Yiwei Ma, Liu Yang, Jing Wang, Xiaojie Shi, Fred Wang, Leon M. Tolbert
Center for Ultra-Wide-Area Resilient Electric Energy Transmission Networks (CURENT)
The University of Tennessee
Knoxville, TN USA 37996-2250
[email protected]
Abstract—It is a flexible and effective approach to emulate the Therefore, it is important to investigate the cause and the
behaviors of electric power system components using reduction method of the circulating current problems caused
interconnected parallel power converters. The reduction of by the paralleling of converters. In [6] and [7], the authors
unnecessary circulating current is essential for the validity of derived the models for the paralleled converters, and
the test-bed system. The types of the circulating current in the proposed control methods to limit the zero sequence
test bed system are discussed in this paper. The causes and the circulating current. The harmonic currents caused by the
reduction strategies for the switching period circulating dead-time of the converters were modeled and analyzed in
current, zero sequence circulating current and lower order [8] and [9]. Physical methods could also be adopted to
harmonics are presented. Simulation and experimental results
reduce the circulating current by adding interphase inductor
are given to verify the feasibility.
or common-mode inductor [10, 11].
I. INTRODUCTION Different from other cases, the paralleled converters in
Using regenerative rectifiers and inverters to emulate the HTB do not have a common load, and the converters have
elements in a power system provides a flexible and easy way distinctively different output to emulate various components
to study and analyze the characteristics of the tested in a power system. Hence the circulating current pattern is
components [1-3]. It allows the converters to serve as the not totally the same. In this paper, the types of the circulating
virtual power sources or loads working in the test currents in the HTB are discussed first. The cause of each
environment without the need for the full scale transmission, type of circulating current and the reduction methods are
generation, and load equipment. analyzed respectively. Simulation and experimental results
are also presented.
Based on this idea, a Hardware Test-Bed (HTB) was
proposed to create a multi-converter emulation system with
each converter representing a single or a congregated
element of power system. It is conceptualized to demonstrate
a large scale power system transmission network, and helps
with the testing and integration of various technologies on
monitoring, modeling, control, and actuation [4, 5].
The HTB is proposed to have a paralleled converter
structure which is illustrated in Fig. 1. The DC link is
supported by an active rectifier which is connected to the
utility line, and the DC voltage could be considered as
constant. The AC terminals of the converters are connected
together through filtering inductors, establishing the
emulated power system. The paralleling structure of the
HTB enables the power to be recycled between the power
source emulators and the load emulators, thus the total power
consumption would be reduced [4, 5].
Paralleling of converters will induce undesirable Figure 1. HTB converter cluster configuration.
circulating current, and thus cause the operation difficulty
and undermine the credibility of the HTB emulation.
0 A. Zero Sequence Circulating Current
The zero sequence current paths are rarely presented in
the normal grid-connected applications due to the lack of the
0.082 0.084 0.086 0.088 0.09 0.092 0.094 0.096 0.098
∆ , ∆ , 1 (5)
crossing area of the dead-time compensation is relatively
small. Thus the converter output duty-ratio could be
compensated by the direction of the output current.
Fig. 7 shows the open-loop simulation of the dead-time
effect. The results verify that the dead-time effect is mainly
dependent on the direction of the phase current. Also, the
harmonic content in the current is much larger than the
harmonics in the voltage. It is due to the paralleled structure
of the converter system.
Averaged Phase
Voltage (V)
Bode Diagram
Magnitude (dB)
0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1
Phase Current (A)
-45 0.05 0.055 0.06 0.065 0.07 0.075 0.08 0.085 0.09 0.095 0.1
Phase (deg)
Time (s)
0 1
10 10
2 3
10 10
Frequency (Hz)
The hardware configuration of one of the HTB cabinets
is shown in Fig. 8, which includes one active rectifier and
Figure 6. Bode plot of the open-loop zero sequence current control system. three converters to emulate the power grid. Fig. 9 gives the
experiment connection diagram. The DC voltage rating of
B. Low Order Harmonic Circulating Current the converters is 600 V, and the power rating is 30 kW. The
The harmonic circulating current in the parallel output filter of the converter L is 0.5 mH. The common mode
converters is mainly caused by the imperfection of the choke LC is 12 mH, and LT is the inductors that emulate the
converters. These imperfections include the dead-time effect transmission line. Texas Instrument DSP TMS320F28335
of the converter control, rise time and fall time of the phase was used to control the converters.
