Beads Etc 20
Beads Etc 20
Beads Etc 20
r'd1k~ i~$ j:lI resen ~e' felt. .Chri~trna5 'lIT!ch~l~ns ~ve"n th~ m,1li';.[ ng J decoraUon'S .aJk~rn publk pi~ces and homes
- and ~he r a[~ to fl nd trr,@l pff'f"foct. g if1:sfa~f ,ami I!y dndFrlE::!nd s beg ins LCI[Bik.e hold. My
favou r~ite p~n 'of the seasorns givl n g sorn eorte [I g,lft: that tsjust rJght for them. We allkil10w how W'6nderfL!~ it is to reQ~.ive d: h@MmaJci,e 'g~ft from a lovecl onre cilndi what we ofte!'!1 rivelilook is ou.r aeative talents and h.ow tl1,e'y can DE!' the s-olutlon to an your g~ft·g,~vijiri!g woes, Whe<l5her you ar IE an adva n ced b~del, 0 fa. beginner j;IiJIS,t d ~sC.OVli!fii Ii1 ~ thE! joys ~Ifthl'l' tu~ad. WOI"~d, U'IEi:re' are plenty of options lnthls i55lJ€! YOUI CGuild wnsider a8Itneai'rl:f;el'[glft~dieas.
Anothl'1 r important [part ,of "(hils saaso n is Ik.~i! ~ ill1g en IE!Ve. 0 n the household !budget! Mia k'llng your gifr5. wi,ul1 suppil:Ies purcMsro, ~Ilil:lulk, can save y,ou some haN::II-el2llmeci castl!. Mllyb-e you Ulii''! creiilt.e. ablllrtich of bt1!j1jjd:'~dl goo(j~e5 that your rovM (jn~s: wlil~ adore. [anSi d ~f 'rl.edraD!5. Ilrat':oal€1t~ or ,ea r ri ngs fol' a more t,radil,iarntl j€'we~~ery pi~re OIF g:et cre,Q.ltt'iV€wit'l1 alternative beadedl p:rojeus su ch as, treedecera tlo ns" mQbi~e '!OII'Ione dan!lles or el1~b1e~ I ish,~d ullemils. ;,rou wiU be amaz,w; what possibiITties you Willi dfl5!cov€r with.aJ I utile' forethough[ and adash of
(Old rag~ to .;lIttem IJU~,e t:a5'1\ or n~ u~·~:P~ f1 cre~tJCi~ •. IE m~.y 1~II(e ~om,e[jlrne! tHJl th~ ilooK-oil your loved ol!lle's' faGES wiIJ deJru nn:e Iy be wonthllhe 'efif1(J[L rherE awe p lemy of desigl"l5 ins[d e~hElt With .;;1 llittle tlhouJ~'ht:and .p 51iT!,p~t .1l"p;p:rOOd1! Cal~ oe created! r! multiplesfl)r eve~yOrieto efljOy,
This issl,JI!2'. we Wn.i'!1,IE! some great ideas ~o get yourChri:sl;m!:l~~lft;,g:hjing Inspiwation Howling - do n't fQfg~et 'YGursl1;!lf; you deserve ~o~lH;lthing pr~tt:y In your 5~oc'klwag ~ool Try your hand at. a. s£ILlnll1~.rlg rhrefld worl~ rItng, He.~I<E! amarv€!:lllous; ~fJmpworkp.ilt~~~, -fash~()n polym~f dily swirls, style djmensfo na I roses or eve n rna ke i1!ilprgeouSi c:haJ1lfJ mal U,e ci eroralio.l1l",
so "J"lilat 21flE! YOIiJ w,;,iting fOf?rerilll~~ tne<s:~ p.]!ge'!i; fur the h1s;plratJion you n~ed"[hen g~t cn~s.:ti ng far ill fa b IJ 10 us Ch r~'Sij;ma5 g,f,!'t·giving f.e-,ast.that your farm fly 'iN I 111.5 ump~y iildore!. p.:s,Rem~i'iJflber" I WOIJ leJ Ilov~t.o hsar :aibout you r ~hou.~ h ts, ~diE!aSnf:ld de~igns. You QH1 contact me via phrQI"I~ on 02 955.5 ss 22 or email casel.@c:re.a[j\lelivilllgmedr~ ...
'UMlnagjng Editor
Message from the Editor Bits and beads
Art challenge
Sty~e it
seeder's algest
Fmdfr.:L:g your. way
Oesign er profile Valma SpanCier~,S-un
Tr.ade Beads sock Rev'iews
8ead Hasics:
Whaes New StOCk~5tS
Next Issue
Terms and Conditions
3 6 B
32 40
7'2 II II '11
'97 '9'B
§2 7'2
StyUsh simpUc:ity Leanne Gorman
mea gold
Michelle Gray
Cu~t!Jred collection Semen Crafts Pty Ltd.
Candy cane, swirls Toni Ransneld
Curvy copper Banhael ZiSQhks
Bead ring
Chanel OldflJelct
Sparkl~ng dangles E eeds Venue·
Copper roses Penny Eamer
Hel rloornornarnent Valma Spencer-;SJ.m
Basic boho
8G!mcQ Gmi'k"3 Fty Ltd
SW'c1rO\lslci and velvet Beads Venue
li111:':f1~n ~"pmJwi, ® m~ J.i®fltjC~iR tllLg ·lliufrnrutl;J l.!:fm~ of EWd...,;'«e'. 1i. M~l1tI~ Jt,~I1'a:"iJ;'hI;! ~iQI'J ilDd~l;l-~ ao.-a nint.lW:uro gt p:]tl(ln~~ them, ty.cirn~fQ,l1e'o'qlli tllD iIl!l!iniI;\:lOllGpu li1l.e ~H~ ;;lJ:ljlcll~volJ au~Q!i!, $time I:IfWll TIJ:a,'f~dI'moJ19 J:I!l'Itlt!a;:: :;f]ttt:l di:~. Wo'!l:fffinat 1J:\LIli[;j~ ~fi~:9;dH~ to~Et._pm~'tim o@Dl:E1;ll butwlZ Mo rn1!~att:ll:4tlJt;[! ~"y-IiJ...IJ~T~l')d mEltnL~Ofllll Mti1~.~.~t~
. :I'll~.f.lllp'rurW1ill I.!.LtJ ... id~1Eilll'lIiip'-ltJP{1J 1l.n.tlIS!:st~]dioo 'lbl!NntI l'tLrl.h.t!i ell!'31J.ll}':aurs.l_l~ WI! bl'!f(l [;!1ti'Yli'(bdJl!!lb'\<.lflj:jE: L'C!! thi:li!!!.V'.!~ uI EI1Jlie1~'~YWl[l (!'a~l;J FITT~,iIlI;;L .IId~IJ,~ ~iIIJIP!'W tgTmd(lr~~k",,"!_hf! ptqJ~[!;ll1!(I~ ~!~tlJ;l\Jllr\jl;:II~, (If I~W'I m~~1:W lI[l~[lr"rmg(] ~E'l;:r!;19f1!;lJ 51~fl OJJ~<:fJl:l ~Ql;i.'l" ~n ~l?l- ~~l,d lJ;o~ iIDG 'ba,'tI. to ft~. U;i[c c!WkIO W1;!l ~'YW w ~tlY 1!ii1.."';l!1lil=l.~ Uliil Qfl:UJ~ iel{Wirei;!
Beads ,E'rr .•• i:s a (omril:m~(JIl-based: m .1igal'll rr1e a natihe WiiJll1rg,E! and types, of projet:B rearu red ;3ri!'.,], ma,i'lifeStatiQ·n (]:hNhai::i!ll ~!i..lbmilrred. lif"yOL.!i ioMolill~d lik~ to ~ more lampwCirlkor pCllymelr (lay, mOIf@ ealHings or non-j€'weH@iFV ~t@ms, - ~t starts with you. "liVe. know Y,QU ar,@ all !ta~ent~d an CJ.trre',;rl: iVlt,arild it Ii s a I wa.y,~ a p j'J;f';)sun1l: 'to' reQ€i\.'e ,beaut ifllHy cr afte d work.
HHrhe op'pbr~unilty to sl1owca5e YOUJ ski 115 and see you r nalme ln pri n r, s I m Ply e rnailll: ill IPlr::tUH' of your orlglnel ,cre,l,[!QlilhS tQlililJdl;ll@C~e!!:1tlv~:rivlt'lgm@d~i1.cOll'rlLaJLl or post me
00 m pleted pro~ect (al on'~ with YCiur Nm eiljrl!;d centscr de1&! ills ~ 'to 1Jea.ds ere .. , Submis5Ton s, PO Box 645, Rozelle N3W 20]9.
Although we wDtJl'd ~ove tndnso Iills nOLpQiSSi!ote 1[1) include pr:OJ.ea ~{ oe not be dls.n ean:enoo' lf your workls 1"1 o1[insta.rrdy accepted, as our final ded 5~0I1 ~5 often based onfitti ri:g ttihe pm[ects we irece-~ve' wirth tnetn erne' D!' o'!Jewalll LI i reOi:liOTl of tl!i~ r~iS:lille" Pe~s[,s.tente' and c:llil.lgenCl:! will ,en$uweUlatalmost ~'l.letyOf;le who submits theh worl\!; is Eiveir1!trually l;lUbl'ishil:1d.
PIIJ 5, don't fonrgelrto check out 0 IJ! r Art en a Illelflgeeve ryi:ssu,e,for flresh ins-pi ration a nd your 'Very cw.m design ,challenge.
I'F YOIU hav® 1:1 ny quesnons albol~r you r s:l!Ilbomiss!,o n, (If Wei nt to Ihav~ a chatatJQU!!: what Wi"sal re eu rren tly lookiiFilg f'C!'r i em:a ill nad l,a_®."r,~at;'1ie~:iiviIFilgf'l"iedia.:. rom .a:Wi IQ r p hene '0.2 9155,$ 9122:.
Whail: ll~trt:elf wa~l tcan nou Il~:s.~~ I e1ifOO;(s, ro'nM!2ntiklfns:._,tlf imp!ilrttnt n~s:-tlu n all '1Ilc;l~s.·i~!l in BifS.anidBee(] 51 n B&d's etc., l Tt'r! I'er. readers ikn~ abom 03111 ~:pLcml'l.ihg e.\!-eI'lI:, eroi51.11 [~e dernr~ ~lrli(;]lualil'lg d~u" ~nd co:.nM{tjfrnITp~~dlEi~rll 'F~ flf'IdJa@ueatf:vel'fvln,gmIEld{"aJtJI
Wifh 'Bi:tis ilntI Be~: lin /:ttl't: Sl[b.:J'~t I il'le', iU ~:l;!dSt fou n'f1@Tn~tJ's bet~fe. it~ 'W't1F!t;. p'Flmeren(tE
w HI be:g~n wJ~ r1~lr~ii5ins 13'f'I!Ei nO'!k·for· pmfit:~errtlS" but we wt'1ql!me-Ql~J' news an~1 wnll ~ F!~ucl~ items, if~pat:e ~~lmli~.
0' . ~ l....,j '-
pINa ~1:ul,T:AL!
Did :~Nd IW kn ow~hat you g n now rltad GroGS ~f6 •• rna 1111 el ecuonk. 'Format? Not onll'!! can vou
.. . I ' I
'Vi~'II'a'n of {he mag~zine D rQjec[_s and i nspfradoll 0 R yOLlu:.iO,m p ute r, there i'f.\ a~so ill faJrlge Of'
~ . ...., _ .'_.. . . f
el>'.cl r~ng 1f~il.tJu!re5, fo r ~nf;i:l col'l'i;!eQne nee a!nd e.1f'I joymeir!rtl 5ell:n:::rtl by 6Li bjett, 'setild Ii rude'S to
ifrl1e:FlId:S, '0F add ,I inks to yD u rFa vcrur lit~ ol,r.g-.
'Vclu ca nzocm ~ nand out I~n yot] r f~,Y'Q~ril)~ pr~j~'tt or Ilffi,e the con tern ts poll ~e '00, d,jck to all y projea aJurorn,]Jt~c;a~.j y. Pr1 US, you hav,e .~mmed.iia:re diQC.eS5 to :P rod LJ ct !5 U IJ pl~ers and other oll1rin:e re90tJ~ce5, 51m iJ Iy by d IC~dn g on i3 ny aaiye emiii lor web address.
Visit wmill;.aealirl v @I'IVi:rl!;1.mMja:~Q~s~g~_~u:~mc:l~.y~
It 'f'OtJ! wdUlld n~ m:~rle tFlifiltu'!'1ratl'On' Q'F' 'WI
pu reh ~~e ~ k~t f{1lFr Sil:)! rn~ !';.l,f tt'l'te iblrQj'e~:t; 'rl;i!\tw'r~d '~Il: thI!l iswe'l QIM:e~k Q,Ut thl;,' 5~Q~(I~tl; Imn p,ag;~ ~4 • .4.1nOth:~r I,Iflluii b'ke resou rce 15 8ead BcaS,rffi OrllDallg-e 88. IN heH1er YillU alre ,<11 be~llnner 1m s ImIP~Y nee.d [Ii) Te~res.1l VOLfl" ,fnem;&ry. ,YOnJ, c,;mlfl'f,aste>f: tIMe ms j'r::
IEch'nil;qtles. 'fu'~m QPii:lriii'1~,~iil~ !i;;lo~Ji1_~ l~lmp, r~lFi'~s[Q1 flaU.e!!ilI]I"!~ [ri rnps •.
www.g!llassiJeadlm a kers .. into
T111~ a 1l1111ne community' ha s a In exte !lsi ve IDf!l!!m dedlcatec to the art of gldSS b~d~n~." From bask tE!dlniqrue's to tha more ~_G:\"a'F'lce(l this resQl!ir~e 15 sure to to r glas\'i be;,ader:'S of all
I evel 5<. TO!P~C5 ralilgeft rom ~!ener,i;d IfltfQrrmarron 01111 beads and beadmakJlng
rol tmoria,!s., ti ps and plFO jects. Inc.! udes .i:lJ gal[ery for members tOI share iliek finished pnQject5 i!,rnd ldeas, as; well es a section on l"Io,n·~eadg,la:ss:,art, sudh .[Is,j~~II~fyand hQ'me-wares. Also lndudes resources I?ss.en!llal to tiMe craft Lndu.d1ing <l cornpr@henJ:S.iv£! li15l:ilf'iig Clf .!iUpplI srs,
is! tradillg postrorseUing, bl!y~ng ,and ~xehang[n.g, .3;5 wtEll as Jr:lifo.r:ma.!~on on classl'i'!:S. and warikslhsps"
The 2.009 Bead and Gem; SIhOM WI~I! bein full sWing lDefO:l'E!!we know !I[-am:! mey are a must--see" :Fei3Iunlng If1'Forma~ve tiree de·mci,n:;rr:jiiit:ions, new p'rodurn are01lI [a mUSE iF yotU'i~e look]ngFOir uniq LIe ~temr5 to add to you, Jew~ll:ery de~i~ FlS,j, as we:1 ~ as wo:rk~hopS: feawrirng nattionall,ly end mt~m.3!tlQniiliUyr'ocogn I sed: teache rs, you are 5lUirero g,eTlnspired andfinIJ ~om·e[hing
pe rr,-ectff-lr 'ya'l.llr Il'lie~t c~eajtiO{f'L E\\',e-ryone ~5, i:Au.e,red: for,. From begi!f1l;le'r'5ffi,-advidl1ced .fIndl Ii:!veqrwhe,FE! hli,·bet'We'L'l'rjI - the. urlIlly dilemma is. { what vou'd lil~' ro 10l]m!
'You will also fiMn:ih~Hmul'ed Edil:ion
Com mem,orat~ve Gla-ss. Eead at .. u,e: ~dn@y !Bead and G\l!m Slliow, on .s:ale.a['t~€! DiirSign!iff Sihowcase. an area (ihalt shml!,i'(ilses the Ialenred Designers: "Ql AU$mJ,lia, A!I~ in '[he Des~gner Shm'Y'Ea se ere on sale, fmt!fnose who pmfer ,,;alii ~lIe glaJmolJf willhollt nH~' hard wuliik.
f·ar mare in~Ormti:tforil on the Be,~tdamd Gem ShOWc5, vi sit w'NW.beada,ru;lgellns. how. t:;om • .1liJ!'
Put some Dotes, in youI' diary 101' next year"s, Bead ,and O·em Shows
2009 Show Dates~
M eiboume: ~ 5- "17 May :2009 lEI,iS Elilnle ~ 3 - 5 ju IIV 2009
5ydrte1! : .25i - :2 7 septembew .2 on s
__ 1- , __ ......'_:~
Beirj:S Elt. •. 1-G§1li~#fliIJ
9lmpJ"e Enr.I'1~f,If,eri Reading G(!J-mpel{titm [1'. ,il!intGier;on, ¥rc; "'Q·rralin~ Tunln~t. ·Old; J JiOlhli'i,s)o~, WA;·-s.,. Phrni~~s, 91~i R M'Wt'i'rQ ...
Q I'd!; '11:., t~yrnl!, WSW; e; r:dd Yo ViC; s, S!ltHI'Ii delli, Nf5W1 M • Brown, N5W: ~. rl~:h rlac:llI i SA
cay stua(o_lit:lcrnmpedt'or:? IK. WUll:'lcih" NSW
Th@"lROCk Shop i~ ,.tli)qOH:1I·c~a5[ ·,tnl:5~d wl1C1~e"Ml~ 5itJ Pc !;}Ue:r [).r ~mJ;- pmCJCll:l5 J;l~~u;:l$, T~ learn plr'tde rhernse Iwsenl pr0Vi a JngJl d ['JjI'f'fS,e.. m nl:!1ie GJIi·~l]PcqiU'a I tty heads iii mll';QrI!llbie pftce,~, M Wi:!111 ii1~~~nlI19,1'rJefleilly, Ic9UI'$,·'5~rvice %iemlng,ard.e.r5.1iO EIDi$19rnefS sLiI'I'e,ly l]!lJe:rr'llgl1!L
1h~ own~iI'S'Q'f" ttNJa <C.(jimp,~ln_Y 11ilr'\1l\eQetrai~t~1.t11a:ll.lje 't1Jmle ~:~s:c.-om~ tP s~lll[h!!1!ilf IDu5Ii~eS:!l; m~Qne who will ·~Qi[ haw1 to r.1:aRort fn~ rnscrsrch i3s"they .d.ict blll t will, b~ ,flbl e ~Q earn a ~OOcJ rfIV~illg. anell:a~e lFhe:RlCK;:k 'S11('~, IQ.srliew le~11. 111115 ii!i a,mnI:iiJ5tr,(·QPpOr[l!l!lfII~ty f~r ,il!ikJ~l'in. d'E!d~'a!'rod bilJSliii"I ei$~p~,roon j f~-a,dym, til ke M. a· (hal~e:l0Igjng: if!I i!W 'f'I\I~ii1tJ ~ h'l f.he OOE!Uil~'liildL!l'5~r~.
'for more '(1 et.s!i'ils rplreaw contact R~5.~ o!lI n d Bev ~ bl riW'1lI G n ·ill,. :rs.SI.2 OOg'9L ;0418 ~ 82 7g 5: ,gr· eman gem5t?~diu~fOtKSh!ilp, Ilet
TIi€ Stn All III l! al Bead '5cu:t[!)tY of' Vict;otiarTBead ExPo' is Of1 a.g~ ~i1-·aiJ1d it i s not 00 be m iiSSflldl Thi"lii _~a!F S~I2S a bigg!1.2 r sflJow wl;t1i mow€! e'xlll b lters mcm.!! d i:~P~;]Y~, rn,.m~l!!( lasses and more '[0
.', ..
~ -
see and do rhiln ever befon~~· ShowQI'5ilng aJ Lof 1ii"le iatest i:dieCi s--alld p.rodu as, It ]saJilso a
'fant&stic soulrrn ·olF if'lSpira!;tDn. '
E>!hltliIlQirs. from illrGundi the OOl.J~11j ,y !tin~ be 5~~O~5i~ beads,._gemsiH1d Hnd11~$SaJnd becayse 'tl'iiey knQw[ha[~h~ /j @diCal!i~dlfbefd'~rs whoJ~J"s~.t th~5~QW ar,e:! IlaQI'ti~g for ',rng cll!fi!r~n['. thuEr,E! jiS .SlJ re to be~lIliIH~t~!i rng.wSLJi i~ any b~~a[]'E!'r's ms:t"e. There a~eflil>sotwo, &Fn i bitiofis witli, :Shinning works fu: . lt ts: a g re~t place to, Jbuy a un! que featL!r~ piece too,
I . , ,. r I
/ I
Plus, don't m~ Sis; llc- e 20 ClB Be1,eI Ch21~,le M'ge,lhe I'e is. fflOQ'e ilC':Mi:te ITrlic:lnay,m i:le'\III'O nand tFie
,ina L! gu Fa I Ellyfe Idkoll111 p.erpetU~11 Aw,~rd w;fIl be ~fes€l!fedtO" the O:n~:llenQe' win ne ~ at the
show, lhe 'challl,eng:E: [is open to ,~iI'~ .Deader:;. ---
The 'Shffilv Willilibe he ~dlll4" - 1 '0 Novem ber ·~tO-Cii". FDr murE infer m Iillti:dn on me show 01' the 2~OB ~€a:cI! ChaU€ti!,gE!, Vi 5nt WVi.l~ ,'bead:socie-w.wm .au
---- _--
r.he :Soci'e~l" ~,,-e!C{)me5 t7£!1W members so cf1.eck (}tjt lfJe ~tlsj:r@ fot dimlfisol rfu! SocJety's iJrtli/,fti~ i}tJd m~r.JnB P!FiC~E.
:S.hOWGU;'@YOUf fabu IIOU5 creath/i:ty ln till!@ Art Cha.llllen,geall1ld win ,af'IRiE:E, 5U1bscrilpti~on 'tOI ,beads lE!tC •• ~
thl! chall.!'inge:
VERA D'INU:: '. I ndoorocp i Illy .OW S~~Jir-P~~ ilii fali'"
"My mum's p~nk e2Jrr[ilng~welfetlheinspir(j1I1GrIi 'f(l.r '~ih~s nee kll'ace:' wrfte$ \terra. "The pi n k sne II a nd cryst~lls rem ~n:dl mE of 5U~~r2lnd 5iDice,
a rid all the ChrisOllfl~stre,[ts ~ hiad as il:.t~ lild!"
