prior knowledge and
in a variety evidence from the text
of advanced RG1.1.6 scan an exposition for particular information
authentic, RG1.1.7 skim an exposition to get the gist
informational and
literary contexts RG1.2 demonstrate RG1.2.1 identify the characteristics of different forms of text such as narrative,
understanding of some factual, poetic (e.g., through analysis of content, format, and layout of a text)
authentic informational and RG1.2.2 make judgments and draw supported conclusions about ideas in
literary texts (e.g., expositions, written materials
historical nonfiction, adventure RG1.2.3 describe information of different types (e.g., local/ foreign,
stories, and poems) contemporary/traditional

RG1.3 make connections RG1.3.1 read for enjoyment texts recommended by peers, teachers and family
between prior knowledge members
and experiences and some RG1.3.2 read functional texts to perform task (e.g., read instructions, and use
authentic informational and that information to perform everyday life functions)
literary texts (e.g., instructions,
expositions, historical
nonfiction, adventure stories,
and poems)
* Reading is often a prelude to speaking and writing including note-taking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing WG1.1 gather information and ideas WG1.1.1 use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written reports
from print and electronic sources on topics related to personal interests and school projects
Write in English to organize and write in some WG1.1.2 locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the
to communicate advanced authentic contexts school and public libraries (e.g., multimedia on theme or issue related to literature)
information and WG1.1.3 consult FAQs on websites to locate information on specific topics for
ideas clearly and specific purposes
correctly in a
WG1.2 write 3-4 paragraphs for WG1.2.1 translate informational and literary reading materials from Arabic into
variety of academic
some specific advanced authentic English and vice versa (four or five sentences)
and authentic
purposes and for specific WG1.2.2 produce written responses to analytical comprehension questions related to
audiences texts read in class
WG1.2.3 write 3-4 paragraphs explaining a concept (e.g., the role of technology in
WG1.2.4 complete authentic forms in English (e.g., a magazine subscription form)

WG1.3 use appropriate WG1.3.1 organize information to develop a central idea using well-linked paragraphs
organizational patterns to create (e.g., with well-selected transition words)
advanced authentic written work WG1.3.2 write well-organized and coherent paragraphs with a topic sentence,
supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence

WG1.4 apply knowledge of the WG1.4.1 produce grammatically correct sentences with an expanded number of coordinate
conventions of language (e.g., conjunctions (e.g., yet, for, either...or, neither...nor)
spelling, punctuation, grammar, WG1.4.2 write different types of sentences showing different discourse functions (e.g.,
and usage) negatives, imperatives, statements )

WG1.5 revise written work for WG1.5.1 review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of form, style
accuracy, clarity, correctness and and tone to suit intended purposes and audiences
coherence with the assistance of WG1.5.2 edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts
peers and teachers with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening LG2.1 develop advanced LG2.1.1 discern the attitude and mood of the speaker in oral discourse
listening strategies in academic LG2.1.2 show respect for the age and gender of the speaker
Listen to and and authentic contexts LG2.1.3 assess the quality of the speaker’s presentation style by using criteria
understand such as the speaker’s voice and clarity of thoughts
English in
a variety of LG2.2 demonstrate understanding LG2.2.1 respond to oral presentations by asking relevant questions when
academic and of directions, presentations listening to instructions, audio-visual presentations, commentaries, and oral
authentic contexts and performances in authentic reports*
contexts LG2.2.2 participate in classroom discussions about topics of personal or
academic interest*
LG2.2.3 listen critically and express an opinion about listening materials on
topics of personal or academic interest
LG2.2.4 listen and respond positively to the ideas of others when working in
groups (e.g., solving problems and making plans)
LG2.2.5 recognize the use of literary devices such as irony in a presentation

* Listening and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking SG2.1 speak English words and SG2.1.1 use correct pronunciation observing rhythm and stress when speaking
sentences clearly, correctly, about relevant academic issues
Speak and and fluently in some academic SG2.1.2 use grammatically correct language, appropriate to the topic, audience,
interact in English authentic contexts and purpose
in a variety of
academic and SG2.2 use words and sentences SG2.2.1 discuss topics from other subjects
authentic contexts to participate in discussions SG2.2.2 support and defend ideas in a forum (e.g., conference, meeting, etc.)
and conversations in some SG2.2.3 interview specialists in other subjects to develop research skills
academic authentic contexts

SG2.3 take part in a variety SG2.3.1 read a simple well-known speech aloud with expression (i.e., using
of well-prepared academic voice strength, gestures, eye contact… etc.)*
authentic presentations to the SG2.3.2 use a well-structured narrative or logical argument to make a short
class formal presentation on a real-life topic

* Speaking and Reading

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading* RG2.1 use reading strategies to RG2.1.1 read various types of texts silently and distinguish main ideas from
understand some authentic supporting details
Read to informational and literary texts RG2.1.2 deduce the meaning of some unknown words from context clues
understand RG2.1.3 use synonyms and similar cognates to paraphrase texts
and respond to
written English RG2.2 demonstrate RG2.2.1 read and understand authentic written English texts on topics of
in a variety understanding of some specific or general interest
of advanced authentic informational RG2.2.2 identify different forms of text such as narrative, factual, poetic (e.g.,
authentic, and literary texts (e.g., through analysis of content, format, and layout)
informational and applications, social and RG2.2.3 make judgments and draw conclusions about ideas in written
literary contexts scientific reports, essays, materials on the basis of evidence drawn from other sources
plays, and poems) RG2.2.4 analyse information and ideas and draw conclusions about the validity
of informational sources

RG2.3 make connections RG2.3.1 make, confirm, and deduce conclusions based on prior knowledge and
between prior knowledge evidence from the text
and experiences and some RG2.3.2 recognize emotions being expressed (or experienced) when reading a
authentic informational short narrative
and literary texts (e.g., RG2.3.3 read functional texts to perform tasks
applications, social and
scientific reports, essays,
plays, and poems)

* Reading is often a prelude to speaking and writing including note-taking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing WG2.1 gather information and ideas WG2.1.1 use multiple Internet sources to gain information for written reports on topics
from print and electronic sources related to personal interests and school projects
Write in English to organize and write in some WG2.1.2 locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the
to communicate advanced authentic contexts school and public libraries (e.g., multimedia information about a topic)
information and WG2.1.3 use email to contact peers or websites that may have information related to
ideas clearly and an assignment
correctly in a
WG2.2 write a series of paragraphs WG2.2.1 write a report about an important topic
variety of academic
for some specific advanced WG2.2.2 write a job application
and authentic
authentic purposes and audiences WG2.2.3 prepare a multimedia presentation about a topic (e.g., elements of Jordanian
such as short reports, responses to culture that are different from or similar to other international cultures)
literature, and presentations

WG2.3 use appropriate WG2.3.1 develop a central idea using 3-4 well-linked and well-developed paragraphs
organizational patterns to create WG2.3.2 produce essays with effective transitions within and across paragraphs
advanced authentic written work

WG2.4 apply knowledge of the WG2.4.1 produce grammatically correct complex sentences with an expanded number
conventions of language (e.g., of subordinate conjunctions
spelling, punctuation, grammar, WG2.4.2 produce grammatically correct compound sentences with appropriate
and usage) conjunctive adverbs (e.g., however, therefore, consequently)

WG2.5 revise written work with the WG2.5.1 revise written work for accuracy, clarity, correctness and coherence with the
assistance of peers and teachers assistance of peers and teachers

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening LG3.1 develop advanced LG3.1.1 recognize the use of tone of voice and gestures to help clarify the
listening strategies in academic meaning of information about topics and events
Listen to and and authentic contexts LG3.1.2 infer the meaning of new vocabulary items by using contextual and
understand grammatical clues when listening
English in LG3.1.3 discern the attitude of speakers when listening
a variety of LG3.1.4 show respect for the age, gender, and position of the speaker
advanced LG3.1.5 identify cultural and historical influences in audio-texts and
academic and performances
authentic contexts
LG3.2 demonstrate understanding LG3.2.1 respond by asking relevant questions when listening to authentic
of directions, presentations and lectures, commentaries, reports and instructions*
performances in a variety of LG3.2.2 listen to texts and conversations in order to get the main ideas and find
authentic contexts answers to specific queries
LG3.2.3 distinguish fact from opinion and fallacies when listening
LG3.2.4 identify specific details from spoken stories, poems, and audio-visual
LG3.2.5 listen and respond positively to the ideas of others when working in
groups (e.g., solving problems and making plans)*
LG3.2.6 recognize and describe the use of literary devices such as irony in a

* Listening and Speaking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking SG3.1 speak English words and SG3.1.1 use and pronounce appropriate academic vocabulary correctly
sentences clearly, correctly, SG3.1.2 use grammatically correct and appropriate language for audience,
Speak and and fluently in a variety of purpose, and topic
interact in English academic authentic contexts
in a variety of
academic and SG3.2 use words and sentences SG3.2.1 discuss with peers evaluations of presentations done by students of
authentic to participate in discussions upper basic grades
contexts and conversations in a variety SG3.2.2 participate in discussions about personal-social or school related topics
of academic authentic contexts (e.g., discuss scientific concepts or short novels)
SG3.2.3 interview specialists in other subjects to research information for an
essay in other subjects

SG3.3 take part in a variety of SG3.3.1 assess a formal presentation given by an upper basic grade student by
well-prepared presentations analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness of the speaker’s voice, language,
to the class in a variety of gestures, clarity of thought, organization of evidence, relevance, and
academic authentic contexts delivery
SG3.3.2 present several topics in other subjects (e.g., physics :Newton’s Laws)
SG3.3.3 make a short formal presentation on a real-life topic using a well
structured narrative or logical argument
SG3.3.4 read aloud a well-known speech in literature using voice strength,
gestures, eye contact… etc.

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading* RG3.1 use reading strategies RG3.1.1 use contextual clues to understand the meaning of texts
to understand a variety of RG3.1.2 skim texts to deduce and infer the meaning of the text
Read to authentic informational and RG3.1.3 scan texts for specific purposes
understand literary texts RG3.1.4 explain the role of linking words in a text
and respond to RG3.1.5 distinguish between passive and active knowledge of vocabulary
written English (e.g., words understood when listening and reading versus words used when
in a variety speaking or writing)
of advanced
authentic, RG3.2 demonstrate RG3.2.1 agree or disagree with an author’s point of view
informational and understanding of a variety RG3.2.2 summarize and paraphrase main ideas and supporting details in a
literary contexts of authentic informational report
and literary texts (e.g., RG3.2.3 read and understand authentic written English texts having to do with
applications, social and topics of general and academic interest
scientific reports, academic RG3.2.4 make inferences based on explicit and implicit information in texts
essays, plays, and poems) RG3.2.5 clarify and develop own points of view by examining the ideas of
different authors on the same topic