current, and the voltage drops on the power electronic
devices [8]. In the experiments, Converter #1 and #2 are emulating
generators, feeding the power to the load emulated by
Undesired low order harmonic circulating current could Converter #3.
affect the input signal of the converter emulator. The
emulation result would not be accurate if the emulating A. Switching Period Circulating Current
model is misguided by the harmonic current, and generate Fig. 10 gives the experimental waveforms in the
the wrong output. However, this type of harmonic circulating switching cycles. The voltage and current waveforms are
current should not be suppressed intentionally by control from phase A of the Converter #1, #2 and #3. The carrier
strategies. Otherwise, when emulating the non-linear load or waves for the three converters are synchronized, so that the
the faulted cases, the desired emulating harmonic current output voltages are aligned. The phase current is kept the
produced by the emulator could be compromised by the same when the three voltages are either all positive or all
control. negative. Thus the switching period circulating currents are
Thus, the dead-time compensation is adopted to
minimize the output of the low order harmonics. Since the B. Dead-time Compensation
ripples on the current could be largely reduced by Only Converter #2 and Converter #3 are involved in this
synchronizing the carrier wave of the PWM, the zero experiment. Fig. 11 gives the experimental results for the
dead-time compensation. The current distortion is very large
when the converter is open-loop controlled. Using the
designed closed-loop control, most of the harmonics are
eliminated. But there is still some distortion at the zero-
crossing point. After the dead-time compensation, the total
harmonic distortion of the current decreases from 4.0% to
2.1%, thus the compensation strategy is verified.
C. Zero Sequence Circulating Current Control
Fig. 12 shows the experiment comparison between with
and without the zero sequence current controllers activated.
If the zero sequence currents are not controlled, the phase
currents of the converters would have a DC-bias shifting
Figure 10. Experimental wavefroms of switching cycle circulating current.
between the positive and negative in a long time scale. The
controllers for Converter #2 and #3 are activated in the Fig.
12 (b), the DC-bias is eliminated. The current spikes on the
edges are caused by the interference of the current probe.
Figure 8. HTB cabinet configuration.
Figure 9. Experiment connection diagram.
Figure 11. Experimental waveforms of dead-time compensation (a) open-
loop control without compensation; (b) closed-loop control without
compensation; (c) closed-loop control with compensation.
(a) (a)
(b) (b)
Figure 12. Experimental waveforms of zero sequence circulating current (a) Figure 13. Experimental waveforms of the negative sequence circulating
without control; (b) Converter #2 and Converter #3 are controlled. currents (a) without accurate current measurements; (b) with accurate
current measurements.
D. Negative Sequence Circulating Current
The structure of paralleled converters also introduces The causes for the circulating currents in the HTB were
negative sequence circulating currents [17, 18]. The negative analyzed, and the reduction methods for each type of the
sequence current would be represented by the second order circulating currents were presented respectively. The
harmonics on the dq axis. It can be reduced since it is within switching period circulating current was suppressed by the
the bandwidth of the controllers on the converter emulator. synchronization of the carrier waves between the converters.
However, when the current and voltage sensor on the The zero sequence circulating current was controlled by
converter emulator was not accurate enough, a small amount injecting zero sequence duty ratios to the modulation of the
of the unbalance would be enlarged by the emulation converter emulators, and the dead-time effect was
models, and result in a non-negligible unbalanced current compensated to reduce the low order harmonic circulating
output. Fig. 13 gives the experimental waveforms of currents. Simulations and experiments were performed to
Converter #1, in the three converters emulating environment. validate the analysis and corresponding mitigation methods.
When there is a 2% gain error on the Converter #1, phase B, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the phase current would have around 15% unbalanced
current, shown in Fig 13 (a). After the sensors on the This work was supported primarily by the Engineering
converters are tuned, this unbalance disappears. Research Center Program of the National Science
Foundation and the Department of Energy under NSF Award
Since it is related with the negative sequence models of Number EEC-1041877 and the CURENT Industry
the emulated generators and the load, the specific controller Partnership Program
is not yet designed, and will be considered in the future
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