L cmRAlN£ PERRY"' E<'l!gie h aJ.'Vk Vile AU$!5ie Chr Isbn as.
InspT red !by tli, e colou rs ofra WI) leal AUJ~ tra~ ram summer, rhe Ibt~]dl:5 are made trornftmn po!lymer iL lifly wlltii eel §11 nss ~~l:l, '''''''1 til tn ~ wrceaCih ci re ssed up ·Wlltih seed o~ad"t!itlis€l',
I'&NNE, CaMPBELI.,· Met! m b ula N5W elhli'~sttmaJs party :e1amol!.!U'
lh~s neclda:ce sym boUse5 ·pany gil a mo u r of the [i1 rTcstm'[l5: fe:s,iI':i';lit1e:~.a nd N ~w Ve~r c@li,e b ranens, Tine: iC@l'iItrepT@;c@ is ma(il:~()f wire, a nd~t is held '~oge:iTI!l!r Vol !Ith dger '!;ali I.
:MlCHliIiU CRA'SSWEI.L-'PE.iUCO ~ East K,1l,l rr,;a jQI!! g N5W
Bul'lII1:t off'(l,Mings
Mad@ r rom frt:!l:! ·formwi r~ work, thlspiace W<li5' '~l1splir1@'d: by ths bil:~steirilflg AU:5traJlall1 summer -bushfi res, dry hot veg~tlt1on and drlQught Ttr1e llonger teil1drl~s fI::!prlE!!s€:lI1t:: h~li'Ig [try!nche~;r the· black seed beaastIhe nell1n1:lll1rts. QIF 'bhe I~t bushffJ reo
M:.A.Rm.. C.MIIPBELL -HealE"svine VIC.
stair DfElethll~hem
PUFiP!It? is a m~~alil coleur,
!:Ind was u~ed by M:a!l'ia eo represent time k~ng born thaI nig.tlT.. as w'ell aJS the n 19tuslity.
,Roav1!lJl HAWWEI.·I, • I nverlOCh '111:[ 'Ohriistmas b~in~ 'wr~;at~1 b:r~~elE!t RQbrVTI, tinsel, Sif'.lark~es "'rid all'~hir'lg5, Ct;lri5lma$,~!!Fid! fi! as m.ademe band OJnl r.h;~ bracelet to represertttin sel "J'Iei: the b'L),rj<.h:2 [(J. n,O!~ ed:[:i1Ie ~ighi~ol'1[he Ct'i.riSrn1!,j s iolN~th.
.lLlltwMCNADGHTON';'iERD:Y' • Eag:len1awk VIC
IH(aUy and OOlfrle5
Thr~ broMI, rrorn LUCV. ag~di 3. symbolises a n,adl,tiol)a I Clhlrl~mas wT'€a1i.h.
r..D4'DA, WlRTIIl: • TooOY.ilill WA. Ot!rtbiu:k Ch ~tmnalS
I !l!sP~ reel! bV the celours I n the dlor!ut. p@:rUj,]Jf1it.the ret:! r"l2-pres~nt!ilth"~ §a[~ ~plca I in {he Qutoaclt t he green the g.raenrs tiftheo'!Ulsh and the go~dl[jne" 5un's rrili}l!5 at dawn
BlUCA LONG ,~ EiitIQIi1S illl! OLD iMooli!Kilab!llh: 'Thee s,i1t,. 1~lOlllliil!'ilg: surlf
A'll a chil d I Er iQ'~ eil r~ strn ~s Q~ tne SUI! shi ne Co6i5~ was ,~OO!l,Jt g,oi 11 g to the b~;;Idl, Thls des:]gn s[ilIrl:ed WrH'Ilhe gns[e~~ling [E!a~'~I!ilss Ibeads..liind i:rica tried wGiprure aU me
slTmd:es. Qfb!u:e found in tile S!k.y <ilia ~ei1l.
I.,QrBEAlNEP,[[RB.¥' .. Ea:~I~~,'awlt VI c Chri:swas ;star's
These' Cluis1:m09i5 S~f5 aJe in tile [r'a_dfrtional c:olQurs of red, green and whlre. the beads arEl' aU m.~d'e fromliimo IPc~yrner ,clay JOi!'ii'!ed together with gold C:~!i'!i rt,
JOOV BLAIR'~ Merlevvether NSW
Nr-Onh (Fire&; 'I,pe) ,an:dSoutih '(S'L!llMmefS'unrise)
TIl~ illS P ~r i!~lro:n 'For rh~se two P~el('~s C!Q Rilles from Jody':;Frier1l d I
\,\1 no IliV:fS IF'! G~rmiillny, and the marked rnntrast Ib~~w@€!iillh()w they
eacbs\f,)e~d their ch ri stmes, Sit.! rnmer Sunnse represents thewsrrn summerskies with! a blue and plnksunrtse, wlhile tile pearls ln F~re &. Ice r~iP:re'Seult tile- w inter snow, w~thtihel W,(]HlI glow of afir!1i. capWlfOO i FiI ti1@ am;b~r crys;,tall ,
:tIOARAINE'.EEUtl' • Ea~1 eh2liw~ V~[ Dilgs ,of lallie:s,
TIli:~ wreaUl is IT!Ii!~fiJ€' lj[aditio.f1iil1l Chr~s~maJs 001'0 Ii.I !i'S of green ,iM;lJ,d red, .and is hsndrnsde lromflmo polymer clay,
KY,M :P,E'fEBS I!!I' :Burne.n He~ds QL~:
ME!!gU;I'ry wi;li',e, l:'I:r.'a«!!let [I<~~~enlo.ys. beading S·OI rnuchshe
CO nverted, h ~f cu~b)' Ih OUSE! i I'!!O ,i',! b E!ad. I:JQtt;l,g~, ,and this Is Ofle of herf rst lP1'q~~crs :5:1 nee.
BABBARABUTLER, 'Il SOl.ltl1 Gr,afron NSW sUlmmersl!I ms~r
HI ~~ piece rem iniCI!s Bar[baril of lit! e hat 'Chri.stnrla.s day:s tn.aita~e often ~rieiF~oed ill'~ A'Ll!$t:r.;i!lj,~" willi the gold ofthe g!i5tening sun and the pl(!![p~e haze that ~n be seen ln thle d~S'Uilnce.
EBJca ]t:ONOi '. fawns, Hil~1 QLD [Mi!'lli b]ue Ibl~ng' imJe:s;
,Ejff,ca IQv:es the c61'DUlf blue, and has ,f! blue Christmas tre~eaclh year.Whllle
m~:ki II g ~jhrs lIlock~ace'. she Wa& str uclj:, bV the fiI:OI IN scm e of the 51~g rn ell ts II:;O!J ~d be 11'1100 rpor,fl~ d inm th 15. J'lt!:'[!J r' s [hfi~,rmas: nr~12! d ispfilly a'S. m 1'11'1" idel€! demmbioi1s.
m.DIITH BLACK ;; M t Ri V.€!f\li~~W NS.W Clil Iii stmais '('reaml
The brcwn, red and Cf€ij1Jm 5wamv~ki pearls 1J:5!OO ill rh I s plece represen cs[l'1e' cream flow![rtIli Q1,IerU'Ie eh r:]srmas puddi ng, h fgh Ilghlt~l1ig !!he sme II d2l.rk
rai '!iii i1'S ,~liie .Ill most nan ~IUCE!nUl~ I:ta nas,OJrti ell i3 Inllirn !'Jfc:Ih~HY·
MUJHEI.I:.E STOCK '.' Stf,ilItihlpirle QU) 1ber,e~:s m1 Q'5irfDW
rVH:c;heJle d rew~ns.p~lr arion from a lQ'~lwne!'.5 S'ong, andllllf:iixes. Cl1riisrmills deoJr;a~o<ns and wreath wl,[h a tjhang,. ~holr.5e and t::lmssm capcu II'E! ,(!J Wide varierty of '[hi e Christmas experl ence,
'I'.R.DDE, ONlD.N.S ,~ sumert H~ads QLD Ice aJngeils,
Tru alire-'s pink ancl!"l:pl'!::i <illI1g~h::h!1l rms are symbD!j,e: to her of eli ristmas , Grid ~hJe '~,clld beads represent en rl5il-m,jl_5, b..iUS.,
'TIFFA.NY ICLARE: '.' MOQH)Q'~barik Vile Chli'i~mw~ dl!Jl~rer
TH'1i aJniy wri~e:;:, '''en rl,stmOi(l.If:m rneas a child was abou r colo U f!'l, b~ighi't s hapu,'l.5, prsse nts ail1~ ,pe--.Qpli~, Ilh~~ pendla nt rep r[!·~e.ntsU,.~ clllJtCl! r~d mlollirs. ·iII n IJ§M pesoif en riiSm1o'l1lsrl m e_."
CHIUS, IlYD~B ~, 'N1(1l!.Qm Bre~u,Jl~ VIC [Fi1'li5t1ive stall'
fer!" Chris" (hr~5tm·~sJs symbol l,s,edby ,aJ, be~u[ifllJllrry ci!l;!COftlited tree, topped with a sra r, and was the ln spir,JI!t~L":IIiiI' Fot'rhiS crysrn'l-co\olel'ed WrH~\lilork pendant.
LINDA wm"I'U ,~ Toodyily WA Bmw baubles
"The CQlour3'~Ifiid' Inspir~ticn cerne fmm 'the aCa:! nrMildl". writes 'L[n(!l,a .•. I ha.li1,f! ~"~PN:K'j:lljr::ed t~e bow me bead has 'In <'lqur\'! seed beads,.~ lhe 'bow' rep re sents bOM on p.fese~ts 'lnd the
• bill u [lIes' we .hailg O!i1 OUr Chi ristm astrees,
• •
• I
I -
. ,
Li.\-,EL Of DIFflCULTr
Thjs,stufilin i~n g necklace makes a Ipe rfeet gift, as, its, e'ffedi,ve design :i~, ,so easy ,and co:mp I,etely adlaptabile .. :Simp~y foll.ow the baslic lboadl patt@r'nl,and n1lb:: up the Ic,olou:rs:r shapes, and, sty:I,es, of' 'thie heads, 'to ac hiiieVE! Imyr,iad I'DO,ks,i n n:exttl.o;n 0 time!
~- - . - _" -. - - ~ _. . --
r. er~mlJ'rq.r;}1
'" FlClund'-nCh5.e ~tler5 W:~r'l' eutters
f'I lJ, ,21Illmt::l'imps
~ 38. tomm darit'CiIHlelian fiOL.llild ~ {, lOmm ~Hmm (am~nafl
rnrernd romi':le [las
~, 44, ''irnm gale UU1erQ~mI5~aCf:lr5 :. illmrm gllkltone toggle set
c 2, '45mml erl~lh 5. ef {};, 3!8m m ti~er \'II ire
M- --E" TH~-'O' m
,-', ' I
----- ,~
11J LOOp on~ ~engm otDlger W11[i(1!{hrQlJgh tFle'~g'S!~~ end ~ f'Id aim p it c:ILj5edl. Cut aWilY the e)(QI;SS wh-e near the cir~ mp, Thfeadla~ one l{lrmm round cQrnell~bF1, one spacer, one 10rnm round carliileliian, enespaeerand one rnrnrn round caflf':uE!I'lan. lFo'll:owi,ng I:h~~ ,pamem! '[hn~ad o r1I (lj toM Il!'JiIf 1-6J, 10m m rC):lJI"!d (am~~ia;l"Is" :5,epa,ramd by §!oldspa.~ers,
12] Thread Oil1l one carnelian rond~lll:e. (lne spacer, one 1 omm carnelten KJ!LJI'1dand one Sipac~r.
CoW![~nUie t:h~s: j:latrtem umU you have t~readMi ion alll(ji~ me cs nilif'!,l,ilan rOifJ []e'II:~, ll~el'll continue [0 {,11n:,~t!l,d on onetomm round ,r:aJl"leilan g,nd one ,sp(l.cer, IU,'1UllaU of the round t.arneli'all5 havebeen threaded.
[3], Ana:oh the mg:gle to the other €I1d of,the Fll!?,Cid,ace ,(jIfi!'Q, rrtm pft in place. CUHlway the l?i"ce$1Ji WI r~ n~@r tfq,~ Q':im P5,
" -~ ,.. , .
. , I' ,
'll..; \: . - ~
\ ~ l-
• ~
51. ,
• '.
I· e
4,·. "'I "
.. • . ·e'
~~ ,,;.' r
\: f, p ~ 4,
, - .. ';
111 Place'as:pacer at thebortom of the head pin. Thread ('ir;! one facetted rorH;Jelle', one spacer, onel0u'I,m c,~niJelia!n~,
o ne 8: m m c:~rlf1le~ ian, on €BPaiCE r and one 16mm ,~amelfan,
c i2'.40mm I~ h~.a~ pin'S e E. e'i'lHTllg wlres
c ~. 1Cmm filt~ted f!Jflc'elies
c- 2. 10m m dl':lrt. €arne I rim ~llnd c 1, srnrn iiJaJrk. c.nrreltJiln round f!i. 2, &mm-da.r'ftcM!1el'iilln JICHJlFiiti c a 'gold tones:p-a~;ers
!. Z, wilre w r~J;.'IpW hearts
1:2] Loop the he~d plr:! over ill!l'ld dose it over the ea r wi,IiiE;l.
13] Dpenrl1le borm m ~oop air 'che ~~ad pin, tlh ~ead me:heanr: entn it,chlf!: n cltls@ Ith~'ICJOi:t
[Fa Ilorl,\l this s.imple p.oltter n and var1t~ne. shape ,and cCi~IQur ofm E! bea,ds for a cem pilec€: 1'1 ditre~ni'l:: ~oolk:. "rou c@fd! .also e'l(pe[im€n~ wii,th a nd without spacerstor even more variatio(m, OJ
. _ _. _, .•. ... 4. • ._ .•.
Grass F,oU Strands
$3 ~$4 per soond
lompwork Strands $3 'per strand
Tiger Toi~, $2 per roll
:.: We·'ri¢iV'{f:a.ri-~',. __ .. m#ly 'j~ rg~ f~rige!~9:f :gl~'~r r c;ril:~W;i!)d.~~:
••• I .' _ •• ._-=. I' ,-'.. .-: I .' I • i .' ..... , :,~~ .'..... .. 'I ." •••• ~ • • " . J. . __ o" •
, A 'VlsH:f6:ouiw'metlause'onthe IGold~CCla:5t'cr ,QUf'WElbs!te-
. i~:'h;~hl~;;i~M~:nded : . ~~~ ..... ·.:e]'i'ri_9d~~I$n·.~~:~ . . .. _. -
I IN·CA~'OltJ,
I ",.. q
Insplin:~d by the ancient Incanl '[:ity of ,e O!~d·rlr these stunning designs, ha,vea, ricfrlyel·low base, ,sliver' hiighll'ights Ind gorgeou.s ,ora.oil,@an,d ~~Id Ih:UH representing 'this !culltufa~ i:coo:,whUel the .surface 'texture lJ'iefllectstbe hundn!ds of ste~s, on the Inca 'TiraU.
I -
I t.arnpwork
Lil1t1 pw . rk:ln:, :~~JfiC.h w~1[.11 flpprCl prira.Wlfuel:
P'1'!:.1reUi ,e''eye\\I~·r
2 , ,2. oi¥flfll!l1 !lt~iF:lle~ '5tte~~ 1!TB~ntlre~ ~
l. GriJ~hlterTlli'i.r~[
.. ~r'd ~ h It~ wml,~pBd (!~r Q'~il!r heat re:si5r'El'I'It. workpEld1
•. AnnN'lln!!j ~lilFi Bea~, Lore ~MpeJ' PIP~ ~h~an er Firr'le-lF'!o~e ~H!il!rs
E1i'1'etJ8!MG:JiitKi ILErUft:r,r.lUanspmte m -glgS51 roo
~ E1ifutre/l~ol:'~t[:llLJ.~ht ,A1!ili;ier
trsn ~plllF,enl glass. rom
~ EiiWtr'i3!/ &1fl:r~n-1 Me:d ~um Am oo.r triirn5pa:rernlIS~~5 rod Effetr~/MCI:r'E!t:ti Dfililn!E! SUtki2
tran s.~rel"it ~}iiliSSi rod
.... ErF@lr~IMQ:renj [)!a.l"ik,,*lllow,Q!~taqlJle "g lars~ fJQd:
'"' Fifutre/M():rceni c.lealr _gr a~5 foo lsrM~fr 'Fir.le !lilver ,h~iilf
~MJ 1"111 ess ilir~el pate ~l'lIlife wi~J1;eaded ,e.nd fittll n ~ ~r~I,~sS""~.~eel Qlctmil·oorlC i!\\lthi threaded en!jnt[]ng
Due tothe siz.e otthese b€aci5. a. k.i~n is I'nlgh~y r~c:(];mm~l"Iided for ti'1~s; pmjecr. We bB\a~s. sn ou ld be Il~atecl'clin~ctliy into a. idh for a::nne"9l11ng, fr·om the n,;lme.,
O~pendli ng on )IO!J r I'~v,ell olf ,e:q)e'rience , ~flr:h aWl:h'~5.E! bead 51 ma y 'take upto .20 m, form i!l1tht'!fl:am~ .
Thl's pfojecta5~r!!li~S thatyol.J, Mve:i:he ooslc uedhnical snd safety skills j'm workirilg, wit:1l gliHrSS in rhE!~ame i[OrOfm a weJl-sllaped bead, ,and! ti1,~ t'lb I r,i~ to apply' r;1irunger,.
Tlh~!'ij, PFojiectaJSG1lS:su m es th"t you have an appropriatelly 'rntted out work area with [he nece5s.aql safeTy eq uip men[.
Tn~ l[Jel)i,rj IlFii!:he demollslC::foilitiM, ll:fI~ b~ell pili 0000 gra pn,MI at each :~~g,~i during tlli:e proces'S, of ma.lking it at the flarne, so the colours and 21IJ'IJe'a:ranoer-epresent how iii wi U loo,k whli1e he.iiltM.
Start up thoi;.llQiln "a,!fii~d S,let iUo anl!l.€!'l!Hng remperature.
Clean ,all B~i3S5 rods ready 'fur use,
Pfep2lr~ 1five 3nom I,eng,ns of t.smrn thick. §:tri n gel':. ttl eerie! of ~ ~~ear ri()(l'r hiil:he flaJm~ U 110 I a sil.e!ltbr,egathel!" farm s on the end tabolH '12mm dlia!metertR~:mQvefram tlile 'fti]jme ana grasp a slinall amount ofrhe meoltedi g;~ass [mime pUel"5. AUow moool 5li~hUy anJdislowly pl.IIl~U~e: plh21rs aw,~)~!' to abolA 3oQcm" Wheflme gla:s~ has set, flaJme' cutU, e stri ngelrtmm Th e end or trte rod {lInd setll:S11r11~ "1:"0 wDI.
c.:anllfiJI Iy plam thesl !'V@u ~ @a:f b~Meen two sheets O'f iP~pe r thlen cut out onr;5trip 4 (1iTlX. 3.5cm anclene 3cm x 3.Scm, la.y· these out on yom heat r'Esii5t?.JIlt wmk pad w irh ln easy II'Eldc,n of ·your torch,
[11 For [ifle majority of [~VS proc.ess you wi!! need touse >EI ~lWy hot, wide f1a:me. Using me dark yel,I'Q\,\I', I~ay dow.!1 a 'long. na rrow 4cm base b F;!ad on onaof the prep~ [€!d
mandrels. tJsilrli!~, your mM\f€t. shape the' bas.;! bead so that it ~s. a. strai~hl>:sid~d (yfinder '5hap~ ..
12) Remove from, tlte· flame' and imm2diatE~y line the lb~~d upa~on g t~e .i ol"lg edge ·of the Ii:! ~es! prepaJred silver le~t :strip, Ori'if'01;JIJ heat reS'ls(a rn work pad, so What when you
ro 1'1 [he be,md', j'r wi~ I roll 5:1 raighl: a nd cover the wha~L'?: lell'l_gth.lli!olll [he iMad ever t!:l~ ~i~v~r ~e'.af tiln~iil' tlhJe whole strip of 5ii~v~r IIi!M:f 'i~, rileatiy wr:(l!pped lIfound th~ bead,
[31 USIng th ~ ..• ~ aphiD!).:: marve.r". q iJI j ~~I Y 5m~mtn dOJ;,\1n 1[nE;' faU on d1@. bead to r,emo* any air bu b b 1'It'5. If there are aIr btJbhles'lInde:rl:h~ fbi!, It wi I~ E1Ul'rJ away in patdt~s"
IJo D~t t4JKi:lt tb.:l sllvru 1fiE! hVllli YlJiJ.[ 1in!J.e1~ il\f"lt , .. nll d~g;rB'~ e:n,o ~e'k ~ru V'
The 1:1i..l worn ~w: ~1i1Jj .may E!1al'i []~Uie i t ~~ dlSJdl.L1UI. lJ~ i!l·pf:il.dlihrtJ,~1;) ~LlB'iaOOi5lIJWe lh~ .')i:iY'e:t. le;;:E C'in_to. VC}U r Wot~·.':ru [("I;ce
(,t]; Ren,lfl!1 the 5~:~I{~r le~f G.oY~f~d bead to l1iie flaJffiE! I Ik~1C pi ng tjliiil.l~a:me y,ery high .illnd en s~.!'riit1~ t~ at t he~fta rne eees nertoucn the .sil\i''f! r I@af - It willi hu rn {IfF \I~r!lhqui r.;Kiy In diredHa~me. Heat theelear rod by l1otal:ill'llB the t'iea Eli1 igh Ii n tM!~ flam e, MOViE! t~e ,PE!l1'Iti belQ\l\i thie 'fila rn e and _g,emiy coV€'tolile length of the iX~d wH:Jh a Ilayer(J:ff deaw. Thi51ij!Y~f
allows thlel'ilr'l~1 I:dl:I;Il,l!"S W'~:oot' 'together over tIl~ sHiver ~eaf for a tran~~tiof1lai ,~ff~n,
liWtrp En~ ~a,Q w.e][ oolow the :~ ams an.d wh~m. firn1l ~oUch4g 1ft:i.e cloo_i" i_5,U!,er ~ ilie Wad. ]Qt Jt o.o.ot1),a:low Tll,a lJ§me ~rJUEiL a ~aq:oo.G! JiQ That Jt l£iIl~ ·qu~te ~eo:jAlOl. WllOO "IIi; Dlw.[;Ie wnlace:W'l:tb the 5iI\t,e~ leal', <\S. 11 will a hale in ~ s:iJ:'{J2'r l.e.a( on 'OIrfl1it:<!Ct If appUed.1.f;lo hot-
[5) Put ths b~ad ruck: I nto the fu III name rd1J~ sllver leaf Is. fUllly covelrea witll gl'ass" 5C1 'It will not !J1lIr'~, ,offl Heat the be-ad untill i't becomes smoQth then gelTtl:y marver into iii! ~gng !:V'lin~e r b5Jd 1 1N1tth~11n E'~d$,
[6,) Whi~ e keepll'1g [11 e bead \'III',il'r WI. ]n:trooliJce the orarrge shlke roo into the flillme ,.1IFildaddi a band of it to e.aclM end of ~Ile bead.
