Improved Autotransformer Model For Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV) Studies

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2, APRIL 2012 895

Improved Autotransformer Model for Transient

Recovery Voltage (TRV) Studies
Randy Horton, Senior Member, IEEE, Roger C. Dugan, Fellow, IEEE, Keith Wallace, Member, IEEE, and
Daryl Hallmark, Member, IEEE

Abstract—A three-phase ungrounded fault supplied by a single

autotransformer produces a transient recovery voltage (TRV)
that is often the worst case for a circuit breaker (CB). This
is the so-called “transformer limited fault.” The transformer
model is extremely important for computing this TRV because
it is the key element in the circuit. Unfortunately, data that are
needed for more sophisticated autotransformers models (e.g. Fig. 1. Typical second-order circuit used to determine the TRV associated with
frequency-response analysis (FRA) data) are not readily available transformer-limited faults.
to the study engineer. Consequently, time-domain simulations are
generally based on simplified second order (RLC) transformer
models whose parameters are estimated from curves provided
in IEEE Standard C37.011. This paper provides a more robust
autotransformer model that is based on measurement data that
are more readily available. The model is validated using FRA data
from factory tests. TRV simulation results are compared with
those produced by simplified second-order models. In addition,
capacitance measurement data for twenty-two 230:115-kV auto-
transformers are provided to expand the body of capacitance data
available to the industry.
Index Terms—Electromagnetic transients, power circuit
breakers, power transformers, transient recovery voltage.

I. INTRODUCTION Fig. 2. Capacitance values that are available through the routine test.

VALUATING the possible transient recovery voltages

E (TRVs) that a circuit breaker (CB) may be exposed to
during its service life is an important aspect of providing a
the model, and, therefore, controls the resulting TRV that the
CB must withstand. Therefore, it is paramount that the station
reliable power system. Perhaps, the most important aspect of transformer be modeled as accurately as possible.
performing this evaluation is accurate system modeling in an The TRV created by the interruption of a transformer-limited
electromagnetic transients program. fault is generally characterized by a single frequency transient,
Quite often, the worst-case transient recovery voltage (TRV) and is typically modeled using the second-order equivalent cir-
to which a CB may be exposed during its service life occurs cuit shown in Fig. 1 [1]–[6].
during the interruption of a transformer limited fault. For these The inductance, , shown in Fig. 1 represents the sum
faults, the transformer model is extremely important because it of the positive-sequence source and transformer leakage induc-
determines the resulting TRV across the CB contacts. Due to tances (Thevenin equivalent), respectively, referring to the bus
the high-frequency content of circuit breaker TRVs, the equiva- of interest. In the case of a three-winding autotransformer, the
inductance corresponds to , where terminals and
lent shunt capacitance of the circuit model is an important mod-
are defined in Fig. 2. The capacitance corresponds to the
eling parameter. Usually, the inherent shunt capacitance of the
shunt capacitance of the transformer, bus work, and instrument
power transformer provides most of the shunt capacitance of
transformers, etc., including high-frequency effects. The resis-
tance represents the resistive damping that the transformer
Manuscript received June 23, 2011; revised September 29, 2011; accepted
November 08, 2011. Date of publication December 28, 2011; date of current
provides at high frequencies associated with TRV.
version March 28, 2012. Paper no. TPWRD-00538-2011. When test report data are not available to determine , in-
R. Horton is with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Birmingham, dustry standards, such as IEEE Standard C37.011, provide a
AL 35244 USA.
R. Dugan is with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), Knoxville,
means of estimating typical capacitance values based on trans-
TN 37932 USA. former nameplate ratings and impedance values. This informa-
K. Wallace and D. Hallmark are with Southern Company Services, Birm- tion is provided in what are commonly referred to as the “B
ingham, AL 35203 USA. curves” and are based on research conducted by Harner, et al.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at in the early 1970s [6]. As a part of Harner’s research, 117 power
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2011.2176757 transformers of various ratings were tested. The frequency of the
0885-8977/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

