Functional Requirements For Crash Fire Tender For Air Fields

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(Reaffirmed 2014) 

IS 951:2003
(Reaffirmed 2013) 
(Reaffirmed 2018)

(Reaffirmed 2012) 

(Reaffirmed 2011) 

Indian Standard (Reaffirmed 2010) 



(Fourth Revision )  

(Reaffirmed 2008) 

ICS 13.220.10
(Reaffirmed 2007) 

(Reaffirmed 2006) 

(Reaffirmed 2005) 

0 BIS 2003
NEW DELHI 110002

July 2003 Price Group 6

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Fire Fighting Sectional Committee, CED 22

This Indian Standard (Fourth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Fire Fighting Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Council.
This standard was first published in 1960 and revised in 1977 and subsequently in 1987. A lot of development
has taken place in the field of civil aviation. Larger and faster aircraft have been introduced besides ever increasing
frequency of aircraft movements. The trend is towards still larger and faster aircraft. This has necessitated the
use of large capacity fire fighting appliances for aircraft crash fire fighting, which shall be fast moving, have a
high rate of discharge and shall require the minimum of crew for utilizing full capability of ACFT. Producing
foam, while the appliance is in motion, is also a desirable feature of the present day appliances.
Another development of the aircraft crash fire fighting technique is increased reliance on the use of monitor(s)
for initial attack, the use of hand-lines being relegated to extinguish residual small fires or licks of flame; soil and
terrain at aerodromes, however, require that hand-lines are also capable of producing a minimum combined
discharge rate of 2000 l/rein, so that fire extinguishing operations are not impeded in circumstances where the
appliance cannot approach close enough to the crashed aircraft to enable the monitor(s) to be used.
Dry chemical powder is being used as complimentary extinguishing medium. Halon 1211 has been deleted due
to its ozone depletion potential (ODP). However, suitable substitute like Haltron- 1 may also be used.
The fourth revision has been taken upon the recommendation of the Ministry of Defence and Airports Authority
of India to bring the standard in line with the latest developments at the international level as indicated above.
A list of accessories and equipment which do not form part of this appliance and most of which are normally
required to assist in operation of the appliance is given in Annex B for information anti guidance.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2:1960
‘Rules for rounding off numerical values (revised)’, The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of specified value in this standard.
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1S 951:2003

Indian Standard
(Fourth Revision )
1 SCOPE 4.2 The air field crash fire tender (ACFT) shall be
capable of the following minimum performance with
This standard lays down the requirements regarding
the monitor mounted on the roof cabin and two hand-
material, design, construction, workmanship and finish,
lines on either side:
accessories and equipment of air field crash fire
tenders. a) A minimum output through monitor at
pressure not exceeding 12.5 kg/cm2of3000 I
2 REFERENCES to give effective monitor throw of 55 m of
The standards listed in Annex A contain provisions, specified quality foam.
which through reference in this text constitute b) A minimum output of 5001 of foam to each
provisions of this standard. At the time of publication, of the hand-lines on either side of the ACFT
the editions indicated were valid. All standards are to give a minimum effective throw specified
subject to revision and parties to agreements based on foam of 25 m at pump delivery pressures not
this standard are encouraged to investigate the exceeding 8.5 kg/cm2 and using 30 m
possibility of applying the most recent editions of the specified hose, and
standards indicated in Annex A. c) It shall be possible to operate the monitor and
two hand-lines simultaneously at pump
3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS , delivery pressure of 8.5 kg/cm2.
The air field crash fire tenders (ACFT) shall have a 4.3 The foam induction shall be automatic with changes
minimum rated water capacity and capability as given in output required through a combination monitor and
at 6.4. The primary extinguishing agent shall be foam hand-lines. The ratio of foam compound induction shall
with proportioning system. In addition to primary be within a variation + 0.5 with an induction setting
agent, there shall be complimentary extinguishing from 3 percent to 8 percent ratio. The induction ratio
agent of a dry powder and suitable halon substitute. once fixed shall maintain this limit of variation for the
entire range of inductor setting. Around the pump
proportionator shall be used with clearly marked
4.1 The ACFT shall consist of a water tank of capacity induction ratios varying from 3 percent, 6 percent and
indicated below with necessary fhtings: 8 percent.
Class SeIf-Defence 4.4 The system of foam production from monitor and
Water Capacity hand-lines shall be so designed as to produce
Litres satisfactory quality of foam with the following
minimum properties:
Class I upto4500
Class 11 4501 upto6500 a) Minimum expansion ratio, 8;
Class 111 6501 upto9000 b) 25 percent drainage time with protein foam,
Class IV 9001 and above 2.5 min minimum; and
The primary extinguishing agent shall be either AFFF c) 25 percent drainage time with AFFF, 3 min
or protein based with 3 percent or 6 percent foam minimum.
concentrate. For this purpose a foam tank of required
4.5 It shall be possible for the airfield crash fire tender
capacity shall have to be provided. A mid-stilp mounted
(ACFT) to use water from a separate source of water
pump driven of the vehicle PTO shall be fitted having
supply for prolonged use and foam supply through a
a minimum output of 4000 l/rein at a delivery pressure
pick-up tube from drums at ground level.
8.5 kg/cn12and suction lift 1.5 m. The pump shall also
be capable of minimum output 3000 l/rein at higher 4.6 The ACFT shall be equipped with self-defence foam
pressure of not exceeding 12.5 kg/cm2 to suit the nozzles for self protection particularly of the wheels.
monitor output for same suction mode. The angle of the front nozzle shall be so adjusted that a