1['1J Wirth ril,e mecHum a rn tier rod. add a ba n,cI il1lsf:d!e ~and tou:chingl each a~ 'm!! orange
5tri ~e lbil'lliilcis,
[8) r:-Olllow ~he same prcosss to J.dd 'two bands of IIgh[,.Bi m be r g:lassi nsidl€'th€! rnedlurn amber bands,
l[gl.AeJdi'lis~ngl!!! billr'ild oftnflil~p.i" lemon g~<l!S$.i;Ir[,Jl,Jnd the .middl~' Qr thE';! i;lll';!:;l.d.
It 0]1 Hl;:.;Jit tll,e belld in the fiame a nd genU)! marver ~f ru:::!ce.s'Sar Y,re (me€! a-gaJi11 form III smorrm qllindr11c8l1 be2ldL t~yoll,J~ Ilnd Y0I)JJ have dents cr dijvets li!FI1 tl'ii e -s""d aee of the bead at thiS; s!" you (~Ilt1ill~ them In'ttsing, the (Ieargl ass,
lUl.lI Reduc.e I:heflarne to (! smiliUer PQullt and intr·odu'ce tne !plref,Jared dear stringer tOI the fla m e < Apply a r~gt1l[-angle 51!'! ppe a des.ign (lilli~O the ~iJlrfi3~e Of the bead. be'gi Ii n I ng ~t one IEi'lid and mO\iiir"g eo the 'otn.F.:r end and an:nJlnd tha beiIDd. R~I2P@~[[]l~S at even inll~rva,ls, wrom tbe firST I'~ne se rhoI '[here (In: tJhF"€!e or four step perf strl FiI ~~f desi g ns i1muncl th:~ b~a.d. At this, point, ~ep thE." ,bead very WilJm burt do 111m alJllow tne :S'I.!! r1i'aC€ desig,n, to $il')lk l(Jto the W!'1;llln be~d ~t~1'!!o
srn !31~er ria me .~~~~ ps w iUII th~~ L
1'I2l Once itt! e hea d i5fu:1 ~y covered Wlr[~ the s't,epp~d5nhnger Idles igns. re- i 1'1 trcduce a. s~T~hbly larg~r and hottellfl1'lmeagain and 'WOf:KJthe.lJea:cil r:!y,eniy U~rOLJg.h lhe fI~.m~ to f1~he.aL Ita~1 rhe wtiy thifo'ILligh 1)0 be51' n mel~i'~g the $tril!1~,er dlesn'~n5 Cintothesurface. The: stringer des;ig,r11S Il@@dtobe parUy In@lu~d Into t.ile-surfam to ensu re' suf~ Llleli1if 'flJls[on.holl,\ieYeJ
do not m@lt i~ too ffaJr or It will loiSe t.ffte d~Jinedt4;x~urre.,
13.31 FI.ame anneal the bead by bringing itt w red - hot: the n graduall V mov~ng it Lilpwardis tn the f!~me, lP~a ce·' m m ed!at\ely ~ntd .iI jkik! 'set lPal'lflii1a~iiI"g ~F.ilm:~raJ ilJlr,e'.A n Fleal thebeed by ~S(la:.kl.f]gjalt lWie ,fI1111E!aU n'~ rem p@[aUJnl!!fbr :30 mlrli!LIlfeS, then CllroWthe kUn to OOmE~() room t~miP~IFa,tllJlI"E!.
lR.epee.[ thes-este]P'5 funhe second b~ad,bUit i:his[ime' ~,ir1ydowr'l a3cm da~k:reUow base., and wrap iOn the smaller lP~ec.; of :fil"le silv,er Ie-al,.
(:14,) Once &Ie be8ids haNe[oQled" remove [Ir!i~m 'rmm Lh~ marndr,~15, ,cle~n the ho~~s wimh a be'a~ 'r;;Of,e snaper followed by a final br1U's·h w~th a plpe clf~ner, then rtnse In v:"arm soapy wateFaJrI dI a Ilowm dry.
f:1511~rinove th 9! tl1lle.1d~d ,r.mdll1tlting on tl1le jJtn:e knife, add the I01i1gj(;!f beudi and ~eplac.e r.he thrr=adleo'firtlng. lfi]' d~5.:llred. ynu ma.y'~dlid, ·asmalll tIlrop of ~1J.II.1lita.b I,eg;! LI eo to tne tlTliread Ib'i;fo>re wi!ld I ng on the e:ndfij'Uing. ~e pear [his step with the coc kHlrii fmki31ru ,,1. [hie sm:<l:llerr' bead, e
hltliniJH(]ih -yol1 ]uln lITInr--.oaJ J'OOT:tlQiji'f~,
ti1('l'l m~Ul'O;ldlJtri(:!m ~froltIF.G flIl'Jl'i fUO ner rm;om"m,M-(l0ilJ fi~T 1il~i1ffiTin'rm i'! nlStlw'MiheJI
IlJl\l.~l ,OF" DllFrFlCULn
One of the oldest known ,ge,ml:5i,. 'pea,If~lswen~~ OIUtCE n~~serv,ed for the! waalthyand njo'l1i~ liity. Now you can ,s:poliil YiourSE! Ilf every' da,~witl1 tlhlis e.egant glass IP@arlj@welllery~ :5av,@ the ,@:ntilni!! :S,@t f,olr specialll eccaslons Q,r' 'w, ilndivl~d Dal pieces day afli:e'f' day.,
w~re:CIJ k't~r!i'
Rill U rid or l1:e~dle -nose p.n~iffi R:ul,er
- .,.- - - ..
3m m S!lll,:lll!f 7~s~.1Indl win~
. -
e PrtldOU5 .A/QOents 5"~erJ~rrng plats ro~g~e rcp~
Flr~d.a;U5, ACC!ents 3in1Slil~F :E!'~"pln Pr€tcijtyLI$ Acooms' ~ l/2ilil 'Silver h€ilidllpllf:l Precious ,AeGe~ ~ Ili rn 511 iier
crimp beads
~. 12 Pe.51Jrl E1~g~r:i~ ~,acfc]r,J~
Ii Pearl EI1@gam:.el"'lJnI1'I,m Ji:: 2Gmm oyal' pe~d r:e.~er'i
Pearl Ete~flce S1Jas~ 1iI:oVl,(erdV~"t!11
- iJli, 10m.m: P'e;:l!rl Eleg!;l:ll C:~ FOJJnd ~~aris_ pJnk
1.2, ~mml ~ffa.i! E 1~a:I1(;:e' round peflrl~ oolei>1
2<:1 A Tt)iJch3):FC~ss ~wisted srlve.r-U,i:ile-d b'LJ~le be,ads
[t] l~ke o!:':!e he\ad :pilFila~d th:r~d en 'Ci!i:'e ~4·mm)!i. 20rnm r:eleifY oval Preiliril. Tl1en, follo:wi ng the ~ nstrucnons on :pa_ge 25:, use lhepliieu'stlJ bend theend oh:he'piF1l lrrtoan ey~ leap,
[2~ Thwead. one Icryst.a!.1 g~as.'Sfl()wer onto an eve pin,·tiilen bend the end inman e}i'e' loop.
[31 Use tille p1hEIrs to ~Iightl)( open the ~ye' loop. to t~es~d!e i!Jnd ~nsei!'t liUinlrou g.n one of the 1000ps on the .~ ower pl eee,
['4~ Use llhe p!Jt ers to CI06-€' t!he ,troop, fhis !jyi III .I:i~ tl1lE! centr-e CU!I1g'le.
[151 iFI)~lowlng the tnstructlerts.on pa:ge 2:5 • . amah one end of the roggle· cL;jjJSD~O a 5,U:l'rnm le~gtf! of beading ;.vir~, using a crimp bea'r:t
[6,1 T.l:nneal('j e11 tllree' MTs.~eolsii\ler-HnecJ I!:JIl.!Jgie b~il;dis, one bead 'Cil!p,M.e grellE:n amrn mUrid P e.?lrll, ,0 ne :plfnk 1 O.m IliI1t [<Cli,Jndpea.r I, 1J'I1l;green6mm ruundpearl and OlliE;
bNd cap.
['71 Repell't. slF P 6lJir~e ti'Fnes,~l'fien 1]11 re-Eid on another thr'~e twrs;t€d s~lv~r·]~Il;ed bugle treads,
[B1 Th read on me oe<nltr,e f!~1!t:Jure dalngle:
It!en! repea:tst~p5 si;;;;<!l:no .ooven.
[gl) Attach th,e cHher end ,of '[hie 'toggle (Iasp [otih~ w~r~, using acrtmp bMd.
~t] ltlread one 10rnm pInk pearl onto, a hcedd pm then I:H~nd ttH~ friO imoan 'l'!'Y,1! toop. Repeat this sl more tlrnes and setaskle.
'Wire cutters
- RQundl or n'r:edl~nQSe pll'ers Ruler
[:2] TIi~ead one 6,mm celery pe~ll onto II head pill, Tl'1eUil, bend [he end Inman eye 100CI.p. Repe,ilIt 1ti!iii:$, $oi;.:: r:nr';;I1',!:' tj moe 50 ~nd~E't aside.,
- - ----- ~ LS MATERlA~_·.·
lmm silver l"stran:di wirE
" P,fOC'loU5 AC(l:!fiI~ sterling plan;! ilJlJ ggle rope
2mm rrlrn p boo dis
2·', 11/1in Pr~dm.lS Acc;ents silver head pins
7,IOrnm PearllEleg:ance ~UI!lll11d pea,rls, pl'n,k
1. 6mm ~lr1 ;l8IEgam::~ rm..:lnd pearls l1lele.ry
1. Bmrn Peairl : le~anc;eglai$ ~ead.~
_ 8:, Brnrn Rear'! Eleganrn round pea.rls.ecru
- U:; Pe,a rr lE[ega ririe Fife pearllS ecru
[3] hread one smm giass tac!;!(ed bead onto ill. head pin , t~e'rl bell d the en d Into an eye loop, Rep at 'Iltiis six rnere times and set aside. Tnelre willi now lbe !lev,e!nl~aCh of the pink. gr€!@ril ood crystal diilf'l'gile:s.
MIl( ~ the com bWtlltJQIll BOO !lumber:of Qe,eid5 'on the doo[Jles for a moreecleetau lqofr.
[<!Ii] ona end of the toggle clasp to ~ :3 S5 rnrn 'jiengbh of wu I'1e u ~in8 a. crlmp bf!ad.
[5,1 Tml read on one ~. r~1 p~alll rice ooa,d, one eCiFU 8mm round peerl. one ecru p~.a;r I rice belad. o oe pi'lnk ,dangle lone g reen d\~m B Ie end one crvsral da,l"Igl~. Repeat thts sequnce seven tlmes.
(6) Thread on one' rice' pearll bead, one Smm I'OU nd P ear II a nd one ecru rice bea d.
[7.1 Atrac 11 the mher eml ofthetlJggle rtasp totnewtre ,using!!ll cirimp beaa.
(; Wi r~ ·(:lJu:t:~rs.
r IRound-or l'ie~!e-rnose'p.llieu:s c II~U.l'ller
t::raJt & )ew.e'luy O~3mm sllver 7-.s'rra noel w~re:
r 'Sllilkr fi !h' hook 'II'iI'ith 't:ia;1I anCl5prin.g
l 1, Jin PF"e(:lOUs. AJ[!cenr:s S[Iv,e'n;Y:e pt,F1S [,J'; 111 / ~,i't1! silve r head p i il~
24 tw!~ted $H~ef·lIlled' ~iJg~~'ool1ids L 2" 6 m m I~ra rl EJl1egance'
cry:,stal mndlelt:e&
( 2. 114rnlmx20mm P~arl Elegance oval ~ea r I 51 c.eiller.y
2, 3mm si.l\tf!r r'O~i1dl it@adS
~l] Thread an:e 3m!l'TlI Sill'r/,er ;;r,~\ler Qy$ra~1 ron d~lll,e~ rlie.1i1 Q:I'!I~ 14mm ll:: 2·0 mm oeleryo'll<ll pearl onto-a Ih~ad iptlili. Beli'ld fPle end Qf the head pin i nto an eye I GQ p, Rejp€!~tt to ~rl2dt@ J semnd dall1g,i@"
1[.2J Ta~!!l! O:llll'l, 3rn ~ihr~r ~¥'e pin and ttHII?,M on five Misted sllV€r-iined buglE: !beads, Bendtne' end "Ii!to en eye' leop, Repeat to crJt!l.:!te a secon d LI ~ Ii'l'~~e.
1[3] LJ:5.€'[h~ plJli! rs to s l:ighidyopen [he ey@ 100 p on the c"'f:.le ry p'~eC'e t,o the sTde a 110 ilii sent ]t tllirla~gh Olil,~ let the. IOQPs on tille bugle p,lece, then usethe pll'iers to close the 1,00[1,)1.
1[41 Ta~!ill one liidl hook .i;li!ld o:~n thebcetern loop, by tW[f"tlFll8, rBliSh(~y rotns side u!;lll'g the pllers:
Uij 51 i de ontne kJop l u.s;~above the buglle beads aJll~ cl~osE! Hie~oop lof lnees.ning,
I[G]~r€{Mt steps 1 to S~a create thesecond !;!(lIrT~!lg~o com pl@t@ tine psh,
~I attacb, a togg'l,e ,clasp
[1] US~lrlg'th:E wlre cutters, WI the beading wi re S rnrn beyQ I'd til e ~1i:S.j; bE;~d, The 11, U$~ the pliif:m; ro b@lld, meend (lftih~ wlr~ m
fo r m a rigi1,[.a ngle.
[2] G!i~$ifJl:lhe e Il'd olf the wire' '!AI iith tlhel::i'p of the pllier5, Usea rollhlg motion to bend the wire intoa cififCI,E! shape,
[3J II may 01'1 rneol::ssary [Q relesse ~he w~r,~ and cOrr1!tln~,;te t~e folll n1tg Motif] Ilrurither dowrn to tomp~ete the drde,
r1J Threa.d one crimp ;t]e,ad onto We bei:ldiflg wire. Push me w~r:ethr{lvgh 'the
srn t:lIIIIQop on O!ii!~ htlmfolf the dasp ,;l no b~ ~ng the ~nd of the wire back. rnmuglhl me O'imp~ngbead,
[2] Leilve',i:I: 5mm~aJU of wirE ;il'na PLJU tine qim p b~~d up l1exH'o thie rn eM! iQO p, Squ&'eze~h>t1 crimpb1:!:ad~!i'lt .us!illlg thii1IP:lt~r5.
rSll2ns,uJ,e the C f j m p is oomp~ete I'll pressed §o tne wilre (jaJ1nots~~p outmen tnrn Of' hide !)lilY ex:cess wire i:JV[,~lI'eaC!i!1!j ~t tJaCk through time beads, G
Make ,[I .a.sting impf1e:ss;ionl'withthre se fa bui~o'us IPolyme,'E' eIIay beads. With a d1l,armingswirl dl!Js1ign, subtJle gOlld hilghUglhtsand .a 5,W@,et Itmiil,@.di~lollyDIPpE!la~. thesed~@I!ighltfUI,p~ec@s are sum liD attract ,oommen·t.
'Polymer Clay/Metal Clay
IW' Gay blade
~ UH mm 'lu~te'Sq'llJare
~ Pasta mac.hine tlr mlling pl,n .:) !:ulcer
~. Pin too II
~ C r:;Tmpi'n g; p~ fie'1"'5
£, Smooth ,er~ m jc tile w)~"a:r k on " F:i~~BFCGlt5 (or JiatexgIQ\i::eS)
c Polymer [lay te:mp!ate for n:t'l;':asl.Jril1.y, b''i!ad ~'iflm~h'!!1:'s
OOdiC'llll5edi Doj~el" [~a)' oven wollrhll'permom erer
II' If'ld~di;d
e B'Uffing.wheele-rdl:mim (: Square acr:1Uc IJloc~
c.. sandpaper: (!lOO, lH;J'Q, 1,000,1500 ii'il ("I Ele,r;:r:ric.,drill
f'J Pr~m 0 dily: Re:d PeaJI, White, {iol d tio ~,3m m~old ~~m::l'5
t;;I G~la: ~i!i:!ss~~tll1)f!,jd!;,
C l"l Jmm ~!d aim~ b~illQ~ 't- 58i'l mm .01 B t.tllimmholrllre
COf;"lOH'io nlng. the clav ~ lows it~osoftel'1 as welll~sJ'emQ¥e ·,iii,[t bu bbll es. UnWf ~p ,i1!rl~Im~ee. Inll orks of day and eo nemon tnem by han d or us:~ng the. paSt:~1 m'acirlij',~£,. ();~ce the d~ y i~ mnditIOf1@(]' ~[thil ~old (ItalY as lde [0 1JI 00
I iJiter iii me [project.
Making tb·e be,ads
r:q To ma~ tlieshad~dI b~encloo to!111 knownas the 'slkij n ner b tend', run tIM e Red P·IfClrllfllnd White clays through the pasta. ma~hif'il!e· (l!F!~he number ere settin!lil.
Fold born dayslrl ha.lf, Fo[f'm~nrg two
eq ui;lli. rectan~1 es,
[2~ CUt ,eoi:JChr:eaaAgle i 1I111hn11f diagom Illy' to i'ormniaHii~le'S. or~,et ~aci1 trla ii"Igle· '00, that [I~e tl ps of each 00'1 ou r hang, dow 11. CUlt off ea.chrlp,m g~\l'~ a. blffi.cI witt1:1'a!!jo~ld eQ~our at each en d. fold thi 5 pi eO? ln haJ'f. by brl:nlglng~he bntmm edge LIP to the W!J. then run 'tile ,clayttkroUigll'l the pas.ta maeJli!~e a~il]nol1 the t1111I;:k~.5:t '!M;!tt]ng,
I)\1]tr,m rou f!:llcl tn~ :R'J.eoo ll'lll.alI, DliI:ke· "'ll~lIe lli~· tal aEg[)S li>J; Uie 1~ and W1:lIli:! Wl1d::i ~'>
[:3] Conti ri! IJI~ f,o !ding th e 'Sh eet of clay in h~if and running it through the iP\1l5t~ machme about 2'5 times or untill thedeslred b;~enld: IS, aohfe'l,lteei.
[4] Fo~d the b~€lnd ln ha:lf, matcl1ling red to r~d:and Wlli~ to wrn~t,e. W'itlf1~he wh;il:!e endl LOl..J(~~ng therollers on the number one
SE! iLltTI f'I g Qlj'I the pasta Iii.llthi tie, runths ble.nd through at p:r~gr,~$.~lvel.Y thinner :sett~n!ils,;lit senl'ng 5. Roll' .~ID the sklnl1elr Me-nidi, stll!l'hng at 'the·whi~12 ~ind. You willi nmv have a blended 'bull's eye plug.
r5] US~WiIg U1e Ib!ade"el!.!Uhe buJrs eye P~l!tg in half.RUiFl [he wed clay 1[11rQl,.Igh the P1!l5td m~c'hifle a.tsetiing 1, fjhetl pr:tl&r:eS~iveJiy dlocr!;.as~ t:h,e !!ietti n g, endli ng~ 'on s,eW I!l g S. l_a'V~lrle red clayfla:I onto t~e~JiI:e.
[6'l,Lay '0 ne lri!alf of th e P~Il!.g on the r\E'~ c ~Y. coverin!g il!oout :two thirds o!F the 'h~lf. Cut the red d a'Y to fit the rl S m ooth It flat.
['7.1 tPlaoo both hill\lli1stog,ethe,J then wt~o eq ua'l parts Q,f\f[he sides of the 1P11.l g. Fitu Lime t\I;JO pie(,es htdf way u P, on IDp afm!;' :g,Olci sh~~(. thsn cut around til€! shape,
['B~ J o,in I:h~;e halves b9.c k tog.erliler" r6rfri1ing the plug asaln. This o,6are·srll1e veins fUiltlile ICaJH.~·.
[:91] Rtm the. go'io clllll}lset aside 'f.a:l"lil,er, through the pa:;ta. machine o.n settilng1, then pmg ressi \Jelly ~ ncrease ttl e s e tlill1i g, i'inishitilg Wijth 1;,. Wr!l'!p U!lf plug ~\lith the geld day, le~vil1g !ll·sm.1l.nga~. where the veJFl5 srejolned. IRol'! a [hill snake of red
~Iay !;!l!ldplaae ~t bev;\ieen t:~e ~.O,ld, This wHi !be. tn e~l~gJlstri!ltiorn ma.lFk :flo r FQ!rm~ir1lg a
con ~i;5tetn t pe:t.ilI'!'
1[1!0,] Fi!BduGe the (ilne mtsmm, by
11"011 ln g the plu g Q n ]jhe oeram ie die. (ut a rsnrnrn Ie (fIj gth r"Offil tru:! Glne. Rollohe Galr1i~ laga.l n 1tarecliWce ~l to 16 fin m d 1,1Ime~r, ~hfi:ln CUlt a 5.Qmrm pilecEl'. Q)n~inu~ th is IPToc.1il~'S,redl~ci ng to 13m m
anci u!'CEiI'l0ig il50mm length t~e,1fiI red'uc'ing 1110 rnrnrn d~ame[erand clru:lng a
7Gm rn length"
[1.'1] TOlfo:rm gI petalcane, pinch aJlon'g the regi:5~'r,fitiOn iTlrark" '10 make.a. Dtl~ti:t :Li!y(JFI~ slde of the day on U'n e 'ltlle and srnoem QUit tth~ side.. F~i p th~ C2I!IIe nve~ and c!@ tn ~ salme' 'IN ~ti1 the othE!'!s.~cle. Form lpetall canes with ~a¢h of th~ (:;;1 f1e5. ',itlilg,~lhsc from 'st~1fl! 10,
Ill!] U5~r1:g the red c:lay, roll out one 22rrnm balli, t\l'IJ(J"1 ~mm Qalll~s. tW1) 16mm btlJlls. 21!i'1d thre.i2 13mm .001 ~s,
A'I:EI U:filIJq" th~ rM QJa~ It'lfl' 00st WW8611 $\'QlUMTIds b@:rola:'uontmtlt!l~. to a~orM coloor rullllrn.q
.', ,,'"," ..