TRV was measured, and the effective capacitance was computed TABLE I
using the transformer’s leakage inductance and the relationship THREE-PHASE AUTOTRANSFORMER CAPACITANCE MEASUREMENT DATA
between inductance, capacitance, and resonant frequency, i.e.,


Satistical analysis was performed, and curves were created

to aid in estimating the apparent terminal capacitance of trans-
formers. However, very few of the 117 transformers were HV or
EHV autotransformers. In fact, at 230 kV, measurement data for
a single autotransformer were used to develop the corresponding
curve [6]. Similarly, a small number of transformers were tested
at 345, 500, and 765 kV. Test results at 345, 500, and 765 kV
were based on three, four, and one transformers, respectively
[6]. Thus, using these curves to estimate the parameters of large
autotransformers rated 230 kV and above is not recommended.
More recent work in the area of TRV [7], [8] has suggested
that second-order models for autotransformers may not be valid
for TRV studies. This observation was based on the testing of
several autotransformers in the BPA system [7]. Based on these
tests, it was concluded that the second-order model (single res-
onant frequency) may not be valid in all cases because multiple
resonant frequencies were found in some tests. For the purposes
of studying TRV, it is not clear how much accuracy is gained
from higher order models. However, the BPA test results moti- 230:115-kV three-winding autotransformers using the method-
vated the authors of [7] and [8] to explore new methods of de- ology specified in IEEE Standard C57.12.90, and are provided
termining TRV since they were unable to find a suitable model in Table I.
that could account for multiple resonant frequencies. As a result, Typically, the transformers are three phase; thus, the resulting
the researchers developed a novel method of determining the re- values, such as those shown in Table I, must be divided by 3
sulting TRV using FRA data. Although it is assumed that FRA when they are used to construct an equivalent circuit. The total
data are readily available to the study engineer, it is not at many capacitance looking into the H terminal (see Fig. 2) can be
utilities. Furthermore, the FRA data that are available may not determined using
be suitable for TRV studies (e.g., data may be processed through (2)
a high-pass filter to remove the power frequency component [9]
or test lead connections may not be appropriate). Thus, the mo-
There is a complex relationship between the stray capaci-
tivation for the research described in this paper was to develop
tance-to-ground, and the interwinding capacitance and induc-
a transformer model by using measured winding capacitances
tance so that the terminal response of the transformer (resonant
and impedance values that are capable of reproducing the mul-
frequency of a second-order model representation) cannot
tifrequency behavior described in [7].
be determined accurately using capacitance and inductance
An additional goal of this research was to expand the
measurement values obtained at nominal frequency [3], [6].
body of capacitance data available to the industry. This goal
This complex interaction of capacitance and inductance is
was achieved by providing measured capacitance data for
taken into account by adjusting the capacitance measurement
twenty-two 230:115-kV autotransformers.
data. According to [5, Fig. 27], the apparent capacitance at
higher frequencies can range from approximately 30%–80%
of the value measured at nominal frequency during insulation
II. AUTOTRANSFORMER MEASUREMENT DATA integrity tests. However, it is important to note that [5, Fig. 27]
was developed in 1937, and transformer design methods and
Fig. 2 shows the winding capacitances that are available from construction materials have changed significantly since that
test of typical three-winding autotransformers. These tests can time, and likely have an affect on the resulting capacitance.
be performed in the field as a part of a routine transformer main- However, it is still valid to state that the apparent capacitance
tenance program or at the factory. As depicted in Fig. 2, three at higher frequencies will indeed vary significantly from its
discrete capacitance values are available from these tests: measured low-frequency value. Typically, the apparent capaci-
the total capacitance to ground of the common and series wind- tance for lower order transformer models used in TRV studies
ings, the total capacitance between the common and se- is assumed to be 40% of the value obtained during power
ries windings and the tertiary winding, and the capaci- frequency insulation integrity tests [4], [5]. Table II shows
tance to ground of the tertiary winding to ground. Three-phase the resulting single-phase capacitance values developed from
capacitance measurement data were obtained for twenty-two Table I (including a 0.4 factor to account for high-frequency