RG3.3 make connections RG3.3.1 use previous experience, knowledge of current issues to challenge
between prior knowledge ideas in texts
and experiences and a variety RG3.3.2 read instructions, credit cards, advertisements, or job applications to
of authentic informational participate in daily life situations
and literary texts (e.g.,
applications, social and
scientific reports, academic
essays, plays, and poems)
* Reading is often a prelude to speaking and writing including note-taking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing WG3.1 gather information and WG3.1.1 use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written
ideas from print and electronic reports on a variety of personal and academic topics
Write in English sources to organize and write WG3.1.2 locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found
to communicate in a variety of advanced in the school and public libraries (e.g., a film or video on a topic)
information and authentic contexts WG3.1.3 locate an electronic template for a résumé
ideas clearly
and correctly WG3.2 write a series of WG3.2.1 summarize academic texts related to social and academic topics and
in a variety paragraphs for a variety of issues
of academic advanced authentic purposes WG3.2.2 produce well-developed academic essays on a variety of social and
and authentic and audiences such as academic topics
contexts. summaries, essays, résumés, WG3.2.3 produce a variety of formal authentic texts (e.g., announcements, job
and multi-media presentations applications)
WG3.3 use appropriate WG3.3.1 organize ideas and information in essays logically and creatively to
organizational patterns to produce clear and interesting writing
create authentic advanced WG3.3.2 develop a series of paragraphs using an organizational pattern such as
written work an analogy (e.g., an extended comparison of an easy process or concept to
explain a difficult one)
WG3.4 apply knowledge of WG3.4.1 use and spell complex words correctly (e.g., analysis, psychology,
the conventions of language hypothesis, research)
(e.g., spelling, punctuation, WG3.4.2 use sentences of different structures correctly (e.g., conditional,
grammar, and usage) passive, reported speech, etc.)
WG3.5 revise written work for WG3.5.1 organize and sequence information and ideas logically with
accuracy, clarity, correctness appropriate conjunctive adverbs (e.g., however, therefore, consequently)
and coherence with the WG3.5.2 review, edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to
assistance of teacher, peers, produce final texts with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation,
and electronic programs usage, and grammar
WG3.5.3 use electronic spell and grammar check programs to edit final drafts

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening LG4.1 develop advanced LG4.1.1recognize how tone of voice, gestures and other non-verbal clues help
listening strategies in academic clarify meaning when listening
Listen to and and authentic contexts LG4.1.2 discern the attitude of speakers when listening
understand LG4.1.3 use various textual and grammatical clues to predict and understand
English in ideas when listening
a variety of LG4.1.4 show respect for the age, gender, position, and cultural traditions of
advanced the speaker
academic and LG4.1.5 infer the bias of a speaker by using contextual and grammatical clues
authentic contexts when listening
LG4.1.6 recognize and interpret figurative language in the speech of others
(e.g., simile)

LG4.2 demonstrate understanding LG4.2.1 listen critically and analyse opinions when listening
of directions, presentations and LG4.2.2 listen to a reasonably lengthy talk by a native speaker and take notes
performances in a variety of or fill in tabular forms with specific information
authentic contexts LG4.2.3 demonstrate understanding of issues related to personal and academic
needs when exchanging thoughts and ideas
LG4.2.4 distinguish fact, opinion, fallacies, attitudes, and implications when
LG4.2.5 show appreciation of different literary texts (e.g., stories)

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking SG4.1 speak English words and SG4.1.1 use grammatically correct and simple language when speaking with
sentences clearly, correctly, upper basic grade students
Speak and and fluently in a variety of SG4.1.2 use grammatically correct and appropriate technical language when
interact in academic authentic contexts speaking
English in SG4.1.3 use literary devices in presentations (e.g., repetition, parallelism)
a variety of
academic and SG4.2 use words and sentences to SG4.2.1 discuss with upper basic grade students solutions for a problem (e.g.,
authentic contexts participate in discussions and stress during exam days)
conversations in a variety of SG4.2.2 interview specialists in other subjects to produce academic essays*
academic authentic contexts

SG4.3 take part in a variety of SG4.3.1 assess a formal presentation done by an upper basic grade student by
well-prepared presentations analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness of the speaker’s demeanor, voice,
to the class in a variety of language, gestures, clarity of thought, organization of evidence, and delivery
academic authentic contexts SG4.3.2 present topics from other subjects
SG4.3.3 make a short formal presentation on a real-life topic using a well-
structured narrative or logical argument
SG4.3.4 read aloud a well-known speech in literature using voice strength,
gestures, eye contact… etc.

* Speaking and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading* RG4.1 use reading strategies RG4.1.1 use prior knowledge to deduce meaning of words and phrases
to understand a variety of RG4.1.2 make predictions and inferences from the text by citing text-based
Read to authentic informational and evidence
understand literary texts
and respond to
written English RG4.2 demonstrate RG4.2.1 make inferences based on implicit and explicit information and
in a variety understanding of a variety of provide justification for inferences
of advanced authentic informational and RG4.2.2 paraphrase or summarize main ideas and supporting details in an
authentic, literary texts (e.g., social, academic essay
informational and business and scientific reports, RG4.2.3 display some comprehension beyond the literal level in familiar texts
literary contexts academic essays, novels, and (e.g., suggest possible explanations for a character’s actions in a short story;
poems) identify a theme in a novel)
RG4.2.4 support personal interpretations of a text with evidence from the text

RG4.3 make connections RG4.3.1 read various texts silently to understand, reinforce or challenge
between prior knowledge and personal views and experiences
experiences and a variety of RG4.3.2 use previous experience, knowledge of current issues, information
authentic informational and previously learned to make connections and draw conclusion about what is
literary texts (e.g., social, read
business and scientific reports, RG4.3.3 develop own point of view on a topic after analysing the ideas of
academic essays, novels, and different authors
poems) RG4.3.4 use personal experience to support an interpretation of a text

* Reading is often a prelude to speaking and writing including note-taking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing WG4.1 gather information and ideas WG4.1.1 locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found in the
from print and electronic sources school and public libraries
Write in English to organize and write in a variety WG4.1.2 use multiple Internet sources to gain information for oral and written reports
to communicate of advanced authentic contexts on a variety of academic topics (e.g., a report on a recent scientific discovery)
information and WG4.1.3 use subject-based diagrams, graphs and charts to locate specific information
ideas clearly and for a project
correctly in a
WG4.2 write a series of paragraphs WG4.2.1 write a report explaining the value of multimedia in communication
variety of academic for a variety of advanced WG4.2.2 produce academic essays on a variety of topics in different subject areas
and authentic authentic purposes and audiences WG4.2.3 produce a variety of formal authentic business texts (e.g., credit applications,
contexts such as reports, essays, and multi- inquiry letters, and sales letters)
media presentations WG4.2.4 use a multimedia presentation to demonstrate understanding of a theme or
issue of general interest

WG4.3 use appropriate WG4.3.1 produce essays which include an introduction, supporting paragraphs, and a
organizational patterns to create conclusion, using transitions within and across paragraphs
authentic advanced written work WG4.3.2 use features of electronic information to form electronic projects

WG4.4 apply knowledge of the WG4.4.1 use and spell appropriate academic vocabulary correctly when writing (e.g.,
conventions of language (e.g., analysis, psychology, hypothesis, research)
spelling, punctuation, grammar, WG4.4.2 organize and sequence information and ideas logically with appropriate
and usage) conjunctive adverbs (e.g., furthermore, even though, as a result)
WG4.4.3 use sentences of different structures correctly

WG4.5 revise written work for WG4.5.1 make a list of organizational patterns and select the best one for a short essay
accuracy, clarity, correctness and WG4.5.2 review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of form, style
coherence with the assistance of and tone to suit authentic academic purposes and audiences
peers, teachers, and electronic WG4.5.3 edit and proofread own written work and that of peers to produce final drafts
programs with correct standard English: spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar
WG4.5.4 use electronic spell and grammar check programs to edit final drafts

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening LV1.1 develop active listening LV1.1.1 when listening, recognize the importance of speaking rate and volume
strategies to confirm meaning of the speaker, and ask for a change if necessary (e.g., if the speaker is
Listen to in some vocationally relevant speaking too fast or too low for understanding)
understand authentic formats such as LV1.1.2 recognize how pauses by the speaker are used to draw attention to an
English in discussions, conversations and important idea
a variety of presentations LV1.1.3 take notes when listening as an aid to remember information
vocationally LV1.1.4 listen carefully to determine the topic or main idea of the speaker
relevant authentic
formats and LV1.2 demonstrate understanding LV1.2.1 engage in meaningful discussions or conversations about an area of
contexts of directions, presentations vocational interest
and performances in some LV1.2.2 respond to relevant questions and instructions after listening
vocationally relevant authentic LV1.2.3 listen to and interact with others to promote class and group discussion
contexts LV1.2.4 interact effectively with native speakers of English (e.g., a
conversation about Arab traditions and customs or an area of vocational

LV1.3 demonstrate understanding LV1.3.1 show understanding of the main message behind a media
of some vocationally relevant advertisement related to an area of the vocational study
authentic media texts

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking SV1.1 speak English words and SV1.1.1 use an online dictionary with a pronunciation function to check correct
sentences clearly, correctly, pronunciation of vocationally relevant words
Speak in English and fluently in some authentic SV1.1.2 create and use a list of vocationally relevant words from job related
to communicate vocationally relevant contexts articles and documents from the Internet
in a variety of
vocationally SV1.2 use words and sentences SV1.2.1 discuss realistic job expectations for different vocational positions
relevant authentic to participate in discussions SV1.2.2 engage in mock job interviews
informational and and conversations in some SV1.2.3 interview speakers of English, if possible, on vocationally relevant
technical contexts authentic vocational contexts topics (e.g., job prospects in fields of vocational interest)

SV1.3 take part in well-prepared SV1.3.1 do a presentation with a peer on a job related issue (e.g., smoking in
authentic vocationally relevant the workplace)
presentations to the class SV1.3.2 create and present orally a list of technical job-related words and
expressions and explain their meanings
SV1.3.3 role-play a workplace situation in an area of vocational interest

SV1.4 produce a vocationally SV1.4.1 in a small group, produce a media advertisement related to area of
relevant authentic media text interest or vocational study (e.g., an advertisement describing the benefits of
people doing community service activities)*

* Listening, Reading, and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading* RV1.1 use reading strategies RV1.1.1 read a variety of vocationally relevant materials to build technical
to understand some vocabulary in an area of specialization
Read to vocationally relevant authentic RV1.1.2 skim and scan for reading purposes to find general and specific
understand informational and literary texts information in texts, graphs and charts
and respond to RV1.1.3 select and use appropriate skills for reading technical reading material
written English (e.g., timetables, maps, and computer manuals)
in a variety of
vocationally RV1.2 demonstrate understanding RV1.2.1 use functional reading materials to understand how to perform a task
relevant authentic of some vocationally relevant in vocational areas of interest
informational and authentic informational texts RV1.2.2 read and follow instructions when completing concrete practical tasks
technical contexts (e.g., reports, articles) (e.g., writing a résumé, report, or cheque)
RV1.2.3 read literary works to find out more about areas of vocational interest
(e.g., newspapers, magazines, periodicals)

RV1.3 make connections between RV1.3.1 make connections between the ideas and information presented in
prior knowledge and some technical papers about an area of vocational interest and prior knowledge
vocationally relevant authentic (e.g., suggest a solution to a local/global problem)
informational texts (e.g.,
reports and articles)

* Reading is often a prelude to speaking and writing including note-taking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing WV1.1 gather information and WV1.1.1 locate and use print and electronic English reference materials found
ideas from print and electronic in the school and public libraries
Write in English sources to write and organize WV1.1.2 conduct research on the Internet to search for multiple sources of
to communicate in some vocationally relevant information on topics related to their interests and specialized vocational
information and authentic formats and contexts areas
ideas clearly WV1.1.3 search the Internet for a template for a specialized writing forms in
and correctly for vocational areas of interest
specific technical
purposes and WV1.2 write a series of WV1.2.1 produce complete sentences using appropriate terminology in
audiences in paragraphs for some vocational areas of interest
a variety of vocationally relevant authentic WV1.2.2 write short memos, invitations and advertisements related to
vocationally purposes and audiences such vocational areas of interest
relevant authentic as reports, essays, and media WV1.2.3 write instructions and directions about a specific task related to
contexts presentations (e.g., news vocational areas of interest
items, short dialogues, and WV1.2.4 write notes and short reports to convey information related to
advertisements) vocational areas of interest to specific persons
WV1.2.5 fill in specialized forms and charts required by work related to
vocational areas of interest
WV1.2.6 reorganize information in tables, charts, and diagrams into linear texts