~ /~
.. /,;
[1.3] SliclE the.1i9mm pei[~~ G:lne piece
lilIliO eig ht ·2m m ·rhi,ck. ~I~t~s .. [,oVe:r the 22mm bajl with the pointed e'!f1d!:soouc,hing ~(hr ot~er,S moorh ttl E! p~ta.i5 on ttl e.
ball, so tile seams, cannot tle seer:Jl" Roll theoead ~~om'ild In your hands unnl tne are allsmpol~h and seamless,fpr ~ I'f~(efinlsh.
[14) Gorn~[rn,lj'e slil;:illJag thE!' mlJf2d (.line pieces i!I:>; 'fbi I ow~: cut rhe .~ Ij,m,rn cane i f'Im2IJ s! a i:1d cover the 19m m be:\ads; eu t th e 13!Til m cane ~ IITl:O 20 's!ice5fl!flo tQ~r the16!fi1i m be,ads; ell [ rtte 1 Omm cane i nro 3 0 suces a nod cover the ~ 3mm Ibea.dIS. Roll 00(;111 OF the !:ov@red o@;ads ln Vour !haind's, as you (H~ wim:1h [he nmm Ibn38:oIln step H.
[1.7] iUsing fi nger cots or 11IteJ!(glrnt~i' no Id each bQadl betwem 'Your fingers. Us;ing ttl@ piercing tool, G:lln~rtllty mill~@ a hole on one side of the bead, sto p p I n~ ·abOIJ! t rna lif way [111m IIJgh.Re!P! tl1 is process on [hE!-
o;ppooiooside onh~ b~adl, joi n i ng up Wi~h @ the hole made nom the other .slde', oeale a hoile in S€V!e11l of the beads, I!?aVOing one tsmm b~ad llI~pi~uce.dI,
[\5] finger cots (or latex. glo\!'es~. plam the 211 rnm bead em a~'nll su ~faiCe and plaoo the sqUl"llf-e atrylil c. block 011 top of the bsad, w nh the pe'lal po ~nLS centred on th)e! oo:p.
[is] Ho[dil1!l:the ~uar~ ac;rylic. bloc:~wittJ both hands, mtate lt llil ,(1 circular motion. ()oftllnue r(}(annt~ In title same d i~ecticm l!whethlN (:lacklNi5'tl or cou nter'-cloc:kwise~,
IU mill you I'naw a. SViti rl '100 ~re h~ppy With, PJ1i:!&'5 dovvlI"J lilghltyWlilill the and relTID\iE the bsad, Roll the bead Q n its S:i de for a smooth edige. Rep ear lJIl~s process \\1 ith ea m of theboods, Le:tttle. bMds'hr before (Jontinui ng to thQ' next :~mp.
][J;iiti:lD9 l1iab@adS~ W.m a.[bjiW ThEm M mromB :Ei:[[D~ T~~ m~!il1t!WaB18! I;~ ~f! ]h.i'JIn.3"w~tl:JIJ!LI!i; d:L9to.:r~ !JLEI,tJeaJi:l!s.
['1~] ~ke aH ei.~ht beoos on en II rnd ex UJfd. on a tiI~. Bake ~n £he ovenal 13(n:I275~F Fur 50 rnlnutes, Sand the beads Using 600 gll'it,. 800 g,rr'.lt liOOO grit alnd mem.soo grillMn buff tnem en ~Lbu:tlfiirlig wh.~el or on denim" to shili€l the beads,
[19] U singa ua d n Ilbir. drill through til e! topafl11e non·pie~c-OO tsrnm ~~. Usitn!:1 the '1/1,(5 stle dnll bit. drill halfway through [h,esame bood. COl"1llJinUe !lJ:S:ingth~drili blI!., 5Itioll,~la::!:r III iiq. to m aJke. [he he I~ largerT lending witlh~he 1/8 driill bit
MalEiD,g Ih,e n,ec'klace
[2.ID] 111re.fld Ilhe 22m m !lentil ooad onto tm- 5'.B'lmlllle.ngth of wlre,theliladd olle smm
gO\ld bmel 01'11 ~C:h side arlthe lernuil bead. Thr@ad on one 19rnm lentil bead on sach sld~ oif Ul!l gold b,liidsthren thrG~d Olil one 16rrnnn lentil bead on eaal1s oFtJ11e' gOld beads. Threlt'ld .one 1 3mm hlmtil bead on '~iCI1I ~~die' of tim :gat/=l btil2l(ls."roIlCllVlteci by a gold bead Dill each :sidii1 oHhe 1<e'IlI~11 beads.
[2'il] SUi I"1'g [he gol d saed beads onto Ule
Wi n~ on one 'side, stopping Wil'tln yO!.!J t1'i1ve about2~m m ohvfire Ie-fir, Place.@. gold cri mp 008.d th en co nti IlILJe t~ rreading the go I:dr 5~ed bea.d s to S 33 m rn. PUi[ me wire 'Ell rou g 11 tile ,crimp .bead, ma.king:a loop" ~nd ttuougl1 ttl~ n~tfe'Vli' bead!s. Secu re thlE crimp w ~h '!:rirnplll1g ,~lller:; .and t:Ut o"ff a IllY Wilre.
[.12] Striil'gthegold seed beads on the Dtne-r :Sid~. stoppin~whif!'nyo!.:J haw,3E!mm of wire Ile!'ft. Place·a gold crilnp bead, then !iitlilril5! (hrouQ h [he I en ti IlJeacllirom step 19 and a gdLi beMLTl1readi tl1~ Wire !:lac.1< lhraugh,[h.e len Ijj I bead, tl1~1"1 tl'1 rou~"h11lil ~ orimp b[lad and thE!lIe,:d f~w b@l!lds!llrJd plLIl:1 to ti~hterlli Sew re the er I m PW ith ~rim p i"1il:g pU ers and OJt oIT any IeJ(GeSS W'ir,e.
chjlnge- themlaurs used in the nedklace!for a oompl!!!t'ely different look. Us~ strikJng bl,tlc~ With me,mll ie. hl sn Iligl1(lS for a :50phlsljcaJtedl,@dge. ®
5 yl -t Ol\.s ~y"
'Thi5,seasiOn~ beadveriltul00uS as 'we mbc:thebolld ,co.oulrs, of p~n!k" 'O.rl;lng@r meiona,lI1d Irulby reds .... al~ wiltlh a ,backdrop o,f the, ,5,un settling onl a :golden ihlu,e ofy,eU'l!),w.
Mi ill; ~nd mar~ch the [6lnu rs and 'Jlnolilpes of yourjewe lIety Wi'IDIl ffi:air and Gllm~vall mit rh ink 'lions <;lnd 1.~lger's, cartw'hil1!'els and th,e dn:us i3,swe mi~miclthe mys,t~q'lJie 'Df :safari aliilld 'ttl€! 'fun of '[lhe C~rIi1 iv,al.
i..e~tllef and knotted I~n en and silk tih [reads ,';)If'Id !Cord S ill rs .alii, p.C!I~<[ (l,f !iI1e wonoE!rh.lIl:!¥X!t-uW'E!S, Mix your f,ilvoulr lte and i:nteres.tilng beads aind dlharms 00 make exdiUng_ tassels and ad d them to chtltn and 'liOiiTllg tkIWI][lJ,g li1e(ktllces. lh is Is a grlear: way 'H1 use up beilid~ ~ n ~101Jf stash ali1d a greer ~):(ruse to bUy new seasen cololJrs ilIJr'lrli shapes,
tCrnflde Il'e r earrings ,are b~ginl!1i rig (0 make <un appB[I,m nee, b.B'~rug 8VB prn nsdan d looped tbg~tMrt{)< 'Sw~ng anCl5;Wi3yf!QiIi~. d r~m{llt~iC I.oQII::. Gol d wi III be' a fi{lstll [1'1 the P9!1 zU::Ees:gOry
hig I'll i gnt~s ".<1 WArll'll1 ~b. (i(;i~OLlt thts seil::;QfL BtU don't 0.1 ink - ut "",'In be cutQf lash ion agiliU'1I £l'S $00 n ~l$ sUliI!lni ~ r I sewer.
The beaten rn eta II ,eff,ea rn i mkk3ng Mlricaril triballe"""'@II~l''Y Is l~vej"'ywhl~Je. so' entlque 'stIIIJetr. aJf'litiqu~ t)lri3i~s and i1ntiqu~' mpper' ,a1f@aHtl1f €Ssenti[l~ f'Irle:~~:ll,addidv.esFG1f this summer Irecipe crF ~una,F1~ e[hn~c ftavour. H:aJndbag;s. ea:rrings andehaln wnl~ carry ,ofF rhislm print of iIMlg~nallJ'5almosphelf'@. Q
tE,\l1l OF IlIFf.CULTI
Add swirling: soph;is.tiic,artioQ tOyOt!lf j,eweU:·e:ry ·~ollll'ectioni with thiis. ,[Jhicwir,e wo:rik desi,gn. :5hDwcasli'ng flowing co'pper' wiire loops, with ;s;iillverwifi@ hiigh,l ights ar1df.albul:ou:s I!apis bQads~ th,e coordiniati n,l n,eciklaice ,and '!larl'ill!ilgs~. ,a s.tUlnln ingset.
c Larg~ 5id€{.~ti:-ers
b 8m;!111 flJEl!' cr endde·bur!iJJlg iJ?J'1 e, ~ylofl ja~ pUlE!f!i-
r.. Wire j~!?i. iMffl at [ea.:s'!=.l IQirg,e PQUnd t, ill mediiu I'liI ~~9:5.
[" 'SmaU 4rnm-5,mm peg
~. - ~(~~i chaji1·n()~e' pliers; ik)1J n:d"n;~~e lP~ier.~
2m, 1 ~~g.:!iJgE mli}u~aLripper wlr~
~ 1 m, ~4-~,auge 1'!it;)J'H:l:1rni~i<I"I !4iJl,ler 'wlr'~ ri' :i'$,JJmlfl\rOJ,JTId lii1l~n5 b~~d~
~ 2!llmm 1 ~mm 1i!!1'lI1s [
{" ']8, ~mm caated Gopper,Of n@nl·mrnl~h '3tl\~er §t:u m:p rl~
Wire Work
l~e m lid polffl[ a nd I Ski r[ii!fil'g W,rtl1ll~ii5 poinl[' at (he base of :the la~ge peg. S11!ft forming ·the wire' lrrto an ; S' pattern a ro LJ nd tn e pegs s. ¥bu willi 11 sed to UiS~ afirrn hal nd w~m dh~' Iliil,r~€!. gaug@wlre .. D€!p'endlng 011 how marlY pegs. you IhavE!' you mqcy nI~ed to repos,i[ion the wilre ;;;.0 'tih~t the last !~ops to ~lmilZdsfit Q\.oIeI' We fin:;/t two mecii.!lml p~~,5,1fi~lliOMJ'irqg yow to fonm m ore ~aOD5,
r2.~ Thfn the witre 0 ... e r .!lindl sit the' large Iloop Cliver the large peg; then furm loops Olin, tl~'E! IJilfher sidle; mhmringlIhe 100p5 CI.n tlne1fl:rst side, once cQmlP~e~e.. t~e WilreF-Ol!" tJ-le c@itiltrepiec€shm.!ll:(:1 ha!!Je one large a01NIm'ard hanging loopand tnre@eachof tine rnedtum fOQPs ill Ib01tIl·[nel.ll!Jw,ards f!IT1IO do!.'mi\N'aJrcis arh~f1tatio!il on bath sides ..
(3:]' Insread of 2lIl1QE.I1:e:r 'iU:~:)lloop at each
~Ii d, n..ifS.!!!!rhe rCliJ..!IM:-llll.SE! IPJ~II~Hs 'rotor m a.
ci rcle, thel"l tlni m the wil'e. Vow nldiY wantto de-burr the ends bdare. Ha1len'ing and 1'1I@,a:t€!II1I,ilng th ~ d rd~'. Using you r Fing@ffi ,alrld me nylon Jaw p Hers I 'l1Ia:rnenl a ndneate n the ~ntire wrn~cenrtrepi~c~.
1'1] ser UI8' me'Jig, w~rl1 one large peg and ar .~ea strom m.ed'ium siz.'ed pegs; Note t~at when the loops are fl]rmEd far the
eel rltn11!pi'E!icl2,th~y ·s.llIol,I ~d 's~p IJ pi flO r ~alCll [4]: CUl 211 le:ngrlll or slilve r WII:[{! 3$(m lang.
~O[)p.,CU[ a 7[lCm II~Fi1Igm o.f mpp@iF \\Iir~; flnri .smITing at ane~d of rn.!±'! mp;p~r
iJefll(r~piece. \IV i nd th~!5,ih"'er w~r'e.Cl rDU nd the IJCI~Jl@r wire as ~f YOLI ar€ trying to keep tile top loops from be~ng PIJlUed apart.
IJkmi,j§ GlT.!! a fKm~ ;md!SacJ:., Ilrn;! 1iiID!.d tha .8.iMJSf wire ffi jt fuW1il/' ~ o"I,i9f thB 'lOp at Lh,g fTOIlL TI"'-is Whl:8 V\iJll be Q.lll~ the- jffilJ:jrilil. ~1i!:u.
1[5] lhread OIl.E!' (If the round beadsonre the wire befo'FII; wi Il1d~:f1g it ~rroundljjh,e'ooP!Jelr 'wires a!t the other s:r:~e gf the fU'F~t loop. use me (ha~n'-n05e plile rs to com press "r3lf'ld neaten ttheW"nding" contmue in this fashion !.Hil~)rI you 11~~I,..1l! three road s added, [jJ,wt don,'(~t 1,iYqrid aro u n d t~l?· (en[f,e CQPpB.~ 'IN Ire JU'5:n ye[,
[6,) Wirllcll di 1 !ilfs:~lve~ wfo:?
tightly [:hwee times erotmd the :~ottam of the iaf!!l:e ICnpper f;QO,p,. men rl1read iQJfl~lle' lIlugget bead and holdiILihetd.i,1 SO thsrjt lles
Whsn JlO;5hEioml1lbr tbB'·ffi'lgg~t be!act>~:~II::1d.:!!eE!d :beads: & n€l$S$,ryto ke€tp Iil:cS~J~HI:rld 0EilI:I:l1;€: ] t m 'ltle ktop
~~ween th Ii: LWQ cOPlPer WiF@S<lt the ['0 p of the main loop.
1,7] IN h! re holdl I'1g the vert~ca.l5~ Iveer wilrei n place, wlr~p the lai~er,a'i 5i~l/er wire once an:umd s II rhree w~fie5 ('tw'!,} copper and 0 ne :silvw). Th.ell, hCJTding thrs wllnld~ng ~!1 pl.;i.~! Wf ru:l th eve rriG2!:11 silv,e r wi re around' tlhe loop fvrme.r:t byL1l~ IM15fill one once. l~im ,ali'l'IJ 'Luck ~~~ end or [ne 've~l:i(~11 wlif'e, '~IIi~ufing WiEi shar P bITs pratrud~.
[:13] Cant~nue wlf~ppin!?,' latersl wit,etvli'ic:e m{}~!~, ibeliJn,"! adding [h~ neXt t~'r~~ boodiS LO ~ne' 'up' loops on thflother '
lift'] Cut ,two rno re oleces of si Iv~r wi re 20cm long. Beglnni:Ji1Ig atthe side of tine rnajn
'daw n' IloCirP, wind th~ wi n~ amund- .. .1.5 Instep 4: R~im~liiber to i1~ve the. :5,ih'E(lt w~rlf! ICcming 'over' the copper wi re ~!1r the front.
f~IOrl Add a !:lead to each or ~11 e three 'aiown' loops on 'Ofi1e 5i1d~ ofrh ~ maurl loop, III sing tn@ Mime tschrrlques .('iIl'l unst~p5 5 and 6. Repeat fo~ tl~etihJree 'dclwn'loCi P s CDn the arCher si:dle, )'bur centre p f:ece should now
IJ'~ com p,1 ~t~.
(:1.1] Repooiti~i1 the peg:s On the jig. ~D the rs is. no large peg and the medium: pegs. form ~e loops a~tMe $.;Ime leve I, not'stepped up' ,d5 1#1tl1 the cefnitrepjec.e. WOtrktwo 20crl1l lengths ©f copper wl[f' ,] round: the pegs to fonm the!iicle a(ten[ pieces, wl1Jhrwo ~d!Qwn' I O(l'pSi.3fnd one '1L!!Ip' loop.
['12] Fotrm ci rcles ~t ~~chll;lild oW the aQQ~nt pJ(!(]2S ([h'~ sam[! asfur tl1e Of'nuep~@rOe), then trim gina de-biIJrf~he Wfr,e.
[13] Cull. four, ~Ocm f@n~IDhis of silver 'w~~e. Usl in'g the wiire Wt a:pping ~c:hnk~iJfl:S de'scfib..:!d~n m@ :Fitep£' ,a:tl'!)VE!" add three
1 Om rnheads to e-adl of the mppe r :s:tde assemtllWes" I:\IvO in [he ij'own' loops ,~HI![j one lnthe 'up' loop ..
1[11011 'Ctl:~ 1 ~ , 6cm r€!!ngtil;s Dr- ClJip'pe;rwirl,;!'. Mark a line a:FI;J LJ n dthe rou nd n ow pl~ers
and when rmmJliilg links, c!JJ:r11 [he wire .arOlIHiI~ th~s ~Ine, ro keep the Iii n KS, oonsis!f'nt StaFting at th e v,er y end of !MOO wire, grrpit w~@ the round-nose plTers~lId cu!r!1 it amun:cl~Q r:~e:are a. sin!!:ilEl clrtle, DD' nor let !il0ilI mi 5, point. but keep c:ul"iing the wire eround mile l:il:fiu~r n05E!~ on the pll)ers, u ii1'[I~ It tOluu:h 1:$ '[h@ tiir;st d rr:!e ro rm~d .lIRejpl!"ltit this precenu re from the ,other 'en'd crthe w~ re, but coil ~n the 10 IJlpo~ite dTrect~QiIli sOilJlClIlrly Is,' I illll'k ~s'
~m med, lRepem: th ts 00C! uence ur1it~1 you
have 12. I in~.
~bt a_ dilleretlt.. l~ng i:lnbl, by e1~eE~ Ib.e length rlf: th.-I!! MIe'
115~ Assemble thl!~ nedda~~ u'5~ng .eith:@r coppa r orsih/€:r16 0:1" 1 g-galJ gejump' ri:llgs, Add OI'J;~ Ii n I.( b I:tJNeenl tile centrepleee and
51 d €n'l;CC'ef! ts, the rrl s~mp:lyjoilfl thE co'p~eJ links wgetlie'r u s.jrng the jump Iri nigs, sCI< there .tIflJ;1' fh.ll\l ~rVlb aft~r the ~Ird~ t3~e nts on eac.h
sl d e. Ta~e note iD1f til e or~e i1 ten CH1 e,f 1E1he! links" U~ing a.?ern length iQf copper wire, create allle.tongat,edl Hnlk but do not 'CU rll '0 ne eIT:I.d arouru"fflJ~ly. JDil'1 tl1ism orH~' end of
yQ U r dlla In liIS11lg a Jum.p Iriling uo form a 'hidden!' (I!a's'p. Alii(] a J.lmp ring 1CI the ottlhie.r' en d tor 'you r tl<lspa.l"lld Ii i:lk it in.
f~ f.lJ tl!ta ~1iErn.t.alio.n fil Ji'EtUl 1m k's 'lILrM!.'1 J~tnirllQ' tb.ernt.. ~r.L1 ffi'tn rni!ll' so oach J:i:n1t is I:! ~]l1lEl'i:OO. as <I mlltr'tir .Il'1H'lr;p2 4~ tni1l Ernlf! pre~ l:l it' ElI MV(l hlI. of tha Ii"~ ei.IJ:ling t:1~ '!lffiE!< way kir " ~€lm look
[:1 G] Curt tWO pi eces oFr copper wi rel Scm long.i'lJraiFIge me peg5 on your Jig, so tlllLt rher~ is one s ma~ I peg d ~re(tlv a bove ill medium one. U9ffll,.g a 15ctm ~!E:'ngtM of mp:p:er WI:re and st21rring with a smaU tali,wra,p thl':! Wib,~ ;arQu n tI til e srn tilil pl(!g .tlJn (lid awn ~r.(ju~d tht? m~dJlI.FI1I p~,g un 1ilfi"gLJIre ~ight patJti1!!:rfl.
['1"Jl'IWrilip the-taU thar'mecl the large kH:lP' around theo 'shein' IIlI1Ce, then trim and d~··bLlrr tille' Wif~. U~~ chain I1G'~@ pnersro prl[tss the tail ~f1 and rl€'aJOri!n thli: wrap. nim th~ ether en d! of the w~r'e so a srna iii i neQj[
d relie isformeda:r tlhe rop,
[,18,1 Aide"':! 10m m ,ooildloea ~h earrt ng US1.litg the wire vl'!T>i![p'pll11~ tec;hlr!ih:p.JJes u5e~ in the
m a in pi~;c€. OJ
F·iindlings,·~ it~5 one: of1!:hos;e lijewelilery' w,ofd~, that .see;mIS Uk:e. i:twas designed to confuse .". hiow,eve:fJ. it is reany quit.e simlp!le .•. tFi,ndilnlgs[ i.5tt1e 'boilletti:ve InOUlln'l used ttl coy·e11f the, Imlllny ,ilndvari!8d c-ompon'Ii!'ng,anltltools used to P'Llt jiew!I,I:lerytoge'ther,. !Her~'w~1 sha.r,€!