Fig. 3. Comparison of the autotransformer natural frequencies.

effects) as well as the value obtained using Figure B.1 in

C37.011-1994 for 230-kV transformers.
Using the positive-sequence leakage inductance of the trans-
former that referred to the 230-kV bus, and the terminal capaci-
tance values provided in Table II, the resonant frequency of the
transformer can be determined. The transformer leakage induc-
tance represents the positive-sequence value measured between
the H and X terminals with X terminal short circuited and the Y
Fig. 4. Capacitance placement on an equivalent circuit diagram.
terminal open circuited (see Fig. 2).
Reference [6, Fig. 5] also provides resonant frequency values
versus available three-phase fault current assuming an infinite A. Capacitance Network
source. Fig. 3 compares the maximum and average values
provided in [6, Fig. 5] for 230-kV transformers (referred to as As mentioned previously, there is a complex relationship be-
Harner-Max and Harner-Avg), with calculated values including tween the stray capacitance-to-ground, the interwinding capac-
a 0.4 factor, and the values provided by the B1 curve (90th itance, and leakage inductance so that the terminal response of
percentile) in C37.011-1994. the transformer cannot be determined accurately using parame-
Fig. 2 provides some interesting results. First, the TRV fre- ters measured at nominal frequency [3], [6]. A widely accepted
quency of a single 230-kV autotransformer that was measured capacitance multiplying factor used to account for this complex
by Harner was much lower than any of the curves (including interaction is 0.4 [4], [5]. Thus, all measured capacitance values
the maximum curve provided in [6]) or values that were cal- used in the proposed model are prescaled by a factor of 0.4.
culated using the low-frequency capacitance measurement The second issue worth addressing is that the measured ca-
data provided in Table II. Second, the values computed using pacitance value (see Fig. 2) is the capacitance to ground
low-frequency measurement data (labeled in Fig. 2) of the series and common windings. In order to be used in the
map rather closely to the curve labeled Harner-Max. However, model, this capacitance must be split and apportioned among
they do not map very well to the 90th percentile curve provided the series and common windings as depicted in Fig. 4.
in IEEE Standard C37.011. These findings suggest that the The factor in Fig. 4 is used to apportion the measured ca-
Harner-Max curve should be used in lieu of IEEE Standard pacitance value among the series and common windings, and
C37.011 whenever the test report data are unavailable. can be determined by using (3) [4], [5]

An improved autotransformer model was developed to mini- where is the line-to-ground voltage of the HV winding
mize the perceived shortcomings of the simplified second-order (in kilovolts), and is the line-to-ground voltage of the LV
model. winding (in kilovolts).


In order to place the capacitances in the model as shown in
Fig. 3, the common, series, and tertiary windings of the auto-
transformer must be modeled explicitly. This can be done by
modifying the test report data using (4)–(6) [10], [11]