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 951:2003

throw of 6 m with a total coverage of 3 m width is 5.3 The appliance is intended for use in tropical
achieved when the front nozzle are operated at minimum conditions with continuous high humidity and heat. This
6 kg/cm2 pressure and should be capable of sustaining fact shall be given fill consideration while selecting
higher pressures up to 12.5 kg/cm2.The water tank, foam material and for this reason use of rubber shall be
tank, monitor and self-defence nozzle shall have avoided as fm as possible. Wherever, it is unavoidable
pneumatically controlled ball valves for operation and to use rubber parts, it shall be readily available, as spares.
control from within the cabin. The hand-lines should
5.4 Timber shall not be used in body construction.
have pneumatic as well as manual control. All pneumatic
control system shall be used with air supply at pressure 5.5 All parts, which form waterways or come into
available from the vehicle air brake system. contact with foam compound shall be of stainless steel.
All metal pipelines shall be of stainless steel. All metal
The vehicle air brake shall be tapped so that a minimum
parts exposed to atmosphere shall either be of corrosion
air pressure required for the operating vehicle is
resisting material or treated suitably to resist corrosion.
available all the time and the pneumatic control fire
All ferrous fasteners shall be galvanized/chrome plated
operation actuates when the air pressure in the systems
to avoid rusting over prolonged use.
exceeds this minimum level. In case of any leakage in
the pneumatic control system the vehicle operation 6 WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS
shall not be adversely affected. Opening and closing
valves to the monitor and to the pump shall be achieved 6.1 The actual gross vehicle weight (weight of fully
through operation of pneumatic control from the cabin staffed, loaded and equipped vehicle) shall not exceed
as well as from panel board. maximum permissible limit weight of chassis by
4.7 The appliance shall be complete with all accessories
and essential operating spares and tools. All accessories 6.2 The weight shall be distributed as equally as
positions shall be predetermined on drawing and practical over the axles and tyres of the vehicle. The
accessories shall have straps for safe location in difference of weight between tyres on any axle shall
addition to mounting brackets, wherever necessary. not exceed 5 percent of the average weight on tyre for
Where specific items are not required to be supplied, that axle, and the difference in weight between axles
suitable arrangement shall be made for storage and shall not exceed 10 percent of the weight of the heaviest
secured; location of such items to suit the airfield crash axle. Under no circumstances shall axle and tyre
fire tender role. All locking and securing devices shall manufacturers ratings be exceeded.
be of sufficient strength, reliability and shall be of quick 6.3 The centre of gravity of the vehicle shall be kept
opening and closing type for removal of accessories as low as possible under all conditions of loading.
and other items without loss of time.
6.4 Dimensions and other performance requirements
4.8 The unit shall be designed to be as compact as shall be as follows:
possible complete with ease of accessibility to all sub-
systems for maintenance and repairs. The pump or Acceleration For Class 1 0-80 kmph in
foam making equipment and controls shall be so 25 s and for Class 2 and
arranged that one man can operate foam or water lines above 0-80 kmph in 40s
from the driver’s compartment or pump control panel Maximum speed 100 kmph
(except monitor). Minimum angle of 30°
Inter axle clearance 458 mm (minimum) ( 12°A4in)
5.1 Material used for construction of the appliances Under axle clearance 305 mm (minimum)
shall be new, unused and free from all defects and
Side slope 20 percent
imperfection that might affect the serviceability of the
Gradability 50 percent
finished product. These shall be selected with a view
to combine lightness with strength and durability. Stability 30/28/26124° (minimum)
Foldability 608 mm
5.2 Metals used in the assembly and components shall
Turning circle radius Less than 3 lengths of ACFT
be of high strength weight ratio where practicable to
effect saving in dead weight and thereby increase the Steering pad circle 30 m radius at 30 kmph
pay load capacity. Use of dissimilar metals in contact Articulation 300 mm (minimum)
with each other which tends towards electrolytic Braking efficiency 10.7 mat 32 kmph and 40 m
corrosion shall be avoided and where used shall be with full load at 64 kmph for Class 1 to 3
compensated for metal plating spraying or by and 12 m and 50 m for
separation with suitable insulating material. Class IV

