Socialization Note

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!i_. I.Jha.t .l! Social1zat1<1'1? Dtscu.,;s '>najo-r Qf1€mcie.s "f soclal.


A'J'l). 5oc1a.Li;z.o..ltc,,, ,4 J ?D,eLo'n4 1:n-ricess wAtc.h .J./2 ,., _ _

==--= Q.
'11 CJ I •- '-V rr'{n-e h0"h-5~v e.
i.m m-ab.t--re • .I ·e befjt'>vS cd ; bi~ a.m.d emd1- d.e.aJ:h . I-i .,(/2
a p-roc~ of of +M hv-l"Y'n-Otm Jm..jacn_t foerrn.
o., bto..lotq tc.ol. irnlo a. --soc.fol Jm.&.i vic/ual . l t ii) Cl
pffol'.!ess o f 1'.mi..tta±:t~ thL tnJU.tJ bcrr/)'L. laJ:.o -tl,,Jl_ 0 o~,
I t p,yepQ:r e-5 1-wm. lo fit t f)"L W 4-rOU-f' amd t o peafo~ -th,e_
Boa.tal ~ . Soci.ol.iz atrcrn m.a..kes h'll')"y) '?'esp<rrts,ve to soci~.
1t rmotJ.d.l) h t/')'Y) ()__. social bet~ ht~ j'
t,n. 60C.tL~ ' 7hr~ "th-i.J.> pr0eessl irnd.ivtd.u.al6 (!;o;r...e, -1:o ~UL'('e

fhe q, i~ of Scc.1CLLH·?/ . !he -p70~ e.Aireh irrdfvfdu__cl.

1rn t-e -r'Yla.t'izes -'irol.c½ ~ Val~/ pe-isornalt~ -t'tf'e-5 amd /2od.a1_gkills
+ram birth till old ·~ is called. sodali~a-cta-YL • lhe i.mdiv,du.alt'
self develops t h ~ &ocia.U:zatiln'L. 7"fr,cro..rr- ft
bec.aYn.L.5 a soc.-tal pe:rgOrL amd develops pe-as~~. "TFi__e
cuJ.,tu.:r-al. poJ±e-r-/Y\h of soc.i.R-~ oir q-raupo ~et z.m.
-l:h.e c,h,i_ld. Tu:r ~ socla1Jz.atiln1- soc. ~1¾ uJarn:bs to t:rru)LJ.,d
h-wm.~ i.rn.fwn-1;-s a.cccrrcit~ +o tis Mcepted stru.c,tu:re . J-t
develops n..potemttal wfthi.rn i.rndr -t:o Uve,othe.,s . ,he.
process of- Lea.:r'Yl-'4 bq 1rn-teYCU2-ti~ u.rith. ot h.e:a--s Ls 'refe77ed
to evs soc,io..L1za-tt/Ylll . tfi l& ope-ro±ed a:t- two Le..veL.s
Le.. wrthim -the. 1.1ndiv , QftLd oi he-1' -f,(Y)n

1 . Accord"4 to oibu..Tn-, "so6 a1.1:z.atiOVL i/2 ih.e.

b~ which -t:h..e 'ilrLd ,vi dua..L l eCL<:l'rrv5 +o c?.-ernfOTrm -to the mar~ s of
-the 91--ro up •
2 . Acc.crrdl/)"l~ to +tortt:m amd ftwn-t-1 uSoc.Wization i..s
the p<roeesg whereb~ one i /)'")i:e, cnal},ze.g the "hOorms of his c;rreups,
so ·1:ha.t o.. di.stirn0-t g~L-f ermeY~e.5 1 wniqµ£- -to -this 1<ricl{v idual. n
e,. Aooardim~ -1:o t-t.T. Mazwmda..-r,_ '<.soc.ia.Uzati01n 'i.5
-the whe<reb'd ariairnal 01 Cl:1:::w;re +ramsfo<ocmed t'7lto
hwmo.m 1'1ai-uze. amd . the imdividu..a..l tmm persan.>t

• ~emes of soc.ia.LT za.,ti<Yri lr~e/nc) e.s o.P .sodaU~afio,, :