where is the impedance between the series and common

windings (in per unit), is the impedance between the
common and tertiary windings (in per unit), is the
impedance between the series and tertiary windings (in per
unit), is the high-to-low impedance (in per unit),
is the high-to-tertiary impedance (in per unit), is the
low-to-tertiary impedance (in per unit) as defined in [11]. Note
that the impedance values must be referred to a common mega-
volt-ampere based prior to using (4)–(6). Once the transformer
test data have been modified, the resulting values , , and Fig. 5. Autotransformer model.
can be entered into the BCTRAN [10] model of the Electro-
magnetic Transients Program. BCTRAN is a supporting routine
in EMTP that is used to determine transformer parameters model. The corresponding per-unit impedances for the auto-
and matrices of various transformer types. The BCTRAN transformer model on the 240-MVA base are
model represents the linear behavior of the transformer with
reasonable accuracy up to 6 to 10 kHz [18]. Shunt capacitance (8)
must be added externally as shown in Fig. 4 to improve the
accuracy of the model in the frequency range of TRV studies.
Another additional feature of the transformer model is the
damping resistance. Due to high-frequency winding resistance,
eddy current losses, and the variation of leakage inductance with (10)
frequency, TRV oscillations due to transformer-limited faults The winding voltages for the series , common , and
are damped [2], [12]. This damping can be represented in the tertiary windings are 66.4, 66.4, and 13.2 kV, respectively.
model by a resistance connected to ground on the winding of These values were then entered into the BCTRAN model. Next,
interest (breaker side of the transformer). Its value can be esti- the capacitance values were determined. The factor was de-
mated by using (7) and [12] termined using (3), and a capacitance multiplying factor of 0.4
was used to account for high-frequency effects. Although the
(7) model uses discrete capacitance values as shown in Fig. 4, an
effective capacitance value must be computed to determine the
where is the positive-sequence leakage inductance of the damping resistance. Using , an effective capacitance value
transformer (referred to as the winding of interest), is the of 2.01 nF was calculated using (2). With an assumed damping
effective capacitance to ground of the transformer winding factor of 0.8, the damping resistance was computed, and found
of interest, and is the damping factor (0.6 to 0.8). It is to be equal to 65 k . The resulting transformer model is shown
recommended in [1] and [12] to use a conservative value of 0.8 in Fig. 5.
for the damping factor.
A. Frequency-Response Analysis
IV. MODEL VALIDATION AND COMPARISON The measured frequency response (factory test) from H3 to
A 230:115-kV autotransformer was used as an example to H0/X0 with X terminals shorted and Y terminals open was com-
validate the model and compare results with those provided by pared to the simulated frequency response using the proposed
other simplified modeling methods. The autotransformer was model. The results of this comparison are shown graphically in
rated 240/320/400-MVA ONAN/ONAF/ONAF with winding Fig. 6. Additional simulations were carried out using various
voltages and connections as follows: 230 kV GY–115 kV capacitance multiplying factors to evaluate the model’s sensi-
GY–13.2 kV . Measured parameters are provided in Table III. tivity to this parameter. The multiplying factor was varied from
0.3 to 0.4 in increments of 0.05. The resulting lowest resonant
The impedance values used in the proposed model were de- frequencies were found to be 16.2, 17.5, and 18.8 kHz corre-
termined using (4)–(6). Winding resistance was ignored in the sponding to capacitance multiplying factors of 0.4, 0.35, and

Fig. 7. Single-line diagram of an example system.

Fig. 6. Comparison of the measured frequency response taken from H3 to

H0/X0 with X terminals shorted with simulation results.