WV1.3 apply knowledge of WV1.3.1 spell correctly specific vocabulary related to vocational areas of
the conventions of language interest
(e.g., spelling, punctuation, WV1.3.2 use appropriate punctuation marks in written work (commas, semi-
grammar, and usage) colon and period and capitalization)
WV1.3.3 produce grammatically correct compound sentences with an expanded
number of coordinate conjunctions (yet, for, either…or, neither…. nor)
WV1.3.4 use a variety of sentence types in written work

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

WV1.4 use appropriate WV1.4.1 produce well-organized and coherent paragraphs with a topic
organizational patterns sentence, supporting sentences, and concluding sentence
to create some authentic WV1.4.2 use categorization to organize information and ideas in presentations
vocationally relevant written for independent study projects
work WV1.4.3 use tables, charts, and diagrams to organize information when

WV1.5 revise written work for WV1.5.1 review own written work and that of peers for appropriate use of
accuracy, clarity, correctness form, style and tone to suit authentic vocationally relevant purposes and
and coherence with the audiences
assistance of teacher, peers, WV1.5.2 edit to produce final drafts, using conventions of standard English
and electronic programs correctly (e.g., grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation)
WV1.5.3 use electronic spell and grammar check programs to prepare final
drafts of written works

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Listening LV2.1 develop active listening LV2.1.1 recognize the importance of clear pronunciation and tone of voice
strategies to confirm meaning of the speaker when listening and ask for a change if necessary (e.g., if the
Listen to in a variety of vocationally speaker is mumbling or speaking in a monotone)
understand relevant authentic formats such LV2.1.2 recognize how gestures by the speaker are used to draw attention to an
English in as discussions, conversations important idea
a variety of and presentations LV2.1.3 ask questions or repeat ideas of others as an aid to remember
vocationally information when listening
relevant authentic LV2.1.4 listen attentively as an active participant in a wide range of authentic
formats and personal and vocationally related contexts
LV2.2 demonstrate understanding LV2.2.1 listen to international radio stations broadcasting in English over the
of directions, presentations and Internet to gather information and learn the pronunciation of vocationally
performances in a variety of relevant words
vocationally relevant authentic LV2.2.2 participate in a simulated job application or other interview situation
contexts (e.g., listen and respond to questions)
LV2.2.3 listen attentively and function effectively as a team member (e.g., turn
LV2.2.4 evaluate ideas, arguments, propositions, and opinions after listening
to oral reports and presentations on topics of personal interest or vocational

LV2.3 demonstrate understanding LV2.3.1 explain the main idea in a video related to an area of vocational study
of a variety of vocationally
relevant authentic media texts

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Speaking SV2.1 speak English words and SV2.1.1 create a glossary of vocationally relevant words showing their correct
sentences clearly, correctly, pronunciation and meaning
Speak in English and fluently in a variety of SV2.1.2 use grammatically correct language in a variety of vocationally
to communicate authentic vocationally relevant relevant contexts (e.g., interviews and presentations)
in a variety of contexts
relevant authentic SV2.2 use words and sentences to SV2.2.1 discuss possible questions when being interviewed for a particular job
informational and participate in discussions and by a prospective employer
technical contexts conversations in a variety of SV2.2.2 discuss conflict resolution strategies in a variety of job-related
authentic vocational contexts situations
SV2.2.3 interview speakers of English, if possible, on vocationally relevant
topics (e.g., growth areas in a variety of jobs)
SV2.2.4 participate in CMC on topics of vocational interest (e.g., chat rooms)
SV2.2.5 volunteer and participate in vocationally relevant job situations

SV2.3 produce vocationally SV2.3.1 do a presentation on a job related issue (e.g., predictions of job
relevant authentic media texts availability in a variety of fields)
SV2.3.2 role-play a conflict and its resolution in a workplace situation in an
area of vocational interest
SV2.3.3 take part in a variety of well-prepared authentic vocationally relevant
presentations to the class
SV2.3.4 in a small group, produce a multi-media presentation describing an
area of vocational study (e.g., places of study and places of employment in
a particular vocational area)*

* Listening, Reading and Writing

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Reading* RV2.1 use reading strategies RV2.1.1 skim and scan for general and specific information from texts, graphs,
to understand a variety of and charts in an area of vocational interest
Read to vocationally relevant authentic RV2.1.2 select and use appropriate skills for reading a variety of technical
understand informational and technical reading materials in an area of vocational interest (e.g., tables, medical
and respond to texts charts and mechanical manuals)
written English RV2.1.3 keep (prepare) a word list of specialized words in an area of study
in a variety of
vocationally RV2.2 demonstrate RV2.2.1 explain the uses and effect of technical concepts in an area of
relevant authentic understanding of a variety of vocational interest (e.g., the layout of commercial advertisements, business
informational and vocationally relevant authentic messages, memos)
technical contexts informational (e.g., reports, RV2.2.2 read texts related to areas of vocational interest and explain what they
and essays) reveal about work in that area
RV2.2.3 read and summarize written technical and professional materials
related to area of vocational interest
RV2.2.4 read instructions, credit card or job applications, and timetables to
perform everyday life functions

RV2.3 make connections RV2.3.1 relate new knowledge to previous knowledge about area of vocational
between prior knowledge and interest
experiences and a variety of RV2.3.2 make connections among themes and ideas expressed in various
vocationally relevant authentic materials based on their personal experiences
informational texts (e.g.,
reports and essays)

* Reading is often a prelude to speaking and writing including note-taking

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

Writing WV2.1 gather information and WV2.1.1 locate and use a variety of print and electronic English reference
ideas from print and electronic materials found in the school and public libraries
Write in English sources to write and organize a WV2.1.2 conduct research on the Internet to search for multiple sources of
to communicate variety of vocationally relevant information on a variety of topics related to their interests and specialized
information and authentic contexts vocational areas
ideas clearly WV2.1.3 search the Internet for templates for a specialized writing forms in an
and correctly for area of vocational interest
specific technical
purposes and WV2.2 write a series of WV2.2.1 write various types of business letters related to areas of vocational
audiences in paragraphs for a variety of interest
a variety of vocationally relevant authentic WV2.2.2 fill in forms of commercial interaction, such as invoices and job
vocationally purposes and audiences such application forms related to areas of vocational interest
relevant authentic as reports, essays, and media WV2.2.3 complete dialogues and simulations that reflect professional language
contexts presentations (e.g., reports, and situations related to areas of vocational interest
news items, simulations, and WV2.2.4 produce ads, essays, reports, news items, dialogues related to areas of
advertisements) vocational interest
WV2.2.5 translate texts from English into Arabic and vice versa related to areas
of vocational interest
WV2.2.6 email others on topics related to their study needs and personal
WV2.2.7 use multimedia to design presentations about topics related to areas
of vocational interest

General Grade/ Cross-Grade Outcomes Specific Outcomes
It is expected that students will It is expected that students will

WV2.3 use appropriate WV2.3.1 reorganize information contained in tables, charts, and diagrams into
organizational patterns to linear texts and vice versa
create a variety of authentic
vocationally relevant written

WV2.4 apply knowledge of WV2.4.1 use and spell correctly specific business terminology related to areas
the conventions of language of vocational interest
(e.g., spelling, punctuation, WV2.4.2 produce grammatically correct complex sentences with an expanded
grammar, and usage) number of subordinate conjunctions (e.g., since, although as though, unless,
until, whereas, while, so that)
WV2.4.3 use a variety of sentence types in written work

WV2.5 revise written work for WV2.5.1 produce well-organized and coherent paragraphs with a topic
accuracy, clarity, correctness sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentence
and coherence with the WV2.5.2 use electronic wizards for assistance in producing standard forms of
assistance of peers, teachers, writing
and electronic programs

Scope and Sequence
G1 G2 G3 G4
L1.1.1 recognize the sounds of the L2.1.1 recognize the sounds of all L3.1.1 recognize the sound of L4.1.1 recognize the sounds of
letters of the English alphabet the letters of the alphabet diphthongs in the English consonant combinations in the
L1.1.2 recognize some basic L2.1.2 recognize simple words and alphabet English alphabet
English words phrases L3.1.2 say two syllable words with L4.1.2 show understanding of
L1.2.1 recognize short, simple L2.2.1 follow short, simple oral the correct stress multi-syllable words
greetings instructions L3.2.1 follow short, simple oral L4.2.1 use textbook illustrations,
L1.2.2 recognize and respond to L2.2.2 respond to short, simple instructions related to work in and pictionary to understand
basic classroom-controlled questions before and after class new or unfamiliar words when
instructions listening L3.2.2 show understanding of listening
L1.2.3 show appreciation of L2.2.3 respond in short, simple short, simple questions before L4.2.2 use prior knowledge to
listening to short, simple rhymes guided exchanges and after listening participate in short, simple
and songs L2.2.4 use prior knowledge to L3.2.3 participate in short, simple guided exchanges
L1.3.1 use pictures and flash cards understand short, simple guided exchanges L4.2.3 ask peers for help
to understand new words when exchanges L3.2.4 show appreciation of simple L4.3.1 write dictated simple
listening L2.2.5 develop a love of listening rhymes and songs in English sentences, or a short paragraph
L1.3.2 recognize objects teachers to short, simple rhymes and L3.3.1 use pictures, flash cards, and L4.3.2 follow short, simple
hold up when listening songs in English textbook to understand new or instructions
L2.3.1 use pictures, flash cards and unfamiliar words when listening L4.3.3 respond to questions before,
posters to understand new words L3.3.2 use prior knowledge to during, and after listening
when listening participate in short, simple L4.3.4 participate in short, simple
L2.3.2 use teacher introduction to guided exchanges guided exchanges
understand new words when L3.3.3 ask for help L4.3.5 show appreciation of simple
listening rhymes and songs in English
L2.3.3 use words and short phrases
or body language

G5 G6 G7 G8
L5.1.1 recognize the different L6.1.1 recognize the correct stress L7.1.1 use the sequence of L8.1.1 recognize how a speaker’s
sounds of some consonants of syllables in multi-syllable ideas, words and sentences to emphasis of different sentences recognize the different words understand new or unfamiliar helps identify what is important
sounds of some vowels L6.1.2 recognize the effect of words when listening L8.1.2 use the sequence of ideas,
L5.2.1 follow simple oral pauses on understanding when L7.1.2 use context to comprehend words and sentences to identify
instructions listening main ideas the main idea while listening
L5.2.2 participate in simple L6.2.1 follow oral instructions L7.2.1 follow oral instructions L8.1.3 recognize the relationship of
classroom exchanges L6.2.2 respond to questions before, L7.2.2 respond to questions before, intonation to meaning
L5.2.3 respond to questions before, during, and after listening during, and after listening L8.2.1 follow oral directions
during, and after listening L6.2.3 listen to participate in L7.2.3 show understanding of L8.2.2 respond to critical thinking
L5.2.4 begin to make inferences simple classroom conversations classroom role-plays on topics questions before, during, and
when listening L6.2.4 make simple inferences L7.2.4 make inferences when after listening
L5.2.5 show appreciation to when listening listening to role-plays L8.2.3 respond to an opinion
rhymes and songs in English L6.2.5 show understanding of L7.2.5 show appreciation of other’s expressed by a speaker
L5.3.1 use clues to understand main ideas from a simple oral ideas L8.2.4 show understanding
new or unfamiliar words when presentation of information in an oral
listening L6.2.6 show appreciation of presentation
L5.3.2 take notes when listening to listening to rhymes and songs in L8.2.5 make inferences and
remember the main idea English judgments that show an
L6.3.1 use teacher introduction and understanding of a presentation
other clues to understand new L8.2.6 show appreciation of
words when listening the efforts of others after a
L6.3.2 ask questions after listening presentation
to gain understanding of new or
unfamiliar words
L6.3.3 use context to understand
new words when listening
L6.3.4 use prior knowledge
and experience to listen
when participating in simple