SOID1!E: cd the, Ulse'S'j' mert:f'lDds, quail iity ,iislpee:ts a Irld fili@S(;,rilptions falli' thesE!: ICD:mpon'@ints; so t!hatycM,J can l@x;pan1dl )flour ,cr,eat1ivlitywith co!ofideio,c@ anld try something newwiiith findiln,gs that you may not: leV@(fI kn:aw existed.,
Th e list olf flr:lid!in~s iiS vlrtu~II~' end less bLi t ~hei ruse can be bro~t{Hy divtd!ecl i nto ttl ree ·ar'e8:5:
1 ,Joining
MamlY findJnlgs.;ilK' used! IDJoiln pieces together. Chain, cord, wifr.e. j!.!H'I1P wings, 'split rings, he~CI pins, eye pins, :swive,ls, ~P'5,. bellis, and soon ~ senJ iil!g:S Me ~lllJsed to joi I'iI jewe lIery eleiTI!ents t(J~ether.
:2 Clo.s;mg
The re. are sam e 'findifJn gs whic.h .\lire !J:S}~~ tcI(:ii r'I pilSc(!s to gether-, uSlJallly so ~1ht3J[ mey will !;f.ay in place whe:n worn. These llndlude clasp!:', cri m PSI Join~f'5. pins" '5~piril1g:s, blEl t tl'IJcl~ I~:S. and hoc iGof va rlous 1rVP~.
:3 :Fm:!:'liQnmg"
Thi e 1fin~i c~.te~.or¥ ICQV@f:S, those ~oo ms that aI'€' used to attach
J ewe~ I eiry110 the hu'ru~ICI n body. These flin E! r 1'1 gs I ndude ittemS5!I::Dc.I1;l~ ear 'wi M;, (IJ fH i ink !linank5, ri~bdr (I ips ~f'ld lita I r (Ii pill.
M etn Ods. em p I(Wed muse fi nclill1gs. are aliso wliriecl, most are deS:igl!1ed to Ibe used witi1 pliers ':!i!l..Ich as. TilleS orc;wimpS) Qir 51mlply sHpped 111~l'lo place m ~ Fl !.'I,all ky ts uch as, 5 p~it ring's or ·springs.).
Sa rnetl rnes g~t~l;ll,g I s.a n opl~on, aJl~hou gill car€ rn llJI'SI be I:akE!111 to ilOOJq! the phfa:1I5CJf ~e5S gtue. PIeces that need m be plMed, 'Should i~Wa:ys Of! plr3ited b€for! Moreadvalil~€ll1 b@a:d'~r3 cana!SQ, (;gns1d;~lr so~d~ rll151; .afte.r 011 ~ little prad.l~la" th ls 4ln be III I!,J ~eful met.:h n d IFor 'gen:uJtli1l,gl:he !DeS E OU! C:l'f ytJUf I~ i!:I:dI ~ rig's"
A q;1I i(kward aeeu t qll.l~lity - 'where\)\~r possible, Itluy qiliallirtyl'inoli ngs .• You dOr1'twaJlilt to Fr Iflfsh (IJ speriall pJec.-e, only to dl~mv€~ that the find ing doesn' [work properlly. DOn' t com prom is~ you r crr;!ill[io~ by !irying ee sa.v~ iI: f~w f~n[S. oin!ly'[Q frnL1'[h aili: you ha'Jte to Ir~ma~~ ttJ:~ 'Ii,"l1Dle ih·r:~g..
Make sure the ~m is ~1I·Firrished·w~th nousnarp. edge;!, c CI'i"e-cK:sevElI'ai1 pie;cfi"S c·~·eFli5Ul'e qQallty is; (0'1"1 si!51!em.
e ffU,'e i~m hss mD'V~n'!lclP~(I:5J ell1l~t!rethati~d~'i ~5'n1'oCitHi:y' .and. eff'gtivelr~.
Q Check me platln.glo mal{e£uw~ "Lt~sgood QUallt:y,.aI'lQ~sn'tm'!i; .~"f!Ji fialh'or pef:i.
.:!I IlftlllJyi,ng r<el'illl com'~em~fli1~5 Wirtln[lrne il'l'tend~n:iC;lt ~h;Jtrl'l~ 'j:ar.e·r, b~ a~~ ll1i8J~nly fin d~ng;g wi~fl fIloiYi oS! ~~r~ Il4Uc;;:1l ~~ spFi!ll1g r~gs Dr sn'a!P"'cl<ilsps) n~~di si'~cial care to ·!i:lns'UH~ th .. tt ~J I
m QVling p,1l rTh ,,;-oy;ori~ p to pelF I:V i:Yf~r pJtltl:li1~. T Il.e.y hJl'Jo!i€! iii
ten (jll;m:y ro sticik If oV,er- pl~,Tfijl.
. pla:t~l!iilg'; piating is, the '[:echnlqli!'e used moo!QlIr metgl ~bef'!'ls {e}loept ,[!lum1~l;JmJ.lISlLl~lfini5Ihes ]nr;:.lE,.Jde 'S,ald, S!Tlver. nic~el, 11?J[lac:k.. fllux:li u m (j:r (;Dppe.r i3 no sp!8cia ~ty colours I i~.e: rose gold, blac1';. nickel or afll'l:lqucsilver..piating. is a messy proces:s invo~\I' lots ot rnef'fllic:al!; ,",!i1!d elec:tr:!'fcil:\l', SQOYQIJ!I wi'll need Wn!l!d yourself a goad ~elia:o~e pll atfm and em brace t,11E! m ~ lt'sa bl t I il~ 'A nd iog iii. good! dentist Or aecou f'! ta r'!tl.r..'l! SLi re yOU! and yOU,f pliP~er fu Illy understand wt"iat resu I~s you 'iI re IOQ~:l!!fllg fa r,
IFO~low i ng is a snort col h:~crio:n a~ commorllilly u.sed corn.pO!i1€nES. w~itteril from a CQstLllmejewe-lllery perspectivE' lillthcliJlg:h most of me irilfi:yil[l1~Uon ~:pplie~5;tol prlecio!,; :metal "fllld1n£,$ ~~. ~el:IJ:
III5ld e.tIlpSi:: A. meta I ca P wim a cenU,E! horr2', u Sti2'CI to (O\;"IE'r' or ,snh<l nee ~~aJds ~nd the sp.ilcesl)e;twe@n theml .
Be!Uta plS:Si m i l:alr roo be¢ld (aps.' but wfm ri ngs toenalble' addlf:t~o!f1,ii,}f [um p-rlngs ilnd clasps"
IBJ\QocIDli bac!k:5~ A re1l!dy~mi;!d'e b'il[:k·plate comptl;l!~ W~tlni p,[!rJ' and!. (,atc~l. U5iLllall! It g:1 LI E! d or SID Idered tQ,H'I fiteml" to oJll1lpiete a brooc.ll,
!Cabochon s:; A C!I om ~d I U5U ii1!'1y op<]qlJlil' fI~t 'oo.:k stone 1,\1 fth no fac@ts,
Chain. RlF.1!a,dy~ made ra \!it c:h·ai n, av~ilab'ce lilill~ ~ mt.llllti~udill of ~i:z~sand stlfll@s. If cost is (,).1111 ~1~lipOr[alilt i(lt'J]J]J@HXJldulci ~ela:1 dlfJJi nls the way to go. otherwise ~rai5s [[hililnls preferred soth t¥pesaJre tJlsually
iii ssel!11lblool [wit~ ends, rf:!i'1gs .,:I'li'l!deil.asps~ ~1II.d then plated! g$ req u ired.
.. 501i'i1~ Pi ell:a:!iipc~~. uSiualll¥ u s;e,d' on b racel e1ts, and ate ti1It!.type[hm fell d J)v~r and 'snap' shtl~.
• Magn.ertic das,sj, as '~h,e. nam ~ ~mpIiIliH:, thes.e cilasps. usestro f"Ig mil~'f1I~[S toensure dQsum.
II Fob efa5ps: so;mer:fime 5 c'aliled 6ilJr and Tbgg Ie Cla:if) - are a [ifad~liontilll w\{J,;'\j ICif1flnis':hing ,1lI dMrgn.
!II P'aii'iI'O~ f:la$pi5;; ta:~'Sa klllOwn as. Icb$lelr claws a·[~ a tise:flu!1 ,(jil1di decca: (ljl:ive way of fi r1iS:11 lng, a necrcl ace or bracJ:!:I,@t
ill S~kle !oIa5\PS~ ilffi' a 1I seFu I way to firllrsh ,il, dI~S.tgflWith mu~~i p.1~ sl!r~nd&"
!Earriingsl: T~I~5~ rna inly fa III I:nro twa cat~gQr~es,: :tihose tor people wuth pil!rc~d earsand tl1@~@s;tFor pi5!Qpl~ witih non·pi@lt'Qe.d ears, Ear "AI I and coir1!t'IIii.@i'litall di ps la re fIC) rr 'lna'S@: WIrth IPh~:rc:ing \"i h il~ sc~~w.b.ack" l!i!v( sc:rllS'w/~eve~backal'1'd ~rip .:liH1i' rUrr those :[rt.ait do not. Many .styies are a~~alnabl:e: [it'S.Just simpl:y a IlTllatler ·of chomiing a sl1ylle ma:t:- 5Ui"t:S your desil~n ..
HC>Clik.$: a commtlni 't t~'5E!ld m ll!itliOOI of jaii'ilJ! rig item s, Sls:~@:rhoaks a roe IC:w'O lhoQbjoinled at the base I but 51 id~' t:lpaJr tOO -admri t a drag
pmvid I n~ extra seoUllr'll.y,
jHiitilP i"in!~: lih(l mQ5[ CQIfTiI rnon ltem U512,L:! LTI jollnl J~yt:'llle;ifY ple.c~.s .. UsullillYiillvailabhE I n :;~I or brass flndl s-o Id by ~tl:~ and wil'@ eli ill meter, Fbrr exa mp~. El 6mm x ~llTIm brass is aJ r i:liil:g 'W lth ·aJr1J OU tslde diameter Qf6 m rn, ma;d!eFrom 1 m m brass wi re, Trney are readilhl,a,voJ'i 1~lbi E!: in the \'/[ilrii()l,liS platediTi ililish es-
" Kilt, !p~ns::: Wl€!'iri€!. as the I r name ~~!gB@!i"t5. Q r l!:l~nalll y dEls~gn~d for use on k:i It5. i:J UH-iI n be adapted for brooch e 5 and QiIJU~~ Clr?oo:r2ll[iv~ h'eims:_ They iUre aiiSoav,1Ii:Jabl,1!! wrrtu eX[['.l ririlgstm add ~ng omillmeoJlIti3tiClln .
., Ha~. Pl' ns: a rr,e plIill.'llc:uJDirly u~@f1ull for bhn~:.\lJC!ii n~, tl,lng,s 0 nft} .
5etf~n,gs~ Arl90lumw!i1 as, eu iJ5, sett~rvg5 can be ci I videdl nllDDNb m al'n stylles,;[llose for flat back sro Ii"I€'S and mose fot shi51 p.e.d·b.lcl stones, f la.I. btwb~ stones ~r~ ,iJlcs.lJ.5Illl~y !1lill!Wed "irilDSem r'I'g,s wh~ t~ ~haped ston es r~Qui r~ 'rou r-d a.w Sie'tl~~n~:s, w 11 ~Qh ii1n3a.vaHIa I:l ~e ~Q(;mos:t oFllle voilirioUi.5si~a& and shepes, They als.o come \l!l'hh.anyt~lingfrom one to four ring'S,WhiCi~ rnakemern Basy [0 ~nregr;:;l1re 10m d'e5ig!li5~ or
'W uth,o·[lt r 111 g, f;cn glu~ n g Of' so!der~ng~
Shaped ba:(;iterysud stones: ·rln!E:5e a re the ibest wayt;o ge!t it gem·~ i I!ooo fi!1lsih. \,'bu need dept~1 and a good cu t. (faoets) to ,get Uue: i rg htW re,floct str Dn~l.y and it 15 olli'r1fi bUll W gel~hl~ fr'CJmfl.u back stones. Luckily, 'shap['d back: ;;rOfhffiidel!jver g!re\i3i[ resuhs. Tlney,al'e ava'il aJbl~ I in many sna pes I Includ I n g;'
• Ch~taln5, (rQ tJrlIdi),
• Ovals
.. OClitgoliis .. SqLMln~~
• S,agU€tI!€S
• P'\ll~[$ ~ a1sQ call~d' Tea r-D rop)
• Nav,eillE!' ~alk,a Marqu·jge't
CIil!il~ClI1S: Th~se' rounr:l stones wi tJh po I nry IOi3Ir.ks, ar~ said ~ Itl1l ~f in
'~I1I:S~ The m oslt comman p i ns"a~e ihel1ld plns wh I cJii! are sha peel p~r Ip!I'ate. « Pf')or stone size (55). Most f;etaHers can S1ll!iiJiplYilrClhiliit 0"
~ i 'r;;~ a IIQrliI'llilil pin; and eye pins" which hftVlS' an ¥'-hollfll OiFI OI1i~ end, a,d vise what sl ze 'Yo IJ req Lih~,.
Bothl iilrreava~labl€' ill va rio us' lengths all d thicknesses (gauges), Th ese
pi ns have a mull r~UJ[:lle of uses in j e'well ery design and COI1StrlKI'i:on" s:pr;rn[g Irings: Also known as • bolr rin:g ~ • [he 'fie ,a~e a (Om monl~y used
Thr=V are pa1llJcuiarly usefU'lfo:F ea,rringtonswructlr:m, Other pin iolnllng Il~L'?:m.
\I'.\'Iri(1!~l@'s include:
• S~l[lg:lE! ooil p.in1Sii ,P 1 ns wlcha sin ~ I'ec{)lil m~~ apig'.s tali'l, ~ at th~ non-sharp end, used prima.rily on broodJI backs,
II s.iDitk pi nsra re long" [hin p,1 n 5 capa ble of hl:l<l cllng a dll2'Sig n C;f1i sucnas coat lapel'S,.
StaD1l.P ilf!l!gs.: rh'~fle:l'Jndf ng5 gaJn ·th~ilr nil.m €: from th~ methOd or pm.duc:~lol"ll- of 5'tamrping, the ltem ()UI~ of a sheet of meMll!Jsi ng a huge rnetsl press, They all'€! an ide,illiu~em Ioa,dd \:it~tte and d~ignli() }lour masterpiece. TJ1, usually lhil1l11er, lig'hter ';]nd Mve more i!ltteF,iitloF1l m d€!:tai,l 'tlii·[!iI'lI t~:S!L'1lngs" Ail I d' [11~ pppiCll1:E1I" !d'~.Mgn5 Elr@
a.l.'all.ab~e :inc! ud I ng Ibu~ net .111m I red to: :h~a rts, dr:agontl if.?;;. b ll.rtterfi les, • T~eeli '[ai~~ me ~v€r- po p tJ liar [11 ylbn c;oa.loo W 1m ( II)' stal n le~5~,
birds, crClSS~S, m.fsl,farns, feather.s, [email protected]" bows and many O[hErS, ~deal For begGing.
teo n lH'TI emu s te list .. Omegl1wi reiS! sem'i;~:rigid I'll ~tl( wi;r~sl:h~.'t 21r~ ill stylis 11 way to
prieS~ntandl'inj'Sh ii'I€ckcreations, f)
Wille: Orll:! of me Sitapj esu pp! les ef j~wellery m o1IkiiJ;Jlg! t!h is ttern vel mss ili1l numerous v8i1l"i~:ri~:
iii Memory wire; hili!> a bUJi It in memmy i'FI that. it !'i2li!Jrns tl:l~I1~ shape' it ~.ras rnad~ in. lit ls ~~!lJliUy J'!Jaiiaible ln tilrrell:! styl,~,: lr1iif!ciklla.ce, :bf.l!';J:lI@t and ~i ng •. !t ;is handy I'm g;eni Iilg ~lOL!f creatiO!fit5 [0 mainla.inr 511~pe,
M~ i{J,f'[l1e' RMTI1 g,s. mem:iOne2fl'1l r11 15 anTl:le taln ~e vraw,~ t:m '[!he ';e:pag~J~v!,l\~(II'e;'{mffi.:all or comma !Page whQI,~sal:@! j'eviei'!efys:uppH5 on, Q? 91'17 3tl'22 for m:Offl inrormnf~n.
Add laJ sqi,l ish to y-our ring' coiUectl'on;wi(h this stun niing design. FeiItUli~ng' a strIking If"t;,!(,t f'Ocall beia.d ,en!c--O,mpils,sed lby tonaillay@rs of: t,hlfeafied Mliryuki' se@d lbeads and an limeresti'ng 'poilnted ,edge,!, ,iit,tan be adapted' to suiit any 'OOI'DU:rway;.
b ~iZ!l! 1'3 b~~"EHng n eEl:t:;lIe ~ sdssers
" lQmm iFIilllJm:l;eJi!15't~n~c:al1.n1G:ho:t:11
v Adjllr~'Ci'l:,b'le Wlllg b~i~nk.wi'l:I"I m~ih dlom'@ o Un x 1 in sqrUire. of s,lliff f!3 ~{
c.] 1'1'1 :i: 'II In 'sQuill.~e t;flr Ultra5ueCie
«> SI:le' 11 M~yUJid S"eie'di ,~ad5, r:cllt:l:lJ! 'A. or- Si!Ze,lll ' ~yUkf t~eCl' !beaQS" ool.O'u rB e. Si:z~ 1;:!i Miyuki 5eed ~~€:I5
@ SilZe,D' N ym 0 til read
r> EijOO gjL.te - Qr ~Jly f1~l.bje g~LJ:e
YDU m ust use geJGdi q:l!a~lry seee beads,ltIar il_!,!;!' uniform lnstse for thi'ili lI'Jwject otllerw!lsl; ttley 1fl(Q~'t'51t perfectily and tlhebeaCl'5 'l;vHII [ef'ld[o be ,bubbly Jl1id wavy.
It] Apply (10 evctlill l;1ly~ rr of glue to th ~ 1fIa:t 51 \':I e Qf the CiiJbochorl a n~' an~dilt to til e
(El' ntre of.a 1 in xl in sq uarelOf rQlt ,5e'l,;jj~!:!Ie to dwy f'Of sbour 15i mlnures,
Thread Work
l,/i!], Thread the Ineedle with 1 m of NYLIT~o t~read. Bring tl, III n ~edlE!' u p trm:mg,11 (hI! ~li!lt, fwo rn U'Je- b:tlck to tnenroll1t, h~aving a , Oem lOMe Ulltl, jlns.e r~.ed as dose to 'mne r: d gea'f !:.he caboohch as. possible. Pick up Four colour A, $i:;l;9 111 seed beads.then PQl.S~ the. needle back amyl'1I through the f,elf, 1t:!lsurilf1g me bea d5 sit :fiat a 1"10 sn ugi3JgaiiJr;lst the edge !dIF tlh~ eel boch:oli"l,. Elri 11.~,~I1,!!! I1Hl!e'd I~ back tWO b~i1iId:5 alild piJ:$!~ ~t tiluJl,Jgh toth~ top of the r'el::. JJ1il:5:5~ng [he f'leeollerhWU!;l ~ 'l'he[wQ
be folds to t'he Jril:glhit
[3]1 Pilck up four more colour A beads then stim'h ElowJI1 Tl'Iwrne fe I~({J t:he lba[:i{, as dose as, pcss ~bl~" tnth ~cabochQn. IF rom the I:)flcksidl;l, Ibtrirng the f1i~~dle tw~' b~d$ bad<
,a rid 'Pc us 11 it CllHJ IUg!1 to[lhe top of ttl e i~ell P(!JSS [:Me needle thraug~n the twoO beads to the right.
141 RepeaI this prooecs5.a:ddingrour beads .anc stitchulhg back tWO be:a!ds.'a:mlumj~lhe 'lllbochon ,iJiilotU YQU h!iii\J~ four ,Or less bead s [00 add 'to comptete the be<l.dI'iing alFound the cabochon. Add the ~mijutnt of Ibead s neededl to frl'liinttJ e r,em8Jj n rn~ gap I'eft.t:he;n pas1';i ~ihe liIe-edle dOWTl1 rkiro'Ugh to rue back, go back MO bea.eJs,and PUSll [ill! m~il!!1le lhrougil'll 'W I:~le rronrer rnle~fllL
Pass the need~e and tlhread tilrcu.!Jg!ll the
e n1J Fe' nJIJ lid c,f beil.d s, without 'stitch i n g, dow n tlhlroug,h~lh!eFe'1 t. Repeal tJh~ 5, procsss a 'semrl~ time thel1l pLl~1 tigllitly on l~le!thrEl~d to ~u.:111 the Iltle'tldiworik in, ~ it 51!'F a ighll!r'il5 up the WIi,en yo u Ii1ave ifirliishec:l tills, $.tiib:h th~ thread OJ'J<1i!r,rr1 lthrougln.dhe fe![, '[I:e' 21 ~nQr: wItih the ether End and mlrTI the '~rld5 to aboLiit SlrTim
in teng[i:1.