Fig. 8. Equivalent TRV circuit using parameters estimated using the method-
0.3, respectively. In addition, a damping factor of 0.6 was found ology provided in IEEE Standard C37.011.
to better replicate the measurement data, and was used to create
Fig. 6. (A more conservative value of 0.8 is used later in this
paper to compare the results of various TRV models.) The pro-
D. Second-Order Model Based on IEEE Standard C37.011
posed model is able to replicate the location of the lowest fre-
quencies that are pertinent to TRV studies. The general shape of
the frequency response is also maintained although the lack of The transformer leakage inductance referring to the 230-kV
resonances near 100 kHz is noted, and consequently limits the side of the autotransformer was found to be 43.38 mH using the
bandwidth of the model. It was found that the resonances near measurement data provided in Table III. Based on the method
100 kHz (see measured values in Fig. 6) were a function of presented in [14], the TRV frequency was estimated to be 13.1
(see Fig. 5). Increasing the value of to its measured value kHz, which corresponds to an effective lumped capacitance of
(i.e., excluding the 0.4 capacitance multiplying factor for that 3.41 nF. Using the aforementioned inductance and capacitance
element) yielded an additional resonance near 100 kHz. How- values and an assumed damping factor of 0.8, the damping re-
ever, it is important to note that the lowest resonant frequency of sistance was computed using (7) and found to be equal to 50 k .
a transformer appears across the greatest number of turns and, These parameters are provided in the equivalent circuit shown
therefore, controls the terminal response of the transformer [13] in Fig. 8.
and the resulting TRV. Thus, higher frequency effects (near 100 A three-phase equivalent of the circuit shown in Fig. 8 was
kHz) were not included in the proposed model. modeled in EMTP-RV. Equivalence was obtained by modeling
the inductance as a sequence parameter and letting ;
B. TRV Response thus eliminating any mutual coupling between the phases.
TRV simulations were performed to compare the results Similar assumptions were made for the shunt capacitance and
of the proposed model with those of three other simpli- damping values.
fied second-order models. The parameters of one of the
second-order models were derived from the measurement data E. Second-Order Model Based on Measurements
provided in Table I, while the parameters (capacitance values)
The transformer leakage inductance referring to the 230-kV
for the additional second-order models were estimated using
side of the autotransformer was previously found to be 43.38
IEEE Standard C37.011 [14] and the Harner-Max curve shown
mH. The effective capacitance on the 230-kV side of the trans-
in Fig. 3. A single-line diagram of the example system is
former was determined using (2) where the 0.4 capacitance mul-
provided in Fig. 7.
tiplying factor accounts for high-frequency effects
The TRV that was simulated corresponded to the TRV
across the first pole to clear an ungrounded three-phase fault
on the 230-kV side of the autotransformer depicted in Fig. 7. (11)
The Thevenin impedance of the 115-kV system was assumed
infinite. Using the inductance and capacitance values and an assumed
damping factor of 0.8, the damping resistance was computed
C. Proposed Model
using (7) and found to be equal to 65 k . These parameters are
The impedance and capacitance values used in the proposed provided in the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 9.
model were determined in the previous section, and are shown As before, a three-phase equivalent of the circuit shown in
in Fig. 5. Fig. 9 was modeled in EMTP.

Fig. 9. Equivalent TRV circuit using measured parameters.

Fig. 11. Corresponding rise times for the three TRV responses.


Fig. 10. Comparison of the TRV responses.

Not simulated due to circuit parameters being nearly identical to those

F. Second-Order Model Based on the Harner-Max Curve in obtained from measurements.
Fig. 3
The transformer leakage inductance referring to the 230-kV However, the second-order model using parameters estimated
side of the autotransformer was previously found to be 43.38 from IEEE C37.011 is quite different. A closer look at the
mH. The effective capacitance on the 230-kV side of the trans- corresponding rise times and TRV frequencies is provided in
former was determined using the Harner-Max curve (see Fig. 3) Fig. 11 and Table IV.
and (2) and found to be 2.07 nF. Using the inductance and ca- Figs. 10 and 11 show that the IEEE method yields a less se-
pacitance values and an assumed damping factor of 0.8, the vere TRV response than the other three methods.
damping resistance was computed by using (7) and found to
be equal to 65 k . Since the parameters differed by only 1.4% V. CONCLUSION
from those derived from measurements, additional simulation An improved autotransformer model that uses readily
was not performed. available data and is capable of multifrequency behavior was
developed. The accuracy of the model was verified using FRA
G. Comparison
data obtained from factory tests, and simulation results were
The TRV response of all three models is shown in Fig. 10. compared with other commonly used second-order models.
Note that the response of the circuit utilizing parameters derived Additional capacitance data for 230-kV autotransformers was
from the Harner-Max curve would be approximately equal to also provided to improve the industry’s capability of modeling
those shown as “2nd Order—Measurements” in Fig. 10. 230-kV autotransformers.
The second-order responses shown in Fig. 10 differ by the The following conclusions were reached as part of this
capacitance and damping values. The capacitance value corre- research:
sponding to the response labeled “2nd Order—Measurements” 1) Capacitance values obtained using Figure B.1 of IEEE
was obtained by using low-frequency measurement data and in- Standard C37.011 do not accurately characterize the TRV
cludes the 0.4 factor discussed previously. The capacitance and response of large 230-kV autotransformers. The measured
damping values computed using the Harner-Max curve were capacitance values provided in Table II are, on average,
nearly identical to the values obtained from measurements. The 65% of the values provided by IEEE Standard C37.011.
capacitance value corresponding to the response labeled “2nd The frequency of the resulting TRV response is on the
Order—IEEE” was obtained using Fig. B.1 in IEEE Std. C37. order of being 25% higher when measurement data are
011. The response labeled “BCTRAN” corresponds to the re- used in lieu of estimated values provided in C37.011.
sponse of the higher order model described previously. 2) The TRV frequency of the single 230-kV autotransformer
The second-order model based on measurement data, the that was measured by Harner [6] was much lower than
Harner-Max curve, and the proposed model compare favorably. any of the curves or newer values that were calculated