No , ,t'.g ve'ir~ 1<7r> 6oth ·-Perr

11)'"\d ivi dual et_()')d 8'CC1e~. 7"he- prcceES 1s ope-ratfve
-th-ro1.½fhOLLt Lffe. ,me.essamt.l.~ . 8oc.1a.LJzab'OYl fi a.m
rf)'"'l+e7o.C--tf tn"'cti pq-oc.esg whe<Tebff a- pe-r8crr:s' beha.vfou-}"
1s f)"nodttied · w can-For?)-; -+o ex pee-t-o..t;cn,_s held b.::1
'7Y'e,,,-,be-r..B of -f::re . ,roups -co whic.h ~e belo--r-~ . It.sJ ,
f,- rnp~ee ,s well , u..n--·de--,t:;wa::::l ttri -the l'?-Fe ~fC)'Y)acn,
A.s frn--.partn-""+ rrna_-t± e7 fm
E.Ocfolf-zat;crri f..s an,
s.;,a fo lo~ . ~oc.teb.:J, he-nee ft Ehou.l.d rr,of be le-ff. to
-mere •,a:the--r- ehould be rrriacn~ -tJ··o•oUfth.'
'irnstr-b. .d::1oma.L c.J-ia_'7lmei£. tte-nce, i-t- pi!> veq-~ irrY"pt:YrlO.tnt
to k ."TlO ,W~ho - irridi,1idu.a..l. Du..."T'lnvzr drfferrev,t
Gto..~ of his /jfe, the itrd 1v ea,;ne.s 'fm-to
GJTth diffe-r~ o/'0 Uf 51 im.s-ttt:u..tro-ns aa--d irrcl,vid~ ,
-ho,.,..,.., WhO'oY'I he- /e.Q,.,p-n6 a.... tat a.~ _q,c::,c:,a.Lr:zes hin-n .
Sorrne of -the- ' ~em~ e,7 O..'(jer>"C.i£5 o-F soc.1cill~0'>-1
o. rre trneffl-t:f~ bebU) .

ht~ Lesso')') t-n Love , (l ffe c.:t'i'c,rr. 1 co o pe.,..~t,071 1 seLf -sa.c..-ifrce to le:ro.rr, ce f~(Yl"Y" ·fhrn--1/h'. 'Fc:v>-,-, il lJ rn-, o u.ld.s -~i s c h a.ryac,fe"6-;
'"7e. a.rnd ~ sor,a l1~ . ,t:/"11 imdr vtdw:il t..s /c.rno1.,1.Yn b~ h is
~dv- ~1tlv l t'>"I C<.t t eat-es '1' ffth t- o.:lt rf<LdL I b e LLe..f.s o.n,d
va.lJ.,_tU, Oft"nOo/1~ 11-r-d 'i vid1..a::tL~ . ~n-,-
c.ardJ~1...1..0S ·f::o exer;ci9e
irr-.flue,ma.e an h irm -th,you..iqhou..t hi.s Lrfe ,

2, iJ,,e. Sc.hool

JJ:t 1s sec.o-nd 1n--r-,pcYrt-on-,t °"fi&>-ld~ of ~oc,a.Hzat'I0?-1 • Du:rfrnzj -the.

o.'te. ~-roo-p of +o f,..,e -the ch, /tj e.rnters 'i,r,t-c, schCX?I.
I'Tl~acii07'· (.,.,.fi·h classrma.tes amd --f:eo...e-he..--s 1tn school "i~,
ver~ f"n"pc:n--to..r--t. 'ii)"\ c.Mld gociaLiza.t,av,..- ~IY'I o.dole!!.cen-,t
goc.,a.Li'zQiio-r, g ~ al,.so the, gc.hooL ~/asgrn-,afe.£., -frie/),ds,
5po-rts c:urd boo ks rrr,a.±terr crnore -to the chi Id . Im the
5Ch~oL -the ch'ilol ~t-s h,s edva.a.t?O'Y! 0rnd Leo....'1'",n.S 0-rar,--.~
rrn oroe ~10" rynou...l.d-s hrs, g pe.,,---so-na.Lrt)
'Edt.LC0-tf0Tl f.s ve:r~- v1-tnl. 'frn -the_ p-roc..ess of gocialfzat'for,.
A-- ~ehool a.rnd t-1::s' health~ abr,-,osphe 7 e I
i'7Y'-porh;,a-,/:: rroLe. 1,r, ,;-no..l,:S,,.-,11 -the chi ld o._ ~od c.rtrze'?"I- A we~
plo.m'71ed .schaoL o... ~od scr,-teav> of edu..c.o±,cn-i
Cf>.m pirod v c.e 9100d soc:i a.Lfzed perg,o--r.s . .I-t i.s gaJcl -tha.--t /
-che gchcol l.o,.ici 4:he --Fow:rda± io-n of goc1aL'i1¾ ;..,.., a. pe-r.5U'Yh.

