Device to Limit Transient Recovery Volta
Device to Limit Transient Recovery Volta
Device to Limit Transient Recovery Volta
Wilker V. S. Azevêdo, Washington L. A. Neves, Member, IEEE, Damásio Fernandes Jr., Member
IEEE, Benemar A. Souza, Senior Member, IEEE, Ricardo M. Soares
(a) Circuit breaker 15 kV voltage class: TRV above the acceptable limit. (b) Circuit breaker 24 kV voltage class: TRV within the acceptable limit.
Fig. 3. Digital analysis: changing equipment by another with higher voltage class.
Due to the high financial outlay costs involved, the power equipment, which has eight cylindrical cells. Both varistors
utilities have sought an alternative to reduce TRV peak. have commercial layout.
Therefore, in order to provide an adequate design of a device,
it is necessary to diagnose the most severe conditions about
the dissipated energy, taking into account the highest thermal
and dielectric stresses, the presence of additional components
and, consequently, the maximum device supportability. An
unconventional solution will be presented in detail below.
Type 2
Current (A)
BSA 69 20-30
CBD Substations 6
Fig. 8. ENERGISA power system: Mussuré regional. -47
69 kV subsystem
5 8 11 14 17 [ms] 20
Fig. 10. Case 1: TRV for a three-phase ungrounded fault in breaker 12J4: First
TOSHIBA ITEL pole to clear fault.
Lf Breaker
Cd ZnO
Standard rating device
Without D15 device
-18 With D15 device
Fig. 16. Synthetic testing circuit.
TRV magnitude / Current (kV, kA)
7.5 9.0 10.5 12.0 13.5 [ms] 15.0
Fig. 15. Energy absorbed by the ZnO device in Case 3.
The rate of rise (RRRV) hardly change after add the limiter
device. As shown in Table II, the magnitude of TRV is
reduced in all cases evaluated after the inclusion of nonlinear
device between poles of switching equipment. Checking the TRV frequency (kHz)
results presented, energy absorbed by limiter device in three- Fig. 17. Results of laboratory tests reproduced digitally.
It is noted from Figure 17 that the reduction levels of TRV Voltage in Medium-Voltage Equipments” (In Portuguese), SBSE 2010 –
Brazilian Symposium of Electrical Power Systems, Belém, Brazil, May,
peak are around 10 kV, regardless of the fault magnitude and 2010.
TRV frequency. This fact is evident especially in scenarios [7] ATP - Alternative Transients Program, Leuven EMTP Center,
where TRV frequency is of the order of kHz. For all cases, the Herverlee, Belgium, 1987.
absorbed energy was established around 500 mJ, showing [8] Dommel, H. W., Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) – Theory
Book. Portland: BPA, 1996.
that, in high frequency scenarios, the dissipated energy is very
[9] W. V. S. Azevêdo, W. L. A. Neves, D. Fernandes Jr., R. M. Soares, D. F.
low compared to its supportability. P. Moura, “Frequency Domain Analysis for Allocation of Network
Digital results show that ZnO devices are feasible Equivalents in Power Systems” (In Portuguese), SBSE 2010 – Brazilian
alternatives for reducing TRV magnitude in medium voltage Symposium of Electrical Power Systems, Belém, Brazil, May, 2010.
switching equipments. Furthermore, the low energy [10] Task Force Report. “Modeling Guidelines for Switching Transients”,
IEEE PES Switching Transients. Task Force 15.08.09.
absorption under high frequency conditions corroborates with
[11] IEC International Standard 62271-100: High-Voltage Switchgear – Part
the results obtained by [5], where the impositions to the 100: High-Voltage Alternating-current Circuit-breakers, Edition 1.2,
limiter device in this scenarios are established below those October 2006.
previously observed in low frequency cases of TRV. [12] ANSI/IEEE C37.011-1979. IEEE Application Guide for Transient
Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers. New York,
Inc., 1979.
VI. CONCLUSIONS [13] G. R. S. Lira, Parameter Estimation for a Dynamic Model of Zinc Oxide
1) Criteria for design and solutions for TRV mitigation were Surge Arrester (In Portuguese), M.Sc. Dissertation. UFCG. Campina
Grande, Brazil, 58 p., March 2008.
discussed in scope of circuit breakers and reclosers
[14] ANSI/IEEE C37.011TM-2005. IEEE Application Guide for Transient
adequacy. To reduce TRV magnitude, devices consisting Recovery Voltage for AC High-Voltage Circuit Breakers. IEEE Power
of zinc oxide varistors (ZnO) were applied between the Engineering Society. New York, 2006.
breaker poles. Digital analysis indicate their effectiveness, [15] J. G. Jamnani, S. A. Kanitkar, “Design and Simulation of 2 Parameters
providing prospects for its implementation. TRV Synthetic Testing Circuit for Medium Voltage Circuit Breakers”.
4th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
2) It appears that the levels of absorbed energy are within ICECE 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh, December 2006.
the specifications of commercial available elements. The [16] D. Dufournet, G. F. Montillet, “Transient Recovery Voltage
device could allow operations characterized preliminarily Requirements for System Source Fault Interrupting by Small Generator
Circuit Breakers”, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 17, n. 2,
as prohibitive, glimpsing its application, providing the April 2002.
reduction of dielectric stresses in arc chamber.
3) About research advances, the reproduction of laboratory
conditions is essential to validate digital studies. Wilker V. S. Azevêdo received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
from Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), in 2008 and 2010,
Moreover, the physical structure of the limiters must be respectively. He is currently a Ph.D. student at UFCG. He is with Federal
set. Furthermore, electric arc modeling will allow more Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba. His research
accurate comparisons between measurements and interests are electromagnetic transients and power system planning.
simulations. Washington L. A. Neves (M'95) is an Associate Professor in the Department
4) The nonlinear device aims to reduce the resources of Electrical Engineering at UFCG, Campina Grande, Brazil. He received the
normally earmarked for the purchase of equipment with B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from UFPB, Brazil, in 1979
and 1982, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree from UBC, Vancouver, Canada,
higher voltage class, increasing number of switching over in 1995. His research interests are electromagnetic transients in power systems
the useful life of equipments. and power quality.
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