G9 G10 Level One Level Two

L9.1.1 recognize the significance L10.1.1 recognize the importance LG1.1.1 recognize tone in spoken LG2.1.1 discern the attitude and
of connectors to understanding of figurative language when language for expressing advice, mood of the speaker in oral
when listening listening instructions, warnings, threats, discourse
L9.1.2 recognize the relation L10.1.2 recognize the significance regrets, blame, complaints and LG2.1.2 show respect for the age
between intonation and meaning of connecting words to excuses and gender of the speaker
L9.1.3 use context to understand understanding when listening LG1.1.2 identify the characteristics LG2.1.3 assess the quality of the
unfamiliar words and ideas L10.1.3 use context to understand of different types of speech speaker’s presentation style
when listening to a presentation unfamiliar words, expressions when listening by using criteria such as the
L9.1.4 listen to taped native and ideas when listening to a LG1.1.3 use various vocal clues to speaker’s voice and clarity of
speakers of English to improve presentation predict and understand the ideas thoughts
pronunciation L10.2.1 record information while and information when listening LG2.2.1 respond to oral
L9.2.1 write short, simple messages listening LG1.1.4 assess the quality of the presentations by asking relevant
after listening L10.2.2 respond to brainstorming speaker’s presentation style by questions when listening to
L9.2.2 compare and contrast analytical questions before, using criteria such as volume instructions, audio-visual
different opinions of different during, and after listening to an and tone of voice presentations, commentaries,
persons on a topic oral presentation or watching a LG1.1.5 identify cultural influences and oral reports
L9.2.3 identify the attitude of a video in audio-texts and performances LG2.2.2 participate in classroom
speaker after listening L10.2.3 synthesize information LG1.1.6 elicit information from discussions about topics of
L9.2.4 show understanding of on a topic after listening to a some one by asking appropriate personal or academic interest
information discussion questions orally LG2.2.3 listen critically and
L9.2.5 provide constructive L10.2.4 identify the objectivity LG1.2.1 respond to oral express an opinion about
feedback on the effectiveness of of information provided by a presentations by asking relevant listening materials on topics of
the oral presentations of peers speaker questions personal or academic interest
L10.2.5 provide constructive LG1.2.2 distinguish fact from LG2.2.4 listen and respond
feedback on oral presentations opinion when listening positively to the ideas of others
of peers LG1.2.3 demonstrate understanding when working in groups
of material recorded by English LG2.2.5 recognize the use of
speakers on specific topics literary devices such as irony in
LG1.2.4 identify the main idea of a a presentation
taped talk on topics of personal
or academic interest

Level Three Level Four V Level One V Level Two
LG3.1.1 recognize the use of tone of LG4.1.1 recognize how tone of LV1.1.1 when listening, recognize LV2.1.1 recognize the importance
voice and gestures to help clarify voice, gestures and other non- the importance of speaking rate of clear pronunciation and tone
the meaning of information about verbal clues help clarify meaning and volume of the speaker, and of voice of the speaker when
topics and events when listening ask for a change if necessary listening and ask for a change if
LG3.1.2 infer the meaning of new LG4.1.2 discern the attitude of LV1.1.2 recognize how pauses by the necessary
vocabulary items by using speakers when listening speaker are used to draw attention LV2.1.2 recognize how gestures
contextual and grammatical clues LG4.1.3 use various textual and to an important idea by the speaker are used to draw
when listening grammatical clues to predict and LV1.1.3 take notes when listening as attention to an important idea
LG3.1.3 discern the attitude of understand ideas when listening an aid to remember information LV2.1.3 ask questions or repeat ideas
speakers when listening LG4.1.4 show respect for the age, LV1.1.4 listen carefully to determine of others as an aid to remember
LG3.1.4 show respect for the age, gender, position, and cultural the topic or main idea of the information when listening
gender, and position of the traditions of the speaker speaker LV2.1.4 listen attentively as an
speaker LG4.1.5 infer the bias of a speaker LV1.2.1 engage in meaningful active participant in a wide
LG3.1.5 identify cultural and by using contextual and discussions or conversations range of authentic personal and
historical influences in audio-texts grammatical clues when listening about an area of vocational vocationally related contexts
and performances LG4.1.6 recognize and interpret interest LV2.2.1 listen to international
LG3.2.1 respond by asking relevant figurative language in the speech LV1.2.2 respond to relevant radio stations broadcasting in
questions when listening to of others questions and instructions after English over the Internet to
authentic lectures, commentaries, LG4.2.1 listen critically and analyse listening gather information and learn the
reports and instructions opinions when listening LV1.2.3 listen to and interact with pronunciation of vocationally
LG3.2.2 listen to texts and LG4.2.2 listen to a reasonably others to promote class and group relevant words
conversations in order to get the lengthy talk by a native speaker discussion LV2.2.2 participate in a simulated
main ideas and find answers to and take notes or fill in tabular LV1.2.4 interact effectively with job application or other interview
specific queries forms with specific information native speakers of English situation
LG3.2.3 distinguish fact from LG4.2.3 demonstrate understanding LV1.3.1 show understanding of the LV2.2.3 listen attentively and
opinion and fallacies when of issues related to personal and main message behind a media function effectively as a team
listening academic needs when exchanging advertisement related to an area member
LG3.2.4 identify specific details thoughts and ideas of the vocational study LV2.2.4 evaluate ideas, arguments,
from spoken stories, poems, and LG4.2.4 distinguish facts, opinions, propositions, and opinions
audio-visual media fallacies, attitudes, and after listening to oral reports
LG3.2.5 listen and respond implications when listening and presentations on topics of
positively to the ideas of others LG4.2.5 show appreciation of personal interest or vocational
when working in groups different literary texts study
LG3.2.6 recognize and describe the LV2.3.1 explain the main idea in
use of literary devices such as a video related to an area of
irony in a presentation vocational study

G1 G2 G3 G4
S1.1.1 pronounce the letters of the S2.1.1 pronounce all the letters of S3.1.1 pronounce diphthongs S4.1.1 pronounce double letter
alphabet correctly the alphabet correctly correctly consonant sounds correctly
S1.1.2 pronounce some simple S2.1.2 say two-syllable words with S3.1.2 pronounce short, simple S4.1.2 pronounce short, simple
words accurately the correct stress questions and statements with questions and statements with
S1.1.3 imitate the pronunciation of S2.1.3 pronounce words correctly correct intonation patterns correct intonation patterns
some simple English words and when talking about animals, S3.2.1 give short, simple S4.2.1 use complete sentences in
pronouns clothes, presents, and members commands and instructions short, simple guided exchanges
S1.2.1 repeat and pronounce of the family S3.2.2 use short sentences to based on familiar situations
correctly foreign names as S2.2.1 ask or respond to short participate in simple exchanges S4.2.2 ask and answer short, simple
appropriate simple questions about clothes based on learned models questions using “Wh-words”
S1.2.2 pronounce correctly some and colours using short S3.3.1 describe orally pictures, S4.2.3 participate in the singing of
key simple words for objects, sentences places, and people in short, simple songs and recitation of
actions, and numbers S2.2.2 sing short, simple songs simple sentences simple rhymes after listening to
S1.2.3 ask and respond to some after listening to a tape S3.3.2 present short, simple mini a tape
simple questions about persons, S2.2.3 repeat short, simple rhymes class presentation to the class on S4.3.1 deliver a short, simple
objects, and numbers using three after listening to a tape a familiar topic prepared presentation to the
or four words S2.3.1 ask and answer basic, short S3.3.3 sing simple songs with peers class on a favourite topic
S1.2.4 sing short, simple songs simple questions after listening to a tape S4.3.2 retell a short, simple story
after listening to a tape S2.3.2 give and respond to S3.3.4 recite simple rhymes with
S1.2.5 repeat short, simple rhymes short simple commands and peers after listening to a tape
after listening to a tape instructions
S1.3.1 participate in simple short, S2.3.3 with a partner, use pictures
simple guided exchanges with to make a simple dialogue
a peer S2.3.4 use learned basic words to
S1.3..2 present letters of the describe something in a picture
alphabet to the class
S1.3.3 ask for help

G5 G6 G7 G8
S5.1.1 speak clearly with a S6.1.1 speak with pauses for clarity S7.1.1 pronounce words accurately S8.1.1 use appropriate intonation
reasonable speed and volume and emphasis S7.1.2 use appropriate intonation for different kinds of moods
S5.1.2 speak about events that S6.1.2 use correct intonation for patterns for different kinds of S8.2.1 participate in class
happened in the past questions and statements sentences discussions with peers and
S5.1.3 ask questions and statements S6.2.1 use simple sentences to talk S7.2.1 participate in class teacher about comparisons and
in an appropriate tone of voice with a partner or a small group discussions contrasts
S5.2.1 use short sentences to talk about familiar and unfamiliar S7.2.2 in a small group, discuss S8.2.2 in a small group, discuss a
with a partner or a small group situations reading materials to fill a chart solution to a problem
about familiar situations S6.2.2 discuss simple reading or table S8.2.3 interview peers to write a
S5.2.2 discuss own ideas and those materials to compare own ideas S7.2.3 interview peers in a focused report
of others about a simple topic with those of peers discussion S8.3.1 use connecting words
S5.2.3 sing songs and recite rhymes S6.3.1 prepare and read aloud with S7.3.1 use sequencing words to help comprehension of
after listening to a tape accuracy, comprehension, and to assist the listener when the listener when presenting
S5.3.1 prepare and read aloud with expression a short dramatic presenting information about a information
appropriate expression a short, passage process S8.3.2 speak clearly and interact
simple passage S6.3.2 with a partner, prepare and S7.3.2 role-play a TV interview with the audience effectively
S5.3.2 present a short, simple present a simple dialogue to the S7.3.3 recite short poems S8.3.3 role-play a scene from a
prepared speech of four or five class S7.3.4 summarize the main idea of play studied in class
sentences to the class S6.3.3 present a simple prepared a simple poem S8.3.4 recite orally a simple poem
S5.3.3 describe processes for doing speech of four or five sentences S7.3.5 make suggestions for and comment on its theme
simple tasks to the class the improvement of peers’ S8.3.5 make suggestions for
S5.3.4 with a partner, prepare and S6.3.4 give feedback about aspects presentations or written work the improvement of the
present a short, simple dialogue of a peer’s speech presentations of others
to the class

G9 G10 Level One Level Two

S9.1.1 use recorded material to S10.1.1 use dictionaries to check SG1.1.1 use online dictionaries SG2.1.1 use correct pronunciation
correct pronunciation of words correct pronunciation of words with pronunciation function to observing rhythm and stress
S9.1.2 discuss correct S10.1.2 rehearse oral presentations check correct pronunciation of when speaking about relevant
pronunciation of words with with peers and get feedback words academic issues
peers S10.2.1 engage in discussions SG1.1.2 use an appropriate tone to SG2.1.2 use grammatically correct
S9.2.1 engage in discussions to to exchange interests and influence the audience language, appropriate to the
exchange ideas about a variety experiences using meaningful SG1.2 .1 take part in a plan-based topic, audience, and purpose
of topics sentences discussion by defining a position SG2.2.1 discuss topics from other
S9.2.2 in a small group, sort, S10.2.2 engage in discussions to and selecting evidence to subjects
organize, and classify data into understand and clarify main support that position SG2.2.2 support and defend ideas
charts or tables ideas SG1.2 .2 engage in discussions to in a forum
S9.2.3 engage in social exchanges S10.2.3 interview peers, teachers, understand details about topics SG2.2.3 interview specialists
S9.2.4 interview peers, and family family and community members in other subjects in other subjects to develop
members etc., about a variety of about a variety of topics SG1.2 .3 interview speakers of research skills
topics S10.3.1 use socially appropriate English, if possible, on several SG2.3.1 read a simple well-known
S9.3.1 use organizational words language to participate in topics of interest speech aloud with expression
to assist the listener when debates SG1.3.1 defend a position SG2.3.2 use a well-structured
presenting information S10.3.2 do a presentation on a topic or present information by narrative or logical argument to
S9.3.2 make eye contact with of personal interest or based developing well-organized make a short formal presentation
audience to interact effectively on a topic studied in another informational and literary on a real-life topic
when presenting own point of subject presentations
view on a topic S10.3.3 participate in a SG1.3.2 present evidence clearly
S9.3.3 role-play an issue performance and convincingly to support an
S9.3.4 deliver a simple S10.3.4 make suggestions for interpretation of a story or play
e-presentation using visual aids the improvement of the studied in class
or technology presentations of peers
S9.3.5 recite a favourite English
poem and explain choice
S9.3.6 make suggestions for the
improvement of spoken English
in the presentations of peers