115] Thr read you r needlle' 'with 1i m (I,t th read. l3;rh'l,! I:he l1eedil'~ up from th e ba ckor ~he, felt[ to the front. with the need I,!;' ~n5e:fted ,herure!~nrh~ c:abochona.l"lcil:hiE! base rCJ,w 0'1' ,ooads. and ,!1\ will or ti!hlread ~bout10cl1r! long". Thredid on f{J'lJiF :!l;11e 15 5,eecl heads. ~hen IJir,i1ng the neeC!lle (lovm thro~,~hthE;! felit. eli1l:5,urlng tnebeads sU flat and snug on rop of~iM bi3.!;e WDVl..J ofs'Bed IlEadl~ :"li'iC' ,1lIil'5l:.i S:i1ilJg . ,aga ~f1iS[ ['he' G3[)i(Khorli.
fiG]: Biring, tille' n~dl~ IQ<'Ic.k two b€o1Icls·oliif1d pUl.si1II'c U.p il1'FDL:ig·11 m [he! ~oPtJHhe!"f'ei[
j;]nd 'p;<!SS throl:lgh the two, beads tattle
r~gh!;:, Repe,at thi~ process a:rot!lnd the [;j3Jbochon, ~flIt~1 you hav'@four or lsssbeads to add to corn IJ te~e the beadllng. ro uno the cl1boc:hC!n_ Add the amount cif Ibead 5 nee.dM' rod'll!lin the r:emil!lnlli1~ gap, par5s the needle mro!Ugh to the b.;ick;, go b,ack LW,() beads
and :p tJ'S h tM need leIDhwugh to (he front
OIF the felt.
rt,], Pass, [he needle ti'1J()'lJghl the enttr~ 1!'00uil1d ,CiftJedir!5,without ifih:hlng CiClWril through tile fat. Do this t'Wke~f!d pull ri;ghdlyon [he thread ro pun the tmdlll"Qr,k in, '50 i~ 5rraigntl:IFIs up theneeds, When you havennis.hed t'1h~5.S;~i:tch the tl1rl1.'ad down thlro!!Jgh tha h1~t '~a tlte back, tlaa klllOlI:: with memher ernd ~liId trim un: me ,en:~s liue about 5mm long_ Rlepea.t[.1115 whol~~p i;lg;ailn to '~er;:J!ue~l~e beads,
I:OJ, Ap pl:y ,a.IDh~ n layer or gIUt:'LO rh e b'aclk lof the 'ml:tarndatil:acl'1 i~. tD th~ ultrillSll!Ii!?Cle, trying to ~void a,ppl)"lTflIg tile glue too' doselly 00 the edge. Se[ aside
1:0. dry for 15 ml11UEe5. Usirl!!J: the SOS50FS, mm [he excess ultraj\! uede so 'that it
ls the. same shape and 'si2:e as the rest of (he work .
i[9'I1rhr:~ad th ~ nB@dle WI thl m of dw~ad.
Pi (I{ up onecoh:;lur A.. sf:ze -1'1 'Seed betl.cJ then threelJdtlle needle drn.~n lth.rClu~:h thetwo malt:e ri.ilts, frmm1frorJ,t to baok about 2m m
in sidle the edge. Now thread th e needl e thrOYi~!httle ~dded b~~d {yQ!J need to' e'!i1!h~,rr d1fOUglh. Qh~ bead>;; !iJcI~ tha:[ isF'(tSring on !tie edge of the wurkJ ..
[to] U ~ing the tlechni q i.!ein step '9', add beads ~II the way around the e(jg,ing
ofthe piiece um~~: you '~ave added the last Ib~ad •. en suring [ih:ar: chiem are an even numbe r oGJr beads .illJU1Jm:l ·1tI~ oo:~e·, then ~hf.i'lad 'lh~ need i® I.:nrQUgh tih.l!!ffir:st beacl.lB.rrng the r.100dh~ bac:kthr{)uglh to the ba c:~( ofr'h e piece, thrrOlLlgh the 1i rst ibead. T1e[lne tlAilJ I:lhl'e~Cls tage~:l1er then weilve 'them into tile ~c:&:;in~ 1:0 hudE~hem (ijJlfi!d: trilrlll Itlle! e nds,
It 111] Thrl@ad the m''NE!,dle w~(h ~ m of thread ana Dring iti[Jhll'ougn one ohM edg~ beads, 'fwolli1tlhe IIlI1'N to the outer-edge. TIUri~~d on Uuee (oiovr B, ,size nseed be~d5. Working!rq,an .anti'·CTockwi~ diredi~l!li pi,J~h the :!ll~edle t1h~Q!Jglh til.; next bead. T11t:! 'rhJe~ lbr:!~d~ ~houldfmm a smalll polnt,
Thread the r1'!i.l~dll€ tlh.lrOl.1!gh the n~ext bead uhe th lrd bead of l'fHil' eel g i Illg row, hD m the l[li!II'l:er [n me 0 (lHer ed'ge, I~h en add thm~ mo re 'beilds, and I[hr·€aa'
th ro ugh 'tne next lDeadoUI1 E'edg,~ng. ~P@Cl t tl'l is ~-eqQj.el"l'ce all th~ way around the edge. then tie oil k riot with tne u,.o eli'!,j]~ ,of tne[lhn~ad aln a we8ive them bark rnm your WEltk, h ieii r'I grne rh reilidst Trl mr'!I afFl:1he IExces~ ttfi Irelldlli5ifig'
sharp scissors.
"~Dj!! .IIC·" HI" " ·'·.C"
~., &J.a, __ )1. _,. ' __
(13.] [email protected](] YOLII:rli'1liBedle WI1!'.h 300m D,f thrnad .Th r~:;ld your need I e tl1irc u:gh ene of rime Inner ed ge Ibead s.rrcm tlile 0 u:re r tom e
I rm er edge .Elnd [ih:re.l]d '[he need te ~'hmug&1 one of 1t1~e outer heies of the mesh db me an r:~~e rl:ng 1J11,llnk. Bring th2 l1:eedH:! back tow<llrds. theflml'el' edge beads ,anddlrei'lld if through one of th!? ill n ~I!" !Edge bead'5 ~ g.!l!ill, Utlis lime wurkJng from the Inner [0 outer
e.G ge ofbhelDeaa, Hi fearll:he nero I~e IiJwJugh the next b(tJld~h@ o P p05i~ W.;:ly and E:1f1Ir'tlQjgh the: next hLllle on ri'1le mesh dcrne, Repeat. tl"i;~s preeess until yOL:l hll~ workcfl d ycn . .!f threadaround :the enit~r'e ed1ge of [fi1:i? bea.d'ecl aLbocihCln arid thill1 r~ng ib~,aniK .. TIe the [\1i,I'1lJ ends rof the till read anei weave them bilCkl:hrough ynlcllll"wClrk, hfdlng [he thread as you go. Trim{O'ff tne.exeess threads, e
[[31] Keepi,ng Ioo1:h ends of [l1el:ig,~r tall wgelrher, thread o.n one l'Omrm peridot bl-ccne, one lOmm ClI'yS:CillJ'nQ1i!Wr spacer, cirlil:~ l3:mm perldar:. bl-rene a nod che cr~ rn p,
U niq ue L r:j,t;cti( m Unrivalled Q uality Unbeatable Prices
14] Ra~'500th ends of thl~ tiger ta.1l~ through 1.5]: p:l.m the tiger tta[I'~o dow the '~a1pS
the split ri ~g or; tne phene ,;rtrnchmer:it" the II a r'ld :!\earve .al OJJ p of ;i\! !ilui1-~3 mtl'l1. 5q~eez eo
WCk[~1IlrQugl1me Clrlmp, lM Bmm per-ieter. r.heCIl'ilmlp [igt1~iy ano 'crlml the endsQf me
b~·co~e ,at~d ~he crystal f!owers," tjger tail, _
~ 8ruUc funbff rn.rfi~Irrll f"l~o!iI frnm sa.DC
'.' Garrcllarm Uhlp::I ntrnnolil 1 Br lram .5\'.2..IJ.Il [1 D i:llmnool • GIi1fi.1i 9~;;u;J:ir~'Ilm S9. so ililQ{liI]
~, Sw~ e. con 5 frgm !S4,II'l.Q {'Ji!!! j SlllIiOt frll~1 rJl,,""'~I t.illlll ~rCirn S1R_~~L:a
~ ,SLIUltrtu SilWJ bOlGl Q, 51.tiQ ~ gIn
~I WOOO 8!)~.elnfltl!> rlom eg
And much much m.orte!,
Add el,egan()e~ and sophisUcali.on to you r outfits with this deUglhtfull deii,gli1~ Mbc distressed day hues for a, fll'Dwilng c,oEour' effeot~ theln create go,rgeO'IiS Id i:mension.aii fO,S'e. chJ1sters ,IDln,d add cop;per cha'in hiliighllights for a strilkinlvi'ntage •. ook ..
c r>Jedd~(:e gust ~ ~gtlling pfl1
~ PaStill'mtU:nine r- curnn:g 1J'la~~
if" toJe~(H~-nos~ pl~~r5i WIN'!: cu rters
Ball [DQJm or bll!n~~!ldE!!d tatJl a ~l!ttl'lIlIg bOiHd
(. CrJFl[ Ilm~!Fr~~L
~ Pr~mQ,{..lay: IliIurrU !Jimg~r. white, i;llac:kl CliJippe.f, g.dld,. sea green, Yii!!II,[)w. ali,ztlf,i no rrlrneon
£' 580mm [enlt~ tpppeF tl1,aJ'n ~ a. 50mm COPP€!,f @ye ~11 M
e- ~m.alll Cio~per tobl~ei'$P'
~. 316mm w,·f splitrlr1~
¢ sO m m , ,2a·gaug~ C€l [4l p~r wilpe
P,REPARA:T:I·O· '1\1
- -~- -~----- _"_
It) con dido II rh e (I rrJymlouf5 ,rm 01 set them lISiee .jo cr~,1it€~lhe be se (Opper, ta 1I.1.e 0 ne ,part Nipp~ri ville part g\'Jl.d 13ti~ 'tWa pail~ i:litJ!nl[ tUm b€ir and m i'x: w.ell. CUT tile mixed pie.oe in 'h ~if snd roc) I ~ both pfeces out ILJ~5UI1lg, l:h~i!Jf1Iik:.k~st: SE!!mlilg all til ~ pasta ma:C:h~ne and 'Sell them asi,cI [I.
(,2], To u'i'!!atetll~ v£!or.aligrlls GO h~J u r. n1ix fou r parts seagreen, one pan yeH ow, one ps rt
,a uza rl I!'I Errml!1i~n !!l ful 14 pa rts whit;,; ,lthen
set aslde, Take a small pi;ere ofthe base copper from step ~and add bvo parts blalek. Mii){ well and '5.;0[. al~ide. TlTli~5 is YOUI' dart copper. ¥C)ushoutd i1i'l11!!1 h~\ie 'fOUIF mi~,etj colours; ba!s:~ copper. Citflwk cCl;pp~r, v,~rd~grls ,Elndb~8ck.
1:3.11 Taketlhti! darlk c;,opp~r from ~;[,€!,p ~ fIIml rdll: {)U{ enthe th In 11 e5tsenilng onme
past"! mach i ne, lit $hOl..J.ld be very fir~hg lie aru::l tea~' ea$!i:I:y, lRoll itaga ~n us iog a 'rQ~,1 ing pin
if it lstoothlck, Distfe~s the sheet L1'Sfng (l bl u n t ~nded '[001, snthat It has hole5 and smaliloors [r:) it. 0.0 nor. worry Irw ~ r breaks im:o pieces,
(IIJ]: Using oneG,F title base QOP'PSf pieces fro~m S!l:eD t. lay me tin in, dl stressed sheer (or pLe:!Cl1!!o51 on top, IM\ling !IiQl~5a nd spacss i ['I
it PireS$ dOWlifirm!ly onto the M'se 5h,~el: and, usffl'!lthe' balll point tool I' smooth alh.l1e Itdge5 iniio the bt1SE" tiS€! a: l'Ioll~ F1l g pJl:1I to
~mE! n the 5urfae,e m ell 5Et ~ti'l5icle.
f\!5]1 .Roll the bl'ack day out 0111 the th] F! f1 est ~Fgttjng. then rell ,ol.!!t~llIe! veludig:~,~~dlay on [Jhe .~ mesettl ng. l.ay [he verd ~gir ii5~1h eel on rap of the b!a(~ sheela nd 1m II I] t~f!m, 11!~lhrul y witih [he roiling ~:I~n. 'n~m oil a'nybllillC:~
!1;! dg~s.,. [} ist;rr~5 t~ irs~h~l;t ~"5, in st~1P 4. Lay ithis (In top of th!.;!: tCoppe F'sheet fll"Om :srep 3. r~[i;:f' the s,erond bas~ CClppe!:r s:rneetPlio:m step 1, and lay t~everdigri5 sheet trom stsp 2, on t(J~. Run thiS fl~rOlJgh t,lhe past.?: mtl:cllli!IlIE en the. thlic:k:~5.tSletlrrtg:I' You should now have Gn~U1It.k :sM~t wimtlleMUL:i,m ~a}'~er be~!l~ base moper, dlstressed dar:~ Qoppoer, then b'la[k:and Findilly, vfHdigrls.
Using; tl1l;! wll'~lligpiii, fo~1 outUil; ,[_I~y piec~ !Jnli~nnl.'! ve:rt:!ig:'riis, has tile [email protected] t~~dt.:r1ess .clJllldi appooranue-.Iif in doubt; iris bener 1HJ I!eave tn e cl ay too th r (I~,
r a'rher thi1i:1llao t:h'i yOIJ can use YOUT flng.ers OOf:I!Jrtlll~r thin [rtoo aehle);€! the dle.~ilred result wMn YOUJI form earn P~lltl.
mf you m.acke the vendI2""is [I'ay too thin it will 00 inaffeulcv€l.
I~j Te!1:tv on.a! pleee of verd~,~iI"r:5 'dl~y u5in,,~,
y(J I:J r fin~rs. :IG~@ pi n ~tlhe' v€!!rdi~'F iss.idie. WIi,\IilJr·OS you, [urn 'the edges back and t:J I!ld€~ r~erll gen!'[)ly 'mi!){' 'tine (]a:ywi~1'n lfii i11ge r P!r€tS'SUf@, shi3ping'~liiie p~t\iI!1 and l,uming it:: under untill~lhe l,Ierdigi~riS. reaches the desired .1iI p pearanm .. FOr' the ,eel'lt!'\:! of Uh~ rose, !DillCn 'iilll~ln strip of clay ,about3~Ol1liil' ~ong;
and llmm 'IMide. R,on ,thi5 and :sh~p~ the' beg.i'l1nfn,g of the petals.
1(7) U~~n g your Hinge! rs, 'phndl' the d;IV r ntg petal silape5as s h own .. .5 mape tou r small I petalsend ftlUir large petals. The:l' petals ~h(li:Jld hi ~\!'e ;J(;'!iFdr!~lr+~. (l n bath'S-ides from rurnu:F1lg the clay 'You work the pee-a Is. so gel e,et the most .anr .:J:clJlve 'std:€, fClf tl'ie'rap.,
1'01,1 Q'iJlIl ,Iml~e .le~~bl'i1 tWok PJaWls fur a &~l¥.J"~U8(l'kI,ou::e or pet'lils·lol''!il UlPl8 dE!lir;31e JJ~k1it~.
[1I]ir:aldng t~e' stem, of the' ro:se .celrttn:~; add thE sma II pt1ltal s, one at a time, squee'z i ng, !their bases Inn) [he (enrre 5t!em seClJT,ely. Thien, a.del 'th€ I~arger petals· by pl:rJIQt1 g:~'Iil@'m bet;,,,,eerteach ~ the sm,;j!~ler p~~lls, Sec:tJ~e [tie peraisanh:e stem.uold the ends of each pe~ltDgeth:e, t!:g:lul}l as you b!J~ld~e F09E'~ i[5i~otlld hav1!l oil f,.;a.i wiy k):ngaf:ld~hlk k ME m aM sh,ould be' squeezedl tog:ether rig,nI: up c:hJS@ ito the petals tnemseil\l~5.
1[9~] When me peraJl:iilre'Firm1vJcllned. place tthe rOse Q il ~t$sfde$CI dt:a:t thE.> pet~lls han g Just OWf th E! @dg€! ofr the cLn::rul!lIiI.g hoard and
''lli l1lOiikE a bud, pmdi i3~1h! n $lip tij,®ut ~{5()rom ~ong aDd 'l3m:W'Yom:l Epll i:llll.'ll, VGrdiI!lIl~ ~J]eilltlC1,wd~. §IJ;IdsJaBpEi tbE:~!iIJlg of
'ill€' ~ :tI85h(}'W,l] In motll fi It·~ 1cllook ;gjmfli);r tJ:rme1ci3lU!€toftlIe'!:C>SeS
theseem is onthe board. UsinBthe,cutJtj!1~ bf1! d I;!, slice nff the exoess ~tem ilIscl OSIE' to' the rose as; PD5Sib~ ~ , ensuring [hat tbe slitced a.r~. is a. flat I de-aA cut and at 90 degrees to the rose "TIh~s is' !impoll"t.;Int as the rose will not S it weill ilf curt reu g h ~y Dr aIi.l~ a ngle, Ma~e a. total 01" six rCIs.'eS ffour!r~E!' abOU!lt: 300m IlIl diame:l'€'r, and iWB :small! ,a:bou[ 200m rn dlameterr l. setal! af the roses 13 side. M~k!e U1iree leiil!Je~ by p;jr,p;::hlilriig the sh1!pe' beml.een yCl[jr~n~@rs. f.Hld~hll!Jmh. Markruhe veil"! s, If' rsqu ired, With '[he pol'n t of alnawl end :selrfa~~ the edges. Set a~joe.
IID11 -:rake one ,[a~'ge rose" twa small eoses, one bud and dlf1ee l'E'(lv€:$. A.rrange cl1 em ina plea5~ng p CJI~;[[ir.m. ¥ou do r1(]il ha v,e. to atta ell them to e,ac~ other "Uhis stage. You can tit,e all (he co m po nerns now ~ f you wo L1ld like to ~\lold ;'lI'1IY ,w:moge w hen a:.~L:hIIit'lg to the .ba~e i but yo i[J m ust I ay til ~ penc!ar1't (i'Elsiign om .3Jnd :;hElpe the p~Em@s writ n@a!Uy
togE;lthe:r Wth'i:JllhI:!V W ~U illt~r!Qck: well togeme,r When fired. Key tne .bac_~·wltl1.~ mEl rk tn, he I p pla,c.e, tihemaft:e r fj ri n g~ ;;:!1,thoLl!gh you r;l1'aiY think yQU will remember how th@y fit !::hanc~s are you won'E. when r.wne time comes!
fU.~ ~o:ll Q:u~~M rem anliiJil g sheet gf W!)!;Ier verdigris to a pp fQX: 4: rn m th lck, !La:yrrile sheet a ut.and un a Irewngle slig My la rger tfni3:n your' '~end:ant' arr<l!ng'eme'lit. Pia!';;!; the flowe:lI's, bu d andll ~a\ll:5 in the' rsqu r~ed po,sirio n IQIiI th~ basra. Try to. get sad1 pliece jn tentact wirh anO'm~rand a,dhemar pa~rn~ of [ontact1foradded strength .. llise gell1tlle pressure i ,I ~q u id day, or PYA glue, to S€:C1U re I)ne pieoe5 i:rl[:o position. AIi'I awl. pressed flll'm'~y cl!{)W~ bet¥leer'! tbe pe~ls ~whaf1e i~ will n ort ~ihlC!.wl', can be used l'C! help 'ooctJ re t'1'1€! l'iow@rs ttl ih~ backf'lilg. 'r-urnmeflQw@rsld~ Dver ge nt;ly lntn ~hepa~m of you r iha!l~d an,dli iJ5i1l11g .<l ·5~1a:np Oil!ft kJi1 ufe .I:fim~he ba:s€ r ntn the·~haipeFormedi by we. Howen;; and ~eaYEs,. ens'Ulring, [hait ltls net viSib~p. from the '~mn,[.
[:12] Pusl1a long head pij:1n up ·rnn]ug;h 'the CI1:hlll'tre boUomr (If blcMl'!!g and up through [fiIe~.(ilp. ensuring '~:tl,ilil·I.!:i.e. p~Marl!1 :lllilling5. I e~~ lind mat th ~!r~ is. e,lf1!Qug.~i t::J.f tlh2 pin at th e top to Wi ake a Ii:oop ~erfi,r i ng. Set.1s~detQ fire.
['13] Rtll18he rema~ningday inltolmm [!lIck '5labs. Cut a fecralrIJgle ~'lllJitCjE' as Ilon~ Midi rbe sam!l1! w~dth as one eose. Uy the! whe across Ithe Slhcu~ s'ide of this rectangle SIC that Ie is p:rQ:trud~l'!lg on both s.h:l,E!'S_ Fold the' reaarni_gle i iii halt (jtver[ihe wb',ean d pr E!'S5 to adhe rte'.
M alte su re me wi r~ is ol'Ii 100 ~ Ff[ in ~h[! cJalY and Ith6!11 remoI!Je Ule wfr'e".
[:'1,4] PI,ac.ebl1eFI:oweir lig,htJy ento [his Ibaddng ml"Jd maek a recrnngle smalliu [·han tne rose.ensUtl':ilng ti1!';l'i: it does netshew IAr'om tha from om::€! the' ross h~ irn plla,(j~., RemOfV,€ ttl II! rose and u]m the: recta ngi'~ to ttinis mark. SE!'[llJuethi~ rose to the base-and set ~t asi(jefol"fiir]ng.,RJepeatt:lr'n,is. PnJooss Ito miillkte IlDack~ngs feu @t!ch Qf rli:e ['WIO 1f''e.l'I'lili~nlng s~n:~+e roses, Ma:lre sure [intiltth,e ba:C:~ilngs are-small ,erQ,Qugh that H1tIityare
hl c1d8l11 by th e roses o1trnd ~ hataJlll Q f rhe
holes, are open, Set ~dll ij,f these pleees as laefo rFtlfilng.
IJsiif"!i;!; 'S!m~H pieo~s ,of the r,€:main,ing venJlj'grls shser, wl~ r'OlJrm'llnd beads sbour BOmm. in dtiame:1reJr. MaJ~eill noli! in tllEH)~n:u-€! IJsing Ihe ,aw I. B~ki@ GI.II of rh B (;1 i3.y p,lemE; ac;mrding tothe mall ufadurelF's in structlons [hen set t~em a si~rje to t(;:DoL
1151 UU[ two, 20m m ~e n~g-th s, four. 35m rn leF1lg~h5. ~wo. ";[!Smm le ng'[ns and fINO nOfinm Itengths of wppel" clh~,~n.lJJg;iF!g: the' needle-nose :p]ier~, rnak<€' ~ leep at tn-e top (If the :pen di':l nt then plaCie ,;i. siJ,iit riing on W, the loOp. !l.wlch UI!'ie2iJITlifil ~[Ien.gIJh of !J::o~per chain IjQ '[he rIng, AlITI.chi atl1l@y€ p]n IDDh~ eli"lo, ClrFltlfs chain., R~P~iit Oi!"! the other S,I d f.
