Ten Activities
Ten Activities
Ten Activities
re- Acf.i\li'fies
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The (j€XlJ.1 of iFnvirtJnP1enn:.d tFdvcrFJ. nUn fo help t;"hildrel9 bet:"oMe respo1f1sibt'l!en ViflNlMenrnI t;"inzens. ?he f:.ey fo eeis f-heFefore nor ius'! fo pfl)vr-dl! (acfs fo cArldTen abouf env'-aJnf11'enfalpm:6leP1x'" 'huf fo al"P1 dnldren wr-rJ, %@Iu/'ons &, acn-v,-hes fha f f/;ey can use fo reMf!,dy StICh pmbleMs. Aft-eTall" cd,zen'§Jnp's mof- jv~f a hour ha v,~ W"j-d@M" ~f rx also a bout- Tf!s'ponsr-b,-Iffy" f1arA-n~ fren C a.ch~.
U'nder'f-ake o.n Emvlr'nt':lfl'[email protected] Qvdlt of their'" :!iric:lI'lool hornes:. The pVr'"poll:e of o.n avcllt IS; to !iiee whether'" the s:~hool IS Of" efficiently fl'l(il.ti}(ju~lnq the cons;vPlpn,ot:l rJif In r'"e~our--ce'J.. iepa..rrOlte wQ.ter'", ef)e~y and wa.s;te QuJits: can be can-led out, ca..thet" than one b'q e t:)\tlrom)'! erltcd (!ilV Jrt. If th e 'J.c hool Ill: rlot efflc, et':ltl y mo.na..qlrlIq the Ke r'"e:!:our'"Cell:,{or'" e~a:Plple, If the chllJlfen find +hal- therre o.nl: Jll'ipPlf'lq tap'J. 0(" {a..rJ§ a.neJ I'qhts: left 011, then they iilernselve!i: ,;;h0tJlJ livqqed fl'I@6I..'J.vt'"eS: by which the school cOJn Ifl'Ip("Ove J-he 'J.1-ruanlOrJ.
O'ff@r'"erllt Qc1'l v'lties: can be u'J.eJ CH po." of the a.udit. for'" e}(QPlple, to PI@aKUr'"ehO\l.t Pluch wo..re r'" IS: ~elf)q 100:!:tdue: to 0. dr'ipp'nq f-QP, 'f0U CQrl Pleo..S:"",r'"e t~e los:!> by w,g,y of n'uPI ber'" of ctJp!>: olf qla:'J.!>:ell: fined pelf bouf", then fI'Iul7-1ply fhlS: by days;/ fI'Ienths:/yea.r'". Anofher'" e~OlPlple, If chllolrren fiAd that I'qh+-~ a.r'"e ~elm~ left on, they CCln be In char'"qe gf ens:v.rinq tha.t Irl fut\J ("e f;he y 0.r'"eS:WI h e J off. Th el r effor1--s: co. n ~e q YClnn fi e J by tlfa dtl n ~ h any chaf)qe Ill'!+he ll:chool electriCity ~III
the pVr'"po:!:e of ~ucb Qvdlt'J. &- why the mo.no.qlnq cf f"eS:OLIi'"Cel!i: 'J.chGOI & at 0.t hOPle I:!:ess e:nti 0..1fol\'" th e p r<:ote.cnl';lt') of fh e e nVI("OnPI et':lt.
re- Acf.i\li'fies
S~r'"ee:f)If)~s:hoff- film" em Ji.ffer'"ent e:mllffirU;I'I(;mtoJIS:l>:tJe:!I: I!i: a.n e:ffe~nve: a.d9 'Vlty fot'" e:rlqo.~lnq ~hllc;:Jr"erl. ?he film ~Ct'"i"H;l:f)I,n41 ~t!: fol:IO\,oJed up With qued"ion CUll 8: (lU'ls:wet'" s:eHlon~ & di~cus:~lon!.i Q~ s:olution~ to en vir"0nfI'IenfuI problefl'lll:. WGO<i. 8: other'" 0~a..nI~fiD'J!i: Ifl Ifu;lia ho..ve produceo "ever'"oJ qood s:hOff fllfl'll>: abo\!Jt fheit' wadt \I.tl~h I!i:"ue" I.f(e fI'Ilnlt1~, fOr"e~.t Jeplehon, p@lIution, ftlI'Ril:1 Jevelopfl'lerrf-, e'h::. fil'm fes:n \10.1" ~ould o.ls:o ~e hello' on~ e a y..,... Of) a f'0- ffi~ In.t'" en VIron rne'l'ifru I IHue, u & chlldr'"en CCln even try -tlnI) their O'OI./nfI'Iovles: o.~out e f)"V'1 ("@nfl'lel'lial I"~ue" It")tth el r'"a r'"ea.