3. Pee?' _ Gt'Tou.p :

Next io ·fwm't.LV 0n,J +he 86hooC -f.--kmd/2 amd pee-'o "3<Tou.p~ _a.'1:.e
CL'T>othe.,..,- fo-,,pur-to_-,,t a.-caen-,,e'ef 9 f"izqtior,. D~7 'h,'fJ d 1-{'fe--!,-e?'lt:
gf:o__'ite,g of his l~fe Om j,,,.,d ividW'.11 co-n-,e..s im-cv c o n ~
with d 1ffe.,en--,-t- ~1,nds of -h--ieP-id g -h-O?r-t whom-. he. .1.ea,.-o,g
a Loi: . 'the --relo:.:HO?" ~tweern me frnd,vidual Q..'7'ld ' his
-tr,en--,dh is one o-F ecp-<.alr-ttq o..rnd i..<;, bcw:ed on tn'1 c.ctu.a..t
c.oopeoa:tfor, Cm-le/ Ut:nJera-.g~c!f,n'iJ. 'tte ..P..earcns -h-orm, them-,
rrr-,01m1q- -fh7~.s ~1c.h he comrnot Lea..rrm -Pro~ otl,eo
o.iaerndes. Ii r.s .Sll-tdl --f:ha,t o: pe.7,-50,, 'i's k~ol,,5,) -t%-orn-- tl---e
-t'oiem~ he keeps · Tois .sf-pw-5 --fJ,c - 1'n"lp0ot:cmc..e... of rrie~
0vri d pee-.--s i<')"> crre J.s Li fe . . ,
I i.. Net 'ahbouThooJ. i

N e.-1~hbOtt7 hooJ oam be s o.Yd to b e, a Loca.L /2oc.7 a.t

u.,m U: L'-'~ -the:; e U. C.O'n'S vnl:e..n.a.c.t'tO"l"'L cvrri~
peopl.l. l\'vtl'Y\-tq rrea --a· o-r-,e amoih.e."o 01a peopLf:,o f ·/;he!
SC\m"le .1.oc.a.l'tt1f• 'jou. "h'1Cl~ obge-r ve cJ i verse ge ~ of
peopLe Cj~ ~ Oll'"r rnefca h bou--Yhoo d. we,~ df U e o i'71 ~t:e.,
c l~ O<T ryeJf<af'D?" CfY' o cC-u.fO-ti'OY' • 8~ vnter0.C.t'i?i'4 C-Jri:h
~ d ive-rse f,e,.i- o -f' pe opLL1 71ou.. rn--,CLq -be expased.. to
va-Yrow. ew:,t~ o.,-nd pr~c:b'e,eg j VD.710W 0cct.-patim..s
if-,Q. { people pu!YS ; -the £.Id,,~~ ,rqu1red -tO'o SUC:h
occ.u pa.t~ a.rnd a.Lso -the c:i,ualft'l£.s posse;rec/ b'rf
those rrr,en-nbe-a--s. "The ~tyOW10'\ca ehfld ty'r)°"-d etl-so
i m"b1be of discrpli"rle O!nd o--zrder~ beha:.vfou.-~.
Tq)te,.,,-o.ctfcnw o.'Ye. a1; s- pl-1~fc.d CL.,rd s;.oc.ia..L
em vi',rmviYl&n-t ~e.-re r')""\ c.h; Ld-rem tlel:- e@,U'4 0.-tfe~. '
1.f -the... ch~ IJ 'th gu_7 4ownded b~ peop Le. o a-a-e l,,.JrL7--m
amJ eoope.aairve. 1 ft wfll cae~ &ef'rrrHel¾ taO--'T\SnYl'Ltted
to hhn/ he.-r. O,ri the other heurd 1F the loca.Li-bq is
peoptu:l o..~~-res.£1ve om~ v~oLe"T't:- ~ou..-p, t-t- ts
poss, b le tha_f;- E>u.e,h e.h tl.&,rem rrnC½t Le o..rl')') wn soc. t al.
era ~f-.5oc.ial beho....v1o~ -