Ihr~ilIid~ round head tQf][O 1illl~ eye pin then rut t~e end.of [he Eye phl'uSing wire oUIllJE,rs,, a l'lnf:'Ir'I:li raiL using needlie-l'Ios€
pliiE! IS. make a. loop wi1tn1flll~ @~J. At~cJl o !liE:! 35mm ~I en gtn oicll(l.i III to thisloop\, Re~~t enthe other side,
1'16)1 ~n.:l:c:h an eye. pm to tne enll:i ,of tne chainattilcli"le'd' ~n i~ep 15 then tlt1tli€'a,cI a.I'OS€! onto ~11illl pln. If ve.q~.ired, ol.;luhe end ol line eYl@ pin lJ.sill'l.g wir@ [;" ~€!aving a
12 rn mrL-ait (tea:te a. IOCl~ ff(Jml:ll~e gL~ I, usnrlig I'll eeele-nese [pili ers, A,tJi;acn ene 31j, m m ~ength Ci~ cha In to ti'H~IIOOp awn:l one e:l"lu;:i Df a new
~ 5 rn m IElng,ffit of cl'lJa;i J:1~O the same open loop. tem"8' the 45 mm I ~ngtlh of mafi!1 to ~1i;mg. Repeato:n~he m:l1e;r s~de.
(17] open the loop and attach 1Jhe free end Qtf the 3$ m m (Ih~ i ntrorn ste p16 to an eye pi n til e n d OM! the I oQP.Repea~: on tl1 e o:Eher stde. Plrl(e arou nd bead onto tn e eye pin, Cut the e){e' pin to, 12mm,]Jsilng title wllr,@' cutters 1J5ing nfl@'clh~=no;@; plTi@'fS, make ,al~oop and aUJJCWl one (.If the ~ 20mm
I engtll s of chain to' tIM i~ Iloop .. Il;,tnu:h as pi it ring W the e,nd tof 'this chaIn. Repeat onldh€' iJi[iher§ide.
AitMcoa IDt?srer c:JaS!p to the ::;pll'i't r~ng Orr"! tne f~~JU hand 5~ld:e ofill1e Iileck~ac:e. l[)t(J the netdld e!ce ~p an dI hang ~t 011 ,i;t !l,ed;lao;< busr, lJ'sing the neeklaee b~_5t rot he~p position 1'1:, take til!::'! ~a!5t rose and tbread an'eye pin t1~!'OlIJgh the hole, Using n~edlle-nQ5~ pJienii". m a ke-a I ocp and anaL:lill:rne:Ftee '~n:dl of the 45mm piece uf (lhaJin from step 16i. R,(?peM ·Q"'l the olii!er s~d:g. Ma~.;i:Q~11;I5ffmeflt~:to the nl"lJal posl~i!On of rn,i<; cenne rose by ~honening dh~ s chain •. ®
Dn~~ss, Up' your own CIh:riis,ltm'a:s, Itn:~e iQlf 5:poi 1ll,o:wed 'oneswitlhl the,se stun Dliin,g heirloom, oma ments, With deliighlful s~lver tri:mmi:ngrs ,andl SUibth! ,CO'IOU!f hlighlighlSl,thiey'willll ,add elle.galn:Ci@ and charml 'to'yOiUF' cellebrati;ons.
ROb! nd-n oSiep~:ler~ W~r,~ {]Jmer~
'l:: 605 m m g,~a:s;s 1m nam~t~'t
20 !lran'lfs, QI.8111rlm x 3,.25mm sOOr~i~g '5jrli~er rings
'!'". ]2. D •. srnmx 6mlm s,uiE,rAlng, Slllver Irrngs (', ]B" smm sw~m\;'1 crysml bl-Lljn~
,g , 16m m,~af9\1slo;:i cry~·ta I bi:W nes
. SOc_m 5terlin'g;silwr ~l.:Irb chaJin,
~2' links t.or Sam
Go ] a ,C)r2:0-g~u g,e:!-&i:i'U1 stf~l if!gi silve r heal::! pin'S
150m, O,8nnm'$~erllll£ $II\I:~r rOUnt;llWire
on th@'folllQw~lrng ~€!1l1g[111S fmll1', Uli@ s.Uv@r curb chain;
1; tcm or 1 B ilfrn~ lengri1r5 6" 30m orr ~illl~ lengths 6il ,7cm or 4 ~inlk lengt1hs 6" 1.3cm or 3 ~ink Ileng~t!:;
1'1] Starting witl1lsi~3.2~mmJump .rll11gs" dos@:'four ofi:hle rings ;,;)1i'1lcil epen two,
Chain Maille
[,2I Rlilce ttll~~WQ ope:n rings; inU12 rentn~~, I";~el'll jOHf1I b.\lQ of ~hie c ~Q:s.ed rings U) elth~r side of mese Ct;'rj trail rr rI gs .. ')sshoW'l[,
[3,11 I.i n k iii nether two pill irs (If dng;srog~th,er, m a k'illlg. a two [1i1~VQ sectlon, then D'iJ entwo more fililgS. 10 ma~e it ea51er to hold the F~n~s, []hF~d a pieali:'! ofwlf~tfil'aiLh~h Ell,E! pah· of rings en the ~eft
f41: Fold back tn.e tifllJrd pair ,off~ng,s" one to each side. then hold them with aJ fingE'lr on ~iJich side ;:lind squeeze 'gently. TI1et\i\i() Iril1g~' y,c) u :lh.l\i'€!: fold@(11 back, w~ II, lft:i'liOV@' 'f.o~w"r,dl. PaJ5,S ill T lP~n th rough the .space termed as shawn in the p hom" Wt!:h ,[I n open rIng, I'dlloW me patl1lQUhl€' 'T pin, rh rDugh 1I:h,~ (\,!!,ICl r~ng'5, then add the two' in two section to th~5 open !rl11"1g before [ilosing rl~ W~·iWE (he se:mncl QP~n rIng through, beside the 'fiiF5~ and dose it
1)5]' Fa lei back tne ~M two r~ngs; a's. !be:'Fore , then passtne 'T pin"th wlJg;hthebNo folded back ring;s.. ,as·lnsl'!:!p,:l., OiP~1 t~\,{;J II1lIG!lfe rlngs ,aM '[hrr~Jdch~m! one. art) tlrne, along m~ patn ofr the ''It pin, dosing each ring,'once ~t I!;· in p,I1!I::e •. This com:~I[!t!25 OH@ Byzantll1<f! WSllIV{:! Si@"Cl:iDFil.
[6,) F'olll(lw,[ng the steps above, make 18 lByza tilll'Jn eweave secrl on So. "rou will f1!~led 12 IFor the 'RQm~JI1;ov w>Iil!ave elements iJnd six to II n k them togethe r around Ute g lass bsl ~<
1[7] ro creau;!! (]I (ry5ita~ linK, nw~ac:l a lE!ng,t.I~ of su':rlflng sn"el: w~re throughone srnm crystal, then (Jeat~a. loop at eftlh~J ~lT':Id o,f [he iJeadl, usin~, rcurrd-nose pliers and trim off the "l2X;c'eSl5 wire, M't a~,' d,~' tyliC! Byz2!n:ti FIe sectiOi1cS" one 5:mmcr)'stallink anctwo
iI·-----· I
o,pevq 5mm ri!lg~, to ~r~~' one Rpmt3JlOv weave element.
1:8] To cernpleteore Rom:af!o'V wea~ SE'UiOlfl, rhrr,si:l{:i an openjump ring Through thetop M(tIlri ngs of 0 ne Byz(Jntin~'weave seil:Jtion so they sit side-by-side on the ,r~!lig. 'Tilr@ad the- :sam@Jurn!p rlng ThroLigh th~ top r~ng af one 5mrn bead crysta'lll[1I\;, then
th ro w,g II the tap ,two r i FI~S or a seco net Byzantine weave 5'8((ion. {men dose~~u~~ !Ink. ~p~i3t this srepm c:realJ~ s;i~ :ROrrllilr"loV we,aveS,e.r.:tioTirs and 'set ehern iilsidill',
1!9.l on til.!:! 1:13. I'ink length Qf,(:iha:lr1,Eut Dh{'. hu.t :llinkon the. side of the Hnk and use ~J s 'opefl' H!'l~ to jO~!'Ir!1e.ef'ld!irogeth,er, '[:0 trea::te'i.I direll!:!'. Tlt1Iu~i1df 12, 5mm cryst.<lis. ,and six r6rn nil c r 1/$[(11 s, onoo ·a; head 1P11i1 Atti:!(~1 onE! smm r(-ry~[a~cI r'OP' 'UJ one end! o;r each: of~he $.i,:f, tl1 ree·Hnk OO.;li FI lef'llgtihs <IrJdi
attach a 6mrm r;rysm~1 drop to one end of e~ch D1f the six, seven -link chain I engtl1:s.
[101) U~in~ the .3;~.5mrn jlu rnp rings. lii!!'!lk the six RomaJr!Ov and [he six Byza nii ne serrlon s toge-thier J to~orm ~c~rde, A rrad'1 one Smm crystal dror;l W the' lower e·dge of thesix
It! YZ.3Jnti ne s,1::!:cnJofls, pa:s:~~ng a JUI rn p ri ng [rnr1J!I.Igh th~ICWO ceni!ral r~'iIIgson [iM.e ~ower e.d ge and 'the Ilo'o:p of; u1i ec.rystid d r,QP, 'then (:]'ose '[he r~ng,
('111 You wi II fl~V join the pi'Ke;s. oiF ch~ina'r me top (JIf~j!1e orna m em: 11 mid H nk ~hem 00' [me Rom2l.lI1ov lind By:i!:anlil'le w~a'\/e E:lifCle_
Join o\lI rD~'it ~irI!< 11~fi1i~m o'F dh~i!1m ,every lh~f'd link of mle 611tle cre!flteo lim ~tep 9, uSii:r1lg~ .l.,.2Sm'm jUImP ring. ·'Vhis c:ht~in
f;J as no cry5'cai cl1rrJp. ItHJl will. Il ave' adeled si:\ pieces of r:rnlilin once yau harve'oofriple1ted
the wholE drt.le. W(Jrklng-ya!Jr ""i?,Iyi'iI~'tlund the circle, jQhll the Mnom Uffik cf e~[11 of tth~se ctia!i'iliSto the tOIP' ";Jlrg~ ring, of a Romafio'IJ eliemenlt.
fih ree- Ilink le;i1Igth of chO,i:1li Wl~h ill, '51i'fUrll ,(rysta~ 1'::l2,1 J c I n the top Df eaeh ot ttl e ICling
GmD. Tn~ ring joini n ~ ~111e.5€! drops, to th 9 n::rp rel'll1:2i ~nlil1ig crrYSGi I (jIO P So nome bono III I~~'~e
d reli n~ chajlfl wm p~5,lrhrl,jug~ the twofr~, do.!'1l of each Roma nov weav~' sectlon, u sing'
unused links. Hnejumpr~ng,5. (_~
To rhe topcurcle of cna i n anid
t.:)I~twOOr'l' the dh.31n~,jLJ~t il'ttil.C:ihed, ai~[1hr a
Did YOVi: kn,QW
yo~. ll:~lV e 31101 ,A~lsd::falian .A,fU81~S; iOjNJIIU" QOlftputef'
at a el.:! -II,,"~
., •.• ,.3" ,""I =~c~~
V'_ .. '
_ 1811", •••
There ,Qr,eSD malny fabuilious bead Vilill':ietiies-apartfll"orm the colours;, shapes,~ stones, an:dstyles, therle ~s' ,i)rllsolt:h'f2 ,o:plion of V1intage, rmode~rn~. real orimi:tationl. Tih.esE!~ humbl,e adornments tha.t. ,sID many o,f IUS ,adore ha.v@ an ,intriguiolpas,1 :that I[lroly adlds te tlll1e:lr app@id"HI~J@!1' Sl!ISAN SmORM BLOOM] s:har\@s the, hiisto:ry 'of be;a'd:s~ de lying back inlD tibe liimr@s,wheni!J it ailibegan ..
re~ds., heads, beads! It. seemsthat algi rl Cil n neve r: !1a'ME! E'nough of thi~~e.1lld Ily avail ;:1.~'lle. InexpenSIV'e and tu 11 ky co m IfTlrtJo fry. 5t1tt:tJl th~ffi, weave them, th r'e.eJ:d them, W:f.lp them ,wind them ,aI.lfild iJje'5t of[ a.U - wellH them.. lh~¥[lree:V\erY'W inerre! .•• Qr:l rl ICcbii" W fists, e~rlob~5,; Qfl clothes C~I'~a~n5;a1'1l [] k@yr~ng5. Th,ey am pD~sibly '[he most COW[~-d scuvenlr; eras,Uy illJle to reme:mbertM place oft.lhei~ pUiFcllase.
'\IoU m,f:gh't 1Jhrp.w can lalif yeilH'S. hi,aJ:1(dDi!lg, s~j]~s. ailiiJ.e.Ven yourr
!f;i\l. \,1\0 IUti1te ,coat, IrlIJt:twV to throw flw.a.'ytlhllt f:nokit! n strand of bead's iI.;1l,Q Y0L,J wiH knm'\l' }!\o!J! will, h~."I'"f1 mQrfi1 !uc'''5h~idiing 'tI.O'int~f':;S·~XQ~SS we~git"n In a mom;ing!
Olil thesu rfaoe beads .il. r~ ju,5t !1m~1 ~, 001,0 III mull, pa,ma b ~e,
IP~ rfm.a,ood Qbj€!(~, easi Iy !';tr un:~ sn d u:s~d as .adD rnments, Made of g,l sss, pr,ecIQUJls and semI! pr, OJ m@lLIl, tlm~'Y are
OJ m piiraJtiVe l:y affordlabi IE! an d fl;la(jii;lly .a_,v.alrllalJ ~e .. They ha'l,.1e
grao~d e'vety strata of 'Scd~ty 'ttl reu g hout hlsmry,. T~~y have :be~Tl the ceflrrr,~'C1f bitter d~vorces. M~pE:!d eonqusr @impir,~s,t'in:[)1
e.stabli sheGieronomies .. r il,~y aJ~ powelrfu:1 tools. of~Ql:ialstiltlJiS an d tt.a:; h fPI1 tr~nds"
Hold any (I IdtJood lin yD L1rhaJnd a no won ner at ~ts n~e 5tol'~'~ I'll: C(ll! td ha\i!\~ Men w<:lsil;eLi up fa'Clm thti oceans, dropp~dff[)m a. tr!?'~ ,orlrnewn
from I'od.k., Ibl1lJ5ted 'from the ground i caJr\l'€'d from no rtf! and bon e Of iLfElaJtedln ·fie~vfLllrr!flac~·s. Who maDe it. WOlfe tr, loved it, pledged, lt; p:ray~dGr mo~rn!Bcll wiith lit, CJel~bFated wjtl1 it? Wha'E I iv,~s we re played with" ()r"Vl:1f OJ pile or- the tilly. mi~hty bead?
F(],r a 10119 tinfuE' tH: wa~~ ti1cllght tile ~,]·rr ~ie'5t IlJetiQ,s,;" and 1i:'he refOife tneitlr US~ as 8'aa,m m ents, w,t!re lS., Orao years. olld, .A collection o.f 41 pe~'Si4I1!d beads, d:~S([email protected]€d in (Ii South 1~;frk1.i!1I1I1 c;ave, PI.:lrrldur!i1d III the St3i11llEl! pl'i1~~ and :s.rnow ing !5 ig,IT1i'!; ()If Wfj.iua,S" if rn~y hadl bsen S1r:rLiln~ t:ogetlile r, welre dated at 75 <,000 yea~ '0 ~dLR:etet~tly archool'tJ<gisi:5
di SG:iv~r!£!d 1[11], m]I[J y~ar old si]fleilts i F1I ~sra,~I,ilJ1I c! Algeria, that wer~ ad:u(lli~ d&Onlltlve, .. 50 hOlidotlrta gr:ilI.l1Hjmi~l"S be~d5 -for flIlti.lif,e aml'1eO!~is'~s mig ht ens day PtJ,~;de. over thE!' st ructu re Q:f man
made nystal
Far more ~niJer,~s~i ng than som~t:hi ng eye"~dtc.hling to sming a rou nd 'YOlll' n ~ck, betllrls: miTIrf~ of Soh ~ll:s, and ·~ef.h ~~ 'worn by ,Mr,l"J m2Lrll as talisman 5 ~bll rl ,,1ok.e protection a.gain~t t he forCES· QrIf natllillre and Itl1e wild e:l~m\l!!n~s. )1,11:;'0 mad~ o'f sltl!)F1r!l:.i[;)s:'r:amib,vVQry,wMd, seeds, plaru,ilJDitdanlma.l: 'fesirl:5,aJ!1ld day, the eillifly bel'lJds involor.ed prcrectlon and we II bel n'g,. d~Clal'ed power a rtr:l weaJltn and s:1gnlfi ed sadra ~ S[.:liWS" TI"len,.th€ mlglny bead b&am~ th~ flrs.tcurrr'@r1c"y, a valui1l.lbl~
Iboollu sed to r trad ~~ and b(lrtew, mo v in.g ,iI!lrt)U!T'!O tlhe if"la~ly dvi I lsed war I,d as e.l>I:p[orers ell scovel'ed ne.w II~ n cis. Beads lP!liIt tih'e new wa rid on HiS, ecenom ic f~t.
lBeadJs. were' f:avoUifedi tradejtems wn~h lndlan, MtdJdlle' Eastern and Eu ropean me rchams and sn i p merits o,f iJeads. bega Ii1 arrh/iln g liil A:frf!Ca in-me rOIJ:rI:h mnliluty AD. Alfillburaders cnrsmels managed
il;O peneuete the U rrte rlo r r wh~le ]ndiaFl5 andIIEUirope,a~$ were C(l'r'l1ijJ.'l!ed '00 c:.oas~a.ll riI'a.d~n~ posts unUI,~he middle. of ~h~ n~nililter.l!nth c:el,l,ury. !LI5~r1g AJr[; mididl:em €!.1l10 mov@ 1,111 e tHi~ilds 'Inland a~ong [lll!~
rtr,ad e. routes, Tl'ade became a. focall po:ffil for <0 rg131F:i TisT,I1!l !i IiJ mElin
afta i rs, ,i:liI'ild huge, 'flourishl ng emiPl~s grew fmmsmal'l rnerkets, Weal!tll accu rn IJ li1Il-edlas raw rna t~ Fi,alls, were ~xr.hanged for
:mrl!ish~d products,
for ~v~raJ nundredyears, sub Saharan Arrica.~s,tfLlggled b~t\iVeei;'J~e European powers For control of its peQP!e. rkhes and [I(lnd •. B~<ilds. impcm.aJf1uole, as Iheyawe rrl1emast common f~atwe of A:~dcan ill iJlOll'irl rnenra ndl ws r8' imported ~ nro ths (jQI\1Ir.lin.~nl fro m b~fur'·e fnli;! C~r~s.til:lll er~< SO~~ f;'.~ld¥ RQtrl~n :sM~ E'1ye' be~d$ h'@y,~ also beeinFoundl ~t the a n::heQ~ogi call site !!J'~ Dienne,j dati n g from
:3 0 (I Be to 200AD. Wn,i le man y of these beads g;oin~o rnuseurns, ~t ~s 'stllil posslbleto buytllelm from spe eM, I fiSt lbeEl.~ gailieriie5 find
i ncorporate them into 'y'())Uf OW!l J~welie ry,
TI1I ~ Q!kleS1: for AfriGiltr1 gol d ,ivory dind spkss b!ioLJI!~h[ E U fope:all e}(p~.olrers to WestAFriG!l.ln [he fif;tceeinth cernulry, ~aden with [t:em5w Wfne.II1, Vasm dill (i erne :sailed tro rn Por1!!Jg:al amulliid the
south em tip of AffirTcain 1!l]98 , a s~he ~ !rst 'of tlhe Ew ro'p ealf''11 e'xplo:fEl.r:s ItO il'lf1lu,;ne[j~e hlgt'1liy 1,I[J(ITa[hre MU!j,~Tm I:r,;:ad~ng H:lLlJ:e,I[ was g!as·:; beao3 from Europe tmlt he used 'tel bilr~fr with, A'fnTmn5 bEgpinm tr€!iP~laGethei[ u:s,e 0,1 locall arga.nic mat:ernaisliikesh'eill's, reets, s.e~ds 'and bOrl,~.stWlilg with ~alml1bres Olf giro;]ffe hair Into thelr rody decoramlons and househClI~ adornments,
For 400 y~.r~, after ttl &t, ~he DlIJitdi!, E hglf~hi, Fr.;'rl clh, ~I g.~1:1! ,~T1Id Gem'l.1!1n 5 bll~l.U~!lIht mi Il,ioFlS off Venetia! n. [JlIj~ch g.1l d Bohe:m~a n glass bead~ no ,Afwtcaifo:r traide, Illioomiing ibee:ds had <a hu~e lmpact 011
Af',r ilatr1 histo,ry as they wetre Ib21ruerEtiI for rn YI"iad supplll:~~, fro m gelid to lncense and .between thel:500s ~!"td M~'6'(', a handAullof beads
GO L! I,ldl a lso buy ~'Ul rna n ca.rgcH.!a'l,l\e!ll,
So nl!!l!.ny Mds, 'J,\1E!'re Uildool:JllfOUgh Africa, iE I::;; p~u[ myth and parr truth that Aff~ca ls covered wim beads, M i lIiom of white bead s, thought to ,ilppeaJ~ t~e gods difi;dlensure safe. p-a S5,,!!Ig~ on tile lakm;:, 'I,\I,@~@ (hrnWl'1Iinm thi€! W€ll!:l rs, €lind olldl t:ui!\1Ids ,af'"Q st1n.was.~'ed LJ po rJ the roasts an:d511 ores of Af"rlc:a.,
W~1jUe Ibe.adsliave been used for n,'SiI1Le H!(O:Fded :fJH~tQry. 'l~e t~i'm lrade 8~adls rnrnes Ham '[he Iiley,day Qf rii"lIrHrEld~~riod,. from
the mid 1 e. (:1-0$ t:o the 19005, Wh~~l the' Vei1 eiti~rl~s dowirmted th e! mal rketa nd: prod uced the maJor iitV of 1[)E!ads'SQld at that time.