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IS 951:2003

Pump capacity : 4000 l/rein (minimum) at requirement and shall include fiel pump, fuel filtration
8.5 kg/cm2 and flexible fuel lines, well protected from damage
Steering Right hand drive preferably exhaust heat and ground fires.
Drive On all wheels
7.3.2 Accessible filtration shall be provided for each
6.5 Overall height, length and width shall be kept to a fuel supply line and a drain shall be provided at the
minimum consistent with the best operational bottom of the fuel tank.
performance of the vehicle and the designed concept
7.3.3 Gravity feed fuel tanks are not recommended/
needed to achieve this performance and to provide
optimum maneuverability and facilitate movement on
public highways. 7.3.4 Fuel tank capacity shall not be less than 1501 or
for minimum 5 h contionus operation.
6.6 The vehicle shall be constructed such that a seated
driver shall be able to see the ground, 6 m ahead of the 7.4 Exhaust System
vehicle and minimum 15°C above the horizontal
without leaving seat. The vision in the horizontal plane 7.4.1 The size of exhaust system shall be such that
shall be 90”C on each side from the straight position undue back pressure is not generated and under no
on a full forward control. circumstances exhaust gases enter the cabin. The
system shall be of high grade, rust-resistant material.
6.7 Adjustable rear view mirrors with a glass area of not
less than 385 cm2 shall be provided on each side of 7.4.2 Exhaust system shall be designed so as to protect
vehicle. it from damage that could result from rough terrain.
Tail pipe of exhaust system shall be designed to
7 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION discharge upwards or to the rear of the vehicle and not
towards ground nor towards pump control panel
7.1 Chassis operator and shall have rain cover.
The vehicle shall have an all wheel drive for good
7.5 Vehicle Electrical System
mobility over cross-country conditions.
7.5.1 The vehicle shall be provided with one of the
7.2 Engine following systems:
7.2.1 The vehicle’s engine shall be high speed diesel a) 12 V electrical and starting,
(HSD) driven and have horsepower, torque and speed
b) 24 V electrical and starting, and
characteristics to meet and maintain all vehicular
performances specified in this standard which shall be c) 12 V electrical and 24 V starting.
certified by the manufacturer for the said application. 7.5.2 The electrical system shall have negative ground
7.2.2 Fully laden vehicle shall consistently be able to including alternator and a fully voltage stabilizer.
accelerate maximum speed, as specified, with the Alternator shall beat 100 percent of anticipated load
engine and transmission at their normal operating at 50 percent engine speed and shall be belt driven by
temperature varying from +4°C to 50°C and at dual belts.
elevation up to 600 m above mean sea level. 7.5.3 For (a) and (b) above, the curb idle minimum
7.2.3 The vehicle shall also be capable of ascending, charging rate of the alternator shall be 30 Amp and for
stopping, starting and continued ascent on a 40 percent 24 V electrical/charging system the rate of alternator
grade on dry pavement at a minimum speed of 1.6 to shall be 15 Amp.
8 kmph with extinguishing agents being discharged at 7.5.4 Batteries shall be secured and well protected
maximum rated capacity from the turret. against physical injury vibration, water sprays and
Engine shall meet pollution norms declared by engine and exhaust heat. When an enclosed
Government of India. compartment is provided for batteries, it shall be well
ventilated and batteries, shall be easily accessible for
7.2.4 Engine shall be air/watercooled so that stabilized examination, test and maintenance.
cylinder head and oil temperature remain within the
engine manufacturers prescribed limits under all 7.5.5 The circuits shall be so designed that at no stage
operational conditions and all ambient temperatures of operation, overloading, overheating or shofi-
between –15°C and 50”C. circuiting and fluctuation of voltage is experienced.
7.5.6 A built-in battery charger shall be provided on
7.3 Fuel System
the vehicle to maintain full charge on all batteries.
7.3.1 Fuel system shall qualify engine manufacturer’s Grounded AC receptacle shall be provided to permit a

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IS 951:2003

pull-away connection from local electric power supply b) travel at moderate speeds over unimproved
to battery charger. surface,
7.5.7 An engine coolant/preheating device shall be c) provide diagonally opposite wheel motion
provided as an aid to rapid starting and high initial 350 mm above ground obstacles without
engine performance. raising the remaining wheels from the ground,
d) provide at least 50 mm of axle motion before
7.5.8 The electrical system shall be insulated bottoming of the suspension on ground level,
waterproofed and protected against exposure from
e) prevent damage to the vehicle caused by
ground tires.
wheel movement, and
7.5.9 The effect of electromagnetic field of all electrical f) provide a good environment for the crew
systems on radio sets shall be suppressed so that it does when traveling over all surfaces.
not interfere with functioning of radio sets.
7.8 Rims, Tyres and Wheels
7.6 Vehicle Drive
7.8.1 Tyres shall be selected to maximize the
7.6.1 Transmission of power from engine to wheels acceleration speed, braking and maneuvering
shall be through a torque converter and automatic gear capabilities of the vehicle on paved surfaces without
with provision of crawling speed not exceeding 8 kmph sacrificing performance on all reasonable terrain found
without application of brakes. The entire drive train within the airport boundary.
shall be designed to have sufficient capacity to slip
the wheels of the static loaded vehicle on surface 7.8.2 The purchaser shall provide a tyre description
having a co-efficient of friction betsveen 0.4 to 0.8. A that reflects the off-road performance requirements
range of gear providing the specified top speed and a necessitated by the soil conditions encountered at the
gradability of 50 percent shall be provided with operational airport, that may ~ary from an extremely
sufficient intermediate gears to achieve the specified tine grain soil or clay to an extremely coarse grain soil,
acceleration. sand or gravel in a dry, saturated or frozen condition.
Tyres with cross-country tread design shall be offered.
7.6.2 A transmission cooling system shall be provided
to maintain normal oil temperature remains within the 7.8.3 All wheels on the vehicle shall be of the single
transmission manufacturer’s prescribed limits under all wheel type with all rims, tyres and wheels of identical
operational conditions and at all ambient temperatures. size and same tread design.
7.6.3 The provision of positive drive to each wheel by 7.8.4 Rims, tyres, wheel and inflation pressures shall
means of a fully locked drive line shall be required in be approved by the respective manufacturer’s as having
order to maximize traction on low friction surfaces. sufficient capacity to meet the specified performance.
Positive drive may be achieved either by the use of
automatic locking and torque proportioning 7.8.5 Size of tyre should be such to meet all vehicular
differentials, or may be manually selectable by the performances preferably available in India.
seated driver, while the vehicle is in motion, by use of
7.9 Towing Connection
a single control.
Four large tow eyes or tow hooks, capable of towing
7.6.4 All wheel drive on these vehicles shall
the vehicle without damage shall be mounted, two at
incorporate a drive to the front and rear axles which is
engaged at all times during use. An inter-axle the front and two at the rear of the truck and attached
differential shall be installed with automatic or driver directly to the frame structure (chassis).
selected means of differential locking.
7.10 Brakes
7.6.5 Front and rear axles shall have adequate capacity
7.10.1 The braking system shall feature service,
to carry the maximum imposed load under all intended
emergency and parking brake systems. Service brakes
operating conditions. The variations in axle tread shall
shall have power actmation through air, hydraulic or
not exceed 20 percent of the tyre sectional width at
rated load. air over hydraulic.
7.10.2 Service brakes shall be of all wheel type with
7.7 Suspension
split circuits so that failure of one circuit shall not cause
The suspension system shall be designed to permit the total service brake failure and shall be able to hold
loaded vehicle to: fully loaded vehicle on a 50 percent grade.
a) travel at the specified speeds over improved 7.10.3 The service brakes shall stop the vehicle within
surface, 10.7 m from 32 kmph and within 40 m from 64 kmph