Re.-l11JiOTt is cvno-1:he,;r ~t7Ylpo<vhrnt ctu..thO'"oi, t-o..tfve

o-f Gocio.LizatiO>"\. As am ea.--a-Lf est soc.fa£ 1rn£J.t,tu.:t;cn--,
'7el f <a rOi"I h ah r,,, fLwmcJm h u..m--, Q /')1 L'He. .$ i <o/1 c.e .,
lot)")~ b~ im"~Hm<ij be.ltef's cvrd. pa-tte~s of be-ho.v1ou
Re-l~~'iD"Y' plo...~.s am J')')',part-o:....--t r;roLe 17' the ..t:ffe a,f
G.m, Re.l'11J107' .e;--,o-t o,.,,.,Lta- exe..-Y-ciseS eo,--:f:,,-ol

ove'Y ~t)"\drvfd<..u::lL
. behctviorr bu.:t- a.tsD soc.iaLi~ h"l?'n
-n--o-rr, the ve'?fl.4 be~h,10"\'fj - Reli'11'1°" socia..lfzes
f m di Vf d u_al s· ClS peo -fhe_ ?1 Otri?ncr of- 50 0 t e:tzr
b'd im.culco.t.rtr)i olif'feren--,-f: v ~ . Ii e-on-trenwu.
-to rrr-ou..ld belJ e:' , a_tt..rtu.des a_n-d. pe.'oSCYh of
i~d'ivi du.Dl.'5 irn 80C..i ettcr
. ' •Relifj9o~ ge:a--n-ncn,-s OL.-'7'od p7rc:;;.u{_J1/"1~
-'-· the kleq$ of .~mdfv~du..o,e ~T> ~oct€.'t-&- RBli='ijfO"u~
--- ~0'7'1-S cvrd d e ve lo ps phf lom'lm-op9c.. crt-L Ttu.d e.5 a.rn-io-nfl
people o.rrd ·H'1,:!.11 ~ b 'tJ b ·a fm~s s oc fe\l. ooh es1 orr. c.n-i d
soa.1al sol1da.-a~t"t4•

G. The St a.te :

As ~rn ctu.tho'T'l t:a...,(a'n ° i j ~ of soc1al9:zatian -the state

Q"IOt o-ntl.J ~a.kes La.Lu -Pen- -th e peo:Le bu..t- o..l.s'; ~u_' ldeS
ihet-;r c07°'dt.Lc:t a.,"'d r)'Y)ouLd5 the 1-r fyJ • Et
~ce-S people +o obe~ La.,wg a,nd 'T]1ves pu.m°iohen-iem-6 to
those ~ 0 v i'ol.o.:te.5 f t. r-t eoe.1al?i-e~ imcUvfdu.oi bl(
p-r-e.sC-71'bi?-lca rrncde.s vf beho.vfoLL'Y, St-~te, ho.g th~' ~?caht
+o u.Se lefiaL -f!o--a-ce. S-b_te develops ,+s educo.t,on
gtagte,t-m et'71d +he?eb~ -the child . .

1. MQSS Melfa.:

So -taa'·1 ~OU. have --T~ how societzi

°frr,-flu..e< 'ef-OU-"'7}
()r)?'o/1d.S -th"oVu.t]h pa7~t5 < gchool.5 peers, ·~et ·
amotheT a,z1emt _of soc..,,dn ~wMch' 1s WD<q-th
can .5 f cfo•:af'o/1 lq f5 tvl ass Med. ia· ,T ockt,r/ fAe cl.~ o...rrn~ <;- s of