! n th.e190(l s se he miEll, got into il:rN~ gil i'.!$sPe!i!d :malo: ingi3!O ~1fiI[]: ~aJ'ltl:ls~ijc, numbers of beaclls in a III S W1ape S'. mQU~ d I n g:s, eoleurs .and di2sf;,~n5 '~'WlliE!dl the market. Trade beadswere 'r-edisiQo\!lilfed' durijllilg !tile .] 96;05 when they st.intedl1he{ir[rave~ls ..1gD I n. ~ea'\ling, Africa tar IEL! rope, Brira,~f'Ii ~I"!:d Ame',, ill nd weremad!E! more popularoy the hi ppi ~ rnove ment,
lBeat:lis.- n@w an d iQ~d - have .bocom {!!el hot ~nm!:!r'@~I. i n~ih@ past r'!aw years, Wtliiill;e the supply of m(l,ss.-pr'ociucfd 'bead$1lre ,arval.labl'e Olil !i!very ~nte met :Site" the a'va ]Ia;biil ltv o'f go ad Tirade ;1B@tlds is flw i nd I~ IliIg. fir a.ders rlsk the i r live 5 to tr.a.v€! ~ deeper and dee.~(i"~nro Afrk:ato SOUfc.e In es~ bead~. and m~ny \,laI,r ~~(i~s a\l,aUableJu:;[ a.rew veatfS ago ar~ now ~I~mos'l: urnnainahh?
e~lPe;rn~iV@ 111~nt new ~eads.,.·BILII[ 1,lke..atF[\.Vor~s. mins 21ndi~tamp5! tney H~III ., I,IVQl!1de.rttj~ history, they ~re relati\ol--eiy easy to g&rlHio~d of- find they will lncrease tiliii value,.
I n an era when it is getl:ing m ore d'i Flfk.lIAlt to !be unigt.JIe, 'llios:tand out freml:he croWd. m mak·e a djffeliente, dare to w~ar beadslOO[ hint or myth, tmi\Sachje:r!tu~l;! ~I!ld tmi~.'r'I"u~;m ,,,",Waif b~d$~hat h~ tfa¥l:;'I:loo more mileslJl-un most Ipeople's, 'IJTeclmres" wonder \'i,Iho owned them '!De'fore you djt1, and Who wi II ownl.hem ",!;,I'ner! yol!.!! t1 aYe Ipa'SsetIH:l.emot'll,. r@
All If tfite Ib~atJ.s ·re·,c:rrur~ i n'this ?lrrf~l eW!:!Hl! p rc~idoo by M.laya£,emc:!i.
Be 5We'pt. awa.y by thiisfUinkylbohl(J!~ desi,gn", Wbelhe:ryoiur' $,ty~e~ ls IC,IISS,ic O'I!' edectic, thiiis s:imp,l:e, beaded bal1gjle iis SID ·easy'to ae:am ,an,d by alterinlg the 'f.o~our'~mld sh,ape of the b@adIS't
you ca,n ,a,ch ieve a whole I1IleiW hlOk.
D ~ul'~r ~ lla\~
a 1 ~ctA ThuCJ'h afGIiim5C1!1(~lle H~~~Mi)o:~~h
~ 1 pa&;ket A Tourj~ CDf tl'a5Siltl~I::l~/co[Qr Be_~: M~IiJ·~~l;;h
sl ~i(IM~t ,I\, TouclHJF Gla~~S'wlrl !l'ea r]i~fi!Jch
c '] ptl,6l(e:rr ~rn'&~() us A~E!'i1 £5 g,ol~ iJ'imrn ~ 9mm 3·hO'!e sJOO(~r
o cml\ ~.J~,~lry 91 • .51:111. ~.:5mmc.lear s:uerllch cord:
[1D TELpe ona end of [hr@@ 305mm 1'@ng{liI~ or t:ord 'LOth€! work su rfaOli!!. sc '~aJt each IP~eC€ ls paraJ.~lel. This win prey,ennhe' beads: Si~iding on. Tn ,othe r iE!'f'IId of ,earn pi 12'te through one. of t~he hol'~~ i.r~ ene spa,.ce bin.
1J:j'!J''t1an~e tJ:l.1O! !s~1E Dr tIlt: baJ(i~Je. atltl (If ~.9d'W~ tljiE' lel::rl.11i;~~ nlLlllloor of ~s bS~'Neslii '!!:b. If: p~~~ floc
[2] Randomly mread beads ontothe mild ilJ!llUI the llength 'GWfooads mea5tJ r'E! S 4cm. 'rhen thread onthe next space bar, R~peaI steps one 'l]ofmJw urrrr:l '~!iler~are 'four space bitrs ,i!!~.rl four :5e<tiORS of bead!s:.
[3] Belh~rr1Id m'he '~rs~ SPClCf'i': 'b~lr, I:if rog,eth~r the en.d~ of e!;ldl~ pteoe ·of wild L!!)jing .a dOiJIlb'le knot:. S.1~ghil:ly SUii!1[c:h~lrnll' tord to t~g!hil1ein :tIl€! KIIiIO'n::; tnen ClUE df .a:ny eliCE! SiS. C3J
Ellfe {~ otsUo & .~ 10 H ill 'Jf11~ If 'Ofd¥ s !'I 'I ID:1Hli
ponOA" 3~23J .l.o8ann.fJllmJ!' OLD 412'9
Sfwp @rllfne' at
lVIPW. bahetn iobetlds. rom a:u
lJi\l~l'OF DIFfiCULT'\(
I'. _ ,.Il'"
'AIr"~. ~
I .' II. .., ... ~ .
'iii .. -
' ......
,," ,
.' .
... -~+
'" . '" -
".', ••
I SWAROVSKI ~"d velvet
This, stunnl~ne dlesiign willi IFI1!ake: a l,iI!st:ing ~Im:pact-,and ,it is easier Ih anY'Du, mayt,h;llnk~ Co,m bi,flIli'ng swa,rDV.S kii Mads wi;thvehte:t hi;ghlilhlts alndl,iJ clb,ic "eatttne pen d:a,nt~ it willi d'res:s up amy outfi't: f,Olr astyilishEy e:I,eg:ant touch,.
'" Flat;. noMe pli~1'!i
~ ~t!lJ rld·~lD"5.@ pf ier's II CU t't;iaF;5,
6' M'a'frqlendilllill,f pteGr
lSi 2,@m!n Ii!51hUjdlTl lfilH:o'r'l8'S o 2, 16mm, 1i'!j'll't'ii~m Itli~(or:a1;!!. co S, itJi'!lli1t $iam !~i·~t;l'!'1e~ ~ 5, 4::rn WI 'siam br·oolll~,.
c· 'ill, 6mmsi.]Jm bi'[):llmes
~ 2, 6m m, lig h'n;ial1l I~QlUnd bea os "" 15mmsi,am tJ!'ardli'Cilpi ~wlth'banU C' 4 ,,4rnm jetrtrntrelle£
~ ~ ·sJ)a\lii.lL~
c. 4 crim1p5
o ~ I 'U~'l mm s:l.!l'ed\e 'rube
o 2:, 2Sllm,m ~r r.JrI e Clasp
(f Split Ir~j;iJ,g
0. 4ll;ead: pin!>, o 10:9ye plns
TIle c'bain drop,s
[l~ Thrrilla'Ci on~Bmm liight sjalll bt-cone onto a hea:d IPln then, Foll:owiFig theln5tructio'.llIs, Dnr;lag:e 8:8 as a '!:uide, tu in a S FllaJU 10 op on [he to p ofllhe bead U5~ If1groullnd- nose. ijJUer5. Repe~t thiiS precess fer anot:~er '81'1'11111 ~ight siam bi-cone s an{hwn 6m m, I ~gJl'u siam bl-cones.
P~I T!i,r,e~tI'Dne 4 m rn Ughl:~jafilfl bl· CoO rie D'F1m en e}l'e pin a,nd O"J,m d. small loop on top. as un step , _ RlE!pei1lllh I s process with ths otlher four 4mm light slam bl-cone and l~ve 4mm siam b1·rnne's, ..
[;3~ Tu create the (ha~n:5 • .:;;areflJ'Uy open th~
I eop of Gr,e' Of -t h efiirst: '5f:d'ewaiys lin ks and
hfl rig the I link: [jf the next bead thro ugh that li!fl k, C I Orlern eo loop sidewaYs ag:a~!fiI. U:slrr1'g ~f5 'Il~th n uquo€!, m 11 ke~he' fol ~mvi r1'\1l, ,dhaijrn wmbitrTlatiol1:!;; two, 8mm ~ight'Siam bl"mneS", ml1['1ening wi~h oru~ ~imm I~gh[ siam bl-eone and one4mrm slam bt-cone: i:\1JI[)'. 6mm I~gh~ sl¢lin'li bi"wFles W'11!,f1eLtiFI9,' WiUl Olleilmm iI~5lht S!!ilm I'),-oollie ar!:c[one ~l11m siam Ibj,-cQl1e; olnd one 15m!iill:siam tear drop, ~Ql1iille[[lng wl[h Ofle, 4mm lighl sl~m bl-cone an:elone4mm slam bi-ml"lf. This, shQl!Itd result ~ ~ ,~ tGt<l'l'of ft\.ie drop ,cfltll ns,
,AtiachiD:g tbe, c,bain cUO,pS
[4) Gently qpe,~ I.he loop on itI1Gl mp ,~f lhi'!!' chaJ~n with the 1 Smm 5i(JJ11I'I res r drop on tne bOiCl!offl, and atta,chijt to the cefij:tre l'o6p at the m~in Pi~,
Us ~ng Iile {h8'lJ 11!i WIli1[jl'l!l? 8rum Ilghl~lam bl-cones all' the bcn:rom. gently openthetep IIO(Jlp' a nd .. ~t~ch th eSE!' ct:!a~rl! s enne r si(j e of the centre Ch<lJr:JI.
111!!lg tlhe remainiJ!lIg t~YO cfl<alns GIl"'! tile end IOQIJ'~ ohhe! piecr?
CD TIle nec:'kJ.ace ,straps,
(11)11 Thr,ea d one c:l.'lISP I Gill ~ ~Ji mlill O!lU2' ,iSm rn siam bii'·co'ne and on~ spacer On1bo !$I 280 rn rn length of Iillger milL fvl;a:ke a smell loop
a roll nd rune e1asp, then ;pa'S(5 Ii: he Ug,E'r taill b.aci,f,thrQughth,e,uimp. nl~ead on ,Dne I5mm ~iam Ibi~cQf~,~aHld Qne'5p~c;en'¥ith s tail, Qit about 3m m.Squeel€. tile crlrn PI,
UBJ a n{(i('l the: rlge r rnl:l,threa,d [j,n 'ttie! velver tubel o nes:paoe'f,o!ne 6mm ib~"o::nle I CIne'
~. m rn Jet ronde!ll€! I one G m rn rou nd bead, one 4mmlJ~t rondelle, on~6mml bl-cone, OrllE spacer aJnd lo.rII€' ,rrlmrp, pa~srJhe rig e ~·I:.1il' rlhrQugh the loop of rhe miilun pletJe then ba(I~[11 rough tJ1~crl mp, spacer, 6mm bl"'won@,~mm j€t ffiflld@lle aJndi srnrn round b~ad. pu 1'I~i~.hUo c lose the ~a,ps wUihou~ c[€olIting tOD much tenslon then sque€ze the c'rimp c:lo5'E!-[]. ~epeaEFor the other side.
iJI singrhl ~ spllrr lng' ill1l:51!E!.ild o~ th~ tlitl,S:p" @i
_______ 1 1 _
Sec; Cede: _ _ _ E)lpif") Dale: ,_ _ { _ _
On!'a:~I'oI'e UlIoi:llii\gl Medfa, PO !BOil!; 145, fi!Q~e!!!e NSW ~t'l39, A!I[:!~~!i,i!lia
111 t]::;iug LWO pairs or cham-nose er f1at-noee phe:rs; 1l0~d the lumprlng ~1 thm ~.Lcle()11he jlj Ln. ,
[l] Using nat'O:t' ehaln-nese pliersbend UL~ head (UH 'i:U wtr~ Ei'~ a rigM a"gl~ !5b[lH~ tam PrEi:[J] Eram Ghe end.
[11Ele.ndi. tthe head pin OJ[ wire at a. lIght angle' atthe end of the bead.
[~I Qpe[l the Jl.lmp ring by ti nngmg one ~ of phers w:wardB you .and one lJalr r!l\fJav,
[31 '10 elese ~he jump ring, reverse the previous aotion with thetwo SJ8'{tl Qf pl!~J"s,
1'2:] U.~l~g- round-nose pUWSI; h,l~D yow ~:nd g ~Laki tuw [g!:w~ hom yD1!J. Gta.">p r:n~ p-l1d ofthil '\oYl!tGOOd. tum It b;fiCM b..c'9il f:l1ill.!:.n.
[21 .MIela5lU'e' 1em (3~.:in) .nom the bend and. cut the wtre wi'th wlre r-utterw-
[3J 'IU:mthtl pliers a half ll_U'.n aVll'a.y bt;lm you, 'itJJ:a:!;ii P the
wtUl! aga.i:r.'l. and toll tit;!;l Vi'!:re to torm a ctrcte,
Wire and m]~ the ''i,lnre in to a. ht':llf clrcle.
14] moo~ tha rOO])' by rum.Lng IlJ.n:he~ if O~(;I~Si;Il! y~
14) Continue by' .rolling the WIre until you have a. enc.le aver ill!;!' oelJrtm Oif iI1'leb 8Sid.
[11 UsIng fIat 0[' charn-ncse .pl.i:5'.rs .!bend 'the hel'.!d Pl:rJ orwire at Elr-Ilgltit a-.ngle ab-out 30m (1 t,4mJ from '~1)e snd.
T1~ String'a CriIElP bea.d. and a clasp on fl.exibLe beacLt:n.g Mre then take the w.ire ba.ckt:.hrough the cmnp bead. leaving' Eli 2cm nln~ tsu.
r1.t Using d~'ar drying Graft, ~J"Ue, gluE! itheenci of ti1i~ teaLhe:rr~eathen" or cord mside the crimp and.
[.2} Use' round-nose p']]ms tcgrasp
tJ:le wl:re atr.l1e!Je.ud. then L1s1ng. your,Efll, bnn.Q &he :sl.i.on !i)n.Q at tb@ wue up and t,J1Je:[ the top,
[2] D sa chaiI:J-rl(1!3:Bp1l±9m~ t!J :l'h2ltten tnecnlllp, Tn~ the claS}J'oo check th-e 3tre.ngtII er t:I::I.e eriJnp; IT it shdes alang Ule wire, Ie'P081t.iotl n tben :fla usn again.
[2.1 Fokl. and. ~'U.e~ze OTI!~ $10.6 0:1 ti1.€l crimp end over the JIBa'tnEt emd u~mg [hat-:nosepl:iE~
[3J Re:pcmt.icm tl!:'lepIier.".l sa the bottom jaw ir.< 1I1 the curve, then brIng the ElhOJt end 0:[ 'I:lle Wl I a tmdtlf. U'lJH pU8.IS to form a I.t.ght an~le to' the stem,
[41 ~R8PQ~itiQIlI 'th@ plie'[;s ;;a,C!"O!;5iS the loop~.f'ld hiiJlliht 'fiT1I11y, tl,811 wmp the sl::i,Qd'iiVl[e ereund the stem a ~ewttmes.
[5] Trtm tile. eM~eEls ~\I'iIe lJ,lfflIli.g wtre 'mnwIs;,~hen IPr@ss tll,€I cut I~nd O~QOO to the! wraps with!!'l[¢) ru: ate-nit.
[3] Fag: added. ,stnmgth, slI~ng: a. seed bead a.nd anomel' ennrp O'l,l'e".[: thewirs fiI'.L.d tffiL H11d. tlattsn the crimp mUle. 1;II;!me \IVa y .
[:31 FQld and SClLlEIol3.!1.1i! tl,.1£lother sW-e of th~ crimpend O'.iIel in the same way.
save yow' bealilillg ti'me.
Sh op' wifl':l U 5, Oril I ili1 e.
ViSi]t OlH onifaile s:lOre for oon~r'lh~,t:l:r:s;hap;p[U'ngl '!Ni~h~ easy shopping ~rt ,and c:hecik: out
No mirdmum arderl
!B9'coma a Crys~_at 1!Flair member for traa' and rIEN::e'ive 5% 'OF F aU:li :re'Ia'HI orc!'L:!ro,
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r]w. Promo'!\!ilI; ~pGIl$GIS. ~cr::latel1 iXJlTIp.:!nJ~ 11:11,;1 ~~;lg;; EfIlisoclq;J.rod WJlllLbt.'-E j).lllmmla.:::L AIl (Cifi[.IY will onIlI' 00 E!';qtl'l.e(l wl1tl1;l ilroo.rllill1lojed 1J)I tlJt;i correet t::IJ II i df:b!iLb ~ml!f:d ! n B?~ t'~'" ]J )'lJ'1 6ft: :c<:::umnu rmJlti DIe oilntn~, ~lin~ ~Iltr}.' f{;rlrnl Itrmet bE! u~,
Eo! en {lllU}'lJ1i,J.!l;lt 'i:Dollldo,·tlm OOlroC~ IIDJ,'WQ[ to tim 9ll3ror:;! guJl;Glttl::lL roli;hQl ooo]lpommn. Ent>rlre \v.ilJ 00 ]Lidgoo mse:;l, em, !hIli aJl!!;(l'ler I:iD.ty:
Ettu.lui:. dmlie at !5prrl Wol Frld.<i!>, 26 N~ 2COE! eu uuless ~ed otl~~
futrl~ a!f;.!Jul:cl b:l.~~d roth;;>;lct. o;;IimP!llUl:DJ1 il~ q.. B~d.s ate.. lrur!gai!:!:r.!~, PO ~ fl45\ 8(l~cJJr:: IJ::::W 2iXl~. AJtI:R1l3ilyg[Y, ilImml. 'f[I11ll: EiMC}' ttl acooo~croaJ:J!iroll"m:;J]]loom.a com. o.ttl .. M (j~ ~Il[mld .co woolEd to
Cff!at.iVE! r..Mno M~ p~l!r,(jj, pllIlJE;' ~goos ~ .
'ihee:uure::;· will !;ioof:I JIJ tIti~ CID] J.'J~:i ~y DIll D=lll~ Z008 'n'lEt W 111I11t!lr!' will b~ IJ!JLlfrud 6Y' 11'1 <:til tI uri by lH[~~ihlll:l~ IlLJ <ijr i:temre ,&'\:Jr:1Q";;',. lath De~e.r :W[)B.
The! j,Udl[las' d.9cJmP~. Ie .1(nal'imJj no cormGpClM~Q ",,'111 :I:!Q ffilmtlXl RttQ I?r.l~ll .... "ill. D8 aW(1[C1I3e1, (1(11 "tID NllI'ilIl Gl =[1\ l~n,; 11(1 ,FW~ III 00lAm]]~[]~flg Wit 'l'llirrooP-l, E=~n1-S a~ ri\ISP9JIl!lIl;i)l, iQ;r: th~.~ oi'oo.UI.'E"rti'Lo!} tt:m:!r eml'f ElM 0h ell 8:ru;rJiGab[J3, the wdtalI8lIJ1.18't mr::~url~ S1:lm1J,IB.i)[J: Ol¥€[ lbe [lOOt oi rue relnm (l0SU3ae
Tt',~ P[CIilIl!fi";Ef !a C!:e.!iim'Q ],;!ViIlQM~!il., PO ll(»; ~, RiJUlIlQl\1B1,V Ol038.
fu riJW~dlm.l ~l~!l', n~TOO~, Sd)tlrr;~m;;;_':lllnd NliE;:! ~~llon>$11IifotJli<;tilJl'l.(:lllil'll:~mtIatlt1tWIIII:e ~~.lIi~ § !U3liIIIa.&2 Thill d!3La~· may be lIseri fur hrtllJ2 pmDill:Ltioll2!Lmn:rketill!l!jl' amI j:lJtlU]lty J;J.l!l]Jnsa~ unless ICnhs!''iII:i2 ::ft~. by 'UJ~ C;tll:rlmt:t U YP\.l do .~t v.1:Lit tI:l [lXm\l'O 1:lII:!:JI ~lln:!:m.!tItkrpu:nrt!lD.!Jr:jd~o ~b\ll' EMiPf_ :l:!!mPly ill. ~.fiD,!!~ !!lin y-o-urUtltL'J ml!ll. Th.lll; 111"11 II',]t B:i'!a[~''{ClJ .. I'rol!lli. oJJlitr:'i ro ~'b€ (!pmpotltl!Jl1 Plom'l) ~oo 'Il'rI~l;],CY t'-~A oo]I)W ID! .fII~Jllllbml atlllll,
N:t1ll!.ht:[ ~I:itl ~IIClillrit!::L$11Ol :liillJ.ll:!m~ 'fI')lllIll::t!pt ri5:i;lJULtliuxlll;Y for: I{!~~ DlL<dIl!rGl!t:ti (IJ dtilolil)lr;;:t!IIIr.liI 1:1'1 FliIlm:; dam(lI1~·to ~r kl5oi:! of~tJ,€i eflU'i,rWIJJJ!l ir:;ti:J~[! -::law
Efiffil!lJl£ unist <ig!J?9 001 00 .PElllJ:UJ a."lY tuai~ 1:1111£1" Itlflll_BeaGIg e<.C' rop®lb:ll m 1<28![1J][<l Itl~ <3r1]E,I9!llWm.
yutlufi .3 ]2.1i'I1 00111 Jrl!9~]JXI fiDITI [[,1ft (;arrJp5i:ltlorr o;:bmu d1i1h
fmtUUf No:t",: \:'lith pr~ pqm1!~. yPln' dGtailiI m.!!lV ~ .!!;;;cc,rtl:o:l !ID _ t'llh :s.:l::1d,!~j 'mfu.,u:~i!!~l !!IDa'ut 311+1-11:11 cc:mp0tmoOi;fprOOlJi:'!~['liD3li frnlTltJ"illl:lIDlTIO"..m/s;pat.sors or cllWfl!U~ W13®(i. tillrd pmItroll. All. pllltlG8 11l'.'C~oo alQ comm 111'f'fl 1(1 'Ni'lll:OUlI; Pr1'!'~ ·Prlnd.j;ile;- TNI;;: tfil) 001 seTi (1;;1 A to 11:61 bJ:ol<~r(il 1I btl'/i'e!ret;', y"o~I!;](!I [lilli. W(l~1 t ~IIJ re.:l;o,,,'" ofl!Jy Im~Jl;5r [l']6i,k'etir4.:l' eommunicauens, pl!e€l,jiEi ma Iro it uc:--..e onrl)Uf enpv ioTIl'l
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