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 951:2003

on a dry hard appropriately roadway level, free from 7.11.8 Provision of pneumatic service outlets for inflating
loose materials and sufficiently wide roadway without tyres shall be made from air compressor of ACFT, with a
any part of vehicle leaving roadway. high pressure charging tube of 30 m and nozzle.
7.10.4 The service brakes shall provide one power 7.11.9 Air leakage from pressure system shall not exceed
assisted stop with the vehicle engine inoperative for 0.5 kg/cm2 so that at no stage the air pressure should
the stopping distances specitied above for each vehicle reduce less than brake operating pressure in 18h.
7.12 Steering
7.10.5 An emergency brake system shall be provided
which is applied and released by the driver from the 7.12.1 The chassis shall be equipped with power
cabin and is capable for modulation by means of the assisted steering with direct mechanical linkage from
service brake control. the steering wheel to the steered axle(s) to permit the
possibility of manual control in the event of power
7.10.6 The parking brake shall be capable of holding assist failure.
the fully loaded vehicle on a 20 percent grade without
air or hydraulic assistance. 7.12.2 The power steering shall have suficient capacity
to allow turning the tyres stop-to-stop with the vehicle
7.11 Brakes, Air System stationary on a dry level, paved surface and fully loaded
with not more than 7 kgf pull on wheel.
7.11.1 When the vehicle is supplied with air brakes,
the air compressor shall meet the following criteria: 7.12.3 The wall-to-wall turning diameter of the fully
laden vehicle shall be less than three times the vehicle
a) Compressor shall be engine driven,
b) Compressor shall have the capacity for quick
built-up of required tank pressure to operate 7.12.4 Vehicle shall be designed preferably for Right
the spring brakes and this build-up in pressure Hand Drive system so that driver’s left hand is free for
shall be accomplished within 12/15 s, and operation of controls.
c) Compressor shall incorporate an automatic 7.13 Cabin
air-drying system immediately downstream
from the compressor to prevent condensation 7.13.1 The cabin shall be mounted on the forward part
build-up in all pneumatic lines. of the vehicle and shall provide seating for 5 persons
including driver (two adjustable seats and a long fixed
7.11.2 Service reservoirs shall be provided with a seat for 3 crew members). In addition there shall be
volume at least 12 times the total combined brake instrument panel and equipment as specified without
chamber volume at full stoke. If the reservoir volume any hindrance to crew.
is greater than the minimum required, proportionately
longer build-up time shall be allowed using the 7.13.2 The cabin shall meet the visibility requirements
following formula: of the wind. Shield shall be of shatter proof safety glass
and all other windows shall be constructed of approved
Actual resevoir capacity ~ 25 safety glass. The cabin shall be provided with wide
Required reservoir capacity gutters to prevent foam and water dripping on the wind
shield and side windows. There shall be enough space
7.11.3 Reservoirs shall be equipped with air pressure to keep and to enable the crew except driver to put on
regulator, drain and safety valves. protective clothing and breathing apparatus (B.A.) set
while on way to a call. The doors in the cabin should
7.11.4 Provision for charging of air tanks by a pull be operable at 90° for easy ingress and egress of crew.
away electrical connection used to power a vehicle
mounted auxiliary compressor would be desirable. 7.13.3 The cabin shall be weather proof and shall be
fully insulated thermally and acoustically with a fire-
7.11.5 A pull away air connection for charging of air resistant material. The cabin may be of the unitized
tanks from an external air sources shall be provid;d. rigid body and frame structure type or it may be a
7.11.6 Visual and audiblelow air ptessutvwarning devices separate unit flexibly mounted on the main vehicle
shall be provided. The low pressure warning device shall frame. The cabin shall be constructed from materials
be visual and audible from the inside and audible outside of adequate strength to ensure a high degree of safety
of the vehicle. for the crew under all operating conditions including
excess heat exposure and in the event of a vehicle
7.11.7 Provision for mechanism to deactivate parking rollover accident.
brakes in cases of pneumatic failure shall be provided
to enable movement of ACFT. The cabin roof shall be covered with aluminium

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 951:2003

chequered sheet in such a way that the entrapment of e) Transmission range selector,
rain water/foam solution on cabin roof is totally
f) Pump control or selector/PTO,
avoided by providing necessary gutters for draining.
g) Foam control,
7.14 Instruments, Warning Lights and Controls h)Siren switch,
j) Auxiliary agent control,
7.14.1 The minimum number of instruments, warning
lights and controls consistent with the safe and etlicient k) Under truck valve control,
operation of the vehicle, chassis and fire fighting m) Remote turret controls,
system shall be provided. All chassis instruments and n) Light switches,
warning lights shall be grouped together on a panel in P) Wind shield wiper and washer controls,
front of the driver. All fire fighting system instruments,
@ Heater — defroster controls,
warning lights and controls shall be grouped together
r) Master electrical switch,
by function so as to provide ready accessibility as well
as high visibility for the driver as well as the crew s) Engine start/stop control,
members. t) Side delivery ‘ON/OFF’ valve controls, and
u) Side delivery ‘ON/OFF’ valve controls.
7.14.2 All Instruments and controls shall be illuminated,
with back lighting to be used where practical. 7.14.6 The following minimum equipment shall be
provided in or on the cab:
7.14.3 Grouping of both the chassis and tire fighting
system instruments, warning lights and controls shall a) Heater/defroster;
be easily removable as a unit or be on a panel hinged b) Driver’s suspension seat with vertical, fore
for back access by the use of quick disconnecting and aft adjustment with seat belt;
fittings for all electrical, air and hydraulic circuits. c) Crew seats with individual retractable seat
7.14.4 The following instruments or warning lights or belts and grip hand-rails;
both shall be provided as a minimum: d) Windshield washers appropriate for removing
a) Speedometer/Odometer,
e) Windshield wipers appropriate for removing
b) Engine(s) tachometer, foam;
c) Fuel level indicator, Siren;
d) Air pressure indicator, Horn;
e) Engine(s) temperature indicator, h) Sun visors, interior transparent;
f) Engine(s) oil pressure indicator, Outside rear view mirrors;
g) Voltmeter(s), k) Interior lighting;
h) Trafticator light, m) P. A. system with Microphone;
j) Transmission(s) oil temperature, n) R. T. set (VHF-AM) 2 sets; and
k) Pump(s) pressure gauge (glycerin tilled), Wind shield defrosting (optional).
m) Water tank level indicator,
n) Foam tank level indicator, 7.15 Body