Level Three Level Four V Level One V Level Two
SG3.1.1 use and pronounce SG4.1.1 use grammatically correct SV1.1.1 use an online dictionary SV2.1.1 create a glossary
appropriate academic vocabulary and simple language when with a pronunciation function to of vocationally relevant
correctly speaking with upper basic grade check correct pronunciation of words showing their correct
SG3.1.2 use grammatically correct students vocationally relevant words pronunciation and meaning
and appropriate language for SG4.1.2 use grammatically correct SV1.1.2 create and use a list of SV2.1.2 use grammatically
audience, purpose, and topic and appropriate technical vocationally relevant words correct language in a variety of
SG3.2.1 discuss with peers language when speaking from job related articles and vocationally relevant contexts
evaluations of presentations done SG4.1.3 use literary devices in documents from the Internet SV2.2.1 discuss possible questions
by students of upper basic grades presentations SV1.2.1 discuss realistic job when being interviewed for a
SG3.2.2 participate in discussions SG4.2.1 discuss with upper basic expectations for different particular job by a prospective
about personal-social or school grade students solutions for a vocational positions employer
related topics problem SV1.2.2 engage in mock job SV2.2.2 discuss conflict resolution
SG3.2.3 interview specialists SG4.2.2 interview specialists interviews strategies in a variety of job-
in other subjects to research in other subjects to produce SV1.2.3 interview speakers related situations
information for an essay in other academic essays of English, if possible, on SV2.2.3 interview speakers
subjects SG4.3.1 assess a formal vocationally relevant topics of English, if possible, on
SG3.3.1 assess a formal presentation done by an upper SV1.3.1 do a presentation with a vocationally relevant topics
presentation given by an upper basic grade student by analyzing peer on a job related issue SV2.2.4 participate in CMC on
basic grade student by analyzing and critiquing the effectiveness SV1.3.2 create and present orally topics of vocational interest
and critiquing the effectiveness of the speaker’s demeanor, a list of technical job-related SV2.2.5 volunteer and participate
of the speaker’s voice, language, voice, language, gestures, clarity words and expressions and in vocationally relevant job
gestures, clarity of thought, of thought, organization of explain their meanings situations
organization of evidence, evidence, and delivery SV1.3.3 role-play a workplace SV2.3.1 do a presentation on a job
relevance, and delivery SG4.3.2 present topics from other situation in an area of vocational related issue
SG3.3.2 present several topics in subjects interest SV2.3.2 role-play a conflict and
other subjects SG4.3.3 make a short formal SV1.4.1 in a small group, produce its resolution in a workplace
SG3.3.3 make a short formal presentation on a real-life topic a media advertisement related situation in an area of vocational
presentation on a real-life topic using a well-structured narrative to area of interest or vocational interest
using a well-structured narrative or logical argument study SV2.3.3 take part in a variety
or logical argument SG4.3.4 read aloud a well-known of well-prepared authentic
SG3.3.4 read aloud a well-known speech in literature using voice vocationally relevant
speech in literature using voice strength, gestures, eye contact… presentations to the class
strength, gestures, eye contact… etc. SV2.3.4 in a small group, produce a
etc. multi-media presentation describing
an area of vocational study

G1 G2 G3 G4
R1.1.1 recognize letters of the R2.1.1 identify all the small and capital letters R3.1.1 match spoken short, simple R4.1.1 distinguish between formal
English alphabet of the English alphabet words and sentences with print and informal use of some words
R1.1.2 recognize small and R2.1.2 recognize learned simple words and R3.1.2 recognize familiar short, R4.2.1 use picture clues to make
capital letters phrases simple words and phrases predictions about content while
R1.1.3 recognize simple R2.1.3 match simple words with their printed R3.2.1 learn new words through reading independently
words and phrases form direct instruction and assigned R4.2.2 ask questions while reading
R1.2.1 read English from left R2.2.1 show understanding of the new learned independent language exercises R4.2.3 use punctuation to understand
to right words and activities a reading text
R1.3.1 show understanding R2.2.2 use picture clues to predict the R3.2.2 recognize the components of R4.2.4 use dictionaries to help
and ability to read out meaning of simple words, phrases and compound words to understand understand unfamiliar words in
learned simple words about short sentences (of three to four words) their meaning short reading materials
names, objects, actions, when reading R3.2.3 infer the meaning of new R4.3.1 recognize and name some
and numbers when reading R2.2.3 ask questions to understand simple words through familiar contexts basic kinds of short, simple
through different activities words and phrases R3.2.4 use picture clues to make reading material
R1.3.2 recognize the R2.3.1 show understanding of learned basic predictions about the content of R4.3.2 identify the topic of short,
characters in the reading words, phrases, and short sentences about reading materials simple poems
materials names, objects, actions, and numbers when R3.2.5 use knowledge of R4.3.3 identify main character,
R1.4.1 use picture clues and reading punctuation to understand what settings, and events in short
illustrations to determine R2.3.2 recognize the characters in the reading they read simple stories
the meaning of basic words materials R3.2.6 ask and respond to questions R4.3.4 retell or act out the important
R1.4.2 recognize basic R2.4.1 demonstrate understanding of basic before, during and after reading events in a short, simple narrative
familiar expressions when familiar information when reading R3.3.1 demonstrate understanding R4.4.1 begin to form simple opinions
reading R2.4.2 make connections between illustrations of short, simple rhymes and about characters, events and
and simple (short) written materials songs information in reading materials
R3.3.2 describe main characters, R4.4.2 relate English phrases to
settings and events in short, familiar personal experiences
simple songs and rhymes R4.5.1 find information on a
R3.4.1 demonstrate understanding favourite topic
of simple familiar information
when reading
R3.4.2 demonstrate understanding
of simple familiar instructions
when reading

G5 G6 G7 G8
R5.1.1 recognize the use R6.1.1 use context and direct instruction R7.1.1 skim and scan authentic R8.1.1 use context to guess
of simple prefixes and to understand the meaning of new and reading materials on topics meanings of new words or
suffixes to change the unfamiliar words related to prior knowledge or phrases
meaning of words R6.1.2 scan simple written materials to personal interest R8.1.2 skim and scan reading
R5.2.1 use context and visual preview them for general content before R7.1.2 make use of punctuation to materials to identify relevant
clues to predict or identify starting to read understand reading materials information
meaning of unfamiliar R6.1.3 skim simple written materials for the R7.1.3 use knowledge of prefixes, R8.1.3 use knowledge of word
words main ideas suffixes and roots to understand parts, foreign origins, and simple
R5.2.2 use print or electronic R6.1.4 use knowledge of verb tenses to the meaning of new and derivations to understand the
bilingual dictionaries understand when things happen unfamiliar words meaning of new words
to help understand R6.1.5 use English print or electronic R7.1.4 use print and electronic R8.1.4 use print and electronic
unfamiliar words in dictionaries and glossaries to help dictionaries and glossaries to dictionaries and glossaries to
reading materials understand unfamiliar words in simple find meanings, pronunciation, confirm word meanings, parts of
R5.3.1 distinguish fact from reading materials and synonyms of words speech, and clarify meaning
opinion in simple reading R6.2.1 distinguish fact from opinion in R7.2.1 summarize or paraphrase R8.2.1 outline sequence of events
materials simple reading materials key ideas in reading materials or ideas
R5.3.2 distinguish cause and R6.2.2 identify cause and effect in simple R7.2.2 explain an author’s purpose R8.2.2 summarize a short document
effect in simple reading and literary reading material for writing R8.2.3 interpret reading materials
materials R6.2.3 draw conclusions from simple R7.2.3 explain whether events are by asking and answering
R5.3.3 explain point of reading materials believable questions
view in simple reading R6.2.4 explain an author’s point of view in a R7.2.4 read ( silently or loudly) R8.2.4 assess the value of reading
materials simple text for a variety of purposes from a materials
R5.3.4 draw an illustration R6.2.5 create a mind map/ a chart of the friend, news item, etc. R8.2.5 analyse the content of
based on simple reading main idea and the supporting details in R7.2.5 recommend an interesting reading materials in order to
materials simple reading materials book to a peer make inferences
R5.4.1 express an opinion R6.2.6 retell what happens in a simple story R7.3.1 locate and use facts and R8.3.1 show appreciation of texts
based on information R6.2.7 read aloud short poems opinions to support own ideas based on relating new ideas to
from a written source R6.3.1 develop opinions based on R7.3.2 identify the moral of events previous beliefs, values and
R5.4.2 explain similarities information from two simple written R7.3.3 read independently for experiences while reading
and differences between sources enjoyment R8.3.2 read independently short
events in simple reading R6.3.2 explain (with evidence) the motive of passages from magazines and
materials and personal a character in a simple story newspapers for information and
experiences enjoyment

G9 G10 Level One Level Two

R9.1.1 make a list of words that are the same in R10.1.1 use print RG1.1.1 read various types of RG2.1.1 read various types of texts
Arabic and English and share it with peers to and electronic texts silently and take notes for silently and distinguish main
build vocabulary dictionaries and study purposes ideas from supporting details
R9.1.2 build vocabulary by visiting a website glossaries to confirm RG1.1.2 use context clues to RG2.1.2 deduce the meaning of
with a “word of the day” feature word meanings, determine the meaning of some unknown words from
R9.1.3 read silently different types of reading pronunciation, parts unknown words context clues
materials for specific purposes of speech, derivations, RG1.1.3 use knowledge of stems RG2.1.3 use synonyms and similar
R9.1.4 skim written materials before reading synonyms, antonyms, and affixes to determine the cognates to paraphrase texts
to determine their purpose or the type of the and clarify shades of meaning of new vocabulary RG2.2.1 read and understand
material meaning RG1.1.4 use syntax clues to authentic written English texts
R9.1.5 scan reading materials for general R10.2.1 identify the main understand the meaning of a on topics of specific or general
information for a project ideas in informational text interest
R9.1.6 use print and electronic dictionaries materials and explain RG1.1.5 make, confirm, and RG2.2.2 identify different forms of
and glossaries to confirm word meanings, how the details support revise predictions based on text such as narrative, factual,
pronunciation, parts of speech, derivations, the main idea prior knowledge and evidence poetic
and clarify shades of meaning R10.2.2 recognize the from the text RG2.2.3 make judgments and
R9.2.1 identify the relationship among facts, organizational pattern RG1.1.6 scan an exposition for draw conclusions about ideas
ideas, concepts and themes in reading of a text particular information in written materials on the basis
materials R10.2.3 paraphrase RG1.1.7 skim an exposition to get of evidence drawn from other
R9.2.2 analyse text content to develop a information, ideas, the gist sources
supported interpretation opinions and themes RG1.2.1 identify the RG2.2.4 analyse information and
R9.2.3 evaluate information in a variety of in written reading characteristics of different ideas and draw conclusions
resources to select materials for personal or materials about various forms of text such as narrative, about the validity of
school-related purposes topics factual, poetic informational sources
R9.2.4 interpret literary reading materials by R10.3.1 read relevant RG1.2.2 make judgments and RG2.3.1 make, confirm, and
asking and answering questions material to get draw supported conclusions deduce conclusions based on
R9.3.1 explain connections between what they background about ideas in written materials prior knowledge and evidence
read, personal ideas and beliefs information on current RG1.2.3 describe information of from the text
R9.3.2 read different types of magazine and issues and events different types RG2.3.2 recognize emotions being
newspaper articles to obtain information and R10.3.2 read various RG1.3.1 read for enjoyment expressed (or experienced)
show enjoyment articles and stories for texts recommended by peers, when reading a short narrative
R9.3.3 read independently to acquire information enjoyment teachers and family members RG2.3.3 read functional texts to
on topics related to hobbies and interests R10.3.3 read functional RG1.3.2 read functional texts to perform tasks
material for a variety of perform task