using low-frequency capacitance measurement data. Fur- [18] “BCTRAN Transformer Data Calculation Function, EMTP-RV User
thermore, Figures B.1 and B.2 of IEEE Standard C37.011 Manual,” [Online]. Available:
do not appear to originate from the data provided by Harner
3) Using capacitance data from IEEE Standard C37.011 for
large autotransformers is inaccurate, and does not lead to Randy Horton (M’96–SM’07) received the B.Sc. degree in electrical engi-
conservative TRV simulation results. Thus, Fig. B.1 of neering from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (U.A.B.) in 1996, the
M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from Auburn University, Auburn, AL, in
IEEE Standard C37.011 should not be used to estimate ca- 2002, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the U.A.B. in 2009.
pacitance values for large autotransformers. When test data Currently, is a Project Manager in the Power System Studies Group, Electric
are unavailable, the Harner-Max curve [6] should be used. Power Research Institute (EPRI), Birmingham. His research activities focus on
4) Second-order transformer models can provide TRV results power quality, time-domain modeling of power systems, system protection, and
geomagnetic disturbances. He joined EPRI in 2010. Prior to joining EPRI, he
that are very similar to higher order models so that higher was with Southern Company, Inc., Birmingham, for approximately 14 years,
order models may not be required in TRV studies. Refer- where he performed various time-domain transients as well as power-quality
ence [1] further validates this finding. However, in cases and system protection studies.
Dr. Horton is an active participant in several working groups in the areas
where it is felt that higher order models are warranted, the of transmission and distribution, power system relaying, and switchgear. He is
proposed method provides an accurate way of determining also the Chair of the IEEE Working Group on Field Measured Overvoltages
and Their Analysis, and is Secretary of IEEE Standards 1453 and 519. He is a
the resulting TRV response. member of Eta Kappa Nu, and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State
of Alabama.
[1] CIGRE Working Group 13.05, A Review of Transformer TRV Condi-
tions, Electra no. 102, 1985, pp. 87–118.
[2] A. Sabot, “Transient recovery voltage behind transformer: Calculation Roger C. Dugan (M’74–SM’81–F’00) received the B.S.E.E. degree from Ohio
and measurement,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-104, no. 7, University, Athens, in 1972 and the M.Eng. degree in electric power engineering
pp. 1916–1921, Jul. 1985. from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, in 1973.
[3] G. C. Vietor, P. R. Ahrens, and W. E. Harper, “Autotransformer cir- Currently, he is a Senior Technical Executive for the Electric Power Rearch
cuit breaker transient recovery voltages associated with interrupting Institute, Knoxville, TN. From 1992 to 2004, he was a Senior Consultant for
low voltage bus faults,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-100, Electrotek Concepts, Knoxville. From 1973 to 1992, he held various positions
no. 8, pp. 4065–4073, Aug. 1981. in the Systems Engineering Department, Cooper Power Systems, Canonsburg,
[4] R. G. Colclaser, J. E. Beehler, and T. F. Garrity, “A field study of bus- PA and Franksville, WI. He has worked on many diverse aspects of power engi-
fault transient recovery voltages,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. neering because of his interests in applying computer methods to power system
PAS-95, no. 6, pp. 1769–1776, Nov./Dec. 1976. simulation. The focus of his career has been on utility distribution systems.
[5] Application Guide for Transient Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Mr. Dugan was elected an IEEE Fellow in 2000 for his contributions to
Circuit Breakers Rated on a Symmetrical Current Basis, IEEE Standard harmonics and transients analysis. He is co-author of Electrical Power Systems