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CEJ!EOh", " ~""J ,toc~af <uch til .. , ,"'hic~ "hl>!>l. a.r'"e weicofl'le to ~my for ()I.nOfl'llflGll p(lce.
mJ'fI'Ibet'" of Irrte fl')()I.tiona IIY r'"en:~t1)I~eJ do.. Y" and weeh, fiha.t dtffet'"ent ercl"V:lr"Oti:IfI'IentaIo.nJ S:OC"lal topln. l'he"e Include Mldl,fe Week Ifl ()r;;tober and E"a,,-fh {)""Y In Ap(jl. kh~l" and can phn o..~n'i.tlfles; o.rouruJ the~e da.ys:/weeh fhat fGlCUS; a.#ennon to the IHues: Invi3lveJ.
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Ibin &eptem~et'":
I~t "?+h OCTober": -
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klodJ Mldl,fe
re- Acf.i\li'fies
(hlldr-:et':! ~arl brit!)~ In ~ o'h;cUli:8: et\lVIror;)lment- r'"elo.. teo' t':!e:Wli:pa:per'"flI.r}(} ma:qo.zine: cllpplru~!i: on 0. ,.-equl(il.(" ~!iils:. A po.:~CUIOH'" do.s;s; cQ,Jn oJs:o ~olJ a.Hem~lle!;; on Inte,.-es:+lru~ I!!.:s:ues:tha.t- have a.r1!!.:en In thel"- cine!> or'" t-~t"lS:. They ca:n Je ~te contro%l'ef"!>lcd IHues: Cl.rld ~I%I'e pr'"es:et':!fo.. or'lS: t-I;) fhe n et:lt!r-e li:chool on the!;;e topln. Ne",.n;,paper" a:rl1deli: lWlth co("('e!;;ponJln~ 'Ktuuent Opl nlQt1'Kca.n o..h.:o be plrmeO \!:Ip ot1 the 8:chool nonce bOQr'"& or'" collo.+e d Int-a 0.. ,.ch~1 EH';:'%I'I PI ental S:cr"0.:p ~~. rot':!
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ta:ken out It7f their'" li:chooh; o..nJ eocov'l\':'aqeo' +0 e'!(plore thel(" loco.! en~I("Onment. On " 'KUch .... toJh, Cihllc:Jr'"en cc:m l'eQr"f) a.~0U+ +-he !!.:chool ne'qh~our'hooa a.mi loenl ....,II,JI'fe a;.nd develop a. i:Jeft-er'" un Je ('s;tar:H!! l'lq of t'"e:aI life e nVIr"Ot':! mer,rral IHue!!.:.
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Studerr" co..n e~pllo,.-e ....,elY" to ffllnqo..te a.l'lJ 8:olve the problems: +h'ey ~\I'e I den19fte.(jJ. For'" e:.~. If the S:Cihool has: a. ~FbQ~e. pro~le.m ne}(T +0 It, then that ca::n be taJ .. n up by 0.. pa.rfi'IEula.r- CIa.H or'" e \JJ'or::Ked upon colled'i vely ~y the !!.:chOIDI. /)y U'Klrl~ their'" !iierll!iie!i:& iudqrrlent, chllJr-en co.n OIHes;s: whe.the,.- +heir'" 1a:a.1 ef.lvlr"0nment- IS: ~e('l.lt,hv OF not. I)"t tCli.b n~ up loor::a.11S:'Kues:chlld..-en Celn take the.1 r fI,..-s;f- d"-e.p!§. rowfJ.("chi. e:n\tlr'"Or::Imel'lta.1o..wa.r'"erlle:!;;!i: c,iizet':!'!l:h,p & leOlr;t)lnq .
re- Acf.i\li'fies
(hll,dr'"en cOIn ufu,}erro..ke. S:\Jr'Ve.yll:within +be It)CQ.:! oPlP'lunl+-y ot1 VGl..rlous: ~ (iH')\1Ir'"anme.rrto.lissues. For'" e'K'o..Plp,Ie., 10<'0.1 ("eS:laerrr-s: co,l'l be !l:vr'Ve.yed to s:ee who..t pe.rt"entGlcqe of the.fI'I !;Ieqr-eqare ~hel(" w(1J;.ll:te; laced r1~hhaw Jriven; Cfln be 'S,urveyeJ to s:ee """hat effe<{cts: OJI..- l'lols:e pollutl,ol"l tn.ve & on th el (' healtb. 'Sa.'S,e on ll:uch :!i r"\tey s, Chll@'-:e.nca.n p rop0K e. acti vi t-i e:!i J u tha t fih e cOJn urHJ0fl-a.k e to IPIp roy e +h e. :!il tva. on.