Level Three Level Four V Level One V Level Two
RG3.1.1 use contextual clues to RG4.1.1 use prior knowledge to RV1.1.1 read a variety of RV2.1.1 skim and scan for general
understand the meaning of texts deduce meaning of words and vocationally relevant and specific information from
RG3.1.2 skim texts to deduce and infer phrases materials to build technical texts, graphs, and charts in an
the meaning of the text RG4.1.2 make predictions and vocabulary in an area of area of vocational interest
RG3.1.3 scan texts for specific inferences from the text by citing specialization RV2.1.2 select and use appropriate
purposes text based evidence RV1.1.2 skim and scan skills for reading a variety of
RG3.1.4 explain the role of linking RG4.2.1 make inferences based on for reading purposes to technical reading materials in an
words in a text implicit and explicit information find general and specific area of vocational interest
RG3.1.5 distinguish between passive and provide justification for information in texts, RV2.1.3 keep (prepare) a word list
and active knowledge of vocabulary inferences graphs and charts of specialized words in an area
RG3.2.1 agree or disagree with an RG4.2.2 paraphrase or summarize RV1.1.3 select and use of study
author’s point of view main ideas and supporting details appropriate skills for RV2.2.1 explain the uses and effect
RG3.2.2 summarize and paraphrase in an academic essay reading technical reading of technical concepts in an area
main ideas and supporting details in RG4.2.3 display some material of vocational interest
a report comprehension beyond the literal RV1.2.1 use functional RV2.2.2 read texts related to areas
RG3.2.3 read and understand authentic level in familiar texts reading materials to of vocational interest and explain
written English texts having to do RG4.2.4 support personal understand how to perform what they reveal about work in
with topics of general and academic interpretations of a text with a task in vocational areas that area
interest evidence from the text of interest RV2.2.3 read and summarize
RG3.2.4 make inferences based on RG4.3.1 read various texts silently RV1.2.2 read and follow written technical and
explicit and implicit information in to understand, reinforce or instructions when professional materials related to
texts challenge personal views and completing concrete area of vocational interest
RG3.2.5 clarify and develop own experiences practical tasks RV2.2.4 read instructions, credit
points of view by examining the RG4.3.2 use previous experience, RV1.2.3 read literary works to card or job applications, and
ideas of different authors on the knowledge of current issues, find out more about areas timetables to perform everyday
same topic information previously learned of vocational interest life functions
RG3.3.1 use previous experience, to make connections and draw RV1.3.1 make connections RV2.3.1 relate new knowledge to
knowledge of current issues to conclusion about what is read between the ideas and previous knowledge about area
challenge ideas in texts RG4.3.3 develop own point of view information presented in of vocational interest
RG3.3.2 read instructions, credit cards, on a topic after analysing the technical papers about an RV2.3.2 make connections among
advertisements, or job applications ideas of different authors area of vocational interest themes and ideas expressed in
to participate in daily life situations RG4.3.4 use personal experience to and prior knowledge various materials based on their
support an interpretation of a text personal experiences

G1 G2 G3 G4
W1.1.1 copy English numbers, W2.1.1 print the English W3.1.1 copy short, simple W4.1.1 copy capital and small English
and capital and small letters alphabet, simple words sentences correctly, legibly letters in semi-cursive handwriting
correctly and phrases, and numbers and neatly W4.1.2 write English sentences in
W1.1.2 print the English alphabet correctly, legibly, and neatly W3.1.2 print short, simple semi-cursive handwriting correctly,
and numbers legibly W2.1.2 fill in blanks to form sentences correctly, legibly legibly, and neatly
W1.1.3 print single words neatly basic short sentences and and neatly W4.2.1 complete a template of a short,
W1.2.1 label objects charts W3.2.1 complete a short, simple simple letter or an email to a friend
W1.2.2 fill in missing letters to W2.2.1 write basic phrases to letter to a friend W4.2.2 write answers to short, simple
complete a word describe pictures, objects, W3.2.2 make simple cards and questions on different topics
W1.2.3 fill in missing words to people, and activities by posters W4.2.3 produce a poster in English for a
complete a sentence choosing appropriate words W3.2.3 write a list of actions school activity
W1.3.1 write from left to right from a given list W3.2.4 write a simple W4.2.4 write a short, simple entry in a
W1.3.2 alphabetize by first letter W2.2.2 make simple cards for description of one’s city learning log
W1.4.1 spell simple familiar words friends containing English W3.3.1 alphabetize a list of W4.3.1 arrange jumbled sentences into a
correctly words. simple words very short, simple story
W1.4.2 use capital letters for names W2.3.1 produce simple groups of W3.3.2 sequence a simple series W4.3.2 spell correctly learned simple
W1.5.1 correct the spelling and related items in a web of actions vocabulary
capitalization of words with W2.4.1 use capital letters for the W3.4.1 use and spell correctly W4.3.3 organize simple information in
teacher assistance names of people and places learned short, simple tables and charts
W2.4.2 use simple single vocabulary W4.3.4 arrange jumbled information in
adjectives to describe objects W3.4.2 use capital letters for simple tables and charts
W2.5.1 revise simple written names and when starting a W4.4.1 use capitalization appropriately
work using capital and small sentence W4.4.2 use end punctuation correctly
letters W3.4.3 use an apostrophe to W4.4.3 use capital letters for names and
show simple possession when starting a sentence
W3.5.1 correct spelling and use W4.4.4 identify and write examples of
of capital and small letters simple words that sound the same
with the assistance of peers W4.4.5 correct misspelling and use
of capitalization, period, question
mark and exclamation mark with the
assistance of peers and teachers

G5 G6 G7 G8
W5.1.1 locate information using W6.1.1 locate and use English W7.1.1 locate and use simple English W8.1.1 locate and use simple English
headings and sub-headings in reference materials found in the reference materials found in the reference materials found in the
books and magazines classroom and school library classroom and school library school and library
W5.1.2 conduct keyword W6.1.2 use table of contents W7.1.2 use the Internet to locate specific W8.1.2 use the Internet to locate
searches in English electronic and keyword search to locate information for assignments in English specific information and make
learning materials specific information in print or W7.1.3 take notes from resource materials notes about it
W5.1.3 locate and select suitable electronic sources W7.1.4 summarize information W8.1.3 use the Internet to investigate
electronic greeting cards W6.1.3 use organizational features W7.2.1 write multi-paragraph a theme related to personal
for different occasions to to locate specific information on compositions interests
exchange with friends CD ROMs W7.2.2 write short reports W8.1.4 summarize information
W5.2.1 write an introductory W6.2.1 write meaningful W7.2.3 produce 2-3 -paragraphs about a W8.2.1 write a short paragraph based
sentence for a short, simple sentences and paragraphs using personal experience on information extracted from a
paragraph that clearly given frameworks such as a W7.2.4 write answers to questions based simple map, graph or diagram
identifies the topic of the substitution table and jumbled on reading materials W8.2.2 write a paragraph by
paragraph sentences W7.2.5 write a variety of computer- expanding notes or answering a
W5.2.2 write a short, simple W6.2.2 write a simple information mediated communication (CMC) texts series of questions
descriptive paragraph of four paragraph of four or five to peers on topics related to study W8.2.3 write a short report on the
or five sentences sentences needs content of a book or short story
W5.2.3 write a simple letter or W6.2.3 write a simple story of short W7.2.6 translate words from Arabic into W8.2.4 write two or three paragraphs
email to a friend paragraphs following a guided English and vice versa based on reading
W5.2.4 write a short entry in a composition process W7.2.7 create a poster W8.2.5 fill in forms correctly and
learning log W6.2.4 write a simple letter or W7.3.1 use substitution tables or any neatly, given name, address, date
W5.2.5 with partner, write a short email to a friend other given framework to write of birth, nationality, religion, and
dialogue to present to the class W6.2.5 write entries in a learning meaningful paragraphs other essential information
W5.3.1 use a model to plan a log W7.3.2 organize 2-3 -paragraphs W8.2.6 write a short letter which has
short, simple descriptive W6.2.6 write a simple short speech W7.3.3 organize paragraphs by a specific function
paragraph about a picture or of four or five sentences to sequencing events in a narrative W8.2.7 translate short sentences
an illustration present to the class W7.3.4 create authentic charts and tables from English into Arabic and vice
W5.4.1 use and spell correctly W6.3.1 write paragraphs using of information versa
learned vocabulary proper organization W7.4.1 spell correctly learned vocabulary W8.3.1 develop 2-3 paragraphs using
W5.4.2 check sources for W6.3.2 rewrite a paragraph in a W7.4.2 write dictated material using organizational patterns
accuracy of information simple narrative as required correct punctuation W8.4.1 spell correctly learned
W5.4.3 seek advice about W6.4.1 use and spell correctly W7.5.1 correct spelling and punctuation vocabulary
appropriate words for specific learned vocabulary independently W8.4.2 write dictated material using
topics W6.4.2 vary sentence structure by W7.5.2 review written work for consistent correct spelling and punctuation
W5.4.4 correct spelling, using simple and compound use of voice both independently and W8.5.1 edit the writing of a peer
punctuation with the sentences correctly with the assistance of peers for spelling, punctuation,
assistance of peers and W6.4.3 write a dictated paragraph organization, and clarity of
teachers using correct punctuation marks meaning