--;rap?d c.ho.mfjes., -,be- feLt irn .evea-1.q s oct e~ .Q01d ever
fmstftu.tiorn . tf,fs,, f()'\ tu?7Yl, <n-ecess'?i t ti,~e.£ 1 -f:he -f'crnctt?"17J of~
,..,,.-," L .faro~ a.rrx:I rnew rn-iethccJ.s
mew .st..,<..->1a. , ,. . ,-n.f' ,. .,
·1 Cf:Trri '?'h U'711--cci--/KJ'h
lJ.te -+r,e .<7:1a.% rmed. f ; :rF,e. 7noss rrn~1 a is a , v eh,e,Le..
-fao spr~?~fl ftr)fq,~9-1.,o:ri om o_ "?,ahSive- .,6c,ale_
Oll'd 7ea.cJ,1m71 -1:o ov va1>-t o..u.a.'i'eq,ce o<a 0- rnua,,.be--r
0 f peop~,. ilhe.. tea-rm r>nedf~ 'fs deafved ' ·-h-cn-n the. La.i:it')')
Wt:Yad 0 -f ,ctm,ddLe; 8LLfjije5t'rmfj +ha.t rrne.d,o. co~ec,t

pe.op~ · "'TFe- rrned",a. 1s "'1ri!!it.7ucmet'h-to.l_ ;~ defi"n1-?-'\71 who...-t

l,,.Je thfrr-. k I how uJ{. look. UfCYn . ou....<"a soc,cl pl.Ace
ct-7)d (SSue.5 r -the ~Oc.~-qr .
--- -
- ---

l rn Ct d e V e l o p if'Yl'711tatqLr k.. e ounrg j t e l e yrs '1 O'h

I ctrhd c,G-n"'puie~ s have becc::n-ne v erz1· 1rrn porr-l=cer-.t:
a.zr ernc.'fes of
soc10. LfzC3.-tfo--n. we h o. vc: C:tl7ea.d4t
5eern "the fr-r,fLu..en--ee o f fdevis 10'"Y' o"h ·+ he
y oi:..ifh<fj t'rY'>Trrids L-ni e 7h,e{:; ev-r,d c.eLL photnes a_rr-e.,

Tm C..,-eo_s1•")')fl lyj es-ca- b Lis h if'Y"l 1 C Q?r1'7Yl (Yo) IT) egg at;nd
co-nrriec ted e.5g om~ people a..LL o verr- the
C-0ora- Ld . Now a. hf ld-rem G.:,e .fle-t-ti~'it expog~
1w 0- w-o'<r L~ betj<Yh d -1::hef,,- ha,nes a_,,,-,d
~ urn i ~ to -che.. 'i)Lobai.- c,oq-r,,rn--,u..n-, fry 0.-rye,_ b e ,,,,,~ ~OC-1Q,lfz.ed 1rri ,5ue,h o...
-chai -th-eCef -f'ft 't"h-to a... ca LobaJ.- lv'OoLd ·

Soc.i aL s;-t;es ~uc..h O«-$ Fo-c-ebook ..,, Twi..L..L-

I ~'l,

k s t-0- --rcvn-> • etc- . o pe'?r, U--7' ctl:f:n&e+

a rn f:!, w c..,;rrrrtd
Qq,c£ expose -the- Id's i?nf-nd ,'rnto d i-f'fe..,.-e,,...,t
c.u,_Ltu.-,es -tha.t. he oro .she d; d 7)ot k ,-,.., ow Gt..t?"'ld
an--e '(q,t,-roduc.ed -co 0- whole.. ,..,..,ec..v LuD'rW • ·
.he pro 1qes,g f'y()"'n> ' orkout-' io H:A-C.e book,
h..critte-r 1 .r.rrS-t:a,arrcvrn I Wh a,tsa.pp I Tu...rn--bL 7 , ho. ve
bee"l'"l so rrap1 d - "that b'-(J -the tf"Y'he o,-;e Lea.."o'?"lS
the. "1',1tbrj- c;j'T'l-t-ba of <Yne su.,eh sf-te, he/ghe_
'j'q, ~ba.rr-ded M-th Ou'ho-the'Y~ 7"he.. 0-ceese.e_g '
4:--o such s'rtes a_qe mot om L~ {hrr--ou.cqn n,,Q.S.$
qn ed i Q om o u__.7 c,.icn-n p 0.J...te. 9-" s bu. t- a:,-e.. .
~1Lta 0 vatlo.bLe. om r pa.ds D>'Tld ceLL ph0?""2S ,.

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