P) Low air pressure warning, 7.15.1 The body shall be constructed of materials that
q) Headlight beam indicator, provide the lightest weight consistent with the strength
r) Hazard warning light, necessary for off pavement operation over rough terrain
and when exposed to excess heat. The body maybe of
s) PTO engagement light, and
the unitized with chassis rigid structure type or it may
t) Oil temperature gauge light. be flexible mounted on the vehicle chassis. It shall also
7.14.5 The cabin shall have all the necessary control include front and rear fenders or wheel wells, body
within easy reach of the driver for the fill operation of panel shall be removable where necessary to provide
the vehicle and the pumping system. The following access to the interior of the vehicle.
cabin controls shall be provided: 7.15.2 Access doors shall be provided for those areas
a) Accelerator, of the interior of the vehicle which must be frequently
b) Parking brake control, inspected. In particular, access doors of sufficient size
and number shall be provided for access to:
c) Steering wheel with directional signal control
and horn, a) engine,
d) Rake pedal, b) pump,

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1S 951:2003

c) foam proportioning system, 7.17.2 The pump shall be capable of discharging at a

d) battery storage, rate equal to or more than the total discharge from
monitor and two side lines and shall not be less than
c) fluid reservoirs, and
4000 l/rein at 8.5 kg/cm2 and 3 m static lift pump shall
f) engine oillevel indicator.
also be capable of minimum output of 4000 l/rein at
7.15.3 Suitable lighted compartments shall be provided higher pressure of 10.5 to 12.5 kg/cm2 to suit monitor
for storage of equipment and tools to be carried on the output for same suction.
vehicle. Compartments shall be water-tight and self-
7.17.3 Pump shall be single/double/multi-stage and
closed impeller type where impeller(s) is dynamically
7.15.4 The working deck of the vehicle shall be balanced to reduce end thrust. Mechanical seal/gland
adequately reinforced to permit the crew to perform shall be provided capable of running dry up to 1 min
their duties in the turret area, water tank top fill area, without damage.
foam liquid top fill area and in other areas where access
7.17.4 The pump shall be mid-ship mounted. Pump
to auxiliary or installed equipment is necessary.
control panel shall be located on either side of appliance
7.15.5 Hand-rails or bulwarks shall be provided where in addition to one positioned at the cabin.
necessary for the safety and convenience of the crew
rai Is and stanchions shall be strongly braced and 7.18 Pump Drive
constructed of a material, which is durable and resists 7.18.1 The pump drive shall permit operation of pump
corrosion. and simultaneous operation of vehicle and shall not be
7.15.6 Steps or ladders shall be provided for access to affected by transmission ratio or clutch operation. The
the top fill area. The lowermost steps(s) may extend design of drive system shall prevent damage and
below the angle of approach or departure or ground minimize lurching of vehicle during simultaneous
clearance limits if it (they) is (are) designed to swing operation, and shall be capable of absorbing maximum
clear. A11other steps shall be rigidly constructed. All torque delivered by engine and vehicle, without causing
steps shall have a nonskid surface, with at least 150 mm any stalling of engine and fluctuation of pressure.
toe room. Lowe]most step(s) shall be no more than
7.18.2 The drive shall permit discharge at rated
558 mm above ground level when the vehicle is fully
capacity of pump during vehicular speed from 1.6 to
laden. Adequate lighting shall be provided to illuminate
8 kmph in forward as well as reverse gear.
steps and walkways.
7.15.7 A heavy duty front bumper shall be mounted 7.19 Suction and Delivery Connection
on the vehicle and secured to the frame structure. 7.19.1 The suction inlet and delivery outlets of the
7.15.8 Paint finish shall be ‘Fire Red’ in colour and pump shall be fitted on the pump control panels on
shall be resistant to damage from tire fighting agents. both sides of the appliance.

7.16 Fire Fighting Systems and Agents 7.19.2 The suction connection shall be provided at
suitable location in standard round threads of 125 mm/
7.16.1 Foam concentrate confirming to IS 4989 shall 150 mm diameter and shall be corrosion-resistant. The
be used as primary extinguishing agent and dry powder location of suction inlet should be at lowest possible
(ABC type conforming to IS 14609) or suitable halon height preferably not exceedingly 1 m from ground
substitute as complimentary agent. The dry powder level. The inlet shall be provided with chromium plated
shall be foam compatible. brass blank cap.
7.16.2 Foam system shall be proportioning type system 7.19.3 Delive~ connection shall be provided at suitable
and the agent shall be provided in separate tank on the locations, operable from panel board and cabin in
vehicle. standard 63 mm female instantaneous couplings.
7.16.3 All components of foam system including liquid
7.20 Piping, CoupIings and Valves
tank, piping fill troughs, screens, valves and delivery
connections shall be made of stainless steel. 7.20.1 All piping coupling and valves shall be made
of material to prevent corrosive and galvanic action.
7.17 Agents Pump and Drives
7.20.2 All valves shall be quarter-turn in manual
7.17.1 The water pump shall be made up of bronze/ operation and shall be easy in operation and free from
gunmetal and shall be single or multiple stage leakage.
centrifugal type, designed for dependable emergency
service. The vehicle tank and the piping shall be 7.20.3 All piping shall be tested at 50 percent above
designed to eliminate entrapment of air. maximum operating pressure for leakage.