G9 G10 Level One Level Two
W9.1.1 locate and use English W10.1.1 locate and use English reference WG1.1.1 use multiple Internet sources to WG2.1.1 use multiple Internet
reference materials found in the materials found in the school and public gain information for oral and written sources to gain information
school and public libraries libraries reports on topics related to personal for written reports on topics
W9.1.2 use the Internet to locate W10.1.2 use multiple Internet sources to gain interests and school projects related to personal interests
specific information and make information for oral and written reports WG1.1.2 locate and use print and and school projects
notes for simple research projects on topics related to personal interests and electronic English reference materials WG2.1.2 locate and use print
in other subjects school projects found in the school and public libraries and electronic English
W9.1.3 use the Internet to W10.1.3 interview peers, teacher, family and WG1.1.3 consult FAQs on websites to reference materials found
investigate a theme related to community members in English about a locate information on specific topics in the school and public
personal interests and school variety of topics for specific purposes libraries
studies W10.2.1 write 3 well-developed paragraphs WG1.2.1 translate informational and WG2.1.3 use email to contact
W9.1.4 summarize information on a topic of general interest literary reading materials from Arabic peers or websites that may
W9.2. 1 write 2-3 paragraphs on W10.2.2 prepare an e-presentation to into English and vice versa have information related to
different topics demonstrate understanding of a theme or WG1.2.2 produce written responses to an assignment
W9.2.2 write a short, informal letter an issue related to literary works analytical comprehension questions WG2.2.1 write a report about
with a specific function W10.2.3 complete forms related to texts read in class an important topic
W9.2.3 fill in application forms, W10.2.4 email others on topics related to WG1.2.3 write 3-4 paragraphs explaining WG2.2.2 write a job
giving essential information study needs and personal interests a concept application
about one’s self W10.2.5 translate short paragraphs from WG1.2.4 complete authentic forms in WG2.2.3 prepare a multimedia
W9.2.4 translate sentences and short English into Arabic English presentation about a topic
paragraphs from Arabic into W10.3.1 transform information from a visual WG1.3.1 organize information to develop WG2.3.1 develop a central idea
English and vice versa or non-linear to a linear text and vice a central idea using well-linked using 3-4 well-linked and
W9.3.1 develop 2-3 paragraphs versa paragraphs well-developed paragraphs
using an organizational pattern W10.3.2 organize information into an WG1.3.2 write well-organized and WG2.3.2 produce essays with
such as a series of examples e-presentation coherent paragraphs with a topic effective transitions within
W9.3.2 organize a simple W10.4.1 write a text dictated at reasonable sentence, supporting sentences, and a and across paragraphs
e-presentation speed, using correct punctuation marks concluding sentence WG2.4.1produce
W9.4.1 spell correctly learned W10.4.2 write a paragraph using complex WG1.4.1 produce grammatically correct grammatically correct
vocabulary sentences with appropriate subordinating sentences with an expanded number of complex sentences with
W9.4.2 write dictated material using conjunctions coordinate conjunctions an expanded number of
correct spelling and punctuation W10.4.3 identify some differences between WG1.4.2 write different types of sentences subordinate conjunctions
W9.5.1 with a peer, use a spell normal written texts and computer- showing different discourse functions WG2.4.2 produce
check and program to edit mediated communication (CMC) texts WG1.5.1 review own written work and grammatically correct
the writing for spelling and W10.5.1 revise own written work and that that of peers for appropriate use of compound sentences with
punctuation of peers for clear and coherent text with form, style and tone to suit intended appropriate conjunctive
W9.5.2 revise own work to enhance correct standard of English purposes and audiences adverbs
the precision, clarity, and artistry W10.5.2 edit and proofread own written WG1.5.2 edit and proofread own written WG2.5.1 revise written work
of written communications work and that of peers to produce clear work and that of peers to produce final for accuracy, clarity,
W9.5.3 edit final drafts of written and coherent texts with correct spelling drafts with correct standard English: correctness and coherence
work for conventions of standard and punctuation spelling, punctuation, usage, and with the assistance of peers
English W10.5.3 use spell check, dictionaries, etc. to grammar and teachers
edit texts

Level Three Level Four V Level One V Level Two

WG3.1.1 use multiple Internet WG4.1.1 locate and use print and electronic WV1.1.1 locate and use WV2.1.1 locate and use a variety
sources to gain information for English reference materials found in the print and electronic of print and electronic English
oral and written reports on a school and public libraries English reference reference materials found in the
variety of personal and academic WG4.1.2 use multiple Internet sources to materials found in school and public libraries
topics gain information for oral and written the school and public WV2.1.2 conduct research on the
WG3.1.2 locate and use print and reports on a variety of academic topics libraries Internet to search for multiple
electronic English reference WG4.1.3 use subject-based diagrams, graphs WV1.1.2 conduct research sources of information on a
materials found in the school and and charts to locate specific information on the Internet to variety of topics related to
public libraries for a project search for multiple their interests and specialized
WG3.1.3 locate an electronic WG4.2.1 write a report explaining the value sources of information vocational areas
template for a résumé of multimedia in communication on topics related to WV2.1.3 search the Internet for
WG3.2.1 summarize academic texts WG4.2.2 produce academic essays on a their interests and templates for a specialized
related to social and academic variety of topics in different subject areas specialized vocational writing forms in an area of
topics and issues WG4.2.3 produce a variety of formal areas vocational interest
WG3.2.2 produce well-developed authentic business texts WV1.1.3 search the WV2.2.1 write various types of
academic essays on a variety of WG4.2.4 use a multimedia presentation to Internet for a template business letters related to areas
social and academic topics demonstrate understanding of a theme or for a specialized of vocational interest
WG3.2.3 produce a variety of issue of general interest writing forms in WV2.2.2 fill in forms of
formal authentic texts WG4.3.1 produce essays which include an vocational areas of commercial interaction, such
WG3.3.1 organize ideas and introduction, supporting paragraphs, and interest as invoices and job application
information in essays logically a conclusion, using transitions within and WV1.2.1 produce forms related to areas of
and creatively to produce clear across paragraphs complete sentences vocational interest
and interesting writing WG4.3.2 use features of electronic using appropriate WV2.2.3 complete dialogues
WG3.3.2 develop a series information to form electronic projects terminology in and simulations that reflect
of paragraphs using an WG4.4.1 use and spell appropriate academic vocational areas of professional language and
organizational pattern such as an vocabulary correctly when writing interest situations related to areas of
analogy WG4.4.2 organize and sequence information WV1.2.2 write short vocational interest
WG3.4.1 use and spell complex and ideas logically with appropriate memos, invitations and WV2.2.4 produce ads, essays,
words correctly conjunctive adverbs advertisements related reports, news items, dialogues
WG3.4.2 use sentences of different WG4.4.3 use sentences of different to vocational areas of related to areas of vocational
structures correctly structures correctly interest interest

Level Three Level Four V Level One V Level Two

WG3.5.1 organize and sequence WG4.5.1 make a list of organizational WV1.2.3 write WV2.2.5 translate texts from
information and ideas logically patterns and select the best one for a short instructions and English into Arabic and vice
with appropriate conjunctive essay directions about a versa related to areas of
adverbs WG4.5.2 review own written work and that specific task related vocational interest
WG3.5.3 review, edit and proofread of peers for appropriate use of form, to vocational areas of WV2.2.6 email others on topics
own written work and that of style and tone to suit authentic academic interest related to their study needs and
peers to produce final texts purposes and audiences WV1.2.4 write notes and personal interests
with correct standard English: WG4.5.3 edit and proofread own written short reports to convey WV2.2.7 use multimedia to design
spelling, punctuation, usage, and work and that of peers to produce final information related presentations about topics related
grammar drafts with correct standard English: to vocational areas to areas of vocational interest
WG3.5.4 use electronic spell and spelling, punctuation, usage, and grammar of interest to specific WV2.3.1 reorganize information
grammar check programs to edit WG4.5.4 use electronic spell and grammar persons contained in tables, charts, and
final drafts check programs to edit final drafts WV1.2.5 fill in specialized diagrams into linear texts and
forms and charts vice versa
required by work
related to vocational
areas of interest
WV1.2.6 reorganize
information in tables,
charts, and diagrams
into linear texts

Appendix p l e U n i t s o f
i n g O u t c o m e s
(2) Learn
GRADES: 5 - 10
Organizers: Listening and Speaking
Learning Outcomes Suggested Instructional Strategies Suggested Assessment Strategies Resources

It is expected that students Direct Instruction: Observation: Students keep a • CDs

will: Teacher provides directions on how to create learning log of their progress on a • Internet
• convey meaning with web pages. software listening text. • Textbooks
spoken texts. • Cassettes
• listen to and respond to Activity-based Learning: Performance:
peers in problem-solving Students create web pages and report orally Teacher creates a rating scale with
activities such as designing to class or group on progress of picture students to evaluate web pages.
the layout, structure, ideas book, collaborative newspaper project or Oral reports are evaluated with a
or content in a range of questionnaire responses. checklist developed by the teacher
electronic texts. and students
Problem Solving and Investigation:
Students analyse texts produced by others
and contribute own opinions or arguments to
aid revision improvement.

GRADES: 5 - 10
Organizers: Speaking
Learning Outcomes Suggested Instructional Strategies Suggested Assessment Strategies Resources

It is expected that students Direct Instruction: Observation: • textbooks

will: through flash cards/ wall pictures, practice Teacher assesses student interaction • flash cards
• be able to express himself/ & drill work from a textbook worksheets through a checklist • wall pictures
herself fluently. question & answer, role-plays, oral chatting- • Internet
• be able to communicate demonstration & seminar through the Reflection: • cassette recorders
with native speakers, his/ Internet. Students talk about their experience • T.V.
her teacher, colleagues and with the guest • video
parents. Activity-based Learning:
• produce all the Introduce a situation where students are to Pencil and Paper:
phonological sounds in interact with each other (simulation) and Presentations are evaluated by a
language system. resolve a problem. rubric created by the students and
teacher with specific criteria.
Group Learning:
Teacher chooses one student from each group
to act the role of the guest. Other students in
each group are to communicate with him/her
on teacher selected problems

GRADES: 1 – 4
Organizer: Reading
Learning Outcomes Suggested Instructional Strategies Suggested Assessment Strategies Resources

It is expected that students Direct Instruction: Observation: • Textbook

will: After utilizing the textbook, the teacher Teacher assesses students by • Educational CDs.
• comprehend short texts and directs the students to use CDs to find short observing them and making
carry out reading activities. texts on a specific topic. contributions to the group
- answering questions Activity-based Learning: Performance:
- filling in the blanks Students read the texts taken from the CDs Students prepare short presentations
- completion and summarize them. on problems from the text and
- matching its relation to real life situations.
- write opinion(s) Activity-based Learning: Presentations are evaluated by
Student groups complete activities (filling teacher using a class developed rubric
in blanks, sentence completion, opinions,
matching correct responses, etc) using Reflection:
worksheets. Students self-assess their work
individually and in groups by using
Problem Solving and Investigation: learning logs and checklists.
Students investigate problems in the text,
gather more information/ data, and relate it to
real life situations.

GRADES: 11 – 12
Organizer: Reading
Learning Outcomes Suggested Instructional Strategies Suggested Assessment Strategies Resources

It is expected that students Direct Instruction: Observation: • E-text

will: Teacher provides a set of questions related to Students self-assess their answers in • PC
• talk about the main ideas in the topic. Students are instructed to open their groups/pairs. Teacher assesses using • Books
a written e-text PCs, click the file text (e.g. weather), and read observation/ prepared checklist. • Articles
• elaborate on the main the text silently. • Journals
themes of each paragraph Performance: • Newspapers
• evaluate the style of the Activity-based Learning: Students click the underlined words • Reports related to the
text Students use various techniques to explain the to make sure that their answers match topic
meanings of the underlined words: the pictures that appear.
- answer the questions using full sentences The first student in the group passes
- reorganize the answers to form a paragraph. the first sentence to the second
student & so on… The leader of the
Critical Thinking: group reads the whole sentences.
Students rewrite the paragraph expressing Then he/ she presents orally the main
their point of view. ideas. All groups/pairs do the same.
Students discuss orally, summarize,
take notes, participate in a debate,
discuss the writer’s tone and attitude
and relate the content to their daily
life, etc..