Children ca..n pia. y 0. par'f- Ir'I trylnq t@ s:olve a local envi ronfl'lefr!'a.IIHue by wrlnt1q letter'"!> to cot")ceffled qovefflPlet1t oftflc~al!l:, politicians: Oi.nd NCO!l:. Thill: can ~e s:oPlerhlnq as: local o..!l:en~urlf)q 0. IOGal pa,.rk, ~eGlch 61r'" beo:.u+y s:por Ill: t!.ept dean. Co.rnfX'llqn a~nv,lne.s: can Irlclude. t'"a.I!;;ll"IqWCllf'e.neS:K a ()lPl~mq:!it 0ther'" !l:chool cbllJ,-;cm Cl.!nd fbee [email protected] COPlePlUrllty on fhe e.n\i!lr'tmmerlto..ll!l:li:'de., Je.clo'Inq on 0.. pla.n of a.d10f1 to ta.ckle the Ill: 'S,u,e. The Cr"\J}(of :+hIll:a.ctlvlty Ill:to bUllJ fe.e.llnqs: of cltlze.rn:h'p within chllc@r"El:n @.nJ to !l:1>10\1lf i'l@\oJ' they thePl!l:el"e!i: can ~ecofl'le a.qent-s: of chal"lqe In thell'" laced C6lfl'lfl'lUiriliTY
re- Acf.i\li'fies
TeQche~ GIIr'"erH'Ji:b- KUppO!l:eJ to know evet"'yth'r:lq. ~o to.k.e 0. ~r"e~k and qet lazy @.nd becorn·e 0. leo..ffler'" f0r'" a. cha.nqe. 1"ea([:hef"5: eo.!n ca.ll In differ-ent peofle who a.r-e \I.1o..+i nq {)f} en\tl ruf)fI'Iem+a..IIHue~ , o.nd af"e e)(perf-'!!:. I f) their'" pelJK. Pa.r'"ent'!l who o.re pa<ff- of qovet"n'fI'Ieffhxl JepCllrr-fI'Ient'!l or'" ALM!l: can a.1l>o be ca.lled to ql\te talkll:.
envlf'Oflfl'lent0<1 Is:~ve~ '& pm~lefl'l'5. 0(" iOVfflo.l,!>t:s: ar'"e 0<ISiO qo-od O'phCln~ for'" !!:pecl@.:1 lecfur-e'!!:.. ~ven a ~Illn the tr'"a.f.flc 1'!i:.b.ncJqp.nJ'en 0'(" tlH~0 '"by po.tk can .. r ql\le a tulk. +-0' c~IIJr'"en ot:II hO\lJ! he IGOt:s:o.ftet'" pla.tl)t~. Thill: I!>Oin IfI'Ipa,..-tant lea..t'l1:Ilnq oppor"funlty fo(" both reo.Gher'":s: and chll,dr'"en.
Chll.a..-e n '("an ~ e \t e fY effec-ti" e com fI'I UFlI o..tci)~ O't::) e ,..-tOIl I!>!> s ~of'h too c C n ve O'l-her'" chllJr'"en o.nJ f,J) their'" PQr'"ent~ (whO' O'ften w~.Adr/t ~ke +he '!i:.afl'le advice frofl'l o.dult~~). MoJ(~ru~ chllolrren teache~ ca.n help bUild key life ~~III~ like COfl'lfl'lUl"IlC'o.Jlon,Ilnte(ip'e~on@J leaffllnq o.nJ ~e[lf-confldence.
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ChiIJ.,... "..., ""'I"'¥ i...... Tt... pll ......"'l... . ., of di... : ti... ..( 7ry O'ut +'he ll:a.me e-t a.d"ivl"he!> they leo.ffl I'n ~chGOI a.t home.
t.q.: they
v' Gve 0.: to.lk/pr"o.~tlco.l Jefl'lon!>tr'"o.tion to the loca.l cOfl'lrnur:!lty Or:! ll: P eClfJc en...,1('Of)fI'Ie fffni Ill:v ell:a.ffecti'n q thel r'"loca.I' ty. [