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 951:2003

7.20.4 Arrangement should be made to prevent 7.22.2 Tank shall be made of stainless steeMiber glass
overheating of pump at zero discharge and shall actuate (GRF). The tank with its fitment shall be able to
automatically. withstand a hydrostatic pressure of 0.3 kg/cm2.
7.20.5 A drainage system with collector tubing from 7.22.3 The tank shall be separate and distinct from the
the low points on pump and piping shall be provided, body flexibly mounted on chassis to receive minimum
operable with quarter turn valve. torsion forces during vehicles movements and easily
removable as a unit and should be suitably baffled to
7.20.6 All piping shall be reasonably accessible for
prevent surging.
maintenance purposes. Drain cocks shall be provided
where necessa~ and controls for these shall be readily 7.22.4 The manhole of the tank of 450 mm diameter
accessible and so arranged as to prevent the cocks from shall be used for foam filling and shall be clearly
being opened by vibration. The direction in which the marked ‘Foam’. Means shall be provided for automatic
valves/cock opens/closed shall be clearly marked near venting of the foam compound tank when foam is being
each valvelcock. produced or tank is filled.

7.21 Water Tank 7.22.5 The foam compound tube shall be positioned
in such a manner that foreign matter or sludge shall
7.21.1 Water tank shall have rated capacity as per class not pass into the compound lines. The tube shall be
and the tank outlets shall be arranged in such a way fitted with gauze strainer of corrosion resistant material.
that 85 percent of rated capacity can be used if the
vehicle is standing on: 7.22.6 Drain hole at the bottom of sump and a liquid
induction connection shall be provided in the tank.
a) 20 percent side slope, and
b) 30 percent ascending/descending slope. 7.22.7 Filling hole with a trough on top shall be
connected with a pipe reaching at the bottom to avoid
7.21.2 Tank shall be made of stainless steel/glass aeration in the liquid.
(GRF) with epoxy coat as the case may be, tank with
suitable longitudinal and traverse baffles, which shall 7.22.8 An external filling connection which can be
permit easy access for internal inspection. The tank approached at ground level shall also be provided to
shall withstand hydrostatic pressure of 0.3 kg/cm2. receive supply in tank with the help of foam pump.

7.21.3 Tank shall be provided with hinged lid, a top 7.22.9 All pipe lines shall be made of corrosion-
filling hole with filter of 450 mm size and a drain hole resistant material and dissimilar materials that produce
at the bottom. galvanic corrosion, shall not be selected where plastic
piping is used, it shall be fabricated from un-plasticized
7.21.4 Over-flow piping shall be arranged in such a resins unless the plasticiser has been proved not to
way that it releases pressure on overfilling without adversely affect the performance characteristics of
wasting water during vehicles maneuvers. foam.
7.21.5 The water tank shall be separate from crew 7.22.10 All foam piping shall be adequately sized to
compartment, chassis, engine and easily removable, permit adequate flow and shall be arranged to prevent
and shall be mounted on chassis in a manner that the water entering the foam tank.
torsional strains during movement are minimum.
7.22.11 Automatic proportioning arrangements shall
7.21.6 Two external tank fill connections shall be be provided with 3 percent, 6 percent and 8 percent
provided both sides near operating panel, in standard induction ratio for varying discharge rates and shall
63 mm instantaneous coupling, with strainers and non- not require frequent calibration.
retum valve.
7.23 Foam Monitor
7.21.7 A direct tilling connection shall also be provided
to fill the tank from open source of supply and shall be 7.23.1 One foam monitor shall be provided on the roof
of sizes, so as to fill the tank in 2 min at 5 kg/cm2 top of cabin, so that it can be operated by a crew
pressure. member foam cabin as well rooftop.
7.21.8 Arrangement for lifting the tank without darnage 7.23.2 Monitor shall be capable of traversing 270°
should be provided for repair and maintenance, etc. horizontally and elevating not less than 45° from
horizontal axis and depression of 15°.
7.22 Foam Tank
7.23.3 Monitor shall be capable of discharging total
7.22.1 Foam tank shall have capacity of not less than rated water tank quantity in not more than two to three
5001 or for more than 2 refills for water tank. minutes, and shall have a means provided for deflective