GRADES: 1 – 4
Organizer: (Guided) Writing
Learning Outcomes Suggested Instructional Strategies Suggested Assessment Strategies Resources

It is expected that students Direct Instruction: Self assessment: • PCs

will: Teacher introduces a sample of a target model Students edit their writing and • Poster
• write a paragraph on a poster, and comments on the topic and modify as required using a checklist • Notebooks
following a specific model; structure. prepared by the teacher.
- a letter, Group Learning: Peer assessment:
- a poem, Teacher presents more examples and asks Students exchange writings and give
- a short story student groups to identify common features. comments.
- instructions Teacher erases a related group of lexical items
- directions and asks students to replace them. Presentation- rubric:
- dialogue Students present their writing ….
Activity-based Learning: and teacher comments and assesses
Students work individually and write their against pre-described
topics using PCs. criteria in a rubric:
- quality of ideas
- understanding of writing form
- written expression
- grammar, spelling, punctuation

Active listening skills: Active listening skills include: facing the speaker, between or among information and ideas.
being attentive to the tone and gestures of the speaker, asking questions, and Comparison and contrast: Comparisons show similarities and differences
taking notes. between two things or processes; contrasts show only differences.
Active vocabulary (productive): Active vocabulary are words that learners Completeness: Completeness refers to whether a topic has been fully and
understand and use in speaking or writing. cf. passive vocabulary adequately explained.
Accuracy: The use of language in a way that is normally considered correct Consonance: A literary device in which two or more adjacent words, or
and acceptable by native speakers. words near each other, repeat the same consonant letter or sound (e.g., the
Alliteration: Alliteration is a literary device in which two or more adjacent tiny tot sat in the tub).
words, or words near each other, begin with the same letter or sound (e.g., Context: Context refers to the situation in which language is used. Students
beat, the big bass drum). are expected to use English a variety of social, vocational, and academic
Analogy: An analogy makes a comparison between two similar things and contexts.
is usually used to explain something complex in terms of something simple Correctness: Correctness refers to the accurate and standard use of
(e.g., sound waves explained in terms of waves in water). English spelling, punctuation, grammar, and usage. Students are taught
Antonym: An antonym is a word that has the opposite meaning of another British usage in the textbooks. However, when there is a difference between
word (e.g., small and large). American and British spelling and/or usage, both should be accepted as
Assonance: A literary device in which two or more adjacent words, or words correct in Jordan schools.
near each other, repeat the same vowel sound (e.g., the wind howled and Cursive: In cursive writing, letters are connected to one another on the page
bawled over the land). as opposed to being presented as individual printed letters.
Authentic texts and contexts: Although school is for the most part an Deductive reasoning: Deductive reasoning develops from the general to
artificial learning environment, students are acquiring knowledge and skills to the specific (e.g., Because the Noble Qur’an tells us to worship God, one
use in the real world. The more “authentic” the learning, the easier it will be concludes that it is good to worship God.)
to transfer it to real-world contexts (e.g., newspaper items, magazine articles, Derivation: The derivation of a word refers to the origin of the word
tapes of natural speech taken from actual radio or T.V. programmes). (e.g., the English word “table” derives from the Latin word “tabula”).
Basic, short, simple, familiar, unfamiliar words, sentences, paragraphs, Description/descriptive: A description describes events, processes or states.
contexts: These words are used to describe gradations of complexity in the Descriptive writing usually uses adjectives language.
outcomes. Dialogue: A dialogue is a script or exchange of language between two
Cause and effect: The organization of information in terms of one thing participants.
leading to another or one thing being the result of another. Electronic dictionaries: Electronic dictionaries are dictionaries on the
Clarity: Clarity refers to whether information and ideas are expressed clearly. Internet or on a CD Rom. A student types a word into a field in an electronic
Classroom controlled or guided contexts: In the early stages of learning dictionary to find the definition of the word.
a foreign language, students benefit from using the new language under E-presentation: A presentation using electronic equipment or software such
controlled and guided conditions. Later, students can use the language in as Microsoft PowerPoint.
more “authentic” contexts. Explicit, implicit meanings: Explicit meanings are directly stated in the text;
(CMC) Computer-mediated communication: learner’s communication via implicit meanings are indirectly stated in the text and must be inferred.
ICT (e.g., emails, chat rooms, text messaging.) FAQs: FAQ refers to Frequently Asked Questions. Most websites provide
Coherence: Coherence refers to the underlying connectedness relationship answers to FAQs. It is a good place to start finding information about the

topic, service or product the website is about. plays, and poems are included in this category.
Fluency: Fluency refers to the ease with which a person can use language to Media: In secondary Advanced and Vocational EFL programs, students are
communicate clearly and correctly. asked to listen to and produce media products. In today’s world, these are
Formal: The language used in business and academic oral and written essential means of using English to acquire knowledge and communicate
contexts is called formal. Formal language tends to use more complex ideas.
grammar and more conservative vocabulary. Metaphor: A metaphor is a figure of speech that implies a comparison (e.g.,
Glossary: A glossary provides the definition of a list of words in a book or the moon floated in the sky).
document. Narrative: A narrative presents information as a series of events or story.
Guided contexts: In the early stages of learning a foreign language, Onomatopoeia: Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech in which the words
students benefit from using the new language under controlled and then sound like what they mean (e.g., the clip clop of hooves clanged on the
guided conditions. Later, students can use the language in more “authentic” rocks).
contexts. Organization: One organizes information and ideas in words, sentences, and
Homonym: Homonyms are words that have the same sound, but different paragraphs in a way that helps the reader better understand the content. In
meanings (e.g., sees, seize, seas). general, organization requires a beginning, middle, and end. The organization
Humour: Humour refers to ideas that are amusing or light-hearted in tone. usually has a reasonable or logical pattern. Some of the most common
Idiom: An idiom is a phrase which has a meaning that is commonly patterns are narrative, a series of examples, cause and effect, and comparison
understood by native speakers, but whose meaning is often different from the and contrast.
normal meaning of the words. Passive vocabulary (receptive): Passive vocabulary are words that learners
Inductive reasoning: Inductive reasoning develops from the specific to understand but don’t use yet. cf. active vocabulary
the general (e.g., Because it rarely rains in Jordan in the summer time, Personal, social, vocational, academic contexts: These are different
one concludes that water collection in the winter is necessary.) See also kinds of authentic contexts
Deductive reasoning. Pictionary: A pictionary is a dictionary that uses pictures to define words.
ICT: ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the use of another’s ideas or words as if they were
Inflection: Inflection refers to the way in which words change, often by your own. Sources of ideas and quoted words must be acknowledged by
change in ending (e.g., to show differences in tense or number: worked, footnotes and quotation marks when used in your written work.
flowers). Prefix: A prefix is a syllable added to the beginning of a word to change its
Informal: The language used in conversation or in emails is usually informal. meaning (e.g., “unhappy”, “supermarket”).
Informal language tends to use simple grammar and everyday vocabulary. Print: To write (letters or words) in characters similar to those commonly
See also formal. used in print (e.g., electronic printers).
Informational texts are primarily used to provide information. Labels, Reading: Reading is defined as the process of actively making meaning
brochures, catalog reports, and essays are included in this category. across a variety of informational and literary texts.
Intonation: Intonation refers to changes in the tone of the voice to convey Reading strategies: Good readers use a variety of strategies to ensure
meaning. Intonation distinguishes questions from statements (e.g., Sure? accurate comprehension. These strategies can be taught to students and
Sure!). students can consciously select and use them to construct meaning from a
Listening: People listen in a variety of social and academic contexts. variety of texts.
Good listeners employ active listening skills. These skills can be taught to Rehearsal: A rehearsal is a practice for a presentation or performance.
students so that they will be good listeners. (See also Active listening skills) Students should have an opportunity to rehearse before any presentation.
Literary texts: are primarily used to teach, entertain and inspire. Stories, Research: Students do research for many reasons including expanding their

understanding, building their vocabulary, and gathering information and ideas Skim: The reader looks over a text to get an initial overview of the subject
for projects and written work. Sources for research include print materials matter and the main ideas of a passage.
(e.g., books, dictionaries, magazines) and electronic materials (e.g., the Slang: Slang is very informal or colloquial language. It is often
Internet, CD ROMs). This curriculum expects students to use a wide range of ungrammatical or rude. Slang words change very quickly in English.
resources when conducting research for a wide variety of purposes. Speaking: Speaking is the process of communicating orally.
Response to reading: A reader responds to the text when he or she extends Style: Style in a piece of writing is created by the choice of words and
the meaning of a text by interpreting it or making connections between ideas decisions about arranging the words. Certain kinds of writing require a
in the text and his or her own ideas and experience. certain style (e.g., the formal style of a business letter). Certain authors have
Résumé: A résumé is a document that lists a person’s work, experience, a particular style that is identified with their writing (e.g., the plain language
skills, and educational background. style of Ernest Hemingway).
Rhyme: When words at the end of lines of poetry have the same sound so Suffix: A suffix is a syllable added to the ending of a word to change
that they work together to produce an effect, the poem has a rhyme. its meaning (e.g., from present to past – “walked”, from singular to plural
Rhythm: Rhythm is a regular sound beat or pattern in poetry created by a “birds”, from verb to noun “walker” or from noun to adjective “national”).
combination of stressed and unstressed syllables. Summary: A summary is a short version of an original text which contains
Root word: A root word is a word to which prefixes and suffixes may be the overall meaning and main points of the original.
added to make other words (e.g., “clear” in unclear, clearly, cleared). Synonym: A synonym is a word that has a similar meaning to another word
Scan: The reader looks over a text very quickly, trying to find information by (e.g., small and tiny). See also Antonym.
locating a keyword. Templates: Templates are predetermined formats for a variety of written and
Sentence purposes: Sentences are classified by purpose: declarative presentation forms (e.g., letters, charts, presentation software).
(statements such as “Amman is the capital of Jordan.”), interrogative Text: A text is a group of written, spoken, or electronic words (and images)
(questions such as (“Where is Petra?”), exclamatory (exclamations such as that communicate information and ideas (e.g., a report, a novel).
“Oh, how beautiful is life in the Jordan Valley!”) imperative (commands “Do Text messages are written communications on mobiles. Text messaging is a
your homework.”). very popular and relatively inexpensive means of electronic communication.
Sentence types: Sentences are classified by type: simple (one Most students who have access to a mobile can use this function.
independent clause such as “We drove form Irbid to Jerash.”), compound Thesis statement: The thesis statement tells the reader of your report or
(two or more independent clauses such as “We were tired, but we went essay the main idea of your written work. It tells the reader what you are
to see my father anyway.”), complex (one independent clause and one or writing about (your topic) and what you are saying about it (your thesis).
more dependent clauses such as “When it rains, I thank God.”), compound- Wizards: guides for users of electronic programs (e.g., word-processing and
complex (more than one independent clause and one or more dependent presentation software).
clauses “After the Hajj, many pilgrims travelled through Jordan and many of Writing: Writing is defined as the process of communicating by means of
them bought souvenirs.”). written words.
Show and tell is a term used to describe presentations by students on familiar
topics. The students “show” something (e.g., a favorite toy) and “tell” the
class about it.
Simile: A simile is a figure of speech that makes an explicit comparison of
two things using “like” or “as” (e.g., works like a horse, strong as an ox).
Simulation: A simulation is an imaginary or pretend experience of a real-life

Helpful Websites and References for Teachers of English
British Columbia Ministry of Education: English as a Second Ontario Ministry of Education and Training: Correctional Worker
Language Curriculum Curriculum
http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/esl/ http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/general/college/progstan/humserv/correct.
California Department of Education
http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/engmain.asp Pennsylvania Department of Education: Academic Strands for
Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening
Dave’s ESL Café: http://www.pde.state.pa.us/k12/lib/k12/Reading.pdf
International Teacher Training Organization:
Texas Education Agency
Kansas State Board of Education
http://www.ksde.org/sfp/esol/contentpg.htm The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for Washington State
Massachusetts Department of Education: Framework for Language http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/Writing/default.aspx
http://www.doe.mass.edu/frameworks/ela/0601.pdf http://www.k12.wa.us/CurriculumInstruct/Communications/default.aspx

Mississippi Curriculum Print References

http://www.mde.k12.ms.us/ACAD/ID/Curriculum/LAER/outline.html English Language Curriculum and Its General Guidelines for the
Basic Education Stage. prepared by The English Language National
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and Team, General Directorate of Curricula and Educational Technology,
Language Instruction Educational Programs: Ministry of Education, Jordan,1990.
General Guidelines and Curricula for the Secondary Education Stage:
North Carolina Department of Public Instruction: Comprehensive and Applied. prepared by The English Language
http://www.dpi.state.nc.us/curriculum/languagearts/1999/appendixE.html National Team, General Directorate of Curricula and Educational
Technology, Ministry of Education, Jordan, 1993.
Ontario Ministry of Education Elementary English Curriculum
http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/curricul/elemcurric.html General Guidelines and Curricula for the Basic and Secondary
http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/document/curricul/esl18.pdf Stages. prepared by The English Language National Team, Curricula
and School Textbooks Administration, Ministry of Education, Jordan, 2002.

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