C37.011-1979. Quality (McGraw-Hill), 2nd edition. He was the 2005 recipient of the IEEE
[6] R. H. Harner and J. Rodriguez, “Transient recovery voltages associated Excellence in Distribution Engineering Award and is Chair of the Test Feeder
with power-system, three-phase transformer secondary faults,” IEEE Working Group of the Distribution System Analysis Subcommittee of the
Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-91, no. 5, pp. 1887–1896, Sep. 1972. PSACE committee.
[7] M. Steurer, W. Hribernik, and J. Brunke, “Calculating the transient re-
covery voltage associated with clearing transformer determined faults
by means of frequency response analysis,” IEEE Trans. Power Del.,
vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 168–173, Jan. 2004.
[8] W. Hribernik, L. Graber, and J. Brunke, “Inherent transient recovery Keith Wallace (M’04) received the B.S.E.E degree from the University of Al-
voltage of power transformers—A model-based determination proce- abama, Birmingham, in 1990.
dure,” IEEE Trans. Power Del., vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 129–134, Jan. 2006. Currently, he is a Principal Engineer with Southern Company Services, Inc.,
[9] Condition Assessment Tools for Transformers: Development of Mon- Birmingham. His major responsibilities include grounding, power-quality in-
itoring Systems. Palo Alto, CA: Elect. Power Res. Inst., 2007, p. vestigations, transient studies, and equipment applications.
1013929. Mr. Wallace is active in several IEEE ESMOL, IEEE Switchgear, and NESC
[10] Dommel, Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) Theory subcommittee working groups. Currently, he is Chairman of the IEEE Working
Book. Portland, OR: EMTP. Group responsible for C37.06.1. He is a registered professional engineer in the
[11] P. M. Anderson, Analysis of Faulted Power Systems. New York: IEEE State of Alabama.
Press, 1995.
[12] IEEE TP-133-0, “Modeling and analysis of system transients using dig-
ital programs,” IEEE Cat. No. 99TP133-0, 1998.
[13] W. J. McNutt, T. J. Blalock, and R. A. Hinton, “Response of trans- Daryl Hallmark (M’94) was born in Gadsden, AL, in 1958. He received the
former windings to system transient voltages,” IEEE Trans. Power App. B.E.E. degree in electric power systems from Auburn University, Auburn, AL,
Syst., vol. PAS-93, no. 2, pp. 457–467, Mar. 1974. in 1982 and the M.S.E.E. degree in electric power systems from the University
[14] IEEE C37.011-2005, IEEE Application Guide for Transient Recovery of Alabama, Birmingham, in 1997.
Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers. Currently, he is a Principal Engineer in the Transmission Technical Studies
[15] R. C. Degeneff, “A general method for determining resonances in trans- Group, Southern Company Services, Inc., Birmingham, where he performs var-
former windings,” IEEE Trans. Power App. Syst., vol. PAS-96, no. 2, ious power system studies in the areas of transient overvoltage, flicker, har-
pp. 423–430, Mar. 1977. monics, and equipment applications. He has more than 30 years of engineering
[16] A. Greenwood, Electrical Transients in Power Systems, 2nd ed. New experience with Southern Company, in the areas of electrical system modeling
York: Wiley-Interscience, 1991. and analysis in the areas of transmission and generating plant electrical sys-
[17] L. Coffeen, J. McBride, N. Woldemariam, J. Benach, and L. van der tems. He is also a co-holder of a 2002 U.S. Patent for the GenVARRTM system,
Zel, “A summary of NEETRAC on-line frequency response analysis a software/system for determining real-time MVAR reserve capacity for gener-
(FRA) and a new EPRI Commercial prototype FRA installation at first ator plants.
energy,” presented at the EPRI Substation Equipment Maint. Optimiz. Mr. Hallmark is an active member of the IEEE Power and Energy Society,
Diagnostics Conf., San Antonio, TX, Mar. 2009. and a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Alabama.

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