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 951:2003

pattern of foam dispersal. The discharge rate of monitor 7.28 Lights and Electrical System
shall not be less than 3000 l/rein with expansion ratio
7.28.1 Following electrical gadgets shall be provided:
of I : (8 –12).
a) Siren of 95 decibel sound output at 100 m
7.23.4 Range of throw shall be as follows:
ahead and not less than 90° within side at a
Straight stream at 45° elevation not less than 60 m distance of 100 m, siren shall be mounted on
Disbursed stream at 15° depression cabin roof top and shall be fully protected
from foam spills, rain water, dust and any
Far point — 18 m
— damage due to monitor rotation;
Width 6m
Near point — 12m b) A flashing ray light or light baron cabin roof
7.24 Hand-Lines c) A horn;
7.24.1 ACFT shall have two sidelines on each side, d) Headlights with selective pattern for light
operable from both cabin and panel. beams;
7.24.2 In addition, one first aid hose reel connection e) Dual tail lights and stop lights;
shall also be provided, with 100 m rubber hose, tested f) Signal light for turning, at four corners of
at 15 kg/cm2, with discharge capacity of 120 l/rein. vehicles with visual and audible signals;
g) Spot light, at both ends of wind shield glass
7.24.3 Each side line shall have minimum discharge
hand adjustable with 152 mm diamete~
capacity of 500 l/rein at 8.5 kg/cm2 pressure on
FB 10X branch with an expansion of not less than 8 h) .4dequate reflector and markers to indicate
and minimum throw of 25 m when either all foam hand- overall dimensions of vehicle;
Iincs are used simultaneously (with monitor not j) One reverse light with audible warning at the
operating) or two of them are used in combination with rear of vehicle;
monitor. k) Panel lights, top duck light, cabin lights,
7.24.4 At least 240 m as per IS 636 Type B or engine compartment light, tools and
equipment compartment lights, shall also be
equivalent hose with elastomeric coating, 63 mm shall
be provided in suitable compartments, made of provided;
corrosion-resistant material with quick draining m) Two inspection lamps shall also be provided
arrangement. These compartments shall not house any and provision of additional connection to use
other equipment and shall be free from projections. these lamps shall be made in various
compartments; and
7.24.5 Auxiliary agent (dry powder) hand-lines shall
n) Two fog lamps. These shall be low mounted
have open/close nozzle discharge rate of 1.5 kg/s to
in front of the appliance.
3 kg/s with 8 m range. The nozzle should be made of
non-ferrous metal or stainless steel. 7.28.2 All appropriate lights and gadgets detailed above
shall be operable from driver’s cabin.
7.25 Foam Quality
7.28.3 Visual indication for different functions of
Turret and hand-lines shall be capable of producing engine, PTO pump, and pneumatic circuits by means
and discharging foam conforming to IS 4989 (Part 1). of lamps in driver’s cabin shall be preferred.
7.26 Under Truck Nozzle 7.29 RT
Minimum four under truck nozzles shall be provided to 7.29.1 VHF radio telecommunication, operable on
protect under side of vehicles, tyres and wheels, with at frequency range between 118 MHz to 136 MHz crystal
least 3 m wide pattern by each nozzle and a throw of 6 controlled at the Airport SMC frequency.” It will be a
m discharging 400 I/rein at operating pressure 6 kg/cm2 self-contained transmitting/receiving set, with
ground sweep valves shall be controlled from cabin transmitting power of approximately 3.5 W un-
interior within easy reach of driver and a crew member. modulated, RX- sensitivity –107 dbm. The equipment
shall be suitable for use in all weather condition and
7.27 Primer
shall be provided at suitable location in cabin. It should
7.27.1 Primer shall be provided along with pump, be operable at 12/24 V batteries and should be made
which shall have automatic engagement/ of waterproof construction.
disengagement provision.
7.29.2 Adequate spares for 3 years and serviceirepair
7.27.2 Primer shall be capable of priming a suction and spares manual should be provided. All manuals
column with 7.0 m lift in less than 30s with indicator. and diagrams should be in English language with
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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

IS 951:2003

standardized international symbols. The set shall be 8.3 The manufacturer shall be responsible for replacing
suitably mounted to resist vehicles vibration and any parts, which may become unserviceable, due to
suppress engine noise or any other vehicular use of defective and sub-standard materials and bad
electromagnetic induction. workmanship, during the period of guarantee, free of
all charges.
7.29.3 Provision of global positioning system (GPS)
is considered desirable for satellite communication and 8.4 Manufacturer shall ensure:
route navigation followed by CFT
a) availability and supply of spares at very short
7.30 Dry Chemical Powder notice for at least 10 years,
b) induction training for selected staff as
7.30.1 One units of 125 kg each dry chemical powder
mutually agreed at a place at suppliers cost in
(foam compatible) shall be provided, using dry India,
nitrogen as propellant gas so as to achieve minimum
c) other technical help that may be required at
8 m throw and a discharge rate of 1.5 kg/s.
the time of induction, and
7.30.2 All pipelines, fittings, containers and gauges d) after sales service.
shal I confirm to relevant Indian Standards.
8.5 Manuals
7.30.3 Nitrogen cylinders shall be certified from
department of explosive, and shall have universal The following literature/manuals shall be provided:
fiIIing connections.
a) Operators manual — This manual should
7.30.4 Provision shall be made for purging of pipelines contain technical description of the equipment
after use, depressurization of powder tank and check with layout drawings, illustration and
valve to prevent powder entering gas cylinders. performance capabilities with instruction to
user for commissioning the equipment for use
7.30.5 A means of pressure release in situation of over
and operation with limitations and precautions
pressure shall be provided with filling, opening and
to be observed, normal, maintenance and field
suitable tight fighting cap. A 30-m long rubber hose
repairs, lubrication schedule with grades of
confirming to IS 636, with squeeze grip nozzle shall
lubricants to be used, fault finding guide,
be provided.
storage instructions and warning plates
7.31 Suitable substitute for Halon 1211 is also against possible wrong use.
recommended as complimentary agent in place of dry b) Parts manual — This manual shall contain
chemical powder, in confirmation to required technical fully exploded and illustrated details of the
guidelines for the media. entire superstructure and all carried sub-
assemblies suitably grouped for easy identi-
7.32 Other Equipment
fication of each and separately demandable
7.32.1 Public Announcement (PA) equipment, battery spare for replacement as required, will include
operated, transistorized with microphone fitted in the details of bought out items with part number
cab and loudspeaker fitted on the roof top of cabin of source of supply.
capable of being rotated from cabin. c) Repair manual — This manual shall contain
7.32.2 A spare battery charger. fully illustrated instructions on repair and
overhaul of all items supplied against this
7,32.3 Instruction book, spare parts catalogue and specification including proprietary items
repair manual. fitted/supplied with details of fitment
The appliance shall be supplied complete with tolerances, special tools to be used, procedure
equipment detailed in Annex B. for dismantling major assemblies.
d) A complete set of general arrangement
8 MANUFACTURER’S CERTIFICATE AND drawings showing layout of equipment,
GUARANTEE piping and fluid controls, electric and
8. i Manufacture shall provide a certificate for the structural design shall be also submitted.
appliances confirming to all specifications.
8.2 A guarantee shall be furnished by manufacturer
Following marking shall be made on the body of the
for a period of 12 months, for material workmanship
and smooth functioning of vehicle from the date of
delivery at consignee’s place. a) Airport fire service;

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IS 951:2003

b) Year of manufacture; g) Pump S1No.;

c) Engine and chassis number; h) Chassis supplier’s name and country of origin;
d) Fire service emblem; j) Left hand drive warning; and
e) Job or S1No.; k) Precautionary instructions.
f) Capacity of pump, water tank, foam tank;

(Clause 2)

IS No. Title IS No. Title

636:1988 Non-percolating flexible fire fighting cutting pliers (second revision)
delivery hose (third revision) 4643:1984 Specification for suction wrenches
704:1984 Specification for crow-bars and claw- for fire brigade use ~rst revision)
bars (second revision) 4989 Specification for foam concentrate
903: 1993 Specification for fire hose delivery (compound) for producing
couplings, branch pipe, nozzles and mechanical foam for fire fighting
nozzle spanner ~ourth revision) (Part 1): 1985 Protein foam (second revision)
907:1984 Specification for suction strainers, (Part 2): 1985 Aqueous film forming foam (AFFF)
cylindrical type for fire fighting 5131:2002 Specification for dividing breeching
purposes (second revision) with control for fire brigade use
927: 1981 Specification for fire hooks (second (second revision)
revision) 5169: 986 Specification for hacksaw frames
1084:1994 Manila ropes — Specification ~ourth @st revision)
revision) 5200: 998 Bold clippers — Specification ~rst
2084:1991 Code for designation of pig iron revision)
(second revision) 5612 Specification for hose-clamps hose
2871:1983 Specification for branch type, bandages for fire brigade use
universal for fire fighting purposes (Part 1): 997 Hose-clamps ~rst revision)
(first revision) (Part 2): 997 Hose bandages @st revision)
3582:1984 Specification for basket strainers for 5714:198 Specification for hydrant stand pipe
fire fighting purposes (cylindrical for fire fighting (first revision)
type) @st revision) 14609:1999 Specification for A, B, C dry powder
3650:1981 Specification for combination side for fire fighting
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1S 951:2003

(Foreword, and Clause 7.32.3)

S1 No. Item IS No. Quantity Remarks

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

i) Armoured suction hose 125 mm diameter 2410 4 Lengths —
complete with round thread couplings
2.5 m long
ii) Suction strainer for above 907 1 No. —
iii) Basket strainer for item 2 3582 1 No. —
iv) Suction wrenches 4643 1 Pair Fixed type
v) RRL hose, 63 mm and 30 m long with 636 4 Lengths These are in addition to
instantaneous coup lines the 4 lengths connected
to the branch pipe
vi) Hose bandages, rubberized 5612 (Part 2) 12 Nos. —
vii) Hose clamps 5612 (Partl) 6 NOS. —.
viii) Dual purpose jet diffiser nozzle with 2871 2 Nos. —
hand control and trigger for
instantaneous connection
ix) Light alloy branch pipe 903 2 Nos. —
x) Nozzle for light alloy branch pipe sizes: 903
a) 12 mm 2 Nos. —
b) 19mm 1 No. —
xi) Nozzle spanner 903 2 Nos. —
xii) Light alloy dual head stand pipes with 5714 1 No. —
instantaneous outlets
xiii) Hydrant valve key and bar 1 No. —
xiv) Foam making branch pipe (jet and spray) 5 Nos. —
xv) Self-contained portable emergency lights 2 Nos. —
working or rechargeable batteries
xvi) Insulated plier as per IS 3650 rubber 3650 2 Nos. —.
gloves pair tested to 20000 V
xvii) Cropper bolt 5200 1 No. —
xviii) Hacksaw 300 mm adjustable with 6 spare 5169 2 Nos. —
blades each
xix) Hooks salving 927 1 No. —
xx) Sledge hammer 1.8 kg 1 No. —
xxi) Crow bar 704 1 No. —
xxii) Axe, drift and rescue 1 No. —
xxiii) Axe, felling 1 No. —
xxiv) Firemen axe with belt fireman and 927 5 Nos. To be worn by crew on
pouches fireman duty
xxv) Quick release knife 2084 5 Nos. —
xxvi) Longline, hemo, manila 50 mm 2080 1 Length —
circumference, 30 m long
xxvii) Shortline, hemo/manila 50 mm 1084 1 Length —
circumference 30 m long
xxviii) Hook grab 1 No. —
xxix) Powder driven saw 1 No. —
xxx) HydrauIic cutter and spreader 1 No. —
xxxi) Electric generator 5 kVA 1 No. —
(4 stroke petrol driven)
xxxii) Breathing Apparatus Set 2 Nos. —
xxxiii) Closed proximity suit 2 Nos. —
xxxiv) Aluminium extension ladder ( 10.5 m) 1 No. —

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Mathura([email protected]) [for non-commercial use only].

Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Zndian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development-of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
ad attending to connected matters in the cGuntry.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications, No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also reviewed
periodically; a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that no changes are
needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users of Indian Standards
should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by referring to the latest issue of
‘BIS Catalogue’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from Doc : No. CED 22 (5892).

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected


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